Strange Aeons Radio


March 17, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 163
Strange Aeons Radio
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Happy St. Patrick's Day from the gang at Strange Aeons Radio!

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I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sigh to show you strange aeons. Welcome to a very special episode of strange aeons radio. That's Eric. Nick jingle over there. What? What am I doing here? What are we talking about? This seems wrong and so right at the same time, that's Vanessa. Also something Irish over there. Top in the morning, Kelly. I'm awake, Kelly. Hey, good. Good. We just wanted to pop in here. Drop a real quick message. Tell everybody. Happy St. Patrick's Day. Do you guys celebrate St. Patrick's Day at all? I mean, I grew up Catholic. So it's in there. Yeah, I mean, like the whole pinching if you're not wearing green, I will punch you. I grew up with two brothers. You would not imagine the crap they would wait like I would be asleep in bed if I didn't go to bed with something green on. Wow, they would come find me five in the morning. Oh man. Yeah, that's never been a particular neutron for me. I don't have a little bit of Irish in my history, but not a lot. Yeah, I'm not a heavy drinker. Yes, I know this about you. And you know, and the listeners may know that I am a heavy drinker. Do you take white wine and turn it green today? Do not and I don't even I don't go out on say patches. I do not celebrate at all. Well, you're no fun. At least buy a box of Lucky Charms Come on. Well, first of all the cops are on high alert on any of these kinds of drinking holidays. So I'm just like, I'm not interested in that. And the people who would go out and celebrate this kind of day are generally not my kind of people. I have gone drinking on Capitol Hill for Patrick's day before and it was awful. Yeah, here awful. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty wild. Any movies then that you would suggest? Where you go he should be at the end of the rainbow. To say Patrick's Day, you can find the gold on select boxes of cereal. Delicious. grabbers Oh, yes. coppers. No, I have no this was at Steve's bone back or comedy festival when I think one of his earlier festivals. And the whole idea is there's these creatures that are attacking this Irish bar basically. And to avoid them. You have to be drunk. Oh my god. That's pretty good fun. It is fun. Yeah, that'd be that'd be a good one. Checkout I'd throw out Believe it or not leprechaun returns from 2018 I have not seen any of the leprechaun movies they're not good. This one is not bad. It is directed by the same guy that did the void and cycle Gore man. Oh, he got he got a I don't want to say big budget film but you know, sure budget a franchise window but it's probably a weird Thanksgiving dinner. You know? Well, I've got a franchise film Next on my list and dad's like, yes, Star Wars. Ah, no. Exactly. Double oh seven. Ah, I think I think a smaller budget. No, it's the leprechaun films. Oh, well, I would I really need to rewatch Darby. Oh, Gillen, the little people. Oh, yeah. Nice. I found that I actually there were a lot of films I bought in the UK. And luckily, I mean, I transported them all back so expensive. So domande retrospect, but some of them are like these weird rare ones that didn't necessarily come out over here. So I don't know. I haven't really seen it out over here. Some happy with my UK copy. Yeah, boy. I haven't seen that since I was a kid. Yeah. Sean Connery, I think was Sean Connery. Thanks. I think you're right now. Yeah, man. Okay, well, really the whole reason we're doing this is to wish all of you guys a happy St. Patrick's Day, be safe out there. And we just wanted to kind of surprise you with just dropping a short little episode and saying hi to everybody and telling you how much we appreciate your patronage. Yeah, if the rivers green, only swim in and if you know it was purposely died that way, then you can be green yourself. And if your beer is green, please don't drink it too. It's like it's gross. You're gonna throw up everywhere. It's gonna be nasty. Just Just drink normal beer. Like a normal person. You want to hear some gross ad's Seattle specific joke. God, yes. What's worse than swimming in Green Lake? Washing up on the Green River. Oh, okay. That's a show tip your waitress two shows on Sunday. We'll be back with a regular size show. Also, if this is your first time listening to us, this is a bad episode to pop in on because this is not what our show is. Not if you enjoy it, but I'll try our other one anyways, please do yes. Alright guys, we'll see you in a few short days for regular episode. Strange aeons radio was artisanal quality podcasting, handcrafted and called natural ingredients and edited to perfection by Eric market. Our blistering theme song is strange aeons part one by the band nightshade and use the permission find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on I will punch you