Strange Aeons Radio


April 01, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 166
Strange Aeons Radio
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Strange Aeons Radio
Apr 01, 2022 Season 4 Episode 166
Strange Aeons Radio


Come on, now! We wouldn't do you dirty like that! Tony joins the gang and we all have a good laugh discussing what went into our April Fool's Day prank!

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Come on, now! We wouldn't do you dirty like that! Tony joins the gang and we all have a good laugh discussing what went into our April Fool's Day prank!

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I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sigh sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Well, hello. You seem familiar. And that's Vanessa over there. Hello. That's Tony, your new regular host over there. Well, and that makes me Kelly. Hey guys, April Fool's April. Wow. Boy, let's talk a little bit about what it took to get this thing going on because I thought I had a really brilliant idea for a prank. And that would be that we bring Tony in to act as the host and have this this mild idea that maybe Vanessa and I got in a fight and I was no longer on the show cuz it happens all the time. Total control over the show. Yes. This really cave because what are your friends was like boy Kelly was a real asshole to you. And this is not the first time that we've heard this from from your friends and even my friends. Going why? Why were you such an asshole to Vanessa? Like, I think she understands that. Joking. She's always nice to me and personally. I if you're an asshole to me, it goes over my head. 99 times out of 100 Well, I don't Yeah, I'm sure that's true. But we then reached out to Tony and he graciously said yes to this ridiculous idea. And then I still haven't heard the episode. So Oh, yeah, that will be that'll be a first time thing for me or I get to be like the listeners and actually listen to strange aeons radio for the first time without knowing what's going to be coming on it. But now you'll know how the rest of us feel when one of us like flubs a detail or a line. And we're sitting there helplessly going, Ah. I'm sure you come near to paint your depth of knowledge of names and people. Oh, I find it more. I find it charming more than anything. It's kind of it's kind of one of your guys's trademarks at this point. I think, you know, no talking about like, Well, no, no mispronunciations. You know, sorry. Those are awesome. I mean, you went through a whole episode calling Lex Barker, Lex Baker, for God's sake. So, okay, yeah. I'll try. I'll try not to be too on plays on. But then. So then it turns out, I got sick. And so we couldn't record here. So you guys recorded at Tony's place, but we all kind of screwed up the date that we should have been recording that and we didn't have the right episode. Ready to download? Yeah, last week, I guess. Group amnesia, that we all forgot what day April 1 falls on. Right? Yeah, it was already to come out that Thursday, I got the follow up thing, all the information we're recording now because we're redoing it because the other hand doesn't matter. Like, oh, this is gonna be weird. And then Kelly texts me going. Alright, well look at the dates. Yeah, so then we had to drop in an episode that you know, a rerun, first time we've ever had to do that. And Eric chose the first episode of Vanessa as a regular host, which I thought was always clever. And it was awesome to listen to it again. There's a lot of fun. I hadn't, I'd forgotten you started us off with a tough hard question, right? I was I listened to it again, too. And I was like, Oh, listen, how bright and cheerful my voice sounded way back. Vanessa, if you could bring just 1/10 of that energy to any of the current episodes. That would be amazing. Energy drink right now. I'm doing my best. Well, that was back when I thought I had to watch everybody's films. Right. I came in so prepared. I'd watched like 10 movies. Right now you don't even watch your film. I got to be there in two hours. Enough time. I can watch this while I drive. So then there was a big fear on Eric's part that hour we're running an episode. Episode You're not gonna be there at everybody's gonna think this is real. That's kind of the point right? April Fool's Day work. Yeah, I guess I don't want to be text. They love us they know. They know we're having fun with them. Not at all. My first is everything we're okay with you email at but his he's in Hong Kong so it was probably up for a while but half an hour after the episode podcast posted saying wow, everything all right but you guys okay that was oh well wow yeah Wow funny because I got a very lovely text from Danny that just said I hope everything is all right anything I can help with that was like oh no he's really gonna hate this April Fool's episode. Yeah it's a joke it's a joke, Danny it's a joke. Yeah, I got a I got a few that day. They mean how come nobody messaged me? No one cared. I guess Miko was like that episodes on full time. Yeah. Busy. No. She doesn't care. Possible. And my mom listened to the episode with Tony was hosting and she texted me and said, Hey, love the new format. Keep it up. Lovely. Anyway, so it is actually the April Fool's Day episode here. And when we do these little mini episodes, we try to kind of find, you know, a film that you might like to watch on this particular day. Hi, I'm Richard Bertram, Vice President communications for WestJet here with some exciting news. Effective today, we're introducing child free Kevin's onboard select flights. We've heard from many of our guests that they're tired of kids screaming and running up and down the aisle and are looking quite simply for some peace and quiet. So you may be asking, How do I get my children to their destination? Well, that's a great question. And we've got a great answer. We call it cargo kids. Let's take a look at the process. When you arrive at the airport, simply ask for cargo kids when you check in our friendly WestJet customer service agents are more than happy to help. They'll assist you in getting your child ready for their trip on the travel toboggan your child will be whisked away on a magic carpet ride and your work is done. Meanwhile, our West jitters are hard at work, your child's toboggan will arrive safely with the luggage and other kids who will be boarding that flight. From there. One of our friendly WestJet is will take the children to their waiting flight. Onboard each flight. We have a cargo kids counselor who's there to make sure that your kids are well taken care of and supervised with plenty of toys and a state of the art D drop off your children will be able to run play screen and eat all they want while you enjoy your flight in peace and quiet. So book cargo kids today by going to kids, that's cargo and kids with a K. And let us give you the peace and quiet you need. From all of us at WestJet. You're welcome. Savings below. And I chose a neat little short film called Fool's day from 2013. It's about these kids who accidentally kill their teacher quite spectacularly. And then the next 30 minutes is spent trying to cover it up hide the body because they have this police officer who comes in and talks to them every Thursday or whatever. And he's coming in and it's very, very funny. I'm just going to mention the writer and director of this because it's interesting, written and written by Cody blue Snyder and Shane Snyder and directed by Cody blue Snyder, who are Dee Snider of twisted sisters kids. Nice. Whoa, yeah. And it's this is a really professional cool looking little film. So I have an idea that that Cody and Shane are looking to get into the biz. Yeah. Hey, Dad, we have some budget money for sure. And we're where can we watch this? I watch on YouTube. That's incredible. Well, the one that I'm going to suggest is something I've actually covered on a previous episode. So if you want to know in detail, please come find it. Check it out, scroll through our past catalog. And that is 1986 Slaughter high. This is a weird movie. This is a teen is quote unquote pranked in high school of course, but it's like nude in a shower with like people beating him with a stick and then he ends up being lit on fire badly bah ha. really rough. And then it's many years later there's a reunion with the same kids who not a whole school but just those same kids who were involved in the shower thing weird and they're there to hang out and there's desserts served and then a Dude and adjust your masks shows up. I wonder who he is and starts filling them one by one. It is a British film pretending to be a US phone. So the location that is an American High School is definitely not like a British psych ward or banner of some kind. Not the least not even a little there's like hedge mazes out Fred and like sconces. It's real weird. Fun, a lot of really bad. UK people pretending to have American accents of all I mean one person southern for literally no reason at all. And of course, they have a different idea of how April Fool's Day works where it is a 24 hour activity starting at noon. So you're like, oh, he made it to midnight. They're all gonna live. Nope, they have 12 more hours to go. So they're so weird, weird film, but definitely, definitely highly recommend it. I've got one that I actually just watched. Why? Because, well, we kind of did this before and have to redo it. Another time. I'd watch 15 minutes of it. I've watched all of it. And it was worth what's worth watching. It's really dumb. 1986 killer party. Oh, yeah. via Amazon, available on Amazon and directed by really William Freud who's checked this 27 episodes of goosebumps and 10 episodes a Friday 13th TV series. So you know is is that the directed spasms the killer snake movie with Oliver Reed? I bet it's such a Tony question. Yeah. That's a bad one. I don't think it's come out on DVD or Blu Ray. Barney Cohen wrote it just because I love that name. But he did the Forever night TV show. Sure. Wow, Kelly definitely referenced that one. And one episode of Thundercats. Enrolled Friday 13th Final Chapter. Whoa. So the deep, dark storyline of this film is a group of women want to join a sorority and they're getting hazed to get into the sorority, the house they want to move into is possessed by a demon or something. The Binney unfortunately the beginning of this movie when I thought about the first 20 minutes was the best part of the movie, though. Because it starts with a movie turns into people watching a movie in the driving which turns into a music video taking place in that driving well, by the band white sister. Oh, yeah. Singing you're no fool. With lions about APR and how you why you do Why do you play the fool? That sounds incredible. Great, a little on the nose. If he asked me just a little, I don't know. It's 86 That's fine. The rest of the movie is what you'd expect sort of a little bit of animal house style high jinks and a little bit of like American Pie Stein to kids being kids, you'd get in the 80s and unfortunately relatively low rent violence. It was put out by Shaq shout factory at one point which gives you an idea of good qualities you know, a little better than Yeah, vendor essential. So that's the one I had killer party. I want you Tony well if we're talking about finalists Well, I I haven't really seen anything specifically April foolish of late but kind of looping back to today's or not today's topic, but the recent topic on slasher movies. The qualifier that came through at no at slasher movies kind of bummed me out because the one that I really wanted to do for my choice, and the one that I had watched rewatched recently that I loved was stage fright, which is 1987. Mikayla Swaby directed it. The director of Vanessa Williams strange aeons fav the church and it basically it's a slasher movie, but it is directed with the stylishness of G Allah. So visually, it's just incredible. I mean, the plot, like any slasher can pretty much fit on the head of a pan, you know, it's, it's a theatrical troupe. They're rehearsing for this really weird avant garde musical. And then this guy ends up escaping from an insane asylum and picking them off one by one. No, it's not reinventing the wheel, but it's so super stylish. And it's like so you can tell this is like the guy's first feature movie. And you can tell like from there that he totally has the goods. There's so much incredible imagery in it. The Killers mask is a giant owl mask, right? And it looks and it is genuinely unsettling. And there are shots in the movie that are like so artful. It's like, it's like a junky slasher movie but like dressed in like the most gorgeous, gorgeous, like artistic filmmaking. It's, it's, it's terrific and it's also kind of a funny little bitchy. Backstage musical. Because you've got John Morgan aka Giovanni Lombardo. Riddhi che who like who like got his, his nuts cut off and cannibal fair ox and you know he got his stomach blown out and cannibal Apocalypse I mean it's this is this is his career he got his he got his head drilled in city of the living dead you know, he's like the ultimate whipping boy and abuse victim for Italian genre cinema. And he gets to play a really a really like bitchy performer in the in the the cast of this show. And there's all this great bitchy backstage you know Catty, you know, taking down of one another before the real taking down of the killer begins. It's it's it's a great fun it's streaming on shutter and if you like slashers if you like G alo it's really worth a look. It's awesome. That sounds freakin incredible. You need to see it I do like I do like the church episode right now. I need to go somebody other than me said it Yes, yes you guys and a Happy April Fool's Day to everybody hopefully didn't bother anybody with our little prank. And we'll be back with a regular episode next week. And Tony, you're gonna sit in on this next episode to I will indeed I'm looking forward to it. I am to please anytime you want to that we actually invite you to come by Thank you. That is the show. We'll see you guys in what few short days strange aeons radio is artisanal quality podcasting, handcrafted with all natural ingredients and edited to perfection by Eric Margaret. Our blistering theme song is strange aeons part one by the band nightshade, and used with permission. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on Apple