Strange Aeons Radio


June 09, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript

Covid strikes again! And Kelly's mom listens to the show WAY too often. Also discussed: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Gun: Maverick, and RRR.

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sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition sites to show you strange aeons. Go. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over at his house there. Hello. That's Vanessa over at her house there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Vanessa. Why are we doing another remote episode? I got the vid. I got the call. He's Oh, man. Yeah, that's what it was. It was I'm glad that we were remote the last time that we were doing stuff, and I'm glad that we're remote today. It we all went to crypto con, and we're all on the same hallway. And out of the three of us. I was the one with the short straw. So yeah, everyone I know in that hallway got COVID. So yeah, I had had COVID earlier. So I think that must have been protected me, Eric, I don't know what your excuses how you managed to miss it. I don't know. I'll keep going with it. I guess as long as I can. I figure you know, it's relatively inevitable at this point. But yeah, it does have that feeling to it. I will say there's definitely a special pill that you can get that apparently helps. But you have to have it within the first three days of symptoms. And on day three, when I talked to my doctor because I finally gave in and was like, Oh, really sick. I need to talk to somebody. She was like, yeah, it's too late. Sorry. Enjoy. Enjoy the full blast of two weeks of hell. I hope you like it. So Wow. Well, my mom also had it. You know? He had a very light cold. She's 85. Vanessa, not sure what she's doing better than you. But life she's better than me. I don't know either. I have no idea. No one's I mean, a couple of people that I know of how to pretty bad. But most people I know it's been a pretty light thing. We're asymptomatic and whatever the strain is, and however my body is it just didn't do well. And then I thought I thought I was past it. And last night, I tested the plastic and it didn't come up as me having it anymore. But I still gave it to my fiance Austin two days ago. So yeah, yeah. So we can happen. I was still highly contagious. Well, that's how it goes. Speaking of my mom, yeah. She had called to let me know to give you her Congratulations on your engagement. But also she was she told me a little story of how she had walked down the hallway to her doctor's office and there was a different guys sitting in the doctor's chair with his feet up on the desk. And she was kind of surprised and he was kind of surprised to see her. So he took his feet down really quick and gave her a guilty look. And she said she didn't even think about the first thing that came to her mind was oh, I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration? Oh, that's so good. Oh, I love it so much nicer, reaching people. She also bought us some pizzas. Oh, love seeing you live and congratulations to Vanessa. lets her know. So nice. Mom, stop giving us money. The rest of you take a page from my mother and give us money. Honestly, yeah. Speaking of people who have given us money, Mike donated and asked us to talk about a particular film. Yeah, that's real good. We all see it. Yeah. We did the five star challenge thing for a while it's been a while since I've been challenged to watch a crappy movie. This one was worse than any of those five star challenge films. Really you guys I mean I rewatched it and this is probably my third watch through but wow. So you hated it. Let me let me set the stage for the listeners that he Mike asked us to last GI Joe the movie from 1987 no budget or box office because it went straight to video after the failures of transformer the movie and My Little Pony the movie. The Rotten Tomatoes critics have been at 43% The audience has it at 65% I have to agree of air that feels very generous to me. It was directed by John Don Jerwood, who was the producer of just a ton of cartoons from 1976 to 94. And including he was the supervising director of all 24 episodes of Spider Man and His Amazing Friends. Any which episode of one of the is better than this entire movie? You guys, it was written by Ron Friedman, who's done a ton of TV from the 60s to the 90s. And a lot of cartoons in there. This movie is a fucking mess. Yeah, put out there first. First off, if I don't know if mica loves it, but I was never much of a fan of the GI Joe cartoon at all. Yeah. And whatever was going on this film with the plants and the I have to say I'm right there with you. I was like, I don't know any of the history of what happened before this. But Cobra Commander is no longer commanding the Cobras, I guess. Yeah, he was like the second in command, it seems to that other guy who's part snake? So Pentastar Serpentor. Yeah, I don't know. I think I didn't watch GI Joe as a kid. In fact, I hated the toys because my brothers had them everywhere. And I thought they were stupid and boring. Just like their Legos. But watching it I mean, I don't know. It's so weird. It's not I guess I know what the normal cartoon feels like enough to know that this is just so frickin weird with the plants and with the viscera and like, eyeballs and people flying bugs and goo. It's so bonkers. I think that that's something I really like about it. The SIR Pinto character film, like he should have been out of he-man instead of GI Joe. I have a little bit of a human feel all of the all of the Cobra law instead of Shangri La. All of the Cobra law people were more like, like he-man characters. I guess I didn't realize that GI Joe had gotten so far into fantasy sci fi. I don't know if it does. I don't know if it does outside of this movie. Because like the whole pie phono thing and like, yeah, all the all of those. All of that isn't a regular part. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I think what helped my opinion of it if you were is I hadn't viewed this. And I got up at like six o'clock in the morning on Saturday. Okay, very Saturday morning cartoon. No kidding. But that didn't help. Probably. I think if I'd watched it 10 o'clock at night after enjoying some recreational something or other I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. But boy, that's not a great way to start today. Yeah, I thought there was some stuff to like in it. You know, the monster plant stuff was kind of fun. It just felt so out of place. And then I was like, this is clearly a movie sequel to whatever's going on at the time in the series. And I didn't watch the series. So I was lost with a lot of these characters. Oh, for sure. Is Don Johnson a regular on the TV cartoon? I don't know. And where we're servicii del, Lieutenant. I think Falcon was a new one. So every time they were like, I get because Falcon is the brother of somebody. Great. So I think they were just like Vulcan. How many new action figures can we make in one movie? Because all the new recruits and stuff like the blind God like those are in Python and like all of her crew. I think these are all new action figures in which they get to sell is my feeling so Falcon felt like I added as well. There was snake guys. I was just gonna save in my notes here. It says Where the fuck is snake guys during this movie? Obviously not as popular in the cartoon era as I thought he must have been no idea. Did he come later did he was he's pretty early. Maybe died early earliest. One of the characters. He's one of the I think it was one of the originals with Scarlet. Sergeant slaughter doing such. Yeah, I think slaughter came later. This wasn't like a wrestler. Yeah. Sounds about right. Speaking of people dying do clearly dies in this and then they they cover it up with a line of dialogue. He slipped into a coma. And it's like oh, okay, cuz then at the very end, they've we find out over radio transmission that he's come out of his coma and Don Johnson with Falcon with a tear out of his eye whispers Yeah. It was like well, okay, that just about made it worth it Yeah, I was with the opening song. Yeah, I was ready to go with. Okay, this is going to be bad but a lot of fun to watch. I wish I had kept that weird energy that that had had because i did i the opening credits with the song going and all that stuff. I just thought it was kind of a hoot. Yeah. And it's like yeah, ironically, that opening segment was way more fun and interesting than any of the set pieces in the movie itself. Yeah. Yeah, it's incredible with like, the Statue of Liberty. Yeah, I works in the Cobra. And then all the sudden the Joe show up. Like, that's beautiful animation. Well, somebody really cared. I really thought that opening segment animation was really strong. And it did set me up for set yourself up for failure, I guess because it was so strong that it can couldn't follow through. Mike. Normally, you are giving me movies that I've never heard of, and that I'm like, Oh, wow, that's actually pretty great. But I gotta say, this one is not for me. Yeah, yeah. I could see how it could generate a wild cult following of people that just love the insanity of it. But not not being a big enough GI Joe cartoon fan to begin with. Maybe just just wasn't gonna be that for for us, apparently. Right? Yeah, well, yeah, it was still super fun watch. To an extent. Definitely. Now you guys have been exposed to another neat nice little set piece from the 80s because he gave us Transformers The Movie too. Right? Yeah. So which is my guess as to why what's his name didn't die. Because of the whole childhood trauma from Optimus Prime backlash. Yeah, yeah. It makes me wonder who they tried to kill in My Little Pony the movie before the movie. I don't remember. I think I saw it when I was like four. From me, this movie gets a big bat. Oh, wow. The whistle. Okay, hey, anybody got the new traffic report? Let's get weather. Traffic on the night. You guys, I am watching the new Obi Wan series. Anybody out there? Yeah, absolutely. How do we feel about it? The end of the third episode, I'm going okay. I am looking forward to seeing where this goes now. But it two are a little like yeah, the layup character. Unfortunately the lines they wrote for her. I don't know that the actress is bad. I don't know that. The I don't know that the dynamic had to be bad. But I think they wrote a really shitty set of dialogue for a little girl to be like, we're running away from this horrible thing that's after us to make me flow. Like I was like, I'm gonna fucking murder you. So she just was so irritating it every you know, like constantly just being like gum on your shoe just constantly like slowing the plot down, bringing it back, bringing up irritating, sickly moments of nonsense. I just, I couldn't handle that. The first two episodes, I was like, I did not sign on for a precocious Princess Leia mini series. You know, I really thought it was going to get something different. The third episode much better. And even she I thought was much better too. But yeah, there is a real problem in the directing. And the editing and the photography of this show. The editing of her running away from these three grown men who were being stopped apparently by just a branch in front of them all of a sudden. They're like, Oh, no. Yeah. I was like, I'm sure this could have been edited in a way that looked like she knew the ins and outs of her florist way better than they did, but it just looks so bad. And that's after seeing, you know, that stupid motorcycle race, Boba Fett. And so we have seen some really bad shit. And this was still somehow worse than that. The photography reminds me a lot of Stargate SG one, which is not a compliment, right. And there's some surprisingly bad acting going on in there even by Ewan McGregor. So I don't know what's going on the whole you know, the big reveal in episode three was cool. undoubtably cool, but I was like this should have been a final episode thing or something like this when you when you throw this out this early into the series, then where else can you go now? Right. That's why I'm curious. I'm curious where they're going to go now. So yeah, you set up something big so are you it's only six episodes so there's only what three more but I did I did like the last one I especially like, Hey, this is actually a villain. Yeah. Almost almost too much of the villain reputation he has in a new ah you know in the beginning of the movies. Yeah now he saw he was softened so much the greatest villain in movie history. By the end I would say yeah, I love that they got hidden persons and back though. Because he's playing the physical version. And did they get James Earl Jones? So yeah, I mean, that was a surprise to me because I was when I first heard his voice. I was like, Jesus who's doing this this guy's spectacular. I looked it up. I was like, Oh, no wonder. We'll see. I mean, yeah, he Vader comes off very much like the Hayden Christianson character we got in the prequels. So I guess that, you know, 10 years later, that makes sense. He is not the Vader we're gonna get in 10 years. And maybe him being kind of pissy. I'm gonna walk through town and crack necks as they go by and shit like that. Maybe that feels appropriate because of how we got to know Anakin Skywalker and what a big crybaby he was. slaughter a whole bunch of kids. No, I get that. But what we have to remember is all of this has to lead to a redemption arc in the original trilogy. And if you make him too evil, his redemption doesn't isn't enough at the end of Return of the Jedi. Right? So it'll be it'll be interesting. I have to say, you know, it is a sad, sad world in the Kelly young household when I'm looking forward more to the next episode of Star Trek than I am to Star Wars. Oh, so good. Yeah. Are you Which Star Trek are you talking about? I feel strange in a world so yeah, I can. Yeah, I haven't made it past two episodes of any other Star Trek ever so don't bother. Don't bother. Unless you want to get to the pike part of strange new worlds. Well, it's covering bikes bikes right there the strange new worlds. Yeah, sorry. Brain. Just you know, I'm still COVID East. So feel bad for me. Um, well, I just I just heard my mom roll her eyes. Hey, everybody experiences a different, okay. A bit harder than other. I really want to talk about strange new worlds. But I also want to talk about something else I saw. So I'll talk about something else I saw. I had the opportunity to see the movie RT R R. o The not Bollywood. Not only not Hollywood, but something in there. I want to see that one that looks batshit crazy. It is the best action buddy movie I have ever seen in my life. Please see this movie I cannot begin to describe. This is the most insane film I've seen in probably years and so much fun. So it's definitely long. It's got two parts to it. It's the story of kind of a revolution in India fighting back against colonists. But with song and dance and how to action, a lot of death but a lot of explosions. And too unlikely friends who are just such good friends. It's it's just so beautiful. It's so beautiful. Oh, that's the best part about the films that come from that region of the world is not giving a fuck about physics or Nope. Any laws of the universe, just the way things work and, and going for it like 100% Everyone's like Yep, let's just go let's like tie a grenade to an arrow and shoot it and blow stuff up. Like why not? It's there. They're very much superheroes within this and supervillains but it's it's insane but in a really fun way. I I'm not familiar with this movie, but I think I saw something that must be related to a desert or something where he's got like a tiger in the net. And he's holding that okay, that's from that. Okay, that's I have to say that look pretty wild. You would love it Kelly. I It's titled An American is rise war revolt. And in every language it's some version with three are lettered words that are similar to that. And it actually stands for the three main names attached to the movie, which is a two very famous actors and a very famous director. So for them, it's like Spielberg, Streep, Hanks production. It's like a big heavy hitter. The three top of the tops, putting them all together. Wow. Okay, this was in the theater. Right? Um, yeah, it was. It did a really good theater run. And then it came back last week, and did an additional date because it was so popular. did better than the rerelease of morbier. Wait a second. Yeah. Is that a real thing? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, the studio fell since for some BS online meme, do the Schneider cut kind of thing. And released it in the theater. And I think it did, like 80 grand or something like that. It was really bad. Wow, you guys still figured out the internet half. Holy cow. One of the things Vanessa, you said It's in two parts. Is the second part available or? Yeah, it is. So it's, it's just such a long movie that typical of Indian films, they have an intermission in between. They give you like 10 minutes to go and, you know, do whatever you need to do in the theaters. Or, you know, go get your popcorn go could do this or do that or whatever. So it is like you see a whole movie. And then you leave and come back and watch a whole movie. Where incredible stuff right incredible stuff. I saw just one in the theater was only one film and didn't have an intermission. But I enjoyed the hell out of it, which was the new top gun. Oh, Top Gun Maverick is everything you would hope it'd be really nothing more, but that's okay. It is a to be a fantastic understanding of what the original Top Gun was and what made it popular and reproducing it with a little bit more flair and a modern take but still, it could have it almost could have been done. Three or four years after the original is such as except for some of the storylines, but it's such a solid fun sequel. And the theater I saw it in was was packed and had cheers. Yeah, people shit like what the some of the final the last half hour or so of the film that guy nearby. Whoa, whoa. There's a lot of that going on. It was it was fun. One of the pieces of news that has come out after that opening was that this was Tom Cruise's first 100 million plus movie opening. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, is that true? I would have thought the Mission Impossible movies had done that kind of business, but I guess not. And it was a big opening was like 156 million for the weekend. Oh my god. That's incredible. Yeah. In a weird sort of related story, because it's the original movie, as written something about that. And there's a story in the middle of the article is talking about when they originally shot the very famous volleyball scene. The city was mad as hell because it was supposed to be a quick get some shots be done with it. And Tony Scott shot it as a full day. They were mad enough they considered firing Cody's that from the movie. And then of course, per usual with people that aren't on the creative end of movies. That becomes one of the most famous scenes of the film. Right? Yeah. Everybody knows what I say when I say, you know, the type of volleyball scene. And they do they do have sort of a recreation of that in this film. I was gonna say, is there a different homoerotic scene? Yes. Excellent. Well, very cool. I'm looking forward to that. That was the movie. I remember when that first came out. But you know, the first one. One of my buddies joined the Navy right after that, right after that movie, because they had they had Navy guys stationed out there for you to sign up and join after the movie. And he was a recruiting tool. I know that. Yeah. I'd say the new one is as well. I found out I lost touch with him and everything. But I found out many years later that I don't think he completed his navy thing. Whether he was honorably or dishonorably discharged, I don't remember but he lives as like a mountain man in the middle of nowhere now and back then he was he was very his family was very religious. And you know, it was the 80s he was all about the 80s So wow, that story is incredible. Oh jesus this guy All right, yeah mountain man running away from the military which he was running away his Christian 80s upbringing right? Jesus Okay how about we take a break you guys and come back we'll talk about I'm not sure what we're gonna call this one Universal Monsters now or something like that Dracula and Creature from the Black Lagoon. The monsters with glow in the dark features Dracula flies future surfaces dripping with rage ugly the monster monsters with glow in the dark features each sold separately from Remco we have returned. This was my topic you guessed? And it was it was trying to figure out a way to do a universal one of the classic Universal Monsters like Dracula, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Invisible Man Wolf Man or the creature but find them in a more contemporary movie. But I was hoping was we wouldn't get a remake of one of those movies but something were one of those classic monsters has shown up in a kind of new movie. So with that in mind, I chose Dracula Untold. I have been waiting for a man of your strength engraved in such a desperate way the Turks threatened to destroy my kingdom they're almost here. I want the power to save my people. Save my family. Your salvation is in the dark and all its power to you will have the strength of 100 men dominion over the night and all these creatures at what price? You have no idea what I'm going to show you during what's happening to you? I chose this because men do not fear swords. is coming. They feel monsters This is not your thing you are alive. Because you can fight because of what I did. to who I am anybody. I saw that in theaters. You do. Okay. I'm 14 memories of it. But you know what? I'll just spoiler. I wish I had seen it in theaters. I liked this movie. Oh, good. It's from 2014 budget of 70 million. box office of 270 million. Whoa. Yeah, the Rotten Tomatoes. Critics give it 25% The audience gives a 58% And I'm like, what did you guys want? There was everything you could want in a movie, except for this is definitely not a horror movie directed by Gary shore who had a segment in the holidays horror anthology, and he has the upcoming Queen Mary movie. This was his first feature film, and I was trying to figure out how universal gave this movie to a relative nobody written by Matt Zama and Burk Sharpless right? Gods of Egypt, The Last Witch Hunter and Morbius Oh these guys are responsible for a lot of shitty movies, but I consider this one. In fact, if you're looking For a vampire movie to go see and you're thinking you got to go to that Morbius pre release, I would say skip it and watch this for free on prime. It stars Luke Evans, who was Owen Shaw in the Fast and Furious movies, six and seven. He was higher. He was in high res and The Hobbit and The alienness just a very recognizable young man or handsome, dominant Cooper our favorite. He was in preacher Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and that one time I swore up and down to Vanessa that he didn't play Howard Stark in the first African American movie. So also Sarah, gay dawn, I believe so her name is pronounced. get done. At two credits, she was in vampires versus the Bronx. The Amazing Spider Man 211 2263. Do you guys ever watch that? Series? 11.2 63. They said the Stephen King book was those alright. Okay, so this movie starts. I should just ask you Vanessa, did you like this movie? I remember thinking it was pretty fun. Every flash memory I've got of it is like a pretty epic battle of some kind. It's got like the Vlad the Impaler fields here, right? Yes, yes. Yeah, for sure. It was pretty. I remember it being fun enough. I don't remember anything about the plot. So. Okay, so it starts with the wraparound segment with the son of Dracula. And he's recounting the history of his dad. And this all falls apart very quickly, because he was a boy during all of this story that's being told. And there's all sorts of things going on, but he could have no knowledge of so as soon as they start doing this, like why did it doesn't need to be told by yourself. But oh, well. So we learned that in the Middle Ages, the Sultan of Turkey would acquire young boys and train them to become great warriors. And one of these boys was lad who became known as the Impaler after his use of wooden stakes to display those they killed as a form of psychological warfare. So ultimately, somehow this kind of slave boy rises up through the ranks and becomes the prince of Transylvania. So then we are now in the present day of this story. So Vlad and his team of warriors, they are scouting out in the woods, and they discover a Turkish helmet in the river. And they're like, shit, what are they doing here, and they're looking up in there, like it would have had to come up from that mountain. That's where the stream is coming. So we'll just follow the stream towards us. So they do that and they they're searching now gets you four, or like a Turkish scouting party or something is that they're worried about instead they find a cave up in the mountains, and they go in there thinking that that's where the men are hiding. And it is not it is a master vampire who kills them all except for blood because he was just lucky enough to have like a son at his back and realize that that's what was keeping the vampire away. The master vampires played by Charles Dance. He's just a very striking and recognizable guy think he was in Game of Thrones. I never washed out but he was the bad guy in that Schwarzenegger movie, The Last Action Hero With I would change out. He's just I just love him as an actor. So lab escapes, gets back to his people and everything in there. He's, he's very quiet about what happened. He's told the priest what's going on and the priest is like, Oh, that'd be awesome. All this stuff and but he's making sure that the rest of his his people don't know anything about this. But the following day is everyone is celebrating Easter the Turks arrive unexpected big army of them are not an army as a procession of them soldiers who have come in and lad offers them silver as kind of a tribute. But the envoy demands that 1000 boys from Dracula's surrounding areas will be given over for service in Turkish army. So that says Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. But after killing a few of them and sending the rest away, it's pretty obvious that the Turks can come in and take whatever they want. So he has kind of duped them all to a very bad death. So realizing that he's gonna need more power in order to defend his territory and his people. Vibe goes back up to the cave and makes a bargain with the vampire. And Vampire Diaries offers Vlad some of his blood, which infuses lab with the powers of vampire and everything and I like this little catch. The vampire explains that the power will last for three days, during which time Vlad will be tempted to drink human blood. But if he can withstand the urge, then he will be restored back to his human form. I was like oh, this is nice. What do you think? Yeah, I think he makes it. Oh, okay. Your memory is faulty. So he gets back just in time to see that the turret attack Castle Dracula, which is fucking amazing in this movie. It's like something out of Lord of the Rings. But if you've ever seen Castle Dracula in real life, it's like one little tower and the room off to the side. But you know, Hollywood. So Vlad just waves into this attacking army and starts killing them. And it's a great scene. Do you remember that script I wrote 100 years ago that had the vampires kind of exploding into a bunch of bats to kind of explain mass of human versus massive bat, that doesn't work. But if the mass of bats make up a human that does works, I was like, that was gonna be so cool. Well, we never get to make that. But these guys have the same fucking idea. And it's amazing. Vlad, like just goes in and starts killing people. But every once in a while, and now he's being attacked on all sides, and soldiers running past and all that stuff. And he's just grabbing one and throwing them around. And then he'll suddenly explode into this flurry of bats and fly right out one and basically strip him to the bone and then turn back into a human and grab somebody sword. It's a really great, I would say. There's after that there's a scene where the people he's trying to protect, find out about his powers, and they turn on him and he chastises them pretty well, letting them know that he has made this sacrifice to save their worthless lives, and they'd be dead. Now if it wasn't for him. He's like, fuck you. And he leaves. But then the Turks attack again. And this time he does this, this movie is so much fun. The same he stands, he stands on his tower while the Turks are all coming in. And then there's, it's like a scene out of 300 There's a million men down below and his little tiny group of guys. And he, he kind of raises his hand to the sky. And you start seeing, you know, one or two bats and bats and then it's just a zillion bats in the sky, and he starts controlling them with his mind, but he's moving his hand around and all these various things and it'll make a fist with his hand and the bass like swirl up into the air and kind of take the form of a fist that he slams his fist out on the ground and the bats go slamming onto the ground killing all these guys. It's really fucking great. See, you guys. This is free Prime right now. Maybe HBO Max, so not quite right. So unfortunately, his wife is killed by the Turks and his son is kidnapped and his wife begs him to drink the last of her blood so that he can continue to keep his powers and save their son. Well, will he do it? Yes, I already know year after year. There is also a really cool scene where he and Dominic Cooper Face Off is Dominic Cooper is the leader of the Turks. Both of these very handsome young men are princes and great warriors and all this stuff. It's it's kind of ridiculous. But they face off in the sort of fight at the end where Dominic Cooper has realized, Oh, this guy is not human, but he has a weakness of silver. And I was okay with this kind of take off on the mythology the silver thing because he tricks Vlad into this big huge tent where they're gonna have this sword fight, but hanging from the ceiling or all these bags of silver coins. And Dominic Cooper are slash the coins and they'll spill out ball and they're reflecting back at him. And anytime he falls, it slips on him. If his skin touches the silver and starts to smoke and turn into fire every day. I'm like, it's pretty crazy. So yeah, I really enjoyed this movie. It's it's it's 300 with vampires. So trivia, the screenplay for the film was featured in the 2006 blacklist. The blacklist, as you guys know, but maybe the listeners don't is a list of the most like unmade scripts of the year. And agents and directors will often comb through those and see, you know, here's a script that everybody loved and never got made. So Sam Worthington was originally slated to star before being replaced by Luke Evans. And this is when the film was being made by Alex pious. And it was going to be called Dracula years zero. Not my favorite. The movie was in production before Universal decided to build a new cinematic universe. And so the producers got wind of it just in time to independently add a present day epilogue that universal could use if they wanted to. It's a it's a pretty cool scene. I liked it. But it was ultimately decided that Dracula The Untold would not be the first entry in the Universal Monsters cinematic universe that instead became Tom Cruise's The Mummy, which was much, much worse. And then finally, body count in this movie 5687. People, of which Vlad kills 5419 Personally, so I had so much fun with this movie. I was just like, wow, first of all, I'm not sure why I didn't want to see it when it came out. I'm sure it was just all the bad reviews. But I yeah, this is what I would recommend to anybody who likes vampire movies. Oh, man, I'm glad you had such a good time with it. And you know, I don't know. I was a little nervous. I think we both chose something that's a slightly more recent universal picture and yeah, that's, it's too bad. That wasn't the entry into the dark universe, actually. Yeah. Next, well, um, I guess that'd be me. So yeah, I decided I've only seen I think the first the mummy movie. And so I was like, I'm not going to watch the second mummy movie. I'm gonna go straight for the third mommy the movie. So I went with the mummy tomb of the Dragon Emperor from 2008 After 2000 years a mystery last time is about to be unearthed. The tomb of the Dragon Emperor and the Somme and the legendary evil will be over. From Universal Pictures of going that he raised another money in his tomb city I controlled the five elements. And the producers of the mummy and the Mummy Returns because that he was supposed to fend them off. When the Emperor built a great wall, he buried his enemies underneath it. I will call them to battle once again. So these are the good guys. This summer, to fasten your seat belts to cheap Devayani Why am I laughing? beyond death beyond imagination lies in adventure that will live for all eternity. The Mummy tomb of the Dragon Emperor This was also just a cusp, before the dark universe was was underway. This has a rotten tomato score of 13% from critics and 30% from audience so was this after the rock showed up? Yeah, so he's not in this one. No, this is gently. Oh, I don't think I even Yeah, I know. I was like I didn't know who was in it. Or I knew there was a third mummy movie but I had no idea who was in it and has some pretty exciting casting. It was directed by Rob Cohen, who we have talked about before with your movie Kelly Dragonheart daylight the schools also Kelly's moving fast and furious Triple X boy next door and hurricane heist cannot recommend that last one. It's bad. He also produced Thank God it's Friday and Monster Squad and Witches of Eastwick. So he's been around for a while. There it was written by Alfred go. He's written 25 things he wrote 217 episodes of Smallville. I am number for Spider Man two lethal weapon for and lots of TV. He I think is partnered with a guy named Miles. Alfred miles Miller, who oh sorry, with Miles Miller. He's done 25 things and they're all like the same. So I think that they must have been working together as a writing team. And then of course it's based on the John L Balderston. 1932. Screenplay, who also had written The Dracula Frankenstein mommy and Bride of Frankenstein etc movies in the 30s this movie starring a lot of people Brendan Fraser 77 things most recently of course we know him and Doom Patrol. Also, he's doing a lot of TV right now like the affair trust Condor. He did do some vo work for GI Joe wrote Rise of the Cobra and some vo work for Fairly Odd Parents I'm guessing because he had a little bit of a weight gain or I don't know if that's why but but we would know Him and love Him from things like the mummy films was dazzled last one the past George of the jungle Airheads, Encino Man and incarnate and he will be in the upcoming 2022 Bat Girl movie. So look out for him there. I don't know quite what he'll be doing it but we also have Jet Li starring in this he's been in 50 things most recently we saw him in Mulan. Also in The Expendables, the one fearless kissing the dragon hero, lethal weapon for once upon a time in China and many, many more films. Marya bello is in this and she is replacing Rachel vise in a very unsmooth one for one swap out of characters where it's like, it's bad. It's bad how they introduce her. They're just like, oh, like she's doing a book reading of like the book that she's written an adventure series about mummies and like, they like reveal her face around this book. And she's like, Oh, am I not who you expected? It's like, No, you aren't. And you're good at playing the same character. Exact same character. Oh, and it makes it much worse because it's like years later. So you're like, did you just not age? Well, and you're a different personality? I don't know. But you're both you're both, you know, English women. So there you go. So she's been in 69 things she's she was in NCIS and starred as a main character Jack Sloane. She was also in lights out prisoners history of violence. And she did a lot of ER. Michelle Yao is in this film. She's been in 67 things if she will be in the upcoming avatar, 234 and five. Oh my god. I know. They're all on her IMDB. So I don't know. I guess they really think this next one's gonna fly. There was a trailer for it before Top Gun Maverick. Yeah. It's like, it looks like the same effects. Okay. So anyways, yeah, I know. I'm not excited to be there. I don't think anyone's excited. She was also in The Witcher miniseries, which I didn't realize, but she I did know she was in Star Trek Discovery. And we've also seen her and a lot of things recently, like Chang chi, everything everywhere all at once boss level Crazy Rich Asians. And she's been around for a long time as a real incredible as a real incredible force. Like things like Kung Fu Panda to you know, heads Tomorrow Never Dies. Anyway, Luke Ford has been in 42 things he plays the son who's way too old to be Brendan Fraser and Maria bellows child. age wise, they would have had to have had him when they were 13 years old. For this to make sense. It is extremely weird casting. However, he did a great job but he I think this movie might have tanked his career because after this, he's he's really only done small TV stunts, short films and two movies that have notes including Animal Kingdom and the black balloon, neither of which I've seen. So I think he didn't do great after this. Isabel long similarly placed the cute young Chinese counterpart to him who he's crushing on, and they have a lot of report with. She did a number of Chinese films before this, but this was her last film until 2015. She's only done three movies since this film came out. And then John Hannah, of course is in this again. As Andrew we know him from so many things. But sliding doors is the one that I talked about him a lot and but he's also in for Weddings and a Funeral. He's an Agents of SHIELD, Spartacus TV series resurrection man. Just been around a long time. And yeah, and then we have a smaller bit roll from Liam Cunningham, who is Davos Seaworth in Game of Thrones, so that was exciting. I was like, Who are you? Oh, you're diverse. The Onion night. Anyway, the plight Um, all right. So there's a lot of setup. So I'm gonna give you a lot of Setup and then you don't really have to worry about the rest. We begin in a long ago ancient China a warlord is fighting to unite the country's kingdoms and ultimately become the emperor He's obsessed with power and his built the Great Wall of China and along the way buried a bunch of bodies and and of those who opposed him and or just died while building the wall. Those will definitely come back later. Why else would they mentioned it. Although he was successful, he felt like he had a lot more left to do in his life and had way too much to accomplish in just one lifetime. So he sent his best friend and second in command Ming outs to go find this witch out in the mountains who is rumored to know the secret of eternal life and that is Michelle Yao. She says she does not have it, but she knows where to find it and working together with general Ming. They find the long lost oracle bones which holds the key to life despite the Emperor having a huge thing for her main G, which is Michelle Young. Michel Yao is character fall in love. And when she helps the Emperor she asks one thing in return and that's that she's allowed to be with and merrymaking. He initially agrees. But as soon as she does the spell that grants him immortality, he double crosses her ties a bunch of horses to Ming and has them all run away from each other. pretty brutal. I was like, do just, I don't know, I don't it's not a is that drawn and quartered. I don't know quite which one it is where you have the horses pull a person apart. It's quartered. If it's for horses for horses. Yeah, so just not drawn. One lamb. Yep. He then the Emperor then demands that she marries him and instead she curses him, he turns into this sort of CGI pile of mud, and he's like, barfing mud everywhere. And then he becomes lava and he's barfing lava everywhere. And then he turns into stone, and him and his entire army become the terracotta terracotta warriors that we know and love today. So, meanwhile, we go back to the past future of whatever magical time right after World War Two I think this is meant to be. Rick and Evelyn not Rachel vise are hanging out and retired. He's taken up fly fishing, which he does badly. And he lives with her at Downton Abbey, I believe. Live in a very nice home. They she's become an adventurer novelist during live readings. And neither of them wants to admit that their desire to continue adventuring is still there, even though they promised each other that they were done with it. Their son, Alex O'Connell, who again is waiting to be their kid. He is off on an archaeology mission with his Professor Roger. They are digging around in the tomb of the Chinese warlord that we were hanging out with not so long ago. They're digging him out which is really bad because if he gets dug out and gets exposed to certain elements, he could rise again as they're going along. They get attacked by somebody who seems to be defending the tomb is a mysterious, beautiful woman. However, the he does manage to unearth the Terracotta Warriors and the Emperor and bring them to a museum in Shanghai. Although they're still in their stone states, it is kind of fun seeing there's like a lot of traps. So you'd see a lot of traps do enjoy that will get trapped. So it's stuff Rican Evelyn are approached by the British government to return a rare gemstone called the eye of Shangri La back to China desiring another fun adventure they agree now I wonder if the eye the stone has anything to do with potentially raising up the Emperor oh my god, it probably will. So they take it and they fall they arrive and go into Jonathan as we remember from the previous two movies that that crazy Crazy John Hannah character. He has a hopping bar in Shanghai it's super happened in place and it's called Emma Hotep ha there's a lot of like, like women doing like the can can buy in like all Egyptian like long hair wigs and the gold flappy dresses. Very, very exciting. A lot of money thrown at this movie. He tries to hide the fact that Alex is their their son at the bar just then. Because Alex is supposed to be I believe in college. And instead he has run away from school and is excavating they discover that and get into a big argument with him. And he basically He says you guys aren't in my life anymore scruff, and they're like, You know what, we need to stay here and improve our relationship with our son. It feels like there's all this backstory. I don't think any of this was in mummy too. I think they're just making up all this plot. It's really awful. They decide as a way to support him, they'll go and check out his precious thing that he dug up this, this museum pieces of terracotta warriors, and of course, Brendan Fraser is like, stupid, I don't care. This isn't that impressive. Why can we just leave tombs lying? Why do we have to dig them up at all? And I'm like, because the previous two movies that you anyway, it's fine. So he's like, um, yeah, so good job. So I guess or whatever. And he plays a very bad, awkward dad. He's good at this role. And then, of course, the Professor Roger double crosses them. Turns out that he is working with this sort of subsets of the Chinese government, the sort of military group, who are really displeased with where China is at after World War Two, they feel like it's a huge mess. And so what they want to do is bring all of China back together under the leadership of the emperor who they would like to raise from the dead. So there's a lot of fighting and stuff and they get the stone and they get the Emperor and the Emperor turns from the CGI stone to like a moving CGI stone. And he's running around and he's checking off pieces of himself and he were regrows it for some completely unknown reason. There's a lot of just adventuring. There's just a lot of zany adventuring. Now they must chase him across various parts of China, including through definitely not Tibet. It's definitely not Tibet, it's the mountain village that is not Tibet for sure. And then they get to Shangri La and they are there. He has to get a stone to become the emperor again but then he also has to get the waters of life to become the emperor again and he's got to raise his army and we end up with CGI yetis we get the Emperor becomes a three headed dragon for some completely unknown reason that I think they put a piece of vO in to like explain. I don't I don't know it happened too quickly. Um, there is a spectacularly well aged Michel Yao who is still defending one little piece of turf, she's still going because she has a turtle life. She just didn't really give it to the other guy. There's a lot of couples bickering and resolving a lot of falling in love between the Sun and the Asian lady who's defending the tomb and now they're working together. There's a lot of Father and Son growing closer after arguing about what gun is the coolest in the worst set of dialogue I heard in a long time. Oh, well a tommy gun jams. So you don't want to use that. That's not very good gun. Oh, well, this guns Kool Aid is so dumb. I just don't care. There's an avalanche. There's gunfire, there is some really good martial arts work that you can't see. Because they decided to go shakey cam and they're also close up through a lot of the fighting, which does not work for a lot of martial arts, cinematography, you need to be further back to see and to enjoy it. Instead. You're like right here and you're like gently and Michelle. Yeah, we're fighting. Could we see it? Please? The answer's no. Eventually there is a giant fight battle involving two completely different sets of raised army mummies. And do the father and son have to work together to defeat the guy probably does the the young girl who her entire life has been trained to kill the Emperor and knows how to do it and has the right weapon. Does she get to do it? Probably not. Oh. So this movie, it sucks. There, there's so much awful about this summation. Yeah, to sum it up, here's what sucks about it. Brendan Fraser is he enters this period of his acting where he's just whiny and irritating. Every I don't know if it's the director or what but his response to everything is like, like, he does this thing with his voice and you just want to kill him. Um, I had a huge crush on Brendan Fraser is that as a young young girl, so to me, it's just awful. It is that moment when he stopped being anything worth looking at and just being like, irritating as fuck. This was the time so um, oh, my. Yeah. The son is not the strongest part. He's an okay actor. But they just I don't know, they don't do a very good job of writing this father son thing. Neither of them acted terribly well. There's a lot of Chinese fanfare the director was kind of obsessed with China and I think that's part of the reason why it was actually a colossal success. I'm not in a necessarily, this movie was a colossal success. Yeah, it was. I must have skipped this. The budget for it was 145 million. The box office was 403 point 4 million. I don't feel like I even heard about this. You probably wouldn't know because it didn't make its money back in the US. Yeah, and I'll get to that in a second. And the trivia, um, the fight scenes, like I said, they're really messy. They're really terrible. And jetley just seems awful in this movie. Like, he's not very good. And there's also a reason for that, which I'll get to in the trivium. What part did he play? Was he the Emperor? He was the emperor. Okay. Yeah. So what I like about it, Michelle. Yeah, was great. She's super good. She's super committed. She's fun. All the ancient history bits, I think are actually pretty cool. There's a lot of fun locations and set pieces and costumes. It's just that like, the script is just awful. I think the fireworks there's a fireworks Chase. That's really fun. There's Terracotta Warriors, like with the traps and everything. That's pretty fun. All should be a good movie. But it's just not it was the highest sorry, the highest grossing, the highest grossing movie that open that night. It lost out after a couple days, but it initially did beat out dark night that for that particular weekend. I don't think it was dark nights first weekend, but it did beat it out that night. It did really well in international markets. It was number one in Korea, Russia, Spain, Thailand. And while it only made 102.5 domestically it made 301 overseas. So this was a huge hit overseas. Original advice did not appear in this movie. And instead, of course the character Evie was played by Maria Bello. There are different accounts of what happened. According to the director Rob Cohen, it was because vice refused to portray someone with a 21 year old son, vise sim, simply did not like the script enough to sign on. Rumors circulated that vise chose not to be separated from her toddler son at the time, but she sends made it clear that that had no impact on her decision whatsoever, because she actually started two other films that exact same year. So um, yeah, Brendan Fraser go with the script with a script. I mean, also, I guess the age thing could be part of the script. She's probably writing it and going, why would she why would they have a son in his 20s If they're in their, you know, late 30s, early 40s. Like this doesn't make any sense. Brendan Fraser who plays brick? Oh, yeah, was born in 1968. Maria Bella was born in 1967. And Luke Ford, who played their son was born in 81, which makes him 13 years younger. Since gently was only available for part of the shoot, it was decided that the emperor would be either a rotting mummy or in case encased in terracotta, and most of his scenes so that we could play the emperor in the flesh and the remainder of the role would be done entirely in CGI. So that's probably why he sucks. Yeah, so only in flashbacks is he actually deadly. The filmmakers originally considered bringing back Arnold voce Vosloo as Emma Hotep except at this time, he's a kind of like a last resort ally who would help the heroes defend the Dragon Emperor vasiliou hated the script and didn't want to make a money mummy movie without Steven summers, so he declined to return. Oded fair was also asked to reprise his role as artists Bay fair declined, because in the Hotep was not in the film, and he felt like there was if there's no in the hood type, then why would his character be there? The crossbow traps in the tomb scene, were actually based on a real thing. According to the Chinese archaeologists, when they excavated the Quinn, Qin dynasty, terracotta army in Gian, it was progressing so slowly because the site was filled with similar traps, I think is awesome. I also still wonder why the Terracotta Warriors are what they are, and I've been to the exhibit and they're cool, but anyway, um, the Himalayan mountain scenes were actually filmed on a soundstage. In sweltering summer heat. Maria Bello claimed that she was only wearing a bra under her coat and a closing scene, a text a screen text reveals that mummies were soon thereafter discovered in Peru, which is where Jonathan goes off to he's like, I don't want to be anywhere near where mummies are ever again and gets in a plant. He's off to Peru with his giant diamond. Of course, they're like and there are mummies in Peru discovered shortly after. A possible Stinger for a sequel basically, is what that was meant to be. Peru is home of the ancient Inca civilization which Just also mummified and there was indeed going to be a third sequel called the mummy for Rise of the Aztecs, but since as texts are not native to Mexico, it probably would have been set in Peru. He probably would not have been set in Peru, Brenda, Brendan Fraser was cast in the film and he was signed on for the sequel as well as Antonio Banderas would have played the main antagonist. However, the film was canceled in favor of the reboot of the mummy in 2017. After the failure of the mummy, this project was also scrapped. It has a comic that came out along with a called the mummy movie prequel, The Rise and Fall of Shane Jo's X. This was to explore the relationship between a break and his son Alex, Sierra entertainment made a game version of the mummy tomb of the Dragon Emperor for Wii, PlayStation two and Nintendo DS. It had mostly negative reviews. And of course, Roger Ebert said he gave this film a positive review, awarding it three stars out of four remarking now why did I like this movie? It was just plain dumb fun. That's why Roger, you got to stop being wrong, son. Just got to not do it anymore. Yeah, now. Anyway, so that was my movie. Don't see it. I mean, like there's things unless you're a mummy. completionist if you're a mummy completionist then by all means, but if you want to see Michel Yao and gently fight there are two other movies that they started together. I forgot to write them down. But there are at least two so you don't have to watch this one. Well, I will. I will take your I will heed your warning on this one. Yeah, maybe what's the first 15 minutes with ancient China? That's fine. Stop watching as soon as you see Brendan Fraser or take a shot one of the two. Oh my are you to film from there? It's up to you. So Eric, I also bizarrely enough did a mummy movie. Very different timeframe. This is Curse of the mummy's two. Ring for yet another. Beware, you wouldn't take heed take you into my confidence and warn you there is a curse which says that all persons present at the opening of a Pharaoh's coffin. And who gaze at the face of the mummy therein shall die You have been warned you Terrence Morgan beware your pass to me catch you run on tower and be you sleeping money lie you go to be your God. And you Shan roll and beware the love of a handsome stranger and all of you here now beware terrifying story of a rampaging bandits and bold monster. Stalking those who have filed is too. 1964 So, we're going back to hammer. It's been a while since we've talked about a hammer film. This is available to rent lots of places, or it's part of the hammer 20 movie pack knife, which is full of just all the more obscure unusual snorkel is on this one that I talked about in a previous episode. Bring that over some day. It's yeah, I shout. It's pretty good. Thank you. This does not have a single review on Rotten Tomatoes. I And nothing. So sir, budget box office who knows? Someone does but it's not me. This was directed by Michael Carrera is bliss I say his name, who was much better known as a producer for hammer he produced 76 films, directed just a few including maniac, prehistoric woman, blood from the mummy's tomb and shatter. So he did a little bit he's also on the screenplay of this one. He also wrote 1 million years BC and the last continent, the stars, not really if none of the major regulars of hammer but some hammer alum, Terrence Morgan was also in Hamlet and tread softly stranger and the sea pirate. Sure. Ronald Howard. So you're not close. He had 93 credits, there's been a lot of stuff combat, exclamation point, the TV show, flesh and blood and tons of Mark to television. Fred Clark, Sunset Boulevard, anti Nate main, which I apparently autocorrected to anti name, white heat, and the Beverly Hillbillies. Hey, and Janine Rolando, who is Casino Royale You Only Live Twice and the TV version of The Avengers and the saint. And apparently is one of the top models of the 60s. So the film starts off fairly bluntly with a guy getting tied up and his hand cut off and then subsequently killed. Okay, so we're gonna start right in on this one. And move to a scene of a man and a woman very oddly, flirting. is like, trying to get me drunk is like not here, but I will when we get back to England. Like we're gonna get back to England, I might not have to be drunk because like, okay, so then they're disturbed by people bringing in the body of the guy that just got killed and unceremoniously being dropped on the ground by people. The film is, the beginning part is sort of like, you know, aliens, you've got the guy who wants to bring back the sample, so you can make money off of it. This has one of those kinds of characters, the first thing he wants to bring back and introduced is a wonderful candy that somebody accidentally named Turkish Delight. Gotta be bringing that back and selling it. But so that goes on with the usual battle back and forth between the money guy and the guy who wants to bring art and history to museums, and he wants to take them mummy and travel around the country with it. So they eventually get back to England, of course, I kind of think that if you're unpacking a mummy's tomb, and the mummies stuff that you treated with a little bit more carefully than the men unpacking this tomb. But now Now they're the usual it's a little drunk throw things around, fall asleep in a crate kind of guys. So they're, I think they're sort of be kind of a comedy relief thing that doesn't really work. The on the trip back, though, on the ship, they're attacked by some guy who's talking about the curse, and how is that and they just tossed it overboard and are done with that? Okay. Problem solved. is a nice flashback scene where you get to see that the leader and a lot of mummy movies, the mummies tend to be like, either mistreated or slaves or secondary the money in this movie was a to be emperor. And was incredibly white, considering all the people around him. But you know, fixed before ever, so the subtle racism is, is not weak in this film. The one thing they did is kind of neat when they did the flashback for this particular scene, they used the hammer theme from the original 1959 Mummy in the music, which is very recognizable. So it's like oh, that's cool. And what would be Vanessa's, least favorite scene in this film? That's a very 60s scene between a man and a woman where she's talking about their tribe about how intelligent she is. And how well that intelligence can be used as home as well as it is in the university. Know that she thanks him for pointing that out. What a good idea it is. You're at the school you really should really spend that at home that's been happening Nice. That's right. So and then the interesting line from the education guy about the I don't know future of art in general, if money is to be the judge of the success of education, I fear for the future. Do like lots of nice little things going on with sarcophagus and it's a good general mummy movie. There's not any new ground being broken on here. There's the scene where he introduces the mummy and he does like a, here's the show I'm going to have on the road and the guy introduces the show. And they, they do a flashback scene in there with music and it works really well. And of course, and the reveal, at this point in front of a crowd, guess what's not in the sarcophagus? The mummies already on the loose loo. And cause about the curse and all that stuff. So it is the solid film. It's Hammer. So I wanted to say it but mummy movies as a whole have never been one of my things. And this film has some of those same problems. Although the mummies a little bit more energetic and a little bit more interesting. It's a neat looking mommy the makeup is well done. And the attacks on people are done well enough that the hand cutting thing comes back like three or four people get their hands cut off and relatively bloody for the time period. And it ties into the beginning ties into the end nicely with that so it's a well done. Good old fashioned hammer film looks phenomenal. Holy shit the remastering on this is gorgeous. So some notes on this film. And if you're a hammer fan, I'd say definitely worth checking out. Well we're seeing hammer originally offered this project to universal and 1963 And they said, man, we're good. Interesting. The as I mentioned wrapmaster for the remake remaster for blu ray on that ultimate hammer collection. It's got a bunch of tag lines. Yeah, it lives again. To kill again. I like it. That was like a 5000 year old monster on the rampage. Oh boy also climbed out of the ancient Pharaoh's Tomb stalks a monster of monsters with a lust for vengeance and a thirst for terror. But along the line she's half bone half bondage all blood curdling terror. I love it. Half bondage Wow wait Hamblen half bandage it must be bandage probably okay. The model I mentioned at the beginning that was in the James Bond movies and stuff, her voice was dubbed to the entire film. And which is a weird choice because they thought they gave her some kind of an accent. And I wow, she has a weird voice. It's interesting that they kept that under the timeframe. They usually get rid of people's accents a lot more in Hammer films and other films in the late 60s, early 60s. But no that was adopted. Find that added the accent and maybe she was exotic. That's yeah, she is she's multiple raesha for whatever the race was, but she's biracial actress. Joseph Estelle plays a High Priest and devotee of the gods of ancient Egypt in both this film, and the previous hammer in 1959. The Mummy plays the same role. Cool. Australian released to the poster took the painting of John Rowland and she was altered to appear heavily gagged rather than screaming. Interesting, strange choice, but all right. This is also the title of a Goosebumps book. I wonder if I read it. And I came across a ridiculous error that was supposed to be in the movie, where when he's talking about the history of the film was like, Well, this is just a slideshow. But as it goes on, suddenly it becomes a movie. I'm like, because it's a flashback, you dumb ass. Okay, and now he buddy is being clever and point. Oh, no. And one other thing. There's a curse of the mummy tomb board game, published in 1988 has a full three dimensional board representing the Egyptian period and small player playing periods. So it The idea is to reach the top of the pyramid and complete the elixir of life. Just like in the movies. That is the curse of the mummy's tomb, which I'd say is an enjoyable watch but is not the top of even the mummy movies for hammer. Right? Question Does your hammer box set have that original 1959 Mummy movie? No. No, these are more almost all like maniac and Sherwood Forest pirate movies just kind of they're more. One. One Frankenstein one the revenge of Frankenstein. And then the rest are all more obscure stuff. Yeah. That mummy the other mummy one. That's one that I did write the Christopher Lee Lee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have that? Oh, I've been trying to watch that. And I can't find it. Thank you can borrow it. Thank you. How's that Asian horror film I gave you six months ago going? It's still hanging out ready to watch. And even at now, you've been sick as a dog, you should watch. I know, I chose very specific things to watch that were very low key instead. Well, I found this to be a very fun topic. And it's probably because I picked a very fun movie. So that Eric, it is up to you for the next sub genre choice. Oh, wow. All right. Let's do something a little more visceral, I guess. Movies involving kidnappings or and or ransoms. Oh, god, okay. Those often lead to fun light hearted antics. Right? I haven't enjoyed watching intense movies lately. It's fine. Oh, there are some weird comedy thing out there. That could be the NASA doesn't like comedy. Oh, that's right. You're screwed. All right. Well, this is where we thank everybody for participating in the value for value model just as my mother did. And Micah did you think and, and thank you, everybody for liking, sharing posts, all of that stuff. We really could not do this without you. So, just gotta say we really, really appreciate all of that. Yeah. Thank you. Love the commenting on the episodes and stuff. Keep that comment. And yes, it's a lot of comments. So the race to posts. We do take notice of who wins each week who posts a private, ongoing look, and we wait and we go who's it going to be? And then we lose respect for those who don't. So why continue to struggle and fight for it. Now we're just so happy anybody? Anybody comments? Thank you for that. Alright guys, that's it. Let's get back here one week from today and we're going to be talking about kidnapping or ransom movies. Strange aeons radio has artisanal quality podcasting, handcrafted and all natural ingredients and edited to perfection by Eric market. Our blistering theme song is strange aeons part one by the band nightshade is usually the permission. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on Apple and I thought they were stupid and boring.