Strange Aeons Radio


June 23, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 181
Strange Aeons Radio
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Strange Aeons Radio
Jun 23, 2022 Season 4 Episode 181
Strange Aeons Radio

The gang talks binge-watching vs weekly episodes before getting into their picks for movies they should have watched a long time ago. Also discussed: Mad God, Jurassic World: Dominion, and did you know that Jack Quaid was Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan's son?

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The gang talks binge-watching vs weekly episodes before getting into their picks for movies they should have watched a long time ago. Also discussed: Mad God, Jurassic World: Dominion, and did you know that Jack Quaid was Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan's son?

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sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. And that is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. We are all in the same room. It's so nice to see your lovely faces. You too. Oh my god, your actual human beings and everybody looks healthy. Everybody feels good. All right, you got a dirty show for you today. What? Watch out for that shit on the floor. Did you guys see this? Netflix is now thinking of jettisoning the binge model that they started. Wait, why that's a weird, it's a well, they lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter. And they're looking at losing 2 million subscribers by the end of the second quarter. And one of the theories is that it is very easy to take off Netflix for three months. And then just off on furniture things four is here. Exactly pop on for a month and binge watch everything you like and then Oh, interesting. It's weird, too. Because I mean, if you think just on our show alone, how many times we talked about Star Trek Discovery? Yeah. Why? Because it comes out one episode a week. We're talking about it. And then Stranger Things pops up. But if Well, they didn't this time. But if I had all of them at once, we might talk about it for an episode maybe two. It's true. It's true. Yeah. And I wonder how much of that releasing the other two episodes is part of this because those won't release until the next month. Right. And the same thing when, when they had Ozark split into two sections for that last season. I think they're starting to kind of look at, you know, Disney, as much as I've been bitching about a lot of their shows. They'll end a show after you know, six weeks of watching it. And the next week starts a new show. Yeah, it's really clever. And it's funny because I loved the binge model. But now, it's so hard to watch what you want to watch. There are tons of shows I came out on Netflix, I'm like, I don't have, you know, eight to 10 hours worth of just spare time to sit here and go through all of them. But something like Obi Wan or it's like, okay, I can watch this one episode. I have one hour in a week. Sure. Why not? Yeah. I think also, for me, at least, probably you guys are a little more disciplined than me. But I'll get four episodes into something and then a different show that I might be more interested in will drop. And then I'll just never get back to those episodes from that first show. For sure. Yeah, if they lose the a little bit that that could definitely happen. But that happened for me with the drop all at once stuff to where you watch three or four and go. I don't know if I feel like you know, like HBO. I mean, this is episodically released, but the show the baby. I know. There's been two episodes out for a while now. And I'm just like, because it started off so strong. Yeah, I'm kind of like here. Maybe I'll finish it off. So I'm the same way with the baby. I've never even heard of the baby. Oh, I think you'd like the baby. Most of all. What? Yeah, there you go. I'd say yeah, watch the first two episodes. You might then all know. Yeah. It's actually it's really good for about three until they get to the farm. Once they got to her mom's farm. Oh, I haven't. I haven't made it that far. So you're like, Wait, that's like see like four or five episodes back? Oh, I think I've only seen the first episode and part of the second. Okay. It's, it's, it's got your sense of humor, though. I don't think you'd like it. Okay, if it had been a 90 minute movie, yes. Yeah. Nice. Okay, well, um, yeah, I just hope it's not just the show about an irritating baby. And that's, well, this baby is irritating because he's the Antichrist. Okay, all right. That sounds more interesting. Let's talk about a show that comes out weekly. And I only want to talk about this a the boys is just great. But it took me until yesterday to realize that the guy playing Huey Jack Quaid Yeah. Is the son of Dennis Quaid and Meg Ray. I had no idea that sounds familiar. But no, I Yeah. If I knew it, I forgot it. Yeah, Sam sounds like okay, cool. Oh, interesting. I mean, he's so good. I really enjoy it. have enjoyed him in all of the rain. Good things I found out Ben. Yeah. Yeah, he's great. I'll say, this episode, this new season kind of felt to me like it was more, let's just throw crazy situations and not as Matt has pointed a message as the first couple of seasons. But butcher said something just before he and Maeve got it on in the kitchen. Where he was saying to her, you know, it's not just home lander, the whole lot of you gotta go. And I was like, oh, yeah, I forgot the whole point of this show is if we lived in a world where there were super powered beings, they would most likely act like this. They wouldn't act like the Justice League, right? They would just be awful people. Yeah, I mean, the odds are, there'll be a couple good ones. Right. But then you're gonna get that absolute corruption. That whole thing. Absolute power. Yeah, right. No, that's that's not an exaggeration, right? I think that we might even start seeing that with Huey. As much as he's loving the the template and be like, Oh, this is not going to end well for him. Oh, man, well, I have a little bit of catching up to do, but I'm really excited. Oops, no, it's fine. I don't care I was vague enough to it was I'm not too worried. I don't think that there's there's gonna be plenty to check out. I I definitely saw the first one. I was like, no, no, turn my eyes I know what's going to happen and know. Somebody posted as I post her tweet or something? Well, that's something I'm never gonna unsee I was just like, at least this problem, this this equated to an immediate death. And so no one necessarily knew how bad that could have been for them. So that's, that's good. That's good. Yeah, it's definitely we are not on network television anymore. They want to remind us that every possible moment, anything could happen anything. I wonder how different the first if they knew the acceptance they'd get with the extreme, how different the first season would have been. Because that the team team in the comic was nasty. Oh, that's right. I forgot about them. And they didn't do anything to the level of what went on in that show. And they lightened up the assault that she took quite a bit. I wonder if it if they knew what was happening if the first season would have had a lot more shit going on. I think it took that first season to kind of get us all used to the idea that this is what we were watching and to let Amazon know. Oh, okay. We can do that. Yeah, yeah, it is still to this day when the most stressful shows I watch because every time I'm like, oh god, you're gonna break them. Oh, god, you're gonna someone's gonna get so basically hurt. And they will. They always will. Yeah. Yeah, make more fun than they are different. You've been watching. So last night, not last night, the night before. I went to a movie in a theater. And that movie was Jurassic Park dominion. I have heard great to mix things. I haven't heard mixed things at all crappy. I only seen really positive reviews about it on Facebook from people that we knew so sorry to all those people, any of them that are listening, but it was one of the worst movies I've seen in years. Wow. I hadn't heard that battle. It is worse than Mobius. It is worse than venom. Two. It is such a heaping pile of nonsense just oh hey, you remember the classic three characters? Let's just fucking throw them at the screen. But this time Laura Dern. You can see her bra, which was really cool in the end of the 90s as like a fashion statement, but it's fucking What year is it? 2020. And she's not some teenager. I'm like, I don't need to see Loris the turns like fucking bra. Okay, I just don't, I just don't. And why is there an Indiana Jones reference for no reason? And why is there Star Wars music for no reason? And why when the entire planet has a giant dinosaur outbreak happening? Do we then go back to a small enclosed space? or somebody's heard it all these dinosaurs together and spend the entire movie there? It is bad writing after bad writing. And you've got two completely disparate groups of like plot, like main character plot happening at the same time. And guess what, guys? That does not work. And when you're like, so reverence towards the new lot, as well as the old lot of characters that you can't injure any of them. No matter how big of a dinosaur you throw into the scene. I'm not concerned. So there is zero tension. So you're telling me, Laura and Sam and Jeff counted as the dinosaur dollars on the screen and this movie. Oh snap. I will say the acting for you know that everybody that there's some really good acting going on this is not their fault that this movie sucks ass. But the writers I'm mad who's who's the Director again, Colin. Now what was it? That was it Colin Trevorrow it's the guy who did safety not guaranteed. And the guy who did the right and and he did the first Jurassic Park Jurassic World Jurassic World. Yeah. Yeah, he's, he's NAS, and I hate him. Wow. Because he wrote and directed this and it is bad directing. And it's bad writing. It's funny that you mentioned that because I heard an interview with him. And it wasn't an interview about this. He was actually on some podcasts talking about something else. But he was saying, you know how? Basically, you've got this new group of filmmakers who are raised on these films that they love. And then they spend their life trying to recapture that he goes, he goes, I mean, that's what I've done for the last nine years. Yeah. So he even kind of realized that there was no way you could you could get back to the glory of Jurassic Park, you and the the closest I think out of the new films, they've come Is this the second one, which was directed by the guy who did the orphanage, and it's not a dinosaur movie, it's a horror movie. It's a bedtime creepy monster movie, with a dinosaur creeping around some little girl's bedroom at night on a rooftop in a manner. Like, that's what that movie is. And that's why I think it's more interesting. This movie is just fucking trying to be something it's been 1000 times before. But that much worse. That moment in the theater in the first film, when he stands up in the Jeep, and you look around to see the dinosaurs. Yeah, that's one of those like, top five Movie Moments that everybody hopes to recapture, but you're just never going to do it. Not that one still holds up the effects from Jurassic Park. Still work? Yeah, a lot of movies from the time do not. But that one still does. I would say in this movie to something they're trying to do is trying to get that puppet that mix between the puppet and the CGI dinosaur back again. But it just looks weird. You're just like, why is there like a weird puppet like Jim Henson studio dinosaur here? Like, I mean, I'm just not even used to it anymore. I don't hate it if totally, the eyes are kind of like shifting left and right. And I'm like, who's in there who went hand is moving those eyes back and forth guys. Like I don't hate it, but it's not established. So. Oh, well. Oh, well, don't don't waste money. Please don't waste money on this. Okay, you want some fun? And absolutely ridiculous. The return of Captain invincible. What? Yeah. As the superhero Alan Arkin as the key villain, Christopher Lee. Oh my god, so named 1983. Director by Philip Mora, who's not necessarily known for too much else. Although Mad Dog Morgan was an Australian filmmaker. This is a story of Alan Arkin plays Captain invincible, who was a huge superhero in like World War Two. And taking on the Nazis and destroying tanks and doing all that kind of stuff and then gets pushed aside after the war and just disappears and kind of becomes a reckless, but his main antagonists Christopher Lee, comes back with a hypno. Ray, I believe it's called Yes. So the president of the US goes down to Australia to find up this arrow or what the tie who's where until they actually get to New York, and I think it's Australia. And I know it's shot in Australia, but I think it's also based in Australia. And it's fun and goofy and stupid. And Richard O'Brien wrote the songs in it. Is it a Musical? Musical? Wow, it's a light musical. There's maybe six five or six songs performed? Oh my god, I've not even heard of this. How How did you watch it? Why did you watch it? It was a seven release. Oh, they put out the Christopher Lee box set number two. And this was this wasn't in that box, but as included add as an additional blu ray at the same time. And it's as dumb, but it's funny. And it's fun. And of course, the l&r can be Christopher Lee are great. Some of the people around are kind of rough actors. Like the scenery is trying to get his powers back because the what he's he can fly. He's magnetic. And perfect. Something else. Oh, he's super brain. And to activate them he has to say like, into the blue yonder. I believe it says I'm going to fly in our turn on magnet. Like a scene where all the mad shit in the room comes after. It's it's a lot of fun. Oh, Oh, wow, that sounds incredible. I have never heard of this movie though. Neither have I. It is much better than what you saw. I can guarantee you right now. It sounds so much more enjoyable at least I had popcorn and that was the only good thing about and for some reason Chris really has this weird little monster creature is his side guy. And you've never addressed nobody ever talks about why do you have a monster? Everybody else's human? He's just there. Let's speaking of little monsters, streaming on shutter right now is Mad God, oh my gosh, see this trailer, but I have not watched it yet. It is. It's if there is a story line, it's hard to kind of find there are recurring characters and stuff like that it's all stop motion took 30 years for him to finish. And it was really, really stunning to look at. But I watched it in like 15 minute increments, because there's no dialogue. And it's just so bizarre that I was like, I gotta I gotta watch something that makes a little bit of sense. But it is it is gorgeous. I mean, seems like something you want to put on at a party, you know, in the background, something like that. Really something else out. 10 years ago, probably he we had Krypton showed one of his early he did like this same thing. But it was a music video that put this Oh, okay. The stuff he's working on. Because like I said, it's been 30 years. Yeah. So 20 years, and he had a lot he could do with and put that on and show that and this started to pop up. And is this the same thing? And yet sure is sign imagine when I watch him go okay, this is I know this part. Right? It's funny that you mentioned jurassic world because he started this after working on Robocop too. And then Jurassic World came out and was so huge. He was kind of like, oh, I don't think that we'll be using miniatures on anything ever again. So he he kind of gave up on it and then was convinced started up again. Oh, I'm glad that somebody did. I think there's a lot of room in the world for miniatures and practicals. So yeah, please. Yeah, um, well, I heard something. I'm sure that both of you probably have had the chance to see the first episode of Ms. Marvel. Yes. Yeah. First two. I haven't seen the second one yet, unfortunately. But yeah, so I think it's great. I think it's an absolute joy. I really liked the art design a lot. Yeah, the art design is incredible. Like they spent a lot of time on that from the first episode. I don't know how hooked I am and the characters yet, but I think that there's a lot of interesting, unique voices happening. So I'm, I'm ready to see where it goes. I read the comic, when this came out. Originally, I read like 10 or 15 issues of it. It's a fairly decent recreation of what was done there. And I love like, the common problem you have now in movies is everybody's texting all the time. They got to come up with some way to do it. And theirs is so good. It's so good. Seeing like things pop up like in the background and on signs they're walking past. Oh, it's really fun. Really, really fun. I'll tell you it is a sad day in this household when I get home from work on Wednesday, and I start the new Ms. Marvel first instead of the new Obi Wan. I was just like, boy, I am clearly not the demographic for this show. And it's just so good. You know, it's like, I'm going to watch this. I'm so disappointed in great shows. Great Shawn. You said something? I think it was in a text thing. I don't know if it's a post or a text thing that I think absolutely nails. The problem will be one has was that which you said it's based on? The fans of the prequels. Yeah. As opposed to the fans of the original. Yeah. Like you said that God. Oh, man, that is exactly the issue. At least we are going to have with this show. Because it's like, Oh, this isn't? No it's not Empire Strikes Back not returning the Jedi this is. Oh, well. No, I mean, I definitely feel that I saw as a kid I watched we had the box set the VHS shuffle box that that we would watch over and over my my best friend, my best childhood friend would have us watch it almost every weekend. So I saw Star Wars hundreds of times before the prequel and yeah, the prequel watching the new Opie one it does really feel like Why Why are you in? Why are you doing this performance? You're matching? What the movies were and you don't need to you're a better actor than that. You don't need to be like, Why bla bla bla bluechip thought over there like you I know you can act sir. Could you try? Could you fix the problem we had the first time around? Well, since since we've skewed over to your next one. No, but I wanted to say this one thing, this whole thing of this relationship that they're showing Obi Wan and Leah having at this young age, makes her message to him in A New Hope not quite make sense. Where she's, you know, general Kenobi, you served my father instead of, hey, remember me? Yeah. Wanna come find me? And, and then also, when he is killed on the Death Star, she's there, you know, comforting Luke and everything. And I'm like, well, arguably, you've had a stronger relationship with Obi Wan now then looked at? Yeah, so it's very good point. It just seems like a weird choice. Like I didn't mind a little bit, but I didn't know the whole series was gonna be. I'll tell you what would have made this a cool show. I love that twist. Are you caught up on Obi Wan? I think I'm one episode behind. Oh, oh, I don't I am, too, but I don't care. Yeah, I don't care either. Okay, there's a twist. And I think if this show was more like, do you guys see that Tom Cruise, Hitler movie, Valkyrie, where he had this group of high ranking SS officers were plotting to kill Hitler, because I knew that what he was doing was wrong. If this had been something set in that kind of storyline, where Vader is surrounded by these generals and everything who are like, this guy is fucking insane. And if we don't take him out, he's gonna end up rolling the galaxy that I think would have made a much more interesting story. And Obi Wan or Ewan McGregor could have shown up as a surprise cameo for one episode while Vader was trying to get him and I think it would have pleased everybody a lot more than this story is, but I don't know this story also feels like it's aimed at such a young audience that maybe something like that wouldn't work. But every time they show Vader, he's, you know, scary. I don't know who this show is for. It's like you said Vader's really scary. The dialogue is really like aimed at youth. But it never felt like it was advertised for youth. It felt like people who are you know, if it is aimed at the people who enjoyed the first second third, number 123 films, then they're in their 20s 30s. Yeah, they're not going to be enjoying this either. So who is this for? Well, I mean, I think that it's easy to forget that there. You know, those movies didn't appeal to Eric and I don't know if you'd like the prequel. Okay. There were a group of children who grew up loving those movies. Yeah, and the world. And those, those adults probably are getting a lot more out of this Obi Wan series than we eat but they Nobody enjoys watching a little kid run around go. My flow. Like I'm sorry. It doesn't suddenly become cool. Just because you have any reference point. And we bashing little kid actors on the show now is that what we're all about? I don't think it's her fault. I think it's the dialogue is a piece of Alright, moving on. Yeah. Sophie Andy Mulligan. Crusade. Oh my god no. With flesh pot on 42nd Street. Oh, okay. This is his third of this movie. This is sort of his attempt at doing an adult film, but it's not quite porn. It's sort of soft core, you know, that early mid 70s Porn where they weren't quite sure how much they could get away with. story wise, it's actually one of his better stories. Wow. It's star is just a hooker who finds redemption kind of story. And it's, he was gay. So it's very progressive towards gays and that there's a her roommate is a guy that dresses as a woman and is also a streetwalker. And it's not a question. It's just that's what they do. The acting is. Well rough. And he really has a hard time I feel with a wider once he got out once he got to 35 millimeters like, what do I do with this giant screen? And his dialogues better because it's his first thing you always want to just write. And Tony, let me know that the guy who wrote the ghastly ones, which is considered by many to be one of the best books written about a filmmaker, any filmmaker, and it's about him, the guy who wrote it is going to be at the beacon in Seattle. Oh, that's cool. So I'll probably be going I'm going to go to that. I'm going it's also a double bill. I don't know if I can sit. I enjoy the hell out of this guy. But I don't know if I can sit in a theater with Ben solidly watch to me. Like yeah, it's he's He's a fascinating person more as a film curiosity and an interesting creator not because you know he's an undiscovered Spielberg Spielberg working with no budget but so we shall see so I got a couple months ago nice nice where are they ones that you've seen already that they're playing this double bill I have to check I'm pretty sure once a ghastly ones which I have seen I forgot what the second one was. Yeah, cuz you can always just walk just pay for your ticket and then just like a $12 ticket by the $30 book. But, but Tony is going to so you know, we'll see Tony now. Sneak in a bottle of something and make it more fun to watch a go. That doesn't sound like the Tony I know. Okay, well, how about we take a break guys and then we're coming back and we're talking about film so we promised people we would finally watch dinner theater in Westchester. Broadway comedy promises promises, starring Bob Morrissey and Laura McDuffie enjoying a gourmet dinner in our luxury theater and relax. It's our great cast entertainers. can be anything is minutes from White Plains. Call 914-592-2222. That's 522 22 and evening, great entertainment for 10 years. And we're back. Vanessa, this was your sub genre pick and pray tell what did you think of this? Well, a friend of mine, let me a movie that they said was very, very good. And it then sat on my shelf next to my DVD player for a few weeks, maybe a few months. Before the pandemic I felt increasingly guilty about it and that friend may be in this room right now. Oh I'm a friend. Holy Holy love you suck. You can't be free Dobby. Don't leave. Oh my. Yes, so the movie was her ROPO the goblin. Going on Daniel Bryan Colima denotational Mattox guy stationed in Scotland she'll go on the start button. 1991 that you let me thank you very much. I know I did learn that. I can give it to you back because this is such a this is such a unique and interesting film that I don't know how you found it. I think I was listening to the guys on pure cinema podcast. Elric probably brought it up or something like that, but I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. Yes. So before we jump into that, Rotten Tomatoes score zero no is no information whatsoever from critics. However, audience has it f 53% from over 1000 people so somebody out there is watching it. 53% tells me that maybe they didn't know that what they were getting into. The director and writer of the screenplay Shinya tsukamoto is mostly actually known as an actor. He's been in 58 titles as an actor, he's directed 29 written 70 keen, he acted as metal of the metal fetishist and Tetsu the Iron Man, and he was GG duty in Ichi, the killer. So he's been around for a while doing all kinds of different roles sort of jumping in and out of things. It was written well, it was actually based on a manga by Dutch uto. Morrow she and the name of the manga is Kira Sai, no Euro, yoga Hunter. And this guy has actually six film credits, but he's he's done all kinds of work. But the films that have been based on his work include the wall man and Furneaux Shiratori. To Shamika and dark meth. And the story was written by CO G see me. Oh my god, could you sue me? You want to help her out with just go with it? It's already Oh, if I just sound really confident it'll be fine. There you go. Um, he has three credits, which includes this and Tokyo the last war and you meet no wanna. So this is starring mostly a lot of people who didn't go on to do anything else. So there was a lot of kid actors, not kid but teen actors in the US who didn't even have like a photo on their IMDb, but the people who were a little more known kanji squad as hated either rejuran. He's been in 35 things. He's the main character in the sky. He was in a coma, no Yona, a TV series, where he was in 17 episodes. I think that's kind of where he gets a lot of His credits from, but also the man who stole the sun, Mishima and a life in four cycles and Samurai reincarnation. He actually stopped acting in 2006, and then did one thing in 2021. So I would love to know his story. She's the the person who plays Maceo Joby the younger boy, the younger the two yabbies. In this film, he's only been in three things. Same with the younger girl in this movie. Megumi widow, she's only done three things. So they both kind of did this and we're like, Ah, maybe no acting, but the person who plays Takeshi yabby, the man at the beginning, who we discover may or may not go missing. He's been in 297 things. So he's really the big heavy hitter in this he was in nowhere, man. 109 Oh, sorry. I don't know what that means. Shall we dance and lots and lots and lots of TV stuff. So really interesting cast that I think kind of did the strange little movie and then a lot of them did not continue the plots. Um, all right. I'm gonna do my best. Yeah, it's good. This'll be fun. I'm gonna get a little detailed at the start. And then, yeah, so All right, we start off in a dig site with a man who's using this sort of hand mixer invention, where he's thrown a bunch of flash, glued a bunch of feathers onto it. And he's using this hand mixer to dig up some bones on on a dig site. He's clearly made this himself. And in the background, we have two men nearby gossiping about him. It turns out this is he at a he's a well known archaeologist who's been discredited for advocating wild theories about the supernatural. He also is sitting there laughing, smiling away as he's digging at these bones having the time of his life. Of course, when he goes home, he seems very depressed. He looks at a picture of his dead wife, who's still in mourning over and then sees a cockroach freaks out, like sprays it which with a bunch of bug spray and start screaming and running around his apartment energetically, so he's emotionally in a strange space. Meanwhile, we jump over to a girl on a bicycle riding through the countryside, a very, very beautiful romantic space. This is Suki Shima. And she is also smiling. She's also having the time of her life. The grass is rolling through the hillside as she rides by. And then she goes to this weird random underground sites where Professor yabby is working on a special, precarious secret project looking at a burial ground. He tells her to go away. She says no, he explains it's dangerous. She says no. And just then she kind of looks off into the distance way down the tunnel and her eyes get really big and a creature going at a very fast speed starts going straight for them and her eyes are fixed on it and he turns around and looks and cuts black. Meanwhile, a letter arrives for hidoe For ameobi clearly written before he just got a preached by approached by this very fast moving camera in a tunnel telling him to come to the town he lives in a local school has a site underneath it that may prove heroes crazy theory that he's been discredited for. And of course, he had a takes off immediately. Back in the town, yabby son, masa, and his two friends are walking around the school grounds theorizing about what happened to his father. Kind of like chill, considering I didn't realize it was his son for a little while, because he's like, Yeah, some people say that he ran off with this young school girl. And I'm like, what? He's like, No, I don't think so man. My dad didn't do that. And they're just like kind of hanging out on school grounds walking around enjoying the summer vacation, but kind of wondering what happened to dad. Then they're sitting at a fishing dock. And it's actually really ingenious. They have a little fishing line. And as they pull it up, it's got ice cold beer, that they've been keeping in the lake to like, sit on the dock drinking and the janitor at the school janitor appears behind them, and they kind of throw it back in the lake really quick. And he's got like a big sickle and just starts yelling at them to leave the school grounds immediately. He says they don't belong there summer break, they need to leave. So instead of leaving, they follow Him. And they watch him as he walks past the school building and scrapes his big sickle alongside it, defacing it. And then they also see in one of the buildings, the missing girl in a classroom, and another male student walks past apparently he's allowed to be there, I'm not sure why. And he sees her in the window and he goes inside. And she starts singing to the guy and he kind of looks at her and it's about to kiss her even though she looks like she's not that interested. She's are gazing off into the middle of distance. And that's when Maceo the the son pulls away and he says I don't want to see this he clearly has a crush on her he cannot bear to watch her because this other guy so he and his friends go off to an empty classroom to drink their beer when his back starts to burn and emit smoke and they pull up his shirt and he has a big black foil on it like big raised skin and they're like whoa what has happened and dude who's like go to road so up into me yesterday to some big bandages. So he's got two huge bandages already on his back. And now this big third injury shows up so he goes off to cool it under need some water. And while he's in the hall. This thing of course, way down in the distance sees him this POV camera that's low the ground and very fast. It starts running itself towards them just like we saw on the previous scene with his dad. And just then he had a has showed up at the school and he's there with his homemade invention that warns him of the danger of invisible spirit demon, Goblin creatures, and it has gone off so he rams Maceo out of the way with a big cart. And through like I think a glass door or something. And he's like, Hey, dude, what's your problem? And of course, the invisible creature just misses him so they're safe. When they return to the classroom where he's been hanging out with his buddies, they discover that his friends bodies are missing their heads. And they're squirting blood everywhere all over the walls. And then of course, the creature seems to attack them again. And, you know, flailing around. And now this movie becomes an epic buddy journey comedy film. Where adult man he had a and his friend's son, Miss Macedo now must uncover the mystery of what happened to Gabby. What happened to the girl and what happened to this strange sight beneath the school. In the meantime, they're also dealing with the odd creature that seems to escaped from it. They team up maybe with a janitor who goes from an antagonist to grumpy side hero and a lot of stuff happens. So I've described maybe 10 minutes delivery. All right, I can't describe what happens for the rest of this because it's so weird and impossible. It is impossible. So instead, I'm going to tell you some some moments that really stuck out to me. First of all, this is a weird movie. It is a big mix of cosmic horror, body horror, comedy adventure, buddy story, fantasy, and probably some other things that I'm missing out on it's like house to meets the fly needs Goonies needs. Any other Cronenberg body horror story in general, the creature that we're dealing with is fantastic. So it looks like the missing girl, right? That's the face slash head, but then it has the spider legs kind of. They're really squishy. And there are just some magical moments with this creature. I mean, not only is it running around and like tricking People and singing at them. And they're like, Oh, what is this beautiful girl singing at me. And then it jumps out of the wall and sticks out a big tongue at them into their mouth and wraps around them and tries to do whatever it's doing to them. But it also likes to just go out to the pond in the moonlight sometimes and have a little song and just singing enjoy the water by itself. And like with little romantic music, and then sometimes it plays the piano and ruse boys in and just as they get near it, they trip and look down and see there's no legs to the girl who's playing the piano and look up. It's got his little legs, tapping away. Really incredible, incredible stuff. And sometimes this creature might just sprout some wings and fly away. It's hard to say who know, this is an incredible creature. And the effects in this movie are inconsistent to say the least. Sometimes things look incredible off. And oftentimes, it's actually somebody's face. A lot of times it is a dummy, it is so sometimes good. Sometimes bad. Who knows. But there's always a girl with some kind of legs. So you kind of get it. There, oh gosh, the main character, he spends most of the movie along with the boy really bumbling around, they are not good at whatever it is they're doing. There's a lot of overreacting, screaming jumping out of the way and being generally awful at everything they're trying to do. They try to trap the creature. And the trap involves a cardboard box with sticky tape like bug tape inside and they're like, well, we just got a ticket to go into this one space. And then it'll get stuck in this random box. And at one point, they're like sitting in the nighttime with a bunch of candles around them having a powwow talk, and like there are boxes all around. Like what, and at one point, they do get this thing inside of the box, but it gets out pretty quickly. It really only hinders it for half a second there. But the weird stuff that's happening to this kid's back is insane. It's fucking crazy. And it's also great and looks bonkers. The story overall is just like I said, I can't describe it. The inventions that the main guy comes up with are so weird and so good. And most of them are just kitchen appliances. I was like that's like what you use like a sugar or like, you know duster tool with a like, pot. It's literally a pot and you put a light on the top. And this sense is when there's demons nearby. Okay, that's cool. Um, it's really fun the way they shot it. There's a lot of good handheld stuff, a lot of really interesting angles. It always feels fresh and energetic. It also sometimes feels really romantic and surprisingly inappropriate moment. Especially when you're like wow, this is horrific to look at. And it's like okay, good choice. Sounds good. It is delightful. It's wacky it's an incredible cult movie in the vein of house you and maybe even better, and I think that everyone should see this film. Wow, I'm so pleased that you joined no good is it is a hard film to kinda. I nailed down what's going on? I don't even want to tell people what really continues to happen. You just need to only have an adventure together. Yeah, I don't want to spoil it. Just watch it. It's so good. Watch it with some friends late at night and just marvel. I don't have a lot of trivia. The genre was posted on IMDb as comedy fantasy horror. So there you go. It's based on the manga by the guy we talked about earlier. He's known as the science fiction, known for his science fiction comics, his allegorical comics and horror mystery comics based off of pseudo history and folklore. He's indirectly influenced by the Cthulhu Mythos and also appears, but also appears here and there in his works. He's written manga, novels, movies, TV dramas, radio dramas and video game. And in his book, horror and science fiction film, the fourth by Donald C. Willis, he states that Hiroko the goblin was a variation of a bug fly attack of the crab monsters and A Nightmare on Elm Street three puts a fresh, weird spin on every variation, noting that the film is situated amusingly between the comic the creepy and the campy. So Wow. Yeah, Eric, you want to buy all this? Probably. I was so Lovecraft the seventh Lovecraft? No, in fact, if Brian and Gwen are listening, this is a movie that should be shown at the festival. It's Heroku the goblin the goblin Iroko. Or for Wilco? Who go RUCO the goblin Ruka the goblin. And I think actually now that I'm casting my mind back I saw this back at the Neptune and like, oh, wow, ready to go and I will wasn't sure that I got it then and then the guys on pure cinema were talking about it and that it had just been released on Blu Ray and I was like, Oh, I think that's a weird movie. So I got it and I watched it and I was delighted as well because it's so fun. It's just so fun. Very cool. So yes, thank you for recommending it. You were right. That is the film I would like So success so far. Let's see how well your friends know you guys. How about I go first? Sure. Next. This movie is one that my brother Scott gave me in a John Frankenheimer collection. Probably about 15 years ago. Yeah. And I finally watched it. And it is from 1977. Black Sunday. People of America this situation isn't for us until you understand that. And stop helping these iris with arms and money. We have the Black September movement will make it unbearable for you. Today's is nothing to what will happen on this your government. A year for you. If you do not help me, you'll never have on your hands the blood of a great many innocent Americans. Just a minute sweetie Her name is Dahlia about a German extraction. Black September joined in 1973 So face for 30 years I have been killing during part of archieved. Friends I am your superior in the organization and you will obey orders. You may be Miss affiliate in the organization. But you are not a woman. I love you we found earlier in the show positively identified in a Miami hotel last night. The A we said that they will move 400 feet off the ground right over the 50 yard line. Look at this that needs to 22,000 darts in the kill zone for 80,000 people in the championship professional exactly is this Super Bowl summer all with Tom Brookshire and Tom you can feel the pressure building up all week. So here we go Super Bowl is I'm calling to stadium signal Red Alert get the president out of the stadium down and to deal with me the way online happens to me you use this on the back of a fuse. Black Sunday, it could be tomorrow now this is not the Boris Karloff right Black Sunday This is the Black Sunday of the blimp over the Superbowl. You probably have not seen this poster but I know you have seen the movie too. Okay, I remember liking this one but I might have been singled single budgets are early double digits when I saw it. Well, I would think that this would be a little too adult for a kid to get into. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Budget of $8 million box office of$15,769,322 Various Rotten Tomatoes critics have it a 71% and the audience has it at 65% Directed by John Frankenheimer. He directed The Manchurian Candidate prophecy Ronin Reindeer Games, the French connection to the French Connection to is a really solid movie if you don't have seen it very different from the first one but really good. Written by Ernest Layman and Kenneth Ross. Between these two guys, they've written just a ton of movies like North by Northwest West Side Story, The Sound of Music Day of the Jackal, the ADESA file many many more. And its stars Robert Shaw was 61 credits, including the sting The Taking of Pelham, 123 fourths 10 from Navarone, the deep and of course he was Quint and jaws. It also says Bruce Dern 192 credits including Silent Running the driver, the burbs The Hateful Eight, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and also stars Martha Keller, who was a marathon mat, Marathon Man fragile the hereafter, and is still working at 77 years young. Nice. So yes, my brother, Scott gave me this DVD, and I use this opportunity to watch it. So thank you, Vanessa. Yeah, you're welcome, Scott. This is a political thriller with a ton of twists and turns. And I'm gonna go light on the story synopsis and just hit a couple of major beats. It has to do with a Palestinian terrorist group called Black September, which is run by a woman named Dalia and the Israeli counter terrorist group that is trained to take them down, which is run by Robert Shaw, who goes by Kabakov in this. So it opens with Kabakov in his men storming a compound, kill their leader. And at one point, he comes across Dahlia who is showering there, but he doesn't realize who she is. And so he lets her go. And that starts this whole fucking thing. Bruce stern then plays an American soldier who had been a prisoner of war and decided that America was blamed for all of the bad in the world. And so he's been recruited by Black September to do something, but we're not sure what at the beginning of this, we just know that something is gonna go down bad. And we see him and Dolly a meeting. And she gives him a statue of the Madonna that is made out of explosives. And it's something he's going to need for whatever their plan is they keep talking about. I mean, this whole thing is a build up to whatever's going on. I probably should have mentioned that this is based on the novel by Thomas Harris, who wrote silence and lambs and Red Dragon, Hannibal and all that. So this was his first novel. So pretty soon Kabakov is in the US. He's gotten wind of this plan by Black September, and he's running all over trying to figure out what it could be because he just knows something big is gonna go down. And we are being fed the information at about the same time he's getting it. So it's, it's really interesting stuff. We find out that Dern he knows how to fly a blimp, and that's going to somehow factor into their plans. And so he and Dalia go to this air hangar where they have this, they have this weird contraption set up and they're caught by the guard at the hangar and they convince him that they are using this contraption, it's a brand new camera that they have set up and they're, you know, testing it out and everything and the guards like oh, well, I'll take my picture and they're like, sure stand here. And they have imposed and then they set this thing off. And it is it is some crazy wild sci fi shit. It is a bomb that sends out these, these steel needles that are about six inches long. And it just perforates the entire hangar perfectly, you know, tiny little breaks between all these round holes in the hangar and the man, the guard. It just turns him into mist. Basically, it's actually a really scary weapon. And you start realizing, okay, so he knows how to fly a blimp. They're rigging this somehow you know what's going on. And Kabakov has figured out that during his blimp pilot, and that Super Bowl 10 is coming up, and he's sure that's where the plan is going to take place. So he can't he contacts the NFL and says they have to cancel the Superbowl because of his, you know, his intuition, his hunch? And they're like, No way, man, besides the President is going to be in attendance. He's like, Oh, fuck. So he's, they're not going to stop this for any reason. And he's trying to convince everybody that he knows what's going on. So he thinks that he's pretty sure that they're going to try and use the good year blah If that's going to be over the Super Bowl to detonate this, so he gets one of his own men in as the pilot. So he's like, Okay, well, I've got this avenue taken care of. But of course, that all goes to shit and dirt gets up in there and they've got this. They've got this bomb rigged, and it's pretty crazy. It's a nice tense little thriller. So will they stop him in time? Oh my god. I bet not. Well, there is a cool helicopter blimp chase with machine guns. Oh my god. That's pretty cool. And the climax actually has the blimp grazing the football field. poster is Yeah, it is seen that's pretty corny, but it works. It works. I liked it. I will say thank you, Scott. I enjoy this quite a bit. I read this book after I got into Thomas Harris. And I didn't love this book. But it was a little too. political thriller for me and I was looking for more of his serial killer stuff. But big big difference in this is that at the end of the book, the plant succeeds. The blood goes in there and you know, just about everybody is killed. Oh my god. Apparently they didn't think that was a good way to end. And I have a little bit of trivia. This was one of Paramount's highest ever pre release scoring films from test screenings. Paramount was positioning it to be the blockbuster picture of 1977. Many industry insiders predicted the film would be as big a box office hit as JAWS. However, the film did not perform as well as expected and instead Eric wet 1977 film was the biggest I don't know man. I'm sure some kind of war was involved with it. It was a Star Wars. So it was given on 77 became the biggest blockbuster movie of 77. Oh, maybe me here. Yeah. John Frankenheimer was I love this. There's got to be a documentary out there about him. And if there's not the ship because he was insane, yes, he was able to secure permission from Goodyear to use its blimp in the film because of his relationship with the company's public relations department from making the movie Grand Prix. He had to promise that the blimp itself would not kill anybody, for example, that no one would be torn up in his propellers or anything like that. In addition, the pilot was changed from a good year employee to a freelance pilot only hired by goodyear. Then Miami Dolphins owner Joe Roby got the NFL to allow extensive filming at the real Super Bowl game, and the use of copyrighted team names and logos which just would never happen again. An additional footage of the stampede at the game was shot at the Orange Bowl after the game with 1000s of extras provided for free by the United Way. Why? Yeah, some kind of charity thing. But in exchange for providing the extras Frankenheimer agreed to direct the short film for the United Way with Robert Shaw narrating it. Wow, that is amazing. Yeah. The actual game that's being played in the film is Superbowl 10 between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Dallas Cowboys at Miami. Respect the scores 21 to 70. movie cameras used in filming during the Superbowl game or disguised as TV cameras with CBS logos. Oh, very smart. So let's see what movie goers attending one of the film's initial showings in Los Angeles were handed comic cards. 91% of them said the most disappointing thing about it was that the blimp doesn't blow up the stadium at the end. I'm guessing because they had all read the book. Audiences in 1977, accustomed to disaster movies of the era clearly expected this film to end with a conflagration at the Superbowl. And their anger when that didn't happen was a major factor in its failure at the box office. Wow. And then this one I love before shooting began Robert Shaw contacted his old friend Alan Bates to see what John Frankenheimer was like Bates who had worked with Frankenheimer on the fixer told him they would get on fine as they were both completely insane Oh, that sounds like such a fun film. It's it's super dense. I mean, it is a lot of espionage and people getting killed you know in a boat and stuff like that. And Robert Shaw getting there just a little too late and trying to figure out you know what this big thing is going to be i i could not have watched this as a as a kid and gotten anything out of it. But blimps. Well, that's true. We need way more movies with a glimpse of football. That's right. There's a big lack in my heart now and I really wanted there to be you know, the remember the old commercial Eric. Hey, look, it's the good rich blimp. Oh, yeah. You doubt me. Rich doesn't have a blip. Wow, look, we were are very easily amused back in the 70s Vanessa, I don't know. Humor I'm just sad that I missed out on such a great Touchstone you have very much so. What year was your mid 1991? Okay. felt much older than yours. Now we're going to go many many many decades further down oh whoa with another Kelly recommendation. Oh, now I guess we move normally ignores recommendations there's not on purpose or going all the way back to 1936 Whoa. Pod brownie Browning's devil doll sensational statement by the prefect of police today is was admitted that Paul Vaughn former bank president convicted of looting his own bank of killing a watchman escaped from prison four months ago. Thank you 1000 times and you'll never know how happy it makes me to leave one of my doors in your beautiful home something in this house this is an authentic little replica itself in God's name, listen and have mercy a contest. Rotten Tomatoes 79 For critics 69 Audience So fairly well received. It's available all over the place. Lots of places to rent and check this one out, directed by Todd Browning, although he's uncredited initially is credited you know now but initially he was an uncredited guy because it had made him such a pariah. Really? Yeah. And all kinds of tree berry sort of never really worked again as as Todd browning. Oh, my gosh, I did not know this. And well, I'll get to that later. But so there's you might know him from such movies as Dracula freaks. Iron Man. Much, much, much different version. And the sadly forever seemingly lost London After Midnight. Yeah. And 62 directing credits. Wow, back when you could work a lot as a director, written by Garrett forte, who did the screen screenplay credit. Also Dracula Frankenstein, Mark Azzaro. Ironically, he has 62 writing credits Wow. Guy and Dora wrote the script also wrote the screenplay. He wrote Curse of the werewolf story of GI Joe The Raven, and Erich von Stroheim, who wrote the fairly well lighted greed. Super long silent film starring Lionel Barrymore. Yeah 217 credits for this guy started acting in 1905. David Copperfield, Key Largo and just tons and tons of stuff, Marina Sullivan, who has about 100 credits, she was in almost all of the original Tarzan the bad movies as Jane I believe, and The Thin Man series as well, so she's quite a few films. Frank Lawton is a night to remember the invisible Ray and Raffaello Ottaviano is in Grand Hotel and great expectations. This movie is filled with really good classic performers. And the acting in this movie is I mean, it's period obviously it's still might be 36 but it is, well done. 1936. The basic storyline opens up with two men escaping from a prison one is a scientist and one is a guy who was wrongfully imprisoned and has nothing but revenge on his mind getting back at the three people that lied and framed him and put him to jail, because the first thing you're going to do when you're running from the law is they go to the scientist wife's house, because nobody's gonna look there, right? Well, you know, again, 1936, the logics are a little different there. What is the scientists working on? And what is his wife been working on? While he's been gone for a couple years? miniaturizing everything? Oh, my God. I mean, literally, everything. The scientists goal is to miniaturize the world to stop the problems of overpopulation that they're having in 1936. Wow. So there'll be enough food and resources for everybody. Oh, don't worry, that's gonna get taken care of. That's right. So his lofty goals, love deals. And the administration is initially shown with a bunch of dogs, or the guy shows these little dogs and they look pretty cool. The guys, oh, these are great little toys like No, no, they're real, but can only be controlled by the scientists mind. So that's one of the problems he's got with administration, he's got to figure out how to make them independent. So you can live a life, but they decide they're going to miniaturize their house lady. And so they managed to raise her down, and the guy is really fascinated, and they're very nice, and that they cover her with cotton and all the right locations. There's like three scenes of the guys pulling cotton off and putting it over her. But the effects on this are insanely good. For the time they really are. I mean, it's kind of like watching King Kong or some of those where you going, oh, man, and it's all very simple stuff. It's film overlays are forced. Same kind of shit they did in Lord of the Rings with the hobbits houses and stuff, but very different. Lacking the computer, obviously, but all the physical stuff they did there is done here. And it's done fairly well. Jeff was thrown out of the movie a little bit when they showed a shot of the guy's great dane. And it was Scooby Doo, man. It's like holy shit. Hanna Barbera saw this movie. But when they're the male scientists, the husband dies at some point. So they his wife and the escape guy decided they're going to move to the city to try to figure this out. Of course, the other guy is only interested in finding revenge on the three people in order to disguise himself which is weird considering what I just talked about earlier. He dresses up as like Mrs. Doubtfire for the movie because he's so wanted. And the three bankers that are looking for him are offering like an insane amount of money like 100 grand or something like that. I mean, just wealth changing money for 1936 That's for sure. So he has to hide himself most. So he hides himself and say Mrs. Doubtfire, who makes little toys, versus little boys or men, tradespeople. Oh my God. And he has some kind of a little poison or something that he doesn't want to kill them. He just wants them permanently paralyzed. So the little guy goes around and tiny little paralyzed. This is a really good day. I mean, it drags heavy in the middle of the second act. But so what it's whenever I'm watching a movie, here, I try to watch it with that era in mind, and movies for PACE differently. So a lot of the lot of the scenes with the guys who set them up worrying and stuff. It's kind of like okay, I wish I kind of wish there is a little bit more of the creature scenes or the little people scenes, there's a great one where the woman has shrunk, like stealing stuff, and dropping it off towards it. incredibly well done. And then the sort of the last one with a guy trying to get that last banker where he's comes out of the Christmas tree like creepy. So I'm gonna say yeah, definitely recommend this one. Check it out because it's awesome. Got some notes and trivia on there. Of course. tagline greater than the unholy three. What exactly yeah, because that probably meant something at that time. What are the only three? That's I'm guessing whatever the 183 was, this is better than that. Yeah, they're right. Nothing like it since the days of Lon Chaney. Oh, s The lovely girls shrink to living 12 inch devil dolls their own is that the size they were about 12 inches smaller than that like they were Yeah. Six inches or something. Yeah. The film One of the problems that film falls into and I think this was speculation that I've read seems watching the movie to be kind of accurate was there's the revenge storyline the Mad sorry scientist storyline and the estranged family. This the guy who wants revenge also has a daughter, but he keeps trying to he visits he didn't really try to reconnect with her but he visits and involves her you know Mrs. Doubtfire style. And it's not your dad. So that until the end seniors that was really well done between him and his family. That gets a little like me. Okay. And I feels like the thumb of the production was on him a little bit. Because freaks. Freaks is freaking scary. Yeah, it's really uncomfortable. It's really rough watch. This should be a little more uncomfortable and scary than it is. And I think that's because he probably was, you know, they got in so much trouble with freaks they probably reined him in a little bit and said, You're gonna get, you're gonna get Marino Sullivan on the screen a little bit more often. is adapted from a novel called Burn which burn? Abraham merit written in 32. Oh, I didn't know that. There might be fun to write well, 32 moving. say most of the scenes involving the shrink and people are done super imposed, or basically, film laid on top of film. But it works really well. The New York Times Frank new did praise the movie in particular special effects which are compared to King Kong, and the Invisible Man, which also has pretty damn impressive. Oh, yeah. Here's a breakdown of a lot. They use a split screen glass shots, oversized sets and other trick devices. They pieced together a photo play which is grotesque, slightly horrible and consistently entertaining. Pretty good. Pretty right on actually, it was also marketed a little bit as a novelty thriller, which probably hurt at some because it's more serious than just kind of a novelty silly movie would be where the the devil dolls I could see be advertised as a kind of a joke thing, but they're really not. They're a nice, solid, serious presentation. I would say that this is go check this one out as well. And we did fairly well this episode with all of us having movies, you know it, you should all go watch these movies. Yeah, our recommendation to you. I feel like the big winner here because you guys like the movies I recommend. And I mean, they're kind of different to stylistically dissimilar. That's really nice. Yeah, it feels very custom built, we each got recommended a very different home. Well, that devil doll movie is so bonkers when you think about it that you've got Lionel Barrymore in drag for most of the movie. To be a woman edit it. It's almost believable, which is the weird part. They didn't they did a solid job on his makeup. Yeah, can look like an older woman. Yeah. And, you know, just try and explain this to somebody that you know, oh, you're gonna love this movie. Lionel Barrymore is out for revenge. She's dressed like an old lady. And he's sending miniaturized assassins out to do his bidding. And everything is just so bonkers. And and the fact that it was made in the 30s. That was the weirdest sales like, wow, this was science fiction. Yeah, very much. So. is the miniaturizing a permanent process? Or is it something that's ever reversible in this film, they don't do any reversing. Assuming it's permanent. That's why I needed to work out the because they spend the whole movie the whole movie, somebody who's ever controlling the dolls is controlling them. They don't become independent. They don't become an independent report. There's no free X moment where they break free and get revenge on the people controlling them or anything like that. Gotcha. Hmm. Wow. Yeah, fun. So you said it was available? Easily. I had such a hard time finding it that I ended up having to buy it. It's for rent on a lot of places. Now. Maybe it's just recently come out again. That's cool. So I'm glad to hear that. Okay. That means it's my turn for the next sub genre. We have done I think 70s Vampires. Yeah, I think we've done 80s Vampires halfway. I don't know. I don't know. But we're not doing 90s Vampires. I'll tell you that much. I want to do good call. 21st century vampires sorry, vampire movie. So we're made, you know, in this century and also take place in this century. Okay, I believe that Yeah. Any, any films off topic or off? Not allowed, or we get to kind of anything after 2000 sets in shot in 2000 and beyond? Yeah. So like I did Dracula Untold, which was shot in 2004, but takes place in 1680, or whatever. So that one's right out. I would that's something like that wouldn't work. Okay. All right. Okay, that means we are at the end of the episode, we are going to thank everybody for participating in the value for value model. Thanks, mom, mom. And I had a phone call today. And she was like, Wait a second. Does this mean that I can suggest a movie for you guys if I've been buying pizzas? And I was like, Sure. And she goes, I wouldn't know what to suggest I get all my movies from you guys's recommendation. Can't imagine your mom watching some of the stuff we've recommended. She asked me to date. Do you think I'd like the boys? Maybe give it one episode to you, I think is going to find it pretty funny. But it is awfully gory. It's extremely rough. It's hard to sit through, even if you like it. But so yes. Thanks, mom. Thanks, everybody who's been donating money. That's really, really lovely of you all. Thanks for everybody who's liking sharing the posts, reaching out just dropping a comment here and there. I see Ron, and Danny and Bob. All those people regularly doing stuff like that. And I really, really, really appreciate it. Yeah. And for any of those people out there who are new listeners, which seems like we've had a couple of Yeah, lots of new people jumping in and onboard. Come find us on the socials and chat to us about what you've listened to. And we'd love to hear, make sure to subscribe to on your favorite podcast thing. So you get the senti automatically. You don't have to worry about searching them out, or is there one out yet? You'll know? Absolutely. If you're a new listener also, and you feel like you want to drop us a nice review. Eric has a little FIVE STAR challenge. If you drop a five star review, you can ask him to watch a movie and most people take advantage of this and just recommend the shittiest movie in the world. So that and guess what? He loves it. Give it a shot. I want you to Andy Milligan fucking dare you. I cannot think of a film on this earth. That would unfazed you. GI Joe the animated movie. That surprised me. All right, yeah, sorry. Hey, by the way, I Micah showed up on Facebook as people you might know. So I was like, I'm sending him a friend request. And then the guy hasn't posted anything since April. Mica entertain me. He's rarely on Facebook. I think he's mostly on Facebook to respond to us posting our episodes. I appreciate it. Alright guys, let's call this a day and we'll be back in one week and we are talking 21st century vampires. Strange aeons radio was artisanal quality podcasting, handcrafted control natural ingredients and edit it to perfection by Eric Bakker. Our blistering theme song is strange aeons part one by the band nightshade is usually the permission. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on Apple podcasts. It was one of the worst movies I've seen in years.