Strange Aeons Radio


July 14, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 184
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript

Still remote, but you know you love seeing our goofy faces while we talk backhanded compliments! Also discussed: The Offer, the Princess, The Boys finale.

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sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio way over there. And way over there is Vanessa. Hello. And I'm way over here we are, once again remote, but I think that we're doing a little better on our remote stuff. You guys may notice that I've got some cool, blue. Pretty, pretty sweet, very high tech dude in 1988. Well, I was about to say 22 years into the new century I have finally joined. Well done. It's not great, but welcome to it. Yeah, yeah. And it's Eric, you're still feeling a little? Yeah, still testing positive. And I mean, I feel mean, I'll probably have a coughing fit at some point, but I may not as well. So I feel okay. Right. But, you know, I don't want to go out and disease anyone. Please don't. Please don't. I just turned down a job because I was like, I've had COVID I don't want to go on site and get it again. But no, thanks. Extreme. You guys tell me I got a I got a text from a buddy of mine. George Vaughn, who is a infrequent listener. podcast and I sent this text to you. But you guys, you guys tell me where you fall on the the kind of backhanded compliment. Oh, out of the blue. I get dude. Strange aeons podcast is very entertaining. Just saying. And how do you guys come down on that? I'm really surprised. Put out a decent podcast. That's so good. No, I've gotten that from my friends as well, where they're like, Hey, I listened to your thing. It's actually pretty good. And it's like, thanks. I'm surprised you thought I wouldn't be. If it goes back to the you know, you're my friend. You can't possibly be as talented as somebody I don't know. I guess a guy I know a few years ago, who I knew played guitar. But then he played some of the guitar one time and like, put it on played an audio recording of him going, Jesus. Like, you can really play guitar, or certain like the first time you see Rick play bass on stage. Like damn. He's really good. Yeah. For Rick, for me, it was he had handed me a CD of his old dad. And he was like, Do you want to hear some of the songs from my old band? I was like, Okay. And I ended up listening to that CD, like, 1000 times. I was like, Oh yeah, you know, and their, their manager was Jeff Tate from Queens. Right. So obviously, he saw something in them. So I definitely had that experience. Seeing you think Kelly, I was like, Oh, that's really good. That's really impressive. Yeah, I mean, it's true. When you know, somebody, it's hard to like, imagine the other talents that they possess until they smack you in the face. And you're like, Ah, I keep waiting for you to do something to impress us, Vanessa. I know. I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of that hidden away when you want to watch me live edit. Oh, it'll knock your socks off. I really do. Yeah, sure. Let's see that. I can type really fast. So I started watching a new show you guys. Eric, I know. You'll definitely be down to it. Vanessa, I think you will think that you're not into it until you start watching it. And it is called the offer on Paramount plus, yeah, that's on my half to watch list. I really want to see that. It's yeah, it's a half to watch show. It is about the making of The Godfather. And I would bet that 90% of it is fiction, but it's super entertaining. And you're looking at all of these people playing these very historic figures in the film industry, you know, in the 70s and everything and it's it's pretty damn interesting. It sounds really boring. I thought I think you would like it a lot miles Taylor is the lead and you're gonna recognize just about everybody in it. Tom Hanks on his Then it and Colin Hanks? Yeah, and I can't remember Giovanni bc I think that's right. And that's his name. Yeah, he, I don't know if he is wearing a fat suit or if he really dedicated himself to this role, but he's playing a mobster. And I've just like fun. I, I had to stop watching an episode so I could come do this stupid. That's really what I'm complaining about. It's pretty, pretty impressive. Um, well, you know, I haven't had as much time for films and TV stuff as I would have liked just, it's been a really busy time in the Williams family household. However, I did get really addicted to this comic book, but I don't know if either of you would actually be interested in it. Probably not. But there's a four book series out there's a fifth one coming called heartstopper. And Netflix ended up making a show about it. And I just I read the first one and I was like, oh, it's like a coming of age like, Guy follows for guy other guys straight, you know, awkwardness and stews. comic, laid out like a book kind of thing. And I got so addicted to it. I read them all in one day and then bought all the novelizations and then watched all the show. So show is not as good. I don't think personally but yeah, so anybody out there if you really like teen romance. Highly recommend is there. Is there any genre in this other than teen romance? You know, their British genre? Their their teens, they have a rich fantasy life. You know? I do and I also read I also read the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic series that is pretty good. There's only four issues of it out right now singles, but it's like old lady Buffy. Oh clearly clearly inspired a new series. Yes, I remember hearing about this like a year ago that this was coming out. I'm glad you mentioned that I Yeah, it's actually feels very much like they watched Halloween or, you know anything else where like the old heroines returned. It has that real like haggard aged feeling to it. And they even left Buffy with some of her like quirky sayings in there, but she's clearly like broken old lady Buffy. So that's pretty fun. They did a good job. I'm enjoying it so far. Cool. There you go. Genre. Thank you. You're welcome. This was kind of my catch up last week with all kinds of stuff like finished Stranger Things and watch the unbearable was bearable burden of incredible talent or whatever that is with the Oh, yes. You unbearable weight. Yeah, which was a little darker than I thought it was gonna be but overall pretty damn fun. And Dr. Strange. Oh, that's what do you think I might have finally hit a little bit of Marvel burnout. I mean, I'm really enjoying Miss Marvel still. But bias is nothing but a series of giant battles. Any I mean, we've talked he's a great guy. You know, like we talked about before where some of the storylines should be smaller. You know, some of the heroes should be smaller. Dr. Strange is not that guy. But I didn't need every moment of the movie to be some nonstop mystic battles constantly going on as like, I found myself in and I like Cumberbatch I think in a really well cast Marvel world. He's one of the best casting choices. I enjoyed every peep all the people that were in it, but it just kind of got got a little bored with it. Yeah, that makes that makes sense. It was a weird movie like tonally, it never really reached an emotionally Deep Space, which made it a little bit more like action, action, action action, and it had that Raimi like zany. So it's like action, zany action, zany. So zany isn't far enough off, to engage people emotionally to care about the action. So there was a lot of times where I was like, I really don't care what happens to most of these people, including American Chavez. I was like, I don't know who you are. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, if you remember both Vanessa and I were kind of like, I can't tell if we really liked this movie or not. And I don't know if that has happened in any other Marvel movie. The problem of course, being that they they give Do something like a two part thing now Stan owes epic and everything and then what are they going to do next? They have to keep building it up higher and higher and and no, I don't think that it requires that but I think that studio execs right think that like if they're not going to up it why would we bother coming to see the movie? It's like well let's look at the success of this marvel guys and go oh, I guess if we just tell a really well told story. We could sell it people love Marvel. But once you've destroyed half the universe, how do you? Yeah, that's like you said how do you affect spake? Ages? Yeah, when you kill and bring back and fight for and love like a bunch of characters? It's yeah, I don't think you can I think you have to do what they have been doing in some of the shows and go back to being small. And like smaller stories and smaller character developments and not worry as much about the epics. Maybe hopefully, right there with you. On a unrelated but slightly related note. Have you guys watched the finale of the boys? Yeah. As of last night? Yep. That certainly upped the stakes quite a bit. Yeah. Good. Yeah, I don't think anything's lesson I think every single piece of that is up in stings. statehood. Yeah, the I mean, let's talk a little spoilers here. So if you haven't watched the end of season three of the boys and maybe fast forward a minute or so. But that final image that final scene got creepier and creepier and creepier. Just every every next shot, made me more uncomfortable. Rally. Yes. So homeland are killing the guy was bad. The crowd cheering It was bad. And the son smiling about the cheering was worse. I got some real bright burn off that. Yeah, so my, like, Eric, we talked a little bit about this last time. In the comic, we find out that black Noir is a, a kind of screwed up clone of homeland or, and if I remember, right, all of the horrible stuff that homeland or had done to butcher's wife that turned out to be black Noir. And, yeah, so there was all sorts of weird shit going on. And, you know, in the comics, butcher doesn't live on land or doesn't live yet. So if they decide to start taking this further and further, they certainly can. They don't need the entire cast. But yeah, I was I was very satisfied in the way that you know, only a really nihilistic show. You satisfied you just like Ah, yes. Next season. Yeah, and all the worst things that happen are still like all the stakes are still there because homeland are still alive, Queen MAV. Maeve. Maeve is still alive but missing an eye. What's his name, soldier, boy, and powerless. soldier boy is still alive. But in a case and it's like nothing, none of the pieces on the table actually got removed. They're all still on the table. They're just slightly shifted in the back. Somebody just put the chessboard away for the weekend. They're just like, Oh, nothing is resolved. And so you still have cancer, you still might have cancer. It's like never I've been so stressed out by a show. I've been rereading the comics right now like part of the way into omnibus number two and what is really interesting in the reread is what they're not covering but it's because it's it this is not a reproduction of the comic by any means. But the the flavor of the story and all the characters is so incredibly well captured that it just almost feels like I'm reading the further adventure plays as opposed to the what they used to adapt into this show which is pretty cool. Yeah. Because Walking Dead in that and kind of crapped all over themselves. And the boys did that. And they are pulling it off brilliantly. Yeah, and I'm still on the fence on how I feel about Umbrella Academy because they've gone off in their own direction now to I haven't finished the the new season but that tells me something because I usually binge that two days. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that was not in my catch up yet. But had to do evil so still have not yet seen evil. Um, Okay, is it my turn? Awesome. Sorry. Just Just checking. I got so swept up in the conversation. Did either of you check out this weird movie that just came out called the princess? No, I heard about it. The review I read about it was very interesting. So look, did you think it was super crazy and it's it's basically like Rapunzel or like any Disney princess movie meets the raid. Oh, yeah. Whoa. Yeah. So you start off with this girl who's like she wakes up unconscious from being unconscious in the top of this tower. And she's clearly a princess. She's like in this beautiful garb. And she like looks out. It's a fantasy setting. It's a fantasy setting. I don't know I can say that. And she needs to escape the tower. And in order to escape the tower, she's got to fight off all these people. And she's been trained by one of the kings like great guards, but who's also a martial artist. So she has all of these crazy like martial art moves and stunt moves and different things she can do with weapons and with you know, she can kill a man with like a string of pearls or with a piece of lace or, you know, with a knife like she's just completely equipped in every way. And she's just murdering. Like, hundreds of dudes. It's very satisfying. What is this on? I think it was on Amazon. Oh, check. It was extreme chicks kicking ass. That's my thing. Oh my god, you would I think you'd love I think you both would love this. It's just incredibly incredibly fun. Sounds cool. That's called. That's called the princess. Yeah, the princess. It's on Hulu. Okay, and it's starring Joey King, which is kind of a surprise. And it has Dominic Cooper in it. So there you go. Nice. And the well maybe not the final but one of the major ones I caught up with and I've been dying to see for so frigging long. Was everything everywhere all at once. Yeah. Loved it. Fan. tastic. Jesus. Ah, it's it's kind of one of those that battled me a little bit. With so many people talking about it. I'm gone. Man, is this gonna live up and part of the way through? I'm gonna maybe this isn't gonna live up. But as it kept going and kept going. nearby. This is awesome. Yeah, it's like it's such a weird, crazy, chaotic film. I know. I had a couple of moments early on where I was like, I don't know if I'm gonna like this movie and then being like, because the hot dog finger people. I was like, I don't know, man. This is not my jam. And then by the end, I was like they're in love. Yes, exactly. Very sweet. Yeah, yeah. It's fine. I think Kelly, when you talked about he talked about the editing of this film. And the construction of this film from a production standpoint must have been had a single editor, just one editor. I know like what the actual hell? Really good. And then but also all the setups to get all those quick shots of all the different people and all that it's like, bam, bam costume changes, the set changes. You know, even if you just have I'm forgetting the name of the lead now. But even if you just have her in front of a green screen, and she's jumping in jumping in jumping in that's 1000s of times like It's bonkers. And it didn't it probably was green screen but it didn't feel like are right. Yeah. Didn't have that separate coldness you get usually with your green screen stuff. So it's like yeah, bang up$25 million budget on that is crazy. Those mid budget movies are doing we're calling that amid. Now. I know. A million dollars is that's not even that's maybe a two bedroom house in Seattle. So I mean, if you're lucky. Yeah, exactly. My my goalpost has significantly shifted from when I was a kid. You can get what's the actor's name is Aaron Paul from from Breaking Bad. Yeah, yeah, he's he's selling his Idaho mansion for 1.3 million. And it's gorgeous. The problem is you gotta live in Idaho. You better love a good potato and racism. Oh, wow. That's hope we don't have any Idaho hands. I only say this because my future sister in law and her husband live in Idaho, so they are not racist but they know a lot of people walk away. Why don't we take a little break? Try and figure out how we're going to edit all that out. Come back, we're going to be talking about death by free No. Ladies and Gentleman in the center ring, we proudly present an exciting and unusual collection of animals, each one of them with no let's look again, Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy was he had no hair. But watch this. Taken from his cage, set him on a circus platform and within three days was he was he will grow his own firm and then use Fuzzy Wuzzy to wash because fuzzy was he has made a wonderful milestone. And the cleaner you get the quicker you'll find the toy surprise that the inside of each buzzy was he was a circus and we have returned Mom, don't listen to this. You guys. It is hot today. And I have old man balls and just stuck to both legs like a pair of veiny bat waves. This is the worst also Vanessa's mom. You probably shouldn't heard that. Oh my god. She's gonna be so happy. She's gonna tell me all about this on his balls again. It's been a while so why don't you just wear underwear? Does that not solve it? I am wearing I don't even like different kinds of underwear. Oh listen, old man ball. Regular balls. That's probably works fine. I don't remember this being a problem in my third. It is super high. I do concur with that is so like, I'm I can't imagine if I was back in the old place. You stop cheese. Were you there when it was like 100? Yeah, but I left the place. I was like, I gotta room. Yeah. AC and all that. Yeah, it's only 85 It's not 110 or whatever it was. So anyway, Venetia Eric, edit all that out. Vanessa, this was your sub genre. Yeah, so um, this one I got really excited and enthused about the concept of furry monsters. Because our furry friends or whatever you want to call them except for not actual literal, our modern era age of furries in the vein of something like a brony that not that kind of very, not the adults in costumes. That's strange connection you make there with bronies. And they're, they're like this to me. They're tied together. They're the same thing. You know, the same species. Speaking of which, Vanessa, do you remember meeting Leah down at the Lovecraft Film Festival? Yeah, man, Aaron. They listened to the show. And she texted me and let me know exactly what bronies were okay. And, and I said, Look, I already knew that I just didn't want anybody else to know, I knew that. It's okay to be aware of the world you live in. That doesn't mean you're engaging in it. Just because you're like, Oh, I know what a Brownian is doesn't mean we're gonna be like, Haha, because you are one. Weirdo. So you guys, don't mind that I'm a Klopper Oh my god. I do know what o'clock. I don't. So Google image that because that is a different vein. And not okay. It's like bronies but it's like BDSM right. Okay. Anyway, anyway. Yeah, so the reason why I chose this subject is because there's a movie I've been wanting to talk about for a very long time, and it felt like this was finally the opportunity to discuss it. And that is a movie from 1950 called Harvey. We predict you will greet Harvey with laughter and rousing How do we know because for five long years, audiences did just that on Broadway but the most talked about Pulitzer Prize winning comedy of our time. And now at last Harvey comes to the screen better, richer, funnier than it ever was on the stage. Stop. King James Stewart has Elwood P. Dowd, America's most amiable citizen with hilarious Josephine Hall and a grand cat and once again the critics are raving says Louella Parsons and Walter Winchell? Have you there have you seen this film? Oh yes. Oh, good, well, a classic kind of classic but I feel like it's a little bit hidden a little bit of a hidden gem like I definitely came across it by accident through somebody saying Donnie Darko is just based on this other film, which led me to a glorious, glorious place. So the rotten tomatoes for this movie are 86% from critics and 93% from audience so very beloved, I don't have any budget info. However, I do know that it didn't really make money which I can go into more in the trivia. It was directed by Henry Koster, who has 50 credits to his name, including now remember when the 50s guys so all of these credits are going to be pretty, not relatable movies from anytime recently, but I tried to scoop up the ones I'd at least heard of which I don't know if that's helpful, but the bishop's wife the singing then My Man Godfrey, and the Virgin Queen. He retired actually, after directing the singing then and became a painter where he did portraits of the actors he'd worked with. Fun fact. It was written by Mary Chase who actually wrote the Pulitzer Prize play. And that's what all of this is based off of. The screenplay was done by Oscar brodney, who has 61 credit credits, including the Glenn Miller story, the gal who took the West and when hell broke loose, and miles Connelly, contributed to the screenplay. They have 26 credits, including here comes the grim music for millions and the right to romance, and it happened in Hollywood. They also contributed to some Tarzan films, including Tarzan secret treasure, and Tarzan's New York adventure. I wonder how many Tarzan movies there were because I was like, you've dabbled, dabbled in a few Tarzan films is starring one of my favorite actors of all time. James James Stewart's, he plays the lead in this he's been in 102 things I can't even that he has so many recognizable titles that it's unfair to people on Earth. But I grew up with him and it's a wonderful life. I also love films like Philadelphia Story, rear window, he does a lot of Hitchcock, including anatomy or murder or vertigo wrote The Man Who Knew Too Much. He was also in speed. Not that one. Broken Arrow. Not that one. And an American tale. Fievel goes west. Yes, that one also has Josephine hole in it. Who plays VITAS Simmons, Jimmy Stewart, aka Elwood Dowd's sister. She's only been in 14 things, one of which was Arsenic and Old Lace. She's extremely good in this I believe that she actually was nominated for an Oscar nominated and won an Oscar off of this movie and it's too bad she wasn't in more films. Victory. Sorry, Victoria. Horny, who plays Myrtle Mae Simmons aka his niece. She's been in 50 things including the ghost in Mrs. Mirror, crimson key and secret agent X nine. However, she mostly played maids, brides and nurses. Cecil Kellaway is in this he's been in 148 things including guests Who's Coming to Dinner Postman Always Rings Twice I'm married, which Invisible Man returns and a lot of TV walk ons. Charles drink 146 things including Valley of the Dolls, the swimmer conflict and a lot of TV walk ons again, Peggy Tao who is the hot nurse, she's only been in love and things and she's super watchable and super warm on screen and I'm really gutted. She wasn't anymore because she's just great. Wallace Ford who plays the taxi driver, I think he was like a celebrity walk on, because he's only in it for a little bit but he has 166 credits and was pretty well known. He was in freak shadow of a doubt and Have a patch of blue and just white. Last but not least he plays an elder orderly was an orderly at the hospital. In the film, he's been in 183 things including the pajama party, the bad seed Death of a Salesman and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. He also did some voice acting, including Jesse white and Garfield and friends. So there you go. I love that. Like these older actors have so many film credits, it's unreal. It's like how were you just in a film, like a week or a film a day or like, we just like, Oh, I'm gonna go over here to the studios be lat and be in this one for a few lines. I'm gonna go over here. Like, it's incredible. That's what the studio contracts are all about. You didn't actually get to pick what movie you Oh, they told you what movie you were. I don't think I knew that. That's kind of incredible. Okay, so the story is, we begin with Jimmy Stewart. Okay. Elwood P. Dowd walking out of his lofty estate and he stops at a gates. He opens it and then he looks way way up. He kind of pauses and watches as something invisible walks past and then he follows behind. Meanwhile, inside his sister Vita and nice Myrtle wait for him to leave. As soon as they see he's left the gate. They throw off the ropes and they begin to hurry around the the home preparing for a secret party they're throwing behind l Woods back. Basically they're trying to round up people for Myrtles potential marriage prospects. They are sure that if he was there, he would ruin it all and Myrtle wonders why he has to live with them. Vita Edwards help Elwood sister reminds her that they are in fact living with him as it's all his money and his house. So to ensure that Elwood won't return and ruin the party, Vita calls a judge that's a friend of hers and he has the police go to watch and stalk him basically, and detain him if necessary to prevent him from coming home and ruining this whole thing. The cop who is sent out has the big slip on the floor gag and knocks himself out. And of course, he's underneath like the pan up from his unconscious body up to a shot of doctor's office and she opens the door just like the doctor will see you now unconscious policeman. So it's very much that kind of movie. It's very zany. Elwood arrives at the bar and asks his invisible person nearby him where they should fit. He says that he wishes to sit at the bar or so we gather from his response. And the bartender kind of knowing what's going on with all of this seems completely unfazed. It's like no, all right, boys, what do you want to drink? In the meantime, Elwood reads the paper and realizes because it's right there in big letters that his sister's having a big party. He's like, it would be so rude if I didn't go to this party. Oh, my God, how could I be at the bar right now when she desperately would want me there. So he rushes off, along with his friend. So he arrives just in time to meet an elderly woman who's asking about him and wondering what had happened to him. And she's super thrilled to see him and he's really polite, and he's really charming and oh my god, you beautiful thing. And it has been far too long this and, you know, it's just really wearing the socks off her. And then he introduces her to Harvey, his invisible friend and she's clearly freaked the hell out. And then he goes into the party and and introduces Harvey, his invisible friend to many more people. They all basically run out of the party like oh, it was I got it. I left I think on the stove. Oh, sorry, I feeling really under the weather. And of course, Myrtle and Vita are both like no, don't leave, we'll never get married. Ah, that thus begins our film. So Elwood is a rich well known eccentric man. He's extremely pleasant, friendly kind. But most of the time he is out drinking with his best friend Harvey Harvey intermingling with all levels of society which drives Vita and Myrtle crazy. So he'll sit and talk with convicts with working class men with women folk, and like invite them back. He doesn't care who they are everybody. He gives a business card to you and he's like, here's my name. Here's my new number. The old ones scratched out come on by Let's have dinner. He's just really open really friendly and wants to make friends with absolutely everybody, which drives them crazy. And on top of that, his best friend Harvey is an invisible six foot, six foot three and a half inch rabbit who Elwood met some time after his mother died and he spends all day and all night with him introducing him to everyone he meets and letting Harvey the invisible White Rabbit live with them much again to Myrtle and vetoes absolute frustration. His sister Vita and niece Myrtle are fed up with him. After he ruins their party and destroys the marriage prospects are Myrtle, they basically decide to have uncommitted as you do, because you know, why not, he's clearly not hurting anybody like this isn't a problem, but they're just fed up with it. So Vita some in the car, and he very happily goes along. And he's like, Oh, where are we going? Sounds good. And she just kind of doesn't really fully explain it. And as she's getting him committed, she sits down with the doctor and starts to explain the situation. And in her frustration, she talks about, you know, this has been really grating on me, and it's been so much and heck, sometimes I even think I see this rabbit, which of course, leads to them thinking, Oh, and locking her up instead. And releasing Elwood with a lot of zany consequences and moments and mix ups and the doctors being like, oh, no, he's gonna sue us and being really apologetic. And he's like, Hey, guys, why don't you go down to the bar? And I'm going to introduce you to and they're like, no, no, we're sorry. We're sorry. Well, I just want to show you my friend. No, no, no, don't worry about it, don't worry about it. And he keeps almost telling them about Harvey does not quite get it out. So Vita, meanwhile, is get put into a dunk tank and washed down and treated horribly. And it's just really not does not look good, does not look good to be in a mental institute in the 50s. So of course, it finally gets ironed out and Vita gets out of there. She goes to the judge and says, I want to sue the pants off these people. And in the meantime, the doctors, the nurses, and the orderly run off trying to find Elwood so that they can recommit him. And that's most of the rest of the film is I'm trying to figure out where he is having a lot of near misses. Oh, I heard he was down here. And then he's actually in the room like walking behind them, and then close me. There's a lot of like that kind of silly stuff going on. However, in the meantime, we start to see that Harvey might not be as imaginary as we thought. The hospital staff, for example, discover hat that's hanging on the coat rack, and it's got two holes in it, where you might have you know, big ears if you were a dapper young bunny, out and about. Also, l would have described the his friend is somebody as puca. And so the orderly looks up with the term puca means and as he's reading aloud the dictionary definition, the word starts to change as he's reading it and kind of play a little bit of a prank on him, which is very silly, very fun, and other things happen, like things go missing. So, the hospital team discover that the head doctor of the hospital has figured out where Elwood was and went after him alone. They are freaked out that Elwood may have harmed him. So they race off down to Charlie's pub. Weird that he's there because he told literally everyone he would be there. He's handing out cards and be like BB Charlie's later and they're like, oh my god, where's yet? It's like, is he at the place? He told you to beat him later? I bet he is. Um, so they run down there find Elwood and when they ask what he's done with this doctor, he's like, Oh, he had a conversation with Harvey and they wandered off together. Um, so the older doctor then we see him appearing back at the insane asylum and he sort of skulking around the garden grounds like, kind of hiding from something and then pops into the hospital and he closes doors behind, it locks in, he walks forward and we see the doors swing open behind him, and then goes through another door, locks, it keeps going and to his back, you know, the door swings open behind them. So we know that Harvey is following him and he's trying to avoid Harvey, the hospital staff do manage to bring Elwood back there and the doctor brings Elwood into his office and he's like, Hey, we got to have a private conversation. So what is he discovered about Harvey? Well, the doctor does also see Harvey and he has also talked with Harvey, and he's really curious about Harvey Elwood explains kind of how he met him. He met him like one day, Harvey was just hanging out to a lamppost, and they got into a friendly conversation and they've just been hanging out ever since. But Harvey does have these strange powers. So first of all, he's invisible to most people, but also he's able to do things like stop time. He's also able to see the future. He's also able to give people kind of miracles like he can bring them off to their wildest, most exciting adventures and dreams of where they might want to be. And the doctor asks Elwood, if he's ever taken Harvey up on this, and he's like, No, we just have a really good time together. I don't I don't really need any of that. And the doctor gets an idea in his head and he's like, Oh, maybe I could borrow Harvey for a little bit. We could, we could just hang out. He could, you know, help me with some stuff. And now it's like okay, well You know, sounds sounds like it's up to him. And we there's a lot of other things that happen but essentially the movie ends with kind of a sad looking outward walking away from the institution just kind of on his own, like a real Asha looks like, miss my friend already sort of thing and all of a sudden he stops and he goes, Hey, buddy, what are you doing here? I thought I thought you were gonna be with the doctor. And it's like, oh, you know what? I prefer your company too. So, really sweet, really lovely film. There are a couple things I don't love about it. There's a lot of antics, and I don't know that those aged super well for me, but they're not bad. They're just really like, what I'm slipping here, boys. Oh, no, I don't she put the pot in roast. That's Bert in front of the people. It's like a lot of kind of older stuff that I'm not sure I find very interesting. There's also a lot of talking about very obvious things that are happening in the film. And that can feel a little bit much. There's also some very icky man, woman relationships going on. There's a nurse who has a crush on a younger doctor, and he treats her like trash. He's like constantly yelling at her telling her she she sucks. And she's clearly in love with him. And she just kind of lets him keep being a dick to her. And then of course, we're supposed to feel excited when they when he finally sees how great she is. And I'm like, I think she could do better. In fact, I think she should be with Elwood because he treats her right. And this guy does not. So I was very team Elwood for this. I don't think I was supposed to be but darn it, I was. And there's another scene with a guy who's basically like kidnapping a girl. They're fine. And that was a lot. But this film has a lot of really wonderful things going on in it. Jimmy Stewart's incredible. He just sells every moment of it. Like you never feel like, Oh, like this invisible thing is, you know, it doesn't feel stageplay even though it is based on a stage play. Like if you feel that relationships real and you feel the way that he's acting with it is it's just nicely constructed. It's a really great performance. I like the fact that the pooka was seen as like a imaginary diseased element of the character was really powerful. And then we get to find out that it's real, but we never see it. And I think that's extremely strong. We see a painting of it. But the painting is just freakin fantastic. It's like a bunny with his little arm like standing behind Elwood with a little bow tie and like a little belt on. He's very dapper. He's clearly like a gentleman, buddy. But he's like, huge. So that's enough. I feel like that's enough. You don't need to do anything more than that. Yeah, there's just some really great little scenes scattered throughout. I don't know, I think without these little touching moments that happen here and there. It wouldn't be as powerful. But they're just these just really strong, interesting character pieces. For example, when Earl Woods left alone with the doctor and the nurse at the bar, he's kind of talking to them about what he and Harvey get up together and the doctor the younger doctors really trying to trick him and be like, is he is Harvey the name of your father is Harvey the name of a friend who hurt you as a kid? Is Harvey the name of you know, somebody you looked up to? And he's like, no, no, like he's I've never known anyone named Harvey before. Any says you know, what Harvey and I get up to is we sit in bars have a drink or to play the jukebox and, and seeing the faces of all the other people, they turn towards mine. And they smile. And they're saying, we don't know your name, Mr. But you're a very nice fella. Harvey and I warm ourselves up in all these golden moments. We've entered a stranger's student, we have friends, and they come over and they sit with us and they drink with us. And they talk with us. And they tell us tell us about all the big terrible things that they've done. And all the big wonderful things that they'll do their hopes, their regrets, their loves, or hates. All very large, because nobody ever brings anything small into a bar. And then I introduce them to Harvey and he's bigger and grander than anything they offer me. And then and when they leave, they leave impressed. The same seldom come back. But that's envy, my dear, that's a little bit of envy in the best of us. So there's just these little touches of quotes and pieces that are just so effecting and so, so wonderful. There's another quote. Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years Dr. And I'm happy to stay I finally went out over it. It's just stuff like that. It's just so good. And it's just sprinkled all the way across. So I think that's really what sells it. Um, so yeah, I like it. I would recommend it. It's really, really lovely. And I liked that Harvey Israel. I got a little bit of trivia for you guys. So like I said it was based on stage play. In fact before starring in this film giant Jimmy Stewart had played l would be out on stage during the roles originator Frank phase vacation. Among those considered for the role of Elwood However, they did think about casting for the movie Bing Crosby Cary Grant Rudy Vallee, Joe E. Brown, who had also played the part on stage Gary Cooper, Jack Benny, Jack Haley and James Cagney. I think they made the right choice though, as this as at the suggestion of James Stewart, the director changed many shots to make them wider so that Harvey would be in frame. As a joke, the cast and crew would often set a chair for the title character at lunch and order her him something to eat. She's very, very sweet. Although James Stewart and this is something I found interesting the film so Jimmy Stewart six foot four, and he refers to Harvey as being six foot three and a half, but he constantly looks up at him. So apparently, James Stewart said that he decided that Harvey was going to be six, eight, but then they never changed it in the script. So there's just kind of this like weird disconnect, but I guess most people don't know. Jimmy Stewart's height, so it's fine. Although James Stewart's character Elwood P. Dowd, most certainly referred was referred to as an alcoholic only at one time and the entire picture as you see him taking a drink and this is because of the Hollywood production code. They would not be allowed to show him getting drunk on film. When speaking with Mrs. Chumley Elwood describes Harvey as a pooka, which is a creeper creature from Irish mythology. And in Celtic as well as Northern Irish myth as well referred to as a bringer of either good or bad tidings. A puca can appear in the form of various animals, and sometimes as a human and in most cases of puca is both friendly and helpful. So there's a lot of trivia so I'm trying to keep it down because there's just too much to talk about here. But in many interviews, Jimmy Stewart said that this role was his favorites. When Henry Koster married Peggy Morin so the director in 1941, he promised to put her in every movie he ever made. He did, but in the form of a statue. So he put this poor lady statute in a lot of films. She appears in this film, when VITA is on the phone with the judge, and she sits there for two minutes as statue. So Harvey was the director's biggest picture to date. When he made it, many thought it would be nominated for Best Picture. Although it wasn't. However, Josephine Hall did win an Oscar for her performance as to Jimmy Stewart for the role of Elwood. The film did well at the box office, but not quite well enough to recoup its production costs, which had been driven way up by the $1 million price tag for the rights to the play. So whatever they thought they could make from it, they just never were able to quite recoup. It has a lot of remakes there were just a ton of TV remakes that was done for it. 20 years after the film's release, Jimmy Stewart played the role of Elwood again on Broadway in 1970. And that was, he played it for the last time in 1975 in London, and eventually the rights they really bumped around a lot. In 1999. Gregory, who had the rights from when he bought it from someone else sold the rights to Miramax who beat out several high profile high profile bidders, including Walt Disney universal and new line. However, Miramax still had intended to have Gregory priest Harvey universal was interested in having Harvey with Jim Carrey starring, while New Line saw it as an Adam Sandler movie. Harvey Weinstein was considering Carrie and Sandler, Carrie and Sandler as well as Tom Hanks. But once you wanted it to be set in a modern setting, he eventually took the project to Dimension Films who partnered with MGM to co finance it. Craig Mazin was hired to by dimension to adapt the screenplay and John Travolta, John Travolta was entered into negotiations to star but then the rights lapse, they're picked up by 20th century, John topper was hired to write the script. It just went on and on and on. Spielberg was going to direct a version but instead he ended up doing Abraham Lincoln and then it just keeps going. But currently, Netflix has the streaming rights for Harvey so there's a possibility we might still see that Spielberg still talking about putting Robert Downey Jr. in it, but it's very unlikely at this point, so who knows? It'll pop We'd pop up at some point though. I am a huge James Cagney fan, but I cannot imagine him in a role like Yeah, I can't imagine a lot of those people in that league. Even Cary Grant and like, I just, I don't see it. You don't want to be handsome necessarily for this role. I feel like you got to be like, interesting. I don't know. Yeah. Was so this was a first time viewing for you. I've seen it once before, but I think I was really distracted so I remembered parts of it, but not all of it. So it felt like a first time viewing. Yeah, this is a lovely, lovely little movie. But here's a weird side note reaction. I had to you're talking about that movie. Yeah, the movie Legally Blonde. Elle Woods is the main character. So every time you said Elwood in my head for a second we read through it Reese Witherspoon was like that's a very different maybe we could read into that maybe we could think how you know Legally Blonde might in fact be a tributes there are animals in it. So anyways, anyways, um Yeah, your movie was good. Was yours not iMovie was fine yeah, I'm talking about and this ends with an exclamation point. I should have known. Save yourselves. One, two. Hello, this is Jack and Sue. We are going offline for one whole week. I would love to do something tangent I want to figure out who I am but we will be back June 9 no laptops, no phones no connecting to anything. Thank you. I've been restoring my grandfather's cabin upstate actually you all should go up there we're not checking your email either guys and we're not kidding. Okay. Bye. We're okay bye guys. Thank you so nice now we'll close our eyes and just feel each other feel with your brain can have any skills the urge to take out my phone very strong. I've been wanting to YouTube how to make a trap to catch a rabbit so I've had to validate their don't know probably. Oh my god. What is happening? We need to turn our phones back on making a smoothie. It's getting weird here in New York. Serena Hello. Are you there? Alien angel is in the capital on the couch Sean Connery say to the hostage a beard came here to shave you. We're going to have to shave ourselves you're actually gonna go to the woodpile and get the axe. I'm gonna go into the cab and get the grab bags by the door and then when we get in the car in reverse. Okay, reverse go the woodpile that exit door get the go bags get outside able to take the other blessing are you repeating to the list that you chose it as from 2020 It's rotten tomatoes says 89 from critics and 60 from the crowd, which I am definitely leaning towards the crowd on this one. I couldn't find a budget for it. Everybody talks about how low it was and low low it looks like they had some money to spend. It doesn't look terrible. It looks pretty good. The actors are really good. The the I mean it's limited location. They did the smart thing. They basically have 80% of the movie in one location. But I didn't watch this con man who boy they had no money. So but box office set a$301,000 in 368 theaters no less. So that ain't great. It wasn't not just streaming like I thought. I don't know. I only ever saw it available for streaming. It was a Sundance release, Sundance premiered it. And then of course, once Sundance touches something a whole bunch of indie theaters then show it. Since you're Written and directed by Alex Houston, and l&r Wilson, this is their first film for both. Although they did both work on snowy Bing bongs across the North Star combat zone. Okay, I kinda want to see that just because the title is it porn. Seriously, Delta stars. Sunita Mani, who has in its no way Bing bongs across the North Star combat zone. But actually 16 episodes of Mr. Robot at the death of Dick long and glow. So she had a pretty good resume. Oh, glow. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And John Reynolds. He's in Stranger Things. He's one of the police officers, the younger police officer with a mustache, then a quite a bit, and most likely to murder. And they're really the only two in this there's also for a little while Ben Sinclair from Thor love and thunder, high maintenance and teenage euthanasia. At sounds fun. Big movie begins with a overlay of the year humankind Lost Planet Earth. What works in this movie is, I would say if you watch this film, and either of the lead people immediately annoy you walk away. I don't know. Because they are the entire movie. I didn't really dislike them. I thought they were actually pretty good. Their banter was good, the writing's decent. It's just that's almost the whole movie. is these two bantering back and forth. And at times, it's it's really funny. And other times it's kind of like, can we have a little bit more happen? Just a bit. It starts off at a party for a pre wedding party. And one of their friends says, Hey, you want to use my cabin? In the woods, and you know, just stay up there, they say, Sure, we'll go up and stay there. And to do this, though, they decide they're going to check off the grid completely. So they leave a answering machine message saying, if you want to get a hold of us, you can't. So they turn off their phones and leave their computers behind and everything like that. And which, of course, is what you have to do, I guess in a movie like this sometimes, but they get up to the cabin and hang around for a little while and then discover what looks like a giant Tribble hanging out in the cabin. Neither one of them think it's much they both one thinks it's like a weird fuzzy declaration. The other person thinks it's like a strange ottoman or something. So they just kind of ignore it. And we have the obligatory or relationship is our relationship going? Well, I don't know. What do you think is our relationship going well, series of scenes. Where, which, again, a times are pretty funny. But he needed they needed to throw in maybe one more character to show up and interact with them at one point. I mean, the guy who walks up to the cabin and falls down dead doesn't count. Because I thought, Oh, well, okay, they're gonna go out and find him. No movie goes on. They've kind of figure out what's going on. And then they discover the bodies. I was like, oh, at one point, they get a little tired of not being in contact, and then things start to get a little weird. They decided, well, let's turn on our phones. And of course, they're filled with messages and voicemails and text messages and all this stuff about the world being overrun by these. Well, you know, like I said, they they look like triples, big, big pretzels, little triples, giant triples. But apparently they eat ethanol is their food of choice. So of course anybody driving a car is screwed. There's alcohol is taken from their place quite thoroughly. And they go, they just they find a diesel truck. I don't think at this point. They realize it's a diesel truck. They just know it's a truck that's working. So they get into it and start to drive away and run into another couple who gets killed by the fuzzy things and there's a baby in there and there's a older woman hiding in the back I mean, stuff starts to kind of happen but at that point I kind of checked out and I'm still watching gone. Okay, this is kind of interesting. The baby's adorable. That some cute stuff with the kid. But again, it's all One of the bigger reviews I saw of this I think is right on was it's very one note. The whole movie is these two people are absolutely inept at being in the wild, even though the cabins really nice, but it's they just don't know how to do anything outside of living in the middle of a city. And then the I'll leave the end tonight if somebody's out there going. I love banter movies. So I want to see how it ends. Because Sure, why not? The good old notes and trivia. Because there unless I just sit here and try to quote lines, there's really nothing more to say what happens in the movie as far as plot or things going along. So the tagline turning off their phone. So the dumbest idea on the planet? That's awful. Yeah, yeah. That's even like Woody. The writer and director tried to retain merchandising rights to their movies, as they call them. But the lawyer said, Now you don't have a chance. Studios gonna keep that no matter what you do. I'm like on just giant fuzzballs you're just triples. They're just literally triple did nothing with those rights anyway. Oh, yeah. Although they must have something must have done. All right. Because a television series adaptation for Hulu is in the works. Okay, from Universal Television. And I could see that the base idea is an invasion of cute little puffy things. It can do a lot with that. But towards the end of the film, Sue says they're located near Pine Bush, New York. This is a big deal because Pine Bush had the reputation of being one of the US biggest capitals for UFO sightings in the US. Of course, almost all of those sightings happened in the 80s. UFO funny for now that we have fantastic cameras in our pockets all the time. So sightings have dropped significantly. The film did premiere in 2020. Sundance, and was released that same year by a small company, Bleecker Street. And I mean, it's not horrible. But he said the performers are great. They're both likable to a point. They both they get a little weird with the I can't do anything after a while. But they're good. The directing is fine. The writing is fine. It's just this is a studio or a film festival comedy. Does it feel like it's a kind of a natural child of the mumble core movement? I can see that. Yeah. Yeah. Because all the things we're talking about that like I think I would I think I would pay this movie. But like, they all sound like little things that stem out of that. That stem out of that mumble core world. Yeah, I could see. That would definitely work. It's but it's at least solid acting and solid lines. They're not. I don't think they're improving very much if they are there. I'd say pretty good in progress. But yeah, that was my BA you really saw Yeah, I'm not rushing I was gonna ask you where Yeah, but I realized I don't care. I mean, I literally don't care well then I don't care you say the the Rotten Tomatoes was on this the critic Senator what? Any? Nine I believe Hi at nine. It likes if if you're at a festival, you know how there are horror movies get this too. There are some films that you see at a festival that plays so much better than when you see them anyplace else in the right crowd with the right audience. This would be a lot of fun to watch because there is humor in it. And if you got a bunch of people laughing I think it would help the energy sort of like, for me, the ultimate example for me on that was Cabin Fever, right? Which I saw at a midnight screening at Sif and was an absolute blast. Then I watched it a few weeks later or months later at home and go yeah, this is so much less fun. Watching Evil Dead by yourself. It's like not quite the same. I'm sorry, I don't love so don't mind me. Speaking to you not loving, fun. So much. You just come on here all the time and say I hate comedy and everything and then you show was a comedy? Yeah. Okay. A slap sticky goofy comedy series sure is from the 50s and it's about the SLS on this movie. I'm trying to figure out how come you liked it? Yeah. I you know, I wish I could tell you other than there's the big imaginary rabbit and everyone thinks this guy's crazy and he actually is right. And I think that that's there's something really great about that it hits me right on the inside, but All right, well, so I don't care if Chevy Chevy Chase has a bad Christmas I do not give a flying F Chevy Chase he'll be just fine I don't need to see him on a vacation ever note ever again. As usual Vanessa when you pick a sub genre I generally find something that I hadn't seen before that I really enjoyed and so I must thank you again. Because I found a movie that I have heard of and decided it was not for me and decided to watch it anyway and I loved it. This movie is from 1972 and it is called Night of the deepest that night science greatest mistake what unknown terror was born that night is terrifying. But it strikes me that night bad night terror more cause the unnatural death destruction and panic that generally roaring and all day kill one and what devil creatures growing wait inside that every day. I can stop night. budgets so $900,000 could find no box office information. Can't imagine it was very good. Probably not. The critics for Rotten Tomatoes. They have it at 8% The audience has it at 26 I had 100% Enjoy. It was directed by William F. Claxton, who's done just tons of TV from the 50s through the 80s, including 68 episodes of Little House on the Prairie 57 episodes of Bonanza, and then episodes of Twilight Zone thriller and the Frank Sinatra show. He's done it all. It was written by Don Hall and Jean R Cherny. Who together written stuff for Mission Impossible Night Gallery Kojak. Do you remember many episodes ago when I was talking about this show, I used to love called cliffhangers. That was on in the 70s they wrote the the secret Empire segment of that series, which was this bizarre thing where these cowboys in the old west find this underground entrance to like a different dimension where there's a there's an underworld city and everything. It was really, really a cool thing that they wrote that. You guys this was based on the novel, the year of the angry rabbit by Russell Brad. That comes back to one of my trivia things so don't let me forget this star Stuart Whitman 190 credits. A lot of it, you know, this is 72. So a lot of it is westerns and stuff in the 50s. But he's also been in some genres stuff, including Demonoid deadly reactor Omega cop, and he played Jonathan Kent in the Superboy series in the 80s. He's very handsome, really rugged looking at also stars Janet Leigh, of course from psycho, The Manchurian Candidate the fog and Halloween h2o, which she starred in with her daughter Jamie Lee Curtis. Stars Rory Calhoun 127 credits mostly television but also the move These Revenge of Bigfoot motel hell and hell comes to Frogtown personal favorite, that one's for you Crake. And then in a in a small role, DeForest Kelley was 131 credits, but as most known as Dr. McCoy on Star Trek, this is 1972. This is his last non Star Trek film. So, this story, you guys have both seen this? Oh, yes. Okay. Because this, this didn't become available again until like 2005. So I thought that was interesting. Yeah, I think I got the DVD as a gift a couple of years ago. Okay. So the movie starts with a news report that shows that overpopulation around the world is not just a human problem, we see footage of a rabbit population explosion in Australia. And then the same thing happening in Arizona. And the problem with too many rabbits is that they destroy the crops of course. And then we meet Cole Hillman, who was rancher who was riding his horse across his land, which has been devastated by the rabbits lately. And then his horse steps into a rabbit hole and breaks his leg, and Cole has to shoot it and put it out of his misery. That's like the second scene in the movie, oh, cheese. So I understand what the writer was going for, they really wanted to make sure you knew that he was pissed at all these rabbits. But he is a good person through this whole movie. So he calls the university to try and figure out what his options are. And because he's one of these guys, he knows that everything is dependent on the balance of nature. And he knows that if he poisons the land, then his cattle would risk getting sick. And then he basically ends up with useless land. So he's trying to do something that is not the the generally accepted thing, which is just poison all your stuff, so that the rabbits die. So that brings us to Roy and Jerry Bennett, who are a scientists couple who are trying to find more eco friendly ways to deal with pests instead of DDT and such. So this is at the time when DDT was in the news for everything. And it's a really devastating pesticide. So Cole talks with them. But he's pretty clear that he could only hold out a couple more weeks before he's gonna have to start using some kind of pesticide to deal with them. So Roy and Jerry take several of the rabbits he's captured back to their labs. And there are some kind of uncomfortable scenes here where they're capturing rabbits or shooting rabbits and stuff like that. And it looks like it's actual footage of this rabbit overpopulation problem. So if you're bothered by stuff like that, there are a couple of scenes that are a little shaky here. They take the rabbits, that a couple of the rabbits he's captured back to their labs, and they're going to experiment with a number of drugs that will basically chemically neuter the rabbits. But over a couple of weeks, they see that some of the rabbits have grown in size, and we're talking you know, they're, they look like they're 10 or 15 pound rabbits or something. But otherwise they're not affected the way that they need to be so they call up call and let them know that their experiments were a failure. Each to so wouldn't you not one of those tests, rabbits escapes and mingles with rabbits on the ranch. And Cole is trying all this other stuff. He's trying a controlled burn of his land to basically starve the rabbits out and everything. But while he's doing this, you find some strange tracks in the mud. Not sure what kind of animal this is, but it sure is big. We are then treated to a couple of bunny attacks. And this bunny has this mutated bunnies made it I guess, and made more big bunnies. It seems awfully quick to me. But at this point, I'm all in because this movie is getting zany and wonky. I actually really enjoyed this movie so much. So there's, there's a scene where an old Miner is attacked in his shed. He's he's got a shed right outside the old mines. unclear why he is still mining. He is the only person mining in this mining, mining tunnels and all that, but he's attacked in his sheds. And then we get a delivery driver, who was also attacked. Some of the effects in this are surprisingly gory. When the police find the delivery driver. They're trying to figure out what happened to him. And then they show a shot of him. He looks like he's, he's lying on the ground and everything. And he sliced up but he's still in the shape of a human. So the slices are like razor sharp, it'd be like if you had a cake of a person and you slice the leg, you know. And so there's these huge cuts through the entire body. And I was like, wow, this is fantastic. Really gory. It looks like he was it looks like yeah, he was attacked with a super, super sharp sword or something. So to get the body back to the corner, and the corner is telling them now this is an animal attack because they're like, You know what kind of psycho would do this? The corner is like it's an animal attack for sure, but it has to be a saber toothed Tiger based on the puncture wounds. Anyway, they finally figured out that it is, of course gigantic bunnies and that they are using the old mine shafts as kind of a Warren so they decide they're going to blow the shafts and trap the monster rabbits inside. And this kind of works. But the people in the movie think it absolutely works. So they're just like yeah, yes, you know nothing to worry about. Now, the seed where they go into the mind is hilarious because, of course the rabbits are just regular sized rabbits and they have smeared like ketchup around their mouths. And and and then they've they put these roaring sounds on the rabbits and it's it's just like I was This is everything I love in a so good. Anyway, so everybody's like, well, we should took care of that problem. And then the next night they are definitely caught by surprise when they are suddenly stampeded by this, this gigantic range of rabbits and these rabbits are now you know the size of vans, basically. And they're thundering down the road, you know, with their big floppy ears and everything because of course they are their Easter bunnies. Basically, they're not you know, your little farm or actual wild rabbits, they have the big floppy ears and all that stuff. It's adorable. And they are tearing the tiny town apart and knocking over cars and killing people and yet it's all amazing. So they ended up having to call in the National Guard. And they make this super elaborate plan where they're going to train her the rabbits toward the railroad tracks which they have electrified in the hopes of killing them all. And they've got you know, a shot of a helicopter in the sky with a spotlight. And then of course a very different shot of a flashlight hitting a rabbit on the ground. You know, this looks like the same thing. Anyway, you guys are going to succeed in stopping the rabbits. You all need to watch this movie to find out it was way too much fun. It is on to be so nice. Okay, I have some trivia. Originally titled rabbits. MGM changed the title and avoided including any rabbits in most of the promotional materials to try and keep the featured mutant creatures a secret. However, the studio itself broke the secret by issuing rabbit foot themed promotional materials prior to the release. I went online found one of these it is a rabbit foot like you know, just to be popular, splattered with something red to look like blood. I'm just looking at that going. This doesn't make the case that the rabbits are evil. No, because you're holding the splattered with blood. It's bad law she's generally declined to allow her two teenage daughters Kelly Curtis and Jamie Lee Curtis to appear in the movie in minor roles, as she did not want them to be part of or even see a horror film. Oops. In an interview, she said she took the role because it was shot near her home and meant less time away from her family. She also said in that interview, and I quote, I forgotten as much as I could about that picture. Oh man. Posters and trailers for the movie did not feature any rabbits. Marketers feared that the audience would not take the movie seriously if they found out about the giant killer rabbits too quickly. And if you look at the poster, it says night of the leafless and it's got some people screaming and it's got two eyes on it. They are not bunny eyes, and they're just kind of in the fog. And they're staring straight ahead. It actually mostly resembles Hedorah the Godzilla creature that's what the eyes look like on the poster. So if you were hoping for something like that you got big bunnies, probably very disappointed. The killer rabbit effects were created mostly by normal sized rabbits running around on miniature sets. A man and a rabbit suit was used for some attack scenes. In the scenes where the rabbits are ferociously roaring they're actually just yawning. Yeah. So okay, this is the one that sounds bogus to me. The film was originally entitled night of the lepers, and about zombie like lepers and a mass plague riffing off the success of my living debt. Unfortunately, the executive at MGM who first read the script was eating dinner and spilled wine on it, confusing leper for lupus. When he joked to his teenage daughter about a film with killer rabbits. She loved the idea. The script writer was then commissioned to heavily edit the plot. Now my only problem with this is this is based on a book right? So this this story, which is right there in the trivia, sounds like complete No bullshit to me no good. Here's my favorite one though. Vanessa, you're gonna love this due to their mating proclivities, the two dozen bunnies, but at the beginning of the balloon to nearly 100 By the time the stampede sequences were being filmed, Yes, bonus, oh, it was so good. I sat there kind of thinking, you know, what have I gotten myself into? And really, by the time the forest Kelly showed up, I was like, Okay, I'm totally just seeing the forest Kelly and normal clothes, and not a blue, you know, turtleneck with a little star on the chest. I was like, Alright, I'm in on this. And then it just got better and better. Loved it. I was I was really excited about this film, and that you chose it. And I told my sister about it. And I made her watch the stampede scene on YouTube. I was like, no, no, you don't understand this movie. So incredible. And the little bunnies are like, not not no flip flop to these miniatures. It's, they talked a little bit about how difficult it was to try to make them Stampy because rabbits just don't do that. So they just kind of wander. Yeah. Pretty adorable. The the scene where they Oh, spoiler where they run them all on to the railroad tracks. Is is very weird looking, because you see these rabbits kind of leaping. And then you see these sparks and all this stuff. And you look closely, and you realize these are two different graphics going on. They have superimposed something, it turns out, they superimposed pictures of firecrackers going off over the pictures of the rabbits, and then just dimmed it way down to try and make it look like something was happening. I just love how much effort was put into this film. So very, very little so good. I'm so glad you chose this movie. It's just delightful. It really is. Okay, so that is the show. I think that means it's my turn. Yes. Hey, here's how you play the game. We have done an episode on doctors, mad scientists and stuff like that. And so I thought I would switch it up. And I was inspired by the trope of the doctor who's trying to help in a horror movie. He usually is horribly killed in some fashion, you know, thinking of Loomis and Halloween or the doctor in American Werewolf in London or something like that. So a good doctor. He doesn't have to be the the main character or anything like that, but he has to be on the other side of good stuff. Nice. That sounds like I do want it to balance. I do want it to be a genre film Vanessa so if you pick another Jimmy Stewart movie it better be a Hitchcock indivisible, he's a spirit he's a puca Come on. How is that not as honor movie? You got me this is the part where I think everybody is participating in value for value system and if you're wondering what that is, that is you've been listening to us for 90 minutes now. And if you got some value out of that, give some value back maybe that's in the form of liking and sharing posts. Maybe that's in the form of donating to the show which our friend Micah did again and Micah I am going to be watching the movie that you suggested and we will talk about it next episode. Oh man well yes thank you to everybody who's donating and watching and sharing and liking and commenting and telling their friends about it and getting other people to to find us and it's it's awesome we really appreciate it and it also leads to things like us having these awesome new mics which we can use when Eric is contagious right sounds beautiful and if you if you are joining us on Youtube make sure to subscribe subscribe hit that notification then you know when our stuff showing up right now my arms gonna hear that and be like can you show me how to subscribe to your show? Thanks Eric. Excellent. Also Hey guys, I get angry when we've been away from each other too long. So how about next episode we do this in person? I mean it's sounds good because it's up to me but I'm down for it. If Eric isn't gonna like give me the corona I can bring Corona let's have a Corona party. Oh god. Alright guys, that's it for the show. Then we will be back in one week and we are talking about good doctors. Goodbye. So your transportation other considerations for strange aeons. Ray yoke produced by Pan an airline when you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set. She's gonna tell me all about this. He's talking about his balls again.