Strange Aeons Radio


July 28, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 186
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Strange Aeons Radio
Jul 28, 2022 Season 4 Episode 186
Strange Aeons Radio

Turn on, tune in, and drop out with the gang this week! Also discussed: Nope, Black Phone, and Primal.

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Turn on, tune in, and drop out with the gang this week! Also discussed: Nope, Black Phone, and Primal.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That's bananas over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Just before the mics started rolling, guys, we were talking about the Rob Zombie. Monsters trailer God. And then Eric, you informed me that what we thought was gonna go to theaters suddenly after the trailer was released became a Netflix Yes, property. Yep. That's super interesting to me. Yeah, yeah, that's the way I read it was it came out. And it got the reaction of God, which if anybody has seen it, understand this, it was not great. And they, like two or three days later, like, announcing premieres on Netflix here, like, oh, wow, was that after theater? No, just straight to Netflix. They popped over to Rob's page or Instagram or something to see what he would be spinning. It's like, Nah, man, that was the plan the whole time. Like, you know, generally, as anybody knows, if you've watched Stranger Things or anything, when those trailers come out, there's Netflix branding, somewhere. Yeah, the big end that shows them at the end, but just don't understand the thought process behind making it the way it's gonna get made. It looks so fucking bad. It looks kind of like a 90s look to it. Right? And I don't understand that. Why if you're gonna do that, why not go for a 60s look, which would make a little more sense. It looks so TV, and it's like 90s wishing it was 60s. So it's like, even weirder, and just I don't know who it's for. I mean, I guess it's for him, basically. Yes. Because he's his unending and I guess respectable feeling of his wife being able to act and now actually carry a movie. She is the lead for this. It's like, Nope, that's who that was. I was like, I don't even know who these people are. Nothing about this as appealing on any level. Pretty soon. I mean, it would have made complete sense to me if she was playing every part in the movie. Sure. That would make a better movie. I'd be like, Oh, our house. Okay. We're fine. Get it? Yeah, that'd be interesting. I could I get at least enjoy that. Properly altered. But I also, I don't get like you said you don't know who it's for. I mean, I literally don't know who it's for. Because the humor such as is, yeah, was really, I don't know, like, four year old. I mean, we're gonna share but damn. And there's a way to, I think probably bring the monsters into present day and make it funny and topical. But that's not what's going on here. Clearly. Yeah, it feels it definitely has that feeling of it's not going to be appropriate for kids or adults. It's going to be like, adults are going to be like, This is too stupid. And kids are going to be like, I don't understand half the jokes because it apparently people like to have sex at some point. Well, I don't know. Did you get some kind of sex joke vibe. I just I just know it'll be in there. It's definitely I feel like at some point, it's going to be like adult humor and like it's going to cross the line at certain points is my guess. I don't think it's I don't think kids are going to be excited about this movie. No. Well, and this is going to be sacrilege to a lot of people. The Munsters was never funny. It was, you know, bad 60s television, and I liked it as a kid because it had monsters in it. And you know, eventually you kind of your, your sense of humor grows. And so you've kind of move on to different things. When when, you know, kids from the 90s they grew up on The Simpsons, Family Guy and stuff like that. You're growing up with biting, smart humor. And then you're faced with this as a movie, you're just going to be not interested. Yeah, the perfect example. What they should have done is in two updated films, The Brady Bunch movie and the Addams Family Film, yeah, where they took this and said, Okay, here's the base of what we're doing. But we're going to skew it a little bit. We're going to do something weird with it. We're not going to try to recreate it in some weird way. I mean, you've got out there. The love which I don't know if you see that one. It's a decent film, but it looks amazing. Yeah, it looks like it was shot in the air. era that they want it to be, it doesn't look like they recreated the area, it looks like somehow they time traveled shot at that time. And to have a guy with the resources he has, if you're going to color it, at least do that, make it look like that lira. Or if you're going to modernize it, make them look more modern. I mean, it's just it sits in this weird place of making. It's like, I'm going to colorize it and then make not another decision about anything of how it looks. Right? Yeah, I knew that I was probably not going to like this because I'm not a big zombie fan. But I thought after watching this, if he had decided to modernize it, and make it Ultra gory and violent, like I would have at least said, Oh, this looks interesting. Totally. Yeah, if he had taken that property and been like, what if they're actually fucking monsters, though? And you know, the Frankenstein guys like crushing people's heads? And, you know, that's Herman Munster. I mean, the monster guys crushing heads and you like, that would be really interesting. I would maybe even consider seeing that movie. And I have avoided Rob Zombie for a long time. So I actually can't say if he's a good filmmaker or not, because I am so worried about watching anything he makes, because it all looks there are people that love them. I mean, I really love his work. I like big fan of music. Actually. I really like White Zombie. And I like drop zombies. Music. I love his attitude towards horror. Yeah, he loves horror and loves it. And he knows a shit ton about it. Like the Eli Roth. There's some similarities there. Yeah. It's like, Man, I wish that translated. I think he's made a couple interesting films. But I wish I could translate it into more. That love. Yeah, listener If you're just tuning in. We are in the we hate Rob Zombie podcast is Halloween too? It's hard to even remember what it's about a hospital. You guys, I watched a pretty good movie last week called Black phone. Hey, I was gonna talk about that. Oh, my gosh, let's talk about totally should have brought it up. Because I also thought that Oh, like, cool. Well, so based on a Joe Hill story, and the parts of the story that were in the movie were right from the story. I liked it. Yeah, I did. Um, I was so surprised because I was really on the fence as to whether or not I'd like it. And I loved it. And I've been a little like on edge this week. So I did cry at the end. For some reason. I'm not really sure why but I was like, super emotional. It was good. It will be super emotional because it ramps up the anxiety. Oh, man. Yeah, it does. I really cared about those kids. That lead actor whoever the hell he is. That kid is going places. Oh my god, it had a really strong king vibes to me. And yeah, I know that. Obviously. You know, he's his son. But like, it really felt like vintage like intense. You know, kid coming of age. Kingston. Yeah. In a good way. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. They kept it. Period setting. And yeah, it just, it looked old. And it looked cool. And everybody was great in it. And I was very happy. I watched it. Yeah, there's a few moments I'm watching, oh, why don't you do this or something like that, but then they kind of answer the questions. You know, they take those moments and they show up again, and you go Oh, okay. Yeah, but by the end, there was definitely a moment where I was yelling at the screen, doesn't mean it's gonna mean something. Did and that's good, right? Because like that's that's the horrible thing when you're like, look, there's like a way to get out this way or that way. Or you can do this or that and then you know, they do they really do address it and you go oh, she like, I guess you know? Yeah, pretty good. Really. 100% on the strange aeons radio tomatoes. Yeah. Nice. I do forget we do though. Sometimes. And every time you start, I'm like, oh, Rotten Tomatoes. Give it up. Oh, no ice. We gave it. Three out of three. Yeah, incredible. Well, um, I had spent a kind of a crazy crazy week, but I actually saw a pretty cool thing. Yesterday. I went and saw Nope. Oh, please tell us all about it. Um, well, I don't want to tell you anything about it. Frankly. I think that I know that before I went saw it. I saw the second trailer which had a lot more plot in it. And I was extremely mad about it because I didn't want anything spoiled for me. But despite that second trailer, there is still so much incredible shit going on in that film. I am terrified of aliens. I know this. I was really, really worried. And for me, it actually, it could have been worse in that direction. But it wasn't, which was good. Like, I felt like they balanced this idea in such an interesting, cool concept. And there are still some moments that I literally cannot get visuals out of my head from because they're so fucking messed up. But other moments where I'm like, wow, okay, you did this other really crazy fucking thing. And just beautiful, wonderful storytelling across the board. It doesn't answer everything you see in it. It leaves some of that up to you to try and figure out and work through. And it's not the stuff that you think it is. And I I just love it. It was it was a great film. Really? Wow, really good. And I got to see it in the local Lincoln Square IMAX, which I didn't know they had won, and it's good. I didn't know they had a good IMAX. So I recommend seeing it in IMAX if you can get squared it's a it's a lot of a lot of theaters. A lot of leaders. I've been many times and I was shocked because that a new IMAX? I have no idea. We see that Queen show. And IMAX. We might have Yeah, that sounds familiar. The live one. Yeah. It was on the right hand side when you enter the area. Yes. If that helps at all, which is probably the time that the Cinemark or the big theater. It's the world's the big one. It's not the reserve, but it is they're both Cinemark right. Yeah. Yeah. So the big big one, but one is 21. And over only and the others correct. It's the the normies the Normie Family Fun area. So yes, I had no clue really good. Really fucking guide you guys to check it out. Nice. Well, I checked out at least the first couple episodes, and we'll definitely continue with the offer. Oh, good. You're liking it. So good. And such a great example of how I am sure Hollywood works a lot more often than we think when it's just a whole bunch of people who really don't know what the hell they're doing. But just keep doing it until it gets done. Yeah. And this movie definitely has those kind of characters. Yeah, if for those who aren't familiar with it, the offer is on Paramount plus and it is supposedly the making of The Godfather. I'm sure there are aspects but it's definitely a lot of fiction is going on in this very dramatic but it's fascinating in got Miles Teller in it. Okay, well very good. That makes it sound worthwhile. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they're in the Mario Puzo's the, the dude they cast for that. Yeah, look stunningly like he really does and Coppola looks a lot like Coppola did back then. They didn't quite nail it with Frank Sinatra. No, no, that was which is weird, because that's usually such an easy get to do some kind of a Sinatra. I should just get his son he looked. I'm sorry, not his son, Woody Allen. Son, Eric. Oh, wait, no, I'm thinking. This is a twisty road. I'm curious where I'm gonna step away from this road. I'm gonna walk away from this. I'm gonna go into the tall grass. Don't mind me. All right, good. Well, one of the things I was really excited to check out and I did take out 44 minutes of my busy schedule to watch the first two episodes of the new season of primal is on Oh, oh, I didn't know that. They did a season two. Yes. And it's as great as the first season very cool stuff. I love how they're, you know, when it first started out, it was definitely just CRO magnon man and dinosaurs somehow raised together and now, by the end of last season, we started seeing those kind of weird witchy people that are far more advanced than what's his name spear, I think with remember, and in this season, we've gotten even a little further than them so it's very clear that he is kind of the last of his kind and that homosapien is walking the earth while he is about to do whatever he's gonna do. Which is go extinct. I imagine how much finally get caught by dx. Well, I actually watched a show that I kind of had no intention of watching but you know, it was it was pretty fun. Also big Neanderthal looking dude. reacher season one. Oh, yeah, that's fun. It was. It was pretty fun. Yeah, I mean, it's it's definitely not the stuff I'd normally go for as far as like, just actually. Like, but I don't know he he's such a curse night. Yeah. Like that lead guy. I've seen him on a lot of stuff. And I've liked everything he's been in. Yeah, he does. Great. The I was furious because he was a hawk and Titan killed him. And I was like, What the hell? And then they killed him. And he got this immediately. And I watched all 10 episodes. And I was like, I could go for another season of Richard. Yes. And they've been greenlit for I think one if not two more seasons. Fantastic, but it's gonna be like new stories so he won't it won't be that same little town which I think is unfortunate because I really liked the you know, the relationship between him and the main girl. I haven't ever either read the books. I haven't. Mike Davis said Lovecraft ezine. That's like his favorite author and book series. And he's a little more up on all the details here. Yeah, they're they're literally doing each book in the order. Oh my god season. So if it is popular enough, you know, it's already got like, 13 seasons planned. Oh, God. I mean, look, that guy is incredible. And, and just so so fun. Such a good character. So yeah, but it's such like an intense story. I don't know. Like he dug up info about his dad and like, or not his dad, his brother. Like it just feels like there's I don't know, it feels like he went through all the emotional stuff. Easy on the eyes, too. Yeah, I mean, not typically my type, but that character really brings it all together. Yeah, yeah. What was it blood car? That was on the Sci Fi challenge on with that when he was in the car. Yeah, I think that's the name of the series. It was blood. Thing blood race or? Yeah, I think it was that where they were a sort of like a Cannonball Run jacked up to insane proportions where their cars run on blood ran their racing. Guy. Oh, wow. I didn't recognize him. Yeah. And BLUE MOUNTAIN STATE OF COURSE. Right. Well, let's see. tap dance here because I was gonna tap back by phone. Did anybody see the Dungeons and Dragons trailer? I did that one. It's funny because literally moments before I saw that, I was like, why couldn't they for strange new worlds just get fucking Chris Pine back as Kirk because the guy that got his Kirk sucked. And I was like Chris pines doing nothing right now. And then I watched the trailer and was like, everyone is doing what looks like a pretty damn fun film. It looks so fine. And I don't even I'm not even like a big d&d person played a lot. Especially younger. Yeah. Kinda like, it's one of those things. Oh, man. I wonder if I still I think it's still be fun to do. My, my nephew went to school to where he was one of his books. One of his textbooks was the player's handbook. How how this stuff so they're teaching like game, like video games, but also board games, role playing games, all this stuff and how to write them and develop them knowledge ship. And we were on a family reunion a couple of years ago, and he ran a quick campaign. I'm like, Dude, this guy is really good. He's actually going to what is the big gaming convention in where Gygax was born? Gen Con or Gen. Con? Yeah, I guess he's going up there for something I'll be there for the whole time. Well, jealous this sounds pretty cool. Cool. Any class I ever took? Yeah, no shit. God was that was in high school. No, this is college. Okay, that makes so much more sense. Yes. Yeah, obviously what cool as high school was he in? That that's incredibly cool. Yeah, he came to dinos I can't go I just want to help me with picking up some textbooks. There's um, for me, I mean, yes, more elegantly than that. And it's extra course. And that's what we're picking up guys. Like what? Let's go back to that trailer. i Yeah, it did look fun. I get that. You know, it's all fanservice I been burned too many times on a Dungeons and Dragons movie show. I'm thankful for this but I I'm I'm sure it's gonna suck. Sorry, guys. I guess that means other dragons movies have been made. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. They must be bad because I've never heard of quite bad. Your cartoon series, which was a little bit more fun like cartoon series, not kid you know, not really d&d Now, but it was a fun show. And then of course what mazes and monsters was a spin up. Take on that with Tom Hanks and his first film, TV movie that was about the horrors of it and like he ends up killing someone or somebody kills themselves. Yeah. Try to tie it into the game. That was the height of the Satanic Panic and how you guys had that I had like Mortal Kombat and everyone all the parents being like you can't play this game anymore even though you've been playing it for a year and that's when you threw an ice pick with shade on the ads right into your mom. Yeah, exactly. They weren't wrong turns out no, that's That's so crazy. Yeah, it does look good and I love that he's the loot guy he's the guy the bard or whatever he's gonna end up being but I just wonder if they'll end up doing that thing that you see a lot of times now where it's like then they cut to people around a table playing and then go cut back to the crazy adventure so yeah, it'll be interesting like what take they do on it? I think they're not going to but who knows? Yeah, I don't think doesn't look like it but who knows? Yeah, the posts sequence of all the gamers going out for shwarma there's some deep fans out there. Oh boy. All right, guys. Why don't we take a little break and then when we come back we are talking drugs man this is drugs. This is your brain on drugs. And questions it's yours you know my mother said she found in your closet. I don't know when a guy was the one looked at it's not your kid. That answered me. Who taught you how to do this stuff? You are right. I learned by watching you parents who use drugs have children who use drugs and we are back Eric this was your sub genre. That is true. And I got it. I full on this one man. Oh, good movie but a rough movie. Oh I believe it's pronounced Nava euros okay thanks this episode I want to talk about you three at the top. companion materials and demand to Montezuma Gracia, Pedro actually got the Sanyo chemo yummy povery Tomasa even a total of Saba la semana de Sita Salam poquito boy now I'm looking up some some page that translate to thugs I'm a girly that makes no sense. So I kept looking around a little long knife versus probably what the real translation is. The knives are lifers. Which makes a lot more sense phonetically. At least I don't know. I've not heard of this movie came out in 1982 movies in a row well with absolutely no Rotten Tomatoes listening. digging deep. Seven release, a box set of box set but a series of films from director Eloy delay Yglesias. Hey, this guy washed also had the two follow ups called El poco. One and they'll go to our follow ups to this film. So it's a series of three films. Be a while probably till you watch part two, but you'll forget the plot. It's pretty basic. He also directed the priest and the creature and a break or their stuff. He's also a writer on the film and pretty much wrote damn near everything he directs. It looks like he also had Gonzalo Bucha, who was the CO writer on many of his films, stars Jose Luis Manzano, who was also an El poco. One and two pals police co Ilsa Vega, who has 129 credits, including the Puranas mayor. Wade Sopran, is mayor or the Puranas. Mayor. Either way, it's weird. And fear and bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia great movie titles. Veronica Castro whose little bit she only lists as 47 credits, but she go through and you start looking at what she's been in. She made at least two TV series where she's in 300 episodes on h1 Gosh, so she's worked a lot. All Spanish bases is Spain. Spain Spanish based film, largely based on a true story. True story with the characters made a little bit for fictitious. Me know with Severan I always figure it's probably going to be on genre, and it usually is, S is pretty much a drama with some really rough violence in it. But um, oh, well. My subject I'll make anyway, starts in a courtroom where there's a 16 year old being charged with a huge amount of crimes, like hundreds of muggings and break ins beautiful. And next is a series of the him and a couple other gangs just running through the streets stealing file, stealing purses and breaking into pay phones to get those quarters, which was an extremely hard process the way that movie showed it. But dammit, they were going to do it. breaking windows and stores stealing motorcycles, stealing cars, you know, being hooligans. Then we learned that he is also sleeping with a much older lady. He is supposed to be 16 in the film, The actress was 39 or 40. And that was my guests ended up looking her up to see what her age was. And so I guess it's about 40 but they seem to have a lot of fun. I guess you know, Cougar before it was called Cougar man. Yeah, good for her 16 Have the host strange aeons back anyways, so the young lead guy is getting a little tired or the way the world is or his world is and he wants to expand and become better at crime basically, he's very ambitious criminal. Sounds like he's already very good. Yeah, they're doing all right. They meet with a friend who's a male prostitute and hooks him up with a party full of rich men, they're going to be there and they break into the party and steal from all the people there. And apparently that went well, but they don't do it again. They are definitely criminals who keep changing their crimes. That's the movie goes on. The he almost gets the one of the things he's got. He's got a shotgun that he keeps in what looks like a bowling ball bag. Wandering around through the movie, and there's a scene where two cops are trying to look in the bag and things like that. And then the his older girlfriend shows up and saves him because she knows one of the cops that she knows that cops frequently a particular house of ill repute. So yeah, we say because the mouseka good to have that lady, I guess. The very strange, very strange long montage of her and the boy not so much sleeping together but kind of running around and playing around naked. And I mean, you said Good for her and that guy's 16 But if he's still growing, it's going to be porn career time and his future. Do we see a lot is that we're saying you see all of him and all of her and you're not shy in this movie at all. But so That was a little weird and it's very strange because they're like goofing around, like making weird faces at each other. And it's a strange scene. It's well shot and well done and well acted, but it's just weird. Then he goes out to a club and he gets attracted to a woman that's much closer to his age. However, she needs drugs to get off. So here's starts his world into diving into the world of buying and selling drugs. Do they say what drugs she needs? But really, okay, she just likes to be Highland. Yeah, whatever you might have available. Hash has talked about a lot, a little bit. I don't think they say heroin, but it's hinted at stuff. So. So he goes to a dealer he knows and says, Hey, I want to sell these drugs for you. And then Rob's the dealer. Oh, no. That's a bad plan. Yeah, that comes back on and pretty bad. And then the escalate to stealing morphine and more teen products from pharmacies and damn good stuff like that. There's a wild scene that as a filmmaker, I thought was really interesting. Like, okay, how did you shoot this, where they take a bunch of LSD and go to a concert, and it's a big concert, it looks like a Key Arena, you know, an arena sized building. But they have these real close up shots of them, watching, seeing on O'Casey as you did. It looks like they brought a camera into this show, and shot it from wherever they happen to be sitting. Oh my gosh. And then took about eight or nine people and put them on like a little bleacher chair somewhere and shot them and then mixed it really well. I did a pretty good job of putting it all together. So unfortunately the the music starts up oh man, this might sound like fun disco or rock from the seven no bow No, it was it was not great. The man he stole stuff from shows up again. Shocking, yes. And what his his take is that it's not that you stole from me, it's that I felt humiliated by you stealing from me. So he doesn't kill the kid he humiliates him and that's unpleasant. But then they decide we're gonna get back to him and they call His friends call all their gang friends. And it's like, the beginning of the warriors. Suddenly, there's like, hundreds of these young kids go into this guy's bars, well, it's not gonna go well. But the cops show up so it doesn't go quite as bad as he might have thought. The most of the rest of the story revolves around a journalist who you see briefly a few times typing away on a on a typewriter and talking stats of youth violence and crime and things. And then he gets involved in wanting to try to interview the kid and contacts somehow contacts the lady, the older lady that kid was sleeping with and they tried to arrange that. So there's a lot of back and forth of that of him going in and out of a jail. And, you know, things of course, just get worse and worse. And I was originally not going to and I was just gonna, as I had been doing recently, just sort of leaving the ends of the film's off. There's something that happens in the end of this film. I feel like I need to let people know about before you're watching because they have I wish I had okay, you know, he gets his girlfriend pregnant. And you know, it's that very classic idea of he's gonna get killed while his baby's born. Which surprised me a little bit cuz the actress in the two sequels, so I'm going okay, I guess maybe he plays his son. He's a son that's born. Well, this was not a romantic entrance for the kid into the world while his dad is getting taken out. I now know exactly what it looks like for a woman to give birth. Oh, exactly. Yes, exactly. Starts from crowning to pull in the baby. I was like, whoa. Not what I was expecting to see. Oh, no, I'm so sorry. Maybe that interests you? And now you definitely want to check this film out. No judgment, whatever. But I just wanted everybody to know that you might have something very different by the end of this in your head. So So what was it like actually, like, did they just film like a real shot? That's um, wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good word for it. I've seen a lot. There was a show when I was in college that I used to get off class just in time to catch every day on never purposely where it would be two different women giving birth per like 30 minute episode and Fuck I got really does scare the crap out of you. Yeah, and you don't even see like as much as that. I don't know this is like that's, I would call it a it's not quite it's not an extreme close up but it's a close up. I can kind of sit you can kind of see her legs. Let's put it that way it's like Cronenberg style Wow, it's not an anti drug movie. It's an anti. Make sure you use condoms kids. Yes, I like that. It's not an extreme close up, but it sounds like a very extreme. Yes. Whoa. So anyways so it was based on the real life story of Jose. Joaquin Sanchez fructose, aka el Yarrow film was CO production between Spain and Mexico, released as they'll chase novels. The film was commercial success in Spain and Mexico, although I couldn't really find any numbers on how was done. But it's also considered a classic among the Quinn qui film genre. I have no helpfulness no Cinna cynic Quinn key or Cinna kinky meaning delinquency cinema cinema is a Spanish film genre that was real popular in the 70s and 80s. Oh, that sounds like the same kind of thing like with the outsiders and those movies that were being made, but just a much more graphic version. The end, the director cameos himself of the film, very Hitchcockian. Now there is even with this being Severan blu ray release, there's not a lot on this film. There's a director interviewed, I listened to a little bit. And all the extras are about that kind of film cinema, not specifically this film. So that's my trivia. I read like three or four reviews of it, I read other write ups about it. And there's just an odd lack of talking about the film more than or talking about the behind the scenes and stuff, as opposed to just talking about the movie. So I've definitely run into that before where it's, especially with newer movies where it's just like up there. But this is sounds like a really obscure foreign title. So anything you are going to find is probably going to be written in Spanish. Yeah, yeah. So Wow. So how were your drugs? I leave. I can't wait to see your movie, Eric. I think I really lucked out. I think, I don't know if we're still competing for best film, which we may or may not be. It's gonna be a pretty heavy contender. Oh, how many live births are on your movie? I say mine was a good movie. There was a bait there were two babies at least in my movie but Robocop two year ago, we gave the city Robocop ready for duty partner nothing I'd rather do. I think he's worked out pretty well have a seat. But things have become a little rougher. This unit needs millions of dollars in parts. You see Robo cops off warranty. He's one of mine. And I want him back on his feet. I believe that Murphy's case was unusual but not unique. We can find someone else, someone to whom the prospect might even be desirable. But now we need a law enforcement unit capable of meeting the enemy on his own ground. She screaming psychotic server we aren't planning to build a toy and carrying enough firepower to get the job done. I got good news for you. You're gonna have a chance for immortality with great pleasure, I give you Robocop two things that we look forward to but this boy thing is a great step outside get over ourselves Portuguese, which I've never seen, so, um, this has a rotten tomato score of 29% from critics 36% from audience that I think that says something more about the era and time in which it came out rather than I think if it come out now people will be having a lot more fun with it. The budget was somewhere between 25 and 30 million. It had a box office of 45.7. So it did just fine. The director is Irvin Kershner. So not the director of the first one. He has 32 credits. He's mostly a TV director, but we have talked about him before because he directed eyes of Laura Mars. He also directed Star Wars Episode Five. He also did never say never again, all of those films back to back Robocop to was the last film that he ever did. That was written by the actual Frank Miller of Frank Miller fan. So he has 29 credits, but we mostly know him from comics. But since city spirit 300 Bart, Bart man Batman, dark made in Frank Miller Bart. That'd be some. And then he did 26 episodes of something called Big Guy and Rusty the boy robot, which I don't know anything about, but that sounds pretty fun. He actually did write Robocop two and three and Robocop vs. Terminator comic. It was co written by Wallen. I don't know his first name. I guess I didn't write it down. He wrote the screenplay has 39 credits, including The Wild Bunch war games and a lot of TV including law and order. Er, NYPD Blue Hill Street Blues, so he does a lot of those kinds of cop shows. So this is a perfect fit for him. It is starring the one the only Peter Weller returns as Robocop. He's been in 86 things, mostly Robocop. Now he's also been in adventures of a cry Buckaroo Banzai, he was in a Naked Lunch. She was in Star Trek Into Darkness. He does do a lot of TV recently, including Longmeyer, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter and 24. Co starring Nancy Allen. She has a lot more screenplay think and this one. She plays and Lewis has sort of cool. Police person, partner. Thank you, partner, partner in policing. That word. She's been in 39 Things dressed to kill Robocop one, two, and three children in the corn 666. Isaac returns poltergeists, three, the Philadelphia Experiment. And Carrie, so she's she's been around but then she also did a lot of really bit parts too. So that's a little bit unfortunate. Linda Bower plays Juliet facts, so she's the sort of strange psychologist character she has been in 25 things including Flashdance, UHF, Airwolf, time writer and just tons of TV movies. Dan Oh Heerlijk This is a got a big cast guys. He plays the old man who runs the big corporation. He's been in 137 things but we would remember him from Halloween three as Colonel Colonel Cochran. William E. Pugh as the mayor Kuzak he's been in 60 things including Air Force One The Hills Have Eyes to the color purple. And he was in a bit part in Amazon women on the moon. Of course, Tom Noonan's in this as the sort of cult leader named Cain he's been an ad three things including he played dollar hide and man hunter, who's been selected in New York and man with one red shoe. A lot, a lot of TV stuff. It's funny because I recognized his name, but then looking through his stuff. I was like, There's no way I just know who this guy is dollar hide for Manhunter. The one time I watched it, so I must be thinking of him from something but I'm not 100% sure what. Gabriel Damon, who plays this kind of young kid character in this film, he's been in 46 things. It's funny because I was like, Man, this kid is incredible. I hit that hope he had a career after this. Oh, he did just fine. He was a Newsies. He played the voice of little foot and Land Before Time. He was in 25 episodes of one big family 23 episodes of called the glory. He also did walk on roles for Mr. Belvedere, Punky Brewster, growing pains, Superman, the TV show who's the boss, he was in all kinds of stuff. So he actually had a pretty good career. Steven Lee as the dirty cop was in 118 things very recognizable face, but it's the kind that you're like, I know you from something, but I'm not sure what he was in WarGames, burlesque la bomba. And last but not least, Galen Gork, who played a role that I really enjoyed, which was the sort of druggie girl She just did such a great job. Who's part of the this cult she's been in 55 things including point blank, the mantas TV series, which I know nothing about Twin Peaks. She was in three episodes and did a lot of walk on roles. So the story I, okay, so the crime one year after the previous film, we start with this really tongue in cheek OCP commercial, and that's that big, big corporation that's kind of taking over everything. And it's this car thief getting into this really hot, cool little red car. He gets in there and he sits in tries to start the car and immediately gets strapped in electrocuted. And we see the board's Magnum volt lethal response, and it won't even run down your car battery, followed by another thing. News Reel showing that there's been a nuclear event that has ruined the rainforest. And the TV hosts are like, Yeah, but the environmentalists say that every day. So like, don't worry about that. The Surgeon General was gunned down. Because he it's funny because you're like, Oh, you got gunned down after dinner talking about this big drug that's been hitting the streets called nuke and how that is really ruining the city of Detroit and it's spreading like wildfire. Wildfire, and I didn't expect this, but then he's literally gunned down while he's giving his speech about nuke. I was like, Oh, he leaves and then somebody shouldn't know. He just gets shot right there. I was like, Oh, okay. He was gunned down. All right, there we go. So it is a big problem. And on top of that, the Detroit Police are on strike because OCP will not pay out their pensions. So there are no police out on the streets. There's rampant crime, and then we get into this shot that's almost like a winner. It's not but it feels like this continuous sequence of just crime on the streets. So you start with like a bunch of people basically shooting up nuke like just sitting in the sidewalk, essentially, one woman's like holding a baby, see baby, while she's injecting it into her neck. And then we kind of hit this shot of this old lady with a shopping trolley full of cans, just crossing the street. And of course a car almost hits her it hits her cans, the CANS go everywhere, and this guy jumps in, and he starts putting the cans in a cart for Annie's, I'll help you, I'll help you. Then he grabs her purse and runs off and you're like what? Okay, so he takes out the cash in her jewelry and checks the person on the ground. He's like, I've got this cash and then he gets curb stomped by these two prostitutes, who then take his cash. That was a little lady's cash. I was like, Are they gonna give it back to old lady? Nope. They do stick a heel in his face, though. So that was intense. So they start walking past and they're like counting their cash and trying to hurry along. You're like, oh man who's going to take their cash, no one but somebody is going to crash a car right past them into a gun store and rob the gun store. And you're just like Jesus Christ. I mean, crime, like they're really selling this whole crimes and scenario. So of course, the guys steal all kinds of guns, they're loading up. They're like, Hey, man, where's the bullets for this to the owner and the owners like, hit the bullets are in the third drawer. Just take what you want leave and they're like, Okay, and shoot him in the face. So great. They grab a bazooka and they're like, yeah, man, this is cool. And of course, a cop car pulls up and who should arrive on the scene, despite everyone being on strike and no one being here to save the day but Robocop he is here to help out. And they shoot him with the bazooka and it does not faze him the shooting with all the guns, it does not faze him. So he takes them down. No problem, no question asked, and he starts walking down the street going, where's the nuke? Taking random people going, where did you get the nuke. And so he finds this sort of location where there's like steam coming out of the, you know, he can tell us like a lab goes in and tries to bust this sort of drug lab and try and figure out where it's coming from. Now it's all being produced by the sort of cult leader named Cain. He's running the drugs on the street, and Robocop is on a mission to try and figure this shit out. However, while he's there, he sees this boy who looks an awful lot like his son and the boy knowing that he can't do anything about him. He's not going to kill a kid shoots him in the face. And so we get this sort of like Robocop POV of everything, sketching out and then coming back online, and he sees memories of his kid and so a kid gets away. Robo Robocop returns to the precinct and we start to see what's happened in his life since a year ago. He's become really obsessed with his I guess ex wife. His live wife and son who are living their lives out. He's been parking his car out in front and watching it. And there's this sort of is, is the cop still in there? Or is he not? He still thinks he is the cop. And the wife is suing the precinct because she's like, my, my husband's obviously still in this Robocop and you guys, you know, you're keeping him from me. So OCP, goes and intervenes and says, Hey, yo, Robocop, you are ruining this woman's life. You can't give her what she needs, you gotta fucking knock it off. So there's this really heartbreaking scene where he basically as to tell her that her husband is dead. He's like, touching my face, and she touches it. And it's just like, it's cold. He's like, he is gone. This is a tribute to him. And it's really sad anyway. So they gave me the impression you give us a great sorrow. I'm just trying to be honest. No, I love the actual aggression. You're doing? Well, or as Robocop? Yeah, I would say that his performance is it's not it doesn't feel quite as strong in this film. But I think it's really down to the costume, because they gave him a much more flexible costume. So the movements aren't as rigid, they're actually a little bit more comfortable, which means you aren't getting that robotic movement. It feels more like a guy trying to be a robot than a guy stuck in a suit, playing a robot. So story, it's just a very Robocop versus crime tale. He wants to figure out what's going on with the new key, he hunts down cane at his location. And of course, they are super ready for him. They tear him apart limb from limb, which and return him to the precinct in pieces, he is broken, he's kind of barely holding on there. It's sort of keeping him alive, trying to figure out what to do with him. But this is perfect for OCP because they have been trying to figure out how to make Robocop two, they've been putting other good cops into Mecca. And the results are harrowing. Basically, every single time, the robot gets revealed, and they're like, introducing Robocop to, and they'll typically just shoot everyone in the room and then shoot themselves, because they're in a lot of pain. And it's an awful, awful experience. And for some reason, they cannot figure out Robocop too, but now that Robocop one is gone, this gives them the perfect opportunity. And there is a young lady who is a go getter at OCP. And she is climbing the ladder in the head of a company. And she decided this is the opportunity for her to go ahead and step in and intervene and find the perfect candidate for Robocop. So she begins her hunt. And in the meantime, they do put Robocop back online, but they give him a new set of sort of programming. They sit down on a kind of town hall style and take take, you know, a suggestions from audience members as to ways they can change Robocop and make him more approachable and people are like, I wish he would talk things out. He's a bad influence for our kids. And I wish he would, you know, go to schools and, and talk about you know, his job more and, and be more approachable and care about the environment. And so she makes this really big laundry list of things and programs that into Robocop. So he's put back out on the streets with this new set of directives. And it is a disaster, he is completely incapable of pretty much doing anything. And some of the directives they do list this whole screen that flashes really quickly. So just want to read a couple of these fun ones. Directive 233 Restrain hostile feelings directive 239 be accessible, directive 240 participate in group activities 246 Don't rush traffic lights 247 Don't run through puddles and splash pedestrians and other cars. And of course the fun one, directive 260 to avoid Orion meetings. This is an Orion movie. So that one's that one's the nice easter egg. Um, so Robocop, of course, is taken back to the precinct and he overhears the doctors basically saying, Well, we're stuck. We can't do anything with them. This is just how he's going to be now the only way we could do something is basically electrocute him and hope that he doesn't die. So he walks straight outside, finds a giant transformer, shoves his hands in there and just shocks himself as partner comes out with a wood plank and prise him off. And he's like, I am good. Things are good. It's all erased. He's all just Robocop again so he bands everybody together and he's really gonna go after cane this time. He is on the warpath. So all the cops come together finally getting off the streets running in trying to take down cane And they they big shoot out. There is a hilarious moment where Robocop is trying to sneak around the edges and get Kane taken out. And he's Robocop so he's just going funk, move, thunk, move. You're like you're not sneaking, sir, you might as well just walk straight down the middle like everyone knows you're coming. But he does manage to get cane. But of course, even though cane is injured and basically on death's door, through this experience, this is just an opportunity for the up and coming OCP lady to go, you know what, perfect candidate, this guy definitely will do whatever we say because he's addicted to nuke. So if we just hold nuke over Him, then He will do anything we asked him to do. And he wants to live forever, because he's a psychopath. So that's great. And I'm sure he wants to be in this robot body. So yeah, there's no logic to this whatsoever. So she takes this cult leader and puts him into Robocop too, and it is a success. He functions. And of course, Detroit is going bankrupt in the meantime. And so OCP basically owns the entire city and they are doing a big reveal of Robocop to which leads to Robocop to really wanting nuke and not being allowed to have it and taking the remote that's supposed to control him, and just going big with his giant robot arms and taking the armored part off so he can do what he wants. killing everybody and getting into a giant battle with Robocop one. I won't spoil the ending. I wonder who's gonna win? Hmm. Robocop too, right. That's how we get Robocop three. I mean, it could sure be. This film is. It's pretty incredible. I had such a good time with it. It's really fun. I don't think I can spoil this movie. If I try it. I gave you guys the beats. But there's so much shit going on. I definitely missed like A, B, C and D plot in this movie. The commercials throughout this are fucking insane. But super, super fun. It's got a lot of that tongue in cheek humor that I really enjoyed from things like Gremlins, too. It feels like that. It's like a mile a minute just coming at you and just a lot of cool stuff going on. His partner is she's great in this film. She is just kicking ass like she's never like, oh, I can't do anything. I'm a girl. She's usually the one who's like climbing around in the rafters and finding the good shot to take down the guy who's killing everyone else. Like she's on it. She's a better cop at at times than Robocop is. I love the cane robot. He's got really creepy, horrible CGI face that is on like a panel and he's like screaming and moving around his mouth is awful. It's awful, awful, awful, early CGI. And when he's addicted to the nuke, and he sees it. And if at one point Robocop says give him what he wants and like, shoves the nuke over to him. He does the happiest little robot dance and his leg pistons move up and he kind of is like, Oh, the nuke. It's extremely, extremely good. The big fight at the end, you get everything you need. There's an elevator shaft fight. There's a falling off a skyscraper, there's a crushing there's a blowing up, there's everything you could want and more. And it has a really satisfying kind of ending moments with a lot of squishing which is just great. Um, one point the fights when they get really intense become this sort of stop motion animation that looks like two toys fighting, which I think is a really great unintentional marketing situation. Because man, they could sell toys out of that shit. Easy. Be like, yeah, I want to make the two robots fight. I don't know if they did, but that would have been genius. Yeah, and it's just there's just a lot of really interesting social issues happening in this movie to where they're talking about things like environmentalism and and corporations versus city politics versus drug overlords. It's like no matter what direction they go, everything feels bad. However, despite that, it is a fun film. And it does end with the song at the sort of weird, operatic orchestral nonsense, and occasionally, it's like, are they say Robocop randomly in this music? They are. They're going pro poco. Like occasionally in this you're like, Oh my God, they're just randomly singing Robocop through this. So um, there's so much trivia on this movie. It's fucking nuts. I don't want to go too much. I literally stopped reading it at some point because I was like, people are fucking Trivium nuts over this movie. But I will talk a little bit about how it happened. So after the success of Robocop director Paul Revere joven and the original screenwriters were immediately approached by the studio to do possible sequel. But according to Verhoeven, he didn't really want to make the kind of sequel that the studio had in mind. They felt that going forward so quick, he felt that going forward so quickly with their ideas would make it feel like he was attempting to cash in on the first film. And he only really wanted to do a follow up to the original if it was innovative. So and the other writers basically had already done an outline called Robocop corporate wars. In this draft, Robocop was to be shot and pulverized to Metallic Dust by a cannon in the very beginning, he would be resurrected 25 years later as an even more in an even more dystopian future, where he would become a pawn in the struggle between an all powerful Corporation, the government and an impoverished population, which is kind of the plot of this movie, but not the 25 years later part. At one point, Robocop would have love interest in the form of a neuro brain to humanize them even more. I don't know how that would work, but that's okay. The studio liked the idea, but gave the writers a hard deadline to come up with the full screenplay, which it was just impossible to meet. In the meantime, Verhoeven moved on to do Total Recall. So Alan Moore was originally offered the chance to write the film, but turned it down. And instead, a new script was written by Frank Miller and Wallen green is his last name. But the plot also has lines the original scripts at from the original script and early drafts of the movie that were never filmed. And in 2019, it was announced that Muller and Greene's rough draft would be the basis for Robocop returns and alternative sequel, the Robocop that ignores Robocop to and Robocop three but didn't really come to fruition, so they just kind of kept passing it from person to person to person. So although the producer loved Frank Miller's original version of the script, they quickly realized it was unfilmable as written, so the final screen version was heavily rewritten and bears only a superficial resemblance to Miller story. In Miller screenplay, it was adapted into a comic book series, appropriately titled Frank Miller's Robocop. Oh, that's interesting. I'd be I'd be interested in finding that. Yeah, totally. I think that that's really Yeah, kind of fascinating. So yeah. Other favorite pieces of trivia the point of view shots from Robocop shown on interface based was based on an MS DOS program, the villain Kane has the apple based OS interface with a skull instead of the Apple logo. And the special effects were generated with a Commodore Amiga computer. So very, very fun. There is a there Listen, guys, there's so much trivia on this. But if you really want to know just go to IMDb and spend like five hours just reading through a book, book stuff on there. I remember kind of liking this movie, I didn't feel like it had quite the satirical bite that the first one did or at least not as smart. It's probably Yeah, I feel like it's not as smart. I think it falls into its own traps a little bit more. Or it's somehow a little bit sillier of a film all around. But the eight is fun. Like it is really well written. Despite that, like, I mean, it's also big and dumb. It's like it's a Dahmer movie, but it knows what it's it's doing at the same time? Well, it certainly sounds topical. Today's environment where we literally robbed people doing drugs on the street and running into, you know, cars into gun stores and stealing guns and shit like that. Yeah, it was the perfect, it was the perfect film. I'm so glad I got a chance to an opportunity to watch. Me too. Okay. Well, the movie I chose was from 2011, and it is called limitless. See that guy? That's me. My excuse for looking like this. I'm a writer. Maybe it's time to let the writing go. But just in case you think nothing ever happened to me anymore. I'm talking about this book. While I'm I sure have you written one more. I suppose I can help you with that. You know how they say that we can only access 20% of our brain. This lets you access all of it. They've had clinical trials and it's FDA approved. I just had a curiosity and that's all I was blind but now I see. A tablet a day and I was limitless. I now had cultural appetites. Since when do you speak Italian? I finished my book and four days. I'd like to renegotiate my advance. Math became useful 12,000 to 2.3 million in 10 days I'm baffled by this guy. So anymore. You do know you're a freak What's your secret? medication? Your powers are a gift from God and whoever the hell wrote your life script. I'll open up a line of credit for you. You'd be wanting a few toys. How many of us ever know what it is to become the perfect version of ourselves? What's the asking price? 4.5? I'll take it. Everything I have I want to share with you. Do you do you think somebody's watching my brain is skipping time. I have no memory of the last four days. Seems to be mean to what hours are not earned. You're careless with those powers. If you ask yourself what you're gonna do when you run out, you'll die. count that. There's no scenario in which you'd lead this life. Well, you don't work for me. No scenario, I see every scenario I see. 50 scenarios. That's what it does. Carl, if it's B 50. moves ahead of you. The Broken Of course, the risk. What would you do? Limitless limitless. It had a budget of$27 million. box office in the US of $79 million. Worldwide.$161 million. Oh, this was a big big hit. The Rotten Tomato critics give us 69% And the audience gives us 74%. Direct by Neil Burger, who directed the illusionist, the divergent film series. Oh, sir. The upside and was written by Leslie Dixon, who wrote Outrageous Fortune overboard. Mr. Doubtfire hairspray. Pay it forward. Loverboy I mean, she's just been in forever. She had I have a really neat trivia piece about her is based on the novel The Dark Fields by Ellen Lin. It stars Bradley Cooper, who did one episode of Sex in the City and a couple episodes of Law and Order. I don't know if you guys have seen this guy before, but I don't think I go on places. Yeah. Oh, Robert De Niro honored 27 credits, including Meet the Fockers, Dirty Grandpa and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Oh my god. And also Abbie Cornish. 44 credits, she was in Geostorm, Sucker Punch and three billboards outside ebbing, Missouri. So she's really the heavy hitter on this cast. This is where you're telling me all right, cool. I kind of fell in love with her in this movie. I don't know that I've seen I mean, I've seen sucker punch. And I guess I've seen you know, Geostorm for some reason, she is so beautiful in this and likeable, that I was just like, Oh my God, I've got a crush on this girl. Oh, nice. So it starts with Eddie Mora, who is a struggling author in New York City. It gets right into the story. He's sitting at a cafe with his girlfriend, and she passes the keys to their apartment to him. And he goes, just like that. And she's like, No, not just like that. This has been brewing. And you've seen this coming for the last several months. She's super frustrated with his lack of progress. He has a book deal, and hasn't written a goddamn word for this book that he's supposed to be doing. He's got zero ambition, no motivation. can't focus on everything. And he looks horrible. This is not the this is not the Bradley Cooper that we have come to know and love. He from law and order. Yes. looks awful. He looks very pallid, and his stringy hair. Just like so he's wandering the streets afterwards. And he bumps into Vernon who is the brother of his ex wife. And Vernon looks great. And Eddie says still dealing? And he's like, No, don't do that anymore. You know, and how about you you still trying that writing thing? And he's, he's very defensive. I've got a writing deal and all that. Oh, okay. Great. And then he says, uh, Vernon says, How's that going? And he, in a moment of being honest with himself, he says, I can't write a goddamn thing. I don't know what's happened. girlfriend just broke up with me and blah, blah, blah. And Edie says, hey, you know what? I got something that might pick you up. And he says, Oh, so you're still dealing? He's no, no, no, this pharmaceutical drug and it is called NZT 48. Just about to be approved by the FDA, and it will help you with your creative struggles. So Eddie, having really nothing to lose walks away He has given him like, I think he gave him just one pill. And it's a really cool looking pill, it looks like like an aspirin, but it is clear. So it's kind of a see through looking pill. He decides what the function takes it. And then just as he is going upstairs, he is confronted by the wife of his landlord who starts yelling at him about rent being due and all of this stuff. And that's when the drug kicks in. Oh, my God. It he's like, Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no. But as it kicks in, his brain just goes crazy. I want to say one thing about the photography in this film, it is so fucking amazing. And the editing is just so cool. So she's yelling at him, and he suddenly sees himself walk up the stairs behind him. And then he's just as noticing everything. He's hyper focused on every little thing. He's watching her yell at him. And he's seeing out of the corner of her bookbag, half of a title of a book. And he, he just kind of deflates her immediately. And he says, what's wrong? And she's like, What do you mean? He goes, Well, I know I'm a prick, and you're angry at the rent and all this stuff, but something else is going on, you know, is in law school. And she's like, how do you know I'm in law school. And he says, I see. I see the book that you're reading right there, but and he just starts going off on this thing on how he can suddenly help her. And it's, and he's giving an inner monologue that we're hearing, which is kind of explaining to us and himself, where he's, he's saying, you know, how did I know this? Somewhere in my brain, you know, in the two semesters of college I took, I saw that book somewhere, and then something else happened. So by the end of this, he's now he's calmed her down. He's helped her with her law school homework, and he is having sex with her immediately after you do. Lawn order. After she leaves, he's like, you know, what kind of person lives in a place like this. He's just looking at this dump. He lives in. And he just immediately starts tidying it up, and everything looks great that he sits down, and he writes his novel. In one night. Watch, I will say this. I hate putting stuff out there before it happens. But I started writing the novel I had been telling myself I would start writing and this movie was the thing that made me go the fuck Kelly, just start writing your novel. So nice. I'm about 2000 words, my novel. So anyway, Eddie is then like, goes, you know, get some more of this drug. And Vernon looks a little like he's gotten into a fight. And he says, Look, I don't want to talk about it. But if you want to help me out with something, yeah, I'll cut you in on this stuff. If you can take my laundry to the dry cleaners. So he does he comes back. Vernon is dead. Oh, no, it's been murdered by people looking for this drug quite clearly. But Eddie finds the drug, a big huge 10 for the drug. And he's just like, Well, shit. So he, he takes the drug, he calls the cops. And they, they're suspicious of him being there. But he's, you know, he's a nobody. And so they don't really pursue that, although he is kind of on their radar now, and that will come back. But he starts taking this drug. And he starts probably taking too much of this drug. No, no. And his life starts improving. Like immediately, he now looks like the Bradley Cooper we know and love, suddenly very handsome. He's gotten a nice haircut. He's wearing suits and all this stuff. And he's he's starting to get in on the stock market. And he's figuring out how to do all this stuff. And he gets the attention of let's see, his name is Carl Van Loon, who is a tycoon and Eddie is just like, hey, I want to I want to help you. And the guy's like, Who the fuck are you? I've never heard of you before and all this and he decides to test them by seeking advice on this merger with this huge corporations coming up. And Eddie helps him with this advice. And it's all very intelligent stuff. And Van Loon is played by dinero. So it's very, very good acting in the scene. And I just really loved all of this. And after the meeting, Eddie, then suddenly because of all the drugs is taking has this 18 hour loss of memory, kind of a time skip where he he can't it the way it's shot is this gorgeous thing where he'll be talking to somebody and then all of a sudden just stuff around him shifts and now he's talking to somebody else. And he's having an amazing conversation, but he knows through the inner monologue, he's like, what, where am I? What am I doing? I'm having this super intelligent conversation with somebody but I have no memory of it. He ends up leaving the bar with this beautiful woman. And then the next shot is this different beautiful woman taking him up to her hotel room. Oh my gosh. And then the next day in a meeting, he sees that that particular woman he was with was killed in her hotel room. And he has no idea if he has done it or not. So he starts going and trying to figure out a little bit more about this drug and what's going on with it. And he finds out that everybody who has taken it is missing or dead. No. And he's realizing, oh, there's a guy who is starting to follow him and all this meanwhile, he is rekindled his romance with Lindy, and she's just in love with the new Eddie. He's got it together. He's living in a lovely place all this stuff. But she finds out that this is all drugs. And she's very upset about it. He's starting to have a come down and he needs her to go get the drugs he has hidden. And she's like, where are they in your house? And he's like, they're not in my house. They're in your house. And so she's furious. Go get this drug. Then she realizes somebody is following her. And the guy tries to kill her. And she calls Edie. And she's like, Oh my god, what am I doing? What What have you got me into? And he says, You need to take one of those pills right now. Oh, she's like, No, no, no, I don't want this and he goes, Listen, you will be able to think your way out of this problem as soon as you take that drug. And so it's a great scene of her being terrified and hiding from this guy, she pops a pill. And then the world just changes around her and she just starts noticing all of this stuff. Like just anything she could kill him with. He's in a park and there's a kid playing baseball with a bat. She kind of zooms in on the bat. And then she looks over here and there's a guy, a gardener, cutting grass with scissors. You know, the big clippers, she zooms in on that. And then she sees across the way is this group of people ice skating. So she goes, runs love this angel runs out into the ice skating rink. This guy is chasing her. They're both sliding everything. She grabs this little girl and swings at the guy and hit her ice skates cut the guy's face wide open. Oh my god, especially his child is still in therapy. Yes, I was like, that's the only good kid I've ever seen. So he gets the drug back and all that stuff. And he gets himself weaned or tries to wean himself off. It realizes he has to start being a lot smarter about this. Lindy leaves them again and says I really hope that that you will get off of this and I'm terrified what this did to me and I'm terrified was doing to you. Meanwhile, he's got this loan shark threatening him. And at His weakest moment, he gave the loan shark one of these pills. And the loan shark is now like, I want more of this loan shark who was just a thug is now also super wealthy and dressing very well. And all of this shit is coming to a great third act where everything has to be resolved. The loan shark is there the merger that he was supposed to brokers falling apart, and he has to fix all of that. And he's coming down for the drug and he has no more of it. So it's it's a really great climax. He comes up with a very inventive way to get the drug back in his body at the end. That was I remember being a little grossed out in the theater and a lot grossed out. While I was watching it on my TV. I'll say this. I love this movie. I think I liked it when I first saw it, but this, this feeling just made me fall in love with this fucking movie. Nice. I have a couple of interesting pieces of trivia here. Shinola buff was originally cast as Eddie had had to drop out after badly injuring his left hand in a car accident. Oh, yeah, that is a different casting. Yes. Here's the thing that I loved about the writer. In a rare move. Writer Lesley Dixon sold the screenplay for the film under the condition that her script would not receive rewrites. Oh, wow, that is a power. Well, you know, after overboard, you got a lot of power. Right? You're like this Vanessa. Edie refers to the fact that his father sold supplies and equipment to dental surgeries. The same job Charlie's father had in the novel Flowers for Algernon. Shock is an inspiration for this film shocking. And then really bad taglines. This one, I'm just like, this is the laziest fucking tagline ever. What if a pill could make you rich and powerful? Well, what if? Okay? I like this one a little better. Everything is possible when you open your mind. And then this one is an actual movie tagline. It can solve any problem. It can unlock your potential but once the world is yours, everyone wants a piece. Oh Oh, that's pretty, you know better living through chemicals or something. I just thought, watching this movie again, I was brought back to how I felt in the theater from the visuals where the camera just flies through windows and stuff like that. I just was like, Man, this is a masterful looking movie, if nothing else. And then, you know, you look at Neil Burger, who directed it? The Illusionist also looked that way. I didn't see the divergent movies, but I'm sure that they're very smart and classy looking. At least the first one and then it gets really bad as it goes. i Well, I think he only did the first one. Oh, well, there we go. There you go. Yeah, so that was my movie Limitless. It is on HBO Max. Well, you know, I, so I was making fun of you the minute you chose this film. I know. Because in high school, I read Flowers for Algernon. And it was like my favorite book for a while. So I'm like, good one. And I remember seeing limitless and be like, fucking just Moo and being mad about it. But now that you're talking about, I'm like, that does sound really cool. And I didn't know as much about film, then as they do now. I probably should have just rewatch it. Rewatch, I was really, I started talking to a couple other people after, you know, I had watched it and told them, I just watched limitless again, and they were like, oh, yeah, I think I loved that movie. Maybe I was being a little snot. It's very possible. That does happen. Sometimes. I do remember thinking because I was not one of the people who ended up loving the Hangover movies. No. And I remember just being super impressed with Bradley Cooper. When I saw this, I was like, Oh, this guy can act. And I think maybe there was a lot of that going on from everybody. Because he was the dude from the hangover. Yeah, I was gonna say it took me a lot longer to realize that he was anything I remember him being in this movie and thinking, Oh, that guy. I don't know. Like, just not thinking about it. And now it's like fucking that guy. Like, he's incredible. For a while. It seemed like he was kind of douchey but I don't think he ever really was kind of douchey he was just in kind of douchey movies. Well, and he looks so put together and so good. He's got that kind of natural. Yeah, frat boy. Yeah. Ryan Reynolds syndrome. Like we all wrote him off. And we're like, oh, fuckin Van Wilder or whatever. And now it's like, Oh, shit. He's really fun and crazy to watch. Yeah. And Bradley Cooper seems like in interviews, he just seems like a really nice guy. He really loves the craft. And he, you know, he was talking about what a thriller was to be directed by Clint Eastwood and know also how terrifying it is. Because Clint doesn't stand behind the monitor. Clint stands behind the camera. So he's right there when they're doing close ups and everything. He's like, you know, you you've got to be pretty sure yourself when Clint Eastwood is staring at you from four feet away. Wow. That's a guy who can stare? Yeah. Clint gets to takes Whoa, on everything. So you better get it right. Wow. Which is even more impressive, because the man directs some pretty fucking good movie. Yeah. But it does explain the bad one. I feel like it's all coming together now. That means, Vanessa, I believe the next choice is yours. Oh, okay. Well, guys, it's summertime. And it's beautiful outside. And I'm getting these sort of vibes thinking about how nice to be to go to a lake and go swimming and maybe hang out with my friends. So I'm gonna suggest films that might encapsulate all of those things, summer camp movies, and then get horribly butchered. That's exactly how I hang out with my friends. Are you ready for the summer? For some good time? Oh, Lord. I like this idea very much. I assume that Friday, the 13th is right out. I would say at least the first one should definitely be off the table, guys. But ideally, if you can find something not in that particular series, it would be for the best. For the best. You better have a good argument if you choose one. I approve. Jason 10. Zero summer camp and isn't that one in space? Okay, this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts and participating in the value for value system. We really, really appreciate it and the way that works guys is if you got something out of this podcast, then give something back. Sometimes that's just a note. Sometimes that's in the form of money. We really appreciate that. Sometimes it's by commenting on our YouTube channel stuff which I have been Reading and I realized, hey, listeners are way smarter than we are. Did you see the posting about the rain? Did Tom know somebody posted a video? Sorry, I forgot your name, sir. But thank you very much because it's excellent about exactly what you experienced some guy in Europe who's explaining how the con works and Oh really? Is it's what you describe to a tee. Wow, I have to watch this now. Is there anything about Q tips in this con? No, no, that was the you got that's your own special bonus. Oh, my God, I will have to look that up. Did you watch it? Can you explain the con right now. It's like, you know, the whole thing. It's stupidly simple. The idea is somebody who looks like they have a lot of money sitting by the side of the road or driving up to you as you're walking down the street offers you hey, I really need this gas. I'll offer you these ring or this jewelry or something like that as a as a exchange. Yeah, give me money for and then I'll go get gas. Like he the way he did. He showed it twice. And somebody gave him a car, say hey, I run this business. And then some totally different guy comes up, give him a card. It's not exactly the same, but it's really close. And they all drive like BMW is or high end cars. And most of them are wearing suits, or at least looking really nice. And it was it was so straightforward. That it's like oh, so that really is the con The con is just like looks like you don't need it looks like you're a trust a trustworthy person in a trustworthy scenario. The real problem with this is that I will now go back to my regular pessimistic self and somebody will be in need of something on the side of the road and I will drive right by because I don't trust anybody anymore. Yeah, yeah. I mean, living in London for 10 years made it so I trust pretty much no one Yeah, yeah. So it'll happen, unfortunately. Okay, well see that's what I'm talking about. We got some content out of that and I really appreciate it. Thanks person. So we are going to retire now. We will come back in one week and we are talking summer camp shenanigans. Transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by an an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan. You can't think the experience. Guess the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. If you don't love me. Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Sit low sit. You know I'm gonna step away from this road. I'm gonna walk away from this road. I'm gonna go into the tall grass and I'll be over here.