Strange Aeons Radio


August 11, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 188
Strange Aeons Radio
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Strange Aeons Radio
Aug 11, 2022 Season 4 Episode 188
Strange Aeons Radio

Kelly wants to teach you how to drive! Also discussed: Prey, Elvis, Paper Girls.

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Kelly wants to teach you how to drive! Also discussed: Prey, Elvis, Paper Girls.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's the mess over there. Hello, I'm Kelly guys. I'm thinking of starting a new segment of the show, which is called Kelly teaches you idiots how to fucking drive. I'm sure this will be wildly popular. Everyone's gonna be like, please tell us more. We love nothing, nothing more than the entire universe and someone telling us how to drive. So Carlos will know that I'm totally fine with I will run the occasional read left light if there's nobody coming. And there's no way I'll be found. Because I think that's a bit of a waste of time. No, but the red line, the red arrow? That turns right. Yeah, a lot of people appear to think that that means you cannot go until it turns green, sir. So I'm over in Redmond. Trying to get on to Westlake Sammamish. There is a red light there that gets you onto the freeway entrance. And there is a right arrow that is there to allow bike riders to go by and stuff like that. So I'm behind this guy who's sitting there. And I'm like, yeah, so nice. They find he's not going to take his free, right? Then the green light goes, but the red arrow says, And he stays there. Then the light turns red, and he stays there. And finally, the next cycle that he didn't go, I gave him a toot. He looked back at me and pointed at the red arrow. And I said yes, I see that. Now take your free, right. And when he didn't do that, I went around him. Wow. Then he followed me, oh God, and started yelling at me a younger guy. And he said you're not supposed to go on a red arrow? And I said, Yes, you are. It's like a red light. You make sure nobody is coming. And then you take your free, right? No, that is not it when it's a red arrow, you cannot go. So I gave him my usual fuck off and drove away. And I hope that he did what I did then which was look up to see if I was correct. Yes. And I was very correct. You are so I just need everybody to let's, I'm getting old. And I don't have the time that you young people do to wait at Red Arrows. Okay, I will say on the flip side of that the number of times where I'm stopped at a red arrow with a sign that says Do not turn on red. And I get honked at is crazy. I'm like, Guys, there's literally a sign. Like if there wasn't a sign Yes, by all means, but there's a sign that like that's that actually touched on one of my greatest driving pet peeves. People that don't understand the protected read. And just stop and go. Like I'm doing a protected read. Right. It's like, yeah, when nobody is coming at you, right? Yeah. Well, I think that guy is far enough away that I could make this right turn safely. No, that means you wait. Yeah, it's turn turn all day long on a protected right when there's no cars coming like you know, like you're talking about will tune in next week when I go on a rant about people who don't understand how many lanes over you don't have to stop. If you're facing a bus that has come to a stop like, oh, good good Maury. Now. Boy, I have so much to talk about. And it's not exactly new stuff, but I want to talk about it. So I hope you guys are going to be bringing up new stuff. All right. Okay. I saw Thor love and thunder. Oh my gosh, I am really curious. Oh, yeah, this was a disappointment. I don't think that I hated it like you did, because I thought there was a lot to like in it. Sure. Yeah. But I didn't. I just didn't understand what they were doing. Yeah, why they had gone for almost slapstick comedy in this rate. You know, I really enjoyed Ragnarok This did not feel like Ragnarok to me because it didn't feel as smart as Ragnarok was. No it doesn't and like you said it's a weird mix of over the top sloppy humor and then like whip lashing to very serious topics like cancer and kidnapped children and love lost and it's really difficult to navigate that emotional side witching. You're exactly right. It was, you know, killing Zeus, I thought was a pretty important moment that was played as a joke. Yeah. Weird. I was like, did they just do it? Well, I was just like they couldn't have possibly actually killed them because we spent no time at all. Like, we spent so much time in that stupid world where they go and hang out with the gods. And I was like, I don't know why we're here. I don't care about why we're here. This is all a waste of time. And then the only important things that happen in there we just skip through. Yeah, just they just a very silly movie and, and disappointing because of the very serious themes that were going through it so I, I don't know I didn't want. I didn't want it to be a super serious Thor movie, because I don't think that's why I liked Thor. But I also wanted it to make sense. He doesn't live in a comedy world. He's kind of a buffoon in a real world. And so it doesn't make sense when everybody's a buffoon in this world. Oh, wow. Including his hammer and axe. Yes. I'm like, Why did those have to suddenly have personalities? That was really frustrating to ever do that in the comics? I don't I know that they made this weapons sentient. Yeah, I don't remember ever since. And this is based off of a pretty recent comic run to my FOMO with Marvel movies is going far, far away. I probably will never watch Morpheus and I'm fine with that. Oh, don't bother. I haven't I haven't watched the Eternals yet. I might, but it's not anything I'm going. And now with this new Thor, I'm just like, maybe I'll just go rewatch Ragnarok if I'm feeling the need for Thor, because yeah, Damn, you're not really missing much. Unfortunately. It's like when they push out so much content so quickly. Eventually, they're going to start to stumble. And this year, there's been a lot of stumbling, but you've caught all the good stuff. And that's what matters. Like Morbius is only worth watching because it's like, Oh, hey, there's the weird looking Doctor Who and he's doing a great job. Nothing else matters in that movie. So yeah, I also got to catch up on a film that we have not talked about. So that's fun. I went and saw all this. The new boss Lurman movie. Well, I can't wait to hear what you thought of it. Are you a fan of Elvis Presley? Um, I grew up listening to the oldies stations. So I'm very familiar with a lot of his music. I wouldn't say I'm necessarily a fan. My mom was like a mega fan. So I watched a lot of his very bad movies. But I am really torn on this film. It's really, really good. It's a very powerful, interesting look at Elvis his life. There's a lot of stuff in there that I did not know about that is discussed in many books and has been researched on and showcase. So it's it is like a fantastical version of his life, but also based in a lot of very real things that I don't think people know about. But it is incredibly depressing. Which it should be but it's a Bosler movie and the way it's advertised it feels like it's just going to be a big fun celebration like Moulin Rouge, or by the time it was done. I was just like, I have to watch something happy because I don't even want to get on my seat. I'm so depressed. I'm a big fan of baz Lurman so I'm kind of curious to see it, but I think it's worth seeing you like some of the weird ass fans are pissed at Tom Hanks for actually getting fat and wearing a fat suit. No, not not at all. He's very unlikable though it is difficult because you're like Tom Hanks like, I even when you're like a mean guy. I usually am like, buddies. tommix And this time you're like, fuck you. I hope you burn alive playing a true real world valid. I mean, yeah, that guy was any passive asshole. And he's such a massive manipulator and everything's told through his perspective. And you know, because you're watching what's happening, you know, when he's lying to you. And at various points, he he keeps blaming the audience and the fans of Elvis for things that are going on. And so you get more and more mad at him because he's literally saying, You guys are at fault for what happened here. And you're like, Oh, my God, you so it's, it's really it is an incredible film. I cannot stress that enough. It is a great, wonderful film. I'm glad I saw it. But it was not a happy movie in any way. So is it full of Elvis music, even though Yeah, it's cool too. Because it's not just Elvis is traditional music, which there's Elvis is music. There's the actor whose name I've forgotten who actually does sing and perform the music and does a mazing job. But there's also like, remixes modern remixes of different Elvis songs, which you would think would be irritating but instead it keeps everything fresh. So you're not just like zoned out and into. Okay, it's this Elvis song I've heard 5 million times. Instead it feels energizing and interesting and new. And the way that maybe the audience in the film is experiencing something for the first time considering directly behind your head as I look at you as an Elvis I'm guessing you're a fan as well. I was a gigantic fan. In my younger years. My mom, my mom would tell you, me and my buddy Steve, were living next door to them at one point, and he would have to call up and say could you turn the Elvis down? Not Iron Maiden turn down Elvis. That is amazing. Every once in a while you find out something really cool about your parents or something. My mom saw Elvis in like 57 Oh my god. Holy shit. So tell me about it. I was so cool. I mean, it's every she loved it. She was a huge Elvis fan. So yeah, that was like, Oh, that's so cool. Oh, that's incredible. Well, Kelly, I think you I mean, I think people should see it because Eric you love musicals. And Kelly love Elvis. Like, you guys gotta check this out. Let's see when you like musicals. I do. Sounds like it's okay. might hopefully get another 100% Strange aeons. In fact, I love musicals so much. Got my tickets. My Tickets for Hamilton. Oh, hey, I saw that on Disney plus. All right, so I've got a new one of the week and it's not a had to go to the movies to see it once. So a lot of people watched it. And a lot of people commented on it. Pray. Yeah, predator saw this as well. Yeah. See? I enjoyed it. I'm not a huge predator person. I saw the first two. And I don't know if I've seen any, I don't think I've seen any of the EVPs or any of the crappy sequels since then. And I thought it was a lot of fun. I mean, it's, there's some weird shit in it. There's some strange money spent or not spent. But the base storyline is just pretty much the first predator with a new sheen over the top of it of how they're telling the story. Yeah, did you see it? Vanessa? I did. I saw I really liked it. I think it is the second best Predator movie. I've seen most. I think I've seen all the predator products, which some are very, very bad. But I think it's predator two is a great film, but it's really zany to an extent like it's got that 90s Like, we're in California, and there's rap and there's backwards hats, and everybody's in different gangs. And it's like the Warriors and it's like really fucking silly, but it's good. It's good. But I think this was actually I don't know, I loved it. I thought it was a really strong story told in a really interesting way. Yeah, I thought it had a lot of problems, mostly. Mostly the huge mountains. And wherever they were supposed to be, which had to be Texas, Kansas, or Oklahoma, or the tribe. It was like, where are those fucking mountains? Oh, somewhere in Canada, I would guess. But I thought it looked gorgeous. I thought, you know, whenever you decide to do one of these things, where we're going to pretend that this happened that they had a female warrior who was stronger and everything. You kind of have to put your, your real thoughts on hold Sure. And go okay. This is a fantasy. And this is what they're doing with this story. So I was okay with that. I thought that there comes a time like as a reboot for a franchise. I think this is really strong one. But where do you go when the most fearsome hunters in the galaxy always lose to humans every time they come down? I mean, they killed a lot it humans like a lot. First predator doesn't win in any movie, right? Yeah. Well, you know, killed at the right. Well, we're not showing all the time study did win. That's all I would say though, with this predator. One of the things that I thought was weird. He didn't seem like a hunter. He seemed like an opportunist, who every once in a while happened to run into something he could kill. The first predator felt like he was here. He found these guys and he's hunting them. This way. There's multiple times then moving on. What was he just here to kill what he happens to come across like there is that feeling? Rather like one of the silly little things that bugs me wolves do not hunt solo. Yeah, ever. They don't even run down a rabbit on their own. It's just been kicked out of its back. Yeah. And if it's been kicked out of the pack, it's not a good hunter. Right. And so that could have been, there's no I mean, other than some budgetary things, that would have been a much better scene to hit see him take out a pack of wolves as opposed to one wolf and I disagree. That's a cool idea. However, I will say that, that wolf chasing that rabbit hole realistic and I was like, There's no way any of this is real, but I totally buy. And I'll just say this, so I said, I thought it had a lot of problems. I think it's the best sequel and possibly better than the first one quite honest. Oh, wow. I thought it was really a strong movie. Yeah. You know, the first one I love, but it is a silly silly movies. Yes. Problems full of gigantic biceps and stuff like that. And all the things I love it for because of how silly it is. Yeah, but I wouldn't go out and say oh, my god predator. What an amazing movie. Yeah, the, I mean, my favorite scene in the movie. And this might be a small spoiler. So you know, hold off a little bit, if you want, was kind of establishing her badass in this when she kicked the crap out of the front hunters and that weren't seen. I thought that was an incredibly well choreographed fight and really interesting. Yeah, yeah, it was, it was really fun. I don't know, there's a lot of catharsis and seeing Native Americans take down colonists who all have guns, and they do not, and there are way better fighters. And there's something very satisfying about that. Just never not be satisfying. And then, of course, those moments where, you know, everybody shoots their gun at whatever predator and have to reload. That was pretty cool. Always fun. I did think it was odd. I was trying to figure out how I felt about this predator not having a blaster, but having those darts. Right. And I was like, Are they saying that maybe 300 years ago, the predators hadn't developed this weaponry? No, they can't be saying that, because I just watched an interstellar vehicle dropped him off. So they've got to have. So I don't know why they did that. But I liked it. And I liked his helmet being made out of bone. Like that. So I thought it was a really cool design. But you actually nailed it. That's exactly what the director said is like we're considering these 300 year earlier technology for the predators as well. Well, that makes no sense. Yeah, exactly. They still have the toilet villa in the visibility capabilities of the entire ship know that a lot of there were a lot of really cool weapons in this, though, that I wasn't sure that we had seen before. So I just was like, Okay, maybe before each hunt, a predator like goes through and chooses their weapons for that particular thing. And maybe he just didn't probably last or Well, and that's what I then in my mind, I was going, he knows the technology of this planet he's being dropped on and he doesn't want to make it too easy on himself and really ruled out these kinds of weapons, that would have been pretty good. Well, I also hope that they don't do what the comics did, which is, the predator is best when the predator is Michael Myers. Yeah, I don't want to fucking know what's going through his head. I want him to be a Terminator, you know, I want I don't want to know, I want to be able to put the clues together that he is a hunter myself, instead of finding out that they have dropped him off as a baby and he's gonna do his first kill. You know, I don't want to know any of that garbage. So this was really strong. I would have actually preferred if they had pushed it further back, you know, maybe to Vikings or something like that, I think would have been a cool way to do it. But, you know, and then where do they go from here? Because this wasn't called predator prey. This was called prey. Right? And does this equal become prey to now? Are we doing a sequel? Come on, it's a huge hit. Everybody's talking about this and, and that gal I've never seen her before, but he's really strong talent. I love that they seem to have heard a lot of Native American talent, which is great. And they have that whole version. That's an isn't Comanche. Yeah, they have the entire version you can watch in just Comanche Well, that's why because they never say what her tribe is. But if it's Comanche they're Plains Indians and there's no gigantic mountains for her to stand on the cliffs the plains well, but they're no bad maybe if they're being pushed off the planes and they're just got into the rocky opposes Colorado somewhere. There's something there's something rocky ish, but it sure made a cool shot with her standing on that way. It really did come down. That was pretty cool. I liked it a lot. Cool. Something else I liked a lot that Eric you're gonna be really interested in. Alright, the last Movie stars on HBO Max. I don't. I am sick to death of pandemic movies with movies made during the pandemic. So they have to have zoom as their gimmick or something like this. Yeah, but this is Ethan hawks passion project. He's doing a documentary on Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Oh, and apparently, back in the 70s, Paul Newman started interviewing all of his friends and all of Joanne Woodward's friends about them about himself and his wife. And they recorded just hundreds of hours of stuff. And then for whatever reason, which is not revealed, Paul Newman burned all the tapes, oh my God, however, a his very good friend, Stuart Stern. Oh, who was our teacher at film school, transcribed all of those tapes before he burned them. Whoa. So Ethan Hawke is reached out to all of his a list actor friends, and they are reading off the letters and interviews as the characters, while the background videos are things that are happening from those things. So like, George Clooney plays Paul Newman in this, which is almost a detriment because Clooney sounds so recognizable, the forgetting he's supposed to be Paul Newman. But it is really, really interesting. And it kind of got my eye a little teary at the end, where it's, if this is a 10 part series, I'm only on part three. But at the end of the credits, it says, This show could not have happened without the genius and love of Stewart's like that I'm so glad Susan was such a emotional mess. His anxiety was so high. He always thought of himself as a failure and everything and I think that he would just be so pleased and proud of this. I will probably still making I'll put out there along with what Kelly saying. He might be one of my favorite people I've ever met in my life. Wow. He was absolutely wonderful. Insanely humble. He a, he did a lot in Hollywood. I mean, his recognizable stuff isn't huge. And he wrote Rebel Without a Cause and was involved with Sybil in the 70s. Or, but he wrote it, he did a lot more. He was just there. He was just part of Hollywood from a very, very young age. And one thing that drove me nuts about him was his humbleness was so much that like, he'd be telling these great stories about what he'd experienced. And he'd be like, Well, I've just felt like I've named dropped like, I don't care. Continue to name drop, please. He just was a sweet, sweet, wonderful man. He was just a joy. Yeah, the the last movie stars on HBO Max. Wow, that's incredible. Well, after that heart wrenching thing. Here's a piece of garbage. I saw the first episode of Paper Girls, I've read the comics. I am a huge fan of Brian cave on and it was look, some things don't translate. I will say it just felt with just really fast and really random. And I don't care about these characters. And I don't care that the skies, you know, highlighted pink to match the colors. And the and I met the guy who colored in a lot of this stuff. I was just sitting there going I don't I don't care. It's not it does not translate well. So I'm probably not going to continue this series. Now. This This looks like a very young adult kind of series anyway. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely aimed at you know, either early high school or late middle school girls, but it's a very complicated story. There's a lot of time travel, there's dream logic. There's all kinds of crazy themes there. You're dealing with future selves and past selves and generations of selves and warring future tribes. And it's already really weird when you're reading the comics, but you can kind of stay with it. And then when you're translating that to film, it's just garbled. I heard it being promoted as Stranger Things for girls. And I was like, Isn't Stranger Things Stranger Things but it really is actually. Yeah, no, this is this is not I wouldn't waste your time on this. Unfortunately. I'm curious is it because there's two schools of thought in translating books to movies sometimes there's the like the Lord of the Rings took it and did an incredible adaptation that largely followed look very closely, while the boys took the original and brought the flavor and the re the feeling of the book but really didn't follow the storyline of the comic books at all. Yeah, accept bits and pieces did it do which to to try to do and do you think that's why it failed the first where it's definitely trying to slavishly and lovingly Follow the story of the comics. But that just does not work, they should have branched out and tried a different approach. And they're going through really big story beats extremely fast. So like the first one, the first comic and way sooner than this episode ends, and I'm like, you guys should have spent way more time world building, and you just jumped, like, Okay, we've already jumped time twice in the first episode and never explained even what's happening. So I can't even remember the girls names and this thing, let alone you know why we're doing what we're doing. It's because they are trying to follow it to a fault. That's super interesting, because I think if the comic book is very long, right, it's like, yeah, it's, um, I don't know how to describe it. It's in total, like, probably four volumes. Were the content four or five? Yeah, it's so are they gonna try and fit all four volumes into one? I sure bet they are. Holy. Yeah, it really feels like it. Sort of like what invincible did but managed to pull it out in the end. Okay, so I saw one that every year, there's a group that I'm part of that does this 100 films by it before Halloween. There's the 30 days that a lot of people do. They said, Let's do 100 Which I've never even come close to pulling off watching 100 unseen horror films in 100 days. But I'm in the middle of it right now. So I was like, Oh, well, this is fine. Let's watch. This sounds dumb. Let's watch a dumb foreign horror film. And I watched a movie called Amster damned. I've heard of this. It's so I'm gonna Well, this sounds really dumb. It does Vic moss who's a hit or miss kind of director. It's Dutch. It's great. Oh, really? The problem it has its dubbed. But it's dubbed I apparently stopped by some of the original actors are like they did with Das Boot very successfully. Not as successfully here. A lot of times, it's very corny and cheesy and hard to like, are you doing this on purpose, but then when nobody's talking? The action of the storyline is a scuba gear serial killer. Oh, so he's going through all the canals in that city and it pops up and kills people and it is shot incredibly well. But it's like an excellent jello kind of shooting and has what might be the only other comparison I think that comes close as James Bond but might be the best boat Chase I've seen in a film. Wow. And of course, it's all real. This is a low budget film, isn't it? Oh, relatively in the 70. So low budget being right. It looks it does look good. Something was spent on it. But then there's a earlier scene which is a car chase and a motorcycle, which has done incredibly well but to watch the boat chase in the canals knowing it all had to be real. It's really cool. Wow. 90 degree turns by these boats and shit. It's like what did you see this on? shutter? Oh, okay, cool. I think I will put that on my list. Definitely one of the not to be judged by its title movies. Yeah, no kidding. It's got a curve its title. That's why I avoid it. Well, why don't we take a little break? And then when we're coming back, we're talking badass chicks. No, we're not. No, we're not. Why don't we take a little break? We'll come back. We're talking the third in a franchise. Okay, that sounds good. Three is a magic number. Yes, it is. It's a magic. Somewhere in the ancient mystic Trinity, you get three as a magic number. The past in the present and the future, faith and hope in God. The heart and the brain in the body give you three as a magic. It takes three legs to make a tripod or to make a table stand. It takes three wheels to make a vehicle's columns drastic. Every triangle has three corners. Every triangle has three sides. No more, no less. You don't have to guess. When it's three. You can see it's a magic number. Three in the family magic The man and woman had a baby they had three in the family that's a magic number Welcome back to the show Eric this was your sub genre. No, this wasn't yours. This is yours it's Yours Yours. Welcome back to the show. This was my genre you guys. Really? Yes. What a great choice and the idea was to pick the third element of franchise you know, you think we are recording this on late in the evening or something but no, no, it's just it's been a long day. I gotta tell you guys so with that in mind, I chose I pulled a Vanessa and chose a really poor movie for my genre. Yeah, I'm glad we're calling it that makes me really happy. I picked from 1983 Jaws three with the first you were too terrified to go back in the water just when you were starting to think it was safe along came the second now nature's most terrifying creature has returned in an all new adventure Jaws three new dimension in terror on the surface all these con was a shark bite release yard across indicator shark gives him 35 feet in length let me see. To experience Jaws three is to experience a new dimension means find out the old new Jaws three D. But you have to love this man. I mean, you're such a fan of the jaws franchise. Well, I am a fan of the first movie. And I'm okay with the second movie franchise. These movies i we i know you love all your movies. Well, what was funny is you know I was searching for this on like to be and everything is just 3d and it wouldn't come up. And I realized oh, because it's not 3d anymore. It's just just three. That's when it found the bomber budget of $20 million. box office of$87 million. So Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 11% The audience see they're giving us 17% Both of those feel high to me. Directed by Joe Alvis. This was his only movie. Holy shit. Wow. He is an art director in real life. And he was an art director on jobs too, which is why he got the job for just three. What a strange promotion. Hey, you did such a good job of making that shark in jaws to Why don't you just direct the next one? Yeah. This was written by Richard Matheson who wrote the Night Stalker movie that I used wrangler movie and of course the greatest vampire novel ever made. I Am Legend. True. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I've got some quotes. Okay. At the end was also written by Carl Gottlieb, who is a comedy writer for the most part, but he also wrote just two he wrote caveman Dr. Detroit and the jerk. The Jerk is a spectacular movie. Yeah, this movie is not based on you know, based on the book Jaws by Peter Benchley. loosely, yes, it stars Dennis Quaid. He has 110 credits, seven movies in development right now. Some of my favorites of his are breaking away the right stuff enemy mine and innerspace it also serves best Armstrong who has 78 credits mostly TV. She's still working. She's been in One Tree Hill House lies Bosch. And it also stars Louis Gossett, Jr. 209 credits 13 of them in development right now. She's JDS revenge I talked about on our blaxploitation episode. He was also an enemy mine with Dennis Quaid, and he was the first African American to win the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in An Officer and a Gentleman. I'm just also going to let you know that stars Lea Thompson in her first role, who was my high school crush? Oh. Okay. Have you guys seen this movie? Boy, if I have I completely blacked it out. I'm pretty sure I haven't. I remember seeing the second one. And before I saw the first one. Oh, wow. Yeah, unfortunately the third. Okay, well, it is a shitshow. We need Michael Brody, who is Dennis Quaid, and he is the son of Martin Brody from the first two jazz movies. He works now He is an adult. He works now for SeaWorld and Florida, which is preparing for the launch of its new undersea kingdom, which is a set of tunnels where people can view the wonders of the deep without ever getting wet, sir. I feel like I'm here. The film starts right out with a great white shark following a team of water skiers from SeaWorld doing their stunts and everything. And so they're flying along and however many knots. boats go when they've got, you know, a triangle of skiers behind them. And the shark is not only keeping up with him, he's gaining on them. The Yeah, so immediately you're thrown into this going, oh my god, the boat stalls, of course. And the shark that was right on their tail now is much further back as they're splashing in the water. And then they get the boat started, they all get back up on each other's shoulders and take off just before Jaws gets there. So right off the bat, this movie expects you to just assume that if there is a shark in the water, it is a great white and it will kill someone. This movie true. It totally turns Jaws into Jason. Basically he is. He is a serial killing shark. Who is just like it all humans in these humans in particular are who I want. So I'm just gonna call him Josh from here on out. All right. So Michaels girlfriend is Katherine who's a senior biologist at the park and they are noticing that the dolphins are afraid to leave their pen for some reason. What they don't know. But we know is that Jaws somehow snuck into the SeaWorld tanks while they were getting the skiers in. And it is literally this ridiculous from the get go. They have like this pen that the skiers come into from the open water and just sneaks in. I love that. Oh, that's so good. So they they go out there and they see that oh, the gate is kind of broken here. I'm not sure how that could have happened. But let's send a mechanic down there. And so one of the mechanics goes down underwater and he is attacked by Jaws immediately. So Michael and Catherine go down and try and figure out what happened to the mechanic even though the dolphins are swimming around them and trying to warn them away. At the beginning of this, we see her trying to teach these dolphins to do a trick and they're like fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. And that's going to come back later. But the dolphins do love her. And they get down there and they find the mechanic severed arm and then they are attacked by just to let the heroine dolphins come swooping in and allow Michael and Catherine to grab onto them and get pulled to safety. Oh my god. Wow. You're making this sound amazing. Then immediately raped Catherine. So So Louis Gossett Jr. is the park owner and obviously had no idea how bad this movie was going to be when he accepted it immediately after winning an Academy Award. Oh, and he doesn't believe their story about a jaws in their pen. And I'm like, Yes, it seems impossible, right? But you hire these very intelligent and capable people. Why would they be lying about this to you? It would be a weird prank. They literally saw this Jaws firsthand. And the guy's like, I don't believe you guys. You're allowed to keep working here. But I think you're both liars and problem you know, I Kelly sometimes stories have to have very specific beats and we've got to write them as expected. Well, anyway, they finally come across the rest of the mechanic and he starts to believe them. And his thing is not to kill the jaws but to capture because No, SeaWorld has a jaws in captivity. And this thing is 35 feet long. So it's like a feet longer than the original Jaws which makes it longer than a city bus. I mean, how big to shark skin? Not 35 feet. Times Yes, yes. Yeah, I know very little about shark. I, when I lived down in LA, there was a 27 foot great white couch right off of Santa Monica. That is the size of the shark in Jaws and that they made a big deal about that, because that is very, very uncommon. So but this is just three so it's got to be bigger. Should the first two shirts anyway, the movie, which is ridiculous just gets more bonkers after this. There is a case of mistaken Jaws at some point where they find out that the jaws they're after is actually just the baby of the jaws. It's actually in the pen. The jaws had a baby jaws that grew to be gigantic somehow in 24 hours, and they captured that Jaws without realizing that Mama Jaws is still in there. That was a big pen. Not just in like a dolphin pen or anything. He's got Rome of the entire undersea kingdom. Or she does. So they they hire this super handsome dude who shows up and it turns out he's like, like super Quint. Basically, His specialty is caching Jazz's, and he goes down leading the jaws into a filtration pipe is a trap. But the JAWS is too smart for him. And as he's preparing to throw a grenade at her sure he is completely swallowed by her, like swallowed Hall. You see his POV from inside the jaws as they're clamping shut and you're looking out at the open water through the teeth, right? He's holding a grenade this is important later. Okay, so and she doesn't choke or like, it's 35 feet long, I guess. Yeah, I guess that's basically like having a piece of carrot stuck in the side of your cheek or something. So the jaws attacks the underwater kingdom and a bunch of people get trapped there with the water rising and this does create a nice ticking time bomb that Michael and Catherine have to diffuse by killing the shark before they can get all the people out because the shark apparently cannot be sated. His appetite or appetite is just unending. She's just going to eat every human that is in the water. So they're underwater in this submerged room and the the undersea Kingdom thing is kind of broken from just crashing into it. And then Jaws attacks and while they're in this room, and they're stuck, they can't escape. And the dolphins are trying to help them and ship but it is not working this time. There is no escape from jaw or is there because as things look there bleakest. Michael notices the super Quint is still inside the jaws his mouth and he is gripping the grenade. Oh, you literally see him with his hair flowing in the water and a scream on his face and him holding this. Oh my god. And what do they have to do? They have to somehow pull the pin on that grenade. Oh my gosh, do they have to go fishing? This scene, this scene. They snag the pin on the grenade with with like a hook that they've got. Okay, and then they swim very quickly away from the jaws. And the jaws explodes and throws 3d Intestines at us that look really really bad. And the best part is the jaws of the shark the exploded jaws of the shark come flying at the screen. Oh, I bet that would have been fun. And then there will never be another job movie. Oh, sure. No more large shark movies either. Michael Caine tagline for this movie is the third dimension is Tara. My God. Also use Friday the 13th Answer me. Okay, I love this. I guess some trivia for this movie. I will say this. I watched this movie all the way through and I was just fine with all of it. I mean, it was awful, but I was never not entertained. David Brown and Richard D. Zanuck, producers of the first two films originally pitched this as a spoof, based on a suggestion by John Hughes. It was titled National Lampoon's just three people 00 My God go title it was about a movie studio trying to make another sequel to jazz. It opened with author Peter Benchley being eaten in his pool by a shark and included a naked Bo Derek and shark costumed aliens. Joe Dante was attached as director Steven Spielberg He rejected the idea and threatened to walk from his deal with Universal if they did this damn. Boy they sure showed him being correct in his assessment. Roy Schneider, who started in the first two jazz movies once said, Mephistopheles couldn't talk me into just three, they knew better than to even ask. Reportedly shader agreed to make blue thunder in order to ensure that he was definitely and contractually unavailable for this. Very smart. When the shark explodes some of the entrails of fly out of the screen in 3d are actually a brown leather E T doll. Oh, Mr. Spielberg. I rebounded looked and I could not see it, so I'm not sure if this is true. I love this. I love Dennis Quaid and I later interviewed Dennis Quaid referred to this movie as I was in Jaws. What? Wow. Stated of all his films he he made the most aggressive use of cocaine during the filming of this one, and that he was high on the drug in quote, every frame in which he appears. I love about the Brody brothers, Shawn and Mike are the only two characters that appear in all four Joe's movies. They are also played by different actors in every installment. Oh my god. And finally, a dolphin named Capricorn is one of the dolphins in this movie. He is six years old now. And as of April 2022, you can still go to Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida. And perhaps you will attempt to re peel beautiful I love nothing more than remembering the truth about dolphins. The sick friend the trick that she can't get the dolphins to do. Once they explode the shark and everything and they come up and the the sun is shining above them and they're in the water and everything the dolphins then leap out of the air on either side of them and do the trick. And that's what we freeze frame on. That's so good. However, because the freeze frame you can tell that the dolphins and the humans are not in the same shot together and this is just a superimposed dolphin onto this image of them in the water. I mean of course no would you guys pick Wow. Well I mean it is third in a series Kelly so they're not all going to be winners are the law of diminishing returns. I might have struck a little bit better of a note it's hard to say depends on your taste and mood at the time. But I went with Hellraiser three hell on earth in Hellraiser one. Clive Barker showed you his vision of a private Hill in Hellraiser to win he took you on a journey inside the inferno the terror returns in mankind's final confrontation with evil is going to be on club I really love it here it's a great look quite just give me the box. Ready for your close up? Guide To Hell ladies. Distance is better this it's so good to be back. Clive Barker presents Hellraiser. Three. Hell on Earth. Very nice. Nice. The great third installment of the series from 1992 Rotten Tomatoes 42%. from critics and 35% from audience a budget of a some places were 2 million, some were 3,000,001 was 5 million, some kind of million amount. box office 12.5 Millions so it actually did pretty good. The director is Anthony Hickox, who we've ran run into before he's got 30 directing crew Credits including waxwork one and two, Prince valiant now he's doing a lot of TV movies and various episodes written by Peter Atkins, who did the screenplay. He has 14 credits including Hellraiser. 234 and Wishmaster. Tony Randall also worked on the screenplay. He has 31 Editing credits 20 directing credits. He's kind of all over the place he wrote. Which of these did he write versus direct? Godzilla 1985 grunt the wrestling movie, children of the night. He directed how razor to Amityville. 1992 It's about time and 37 episodes of belief factor fiction. So this is this guy's just got all kinds of talent. And of course this is based on Clive Barker's original characters. We are is starring one of my favorite actresses that took a very long time for me to realize who it was Terry Farrell as Joey, I know her as Jadzia DAX from DS nine. She does look a little different. She has totally blonde hair in this and brunette without, with with lots of spotting along her face and yes, nine so I will forgive myself for not immediately getting getting her but she has amazing eyebrows in this film. She also plays Raji and Becker. She was in Back to School with Rodney Rodney Dangerfield, and she does a TON TON TON TON of TV show walk ons. Doug Bradley returns us pinhead. This is the first movie in which he is actually referred to as pinhead in the credits. He has 74 credits, mostly Hall racer, horses or one through four nightbreed Lots of horror walk ons that being everyone's just like, hey, we got Doug Bradley, look at him. And he does some voice acting for Star Wars video games. So that's fun. Kevin Bernhardt plays JP who's kind of the villain of this piece, along with pinhead. He has 20 credits, including midnight warrior 10 episodes of dynasty and 114 episodes of General Hospital. And Paula Marshall as Terry, the club chick. She's kind of the sort of girl who kind of comes in and out seems high on drugs seems sort of homeless, feels like a write off and this person probably should have never acted again. But she has somebody eight credits and was a big star in California Keishon as well as Nip Tuck and is currently starring in euphoria. So I had a gigantic crush on this girl. It's just really Yeah. Paula Marshall. She's I mean, she's fun. She's not she is she's her acting actually isn't too bad. It's just their character. Because anyway, um, so the story. Um, hmm. I don't know how we got to where we are. But pinhead has been trapped in a modern BDSM art sculpture. It's like a giant cement pillar, with a bunch of screaming faces. There's like a baby, the lament configuration boxes in there. It's just and you can see him like he's on like one side of it. A rich club owner JP visits this art gallery in the middle of the night and is super attracted to it. He tries to negotiate a deal to buy it from the man there who is quote, unquote, selling it. It seems very weird off the bat. You're like, this doesn't feel this feels like some guy who wandered in here. It does not feel like a guy who actually made this or works at this place. But okay. And he says, What do you want for it and the guy says whatever you think it's worth, so he hands him a giant wad of bills and pieces out. Meanwhile, Joey, a reporter played by Miss Diaz nine has gone to a hospital to try and catch a big break. She's sick of doing fluff pieces and interviews. And not but unfortunately not a single thing has happened and the hospital is completely fine. There's basically nobody there. Nothing has happened in the city. So her camera guy gets a call to run off to cover a hostage situation and she is left alone feeling miserable and pissed off because she was hoping that this would be the day in which she finally proved to the station managers that she should be a real reporter. Suddenly, a man is wheeled in covered in chains that are snagged to his skin How strange. The chains whip past her as as they wheel wheel through the hallways and scratch her leg. She runs down to the operating room and pushes her way in to see what's going on. And of course all the chains are pulling and doing strange things. There's lighting that's going on and all of his skin is ripped off and he turns into cement and false the ground. I don't get that. But that's okay. I'm a woman, Terry. The person that Kelly has a crush on, says that she she came in with the guy and change. She seems very shaken up. And she's asked by Joey, you know what, what happened? Who is this? What went on and all she will say is something about the boiler room, which is the club that JP owns who we met in the first scene. Jody returns home, and we discover that she suffers from recurring nightmares about her father who died in Vietnam before she was born. She is also contacted by a strange world war one fingered man who looks awfully familiar. He seems to be kind of breaking through into her dreams, but we're not sure what this is about. Hmm. Strange. JP, in the meantime, is hanging out at his club, which has weird layers to it, like, part of it seems to be just a really rough and tumble metal underground club with hints of BDSM. And then there's like one layer up or it's like fine dining, like, early 90s fine dining. So everyone's got the big shoulder pads and sparkles and like, you know, Oh, yeah. It's like, weird. I'm like, How does this how do you go from one floor to the next. And I don't really understand, like the marketing strategy before this, but he's incredibly well off. So I guess it's fine. He has the thing he likes to do where he gets these roses. And he takes a rose and he gives it to a random woman in the nightclub, and tells her that she's beautiful and the most beautiful person there and then bangs er and gets rid of her. So he does that with this chick. They start to argue because she feels really used. And, of course, the giant statue of pinhead slash other things, is at the foot of his bed. And as they argue she bumps against it, and a bunch of stuff comes out around her. I think it's the chains again and rips her skin off. And she kind of falls to the ground. And pinhead whose faces in the cement kind of talks at JP and he's like, let's make a deal. I will give you all the things you want if you bring me ladies, and he's like no man, that's fucking evil. And then about one minute later, he's like, actually, yeah, good idea. And very quick change of events. So he promises to basically feed pinhead, these women and it seems like pinhead really needs the blood to break out of this pillar, but I'm not entirely sure. Also, JP notices that the box is missing from the pillar now somebody has taken it. And Joey, it turns out, ends up meeting Terry, she lets Terry stay with her and Terry has the box. The guy who died in the hospital beginning had handed it to her. And they're kinda like all this one box who even knows. In the meantime, Joey's dreams get crazier. Basically pinheads human form whose name I have completely forgotten. Says, Hey, if you can, like work with me, we can find a way to get pinhead into the dream space and I will fight him. So you need to make this happen. He's going to come for the box because the box is the only thing that can destroy him. And she's like, okay, cool. I'm in. Now we break down into the story beats are really loosey goosey. They're just pushing forward at all times whether or not it makes sense. We end up with a big showdown. Of course, that happens with Joey versus the the nightclub, people and pinhead. pinhead, in a really incredible scene breaks out he gets enough blood, he breaks out of his pillar, he kills everyone in the nightclub locks the doors, all of them are murdered horrifically. At some point, they stopped showing us all the murders and just show the nightclub door with the blood just pouring out from beneath it with screams behind it. And of course, this gives us a great excuse to create some new Cenobites. And I think this is the most memorable people I think that people have from this movie. So we've got the CD DJ guy who spits out CDs that cut people up. We have a bartender who spits fire. We have of course, unfortunately her roommate who has succumbed to some injuries, who is smoking through her neck and hurts people with her cigarette butts. Very weird power. And last night, but last but not least, Joey's cameraman, who through a series of unfortunate events becomes a Cenobite with a camera head and does a lot of zingers about time for Your clothes soap and like, you know, the lens goes in and killers oh man totally all that kind of shit. Um, this movie it's it's really fun. I actually had a pretty good time. There the scenes of the nightclub murder I really dug I thought that they did a lot of work in there to just show us crazy weird shit. I also like there's just a lot of weird little moments. So for example, Terry, the roommate girl who ends up crashing with Joey, she goes back to the nightclub at one point, because JP is like, Hey, baby, like I miss you. Why don't you come on down. You're like, Wait, Terry sleep with JP. It's like, oh, I guess they're like a thing. So she goes down there and they end up having because he wants to feed her the Pinhead. And they end up having this big, long emotional conversation because he's like, Hey, baby, let's just bang. And she's like, No, no, we have to talk this through. He's like, Oh, could we just have sex though? And then I can like, kick you out? And she's like, No, we have to talk about this because I don't want to go through this emotional struggle again. And he's just sitting on his bed like pulling on his hair and like pinheads like, you know, kind of tapping his foot over in the corner. Like, when is this gonna end? There's just really great little moments like that sprinkled throughout this film. Um, the problem with this film is pinhead basically becomes Freddy is really emotional in a way that he wasn't previously. He has a lot of tude. He's got again zingers which are weird, his whole personality seems to have shifted away from being a gatekeeper and more of this really motivated creature who's almost like a demon who's trying to get away from hell, I don't really understand what's going on here. And then on top of that, the fact that his spirit is divided into this dream version of him versus the Pinhead. And the pillar version is really strange. And also his makeup is asked when he's in the pillar. Have you guys ever seen that show? Is it cake? There's nothing more than this moment where I'm like, I think it's cake. When he's talking and like his face is moving and the pins look like decorative pieces. Like there's it looks so bad, and he's overly lit. You're just like, This is not cool. Looking at all guys. There's a lot of weird ADR going on. The first girl who gets murdered is a really bad actress. And you're kind of like damn, you couldn't get literally anyone else to be the hot girl that gets like, ripped her skin off like this is it maybe she showed her boobs? I'm not sure what it was but she's bad. There is a good use of brass knuckles in this there's a lot of really good diopter use fun effects throughout fun lines. I actually didn't mind this cinema Cenobites I thought you know why not? Gives us a kind of flash to the past and then the final song that's been playing in the credits is Hellraiser by Motorhead is so fucking silly, but so good. Straight to the point, really, really obvious, really obvious. A little bit of trivia on this, the tagline will begin in Hell will end on Earth. Which is not too bad. I think. burka had originally intended this Hellraiser sequels to focus on Claire Higgins character Juliet, but Higgins declined to reprise her role in the third film, and our character was killed off in later drafts and hellbound. Other ideas included a story set in ancient Egypt that followed. That was a follow up to hell bound in which pinhead attempted to resurrect himself, and a building that functioned as ultimate configuration aspects from the ladder to would make it into the final script. And of course, the fourth movie, Peter Jackson was asked to direct but declined, because he couldn't see himself directing such a serious horror movie. He liked the final product, but added that if I made a Hellraiser film, I'd like pinhead to be whacked against a wall and have the pins flattened into his face. I immediately started thinking of funny things and gags and that's just the way I am. So the initial one sheet artwork featuring featured a side shot of pinheads screaming face, the MPAA said that the artwork was too intense and asked that pinhead be removed from the poster campaign, Miramax instead decided to use a composite photo a pinhead from the original Hellraiser one. One sheet, and successfully argued that it was suitable as it had already been used in the past. The MPAA MPA relented and allowed this new poster art to be used. This is as I said, the first horror film to refer to Douglas Bradley's character as was pinhead within the movie? According to Terry Farrell, during the night during the club scene, when Joey first encounters pinhead, she would inflate, she was supposed to inflate like a balloon by a Cenobite with gas tubes for fingers that would cause her to drop the puzzle box. But there wasn't enough money left to make a new Cenobite design nor a bodysuit for her to wear underneath. And this was the first film released by a Dimension Films that sounds like it was for the best budget. Yeah, I was like she let her just be hot and running around. Did you like this movie? I did. And a weird thing happened while watching this movie, which is that I remembered as a kid watching one of the Hellraiser movies like late at night at a friend's house on their HBO and I was like sneaky and doing it and shouldn't have been watching. And I remembered a scene where a girl was running down the street and lights were exploding and there was water with electricity chasing her. And then I watched how razor one two and four and was like, I must be crazy. This was the one that was very cathartic. I remember being very disappointed with this movie. Yes, sir, in the theater. And this was really the beginning of the end for the Pinhead and the Cenobite concept of, of being these other worldly Angels and Demons stuff. They suddenly started being judgmental and punishing the bad people and stuff like that. And I was like, No, that's not it, especially in to where they very firmly established when the one girl opens the figure they go, hands are not what call us is desire. So the last night the exact quote was close to that, but so I had a real hard time with it. Because I Hellraiser for a long time was my favorite horror movie. And Hellraiser two was pretty good. And they established this unique, interesting character that was different from Jason was different from Freddy. And then the third guy who's writing it just kind of completely forgot that. Oh, well, we'll just go easy. And we'll just do instead of these interesting, artistically bizarre Cenobites like the original ones were, we're just gonna put a CD player in this guy's head, and he's gonna throw so it is extremely wacky. I had some real Gremlins to vibes throughout. Yeah, I can see that. I mean, honestly, the law makes no sense. Like the box relationship does not mean anything, the way that the Cenobites nothing works in on that level. And then, of course, in both Hellraiser one and two. They're both people who crave pain and pleasure. And the star of not the star, but the lead guide JP, and this one also is clearly into BDSM. But like, he's just punished, like, like, you're saying he's not actually enjoying it. And I feel like, there should be some element of like, yeah, he's getting something he wants, even though it's a double edged sword where it's really bad pain, but also like this freeing moment, so that was lame. I think there is a good movie to be found in this story. But but they missed it. But they did give us a smokin hot golf check. And yeah, that's a fun in the film. It's an enjoyable film, if you kind of you just watch it as like almost I've seen every sequel pro racer, because I punished myself like that. Apparently, I'm skipping the Eternals and Thor, but I'll watch Hellraiser nine. But the end they've there's been a couple kind of cool ones. But they did that thing that we've talked about before maybe even on the show where well this is kind of a neat script, can you put pinhead in it somehow and they'll just make it another appraiser. So some of them hit kind of interesting, but they never I mean, you're falling at Clive Barker though I mean Jesus and one of the true geniuses of horror so Oh, well. Yeah, I'm sort of dancing around a little bit because I'm sitting here go 30 series you know, I kind of want to see one that I did see one and two, but I never saw three. So I looked around and settled on hostel three. Thanks for coming out here for up we're here for this. Please My friends have money we can pay you you already been paid for your dad's enjoy now who wants to be on killing the group? Oh god why? Cuz I didn't like myself. Or something like today's the day that I'm gonna force myself to watch. Hostel three 2011 Rotten Tomatoes has this at critics 67 and crowd 20 Oh god, I go I'm gonna assume the crowd is correct here. I actually get both of those after watching it. But the budget was $6 million, but it had no theatrical release. Oh, was this like a straight to DVD in the elevens are probably like somewhere in the middle of streaming and DVD releasing. I think Netflix is streaming by then anyways, and is directed by Scott Spiegel. From Dusk Till Dawn to fame. And the nuthouse with two T's and intruder written by check this guy's resume Michael D. Weiss. Navy SEALs, two, octopus two. I'll always Know What You Did Last Summer. The Butterfly Effect to the scorpion for quest for power. jarhead. Three, the siege and eraser reborn. Whoa. That is that is the guy you call? Yeah, here's the sequel King. That's incredible. And he later off, but that's really just characters. Which is weird because there really aren't any characters from the first film The Stars Kip Pardue, who was in Remember The Titans driven and the Wizard of gore. Brian Holliday, who's an American Sniper, and Hollywood is like high school with money. And John Hensley, who was in 100 episodes that Nip Tuck teeth, which blade for 19 episodes. So he was the only guy really Oh, I recognize the student. So I see any good movies this week. So it starts off with a decent reversal of expectations, I guess, where you get a guy who, who looks like he's going into the hospital. But there's already a Ukrainian couple in there. So you feel kind of the setup of the first film, but it switches and he's actually the bad guy who calls in his team to bring these two people to his torture area. Beautiful. But it functions much more like the first film. I definitely would say the second movie in this series is probably the best in this series, because it's the only one that tried to be a movie. This one's basically same setup. You got a bunch of douchebag guys going to Vegas to do a bachelor party, and they find hookers and they really don't do anything with a hookers. This is sort of like hostile turn down to two. So there's a little bit of nudity but not like the first hospital was just full of naked people in the first half before they got captured and tortured. And this is like their strippers they go to a casino has strippers on the on the tables and stuff but they never actually take off any clothes. They just dance weird in this very weird looking casino which I think I've gotten the notes where it actually was shot which was not Vegas, drugs, stuff like that kind of a kidnapping. All happening in Vegas to make it more exciting or something I don't know. They're solid douchey guys, especially one of them, of course is just a raging deck with a some little bit of racism thrown in as well. Because you know, that's what he do. to women, Sarah fly by Sarah haobo and Lonato approached the guys and try to entice them to go to this BDSM club. Actually just a club that turns out to be that of course they get in a cab the cab doesn't have a meter Where are they taking him they take him to this weird broken down looking area of town they get out and this at this point. I'm sorry if I'm ruining this film for you, but I'm not because you shouldn't watch and watch it. They get out and they get into the club and his friends disappear and oh no, everything's black and he wakes up and there's a woman dancing on him and there's this is their party. They brought him to their party place. Oh bait and switch. Yeah. All right. Okay, Master bait and switch. And then you get this impression that they've now been kidnapped and drives on to desert. But nope, they wake up the next morning in Vegas hotel, three of them do the one guy's missing. The the, he was a really kind of super drunk douchey guy who made most of the stuff we wakes up from the Ukrainian guy who for some reason is still there, even though all the cells but the one. And the woman he was with has already been taken away and dealt with. But for some reason that guy stays in his cell, and they just leave him alone. I know why later. There's the change for this film, where the first one was pretty much you know, rich people paying money to torture. Americans basically, this one is a bunch of rich people paying to watch people be tortured, and place bets on things like how what minute mark, will somebody start yelling that they have a family and they shouldn't be tortured or something like that, think of the Vegas thing going on. And what you know is actually kind of a fun idea. Except I'm watching this guy. I'm assuming this is incredibly expensive, exclusive place to be. So they've got the seats set up for the people to watch through the glass to see the person and then the guy torturing them stands right in front of the guy he's searching between the audience and stuff. So in this shot, I'm just looking at this guy's butt going to think this is what they paid for. Down in front. The other side, the other side, I mean the guys in the process of cutting his face off. So the the audience didn't see anything until he pulls the face up and holds the skin I've gone. That's just seems rude. And here's why the other part from hostile hostile one is incredibly uncomfortable to watch very hard to watch torture scenes. This is not these are fairly benign. I mean, they kill one of them by putting cockroaches on them and the cockroaches go on their mouth. He likes just chokes on the cockroach. Are they going for PG 13 hostile or somebody is really weird. Oh, well. Plot twist. The one of the main douche guys is actually a Club member. Oh, they've got they have tattoos and he shows his tattoo to the jail guy and he let him out. And his whole thing because again, I'm recommending don't watch this movie. So I'll just tell you. The whole thing is douchebag boy loves this guy's fiance. So he joined this club and brought him to Vegas spiffed specifically so he could torture and kill him to be there to console is X turns up dead. Of course it doesn't go particularly well because the people that own the place apparently think this guy's a douche too. So they unlock his friends restraints. And they start a big ol battle and big giant battle through the thing and then the Ukrainian guy who for some reason hadn't been killed yet suddenly gets out of his cage and helps fight some people as they run away. And it's it so now, if you went into this wanting to see hostel one, it is a better hostel than hostel two was because also two is very different from the first one. So, maybe that's where the critics gave it such a high thing because the acting is good. The story is fine. If you know, you haven't watched horror movies before. It's it's what it advertised except for it's like turned like I said turned down to two from it. I wonder if this was a mine supposed to be for fans of the hangover series. They were like hey, you guys like a bunch of dudes in Vegas? Let's just keep going. No. Don't think any of these people are ending up in Marvel movies or No, no, no, I need just for the same crowd. You think that guy's dead at the end? The good guy, but he's not. What? That's right. It's something like his wife. He's there consulting is what consoling her like he wanted to do and the wife slam something down on his hand and captures him there it's just like the the lion is something like the thing you don't know. He's still alive. Oh my god. So they're going to kill him. Wow. The Escape is fun. The escape from the big building is fun that the cat and mouse of the running around killing the people who are being assholes to people. You know, it's fun. It's fine. It's not a terrible movie, but it's just it's that's the problem. It sits in the range between what 67 And then 20 It sits right in the middle of that for me because it's fine. It's not terrible, but it's just sort of dull. That's really like a big criticism. Just sort of dull. Yep. tagline. Do you feel lucky? 2008 The announcement was made that Scott Spiegel who was the executive producer of hostile and hostile part two, will direct the third in this race. Because Eli Roth actually has I'd never heard this, but apparently he has a philosophy that no movie should have more than should only have one sequel or something. So he did not want to direct the third one for that reason. I think it's because he read the script, because not good. Did he direct the second one? Yeah. That's why I think that's why it's so different because he wanted to do something different. But he was given a producer credit. So you know, he made money off of it. Yeah. The hell? The eternal casino shots were filmed in Detroit, Michigan, which tracks because I'm watching this movie, they go into the casino. Whoa, what? What the hell casino is this like way off the strip in Vegas? Because it's got like shallow ceilings and it's all this weird green. It's just really small room. Oh, that's why apparently, you can even see the logo of logo of the casino in of the Greek Town Casino in Detroit on the TV monitors. So if you live in Detroit, there you go. That's so the derelict building that they use as a high rise for the killing places was the Detroit train station. The there's an idea to do a whole lot of viral marketing including QR codes that were put into the movie to where you can scan them and like show you extra scenes or give you something that they're actually in the film The film was so poorly received that they turned off those QR codes Oh wow. So you basically get something that says like top left be your some random words. If you scan these I was not interested enough to rewind and find the scan them the motion picture rating, rated R for strong bloody sadistic violence and torture, sexuality news, nudity and progressive language. Sure. Somewhere in there. So this was a third movie that I saw. Wow. I have to say. I've never seen any of the hospital movies. Okay, just not my thing. I think I saw the first one in theaters and was like I have made a terrible mistake. This is not for me. I did two I saw the first one the theater. I eventually saw the second one because people were saying it is so different and it is it's actually a decent film. Is it about a hostile word? Like why is it I don't so different? It's the setting is different. The story is not just let's get some people put them in a chair and do horrible things to them. There's actually kind of a point to the torture I don't remember what it was. I'm not saying this is a classic or something. But it's just better than the first one because there is a story line beyond setup. Deuces torture produces movie over. Love it. Wow, well, okay, that was my sub genre. Eric. Yes. The next sub genre is yours. I think I know what it might be. What should I do? Let's do a movie with that. Well, we talked about pray earlier. Yes. So that kind of fits right into this. A kick ass female protagonist. Oh, snap. You know, I love these kinds of movies. So I love this pic. Good job. Yes, should be fun. This brings us to the point where I thank everybody for participating in the value for value model and everything and I want to throw out a couple of real thanks to Chris grassy who's constantly sending me Josh's stuff. And some of the good some of the bad but all of it very welcome. Thank you. Mike Bronzo contacted me after our last episode to confirm what we were all saying about Henry portrait of a serial killer brought up a couple of other films that are just as bad. I wanted to avoid those. And then Andrew Byers, who after I talked about the BBC. Salem's Lot stuff he turned me on to the Lovecraft investigations BBC audio dramas assassin somebody posted that on the easing to at the Lovecraft easing I think I saw Wow scare. And then of course, you know, thanks to Ron and Bob and Danny all the regulars who are always posting and reposting and Carlos CZ media actually had a a cash prize. That was kind of fun on the last episode where you know, our poster has the three images and he asked people to before they had heard it to figure out who had done what which of US had done which picture on there and gave out $1 million. So if you're not listening to CCX media podcast you guys are really missing out what a good payout? Yeah he did post on there strange aeons radio hosts are ineligible for the guns. Okay also throw out there to the we've grown significantly in YouTube listening so I wanted to say thanks to all the YouTube folks who listen generally it's not a lot of credit comment wise it's not a lot of crossover between the two it seems to be different people on YouTube commenting and different people in other places commenting so I want to say thanks for checking us out there too because that's interesting. Okay guys, well then that is the end of the episode we're coming back in seven short days. And we are talking badass female protagonist transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. Train strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set we will sit well after that heart wrenching thing and here's a piece of garbage