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August 18, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 189
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Strange Aeons Radio
Aug 18, 2022 Season 4 Episode 189
Strange Aeons Radio

The gang has a great time discussing bad-ass female protagonists! Also: The Sandman, This is GWAR, Beavis and Butt-Head do the Universe.

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The gang has a great time discussing bad-ass female protagonists! Also: The Sandman, This is GWAR, Beavis and Butt-Head do the Universe.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey guys, I just wanted to start getting you all in the mood of we're counting down to Episode 200 And like 1112 episodes ways all and I think we're going to try and plan some cool stuff for that maybe a, a giveaway of some kind, you know, a million dollars to some lucky listener. starts selling magazines, selling magazines and perfumes out of boxes in parking lots, candy bars thrown in the mix, we'll see. I have a lovely text string with Danny Willeford who's, you know, pushing hard for us to do something cool for 200th episode and I think he's right on the money for this. And he's got some cool ideas, so I hope that we can integrate those as we get closer to 200 Yes, I believe we shall. Also how fucking crazy episode 200 You guys wow, it's wild. I'm just excited for us to remember that it is a pivotal episode. And not to accidentally skip over it like we did have 100 Yes, you're right. We're ahead of the game on this one at least it's like okay, it's coming up. This is 189 are making now so putting this out there at episode 666 We're done I can subscribe to that I suppose it till we get to six you guys, brand new episodes or a brand new show on Netflix. The Sandman. I watched it or how was it or you have night as well if the if the intention was to bore me to death and put me to sleep it absolutely worked. Thank you Mr. Sandman. I got a good night's sleep. Wow. Wow. Really good looking. Lots of great acting. I can tell everybody is acting really hard in this ad. It is so fucking dull and boring. I mean, you know, I'm not sure what I was expecting because I went back and reread the Sandman comics about five years ago. And I was like, this is not hold up at all. I can't believe I thought this was amazing writing. It's nice to hear that from somebody because I have tried three separate times to get into the Sandman. I've only made it two or three episodes issues in and I'm like, it looks great. Yeah, there's a lot to like here, but it's just just didn't grab me. I know. Like, we know, like the guy named his comic book shopper. writer. He loved it so much. I did your gaming. Yeah, so it's like my kid probably translates a lot better when you are younger and full of angst and all of that stuff. I'm full of eggs still, so I've missed that part of you. probably different than it was when I was 15. I think it definitely hit me differently. This was my gateway CalMac Oh, this is definitely one of the ones that got me fully hooked in into the vertigo. You know, general, I don't know plethora of of comics within that series. And I loved Sandman. So, so much so it's it was definitely I was like, Oh, it's so different. And it's not superheroes and like, there's all this weird stuff going on and death is awesome. It is definitely not one of those that I read and oh, how does anybody get into this? This is just dumb. I don't think that at all. It just didn't grab me I could see how you could love it. This first episode is visually like the panels from issue one of Wow, the costumes and everything really fucking great. I just was bored out of my mind. So I'm really curious to see what you think when you get. There's just been so much great stuff to watch. It's been hard to get around to everything that just came out in the last couple days. Yeah, and we got some big stuff. Like right around the corner. I know she Hulk Hogan and door. Yeah, gonna be a lot of cool stuff coming up. Yeah. Well, it's for some reason. I didn't have time to watch Sandman. But I did have time to watch. Pretty new Pretty Little Liars on HBO. And the reason why I watched it is because it seems to be horror based. It's by the people who did Riverdale. It's following In this sort of suicide slash murder of a teen from the 90s whose parents are now the adults and they're being haunted by this strange figure and their kids are also being haunted. It was fine. I thought it was like the commercial made it look really cool and it was okay. I don't know I'm not in love yet. I didn't realize the show had any kind of supernatural advantage I don't think it has in the past I haven't seen the original Pretty Little Liars because it seemed like oh, it's a bunch of like rich kids and I that is not what this one is. This one is very much a horror show. It does feel very Riverdale in in kind of scope and in story. I just by the end of the first episode, I'm not sure I'm sold yet, so maybe it'll get better. Well let's see. So I watched a new one. Shatter the cellar, no hive, and I think it's British. But storyline is a very original. So if you've heard this before, a young family moves into a giant house that they bought at a super super discount. And they find something weird in the cellar. wine is aged beautifully. Man there is a shot when they go down to the cellar and there's a wine rack sitting there. Yeah with bottles and they don't even touch it. Oh my god. What is wrong with you people those are dust covered wine bottles. What is that? Because it came with everything in the house so they got everything so this is you know could be hundreds of years old bottles of wine man. Man it's actually got some great creepy stuff. The setup for what's going on when the the idea because I think it's in the trailer so it's not really a spoiler is that the the daughter disappears. And the way she disappears is handled really well. It's pretty cool. The acting is all good. It's well directed. It's a lot of fun to watch. It's just not anything you haven't seen before. So I liked it. But I wouldn't say you've got to go see this no matter what I'd say if you if you're in the mood for I want to watch a good old haunted sort of haunted house. demon possession movie I'm going to do that. This would be a good choice. I think this came up and I was looking at the trailer or something is the lead the daughter from 24? Yes. Okay. with dark hair. I did not recognize her at all until I looked up the IMDB got Oh shit. Elisha Cuthbert. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Wow. Glad to hear she's back in something. Yeah. It's good. Well, the most satisfying thing I watched this week, and I am prepared for your hate was Beavis and Butthead Do the universe. God, I saw the original Beavis and Butthead movie in the theater. Oh boy. Which I gotta tell you 2030 minutes into that God, this was probably a mistake. There is some funny shit in that though. So is there at least some funny stuff in this one? I tell you I laughed through the entire thing I say are the exact same stupid idiots. They've been brought up to this timeframe because of all of the multiverse stuff that is happening. And they secure all of the multiverse films that are being made and keep them as stupid as they have always been. Part of the problem I think with Beavis and Butthead is you just grew up watching the cartoon alone version. The best part of Beavis and Butthead was the making fun of the music videos. It was never the side stories. That was always okay. Okay, make fun of this movie. Now, are this TVs at this music video now? So that sounds interesting. Well, it's funny because they're brought up into our time, you know, so however long that's been 30 years or whatever. And they have no idea of the technology and don't understand anything here. And so watching Beavis have a conversation with Siri who he thinks is a girl who likes them. isn't worth it, right? Because it's out for rental or something. Oh, no, it was on Paramount plus. Oh, is it? Okay, cool. Yeah, we watched it. Wow. Well, I haven't seen a lot else I rewatched. Nope. And the theaters with my cousin. However, I did manage to get a few episodes into Harley. Season three. All right. Yeah. So so far, so good. I'm really enjoying it. I was worried they do like okay, we finally got the two characters you care about together. So let's immediately break the mile or make their relationship god awful. And they haven't done that. There's like a lot of like, okay, there's a little trouble in paradise here and there, but it hasn't been like, Oh, we've run out of ideas and the only thing worth watching in the show was like this buildup of emotions. So I'm I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm enjoying it thoroughly. Just great. It is so fun. Really, it really, it really fucking is. Sometimes even after it's been filthy for a while it gets unexpectedly not necessarily crossing a line, but just Oh, wow, I didn't expect you to go there. That's hilarious. Well, pretty much open with Harley and Ivy watching. Oh, the porn porn of Harley and Ivy cosplayers is so good. And then hiring them as doubles during which people are confused by and like, Wait, we've got them. Yes, very good, very well handled then with all the cops wanting autographs. This is actually very, very good. Very good writing in there. I saw a cool one. This is also this is a shutter original as well. A band I of course knew about but didn't know a lot about this is guar Oh, holy shit. This is a great music documentary. It is so good. Because they, they cover everything. They're not afraid to talk about the shit. Like people leaving the band and why they left the band or the and the people that left and later came back are featured. And there's a thing at the end where it's like, they estimate there's probably been 100 people involved in guar directly over the years. They list all of them. And a lot of them are in this. So it is really good. Now, do you like the music from the band? I'm relatively neutral on it. And I think that helps this documentary they show they played music but they don't drop out of the movie to play like here's a full song by they never do that. So it doesn't become it's not about gorgeous music, okay, it's about choirs what they are, right the way they exist as a truly unique band in the world. I knew a buddy who had been like front row for one of their concerts and I guess they spray a lot of blood and stuff into the audience. And he said he came out with his contacts tinted red after that, like, put his contacts in the case. And then the next morning when he opened it again. He was like, Oh no, my contacts are red. I was about 16 or 17. Probably 17 My girlfriend moved from twin down to Salt Lake City. And I got this very strange phone call from her. It's like I went to see guar last night like at the time I really had no fucking clue where I was. And saw this and this guy just came all over me off the stage like my 17 year old self is going I'm sorry. What did you go see? And of course that's actually not a penis. That is a that fish that looks like a dick. That's what they call it. That's why they're able to get away with him running around with it flopping around on stage. So it's no it's not a penis. That's a forgot the name of the fish but it's a carp or whatever it is. And so that's why they're allowed to do that. Oh, my God. Fish that pukes out white substance. Yes. Yes. Very common in the Sea World, too. I'll have to give this a watch. It's well worth watching. That reminds me. Did you hear about the woman who went out with a fly fisherman and came back with a red snapper? She says I don't even want to give you an inch of movement on how about we take a break. And when we come back we're talking about hot badass chick protagonist, biter girls Welcome to sunny California. You could imagine that beneath this perfect little community lies the mouth to hell. And our only hope of survival to each generation the Slayer is born. is in high school. You are the slayer? I think I speak for everyone here when I said huh? chosen to fight Buffy and your history of train to me. You're the Slayer and we're like the Slayer is dressed to kill. There's something bad out there. We'll find you'll slay we'll party she's Buffy Make no bite. No vampire. No creature from hell raise your childhood trauma can stop it I just want to go on a date. Buffy the Vampire Slayer fight evil ring Buffy Hall if the apocalypse comes, beat me we have returned, Vanessa figured out that joke and she decided she did not like was not that funny? Are you sure? I don't think I have. This was your sub genre? Yes, yes, it was there has been a film on the exploitation circuit that I read about a long time ago and I've been wanting to see ever since. And vinegar syndrome recently put out a very delectable version of it. Let's do this. And it's movie 1973 thriller a cruel picture. When cruelty knows no bounds. When evil knows no limits. Revenge strikes with its most frightening power. They called her one I then ran for their lives. We've got to pick a trouble. Figure killed one of our regular clients yesterday. I'm betting she's out to get the three of us. They defiled her beauty. They robbed her of speech. They brutalized her body. When they'd finished, she used what was left to repay every blow with her own terrible kind of revenge. Find out where she's getting her stuff and set her up and get rid of her. Your most fearful nightmare. The most cruel sights you have ever seen. cannot match the shock of this motion picture experience. not heard of this. It's aptly titled. Rotten Tomatoes has a 56 from critics 64 from the audience probably leaned closer to critics on this one. No budget really could be found or box office to Swedish film directed by Bo Arne Verma. Nice. He directed breaking point about it written by him as well. And he's also credited as have writing thriller a cruel documentary of film lovers saga. The movie and the documentary Yes, Stars, Christina Lindbergh. She's currently listed as still having an upcoming project coming out. She's also in a movie called. So she did a interesting career stuff made in Sweden. Diary of a rape, wide open black circle all kinds of weird shit in a very small amount of time. She was in a whole bunch of movies from like 70 to 75. Kinds help. Mask and murder friends. No, no, not that one. FANNY AND ALEXANDER. The Oh yeah, Bergman film. He's also in diary for me. So film starts in a deserted dirt road with a terrible sounding bird sound effect. That's very obviously a sound effect that just keeps going off as you're watching the credits roll. Like please stop that. That eventually a cop car appears on the horizon. They do kind of a flashback to a desperately uncomfortable scene. The idea is, so if you're averse to certain projects and subjects you might want to avoid this one. The movie starts with Christina's character as a 10 year old girl getting matched or thankfully not horribly, graphically, but graphic enough to be uncomfortable and disturbing raped by a guy so badly that she no longer has the ability to speak. Oh, no. So she is she has no lines in the movie. The movie then goes forward to where she's an adult. And I think I say it happened 18 years later. So she's like early, mid 20s with two women talking about How sad it is that she had this happen to her and stuff and she's on the farm selling the milk. course that's not going to last. Because what did I call this? A cruel picture. So she goes out and is some car breaks down, she's at a bus stop and a kind of a sleazy guy picks her up, takes her to dinner and says he really likes a girl that doesn't talk much. So you know, high quality individual goes back to his house and he has a syringe hidden in the cabinet and gives her some alcohol drugs her and he's got the classy drug classy alcohol poor though from the 70s where they wine bottles in a little basket. And you know, hold the hold the handles and you pour their bottle out of that way. It looks so weird. But he drugs her. And she wakes up three days later and starts to fight back. For some reason he brings out a contract for her sign and she refuses to and he drugs her again for three more days. And this happens one more time I believe. Boy, the makers of this movie are like well, heroines a lot worse than you are not as bad as you guys think. Because one dose of heroin knocks her out for three days, at least in the beginning. And then she wakes up said well, you're addicted to heroin now and if you stopped doing it, you'll die in 48 hours slow. So just say no kids, but she still fights back. She spends a lot of time fighting back. She runs away at this point. But the guy picks her up and throws her back into the car with people all around wandering through this park and nobody seems to give a shit. Jesus because it's a cruel. Here begins the where she continues to fight back. She fights back against the client badly enough and hurts him enough that her kidnapper in a truly uncomfortable slow scene that I recommend both of you enjoy. don't enjoy with a fully poking into the eye with a blade. No, that's right. She has Have you ever seen a cover of that she's well you'll see it in the graphic. She's got an eyepatch. And that's why. So he calls her a pirate. Like Jesus Christ, man. Wow. And then very strange scene she's now basically be she's a prostitute. But she's still getting paid prostitute wages. And every day before her day begins she gets a little printout explaining the clientele that's coming. So I was like, the organizers weird. He sends a letter to the parents saying that she's never going to return. And apparently a whole lot of horrible shit. And she finds out that her parents, she gets her. There's another friend, another prostitute kidnap there, who somehow gets the letter from her parents and reads that to her. So she escapes and goes to visit her parents who have killed themselves. She arrives just in time to see the people carrying their coffins. Oh my god. So she begins to decide it's time to let's do some revenge here. The work that the guy describes your work. Basically every day except Monday, Monday is her day off, you can do what you like. And so she starts taking martial arts, she learns how to shoot a shotgun, a Mauser K 98 and several hard drives. And apparently she didn't know how to drive because she also learns how to drive like a badass. All in one Monday or over a certain several. And this is this is the roughest part of the movie almost. Because this is where the exploitation of this film comes in, where it keeps rotating through her clientele. And one of them is a really abusive and one is just this weird photographer guy. And at the time, apparently Sweden was just introducing hardcore imagery. So there is these awful penetration shots. I mean, close, super close up, and they just pop out of nowhere. You're watching some normalcy, she's learning to shoot pops, like God rotates frequently. So it's like, you know, it's about as unsexy as porn can possibly get. Like, oh, this is awful. So this goes on for a while as she's learning all of her new tricks. She finally kind of loses it when her pimp comes in. I don't know what else to call them and says her friend in the house has gone back and she will no longer be working with her or anything of that. So she breaks out of her room and goes into her friend's room and finds that the her friends bed is covered in blood. And her pillows covered in blood and some trinket or something she left behind, which she wouldn't have was still there. So, you know, she puts it together. So she breaks out, gets guns and begins her revenge tour. Starting with one of her John's for some reason, but that's alright. They all deserve it fell from this point just becomes her revenge stuff. And at times very satisfying, at times very weird. She's killing one guy and the cops show up. And it goes, all the killings are done in this crazy slow mo. I'm normally like 50 70% pull down. It's like 20 30% of the speed. It is so slow at times. And she gets in a martial arts fight with two cops and kick their ass but it takes like four minutes and I think they throw like six kicks or punches. Like God, this is so weird. But kind of cool. I mean, the stylization is very unique. It is done so weird that it does sort of separate itself from a lot of exploitation films. He does you kill all of her John's or Yes. Okay. I was gonna say, You know what else you got to kill. But if you're showing that, that over and over again, that would make sense. Yeah. Okay. Yep. And they're killed in different ways. And couple of them are killed really quickly. You know, it's not quite the level of like, I Spit on Your Grave whether it's very elaborate killings at times, this is just shot gunshots most of the time shooting, but she certainly takes care of them. And she eventually steals a cop car to help her get around easily. And it goes from there. And it's a very solid rape revenge. She is great. She's the best part of the movie. By far, her lead role is just powerful and interesting. And she has this very innocent kind of face, which makes it so much harder to watch them as shit that's on their hard to recommend this one. I mean, if you're an exploitation person, I'm sure Tony you've already seen it. It's fairly famous in that realm. synapse and vinegar syndrome actually released blu rays very close to each other. So the rights are weird. But yeah, it was an uncomfortable watch. It wasn't the the by any means one of the harder films I've had to watch, but the cause the slow motion just drags at times. And the violence is generic enough that takes away a little bit of that revenge hit you got like that movie revenge that came out a couple years ago. Very satisfying killings of the guys who desperately deserved it. If you're in the forget vinegar syndrome, Severan world of buying and watching films. This is definitely one to put on your list. If you're not, don't don't bother. Overall, it wasn't as violent as I expected it to be. Just because of the reputation of it is so over the top that I just thought it was going to be going to report you have a serial killer kind of disturbing by the end. But it is very cruel and mean there is a atmosphere set up in this film from that first scene that just hangs over everything. So the whole movie is very worried what horrible shits going to happen next. And boy does it deliver with that director was also the unit director on Ingmar Bergman's hour of the wolf. taglines sweeten the sensational Christina Lindbergh is the Working Girl they pushed too far. Meet one eye the Swedish vice girl they forced her to learn the twisted side of love. Oh, yeah. Nice. Yeah, that's the name of the American release was when I the movie that has no limits of evil all caps. Another all caps. The movie that has no limits of evil firstly took her speech then our site when they're finished, she used what was left on her for her own frightening kind of revenge. Wow, that's very descriptive. Laughter Swedish censorship originally banned the film. And despite the tagline This is not the first Swedish film band in Sweden. That was a movie called The gardener in 1912. Quite a bit earlier. What happened in that? I'm guessing if it was 1912 Price, some kind of weird religious thing or something? Yeah, like cutting a rose a little too close actually. The original running time is 108 minutes. After being banned in by the Swedish film censorship board, the film was truncated to 104 minutes and then cut to 86 minutes but still banned and finally released after being cut to 82 minutes in the US. The International pictures released an 82 minute version previously, it's also been under the title thriller and they call her one eye. And 1975 has hookers revenge. That's so bad. That's rough. The rumors are that the filmmaker used an actual corpse for the eye cutting scene. Which is that good? Bow decided the director sought to make the most commercial film ever made because he'd lost money on his previous films and needed to recoup his losses. Wow, did you swing and miss on that? Let's see in Daniel at cross book on Swedish exploitation films, sweetest sensation films like Glenstone history of sex thrillers and kicker cinema is revealed that the producers some messed up shit. Check out a huge life insurance policy on Christina, because they made her use real ammunition when shooting the shotgun. And when she was injecting the heroin, she was injecting saline solution to herself. Oh man, Danielle, I think we need Why did they make people do that? To keep it real? May I stood up Yes, exactly. She could handle the shit out of that shotgun though she was firing live ammo man because it did not look like at any problem shooting it. Let's see in 2009 interviewing film bizarro, a website dedicated underground and independent films. Christina confirm that she did not do any of the hardcore scenes, but was a touring group of actor a pair of actors called Romeo and Juliet that traveled around Europe doing live sex shows. Wow. That's cool. Obviously, I didn't see who the they never showed, obviously the face of the double of the woman but they did show the guy and this is not somebody you'd want to pay to watch. By any means. Hey, honey, you want to go see Romeo and Juliet with me tonight? See what else is going on? There's a lot of stuff on this film. Like I said, it's kind of a legend in the exploitation films. TV Guide rated the film three out of four stars, not for the faint hearted or the easily bored. Wow. Wow, this brutal and depressing film nonetheless, is not easily forgotten. Which is a great review because it is hard to watch. And it is Slow as hell at times. Wow. That works. Timeout gave the film a negative review, criticizing the overuse of slow motion and the hard course pop up scenes, which I totally agree with. That's like I don't I don't need that. But it almost makes me wish I'd watched other cuts of them when it's so intrusive. And so like Google. Found that writer for the New York Times called it cherry. Lord, so it's an interesting film. It's not a fun watch. It's incredibly well done. It belongs on vinegar syndrome without a doubt. So there you go. I love how weird your choices have been lately. I've been deep I don't know any other podcasts that is going to pair what was that called? Thriller. And then what did you choose in the long kiss? Goodnight. Yeah, I feel like these the shows and up on any other part. It's so true. Eric your stuff. I'm I'm like I will have to watch another 20 years worth of movies before I start to get to the point where I need to get that obscure. So that's about Yeah, that works at math works fairly well. I'm going to not watch that movie. However. Good call. I did watch a film that God this was a tough topic. I will say because I had a list of like 25 Incredible movies I've been dying to watch and it just did not get easier. But so I chose the long kiss good nights. Hello, girls. Caitlin, come help me in the kitchen. Hurry up because I forget what if you couldn't remember your real name? Your first kiss Are your last goodbye ETA on that and then suddenly without warning on your memories came flooding back to you showing time one at a time you got movement on Samantha came a man bleed on someone they still have some other stuff this man is gonna help me find your full name is Charlene Elizabeth Baltimore. This could be trouble Samantha Kane then quit your assessment working for the United States government 24 hours fighter Charlie Baltimore's alive sir. Thanks, Charlie. We first met you all like Oh, boy burn the darn muffins now. People into a bar 10 minutes later say let's go running with it. Because there's any trouble Yeah, so this Daisy happy honking calm quiet evening should we get a dog? It's time to kiss her goodnight. Gina Davis, Samuel L. Jackson, The Long Kiss. Good night, directed by reading Harlan. To film from 1996 has a rotten tomato critic score of 68% and audience of 70% And to that I say you guys are idiots. It is a really great movie that I think only in retrospect is gonna get as much love as it probably should have. The budget is 65 million. The box office brought in 95 Point 5 million and it was kind of considered a failure. The director was Renny Harlin he's done 39 things including Deep Blue Sea diehard two cliffhanger Nightmare on Elm Street four and exorcist the beginning written by Shane Black, who actually only has 18 credits, but those are some strong 18 credits, including Monster Squad Lethal Weapon Last Action Hero Kiss Kiss Bang, bang, the nice guys and then Ironman three in the pro tour. So Fine. Starring the beautiful Gina Davis. She's been in 52 things including Thelma and Louise A League of Their Own. The Fly which has been talked about on the show. Beetlejuice and recently we've seen her in glow and she ra as the voice of hundra Samuel L Jackson is in this eye. He plays the CO lead and has been in 202 things you might know him from Stan in together for days or patrolman in move on. He was an extra in the exterminator. And gang member number two in Ragtime he was also an extra in coming to America and he played him blind man which I know him well from and extra history. You know, I hear that he's got some roles in something where he's playing a Nick Fury guy, but we'll see where he goes. Craig Bierko as Tim Timothy who's the main bad guy. He's been in at five things but mostly pretty unknown except for he wasn't 13th floor. He did the red dwarf TV movie where he played Dave Lister. I don't not know how that works because this is like a white guy. So I'm alone no clue where that's coming from. Maybe it's the American remake. And then he's currently in a show called Unreal as the main character Chet and then Brian Cox. Isn't this super fun to see he's been in 236 things instantly recognizable. Man Hunter Braveheart Kiss the Girls Rushmore adaptation. He played striker and X Men and is currently starring in succession. And last but not least, I had to mention Tom, Amanda's who plays How are leads kind of boyfriend serious boyfriend guy. He's been at two things, but I knew him as Dr. Hill Harold in Everwood. So I show it I remember very well from high school. So the story who All right. Samantha is a fun exuberant, beautiful mother in a small town in Pennsylvania working as a school teacher and dating a very kind hearted, fun man named how we see her helping get ready for Christmas. And she also is participating in the town Christmas parade as Mrs. Claus. We start to hear some video where she gives us the setup of the story. And that is she woke up eight years ago from has amnesia as to what had happened to her before then. She never regained her memories. All she knows is like she woke up covered in scars and very pregnant. So since then she's had this baby and her awesome boyfriend is helping her raise this daughter with her. After a Christmas party, she's driving a family friend home when he tries to grab her boobs. She becomes distracted and hits a deer who breaks through the windshield and kicks the guy in his face. She then hits a tree and is thrown through the windshield out into a snowy ravine face first. She kind of wakes up gets up snaps the deers neck because it's laying there kind of very obviously not going to make it and a lot of pain. And in the meantime, behind her car is on fire and burning with the guy unconscious inside obviously getting burned alive. So good stuff. As she recovers, she starts to have another personality emerge and take over from time to time. And it's in these brief glimpses where she kind of forgets what's happened when the other personality shows up. She discovers she's really really good with a knife. And she's insistent that she must have been a chef before. She also starts to just have moments where she's kind of an asshole to people around her including her daughter who falls while trying to learn how to ice skate and hits her wrist and is like I'm in a lot of pain, little girl and she's like suck it up. Life is pain. Like Whoa, cool. All right. Meanwhile, in prison, an inmate is watching the local news segment and sees her as Mrs. Claus. This incites him, he breaks out, finds her at her home and attacks. She snaps into the other mode to basically save her daughter. There's a giant piece of like the wall that gets blown out from a very explosive gun. She checks her daughter through the wall into on the first story into a tree house and then fights the guy. Pretty pretty rough on murdering him also snaps his neck in front of her boyfriend. And everyone's like, huh, cool. This seems different, ma'am. Because before she was like pressing, you know, Rice Krispies into a pan and had the big Christmas sweater and now she's just fucking brutal. So Samuel L. Jackson is playing a guy who's a PI. He's also a scam artist, and he's been working on her case. She mentioned in the video that she initially hired very high end, detectives to try and figure out who she was and has slowly just realized it's not gonna happen and is paying cheaper and cheaper people and he is cheaper people. However, he's a breakthrough on it as a lead on her case with like an old credit card that pops up and he sees an opportunity to rake in some cash. So he meets up with her and tries to help her figure out who she was. They decided to take a road trip together. So she says goodbye to her daughter and boyfriend grabs the suitcase that he found in her old apartment and pieces out. So now we started a road trip movie. And this film gets fucking bonkers. We're like maybe like 18 minutes into the movie at this point, like it are so much stuff that is packed in here. So she's trying to unlock clues as to who she is, and discovers pretty quickly that she was a dangerous assassin who was working for the government. She's presumed dead but now that she's clearly not dead and kind of public and people know she exists. They are out to murder her and take her down. She follows a lead on a postcard she finds in the suitcase and it lands her eventually into a trap where she's being tortured on a waterwheel where they're plunging her down again and she's totally strapped to it like flayed Eagle, and there's lowering her again and again into ice cold freezing water. On the third time down her other personality. Charlie snaps that snaps up and kind of takes over Samantha. She then happily murders everyone around her. So now Charlie and Mitch continue to follow the burn bread crumbs to see basically who's on her side. What's going on why people are trying to kill her. And in the meantime, one of the guys trying to kill her this guy named Timothy is like, desperate to take her down and he's like an evil evil baddie, we see him just ripping people up with a knife and smiling while he's doing it. Initially, Charlie really hates Samantha and who she'd become she blames her for having a fat ass. She talks about what a shitty life she's led this girl Charlie so she, I mean, we all know Gina Davis with big beautiful red curly locks, went down past her shoulder length hair. Charley cuts it all off dies it bleached blonde combs it straight, looks very different. And is basically immediately tries to fuck Mitch Samuel Jackson in a very weird scene where you're like, Don't please don't please don't this is so gross. And miss calls her out on it and says basically, you're trying to get rid of your previous personality, but you can't like Samantha was real, whether or not you think she was, and she has a daughter who you should give a call to. And she has a boyfriend and seemed to have a really good life was a good person. So I don't know what you're doing. At that point, of course, Timothy kidnaps the daughter, and Charlie has to basically snap into mom mode and kick some ass take down a lot of people and try to get her back. Also, there's some kind of plot to blow up Niagara Falls. So this film is great. It's so fucking fast. It's funny. Like there is just a million miles minute. Really, really clever minds. It pays off pretty much everything it sets up. There's check offs a pant, a good keeping a gun in your pants where your dick is joke that does get paid off in a really lovely way. So that's great. Sam Jackson character. It's really interesting because he's not the strong action hero. He's like a blundering sidekick. But he nails it nonetheless. There's just so many good action scenes including just a little taste. Here we have a figure skating slash speed skating ice skating scene with her far far shooting tire tires out in a chase scene was bonkers. There's a Christmas lights helicopter shoot out. There's somebody shooting through ice to land do a soft landing in an ice rink. There's a lot of stuff. And did I mention it's during Christmas. So there's just a lot of Christmas stuff happening. The story and action are just really well paced against one another. The characters are extremely dynamic. And it's really interesting the way that they pivot. Charlie versus Samantha, where you're kind of rooting for two very different people. And Gina Davis is just great at portraying these incredibly different women and you kind of are like, Fuck off, Charlie. I mean, you're incredible. And you're awesome. You're totally this badass, but bring back Samantha because she was fun. The movie just has a lot of hearts. A lot of heart to it and goats. And I honestly just did not see any flaws. I have nothing negative to say about this film. Wow. Trivia. Actually, you know what? I do have one thing though. The close so close. The tagline. The most spectacular action scenes you've ever seen. Okay, I mean, I love it. Yes, but scenes and scene in one sentence is just a really clumsy. I don't love the alliteration in there. I don't think it was purposeful and it just sounds bad. The plot is loosely inspired by Robert Ludlum novel The Bourne Identity. During development newlines cinema consider considered turning the lead character into a male Steven Seagal and Sylvester Stallone were considered as suitable choices if the lead had gone that way. Gina Davis when preparing for the role with her then husband director Renny. Harlin checked how long she could hold her breath in the bathtub to prepare for the water torture scene. And an early cut of the film Mitch Hennessy, which is Samuel Jackson's character died. But during a test screening and audience members shouted, You can't kill Sam Jackson. Harlan changed the final cuts Jackson's characters arrived. The film is famous for being one of the three big budget films that came out of indie studio New Line Cinema in 1996, and underperformed. The other two are the Island of Dr. Moreau and The Last Man Standing shame black became the first writer to sell a script for 4 million. He later admitted that this caused a lot of envy among his fellow screenwriters as well as accusations of commercialism. He voluntarily retired from the blockbuster industry for almost a decade as a result, which is shitty calling. I can see the jealousy you know, that's fine. But commercialism, aren't you selling your script to be? It's so weird if you don't want a commercial success what the fuck you doing at LA? I don't understand. I mean, I guess mid 90s indie writers just be on my 95 You can't do that, like Jim drummers didn't sell. Why would you voluntarily retiring for the crime of being successful, he might say gotten so much shit from people. I don't know why else because like he did really kind of disappear for about there. It came in third in his opening weekend. I don't know what it was behind. But I think that's very sad. Renny Harlin blamed the film's poor performance on confusing advertising, but shame black wondered if it might have been more successful. If it were about a man, it might have been made more money they told me but it had to be a woman the lead had to be female. It had also been suggested that the film's poor advertising campaign and lukewarm critical reception may have been a carryover effect from Renny. Harlin and Gina Davis's previous collaboration Cutthroat Island, which was released 10 months earlier and was one of the biggest box office flops of all time. The last page of Shane Black's original 1984 script for this movie stated that there would be a sequel called the kiss after lightning which never happened I will have to agree with the marketing being bad because I had no idea this was this kind of movie. Sure. Yeah. And now I really want to see this I've never seen it if you like something like diehard I would say watch this film it feels like that strength of writing and action mix trees Wow Yeah, I really I cannot recommend this and I had a weird segment that lasted a long time and still kind of exists I just don't like running Harlan as director overall interesting there's something in the way he the casing of this angle choices is lunch something he does that I don't generally like except for prison cliffhanger was pretty good diehard teams kind of wonderful bad movie kind of you know, it's it's that line between being a shitty film and a good film. But this sounds really good. There are some great even if you don't love the shot choices like that the action carries through so well. I did not spend any time wondering about that. It's too fast. Like you just can't even think about like book now we're here fuck now this thing is Oh God. Okay, so you might actually end up enjoying this. putting this on the list. Oh, okay. Well, you know, this is a favorite sub genre of mine and so I was racking my brain which movie I've seen the only one who was struggling so then I think you know what, Kelly? You're gonna you're gonna take advantage of this to watch something you've never seen before. Thanks for what I did. So I chose from 2017 Ghost in the Shell watching you you have to remember I saw someone down there he wasn't human. He's a known terrorist. And he's killed again. They didn't just kill them. They hacked into their minds is everywhere. And no one will find him and it will kill him never talked about your past as fragments. There was an attack. You were dying. We saved you. And now you save others everything they told you was alive. You add a family remember that? Beauty your what do you want from me? They did not save your life. They stole it or there before me. She was supposed to have a clean break. In my order you determine a great job they created me that they cannot control me. Wow, this is the live action film. Wow. Budget of $110 million box office of $170 million Rotten Tomatoes. Critics give it 43% And the audience gives it 51% This was directed by Rupert Sanders who did Snow White and the Huntsman he is also in development now of the new the crow. Written by Jamie Moss who wrote street kings safehouse to and Hunter Killer and William Wheeler, who had written LEGO Ninjago Movie and many episodes of Ray Donovan and empires, stuff like that. And it is based on the manga by Shira muscle Monet. It stars this very pretty woman named Scarlett Johansson, you guys. She's been in home alone three, whoa. And we bought a zoo. And I think he is going places. Also stars Pulau ASPEC was an overlord Uncharted, and he plays stricker in the upcoming Salem's Lot. And Takeshi Kitano. Zatoichi the blind swordsman Tokyo wise, but I remembered him immediately as the class teacher from Battle Royale. Yeah. Oh, good. Yeah, he's great. Vanessa, I'm guessing you have seen this movie and do not like this movie. I have definitely seen this movie. And I don't even remember much of this movie. Animate is one of my anime films, one of my favorite. Yeah, it's incredible. I will just come right out and say I like this a lot. I never seen the anime, because I just can't get into anime. Yeah, sure. I mean, I would say then you're better suited to watch it, right. So right off the bat, we're in a Blade Runner type world. It's all neon and nighttime and rainy weather and skyscrapers with huge video advertisements on it and all that stuff. And the credits are rolling. And we are introduced to Mira Killian, as she is being built. She is a cyborg with the brain of a human woman who was in some kind of accident. And it's being placed into this body and this body is being built around her including the skin and in everything in this credit sequence. Immediately we were told she is going to be used as a military weapon, even though her builder doesn't think she's ready for that kind of thing. She's basically a one of a kind cyborg right now. And the builder is just like, What are you doing? I mean, you can't turn her into a weapon right now. She's basically a child. And the bad guy, military dude is just like, she's the most advanced military weapon ever. I'm like, Oh, this is a little heavy handed. But yet. So the credits end, and we jump forward one year, and Mira is now being referred to as the major. She is on the roof of a building. And she's listening in on a meeting between an African ambassador and a businessman. And it's really cool. It's kind of a traditional Japanese restaurant type room with the sunken floor to sit and then the table, very low down and all that stuff. And they are being served by these Geisha robots that are really cool looking. So she's listening in on this and she finds out or she sees that there are these assassins that are on their way. And so she she goes kind of invisible. And she leaps off the building and goes into attack mode, even though she's in contact with her, her mentor teacher, and he's saying don't do this, don't do this. And she's like, I can't wait for the team. So she busts in. And we find out that these groovy Geisha robots are bad. They're part of the assassin force and they start they start hacking into the brain of the businessman there. Everybody's got like these ports in the back of their heads, very Johnny Mnemonic. What were you doing a couple of weeks ago with the ports in the back of their brain. Oh, existence. Yeah, so they do that and they're dragging out all this information from him. And major smashes in and just kills the fuck out of everyone. He is total badass, you know, just doing all these cool karate moves and then whipping out guns and everything she's wearing. So almost, there's a very sexual look to everything even though her cyborg is not. I mean, it's shaped like a woman but doesn't have you know, reproductive organs or anything like that, but It is built to be a very beautiful woman. And the costume she is wearing is this skin tight latex thing that you realize, oh, this is just her skin now, you know, it's just very, very weird. So then her team they all meet, and they find out that the geisha bots were hacked from a mysterious source and they need to find out who. So major also talks to her trainer. And she tells him that she's having these weird hallucinations and such. And he explains to her that she still has a ghost of her former self in the shell of this new body. I could go see her. So she and her partner, they follow this lead she got from probing the mind of the geisha bot, and they head into this nightclub that is run by the Yakuza. And it's, it's pretty cool. This is all very Blade Runner looking stuff. And if you like Blade Runner, you're going to like the look of this, especially if you like Blade Runner 2049, which was released in 2017, the exact same year as this movie, and they feel like they could be you know, sister brother movies. Anyhow, she gets found out pretty quick, and we get a really cool action scene. She's alone in this room that's kind of like a private stripper room with a stripper pole. And she's pretending to be somebody like that. But the people there the Yakuza figure out she has not that immediately in the handcuffed her to the pole. And meanwhile, her partner's in the main room, and he gets figured out at the same time. So he's out there fighting these Yakuza guys, everybody's cybernetically enhanced and all that they're all shooting at each other through all this cool stuff in the nightclub and she is handcuffed in this private room, doing all these really cool acrobatic flips while she is stuck to this pole and killing the shit out of all those guys still. It's a pretty cool scene. However, as she escapes that and she and her partner go after this particular person, they get caught in this trap, and this big explosion blows her partner's eyes out. Yeah, just as escape. So he received cybernetic eyes to replace his damaged one and her body is being repaired cuz she suffered all sorts of damage and all that stuff. So from there, I got to say with his cybernetic eyes, he looks very creepy and uncomfortable to look at, is thrilled about it. Because prior to this, he had had no cybernetic things, and he had wanted them so I'm sure that there's some kind of comment being made on society there. But over my head, I so the majority of the movie is them hunting down leads, and then being forced into these amazing action set pieces. And I gotta say, I'm watching all of it. And I liked it. There's the requisite bullshit of her finding out she's one of a kind, because it turns out there were 98 versions of her before she arrived, and they were all losers. So then she goes on this quest of who her real human self was and all that bullshit. And there is a very by the book climax that holds zero suspense as to whether they'll survive. I liked it. And like I said, I probably liked it because I never saw the original or read the manga. And I know that a lot of people this is beloved. And a lot of the fans hated this, but I got some interesting trivia about that. Before I get to that, the tagline is, they did not save your life. They stole it. Cool. So this is just a weird kind of circle of life thing here. The film was released almost six months before another film set in a dystopian future about robots Blade Runner 2049 Blade Runner, the original to which Blade Runner 2049 as a sequel was one of the influences of ghosts in the shelter, of which this film is a remake of several scenes in this film are exact in visual comparison to the original Ghost in the Shell. Some parts shown in the city are even exact recreations of the original artwork. For the Japanese double the film, the voice actors from the ghost of the shell anime are used to reprise their roles. Oh, that's cool. That's Sukkot Tanaka as the major Akia Ohtsuka as Beto and Kouichi Madera as to Gusa. Wild. According to Justin charity of ringer. Your average Japanese citizens outlook on diversity is much less influenced by pluralism than the outlooks of many Asian Americans who live in a country where popular culture rarely represents them at all. So many Japanese Americans may find Johansens casting and a Ghost in the Shell movie distressing while native Japanese observers make nothing up, Andrus. Well, I thought that was kind of interesting. memo oshi the Japanese director of the original Ghost in the Shell has spoken out against the whitewashing controversy surrounding Scarlett Johansson playing major, despite not being Japanese. He gave her his blessing and said, I believe having Scarlet play Matobo was the best possible casting for this movie. Now, I imagine he's got some kind of Yeah, kickback and money and has to say things like that. But also, I'm kind of of the mind. If you want to get your film made, you could do a lot worse than casting the biggest star in the world in it. Yeah. And I think there's also something to bear in mind, which is that the characters are robot. Yeah, except that we find out that, you know, her real self was a Japanese woman in the film, and it's kind of like, why then would you make the robot a, an American looking woman? I mean, it's kind of like Aleta two, though. Like, there's a certain stylistic thing going on in a lot of manga, where they're often creating characters that look westernized. Yeah, that's true. And so I don't, it is really hard, I think nowadays to look at something like that and be as pessimistic as it when it was more not that you're Western or that you're Asian. But it's sort of this new breed that's often put into place. I don't know. There's also just the very basic thing of when you're making a movie. In America, you're gonna cast American actors and when you're making a movie in Japan, you're gonna cast Japanese actors and you're making a movie in North Korea or North Korea, obviously, but you're gonna cast actors just from your, your country, and then that's where you expect your film to play. So I don't know. When released in Japan, this film actually received better reviews than the original Ghost in the Shell. The Ghost in the Shell franchise is fairly niche in Japan, but many fans consider this to be on par with the original. And then finally, the major is referred to several times as a miracle. Her westernised name in the movie is Mira Killian. There you go. I watched the movie, except for a very, very lackluster climax. I thought it was pretty good. And if you like the kind of dystopian future movies like Blade Runner, there's a lot to like in this. And I can't even say that the climax is lackluster. It's just so. So basic explosion gun. You know, it's huge climax, but there was nothing in it. That made me go. Wow, that was cool. It was just like, oh, this is an action movie climax. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that this came out the same year as Blade Runner. 2049 It seems like it should have been earlier. I totally thought it was earlier. That's so weird. Yeah, I was thinking that too. And I think that that has to be because the Ghost in the Shell anime was so long ago that we feel like it's been around forever. It's weird. It's really weird. Because I remember not seeing this in theater. I watched it at home later. But it feels like I saw blade runner 2049 like not that long ago at all. I'd actually didn't watch it not largely because most of the live action adaptations I've watched anime are terrible. I mean, just awful. It's like, in my research, it sounds like this is a very different story from the anime and the manga that they they took the basics and they kind of went with a westernized action movie version of it. And so I think that maybe that might be why a lot of fans are okay with this is that it's not a complete remake. Yeah. But I don't know. I, I'm glad that I've seen it. There are movies in this sub genre that I like very much and are much, much better than this film. And I probably should have gone with one of those. Okay, I'm glad you glad you got to check it out. And that you did enjoy it. Yeah. Cool. That means then Vanessa, I think you're up for a sub genre pick. Okay, all right. Well, um, speaking of alternative realities like us, why don't we explore the world of video games? So maybe a film that either is based on a video game property or is somehow very heavily using a video game within it? So what would you know about video games? I've seen like six different more than nine films that would qualify so I like this idea. Wasn't there a Nightmare on Elm Street three did a video game thing like number four or five or one of the oh, he put one of them in, like Atari style give the Rennie Highland directed for was. That was a shock to me. When you said that generalize I thought I thought for was Dream Warriors. No, no. Oh, then maybe I don't know. Cool. This is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts for sending money our way we cannot thank you guys enough we really appreciate that. Yes, we're looking forward to counting down to Episode 200 and having some fun stuff planned for that. And and that's it right guys? Yeah, awesome. All right. How about we reconvene in seven short days and talk, video game movies. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Sit, Google said. Are you sure I figured it out. I don't think I have