Strange Aeons Radio


September 01, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 191
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Strange Aeons Radio
Sep 01, 2022 Season 4 Episode 191
Strange Aeons Radio

Kelly's nostrils are hair-free for the KSAR photo shoot! Also discussed: Day Shift, Child's Play, The Sandman

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Kelly's nostrils are hair-free for the KSAR photo shoot! Also discussed: Day Shift, Child's Play, The Sandman

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, guys, you know we're we're meeting Carlos after the show and we're getting group photos strange aeons radio photos. Whoa. And I just want you to all know I noticed you haven't said anything. I wax my nostrils for this. Oh my god. I have to look and I don't want to look and it's not like the purpose all sounds real clear. There. Kelly. Don't show. They're nice. Oh, geez. Sure. I did not for mine. And I don't want you to look, your nostrils have always been lovely. I've already checked them out. If you want to use my wax I have no response to this. Wow, not the little razor thing. I don't have the fancy wax. So I might have missed it here too. That's fine. That's fine. My boogers just fall right out of my nose now. Good. I mean, you know, this is the one thing that will make my mom gag or stuff any but anything snot related. She actually starts to gag on so sorry about that, mom. The boogers fall right out of my nose in they get stuck in my beard now. Okay, My bigger question is how long is it going to take for them to grow back? Well, this is not the first time I've done this. So I can tell you. Yes. Zoom. takes about a month and a half. What? Really? Is that too soon? They grow like two inches of like, head hair in that time. Yes. But your nostril hair does not grow to inches. Right. Oh, fair. I don't not. I don't know. I haven't checked. Sticking any attention to see if it's time to leave. See you need to check my nostril hairs. After these. After this photo of Carlos. I'll find out I guess. I just wanted to look pretty for the listeners. That's good. I'm sure they appreciate it. Vanessa, I watched the movie. Know that you've already seen. Oh, what movie? I watched? Nope. Oh my god. Okay, tell tell me thoughts. Well, so I was prepared to hate this because there were a couple of other film reviewers whose respect or whose opinions I respect very much. And they came down hard on this one. And they said that we were looking at the new M Night Shyamalan. His films have just been getting worse and worse after this brilliant film. And I was like, Oh, no. And I watched this and I liked it. I thought it was head and shoulders above us. Yeah, I think it's better to not like, but you left out the best part of the movie, which was the whole Steven young child star story with the chimpanzee. Yeah, I didn't want to spoil anything for you guys. That was horrifying, and far more interesting than anything else happening in the movie. And I kept thinking that Jordan Peele must have had an idea that he didn't know what to do with. And he was like, I'm just gonna stick that idea also in this. I mean, it's weird, though, because the more you think about the other plot, because there's kind of two simultaneous plots, and he isn't the main character, but he's definitely the secondary main character, I feel like Yeah, and like the other plot really does balance into it in weird ways. That I didn't expect to like the more I because I thought it was stapled on to but the more I thought about it, I was like, actually in this kind of adds up, and that kind of adds up. And this kind of adds up and I haven't gotten as far as a lot of people are dissecting it and going okay, this is actually a big allegory about Hollywood. And I'm like, I'm for sure. Yeah, yeah, I think that's correct. I haven't looked at it with that view in mind, but I can see how some of these things do start to overlap and really fascinating ways. Yeah, I enjoyed it very much. I I thought I thought get out was a masterpiece. I thought us was a real misstep. I wouldn't say this was a masterpiece again, but it really caught my attention and there were some really strong scenes it's snowing God village No, no, no in the village isn't even the worst one. I mean, you've got Lady in the Water and fucking the wind or the happen to happen to happening which I rewatched recently why? Oh, my God, why? I was wrong. And it turns out I was really right. So like idea that watched it. I have seen no more than like four scenes. I'm going yeah, this is going to be absolute trainer pain in visual form. So the idea that somebody would compare nope, to that is crazy to me. They didn't like it. The worst part of the happening is not that nature is out to get us it's, oh, it's pretending that Mark Wahlberg could act like a professor and he kind of worried that whatever the directing he gave Zoey Deschanel is so bad, cuz she just talks slow and confused. And it's like, I've seen her in other things. She's not like Oscar worthy, but Jean that bad. So whatever his directing was, was awful. He's like, don't really look at camera look near camera, but not at the character you're talking to and talk, like, you're talking with no emotion, but for no reason. And then, you know, it just doesn't cut it anyways. It doesn't matter. Nope, is a phenomenal film. And I am glad that you at least liked it. And I did like it. I thought, yeah, there was some really, really strong moments in it. So there are a lot of reviewers and stuff like that, that want to be that. See, I told you, yeah, this person was gonna suck. I mean, a weird relate, but I think it's very similar. It's like sport habits and sports all the time. You get like, All Star level player that really, really is not that good. 10 years later when they retire. So they told you they really weren't that good. Oh, my God. Well, and everything is just opinion, Erica. Oh, yeah. You got on me hard last week for hating on She Hulk. And I was like, Well, I thought that's what we do on this show is give her opinions of various things. Right? And if we disagree with those opinions, we give that now, I'm afraid to second episode. I mean, I did, but I'm gonna talk about other things. Um, so I actually, I heard that there was this new orphan film. Oh, yes. But I hadn't seen the first orphan film. So I saw the first orphan film, which was fun. Yes, it's a fun experience with a twist. I didn't see. Oh, you didn't see? No. And then you watch the second orphan film? Oh. No, I will. I'm sure I will. So that's the on the agenda. But you know, it's been a short weeks. To break it short. It's only seven days. At least seven days. This time. I went out and saw a remake one that I didn't watch before. Because I've always been lukewarm with the original series as the child's play. remake. Oh, Chucky. Heard a lot of people. Wait, the remake film? Yeah, the TV. The TV series TV series is excellent. The the film, honestly was far more entertaining than I thought it was going to be. But, I mean, if you're a huge fan of that original movie, it's not good. It's just the changing the reason he becomes Yeah, and then the the doll design is something between a two year old and a 75 year old. The face is so weird. But I expected it to be pure garbage. So it had nowhere up to go and Audrey Plaza and, and she's she's can be fun to watch and also to be a mother, but that's fine. That was kind of my sticking point. That she's like 20 at least over 25 Yeah, the kids weren't 11 or 12. Have a kid at 1314 years old. I guess that was passing judgment. That never happens in movies. Ages are always since movies are such a visual thing, we generally try to make that work. What prompted you to watch this movie that I mean, this kind of came and went and everybody just went there? I don't know. It popped up on like Hulu or Netflix or one of those. I'm like, Yeah, let's give it a shot. It falls into that weird thing every once in a while. Like I like I watched all the Slumber Party movies and I watched all the Friday 13th in a row not too long ago and I've watched every damn Hellraiser movie. I think it just fell well let's see because the the last two to three movies have been pretty good. Couple of them are really good. And that new show is excellent. Yeah. So I'm like well let's see if there's enough. I'd say if you really like any of the things that are related to this Don't watch it if you're like me where you're lukewarm on the original it might be okay. Wow, rousing Yeah, exactly. Review solid middle of the road. It's okay. Copy that I got a Netflix Original Oh, called day shift. Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco that looks super interesting. And I I thought it was gonna be either garbage or good any. What was your takeaway? I would say right in the middle there between garbage and good. I didn't love it. It's got a very very similar plot to Nate teeth, which came out earlier than I did like the only thing this has going over that is Jamie Foxx, who is, you know, a spectacular act. Yeah. But he's, he's given nothing really interesting to do in this and I was kind of bummed that the storyline was so basic. And there is a bad guy in this film. That I mean, the main bad guy, the antagonist is nothing. Oh, wow. It's one of those things where it's like you're built up. Oh, she's the big bad and then. No, I guess not. Oh, wow. That was that's like the Ms. Marvel issue. Oh, why did we spend so much time caring about this thing? Careful. Erica will get all over you for that. Marvel movie. No, I won't. I would say two teeth down. Oh, all right. If you're biting, okay. I can tell now. Know how to flat teeth. Maybe not too. Soft cow teeth. I love it. It's supposed to be secret that it's about what it's about. Because I know. Okay. A shift. Yeah. No. Okay. He's a, he works for a union of Vampire Killers. And the rest of the world doesn't know there's all these vampires out in the world. And so there's a couple of a couple of scenes that I liked that reminded me of, you know, like, what's the, what's the British show with a kid has the gentleman or? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about? No. I'll stop talking. I sound British. British. It's it's set in Britain. And it's the kid who learns that his dad was a super spy guide. He gets pulled into the Oh. Fun. You've seen it. Samuel Jackson was the bad guy. Oh, yeah. Oh, I know. You're talking about the not the gentleman. But the Yeah, the Yeah. Yeah, I know. Exactly. As my mom sorry to all of it. Yeah. It's a good film. Well, I watched us I finished watching something that well, I did and didn't finish watching something that Kelly has seen. And Eric, you might have finished the Sandman TV series. I haven't even started Oh, really? I've just heard so much. Well, some people were the people who really, really really love it are few and far between but they're out there. And most people are counting cats. It looks really cool. Yeah, you know, it's it's really a difficult thing. So I haven't seen the stapled on final added episode. So So I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that the cats thing. But I liked a lot about it. I think structurally, it was interesting to follow story by story. I thought that was really satisfying. But it has the same problem that a lot of British shows have, and it's just too bright. Everything's light, like the colors pop a little too much, things are a little too and focus, everything's a little too clean. And it really detracted from the tone for me of this sort of dirty, grungy, you know, otherness of these people. And on top of that, like Sandman is definitely a little softer on the edges too. He's like a little too, he comes to apologizing a little too fast. Like, there's a tonal shift where they're, they're softening a lot of the deeper edges, but then other times it feels like they're going for it kind of so I don't know, I there was a lot to like about it, but at the same time, if you're a fan of the comic, it feels like it's missing something. But it's like, it could have been a lot worse. So yeah, I saw a pretty cool movie. Oh, okay. Another shutter. Part of the reason I haven't watched Sandman is I'm doing that 100 Days of Halloween. Watching you have no time. Unless it well no, like the watch. Harlequin and lower decks came back, you know, stuff like that. But if it's not that as well, it's actually more and it's called a watcher just showed up on shutter, I believe, like last week. Oh, I think they played this at Sif. And I missed it has the lady. What's my column and row? How would you say your first name though? lead from it follows Okay, she plays basically she's the movie she she's the main character she's married the husband's there quite a bit but I mean it is her movie she moves into see him a lot more in Britain British films or German where the they're kind of like a U shaped apartment complex where you can see the people directly across from you and so there's she notices somebody watching her it's pretty straightforward story but it is really got some great suspense it's really well told she's it's a Romania I think so she doesn't speak the language. So the isolation of her character and loneliness is so intense it's just incredibly well done. I was really really you had a good time watching it doesn't work. That you know what? That sounds like something my mom would actually really love. Is it did it have more rear window vibes but like eerie Oh no, it's more us or something like that. Almost without that without the relationship just the watching supernatural pretty straightforward. But just the acting and the directing were really solid and it's just a well done. Good movie. damn cool. I'm I would definitely want to seek that out after I see that orphan movie. You know, I would reverse that. Just just you know, my mind's already there. I might as well be you know, finished. I feel like I'm halfway through some I actually watched watch her this morning. As I get through I go, I looked orphan go. I don't think I liked that much. I looked up on letterbox and again for like, two stars. I'm gonna watch something else. Maybe I'll watch the sequel sometime. But it's like why did I watch the child's play remake? I don't know. Why would I watch the orphan sequel? Same good question. I think I'll just watch something I like. I love that. Well, guys, I want to take a break. But before we do that, I want to just throw out that. Remember last episode we were talking about? John Leguizamo and Michelle Rodriguez and the three of us were well, our listener will allow Ah, he just decided to send me a little note saying By the way, you guys are not alone. Very good to know. I'm starting a podcast up with him and we're just going to hate on the two of those people. That's fair. Yeah, sure. So okay, let's take a break and then when we come back we're going to be talking big budget horror film What is this about big you know, seeing the big picture having the big idea, clinching the big deal nobody wants to change the little deal. He wants to do that be a little deal clincher. A small shop. When you go and get a burger. You want a Big Mac, you go to the vanta you ride big dipper turn on TV new see big bird or you're friends with the Big Bad Wolf. And I was growing up I wanted to be the big man. I never wanted to be the little man. Even the little man wanted to be the big man. You go to America, you want to go to the Big Apple Cup, the little apple. Like get up in the morning. I want a big breakfast. I want my girlfriend say good morning, big boy to HR reply. A good big day to day big meeting with chiefs from a big studios big time for the big bucks. And she'll turn to me rolling a big blue eyes and say big head out to Todd, what's the big deal? Give her a big kiss. I get it my big car set up into the big wide world. She'll give me a big wave. Close the door of our big house. Look in the mirror and ask yourself Does my bum look big? And in my big meeting alternative one of the big hitters now say I love this movie. It's got to be big. There's only one small problem my feet. I'd like it to be what's the word? We have returned. This was my sub genre pick. And the idea was that it had to be a big budget film. Now it could have been a big budget film that did very well or did very badly poorly. But it had to be big budget. So something like a blockbuster like Jaws wouldn't work because that was a small budget film. So with that in mind, I picked the doozy you He is called Van Helsing Bless me father for I have sinned. Unhealthy Why can't you tell the world I work for you? Because we do not exist. My life, my job. My curse is to vanquish you. We need you to go to the east for the far side of Romania, Alon that is home to legendary creatures. I see the wolf man hasn't killed you yet. Don't worry, he's getting through it. Lord, that Overbite can't track you. It is a place where nightmares come to mind. And how Thank you he's the first one to kill a vampire in over 100 years. I'd say that sent him a drink. Now a man without a pastor. You have any family Mr. Vaughn? How old find out some days what keeps me going? will face an enemy that never dies. In 1462 Dracula was banished to an icy fortress and then the devil gave him wings and uncover a secret. He never imagined Castle Dracula. Hello, Gabriel. We have thought history. You are dying. How do you know me? The director of the money and the money returned. Oh my god Jackman Kate Beckinsale. How do I kill him? No one knows how to kill Dracula. If you're late, we're like. housing bill by Stephen summers, oh, Lord, from 2000 for a budget of $165 million. worldwide box office have 300 million. The Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 24% And the audience gives it 57% I'm gonna be upfront with you guys. I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. And I have thoughts on it. Have you seen it? I think I saw theater. I did. I did not because of all the very bad reviews, sir. I think I probably would have hated it also. Oh, yeah. Sure. This was written and directed by Steven summers. He he's got a pretty good Hollywood blockbuster pedigree deep rising the mummy The Mummy Returns just tons of big, big movies. It stars Hugh Jackman. He played Wolverine and a movie or two but you probably know him best for his starting roles in one episode of Blue healers for the single episode he was in of Halifax, FP I think, wow, I gotta check that episode out. Also, Kate Beckinsale who was in almost all of the underworld movies and serendipity, and Republicans get in my vagina. What, okay, I'm gonna speak. And also, Richard Roxburgh, who plays Dracula and this he was in Sanctum Moulin Rouge, and he just played Elvis his dad in the new Elvis movie. So this story starts out in black and white, we show up basically at the ending of the movie Frankenstein, the laboratory and Frankenstein and Igor, but also their mysterious benefactor Count Dracula. So there's this very cool scene where the villages are storming the castle with torches and pitchforks, pitchforks and all that and Dracula and Frankenstein's monster start fighting Frankenstein himself as killed and Dracula. Frankenstein's monster fall down the big windmill, the burning windmill at the end of Frankenstein and all that stuff. And I have to say you guys, I was like, Hey, I am fucking all in on this movie. I loved how it started. Then we are introduced to Gabriel Van Helsing. I have thoughts on this. It's a very stupid name change. It makes sense later on. But the sense that it makes us also stupid. He works for the Vatican. He's killing monsters and when we first find him, he's on the hunt for Mr. Hyde in France. We get this big fight right up front with state of the art CGI effects circa 2004 And after He kills hide the police. The police are after him for murder. And this seems to be what happens all the time. He's wandered all over Europe as a mass murderer because no one knows about the monsters roaming their hillsides, but they see the human bodies that he leaves in his wake. A quick aside Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was made by MGM not universal. So this seemed weird to me. Oh, so after that, he gets called to the Vatican and they bring him down to this secret room. And it's super fun. It's basically a Catholic virgin version of Her Majesty's Secret Service. There's all these monks in this room, trying out new weaponry like James Bond would have in the 1800s and even gets his version of cue, who was played by David Wenham, who I immediately recognized as the one eyed narrator in the movie 300. He's the one guy who survived that Leonardo sent away. Only here, he's, he's super short. It makes me wonder how tall he really is. Because he's playing this kind of bumbling, nervous Friar named Carl who has created all of this weaponry for Van Helsing. So he's got this kit that's got holy water and a silver steak and a crucifix and this amazing automatic crossbow that looks like a Gatling gun full of arrows and everything and he's been sent to take down Dracula and Transylvania. So it's just a really super fun setup. I'm loving everything so far. There is all this mumbo jumbo that Dracula has to be stopped in order for the last descendants of this Transylvanian knight to actually get into heaven. But really, it's just it's it gets in the way of everything. And it's just, it is literally just an excuse to get him over to fight Dracula. I feel like it could have been many other reasons. And this just gets in the way. Anyway, he and Carl they arrive in Transylvania, and they are immediately attacked by the Townsville who do not like strangers, but they are also suddenly attacked by Dracula's brides, which are these kind of harpy looking women bad things that are flying through the air and attacking everybody is pretty cool. And anyway, this gives the Van Halen Van Helsing a chance to fight them off while they're trying to kidnap the very beautiful Princess Anna, who is an Ask kicker herself and looks just like Kate Beckinsale. So he actually kills one of the brides and the other ones take off and that makes him even more unpopular with the townsfolk because now Draco is going to be super pissed at them. Anna is cool with it though, because they just saved her life. So she takes him back to her castle. And she's telling him about all the stuff that they're trying to do. They know the Dracula's vampire and all of this stuff. There's she and her brother are werewolf hunters. And later that night her brother attacks her he has been turned into a werewolf. When Van Helsing shows up and he's about to kill her brother, she stops him and says that Dracula has a cure for werewolf ism. And so he decides not to kill them. And they are like, Okay, this is now why we have to go get Dracula. This seems like this could have been the reason that they had to take him out. They didn't have to have any of this other bullshit. Princess Anna turns out to be the descendant of the Transylvania night. And so she dies she won't go to heaven unless Dracula is killed according to this process. That's so clunky super cool. So the movie just gets into some ridiculous fight scenes and Dracula being very evil and all of that and of course the Frankenstein monster comes back and I gotta see you guys. He looks fucking great. He's got like this see through dome on the top of his skull to cover his exposed brain. And there's all sorts of electricity this like buzzing around all over his brain all the time. I just love the design of it. By the way, everything looks cool in this movie. The werewolf designer superevil definitely takes us nods from the American Werewolf in London werewolf which is a very cool looking werewolf. And Dracula is pretty cool too. He's got long black hair and he's always dressed nice. The movie is nothing if not stylish. That's good. So I'm glad Dracula's dressed nice well dressed for the job you want. Got it? So Dracula, of course will get a hold of Anna and persuade her to be one of his brides. And Van Helsing Carl will have to rescue her and all that shit. And then we find out that Dracula needs the Frankenstein monster to get the secrets of reanimation because we are shown that he has a ton of baby vampires hanging in these bizarre placenta bags, but they need to be animated to fully become dead. I don't quite understand all of this stuff. I didn't understand the whole idea of vampire babies, but I kind of liked it. But then the idea that he had to reanimate them with the Frankenstein Life Essence It was hard to wrap my head around. It's just stupid. But the vampire babies look great. So who fucking cares, right? Cool. Dracula does get the monster and drains his life to animate the babies. But the monster gets free and we get to the third act climax which is just a you know, 28 minute long fight scene between everyone. So Van Helsing and Dracula are fighting. And and one of the brides who was a friend of hers, they're fighting now. And the Frankenstein monster is there and even Carl is fighting off vampire babies. And it's, it's a really fun monster festival third act I had a really, really great time. Then to really cap it off, we find out that as Van Helsing is losing to Dracula, he pulls a man with a black mask and suddenly reveals that he allowed himself to be bitten by a werewolf. And now he turns into a gigantic werewolves. Oh my god. It's like, you know, but I'm not left handed. The best part of this is werewolf design is he's all black and everything but he's got this very patch in his chest. It's kind of in the gray, furry cross, honest. Guys. Whoa. Vanessa, will they defeat Dracula and save Anna and get Van Helsing the werewolf ism vaccine in time? Yes. They only pull off two of those and the one they don't pull off might surprise you because it surprised me. Wow. Yeah. I was like, Oh, interesting. See cool setup. Well, yes, but without a specific character. Okay. Remember, he has to kill Dracula in order for the descendants to get up to heaven if they die. Oh, fairpoint. So it kind of pays off in the end. But it still was a stupid idea. And that person did not need to die. I thought this was a super fun movie. I think the problem with it is it's 10 years too early 2004. It was just too much. If this is released in 2013, or 14 when we are all stupid, because we have watched too many Marvel movies. And we think that those are the best movies. This would have been a fucking gigantic hit. Because it is literally just a Marvel movie with the Universal Monsters. Wow. You know what, I have definitely not seen this movie. The more you described, I was like I No, no, I did not. I do not have any memories of this. I think that Hugh Jackman was a good choice for this character. But it's too early in his career. We hadn't fallen in love with him as much as we have now. And I think that we are I think that we would have been a lot more forgivable about this. About how stupid this is. It's It's the it's the Ryan Reynolds effect. Right. You know, right now he can do no wrong, but 10 years ago, he was making some real shit movies, even though he was playing the same guy. Totally. Totally. It's like all those video game films or you know, films about CGI, or computers or whatever that were obviously like 10 to 15 years too early. Yeah. It's like, oh, man, if this plot had come out, man that has such a good opening where she orders that Pizza Online. Let me tell you, I loved it. So make no mistake, not a good movie, but better than the last Thor movie. So not hard, right? So this is the thing about the Gabriel name change is that the keep on hinting that Van Helsing is something other than just a man. Oh, Lord, he's got these memories that would make him a 1000s of years old. And it's it's designed to build some mystery around him. It's completely superfluous and unnecessary at it. It just gives the audience one more thing to roll your eyes. I think that's where it all I think that's how people rate a movie is like, Oh, God, it was stupid, but it was really stupid. So that's, you gotta watch that shit in your scripts. Just a couple items, a trivia here and make no mistake. I did really enjoy it. I had a great time with this movie. The police were Van Helsing and Anna fight Dracula's three brides is the same stage where Frankenstein Dracula and the Wolfman were filmed. The set is called the court of miracles. And it's part of the studio tour at Universal Studios Hollywood. Oh wow. The film was intended to start a series of Van Helsing adventure movies. However, the reviews were bad, and box office returns were far below expectations. All plans for a sequel were dropped within several days of the film's opening. There was an animated prequel movie The one straight to DVD there was a video game that I guess is really bad. The North American DVD sales were 65 million in the first week more than half the revenue from the theater run. Wow. Did all right there. And then Steven summers claimed at an interview he changed the main character's name came from Abraham Van Helsing to Gabriel Van Helsing, as he did not think he could have a lead character named Abraham. What? Let me just point out that the man who wrote Dracula was Bram Stoker, and Bram is short for Abraham. Wow, you can use the word Abraham. In fact, I think the name Abraham holds a little more weight than Gabriel, which sounds a little too modern to me. Yeah, even though sir. Angelic name, right. That was my movie. It was a very expensive movie that did not do very well. Wow. Okay, well, um, I went and saw I went, I sat on a film that I've been wanting to see for a while, and I keep not being allowed to see this movie because it's too big of a movie. So this was a great opportunity. Thank you so much Kelly to finally watch again, since the 90s Interview with a Vampire from 19 9408. Shall we get started? So you want me to tell you the story of my life? I've told you my story. I'll tell you all. About I bless him blood, but not human. I haven't been human for 200 years. From the novel by Ed rice. From Jordan, the director of The Crying Game, have come to answer your prayers. Life has no meaning anyone doesn't. His name is the start. What if I could give it back to you and give you another life match he chose one man gave him infinite power. Eternal life and a daughter who would be forever young. Then the light of day how loving you knew what life was until it ran out and a red gush over your lips. Can't stand this any longer. You made us what we are. God kills indiscriminately. And so shall we. Do you like dying condemned me to hell? He can breathe in her suffering Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Steven Ray, Antonio Banderas, Kirsten Dunst, and Christian Slater. Interview with the Vampire. Uh huh. Have you guys seen this movie? Like recently? Recently? No, but I think I've seen it eight or nine times? Several, many times. Okay. Um, so this has a rotten tomato score. 64% from critics. So actually not crazy high, but 86%. From audiences who dug it. The budget was 60 million. The box office was 223 point 7 million. It went well, which is kind of surprising because the director was Neil Jordan, who were looking at his previous work. I would not have picked him for this film. But that's okay. He did great. He did Mona Lisa, the miracle, The Crying Game, Michael Collins. And then more recently, he's worked on six episodes of the bourgeois. He has sort of disappeared for a while, but it seems that it's because instead of doing directing, he's been really busy writing. And he did 21 episodes of something called Riviera and 29 episodes written of the bourgeois so he's kind of skipped on over the other line. Written by of course, Anne Rice 10 screen critics screenreaders she's obviously a very well known writer. She, her her books have been adopted into such films as Exit to Eden, rag and bone Queen of the Damned Lestat a short film and the Young Messiah. It was also written by but it we're not allowed to say it. Neil Jordan Who heavily rewrote the script but due to Writers Guild rules, he was not allowed to get a credit. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. So he could not have his name anywhere on there. Which I don't know how he felt about that. It stars some heavy 90s hitters. So Brad Pitt 84 credits. We have talked about him in cutting class, but he was also in Freddy's Nightmares Tales from the Crypt Cool World, Johnny suede, and is just generally known as being one of the most attractive human beings in existence. Tom Cruise 50 credits, he's just unbelievably famous, and he also leads a cult so there you go. If you don't know who Tom Cruise is, we are in the far flung future. And somebody's listening to this off up their future podcast device. And man, I hope the world is okay. It also starring Kristen Dunst is a pretty early role for her although she was a child actors at seven roles, so she actually has been in a lot of stuff. We would all know her as Mary Jane and the Spider Man films, or more depressingly as in melancholia, or even more depressingly recently in power the dog. Also though, as a kid, she was in Star Trek Next Generation and Little Women and Jumanji a few episodes of ER and was also the voice of Kiki and the English language version of Kiki's Delivery Service. Pretty cool. We also have Christian Slater under 139 credits including Heather's tales from Dark Side young guns too. He's been around and and Antonio Banderas in a pretty early role for him on this side of the pond. So Spanish actor who is pretty big over there before he managed to break into the American scene, and since then, he's of course been in things like Desperado Assassin's mask of Zorro and all the Spy Kids Movies and all the Shrek movies, which by the way, so many more than I thought. Okay, Shrek, two Shrek Shrek three Shrek in the halls Shrek ever after. Donkeys Christmas Spectacular Shrek duologue, put some boots and in 2022 person boots, the last wish. So look out for that. That's a I'm guessing coming around Christmas time. The pot. So we start on a sort of people's eye view of San Francisco a lot of people are just walking street level. Seems like it's a big set but I don't know. We make our way up to an apartment we swing up old camera style and big jib to a man looking out upon the streets and a reporter setting up his equipment. The the interview is going to be with Luis de Pont, the deadlock, which I don't know, claims to be a vampire. To prove to prove his supernatural abilities to the reporter. He moves around the apartment faster than light faster than the speed of the eye and then settles in to start his story from 1791. And the reporter is like cool take me on a journey crazy man and I have no idea why this guy is reporting on him or what? Apparently he's been following him for a little bit. But there's zero context as to why this is actually happening. And that's fine, I guess. So 1791 We go to New Orleans, Louie's dead wife and child have died. He is incredibly depressed and spiraling out of control. He is a plantation owner and is basically doing all he can to see chaos and death for himself. So unfortunately, instead of just dying, he picks up the interest of the Vampire Lestat let's start instead of offering him death offers him eternal life allows him to drink of his blood and get him to turn into a vampire. Basically Liz starts doing this because he is bored and lonely. And I don't know why he chooses Louis to be his like friend because he seems like a very different kind of guy but cool. So a Louis eats a person that feels bad. So then he attempts to live off of rats and other animals will start finds this incredibly irritating because he's like, dude, just eat some bros with me, man, and Louie's like no man can't lose spirals into a big big depression, which leads to them having a big big argument, which leads to Louis wandering off into a sort of plague infested part of the city where he finds a child holding on to her dead mother's hand and asking you know hey mister help my mom she's not doing good and her mom's like Jaws like rotting off like clearly been dead for a while. He's really hungry and desperate. and sad and so he decides to eat the girl. So he has given into temptation and out of nowhere at least that shows up laughing at him. This is hilarious, I guess. So then let's list at seizes the opportunity opportunity and decides to go ahead and make them both a daughter. And then we get into this really cute sequence of the film where it's basically just a gay couple like raising their daughter and having like quirky bouts. I don't think they're meant to be gay. But damn, guys, if it was made today, it would be real gay. So of course, this this does actually end up calling down Louie who loves to loves the girl completely loves being her father figure. But of course, Claudia eventually grows up, but it's still a child. And she resents her situation, she is forever going to look this age be the size or even her hair cannot change. So in her fury, she decides she must kill the stat and free them both of his chaotic ways. They don't quite manage it. And then so they decided to try and burn him on top of like poisoning him. And that I you know, that looks like it's not going well. And then list out is basically burning down a huge section of the town because he's just running around on fire. And so they hop on a boat to Europe. So that's fun. We then go trying to find vampires everywhere cannot find them. But funnily enough, weirdly, in Paris, were listed had said he was turned into a vampire. They by accident find vampires shocking. Just when Louis was ready to give up and hot vampire Antonio Banderas is there with a group of really bad theater actor kids who are also vampires, and they welcome with open arms, Claudia and Louie, but then quickly close them again, when they discover that they have potentially killed another vampire. They lock Louis up in a coffin and wall him into a section of this underground. I think it's the catacombs. while also giving Claudia her just returns. Louis is enraged by the entire situation and when he is let out. Eventually he takes revenge on all the vampires and kills them while they're sleeping. Course Antonio Banderas is like Damn son, that'd be hot. Yo, I like you a lot. Why don't you come hang with me? And he's like, Nah, brah I gotta go live a solitary life by so he goes off back to America. And this is how we eventually lead many, many years later to him having an interview. But there are questions that loom is list at truly dead. Will the interviewer live to tell the tale? Who knows? I'm que so. I think I would have really liked this in 1994. In 20, what years at 22? Not not it's real bad. I mean, it's not like bad there thing, good things in it. There are definitely good things in it. But the pacing is such a mess. It's like hey, everybody we're having a great time are hurt everything. Like in a second. There is no time to breathe. You never really get to believe anyone's emotional state or any of the situations nothing settles in. The budget is clearly shot directly not only into the actors, but also these huge sets these city streets, these just big, big looking places. They have a plantation, a French home, a playhouse, underground caverns, they crafted tons of props, tons of lights. There's just so much going on in here visually, that that's definitely cool, but also looks really stagey. You constantly feel like you're kind of watching the stage play for especially from the shot sizes we live in. Nothing feels close or real or intimate. There's a very questionable Creole accent coming out of Brad Pitt's mouth. Bless him. He's trying. However, on the flip side, Tom Cruise loves this role. He is having the god damn time of his life with it. And I think he really sells Alyssa in a way that it's just fun. He just does such a fun version of this and Antonio Banderas is this might be his hottest role. I think he looks incredible in this he's He does great as the sort of Euro Vamp Tandy Newton is in it for a sec. That was fun. I was like, hey, that's Tandy Newton. You will become famous later. And I'm I am glad I saw it, but I don't think it had a lasting artistry. It actually feels a little hokey and artifice. So this was a first time viewing for you. I saw it on VHS when I was in middle school. So yes, I'm gonna say it was a first time viewing call. also said no no feelings of actual first time you saw Oh, the nostalgia was I mean, I vaguely remembered certain plot beats but not not very strongly so we really felt like our first time watching for me. So little trivia, tagline drink for me and live forever. The rights to Rice's novel were initially purchased by Paramount Pictures in April of 1976. Shortly before the book was published, however, the script lingered in development hell for years, with the rights being sold to. Basically Warner Brothers ended up with it. director Neil Jordan was approached by Warner Brothers to direct after his huge success of the movie, The Crying Game in 1992. Jordan was intrigued by the script, calling it really interesting and slightly theatrical. Saying he leaned into that, I think, but was especially interested in it after reading the novel, he agreed to direct on the condition that he would be allowed to write his own script, though as I mentioned earlier, he did not get a writing credit. With David Geffen producing the movie was given 70 million budget unprecedented for a film in the vampire genre. Jordan stated that it's not very often you can make a complicated, dark dangerous movie and get a big budget for it. vampire movies were traditionally made at a lower end of the scale on a shoestring and rudimentary sets. David Geffen is very powerful is very powerful and he poured money into interview I wanted to make it on an epic scale and something like Gone With the Wind, which does also kind of make sense with the the big plantation scenes as well. And you know, just fancy rich person and crying while their slaves are like in the courtyard kind of supporting them. I don't know it's weird. Um, the visual effects were actually overseen by Stan Winston and his team, Winston design, the characters vampire appearance and the makeup effects including a technique for stenciling translucent blue vein veins on the actor's face. This required the actors to hang upside down for 30 minutes at a time so that the blood would rush to their heads and cause their veins to protrude. That enabled the makeup artists to trace realistic patterns over the top. That seems a bit extreme. Yeah. And apparently, once they got back upright, often it would disappear a little too quickly. And they'd have to do it all over again about a anatomy book and you can just paint things where you know they're supposed to be are you questioning the great Stan Winston sir, upside down maybe just a quick little thing and go over there? Okay, we're good. Or at least like quickly stencil it in and then like let them sit and then you know, I don't know whatever we work for Stan with. His company also created the CGI flames burning the plantation who and Claudia transformation, which looks like a crossfade. And they the charred remains of two vampires, which does look cool. There's a moment where you see two vampires who are like holding each other charred and just and it was taken slash made off of a photo of the victims of Hiroshima, which is very cool. Brad Pitt said to ew that he had a miserable experience. While making this film. He recalled the discomfort of the makeup colored contacts and particularly filming in an enclosed dark indoor area. At one point he called his friend and producer David Geffen and begged him for a way out, but learning that it would cost 40 million he toughed it out and remain for for the remaining months. Or you go Christian Slater was given the role of Malloy the reporter or the interviewer upon the death of River Phoenix, the original choice for the role. Slater donated $250,000 of his salary to two of Phoenix's favorite charities after the film. And also Anne Rice was pretty pissed at the idea that Tom Cruise was going to be cast. She was livid and stated that crews could not carry the part calling the casting so bizarre. It's an almost impossible to imagine how it's going to work and quote, the worst crime in the name of casting since Bonfire of the Vanities, race, re Reki recused herself from the production and did not view the film until producer sent her a VHS copy. Race was so impressed by Cruz's performance that she wrote him a letter of an apology and recorded a two minute video endorsing the film that was included as a pre feature on the mid 1990s VHS release of Interview with a Vampire. And she also take like full page ads, a few newspapers apologizing she did I think it was I want to say was the New York Times or Vanity Fair or something? Yeah, she she really got behind that film. Unlike Queen of the day Until which she really was pretty, pretty upset by and very publicly. dissuading. I will say that one interesting thing after this film. A real life crime happened shortly after the film's theatrical release. In 1994, a man named Daniel Stirling and his girlfriend Lisa still Wigan, watch the film together. The next day Sterling stops stillwagon seven times in her chest and back and suck the blood from her wounds. Fortunately still Wagan survived. And Sterling was arrested. He claimed in court that the film influenced his plan. And the jury convicted him of attempt a first degree murder among several other charges. So did he turn into a vampire? You know what? It didn't say. This would be the highest grossing vampire movie for over a decade. However, as of 2016, it's also the highest grossing rated our vampire film of all time, so. Well, I think this is a good time for me to say you're fired Vanessa. I knew it has been a long time since I've seen this, but I remember loving it when it came out. Eric knew me then. And I was like, That's it. I'm growing my hair long. Oh my god. And then he cuz Eric had Lestat and Louie length hair back then. And embarrassed. Why hair touched about the middle of my neck. And I started wigging out about it. And he said, I don't think you're gonna make it. So. Yeah, it's a rough period. You know, I remember in high school, my high school boyfriend got really, all of him and his friends got really into Interview with a Vampire. And there was a lot of long leather coats and long grown hair happening at that point. So you were not alone. Though. They were a little late. They always thought the leather coats was a weird trice shouldn't be bearing like puffy sleeves. Hey, let me tell you about some of the dance. They were doing last was not interview. No, no, there were there were moments where Vamp fake vampire teas were bought from Hot Topic and blood and puffy shirts. They did show up at various points just not day to day school life. So I was a really, really big fan of the book before the movie came out. And I was along there go on Tom Cruise. What the fuck Sure. And then I really liked him in it. Are you aware that there was a new television series coming out based on it? There was in in the Wikipedia there mentioned all kinds of stuff that had like stopped and started. And it did mention something about a TV series, but I didn't hear that it was happening. It looks pretty bad. Not very faithful to the story. But I'm like, Okay, why? Why wouldn't you then if you're going to do this, that must be a rights thing. Take the vampire the star, which is the second book in the original trilogy, and turn that into your TV series because the three fourths of that book is Interview with the Vampire but told from the Staats point of view interesting. And I'm like, Look, you can make the same movie. But now let's get some rock and roll in here. And you know, I a vampire who loves being a vampire. Yeah, the book. Louis is a real downer. This interview was the book that started the whole event, but Oh, interesting, huh? Which I mean, obviously, like watching this film really was like, Oh, wow, Angel from Buffy is just this right down to eating the rats. I was like, oh, and like the plague infested city and like hiding out in the scum of the people. I was like, Oh, you're just exactly this thing. Which is cool. But yeah, I do. You know, you didn't like it. Next podcast. Yeah. All right. Well, let me if you watch it again next week. If people want to follow me on Twitter, you can follow my career from their website. Not that Vanessa I'll see you on the other side. Don't worry. I survived a few things with Kelly. I think you'd be okay. On the show with disagreements I don't want to take away from your joy and I you know, I especially like if this hit you just the right way when you saw it, I can see that. It's it's unique. It's big. It's crazy. It's cool. For the time. I just say watching it now for me was it just felt really, pacing was weird. Yeah, and sure. And what it really was for me it was I just thought that book was gorgeous. I thought it was a gorgeously written book. And I thought the movie was a really nice adaptation of it. That's why A Queen of the Damned was such a disappointment. Did you read any of her other books? Are they all kind of equally good? No, I think the first two vampire books are really good. And I think she had a book called The Mummy that I really liked in the first couple of the Mayfair, which is books were pretty good. And they all just kind of devolve into real melodramatic romance novels. Or, you know, vampires or whatever. And the you know, you pick up on the the whole gay subtext. They're super gay in the book. Oh, Louis, are your vampire older gay? Uncle's? Good. I think the combination of the interview and the start is just one of the great writing accomplishments. I think those two are phenomenal. I absolutely love that. My favorite part and interview was that one scene where that one part where they reverse it and you see it from the stats, and I find Oh, that's pretty much what the entire second novel is. They're really good. And it read a lot more from her but those are phenomenal. Okay, well if I am getting the hankering to read a semi like a flowery but golf powerful Gothic vampire tale I know I think I have it somewhere. Most horror people speaking of what most horror people have books from Ooh finally this is a first time viewing I have not seen this yet which might surprise some of you here but I wanted to be talking about 2019 Doctor sleep when I was a kid there was a place a dark place they closed it down let it rot but the things that live there they come back many ride the bus this far knows you're running away from some miles away from myself. I guess you can hear me your magic. Like me. I don't know that magic. I was called the Shining World is hungry place. The dangerous place these people they hurt people like us. These devils they'll eat watch notice they're coming there's a place Yes, you run. And then I will find you on your screen for years. Playing with us for ever, ever. Oh, wow. Okay, well, you know, another kind of big author and rise to Stephen King. I don't know where you get larger from that. But this was I said 2019 The Rotten Tomatoes on it was 78 from the critics 89 from the audience. Budget pushes the boundary of calling it big budget, but I shoehorned that in because this was highly anticipated. It wasn't a surprise coming out of nowhere. It had a $45 million budget, which isn't small but also isn't Marvel. Vanessa, would you like to explain the rules of this genre to Eric? Clearly he did not understand. Mash you don't get no I think it's too late. box office was less than stellar. 36 million in the US and 72 worldwide, but directed by law Time listeners will know one of my favorite directors Mike Flanagan, who you might know from midnight mass, the upcoming hot Fall of the House of Usher. Will it be based on the book though? Who knows? And of course absentia stars. Ewan McGregor, who, for a brief period in the 90s became like one of my favorite actors after Trainspotting in shallow grave. I searched out a shitload of his films. He also was at a really interesting movie you don't hear a lot about called brass. Brass off. Oh, yeah. So he did some really, really good shit. Kylie Curran, who is in the upcoming fall of House of Usher, and start LEGO Star Wars summer vacation. Yeah, Cliff Curtis, as in sunshine Training Day, a whole bunch of the upcoming avatar movies. Anybody here really excited, waiting desperately to see the new avatar movies? No. I can't wait to see all four of the new avatar movies Exactly. Can't wait to watch this video really struck when the iron was hot. This is an adaptation of Dr. Sleep, which I haven't read. And I know you have. So as a semi sequel to The Shining, in some ways. The movie opens up with a little girl in a strange group of people talking to her in a woods, and they appear to then I would say, consume her. It's not it's not like a vampire. It's not like energy thing. But it's sort of it looks akin to like Soul stealing, like you've seen in some movies before. And then we move quickly to the beginning of one of the first recreation scenes of Danny riding his big will through the overlay Kotel, which I love in the original shining. I love that sequence because it's just this amazing, hypnotic scene. It doesn't run long enough to do that in this film, but it's there. And it's kind of cool. And I thought it was really interesting then that as he's growing up a little bit, this is taking place. He's still a child, but they're no longer at the Overlake. And he is seeing the 237 woman in His own bathroom now. So she's kind of followed him. And the idea being that he the shining, goes where he goes, so some of the aspects of it, follow Him and find Him. I didn't quite get that right off the bat. But by the end of the movie, it's like okay, and forgot the actor's name federated down the guy in the shining, who helps him Scatman Crothers? Yes, Kevin Crothers, his character shows up as kind of an imaginary friend I guess he could say to Dan, because you know, it's now getting cars adult but a Danny telling him you got to box up your feelings of the Overlake you got to create these little boxes and trap everything overlooked, overlooked. And I have to say so. Yeah, definitely be Overlake look hotels with the the fun water slides. But the so he, he does that. And as he grows up, he learns that maybe that might not have been such the best thing for him. He's still haunted by things he is. appears to be a raging alcoholic. He gets in horrible, horribly violent fights, steals from ultra almost steals from a woman he's sleeping with, or had a one night affair with. And so he basically he's kind of not great. And the same time we're introduced to a little girl. The introduction is weird. I didn't quite understand. It's so subtle. I didn't realize oh, this is actually going to be one of the main characters in this movie. It's just like, oh, there's a creepy haunted p&l. The group is called the true knots. And it's almost like they're forming a supergroup of shining people. As it goes on, the movie explains a little bit more that they actually have a long history not really what that history is just that they have a long history. It's okay. This point, I'm kinda like, well, it's fun. The acting is incredible. So it's neat to watch. They have a great scene in theater, where the true nots find their next not their next victim, but the next person to join their group because I think they call her a pusher. And it's like, Well, we haven't had a pusher in years so they push her scenes to be somebody who basically gets you to do things for us as he says stuff and you do it. The apparently the other people all have powers too, but they really don't explain know what those powers might be? Her seems to be to find these people and understand what their powers might be. Now they have a pretty gruesome scene where they kidnap and torture and kill kids baseball player. The indication is that the fear and the pain make them more delicious and powerful to eat. Well, while this is happening, the young lady who met earlier feels this stuff, and also shares it with Danny who has now grown up and sobered up and he's eight years sober at the time these things start to happen. He's lived in this neat apartment place he gets man what a hell of an apartment for $85 a week. And the one of the walls is all slate so you can be chalk draws on it, and the little girl draws messages to him. And she he talks back a little bit, that aspect of the movie just because it was neat to see you and McGregor in a small role again, because I don't he's fine as Obi Wan but I think he is so much better as a interesting character, somebody who's troubled and doing something and just trying to be a better person. The all those movies I mentioned before are Trainspotting, shallow, grave and Brassed off. That's what he's doing, and trying to deal with the shit he's doing. And he does that here. And I think he's really good at it. Then they sort of realize, okay, they're going to hunt down the girl because she obviously has a lot of power. So Danny and her find each other. And he brings his buddy along. It's like, oh, there's somebody they can kill. Sort of a thought there. From there a large portion of the movie is let's get together and battle these people that stop the lady from getting let's stop this from happening. It's all actually pretty good film. But it is. Until one point I it. It doesn't make any sense as a shining sequel. Other than the the looses connection. Of course, the final battle then moves to the Overlook Hotel where it intersects. And there's neat connections to the shining like the interview room. Earlier in the movie when Dan's getting interviewed for the cleaning up in the old folks home. It's an exact replication of the office that Jack was interviewed. In the original shining, I mean, right down to the flag on the it's it's all there. It is the same office, which why? But I'll tell you, there's a moment in this movie for a little emotional moment here. That hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. Because there's that story of it's a real story of the little cat that detects when people are dying and will go and lay at the bottom of their beds. Well, Danny has a cat like that where he works. And he goes in and helps people die. He comforts them and they die. And it just you know connected hard with me because my mom and her hospice stuff got man, I wish my mom had a cat. But again, the performances are so good. I really like Flanagan's filmmaking style, even when his movies are okay. I still think they're interesting to watch and he does neat stuff and he pulls. He always gets good performances out of good actors. Sometimes some of his movies have not great actors, but they're still good. But if they're good, they're a lot of fun to watch in his films. When it gets to the Overlook. I enjoyed it. It felt much more like a shining sequel. It was kind of fun to watch it was but at the same time, not the most memorable part of the movie. And I think back of watching this film, it's a lot of the stuff that happened before they got to the Overlook. They had Danny makes an appearance in the movie The original Danny is in I think, the AAA meetings or something like that, but Jack Nicholson did not want to do. He was retired from acting and Flanagan, in the interview said he's going to respect that so he didn't try to work real hard to talk him into doing this stuff because he really wanted to be retired is like okay, you'll be retired. And they hired a guy who kind of looked like him. Like Jack Jack the bartender. That was Henry Thomas. Oh, is it okay? Wild? That's cool. And the the woman who played Danny's mom kind of like Shelley Duvall ish. But so it is interesting the looks and everything the colors the way the rooms are set up and everything was meticulously recreated the tone of the entire film also smooth ashes into a different world when they go to the overlook, it is a entirely different feeling film. I'm curious as the Stephen King aficionado around us, what was your thoughts on this movie? Ah, I, I liked I liked it until we got up to the Overlook. Flanagan had a really impossible task of trying to make a sequel, an adaptation of the book. That was also a sequel to the movie. Yes, because the movie is so different from the original book also. Yeah. So you know, in the book, the overlook is destroyed. Right? So but not in the movie. So he brings them back to kind of a falling apart, overlook and, and then gives us a greatest hits of the shining with those scenes, which I did not care for. And also, we had already established that the Danny and his friend had sniper rifles and I'm like, Well, why don't we just sit in one of the windows and shoot her as she's coming up the road when we actually engage her physically where we know she can do some real damage, they died really easy. That's that was a little surprised at how easily her crew was killed. So I I liked the book a lot more than I liked the movie. And it is a sequel to The Shining. If you if you understand the book, The Shining is not about this haunted hotel. It's about this Father and His Son and the ravages of alcoholism and how you pass that on to your child. You know, Danny has grown up to be his father at the beginning of Dr. Sleep, they needed a lot more of that it was impossible, so impossible to tell a story like that unless you've got 800 pages, you know, so I just think that it was I love Flanagan. I wish he had picked a different book to adapt because I felt like this was a guaranteed failure. The scene when they are doing the Greatest Hits, as you mentioned, I like that term. The bit that was like some of them like fine, okay, those kind of contribute to what you're doing. You're turning the power of the over, look back on whatever. But the scene when the when she enters and they do the blood of the elevator, and she just walked looks at it like huh? Yeah, it's like, yeah, now that sounds really weird. Well, anyways, notes and trivia tagline. A new chapter from Stephen King, author of The Shining. Good, beautiful to the point, the world will shine again. Now dare to go back the next chapter in The Shining story. So he actually acquired blueprints from Stanley Kubrick's A state of the way the Overlook was done in the shining, so he could recreate it as accurately as possible. already talked about that, that it's identical is tough is it took a lot of work for Flanagan to do this, because Stephen King did want to sign off on it. Largely because he like I said, he did not like that adaptation of his book at all. He really really didn't like it. So he had to balance out making Stephen King happy and then tried to figure out I mean, it was the impossible task. You're talking about one of the considered one of the top three horror films ever made. And a great film made period, one of the masterpieces by one of the masters and the most successful novelist our country's ever seen. And it's just like, Wow, dude. Pull it off a lot to chew their big balls. Kidding. A lot of notes here that already talked about. You know if I'm Stephen King liked the final product. If you owe the wonders of sleep. I think he was fine with it. It didn't seem it didn't quite go and rice on it. Like you were talking about in an interview with Flanagan, Flanagan said that King told him you did the best possible job you could by pleasing fans of the book in the movie. Yeah. I mean, the problem is the shining was a flop when it came out. Oh, yeah. And it's that whole thing of like, Blade Runner 2049 You know being a flop and I'm like, Well, what did you expect? Nobody liked the first movie either. It's got its fans. But here we go again, we'll make a big budget sequel to a movie that was a flop and then we'll be surprised that it is also a flop but the weirdness I think with Blade Runner, and the thing and this shining is, these are all films that film nerds and film geeks have absolutely embraced and filmmakers as being the brilliant films they are. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the general public that doesn't watch four or five movies a week or more, is beyond whatever. Well remember that movie. I mean, a cult classic means that it has a cult like following, and those cultists don't want to see the thing that they love and cherish be remade for a wider audience. So it does feel like a really big misstep. So the Brian Tallarico of Roger gave the film three out of four stating Flanagan was tasked with making a sequel to a film that stays loyal to loyal to a book that ignores the changes made in the first movie. That ain't easy. And while one can sometimes feel Flanagan struggling to satisfy both King and Kubrick fans, when he really shouldn't be trusting his own voice vision has talented enough to pull off the difficult blend of legacies think Yeah, I think if he just gotten Stephen King to write off, write a write off on it, get the Kubrick estate to give him what he needed and just made a Flanagan film. Yeah, he might have been a little more successful, but there's definitely a lot of I'm trying to please everybody in this movie. Yeah. But he did adapt a lot of Stephen King stories. So yeah, and I'll be honest, I think this is the best acting Ewan McGregor has done in 25 years. Oh, yeah. I thought that was spectacular. He brought me to tears a couple of times when he was at rock bottom. Oh, yeah. He is. He is a he is fantastic. Yes, he is the guy I fell in love with watching I'm shallow grave and Trainspotting. And I've watched Trainspotting as recently as like two years ago and it is still absolutely a masterpiece. It's an incredible film into a shallow grave again to that one's disturbing. This did get 12 different film grade groups from Fangoria to the Utah film critics to nominated for a variety of awards several best pictures and acting nominations with Rebecca Ferguson when winning in several categories and she played the hat Mrs. Have great yes yeah, all the there's there's not a the performances keep the movie moving and worth watching. The story is just so tough. Remind me was the little girl in this. Was she the little girl that couldn't walk at the beginning of Midnight Mass? Oh, I think so. Or am I misremembering? I don't know. He's, he's got a plan averse. He's got a touch with children. Yeah, you know that. I mean, I do not like precocious kids. And he doesn't have his kids precocious. They all seem like good. Solid actors. Yes. Oh, and they did have the hand damage. I know. I was gonna say we need a trigger warning to at least let people know if you're worried about the D gloving that he is obsessed with. There's a great element in here for you. So but the kid will be in fourth House of Usher. Of course. She's a little older now. Right. Right. Yeah. And I think that's kind of like the third part of his because, you know, flick line manner and then oh, it is Netflix. Right. Yeah. Okay, so I'm looking forward to it. I don't think it's gonna be I don't think it's an adaptation of the book at all. I think it's like a sequel to it. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised because he didn't. We didn't add up to the array. The first one he did, but Midnight Mass certainly was a step into the right direction of Damn, that's good. Yeah. Yeah, this is a complicated film because I liked so much about it. And but I just don't think that it. I don't think it nailed it. Yeah, it's very wavy, watching this movie where I was like, it. I watched the Director's Cut to watch the three hour cut of it. And there are points in this movie is like what has gone on here. And then something else will happen. Like, oh, man, I totally enjoyed this movie than half an hour later. But yeah, I think worth watching. I definitely had a very similar reaction to Kelly where I was really digging the movie in the theater and just going oh, man, this is actually good. Oh, this is actually good. I mean, few moments of like, and but this is really good. And then they went to the hotel, and I was like, why the What the fuck is this piece of trash and there's I think there's a moment where they're looking over the railing and it's like, all the ghosts of The Overlook are just staring at them. And I was like, this is some bad CGI with some pokey ash. It is really misunderstood. What was interesting about that in the film, which again, like you said, I mean, it's impossible. It's an impossible task. It's why just don't do it. But also you got like a stupid scene like that. But I remember seeing this in the theater and I had my hands over my eyes while they were killing that little kid from the baseball which is that was that was horrifying, terrified the entire time going, Oh, my God, I killed watching the movie. Yeah, he's so good. And like even being in that room of boxes was too late. It was visually really interesting. Yeah. Cool. Well, cool, guys. We have a little break in our schedule, because this is not your time. Eric. Giving this next sub genre picked her maker who donated a considerable amount of money. And we are going to be doing mid set or not mid 70s 70s sci fi I almost thought you said I was like mid summer we're doing more dumber, all three of us. Interesting. Yeah. 70s sci fi Eric, in fact, walked in on me today while I was watching my 70 sci fi movie. So you're really jumping the gun? Well, really ahead of the game? Well, some of us had to pick movies we, some of us have to do in a week from today. You sometimes pick movies and we're like midnight Saturday before your card. No one needs to know. No one needs to understand my process. Secret Sacred method. So fresh in my head. Okay. Okay. With that, let me remind all the listeners, you can be like mica, and send money our way if you want to hear us talk about various things. We love that we also love when you like and share the posts. And when you send us messages like we'll did. Like Mike the Bronzo always sending me stuff and everybody who reaches out and just says Hi, really, really appreciate. That's great. Get out there and give us some reviews too. It's been a while since we've had any reviews. Yeah, pump them up and you'd go back to the way old school of the five star you get to the five star review and challenge me to watch a film. It's a lot harder to find a film that I'm going to think his pure crap after Randy Mulligan movies and other things I've watched since we started this podcast, but try and like that you decided I'm gonna watch child's play. I've been watching shitty movies all this time. So how about something else? Different Okay, gang. How about we take a break for seven days and we come back here and we talk 70 sci fi sounds good cool back transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast set to set. I wanted to know if I was wrong, and it turns out I was really right