Strange Aeons Radio


September 15, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 193
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Strange Aeons Radio
Sep 15, 2022 Season 4 Episode 193
Strange Aeons Radio

Kelly might just be 51% gay now, and Vanessa is hooked on Riverdale again. Also discussed: The Righteous, Carter, and She-Hulk.

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Kelly might just be 51% gay now, and Vanessa is hooked on Riverdale again. Also discussed: The Righteous, Carter, and She-Hulk.

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Oh, I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. How did you mess up? That's Vanessa over there. Hey, oh boy. Here we are you guys. This is what we're gonna be about, hey, you guys might know me as a, as a sis white male, generally, although I've always kind of taken offense to these kinds of labels, because I think that we all have a lot of sexuality in us. And it goes all sorts of different ways. It's a spectrum. And I've got Well, Eric has known me for a long time. When I was slimmer. I was mistaken for gay more than once. I never had a real problem with it. I definitely have not had a listener literally tell me, but he's gay. Oh. Wow. And, well, the thing is, I've always thought, you know, I've got a percentage of gay it is somewhere below 50% Because I'm attracted to women, but it could be 49%. I may have just pushed myself over the edge. A couple of weeks ago, we did our photoshoot and I mentioned on the air that I got my nostrils waxed or I waxed my nostrils. Carlos then hung out with me that night, and I made sure to say hey, you said nothing about my smooth nostrils. And he was like, what? And I told him about the waxing and then he said, Now, we'd had a couple of bottles of wine. He said, wax mine. Oh, well, I'll show you how to do it. You just know you have to do it. So So I heated up the wax. Hospitals, we waited 90 seconds. Oh, my foot on the couch. I said, well go on 312 I yanked it. screamed, see though, there's some very male going up here too. He then went into the bathroom and said I'm bleeding. Because I managed to get a little of the wax. And yank that out as well. We had a good laugh and then we went for nostril number two. Oh my god, I was gonna do one at a time. You have to do one at a time. And breathing. We we laughed so hard afterwards. And then he was just like, wow, this makes a huge difference. So he's definitely going to get COVID easier. I when I worked my brother from another's nostrils. And that turned you on. Let's say it turned beyond but it didn't turn me off. I will say you know what, this is a very common rite of passage for girls. Because once you start growing like Harrington nostrils, waxing leg hair, okay, off of each other and being the person to rip it off of the other person for the first time. And I remember attempting one time to do it with a friend of mine and we did not get it right. And it sucked. And I was like never again, but I the only time I did it was with a friend. You mean? Were you doing the waxing? Or were you the wax? We didn't know each other or wax. You take turns because you know the pain. Okay, but which part didn't go right. You're gonna end? Yeah, no, like it was the 90s so the wax was like cheap or whatever, and it didn't stick. So it's just like, like it just sort of sticky like blood. No, no hair came off but no, I think that that's really charming. That's like a very good friendship thing to do. I would say if you haven't figured it out, but we've become pretty close. I guess. Yeah. Yeah, I'm feeling that. And I'm so excited that he's kind of become part of the strange aeons family. Yeah, gay sex is right around the corner. As far as I'm concerned. This will probably be a surprise to Carlos but but not to your friend Vanessa has clearly caught on to me. I say there are a fair number of people out there who mistake you for that. I was not one of them, though. I was like, why would you think that Kelly's gay he talks about chicks all the time. That's why Oh, I'm so naive. Right. Speaking of checks, so I've been keeping up wishing York. Oh, yes. Yeah, you guys one behind. Well, maybe this last one turned my mind around. little bit. And I thought the second episode was really bad. And dull and short, like 22 minutes or so. There's a bonus, I guess. And then this third one I thought was pretty fun. What I don't like and I feel like this is a misstep on their part, her breaking the fourth wall and talking to the audience. I understand that that is a comedy thing and everything. But when you've already got Deadpool in the Marvel Universe doing that, and doing it very well, then taking another character that it doesn't quite fit with is it's it's hard because she does do that. As far as I know, in the comics. Yeah, like that's a common part of her character. And I think that's why they're trying to do it, but I haven't it hasn't landed for me either. Like, every time she does it, I'm like, Wait, are you aware of us or not? Or like, why are you aware of us? You're not the kind of character who would be aware of us, like what is your relationship to us? And that's not clear and with Deadpool, I feel like it's more obvious and clear and even if he's either crazy or he sees us and it doesn't matter which because of who he is. Yeah with Deadpool I always kind of felt like you know, if you were standing not in the audience you would see him turn to the side and speak to an imagined the the turns out the comic had decided to check out is exactly the one this is based on. Cuz that second episode when the guy talks to us, Hey, I'd like to talk to you on this law firms like oh, okay, I know exactly what's going on up here. Next. They did a they did a smart change though. In the comics the super. And maybe I don't know this happens in three, but the super level prison. All of the prisoners are shrunk to teeny tiny little sizes. Like little LED figures size is weird, but probably a good one to not write transferred on to. You did that as like, a way to keep them in and they shrunk them for real? Yep. Okay. I'm with you with the Pym Particles. Wow. Can't get into trouble when you're that tiny. I did this view episode. You're just keeping your geek to go and layer upon layer with the listeners looking for they want this kind of deep dive knowledge that I can offer. That's right. Well, speaking of deep dive, I returned to Riverdale. I'm only at the start of season five. So I thought I gotten a lot further in than I had. Because we are now I think starting the final season of the other airing which will be season eight. Wow. Yeah. So on Netflix, five and six, and I believe seven are all there. Yeah, I'm like, I thought I stopped watching it for a second guys. It's really interesting because they start the season off. You're still in the high school world, whatever, whatever. And then all of a sudden, they graduate. Wait a second. We're eight seasons into this and they're still in high school knowing this 13th grade, I'm on five. So they've graduated, right? Okay. And then everybody goes off their separate ways. And now it's seven years later, have cheese which is smart and weird. Because like they hadn't they don't look any different. But they never really looked like high school age. So now they're kind of playing their actual ages and they they went their separate ways. Now they've come back to Riven Riverdale to save Riverdale. Okay, all right. Yeah. So it's an interesting. I don't know, I'm a little bummed out because Buckhead is no more. The actor's broke up. The actress who plays buddy and the actor who plays Jughead, which for me was like, we're actually seeing each other. Oh, we're called Buckhead. Yeah. They're kind of the mainstream dog. Although I wish the sun would just explode right now. TMZ just needs to get off here. So I Yeah, so for me, that was one of the main reasons I watched it because I loved that couple. And now that they're not there, I'm kind of left with other couples I don't give a rat's ass about. So the wait a second. So the characters were seeing each other, and they are not and the actors and the actors. And now the characters aren't even like in most of the scenes together and it's very slowly broke up. When they broke up. They were petty enough that they couldn't continue to work together. I think it was painful. From what I because I went online of course, yeah, sure. Try and figure out what happened. Because my heart just got wrenched. And now that actor who's playing Jughead is dating this like super hot model who's really thin and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like put you had Betty. Um So gorgeous. I'm sure she'll do fine. She'll be nationally fine. I'm just that they aren't together, at least in the show. But the it's interesting because I think that it was very painful, but they do still care about each other. So they're still I'm wondering if as the seasons progressed, I'll get to see them in more scenes together, because maybe they'll have gotten over it as two actors. Sure. But I can tell right now they've obviously just broken up because they are only in scenes together where there is a group, and they're always sitting on the opposite sides of the room. And they almost never talk to each other. So just like a real breakup that Yeah, it feels very real, but I am personally hurt. But it's a good season to watch for this episode specifically because that the big bad or the big interesting thing for season five is the moth man. I was just about to say Are they still flirting with horror elements? They are and it is alien this time around? I don't know that moth man was necessarily literally spaceship with white light. But they're playing with that somehow. So I was like, Oh, okay. Can you imagine living a life that has this much shit happening every single year so tired. I mean, the kids from Stranger Things would have such a bad PTSD after the second year of this app. And then, you know, it's always a new thing threatening to destroy the universe. And they seem to be just fine in between. This is just my life. This will be yo I mean, I guess they have a seven year break. Were good point. Well, nothing happened. Nothing happens for sure. I mean, definitely Archie wasn't in like war the whole time and comes back with PTSD. Wait a second. What did he go off to war? He went off the military, because he didn't get into college or some like educational plotline. What year are they supposed to be in now? Do they do they live in our reality? I have no idea how to think of what seven year war he could have been? I know I think it was just he was overseas in not war war. But you know, he saw action. Yeah, and Jughead was a writer and had a big hit but based off of the all of the stuff that he was narrating for the old whole previous four years that we watched him. Oh, right. I forgot that was always narrated by him. I might have to get into this. This was I thought this was good, trashy fun. It's good, trashy fun. It's great background material when you're doing other things, and I've had to have something the only thing that would make me happier is if they get to a point where they're like, look, we're gonna have to cancel it. Let's make this last season afterlife with Archie. I agree. 1,000% But what from my understanding they're doing the last season is that they are something happens and they're having it all take place in like 1950s Americana, original arty land. Well, like something happened like time travel. Well, we don't know. And one person knows that this is not right. And I think it's Jughead God damn you, Vanessa. I hate watching. I'm trying to crawl my way back through to it's hard though. Because you can so many times you're like, oh, and you're just stealing this. Oh, and you're just stealing this and you're not even trying very hard. Like there's a trash bag killer. And I'm like, This is literally the scene from Silence of the Lambs. Okay, guys, like, this is really not trying hard. But that's okay. Next episode, I'm going to be like, okay, so I watched seven seasons. Right there, right? Yeah. Sounds interesting. I only watched the first season and then just sort of clicked out of you. But yeah, this might be worth returning to the first seasons basically. You know, 90210 it was straightforward, sort of. Yeah, teen drama. Oh, it just gets weirder and weirder every fucking point where like, they're trying to out weird themselves. The previous season I think followed a cult, where they actually launched the one hit a space. Whoa, yes. There's a lot going on. I mean, I gave up on the last season. I was watching. I can't remember exactly what was happening. I know that. Archie's dad was killed. But I was just so in love with the girl who plays Veronica. She's so gorgeous. And so why even that couldn't keep me going on. She's always fun to watch. And she's sort of such a great actress who just kind of knows her role and makes such a likeable character, no matter what they have her do, but I've really enjoyed that. But it's unfortunate because I liked what they did with Betty where they started to make her like crazy and weird and dark around the edges and season one, but now they're like, she's just dark and I'm like, Could you do anything else with her? Please? Just I beg of you. Nope, sorry. I'll see I've got three seasons ahead of me. Okay, well, so moving to Rome, watched a film on shutter called the righteous. Okay, not heard of this is it's 2000 Richards 2022 film that's all black and white. It's got basically three characters in it. And 2030 minutes and I'm gone I don't even know if we're going to finish this movie by the end I'm going fucking glad I did. Oh wow it's just all it's all interesting story there's a it's a couple whose daughter has recently been killed and a very strange guy and very weird circumstance and the very basic but like, why why are you letting this guy into your house circumstances shows up and where it goes from that is really wild to watch and the performance is just absolutely make it because if they weren't good this movie would be really, really bad. Sort of like that one storytelling one that you talked about a while ago with the two people sitting in the house trying to scare each other by telling their stories right? That if they weren't good that movie has nothing this is a not like that movie but this is like that movie in that if these three people weren't as good as they are would be like I'm done with this but damn it is well done. The synopsis you gave makes me think that I did read something about this does it? Does it turn supernatural? A little. It's got supernatural but that's not what makes it interesting. But the it's got a priest who left the priesthood and trying to figure that out and another priest trying to help him out. But but it's not religious at the same time. It's really been interesting. An interesting story. Put that on the list. I saw something on Netflix that just came out or a couple of weeks ago. Carter of Mars note of John knew. I think both of you might like this. It's It's It's foreign. I don't remember where it's from. I don't know. I have to read you do have to read but but quite honestly the dialogue is not why you would watch this movie it is it is a series of one take shots and you can kind of tell that it's not really one take. It's kind of like that Hardcore Henry movie. Only it is a third person shooter so you're following this one guy through all of these one take shots. And it is violent and gory. It's like they said I really want to make a John Wick movie but with fighting in it. Not just shooting. What's the shot everything? Well, I guess it would be action. But it's so violent and gory. It kind of dips into horror. There's a lot of gunplay, swordplay raid. Yeah, a little bit of the raid in there too. It is really it's exhausted. You know? Yeah, I had to watch it into two tries. But at the end, I was like, wow, that was really good. I know a lot of people like that Hardcore Henry movie. Yeah, I did not because of the whole first person. View of camera. This one is kind of like that. Only the cameras just flying all over the place. And I don't know. I kind of liked it. Because Netflix did you say yeah, Carter? And what country is that? Originally? It's an Asian country and I would hate to not know what it is. And it's fine. Don't fill in that blank. Well, I've been catching up on I'm so excited. lower decks has started. So good. So good. So I watched episode one and I think Is there a second one out yet? Yeah. Oh, my God, I love it so much. Because it is so Star Trek anytime they try to be like, but maybe, maybe it's not Star Trek. And like, No, I've seen this fucking episode of Star Trek elsewhere. So oh my god, I fucking love this show. It's great. It's funny as hell. inventive and interesting and different ways they approach things. It's really really well written. Yeah, extremely well written. I think the first episode really shows that because it could be very pedestrian if anyone else had done it. I think they would be boring and stupid and straightforward. But with this it's like so perfectly like structured and nicely. I don't know it really eloquent in the way it gets to where it goes. So yeah, you guys should check it out. If you like Star Trek if you don't like Star Trek. Well, yeah, check it out. I think you'd still like it. Right? Like, you might be completely lost on a lot of references. But yeah, sure. So totally out of genre watch something interesting. years ago was presented to screen at Issaquah and we weren't able to get it for some reason. I think it got picked up or something but it's a documentary About a some other one of those you go, really that's what that is about. Okay, about the foremost us, maker of handmade pasta, of handmade pasta. Oh my gosh, it's his name is fu K, I believe is as pronounced as Fu N K E. And it's the story of him after failing and crashing and burning miserably on the first restaurant he opened. I think it's five or six years later or more, he's coming back to open another restaurant. And it's the story of opening that restaurant. But it's also the story of, and I love stories like this. I don't care what the subject matter is. It's a story about somebody who loves what they do so much that they give everything they have in them into being the best they can be at it. And he's that way with pasta, he travels back to Italy and talks to some of his original teachers. And this is a ridiculously interesting moment where he talks about his version of a rolling pin he uses where he visits the place that makes them oh my god, and it's that good. It's that Donkey Kong kind of thing again, where you go, why don't you go? Oh my. Why do I care about oh, okay, that's interesting. And he goes like one of the moments he goes to this small Italian city. And there's a woman they're making a certain kind of handheld pasta. And she is just making it supremely fast. And this super excellent guy is just sitting there looking. They're gone. I've never gonna be able to do it like that. Anyone ever really does. He is that good? It's really neat. Incredible. What was that called? It's a guy's name. Fu N k e and that David Cross his name on Arrested Development. Would you see that on Amazon? I believe that's cool that it got picked up. That's nice. Oh, yeah, it's really good. Okay, so why don't we take a little break, guys. And then when we come back, we're talking about Eric's pick but we're gonna stop them anyway. Shut down the Marines. We're the Space Marines Drake. Ripley, a phone Bishop. And I'm Hicks armed with the latest high tech heavy metal my buck rockers on a torch bunk brain alien invasion problem. Send in the Marines. And we're back. Eric, this was your sub genre. Which was what again, alien horror. Vanessa's favorite sub, sort of a sort of a dick move. I mean, it's a long time ago, we did the disco episode. So I didn't think that you could pick something worse. But I did. This was inevitable. Yes. So here we are. That's right. It was going to happen. So the the idea was a little bit came out. Because you know what? You're sitting there looking at all of these sci fi films from the 70s and then looking back on the history of strange Aeons and how many times we've talked about a sci fi 70s movie? Hold on. We've never done alien prey or alien horror. Let's do it. And I did 1978 prey to command ship. I am now in orbit proceed with Misha UFOs Fact or Fiction? space explorers of pigments of the mind made contact with human life identity established aliens already amongst us launch terminal action continue with mission critical operations essential for a million years man was a hunter now he is the prey array certificate x Oh, oh, also known as alien prey, which made it very hard to find on Rotten to me. Because they don't have it listed as prey at all just alien prey like okay, so then I found it. I found out there are zero critics. Actually, there's one critic review of it, which was positive so I guess it's 100% and 30% from the crowd. So I'm guessing the people are yeah, that's all right. This was made on approximately 5000 or 50,000 pounds in deferred payments and 3000 Cash This is low budget no idea what money it made. Director by Norman J. Warren went on to do some films have heard of Satan slave bloody New Year and in some annoyed 70s Horror weird shit. Max cough it's the writer and this is the only film he has listed. So this is it one and done. And Quinn Donna Klee is a lead his movie as the triplets. But he went on to be a very successful publicist in Hollywood working on the line, the kingdom of heaven, Superman, two and three and many, many more. So stayed around. I think he could use his publicist skills to get this movie a little more box office gold. The actors in it were I'm sorry, who is another actor and it's a very Stokes. Enemy mine Hawk the Slayer space 1999 And Howard's house of horror. Sally Faulkner was in growing pains the she wolf of London vampires with a why the culture vultures and Doctor Who 1968 version glory and on Super Girl Felicity spaced out and water. So they had a couple of the it's pretty much just three performers in this film. There's a few other people that show in and out but they're about it. So they actually got some people who went on to do a fair amount of work in Hollywood. So this starts out as a family awakening and night by a strange lights and noises. What could it be? We don't know because you never actually see it because they had no budget to show you a spaceship. But the next scene is the alien stalking the house with some grunts and strange noises but the lights are gone. So you know he's somebody has landed and is coming for their place. The movie then moves forward to a couple in a car. Man leaves to take B guess what he had coming back. The alien grabs him and you hear these weird little grunts and groans and then the alien comes forth with this cute little nose it looks like a fox or something because like, that's like the least scary alien makeup I've ever seen. But the main couple is it's not immediately apparent because they live in separate rooms. So I thought it was maybe a mom and a daughter but it's a lesbian couple. So they gloss over that at the beginning. But the film this slowly reveal that because you know it's 1977 Alien kills like a whole bunch of bunnies. It luckily it's off screen and they just find these little bunny bodies. And they say the lady says, oh, must be a fox. I'm going you know, you cut it close. Not wrong. So but he can transform so he looks like a normal man. And so you've got the 70s idea of a man intruding on women's world and fucking it all up. So the immediately causes major jealousy and one of the two women which handset there is something going there's going to be a lot more going on in this movie than just an alien, hanging out with some people and killing them. And there really is several. There's several scenes of the alien trying to figure out what is what is the bird in a cage. He doesn't understand the creature there. Whenever he eats any human food he gets violently ill except for alcohol. Loves him some champagne. Drinks the hell out of that. So there's a lot of the interacting of him trying to get flow their world and them trying to understand who the hell is this handsome stranger that's come into our lives. Jessica, the younger woman finds a very strange bunch of stuff at the foot of her bed inside a large box. That is bloody clothes. And the world's largest switchblade. She hits the switchblade and it's like the size of her head. Doesn't the handle also have to be that less huge? Not having this in your back? No, no, you're not hiding it in your hand and you're just like, Hey, why are you carrying a small sword? Like configures the that's all the props department could find that look, I want a switchblade. Okay. All right. Oh, use that. So that this implies that the other woman killed her father is hiding that in the back. I mean, it's not immediate parents of father but there's other things that are said that imply that Her father was living with them at some point and he just went away. It very subtly introduces that this is an incredibly abusive relationship that she's in. Like, whoa, why didn't that see that one coming? And boy is she ever she is awful. And they decide their Fox attacks and kills their chickens. I believe it is. So the abusive lady loses her mind and tries to go out and hunt the fox down. Can't find it. The alien does though, of course, sniffs it out, and brings it back and drops it on the table in front of the two women and they're both like, Yay, let's have a celebration and do a party and I'll make a cake and we'll celebrate the killing of the flax. It's laying on our chest table. Beautiful. Not covered and the the other lady gets a little suspicious though when she finds the fox later on, and there's nothing left but the skin. So yummy. Love it. But so Joe is the older lady continues to definitely have problems with the Alien and gets more and more abusive with Jessica starts with verbal abuse and works up to some pretty horrific physical abuse. So the film is so much more than it looks like especially going this is a vinegar syndrome release. So I was expecting little fox alien does stupid shit. But it's actually fairly well done film with the really, really dark edges. And a fairly good ending. It was pretty good. I was really surprised because again, vinegar syndrome is you know, you expect something very specific from them. And there was a lot of that because there's no budget in this movie. How much how much was the budget 50,000 differed with 3000 in cash. Wow. 1000 pounds. Yeah. Vanessa, you lived in conversion. How many ounces is that? I lived in England. For the 10 years. That was double the US dollar. But that is not normal. Oh, that would not have been what it was the time that you're talking about. 1977 1970s Not so much. So the taglines, his seven savage hunger makes us all feel you and pray when I first started this film, I was like, Okay, this is gonna be a boring movie because it starts right what's going on? So I decided I'd look up and find out how many films have the word pray in them. According to IMDb, there's 1097 films that have the word pray. Good lord. Next up genre epic film called pray it was a pain in the ass at times looking this movie Up Now what was the year again? Oh, yeah, but this is a UK production two pounds and stuff. Most of the script was written while they were shooting. Oh, good. Warner agreed to shoot the film in 10 days. Oh my God that gave him only three weeks of pre production shot largely with handheld cameras. And whoever the handheld camera man was in this was good. I did not immediately go oh this is handheld and even after knowing it was almost all handheld and watching has gone upstairs and around stuff. You know, this is not this budget did not have about the time shaky or Steadicam was starting. So there's no way they're affording to use the static anytime. So this is true handheld. So we're should looked up who it was because they were really good. Let's see filming convinced after they did half a day of rehearsal with the actors in the location and didn't have a finished script and average 35 Camera setups a day. Wow. I am amazed the film they pulled off considering all of that because it is I mean it's it's low budget. It's still a vinegar syndrome level release and a lot of ways but there's just so much more going on here and most of the acting is really good. Why is it that hard? But sigh and I'll say one of the Joe the abusive lady goes way over the top at times. Apparently the bird that he was obsessed with was Wally is a cockatoo that often refused to perform when they needed him to and spend a lot of time off camera squawking and making loud noises. He eventually escaped and was never seen again. That sounds exactly like a cockatoo. Yeah, exactly. There is a very, very strange ground, almost drowning scene in this where the alien goes into a little bog and doesn't doesn't know how to swim. So he starts thrashing around and the ladies go out to film him to weird things in there. us, at least to this water is nasty as hell. Oh God, they ended up giving everybody injections for tetanus and all that stuff to protect them from it, it looks like watered down oil almost, it's really nasty. They shot it in slow motion so they didn't have to be there as long as and when it was done, the director made a note to the editor say if you cut a single frame of this, I will fire you from editing the rest of the movie. So it is ridiculously long. And it's kind of funny. As like, Yeah, you should you should let your editor work on this a little bit. It probably would have been an interesting scene, but as it is, like minutes long of this guy going thrashing around and what I mean, although it's really gross, it looks like water, you could probably stand up in Sure. Okay, so this leads me to the question. What is is the alien a mask? A puppet? The he's a human, but when he turns into the little foxy looking thing. Yeah, that's all it's just they've got some eye contacts. A prosthetic on the nose. It's like Star Trek. You said a cute Fox knows and I was like is this puppet they're doing this. Just the person who poked his nose up a little bit and made a cute little thing. They probably waxed his nose since it was showing up, you know? So that scene is dickless as so that everybody lives though, so I guess it's alright. There's also a fairly bloody scene at the end where they didn't let the nude performers know that in order to keep the real animal parts fresh. They had been frozen. So they throw throw frozen meat that's so good. Yeah. Very stiff. Jim Reed of the psychotronic Film Society of Savannah Georgia says pray finds unexpected vantage points for subtle commentary on the themes of sexism love adultery, betrayal and racism all within the context of a gay alien zombie vampire gorefest Wow, good lord. I would remove vampire from that because I'm not sure where the vampire came in but all the rest is fairly accurate. Okay, got a lot out of this movie. Yes, yes, he did. Peter Hutchings considered the film bizarre but as the sustained seriousness of Warren direction in the Doom filled atmosphere save free frame from becoming a piece of Camp nonsense, which is also true. It's so much better than I thought it was going to be. Cool. So all of you that are gonna go watch this. This movie sucks. It's terrible. Now you can enjoy it. Oh, okay, well, I watched a film that it's pretty obscure. It's 1977 movie called foes with menace they came not as friends but his foes general the object has moved it's changed position haven't turned back immediately base command to rescue unit do not approach the island turn back at once. This shape is real All right. If you've had a close encounter, you might not be ready for another but it's exactly those who are not ready to get caught a whole island sealed off impenetrable, but why for what rose? Marika study observation for an enemy to be destroyed. It must first be identified but all those who get too close have an encounter of the fourth kind. The permanent kind suppose what do you want to take us away in that thing? What did they try to hurt us? You don't know what it is what's inside man has conquered the sky from the sky and now comes a force to conquer man they are not afraid to be seen. But will you be afraid to see them? There's been an explosion of explosion tremendous surge of heat and radiation. What began as a frightening possible Reality ends as a terrifying reality signals from the UFO we must make you wait to see what they are but we can show you how they came and remember they came not as friends but as foes fo es la familia me either yeah it's a weird one. And photos as in I believe UFOs it's I say it's obscure there is no budget or box office available there is no Rotten Tomatoes available and there's no Wikipedia page Wow Yeah, it is really sorry you're dipping into the field I you know, I was very proud of myself and this yeah, like I don't know I watched this the only way to watch this that I found aside from specially ordering the DVD was watching it in full on YouTube. How do you go for free so that's a good way to do it. It's even Okay, copy trailer for it sucks. So don't get off of that because I definitely was very close to not watching it. However, I came across it because it wasn't a list of like films that may have inspired. Nope. Jordan peels Nope. Oh filed. Yeah. Okay, so Written and directed by enacted in by John Coates. He has one credit to his name. It is this. However, as a special effects guy he has 49 credits to his name, including adventures in babysitting UHF New Nightmare Deep Blue Sea Red Planet Rambo three, the host not that one Clash of the Titans Tenacious D pic of destiny, et cetera, stellar. He's been he's done a ton of incredible work. And he is definitely utilizing that in this film. It is starring people who've only ever been in this film. And McDonald carry who's been in 117 things including 3080 episodes of Days of Our Lives. Wow. Wow. And shadow of a doubt. Suddenly, it's spring, Comanche territory and a lot of TV walk on rolls. And Jerry Hayden Hardin, who plays the general and this he's been at 168 things including Big Trouble in Little China, the firm Cujo and 11 episodes of X Files as deep throat. Oh, yeah. So like, there's kind of like, oh, okay, weirdly, he's pretty awful in this. He's like, every time he speaks, I'm like, Oh, buddy. Like try a little harder the acting is got a lot to it sucks. All right, the plot and American fighter jet, read something off of its radar. This guy keeps kind of looking at a beeping deed and you're like man for like, pretty low as budget movie. I'm surprised how good this looks already. There's a lot of aerial shots of clouds. So it's kind of a POV of something and you're not really sure what it is but like you are up there in the clouds. And there's you know, the thing is coming closer and closer and closer. And then, of course there's a giant crash the jet, the US jet plane explodes into fireworks because of course our measures. NORAD is called and they track where this strange unidentified spacecraft has moved to and it's kind of slightly moved off course from where the crash site is to a nearby island, which houses only a lighthouse and two lighthouse keepers, or at least the lighthouse keeper and his wife who have like little residents out there. They see they see the large spaceships sitting off the ocean off of the cliffs. And they're like, cool. They just don't care. Like they're just kind of standing there looking at it. It's very like 70s Like how I imagine I don't know like everyone's just chill about everything. There's like, Huh? All right. I guess I should call it in. Like the late housekeeper goes to call it in but of course there's some weird frequency going on. That's surrounding the island and he cannot make any kind of communication and NORAD who is trying desperately to contact them to say get off this island. Can't get a hold of them either. So he takes the heat kind of goes into the house routes around gets his camera takes a Polaroid of it looks at the Polaroid. We don't see the Polaroid. I don't know whether he got the shot. That stuck with me. And he goes back in and him his wife, like there, she's really worried about it. Like she's, she's kind of fretting a lot. They don't let her talk a lot, thank God, because she is awful. But whenever they just film her face looking like confused or worried or sick or anything like that, that's fine. That's fine. Just don't make her just don't let her talk. He's worried about some radiation. So they tried to go into the lighthouse to look at it, where there's thicker walls. And from there, he you know, take some measurements, and he's like, Yeah, I think that this is 150 feet across. And then he's kind of intrigued and he's like, he watches those the spaceship lands somewhere on the other side of the island. And it's it was maybe like a, you know, hour walk away or something. So it's a Long Island, but it's not like big. And he's like, You know what, I'm gonna go check it out. And she's like, Oh, and he's like, You don't have to come. She's like, cool, calm. He's like, you don't have to, and she's like, calm. And so she grabs a gun and puts in our pants. That's fine. Meanwhile, two divers have taken a boat off to explore some underwater caves under the island. So when they're down there, all of a sudden, the water starts shaking like crazy. The UFO has created this crazy earthquake. I can't remember if it's like just making some waves or I don't remember why it did it. But anyway, so they're like, Oh, crap, something's weird. So they swim back out to their boat and discover that it's completely fried. Anything with a motor is fried. NORAD is also trying to get to this island they've sent in a helicopter, which basically just dies outside of the island, like the hits the field and drops. But they don't seem concerns like they don't make it sound like the guy's dead. Who drove it and then he's like, they're like, we'll try the helicopter again later. And I'm like, that seems like a bad choice, guys. Okay, fine. That's okay, we've got plenty. Close it off from the former guy who was inside grab, put a rope around it, bring it back to shore. And they're also trying to get the Coast Guard to go in. But the the ships as soon as they hit this magnetic field and everything just dies. So they have no other options, apparently, because they don't want to row to the island. I guess. I know that this is an option because that is what the two divers do. When they discover that their vote is fried. They get into it and start to row to the island like that little life dinging like, Oh, cool. Okay. Um, so meanwhile, the couple gets to the area where the guy thought he saw the ship landed and tries to look around for it can't quite find it, it's not really sure. But all of a sudden it pops up. It is above them. And there's a big light beam. And there are some crazy looking effects of people like going off into space, where they're just clearly standing somewhere or maybe jumping off a thing and superimposed on it. But at one point, like somebody's in a fetal position, they just spin their wave up and it is amazing. However, the couple are both caught in this beam. And for some reason it lets go the girl a little sooner than the guy. So she lands on the ground, and she's covered in like, fucked up burns. He lands on the ground and he is a corpse clovers covered in like, little bits of flesh. He's just a skeleton with completely charred. So whatever this stuff is, this radiation is crazy. And humans are not prepared for these aliens. That is for sure. But the aliens are very curious about the humans. So two divers wander on the island trying to figure out what's going on they they're trying to get help, because they don't know about the UFO. They find the radios dead. And then they wander around the island and find the corpse of Larry, the lighthouse guy, also known as the director. They find the wife covered in Burns, they carry her to the residence and tend to her wounds. But she she has no ability to really tell them what's going on. She's just like, kind of go in and out of consciousness. And again, they got they don't let her talk. It would not help. So yeah, so we keep going back and forth between this story and what's going on at NORAD. And it is kind of interesting because there's a lot of exposition, but at least when they go to NORAD, it's like they're being interviewed by other branches of the government. So they're explaining what's happening, and you feel like it's justified even though it is a bunch of exposition of something we already saw, and they've already mentioned like five times, but that's okay. Like I was okay with it. Um, meanwhile, nightfalls the two divers are hanging out in the house, and they see out in this distance is pretty creepy. These two long strands of lights, and you can kind of work out that these are the alien beings. They're just these tall, long, skinny pieces of light and they're just kind of hovering around moving around. They walk out to see what it is they're like, somebody's out there like No, don't go out there and then they They do not have the budget for shooting at night, but they sure do it anyway, there's a lot of black shots. And occasionally you see a face and you're like, What is this? Is this and then you have no clue where anyone is what is happening, but they do sit down in the dirt for a minute. And all of a sudden the lights flicker on and the beings kind of walk around them and then flicker off and they're like, We gotta get the fuck off this island. So will they get off the island? Will the UFO light beings find them and torture them and chase them around the beach? Sadly specific. Will there be a never ending, but you have no idea what's going to happen next. Ending where you're not quite sure if it's ended yet. And it keeps going. And there's lots of tents, music, and sometimes you think that they're off the island, but then you're worried that they never gone off the island, but you're not really sure. And it's not a smart enough movie to do that to you. So you're just really confused. And there's flashbacks for scenes you just saw. There might be I always love that. We saw remember when, um, so this film, you know, the the pace is pretty slow it but it does feel deliberate in a way and I think it actually works for it. It is a weird sci fi film, it's really low budget. But I think the people who are editing it are kind of geniuses. Because the way that they're cutting from and two different things really helps the story. I think that this entire story was made in post production, because they found a way to use those actors, pretty much without them speaking, which is incredible. They did a lot of showing not telling, there were tons of great shots of this weird UFO moving around. They also use music to really fill in all the emotional gaps and tell us kind of what we're meant to be feeling and sound design. And that just really helps us along. The one thing it doesn't help though, when you're recruiting a film to try and make something out of nothing. Geography is not your friend. I have no idea where anyone is this ship and the aliens. I don't know if the aliens are seven feet tall. I don't know if they're 200 feet tall. I cannot tell you the way that this is shot, it is impossible to say you're like, are you there's just no context. And when there is context, you're like, is it like they're nearby? Or are they far away, and I cannot tell. But obviously the director knows a lot about he's did a great job with the VFX because the aliens and the ship design, which are kind of crazy, really work in a low budget, but good way, the ship. They really sell it in interesting ways where like it when it goes above people, it has a completely reflective surface so it looks like a mirror. So you see the bottom reflected back up again. And it just looks cool. And then when it goes around cliffs and stuff like that, they actually do put the shadow of where the ship would be on to the cliffside when it goes through moonlight you see that effect work again? The they do a really great. I don't know, I was impressed by it. And then the aliens, they're interesting. For sure. Like it's a cool design. I don't understand how that they talk a lot about magnets and electro moves and radiation and all kinds of stuff in this film that they clearly have no idea what they're talking about, but that's fine. There was a lot of creepiness so the sounds that the alien makes did kind of remind me of nope, actually because it does fall it sound like either like a chorus or like people screaming. It's weird and you're not sure what the there's a design in the light and it kind of looks like faces, but you can't tell. It's really unsettling. And I like the idea that in this film, people are really fragile, and they are just breakable toys. And these aliens are just like we're here and we want to check it out. And we're just going to play with you like, you know when if a dog gets a rabbit in his mouth like it doesn't know that it's about to murder. It's just having a good time. Um, trivia. The director originally asked Orson Welles to star but he turned it down. Shocking. He was doing so much great work and 1977. Yep. But yeah, still, really out of the League of this movie. It was barely released anywhere outside of a minor British run. From state and slave distributor, Brent Walker and US TV airings. Photos got a special edition blu ray treatment and 2019 from garage house pictures. It includes two versions of the film both never before available in the US. One is an original Director's Cut, which is approximately 73 minutes long. The other is the theatrical version, which is 91 minutes long. She's so I guess the director was nicer to like cutting it down, I guess. I don't know. I feel like I watched the director's version. It also includes new commentary where John Coates shows plenty of stories about the shooting of foes I did not see it this way so I have no idea what it was. That was like I bet it's very lovely. I watched it on YouTube but it is also on demand from Alamo on demand. There are three reviews of this film on Amazon one four star review which kind of nicely sums that sums it up by Steve Behrens don't come to foes expecting professional actors, a big production budget, or traditional story arc, you'll be disappointed if you do. But this little known indie movie provides a strangeness atmosphere and imagery. Another four star review says, Read that guy's review. Actually a lot longer I just kind of truncated it. And then there was a two star review from an quote unquote Amazon customer that says movie stinks. Don't waste your money. So it's really divisive is what I'm taking away. It sounds like you liked it though. I I liked it enough. It didn't have traditional aliens in it. And I was big. I was really happy about that. Eric look, okay, so when I was picking this movie, I watched like seven or eight trailers for different trailers for different alien movies. And I had nightmares all night long. Wow. All night long. The fact that I know if I see a little thing, it will haunt me if I think about it is not cool. And I have a closet and I keep looking in the closet. And I'm like there's an alien in there for sure. It is watching me for sure. And like I will get up in the night check. Make sure there's no alien in there. I have a I have a little Hawaiian like protection doll in there. I hit like I am trying to be on it. I closed the closet Partway into the night. It did not help. So thanks for that. Wow, well okay. But yeah, that was interesting. If you're, if you are interested in Alien films or alien horror, I think it's a really interesting take on it from the 70s I kind of want to put that on my list but of course I have seven seasons of Riverdale to get through that possibility. You got to prioritize Okay, well so then I chose I liked this topic because it allowed me to revisit a movie I remember liking a lot and I was right 1988 The Blob if it had a mind you could reason with it if it had a body you could shoot it if it had a heart you could kill it now man is no longer the supreme being on this planet. The organism is growing at a geometric rate by all accounts it's at least 1000 times that original mass nobody believes me about what happened tonight with that happened you were there you saw life form that hunts its prey predator I want that organism alive. Thank you ticked it off blob terror has no shape. Oh my god, that movie. Fucking Yeah, it was really good again. Yeah, that's good. A budget of maybe 10 million, maybe 19 million. Hard to say but that doesn't matter because the box office was right about 8 million. Right you go. Rotten Tomatoes critics have it at 63% the audience at 56%. That seems awfully low to me. I'm not sure why? Because I know this has become kind of a last classic and I would think that current reviews would have brought this up a little bit. I don't know why it's so low. Maybe I should get on there and write a cellar review for you go. Direct by Chuck Russell who directed the mask Nightmare on Elm Street three The Dream Warriors, which is why I watched that when I was talking about it last episode. He also directed eraser and the Scorpion King so he's had some good success. It was written by Chuck Russell and Frank Darabont. Omar would go on to write and direct the mist The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, and CO create the Walking Dead as a TV show. Its stars Shani Smith, said 71 credits I remember her best from the movie summer school which is an absolute guilty pleasure of mine. I love that movie. She was also in the Stan mini series and I didn't realize this saw one through four. She is so pretty in this movie that it's ridiculous. It also stars Kevin Dillon. He has 56 credits. He was in platoon no escape Poseidon and 96 episodes of entourage. And then just a list of that guys. Like, oh, it's that guy, Jeff. Oh, it's that guy, Candy clerk. Oh, it's that guy, Palma crane or the floor. Bill Mosley has a very, very brief moment in this. So the story starts off and we meet our protagonist in very different ways. Meg Shawnee Smith is a high school cheerleader. She's seeing the captain of the football team, the way we meet her is, she's cheering during the school game and all of that stuff. And she's making eyes at the football captain and all that. And then we meet Brian, who's Kevin Dillon. He is his loner Daddy got long shaggy hair, he rides a beat up motorcycle, and we meet him as he's trying to take his motorcycle and jump this broken down bridge that we kind of see it must be something he's wanted to do for a while his bike shuts out on him just before it happens. And he goes crashing down the ravine. So anyway, this, this meteor crashes in the woods outside of their small town Barbourville. Now if you go into Wikipedia, it's going to be Arbor Ville, California, but it is clearly not Barbourville, California, it is somewhere in Colorado or something like that. And it's supposed to be it's not supposed to be California, small Tom. And this kind of vagrant guy who was wandering in the woods comes upon it decides he has to touch it in horror movie fashion, why you would come across a meteor, which has got to be, you know, very radioactive and hot and feel like you got to poke it with a stick, I don't know. But he does poke it with a stick. And he is immediately attacked by this tiny slimy blob, which starts eating through his hand. Megan, her boyfriend who are driving home from the football game, they come across him and Brian, Brian has run into him in the woods. And he's trying to help them but the guy is screaming and walking away from him. And he walks right out into the middle of the road where Megan, her boyfriend almost hit him. And they all decide they gotta rush this guy to the hospital. When they get him there, they put him in this room and they try to deal with the nurses and doctors who are reluctant to deal with this guy because he has no insurance. Of course, when he finally convinces this doctor who was played by now now I can't remember his name. He was in war of the Gargantua was and he was in. Oh, in Twin Peaks. He's the guy a founder wrapped in plastic. Is that over fish in the percolator? Yes, I can't remember his name, famous. I think he was in the original West Side Story. But he's the doctor. And he finally goes in and goes to take a look at this vagrant who who has been dissolved from the the arm up basically, he's he's basically a chest with one arm in his head. And this blob is nowhere to be seen, which is interesting. My ex boyfriend goes into this office to to call his fault or something like that doesn't really matter because he's this good looking. You know, football team guy, he's he's supposed to be the hero of this story obviously, and the blob drops on him it's much bigger now it's on the ceiling. And it starts dissolving him in a pretty spectacular way. In fact, when Meg comes in, he is reaching towards her from inside the blob and this is the movie poster art that we're all very familiar with with the dissolved skin and the eyes and all this stuff. It's a great great shot the the overall effects in this movie are really surprisingly strong. There are a couple of scenes where you can tell there's some kind of rear projection going on and that's that's always you know, kind of shaky you can see the the edges of everything, but otherwise there's some really neat things that they do with air cannons and you know, just just some really gruesome gore effects is really really cool. And and quite honestly this movie The reason to watch this is for these Yeah, everything is shaky and the story is a little silly and all that but but the effects still hold up wonderfully. Of course makes boyfriends death is somehow blamed on Brian, the town bad boy so a lot of this film has him on the run from the sheriff. Even though Meg is trying to explain to everyone that he didn't do anything but this is about the point where I realized, I love what they've done here what Chuck in Frank Darabont have done here, because Megan is clearly the protagonist in this film, she is the hero of this movie and the bad boy, she ends up rescuing him a number of times. Because he keeps getting himself in trouble. And she's the one who's actually able to get them out of it. They, they finally meet up at the, at the local diner, just to discuss how they're going to deal with this because nobody really believes them what they're what they're talking about. But while they're there, one of the employees is attacked by the blob that comes up through a big, huge industrial sink. However, this sinks, drain is still only the size of a regular drain, and it shoots out of there, grabs the dishwasher, and then pulls him through this small drain. No, it is very gruesome, really graphic, they show everything. In fact, they show the pipe underneath the sink, suddenly bulge with part of him. I was like, wow, I forgot how great this film is. So they're able to escape that by hiding in the diners freezer, which of course is cold, and the blob starts coming in under the door and then retreats and they realize it's afraid of cold temperatures. But they can now see that the blob is growing exponentially because it practically fills up the entire kitchen that they were in now. So it goes shoots down into the pipes again. While they're trying to figure out what to do, and getting away, they're in the woods to try and escape, they come across this military operation near the meteor landing site. And that's when we're told that this was actually so I kind of screwed up on this alien terror because this was actually a space amoeba that hitched a ride on a falling satellite. And also the very rote and Tropi military people are like townspeople are expendable, because we just need to capture this and turn it into a military experiment. So it is then revealed that the whole thing is our fault because it really was a military experimental virus that we shot up into space in the first place. And then this, this weird space amoeba kind of latched on to it, which was nothing and would have been fine until it latched onto our thing. And they both mutated while up in space and kind of make I think it still works. amoeba still. So Brian Omega separated, she's gone off to help her kid brother and his friend Eddie, who she was supposed to be babysitting, and um, and they all end up hiding in the sewers. So Brian has gotten there by being chased by the military, which has a great scene of him on motorcycle. They're chasing after him on these little quads. But they've also got a helicopter, and he realizes us yet here I am at that bridge. And he you know, he has his moment he jumps to the bridge. At first I was like, Okay, that's cool. Except you've also got helicopter. Yeah. And they take care of that too, because he hides in this gigantic pipe that's just big enough for a motorcycle to ride through. Omar. Holy shit. Yes. Having worked in, in various construction and land surveying I, you know, I always kind of scoff at these things, because these things do not exist, especially in small towns. But, you know, your average sewer pipes are 12 inches. So he couldn't even fit a turtle in there. Vanessa? little turtles, you could, I suppose they're really cute. So Megan, her brother and the other kid, they have also ended up hiding in the sewers. But what they don't seem to realize as the blob is traveling through the source, and there is this amazing scene of child endangerment where she's dragging the kids through the sewer and the blob starts coming towards them, you know, and all that stuff. And one of the kids gets grabbed by the blob, and he has a pretty gruesome sizzling death inside the blob. I was like, that kid was 11 years old and they just showed us getting killed by the blob. This is rated R it is rated R Yeah. There's all the typical stuff the sheriff finally realizing the brain isn't a bad dude. But then the sheriff is killed immediately after that. There is a great part with a military scientist who was saying everybody was expendable. He dies and inappropriately gory death. And that finally is what lets the other soldiers go fuck it. We are not capturing this thing. Let's light it up. We are killing the shit out of this thing. And then there is this great climax where Brian is going to do destroy the blob. He gets caught in this bus that the blob is on top of. So Meg, she puts it together that for some reason there is an awfully large cryo tank of dry ice or something you know that she's standing on top of like, I don't think they it's like the size of a gigantic propane tank. You know I'm talking 1000 gallon propane tank, something you would see on the back of a truck only it's here on the street. Convenient Halloween parties. What can I say? seems unlikely but I'm okay with it. Because she then jumps up started shooting the blob with a machine gun while she's on top of it, and she's got grenades, which she jams into this into the housing of this big huge tank. And the blob then comes to get her and she escapes and it blows up and turns the blob and ice cubes. But I was like that is totally the hero's moment, right? Oh, yeah. I never thought about her as the protagonist being absolutely the hero and all of that. And she has the change like yeah, she's smoking hot. I remember thinking she was pretty but I'm looking at this girl. This girl is gorgeous. It's just a very satisfying movie. It's got a it's got a silly little tacked on ending that I was okay with where the town preacher who has been burned by a flame thrower. We see him now preaching in like a tent revival out in the middle of nowhere and he's preaching the coming of, you know, the blob, and a couple of taglines. One of them bothers me a lot. Okay, scream now while there's still room to breathe. room to breathe that like as in monkeys, it's gonna come in and like fill your lungs. Yeah. Okay. All right. I like this one, though. Tara has no shape. Very good. Fine. That's fine. Okay, trivia. This was released 30 years after the original version of the blog, and had a budget estimated to be almost 80 times the original. And a piece probably about 80 times and I liked that original one. Steve McQueen was in it. They have some fun nerd. He's such a nerd. They have some data in there. My favorite is the diner which is clearly just a picture of a diner that they have pushed the blob over. I love that. It's a fun. It's not great, but it is a fun film. Yeah, do you got the group where the creeps song is really good. But watching Steve McQueen literally tie his shoes, take them off, put them back on and go out of a window in real time. Who is not worth it? I didn't write this down. But I did read that they approached his son to be in this Oh, and he was like, come on guys. It's the little two on the dose. Nice. Screenwriter Frank Darabont first met director Chuck Russell in 1981 while working as a production assistant on the film, hell night. Before working together on the blob, the two also collaborated on the script for Nightmare on Elm Street three. Dearborn. The big stunt with Brian jumping the ravine on his motorcycle while a helicopter flies overhead in a truck crashes was all captured in camera with all of those elements actually in the shot. Both tires blew out on the motorcycle when it landed, and the stunt double, quote, held the bike up with his upper body strength in his fucking feet according to check wrestle. There's a pretty gruesome scene with a partially dissolved soldier. In the trivia I found the partially dissolved but still alive soldier was performed by stuntman noble Craig, a triple amputee, who lost both legs and arm and an AI while serving in the Vietnam War. For your service, okay. And then finally, Joe Lynch recalls that the that the end credits during the film are not during the filming but during the first showings used to feature a disclaimer at the end saying the blob contains a purely fictional account of a group of ruthless and corrupt military agents. These characters did not represent the United States government and it would be erroneous and unfair to suggest they do. The vast majority of North American Armed Forces personnel have demonstrated the utmost moral sense regard for civilian welfare and worthiness of the public trust. Oh, needed some military. So I, I have the feeling that they put that in as a sarcastic thing, and we're forced to take it out. Probably a few solitary servicemen sought. Really, really loved this hard to find. What? Well, I mean, it's not streaming Oh, I guess I mean, I have a screen factory cop. I have a regular DVD of it. Oh, which I had to break out. But mostly I have a Blu ray player now. Yeah, I was gonna say you should definitely get a hold of a copy of the blu ray because it's awesome looking. Yeah, I'll bet it is I was, like I said, really surprised by how well the stunts held up in that sense. But the effects held up. Because there's a scene where there's a woman in a phone booth, the old cell phone, close the door and get in the blobs gets in underneath her. The way they shot. That was they created a dummy of her. And then they filled this thing with the jelly that they use for the blob, which I guess was pretty gross, noxious stuff to work with. But then they they put air cannons all around the thing. And they shot that in and the blob just exploded her eyesight. And it is a really great effect. Wow, yeah, I really love this. This was I just I think moved down to LA or maybe I had just moved back from LA. But it was one of the first movies I saw in either direction of that. And I was really, really happy with it. It was like, Oh, cool. This was a good movie to be here for I saw a few years ago. And it's amazing. How many of the things you mentioned just show up in full color memory because they are so well done. Yeah, that movie. Yeah, I'm a little surprised that that 56% Because it is it's a solid movie. So the horror fans should really love this. If they could have a little bit more of the you know, Halloween three effect or something like that. Now, there's been several years afterwards, and people look back and go, You know what, this was actually one of those movies that gets brought up on remakes that are better than the original. So I feel like people know about it, but but they're just not going back and retroactively reviewing this movie. Yeah, that's probably what it is. I feel like that's often the case when you see any film that's older than Rotten Tomatoes. Like, how come the audience doesn't like this movie from the 60s? It's probably because only a couple people are going on there. And anyway, great choice. I thought Eric sorry about your nightmares, Vanessa, but here's a chance for you to get back at him. Well, I'm gonna get back at you by not having an alien topic. So for no. Yeah, I hadn't really thought through the idea of revenge. So maybe for the next cycle. But yeah, in the meantime, I was thinking, you know, I love movies that take place in the place where I grew up. And, you know, not hometown horror, necessarily, but a genre film that takes place near or in your hometown. So wherever you kind of either, it'll be interesting for me. Exactly. There's a movie called Twin Falls, Idaho, but no, no, that's not definitely not genre. Yeah, well, if there's a nearby city otherwise, like so for example, if I didn't have one for where I grew up, which I do, I could do malignant for Seattle or you know, what's the nearest by like city that might kind of reflect your can I? Can I say maybe we can pop in. If it was shot there not necessarily. Because I'm here, or take place and shot and not Idaho? You know, all those films that take place in hell have to then share somewhere falls Idaho, there's Bruce Willis has a movie that was shot in Twin Falls. But that's definitely not genre. He's a car salesman. You know, maybe we can get me a couple of movies. I think I've got one in mind already. So So located in or shocked, like, Twin Falls, Idaho is actually nothing to do with Twin Falls, Idaho. It's just the title. I think it's a Gus Van Sant film. But so it's either shot in there or like it could be shot in Vancouver but based in totally either shot in there or set in there, whatever, whatever makes sense for your location because there's definitely right there's a lot of stuff that's shot in Seattle that does not take place in Seattle and definitely vice versa. Alright, take place in Seattle, we definitely shot here at all and it's not Vancouver. The Space Needle that's how you know, Grey's Anatomy they come here one time a year you know could you imagine if Grey's Anatomy have decided to set up camp and actually shoot all what 14 Whatever seasons they've had in Seattle, a lot of what that would have done to the Seattle film so yeah, it would have been great it would be great because like the was it World War or now Z Nation as a nation that really Yeah, that really sparked Spokane film scene and that's like a piece of crap asylum show. Yeah, there's there's a period there. There's like two or three TV series being shut down in Portland and just exploded down their leverage and that one about the guy who's See monsters or something like oh yeah oh my god yeah yeah grab all right yeah all shot in Portland. I wish I wish we need to get our shit together. I know we were making infinitely tiny baby steps towards actually being a city where people care about film but I would have a much better economy if we did I agree. Okay, well speaking of Economy this is where I thank everybody for participating in the value for value model. And liking sharing posts donating money racing to see who can share the episode being released first. I always love that. What am I missing guys? Do we have anything else we done? Yeah, right. Okay, we're coming back in one week and we are talking I'll have to figure out what to call this what genre film shot in are located near hometown There we go. Beautiful. Really it has a ring to it. Yes, blue Cheetos. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast set. Set. Wow, did you mess up the Hello