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September 22, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 194
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Strange Aeons Radio
Sep 22, 2022 Season 4 Episode 194
Strange Aeons Radio

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Kelly is furious about She-Hulk, Olivia Wilde, and Disney; and Vanessa has some nerve skipping the HPLFF this year. Also discussed: They Live in the Grey, Cobra Kai, Barbarian.

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Kelly is furious about She-Hulk, Olivia Wilde, and Disney; and Vanessa has some nerve skipping the HPLFF this year. Also discussed: They Live in the Grey, Cobra Kai, Barbarian.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. You guys. I have been drinking. No shit. Shocking. I do see an almost empty bottle of wine in front of me. Nobody likes it tattletale. Vanessa. Oh, sorry. I mean, I see a full glass of wine that has not been drunk at all. So I'm shocked by this news. I'm going to work on that because Eric has some information to bestow upon all of us. Oh, okay. Yes, the time of the season. That's right. It's the beginning of the Kickstarter season. Mine's a short season, there's usually only two bones that will be coming up. But right now, right now, you can get the HP Lovecraft Film Festival Kickstarter, which you can get tickets for. You can get hoodies for T shirts and little emblems and a full digital version is still going to be available, even though they will be back on full three, three screens, like they are supposed to be fantastic. I cannot wait. I am so excited to go down there and see you guys down there. I'm so excited that you're gonna go down and have an awesome time. And Glen is going to be amazing. And but Vanessa, what could you possibly be doing that would stop you from going down to the festival this year? I'm getting married on that exact same weekend because fate is cruel. Cruel. Well, Eric, and I'll have a good time without you. Anyway, sure. Yeah, that sounds good. That's gonna be down to now I'm going to be a nice guy and go to the wedding. You're not one of us can go to the wedding. Listen. No, can't do that. I'll catch you on the next one. Thank Perfect, thanks. I did tell Gwen cuz she was like, Oh, are you gonna come to the fast and I was like, Oh, I'm so sorry. I won't make it but Kelly will be there but I'm Eric is gonna be with me. So you can decide which one of us is winning out of that? I hope she did not answer. Don't remember if she did I think she did not. I'm sure she just said no. Oh, you'll be missed or something like that. You will be missed. Yes. Yeah. Not by me. But by all of our regular listeners down there who were hoping that they will get see you again. Well, everyone have an amazing time down there because it's a Fantastic Fest and I'm so sad to miss it. Yeah, the Kickstarter is awesome, too. I mean, the T shirts and stuff to give away their day job I guess you could say is making professionally made T shirts and hoodies and all this kind of stuff. So when they make these they're really really nice. And Brian designed some amazing things for everything they do. Is quality all the way through. Also we should mention this is a short Kickstarter. Yeah. So by the time you're hearing this, there's probably only three days left. So get on that you want to get in there the tickets always sell out. Get a weekend pass. Come say hi to me, because I will be there apparently all by myself. He'll be lonely. Yes, strange aeons radio underwear, and nothing else. And just keep Yeah, I just keep showing it to people at random intervals. You'll be fine. You guys. Oh, I I have watched a lot. I don't even know what to talk about. But I am furious. Oh, okay. I'm not sure what I should talk about because I'm furious about so many things. Okay, sir. Should I ask you guys if you are all okay with the Don't worry, darling bullshit. Or should I talk about what ever the point is of that fucking She Hulk show which I'm starting to hate beyond belief. Or should I go into the fact that Disney is making an origin movie for the star in Pinocchio? Last night, yes. Making an artist story for the stars star that. That one. I know I have only time to rant about one thing, but I am fucking angry. There's a lot to be upset about. I don't even know what the first thing you mentioned was. Don't worry darling. Olivia Wilde, who I think is probably one of the worst human beings in Hollywood like garbage. She seems like literal garbage. Yeah. To help people who have had to work on a set and yes, oh my god, what a horrible human being. Yeah, that whole thing sounds every time you hear a new thing about it is so fucking hilarious though. But I will say at the very core, the thing that freaks me the most out about this entire thing is, so don't worry darling When I saw the trailer, I was like, I think this is ripping off a comic. And I think it's really blatantly ripping off a comic called hex wives that came out a few years ago, and I'm waiting to see the movie to see whether or not they literally are going to steal the entire plot of it. But at this point, like seems look identical. So it might also be incredibly lazy bullshit. That's ripping somebody else off, because they definitely aren't crediting them. i The reviews are coming in and they're bad. And I feel bad for Olivia while because it's just how is she ever gonna get by? She's not very attractive. And she's got nothing else going for her. So I'm sure this is her one and only chance to make a mark in Hollywood. Good Lord. But I don't really want to talk about that. I think what I'm most curious about is fucking star and Pinocchio but what I want to talk about because I know we've all watched and we're all aware of She Hulk. What is the fucking point of this show? I'm probably one episode behind maybe but I I don't have an answer yet. This is Marvel. Hey, you guys like Ally McBeal went off the air 20 years ago, but how about She Hulk as Ally McBeal I inserted this? Can somebody explain to me this whole Titania thing she broke in and had a fight in the courtroom sequence at the beginning of the show? Why is she still out in public making product be in jail? That is weird. That is where it makes no sense. I will also say that as of the last episode with the shield, makeup line thing Yeah, it has now veered from the comic book so I have no clue what the hell they're up to now and that they should have stuck with it it had an OK story he got really fucking strange by like season or issue six but there was more going on as a superhero story so in the show are you saying that they like introduced a makeup line or something and maybe I've I am one. Dania has trademarked the She Hulk name. Oh, and is using it for a makeup line. Well, it's ironic because there is a makeup line of She Hulk products coming out from Urban Decay, of course. Yeah, of course. Look, the show is hinting that maybe we're going to see Charlie Cox return as Daredevil. We got a little teaser that in this last episode, but then all he could think was this is more Ally McBeal. He's gonna show up as a lawyer. And look, I like Charlie Cox. But I don't want to see Matt Murdock. I want to see Daredevil. Right. And I hate the way she Hulk looks. She looks like a cartoon. interacting with humans. The CGI is really bad. I feel like they blew all the CGI making Mark ruff Lowe looked like the Hulk in the first episode. And then they were like well can we afford to make you look real? So now you look like a green cartoon lady interacting with humans I like her hair. It's like a black and it's fine what you can I haven't seen the most recent episodes I can't have the theory that you have I'm still in the land of like oh maybe it's going somewhere I'm angry. Do you know anyone know how many episodes there are nine oh my god really? Holy. Yes. Holy shit this is that's probably the problem with like the last three episodes will actually be a storyline I guess I don't know what it could possibly be at this point. I don't care because I feel like it's just going to be more court shenanigans and I just also don't understand what the point is. We got Hawkeye we got moon night we got one division we got all that stuff like one division led into dr. strange Yeah, right. What is this going to lead into? Because this just kind of sit on its own on the side and if it does, then why is it nine episodes long? Instead of one episode like they do on the wolves? Yes. You I would much rather see nine horrible episodes of Werewolf by night then nine She Hulk episode I feel like there Yeah that's a great question because I feel like a lot of these shows are going to create spaces for characters and films or future shows or like there's they're they're going to you know Miss Marvel is going to be part of Marvel's you know, there's a lot in here that's building up I don't know what she Hulk is part of. I haven't read them so I just don't know it's also a little disappointing because every say their name Tatiana must Lonnie was so goddamn good and Orphan Black. Yeah. And like 15 different roles. I mean, so it's like, it's not a great act. Right? materials. So material is shit and I'm, I'm like, Wow, I feel like I am really getting further and further away from whoever they are in these shows that I gotten tired of everything. Marvel I'm tired of Marvel and tired of DC. Tired of Star Wars. I can't wait to be horribly disappointed by andorre which looks awesome. But can't possibly be right. Based on the quality of the last two Star Wars. Historically speaking, not headed in a good place. How are you doing? Oh, see anything you'd like to know. Sorry. It was so enraptured by your frustrations. So I actually did see something kind of cool. Have you guys heard anything about this movie barbarian? Oh, yeah. Yeah, everybody's posting about it. Everybody says, Don't say a damn thing about it. Ya know, watch the trailer, don't do anything. Just watch it. Well, it's funny, because I really hadn't seen much of anything. Maybe I saw a trailer at some point, you know, weeks and weeks ago, so I just didn't even know what it was. And so I went in and saw it completely blind. Yeah. Yeah, that's the way you're supposed to see it, apparently. Yeah. You know, I would say it was the it's a good. It's a good fun film. And I don't know, I just I just really enjoyed it. I liked what they were doing with it. It feels like you're in something and then it's some thing else. So it's, it's got a kind of malignant thing going on, but not at all, not even remotely. It's not malignant any way shape or form. I didn't even think that movie, I just thought of the word itself. Like it just that kind of moment of like, oh, like I had that moment in there. And it was a really special cool thing. So I would definitely recommend checking it out. It's it's a neat little horror film. Nice. I've heard only great things about Yeah. So I'm looking forward to that one. Yeah. So I will say nothing else about it other than you guys should check it out. All right, there you go. So I put I went through for the 100 days thing, which I'm way freaking behind now anyways, but I went through and I went to shutters like their scariest sections like here's our Scariest Movies ever know what it's called? And just anything when I haven't seen I put on a list, and I've been going through that list. I need to alter at least the ones I've watched so far. They need to alter the title of this thing from the scariest ones to scary, but god damn horribly, unbelievably depressing. heart wrenching. Oh, no storylines of families being torn apart. Oh. One of them that I watched was called. They live in the gray. Gray. Yeah, I saw a trailer for that one. This one was very frustrating. Because, well, first off, it's over two hours long, which it desperately needs a good 2030 minute trim. So many things work so well in there. The acting is top notch. The story is somewhat interesting, if very derivative haunted house person who could see creepy stuff, but it takes an interesting twist and that she's a family evaluator she looks after Are you treating your kids? Right? Do we have to take your kids away? And turns out the family that is abusing their kid has a spirit in the home? That's actually the one hurting people? Like that's kind of an interesting thing. And it's a little bit of Oh, I see dead people. Oh, okay. Yeah, so a little bit of that going on. And some really creepy moments. And overall, it's decent. And that's what makes it so frustrating because it lingers and is. So this is a dramatic moment, we're just going to sit here for 40 seconds longer than we need do. And so, I mean, if you love the sixth sense, and you love that kind of storytelling, you're going to like this movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit until about the last 3040 minutes and then like, move on people. Come on. Let's wrap this up. Everybody sees where this is going and what you're going to do. And look at the time left, you're going to take 30 more minutes to get there. So that was really, I'd say pretty frustrating, but really well made otherwise. You say that was on shatter. Yeah. Yeah, they seem to be getting a lot of new content and every every new horror movie seems to be kind of following a trend. You probably looked back a couple of years ago. That must have been from the early 2020s Everything in life is horror. Bowling, let's make it really dark. Well, only because everything in life is actually see I feel like we can only have these movies when the world is doing okay. Like the economy is all right. We aren't all under like, you know lock and key from a pandemic. We're not all suffering from Great Depression isolation, then, by all means give us these horror films, but right now I am just I keep putting them in a box for later. Yeah, it's okay, one thing I did watch and I liked Oh, good. New season a Cobra Kai. Right. Yes. I sat down on Saturday and watch the entire thing. Oh, my God. Yeah. I finally tucked in and watching it. No, she's like she, she loved the original Karate Kid. I mean, loved it. And she hated that stupid little thing that went out where Daniel Russo was actually the bullet ship. No, it wasn't rewatched the movie, not this two or four clips that they chosen to pick. He was not the fucking bully. He pushed things a couple times. But that's not the bully in that movie. Right? Having just rewatched it Saturday. So we watched the first season and she's like, Oh, okay. I haven't seen the first movie. And why can we watch that? It's like, sure. I got ahead of myself a little bit. We ended up watching karate kid too, as well for getting that's actually season three, right? Where they go to that. But that's okay. There's references to karate kid, too. In season two. So we're about five episodes into Season Two. We're just holding off on five to. And I'm glad to hear that it's still good, because I heard so few people talking about it. Well, it's, I mean, it's ridiculous. Yeah, yeah. Can you imagine if a community was so wrapped up in karate, and there were karate brawls, happening at the waterpark in the mall? Every time somebody went to school, it'd be ridiculous. Yes, yeah. But I had a really good time with it. And chosen, who was the bad guy from credit get to and who Vanessa, you know, from Paper Tigers. He plays a much bigger role in this season. And quite honestly, he is the star of this season. He's like, our, he's got he's great. He's just killing it. And I saw, we're all in kind of like a text chain with each other on on Facebook. And like somebody had posted like that. I think he posted who's me on a billboard. And like, based on Billboard in California. You know, Netflix in the lower right hand corner is just a big picture of him. It's like, Oh, my God, I guess the third act of his career is amazing. All hope for something that's nice. Oh, that's kind of how I feel about the guy, please. Johnny Lawrence is like, Man, I know, you really didn't have much of a career because you were such. And such a huge movie played the dick. Now you get to really, he's actually pretty good actor. He's fun. It's the whole show is so fun. Yeah. Um, so something that I checked out, actually, you know, I could talk about things I watched, but I really want to talk about something I played. So there was a game that I got exposed to that I was told you'll like this, and I really rolled my eyes because I was like, I don't think I'm gonna like this. It's a game and FMV game, which is like, where they shoot people, like for real. And then they cut it up and put it into a video game setting. And it's called immortality. And it is what you do. Try to explain this. The way the game works is you get a bunch of footage. And it's both of actual film footage and behind the scenes footage of this woman's career across three different films that she made one in the 60s. And it's like the sort of 60s horror film, one in the 70s. That's sort of a like cop drama, film, and then a bunch of stuff from the 90s. And while you while you don't really know why you're putting it together, but as you put things together, you start to unravel additional new clips. And then weird things start to occur. Like if you rewind certain clips, like a ghostly image comes out, and sometimes it talks to you is Raizy but as an editor, this like, this is such a joy like to play this game. I feel like it was just made for me because I'm just like, yeah, I get to edit but it's like, different somehow. What's the platform? Um, so I'm playing it right now. I believe on PlayStation. It might also be available on Xbox. Yeah, that sounds really cool. Yeah, it's like a it's one of those little indie games that I don't know whether or not you know, I have no idea if it's popular or not, but it's it's cool name again, immortality. Yeah, I still have no idea why I'm doing what I'm doing. But at one point and someday I'll know I'll know the full story of this woman and foster trips fun What the hell? Exactly, exactly. Another one, sharing classic wonders with Dina went to see jaws in the theater. Oh, yeah, that was a little weird because I did not realize that we're doing a 3d version of just buy tickets. Can't wait to hear how the 3d looks. Overall fine. Okay, looks pretty good. It fell down a lot. Like when the all the guys are gathering the boats. And there's tons and tons of people on screen. That's when I really had problems. The smaller scenes it was fine. Because nobody, it's not like people were jumping around and lunging during a lot of the stuff. But I, if I realized that I probably would have found in the IMAX one and check that out instead. But it was it was fine. It wasn't horribly distracting, thankfully. And Dena loved the movie. So that was great. Yeah. There's at least one scene I remember. Like when the guy falls in the boat, or something like that. And his face just went route. Whoa, what glitch happened there? But so, you know, I don't think it's playing in theaters anymore. I don't think so. No, I, I passed on this because I saw it whatever, five years ago from the 35th or whatever. And it was just a, like a Fathom event then so it was just showing on screens. And it was great. And it's my favorite movie. But I thought, well, I don't need to hang out with the weirdos. And then I started hearing everybody saying how great it looked in 3d and on the IMAX. And I was like, God damn it, I pass this up, color wise and color depth and all that stuff it looked, it did look really good. What an undertaking, because you know, films these days are shot kind of with that in mind. And so there's all sorts of angles that are set up that will really help out if you're gonna 3d something. But you know, on 75 Spielberg wasn't thinking about that stuff. So the fact that any of it looks good is pretty amazing. Yeah, a lot of good. Yeah. I'm sorry. I missed it. Me too. I'm also sorry I missed it. And that you missed it. I'm sorry. We both missed. Thank you, Vanessa. Stop looking at me. How about we take a break. I loo myself up a little more with this wine. And we get to Vanessa's pick which I just wrote down notes for a while we were gonna go great together working caring, hometown proud America. try refreshing Tropicana pure premium orange juice 189. Or enjoy creamy Turkey ice cream or light iced milk 169 with coupons and serve a delicious meal with Hatfield sausages. 149 a pound. And we're back, Vanessa, this was your sub genre pick. Can you tell us exactly what you were thinking about this? Yeah, well, what I was thinking is, I know that there is a film that took place slash wall, it was really just shot near my hometown, which is a weird little island out in the middle of nowhere. And I thought God, I wanted to talk about this for a long time and wouldn't have been neat if we all like sort of excavated strange little films that were big films that were shot near or where or as the place that we grew up. And you didn't think of how difficult that might be for Eric and I and maybe pick something else in this film that might have a wider reach that we gravitated towards. No, I did not all right. Save my comments for when I speak about. Sounds like everyone had a great time. So yeah, so for mine, I had wanted to talk for a long time about the 1983 film war games. America's front line of defense, is this computer. It is totally secure. Or is it really into computer stuff? Yeah. What are you doing? dialing into the school's computer? Those your grades? Yep. I don't think that I deserved it. You can't do that. Already done. Go to jail for that. Only if you're over 18 this computer company is coming out with these Amazing new games in a couple of months might want to play those games. Wow. We got something. Games first model simulations and games. That must be down to application. Pretty things. Game time is near. Shall we play and then love to? Let's play fine all right. We have a large connection we have our Soviet launch missile warning. Oh my god, repeat competence is President Mrs. Barrett in this game? What's that difference? For games, beginning play in June 3 at a theater near you. So this was my final opportunity to bring it up because I finally I'm sorry, a awesome opportunity to bring it up. Now. Finally, my brains a little fried guys. I just ran a film festival for two days. So please, excuse me actually a gigantic movie that could have had all sorts of other things that we might have been able to get better movies, or our own books. But yeah, I mean, yeah, there's computers. There's, you know, fairy Brothers movie, Matthew Broderick. There's Ally Sheedy. So this is a 1983 film, The Rotten Tomatoes scores are very high 93% critic and 76% from audience, the budget was 12 million. I did not realize what a hit this was. The box office was 124 point 6 million. It made over 10 times. Its budget and its budget was pretty decent for that time. So yeah, it was a huge, huge film. I had no idea because I mean, I saw it like one time when we're on a family vacation down in like ocean shores, and was like, Oh, hey, kids are watching. This is directed by John Batum, who's done 67 things and we have talked about him before. But one thing I didn't realize that he directed was the sixth sense, from 1972, the TV series. He also did Saturday Night Fever, which I've talked about before, he did the 1979 Dracula short circuit Bird on a Wire lots of TV, including long stints on both supernatural and psych. It's written by a kind of team of people Lawrence Lasker and Walter F. Parks. They wrote sneakers together. Lawrence Lasker also did awakenings and Project X, he only has five credits, whereas Parkes has six because he did some TV stuff, but he's mostly a producer he has 60 producing credits, including men and black gladiator Twister are just massive, massive films. And an additional uncredited writer on this was Wallen Green, who has 39 credits, and he does tones law and order. I don't exactly know why he's uncredited on this, but he also did Robocop too and the Wild Bunch so we have talked about him recently. In fact, the coil bunch like the original one I didn't write down the year of which well, bunch this is but probably, maybe, I don't know. Maybe the was there an 80s While bunch. There's probably been several movies called the wild punch. Yeah, I'd be surprised if he did the sat back and No, no, I don't think that I don't think that one is starring Matthew Broderick, who has 83 credits to his name. This was his third ever role. He then went on to do things like Ladyhawke, Ferris Bueller's Day Off glory election and then after the disastrous Godzilla he got to do roles like Inspector Gadget, and the voice of Simba and Lion King to I don't know where his careers hot right now, but I bet he could like have a good comeback if he wanted coastering with him as Ally Sheedy, who you would know from the Breakfast Club, she's been in 96 things as well including short circuit Oxford blue st almost fire. Her career definitely went away from being a lead after the 80s and then she did roles like ticket agent and homeloan to and Billy's mom and the TV movie, The Tin Soldier. She's been acting steadily she's done tons of stuff, just not big rolls anymore. And Debbie Coleman, who has 179 credits to his name, he is the bad asshole boss and nine to five and John Wood, who's a British actor who's in tons of things he has 118 credits to his name so he's very recognizable but you're kind of like from what so the story of this i It has such a cool opening that I totally forgot about. Two men come in from this giant snowstorm they're they're goofing off They're coolly good friends, they make their way into these giant like hidden doors down into this government bunker. They're late for work from the snowstorm. And kind of on their way trying to get down, you know, elevator shafts and down long hallways, they're joking about different people they've been spying on and finally get down to the bunker sit down, settle in and alarms go off, they immediately get out these little key cards and break them in half and start entering codes into these big machines that are all around them. And as it gets closer and closer, that sort of countdown begins to launch. Clearly they have the codes and are responsible for launching a nuke. So at 1.1 of the two who's sort of the boss of the other guy gets a little nervous. And he's like, Hey, can we just call somebody and confirm that we're actually meant to do this? And the guy gets the phone and it's counting 10 seconds away from launching, nobody answers the phone, he's like, Well, we gotta, we gotta we got to do it. And he's like, I just I don't know. And as right when they're supposed to turn the key, the one guy says, I have, please forgive me, and he will not turn the key. The other guy pulls out his gun, and it's just like, turn your fucking key. We then cut to this was all a test. Some government officials are sitting around talking about how it's really frustrating that it's something like 22% of these guys, these military guys who are trained, and supposedly ready to act on these orders, if they get the go, do not turn the key. So really what they should do is take this responsibility away from human beings and give it to a computer. And for some reason or another, they decide, yeah, let's give it a go. So if the President says, you know, this is not at all scary to think about in recent times, but if the President says let's launch the nukes, there should be literally no one questioning him. There should just be a machine that goes yes sir and sends them all up into space. That was definitely like fuck that. No. So we we then cut to Matthew Broderick, he is David A Snohomish high school student who's on his way to class and he's very, very late. In Study, although he's a Snohomish high school student, he is playing at an arcade that looks like it's on. I don't know, Denny and Elliot, of course, somewhere in a bustling Seattle that the biggest thing in the skyline is the Space Needle. It is a naked looking city compared to what we've got now. It's unreal, unreal to see it. So he shows up late for class, he's goofing around and discovers that he's failed a class. The test, sorry, and his fellow classmate, Jennifer, who is also goofing around, and in sort of flirting with each other in the back, also failed the test afterwards, you know, she's like, Hey, what's up, you know, how come you suck at this sale, get on my motorbike, let's hang out. They go back to his his house. And he's like, hey, I want to show you something. And he takes her up to his his bedroom, and it has a lock on it for high school students seems a little strange. He opens it up. And he's got all this super high tech computer gear for 1983. So like, it looks really like nice and well organized. He's got like laundry everywhere, but it's pretty impressive stuff. And he's like, so guess what? And he starts typing away. And she's like, What is the end, he breaks into the school's computer and he changes their grades. And instead of an F, he gives them both C's. And she gets very uncomfortable and says, um, maybe not, I gotta go. Don't do this by later, she kind of changes her mind about it. And she's like, oh, you know what, I'm sorry. I actually Could I could I have that higher grade. After all, I don't want to flunk them this class. And he he says, They have already changed it to an A for you. And so she's very excited about this. He then invites her over again to this place and this time, his computer in the background is doing something very different. He has found out about a crazy cool computer game that is coming out. And so he wants to hack into the back end of this company and get a copy of the game before it comes out. The way in which it does this is it just calls random numbers and California one number at a time until it finds a sort of call response from the computer and then he can start to get to the back end. And sure enough, he does find one that allows him to play several games including chess checkers, backgammon and Global Thermonuclear War. He needs a password. He doesn't know what that password is. He can't he seems to be getting locked out. And he does a ton of research. He goes and finds resident nerds he starts going through Lake microfiche at the library uses card catalogs Oh man it is just so glorious to see an old library at work. He goes through videotapes and nays looking into the guy who pro Grand this game, and finally discover something that may or may not be the password, puts it in and starts to play a game of thermonuclear war against this back end of this computer company. He gets to choose whether he wants to be Russia or the US. He chooses Russia. And he's like, Yeah, I want to blow up Las Vegas. Yeah, let's blow ups Yeah, tool, as high schoolers are attended to, but then his mom was like, hey, I need you to take out the garbage. So he shuts the computer off and walks out. Meanwhile, NORAD is on high alert, as this new high tech computer that they got called the Whopper wo PR is going nuts and showing that the Russians are attacking Las Vegas. And they've got all these like subs that are out like on their way. And then all of a sudden, they just all disappear. And they're like that was weird, and discover that somebody has hacked into the back now. Things start to get real crazy real quick, because they decide to trace the call find out who exactly broke in and they find this Kid David, they bring him down to NORAD in Colorado. Don't mind Mom and Dad, it's fine. We just chuck this kid into a black van. And he just disappears for days at a time, but no one seems to care. And they decide that he is in fact a spy. Because his story is just too wild. But he would just be trying to get a video game. They are definitely going to arrest him and throw him somewhere where they are going to lock away the key when he realizes actually this computer is still playing the game. And not only does he not want to be arrested, he needs to figure out a way in which to stop it from convincing NORAD that they are still at war, which this computer is determined to do. So he then goes to goose islands, he tries to hunt down the software developer to find a solution. Will he managed to actually convince the software developer to help him in his quest to stop NORAD from attacking Russia? While Russia is definitely not attacking them? Who knows? Oh, no. Well, he managed to get that guy and get back to NORAD in time because he has to go to Oregon and go back to Colorado somehow, very quickly, before they actually launch all the nukes. Oh, no. And if the nukes do get maybe not launched, will Whopper decide to keep playing the game instead? Who knows? So this film, these and other questions of strange aeons radio. I don't want to give away what happens guys, but it's an 80s action teen movie. So you easy to find. It's very easy for I found it for free on Amazon Prime, if you would like to check it out. It is very, very available. And it is a fun watch. My impressions, it was really fun. So the whole the whole hometown bet here is that when they go to Goose Island, it's so good. They go to silicon, which is where the dock for my boat is. And they run towards the underpass that actually leads you to the beach where it's under a railroad and it's just beach and sand. And I'm like, why are you running the boat there guys. That's not how you do it. I'm like I have run for that boat many times that is not correct. And then magically, they are on the dock somehow instead. So they are running along the dock and they jump onto my ferry boat that I grew up with. I believe it's called the silicon one. And Tom Palmer, our old ferry boat. Captain is sitting there rushing them going, Yeah, jump on jump on and they jump off the dock onto the boat. And then they go up top and they're talking about this experience in there on the boat that I grew up on as a kid and unlike I used to race pennies on stuff on the benches inside of there. And like I remember standing there and like you could walk around and like see the captain and hang out with them. And it was just very, very cool to see. So of course they get to the island and then it is somewhere I think in Oregon or Vancouver because mountains are suddenly places mountains should not be. I'm like this is not correct. Can I ask a question? Yeah, how much of this looks now like it did back then? Um, the actual ferry and everything. That whole part the dock is identical. So very recognizable. Yeah, the ferry boat itself. We have a brand. I mean, we've had several new ferries that we've have come and gone since that time. In fact, I think that ferry got bought by somebody for $45,000 or something on eBay. Yeah, no, we have our own fair. Okay. You could you could we have at least one if not two abandoned on the side of our island or somebody bought them and just had grand plans and abandon them. So You can definitely buy a fairy what you want to do with it after that I get I'm guessing the gas is pricey. But no, it was really cool. The thing that was unrecognizable honestly was Seattle. Like seeing all the Seattle shots, it just looks so foreign. But I did enjoy watching him play Galaga because that's one of my favorite arcade games. So that was super cool. The writing in this is so good. It's just terrific. Like the the characters are awesome. There's really good dialogue. There's just good weird development that's happening. So the guy who's hiding out on Goose Island who was presumed dead. His whole story, he's this random British dude, who's not only a programmer, but like, his wife and son died in a car accident. So when Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy are like, please come help us, like, stop the computer program. He's like, obsessed with dinosaurs. And he's like, No, I want it all to end. Fuck the world. And it is so good. He's like, I purposely bought this house because it is near a state that will definitely get bombed. If the apocalypse happens and nuclear war breaks out. I'm gonna die quickly. I don't even have to worry about what happens after that. And it's I kind of know that feeling because my island is very near a large military base. And we knew slash know that if something happens, it is likely going to get blowed the fuck up. So I have a Boeing and Boeing is not far as to make planes. prime target to Everett up here where we're recording has a big naval base, Naval Station. Everett right down the road. Yep. So it's, it's kind of it's really, all of it sounded very familiar. But it was it was really fun. I enjoyed it a lot. The machine, the big, you know, Whopper machine was great. There was just some really fun silly action moments in this. It was just a fun film. Overall, I definitely would say check it out. I thought it was like some kids. I did not realize it's high schoolers. So there's a lot more like sexual innuendo and flirting happening than I can. This wasn't a first time viewing was it? I mean, I've only seen parts of it once on a beach vacation when I was a kid. Yeah, so it was it was 100%. Like, I didn't have any memory of pretty much 90% of it. Aside from like, Would you like to play a game? Yeah. Speaking of which, some trivia for this movie. tagline is the only winning move is not to play, which is a really good tagline considering the six other taglines are things like, wouldn't you rather play chess and shall we play and to David Lightman? Global Thermonuclear War will just be one hell of a game to everybody else. It will be hell waiting to happen. That's a little wordy. It's a little a lot. I think it's, they could have done a better use of hell in general. But that's fine. They got this like they got really stuck on it. And it's way more serious sounding film than it actually is. According to John Barton, the Jeep trying to crash through the gate of NORAD when they're rushing to try and stop everyone from going to war, and like turning over on itself, and they get out of the Jeep and run towards the building was a literal actual accident. The jeep was supposed to continue through the gate, but it did not. They added the scenes of the characters running from the Jeep down the tunnel and use the Boche Jeep stunt because it just might as well. NORAD command center was built for the movie and cost $1 million, making it the most expensive set ever constructed at the time, the producers were not allowed into the actual NORAD command centers, they had to imagine what it was like, and the DVD commentary director John bottom notes that the actual NORAD command center isn't nearly as elaborate as the one in the movie calling the set nor adds What dream of itself. The studio had the galaxy in 1979 and Galaga 1981 arcade machines delivered to Matthew Broderick is home, he practiced practice for two months to prepare for the arcade scenes. The Whopper as seen in the movie, and the big big computer was made of wood and painted with a metal finish paint as the film crew on the film crew just displayed all the Whopper stuff like that you see on the screen, using special effects, where Michael L Fink sat inside and entered information on an Apple two computer that drove the countdown display. It's named after a joke for BG ber ger burger which is the real computer NORAD used to predict war strategies around their fake NORAD center. They have 12 Giant monitors and the command center and those were all screens that didn't really exist. They were screens, but they use rear projection projecting to create pictures upon them because they didn't actually have screens epic, which I think is awesome. And we should just keep doing that. The hacker info in this film is surprisingly on point, and that's due to the CO writers befriending many hackers and security experts while researching this film, which they also used for writing sneakers. The movie inspired Congress to create the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, where representative of Kansas Dan Glickman opened the proceedings by playing four minutes of the film, Stephen Hawking was approached to appear as Steven Fallon in the movie, who's the guy who invented the game, but he declined because he didn't want the producers to exploit his disability. And the largest hacker convention is called DEF CON as an homage to this film. So that's my movie. Wow. Called DEF CON. I didn't know that. Yeah, I also didn't know that there was a hacker convention. Well, fair, you know, unless you're sure. Yeah, if you know, you know, we had I remember liking this movie, but I have not seen it since it came out. It's really charming. I would say like both Ally Sheedy and, and Matthew Broderick are, they're just really sweet. And you can see why people had crushes on both of them. At that point. I was watching it with my sister who love Matthew Broderick in the 80s. Like, she's older than me. And she was just like, He's so dreamy the whole time. I'm like, I can only think of him in that election. And I'm like, he was really short and Godzilla. He's not really but you know, as a kid, he's cool. He's rough size comparison there for a guy to hang up to. Godzilla you're really sure you love me? I mean, just generally, just wasn't shot well. Yeah, that was a frequent in store for a Suncoast so I've heard it a lot sitting down and watching it not quite as much All right, well, I will go next little insight to the listener. You guys showed up and I had notes for the wrong movie all set up. So I left together a bunch of stuff in like five minutes but I did watch my movie Yes, that's all that matters, which was called Twin Peaks fire walk with me? Evening Yeah, seems like this one's gonna have a lot of like research that might have been required. Shockingly No, because even though I've seen this now three times, I still have no fucking idea what this movie is about. Right? Exactly. This is from 1992 It has a budget of $10 million in a box office. A $4 million. Whoa, wow. Wow, the Rotten Tomatoes. Critics give it 64% The audience gives us 78% Because they are weirder than me. That's directed by David Lynch. Who directed dune my very favorite David Lynch film is Elephant Man. Oh, god what a brilliant Mulholland Drive Inland Empire and then of course was created the Twin Peaks series with the guy he wrote this with Mark frost so this was written by David Lynch and Mark frost and Mark bras has no real other credits but he has written a ton of novels Oh interest and two of them that I can vouch for that I read that I love are the six Messiahs and the list of seven, which is written as if the character is the the real life version of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson and these, their adventures are being kind of turned into the Sherlock Holmes stories. So really, really cool books. Yeah, very good. This star Cheryl Lee. She really hasn't done much besides Twin Peaks in this movie, but she wasn't John Carpenter's vampires. Not my favorite carpenter film watching Gilmore Girls. Oh, I don't know. I think she that would require a little more note taking. I think she might have been also stars Ray Wise, who I've always liked him. He's played various little bit parts. But he was in a film I really loved 10 years ago, 12 years ago called Dead end. Eric, you're that one where they're fantastic. underrated film. Yeah, really, really cool. It also stars Chris Isaac, who is known most for singing the song Wicked Game. Yeah. That's why I know him from and in a very small role. Kyle MacLachlan from showgirls and Dune, who played agent Cooper and Twin Peaks, but could not be convinced to come back to this movie. Oh, interesting. Have you not seen this Vanessa? I did see it. But I mean, I was very new to the world of caring about movies. This is a very long movie, and Kyle McLachlan is in about six minutes of it. Wow. Okay. So first off, I have to say, if you're going to watch this movie, you need to watch the first two seasons have Twin Peaks. And then if you want to complete the thing you then have to watch after this movie, the third season of Twin Peaks. So this is essentially a prequel to the TV series. The first half hour or so concerns the investigation of the murder of nightshift waitress Teresa banks and the small Washington State town of deer meadow, which does not exist. But the two FBI agents who are investigating her are not ag Cooper and somebody else. And they're clearly supposed to be that is who this was written to be. Oh, no. But because he didn't want want to be in it. It is a a very young Chris Isaac, who's actually fairly decent in this. And also Kiefer Sutherland as the other. Oh, okay. The weird thing is this. This movie is set up kind of like in three acts. It's set up in three parts that kind of don't make a ton of sense. So there's this first part, which has these two agents, and you think that you're following them through this movie, but you are not. Because about 30 minutes into it. Chris Isaac finds a clue under this trailer, and he's reaching for it and screen fades to black and you shall never see nor hear of him again. David Lynch. Oh, weird, man. Yeah. So then it cuts to one year later in the small town of Twin Peaks. And the reason I chose this as my hometown film, nothing has been shot up in Bellingham of any import. While I was doing the research, I found a Bruce Willis film called Apex from the last two years. I started watching it and I was like, this is really, really quite bad. It's kind of a riff on the most dangerous game. But when I did more research, it said, Shut up Victoria, which is a little island. It's kind of a weird situation here in Washington state where you, you have to go into to Canada, and then come back down into Washington because of this peninsula that that sits there. It's it's very beautiful and picturesque and all that stuff. But it is not Bellingham, which is where I was raised. Sure. So I chose Twin Peaks, because the house of Laura Palmer is 14 blocks north of me and six blocks, West. Oh, yep. in Bellingham, or in Russia and ever. Wow. Oh, my goodness. In fact, a lot of the shots here are much more explicit at showing the houses and everything. And I was like, oh, man, I have driven past that house a million times. It's so good. Yeah, so that was weird. Anyhow, so one year later, in Twin Peaks, we get the events of the last week of Laura Palmer's life now. Laura Palmer, of course, was the focus of the TV series, Twin Peaks, the whole promotional stuff was Who Killed Laura Palmer and the very first episode of Twin Peaks is Laura Palmer, washing up on a on a creek bed and wrapped in plastic. And that's the tire show. So this is all leading up to that point. It makes no fucking sense. And also. So I saw this movie when it came out in the theaters, and I did not like it. Sure. Then I tried it again about 15 years ago, and I did not like it. I like where this is going. Then Vanessa chose the topic. And I was like, Well, I'm not sure what else I can choose. Now that WarGames has been taken. And so I took this, and I kind of liked it a little better because of season three of Twin Peaks. But this movie, the reason I love the series, Twin Peaks was how quirky it was, there was nothing like it on television. When this came out. This was appointment viewing my family and I used to get together, we'd get a box of doughnuts, we'd sit down and watch the episode, we talked about everything. It was a big deal. This is so far removed from the TV show. This is so depressing, and that you're just like Jesus Christ. So I gotta say, the only reason I like this because I felt like whatever's going on and David Lynch's head. He has got like a through line of that first episode of Twin Peaks from 1990, or whatever it was all the way to 2017. It includes this film, it includes all sorts of other shit that he's done. And it all works in his head, which is kind of amazing. Yeah. So we meet Laura Palmer Shirley. She is a troubled teenage girl. She's got two boyfriends. One of them is the hot tempered rebel Bobby, who's got cool hair. Seems like he probably does a lot of drugs and all that stuff. And then there is the quiet, but brooding biker, James. And he seems for someone who brews as much as he does, he's very straight laced. Or whatever, I'm not sure you've earned this brooding. This is so hard to explain. Because as this is going on, we're just getting into her life. Now she is she is leading a double life, it turns out that she is working as a prostitute. And she is going over the Canadian border and having sex with adult man, you know, just getting blitzed out of her mind letting them do whatever they want to her, all of this stuff. So that's one horrible part. But we're also dealing with her family life. And her dad who may or not, may or may not be what's the proper term for it now and you're more personalities than one in your associate D ID. We would have called it something else. That's probably problematic. Now, back then. But if you've watched the show, there's there's a supernatural aspect going on that this movie almost kind of throws out and makes it just him having this separate personality, who is molesting his own daughter and she is blocking it out. Because it's her dead wire while in the TV series. It seemed like he was kind of taken over by the spirit of this ancient wood being that went by the name of Bob Wright. And it was like the whole thing. Yeah. And I thought that he took on a different up here appearance when he was Bob. He took on the appearance of Bob but this will be kind of like none at all. She kind of comes to realize who is molesting her at it. And that's that's a weird thing that was hard to deal with. Meanwhile, Agent Cooper is meeting up with David Bowie. Sure. Oh, of course, yeah to do in a in a moment that I was really hoping was going to go somewhere even though in the prior two times. It never went anywhere. But David Bowie is so interesting to watch in this because he's playing an FBI agent and he has been missing and he suddenly shows up and then suddenly disappears. And the only evidence they have of him ever being in the FBI headquarters is he was caught on camera, but he literally disappears in front of everybody. And I was like God, I want to know so much more about whatever's going on with them. So then we we just end up with the last seven days of Laura Palmer she's spiraling into drugs all this stuff her dad is Is seeing prostitutes over there realizes that his daughter is one of them. This might be he's not seeing her there. He's molesting her on the side, you understand he's got a search got a thing going on. He, he goes up to meet with some. And then before she can see him, he sees her in a hotel room and realizes this is who he's supposed to meet up with. And he, he cancels everything very quickly. But that kind of sets off his whole thing of I don't know if he's trying to be protective towards her. After molesting her the whole time. The whole movie makes no sense in any kind of narrative fashion. Sure. And it's so dark and depressing. Just like, I was just like, well, I guess I'll open another bottle. Oh, God, and it kind of ends with there's this crazy scene where she and her best friend Gupt. Canada, they go into this. It's kind of a say what it is kind of a strip joint nightclub. But the chick who's the singer for the band is stripping while she's singing. Yeah, sure. And then they go into a back room where they do a bunch of drugs. And they they said, getting crazy with everybody and all this stuff. So there's, there's tons of really cool, creepy imagery in here. I think David Lynch, you know, he knew exactly what he was trying to do with this film. He just, he just expected us all to go along with it. Because we liked the TV show so much. And I was probably very shocked when everyone was like, Oh, this is not what we liked about the TV show. Yeah. It ends with you know, spoiler on a 30 year old movie ends with Laura Palmer getting killed. It's a brutal murder, where she is beaten by by her father to death in this railroad car. And then wrapped in plastic and thrown in the river, which is basically how we find her the first episode of Twin Peaks. There is a very interesting epilogue to this film, where if you watched both seasons, the Twin Peaks, you were horribly disappointed, because the end of the second season is Agent Cooper, perhaps being possessed by the spirit of Bob. Yeah. And this kind of touches on that the very end of this, where we see agent Cooper and Laura Palmer in the Black Lodge, which is, you know, I'm just saying all these words, and I'm hoping that you guys have watched Twin Peaks. And he's comforting her there. And she looks up and she sees kind of like this guardian angel, and she starts weeping these tears of joy and all of this stuff. The the scene, I think, made zero sense to me when I watched it in the theater. Because I was like, well, now what has happened now? Is this still prior to this TV series, or is this after the show and all this stuff? It makes more sense, having watched the third season of Twin Peaks, where there is these weird fucking scenes that are explained in the third season that happened in this movie? Oh, hi. Oh, like, there's shit that Laura Palmer sees out in the woods and typical Lynch, she just focuses on her face this, this look of pure horror and never shows us what she sees. But then he revisits it in season three of Twin Peaks, and you see what she sees. And I was like, holy shit. This guy's fucking brain. I mean, his brain must just be a massive roiling black snakes that he has kept tabs on all of these. He just pluck them out and goes, yep, you belong. I don't know if I can actually recommend this film. I don't think I liked it any more than I liked it the first time. But you know, here we are. I wasn't much of a watcher of Twin Peaks When originally on but I did watch that for some reason. And by the end of God, this just feels like David Lynch was like I'd been so encased in a trapped by TV. Yeah, let it all go out. It's so dark and so violent and so nice. I got a few things in here and the trivia that might explain some of this. Let's see. According to a writer Robert angles he and director David Lynch originally conceived this film as the first in a series of films exploring the mythology of the Black Lodge. To that effect, the two inserted four characters as outs with which to continue the story to help Cooper who was comic Lachlan, Phillip Jeffries, who was David Bowie, major garland Briggs, Don s. Davis, who just passed away not too long ago, or maybe five years ago, and then an agent Chester Desmond, who was Chris Isaac These characters were supposed to continue on and give us more. This was never supposed to be a one off. It was just the fact that the critical and box office failure caused Lynch to abandon any plans for sequels. Richard Beymer who plays Ben Horne in the series declined to participate due to a scene where Ben was to force Laura to kiss him in exchange for a bag of cocaine. Beymer felt that there had been no build up for the character of Horne who confesses his love for Laura in Twin Peaks the series and that as a result, the scene came off as exploitative. So I did like the idea that these I mean, look, we're all mercenaries in this industry. Generally, if we get an offer for money, we're gonna take it. And the fact that these guys had built up enough knowledge of who they were as these characters to say, this makes no sense to what has happened or what is going to happen later. I think that's really interesting. Yeah, that's kind of cool, like the integrity of their plotline. Like they're really owning their characters and protecting them. Yeah, cool. Grace of brisky, who played Laura Palmer's mom in the series, and very briefly in this said on Cheryl Lee's performance in the film, she gave everything she had, she gave more than she could afford to give and she spent years coming back. Oh, wow. There are just scenes of Laura Palmer screaming in this that like send chills up your spine. You know, my the hair on my arm was standing up on edge is just like Jesus Christ make it stop. Contrary to rumors that she refused to reprise her twin peaks role. Because of the film's nude scenes, Larry Flynt, Boyles absence from firewalk with me was actually due to scheduling conflicts as she had prior obligations to for other films. Remember, when Lara Flynn Boyle was the it girl? No, it was a short time period. But her character whose name I can't remember her, but she was played by Myra Kelly. And this Myra Kelly, who I remember most from the cutting edge, don't pick Yeah, I do know that. And whistling. In most versions of the film, certain sequences are subtitled. So there's the scene Oh, Sonny about and the nightclub, that the music is completely drowning out the dialog, you can see what they're saying. And then they have put subtitles under it. It's a very odd choice, but that's what they did. But not in the British version. And the British version. Apparently director David Lynch changed his mind so often as to whether they should be included or not. By the time he came to a final decision, the British distributors had already made all their prints without subtitles, and couldn't afford to make any more. This is not a short scene. And they're the music is loud and they're yelling at each other, you can understand the thing they're saying. So this must have been just infuriated. Yeah, I so I actually saw Twin Peaks via a Spanish version because no one else had released a DVD copy of it at the time of that I'd seen it. And so I watched a Spanish version, which meant I think in the final episode, they're talking backwards in the Black Lodge. And normally there's subtitles, and there were subtitles in it, but they were in Spanish. And I have to this day, no idea what they said. So I would not be surprised if yet again there was a strange choice being made. There is a scene in this where they're talking backwards and apparently in the British version, those subtitles were also left out so Oh wow. Beautiful. originally announced for production shortly after the cancellation of Twin Peaks in 1990. The film was shelved when several key members of the cast, notably Lera Flynn, Boyle Sherilyn Fenn and Kyle MacLachlan declined to participate. Boyles character was eventually request with Myra Kelly, while fence character Audrey Horne, who was my favorite in the series completely written out. And McLaughlin in particular, adamantly refused to return as federal agent Dale Cooper for fear of typecasting. The joke is on him because the only thing we remember Kyle MacLachlan for anyway, is Agent Dale Cooper to pretty much fact, although he's doing his best book Portlandia to like really shake things up. But yeah, here's some fun stuff. For one scene, David Lynch s Cheryle, to inhale the smoke from five cigarettes at once. Lee agreed and fainted on the spot. Robert angles also claims the script that he and David Lynch wrote is much longer than the version that Lynch actually film. He claims there's a story for a sequel. Indeed, as with many of the lynch films, the first cut of this film was five hours long. Wow. I wonder if that's available as an extra. It is actually that I write that down. Alan there is something called there's something called the Super Deluxe meet over it just came out in 2014 Actually it's called Twin Peaks the missing pieces. Wow Yeah, Jesus. Okay, let's see. Sherif Lee is very proud of the film saying I have had many people victims of incest approached me since the film was released. So glad that it had been made because it helped them to release a lot. Here's one of the things when LeBron James are talking in the woods about Bobby killing someone Laura see something in the woods that makes her scream in the 2017 Twin Peaks TV series, it is revealed what Laura actually saw. There's a bunch of other gobbly gook with the weird stuff between Bob and these would things called Mike. There's a big scene that was originally written and filmed for 20 minutes, only about one minute actually appears in the film. In retrospect, David Lynch's said I feel bad that fire walk with me did no business and that a lot of people hate the film. But I really liked the film, but it had a lot of baggage with it. It's as free and as experimental as it could be within the dictates that had to follow. And finally, Mary Sweeney, the film's editor said they being the, the audience, they so badly wanted it to be like the TV show, and it wasn't, it was a David Lynch feature. And people were very angry about it. They felt betrayed. And I agree with Eric, I feel like he felt like he was under some kind of thumb while making the TV series. And then all of a sudden he gets to do something different. And he's like, Yeah, scroll of comedy. Look, I'm right there with you. Except that, you know, I am under the font, the thumb of people who are giving me a million dollars in episode to make something for them on creed. I'm not saying yes deserves Yeah. I think the problem was that right after like, I think it was the first season of Twin Peaks. What was the Wild at Heart came out? Oh, and everybody kind of loved that. So they felt like maybe this will be more like that. And it was not like that at all. I can't believe people liked wild at heart. I mean, I've seen it and I in a you know, bubble and had no idea what anyone thought of it. And I was like, Wow, this movie's fucking weird. It is fucking weird. I don't know. I love that movie. That was probably my second favorite. Blue Velvet is probably up there for me. But yeah, a lot of interesting stuff. He's never boring. Even when he's really bad. He's not necessarily boring. I should mention that Derek and I went saw Inland Empire when it screened at the Cinerama, and David Lynch introduced it. Yes. And he walked out with a man who was bringing a cello out, sat down in a chair. And as a way of introducing the film, he said, and now this man would like to play some improvised improvisational cello for you. And the guy did, and it was, wow. for about four minutes, and then everybody clap. And Eric and I looked at each other, and I was like, started to get angry to watch the movie, which I fucking hated. That there was a q&a at fucking standing ovation for this film. And one guy had the audacity to stand up and ask, Well, what was this film really about? And he said, why I think that'd be obvious. It's the tagline. It's, it's about a woman in trouble. And everyone was like, yes. Yeah. Sniffing their own farts at everything. And I was like, fuck this. I'll never watch another David Lynch. I'm shockingly similar experience. When I went and saw Inland Empire. I was living in London at the time. And they had a special screening at the BFI and it was sold out. But there was a snowstorm and I stood in the snow to wait bonus to get a seat and I did I managed to be one of the lucky few. So I came in after having stood in the snow for hours. A desperate to finally get to see David Lynch sat down and no intro sat down, watched Inland Empire bill the fuck asleep, because that movie is just aside from the rabbits. It isn't tolerable. I was like, Okay, so now you're sawing more wood? Cool, cool. Okay, I think I'm with you. No, no, I'm not woke up and then heard a q&a done by another film person. I like quite a bit. And it was fine. But it was very much like him talking about Transcendentalism. And that was mostly it. Electricity want to talk about the movie? Oh, no. I wasn't even talking about the movie at all. Somebody did though from the audience. And this was frustrating be like, Hey, can Can I ask you a question? And he's like, yes, of course. Do you like presents? Because, yes. And this person had brought a portrait they had done of David Lynch and walked it up to him and was like, I've made this of you. And he's like, oh, and everyone in the audience was like, cringe like, Oh, my God, what are you doing? It was so awkward and so weird. And it was not a good portrait. He probably loved it. I do it in his room. That is just gifts that weirdo fans have given him might be might vary, you know, when you might be right. I remember afterwards, you know, standing outside of the theater with Eric. And going, you know, I thought he was just kind of like, crazy for crazy sake or something. But he's fucking crazy. You can see this. There's definitely some weird connections going on in that head. I think he did a lot of drugs at an early formative, you know, college time of his life. And then he was really freaked out about having kids and the rest is history. You know that after? Yeah, after the elephant man, George Lucas offered him Return of the Jedi. Oh, and he turned it down. It's for the past. That would have been the Ewoks would have been really interesting. Oh, holy shit. All right. Well, I'm just gonna toss out here that my movie is revenge for me puking alien. Project. Sorry, kind of punished me back. So I grew up in Twin Falls, Idaho, born in Spokane, but I figured since it was our most elementary junior in high school. I grew up in Twin Falls. And they shipped shot and Twin Falls there was a Bruce Willis movie called breakfast of champions some other everywhere. Oh my god and some other random weird film Twin Falls. It has nothing to do with Twin Falls. But so I went with one that was based in Boise because you know, when you're in Twin Falls, you gotta go the big city and Boise to Arizona, you know, big cities. What? Probably 80,000 people at the time. So I got a movie that was shot at the Boise State Historical Site of a prison. It's called paranormal prison. It's not so much. The old state penitentiary is now closed to tourists after concerns of structural instability. Hey folks, big news for the skeptic in the scientists channel talking huge take a look we are the last crew to film and the old historic prison conspiracy theorists however claim the ghostly sightings and increased paranormal activity are to blame for the closure trigger that there were hangings there there were serial killers any deaths in here and you want to significance last group to get a permit to film here huh? Yeah, we're pretty stoked. Well make sure you capture as much as you can before the sunset. Cool, from 2021 Wow, sounds awful. Oh my god. Tomato score. No consensus for critics though. There were three and they all gave it run. So it hasn't hit consensus yet. They the the audience gave it a very generous 20. The budget of this is probably a couple $100 Maybe a couple$1,000. And drop of basketball in a normal haunted so no budget no box office. No surprise. This is directed by Brian Jager, who is mainly done short films TV break called break a leg and a scary sounding show called judge Carlos. I think I know him. Cool. And the writer is Brian Jager, who wrote and directed some of his stuff. And also Randall Reese who's wrote written hospital 51 free meal and a third writer who apparently his credits really weird. So he's the creator of the skeptic who was one of the main characters in the movie or something and credited with writing him He doesn't have this as his only writing credits however, he has 42 effects credits including some small films like Titanic. Weight legged freak aliens three Nightmare on Elm Street three aliens Back to the Future one and two. So wait a second. That's a real nightmare and as his effects work oh, you only have this as credit for writer. It's just a character this character starring Todd Haberkorn who has a sounding 491 credits Wow, almost all our video games and cartoons so he's done a shit don't like Dragonball Z and fairy tale and Resident Evil three Dawn Shanks who's in the crow salvation three ninjas knuckle up, and Dumb and Dumber. Cool. Paris Warner six movies in the works. It was in Little Women. I don't know which version in something called Riot. I'm still trying to get over three ninjas knuckle up. That's a sequel. There was more than one of those All right, movie break down. First two words I wrote up boy. So this movie starts with a series of interviews people talking about the prison and for no reason whatsoever. It has this covering over it to make it sort of I don't know if it's supposed to look like old footage or damaged footage. It just looks sort of like a really wide hole cheesecloth or something put over the top with very strange. Cut to credits goes tendering setting things up because hey, guess what? It's a found footage film. The lead created the lead has apparently created a new machine to detect ghosts because she believes that EMF is not as good as people indicate. So what this machine does is it glows red green. If it's a healing energy, but glows blue if it's a spirit present. Okay, some advanced tech. A healing energy like like crystals and chakra and candles. No, no, a hospital. No, no, I'm sure. I will. I will say she's adorable. The director and on camera talent is a complete dick for really no reason. That's the skeptic. So this is going to be the the last film crew allowed to shoot inside this Idaho, Boise prison before it's torn down. This is a real thing. This is a real prison. It's one I visited a couple times. Wait a second. You just get to just visit there. Who are you visiting decommissioned decades and decades ago? probably sometime in the 40s. But I like how was scheduled to be destroyed but all the artifact display cases are still up and filled with all the artifacts and everything. Maybe not quite yet. Maybe you guys could just run a sheet or two over the statue right? And here we meet the prison caretaker state park ranger guy who's going to take them on a tour for about the next 40 minutes of the movie and explain things of this is this and they talk about the lady of the one serial killer I don't know if it's true or not but the one serial killer that was supposedly stayed there that was female and was think she was executed. But you know her by the roses that grow outside where her door was even though roses aren't supposed to grow there. And one of the Karen goes, I smell roses like well this is gonna come back to something else in the movie. No it's not. Roses do but the scent does it so in other rows they showed kind of shows up again. Anyway, so tour continues. Caretaker heard he heard something creepy happening. So far, we're about 40 minutes into the movie. Hey, the light turned blue. Oh, spirit marry of a few short scenes of them talking about the significance of the roses. Again. Nothing has changed. They're just talking about it again. So the skeptics look to see what strange things have shown up on the camera and that he disappears. That's because the uncarrier guy pulled a joke on him. You finally start to see weird go see things at the 52 minute mark. And let me do the movie 66 minutes long. If breasts long 66 minutes and boy here's a weird reference. I know neither one of you are gonna get and think I'm a fucking loser for knowing the end of this movie, The twist is the same thing as Joey's not breakthrough movie when he goes out to Vegas in France. I mean, I remember vaguely I know I saw that episode. But okay. Would you like me to spoil it? Or do you want to watch this for yourself? It's available free on Amazon Prime? I think I do now. Do you remember? Go ahead? Is it that he's like dead? And it's this twin or something? No. But that's, that's close. That's not quite what it was. But that's very close the person that was giving them the tour the whole time, the guy that comes in in the morning goes, What are you doing here? Or, again, this tour by this guy? That guy has been dead for 20 years? And oh, I've seen that. I've seen that. Like, are you afraid of the dark? I'm sure that the I hate piling on low budget movies. Because there's a lot somebody put a lot of love into this. There's a lot of caring for it. And it's just so frustrating when it just doesn't work. The acting was actually fairly solid. Some of them were pretty good, sometimes, but overall, they were good. It was a good acting group, as you can see why they had a shit ton of experience. So they were fine. Directing was fine. The writing needed a whole bunch of rewrites just put something in there happening. It's unfortunate when early filmmakers feel like you know what I wrote this feature. And no one's ever looked at it. And I've never made a short or I've never tried to do a story before. But this is solid and ready to go. And it is hard because you're like all these people dedicate time and energy. And, you know, they go through the process of memorizing these lines. And this is, you know, but you didn't try right? Or at least didn't get feedback. And not only that, but then they went to the trouble of getting this would you watch this on Amazon, Amazon. So they somehow managed to get this sold. They did all of this stuff. They've learned a ton of shit. But they've probably blown their wad as far as finances or anything go and now they can't take this information and do anything with it. Right? For sure. That is it. But I will say almost anybody can learn from on Amazon. That's not hard. Like that doesn't mean anything. Well, yeah. We will have our film on Amazon. It wouldn't be hard if you wanted to tell you that. They just you just kind of uh you don't get much money for it, if any, but tagline. There is no escape. Really? That's the thick? Yeah. Yep. And how the prison follow the crew from location to location and was given the credit of hoot the L. Okay, cool. The hours are not what they seem. There you go. So I have been to this prison a couple times, and they are creepy. I've got a picture of me my aunt and my mom's sitting on a bench outside a door, which I'm almost positive was shown when the movies just the bench had been moved from against the wall to the side I've got man that looks just like location. It is a creepy frigging prison. Main things were just kind of regular prison cells. But then they've got these weird block. Instead of just bars. They're like strips of metal that criss cross around. So it's just like little squares that you can see throughout the door. They're creepy as hell. So as I had a really good location here, dude. How did how did the prison look on film? I mean, did they take advantage of how creepy it was? No, no, it looked like it looked like it was a tourist place, you know? And so yeah, so it was. Yeah, I probably should have watched like a document or an Evil Knievel or something might have been more interesting. Thanks. Mindful, it's kind of your fault. It's your pick. And you know, you said genre, so I couldn't pick the breakfast of champions. I couldn't pick one of the many, many, many Western genres that we are a genre podcast. But I feel like she could open this up a little wider. I don't I don't know. My take was great. So you picked? That is true. Yes. It evolved picked it. There's a lot of Westerns that were shaido in the 50s and 60s, lots of them. You could have made an article you can emit well, maybe some listeners one of these times. Yeah, we'll do a Western Western disco Alien movie. There may actually be one of those out there. Yeah. I'm okay with a western movie. No trivia on this. No, not really. You should just call the guy and be like, All right. I could be interesting. Trey's a perfectly nice person, I'm sure I'm sure We all feel really bad for him by the time you're. Well, there we go. Cool. Yep. So what are we doing next? Well, it's my choice. And you guys wouldn't believe this. I have all my notes written for it. Just do that right now. How about we do film set in New York City? New York City. Thank you. God, I was hoping one of you would do it. Every time I hear that it goes through my head. It's just impossible to avoid. Has to be genre. But I think that there's a fair amount of genre films that in New York City, I don't know might be a little bit of a stretch. I can only think of five off the top of my head. I've got a doozy. I watched it and I loved it. Oh, cool. Good. Awesome. Can't wait till next week to watch. We're talking about it. I haven't watched it. I've also not watched one yet. I could randomly talk about one but no. I'm holding in my hands guys a handwritten letter. Oh my god, one Daniel Williford. Sue just occasionally sends me a letter O mail. It's really nice. And he says, Thank you for embracing the 200th episode celebration and other things that we've been talking about. So yes, I just want to remind everybody we are counting down to Episode 200 We've got some really cool stuff in mind. Some really fun stuff that I think is going to have lasting repercussions for the show. Wait, wait, hold on. I'm not chopping off any more fingers. We'll see about that. But this reminds me to thank everybody for you know participating in the value for value model for liking sharing posts for sending us notes and letters. Thank you Danny for dropping little Facebook Messenger memes and things like that, Ron, I'm talking about you I appreciate all that stuff. And I just feel really blessed with our listeners. Thanks guys. Make it all worthwhile. We have the best Okay, so how about we take a break for one whole week my God when we return we talking about New York or New York or Wow transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set we will set you I you know sorry. I was so enraptured by your frustrations