Strange Aeons Radio


September 29, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 195
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Strange Aeons Radio
Sep 29, 2022 Season 4 Episode 195
Strange Aeons Radio

Start spreading the news! The gang announces a big giveaway and discusses their picks for films set in NYC! Also discussed: Andor, The Invitation, Saloum.

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Start spreading the news! The gang announces a big giveaway and discusses their picks for films set in NYC! Also discussed: Andor, The Invitation, Saloum.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly guys. I just I need to know. How do you feel about black Ariel? Oh my gosh, fine. I mean, I don't know. Like, it sucks that they keep remaking these fucking animated movies into live action movies, because they will never be as good or the same, but I'm fine. I mean, more representation in cinema where kids can watch and see themselves. Awesome. I'm all for it. Exactly what I would have expected you to say Vanessa, Eric, I know you have an opposing view? Not really know my thought is? Yeah, it's amazing when somebody alters the look of a made up character that doesn't exist in the real world. Just to piss off those people on Reddit because you know that's that's the whole reason was going to be my next question. Which is what color should and mermaid be? I would rather green just in general that feels a little fishy here to me. Can I can I say though? I am waiting so so impatiently for the original Little Mermaid adaptation that I grew up with reading Oh, where's where she's like in love with the guy turns human and then like, walks in on him sleeping with somebody else murders herself and goes off with a see angels because that's the movie I want to see. I can, I can dig. I think I'm with you on the also going back to the live action remake. I only have watched a single damn one of them was like I had no interest in the Beauty and the Beast. Robin Williams was great as Aladdin some good night watching. Will Smith do it. And the Lion King as a live action was kind of funny because like, that one infuriated. That was that was 100% animated. How can you call that live? CGI? CGI? No, they're they're gone off. I mean, they're like, the best parts of each of them are directly ripped off of the originals. So I'm like, why would I do this? I guess except for getting to see. Yeah, modern famous people don't have problems with the black area don't have problems with black elves. Or any that people are losing their shit over pointless shit online about everything. I'm gonna say something controversial. I want it all to stop. And what I want to stop is the complaining about who's playing a fictional character. Give me a black James Bond, especially if it yourself. But also, it has to go the other way too. If Idris Elba wants to play a blind person in a film, I got to stop here and you complain that he's not blind. If somebody wants to play, you know, if under if Scarlett Johansson wants to play your trans woman and maybe bring a huge audience to your cause. Why don't we do that? Instead of canceling that, and then making sure that the movie never gets made? It's so hard. It's not hard. It needs to stop across the board. It's ridiculous. It's called acting. Everybody can do it. Yeah, I mean, but it's one thing if the character I don't know, it's one thing if the character is like, I don't. It's hard because otherwise you're not giving roles to people who could and should be playing them. You can give those Well, I'm not saying you can't give those roles to them. What I'm saying is you can't complain right? When this people get these roles? Yeah, it should be illegal. Wow. Wow. It's like, in high school, I loved the Children of a Lesser God. So much that in my drama, cosmic karma, and I really want to take the time to learn sign language. I can do a scene from this film. I ended up not doing that. But I mean, she was deaf. Yeah. She's gone on to have a phenomenal career. So if you get the person that can do it, why not? How about Disney? Which we all agree is the evilness Corporation on the planet. And thank you for making my stocks rise every every year. How about we just say, can you guys just fucking leave it alone and come up with a new story? Yeah, yeah. 1000 person tired. I'm tired of prequels. I'm tired of remakes. reimagining But man, am I excited about night Expo? 9819 97? So yeah. I don't think I've watched the last 3x No, this is gonna be an animated show. Oh, it will carry on from where the last exmon stopped. Speaking of prequels, remakes, cycles and all of that shit. What I'm going to talk about for my two films this time, I'm doing a double feature on both of them. Okay. Okay. I've got complaints about both of them. Does that mean you're talking about four films? Yes. Okay, quickly. That's cheating. So the first one, I want to talk about you guys watching andorre? I've seen the first two episodes. I have not seen it. But you're up to date on Lord of the Rings. Yes. Okay. Could something fucking happen in either of these shows? Just give me a little bit of action. I, I just about went through the roof when I found out that Lord of the Rings is a planned five season show. Oh, is that really? Wow, that's a lot of seasons 50 episodes before we get to the end of whatever their idea is. And I am like a wait a second. So we're not gonna get to see who's playing soccer on. They actually in an interview said, well, a lot of the stuff we're talking about now will not be figured out by the end of the season. But we know how it all ends. We in fact, know what the last shot of the last episode five years from now will be. It'll be the birth I was like begging. Tell you about the last shot. It's gonna be me standing up with middle finger pointed squarely at my television. Oh, man, that's a lot of that is a lot of fusion, for some reason, is not bugging me, because it's the Lord of the Rings. And when I think of the Lord of the Rings, I think of the Fellowship of the Ring, which is you know, what a 7000 page book. Some are really in, which is another 4000 book pages. It just feels like a long, epic show. So it's bugging me less. But andorre. Which looks like it should just be filled with crazy shit going on. Because it looks really cool. It looks great. But two episodes, nothing has happened other than the kind of inciting incident, I guess, for this show. But the third episode stuff starts to happen. But I'm just like, why are we taking so long with this people? I don't want. Look, the first Star Wars was long. It was two hours and 20 minutes long. I think you can tell a really fucking great story in two hours and 20 minutes. You guys have six hours. I don't need you to pad this out. Right? That is the worst when you realize that they're just wasting your time. And you're like, why? Although the one thing I will say about the Lord of the Rings, thing that bugged me much more than not having a lot of action in the latest episode was there were some bizarre fucking edit choices that I was just becoming enraged by, like, Alright guys, we'll decide whether or not we're going to go tomorrow at a big meeting that will hold. Next shot, VC hand pick up, like sigil off table. Next shot off, they go in the chips. I'm like, Why did you talk about a fucking meeting? And then you're not going to show the scene, which I didn't want to watch in the first place. Because I don't want the fucking scene about a meeting. But you made me think I was gonna see it. And now we're on a ship. And I guess it's fine. And I guess you will be the king. Cool. Like, there was a lot of frustration for me in the show. That didn't bother me because I felt they'd already made the decision of what was going to happen. And the only point of decision was whether he was going to accept what they wanted to do or not. And grabbing that. Yeah, answered all those questions. But we didn't need to have her say we were going to have a meeting tomorrow about it. It's very important. Like just don't even say that just be like, well, it's up to whether or not this guy is going to fucking get a shit together. Like that would have been fine. That would have been okay. And then they did a weird cross cutting with another character that made me think that maybe when he said you know, I regret the things that I didn't do the king guy who's not King, and then they crossed to the his people going to the orcs, or whatever and being like, Oh, we're here for you. I was like, Wait, is this back in time? How are we going back in time? Yeah, it's just weird choices where I was like, you guys kind of don't realize what you just made us all think you're and could not have done that please. Because then I spent like 10 minutes being like, Wait, is that him? Because we have no reason to think it's the same time really we don't have any true notion. And then I was like, No, obviously it's not him because yeah, anyway. Yeah, well, I'm glad you're furious even if it's not about the same things. Hey, you got to be mad. I want to be mad too. So busy talking about what you watched. Hold on, hold on. Let me switch gears. Um, well, I'm almost done watching Cobra Kai. So I'm pretty much caught up. It is like the fluffiest soap. Oh, yeah. It's been the fluffiest karate soap of all time. Nobody, maybe I did finish it. I did finish it. Okay. We're somewhere in the middle of season two at this point. I think Dena trends because this is really just like soap operas for guys. Pretty much soap opera for 50 year old guys shrew. percent, there's only this nostalgia factor that keeps you coming back. I can't imagine that there are kids the age of any of the kids in the show watching this show? I think there must be I really do think that there are kids the age of the kids in the show getting into it and their parents. That's why it's gotta be so successful. Yeah, the parents say hey, let's watch this and the kids go. Okay. And I also say that because both of the two least of those kids have been in a bunch of new Netflix things so I'm like, Oh, you so somebody likes the look of them? Well, I did see that. Karate attendance is up 400,000% MMA fights or school fights mall fights, poolside fights, which is surprising people because people are actually in the malls to fight it's shocking Well, I look quick sidenote, Jason Weiss gave a a wonderful new name for remember last time I talked about I don't remember his speak no evil or son or one of these overly depressing side, but this is like, socially polite etiquette gone wrong. Like you know what that about nails it I think we've got a new genre name here for this weird sub thing. He's movies. Does that mean you have another film in the middle? I'm way far actually from that. Wow, brilliant segue. Yeah, that's right. See how smooth I'm gonna go right into talking about that. I watched for prom night movies over the last couple of weeks. I noticed this from your Facebook posts. I was like, oh my Okay. All right. First one's fine if Jamie Lee Curtis wasn't in that I don't think anybody would be talking much about it. You'd be one of those vinegar syndrome releases that 12 people got excited about because that's kind of not much happens in ordering. The second one Mary Lou improves very much better. I kinda like that one. It's um it's not good. But it's fun. It's super fun compared to the first one it's like a different it's like night and day goes more supernatural got more going on? Yeah, tell me about these other two films that I did not even know existed agreed prominent three. Best to the series. Why? It is so dumb. It is so over the top ridiculous. The there are crazy ass ideas. Like at some point, the lead lady gets pulled into hell to go get her friend back. So she goes into hell and all the people that have been killed previous in the movie are there. Oh, and their mess. They mess with her and stuff. I mean, it is crazy over the top. It's only available as far as I can find on YouTube but appears to be completely uncut. It's got the full film. And it was so stupid and so fun. And then there's prom night for this feels like you know how they write some random horror thing. Go, hey, put pinhead in, and we'll make it a Hellraiser movie. I don't know what possessed anybody to think that the prom night friend franchise was big enough to have that kind of thing. But this is a story of a priest. Who goes kind of crazy. And a bunch of people technically it's prom night. What they do is they drive by the prom. One of the guys moves moons the people going into the prom, then they drive off to some mansion. We are they like the age of prom go well, I guess in any movie. They're the they're the age of prom goers. Choosing not to go to prom. Yeah, they're their high school students in the story. Okay, so it's a prom night. It's just not their prom night. No, it's their prom or they just don't go to it. Yeah, they just get in the limo and the guy takes up to his cabin or whatever his house in the woods it's very obviously had art all over the walls for me that the director the producer or something like that, and my dad no house that looks like that is gonna have that on the wall. It's fine. It's not necessarily a bad movie. It's just not a great movie either. But it is zero to do with prom night. There's no Mary loose stuff. There's no reference. It's all this priest losing his shit. And sort of an I don't know if it's supposed to be an exorcism thing, but with some good kills within Okay, moving on, like, wow, I don't really cashed in on that problem. All right. But if you're gonna watch one prom night, watch three. Oh my god. Maybe I will. Yeah, no kidding. You can get out here. Okay, my second double feature I'm going to talk about I don't know why vampires are all the rage again. But I saw the invitation and I saw house of darkness. Oh, sure. Okay. Both of these films are play on the brides of Dracula trope. One of these films is halfway decent and the other one is shit. The invitation is halfway decent. I liked it. Okay. It's stupid. And well, it's, quite honestly felt like a late 80s horror movie. All right, this is kind of fun. This gal finds out that she's. She's related to these rich people and they are all excited to meet her over in London. And then she finds out Oh, guys are vampires. And it goes from there. It's got some cool action scenes and some cool Gore couple of attempts at creepiness. The other one house of darkness has Justin Long. And why can't I remember her name? She played Sandra D in the bobby Darren movie. She played Lois Lane in the Superman Returns movie. Oh, is she? Margot Kidder? No, she was not Margot Kidder is dead. I don't know. Different Superbad movie to this movie was trash was I believe it's written and directed by the guy who made The Wicker Man remake naughty Amy Adams, but you're getting closer. I love Fisher. No. No, you're just throwing I'm trying to think of people who believe Lois Lane. I love Fisher played Lois Lane no Amy Adams that but they look identical to me. Okay. Oh, that's fair. This is a very talky movie and Justin Long as a is a creep who gets asked back to this mansion by Sandra De and or Lois Lane depending on what she's blonde. So she Sandra Dee. And and then she commences to fuck with him and scare him and all of this stuff. And then another vampire Brett. Well, none of them turn out to be vampires until the very end spoiler darkness you guys if I mean, it was totally meant to invoke the house of dark shadows Title I believe. So. And it's about as it's about as fast paced as any of the dark shadows. Film and sorry, Glen. So big pass on that one. But I did kind of dig the invitation. Cool. Wow. You guys like you're all you've watched so many movies? Like I You're all bringing doubles and quadruple bills here. Well, I got one for my second. Oh, that makes me feel a little better. But Jesus Christ. Okay, well, I watched where the crawdads sing. I don't know this one core kind of a muted crawdads Well, it's sort of a Boo Radley. Ask, where the mockingbird. What are things kind of story? They're trying to give you a Southern Gothic feel to it. Okay. But unfortunately, before watching this movie, I listened to an NPR podcast about a guy who has been following the author of the book. And it's basically a very thin veiled sort of allegory for something that happened with her so I kind of knew how it was going to end but it's it's crazy this person's not a good person. And the book now makes me feel sick because it just is like, Haha, see, what I did was fine. Don't worry about it. I mean, I could spoil it. But are you guys what is this streaming? It is streaming now. I think on Hulu. It's new. It's very, very new. Well, so I mean, I love To Kill a Mockingbird. Although first time I read it. I slammed a chat and I was like there's not even a fucking Mockingbird in crawdad in this Yeah. Well, I am in. Okay. All right. Well, yeah, definitely. I won't tell you what's up. But if you do, if you do watch it, I have a lot of opinions about this lady that I want to like, get off my chest because her and her husband. Oh, yeah. All right. I've got another shutter film. I think it's pronounced Salone. I'm curious pocket is so good. Is it a shit? It's African film shot in Senegal. It's French and Wolof language. Um, Which is weird when you see a group of people talking, and two of them are talking to each other. It's all just subtitled to us, then you realize, oh, they're speaking the language. Nobody else in the room was understanding. But it's kind of a from dusk till dawn thing and not that it's vampires and that it starts off, and it's not horror at all, like, for a good chunk of the film, but it's still really good. The leads are wonderfully charismatic and fun to watch. period piece. It's known as modern. Oh, okay. It's modern. It's just third world modern. Not a lot of modern conveniences and stuff. But it has, I'll be honest, I don't fully understand what the there's very obviously a folklorist tale going on here when the horror really starts and they sort of talk about it. I don't fully know what this is, but it's really wild and fun. And somehow one of the guys manages to pull off smoking and chewing gum and still look really cool. Wow. Really well acted. It's really fairly well done. It's just at least two or three depending on your feeling of it leads are just so fun to watch because they're so good at what they're doing that might take me on your journeys. There's it's funny, I read the synopsis, and I was like, ah, sounds a little dull. So I'm glad to hear that it's really good. I've been watching so much shit on shatter that you know you get the big one at the top and yet flip through was like five seen everyone up here, but I guess I'll watch this one. It looks kind of strange. The pictures a little weird. I know. Watch. You go. Oh, well, fuck. This is the best watch on the top of that, at least the way it could be because I you know, didn't expect much and I just screwed it all up for you guys. But you know, I thought it was so much fun. I know. It's gonna suck. I can't get out of my head. How that gum must taste. Oh, yeah. Also smoking. love the taste of cigarettes. When isn't it just great. That's chewing tobacco. But without the little knives in your mouth, Billy. I did in my when I first moved up here. I dated a girl that smoked for a little while. And it does become kind of something you're interested in the kiss flavor smoke thing, but never made me want to smoke. That's for sure. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I know that feel. But not with a girl you didn't have to clarify. But all right. I mean, whatever you want to. Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about farts be done with this part of the show. All right. Why don't we take a little break we can all cool down. And then when we get back Eric is going to be telling you about a fun and cool little thing we got coming up let's use a landing page because what's the difference? base is made from fresh vegetables and spices by folks in San Antonio who know what the connoisseur should taste like or this made new yarn. Say stranger. Hope you can be the fool. Pick up the original. Pick up the pace we have returned. Tell us what's going on. Well, the lovely runners of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival down in Portland Bryan and Glen have offered and really very cool prize for us to give away. And it's going to be given away soon. Because the festivals on the weekend of the eighth of October and this comes out I think what the fifth or something sometime in October. But the idea is they have given us a full weekend streaming pass which is $100 value. Yeah, cool. So this you don't have to travel to the festival. I'm sure you're gonna like Bob, you probably don't need to. You've probably seen all the movies, I would think already. But the idea is, we're going to shortly say a word. And when you hear that word, you need to DM it to one of the strange aeons social media things please don't post it publicly. Because we'd like you know, people come in, check it out and take a listen to us and then learn the password. But it's Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, DM on any of those and we'll get it how you ready gonna write it down. It's very complicated. It's a tough password. And I'm vaping because just for a moment I forgot what it was. Okay, got it. The password is Sideshow with a capital S or a lowercase i don't care I'd show it with a capital th. That would be side to show. Like, get a job in a side show. Oh, by the way, this episode should be dropping this Thursday. Right? So the 29th of September. Okay, good. Oh, plenty of time way off. So unusual. With the streaming past, like, can you watch? Do you just get to watch the movies during the weekend? Like live as they are played? Or do you watch it for a certain number of hours, I forget the exact breakdown, but they do it usually, like the horror festival they did in the summer. You start watching and I think you had like, at least I think it's 48 hours to watch them. And you could watch, you could go up and start your watch at like Sunday night. And it's good. It was good through Wednesday. So they give you a lot of time to watch this stuff. So you'll be able to see most everything so they're there and the streaming service is really good. I've used it at least twice. And you can pause it you can do it everyone is like a real streaming situation. So it's well worth it. Yeah. Hey, you know, like that would be amazing for somebody who let's say gets invited to a wedding, the same weekend. Festival, and maybe they can't make it but they still want to see the movies. Funny. You should mention that. That's the Kickstarter. I did. Very cool. All right. Thank you very much to Brian and Glenn. supplying us with that. That is a really cool price. Okay, so back to the topic at hand. The topic at hand is my sub genre pick. Oh, yes, the spreading your lay God. We're talking films that are set in New York, apparently on 42nd Street. My least favorite city but it's fine. I chose for my film. The winner by the way from 1943 The seventh victim might have stuck around flying in the whole blood around them. Your system is emergent. I don't think you go back to school. I'm Dr. Eric, I'm guessing you're seeing this sounds familiar to valid and produced? Oh, yeah. Okay. I was trying to think of something from the 70s. You know, it's you know, is it from 1943? Oh, sorry, I wasn't right at what did New York look like in 1943. A lot like the sets at RKO studios in beautiful expected. This had a budget. So I couldn't find any real budget box office numbers. But we know from the amazing secret Hollywood podcast that Val Lewton was given a budget of $150,000 on every one of his films. He was given a budget and a title. Good luck, right. But I did find out that they also had on top of that$130,000 for promotional budget. Oh wow. No information on the box office but I know it did not do well. Rotten Tomatoes. Critics have it at 94% and the audience has it at 62% disparaging it is produced as I said by strange aeons radio mainstay Val Lewton Directed by Mark Robson, who directed the ghost ship aisle of the dead Vaughn Ryan's Express Valley of the Dolls and Vanessa's favorite movie earthquake was written by Charles O'Neal wrote cry of the werewolf, the devil's mask and the alligator people and also DeWitt Bodeen, who wrote cat people and curse of the cat people, the enchanted cottage and then a ton of television work in the 50s it stars Kim Hunter Are 139 credits tons of 50s television, but most genre fans will recognize her as zero in the Planet of the Apes series from the 60s and 70s. I mean, you wouldn't recognize her because she's under all that eight makeup but that's what I think the the genre fans the soul lives No, that's right. Also stars Jean Brooks she's got 41 credits she was in the Invisible Man returns Flash Gordon conquers the universe, the Green Hornet strikes again and the Falcons series of movies and then a very young Hugh Beaumont 148 credits. Murder is my business larceny in her heart bury me dead, but will always be known as Ward Cleaver on the long running leave it to beat her TV. So the story is, first of all, say I don't know why I would be surprised that I loved this movie, but I fucking loved this movie. It's a good one. It is really good. We meet Mary Gibson. She is a young woman at Highcliffe Academy which is an expensive boarding school and she gets pulled into the hidden headmistresses office. And is told that her older sister and only relative Jacqueline has gone missing and has not paid Mary's tuition in months. So the headmistress tells me that she'll have to either leave the school but she can remain if she works as a teacher's aide, and she decides to leave to find her sister, who owns a cosmetics company in New York City. There's a really interesting moment when she has told the the headmistress and her assistant, a very pretty woman that standing next door, and I thought boy, that that woman is really acting hard for a scene where she says no lines. She's just staring really hard at at Mary. But then when she leaves the office, that assistant comes and runs and tells her never come back. Even if you can't find your sister. You don't want to be doing this for the rest of your life. And I thought it was really interesting in 1943, that they were pushing a movie about you know, hey, you're a woman go off and be independent, do your own thing. So when she gets to New York, she goes through the cosmetic business that her sister ran, only to find that she had sold it eight months earlier to an employee and no one knows where sister went after that. And it seems a little fishy, but she's she's pretty innocent. So she just kind of goes along with everything with this kind of, oh, no kind of attitude. Like, you know, holy shit, the worst things in the world happened. As she's leaving there, though, another employee recognizes Mary and then says, you know, I haven't seen it for so long or your sister and she's like, Oh, well, what happened to my sister? And she says, Oh, well, I know that she sold the business. But I saw her just a week ago at this Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village. So Mary goes to the restaurant. And she finds out that Jacqueline has rented a room above the store, but she never moved in. She would visit the room, but she never moved a bunch of stuff in or anything so it seems very weird and she convinces the owners to let her go see the room. And when they finally unlock the door the only thing inside is a single wooden chair. And above it is a noose hanging from the ceiling so it's it's like set up for her sister to kill herself at any moment. So this makes me even more determined to find her. So now it becomes a movie about Mary following various leads, including your sister psychiatrist Dr. Judd who is actually the same actor playing the same character from the movie cat people. Which means there is now a cat people verse where are elite members right a Luton verse I like that even more if this has to be a prequel because he dies and Cat people but and then also her attorney who she finds out that Jacqueline was secretly married to and that's you Beaumont. He Beaumont really cut a impressive figure, you know, he's he's so recognizable as Ward Cleaver, but in this you're just like, boy, this is a handsome leading man kind of guy, you know. So Mary learns that her sister went to the psychiatrist and she was seeking treatment for depression stemming from her membership and a satanic cult called the paladin tests and her efforts to leave the group. So Jacqueline was lured into joining the cult by her former co workers at a cosmetic company, particularly the one she ended up selling the business still very strange. So from there, Mary and a private investigator go back to the business the cosmetics but while they're sneaking around they're in the middle of the night the PA is stabbed to death by a mysterious assailant, and she goes to the police but they are no help and in fact, after she leaves, it seems that they know more about her sister disappearance that they're letting on. So after that the psychiatrist approaches Mary and offers her offers to bring her to visit Jacqueline at his residence where she's been hiding this whole time. So Mary, briefly meets her sister and all that who, who says nothing gestures for her to be quiet and then vanishes. So it gets a little weird because this was all building up to oh, we're gonna find out what's going on. This is only about halfway through the movie. And we find out that she's alive and in hiding, and then it it does kind of lag a little bit. Mary stays in New York for a fair amount of time. It's not quite clear how long she's there, but she does get a job. And she's still trying to find out where her sister went. And she and her sister's husband start falling in love while they're trying to figure all this out. So we find out that the pallidus have a rule that any member who betrays the cult must die, and they believe Jacqueline betrayed them by talking about the cult to her psychiatrist, her psychiatrist, Judd, who was an outsider, he was not part of the goal. So she would be the seventh person condemned for betrayal since the founding of the cult, however, the cult doesn't believe in directly committing acts of violence. So they, the way they do this is they convince everybody to kill themselves. Oh, it's like the internet. So when they finally capture Jacqueline, there's a kind of silly long scene where they're trying to get her to drink points. But she finally escapes, and it goes into a chase scene, and then a really solid ending that I do not want to give away here. But I really I really love the movie. Exactly what I wanted. I watched it. You know, it's been brutally hot here. And then we had a couple of rainy, cool nights that were nice. And I watched one of those nights it was perfect. I got a lot of Rosemary's Baby vibes from this. And I'm sure a lot that film took a lot of its influence from this one. There's also some really overt homoeroticism in this film in some really complex ways. Probably because they had to hide it, you know, and all that they're going to discuss it. I just thought it was interesting divine in a film from 1943. tagline, slave to Satan. Trivia the original story for the film, which was outlined, outlined by DeWitt Bodeen, was to be about an orphaned heroine caught in a web of murder against the background of the signal Hills oil wells. If she didn't find out the killer's identity in time, she would become his seventh victim. So this is what I'm talking about. Val Lewton was given a title by his asshole boss at RKO every time and $150,000 and he had to come up with a story that fit that title. So he didn't love this story. And he called in a second writer to write a completely different script but because Val Lewton is a Stanhope kind of guy, he a writing credit the both of them. This was the directorial debut of Mark Robson, who had previously been a film editor at RKO, he had edited all of balladins films and so he was the obvious choice when vows look for a new director. It is the film debut of Kim hunter. It is also the first film for producer Val Lewton that did not turn a profit at the box office. And then finally, the pallidus our base on what was once thought to be an actual Masonic devil worshipping called the Palladian society. It was exposed as a hoax in the 1890s long before the events of this film take place. Loved it, it not streaming anywhere right now. A you should have caught it when they were doing the Val Lewton stuff on shutter. I happen to know somebody who's got discs well, maybe I should meet the person who knows the disc so I don't have to pay for it either. Um, wow, that sounds awesome. I really need to get further into the vowel Luton first. Yes, yes. Yes. So good. Well, it's funny that you said that you watched a film that probably inspired Rosemary's Baby and I feel like mine might have what year did Rosemary's Baby 70 early 70s 70 6970 Yeah, yeah, because this one the my film feels a lot like it was stealing parts of Rosemary's Baby. So it's just passing passing that book. So I watched Brian upon his sister's conjoined twins called Siamese challenge life at their first breath. History have them as the stuff of myth and symbol. Some tried to achieve such normality as they could. The famous Chang and the twins of Siamese birth, who gave this congenital abnormality its popular name, Mary In fathered families with the increasing sophisticated surgical techniques developed in this century some twins have been separated and lead normal lives. Others never can. Sisters they were once one in body and perhaps one in mind. Danielle and Dominique one mother one hate one innocent the other Where does Danielle and Dominique begin reporting emergency murder remember the devil has joined together let no man come Sunday this movie either came out in 1972 or 1973 depending on your Google search result of which mine had both across multiple bowl answers. This is interesting. This is before Carrie then. Yeah, it's a it's definitely very low budget. So in fact, this was a $500,000 film of which I the the box office is a little fiddly. It said 1 million in US and Canada rentals. I don't fully understand how that works, but okay. But I think it did make its money back. Rotten Tomatoes score of 86% from critics and 72% from audience. It's yeah, pretty, pretty interesting. So this is Brian diplomas movie he both wrote and directed it. He has 43 directing credits to his name, including of course Carrie, dressed to kill body double the untouchables mission to Mars, Snake Eyes and Black Dahlia. He's got such a weird recent mix of films. Written also by Louisa Rose, who I wonder if she wrote something that this was based on because she only has four writing credits, including this and a film called Monique, but it kind of sounded like maybe she wrote a novel that this was based off of I didn't quite find that in the trivia though. Starring Margot Kidder, which is why I came to mind. Lois Lane, because that's where my brain was that she's been in 138 things including Lois lanes from the 1978 Superman. She was Barb and Black Christmas and Kathy in Amityville Horror, and moody Ville horror. I always want that end in there. Jennifer salt is also in this. She's been in 34 things including 65 episodes of soap. Play It Again, Sam and a lot of bit roles in TV. She now is a producer on American Horror Story. Charles Durning is in this has been in 218 things including Dog Day Afternoon, Muppet Movie Oh, brother. We're out there though. And recently, 30 episodes have rescued me. He's one of those guys who has like a very recognizable face because he's been in a movie and things. And last but not least, William Finley who has 22 credits IMDb calls him marvelously quirky. He was phantom it. He was the Phantom in Phantom of the paradise. He was in the Black Dahlia the Fun House and the theory. So the story follows. We start off by seeing this really weird. Well, first we see a lot of weird shots of like babies inside of wombs. Like was really creepy music playing or the DOP and I was like, this is fun. If you want to be terrified slash freaked out slash children, this is the opening for you. I'm like the babies like it's it wasn't any other context. It'd be like, Oh, life begins here. But it's like okay, and then we cut to a man watching a blind woman enter a dressing room but it also looks like a house that's being built. It has like all these sort of open wooden slats and then like a locker. So it's a weird setting and there's a man behind the slats and a blind woman comes in she starts undressing because she thinks she's in a dressing room. And then all of a sudden In this, it pauses, and we reveal that we're watching a game show called peeping toms, that the contestants need to guess correctly, what the guy is going to do next. So this is very much based off of what America's Funniest Home Videos or whatever or Candid Camera, it's based off of that sort of, we caught this crazy thing in action. So they've set up these scenarios where unsuspecting people have the opportunity to be peeping toms and the contestants into gas, whether or not they choose to continue to watch whether they say something, or whether they leave silently. And the contestants get it wrong. They think the guy is gonna sit there and watch this blind woman and dress but no, they play the tape, and he turns around and he leaves. So it's weird. It's a weird game show is already have questions. The girl really blind? No. So the girl is, in fact, an actor slash model. In fact, while the contestants don't win prizes, they do invite up the actress model who played the blind woman and the unsuspecting peeping Tom. And they're like, Thanks for playing along and showing up and being a good sport about this. And he's like, oh, yeah, thanks, guys. They win prizes for existing. I do not understand your show at all. But um, so the woman who they hired gets a nice sight. So that's cool. And he gets a dinner for two at the most racist restaurant I've ever heard of in my life, called the African room. He gives a real like camera knowing look like great the African room and he's, of course, African Americans. So it's just a very big eye roll for him. So afterwards, he's waiting out outside of the studio slash building. New York City, I think probably. And she comes down that the woman who's the actress model and and she's like, Hey, like, she's got very thick French accent because she's French Canadian. She's like, Hey, I saw that. You know, they're joking around. She goes, I saw that you got it. You know, dinner for two. Do you need a date? I'll go with you. And he's like, fuck, yes. Model French lady. Let's go. So they go to the African room and the Oh, it's so bad. It's so bad. It's like black men and women dressed up in like hula skirts, and there's like big tomes that are like part. I don't know. They're like statues that are really crudely made monkeys that Oh, my God, it's so bad. It's so bad. But they seem to be having a good time flirting with each other. And that's what matters. However, Partway into their dinner, a man shows up and starts to bother her and says, you know, we need to go. And the beautiful French Canadian woman's like, No, I'm not leaving. I'm here on a date and I'm not going with you. And she explains that this is her ex husband and he's been obsessed with her ever since they split and He will not leave her alone. In fact, I did make a note because he was in the audience. And I was like, why is John Waters in the audience? Oh, he looks like a young, slightly bulkier John Waters. It's yeah, but this is the guy who is marvelously eccentric. In the IMDB or Marvin, marvelously quirky. THE PHANTOM OF PARADISE actor. He's just got a real look to him. The guy says, You know what, I'm going to take you home. I'm gonna get you there safely. Let's let's leave because obviously your axe is really dangerous. And so he takes her home and of course, she's extremely drunk. But that's okay. Because now they can have sex. 1972 people are different, different time. So, next morning, wake up and you know, beautiful morning so happy. But she she kind of disappears off into the other room and he overhears her arguing somebody with somebody who sounds exactly like her. It's very strange. And they're arguing in French. He kind of sneaks off to the bathroom to get dressed and accidentally knocks two pills that are sitting on the side of the counter down the sink. might wonder if those are important. She comes in and she's very upset. She comes in the bathroom. He's like, Oh, are you okay? And she's like, I was just talking to my sister. She's very, very upset. She Yeah, she has a twin sister and it is their birthday. And her sister is jealous and frustrated and angry at her because they were supposed to spend the day together. And here instead she slept with this guy. He says, Well, let me take off. It's fine. I'll leave you to hang out with your sister and she's like, No, no, no. Could you just go down the street and get my prescription and then we'll hang out together. Which I guess is also fine. So he goes off and does that. But on the way finds this guy Cool cake and you know has them right like Happy Birthday and it's to hit it to her and her twin sister because he's a cool dude brings it back and presents the tour. She's asleep. She went back to bed, I guess asleep in the bed. He brings it out to her with a with a knife. And he's like, Here, here's your cake, blow the candles, blah, blah, blah. And so she grabs a knife to cut the cake. And he's like, no, no, you gotta blow the candles first and make your wish. And instead, she just murdered them. As you do, you just start stabbing him. And he's just like, you know, flailing and his legs all bright red and his mouths all bright red. And he goes up to the window, and puts his fingers up onto the window and starts, you know, banging against it and writes help and blood. And across the way is a nosy neighbor who happens to be looking in at the right time and is like, Oh my God, this guy is dying, and basically sees the whole thing happen. So she calls the cops. But unfortunately, she is a local Staten Island Reporter The cops know her and hate her because she keeps writing expos A's on them. So they show up and she's like, for the love of God, can you go over there and help this man who's been murdered? Or is being murdered? And they're like, no, no, you gotta give a statement. And we need a warrant before we can go in and blah, blah, blah, and they're wasting all this time. And at this point, we start to see some really cool camerawork because it's Brian De Palma. So we get to have this TOS the split screen on one side, it is this woman trying to convince the cops to go up to the apartment and help this guy. And on the other side, we get to see what's going on in the apartment, which is that the woman's ex husband has showed up, and he's like, Hey, how are you? Like, you called me what's going on? And she's like, Oh, nevermind, everything's fine. And then he looks over his shoulder. And he's like, there's a dead guy. On your floor. Yes, sir. And she's like, What? Shocking, I guess maybe something must have happened. My crazy twin must have gotten in here and murdered him. So he starts helping to clean it up. He tells her Don't worry about it, baby. Just go and take a shower. I'll take care of this entire murder scene. Blood everywhere dead guy on the floor. He's like washing the windows. The cops are down there downstairs just talking lady Mom, I don't know if when and it's so stressful. You're like, just fucking go upstairs. So of course, by the time they go up there, he's busy. He's literally got all the evidence in a trash bag. And he's taking it out the body, by the way, best hiding of a body ever. They have a sofa couch. So he just rolls it in and closes the couch with it inside. Beautiful. And it's a white couch too. So it's just like, kind of bleeding through. Oh, God. So of course, you know, they get in there and they have no reason to believe this reporter and the French woman is like, No, I don't I don't know why you think I'm a mother. Maybe you watched her horror film. And so she's trying to sneak around while the cops are talking this lady and check out the apartment cannot find anything. And of course the cops leave and they're like, You're nuts. Lady, you need to get a life, blah, blah, blah. But she's determined to figure this out. And she convinces her paper to do a story. From this point on, we basically have this reporter following around this French woman and her ex husband trying to find the truth of what's happened. She feels like this woman might have been a twin because she finds the cake and has two names on it. And so she's like, you're a twin, there must be some more to the story. And, you know, it's it's really interesting, it definitely takes a few twists and turns there are a couple of very obvious directions it goes and some less obvious directions it goes. But there are a couple of really cool things that just happen I think because it's a Brian dipalma movie and it's but it's really early Brian apama So everything feels a little rough around the edges. I'm gonna guess the obvious things that happened are a lot of Hitchcock seems to be swiped directly from Alfred Hitchcock's movie. He literally took Hitchcock's composer. It is it is one of the notes I have is rear window meets repulsion. Like it is 100% like crazy, New York apartment isolationism. Female like empowerment and rage men and madness, the 70s fear of psycho analytics of crazy people in general, mixed with peeping tom and rear window and spying on your neighbors and thinking you understand what you're seeing and then you become leery and part of the problem. It's very much crashing those things but no, that sounds way cooler than maybe it is it points. There are cool things going on in here. But there are also some dumb things, including the French Canadian accent, which I she does not have naturally, it is infuriating to listen to. And I am like, you need to fucking stop talking because I want to slap you all the time. However, there's other cool things like they're at one point, you get this dream sequence where our investigator, she gets into a bad situation and somebody shoots her up with something and she falls asleep. And she's also going through this weird hypnosis treatment. And she starts to dream that she is this separated twin of our main villains, I guess. And it's weird and it's crazy. And at one point, she's having like an operation done on her next to a swimming pool and all these other real life sets of twins are sitting around like passing like knives around her. It's weird and so cool. I definitely won't give away the ending of where where it goes. But there are just some cool, cool moments here. And there. There's a pie that gets hired to help her with this investigation for this, this paper and then the interactions between the pi and the reporter it's just really good snappy fun writing a he's not in it nearly enough. He should have like been in it from the start. But yeah, a couple of Yeah, I don't know. I liked the film. I thought it was good. It has a really fucking weird ending. But also good, but also obvious, but also not obvious. I don't know. I don't know. It. Feels like maybe this director is gonna go on to be really good, but maybe isn't quite 100% there yet. But was this this first movie? 72 I am not 100% Sure. I think he'd done a couple shorts before this. Yeah, but I think this might have been I didn't write down this whole thing. So I don't know for sure. Trivia. So Margot Kidder and Jennifer salt were roommates in Southern California. So those are the two lead actresses in the early 70s. While they were struggling performers, they held parties for their friends and neighbors who included people like Paul Schrader Blythe donner, Blake Danner, Bruce Paltrow, and Brian De Palma. One year at Christmas kid are installed open separate boxes under the Christmas tree and each one contained the script to this film. This project was Brian De Palma's gift to them, which I think is so cool. Um, what a great gift. Like Yeah, you too are struggling and here you go. Here's the script you're gonna star. Director Brian De Palma had wanted to use major stars like Sidney Poitier and for Philip and Mario Thomas for grace but could not do so because the film's meager budget of $500,000 the film was shot in Staten Island, New York eight weeks, following a month of rehearsals, which I think is so cool to do that much rehearsal before you jump into set. To indicate the musical effects he wanted. Brian De Palma put together an edit of the film that was dubbed with music from films of the composer he most wanted to hire. Bernard Bernard Herrmann Hitchcock's composer. When he was showing it to Herman the composer stopped him and said Young man, I cannot watch your film while listening to Marnie Bryan depose the film's producer, doubted anyone could be stuffed into a sofa bed, but the director recalls, I shot it in one shot to show you that you can in fact, fit someone into a sofa bed. Brian De Palma says he doesn't remember where he got the idea idea for using the split screen. But it was kind of a meditative form, you can go very slowly with it because there's a lot to look at. And people are making juxtapositions in their mind. You can also have all of this exhibition exposition, mumbo jumbo on one side. So it is interesting because you're following over the shoulder of two people. And then it's two real cameras that are happening at the exact same time for this performance because you get the other side of each other's reactions, but it's like perfect, it's really well done. Jennifer salt cites this character of grace Collier as her personal favorite of her performances and criterion put this out as their number 89 film of their series. So I guess I gotta watch this. I think you should. I think you should. And it's available for streaming for free on HBO if you're a subscriber. Excellent. I did look it up. This is nowhere near his first film. Oh is not there you go. Oh, he's got then you got a lot more you can watch. So also got another kind of well known director that I'm going to be representing, from 19 Haiti Inferno. I do not know what price to pay for breaking what we alchemists call selling to the life experiences of our colleagues should warn us not to upset laymen by imposing on knowledge upon them mysterious parts in that book but the only true mystery is that our very lives governed by dead people in the beginning there were three mothers the same as there were three fates and three furies has always mistaken they call them by one terrifying name I'm afraid I'm afraid to be left alone my sister Where is my sister is if I were constantly being watched the times I think I actually feel prisons as if someone were in the room with me this damn house someone waiting to be watched Oh, stop. This is a rotten tomatoes has an interesting score on this one. It's 60 from the credits and 60 from the crowd. Wow. Tide. I don't know I I've never I've ever had that happen. Well said got the budget of saying around 3 million. And of course it's Italian. So the box office was 1.3 billion lira or 1.6 million. So not not great. The director. You've probably heard of him. Dario Argento. Director of Dracula 3d. Do you like Hitchcock and dark glasses? Beautiful. Yeah. Also written by Dario gender, or gender or gender. It is like good guy. Movies, directed 27 wrote 42 He's also written the church demons one and two. Today we kill tomorrow we die. Starring Thomas D or another writer. Sorry, Thomas de Quincey. He's a writer with a book. Susanna do Profundus which we'll be talking about a little bit more in the notes. Daria Nicoletti who's one of his co writer. She writes a lot of stuff with him. She's written Suspiria Paganini horror Inferno and the very very, not so subtle. Argento borrowed film The Black Cat is that his was that one of his wives? Don't know. starring Lee McCloskey. You might know him from 43 episodes of the young and restless nine episodes of one life to live 53 episodes at General Hospital 46 episodes of Dallas or 248 episodes of Santa Barbara scheduled working Actor and you get an idea of kind of his look. This picture in your mind blonde, good looking 70s man with mustache I'm there I had that action figure and also I read miracle who was in Midnight Express. Very very scene very very famous scene and Midnight Express if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about. Puppet Master watchers too. And is currently directing a film as night as called as guest of the king. Eleanor G GRG orgy. She starred in talcum powder, smell of flesh and story of the cloistered nun. So anyways, I'm just imagining all three of those titles in one room and I'm like, Man, that none smells good. Smell the flesh is not so bad after a little talcum powder. What could the movie be about? So this is a one of Dario Gentiles. Three, keep saying your gender, or gender. I love me. Some are gender movies, I saw a movie. Anyways, it's one of his three mothers movies. And I'll tell you right at the beginning, starts out with the lead finds a copy of the three mothers book and starts reading it and just lays out everything that needs to be done. You need to go here to see these people and you need to go let's not some of our riddles feel find the key under your feet and stuff like that. But it's still gorgeous. I mean, it's it's Argento ad. So he's got that Suspiria looked down. And actually the building she's staying in looks a lot like one of the buildings that Suspiria I mean, this is New York, right? Supposed to be an ER, this is a messed up how she's living in but it looks cool from the outside. The mother's is have amassed incredible wealth. This is a legend that the three mothers have amassed incredible wealth and influence around the world, and have used these keys to lock their mystery away. And if you find them, you can stop them and they don't want you to find them. I was gonna say I'm a little lost on this, but then I was like, gonna be a little lost. Yep. But she somehow magically at the beginning of the movie, she's already living in one of the houses that might have one of the keys underneath it. Hey, so I'm assuming she was searching this beforehand, but it really doesn't let you know that. So she decides she's gonna go looking for it goes underneath and there's like a house underneath and she goes into water. It's a whole mess of stuff going on. I don't know. But she writes a letter to her brother to let them know. And the brother is studying in Italy, studying music in Italy. Oh, it's like a convenient location. There you go. It's a very strange scene where they introduce him and he's sitting there reading the letter or getting the letter. But there's this woman sitting down below him just staring at him intensely long haired, crazy looking hair woman staring at him with a cat in the middle of the classroom. of the class ends and it looks like she disappears but she actually just went up real quick up thing and she's gone and the guy's like, and leaves his letter to somebody who I assumed was like a girlfriend or something, but they never really seem to act again. But she gets a letter. I'm just going to read you a very long, very strange description of a good chunk of this, like 10 minutes of this movie. That will give you an idea of how this movie works. Here we go. Okay, Rose sent a letter to her brother her brother started to read it was distracted by the mysterious lady and her cat left the letter behind the lady sitting next to him takes the letter reads it and goes to the address from the letter to find a library that houses another copy of the three mothers steals it from the library after reading one paragraph. She follows the exit sign that leads to strange winding staircases with no more signs. She wanders around and finds a room with several Cauldrons of boiling gooey liquid and stack manuscripts. A man with disfigured hand sees the book and tries to boil our face. She fell in the library. Yes. This is down the stairs of the library somewhere near the exit. That's what she does. She has to go. Where's the exits? Like oh, but so she drops the book and runs away He follows her she takes a cab away. She then goes to an elevator and gets a stranger to come into her home which I didn't realize was her place right away if it she got this guy to take her to his place. With no prompting asked him if he has heard of the three mothers out of nowhere. Only then does she call mark to let her know that she has the letter and then it gets weird. Lord, so like you see an idea of the structure of this film. It's that is not the strangest part by any means. But visually, it's fucking gorgeous. It's such a cool looking movie. Go back to New York explore around the house again. It's kind of hard to talk about this film because It's just there is no story. Mark goes back and arrives at the house and cats are all over the place for some sort of unknown reason. But he moves into this house which has a couple other mysterious people living into it. Not sure whose might be a witch she might not be a witch. Who knows who these people are. Again, I say what's with all the cats? Who's the killer? What's up with the residents in the meeting? Morning there's some horrible meanness to a cat at one point. Last thing I'll say about this because if if you like Argento and you'd like visually gorgeous movies is absolutely worth watching. But we'll sit people stop wandering around and find something. Note for this movie and see where the colors are. My tears got their look at some of those other movies that have come out recently. They drew heavily from this film. They even have a scene with loud music playing with a woman in a cab with rain. Back office looks kind of familiar. believe this is the beginning of Suspiria tag lines, a frightened journey through the McCobb corridors of hell. Terror that's hotter than hell out that's a hot air before Tenebrae beyond Suspiria there is Inferno, I kind of like that, but it's good. come face to face with hell. No. Okay. So it's a thematic sequel to Suspiria in that it's part of the three mothers series. Second, second one in that and the final one came out in 2007. With the mother of tears, which is of the three, the far weakest is the book The three mothers mentioned in the other movies. I don't remember it being in Suspiria. So I'm pretty sure it's not but I'd imagine the mother of tears probably does that. But all of these films are derived from as I said around the first time Suspiria De Profundis. The Latin phrase means a sigh from the depths. It's a collection of essays in the form of prose, from Thomas de Quincey published in 1845. And it's a hallucinogenic examination of memory and drug use. So he drew a lot from this weird collection of poems. The filming OF INFERNO takes mainly place at a studio in Rome, but a short amount of time was shot in location in New York, in Central Park, which is the scene with the cats. That's all great. But so that the death scene of the guy with the cat is also was all filmed there. The tried to make parts of Italy look like New York by superimposing skyscrapers into the background, which did not work at all. It was kind of cool, though. They might have done a few scenes that it didn't stand out, but there's a few where it's just like Project buildings. Instead of skyscrapers and stuff like school a little bit further. Close, pick a postcard and then cut it out around. Yeah, exactly. There was an uncredited Production Coordinator named William Lustick. That's director of maniac, Uncle Sam Oh, and the maniac cop series he helped in New York with production. There was also an interview with or in an interview with Director Humberto Bava said that he handled and wrangled so many cats during the shooting of this film that afterward he could no longer stand to be in the same room as a cat and is avoided them ever since. And yes, that is the plan Berto Baba Argento once said the gentleman who provided the live answers in the film, collected them by walking around the park with a vacuum sucking them up and just letting them bag when they're trying to be used. And go It's a strange movie another guy guy who worked on this movie you might have heard of Mario Bava worked on this one as following different things he's kind of a do everything camera operator, lighting technician, visual artists, second unit director and even acted and I think was just like as a favor or something. I'm guessing I mean, these I mean, of the three of them are gento Elise in Italy was you know, he was the George Lucas of Italy for a while so I don't know if he brought him along or they're just buddies or how some of these things came about. But yeah, it'd be interesting to find more about their history could have been because of demons, getting ready for demons movies or something. During the film, Argento became incredibly sick with a hepatitis, and spent some time directing on the laying on his back, or letting Mario Bava step in. I'm directing a few things he does call this Argento says this is the least favorite film, mainly because his he is tainted by the illness he suffered during it. So painful. This is not a goblin. This was done by rocker named Keith Emerson, who composed the soundtrack because he kind of wanted a different sound. And it does have a different sound until it doesn't. Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer Yeah, and there is some very definite goblin sounding moments, though. But it does sound real different than other parts. So that's kind of neat. Fox did not commit to releasing this one. The largely believed because there's a regime change at the time and a whole bunch of movies that were agreed to be released or not released. Eventually, the movie came out VHS in 1985. And then he did a post theatrical release for one week in New York. That very, very limited release, a lot of people saw it, it was listed by Kim Newman from wardrobe thing go. Total Film is perhaps the most underrated home or horror movie of the 1980s Total Film also named it in a separate article 51 to 50 greatest horror films of all time. Maybe not quite that good. But it is so good visually. It is so cool to watch. And the sound is so great, that it is absolutely worth watching. But it is absolutely not a movie to try to follow the story. You know, it's funny, because as you were describing it, I was like, I wonder if I've seen this movie or not, because none of your description is ringing a bell. But then I looked up some images on Google. And I was like, Yes, I only remember one shot from the whole damn film, because it's so impossible to follow. But it is visually shot when she goes in the water. Yeah, yeah. Under the street, right. Yeah, I do remember being like could anyone find anything ever? And why? It's the cats but it looks cool. With our Gentiles sometimes that's all you need. Nice. New York City. place where dreams and only one of them was actually shot in New York. Well, I guess a scene was shot in New York. My mind was shot a little bit in New York yesterday. Yeah, here's was his years was entirely la I guess I'm sure that there's a an exterior shot. Listen, make it there. We'll make it anywhere. I purposely did not choose a couple of films because they were shot in that lane set in New York. But whatever. What I like about when we do these sub genres is you know, whenever we're running out of anything, it's going to be like Nebraska. Sure, there we go. Sure. Eric, I believe we're going to be doing something fun for the month of October. Yeah, you know, not quite ninja November. It's coming up, though. Please. I don't know. I'm excited or just reading anything. But yeah, we're talking about what she should do for October and Kelly thought you know what we need? We need to do a bunch of like, poor companies distributors. So the we're going to do them in order. The first one we're going to have a short sale all of them are just the first one we say your pick and start out with universal horror films. So something from the universal period in which they made a crap ton of horror. You've probably all heard it heard about 10 of them or so. Yeah, made a lot more there. Well, and I'm okay with opening it up. There were 31 classic universal horror films. But you know, Tom Cruise's the mummy is a universal horror. Yeah. I wasn't attempt to, you know, if you guys feel like you want to try and talk about that. Considering I think, well, it'll be fun. Because, as far as I know, my box sets are probably the last three universal box sets I've ever owned, have only had the same four movies in them. So it'd be fun to see. Upgrade. Now. They've got one out there. That's like, it's all blu ray and it's like 30 Plus film. So cool. Yeah. So I'll be pulling something out of that. Very, very cool. Okay, well, this is the part where I thank everybody for participating in the value for value system. I want to thank Danny Willeford for sending me a lovely handwritten letter again, and I just love whenever I pull an envelope out of my mailbox. I'm like, Is this from GEICO is from Danny. Okay to be one to turn it over. No dessert. All right. And and then just thank everybody who's always liking and sharing the posts commenting sending us cute little memes and all that stuff. And also don't forget that as soon as you hear the passphrase side show on this episode you need to DM one of our one of our social medias, whatever social media things and we will give it probably about a week until the next podcast is posted, or the day before the next podcast is posted in the winter. Oh god Wednesday before the 196 episode 196 So are you sure we don't want to announce the winner on the show? So if you didn't No one will have so much more fun. Yeah, that's right. We will do that. That sounds great. All right, guys. Well, that's the show. We're gonna be back in seven short days and we're going to be talking universal horror films, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio has recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we will set a God let's talk about something else. Let's go away. Let's be done with this part of the show.