Strange Aeons Radio


October 06, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 196
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Strange Aeons Radio
Oct 06, 2022 Season 4 Episode 196
Strange Aeons Radio

The gang kicks off their month of horror production companies with a spirited talk about Bruce Willis selling the digital rights of his likeness. Also discussed: Smile, My Best Friend's Exorcism, Raven's Hollow.

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The gang kicks off their month of horror production companies with a spirited talk about Bruce Willis selling the digital rights of his likeness. Also discussed: Smile, My Best Friend's Exorcism, Raven's Hollow.

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Oh, I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Guys. Something weird happened this week and I want your take on it. Bruce Willis sold the digital rights to his face for deep fakes. Why? Right now? On one hand, I'm like, Look, Bruce, do what you got to do to make money. Yeah. I assume this means we get more Bruce Willis. 30 years from now? What? What do you guys think of this? Because this is obviously just the first of many, I assumed we'd get Tom Cruise movies well past his death, just because of the the church and what, you know, they're all about making money on him. So yeah, but I did not see this coming with Bruce. Um, that's bonkers. In a way, that's genius. Because, hey, they're gonna do it, regardless of whether or not he gets paid for it. So might as well cash in while while he can. And so he can enjoy the money in his older years. But that's crazy. That's crazy that we live in this world, he seems. You know, because he's had some diagnosed mental Yeah, things going on any seems like a guy in the last five to six years. That. It's like he's reaching, Okay, I gotta make sure I do enough work to take care of my family or something, because I'm going to be gone soon, because he was taking everything he made. So he has made so many movies in the last few years that no one is ever heard of or seen. But you know, he's gonna pay for all of those. So just maybe just like, okay, yeah, let's do this. Sell this for a couple mil or whatever it is. And it makes me wonder, and this is just me speculating. If he made this decision, oh, he made this decision for her a lot of the last few movies he's done. But also, so this is, you know, this is just us talking tech and everything. Now go into your industry side of this. And this is a notoriously difficult industry for an actor to get into, right? When we just continue on using actors who have passed away. That literally does take a roll away from a new actor. Oh, for sure. I think it's weird. I mean, I don't like the idea of the future of us just watching movies with dead people as CGI characters like, not cool, man. Like, I get now that we're doing all this prequel bullshit that we have to like, find a way to make you know, someone somewhere exist. But it's awful. It's really, truly an awful thing to behold. Yeah, even the D aging thing they've started to do doesn't work very well, no. So I mean, eventually, it will look pretty good, because that's just the way technology goes. But for a while, it's going to be weird, then there's going to be, I don't know, Fred Astaire hanging out and Ginger Rogers hanging out with Bruce Willis and diehard 12 or something like that. So who knows what's gonna happen with that, or even when you get people who, as opposed to going through plastic surgery to the point where they start to look really weird. They'll just sell their likeness for when they looked the way they think they when they look good. And that's how they'll be in movies in the future, as opposed to looking like somebody who, that's been there a few too many times. I mean, that's a really interesting concept, because that would be a really healthy way for some people to approach aging rather than to disfigure themselves. Just it's maybe better. I don't know if I'm still quite still denying the fact that you get older and you look different and it's okay. Well, the funny thing is watching somebody like Robert Downey Jr. in that Iron Man film where he's, like, gone, it's showing him as a kid talking to his dad, but he's still like a, you know, 5060 year old man's voice coming on this young CGI face. I'm like, you can't change. You can't make everything you can't take away someone's soul and force it to be like a young and again like you just can't. It doesn't work. I'm glad you mentioned that. Did you see that? James Earl Jones signed away the rights to his voice digitally? Yeah. Oh my god. I I mean, is that why his voice is showing up, but it's not actually his voice for stuff that was his voice in the Obi Wan show. But this means that I mean, he's in his 90s. Now, this means that going forward, all they have to do is grab his voice from his various movies, modulate it and make it say whatever they want to say. They'll probably be a voice actor who would get inflection down or something and then they would leave. Hit the James Earl Jones is voice over that. But so now what do you think, Vanessa? You're gonna have young Robert Downey Jr's voice on a young Robert Downey Jr. well past the time he's passed away, he'll be able to make Iron Man movies. Forever. Yes, exactly. Oh, no. I don't want it. But you know, the future is not up to me. So I still make money if it makes if it brings in money, they'll do it. Yeah. Hey, here's the twist the geese can get behind I guess you go with is that? You know, who's an Iron Man? Robert Downey Jr. You know, he's always going to be iron. You don't have to worry about some young in some of those roles here, Batman recasting that happened in the 90s. But there's something glorious about it, too. Like I love the weird recasting of like, I don't know, let's see what Spencer can do in this role. What we're seeing art getting taken over by artificial intelligence, we're seeing this kind of stuff happening. Music has been this way for the last 40 years long term. So yeah, it's. It's it. We're living in a dystopian future. And it's getting more and more dystopian. Here's a super embarrassing reveal, but it's going to go right to your point about music. Yes, Dean. And I watched the masked singer. And one of the one of the guys who won on the masked singer whose name I don't remember, because he's more of a modern guy. I really wasn't familiar with him. DePayne or something like that. I think it might have been who made all of his records, with heavy voice modulation. And he did it so much that he could not get anybody to record him with his real singing voice. So he went on the singer to sing in his real voice, and ended up winning the season he was on, because he's actually such a great singer. So like, why didn't you just sing that way from the start? Oh, I know. Because producers told you this is the sound you have to have right now. So like, yeah, that's it guys got that down. Yeah, good times coming up. I want to talk about you know, I've been bitching and moaning on this show. Well, since its inception, but just recently about and or Lord of the Rings, just saying something fucking happen in any of these shows. While all these shows this week, had some pretty fucking great episodes. Yeah, I am a little behind on a few of them. But I'm caught up on at least Lord of the Rings. So yeah, I mean, that Lord of the Rings episode was something else. So yeah. Have you seen that happen? Yes. That was Mount Doom, right? Creation of Mount Doom. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I'm like, wow, did everyone just die? I feel like everybody. Not everyone, because I saw the next NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW, right. And you've seen the Lord of the Rings movies. At least, that's at least one person. Two people that survived. Hey, that's a good point. Because the story that they're telling in Tolkien's notes takes place over 1000s of years. So do we like as are we gonna jump like 200 years exactly, which would kill all of our human characters? Right? That's true. Wow. Although I think in in Tolkien's world, the humans live much longer than they do here. But I don't think they live hundreds of years. Maybe you went with the biblical writings rather than Moses lived like 800 years or something like that. Yeah, I thought that was that was the one that I loved the most. I will say this pretty much killed everyone. I think did happen. It's yeah, but the thing is, it happened in episode six of a 10 episode season, and it should happen in episode three. Right? Same thing with andorre. I just thought this was a really solid interesting episode where all sorts of stuff was going on. And it should have happened an episode earlier. The third episode should have been the second episode they needed to push that stuff around. And even she hooked finally showed us what is actually going to be happening for the rest of the season. Oh, really? Well, that's good to know. But I was like, why is this happening on Episode Six? I'm waiting. Yes. Some weird magical thing that Come up with Episode Six is very important people will put up with shit until episode six. And then we got to give them something. This is how they ended up with 24 episodes seasons, you got to be careful. This is where it spirals out of control. Okay, so that's me not bitching about the three shows I bitched about relentlessly. Well, that's good. That's good. I mean growth. For you growth for them. So I went and saw the movie smile. In theater. Yeah. Um, it was a different movie than what I thought it was gonna see. But it is not the movie, it thinks it is. A very strange experience. This does not sound like a positive review. I don't know, there are things that were really good in it. But there were things I was like, Fuck you guys in it. So I don't know, there's just a lot of like the main characters a little bit irritating, which is not great. But there are some really great moments of very deep creepiness. And then other times where they're like, but jumpscares. Remember, jumpscares those are so fun. But your monster doesn't actually do jumpscares. So like, that doesn't super work. Because the monster much like, I want to say like Stephen King's, it wants you to know it's there. So that was rough. And just just the, I think the thing that's the most frustrating is, it starts off and you see a very low key scene, and then whatever. And then it does the title. And the title is like flashing like rave. Almost colors, like in your face, like screaming at you. And then you go into a quiet scene. And it's like, the whole film thinks it's this experimental, crazy. Like, we're Titane we're raw. We're like some crazy bullshit. You don't even know what you're getting into. But it's not. It's a very standard horror film with like, a couple of cool moments in it. And it's sort of like somebody saw those films. Well, these are really fun and interesting, but I'm afraid to put in like a woman fucking a car or somebody eating raw meat. So bizarrely uncomfortably like they do in raw, they set up so much stuff that is nothing. And that, like by the end of the film, I was like, What the fuck was that title? And then the end like they were all over their credits. They basically have this music that's just screaming at you like you're in a haunted house. I'm like, Wait, what is this has nothing to do with anything. So I just felt frustrated by it. It's not about film. I think a lot of people will get a lot out of it. I know it was a big hit at Fantastic Fest. I believe this recently. Also a big financial hit. Yeah, it was the big winner of the weekend which kind of surprised me that's interest they had yeah. Great promotions for the movie. I mean, the baseball play Yeah. With a woman sitting behind Did you see those sent? I guess there's a guy too but I didn't see nearly as much of him but they sent a woman into baseball to where you know you see the shots of the pitcher throwing you can always see a certain group of the of the area and put her right there. Oh my god sitting there giving that creepy ass smile. Oh my god. Yeah, oh, four hours or three or whatever. I don't know how long baseball takes hired actor. So yeah. So it worked. Oh, man. I saw that cool all over the place in baseball that is least cooler than the film probably. Was this a Blumhouse? You know, I'm not sure I don't think so. It sure seems like it should be like it should be Yeah, but yeah, I will see the creature and God I don't even know how to say this. It has multiple forms as you see in the trailer, right? You can see like it's there's all these different people smiling. And there are there's one version of it. That's fucking awesome. And there's one version of it that is very concerning. Because it feels like maybe they're fucking around with the whole you know, Buffalo Bill and the whole like transgender like that equals horror. I feel like they might be dipping in that space. So maybe guys don't do that. But otherwise Yeah, I don't know. I want other people to watch it and tell me what they think because I'm really there eventually. Yeah, that's correct. You guys who wait for streaming or something? I'll get there eventually. It's almost cheaper in the theater. Closest your theater. It's very close. Okay, it's very close. And I have like the Cinemark whatever. So very cheap for me to see these movies. So saw one another shutter. Ravens hollow. And seeing this one. I watched about 40 minutes of it. That sounds about right. I should have watched. Oh no, it's They're just it's kind of a monster movie. They they cast the lead guy is named Edward bow, which really has nothing to do with. I expected maybe they're going to do something in the title. So there's sort of a raven s creature in it, but that really it's my pterodactyl but I expected maybe that would get woven in somehow, but it's not it's just like, like I forgot the movie but the movie that named people like Joe Dante was one of the characters in the movie and all these named dropped titles for people that have nothing to do with the story but funny. Make your own movies. Oh, did did his or her last name carpenter. Oh, cool. Carpenter engraving. But the SRO? No, no, it was it looked really good. The acting was fine. The performances are fine. But it just nothing. The story was just really well trod storyline here. And nothing really interesting done with it. If this had been a 1960s hammer film, it's got might have been pretty cool and innovative. As a modern film. It's not it's just it's everything's well made. But the story, man, I think like you I went in thinking that there was going to be some kind of recognizable Edgar Allan Poe story there that Edgar Poe experiences and then that makes him write about it. Write about that experience or something like that Dickens but for Edgar Allan Poe, right? Yes. Edgar Allan Poe and loved or something like all right. Yeah. No, I didn't. The the opening sequence I thought was really good, though. Yeah. So I stuck it out. The introduction of the monster is kind of neat. Yeah, I was. Yeah, well, you can't win them all on shutter. Nope. I'm sure there were a ton of people who liked it. It's a very glossy, slick looking movie. Yeah. Okay, speaking of brand new on, let's see, was it Hulu or prime? I watched my best friend's exorcism. Oh, the based on the book. Yes, yeah. The book is better. But this is really close to it. And I kinda liked it. It's a set in the 80s. It's a group of girls who have a Girls Night In this little cabin, their teenage girls. And of course, they mess with a Ouija board. And they do some LSD and one of them ends up in this little haunted cabin area are a couple of them do and one of them comes out of their possessed. And Cool, cool, her best friend is trying to figure out what to do about it. They go to a I can't remember if they go to a Catholic school, but they they have a the body builder Christians who show up and are doing all the things and breaking bricks for Jesus. And one of them recognizes that the girl is possessed. And it becomes kind of it's comedic, very comedic in some points, where she has to kidnap her friend and have this guy who's not very good at doing exorcisms try and exercise this demon. And I liked it. I didn't love it. But I did love the book. So I think I was expecting a little more book is great. And they did that fun. I don't own that one. But they did the version of the book that made it look like an old VHS. Yes. From here it was. It was fun. It's a good book. Yeah. Grady Hendrix book. So here's a quick insert. I guess we're on the other side of the spectrum for right and Solow. It's 71 and 74. On Rotten Tomatoes. Well, that's about probably where we would all land. I mean, if you and I were sitting with a group of horror people, we'd be the three people who didn't like the film. You're making assumptions about whether or not I'd like this movie I have not seen but most likely I probably would not so well, I just caught up on lower decks and I and madly in love with that show. They went to Deep Space Nine. And oh my god, I was just I was probably the worst person to watch this with. Because the whole time I'm like, that's like the guy who like sits there and he dies and have a funeral and like a little like painting of him later. Oh, that person like that's the baseball and what they have this baseball team that they formulated. Going constantly. It was bad. It was really bad. But I loved the snot out of it. So I think anyone who is a Star Trek nerd like this is it's like manna from heaven. They answered one of the great we're Questions of the purpose of having a bar or something like that when you have replicators all over the entire ship, with quarks, special replicator that he built? Yeah. Well, that's clever, because he did something to modify it so it could make things that nobody nobody else could make. Yes. Yeah, totally. And I do like that he like created a franchise. It's like finally way to go. And like all the actors too. I was like, that's actually cork. That's actually Nerys. And this reminds me to ask you, Vanessa. We all have a mutual friend, Seth them Sherwood Yeah. And he and I have been going back and forth privately on all of the mid journey art and stabled fusion and stuff. But he posts some of his stuff in a different way than I do and mocks them up as possible TV shows that may have happened and everything and one of them was a Star Trek show. Oh, no, really. Well, I never knew about this. And I was like, I can't tell if she's joking or not. Because it's it was a Star Trek series that didn't make it off the air that star to Elvis and Tina Louise from Gilligan's Island. And I understood exactly what was going on. But I was wondering if you really thought that was a possibility. I mean, come on. This shit happens all the damn time. I really, I don't know anything about Elvis besides what I've seen in that one movie. Everything about Star Trek. That's why I was surprised. Because I was like, Oh, that's a big nerd. And he's smart. And I was like, Oh, cool. Okay, like he must have come home. Dammit. Like, well done. Seth. You Really Got Me. I did think the art was kind of weird. There was a couple of pieces that were posted. That was like that doesn't. That seems like a weird piece of art for that era. But well, so here's exactly what I was talking about at the beginning. Yeah, he was able to post some images that look like they were like TV Guide type images and stuff like that. Yeah. And they're believable enough. Believe it or not? He is a professional writer. Yeah. So me being you know, tricked. He a professional writer making a professional sounding writing post. Maybe, maybe, maybe it's maybe it's fine. Maybe it's fine. I didn't know he had I or you know, messaging back and forth because we send each other various images. And he says, I may have to apologize to Vanessa, because my post seriously, I was like, please tell me where this post. Oh said. I mean, yeah, he should really apologize. though. I'm not a huge Elvis fan. So I'm not like broken up about it. I was mostly like, oh, Elvis almost had an opportunity to be on Star Trek. That sounds like 1000 Very common Hollywood stories where 1000 people almost did 1000 things. So there you go. Yeah. I have so many feelings, right. Reading whatever. It's fine. I've got lower decks, which is great. I actually watched that sometimes gone. I know there's a reference or I don't get Yeah, maybe I should ask. There was the one I did not get in that was I knew is something but the baddies from that episode. Like I was like, I know, I've seen you guys in fucking something. But I cannot remember which episode you're from. It doesn't matter. I got plenty out of it. I can't wait to talk about our films this week. Because I have a Star Trek reference in mind, believe it or not. Ooh, that's exciting. Oh, the other one I watched, I think was probably shutter as well. Sole Survivor here to this one from the 80s You are the second person to tell me they watched that this week. And I was like, this movie has been around for years. Why is everybody watching it again? Well, cuz shutter put it on, I guess, added it. And I hadn't seen it before. So I'm watching this gone. Oh, well. Boy. I know some filmmakers that saw this. No, it's I haven't seen it since like 87 or something. Basic storyline is there is a plane wreck and one person survives. And the rest of the movie. People keep showing up and falling around to trying to kill her. But what were you saying? What filmmakers saw that? There's another film where people die. Oh, okay. I thought you were talking about like angles and stuff like that. Okay, the storyline and the MO says a lot. It follows there's a lot of it follows to it with the way that people see my smile go after her. Oh, yeah. Interesting. So as watch, she's going definitely Final Destination borrowed from this one. And you mentioned earlier about something he watched that had a person who didn't like in the role of a smile. And that's part of the problem with this movie. The sole survivor is somebody who's gone Maybe somebody else should live to that plane. Yeah, cuz she is just neutral. She plays this weird neutrality almost the whole film, which is like might have been a weird decision by the director and her to be I'm supposed to be dead so I'm going to be kind of dead inside or something. Maybe that was a choice. But yeah. And she she following her in the story made it a little less interesting because it's like I'm just watching the story I'm not watching to see what happens to this hero in her journey. Oh my god invested but it's interesting. Yeah, I remember not I mean, I don't remember much of the movie except for the plot and I remember not being impressed though. Way back then. That's too bad. That sounds like a rippin plot Well part of the reason I watched his a few posts I saw people just going off on how much they liked it check it out. And they're that have I've noticed that a lot online oh my god, I figured out the secret thing in this movie. It's just like this movie here. Isn't that cool? And then they liked the movie more specifically because they found some hint to another movie in it. Interesting. Well cool. Okay, how about we take a break guys and then when we come back we are talking universal horror looms over turtle mania in only one rat can stop it through the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universal monster. Each Master Splinter has been observed 100 outfits the hat gloves and leather jacket these weaponry which includes a hunters knife, crossbow and vampire snakes ready to encounter all the children of a knights What do you see Master Splinter Van Helsing doesn't have the full internals instead he makes them and trained him to fight to be ready with the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Universal Monsters masters interest comes with everything you'll see here the wicked crack festival streaming is Audrey yes we have returned Eric, I know that this was your sub genre pegs but for reasons that will become obvious later, we're going to switch things up and I'm going to start this discussion. Sounds good? Because I know why. That is the only reasonable That's right. So I wanted to choose something that wasn't considered one of the main big classics and there was one I had seen a while ago that I remember liking and I decided to watch it again. And I was right I liked it. It is called werewolf of London. It was seen as the only specimen of the metaphase of plant in England. That is the only known antidote for waivable free a very interesting folktale I love no value to the police. I want is there unless you secure this plant there will be an epidemic that will turn London into a shambles when Mike experiments are completed I will show the results to the entire world. Not before remember this Dr. Glendon the werewolf instinctively seeks to kill the thing it loves best you brought this only that night in Tibet for I can't sell this with you. Talk about what the hell in this movie. This is from 1935 budget of 195,000. box office was not available but in the notes that I was reading. It was called a disappointment. Beautiful Rotten Tomatoes critics have it at 77% and the audience has it at 45%. It is directed by Stuart Walker who has 12 credits including man had Moon Great Expectations and the eagle and the hawk. And it was written by John Colton, who has 33 credits including the invisible rate the she Wolf and forbidden hours. Fan I wonder in the 40s What was forbidden about these hours, a small glass of wine chef starring Henry hole 115 credits he was in The Great Gatsby thunder over the plains and master of the world if you guys see Messer the world with Vincent Price, it's a really cool fun little movie. Also starting Warner Oh land. He has 97 credits. He is an Asian actor. He played Charlie Chan and all the Charlie Chan movies of the 40s. He played foo Manchu and all the foo Manchu movies of the 20s. Oh, well. He's an Asian actor. He played a few minutes here. Yeah. And he was even in the movie. The Jazz Singer. was, you know the first talkie. So kind of cool. Also in this is Valerie Hobson. She had 49 credits. She was in great expectations with Henry Hall. She was also in shadows of the underworld and a title I have not seen but I love murder will out. Murder will out. Yes. Okay, have you guys seen werewolf of London? I think so. Okay, so we meet Wilfred Glendon not exactly your hero claim but that's what we used in 1935 Wilford Glendon he's wealthy and world renowned English botanist, who has journeyed to Tibet in search of the extremely rare plant that only blooms in moonlight. I'm sure that they told me what that plant was, but I apparently did not write it down. It was it wolfsbane No, no, no, this is not a real plant. Oh. I wonder I didn't do enough research to know if any plant actually blooms in moonlight. But it does not seem like something that could be possible to me. So while he's there, he finds the plant but he is attacked and bitten by a werewolf. Although it seems strange to me at first, but then I started doing research. They act like you know, they have no idea what this thing is that has bitten him and all of this stuff. And it's, it's kind of interesting once you get into it. So when he arrives back home in London, he is approached by another botanist he's at he's got this big party going on. And this thing is amazing because it's just a collection of all of his plants. And they are the creepiest, craziest plants in the world, though, you know, they feed a frog to this one lads. They're just, it's just amazing. It's all puppetry and everything really cool looking plants. I love this whole scene. This other botanist who shows up Dr. Yagami, who is Warner oland. He claims to have met Wilfred in Tibet while also seeking the plant. But Wolfers like, I don't remember you. And he's like, Well, we met at night. Like, this isn't an awfully big glue to give away so early. But anyhow, Yagami was also there searching for this elusive plant. And they both talked about the plants mythology. And they both got a sample of the plant. Wilfred isn't able to get his to bloom no matter what. And he even has this artificial moon light lamp, and he's pointed at this plant and nothing will happen. Yagami says that his plant died before he got it back to London. But he's telling him how important it is to get these because this plant can prevent werewolf ism. Oh, snap. And Wilfred kind of blows him off and says, you know, I stopped believing in that kind of stuff when I was about eight. And you're gone. He says, Well, I happen to know that there are at least two werewolves in London as we speak. And I'm like, Boy, these hands are so hard. But there's also something about it that maybe just love it. Because Wilfred is just like no idea what you're talking about. He also says that this is very important. He warns Wilfred that the bite of a werewolf will cause a person to become a werewolf. And oh, here's the the plant adding that the mera fossa is a temporary antidote for the disease. And Wilfred he's like you know, whatever. I don't believe you but nice to meet you. You know stop by anytime. And then of course, he's continued working on his stuff. And it's interesting under the moon that lamp, the artificial moon light lamp that he has, he starts turning into a wearable, the arms on his so hairs on his arm start sprouting and everything and he's like, What the fuck? But he's also seeing that his artificial lamp is finally making the plant work. So he kind of takes like a petal from this plant and he rubs it on his arm and the hair goes away. So it's like oh, In this, it's all true. Wow. But the next time he is in the full moon, I wish I had done some spacing when I printed this out let's see if that the first full moon, okay, the transformation comes again with the next moon. And this happens to coincide with a party that he is with his wife at. And she's also met up with a former childhood sweetheart of hers and everything but she's starting to turn into a werewolf. So he can't really do any of the inner childhood sweetheart things. So he races back to the laboratory to get the blossoms to stop the transformation. But we find out that Dr. Yagami has snuck in there first. He is a werewolf as you might guess. Not only that he's one of the two werewolves in London he was talking about. Not only that, he's the werewolf that bit Willeford. And this is all shocking information. Yes. So he's stolen the only two blossoms from the plant, which means that Wilfred can't stop his transformation now, right? So I love the direction this takes because when Wilfred turns into a werewolf, he is a wolf man. And he, he dons a hat and a trench coat. Yeah, and it makes for a really striking looking monster that I absolutely want to steal the look for because he looks like a wolf, you can still see it's him under the makeup and everything. But he literally takes the time to put on a trench coat and a hat and goes out to murder. That's so good. Oh, so anyway, he he does his hat goat and ends up killing this innocent girl. And afterwards, he's just consumed by guilt. So he's pushing his wife away from him to keep her safe. And he's attempting to lock himself away whenever the moon is comes out, you know, even going to lengths of like going to a different town. But the problem is, the werewolf in him is smarter than he is about itself. So it knows how to get out of every trap he set for himself and stuff like that he escapes and keeps killing. So, so when Glendon finally realizes that Yagami is the other werewolf there is, of course, a lot of Werewolf and werewolf violence. And then after defeating his enemy, you think that that's going to be kind of the finish. But no, he goes to the House in search of his wife because as Yagami told us in the beginning of the film, I love this still, the werewolf instinctively seeks to destroy that which it loves the most. Ah, oh my. So it's, he's going after his wife. And it's got a nice solid little ending. I am not going to tell you about it. But it's probably not that big of a stretch to figure out how this ends. But I will say I think I might just like this movie a little bit more than the Wolfman. So some trivia on this. This is the movie that came up with everything we know about werewolves, and it made it up completely. The idea that being bitten by a werewolf makes one a werewolf that's from this movie, the first time that had ever happened that a werewolf changes under the full moon is from this movie. And that werewolves were wolf slash man hybrids that could walk on their hind legs and everything that is from this movie, all of this stuff was completely made up in folklore, one becomes a werewolf deliberately by practicing witchcraft and can change into a wolf at anytime desired. A full wolf not this half human wolf thing. However, this film's mythology and that of others after it heavily influenced pop culture views of werewolves to the point that these are now regarded as official mythology. Oddly enough, the concept of a werewolf changing in the light of the full moon was dropped in universals next such film The Wolfman, only to be revived in Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman in 1943. So that's intense. They're still trying to figure out their mythology with these films and I love that. I love that it was that recent the opening scene in Tibet was filmed at Vasquez Rocks north of Los Angeles is very, very familiar looking to anyone who is a Star Trek fan. It is the rock outcropping from where Captain Kirk rolls of Boulder down trying to kill the gourd in Star Trek The Original Series arena. Yeah. Big Boulder and this one will offend Vanessa. When when Wilfred is conversing with the Tibetan villagers. In the beginning of the film, the actress playing the villagers are actually speaking Cantonese, not Tibetan, and whole is just muttering gibberish Oh, I pulled this one out for that response. Oh, I mean, me personally, I just feel really awful. I mean, what a terrible choice to make as a human being. There you go. I remember when I said I had some information on the werewolf hell, the Helen this movie is awesome. It's really creepy and everything and it turns out that the werewolf how used in this film is a combination of Henry holes own voice howling, and a recording of an actual Timberwolf. The result is generally thought of a far more realistic result than in any subsequent werewolf films, including The Wolf Man, that's my movie werewolf of London Fidesz I'm really curious what your movie is. Well, since you really prefer your film to the wolf, man, it's very fitting that I am doing 1941 The Wolf Man. The way Johnny Williams was killed by something. animal tracks whoever is bitten by a werewolf and leaves becomes a werewolf himself. I don't have any that you're just wasting your time. It will meet you didn't he? Yeah, yeah, he did. You wouldn't want to run away with a murderer would you? Not you know you. I kill beta. I killed Richardson. If I stay here any longer you can tell the movie next. Never heard of it. Shocking shot. You know what? I have not seen hardly any universal movies. So I have a lot of catching up to do so I am choosing the first time. The first time we're seeing this movie. Wow. Yeah. So I was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna explore a few things that I've been waiting to check out. So this film is pretty well regarded 90% Rotten Tomatoes from critics 80% from audience, people love it because of course they do. The budget was 180,000. And it actually was a huge success. It made just over 1 million from what I could find in the research, but these numbers are pretty hard to dig up. So it's directed by George Wagner. He's done 60 films including films like man made monster and Frisco sell lots of TV like Batman TV series Man from UNCLE in 77 episodes of Sunset Strip, written by Kurt soI swip Mack, who's been he wrote 81 different things. He's a German kind of sound like you're talking in the red room and Twin Peaks. That was really cool. It was unintentional. He was originally hired. This German writer was originally hired as an extra for Fritz Lang's Metropolis because he was doing a story on him as a reporter. And then he kind of fell into the world of film. He's written Invisible Woman, invisible agent, Invisible Man returns a lot of invisible. I walk zombie Frankenstein Meets Wolf Man, son of Dracula Lady of the monster and the Monster House of Frankenstein and bride of Gorilla, starring Lon Chaney, Jr, who has been in 195 things, but apparently never thought of himself as very famous, which is interesting. He's the son of the silent film star at Lon Chaney who played phantom in Phantom and opera found fame in Of Mice and Men went on to be in movies like high noon, a lot of monster movies and was the only actor to play all of the monster versions of himself in the Universal Pictures. So anytime they had the Wolfman out it was always Lon Chaney Jr. Also starring Claude Raines who plays his Yeah, definite father, Sir John Talbot. I'm sorry. He's like four feet shorter than him and he's British. They're not related. Also, he's gotta be if you close an age to him. Probably they're not I mean, they they made it Harold white, so I don't know, but he's been 78 things including the Invisible Man. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Casablanca Adventures of Robin Hood, now Voyager, notorious femoral opera and five episodes of Hitchcock's Alfred Hitchcock Presents. And of course, Bela Lugosi. 115 credits. Dracula, Black Cat island lost souls Glen or Glenda. And of course plan Nine from Outer Space was his final film. So yeah, this story is pretty on the nose. We start out with a highlighted dictionary definition of Lucky Anthropy which says werewolf ism a disease of the mind in which human beings imagine their Wolfman. According to an old legend, which persists in certain localities, the victims actually assume the physical characteristics of the animal. There's a small village near Talbot castle. Wonder where he's gonna go, which still claims to have had gruesome experiences with the supernatural creature. The sign of the werewolf is a five pointed star. Larry returns to his father's estates in Wales, so Larry's our main character, and in Wales, I'm glad I looked it up because I spent most of the film trying to figure out where the hell they were. Because his dad is English. Everyone else is American, except for a few randos, who are also English. I'm like, And Larry's American is book we're in and all the street signs are like German, like they all have like the hanging German, like old timey style. So I was like, I'm sorry, this person has never been to Wales. Or or America, it seems. So. After he returned to his father's estate in Wales, after the death of his brother who died in a hunting accident, he's super estranged from his family. It's been 18 years since he's been there. But his father greets him with open arms. And he's like, Hey, you haven't been here a long time. But I love ya. Come on in. It's very British. And he's like, cool. I'm really tall, and I will stand near you. His father is super into science. But he's also like the running the town. I don't really understand how these roles work. But he's like some estate Land, land. I hierarchy, guys. So everyone's like, he's like the king, but not of the town. Anyway, so everyone looks up to him. But he's really into science, as I think a hobby. And he asks Larry to help him with this big telescope up in the attic, which is the coolest attic I've ever seen. It's got these huge glass panels. And of course, like Larry does not care about the actual looking through the telescope. But he's really into building it because he's good with his hands. He's a working man. And his father is like, yeah, take a peek. And this is considering the size of the telescope. This is the crappiest telescope ever. All you can see is across the street in like, you know, like a wide shot. I'm like you guys, this is a big telescope for such a poor view. But it does mean he has the perfect view of being able to see the hot girl who lives above the antique shop. He gets really smitten really quickly and immediately goes over there. And her Gwen, the beautiful antique shop runner person. So he goes in there starts to flirt with her and he says I want to buy a pair of earrings. And she's like, oh, what kind and he's like, I want these ones with this crescent moon. And all odd, I wonder and a little sparkly blah, blah, blah. And she's like, we don't have anything like that here. And he's like, Yeah, but you do in your room. And she's like, huh, not creeped out at all. This girl does not have the correct instincts. He starts describing different things in her room and she's like, how do you know this? He's like, I'm psychic baby. She's like, okay, and he's like, Well, I guess I'm gonna buy this cane. And she shows him different canes to buy and he's still flirting with the earth. He's like, Yeah, how about this one, he grabs one with US Silver Wolf head. And she explains to him about werewolves. I should point out that this film spend so much time explaining what werewolves are, I think across it, no less than six times is the werewolf explained. And three times the exact same poem is read about werewolves in a 15 minute slot. So this is all about telling and not showing this film very heavily. Isn't that so anyway, he asks her out finally and he buys the cane. It's got a silver head that's not relevant. And she says no. Which means yes, so it's fine. He shows up for her at her work at 8pm for the dates, and she has brought along a friend named Jenny. They are I decide he's a little disappointed by this but decided to go off and get their fortunes ride by this gypsy who's come into town, Glen and Larry of course peel off as soon as they get to the fortune teller as Jenny is getting her fortune read, because basically they want to go flirt in the woods. It's all dark and spooky and there's a lot of mist but they don't seem to mind because they're busy staring in each other's eyes. And that's when Gwen tells Larry that she's engaged. So that's good for him. But obviously, sparks are flying. Meanwhile, Bela Lugosi, who plays Bella the Gypsy eats the fortune for Jenny. And he sees on her palm a pentagram. He then yells at her to run home and sure enough, she's like spooked out starts running through the woods and all of a sudden she's off screen screaming. So Larry then takes off after her and finds this big wolf that we only kind of see the shadows of and beat it to death with his silver cane. He of course gets hurt in the scramble he gets bitten by the sage and hands up kind of all torn up and laying on the ground when the gypsy woman comes up and helps Gwen basically get him back to the house. The next day, it is discovered that the fortune teller Bela Lugosi and is dead. And there is no dead. Josie is dead because he is dead. Wow. It's not in fact, the wolf. In fact, there is no wolf and this car that he says he got from the bite is gone. Things start to get weird for him as the gypsy woman warns him that. Basically, yo, you're gonna be a wolf now, you killed my son, he was Wolf, as Okay, he was really tortured, but I am worried for you, and it's gonna get bad. And here's a special pendant to wear around your neck to help you. He's like, You're so full of crap. And then he gives the pendant to one because he's like, this is for your safety and I'm still flirting with you. Meanwhile, the whole town starts gossiping about him and how these murders have only started when he showed up. And of course Jenny's mother is especially pista him because instead of hanging out with her daughter and making sure she was okay, he was off flirting with engaged woman in the woods. How inappropriate. So the next night, of course, funnily enough, he becomes full Wolf. We know this because his legs get very free. And then he's in full clothes. I love these silly as buttoned up shirt and his pants with his belt on and he's like stalking around in the woods like, dude, okay, this is the silliest shit ever, but that's okay. It's, you know, cool. And he goes off and he murders a grave digger. And then he walks around super awkwardly in his clothes. The next morning, he sees a bunch of muddy wolf prints all over his room and a hunting party is formed to go and kill this wolf that is on the loose killing all these people. He he then starts to kind of feel like maybe something is actually happening. And the hunting party goes out to the woods and starts setting up all these traps. Next night, he goes out and gets caught in a trap, and then decides to fall asleep because that's what you do when you're caught in the trap. Gypsy woman shows up and helps him she does a little spell on him, he transforms back into being a person. And she's like, Yeah, you got to this is bad. You got to be better at this. And he's like, ooh, um, so it's confusing my life. So stumbles back home, and he decides he's got to run away, he, he does not want to be hurting people. And he especially does not want to hurt when, which when he holds her hand sees the pentagram, which means she's the next to die. So, which is kind of sort of explained to us but not really. So he asked his father to please for the love of God, send him away and his and his dad instead is like, do this is all in your head, get over it. I'm British and improper and you need to get your shit together. So he ties him up to a chair and locks him in his room and says, you'll be fine. I have to go. I've got a big exciting thing to do. And he's like, Could you at least take my silver cane if you're going to go on the woods? So of course, that night, should he escape again? Oh, my God. I think he just might. Will the hunting party be out there? Also looking for him? I think they might will the hunting party include his father. I think it does is when there for literally no reason whatsoever. She is. She of course is running around in the woods for some unknown reason. And the dad is like, there's literally men with guns and is foggy and you need to go home and she's like, No, but it's important I find leery and instead she is caught by the big wolf. And as he's about to rip her throat out, she passes out and that's fine. And then his father comes in beats him to death with a cane you guys have seen This movie, so you know, he turns back into a human and everyone sees that it was true. He was a waterfall. Um, it was beauty that killed the different film. Um, yeah, this is a film. It's just so it just spends so much time telling you over and over and over again what's up and that's extremely infuriating. I was so frustrated trying to figure out where things were taking place between the English accents, the American accents, the German shops and the Roma visiting town. It was very confusing. It was beautiful. It is a gorgeous movie. I love the sets, the foggy trees, the Moors, which is fine Wales, whatever. Actually a set. I've just figured all the show was shot on a set somewhere it is that okay, yeah, but that's not taking place anyplace. You're good. I know. You're right. You're right. I shouldn't think of the fact that they're definitely not anything like that, necessarily. I mean, maybe we'll have someone who knows. It's fine. So, but it's beautiful. It is really gorgeous. Um, the the actual monster makeup. I think it's neat in that they shadow him in such a way that there's always shadow lines covering his face. So you don't get the full on like this guy looks ridiculous effect. It's definitely it feels a little goofy. But you know, it's a film from the 40s. And they're figuring their shit out. As Kelly mentioned, this is only their second wearable film. So they'll maybe it'll get better. And from what Kelly was saying only the second piece about these kinds of werewolves in this form, like no previous books, nothing to draw from, probably why they felt the need to explain everything. Totally. Yeah. And there's there's a little bit out there. Like there is a book that existed that set up a little bit of this, but I'll get into that in the trivia, but most of the stuff was invented by by Kelly's film. There were there was a good quote, though, from his dad who's yelling at the police who are trying to figure this murder out. He says you police are always in such a hurry. As if Dead men don't have all of eternity, which is good. Like, I was a little frustrating to watch how torture Larry was for the whole thing. He just runs around being like, I'm confused. I'm a man's man. And I don't understand this witchcraft. It's kind of silly. I wish the telescope was better. This isn't the best werewolf movie I've seen. However, it's got a lot of cool things going on with it in general is very pretty. And I do wish the how though, was sunk to his mouth at all. He just randomly stands there off on the side and you hear a big he's just stood there with his lips shut. I'm like, is that you? Is there someone else out there? Is there another one? I gotta ask you. Did you just conjugate sync? S Y and Z as sunk in the past tense. Maybe only synced? Well, you know, look, I'm in post production. We don't get to talk to anybody. Oh, all right. Exactly. I wouldn't have thunk so a little bit. Yeah. Bela Lugosi actively campaigned for the lead role. Everyone's gonna know this already. Anyway, Bela Lugosi actively campaigned for the lead of this role and ended up playing a minor supporting role University originally planned to have this project B started by its normal superstar Boris Karloff. And then instead, Dick foreign was originally cast, but he was replaced one week before filming began. So this was a real switcheroo of who was going to end up playing this role. Jack P. Pierce achieve the wolf man's iconic makeup primarily with rubber nose and yak hair. And he singed a curling iron attached to Oh, yeah, Kara was singed with a curling iron which was attached to launch and engineers face, arms and legs was spirit gum, it took six hours to apply and three hours to get off. He does not go through the facial transformation until pretty much the very, very end of the film. And it's kind of a backwards transformation. It's just really his feet that goes through it. So but when he does show the time lapse, it takes 10 hours to shoot because they have to like shoot a little he goes off and they put like something about glass plates over his face that they paint on to figure out like where the makeup was at what point and then it's yeah, it's kind of interesting. The wolf that Larry tell bot fights originally was actually Lon Chaney, juniors own German Shepherd. The Wolfman battled a bear in one scene, but unfortunately, the bear ran away during filming. I don't know where it went. They filmed this in a studio like the Kool Aid man Well, a few scenes were filmed were put in the theatrical trailer but not in the film itself. Unfortunately for Evelyn anchor she had a pretty awful time filming this movie. She plays the love interest one. So not only did she like get chased by the same bear that escaped up a ladder and had to wait there until she could be rescued by an electrician. She also fainted in the Missy ground scene during the fog bit because the fog fumes were so intense, and she passed out. Unfortunately, no one knew she passed out nor did they know where she passed out. And she was unnoticed by the director and the crew, who were concentrating on another aspect of the scene. She remained there unnoticed until the studio technician began breaking down the set that evening. Oh my god. Yeah. Oh, she also had difficulty working with Lon Chaney Jr, who was seriously pissed that she was given his dressing room. The studio was punishing him by giving her the dressing room because he vandalize the studio property while drunk. The actor would constantly or irritate her nicknaming her she anchors for the term shanking aka the homemade knifelike weapon fashioned in prison for being a backstabber. And while playing, he would constantly play juvenile practical jokes on her like sneak up on her in full makeup and scare her. So he's kind of a dick from everything I was reading, not like the sound of this guy. And Kurt Suezmax original script for the film whether or not Lawrence Talbot really underwent physical transformation to become a werewolf was really just, or if it was actually in his mind was left super ambiguous. But when it became official screen, we're gonna definitely do this. They went ahead and said, Nope, we need the audience to know what's happening. And we're not going to leave anything back. The scripts of the Wolf Man was also influenced by his experiences with Nazi Germany. He was living a normal life in Germany only to of course, be thrown into chaos and have himself run on the run from the Nazis, who took control, much like Larry Talbot finds his normal life thrown into chaos, and himself on the run once he's turned into the werewolf, but on the flip side, it also works both ways because the wolf him and himself can be seen as a metaphor for the Nazis and otherwise good man who's transformed into a vicious killing animal who knows his next victim will be by the sign of a pentagram, a star on his victims hands. Many modern myths of werewolves originated of course from Kelly's film, but two from this one, which was the baits transferring from one world to another to create a new world, Wolf. No, that's from this movie, is it? Yep. Okay, well, IMDb likes me and being able to kill them with a silver bullet. Silver definitely came from the Wolfman, okay. However, some of this really was all based on this novel beast of Nevada, Nevada, and from the late 19th century, where it's set up quite a few of these initial kinds of things. But werewolf of London really like went through and made a lot more of them up. Hollywood then of course invented the idea of Werewolf being immortal so that I could bring the character back for SQL after sequel. The cathedral Larry and his father attend is the set of Hunchback of Notre DOM. It was in universals backlog for 20 years, Lon Chaney, Raisa that it premiered two days after Pearl Harbor and the studio was afraid that it was going to be panned since it was a horror film and they even cut it from being a double bill which they wanted to put it next to with the mad doctor of Market Street. Instead, the film became Universal Studios top grossing of 1942. And it produced many sequels, including Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman, a remake of course with Benigni Co. Del Toro and eventually rubedo re boot for universals dark universe where Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan or attached Dwayne Johnson was going to appear as a Wolfman. But then that fell apart. And now Ryan Gosling has been cast as a wolfman maybe currently Lee final who did the Invisible Man, the most recent Invisible Man movie, which was awesome, is currently set to work on it and it's in negotiations with Jason Blum as producer. Frankenstein wolf, the meat man. That's a very different style film. I think there's a lot going on someone from the 70s maybe experimental period of I just felt like saying that I don't have a wolf. There's no for mine might be a dog. You can't join our club. I'm a loner. So the film I talk about is 1943 and the universals Phantom of the Opera. Hear is all you've ever wanted and entertainment in one superb show here is matchless story suspenseful, terrifying. Never saw thrillingly presented. Here in breathtaking Technicolor is superb spectacle and splendor and romance. Here is a chorus of 100 voices, a ballet of 100 dancers, a test of 1000 Starring Nelson Eddie in his most vigorous performance, lovely Susannah Foster, and Claude Rains in the most coveted role of the year as the Phantom of the Opera. Just one I had not seen, I have to admit I have not seen this one either sort of sits on the the edge of there, I guess we'll include this one, right, especially after watching the released or Rotten Tomatoes has it at 76 Critics 77 crowds so pretty good. Well budgeted for the time at 1.5 million. Did well bow 1.5 Yeah. I'm curious if that's fully accurate. It could be because that's not outside the realm of possibilities for a film budget at that time. But it's boy, it's on the bleeding edge of high budget. I mean, mine was when I say 195,000 Yeah, mine was one ad. This is pretty elaborate. This is really a really elaborate film. That's directed by Arthur Lund. Lebon who's done Mr. Ed. Maverick. Hold that ghost. Spider Woman Strikes Back, plus 95 or 85 other films and TV shows you really want to see hold back ghost writer Eric Taylor, who's written the Spider Woman Strikes Back and son of Dracula, the Black Cat, and also writer Samuel Huffines. Stein and worked on Laura, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Wizard of Oz as uncredited Hans Jacobs who is in the ship of the dead, several Tarzan films and the land of smiles. And of course, a guest on the row who wrote the original book. Also star or starring in this film was Nelson Eddy. You might know him from the girl of the Golden West or the desert song a variety of other stuff. Suzanne for Foster has in detour, taught man and the hard boiled Canary Claude Rains. I remember that probably Casa Blanca, the Invisible Man, Robin Hood movies. Now Voyager he had a decent career. So you're probably all familiar with this film because of a Broadway musical more than anything else. I would think at this time Andrew Lloyd Webber's the Phantom you know what I had on my like CD player that I walked around with in high school and had on loop constantly. Yeah, just like my wife. But this was one of the few universal horror movies in color in the early years. So it was, which could also lead to that budget we're talking about. Start the film with a performance in the Opera House. And Christina is on stage in the chorus basically, and her loved one returned from a trip so of course being the 40 she runs off stage to greet him, instead of staying for curtain calls. It's a very elaborate song and they play the whole thing. It's like this did not go Well for me as far as the movie goes, because this ain't Andrew Lloyd Webber music, right? It's like woof, but a good opera. And of course, her her boyfriend on the side is kind of like, well, this has been fun for you for the last two years now time to quit. And she's like, No. So that was a nice difference that you might expect from the way those often went in that time period. But she also gets in trouble by the conductor, the crowd. Couple other people like fans that come up. It's a How did you why did you do your curtain call? Now we've got Henrique cleadon play by Claude Rains. So he is going to eventually become the Phantom. This is the first film I remember seeing a Phantom of the Opera where he is not the Phantom. Oh, wow. It starts with him being like a Normie. Yeah, it starts with him being his violinist in the court in the orchestra and is writing the composition that eventually leads to the trouble he has. But so the movies going wrong around without having the Phantom yet available. That's interesting. And then we've got another another scene of men telling her that she needs to ditch any man in her life so she can sing properly because you can't do both things. Well, oh my God, I know. You have to pick one or the other. He already does have the obsession with Christine though, as the violinist there, he gets fired and they're like, Well, you've saved lots of money you've made lots of money over your lifetime you're fine but he doesn't have any money because he's been secretly paying for her voice lessons. So he is already well gone obsessed with her even though he's not the vendor yet. So be then tries to sell the piece which of course the just like you see in the Phantom movies, the guy ends up stealing and not going to pay him for it. So he gets in a fight with him and gets acid thrown on his face. For some reason this office in a publishing house has some kind of thing going on that they have a bin of acid while sitting around. I mean that's how publishing works. That's how OSHA works. But, but he did kill the guy, so I guess he already got a little bit of revenge oops. Band jam a bunch of stuff in one scene with people complaining about already committing the murder people stealing stuff I ghost in the opera and a friend. And finally the one of the guys yells my master key has been stolen. Now someone will have access to every room in the opera that have been the love triangle is now set up between her returning soldier buddy who's now a police officer and her leading man on the stage kind of leading man he's sort of I think he's he's kind of a leading man but he's also sort of involved in the opera has his role is kind of ambiguous but they throw the silly humor bits into this one with the two of them going back and forth with each other and please know you go out the door first. No, I go out the door and then they run into each other in the Dark Ages. Exactly. Hilarious a interesting ensued. But it's actually kind of fun, and it fits this this is probably the least horror horror from from universals early movies. Again, let me reiterate the music from Andrew Lloyd Webber's is much better as a return to another song and separate this is the one where she makes her debut because of the lady getting sick and all that and of course she spectacular. blows the house away and everybody's like wow, but phantoms not they're thrilled with that one. Like you should sing for me. For me he doesn't do that. Make it that call. The mask is kind of different than the masks are used to that half mask that Lon Chaney used and then Andrew Lloyd Webber use this is like a Batman Cal almost it's about down to just above his mouth and it covers both sides of his face. And of course, while they're worried about catching him they're setting up the thing to catch the guy and they've got we're going to have policemen wandering around and the the head of the police department goes and galleys Secret Service guy, he's min undercover he's gonna go greet all of them. And then on stage, they've got a bunch of masks people to watch the stage. But guess what, there's three or four matching masks to what the Phantom or what could happen. And boy the other set of masks those are not going to show up nowadays. They're doing something with looks like a gang Gus Kahn story. I don't know the opera at all. I don't know if his original to this or if there really is a gang has caught up out there. But all the white guys are wearing masks that are, shall we say, have a certain aesthetic in the design and coloring of the mask? That doesn't really look quite right. Let's see, this is what year 19? Oh, we're at war with Japan? Uh huh. Exactly, yes. And that shows in the way these things are designed. So like if you've ever seen the old Warner Brothers cartoons, when they show the Japanese fighter pilots and stuff, it kinda looks that direction. I mean, it's really cool. Wow. But I did notice that they're doing a piece later earlier on the show for a dimension that one of the pieces they do is from Don Giovanni, and Mozart. That one I know for some reason. Of course, the plan doesn't exactly the way they think it's going to go. And they do the chandelier drop, which is really interesting how it shot. And that it looked like they must have just done a budget of about the chandeliers elaborate and falls and looks fine. But when it lands, they kind of show aftermath. But it's only like, not quite half of the chandelier. And it's the same exact shot every time. And when they show what should be the other side of the chandelier, it's cropped out. So I'm like, I must have just built a small portion of this and that everybody running around going. But seems a relatively violent version of it because it falls right on the crowd. And the middle of the performance so it's packed. And you can see where the money is spent in this film. The costuming is impressive and incredibly well done. Like I said, it's in Technicolor, so it looks a little weird. Technicolor remastered is a sheeny. This was blu ray level. So it's did it release as black and white and then later become this was released in color and its original run overall. And then finally, the operator pretty much no hot ends, but the staging at the end goes back to where they do a nice twist with Christine's character. And the two goofy guys are courting her can end up being one of the more entertaining parts of the movie because they've got at least three scenes together, where they play off each other and are obviously having a lot of fun. And the movie ends on a joke of the two of them. So whoever was putting the movie together goes, Well you know these are this is kind of the best part. But it's it's a fun film. It's entertaining. It was not one I like well could have skipped this. It is not done as a scary movie. The reveal of the Phantom is not anything really disturbing. No, no, it's there and she goes oh that stuff but it's not. It's not like the long Cheney one which was incredibly well done or some subsequently one certainly not like the 1980s version right with Robert England. That one's really violent if you haven't seen it. taglines in flaming Technicolor it will live in your memory forever. The picture is everything romance in the shadow of Senators Senate Sturt Suspense music that mounts to thrilling rapture suspense, opera with death at every performance, no. Awesome, which doesn't technically have but sounds good. Mammoth spectacle spectral terror. A story the world can never forget becomes the most lavish, romantic spectacle of our time. See, I'm really just one more. It's a short one. thrill to the crashing of the gigantic Sun chandelier phantoms crumbling catacombs of horror, ravishing beauty at a madman's mercy terror as the Phantom is unmasked stampede of panic stricken 1000s Well, there's always stricken so many. There's half your poster. Originally, the movie was actually considered to be a comedy they're gonna have Abbott and Costello racks to the two characters that have all the comedies I'm guessing they would have elaborate they would have made their parts bigger and had those two guys play against each other but also consider casting Lon Chaney Jr. Because he's dad made the movie so famous and kind of sounds like a little bit I was able to read they like he's kind of a dick. So excited not schlubby guy. most unlikely leading man. Yeah, I was pretty surprised. I was like, Are you Like gonna have this guy because he's so tall and he's gonna be formidable Wolfman, Wolfman? No, he's just tall, in slacks as the Wolfman, he doesn't look like oh, they don't use his imposing presence. Anyway, the original skate script had Christine's father who has abandoned her and her mother in order to pursue a music career. But they decided to get rid of that and sort of left some of the obsession unexplained in the relationship between the two of them so I was like this was the first movie of its material to be filmed in Technicolor is much more free adaptation is not quite as accurate to the original as the silent picture was reused. The universals leopard replica of the opera for the neck from the 1925 film because you know, there are a lot more elaborate, and the silent eras here did all right with critical review. It was a box office success. It was the it was also the only universal horror film to win an Oscar for art direction and cinematography. It looks great, and it is incredibly well shot. So that's understandable. It was the first announced from Universal as a remake of the 1925 adaptation. Two or three years before it actually came about. It is first director was on board he wanted to cast Boris Karloff Surprise, surprise as the Phantom that would have been weird. I also feel the same way as Boris Karloff as the Wolfman would have appeared. But he was eventually fired. And Arthur was brought in to finish it off. That is the one version of phantom that they have. My favorite is of course, kiss meets the Phantom of the park. Brilliant, brilliant filmmaker, acting tour de force. So like I said, at the end of last episode, we're doing something fun here with October and we're talking about horror distribution, and all of that stuff. Production companies. So Vanessa, you got the next pick? Oh, well, you guys know I spent way too long in England. So how about we go with hammer? Course Hammer Films for our next pick? I love this. Yes. revisited. It's been a while since we did I hammer? Yeah, it has Yeah. And I've got that huge box set. So I gotta get through at least another one. I would like to remind people that you can go to the this amazing podcast called The Secret History of Hollywood. And that guy has done like, I think it's a six part series called a universe of horrors. And it's just, you know, the background on all of these universal horror films. Really, really cool podcast. So this is the part where I thank everybody for liking, sharing posts and participating in the value for value model. If you're not sure what the value for value model is, it's, if you're getting some kind of value out of this, go ahead and put some kind of value back. If your value is even, these fucking idiots don't know what they're talking about. You got something out of it. So feel free to let all your friends know that they need to check out this. Whatever you think of podcasts, right? It's amazing that it's an amazing part. But I just like to single out a couple of people who have reached out to me just recently, Andrew Byers, happy birthday, Andrew. Weil Wow, Mike the Bronzo Chris Grassi have been sending me various things in my private message your privates and my privates. All right. Okay, so before we take off, stay tuned for the end of the episode because Eric will have randomize the entries for the HP Lovecraft digital Pass, which will be as this episode comes out, it'll be the the next day that the Lovecraft film festival starts. And hey, everybody, how about a big congratulations and best wishes to our very own Vanessa Williams who will be married after this episode. Oh my god. Yay. I'm gonna borrow. Wow. Oh, yes, no, I love my man. It will be a great day. I am not a I'm an introvert. These are not fun experiences for introverts on certain levels. It's gonna be great bill. It's alright. That's the end of the show. Guys. We'll be back in seven short days and we are talking Hammer Horror, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of us. radio audience if you enjoyed this episode please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app sit we will set no I don't need to know about