Strange Aeons Radio


October 13, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 197
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Strange Aeons Radio
Oct 13, 2022 Season 4 Episode 197
Strange Aeons Radio

Congrats to Vanessa on her wedding, and the big reveal of her new last name!!! Also discussed: Blonde, Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon, Sorority House Massacre.

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Congrats to Vanessa on her wedding, and the big reveal of her new last name!!! Also discussed: Blonde, Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon, Sorority House Massacre.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Yeah, it hasn't been so over there. Yeah. All right. Hi. Good. I just realized I can not hear anybody very well. Okay, there we go. Okay. Oh, all right. Vanessa, congratulations on your wedding. Thank you. Oh, it was so good. Oh, good. Man, married. So far, so good. All right. They said it wouldn't last but here we are. I hear statistics. You know, here we have a peek behind the curtain because of the wedding. And because of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival, we are recording this episode prior to both of those events. Yes. And I have a question for you, Vanessa. Yeah. Are you keeping your last name? Or are you taking his last name? I'm keeping my name. Why? Why would you give? Would you change your last name? No, but I am, man. And you are a cool man. Well, I would expect you might take it is because of the name you do have in the context of pop culture world. It's a great, that's a there's so many answers to this. But first of all, like my my branding is actually not that Vanessa Williams. So my website is not that Vanessa Williams my email is not that Vanessa Williams and everyone I've worked with for the last 16 years knows me as Vanessa Williams, but not that one. So I kind of really need that. Regardless of whether or not I was secretly hoping it was something pretentious like this. Yeah, very, very much so and also like, a surprise to anyone listening. This is not my first rodeo. And I changed my name once before, and it fucking sucks. I do not recommend I mean, many girls like it, but I was not one of them. So I do not like having people call me something new. I didn't enjoy being somebody else's name. I don't enjoy the way people change the way they deal with you when you change your name. Yeah, yeah. Like they treat you like you no longer are you. They're like, oh, where's your husband? Oh, Where's so and so? Like, it's never you're not you don't have your autonomy anymore. So fuck that noise and good luck to anybody who, you know, it's I totally cool. Other people do it. That's awesome. I will not be doing it. Wow. Okay, Eric took his wife's last name. I you know, I've considered it. Because my last name is so unique. Margret, it's so common. It's just part of your brain to you don't want people to Oh my god. Did your did your wife take care? No, I didn't think so. She'll loves her family. She's like, I feel like it'd be separated from my family. I get it. I don't think that it's a choice that we all have to make now that it's not 1955 or whatever the fuck 55 how when you jump into the 80s for that one. I know. That's true. It's awful. Wait a second. I'm still trying to process this. Let me get my pen out. It's not 1955 Very good. Very good. Yes, yes. And my pencil here. All you have to know is you don't have to change anything about anything you weren't worried about. Normally life will resume just as it was. Okay. Welcome to that can of worms. You're welcome. No, I got exactly what I wanted out of this. Speaking of uptight women. Oh my god. I watching you right now. You'll have to pretend that I didn't go on with the show. Now the audience doesn't know if I'm gonna do it or not. It might happen. Maybe it already has. I watched on Netflix. The Marilyn Monroe biopic blonde. Oh, sure. Anyone else? No, no, I've heard it's just a happy tale of good time. It is one misery after another. It's a real it's a real shit show and I don't think it does her any justice. Ana de Armas is spectacular in it. If we What you want to see is her going through just agony after agony and traumatic experience after traumatic experience. It doesn't touch on any of the good parts of Maryland's life, or really any of the good parts of the good qualities of her personality. She was very funny, almost comedic actress. And there's just there's just none of that here. It's just every man who was awful to her and all of that stuff. And it's like, wow, this is a tough two hour and 10 minute watch. It's interesting that both the Elvis bio and this bio, Chu chose to ignore that these people actually had qualities that made people want to be around them, right being funny. Right? I mean, Marilyn was a very shrewd businesswoman. None of that is touched on. It's all she's dependent on men and men treat her horribly. Also, just technically speaking with the film, it plays with aspect ratio through the entire thing. So sometimes it feels the screen. Sometimes it's three, four aspect ratio. And I don't understand why. But I do know that every time it happened, it lodged in my brain that oh, this just happened. And I started wondering what they were trying to do by doing that instead of watching the movie. I don't know. I was really looking forward to this. I was the the weird teenager in the 80s that had a Marilyn Monroe poster on my wall opposite my Gene Simmons poster. People were very confused when they walked in your room, your Elvis poster. If I ever had an Elvis poster, but I had a lot of Elvis music. But yeah, so you know, I've read the books, and I haven't read the book this one is based on and I think I have heard that a lot of people have come out and said that this book was not very true to what was actually going on in her life anyway. But, you know, this has just been hyped up so much. And I was kind of looking forward to it. And now, it was really fucking depressing movie. Sounds awful. Totally skates over the fact that the Kennedys had her killed also anyway, does it include her post mortem? Sexual exploit? No. That's, I mean, if you're going to talk about just the miserable shit, you might as well end on the ultimate, you know, stamp on the way out. So I yeah, it's been a it's been a crazy couple weeks. So you know, I haven't had a lot of time to watch things. But I have been able to check out reservation dogs. And everybody saying how much they love this. It's pretty. I mean, I'm I got through season one and Partway into season two now. It's pretty good. I like it a lot. I think that they found some, you know, a named actors who are fantastic in this. It's got this weird, magical, surrealist stuff that kind of pokes its head in. And I don't know what the show is about, and because I don't, okay, and tell me what it is. So it's, um, a group of teenagers who are like, probably at the, you know, 1617 year old age, and they're living out on a reservation, and they all want to save money and runaway to Hollywood. They are sick of their lives and the weird reservation bullshit that they have to deal with all the time. And they're living in this kind of small town where you see a rotating cast of characters that they keep running across, and it's just like, really lovely. Like the cop who like none the other cops respect because he's like the reservation cop and he's actually Native American. And, but he thinks like Bigfoot is real. And he like he doesn't really arrest people so much is he just kind of like, picks them up and drives them where they need to go. And he's always like sleuthing, but he really cares about the like paranormal, like he doesn't actually care about what's going on in the town. So you get these like neat little characters or like this one guy who thinks he did like a good rain dance. And he's sure he's like a god now, but he's like, going around on his little scooter. Like from place to place. It's, it's just really lovely and has such personality and such great character development in it, that the teens are not the only thing to watch the show for, like these other characters are great. But in the meantime, you also have this sort of magical element where there is a spirit guide for one of the teens who is this kind of pudgy Native American guy who just walks around a loincloth, and he's like, always, like eating Cheetos, and like, giving him really bad advice, and he, like died in a really unheroic way. And it's just yeah, it's, it's really good. I highly recommend it. It sounds like a like a feel good show. It's definitely got it's gonna feel good moments. It's got a lot of like, it's a very low tone. So it's not, you're not gonna get like a lot of musical scores or like high moments, a lot of people just talking to each other and interacting with each other. So I think it feels good, but some people might find it boring or, or weird, but I really liked it. I need to check this out. I think you should at least watch one episode, you'll know immediately after one episode. That one annoying thing though is the writer whoever the writer is of this loves to use the term shit ass it for everything. And so no matter who they are talking to, someone will insult somebody by calling them a shit ask no matter who they are. It can be like a rich white lady. It can be like the person working behind the desk somewhere. It does not matter. Somebody will say it and it always sounds weird to me. Side note, somebody has told me there has introduced me to the beauty of mixing up your typical cursing and stuff like that. So you know, I used to love Go fuck yourself. But I have learned the beauty of an insult like go shit yourself. So maybe that's what's going on with that. It could be it. I mean, it's like yeah, it's ridiculous. I mean, how can you ever ask without a ship or something? Yeah. Yeah, there's so shit. For a reason. Oh my god. Alrighty, continuing on my quest to watch all the slasher films I didn't watch in the 80s. sorority house massacre. Oh, man. Wow. Yes, it's fine. I think I've seen this. Maybe I can tell you right now your level of remembrance of it probably wouldn't be very high. It's, it's fine. This is not a guy with a big drill. No, that was a slumber party. Is this more recent? No, no, this is I think it was a remake of it though. Maybe I've seen the remakes either. There's also remade a slumber party massacre. I believe. I didn't watch in my watching of the four of those. Maybe I should sometime but I don't know. It's more about watching this stuff. Because i When my horror when I was younger, did not go towards the slasher films, right. I did not watch a lot. A lot of these. Going back and giving it a shot. And this was one that I gave a shot to. Um, good. Beautiful. Man. October is a fun month for you, Eric. I should say the months leading up to and 100 days things is tough. Um, somewhere in the 30s I think so. I don't think I'm gonna come remotely close to 100 I'm gonna I'm gonna try to do my 30 days and that's that's already a slog. Time to go. Yeah, should have to already. Well, I'm gonna count. I'm gonna count smile as one because I did see it at midnight. So don't count that. But it's October and I guess I watched to yesterday, the Wolfman. If you haven't seen it, it's new to you. Exactly. Shoot. I'm gonna count those. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good to go. Nice. I saw movie called Mona Lisa and the Bloodmoon. Any? Nothing? No, no. Brand new. It's directed by the Iranian female director who did a girl walks home alone at night. Yeah, she's in prospect actually has an actress. Okay, so this is probably the best of her films I her films have been I kind of been like, and like parts of them. And I don't like all of them. And this film was a little bit like that. Also, it's about this girl who escaped from a mental institution. But she's being kept there. Because she has some kind of psychic power, she can kind of stare at you and make you do what she wants you to do. And I, I like that kind of idea. And then plot and all that stuff and pulls it off pretty well. It's not. It's not great. And it's got a kind of, I don't know, an ending that I didn't love. But I liked a lot of what was going on with it. And I think this is sort of third film. No. And I feel like every film is better than the last. Yeah, she is on a trajectory to make something spectacular, I think. Oh, that's great. I'm really glad to hear that. I wasn't a huge fan of a girl walks home alone at night. Although I know people love that movie. Yeah, it's it's a little slow. Slow can Yeah, it felt like a little pompous to accept but you know, it's cool. Yeah. Cool, man. Well, like an arthouse horror film. Yeah, yeah, this one does not feel arthouse see at all. Oh, really? Yeah, that title. Yeah, the title. But yeah monnalisa in the blood, man. Nice. I love that. Okay. Well, I am caught up. Now I think hopefully on andorre Oh, I'm more. I really like it actually. I mean, it's, I totally see what you're talking about with the, or I think you guys were talking about with the Blade Runner feel to it. But look, I guess I felt it was more like a Battlestar Galactica. Oh, really? That were the newer battles? Yeah. But I thought that this new episode, you know, or the I guess the last couple episodes have taken a serious tone that had some really interesting things going on with it. So I liked it a lot more than the prior episodes. Um, I just feel like all around. It's been a much better series than say Obi Wan for directing, especially the action sequences has been off the hook. And like, considering they couldn't make Obi Wan's fight with Darth Vader in a construction zone, I guess, come across very well. This just had a warehouse with some chains and some like hanging things. Yeah. And they just slot that is like intense and stressful and wonderful. And the two characters barely move. And it's still like on the edge of your seat for it. So, um, yeah, I just yeah, there's a lot in here that I'm really liking. I'm interested to see where they decide to go with this. I like that. It's a little bit more of a darker tone. Yeah. That's I'm like, Yeah, you murdered someone that's rough for you, huh? Good job. I thought there was I mean, you know, Star Wars, as these series now are known for dropping in guests and all of this stuff. So I'm like, Okay, are we gonna see a Vader appearance in this? Or I thought, you know, at one point Ander mentions that he was on min ban. And that was a scene that solo had. And I was interesting to see a little well, I mean, from the original film he was working with Laurence Fishburne wasn't me. Know which film for Rogue One. Because it's the same character you're thinking of saga or something like that. Yeah, that's I can't think of his name. I can think of his i that guy from the shield and Yeah, but that actor I was wondering whether or not like he might show up. Or we might say, Yeah, we might see something like that. I think and when the reveal. I mean, I looked at the cast. So when they had the reveal of like their heavy hitting star who is this guy who's gonna come and buy a thing from him. I was like, okay, Skarsgard Oh, I will. I was I always like seeing him and stuff. I had to actually IMDb the show, because I was like, Well, that looks like him but it doesn't quite look like because he's played like super fat and reasonably but he's not Yeah, he's he's a pretty healthy dude. Yeah, but do you know what it's like for Spinnaker? Thank you. Yeah. First Whitaker. He's in huge, huge demand now dog right. I don't know that one. I know Samurai. Samurai. Samurai. Black. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Samurai goes. Yeah, no, he you haven't seen that one with Sean Connery trying to teach a black guy how to write. Guess not. And Sean Connery goes you Domeier now dog and then the early internet. Crazy think we got a bumper right. In that moment, the rest of the film sucks. I did see in theater. But like that moment is. I remember him Best Of course from our Bloodsport as one of the Australian band back. Oh, yeah. That was a great film. Speaking sort of. Anyways, anyway, so I'm in the middle of journeying through learning about film stuff. They were see the film series called The Story of film, an odyssey. Martin cousins. Now this is something I should have my students watch. I think it's amazing, but it is over 15 hours long. That's 15 episodes in our teen hours. I don't have to teach. There's almost like a semester. It's weird in that some people don't like it because he has a very strange delivery and the way he speaks and he's He's very kind of quiet speaking and He has an interesting tone in his voice. But I happen to think it was fascinating. But I'm actually reading his book now, which is based on the site which he pulled from to make this because I saw he has a new one coming out or had a new one come out in 2020 ones that just just only three hours. I think I'll read his stuff. And it's just a fascinating look at the way film developed like the part I'm talking about or reading now is what happened when sound came in and the way they had to adjust the way cameras Did you know, had the big these giant boxes to put cameras in because cameras make noise. And they couldn't have that. And then, but it's not just American film, or European was also talking about what the Japanese and Indian was doing at the same time and how Japan stuck with you know, early early films look like a play. Japan stuck at that decades longer than we did just shit like that, which I absolutely love. And it's not just the same films you always hear he talks a little bit about Eisenstein, of course, because of the stairs and the montage, but he's also talking about French filmmakers you haven't heard of the contributions women filmmakers were marketing that had been tossed aside and other aspects of stuff that's been added to film that people that added if the cutting of like one guy was like, Okay, I shot this one dude. And I told him, Okay, in this scene, you're aching for food, you're starving. So he shot him doing that. And he thought, Okay, now it's Christmas. And you're really, really want to open your present, you're really interested in it. And he shot the guy then showed the two pieces to somebody, of course going well, nobody knows what the hell the difference is going on in this guy's head. So you realize, okay, I'm going to shoot him then. And then we'll show a plate of food. And then we shouldn't do that. And then I'm going to show looking at Christmas present. And he invented that idea of reactive editing. Where did you let people know what your characters thinking without using words? Fuck I love film, man. That's crazy. That's so good. It was What's this thing called? Is it playing a story of film? It is. I don't know if it's running right now. It's got a DVD set. But the book is what I'm reading now. And that's really, really interesting. And just you know, because the books so 7800 pages or something like that, so the detail is way beyond that's cool. What's in the documentary, but I really found it very interesting. I also have had some people go I can't stand the way that guy talks. I just couldn't watch it. Okay. Yeah, sometimes Exactly. Sometimes that will happen but that's it hopefully the information is like worth just putting that to the side. So that's so cool. That is cool. I'm gonna check that out. But first why don't we take a little break and then when we come back we're gonna be talking about Hammer Horror film gonna go with a price hike. And I'm ready to walk. Definitely class also. Moving fast. Oh, nice. Nice ambassador, Knights, athletic footwear and apparel at footlocker and other fine stores. We have returned. Vanessa, this was kind of your pick. That's sort of my pick. Um, so we went this. I mean, I went this week with hammer as my Uber studio. Yeah, it's hammer this week. Crazy hammer. Yeah, so I have that huge box set. And so it was really exciting to be able to jump back into this of course, the first movie I picked I put into my DVD player in it rejected it because there's a reason to but it's fine. I'm only going to be it was going to be the zombie movie. The only hammer zombie movie out there. Yeah. Which is cool, because it would have been the second zombie movie I think in existence. Wait a second. So before you go into this, did you get this the movie you did choose from that same box that um, I mean, I had to pay for it. Because I was gonna say like, various regions. It only has one region and I was not willing to make my PlayStation five be on region two. Right. So yeah, here we are. Here we are with the 1961 incredible film Curse of the werewolf curse of the werewolves that was laid on a baby who grew into a man possessed by a monster to the Spanish town the night but drinking and dancing, music and girls and the moon the full moon that turned an innocent man into a savage beasts, the curse of the werewolf, a man possessed by a desperate need for love. Who found in Christina all the passionates and Saturday of you Christina Christina You say you love me will you marry me? Yeah, do you know where will fax back at this point? We'll see. We'll see what October brings. Who knows two more weeks? Two more weeks? Could be maybe depends with what other studios we may or may not bring up and you're totally screwing up my werewolf November Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna run out of German pronunciation there. Variable VAs Viv. So 60% Critics score and 58% Audience So whoever did end up seeing this movie this you know, hammer film this so sorry about it. Um, I thought was great. And no budget, no box office other than apparently was a commercial failure. Do not know beyond that. Directed by Terence Fisher, who turns Fisher 6065 projects, many of which you guys might have heard of. We have previously talked about devil rides out which was one of his films. He also worked on things like horror of Dracula, Dracula, Prince of Darkness, brides of Dracula, and other films that may or may not come up today. He also this was also written by Anthony Hines who has 20 credits to his name including Dracula, Prince of Darkness. Brides of Dracula, many Dracula ones, and Rasputin. He's mostly a producer actually. And he did 65 Different producing credits were put to his name on IMDb. Pretty much almost all hammer stuff. So starring Oliver Reed. He has 122 credits to his name, including the brood gladiator at The Big Sleep. Dr. Heckle and Mr. Hype sounded incredible. Catherine feller plays Christina in this who's like the love interest 45 credits her name mostly TV movies and the little world of Don Camilo. You Vaughn Romain. 41 credits plays the mom. She was sort of second big name attached to this. She was a night creatures danger man devil doll and has big boobs are 100% why she's on the poster, which I will get to later. So the story, a beggar arrives in a Spanish town on the day of the marquis wedding. He he goes to a local bar and is asking for money and they all laugh at him. And they're like, No, all of our money is going towards paying for this dude's wedding. So if you want money go to his place and the guy's like, oh, okay, oh, I'm going over there. That sounds good. So of course, he goes to the house. He knocks on the door and the doors and men opens it and it's like, what do you want? Do you mind giving money and he's like, Get out of here before he notices you. But of course it's too late. The Marquis notices him and invites him into the feast. He's there with his lady and a lot of dudes who are laughing at everything that Marquis says and does even though he's a absolute asshole. It should ask is should they should ask like they lose chef like we see this because a chef brings him like a stuffed goose that everyone's like, ooh, ah, it's like taxidermy goose with like a apple in its beak or some shit. wings out. And it's like comes up to them. And the, his wife is like, oh, that's kind of gross. And I'm right there with her. It's not it looks kind of gross. But the marquis who was like that wonderful, wonderful looks at her face and goes, What's the problem? And then she's like, Oh, I just don't really like it. And he's like, Oh, why would you bring this disgusting food to my lady and like, slaps the entire Goose on the floor. It's all like, wings there anyway, and everyone's laughing. Yeah. And then he kicks the guy, the chef and throws the goose at him anyway, so he's not a good guy. So this is not going to bode well for the beggar who happens to come in. Instead of giving him money, he says, I will order food. He says, I will give you wine and more wine and more wine, and is enjoying everyone's enjoying watching this beggar get drunk. And he's like, I'll give you this a half eaten piece of meat. If you dance for me, and the guy's like, I don't know how to dance. He's like, Yes, um, everyone can dance. So he's making this guy dance. And then he's like, Well, my wife needs a pet, how much for you to be a pet. And he offers them different money in the covers, the guy has no idea what this means. And finally agrees on a sum, which the guy's like, Oh, my God, you would give me 15 of this coin of whatever kind. It was like Yes. And he Chuck's the coins on the floor, and the guy scrambles and gets it. And then of course, he's put into a pen for a wife, and forgotten about immediately, and basically put into this little jail cell inside of the marquis home. And many, many years later. There's a girl who is a mute servant of the household who has been assigned to feed this forgotten man. And she brings him Finn food, and he's become more and more wildly as time goes on. And as she gets older and becomes beautiful and large breasted, she continues to feed him and everyone else has forgotten about him. It's just her now. However, the Marquis, whose wife is long gone, because he's mean and I guess killed her at some point. tries to get it on, but he's gross. And with this beautiful woman, and she says, No, well, she can't say it because she's mad. She hints No. And so he throws mimes? No, she kind of walks off. And it's like, and he's like, for your insolence, the jail cell. So she gets thrown in with a beggar who is now basically a total wild man. He sees her and cannot help himself. He rapes the shit out of her. So cool. She then wakes, wakes up from this endeavor in the cell and he is died. And she starts banging on the bars. The words bar listener, I wish you could have seen Oh, she was making with this. God, no. That's too early. It's a Sunday for God's sake. Don't God will be mad. Anyway. So So anyways, so the this guy like lets her on, he's like, Well, you know where you gotta go now. And she's like, if I'm a mom letting you out, then you know, you've learned your lesson. You got to go and have sex with Marquis. So she goes up there. And the marquee is like, yes, you've learned you're ready for me ha. And behind her back is a giant sconce that is shaped into a sort of like it's a giant triangular, like point with like, just big metal thing where you would normally have candles, but there's no candle. And right as he goes in to do whatever he wants to do with her, she stabs the shit out of him and runs away, which is great. So she escapes off into the woods. And this is where our a gentleman scholar Alfredo and his housekeeper, Teresa, discovers her they are super kindly people, they take her in. And she becomes in slash is super pregnant. So on Christmas day, she gives birth to a child, which is very bad luck. So there's a lot of bad things happening here. There's a ton of not good things in general. So she gives birth to this kid on Christmas Day. And since it is an unwanted child, Teresa says this is not good, because it isn't a front slash insult to heaven to have an unwanted child on Christmas Day. So anyway, she dies while she has them. So that's fine. So Alfredo and Teresa raise the boy. And when he's a preteen, he starts to have these strange sort of behaviors. There's all these sort of weird animal killings that occur. And Alfredo and Teresa discovered that this kid's soul is corrupted. And in fact, he gets a bunch of fur on his arms whenever he's having bad feelings. So you guys were to actually have done nothing. We're here for it. So anyway, so they they discover that like, he's his soul is corrupted and at war with itself because of not his own fault but because of the circumstances in which he's been born in order to prove prevent him from becoming a murderous, Wolf boy, because that is the way werewolves work in this particular movie. It's a war between good and evil happening within the soul. And as a priest explains to Alfredo because he is not at peace. And it comes from such a horrible situation, he must kind of choose specifically to be good, and not become a wearable. So he they raised him to be like a good kid. And then he's totally fine. He doesn't have any more like going off and killing random animal occurrences for like a good long time. Next movie, it's all good. However, he grows up to become a handsome young man and he decides to leave and go out and earn his place in the world. And his dad is like dad slash guy who raised race and I just love that his name is Alfredo like sauce, says go run out and, you know, name for yourself. So he finds a job at a wine merchant, where he's working with this guy, Jose, and they are bottling and labeling up wine bottles. Now Jose is a super fun dude. And man, he's got a big personality and he wants to have fun all the time. He maybe wants to do things that are not above the books. Meanwhile, our hero falls in love with the merchants daughter, the winemakers daughter, Christina, however, she's betrothed to someone else, but I guess that's okay. Because as the priest had said earlier, not only if he chooses to be good, will he be saved, but if he finds love, that will also prevent him from becoming evil. So Jose, however, is not good, and does not represent love. He represents going out on Saturday night to a local brothel, and gambling and drinking and he takes our main guy with him and he becomes the wolf that is a full moon, and he murders this girl who's like hitting on him. He then goes on a spree, he ends up killing his friend, he ends up killing some people in the streets. And then he goes and tries to hide himself away. However, this sort of pulling and pushing between the soul it's just, it's a lot. The he goes and hides inside of the like winemaker cellar thing and locks himself in and the girl Christina, she finds him and she stays with him during that night. And lo and behold, he does not become the wolf because of her love and care. And they're tied to each other at her, his her goodness. And her caring with him, creates his soul to be calm. However, they link him to the deaths and they throw him into jail. So he cannot have her with him. He is alone on his own and he is begging his father shows up and he begs him, please send me away at the shore sounds like last week. Please send me away I will murder everyone. And his father was like, No, you can you can do it. I believe in you. And the father convinces the mayor that, you know, you've got to like help him you've got to let him go. The mayor goes down to check him out. And he's like, Well, you're not free and you don't have teeth. So I think this whole story is bullshit. So you need to fucking stop. Of course that night without the care and love of Christina, he does break out of the jail. Very, very bendy jail. Just just kind of pulls off and bends and Chuck's off the war anyway is fine, and goes on a big like Rampage is very Frankenstein. He's like running and the villagers are after him with the torches. And lo and behold, his his father, much like the other movie has to put him down. And Christina is very sad and cries on Teresa, and then the credits roll. It's very abrupt impressions. It's so sad. This film is so so sad. But it's interesting because unlike the universal picture, the sets are shit. They look extremely bad, extremely rough, but the plot and the story in the eye Acting are so much better that you kind of wish like these powers combined. Like even his crappy werewolf makeup which super just looks like you guys have seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer right? Sure. Whenever the vampires become vampires and they get the lumpy head, that's his makeup. He's just that but it doesn't matter you just like Yeah, fuck yeah that he's a werewolf because of the way he like owns the role. It does have a similar problem of location though. We are in Spain for the story and everyone is very English. And they have very English ways about them and very English things but they dress flamboyantly and there's occasionally a flamingo dancer so we're definitely in Spain and it's fine. You know, the the lore in this is pretty fun. It feels like they're kind of figuring some stuff out in here as well. They take this crucifix and melt it down it's a silver crucifix and make it into silver bullets and that is how they can harm him is with these like crucifix bullets. So that's cool. The soul being corrupted versus you know not it's not just that he got bitten it's it's more that he is come from this place and he has this internal battle and I think that adds to his character and his story like he's got to figure out how to be a good man despite having like, such a harrowing awful upbringing, not upbringing, but origin story. taglines, even those who loved him. We're not safe. Cool. This summer is new big thrill. I know. half man half man half wolf. To the point Yeah. He fought the hideous curse of his evil birth but his ravished victims were proof that the cravings of his blood i Beast Blood demanded he kill kill kill who that wording he had but one body yet live with two souls. It's there's a lot. There's a lot of taglines trivia so this was actually a hammer slash Universal film. It's pretty cool that it sort of works with the previous franchise. It was hammer but it was released in the United States as they MCA universal franchise collection brought out by Universal in 2005. It's loosely adapted from werewolf of Paris by Guy Endor. This is the only workable film made by hammer studios. It reuse the set from House of Dracula in 1958. The Spanish setting for the film was forced upon Anthony writer Anthony Hines after Michael careers had the studio backlot dressed for a film about Spanish Inquisition. But the film was not produced because the Catholic League of decency threatened to ban it. So they needed somebody to use it on darned if they couldn't use it for this movie. So why not? Why was the Catholic League of decency when the actual Inquisition was around? That's leading it? Sure were they were well into it five minutes for actually cut from this movie by the censor for British BBC censorship, and even more was cut out of the American version. Oliver Reed and it will get to a piece that in a sec, Oliver Reed used to enjoy frightening fellow. Sorry, Oliver Reed used to enjoy a frightening his fellow motorists by driving home and his full werewolf makeup after finishing work for the day. Over read sounds like someone I would love to have had a drink. Or 10. Yeah, the makeup was based on Jack Pierce's makeup for the Wolfman 1941. They put the mute shortlived character on the poster. That's the mother character as the as a woman being held by the werewolf, hoping that her massive cleavage would learn male viewers into theatres. Nevermind that she played his mother who died in childbirth, and the two never shared a scene. The film was not as successful as other hammer movies. However, Thomas of The New York Times wrote that some of the color photography was beautiful adding for a werewolf yarn. This hammer production has a gothic type of narrative. That is not uninteresting. Praise indeed that on par with all of the reviews about this, they're like, Man, what a film. I guess I saw it. In some versions of the video, that this is the rough part. In some versions of the video, the mute girl's father is the beggar himself. I think that's probably what was cut. So the new girl who was raped by the beggar, and that's how she gets pregnant in some versions, that is her father. So that explains the darkness. Yes, the soul Exam. acutally foul deed this film was adapted into a 15 page comic strip for the January 1978 issue of the magazine The House of hammer volume number one, number volume one number 10. And this is this one was referred to in both the howling and John Landis is an American Werewolf in London. And that's it. I remember liking this movie but not loving it. Oliver Reed is Oliver Reed. Yeah, yeah, it's you know, it's got a lot of neat things in it. I mean, it's it's a hammer film, so it's just it's super low budget. There's a lot of like, why and okay, why are we here? Why are we looking at this? Why is this the thing? Why is this person still talking? But I don't know. Like I really liked the character in the plot. I felt like it had a darkness that was really interesting. This movie must have been at least partially influential on the book and movie the beast within which is kind of the same thing of guy being thrown in a cell and and turning wild and then raping a woman and she gives birth to an actual animals hailed snap back that he turned into an animal and like, I don't know, the weird weird implication is like when she gets raped by the bigger guy like he has like, Super Furry. I'm gonna say arms or legs like they showcase some part of him that's just really furry and it's trying to apply I think that he's become an animal himself. He's regressed somehow. Yeah, wild well dive in next. Oh good with that with the hammer version of The Phantom of the Opera. If you dare within these walls, onstage is color, beauty and light. But in the shadows, looks a monstrous evil. Terror haunts these dusty corridors murder waits it's called in the dressing rooms on kill death makes his entrance they have no right to love and happiness for this beautiful young girl is tangled in a web of Terror The Phantom of the Opera, the hideous echo of a night of agony and horror. A night that must be avenged even from beyond the grave. Tomorrow that's not the one unfortunately. Music like 1962 Rotten Tomatoes there are no critic score yet for this one was weird because you think hammer would be more covered but 49 by the crowd. Oh no, I'm not huge. The budget is reported to be about 180,000 pounds. Vanessa how 1970 6219 60s Who? Okay, well, who was the Prime Minister? figure this out? Directed by Can you guess? Terrance. He has done most of the hammer. But he has also done the devil rides out a mummy. The Mickey Mouse Club. Really several different Robin Hood productions I need to see that episode of the Mickey Mouse Club. He's done both TV and movie versions of Robin Hood. Written by Anthony Hines. He also produced a lot of films because I 6465 wrote also the legend the werewolf the brides of Dracula, which is actually pretty good and the reptile I did not watch that one because it looks goofy. It's. And this is also based on the book by Ken stone Laurel, who wrote the original novel, starring Herbert Blum. Who's the LLM or alarm bomb. Oh, wow. I didn't know he was. He plays the Phantom. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Who's also been in the movie meme to buy Hawk from the 60s Like, named me and Ed. Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah, I want that movie. But now, the dead zone is cool. Many Pink Panther movies, Inspector. Oh, Spartacus. Brass Monkey. Funky Monkey. Heather Sears, please. Christine. She's known for Greg Great Expectations touch and go and dry rot. Unfortunately, fell off. Is that a film or she's known for having a movie? Edward De Souza, is if midnight, there's gonna be a Midsummer Night's Dream kiss of the vampire, the rat catchers and Michael Gaul. He's played Alfred, and several other Batman movies. I think it's a Bert ones. And they also play doctor who is in the boys from Brazil. 200 Plus credits, so he's been in a lot of shit. Okay, the opening shot? Oh, yes, we are definitely in the hammer film. It's a no call it what you want low budget set. But it's painted and looks spectacularly wild and completely impractical. But looks really cool. And it's in practicality of the with the Phantom sitting up in a corner playing his Oregon Oregon piano. And he has a Renfield kind of character. And this one is a backup character for that. And I'll get to why in the notes. It's kind of weird. This is a much darker looking film right from the start. Because the the universal one I talked about last week is very party. It's very bright and friendly. And the opening credits are found him sitting there playing and you see his mask. He has a full face mask and this one, which I think is a bad choice. No, because they don't really record his voice later. So when he's talking you're hearing over and over. But it zooms in on his one eye that so and through the whole credits. It's just the shot of his eye. It's like okay, sure. Mine started, I think zooming in on Terence Fisher. So the movie starts off with phantom running around scaring the hell out of leading lady who is not Christine. She's not in the movie yet. So he's haunting. I like most family operas where they talk about how he's been haunting for years. And he's always been around, they usually don't do any of that. This one does for a brief little bit. He starts off already being there with a new production going on. And of course, they've got the haunted opera box, which I always thought was a strange choice. Especially once they started looking for the him as a killer. Like, why don't you check the box in the box at some point, right? He's gotta get out of there somewhere. But that's alright, because it's still cool because the fatter the story doesn't have does not have all the same characters. Christine and the feminine phantom are pretty much the only original characters he doesn't have been. There's still a little bit of the Lover's triangle stuff, but nowhere near the level of most of the Phantom movies. So right off the bat, he's Christine is already getting talked to shortly after they change and she shows up and he's immediately talking to her. And it's like, okay, sure, but he's kind of a scummy guy. He's a phantom tells her she well, he wants to sing in his opera, but he must protect and stop whoever gets in his way. It's fair. This is a fairly straight forward interpretation of the film of the story. Christina tells her the man that's going to be her boyfriend eventually to speak to Eddie. The Phantom shows up and threatens the guys while they're in the dressing room with her. They are okay still can't find them. There's extra killings in this one usually done I've almost exclusively done by the his assistant who and they're of course hammer so it's stabbed in the eye with blood flying everywhere this one was not as fluid in the flow of the story is the first one so it's a little boring or I guess. Boring. So when she sticky starts to train her it's training your how to sing through this one. Ah, oh no, like, kidnaps her and she, and for like days, she's down there getting trained and people are trying to find her and the hero guy who is Edward Sousa is awesome. He is my standout guy for this movie. His character is a lot of fun. He's very interesting. When Christine first tries out, the guy who plays at our plays that Alfred is a dick in this movie. He's a complete asshole. After her audition, he says, Well, that was wonderful. Why don't you join me for dinner tonight, and we'll discuss your role. And she's like, okay, so she joins him for dinner. And then it becomes very obvious by the end of the dinner. It's like, well, you should accompany me back to my apartment and we'll discuss your role further. And she is kind of trapped not knowing what to do because she really wants to roll in the opera but she obviously doesn't want to know what do what's coming up. And Edward shows up and hey, how you doing quickly figures out because you knows this guy's an asshole. What's going on? And completely mentally overpowers the guy in a nice little scene of you're not going to do this. I'm stopping with no actual verbiage of that being said, and then you know, they have dinner, of course, because he is I think good looking leading man guy she's with you. And then the producer Alford's GAC kicks her out of the play, she no longer is going to be the lead anyways, and the guy as well. So they're trying to figure out how to be involved with the opera that the Phantom is at, without being at the opera. So it's got some strange story twists and turns that are odd when they want to not be involved with the opera they still want to get back for. I forget what they're going back for but there's something they go back for and they run into a bunch of street women not street walkers but women that working on weird stuff that are blocking them from getting into the upper like a weird security system. Kinda like Pat Benatar we are young moment. Not quite that elaborate project that'll work. Until he says Why think I lost my diamond bracelet. His back in the theater? Do you think you can help me find it and all the women run away and they go the other direction to get back into theater for what they're hunting for? So this was you know, less impactful point by point in the story than the version by Universal it's still all there. The the but there's a lot more violence, there's a lot more implied sexuality and casting couch stuff going on. But you liked it less differently. If it sounds weird, because the first one is almost goofy. The Universal one is almost goofy. And it's it's a fun watch. This is hammer. It feels like hammer. It's also like the wolf one. Not one of their more successful ones. How big are the girl's boobs? Not nearly the size of that was the problem. You know if everything else fails, get the get the big. Man if you don't have Andrew Lloyd Webber level music let's just let's just do bits and pieces from the productions instead of having the entire song that the ending is kind of a letdown. You expect the big chase through the catacombs, and there isn't one. So it's a little weird. It's fun film. It's got the hammer thing. So it's still like camera enough that if they got the flavor of hammer, I can still enjoy watching it. And this definitely is Terence Fisher directed. taglines out of the Hellfire of horror unimaginable rises the figure of terror incarnate. Yeah. Dramatic incarnate. The most unusual tale of terror and love ever told. About that? Seems pretty common. Actually. He hid behind a face that was not his Intel, her beauty stripped away his curtain of evil, his mask of horror. Whoa. Especially since the mask wasn't really there. She really didn't reform the guy. He hid behind what I'm anyway. Driven by hate to live behind a mask of horror driven by love to steal the beauty. The world denied him. That's kind of cool. Beneath his mask, there's grotesque face of unimaginable inside his heart the desperate desire for beauty and love. That makes him almost the greatest throw classic of all time. No. Yes. This one was also distributed by Universal because they distribute a lot of hammer. I believe they're kind Have the Disney to Pixar where they distribute their stuff. But they don't necessarily pay for all of it. Yeah, they're just like the US branch like, Oh, you want this to be bought by the American Top? Yeah, I got a deal for you kid. It also was supposed to be a remake of The Phantom but they didn't want to do it at the time. So they just passed it on to horse. Okay, go ahead. Really expected the actress just throw themselves into their work so much that for one of the scenes, Edward the lead was told to slam his head against a stone pillar that was actually stone Oh, God. And he said, No. They he made them create a false thing for him to slam his head against. And then I read that note before watching the film. And when that scene happens, he crushes his head into the pillar. So it's like, yeah, I can see why you wanted something padded. That would have knocked you the flag out. The mask was made on the fly just before shooting of cloth tape string and bank. Somebody was like, hey, is this guy supposed to be wearing? Like is you think they would have planned that like first, like first thing but it looks like it too. It's not. It's it's just this flat thing that hangs down with a hole cut for one eye and a couple nose holes. But it's very uninspired. Christopher Lee was in serious consideration for the part. But he decided I don't want it to film flopped on its release. Hey, it felt the flop so bad that director Terence Fisher fell out of favor with hammer studios and was not given another film for two years. Oh, but you know, in Hammer time, I'd actually mean something nowadays. Nowadays, two years between films is your normal, you're making them fast. Yeah. But the film was originally written for Cary Grant, because he wanted to do a horror film Whoa. And in order to keep his presence as the good guy of films, that's why they created the Ron felt kind of character. Because he's the guy who does all the violence. He's the one that does all the kidnappings and the murders, which the Phantom does, none of because Cary Grant didn't want to do any of that in that film. Eventually, he declined to be involved in it. And then it went to hammer. Okay, well, well there's some where there's not something particularly successful but we'll go with it. So that's why he was trying to get that extra character that's never been in previous and any sense that I've seen at least I praise Edward Sousa here again, as he's great screen presents and really curious scenes is kinda like the lead in Curse of the world. However, read it just carries the moments when he's on screen. The music sounds straight out of It's oddly new sounding. I mean, for the period. That doesn't sound like you would expect the Phantom of the Opera to sound like even based on the newer stuff. And here's random weird fact by somebody who spends too much time either watching movies or playing music that can when the conductor turns the page and it is torn, it is only page two of the score act one has been going on for a few minutes probably roughly 20 pages of standard score, but the conductor is still on page one which is about six bars or 10 seconds of music that person sounds insufferable but we now want to see him do you see how the candles are going up and down up and down? He had a full drink now he has half a drink do you see the clock it's a two minutes earlier and those later or no it's back. Oh my god. The trailer borrowed movie music from Revenge of the creature because it's both universal so like it will just use the music again. And eventually when it made a TV premiere in the US, they shot extra footage without telling anybody about it. They just shot some extra footage and put it in for the release so it's universal and hammer both like what at this point if you're going in time launching these are still far superior films. All right, well, we didn't have to make this a hammer. Film thing we could have just made this a Terence Fisher retrospective really could. They do go well together. I chose from 1960 The two faces of Dr. Jekyll if you cannot bear to see a man change before your eyes. Then shut them for just a few seconds. If you can. Listen for the shattering sounds. A mark the evil transformation of Henry jack to his monstrous other self depraved at what height? Because segmento kill him Here is the century old horror classic film as it has never been before. With a cast a takes the living shape of the characters that have been thrown billions of readers all over the world. This is Dr. Jacket, one man with two faces and a mind split into where we ever know who we really are. Are you as his shameless wife, I know where that her husband was two men, both of them watching her jealously. I don't deserve your kids. You don't deserve you deserve nothing better than you. Christopher Lee as the lover who shared her deception and her danger code face of hate and the hot face of passion and the face of your husband is here budget of $146,000 or no no pounds conversion rate. could find no box office numbers. Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 83% And the audience gives it 49% Directed by Terence Fisher. Great what? He did stuff like horror of Dracula Revenge of Frankenstein the devil writes out the Phantom of the Opera and the curse of the werewolf. Interestingly though, this one was written by Wolf manga Vic's. 40 credits now this thing's like a silly name. But listen to some of these movies The Day the Earth caught fire Doctor No, Casino Royale. Oh, and of course this was based on the book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. starring Paul Massie. He's got 35 credits mostly British television episodes of The Avengers The doctors Hawkeye the Pathfinder also stars Don Adams. She has 71 credits, House of sin, the vampire lovers the vault of horror, and Christopher Lee 286 credits including the gas lady, police dog and the Cockleshell heroes. Oh my God. His characters named Paul Allen in this and I found that incredibly distracting. Yep, Oliver Reed has a very tiny part in this still. No lines or anything he just showed up and I was like, Oh, he looks like a werewolf already. So it's not a big job that you would turn into a werewolf as a boy. Yeah. Okay, the story, London 1874. That specific Dr. Henry Jekyll he's a scientist rejected by his peers for his research and theories about the human mind. He's got a wife kitty, and their relationship is going south because he's really only interested in his research. He makes a big point right at the beginning of telling us that man is to beings man as he is with moral restrictions and man as you would be free of restrictions. very cut and dry Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde stuff. We also find out the jackals best friend is Paul Allen. Which the reason is so distracting is this Paul Allen is broke all the time. I've done the math and this does not check out any loves to talk about football. It's really irritating. So jackals best friend is Paul Allen and jackals wife is having an affair with him. Oh no. Mostly because of jackal not being around and all that. But that night Kitty is leaving for a social night out and Jayco asked her to stay and even tells her he needs her to stay to be with him and he'll take the night off but She refuses and leaves because of course, she's gonna go hang out with Paul Allen. So Henry injects himself with this serum, and he transforms into Mr. Edward Hyde. But here's the creepy or not the creepy part the crazy part of this movie. When we meet Dr. Jekyll, he's got a beard kind of bushy eyebrows. He's an older man and everything. He turns into Mr. Hyde and he is a very young, handsome man, same actor and everything. But now he's got kind of almost reddish hair bright blue eyes, and he's clean shaven. They don't show us the transformation. I really would like to see that hair go back into his face or something. But I I didn't know anything about this movie. I just Eric, you loaned me the hammer box at the you had this was one of the movies and I thought I like Jekyll and Hyde movies. Oh, watch this. This sounds so when he turns around and he's handsome. I was like, what? Oh, that's so good. So we go to a club. And Paul Allen and Kitty are dancing together. And here comes Mr. Hyde. He comes swinging in there. He's just like, hey, how you doing and everything. He is quickly approached by a girl who takes a liking to him and they start dancing. There's a little bit of the nutty professor and this you know, because what did that Jerry Lewis is thing too. He turned into the suave guy and all this stuff so the problem is that Mr. Hyde very handsome, well cultured and all that stuff and a real fucking asshole. So this girl, she comes up and he's dancing with her for a bit and then pretty soon he just kind of tells her to fuck off. And she's like what you say to me and he's, I accept fuck off. So, he sees Paul and Kitty together. So he introduces himself to them as a friend of Henry Jaco, and he looks so different that they don't quite recognize. Listen. He has classes on know why. I was like, muted. Seems like your best friend and your wife might at least see a passing resemblance to the person you've been like, I'm his cousin, or I'm his long lost brother coming to town. Well, they're both they're both a little drunk. In fact, Paul is really drunk, and he's being a real prick and saying horrible things about Henry Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde has his Jekyll memories. Oh. I gotta intercede here to your Paul Allen thing. Every time you say that you know exactly the face that's in my head, of course. So it's kind of like, oh, it's really it's really weird. And I gotta say this. Christopher Lee is so goddamn handsome in this film. That it's ridiculous. I have always thought he was kind of an odd looking long face that everything but in this movie, He is so handsome that I was distracted every time he was on screen. Just because he's never been handsome. And Chris really he plays the pylon. Are you pleased? Okay, so you're like I get it. Yeah, I get it lady. Yeah. So So anyway, Jekyll ingratiate himself to both of them and but then Paul has been such a dick and Jekyll is kind of an asshole that kitty leaves and that's when we get overreach showing up and a fight breaks out. And it's really interesting. Because at first Paul Allen's like God, I like this guy who's willing to do all this shit, but then Jekyll just about kills the guy that there and Paul has to pull pull him back is like don't kill them. What are you thinking? And Jaco is just like, Ah, he's such kind of arguing with himself, the the behind and djeco part. And that's when Paul Allen is like, get a little weird. So, the next couple of nights are the same thing though. He's turning into Mr. Hyde, who is super cruel and evil. And at one point, he tries to seduce his own wife, and she won't have any part of it. But it's because she's in love with Paul Allen not because she's in love with Jekyll and this really infuriates hydrate that scene, especially when he's trying to seduce his own wife. I'm kinda like, you must have seen him at least once without the beard. But he's even got different colored dice. So they really play it off. As you know, he's he also he just looks younger, sir. So interesting. Anyway, Paul shows up one morning to borrow money from Jekyll and Jekyll refuses. And once that's gone, then Paul dumps kitty. So the whole reason he was hanging out with her is because he needed the money from Dr. Jekyll and he's just a real creep in this movie. But then, Edward Hyde shows up and he's like, Oh, you need some money? Yeah, no problem. Well, you owe him 2000 I'll give you 5000 Paul's like this little sounds good. And then they go on a tear through town. And they're drinking smoking opium and all this shit and pretty soon, Paul has spent all of the 5000 that he was going to give 2000 to Dr. Jekyll was so now he's he's in debt Edward Hyde way more than he was to Jekyll. So while Edwards out hanging out at bars with various women and everything, Paul and Katie do end up getting back together. And as Edwards leaving a bar, he is mugged. And when he regains consciousness, he is transformed back into Dr. Jekyll. And he pulls this piece of paper out of his pocket. And it's a note from kitty, saying that she was leaving him. And he realizes, you know, I've got to stop this. So he destroys the drugs and formula but he's already afraid that Hyde might have too much control over him. So it goes into a third act with some pretty brutal stuff. As Edward hide. he rapes his wife. Beautiful, yeah, yeah. Oh, by just the hammer. Hammer just loves a good rape and, you know, didn't reach that point and Phantom. So, you know, there's just we're headed that way. They saw they saw the writing on the wall, right? They were like, hey, rape and sells tickets. murder, arson, rape. So he raped his wife, and then he kills Paul Allen with a boa constrictor, which I was like, isn't that exactly how this works? But that's a good choice. Like, does the boa constrictor eat? Yeah, kind of well, I mean, that's why there's there's a snake dance scene and we're supposed to be horrified by this girl is dancing with a bush, even six the Boas had in her mouth. And they're making a big, huge deal about this. But we're all savvy enough now to know that the bow is gonna crush you and then spend the next four days trying to swallow you. But that's not how it works in this, he kills Paul Allen, pretty quickly. For those of you who don't know, are Paul Allen has also passed away but I don't believe it was from both because you know what, I never read the the funeral, whatever, this little bio obituary, and I've read his obituary could be okay, as a form of cancer, I believe. Was it also? Kevin, he had cancer and then the snake on him as well. All right, focus people. He killed a bowl with a snake. And then when Kitty finds Paul did she kind of throws herself off of a balcony. Oh, I'm not. It's hard to tell what they're trying to say in this scene. She's anguished. Let's say that and she's on a balcony. And like accidentally, I can't quite tell because she's kind of throwing herself around. And then she topples off of the balcony. He's like, Well, that had to be on purpose. But why wouldn't you just make that an obvious choice? I don't know. Pretty soon the police are after him. And he's killing other people and switching back into Jekyll or Hyde with no control. And it's a pretty fun and of course, hammer, gory act very, very red blood. And there's a final scene in the police department that I thought was pretty solid. I like the movie quite a bit. And I must thank you for loaning me that hammer boxset which we'll go back home with you. Got some good stuff. I didn't write down the tagline on this which took up half of the poster, so I'm not sure I passed on it. Interestingly, in the credits, Robert Louis Stevenson goes unmentioned. The novel is in the public domain and apparently Hammer was just like, bucket. We don't know your goddamn thing. Chris really originally wanted to play the lead roles in the film. He would later play Dr. Charles Marlowe and Mr. Edward Blake, which was the renamed Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in II monster which was another adaptation of The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde but this time made by Amicus which was hammers main competitor which makes me really want to find a monster now Yeah. likes it up with I Frankenstein, you will be disappointed Oh, boy. Very, very different. In 1967 interview Paul Massey claimed that hammer originally only wanted him in the film for the role of the younger looking height. But he argued for playing the older looking jackal as well. I think that he made a mistake when you look this up on IMDb, the poster that comes up does not say the two faces of Dr. Jekyll it says jackals Inferno which I think is a way cooler. way cooler. So okay, that was our Hammer Films guys know that a good time with this one? Yeah, like Yeah, Hey, Terence Fisher in retrospect, but that's alright because these were three out of the norm turns Fisher Yeah, ones that people reference. No, Dracula's No. Yeah, mommy's Frankenstein. Yeah, I was I was thinking about doing the mummy but didn't you do the hammer mummy and do the hammer mom? Yeah, probably episode I think, okay, that means it's my choice for the next here and because I'm an asshole you guys got a universal and hammer. But we're going up and I am picking I'm going to be broad with this one so the original was going to be full moon. Okay, full moon pictures I will expand that to Empire films as well which, which then broke off and became full moon. You might find a better film with Empire films. Was that Charles band? Yeah. Okay. Nice do is like you're looking at going oh yeah, I wanna do this one. How long this is empire? No, no, I think I'm gonna do one of the really shitty. Full Moon pictures like, Oh, I haven't seen Demonic Toys. That's got to be pretty awful. I don't think I've seen that one. You just you're just being mean to yourself. You don't have to. I haven't seen that one. That's gotta be fun. Right? It gives me that one. That was fun transfers by that one dancers. I remember seeing how many of these films involve the host. Oh, there's the Puppet Master series. The Dracula ones, the vampire ones. The little little creatures that run around and attack people. bloodstone bloodstone. I've never seen most of these movies because they look like such travel. Yeah, but I'm looking forward to this upcoming and I'm looking forward to see what you guys back. Yeah, the only ones I've seen all over the Bloodstone film because I got that box set when Charles Rand was at horrifying all those years ago. Right. Yeah, and you'll have to regale us with your tale of Charles band and how, how inspiring to young filmmakers. Yeah, so right now I'm gonna thank everybody for liking sharing posts participating in the value for value model. Big thanks. Of course to the Mainstays. We're always doing that stuff. Bob and Danny Of course, Carlos, Ron. We hope whoever ended up winning the streaming festival for HP Lovecraft like the experience and saw lots of good stuff. Yeah, absolutely. And when we come back next week, we should talk a little bit about the Lovecraft Film Festival and I want to hear all about the wedding. There you go. Yeah, maybe not on air. Okay, all right, guys. That is the end of the show. And we will be back in seven short days. We are talking Full Moon pictures, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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