Strange Aeons Radio


December 15, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 205
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Strange Aeons Radio
Dec 15, 2022 Season 4 Episode 205
Strange Aeons Radio

Vanessa has zero respect for Eric and Kelly, and then the gang heads down South for Micah's subgenre! Also discussed: Violent Night, Christmas, Bloody Christmas, Dio: Dreamers Never Die.

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Vanessa has zero respect for Eric and Kelly, and then the gang heads down South for Micah's subgenre! Also discussed: Violent Night, Christmas, Bloody Christmas, Dio: Dreamers Never Die.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there it oh, that's Vanessa over there. Hello, I'm Kelly. Vanessa. You will be just thrilled to learn that we have gotten so much good response to the egg timer. Oh my god. Yes. Yeah. It's it's shortened the show down which is what it was supposed to do which is good. And I always you know, we're seeing the numbers for the tail end of the show coming back up a little bit so if you if you haven't if you're one of those assholes who listens to the first part of the show and then checks out when we get into the second half you might want to listen to the second half it's turned into a it's it's a tiny slice going not stressful I don't at all at all. I'm not constantly looking over at this beating ticking the heart of madness in front of my face, slowly counting down to like humiliation. But on the plus side we're not telling you the entire movies. Right? That is extremely extremely good. Yeah, right. Listener we're recording this rare nighttime episode because Vanessa, you had something going on this weekend and couldn't make your Sunday night thing right? Yes, it was Sunday morning. Oh my god. So many people off all the time for you guys. Well, here's here's my question because you know, Eric and I graciously moved our schedule around and then you were late to this recording and I'm just curious if you're late to everything or if it's just Eric and mais time you don't respect at all everybody don't worry I quality that can be easily fixed. This is why I'm an editor. You don't need to go to a workplace because I will not get there when I'm supposed to. So it's disrespect for everybody's time 100% This year is definitely not just you guys you know living your truth I guess just if you want me somewhere to hold me to be there earlier than we tried that because you figured out what we were doing so then you know I just genuinely asked you this fine whatever Yes, I love you guys to hear truth all the way not as far as Eric Right. Eric got your five minutes early like he always does because Eric respects Micah I actually want these nighttime things I take off from my day job early so that I am here in time for you guys. I don't believe that because you start so early there's no way you finish that in normal time. Okay I'm clearly a liar. I'm not perfect like the other people in this room all right, I get it I just that for making it to an appointment on time means you're perfect. I called my doctor last time because I was like, I'm going to be 20 minutes late. Do you still want me to come? And they were like Yeah, sure. Well, so this is obviously what's going on is the rest of the world is coddled you a little too much and I'm here to bring you down to reality and say, hey, the rest of us all have lives. No, no, I will make myself feel so much worse than anyone else can. Funny part about it. I've already punished myself on the way so much harder than anything anyone could say that by the time I get there any kind of punishment is like moot. Well see that's not satisfying for me. I know. I don't get you feeling bad about I'm still groveling. You can record your lamentations in your phone. I will leave you voice messages while I'm driving and I'll be like hey guys, okay, so I fucked up. This is the truth. I am going to hold you to that normally it would take 35 minutes this time 45 minutes traffic my fault. I didn't didn't properly take the traffic between 10am On a Sunday and five or Monday is gonna be days that even who knows? Its history. Give me Give me gotta have somebody else to talk about surely Yeah, sure well I watched a couple of movies. Okay. I think I want to talk about though the willow series that is on Disney plus my kids watching this that is the one thing I did not watch this week I watched 2030 minutes of it maybe it's pretty bad unfortunately and it makes me feel bad because I really like Warwick Davis and he's actually giving it his all in this. Yeah, the rest of it is the dial hug is anachronistic to say the least, since they say things like I was doing this and like this, and stuff like that. And I was thinking to myself, you know when you dumbed down or infantil. infantilize the English language what a choice oops but you do it in pop culture Yeah, you you literally are killing the language because people then repeat that kind of stuff and when you've got like a high fantasy, everybody should be speaking you know, the more proper it feels like or more worse, like some foreign version as something other than what we already exists. Exactly. Yeah. It needs to be fantasy or it needs to be something the and the gap left by Val Kilmer is characters too much huge. It's an inch thick. I said only watch 20 minutes so I don't know if that's true or not, but it seemed like the sun or whatever of him. They're trying to shoehorn him in to maybe being that character. But Val Kilmer was so charming please yes asshole who happened to actually be incredibly talented? Yes. But that's hard. That's a tough ask to recreate. It really is the effects are kind of shoddy there are some really cool scenes but overall it's been a real bummer I really liked Well I thought that it was kind of underrated and I was excited to see the Disney giving it the weekly treatment and I'm I'm I'm three episodes into it and go on No, no sir. I want to engage with that's fine. Well, I checked out I finally got to see something on shutters very exciting for me. Which means maybe I'm stealing Eric's pick which is I saw you guys see a wounded fawn. Yes. I heard about this already. Oh yeah. Wow. So I think the way it was described to me was something along the lines of Ted Bundy Meets Evil Dead and that feels very accurate. Wow. Nothing like that out of that film. Yeah, nothing at all. So I seen somebody else describe it it Evil Dead and gone. Evil Dead one as it is now or Evil Dead one as it was when it was originally presented to which are very different films. Yeah, I mean, it's very weird. It's very weird, but I would approach it much more as arthouse weirdness Yes, opposed to goofy. weirdness. It's like pretentiousness, but there's a lot of humor in there too. There's like a lot of tongue in cheek and insanity and like, I feel like I'm on crack, but I am enjoying it because I'm like, Yeah, screw you. I'd like to just because it's so fucking weird. It is so fucking weird. It's made by somebody we like I think it's it. I know. I shouldn't have mentioned that at all since I don't know who it was. And you don't even know up. Yeah. No, but I would definitely recommend it. I think it was a really stunningly unique film. And it's also still even though it's very artsy and obviously stealing from some Italian influences, and it's still very approachable and watchable and joy right? I'm gonna have to check this Charlene. Right. Oh, Travis Stevens, Travis Jacob's wife. Ah, yes. Okay. Girl on the third floor. Okay. And I'd say the humor for me was much closer to girl on the third floor than it was to evil that sir, and I don't know if any of you are part of like one of the Joe Bob Briggs thing on there's a Facebook group or some for Joe Bob's that seems to be to me, it feels like people who think Joe Bob's cool, but don't get what he does at all. Because they hate everything. Oh, dear, like the whole point of Joe. Bob is to take these crappy, weird movies that everybody's makes fun of and show you why they don't suck. Yeah, but this site is full of nothing but people that are like, Oh, this sucks. This sucks. And this guy's like Why watch that wounded firewall is telling me it's good. I gotta go watch. Jason versus Freddy to wash it out of my system. Oh, interesting choice. Maybe you know horror films come in a huge range of flavors for a huge range of people. And maybe if you're into Freddy vs. Jason, wounded fawn, just listen to the title for you, and you should know really quickly and the end credits were hilariously weird. I don't know how much of you watch Dynamo. I don't think I watched it and just keeps going through the entire No, I did. Yes, I did. Actually. That is correct. I was like, wow, they just that's still happening right now. Okay, cool. The actress standing there was a word. Yes. Yes, she was definitely like shuffling her way. And I was like, fuck. One person is maybe gonna have a hypothermia, and the other one just needs to stretch a lot. Anyway, so I had the freaking bet with Ron about the damn Seahawks and the Tampa Bay when they were in Germany. Oh, so I have to pay my dues on this one. Unfortunately for Ron, this was not a punishment. I don't I don't think he meant it to be. I think he liked what he wanted me to watch. He sounds like not the kind of guy that's gonna punish somebody. So it's a movie made for TV movie called Bad Ronald. Oh, yeah. Have you seen this one? Is this one one of the guys hiding in the house? Inside the house walls and stuff? Like from 1977 or something's gonna be late. 70s It's surprisingly good. Yeah, very creepy. And really warped and weird. The basic storyline is this guy accidentally kills somebody accidentally with a little malice but kill someone. And his mom and him build a room that was him inside the like the cabinet in the kitchen. So it looks like a an actual wall and the in and outs are all his control. And the mom goes into the hospital and dies. Oh, the movie goes from there. And it goes places I was not expecting. It's an incredibly clever for a made for TV movie. But at the time, there were a lot of clever made for TV movies actually being made because they're taking a little more seriously than they were by the time the 80s ended, where they were just joke shows, but I mean, it's got Dabney Coleman Pippa Scott from the searchers, who's the one of the people involved with after the mom dies, tons of TV talent. And John John Fiedler, the voice of piglet. Briefly. Wow. But Dabney Coleman was a bit of surprise and he watched his Oh, hey, he's not like a complete asshole. So you know, Thanks, Ron. That sounds like a crazy, that would give me nightmares. I just feel like other people inside my home. It's since it's made for TV. It's a little less. It doesn't push the creepy. It's just part of the story. Right? So it's creepy enough, but it's not. It's not like you like a JLo film or something like that would have been worse is like sneaking around. Yeah, but it's really pretty damn good. So I'm not glad the Seahawks lost, but I'm okay with what happened that you're punished. Yes, sir. Can I have another? I think Eric, you're going to talk about a movie. So I'm going to talk about a different movie. Okay. I saw the documentary do dreamers never die? Oh, I will see this, but I have not yet. It is so good. Man. It is so good. A lot of stuff that I did not know. I'm a big deal fan. Vanessa. I know you are to where you're looking at me. This is the band. Do they have instruments? Or just they are they chefs. Anyway, race cars. It's still starts with him. You know, being a singer in the late 50s. Wow. It was his first recordings and then getting into you know, the 70s with Black Sabbath and elfin rainbow and all that stuff. And then goes all the way to you know, his death. And it's, it's kind of a very emotional ending, especially for the people who are talking about I mean, so it's a big Talking Heads thing with a lot of footage and stuff like that. But really a really great thing. It's on Showtime. If you're you know, if you're into horror, chances are you're kind of into metal, at least if you're our age, and this is definitely worth a watch. Don't be the last in line to see this one. Oh my gosh. That's a quick Okay, so I so one of our friends of the show Glenn had mentioned on Facebook seeing a film and I got really excited and was like I have to see this film immediately. And that was violent nights. Oh, cool. Yeah with David harbor as Santa Claus. But a are still magical Santa still very much 100% real Santa but disgruntled and kind of over it. And very rude. Does a lot of like getting alright, it's alright everybody I'm okay. Wow. Drama queen. Put my clothes back on. I'm sorry. Unnecessary. So yeah, like it was I really enjoyed it. I had such a good time. But I you know, David harbor has like a very special place in my heart. I can't say why. But he does. And it was just fun. He's a likable guy. He's a likable guy. And I love that he like was doing right before he got Stranger Things. He was just acting like doing art in the park. Yeah, he was a nobody. And now he has like a crazy big career. And I think that that's cool. I do too. Nice. I want to see that movie. Yeah, me too. You should. Yeah, it's fun. And on the heels of that, it's fine. About one from a director. I know at least Kelly and I both like called out. Joe Vagos is bliss and VFW Christmas bloody Christmas on shutter. Let me just pass out a comment here real quick shutter is kind of going through some shit right now of AMC. So if you don't subscribe to shutter drop, the fight was five bucks, five bucks a month. You guys join as soon as you can. The level of like I like talked several times how I just watched that top banner of movies. The level of stuff I've seen over the last four months that's just been across that top banner. Yeah, we need shutter. There's nobody else doing what they do. Yeah, I agree. Are they gonna go away? What? AMC is talking about it. They laid off a whole bunch of people. No. So I was like, No, don't do it. Unacceptable. It's tough because the bigger streamers also have horror movies. Yeah, right. You know, nobody does it quite right. And there are other people trying to do horror stuff and it's not I mean, even horror subscriptions and it's just not as good nobody else is putting Christmas bloody Christmas across their top banner as a loose lead you would you think it's fun? Yeah, I like I think VFW was a little more entertaining and bliss was a more developed film. But this was just batshit crazy fun. It would probably come as no surprise to you that his the directors favorite movie is the Terminator. And, boy, the lead sure own the coolest goddamn store that ever wouldn't be listed. Ridiculous. I found the first 20 minutes of it almost unbearable. The whole character building between and the very realistic dialogue between these characters was like, for Foxy. But once the killer has started happening. Once the killing starts happening, it turned very, very fun. And it was kind of relentless with it. Yeah. So the i i would not be surprised at all to find that Joe. Let's his cast. He provides a lot of love. Yeah. Because their inability to not say fuck is downloading. And by the time you get to the end of the movie, like I've talked to before, and you want to Oh my god emphasis line. That words dead, right? It doesn't mean anything anymore, because you talked about crossing the fucking street with your fucking feet going in the fucking snow. So by the time you're talking about a Santa's blowing somebody's head off. That word doesn't mean anything anymore. Don't Don't worry. Go on with just saying, Oh, they blew off his head. I listened to an interview with him. And the one thing that really stood out for me in this was how much snow falling snow there was and especially for something that had California license plates on all the cars and stuff. But the people interviewing him had said, you know, I'm boy, I assume that was a $4 million movie. Really? Yeah. And they were they were saying I assume that a lot of that was the snow machines. And he said no, it was mostly the animatronic Santa Claus. The snow machines were $100 snow machines that he bought off of Amazon, and just had right off the sides of the camera at all times. Oh, and I was like, wow, yeah, that is that's how you do stuff on a budget. Yeah, no kidding, because that snow looked great. It looked like it was just everywhere. It was pretty cool. And I He's, if you haven't seen any of his films make out watch. This is a true up and coming talent and definitely needs to be checked out. Yeah, yeah, I agree. And I also agree with you, I think. I think both bliss and VFW are better than this film, but it's an awful lot of fun. Yeah, especially for Christmas horror. You don't get a lot of Christmas horror these days. It's a good one for that. Okay, well, how about we take a little break and when we come back, we are talking about Micah's choice for us, which is Southern horror. holding tight to Billy's back got a strong wind in my hair, or motorcycles far from home and we should own hair care. I take my RC Cola bulls everywhere we run. Ghouls like a moment in the shade of a mountain. Me and my RC RC wonder what I'm doing here? Why haven't settled down with a family? Oh, well, I'll get off his bike someday maybe live the way they do. But I want to know some other ways to do it because what's good enough? ain't good enough? And we're back. This was our friend Mike a guy. His suggestion for us after giving us a lovely donation was that we all choose a southern horror film. Yes. Yeah. I think to be more specific after a drunken rampage around Savannah. He texted us along with a kind donation. Hey, guys. You want to watch our southern horror movie? And we said yes. That's how it works. And if you want to donate money to us, you can do that and ask for a film as well. You know, hey, give us five bucks. We appreciate that. You're not getting us to talk about a movie a little bit more, please. Yes. All righty. So well, I did. My usual ship found some weird ass film nobody's heard of that. Has no ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. 1970 sevens a whiskey mountain. Whiskey mountain. How could any place so beautiful? Be so weird? So sinister. So terrifying. Now this shocking motion picture plunges you into a witch's cauldron of incredible excitement. Exposing the savage reality behind the saw the legend. The mystery of whiskey mountain it takes a lot of guts to go up whiskey. Only problem is you might never come down this sounds like the happiest place on earth. Now from 1977 but by William Graff, a blue sky say his name. He's done. movies such as Mako the jaws of death. Have you seen that one? Yeah. So on that to me, so I have seen this one. The godmothers of the naked Zoo. And the also what that one's about pretty much writes all the stuff he directs, but he does have a Nicholas II sponsors who helped him with this and this is the only script he's ever worked on. Oh, beautiful. Help you buddy. Sure. Starring Christopher George, who you might know from Eldorado rat patrol pieces. Wow. Enter the Ninja. Wow. City of the Living Dead. The exterminator? Geez, okay. And daily animals, many other many other things. Preston Pierce from drag racer and Gunsmoke. About nine minutes or so 10 and a half. I forgot to turn the buzzer on Sorry, guys. I'm giving you eight minutes. Oh, I see. That was not two minutes. Fine. I'll go here we go. Anyways, let me let me channel Vanessa Berta Collins, who is in Death Race 2006 Saturday the 14th Eaten Alive, discussed on episode 158 of this podcast nicely done. And also the Witcher came in from the sea. Discuss on episode 170. Well, this podcast, John Davis Chandler, who was in Deep Space Nine Phantasm three adventures in babysitting and rest well, Mr. Pune have the sword and the sorcerer discussed in Episode 23. Eventually, we will have discussed every movie, that's what I'm thinking. But not John Davis has 101 credits, so you've seen him in something. So the movie actually starts out with a fairly well constructed dirt bike race. Except for if you've ever heard a dirt bike race. This captures the sound relatively well. So it sounds like really loud angry bees. very distinctive noise. Yes. So there's an accident that happens in the middle of it and guys are yelling at each other. What there's a dirt bike race going around with you guys. But here they the plot is from there that they are going to find a buried treasure of Civil War era guns worth $2,000 Each totaling$400,000 or $2 million in our current monies Museum, a lot of research masks one of those kinds of movies. What else can I look up probably watch this. They're interesting story about it, though. Charlie Daniels done most of the music for this. And not because this guy had any kind of budget because he didn't. But one of the producers or something on the movie, or one of the actors knew Charlie Daniels personally, and the director is actually to call him now. Okay. And he did. He was on tour at the time, but actually ended up injuring himself for something on that tour. So we had to end the tour and ended up writing the theme song and the musical score for the movie. Wow, he is much better at writing the theme song. musical scores a little weird, although he did go on to write like eight other scores mainly for short films and stuff. But it's this is kind of borrowed from deliverance. And it's storyline. But instead of a river, they're driving those motorcycles from previously these four people take dirt bikes and drive the middle of Florida, by you. So interesting idea. And also there's the they all sleep outside, in in sleeping bags. And we're on that scatter be miserable to each other. Somehow, they wake up one morning and somebody has been following them and set the woods on fire. And they set our raging fire for this. So I'm hoping you guys are putting that out there lightly started off actually very fairly well shot but does sort of frame where there's a scene where the framing so completely off. It's bizarre. It's like here's a head and here's the rest of the building they're standing in and out you so it's very weird at times. But earnest do like to make a lot of movies. I don't know how deep in the woods they're going because it seems like they've been riding their motorcycles and walking for about four days. So you're you've got a you're going up and down Florida not across, whatever. But the place they're looking for is deep in the woods. But they eventually find it or do they? Will they get the treasure? Will it go smoothly for them? And all will leave on alive and unharmed? Of course. I feel like I know the answer is probably not no. Although I will give the director a little bye come on man where you're basing it on deliverance but the rape goes to the women that come on you should have the by you guys raping the two guys that are they're not the two women. Yeah. For B night, right Equal Opportunity racist. Racist rapists. They're probably bought or some cross. This the guy who made this this as part of an arrow box set of a bunch of films this guy made in Florida. And this must have been a rough one to start with. Because this is not a well remastered film. It sounds good and it looks fine. But man, it's like a couple steps above VHS like wow. Let's see there is a scene in whiskey mountain where Christopher George and another guy who come out of the hardware store and firing guns at a pickup truck that flips over. Well, he had a stuntman that lied to him and said he knew how to do this. I've done something like that before. And as it was going And he was also apparently in charge of where deliverance was filmed but didn't just said that didn't necessarily say and I worked on deliverance. But so they closed off the whole town for this put a ramp in to do kind of you know that classic trauma car flipped, like you see in all of their movies and did it wrong? It angled off to the side and if it hadn't built been for a very solid lamp sitting in front of a hardware store he would have done right into the store. Wow. Oh my God, but he ended up hitting that and it stopped him. And the director saying I like to think the whole time was oh, lawsuit. It's gonna be a big lawsuit. I'm screwed. Got it all fixed up. And everything was fine. Oh my god. The boxes name he came from the swamp collect seven of his movies and a pretty good documentary about him. They've had a bunch of marijuana in the cave. That was real. Oh, was the late 70s after all. Okay, treasure is a lot crewed by a group from Florida and North Carolina. Let's see what else is there. The I thought it was interesting, weird little note that Charlie's Dan Charlie Daniels gets no mention on Wikipedia or IMDB. Oh, this was all in a book that was with the movie. And in the intro that William did for the film. Wow, that's very weird, but it shows up on the credit screen that he okay. Yeah. So, you know, it's if you're into the backwoods, low budget movies, this is actually fairly decent one. It's well done. It's got good. It's got a good solid revenge against the wrongs committed against them. By the the, the marijuana growers. The bad guys growing that marijuana in a cave somehow. Hey, I've got my 10 minutes now, fam. Nicely done. And then some. Yeah, well, this was this was a fine film. It's almost exactly what is expected of watch another movie or two by this guy. And he's, he does neat stuff. And what I like about these films and the other ones, I've got another one from a guy from Wisconsin. It's just a different flavor of film. Yeah, we've seen every location you can be in and are watching some random movie the other night and I Oh, there's the rocks from Star Trek. Yes, of course. But you don't get that when you're watching a movie shot in Florida very often. Yes, it's in Miami. But so that was nice work, Eric. Really well done. Gotta reset the clock here. Oh, my God. Actually put in 10 minutes on the buzzer this time. So I'll try to be quick. All right. So um, the movie that I picked was actually one that Micah had sent me at one point and I was like, Oh, I really need to watch this. This is a great excuse. But literally in Savannah, where he was when he texted us so I went with the 1981 movie Madhouse helped me get out of here. We can start over just just beginning. You can't leave you're not still afraid of her after all these years. The stories you used to tell me were not a story. What a better ceremony to celebrate. Now what is it? What's happened? She tried. She tried to do what are you talking about? I know there was a dog in my apartment last night. Are you sure? You know how you used to have those dreams about dogs attacking? We wake up screaming. We heard the idea that your sister would sing her dog on your friends is a little bit off the wall. They keep acting like like I'm seeing things like I'm making it all up like I'm crazy. Look honey, do you think I'm crazy? Good boy this was an arrow copy it was really beautiful blu ray edition but of a movie that I don't know if it needed it anyway Rotten Tomatoes score of critics who knows not enough critics and 24% virmani hence the budget was 2 million box office was question mark no one knew was directed and CO written by a video G astronautics. He's Italian. He's directed six things that we all know about beyond the door tentacles, uncredited Purana to the spawning and over the line, but he produced 35 Although on a documentary thing he said he did over 5055 So who knows? Anyways, Red Riding Hood Wonderful World of Disney center of a woman rock ILA beyond the door three curse of curse and cursed who he's often credited as all of her Helman. So the cast is starring a bunch of TV people, the least of which is Patricia McKay. AKA Trish Everly. She plays Julia. She's bet has 11 credits. All TV Dennis Robertson 86 credits TV, Michael McRae 86 credits TV. Morgan most 15 credits hot blonde friend definitely worth watching. You can see her in an episode of incredible hulk an episode of Dallas and an episode of Eight is Enough. The story so this is a very low budget piece and definitely not not getting any stars in it but by an Italian guy who has an eye for Italian cinema so it's feels very jello as you're watching it. Not because it's like Argento but because it's somebody who likes Argento so we open with twins on a black screen and all you see is like one twin rocking the other one in the chair and singing Rockabye baby. And as the credits slowly go through the opening credits, we get closer and closer and closer until she smashes her face in with a rock. Well, hello, this is where we're at. Then we cut to Julius Sullivan. Many years later, a young school teacher for deaf children living in Savannah, Georgia. She is called up by her uncle who is also a priest to come to the bedside of her twin sister. Mary Julia hesitates as her twist her twin was a sadistic and twisted jerk. And she has spent many years trying to separate herself from her and just get out of her life. However, when she gets to the hospital because I guess she caves and that's not reason enough. her uncle's like by the way you might not recognize your sister this degenerative disease that she has has affected her looks and her face is kind of melting off. So she finds her sister. She goes through this like really dark hallway with lots of plastic sheets and then pulls one aside and her sisters of course start screaming at her and freaking out. And she says you know our birthday is coming up in just a few days and I'm going to make you suffer on it. So which is not great because the uncle was like she missed you so much. She's really want to see you Why have you been away so yeah, anyway, Julie leaves immediately and then she confessed this to her boyfriend who's a doctor, how she was tortured constantly by her sister who had this pet dog Who she would have like, bite her. And she would constantly say these horrible things to her. She'd put up, you know, matches on her and just, her whole life really, really tortured her. Though she does have difficulty describing, like, really specific, she was like, the thing she did to me like, you get a few of these nods. But I think the writer may not have thought it through. And that's the sense I get with a lot of this. There's, like, it's horrible. What's horrible, don't worry about it. Throughout this film, I'm also psychology back then not not, um, as much of a thing. So basically, they he listens to her story. And he's like, cool. Why don't you do something about it? It sounds rough. She's like, well, she was really horrible to me. And I was a kid. And he's like, so like, wow. And that's that also consistently happens in this film. There's a lot of victim blaming. Well, why didn't you do something? Yeah, that's good point. So of course, $100, thank you. Slap her a few times, give her a glass of water. Come on woman, definitely a lot of talking about her while she's in the room that passwords very good. So sure enough, of course, her sister breaks out of the hospital and goes missing. All of a sudden a bunch of people around town start to be killed by a strange Rottweiler. That was not in the hospital. But that's fine. A mystery Rottweiler shows up and starts killing everybody, including one of her favorite students. So rough times for Julia. As we get closer to the birthday, of course, you know that something is going to happen. Something sick and horrible is in store for Julia. Luckily, her boyfriend has gone out of town, so she's going to be fine on her own while her sister has gone missing and there's dog marks on her door and her friend just was supposed to watch her overnight and seem to disappear. But it's fine and her students dead, but whatever. Her sister was on the loose, or it's a twin story. Who knows. So the birthday party once they get there, it's a really fun scene. I think that's where they put the most thought of this entire film. It's, it's very good. You have a lot of dead bodies and like party hats, which is very fun. There's a lot of like clowns for no reason like birthday cake with clowns all over. It's very, very strange. Also, the Deaf school, I think they went to a real deaf school and have like actual deaf school techniques in there. And that was really neat and interesting to see where the kids are using the different equipment and it's just kind of fascinating. Um, twins, guys, you know, unless you've got something really strong and important to say about it, maybe don't. It's so played out. Like, I don't think they really knew they're doing other than twins. They're creepy. The villain in this there, there's a few twists and turns but when we get to the reveal, super ham fisted but insane and kind of hilarious and the entire film sort of twists a little bit and you're like, Oh, this is a different movie, but that's okay. I'm enjoying this very much. Thank you. So good, good stuff. It does end with the quote, live. Life differs from place. And as it has no plot all this vague, desultory, unconnected till the end curtain drops with the mystery unsolved by GV Shaw. And you know what, fuck you guys just because you didn't write a coherent story doesn't give you the permission to end that way. Because they didn't. It is very Italian. It just feels that way all the way through. The colors are just huge, bright, really interesting shots and lighting all the way through. There's a lot of wearing gloves but they're like the fuzzy gloves not like a black leather. So you're like Okay, interesting. Take lots of melodrama lots of screams all the blood is like bright red like goo it's it's extremely bad makeup and extremely bad effects but it almost doesn't matter because of the tone. It feels fun. Little bit of trivia. taglines. Julia thinks she lives alone. She doesn't. I don't. That's not a great tagline for this. The movie was filmed on location in Savannah, Georgia, and then did Taurus keyhole house which has a reputation of being haunted by T two of the dead keyhole, family children. There's a lot of children cries and laughs throughout the house, though it advertises itself on Google as the number one USA top hotel for romance 2021 and is now a bed and breakfast so Wow. Go check it out. And that's that's really it for my phone. Available an arrow. Wow. Holy cow. Look at you. You're so good at this game. Now. I know. Tell me this. Okay. You didn't sound like you liked it at all at the beginning but you sounded kinda like you liked it at the end. There's like, yeah, there's moments where I feel like it. It gets good in places, but then the end end end sucks. So you're like you have there's a lot there's like a little right in there. There's there's a couple scenes that I'm like, okay, cool, cool. But when you're trying to think about the plot, and at the end, you're like, I'm just gonna be revealed and tied up and they're like, fuck you. Here's a fun poem. You're like, Fuck you back. Joe, you dare Don't you dare go to black don't know credit stop rolling. Acceptable. So it was a little mad about that. All right, well, I'm just gonna turn off the buzzer before it gets there. Nicely done. That's my reward. Not hearing the bells of theory in my ear holes. Oh my 10 minutes on the egg timer. I chose for my film The Legend of Boggy Creek here in this primitive river bottom wilderness in southern Arkansas, along with deer, duck, crane and beaver lurks a creature that walks whether it is a man, a monster, or a myth, no one really knows. What we do know is the people around Foulke Arkansas say they have seen such a creature nearly 250 times since 1954. And that this creature, whatever it is, emits one of the most terrifying sounds ever recorded. The Legend of Boggy Creek rated G. Either you guys seen this? I'm not sure I definitely fell asleep during it. Oh, well. This was the first time viewing for me. 1972 budget of $160,000 box office of $30 million. Wow, she's no Rotten Tomatoes critics. Oh, and the audience has it a 44% Whoa. Directed by Charles B. Pierce, who also directed the Town That Dreaded Sundown Boggy Creek too. He also wrote Sudden Impact. Oh, he wrote that with the writer of this film Earl E. Smith, who also wrote the town the Dreaded Sundown and something called the shadow of Shikara. Starring William stump, one credit, this film starring John P. Hickson. One credit, this film Beautiful narrated by Vern Stearman, who has four credits, all narration credits, including the dark, the being and the town, the Dreaded Sundown. Okay, so first off, this is set up to be kind of a documentary style film with reenactments. So the story is narrated throughout, but also also each scene is acted out. So you're watching a movie and every once in a while, the narrator comes in and lets you know what's going on. There's no interviews or anything like that. It's I found it to be really interesting and compelling, little movie. So it starts with a boy running across the field. And I was actually thinking about this young kid that they're making run through all of these long shots because they're far away shots and he is just booking and he looks like he's, you know, eight years old or something. And I remember being able to run for a long time, but this still seemed a little bit like child abuse, which made me like it more. So he's been sent to the general store to collect some men by his mom because she thinks she's seen a seven foot tall man monster near her house. So the men laugh and they send the boy back home and on the way home, he hears this very eerie scream coming from the woods. It's definitely not human, but it's certainly not like any animal screen. And this is when the narration begins. And our lead guy is Jim, who heard that scream as a child and is now kind of telling the story of the creature in the town. through narration. It's really just a bunch of little vignettes and or introduces some of the people in town and then their encounter with the creature. And it gets a little repetitive because they've all have pretty much the same encounter. It's a tiny town they claim it's got 350 residents, which seems almost impossible to me, if you know our neck of the woods Stanwood that's a very tiny town that still has 5000 people. So 350 people is like a village I guess. So we're introduced to first a trapper and his son, and then we see their encounter with a creature which they shoot in the chest, and then it runs off and they make a big deal of how it ran off on two feet. Then we meet another guy in town and talks about something killing his hogs. And these are big 200 pound hogs that have been strangled. Coincidentally, before you guys got here, I strangled my own hug. Oh, no. All right, wrapping up. There's a few more stories, most of them are all very similar hunters out in the swamp or the woods coming across the creature. But there was one story that I thought was really effective about a woman with her sister and her baby alone in their house, and they see the creature peering into their window and then spend the night scared to death while the thing howls outside their house. And then the next morning, they find their cat dead from fright. mouth or you could say from fright, and we don't really know, you know, just kill the cat leukemia. The number one killer, not to bring everybody no one. There's another one with this teenager who's invited two of her girlfriends over to the house. Is this like a single wide trailer. And they're having a slumber party and the creature stalks outside, they all scream and they grab a shotgun, which I like, but then they're too scared to load it. So they just sit there huddled on the kitchen floor holding a empty shotgun. And then the next morning, the parents returned to find the girls mute from shock. And I'm like, you know, I've been around teenage girls, this is not necessarily a bad thing. I actually do agree with the whole thing ends with no real resolution, Vanessa, you'd be furious. She returns to the area as an adult and tries to put together the whole story. And he finally says, You may believe the whole thing is a hoax. But if you ever driving down here, keep your eyes out for a creature watching from the shadows. Well, as long as it doesn't end on a pretentious quote, it's fine. It does not end on a pretentious quote. I have to say I really enjoyed this movie. It's surprisingly effective. In some scenes, the acting is shockingly good considering it is literally the residents from the town he decided to shoot it. Nobody's an actor in this. The only times it really falls apart is when they try to show a little too much of the creature which is clearly just a man in a very cheap gorilla alpha. So that's a bummer. tagline. It scared me then and it scares me now. Okay, which is something he says at the beginning when the hell happens and he starts his narration. Okay, trivia The film was a major success considering a small budget, but the actors had to sue to get paid. After more than three years. The case was settled for $90,000 After attorneys fees, each actor got$1,000 Oh god. Wow. That's heartbreaking. Yeah. The film is based upon actual reported encounters with a Bigfoot creature in the Phalke Boggy Creek area of Arkansas throughout the 1960s and early 70s. Most of the actors in the film are the actual people from the encounters. The creature was alleged to have attacked an actual family in 1971. But sightings of this go all the way back to 1946. And it is called the The Phalke monster. So I thought it was weird that this was set in the south and it was clearly Bigfoot, but it is not Bigfoot. It is something else. Probably part of the Bigfoot species. I mean, definitely. I mean, they're, they're all over America. Really? If you really look. The film was a tremendous success drive ins it grossed $20 million, making it the 10th highest grossing movie of 1972. And then supposedly another 10 million in VHS rentals when it was finally made available for that. So that's pretty crazy. That's wild. I remember it came out recently or something because it popped up all over social media just got a really a remaster by the daughter of the original director. Yeah, so but listen to this, it had a weird thing. In 1977 Return to Boggy Creek was released. It was directed by Tom Moore, Charles B. Pierce was not involved with film's production and the film carries over none of the original Docu drama elements is sorry is Dawn wells and Dana Plato? Oh my wells portrays the mother of three children who become lost in the swamp until the creature comes to their rescue. And then in 2010, another unauthorized sequel with no narrative connection to the original, or its 1985 sequel, was released as a straight to DVD movie titled Boggy Creek. It concerns a Bigfoot like creature who attacks a group of teenagers that are vacationing in the fictional area of Boggy Creek, Texas. The film was written and directed by Brian T. Jane's there is an official sequel in 1985 Boggy Creek to and The Legend Continues was released, the director appears returned to direct this film, which was written as a direct sequel to the original film, thus the reason for styling, the title is two instead of three. And it follows the adventures of a University of Arkansas professor and his students, one of which is Pierce's son on their trip to Phalke, Arkansas to find and study the creature. I know that people like our buddy Craig really loves this movie. And I think I have tried to watch this in the past and it was like, a little shaky. This time for whatever reason, it really worked for me I had a good time with it. And which which southern state is this, that and again, Arkansas. Wow. Okay, cool. Yeah. can be hard to figure out the sequel if I ever tried to pick it up. So then I was like, I liked this movie enough that I'm going to check out the sequel. The reviews for all of them are awful. I'm very interested in the dawn wells and Dana Plato one just because 1977 Dawn wells sounds like something I want to see. But otherwise, look at that. We all beat the timer this time. Wow. I'm turning off Christmas everyone. We got at least two basketball right? Noises this. Okay, so we didn't discuss this at all? Who's got the next pick? I think I think that's Eric. Well, I look that up. I'd like to thank Alan for joining in and buying us some pizzas earlier this week. So thank you very much, Alan, good to see you on the grouping. Thanks, Alan. This is the next one's Christmas. Oh, we're doing a Christmas show. And we're doing something a little different. This time, instead of us all picking a Christmas movie says quite honestly, we've gone through all the good ones. I think we are picking one Christmas movie and we will all be talking about it. Yes. If you've seen any of our live shows, it's kind of what we've done at cryptic con, right with Fang and Big Trouble in Little China. So we'll be along those lines should be interesting. Yeah, that'll be a fun one. Also, if you want to leave us a message on our strange aeons radio hotline, the number is 253-237-4266. Just pop in and say hi. Say you hate us say you love us. We don't care. Let us know if we can play it on the air. Yes, listen, loader. If you've already listened to the show on podcast, load us up on YouTube and just let it run. Give us those numbers. Just a fun, go and share with your friends. I really appreciate the guy that got on the Facebook page and call me a cunt. That was lovely. Please no any is the C word. And I was Oh, it's you bring that up because like even So living in London didn't soften that word. Why people think I can get there are a couple movies where it was like funny. And they would do that. I swear the 10 years I lived there. That was not a thing. People were not going up to their male friends and going Aha, y'all go crazy. Can't no one was doing that. I happen to know what the and bumper is. Yeah, that sounds like we've had a couple guests come from Britain that do speak like, I don't know, they might be doing it for us to be our benefit. I absolutely believe that from from one of them. Yeah, I think it could be me because there's an expectation like, the way I am over there is a very different version of an American thrown around a lot. No. No one should use the word please. All right, if you can't get it done, this is the part where I say thank you and give gratitude for all the people who are donating money. They're taking part in the value and value model leaving messages for us on the hotline or even if you're calling me a horrible word on the Facebook page, even that has some value because it made for a great story and this great conversation we just said it's true. You did send it out in a group text and I did start cussing immediately. This poor man would deserve anyway. Right. Well, thanks anyway. Folks, like, share, subscribe, leave a review. That's right. Okay, we're gonna be back in seven short days and we are talking Christmas, Christmas transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio, five and an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Sit. No, no, no, no, I will make myself feel so much worse than anyone else can. That's the most funny part about it. I've already punished myself on the way so much harder than anything anyone could say that by the time I get there any kind of punishment is like mood