Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 208

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Kelly is tripping balls, and Vanessa does not understand what "One Last Job" means. Also discussed: The Camp at Blood Island, Two Witches, and Strictly Ballroom, believe it or not.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there, either. That's finesse over there. Hello, I'm Kelly. Hey guys. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. What did you do on New Year's? Well, this is the day before or the Thursday before New Year's. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh, no. Let's see. So the next I'm gonna not talk about this at all. Okay, sounds good. Yeah. You know what, I am going to talk about you guys. Yeah. I'm going to reveal something here. That's illegal. I have been micro dosing mushrooms. Is that illegal here? Well, it's, it's not legal. Oh, okay. It's under brown double? Well, duh, they've passed something. And so it's gonna have to go through the 12 months of all this stuff. Anyhow, I got mushrooms. Next Thursday, the feds are totally coming in your house. Yeah. To cutting to sorry, I friend of mine said, hey, you know I'm doing this and makes me feel great. And it makes you, it gives you a better mood makes you optimistic. It gives you clarity, you'll you'll be focused on your writing and all this stuff. And I said, I need some of that. And quite honestly, the girlfriend said, Hey, optimism, I'd love to see that in you. So I've been trying it for a couple of weeks. And I'm still very angry. I haven't been writing as much as I wanted to. And you're not supposed to trip at all. It's microdosing. Right? Yeah. But I notice on the days that I take it because it's every third day, that it always hits me when I'm driving. And it's not like a visual thing or anything. It's just this kind of feeling of I'm not quite there with it right now. This is the worst time for this to be happening. Yeah. And I think it's just because the all the movement going on as you're driving is is triggering something. Because if it happened at home, I'd probably think Oh, it's just kind of pleasant. Yeah, you know, it's not nausea or anything like that. It's just this kind of weird, a little not in control. And I always kind of like that feeling. But I think I'm gonna have to give it up because the the only thing I'm getting out of it is a uncomfortable anxiety that I'm driving and things look a little strange right now. I get zero optimism. Clarity. Drugs seem to be a weird thing for you like he can't do because he gets it almost seems like you're allergic to marijuana. I Yeah. Turns out I'm allergic to marijuana. Of course, maybe you tried micro dosing some mushrooms at some point, not while you're driving, not where you're going? Well, and micro dosing, but like, dosing Oh, macro doesn't know I've always been afraid of the vomiting that that happens with mushrooms. So you could do like maybe twice your micro dose, whatever that is. But on Sunday, I did do twice my micro dose because my friend who shall go unnamed, but listens to this podcast, said, Well, you're such a lush and everything. Maybe your system can Oh, he's like just trying to have them. So I did. And it happened to be on a day that I was home. But I was working from home. I was watching a webinar. And it was the most boring webinar in the world. It's just a slideshow with somebody talking. And at one point I started looking at and I was like, Oh, I got some movement on this slide. That's cool. And I was like, God, no, they don't know. Nope, sounds like this happening. Oh, he's no Kelly. There are legal things that can help with anxiety and depression to you. Yeah, well, like the thing is, I love drugs. Look, if you hand me something, I will take it and just be like, Okay, let's see what this does. But I don't want to get into any of the heavy duty drugs because of you know, like, can't do. Molly anymore. nitinol is all over the place, right? I wasn't really talking about the wrong data about snorting coke. I was talking about like, antidepressant. Oh, I know. Having been with somebody who was on those things. I don't want that kind of feeling either. Oh, they turned them kind of into a zombie. I Okay, interesting. Yeah, you're right. I will say there's there's a lot of different ones. And generally you have to go through them to find the right one. Are you speaking from experience? Do you have any on you? Know, I'm just saying that like, you know, I've I have a lot of weird shit in my head. And also somebody who wants to be creative. I was like, I don't want to take the shit because it will dumb me down and feel anything and see your right out. Oh, my God. Turns out if you get the right one, and it took me a while. It does not do that at all. All it does is not make you waste time being anxious. Well, that would be that would be nice. That is literally the best. It's like, wow, I'm not being stressed out about the thing that was stupidly stressing me out. That's kind of nice. By the way, Mom, if you're listening to this, I don't do drugs. This is a character I play on a podcast. Okay, so just relax. coming through that door next Thursday. Remember, when we did several episodes ago, a Hammer Films retrospective? Yeah, that got me going. I bought a couple of hammer books. And I've started watching all of these old Hammer films, like they did some war pictures and stuff like that. I watched something called the camp at blood Island. Oh, which was really intense. It is a bunch of American and British soldiers during World War Two that are in a prisoner camp, a Japanese prisoner camp on this island. And they happen to know that the war has ended. But they also happen to know that if their Japanese captors find out that they're going to be killed. Oh, so they have to kind of not let them find out that the war has ended. And it was really intensive. Really good. Wow. And not what I was expecting from a hammer film. I've heard of the title, but I haven't seen that one. It sounds really good. It's crazy. Yeah. Camp at blood Island. Now I know you loaned me a hammer thing. But do they make like a gigantic one that has all of these? Unfortunately, the gigantic one that has all of these. All of them? The one I've seen? I don't want this available anymore. It's reaching to? Yeah, I've got that one. It's not all of them. It's actually a specific selection. Yeah, unfortunately, that's the largest collection and then the one that you have. That's the American one. Luckily, it doesn't have a lot of crossover. So that's really nice. So I've got both of those. But I'm still missing like tons. I've got a couple bucks. That's the one I longevity is eight movies. Yeah, I've got another one I think was 12 or 20. But it's still, that's the I think that's like the low availability horror ones they did. They've done a couple movies from but it's not. I don't know how many they did total. But they did a lot. That sure region two, they release, like loop smaller box sets of like three, four movies on this one. And that one, it's, you know, a pain in the butt book that I bought that hammer. I think it's called the hammer files or something like that. It's just, it's huge. It's a beautiful coffee table book with all of these really neat inserts of promotional material they had for each film and all that. But literally, it's got to be 300 pages. And every page is just a movie. It's film saying how many movies they made. Yeah, yeah, super prolific. But that's awesome. I think that's a really good use of time. We should do another one of those maybe. So I watched a movie that Eric has already talked about. I checked out Christmas bloody Christmas on shutter. We've all seen that. Yeah, that was that was a surprisingly fun phone. There was a lot of like walking and talking but like overall like really enjoyed it. Yeah, the walking and talking was a little fucking long. It was a fucking walking fucking talking if you fucking know what I mean. But the snow effect I was looking at that that worked really well. It looks great. They you know, and you don't really care those not accumulating on the ground. Like it doesn't really it's not that noticeable and the Terminator Santa works pretty darn good. I think the ending maybe could have been a little stronger. But like we're all yeah, really fun. Really fun film. And don't you wish that shop was in your neighborhood? Yeah. Really, really cool shop. I was a little like, you know what, guys? We don't need to sell VHS. We really don't need to bring that back. I'm sorry. It's not they're not they're not fun. They're clunky and they look like shit. And I got rid of all of mine. So I don't let's not make it cool. Again. Take up a lot of space they do. I only have very select one still I have the original Star Wars. They're nice. Me too. So I outside of horror completely. Both of my movies this week. Wow. First one. Baz Luhrmann said his first film strictly ballroom, which I hadn't watched in years, and remember it really like him gone. I mean, he's gonna really like this one. And we made the mistake the night before watching. Sorry to anybody who probably loves this film because I know it's beloved is Mamma Mia. Painfully saccharin. Oh my god, it's a lot. It's a lot. And I know it's all Beegees. But there are a whole lot of big songs I never heard of in that Abba Abba album, and a whole lot. BGS app is fine. That's just got some great stuff. They don't use most of them in that movie. Anyways. So I'm like, a good, romantically leaning film. And, yeah, that holds up that end is just so cool. That's, I remember watching that as a kid with my brother. And then like, he taught me how to do the square like waltz afterwards, that was really, really fun. But yeah, I've been wanting to rewatch that. I'm glad to hear it holds up. Pretty good. Pretty good. I like when you look up at a movie, Gardner has just started watching this, and you're 40 minutes into the film. Is that okay? That's some good pacing. That's awesome. Let's see, I did watch a bunch of stuff. But if we talked about most of it before, I'm going to talk about a movie called two witches. This should be on your arrow account. Sounds familiar? It is kind of a strange film very creepy. Two stories, both about a witch, who hence the title. And it felt a little Italian filth, a little 70s. It's brand new. And at the end, I liked it. It's gory, and gross. And there's sacrifice and I mean, literal human sacrifice. And stuff like that is very witchy. And it made me realize the point the last couple of years, we've gotten a lot of witch stuff. You're so right. You're so many I've been watching as I've been doing the end of the year. Catch up stuff. That's I think this one's on my list to watch. But I haven't watched that yet. Yeah, it just seems you know, we go through these weird cycles of vampires and stuff like that. But witches was not what I expected. Yeah, yeah. Do you recommend it? Yeah, it's a soft recommend. I think that if you're into those kinds of movies, then you'll like it. It's also kind of slow. Is it like feminist? Or is it just like? Well, I would say that it is in the fact that it's almost completely female. That I mean, I don't I'm trying to think if there are any men in the acting. There are a couple but they're their side characters. It is. Both stories are about two women. And these two witches that are making their lives kind of miserable. Oh, and so it's, yeah, I thought it was really effective. But then I heard somebody else talk about it. Our buddy Matt, and he was like, texting me after I recommended it to him. And he's like, does this get good at any point? Okay, not for everyone clearly make us look very, very tolerable of films. Just means I like you guys that much better. So I messed up our schedule, because I went and visited a friend who was having a 40th birthday. And I apologize for that. But it did mean I got to rewatch Spider Man. No way home, but this time, the extended edition with a lot of extra content in it like a lot of extra content. Is that the last one with all this vitamin? Yep. Oh, I didn't realize it was like cat throwing? No, there was an extended one. And they even rereleased it in theaters with the extra stuff in there. It's really weird because first of all the the one that we saw in the first original theater one type good film. Yeah, really good tight film. This is a loose non nonsense do not need to see this stuff. So there's a lot of scenes like for example, when the three kids are like at Dr. strangest place and he's like, Yeah, I'll go down to use my basement and it's just got like a laundry room and in that has like five different scenes shots of like, weird stuff in the laundry room. They keep discovering and like they have a little mini castle and Dr. Strange is in this top of the castle looking out at this miniature castle and there's like weird like little creatures and it's very Harry Potter. You're asked, and then all of course, every time there's the three SpiderMan, all that stuff is way longer. There's all that improv that goes on in there. But the craziest thing about it was in order to put this stuff back in, they had to recut that part those parts of the movie to make it make sense. So yeah, so you're watching it, you're like, that's not how the scene went before. And it's so that the stuff they're putting in makes sense now. So it was really just a fascinating editing exercise of like, oh, okay, that's how you Okay, cool. I wonder how so you had to recut that to make that sense. Make sense for the shorter version? Okay, cool. So considered a director's cut, or is it a, I don't think it's more of a producer's cut. It's more of a like, it's like an audience cut. I think everybody's fine with the stuff not being in there. There's very few moments in there that I'm like, Man, I wish that was there. A lot of is like, I can see why we lost this. You love this movie before? And so you'll love more of this movie now? Yes. 100% that is if you loved that movie, when you want to watch it again. But with fresh eyes. By all means this is the way to do it. If you didn't like the movie, do not watch this version. You will be not happy sitting there for longer moments of what you already disliked. Hang on, slow down. I'm writing this down. If I didn't like the movie The first time I should not watch this longer version of the wreck. Got it? Yes, yes. Thank you guys, you guys. You understood that subtle text there. Anyway, you know, I frequently bitch about long movies. I enjoyed a giant on goddamn movie so much. We've talked about it before Alexa is a very good one to movies. Very good one. Probably one of the best dubbed films ever made. Absolutely. Bahubali to the conclusion, okay, now a few years. A few years ago now I talked about Michael Bali for like, I don't know what our subject was may have been like the animated one because I talked about Baku Balis animated version. But I watched the first film very similar to our our our in tone and ridiculousness and over the top at Shakespearean Greek tragedy levels, where the mother decides because her one son has faked that he got attacked that she mal must sentence her other son the hero of the movie to death. Oh my god. Well, I mean, it's just it is so much fun. It's so much fun. Because I I've complained several times, probably on the show about the whole idea that I want my movies to be real. You know what? I've seen scenes from my marriage. Yes. I've seen movies like that that are based on reality. You know what? I live in reality. I want my movies to be fun and interesting. And if they are reality, not totally real. Yeah. COVID was a hell of a thing and I think it really took us all on an emotional journey that led us right here. That's why our RR was such a giant hit on Oh yeah. So huge. But if you liked our our at all, definitely check out Baku. Bali. It is two movies both fantastic. I think it's like seven hours of films between the two of them. Wow. And totally worth it. What are you watching that on Netflix? Okay, cool. Okay, well, why don't we take a little break guys and then when we come back we are talking about one last job for those who remember, for those who will never forget, and for a whole new generation, who will experience it for the very first time the Star Wars trilogy three Timeless Adventures that changed moviemaking forever. Now the entire trilogy digitally mastered in thx for the ultimate in sound and picture quality. This will be your last chance to own the original version of Star Wars, the George Lucas masterpiece that launched the Star Wars trilogy. The force is forever for all generations. The original Star Wars trilogy on video, one last time we have returned. I'm away. Hi, everybody. I'm here. Eric, this was your sub genres. Right? Can you explain again what this idea was? So this was actually one I believe was the suggestion from Jamie from a while ago when he gave us a very kind donation. And as I look at this, it's on our radar. And I think we've now skipped around enough with enough strange things that we could do a one off sort of thing that is definitely not genre specific. That is a hell of a lot of fun. So it's one last job. You've all seen them, they call them the reluctant hero. And Joseph Campbell, I believe, is that from Joseph Campbell, is that another screenwriting thing? That's from Joseph Campbell, but his ideas everybody is a reluctant hero. Yeah. That the movie so the idea is that you've got somebody a character you really like and they make some really cool, and he he's going to retire or she's going to retire. They've got to start something new. But they have to do this one last job. One last job. I keep trying to get out but they keep calling me back. Erica and putting 10 minutes on the egg timer for you. Beautiful, and go. So I did a film from 2004 called the layer cake you're not in there because I like it. I'm not against it. I'm a businessman. giving people what they want. As long as you're a smart boy. Which you keep being a bad company. We work to a few golden rules 3 million dumb keep a very low profile. Never be too greedy. You know what people like? You can't leave this business because you make too much money. People not me. But I've always said quit while you're ahead give me a day on people's heads while you're watching you're gonna need one of these but don't hate guns don't take this personally. You keep an eye out you're shaking Welcome to the layer cake Some think about that rotten tomatoes. I'm actually gonna say I think this is a little low. Critics headed at 80 crowd had it at 84 It's a good movie. Good film. It was made for about 4 million euro. worldwide box office was$11.8 million. About even directed by Matthew fawn who's started us director startups kick ass X Men first class. He's not much of a working director. The two Kingman movies plus the one kings Man movie. Married to Claudia Schiffer since 2002. We know that okay. Writer was JJ Connelly who's also wrote the novel that was based on Daniel Craig Wright heard of him. He's played James Bond for like five movies now and he's voiced. He's such a video game fan. He's voiced James Bond for all the James Bond video games that have come out in that time period. Wow, I just read that He is the longest bond at 16 years. Wow. Not as many movies but longest time he's got and of course the amazing new film series maybe knives out. He was a stormtrooper and the Force Awakens and one episode of Tales from the Crypt season seven smoke rings. The character name in the book is x x x x. And in the movies Mr. X. Another actor is George Harris, Ben and a few things like Raiders the Lost Ark a whole bunch of Harry Potter movies. See No Evil Hear No Evil, and the dogs of war. Michael Gambon. Whose was in the cook the thief, his wife and her lover as featured in Episode 183 of strange aeons radio and played the second Dumbledore I believe in the later Harry Potter movies. He's also in my life aquatic, which is one of my favorite ones from that guy. And kind of forgotten film that at the time was a lot of fun Sky Captain in the world of tomorrow. Yeah. Oh, sure. He's been in 170 friggin movies. Colm Meany, who's been in 103 73 episodes of Star Trek in Deep Space Nine. Oh, sorry, I was not paying attention. He's been 173 episodes, but he's had 137 credits. And also Tom dirt Tom Hardy Burn Gorman and Sienna Miller. So telecast. The opening is so damn cool. It's a super stylized introduction to the world. He lives in. Mr. X lives in of where it started when he was like in its 20s. In the way crime was then and the way crime was in B, as he aged and the way crime is now. And it's also done with this amazing backdrop of imagery that changes as he's kind of walking through stuff. It's just freaking great. I'm more like this movie. And then he proceeds as his narration continues, he lays out why he's good at what he does, and why he is getting out of what he does. Because he's, he's introduced basically as the smart villain. You know, the guy who actually gets stuff done and doesn't postulate doesn't run around with a bunch of guns and money hanging out his pants and with 14 strippers around him all the time, he is very much a businessman who's in illegal business. And he's getting ready to retire. Uh huh. Of course, the boss says he can't. He hasn't even told him. He's retiring. But the boss knows. Yeah, I know. You're up to sampling. You're not leaving me. Nobody leaves me. This has a lot of Guy Ritchie influence. And I found out there's a really a major reason for that. Matthew Vaughn, the director and CO producer of layer cake was producer of lock stock and barrel and snatch. Oh, plus, Guy Ritchie was originally supposed to direct this, but he's directing revolver. When you told me this was Matthew Vaughn. I was like, Oh, why did I think this was a Guy Ritchie film? I see a picture looks like why. But for some reason, and I was like, this is a little weird twist in the movie. But okay, the drug leader boss hires him to find another drug. Guy's daughter who's gotten missing, and he wants to do the favor of finding the daughter. Movies called layer cake for a reason, though. So there's so much going on this film. So I'm not going to talk about it a lot, partially because it would take hours to break down what's going on in this film and make it understandable without just watching it. But there's a great job of layering the decisions and the confusion on top of each other and hold on. Is this guy doing that? Or was it this guy that did that? Didn't they kill that guy already? Oh, no, he's still alive. And there are some flashback moments that contribute to that to where they go, nope. This is what actually happened. You get drug deals going wonky. People are getting stealing drugs from people people are turning up dead. Sometimes there's some shooting, there's not a lot of shooting because well, it's British. He's, he starts off with his thing. And this is another part of the reluctant hero aspect of I will do anything, but I'm not going to do that. And whatever that is, is the thing you have to do as the hero in the movie. And his is I will do anything but I will not kill somebody. So of course, at some point, he has to kill somebody. And that's handled so well. The post acting Daniel Craig puts into the problems he had with what he did. Amazing. And what's his name? The guy from Deep Space Nine, called meanie freaking outstanding. Everybody is great. So he keeps screwing things up and making them sort of harder on themselves. But there's other people that are actually pulling the strings. We have no idea who they are. I love this film. This is fantastic. I will put one tiny caveat. The ending pissed me off in a lot of ways. Oh no. Other than that. I'm not gonna say what it was. I was gonna say that. But it's such a good film. And it's so cool. And I can also see other people go on that ending. It was perfect. What are you talking about? Yeah, so I have to admit, I don't quite remember the ending. All right. first draft of the screenplay was 408 pages long. That's too long. For book. It was based on his 344 page. That's so good. This was the movie that had the producer Barbara broccoli to decide that this is the guy who should play James Bond. Oh, cool producer on that she's also involved in I don't know if she's producing or something else with the Bond films at that time said, Let's try him. And that was a nice decision. Because I'd say the first day of Craig movie, one of the best Bond films Casino Royale. Yeah, I agree. He eventually the XX XX that the writer wrote where he was because he couldn't come up with a name. He wanted to go back. And by the time he got done writing, it's like, you know what, this really fits him being sort of an unknown, and it does his character should. The fact that people would have known his name would not fit that characters. I thought that was kind of neat. And we're complaining about the effort from the Santa movie. In this film, it's used over 210 times, and I'll be god damned if I recognize that being used much at all. Because it's used as it should be where it's not like, Hey, how you doing Fogg? This is great. Where it's like, Hey, how you doing? Fuck, man, this is great. Where people actually talk nice, excellent. But see, oh, JJ Connolly has been told by certain people that his book about being a criminal was so smart that it is used by some criminals who do drugs to follow his plan of the way things are set up and use Oh, wow. Not the movie but his book. Wow. Probably go into a lot more detail of how he moves his product and gets paid and stuff. And that once sitting there removed he was supposed to come in to get one of the guys in that scene where he had to kill someone. He's supposed to also kill two dogs. And the British said do not have your hero kill two dogs. He will not be able to recover from that and they will hate him for the rest of the movie. Cut that out. Okay, Robert Aegir. Roger Ebert liked it. But anyways, mainly daily, Daniel Craig, who this I don't know if this was necessarily star making role by any means because he'd been working forever. And but it was definitely one of his really, really good roles. Very smart menace menacing, and not in a weird, uncomfortable way. You know, he's sort of got that. I have a very special set of skills. And they're buzzing. Nailed. Nice job. Wow. You're really making me want to watch that movie again. Yeah, yeah, I was really really surprised how much I liked. It's very, very good. Very good choice. Vanessa. You ready? Oh my god, this one's gonna be really hard for me to fit in. But okay, so the movie I chose for maybe obvious reasons. Is Rogue One A Star Wars Story. State your name for the record. Join us forgery of Imperial documents possession of stolen property aggravated assault resisting arrest on your own from the age of 15 Reckless aggressive and undisciplined This is a rebellion isn't it I rebel we have a mission for you a major weapons test is imminent. We need to know what it is to destroy it is that clear? Yes sir. Work with you do when they catch you. When you do they greet you if you continue to fight what will you become? Have you heard of this one? It's a pretty small little indie piece. I look okay. I don't normally Well, I'm not supposed to pick a really big film scene. But I just watched andorre And I was like I really I haven't seen this since theaters. And I remember hating it and I want to know if that was accurate. So I chose it. One last job. Hello. I don't think you understood what that phrase meant. There's one last job they all have One last job. All right, let's let's hear it. All right. So, Rotten Tomatoes, this size movie from 2016 December Rotten Tomatoes, how's it at 84% for critics than 86% from audience, the budget was 202 160 5 million. The box office was 1.05 8 billion. But you know how we've talked about like the cost of marketing and how that really takes a factor in? After all the costs included in marketing and reshoots. They actually only made 319 point 6 million break even with $300 million profit. Yeah, I mean, it was a huge colossal success, which I didn't I was like, Man, that movie sucked. I must have not done well. I was in accurate about it. Directed by Gareth Edwards, who I thought he did a lot more. So he did some TV stuff. He's got seven edit, directing credits behind them. Some TV one short, then monsters, which I saw, by the way, has kind of a dumb movie, but that's okay. Followed by Godzilla, and then Rogue One. And that's kind of it. It's really weird. I thought he was doing way more stuff. He started off as a visual effects guy, which is why they is there's a lot of really good visual effects and all of his films, written by a lot of people. There's a lot of people who wrote this movie. The main person whose name on it was Chris vites vites, who did ants that he professor to the clumps, The Golden Compass, the bad one, and Pinocchio the bad one. He does a lot of producing, including apparently prospect I never met this man. I will tell you that. However, there was a writer who came in at the end after pretty much it was done to do a lot of rewrites to make this film make sense. And his name was Tony Gilroy. He has over 21 credits including devil's advocate extreme measures, Bourne Identity, and he created and row and or so he kind of came in to kind of hold the thing together after there was probably like 812 different writers who pass the baton. The idea came from John Knoll, who's an aisle guy who came up with the original concept and pitched it but he's just this idea man, starring a lot of people Felicity Jones as Jin Erso. Before this, she did a lot of British TV and one of my least favorite movies of all time like crazy. It sucks. I hate your phone. Diego Luna plays kacian andorre his 68 credits. He's a star in Mexico. His father is the most acclaimed living set designer in Mexico. His childhood best friend was Gail Garcia Bernal, who played alongside him in a soap opera. They were cast together in YouTube mama tambien which I was like shit is that kid book? Okay, that's incredible. Then his career lifted off after that. Then he did Freda Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, the terminal milk Elysium The Book of Life Flatliners remake and then of course 21 episodes of Narcos Mexico, and 24 episodes of and or he's awesome. I did not know he was in any of these things. Alan Tudyk isn't this you would know him from Firefly. He is a robot, Mads Mikkelsen from Hannibal and the hunts and another round and Dr. Strange is in this as Jin's dad. He's an imperial scientist. Donna Yen is a Blind Monk. Ben Mendelsohn is a bad Imperial dude, I remember him from the outsider, as the lead for speaker from species Ghost Dog and 131 other things is saw Guerrera Guerrera Gerrera I don't know. And Riz Ahmed, who made a splash in 2010 with his film for lions, which is a crazy film that will fuck you up if you watch it. Then went on to do Nightcrawler before doing Rogue One is a star in this as well. A story. GALEN Orson and his family are hiding out as farmers on laamu Fuckin Star Wars names impure soldiers land and threatened to kill his family if he doesn't come with them to help finish some important work that he's doing. He kind of fucks with them. He's like no, no, my family's not here. You just missed him. His wife shows up so they kill her. His daughter Jin escapes and is saved by Sagar era 13 years later Jen is in jail. She is fried though very suddenly. Because she's you know, girl the streets really crazy, not being headstrong, crazy chick who doesn't give a fuck about anything because she had no parents. She was freed by the Rebel Alliance who wants to use her to get to her father because they want to learn about a certain thing he's been working on. And she also knows soccer so they're like maybe you could do that to Cassie and and Dora and her sassy droid que tu es o are teamed up with her to go and do these tasks that they have to do for some reason. They go and see soccer but a defected fighter pilot named Bodie has a secret message from Galen on how to destroy this thing. He built the Deathstar. But of course, right when they get there, and she sees the hologram of her father explaining how to kill it, the Death Star shows up to blow up this planet as a test run. And in a crazy escape. They leave the planet as hunks of it are crushed and floating at them and they make their way away. And the Rebel Alliance is like yo, cool, that sucks. And we don't believe you at all about this entire thing. So whatever. And she's like, Okay, well, I mean, some people are gonna sneak off and go to the place that has the plans. For this situation. We're going to do a whole heist out there. And we are going to retrieve the blueprints so that you guys can blow up the Death Star. There's more stuff that happens don't worry about it. This is why the 10 minute clock is here. Seriously, this is such a you don't need to know if you like Star Wars you'll have seen this movie I'm sure you've seen it anyway you there's a made a billion dollars. You've seen this film. Okay rewatching it it is beautiful. There are some fucking beautiful visuals. I love the way that they made the spacecrafts they have going through like the rings around a planet at one point that everything is gorgeous. The way that light is shot and bouncing off of things, the structures that ships it is so pretty. It is so boring. It suffers from the Star Wars syndrome. There's a lot of world building, there are a lot of costumes and characters and texture. It all seems exciting, but it has no hearts. It is too quick to care. It is hard sci fi it is a capital S capital F sci fi. There's a reason why they really needed a season of TV just to make this particular film like it is too much. The robot also he's basically Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide. Peter Cushing looks like us out of a video game cutscene they don't do a good job. They spend a lot of money. It's not great. I do love of course, as soon as they get to the planet and it gets really dramatic and it takes off. It's really good at that point. I think once they're basically handing a baton of these blueprints from one person to next and there's chaos and people are dying and Donnie Yen is doing cool shit. Like that's when it gets so good and it's worth it but that is so far into the film by then you're not sure what they're doing and why they're doing it. Trivia This film is based on the opening crawl of it is a period of civil war rebel spaceships from Star Wars Episode Four A New Hope. Gareth Edwards and his creative team discovered some old film canisters while rummaging around Lucasfilm warehouses were when he asked what they were an employee said something from A New Hope. That discovery and looking into it led to discovering material that had Red Leader and Gold Leader sequence that they included into this film. So they took that stuff and ran with it. Also ILM produced the film's visual effects. CGI was digitally altered our archival footage inserting Peter Cushing's likeness over the body of actor guy Henry Lucasfilm secured permission from the late actor's estate to include him in the film, the team reportedly searched through countless hours of Cushing footage in order to find suitable reference material, and Henry provided the motion capture and voice work. A digital model model of Cushing was mapped over Henry's performance like a digital body mask, and Cushings mannerisms, including his manner speaking, were studied by the creative team and applied to the digital Turkin model. And it still sucks. So glad you spent that money. I didn't include the bit about layout because that's fucking nightmare fuel. To stop there, and I'm out two things. I love this movie. This is your favorite Star Wars film, after Star Wars and Empire. Also, this is not a one last job isn't one last job. One last job. They all are doing their last job is generally pulling somebody back into their job for one last job. They go to see her dad roped them into this job that was their last job. She tricked a lot of people into helping her go down to the planet that then became the last job Bob This is total disrespect for our listeners murder so many people in this movie and I'll allow you to disrespect me. Eric I mean I'll still call you out on it, but I will not stand for you disrespecting our listening yeah, we're just gonna is it just gone from the show is gonna go Eric and then you I dare you and then we'll release her part as a bonus material I'm sorry, there were some great options out there but I was just like they were all big movies. They were all like the Unforgiven and I just was like, I got if I'm gonna go big. I'm gonna go big. Yeah, big billion dollar movie. Yeah. It's a it'll be a rare one. Okay. Probably. Okay, I put in 10 minutes on the buzzer for myself. The movie I went with not a big movie at all. Had no problem coming up with a movie that was not big. I literally just looked up one last job on IMDb gave me 50 movies. I didn't look on IMDb I looked at like 20 lists and they all have the same fucking five movies. I used it and took advantage of this topic to see movie I've never seen this is the Craig movie for sure. It is called Nemesis Alex rain is a human being his life is more dangerous with each sunrise X ray will be destroyed somehow someway. Die for what he done. In a future false world. He stands for truth. He's a capital raised in a violent world. Violence is his life he knows he must face the human condition alone takes more than flesh and blood to be human. I can't feel anything anymore. Maybe you should take the time to find out what you care about. Like you're not really human anymore. Are you? He knows the answer. But he doesn't know the question. I think she accepted the story but the time it learns the truth and be too late you must face an ever changing enemy in an eternal fight against an indestructible force. I need your help with a cyborg the never ending battle line is drawn they will never let him go relax helped me relax Marian. He has what they must have chariots mind and soul Alex in a world where humanity is measured in percentages. Only Alex rain knows the path to redemption to the cyborg enemy is their Nemesis is from Lady 92? I could find no budget information for it. I'm sure it was only about 200 million or so. Oh yeah. It has a box office of 2 million worldwide. Rotten Tomatoes critics have it at 67% and the audience has it at 40% it is directed by the just recently late Albert Pune who has 55 credits including dolmen which has spoken about on this podcast. road to hell, which is the sequel to is called Streets of Fire. Is that the one that we liked so much? I think you like streets a fire. The fire is great. I think dancing in it for Walter Hillfolk. Yeah, this is this is he did a sequel to it. That's awful. Just awful avoid. He's he's dead just this year but he has two films that are coming out. One of them is new cyborg film and one of them is a new kickboxer. So he also directed one of my favorite fantasy films. Sword and sorceress. Yeah. It was written by Rebecca Charles Rebecca Charles has four credits. This one nemesis, Nemesis two, Nemesis three, and Nemesis four and Star Trek Nemesis. But it does seem like she should have done that. Starring all over Gruner 50 credits including a movie called Savage, mercenary and sideboard Nemesis Tim Thomason. 208 credits including doorman fade to black and very recognizable as the dad in near dark. And also a Merle Kennedy who has 26 credits, including may bubble boy and the perfect storm. Have you guys seen this movie? No, I don't think I have no, I haven't even heard of it. It's not. It's not bad. So the year is 2027. It's gonna sound very familiar though. The year is 27. And illegal androids or cyborgs have become commonplace and many criminals are using technology to enhance themselves with cybernetic parts of making them stronger or faster or just generally more than human. more human than human you might say. We meet our hero, Alex rain. Nice who is an assassin bounty hunter for the LAPD. One might even call them a Blade Runner if one were so inclined, and if this movie had a bigger budget. In the opening scene, he is ambushed by a group of female cyborgs and they blow him mostly apart, revealing that he is in fact also cybernetically enhanced, although he claims he's 86.5% still human. Anyway, after months of rehabilitation and more cybernetic parts, Alex ends up hunting down the lady cyborg that did this to him and kills her. And then he quits the LAPD. I just like saying lady cyborg. I'm sure that in the year 2027. They're probably just called cyborgs. But we're still back here in the past. Many months later, he's just living his life. And he is suddenly grabbed up by his old boss and told that he has one last job to do, which is to stop this Android that has stolen some kind of plans for some summit between Japan and the United States. Plans you say this retrieving plans you say you're going to you're going to find something else that sounds very familiar here. He's like, fuck you. I won't do what you tell me. But then they reveal that many months ago, during all of his repair and rehab, they planted a small bomb next to his heart. And they can blow him up anytime they choose. But they have given him a deadline of three days. So of course, he has to go along with their plans Escape from New York use. Yes. Escape from New York Blade Runner. There's some Terminator stuff coming up. The movie kind of goes off the rails here becomes just kind of a future noir, where he's tracking down various people or Androids and finding out a little bit more about the androids and the humans that it just gets really really convoluted and difficult to follow. But if I got it right, it turns out that the humans are actually not humans. They have been replaced by cyborg lookalikes that are plotting the destruction of the human race, while the cyborgs that Alex is trying to stop are actually working for a freedom force that is trying to save the humans. Oh my God, so that most humans are the cyborgs. Maybe okay, I had a really fucking hard time following this. In fact, it was mostly me pointing at the screen and go like, Blade Runner. Okay, Terminator. Anyway, it ends with a pretty great scene where Alex is on a jet plane, and he's battling his boss who turned out to be a complete cyborg. Or I don't know why they call him cyborg. These are actual androids. There's no. Org to the cyborg. Right. But they that's what they're called. Anyhow, he's managed to blast off all of the skin around his boss. So now he's just a skeletal robot. I've never seen that before. Yeah, that's gone. So I'll just say this, though. It's done with a combination of stop motion and puppetry, and it looks fucking great. That is fine. This is clearly what all the budget was spent on. I actually enjoyed this movie for the most part, but it is confusing as hell. I'm still not sure if it was just too smart for me. Or if the filmmakers were asking way too much of the viewer to make some leaps that we shouldn't really have to do. I've got very little on trivia. In preparation for his role. Oliver Gruner claims that he brought his total body fat down to 4%. Ah, which is fucking insane. He goes shirtless and a lot of this and he is fucking ripped in a very realistic way. He's a kickboxer. So he Can't be. He can't be Arnold sized, right? So he's like Bruce Lee looking, you know, just like every single muscle is defined. Okay, let's see if you can follow this. The film spawned for sequels titled Nemesis to colon Nebula, set 73 years after the events of the first film. Then Nemesis three colon, pray harder p r e y. Which features character sent back in time to 1990 800 far flung future little Terminator, their nemesis, favorite for colon death angel, and then Nemesis five, the new model, which was released 21 years after the lesson installments let's see if this was 1992 plus 21 years. So the year 3000 Did I do that right? Math? Yeah. Okay. Monitor syndrome good arm good a box that out there. I'm sure there's gotta be something like this. At least shout Craig. Our buddy Craig always sends Eric and I a group text. Whenever I've spoken about one of his movies that he loves. I'm sure that we will get something about this. He loved Boggy Creek and, and sent a really nice, long message about this. And I was like, oh boy, I forgot Craig actually believes in Bigfoot. Nevermind that we have never found any bones or skulls that would make any kind of sense that these things exist, or just the fact that we can tell what kind of animals live in any kind of area based on the amount of food that they have available to them. But still, it's nice. Anyway, Craig is literally the I Want to Believe guy and I love that about him. Love you, Greg. I finished my movie. I've got one minute left, I'm just gonna turn off a little bit more than anything. And make as much as possible. You know what, I'm really happy for this because you would have talked about forever row one for four hours forever. I skipped so much so much stuff in there. Well, now to people that hadn't heard of it can go out and enjoy more of the film. I say can I have a problem with the whole andorre name? Because it's like rock and or roll. I want there to be a slash in his name. never once thought about it, but now I will never unthinkable and now you know why I can't sleep. I'm getting a better idea goes through my head. And or nobody thought about this. But he is ridiculous. It's a Star Wars naming convention. It's all shit. Like Sorry, sorry, a typewriter with vowels and about 15 other letters. You don't have the apostrophe, apostrophe in something you on quite often. Okay, let's see, what are we doing next week, guys. We'll be looking at our retrospective of the year. Five films with probably some honorable mentions thrown in and stuff like that. I imagine there will have to be a little crossover. Although I always try to pick something that I know you guys don't have on your list. And avoid something that I know you guys do have on your list because I have a respect thing. You lie to people. Well, I want to give them the most value out of this. Trying to be honest with the people and take things very literally. Listener. She's literally shaking her head while she's saying this and throwing middle fingers at me the entire time. She wasn't but she might be now. Thanks. Unless you go back to improv class. I'm not in the holiday spirits anymore. I will tell you that. Well, I like it. I've already chosen my five I don't know if you guys without and I don't think you guys are gonna have much crossover with me. Three or four left on my list. I want to check it out. So that's the other thing is I know that there are films that I just haven't seen that maybe I would love. You know, I won't have seen knives out. Glass in 22nd on until 20. Please, December 22. This week 17th 18th off. Oh, okay. Pretty sure. Based on what Vanessa said this could very well end up in my top five so I'll say all right, well, this is where we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts. Dropping donations are away which I am just always blown away that people are doing stuff like that. Thank you so much. Thank you. You also may feel like leaving us a message you can call our strange aeons radio hotline number again. And the number is I'm so glad you asked and so the number is 253-237-4266 What's that number again? It's 253-237-4266 What's that number? It's 253-237-4266 Okay. Happy New Year to everybody I hope that everybody has an absolute blast as safe and sane as they can be. Get drunk to my on your couch you're gonna be totally safe or you have some kind of crystal ball or something you're looking at my future that is exactly what I'll be doing. Okay, well then we will be back in seven short days or next year no matter comes out before our next month post just before new sock like 30 There's nothing happy almost New Year edit this Oh, hell no man this feature this anyway, we'll see you guys in a week and we're going to be doing our countdown of our favorite films 2022 by transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio who's five pan an airline? When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we will set a hate your phone