Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 212

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Kelly's got cool hair... Or he's being made fun of. You decide! Also discussed: Flux Gourmet, The Mayfair Witches, The Banshees of Inisherin.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I am Kelly. You guys. I went to lunch yesterday in Woodinville, oh, and to a place that I've gone to many times, I didn't recognize the the hostess who sat me but she brought us menus and then said, Have you been here before? And I said many times, and she said, I would think I would have remembered you and that hair. And I was like, oh, and she goes, You have cool hair. Oh, you got like Billy Idol hair. And I was like, Oh, I'll take it. And so So that happened. And then at that same restaurant later, a different couple comes and sit at a at a table next to us. And after a few minutes, the girl says, Do you know Martin? I was like, no. She goes, Oh, us this hairdresser. I know. And she's got this guy who's got Billy Idol hair and eyes looking at you going that has to be the guy. And so I'm like, Well, what's going on with my hair today? So I excused myself and go to the restroom to check out how cool my hair looks. No different than it has ever looked every single day. I don't know why on that day. I got to high end of Billy Idol comments. But my hair always looks just kind of messy. And I cuz I thought whatever I'm doing today, I need to keep this going. Right? I get there and look in the mirror. It's like nothing. No different. Wow, that's bonkers. I mean, like, to me, you always have headphone hair, because there are headphones. Yes, that really changed the look. But that's, I mean, that's great. It means you're doing something right. I don't think I am doing anything different than ever. So maybe people just spend like quietly appreciating it from afar. But on one day, there's something in there and people are like Today's the day I'm going to tell this guy how awesome his hair is. That's right. So I gave them a snare and I was like okay, guys, I watched the first episode of the Mayfair which is, oh, I kept hearing about it, but no idea how it is based on the things so I'm curious what you think Well, based on the Anne Rice novel, which I liked very much. I will say this Alexandria Daria, the Dario maybe the most attractive woman on the planet. But she cannot act to save her life. I know. She is the worst actor on the planet. Awful, almost unwatchable. I cringed every time she opened her mouth. And it made this show just unbearable for me. Oh, she she's great. And the one on HBO. The crazy people on the Hawaii that are hate each other. The White Lotus Lotus. Is she on that? Yeah. Huh? Yeah, she plays one of the main, like, five characteristics of Yves mycoides. Just a better director. Yeah, this is this is awful. It. I don't know. I was hoping for something. This is the same company that's doing of course, the Interview with the Vampire series, which I also don't care much for. It's all too glossy. And it just, I don't know, it doesn't feel right. Especially the mayor Mayfair, which is a kind of sexy steamy series of books. And it's got like zero soul. Yeah. Well, um, yeah, I started watching a series that a lot of people have been talking about. I don't know if you guys have seen Wednesday. Yeah, yeah. The like, Addams family thing. Yeah, I'm a little I'm a little behind. But I've now seen I think three episodes of it. I think it's fine, but I'm not like in love with it. I thought it was great. I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't make it through. I think I got about five episodes in and was just like, it was not for me. But yeah, I know a lot of people love it. A lot of people love it. I think my problem, at least in the setup is that she's this weird person from this weird family. And she usually with the Addams Family is juxtaposed against normality, and that's where the humor and the interesting stories come out of it. and this one is like, so they send her to a school full of weirdos. But she's still the weirdest one, somehow. I mean, like, they have to work really hard to be like, Okay, there's mermaids and sirens, there's werewolves, there's vampires, but she's the weird one. And I'm feeling like a little frustrated just by that setup, because it feels like they're working extra hard to try to paint her as like the outcast, when literally everyone they're supposed to be an outcast. But a difference being though is all those groups who mentioned have cliques, of them, she's pretty much just on arrest herself. And that's where the weirdness came from, for me is that, like, I'm not part of this group or that group. And I think that is well balanced with her roommate who is on the outside of a group, right? That She Wants to be a part of, but can't be. Yeah, I think the thing that I'm noticing and the police are falling into and maybe this was the intention is it's definitely built for people who love Harry Potter. with like, the houses. It's like, we have these groups who are they even have like kind of a school competition episode that I just watched where they kind of take this boat across this lake and then have to grab this thing, this flag and run back and it feels very much like a Harry Potter. Or like Addams Family to the one from the 90s. Yeah, the summer camp summer camp and the Pilgrims but but again at the summer camp, that whole thing was about how she is weird. Not the mermaids or versus the werewolf or versus the I'm not sure why the other guys were an adjuster boat, but that's okay. It just made me want a new season of Sabrina instead. That, yeah, Dena really liked it. And for some reason, she didn't seem interested in Sabrina garden. Maybe you need to watch the free one. Yeah. Yeah. So I do think spring is better. Definitely. I enjoyed it. Oh, that was fun. I don't know people being people in high school. It's all the same storyline of any high school film. But, you know, I didn't look at them as well. These are all the freaks. It's like, No, those are the people that are comfortable in the school. right person. That's not right. Interesting. I mean, I will watch it till the end, but they've just been kind of like, oh, I don't know. Maybe when they get to the dance that everyone talks about. I'll be really I watched that going down. This is gonna become a viral sensation. You aren't wrong. That's the thing. I mean, Vanessa, if you could just do a dance for us on Tik Tok. We'll probably get a million new viewers. listeners. Dude, I am so uncoordinated. I'm the last person who should be doing a dance. I need you to do the MiG Megan dance with your arm. God no, God. No. Absolutely not. Anyways, I seem to have a little bit of a theme between my two films today. So I'll talk about the biggest one first. I think we've all seen now is the menu. Oh, sure. Yeah, finally watch that last night. That was great. I enjoyed the hell out of this. After watching it I got online and get some guys saw some guys comment about it. And he's like, I didn't understand it. They didn't justify anything they did and like, Yeah, they did they justified everything they do to every character is just that they don't sit down at the table and the chef go, this is why I'm doing this to you. Right. Right. Very laid it out in the subtle ways. And thanks a great performances. Did you feel like the smores scene worked though? The Yeah, in a way, if you look at the entire film as being, I'm taking out a whole bunch of people who sit, pretending they're in judgment of everything, but in reality are just embracing what everybody says they should embrace. And going along with, oh, this is a fancy dinner. So it should be weird and unusual. I'm just gonna go with it. Or I, I work for this super wealthy guy who is actually ripping everybody all off. And I know it, but I'm just gonna go along with it. I think that theme fits along with that ending which most of people would have just like He even said at one point is like, none of you really tried very hard to get away. Yeah, no one fought back. So kind of interesting. So I guess what I wanted then was less worry about what was happening during the the first two acts, because they did seem in the second act. They were you know, they did not want to be there. They did not want what they knew was coming. And so for them to accept it the way they did. I was like, I need something different here. I either need them to be not accepting this or to have been totally accepting, leading Up to this, there is more like the lead up to be accepting of it where they each fought a little bit in their own way. But when they saw how bad things went for anybody that fought back, they just kind of fell back into that. There is no way this is actually going to go where it's gonna be because I paid $1,200 For this menu. So I know at some point it might turn around. But I could. That's not a bad argument. I'm not disagreeing with you. I liked a lot of this movie. That was just the smartest thing didn't work for me. It was it was a weird choice. That is definitely true. And visually, it was very bizarre, except for the shot above. I loved that. That was cool. But yeah, there's a lot of incredible ideas. I think it didn't crazy hit for me, but I have nothing, no reason to hate either. I've nothing to complain about. I think part of it too, is it's so rare for me to see a movie so long, so late along that everybody was talking about how good it was. As maybe I enjoyed it more because I still thought it was oh, this is actually good. But a lot of times that's like, Okay, this is good, but everybody's crazy about that. I like as much as I'd like to barbarian I felt a little bit about like that about barbarian by the end were like, okay, yeah, that was pretty good. It wasn't a super great as everybody made it sound, but it was pretty good. All right. I can't watch any movie with Rafe finds in it without being pulled out and going. Neither of those names are spelled that way. And so why do we have to pronounce them that way? Ralph Phineas, right. So that always infuriates me. I also thought, how interesting to get a movie like this and Glass Onion so close to each other up because I felt like they had a lot of similarities. I was literally just thinking, like, was it in that movie or Glass Onion that had the weird dark issue? Where they couldn't land at the dock? I was like, oh, man, I cannot remember. Rich assholes going to exclusive place. And weird shit going on? Definitely. Yeah. Okay, let's see, what else am I going to talk about? I think I will talk about Willow. Wood. Finished. I only heard that it's not worth that. I'm sorry about me. There were moments that I really loved. Especially when Christian Slater suddenly shows up. I love Christian Slater. And for him to show up. Oh, it's amazing. And he plays an amazing character. And his episode is the best of the episodes. It gets better. Didn't have to be whatever it was seven or eight episodes long, I think could have been five. Aha, boy, frustrating. I'll say this. And definitely is leading to a season two. I imagine they're not going to let it hang the way they did. But I don't know. I mean, as good as our Lord of the Rings was no. Oh, which is not exactly high praise. But there you go. Wow. All right. Well, I'll continue to be not sure if I'll ever bother spending time watching it or not it funny. It's like the halo one with me. It's like, No, I don't think this is going to become what I want it to be. Did you finish it now? Interesting. There's so much shit out there. Now. There's so many good things. If something's like, Darn, okay. Yeah, I know. It hasn't been reviewed at this point for season two. I believe so there's they haven't said anything? Yeah. Okay. We'll see. Um, well, I saw it. I saw a film that is winning a lot of awards and is in a lot of people's top movie of the year and banshees of engineering. And Shannara I've seen stuff about this, but I have no yeah, I watched it. You did? I did. fucking hate this film. I wouldn't go that far. But I was I feel like I was sold a different movie. I you know, I don't know. I can see that being true in either direction. Because if you liked our what's the previous film with the two actors on it, where they're assassins? That's improvement. Yes. Very good. So the idea I think is meant to be that it's similar casting similar, maybe even writer or director, I'm not sure. But the idea is, it's almost like a spiritual successor. And if you really want that, you're not quite gonna get it and if you really don't want that, you're not quite gonna get it. It felt like it was a stage play. I think it was a stage play, maybe. And I fucking just Don't it's it's so smug. And it's so quote unquote smart and it's trying to say something and I don't think it's a in it and I just was like, I sat through this tortuously awful film. And I want my time and my money back because I got nothing from it. Personally, I was told that I was going to get a kind of Bleak comedy, drama, drama D as they say. And I kept waiting for the comedy to show up. One day, one day this comedy boat will come. That's weird, somebody that I respect very much when I who had suggested this to me, and then I said, Dad, not a fan. He then said I completely miss what the film was about, which was an out what you call it not an analogy, but a like allegory, an allegory thank you to, to civil war, in that these two people have different ideas of what they want their country to be doing. And they will fight it out to the point where they're even damaging their own selves. To keep an idea going, that maybe makes no sense and how, how civil war tears apart land, and then how at the very end of it, nothing has changed, except that the two people decide that they will not exactly be friends, but they won't fight anymore. And he laid out this pretty compelling idea for me. And I was like, wow, that is amazing that you got that? I don't know if that's what they were trying to do or not. Maybe. I mean, look, cut off your nose to spite your face. Awesome. Does it? Cool the whole time? I was like, great. You You're really clever for doing this thing that is not that clever. Like, there's I think sometimes people make films, and they're like, Oh, I'm so smart. Oh, my stuff is so genius. I am. I am so cool lobster. For me. Yeah. The lobster is probably three times better film than it has a lot more to say about everything. This was like, it just felt like somebody was trying to be so smart and so smug. And the whole time I was like, no, no, I get what you're doing. I don't care. I just don't care. I'm sorry. It is not. I'm sure somebody out there who's experienced civil war and 17 Whatever. 18 whatever can really identify with this film. It's a period piece. Yeah, it is. Holy shit. Yeah. But there's just there's too much that I just felt like, it's so specific. And it's so painful to sit through, much like the lobster. And you have no one to root for, except for maybe the sister. But she's like gone at one point. And I don't know, I just and I don't think anyone should win an actor award for this. They don't do anything. They just sit there and look at each other and go, Why won't you talk to me? That's not acting, saying things out loud. That friend of mine was telling me you know, the sister moves because this is what happens when a country is at war with itself people fleeing and suffering that person was saying the village he's talking about has eight people in it. So one person is a big population. Fine. But why should I care? I'm not there with you. I didn't I didn't get what all of it was about. But I can't deny that a lot of people really love it. A lot of people really love it. I just don't think anyone should be getting an award for like, a performance. What performance? I ask. I mean, like in Bruges, that's the film where it's, I might not have, like felt great watching it, but it's a good movie. And it does have humor and it has humor. This has like, the funniest thing that happened was when he like tells the bread dude, like, go home because dad's dead and the guy gets really upset. Like that's the closest to a funny thing that happens in time is the closest to humor everything just brought to you I literally said I don't want to watch this film if he actually cuts his hands off or fingers off. And and I was then told no, no, it's a comedy. It's a black comedy was a comedy and I was like, Okay, it's meant to be funny. I dare to defer that there is a fucking humorous bone in this body of a dead movie. Anyway, glad you guys glad people out there liked it and got some out of it. You know, definitely better than Top Gun definitely better than other than that I have no strong feelings on getting more angry thinking about it. Almost it started off looking Oh yeah, I kinda want to see that. Oh, maybe not. Now I kind of want to see it again. Because he ranted so deeply and how bad it is. Oh, it does make me extremely angry anyway, so the other ever seen Waiting for Godot? Imagine getting it ripped off hard. There you go. You're done. Okay, so the menu was a food oriented one. And so it was the other film I watched flux gourmet. I have not heard of this directed by Peter Strickland, who did in fabric and Burberry and South Sound Studio. So you get an idea of last film. This is another shutter. It is interesting. It stars the she's actually the headmaster, Mr. And Wednesday, that same actress, the very tall actress. Yeah, she plays a similar concept here. Not a kiss similar character, but where she runs ahead of a art creation studio. But the medium is food. Oh, so they use food to make music. Oh, so like blending certain items make certain sounds while chopping certain items makes different sounds and they've got somebody chopping and they got another guy who's sort of DJing it and then they got a third person who's performing to it. Like stomp both. It's it's closer to pick, totally blanked on his name. David Cronenberg, the film he did last year the with the whims of the future. Yeah, with the weird performance art moments. Yeah, it's not the same kind of art because you know, it's not necessarily gutting people, but it's that kind of art. It is an art performance art weirdness. And it is a weird movie. Is it? Good? If you liked his other films? You'll probably like watching this one. If you don't like his films, don't watch this one. I thought it fabric was interesting for about 75% of it. Yeah, I actually liked that one quite a bit and the barbarian sound studio I also liked quite a bit that's I think the first thing I saw by him years ago. And overall I did enjoy watching this one though, even though there are scenes and there are subject matters it. There's a through storyline with the guy who is the person documenting what they're doing. He's taking photographs and writing notes, where he's got this horrible gas problem where he just doesn't want to fart in front of anybody. And it's through the whole movie, and then they tell you why it's a problem and you're like, really? That's it? I would rather you just left it a mystery and we never found out why the guy was farting. Then give me that as your reason the performances are all really interesting and it is fun to watch if you'd like to in fabric I think he probably will like it because it's stylistically similar interesting what's what's it called the inflex FL UX Fluss flux score may or may not pretty sure it's still on shutter two I'm still trying to hunt down and fabric and like did it did a little theater run and then like I just had I have had the hardest time streaming it but I haven't looked in a little bit so all right well how about we take a little break and then when we come back we are talking about films shot in Spain masters domain authority the universal Skeletor global mine my man if he's gonna be stuck on the last of the striker blocker global demand. libera soccer Skeletor Ceylon Shan Laura from Wrotham superstar my email uvlo chain called Dragon Walker attacker skeleton key feature is Bennett good at the young masters II domain authority the universal we have returned Eric this was your subject on a topic I'm gonna put 10 minutes on the clock more or less give it a shot. All right. Yeah, as I mentioned last episode, this was one because I specifically got a movie that I wanted to watch. Seven released. Alex delay glaciers first film is called ACCION mutant they are actually mutants. So most of that was less happy to move than diva masa strata Come on yada yada. Your case yes, what a great title 1993 Rotten Tomatoes 63 for crowd or audio critics 66 for the crowd budget of 2.5 million, which is decent for a first feature, but did did box office of one this was not the movie that put them on the map right now I could only find this as the Severan disk. Now usually when seven releases of film maybe a month or two later it'll show up streaming someplace like shutters done some arrows even done some so I'm sure it's going to show up at some point if you don't want to. By the dislike is more on here does all the time. So directed by Alex De La ecclesia, who you might know from the amazing 30 coins witching and bitching prodotto Durango which I talked about in episode 114 and the day of the beast which I talked about on episode 73 And the last Circus which is one of his I feel like I need to rewatch oh boy this is written by Jorge Good lord ran. I'm gonna spell this and if you guys think you can say it you go right at g u e r r i c AECHEVARRIA Garrow Guero COVID Sharia that nowhere close but that is a giant name sorry, Carlos. Yeah, no shit. Tell us what it is later. He is the writer of 30 coins, witching in pitching perdido Durango day of the Beast works with this man a lot. And Alex was also a writer on it. So they both are the writers, actor Antonio receipes. who you might know 168 credits, wisdom of heroes unknown origins dying of laughter. Alex Angelou, who's in Pan's Labyrinth? They are the beast, live flesh, brain dead. He plays the priest today of the beast. So he's pretty good. 110 credits Frederica Federer who's in three colors red, Arizona, and swept from the sea. And finally Santonio Sugiura, who's in basically everything Alex has done. 122 credits plus directed five of the five of film series called Trent day, he plays I believe the record store owner and day of the beast. The movie whoa, wow, this is a crazy ass film. It's very Mad Max looking. It's got a group of people who seemingly are trying to kidnap this muscle builder guy with his half naked girlfriend on a waterbed already killed and they accidentally kill him because they put the tape on too tight with a lemon inside of it or something like that. Yeah, we immediately go into a crime report about the murders. These murders were conducted by target organization called mutant action. Like song explains the what's going on for the entire movie, which is good because it would be really really weird to follow if you didn't have this. The idea is at some point in the future. The beautiful people control everything. While the mutants are down below kidnapping and killing the rich pretty people. Such a far stretch. They attack exercise gyms movie related vents and sperm banks to slow down the reproduction of the perfect people. And from there, they introduce all of the mutant Action Team. Some have missing limbs, some can't hear one has the lowest IQ on the planet. It goes on from there, there is a lot of humor in this per usual with most of his work. There's a fairly uncomfortable scene. At the same time I'll go there's a bunch of the pretty people in a bar partying and outside partying and laughing outside watching the cops beat the crap out of one of a mutant and are all enjoying the show. There's a lot of the city of children look to this film come out to the two years later. Ma the new National has a base with a giant mutant bug thing that they're feeding. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with that. But they do have a leader of their just got out of prison, which is good because they have no idea what they're doing. He's like Well, how'd this one go? Well, we ended up killing him. Well, how this one go? Well, we ended up killing. Like yeah, that's not how you make money people. So it's not wonderfully organized. Kidnapping shown to go into killing massacres. They eventually get do kidnap the to the kidnapper bride from her wedding. And this scene is batshit crazy. Imagine the art decoration of a 70 sci fi movie. Slightly more conflict color. Colorful, with ridiculous dancing to match. Yes, so the rich people and they go and they turns into a big ol mess. But they ended up kidnapping the lady they wanted to kidnap. And from here actually, the movie gets a lot darker starts to get a little dark and little nasty. So like there's a first show the lady after she's been kidnapping instead of gagging, or they've stapled her mouth shut. Oh, but as the movie goes on, there's a reason for that. If she'd been able to kind of speak it would have altered a lot of the shift that goes on very easily. So she's trying to speak, she might have gotten a gag out easier and their storyline would have been screwed. But since she's stapled shut with like seven or eight of them, she's fine. And then the guy takes the staples out and there's like no injuries left on her lips. She likes the nice pretty lady. She wasn't the beginning. Just now in a Mad Max looking wedding dress with the torn and torn apart and the idea is they're kidnapped him and they've asked this super wealthy guy for 100 million or something like that. And they want to meet on this other planet to do the exchange. The other planet hasn't had a woman on it in like six years. Ah, so you can imagine the trouble that leads to the two of them trying to or the mutant group trying to get her to the drop off point. It's really pretty good it's not one of my favorites by him but it's good it's paced well it's weird if you enjoy his stuff and like Cydia children that look, you're gonna like it. Trivia. The tilt film takes place in 2012 far flung future Spain and France working on it so it's got some spin. One thing I found interesting this has hit me the same kind of way witching and bitching DataCite which I liked but just didn't make as much as they are the beast or pretty to Durango found out for DITA Durango and day in the beast redditor edited by Teresa font while the other two are edited by a different person. So it's very interesting to me that these two that I liked the best were edited by one person these two that I think are still good. were edited by a different person's editing matters. Yeah, an interview with him on the desk, of course where he talks basically talks about getting everything he needed. He's like I felt like baby Spielberg or something like I was just the studio believed in me so much. They just gave me what I needed. They they the production pre production was so long, one of the producers left and produced another film. Oh my gosh, came back and worked on this one calls it one of the favorite times of his life. And reading through this I found out that one of the inspirations for the look of the film was from the movie delicatessen, which came out in 1991 Directed by the directing team that did city floss children. So that's why it looks even though city less children came a couple of years after it delicatessen also looks a lot like that. He did enjoy a review where somebody called it well done nonsense, largely because he felt like well, this shows at least I made a movie. So he was really young when he did this early 20s shows and it shows in some of the things that are done in the film that probably would be smoother handled. Now if he did it, but for a first feature yet, you can tell why this guy went on to do some damn good films. Does this have his? It doesn't sound like it has was via masking his his sense of humor. Oh, yeah. Oh, it does. Oh yeah. Okay, it's it's darker. His sense of humor is actually lighter into half the beast. But it is definitely there. There's a really, really nasty stretch of humor starts off funnier than it ends for the middle stuff when they're flying. But you know, I actually really like watching and bitching, but I it's so hard to get past that stupid title. Yeah, that's another that's that and like I mentioned circus of the dead. I want to go back and rewatch both of those. I had no idea who this guy was when I watched either of those films. Right. And once you get the idea of what he is as a filmmaker if you like it. I like his stuff a lot. Yeah, yeah. All right, Vanessa. All right, good. 10 minutes on the egg timer, your favorite thing? I love it more than anything. Don't make that nine. Okay, so the film I went with is a 1975 film called Night of the seagulls. Night of the seagulls with Maria Kosti Victor Petit Sandra Mazeroski Julie James the pretty girls when they die, they become the Sikh demon cry they're the damn spirits of the sacrifice girls. The night of the seagulls a beast of the sea be a god belonging to some unknown culture. What's gonna happen to us now? I don't know. But this idol is responsible for all the sacrifices directed by Armando the authorial a pro films and anchor century films CO production Oh yes, have you seen that I have. So I first came across this film because I would occasionally go to just bargain bin movie used stores and pick out the weirdest looking ones I could find and then send them to friends. And this was one of them. And somebody had said oh my gosh, I like this so much. I bought this box set here you can have the copy back and I just hadn't seen it. So I was like Okay, great. I finally have an excuse to watch this film. Which in retrospect would have been perfect for the bird week. Yes, I'm very mad at myself. Oh, Rotten Tomato score, no rating from critics but 51% from audience, budget box office, no idea but it's somewhere in the realm of what you might get for hammer that's kind of the field it has to it. directed and written by a Mondo did a Soryo cesareo. He's written 26 films directed 20 including demon which child things of the Living Dead and The Devil Hunter. He was one of the foremost Spanish horror film directors during the European Film surge in the 1970s and created the blind dead head trilogy which this is a part of. In fact, this is the last installment it includes tombs of the blind dead Return Of The Evil Dead. Not that one, and the ghost of Galleon final, finishing off with Knight of seagulls. Starring Victor petit 1236 credits whose name the only one that I could pronounce with Street Warriors. Maria costi, who's 90 credits to her name, she plays doctor's wife He's the doctor. She was a night of the sorcerer's Satan's Pro, sorry, stands profile Satan's profile, the Dracula saga, and dragon fly for each corpse. She was a film and TV actress and last but not least, Sandra, Mazhar offski. She has been in 26 things including some great titles like smart starts at the Pyrenees, the marshal of hell, the College of death, Man of the mushrooms, abortion in London and Hitler's last train of the story. We begin in a sort of medieval era maybe it's very, like costumed and cheap. So it's really hard to define exactly when you're supposed to be. I was like, Oh, I think those guys are knights because it looks like fake chainmail. A young couple arrives at a seaside town in the evening. They seem pretty lost. And so the husband goes to the village to try and figure out directions and ask for help, but no one will answer his calls. In the meantime, the Knights Templar are roaming the streets, they corner him and kill him. They then find his wife who is hanging out on the nearby carriage. They grab her and strap her topside up to a horse. So her breasts are nice then on display, which they are through this whole first scene. And they carry her off to this castle there. They have this kind of statue of the devil God guy. They stab her through her chest, lots of fun nipple action. They then dig around in there, grab her heart, pull it out and feed it to the stone Gods open, gaping fishy mouth. We then see a bunch of crabs eating her and says present day, a man and his wife arrive in the same rural town it appears to be stuck in the older era is not changed at all. The wife is not thrilled about being there as she had to leave family and friends behind. But he is a roaming doctor and has been assigned to this town. He takes his job very seriously and asks her to just go roll with the punches with him. But the entire town is super unnerving. And she finds it to be quote unquote evil, that people refuse to talk to them. And even the old doctor that they're replacing is hesitant to share any information. He packs up and says he's going to leave that night even though it is very late. He says I cannot stay here and you guys should not either. But if you do say don't talk to anybody. Don't ask any questions and don't leave this house. That night they hear seagulls crying and Joan the wife is really freaked out because seagulls don't make sounds at night. Apparently. He is like, Oh honey, you chill out. We're going to just wander out side and see what's up. And while they're done just a moment. We have a seagull expert with us. I'm curious. Yeah, she was Eagles make sound at night if they're awake. Okay, so I think yeah, alright, so if they're sleeping, so if they're awake, something's wrong, maybe I forgot about your pets equals. So while there they decide to wander out into the night and they see there's this weird town ritual happening where a bunch of women all dressed in black. Take this girl young, beautiful girl dressed in a white night shirt down onto the beach. And the guy goes see just some weird local customs nothing to worry about. Let's go home. And they do so they miss it when the ladies tie the young woman to Iraq, and then peace out just in time for the Knights Templar who are now just a bunch of rotting bones riding undead horses. In these kind of looks like dark robes that are covered in seaweed and bird poop. And go and grab the girl and take her off. The next day, the village continues to not really talk to them except for the village idiot Teddy. Seek shelter with them because time members keep beating him with rocks and sticks. They decided to kind of help them out. And there's also a gorgeous young woman named Lucy who helps out Joan at the grocery store when no one will help her by anything and asks actually, hey, you know what, I really need a job. Could I have one? And she was like, Yeah, sure. Can you tell me what's going on? She's like, I'm sorry. Nothing's going on. And she's like, No, no, okay. I'm sorry. It's cool. Just come work for me. Don't worry about it. It's no big deal. The next night, that night, a young girl knocks on their door in the middle of the night and begs for shelter also beautiful. They offered to her until the townspeople show up about one minute later including her father and say nope, goodbye we're out of here. So they just kind of stand there and let her go. Third night same thing happens but this time they are coming for Lucy so we discover that according to Teddy who's not supposed to tell them anything every seven years seven girls are taken on seven consecutive nights by these ancient skeleton knights to sacrifice them to their see God and then the crabs get what's left will the doctor and his wife let Lucy die at the hands of the skeletons or will they try to save her but then she kind of falls off a horse and basically write her off as dead and right away hmm well they learn that they can burn these dudes down super easily but then only do it twice and then never again and just kind of let them murder everybody else. Hmm well the crabs eventually get super full and stop eating the gorgeous dead lady parts because they're kind of fat obese sad slow moving crabs. Stay tuned. This is a kind of an interesting film. I don't know it was hard to it was a little bit hard because It felt like the film transfer was really good visually it looked great, but the audio quality was really rough and there were some odd sounds happening underneath. And of course it has that thing with European, especially Italian cinema, but this is Spanish words dubbed. And then the sound effects are extremely bad and misplaced. So there's a lot of like stepping but it sounds like somebody's hand slapping a wall. The music has two songs. One is the sort of weird saw song with a frog releasing air underwater sound underneath constantly and the other is a Theramin. So that's fun. Lucy is gorgeous. The wife of Jonah's the wife Joan is infuriating. Every time somebody comes to the door, she just stands there petrified and then lets them walk in including if they're skeleton holding a giant sword. It's just hard to watch girls sucking at life in the service films. But she does have good sweater. So that's good. A little bit of trivia. So tideline seven nights seven victims. This there were films later made and homage to this including Jesus Franco's film mansion of the Living Dead and Paul in the sky, and the sacis film The Devil's cross. Near the end of the director's life. He augmented his income by producing Siri, what was that? Just Franco maybe? No. But thank you for suggesting now I know. Now, you know, and that's the rest of the story. Near the end of the directors he life he augmented his income by producing scary oil paintings of the Templar Knights and selling them to fans. In 1993, he tried to shop around a fifth blind dead film called The Necronomicon of the Templars, but it failed to get interest. And you can buy his films in a DVD box that shaped like a coffin. Most interesting piece of trivia and it's definitely gonna bring on me, Sandra Mazeroski, who played the beautiful Lucy was known as one of the leaders of Spain. She started working in the film industry at the age of 10, and did a lot of exploitation. And not the most interesting thing. The most interesting thing is in 1977, two years after this film was made, Sandra died suddenly by falling off of a balcony at 4am. The official line was that she was trying to lose weights and thought she was fat. So she jumped. But then somebody else said that maybe she was watering flowers at 4am and then just kind of fell off. But most likely the true story is way crazier, she had been having an affair with King Juan Carlos the first had become pregnant and refuse to terminate the pregnancy. There was a quote unquote intervention with third parties linked to the Secret Service and or royal house security staff and just kind of took care of her other royal lovers including Italian singer Rafi Leah. Cara also died under mysterious circumstances. Wow, that's kind of crazy. Yeah. Really, really bonkers. So she first of all the fact that there's like a tribe of women actresses in Spain called Low leaders is messed up but then also that you can just get murdered if you piss off the king. It's also very fun. I think you could always just get murdered if you piss off a king True. True. So if you get impregnated by a king and you don't want it maybe don't be like have it in any way you'll never get the best of me the blind Dead series of movies or movies that I don't particularly like but I love the design of the skeleton knights Oh, especially writing zombie horses and everything is so cool looking. Yeah, I wish they in the fact that they like can't really see because their eyeballs are gone but they're kind of stabbing in the air trying to like guess where people are really neat little details. Yeah, it really deserves to be at least the idea deserves to be remade in some way that that incorporates you know modern storytelling and film with better effects but the same design yeah be so cool. All right. I'm putting 10 minutes here we go. My film from Spain is Count Dracula children the Night Music Lucy Get behind the legend behind the fantasy that I set in fact 1970 I could find no budget or box office but the Rotten Tomatoes critics have no information either. So what do you think about that? You guys are in good company their audience has it at 45% Directed by Hey Soos Jess Franco 183 Reading credits 206 directing credits including Revenge of the alligator lady. Oh, killer Barbies vs. Dracula, and nightmares come at night in my favorite time, written by Augustus Bonacci 19 credits including Who's afraid of Zorro, macho killers, a cult in the hand of the devil, and it is also credited to Bram Stoker, who wrote the original source novel. Sidenote, Eric, this movie is edited by Bruno Matej. Oh, when his name popped up, I was like, Well, I'm gonna list the editor starring Christopher Lee, who has 288 credits, including one upcoming project called the Time War. He is the narrator of that film. Also starring Herbert Lom 114 credits including murders in the Rue Morgue, the dead zone but will always be known to me as Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus in the Pink Panther movies. Yeah, there you go. Class Kinski is in this he has 137 credits including Jack the Ripper, Nosferatu, the vampire and vampire and Venice. Got a lot of vampire stuff going on there. Fred Williams 44 credits, including a bridge too far she killed an ecstasy and the vengeance of Dr. Abuse. And when I saw the name pop up, I was like, confused because I thought it was Fred Williamson. And I was like, I cannot wait to get my blaxploitation hero as Harker in this film. Very disappointed. Also stars Maria Rome has 27 credits, including Dorian Grey Treasure Island, and 10 little Indians. All right. Not going to be big reveals in this story. This is, as you guessed, the typical story of Dracula. But it does start with a pretty great title card that reads over 50 years ago, Bram Stoker wrote the greatest of all horror stories. Now, for the first time we retell exactly as he wrote one of the first and still the best tales of the McCobb. That is not quite true. Yeah, none of that is true. They don't return exactly as he wrote. And also, you know, I have read Dracula more than once. And it's not a great book. No, it's a little doll. It's yeah, I agree. It is a lot of letters. So we meet Jonathan Harker, as he is boarding on a train and he sits down opposite of passenger, and they get to talking and all of this stuff. And of course, this is the typical stuff, it looks like they're speaking English, but they have also been dubbed in English. So it's like, oh, boy, what's going on here. But he tells the guy that he's going to Castle Dracula and the other passengers like. So he gets to the end that he's staying at, and they've got his room prepared for him. But he has a difficult time falling asleep, because their Day for Night is shit. And it doesn't even have a blue filter over this, you know, to let you know, it's nighttime. So we get the typical scene of Harker being picked up by a specific stage coach, and then taken on his way to Castle Dracula. And the Day for Night thing is really annoying, because they even spike the camera with the sun at one point. But they've pumped enough thick fog through the woods to make it look really fucking cool. He has a scene where he's standing there and the fog is building so coolly through these trees. And I was like, I gotta admit that this looks pretty great. There is a pack of wolves that is running alongside the coach. It is clearly a pack of German Shepherds, I thought, but I had to remind myself that nowhere in this particular movie does he actually say, Wolf, so maybe they're just supposed to be wild dogs. I don't know. The coach drops him off at the castle and then Dracula opens the door. And it's pretty cool because Christopher Lee has a white hair and a white mustache and looks reasonably old. And that is what this film I guess is known for is being the first film to portray the count as an old man who gets younger when he drinks blood. Oh, so they do all the typical stuff. There's a great scene that was clearly added back in at some point, it must have been edited out and then they found it, but they didn't restore it. So the quality of the film does not look as good but there's this woman wailing outside the castle and pounding on the door and begging the count to give her baby back. I was like this is a great scene. I'm glad that this was put back in. There's the three beautiful brides of Dracula and they are about to attack Harker when Dracula shows up and you know, you cut off half their men and then tosses a sack of baby girls and they all run off with that. I like that. The next thing we know Harker is woken up in a sanitarium in London, and he's told he was found floating in a river in Budapest. He meets Dr. Seward there, and then Mina and Lucy show up and take him home. Renfield is also a patient there and the sanatorium instead of being run by Seward is run by Van Helsing so this is not exactly retelling the book at all. There's all the typical stuff with Lucy being attacked first and getting sicker and sicker until she dies. I have to say the woman playing Lucy is so gorgeous. It made my teeth hurt. Her name is Soledad Miranda, and she is considered yes when it goes greatest discovery. She was killed only a few months after this movie came out in a horrible car accident. Oh, wow. You're sleeping with anybody? Nope. Van Helsing who is Herbert Lom he teaches them all the vampire lore but he's fine basically sitting back at the hospital and sending Harker Seward out to do all the vampire slaying. There's a scene that has all the ridiculous zooms that Franco is very famous for except it's even more ridiculous than this because it's to a bunch of taxidermied animals. It's fucking hilarious. There is a super anticlimactic ending or Dracula's dispatched a very easily and then the credits roll. I'll say this. The movie starts out amazing and falters about 40 minutes in, but up until then I thought I'd found like this forgotten classic. Herbert long snoozes through most of it unfortunately. So that was a bummer. Kinski was tricked into appearing in the movie by Franco who slipped him a fake script bearing no mention of Renfield or the captain. And of course, he insisted on eating real flies. Oh, good. Yeah. It is shot in Spain. And so London looks very much like Barcelona. The set for Lucy's room is so cool that it was worth watching the movie for a loan. I was just in awe of this set. She's got these incredible windows that all looks kind of dreamy. And so you know works really well for her scenes, which is Dracula climbing through her window and all that stuff. It you know, if you're a Dracula completus You should probably put this on your list otherwise, I don't know. Trivia. Christopher Lee and Herbert Lom never saw each other during filming. They shot all their joint scenes separately. She's this is the first movie in which as in the novel Dracula begins as an old man and becomes younger as he feeds. This is one of four films released in 1970, in which Christopher Lee played Count Dracula. Wow, yeah, others are tastes the blood of Dracula and scars of Dracula which I have seen and then something called one more time. Yeah, nothing. I never heard of it. I'll have to hunt this down. Chris really rates his performance in the film as the best he gave us Dracula and stated in an interview that he felt that Herbert Lom and Klaus Kinski were miscast in their roles. Quickly as ever. You think it was a good performance by Christopher I thought that he gave a great performance but he's always gonna be Dracula to me. So you know, it's hard to hard to differentiate between any of them. In Little Shop of Horrors number 19, which was a fanzine Colin Cowie fondly recalls viewing Franco's film with none other than Terence Fisher himself at a convention turns Fisher had directed hammers Dracula films, and turrets are and he said, when it finished, Fisher turned to me with a conspirators grin and said, for the first 10 minutes I thought my God is so much better than mine. And then I thought, no, no, it's not. So I had an okay time with this. It's not nearly as good as the hammer Dracula. But it was okay. I was just surprised to know that it even existed. Yeah, no kidding. So many films. Franco fucking 183 writing credits, and 206 directing them insane. Yep, he's prolific if not all thought about a nice way to say a fake yet suffering. I think you can get to a Christmas tree topper of him. Oh my god. I struggle to think of a movie of his that I actually like he did one. He did. One I thought was good, but I'm blanking on the name of it. I always Think of vampires Lesbos, because it's that's that's his easy title to remember. Because it's like a ridiculous title that also stars that a woman SolidEdge Miranda that was her breakthrough film and yes, she is just so stunningly beautiful. It was just like why every moment she was on the screen I just staring at her ridiculously gorgeous as only the ridiculously gorgeous 70s Women can be. That's exactly how I felt about my Spanish lady. I was just like, I can't not look at you. And any moment you're on screen everyone else should die. Oh my just well I just refocus the camera okay, just to paint them in, you know, dark shadows and just really throw the light where it deserves to go. That's right. How dare you attempt to be in the same scene as this lovely creature yourself out of this whole film Okay, so good topic, Eric. We are actually taking a little break because somebody is moving. Yes. Yes, I am moving and I acquired a lot of stuff in my life and I just need a second to put it in boxes and then in a vehicle and then out of boxes. And she will be showing up again in Toronto. Now. I'm only 2030 minutes further away than I currently am so which makes you about an hour away now. I am moving to a Wii. It's true. I am moving to a weird seaside town that is not crazily heavily populated that's pretty fun. And Tony obey if they have a lighthouse with a radio station and I am taking over that space, wave sound and seagulls be damned. Well, we were we'll do our podcast. We are taking a break but the show is not taking a break because we are starting to release our Amityville Horror Picture Show podcast which is Eric and I are going through all of the Amityville Horror movies sequentially. And as they often say, so you don't have to. So we'll be releasing the first episode, which is of course the original Amityville Horror and our guest, it'll be a revolving door of guests. Our first guest is going to be none other than Anthony K. Yeah. Yes, actually recorded an episode with us. It'll be coming up when we get to the third. That's super exciting. I'm so glad that these are finally getting released. And people can enjoy it strange aeons presents. It absolutely is strange aeons radio presents. Love it. That's our presentation. Yeah, so that's what you're gonna get next week. And then after that, we'll be back to our regular scheduled programming. And I don't know what our topic will be Vanessa then but plenty of time to figure it out. I will think about it between hauling hauling boxes with cardboard and putting tape upon. If you could go beyond a movie about moving or something like hey, man, I draw from my draw from the wild world that is life. Okay. Now I know exactly what to use with things in boxes. Moving horror, can't be It can't be any of the Amityville films. That's all fair. This is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing the posts commenting and all of that stuff. I really love seeing that. You make it share Bring it on, let us know what Spanish film maybe you like? Did you watch 30 coins? Did you enjoy it? If you didn't buy I'd love to hear why not? Oh, remember guys, because this is the hardest part about Spanish films Spanish horror film Spanish, any films. It isn't Mexican. Spanish they just both share part of a language. So don't be suggested in some South American amazing thing you came across and don't share a list of best Spanish films. But Spanish on her films that is not actually from Spain because man, that's no that's not useful for this topic. Really kind of hamper me because there are a bunch of films that I was like, Oh, I'm gonna be looking at this one and everything. And then I was like country of origin Mexico. Dang it. Yep. So I've got some this was Spanish language films on my lesson I'm gonna have to check out yep. Don't forget you can also reach out to us via our strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266. I am really pleasantly surprised by how many people call in and leave messages. Really appreciate that. Yeah, it's so nice to hear from you guys as far as just telling talking to you. All right, so we will be back in seven short days with the Amityville Horror Picture Show. And then the week after that we will be back with our rig other programming so good luck on your move and good grades alright bye. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline when you think of traveling think of pan and you can't be expected. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Sit people sit in hate this film.