Strange Aeons Radio


February 09, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 213
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Strange Aeons Radio
Feb 09, 2023 Season 5 Episode 213
Strange Aeons Radio

Vanessa's in her new home and the gang's back together! Also discussed: Knock at the Cabin, Skinamarink, There's Something Wrong with the Children.

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Vanessa's in her new home and the gang's back together! Also discussed: Knock at the Cabin, Skinamarink, There's Something Wrong with the Children.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That is Eric over there. Hello. That is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. You guys. I know we've only been off for a week or so but feels more like seven or eight days to me. It feels like a month for me maybe to a couple of things I want to start with first. The first episode of The Amityville Horror Picture Show drops last week. Yeah. To a thunderous applause The eight or 12 people who downloaded it all enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Thank you for checking it out. Keep going. And then secondly, Vanessa, you're back. I am back. Yeah, we took a small break to play that show because you were moving. I was moving. Yes. I I was like, You know what, guys? I don't think I have time. I am. I mean, I'm still living in box land. Like, hold them all into moving truck last weekend. I got delivered. And now I'm opening boxes every time I need something and go in through like 20 boxes being like, where's the spatula, Joy. Deciding to set aside enough to hire movers just is so so nice. That was really nice. Well, my I'm the youngest in my family. And I'm like, You know what? My brothers are like our got arthritis in a bad back. And everyone's like what data we show up and I'm like New day, new data you show up, you will injure yourself horrifically. And I am so grateful because the guy is there for five young dudes strapping lads who showed up. And by the end of the day, they were like molasses. They were so tired. And there was one dresser they kept like putting off moving because they're like, It's so awful. So yeah, and like to the point where I jumped in and was like, no, no, it's fine. I'm gonna help, like, move some of the stuff because you guys are like, really? You've done a lot. So I am glad I made that decision worth the money significantly worth the money. And listener. I got a knock on the door at 10:43am. And I knew that was Eric and I opened the door and saw Vanessa there. Yeah, than anybody today. Except for you. Well, yeah, he's here the night before. Yeah, no, I haven't figured out the timing it takes to drive here. Yeah, I think you figured it out. Exactly. Don't change. Whatever you left today, just go with that. I'll just keep my alarms on remember next weekend to snooze. But I mean, I will definitely leave here next weekend to record because we've record weekly. It's fine. I'll just leave it. theater of the mind. I hope that you had some time to watch things while you were moving. And I squeezed to them. Yes. I found times. You know, I had an anniversary and I said, You know what we're gonna watch tonight for our anniversary. A very special star presentation. Oh, so well. Okay, let me start off then. I saw a movie called there's something wrong with the children. Oh, I have not watched this one yet. But it's definitely on my radar. Keep it low on the radar. I wouldn't say it's a must see, I was pretty disappointed with it. Kids are inherently creepy. Anyway. So I like the creepy kids movies. And I liked that there was, you know, a supernatural evil that has kind of taken over the kids as these. These two couples are on vacation. And then it just kind of fell apart. So I was really looking forward to this because everybody's been hyping it up. But it didn't do much for me. You know, I also watched a kid's horror thing. I went ahead and gave into the hype and went to see cinema rink. Oh, please. Like it's an interesting, I guess, sir. Sure. Kids horror. I'll see nothing. I have not seen it. I'm just going to toss this out to you. I heard what it was about and the angles and the darkness and I was like, you know, sounds a little pretentious. There's like there's something in there about that dreamy, sleepy, half awake, Nightmare feeling and it does that. But I would be fine if it did it for 10 minutes. I don't know what is achieved by it being a feature length film. I was so Bored. And they have no human have noticed this. So they have this artificial grain effect that they put on and make it feel. Yes. And it is on a rotation. Oh, no, it's on a loop. And they did not put a fade on the loop. So it's a pretty startled loop. So every time it loops, which is maybe every 30 seconds, no, I was like, take it out. Yeah, every time and it was probably done on purpose to be that abrupt. Oh, yeah. But I hated it. I had the same problem. It's such generated there. And you can play with that stuff so much. You can really make a nice for all you know, you should have been less there was something there. Like you just said there's something they were doing to think. Because if you're not psychotic watchers of stuff, like you have to be when you're editing shit. Movies hit differently. Yeah, that was real tough for me. And that happened real fast. So that technically was pretty surreal. rough for me. Yeah. And there's a lot of plot. I mean, I'm sorry. There's so little plot. There's so little plot village, it's just, I don't know they did so little. And it felt it to me, it felt extremely lazy. Like, by the time one cool thing happens. You're like, whoa, one cool thing happened. And then they do it five more times because they don't have anything else. I know this guy is like a very popular YouTube or maker. I don't know any of his background. I wasn't a fan ahead. But this was definitely not a movie for me. I know a lot of people were like It's haunting. And it sits with you it I have not thought about it once until today. So it did not help me. It sat with me a little bit. I don't quite know about hunting is the right word for it. But it's stuck with me for a little bit. And I am intrigued by this guy's YouTube channel. What he does is he asked people send me your nightmares, and I'll try to put it on film. And it's generally you know, 10 minutes or less. And there is a video of this one apparently on that channel that's under 10 minutes long. Yeah, well, that would be really, really cool. I'm gonna go back again, to which the same thing I had with paranormal activity in which which I know you hated the least. Well, one of them maybe both of them, Kelly, but I enjoyed both of them quite a bit. And the part I have the most respect for though, is fake out this in at large theatrical release. Yeah, they got people to come in, that have been watching. Probably, maybe not, but have been aware of Marvel movies, and that kind of stuff. Even the movie I like Top Gun Maverick where it's just this is spectacle. And that got them to sit in and pay for and in many cases really enjoy this incredibly experimental. Yeah, thought, mind mess movie. So there are moments that worked for me and I did watch the whole thing. I watched it at home on shutter. I didn't watch theaters. I wasn't trapped. But I did watch the whole thing. And it's not going to be anything I need to see again or do that. But I always love it. When somebody in such a weird artistic position pulls this off. Just like with terror fire. Yeah. Especially terrified to it's like, wow, how does the hell did you pull that off? But yeah, I have a hard time. It's so abstract and so weird. I can't just look at somebody go How do you like that? You're so dumb, because I don't think they are tailored to him at all. Yes. Such a weird experience. Yeah, that I could get where somebody could be absolutely deeply immersed and freaked out by it because it's just so different. Yeah, we all go to cinema for different things and we get different things out of it. And for me, a story is just very important. Even if it's, I just need something to pull me through. And without that I can't get lost in it in that way. So I but I do understand there are a lot of people who love experimental moviemaking and Andy Warhol and you know that there's a lot of stuff in the 70s and I like some of that, but I need to have a reason to sit there and you know, I don't know. So it was I can totally see why people would enjoy it. I was just not one of them. Did you see it in the theater? I saw with and nobody nobody left. Did you see it Anika chain theater? Yes. One of the regular contributor to Krypton film Byron side in the way I'm going. Okay, I kind of wish I had seen it that way because that might have been interesting. We're excited the grand illusion which is a good place to sit in the seat tight theater which is creepy? And if with a roomful of people who were all into it, yeah. Which is how I saw Blair Witch, which made it a lot more fun. Yeah, the theater experience definitely. There was maybe six people or eight people and I actually I think it was maybe an AMC. But yeah, it AMC I mean, it was like a really late night screening in God knows where. And it was. Yeah, it was definitely your you get really comfy in the seat goes back and you're in this with your popcorn and you're like, all right. What I'm in for So Eric, when you were saying I've probably hated both films, you meant paranormal activity and Blair Witch, not the witch. Oh, yeah. Yes. I did hate both those films. Yes. I was like, yeah, those are very different films. Like witches got a lot of production. Oh, that was a good one to sneak its ass into theaters and be really successful. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well, if you've watched that and you're ready for something light and you love British humor. My nephew is not that good. He's like early 20s introduced me to the the goes wrong show that goes wrong show. It's I mean, if you don't like British humor, you're not gonna like it because men is it British. The idea is every week and it's done live. a theatre group puts on a half hour play. And that half of our play something has gone horribly wrong in it. Oh, like one of the episodes like will we have to apologize our set masters got the dimensions wrong on our courtroom set and you centimeters instead of inches. Or, you know, yeah. British version of that. So they go in and the courtrooms this tiny little place already has to jam pack their way into it. And it's stupid as all get out. But it is so freaking funny because I love British humor. And it is just wonderful. Another one they built an entire stage one of the rooms at a with the a 90 degree angle. So every bit of that goes into it. And they they don't pretend they don't act like anything's wrong. They do the play straight while trying to deal with all this stupid stuff going on. And it's just a lot of fun. It's all on YouTube at least well, two seasons have it on YouTube. That sounds incredible. That sounds like so much fun. What is that called again? That goes wrong show. I bet that's a little more recent from the time that I left. Now, I'm always I started Googling like what's cool in England to watch right now. Like, I know that there's good stuff and it's not on britbox Like what what is it? That's like the the first sign that you're getting old when you had to google what's cool somewhere? i Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I feel it. I feel it deep. I saw another movie. Sick. I've seen I don't know this one. Let's talk about this. It is a horror movie Written by Kevin Williamson. It's got a lot of his kind of feel. It feels a little bit like, like scream at the beginning. And it's a it's a pandemic movie, that it actually takes place in the pandemic. And this guy is going shopping. And it's a scene we're all familiar with everything on the shopping aisles is cleared out and he goes to grab the you know, the last thing of toilet paper and there's some lady who grabs it out of his hand and stuff like that. And then he starts getting these weird texts. Like you're gonna party with us tonight and all this stuff. And he's just responding, you know, leave me alone and blah, blah, blah. The whole point of this is the setup is to make you think that this is the main character, right? And then in Kevin Williamson fashion, he gets brutally murdered. And then the real movie starts and it's basically kind of these these kids who have decided to, to quarantine together at a remote cabin. And somebody there is going to pick them off one by one. Oh, interesting. Almost almost worked. Yeah, almost worked. It's It's a little heavy handed and it's delivery of COVID stuff. But interestingly, on both sides, you're Yeah, that was like, I can't tell if he thought that we overreacted to the pandemic or if he's angry at the people who didn't take it seriously enough. Yeah. Because both sides are portrayed. Yeah, he does a fairly good job of balancing that which I don't know is a good idea about it. I was gonna say, like, balanced. I can't tell if I'm supposed to roofer anybody in this room. Plus, everybody was that asshole? Yeah, there was not really any local characters and that always hurts your film. But yeah, no. So you're kinda like it was fine. Yeah, unfortunately, that's how it was there was too many similarities to scream. But the thing that was missing was that whole murder mystery part of screen where you were kind of wondering who the killer could be pretty quick, the one person you think it might be shows up and you're like, well, this can't be me. So now it's like, Okay, now it's just somebody we don't know is killing these people. And I don't know if it didn't grab me. But it was well made some peacock. Good Williams, good night writer. It didn't have his full comedy. Now needed a lot more of his. In fact, that was a secondary writer. I don't remember her name. But it felt to me like she came up with the idea. And then they hired Kevin Williamson to make it one Shut up. Yeah, Hollywood. There you go. I went and start another movie in theaters. Which again, a lot of people seem to, I think mostly really, like, knock at the cabin door, or knock at the cabin. Yeah. Want to hear this one that's not being credited to the amazing book. It's based on opening credits, it's fine. It did get it. Yeah, yeah, I haven't read the book. So I didn't really know what to expect. And I don't know. I haven't read the book either. But I've read the author before. And he's amazing. I know a lot of people really love the book. And I am hearing that this does not follow the book. He does not hold the book, I was told how the book ends versus how this ends, I don't have a problem with the ending. It's just that the journey is there's not a lot of like twists or turns, you know, I think people are going to enjoy it. And I'm really excited that they're going to enjoy it because I really enjoyed watching signs and the village in movie theaters. And I didn't know what to expect. And I hadn't seen eight zillion movies yet. But now that I've seen eight zillion movies, at no point was I like, what's gonna happen. I was like, I know exactly what is and what will happen. But there's a lot of really good acting in it. So that's kind of fun watching. People play a little bit against type. So that's cool. I heard a one person said it to me this way. It's like, you know how you can really get wrapped up in a movie when, when the victim is doing everything right? And they're still going to die or whatever. But that is not the case here. Everybody does exactly the wrong thing at every turn, and you get frustrated. Yeah, there's a lot of stupid choices being made. But I don't know if it's like your items that are being like mad about it. Because it's not looking like people aren't trying to do whatever they're trying to do. It's just that everyone's motives are really clear. And so because everyone's motives are very clear that the only there's only one question mark in the whole thing, which is one of the victims, potential victims perspectives of questioning things and having a an idea, like a kind of conspiracy theory idea about it. That was the only thing that was interesting, was like, Okay, I like the way he's talking through the problem. And I enjoy that. And that was literally the only thing I was gaining out of it. So I don't know shaman, you know? It seems like a pretty low budget thing for him. So yay, yeah, it was not the happening. movie, and I thought it was better than old. I gotta say, right off the bat I was upset because the title is knock at the cabin door, which is a stupid title. And the title of the book is cabin at the end of the world which is a great title title such a great title. Yeah, the the knock at the cabin door knock at the cabin door or whatever it's called. i It's so forgettable and just stupid. It's just too bad because I think Paul Trembley has written some really, really good advice about ghosts is really Yeah, I like Devil's rock a lot too. And there's just and they're thematic, too. So you think he could his writes in a thematic style so it's like come on man. Work with the guy there see what we can get out of this shit. But oh, well. You know Stephen King knows that world. That's true. Not getting his books the way he likes them. So I watched another documentary about filmmaking. Love me when I'm dead. It's about Orson Welles making his last film The Other Side of the Wind. Either Have you seen this Netflix now? Is it new? Seems to be in the cup, what they came out, or what year it came out, but it's um Well, I think that the other side of the wind came out last year or something like that. They did a readded Yeah, I probably came out that same time as that. I watched both, but I did watch the documentary first, which is a lot of people I always watch movie first I disagree. I think I've ever watched the movie first I'd be like, because it's also very experimental. But incredibly well shot and the acting, of course, is all top notch. And it's all sort of Horsens like, well, it's not about me. It's bullshit. It's not John Houston is obviously playing a version of you. Of course, you've got that guy's voice like, Gandalf. Yes, that's so cool. It's it's, it's great documentary. Really interesting, and very interesting to see an artist minded like, get that, like he was just getting angry as hell at what's going on with Hollywood and how he can't get anything done. The stuff he wants to do Nobody, Nobody understands me as an artist, and it's just really interesting. And then you watch the movie go, Yeah, this would never made anything in the 70s. But it's a fascinatingly weird watch. Part of the idea of it is he's making fun of kind of some a good dose stuff and some of the other French things that were going on were these long distance things and somebody's following somebody for a long time sort of obsessing over them. So that's part of the storyline and then the rest of the storyline is the movie being made. So it's one of those movies within a movie movie. And so it's it's an interesting watch. Let's say that for both of them are really good. Well, documentaries really good the movies really interesting. Check that out. But how about right now we take a little break and then when we come back we're talking dude bros, radical dudes doo doo doo doo hello let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hey, guys, it's Mike Bravo. I'm just calling to say congratulations on the Amityville picture a horror show. I think I just mutilated that. Anyhow, the M evil podcast was great. You guys did a great job. I know how you were gonna go about like purging the movies taking the piss out of them. We're actually missing in talking about you know, the other stuff that you covered. Tony he was great guest I hope to see you him like on another one. Hopefully a real shitty movie with the saints on the for the empty bowl franchise. But a great perspective, especially what it was like in 79 when the movie came out, because I remember it was just like everywhere. So I look really forward to future installments. And yes, Rod Steiger does to DeAndre like Pac Man with a tapeworm. I think like overacting should be measured on like the Steiger counter just like it's so bad. It actually makes the movie better. But hey, great job looking forward to see for you guys. Keep going and see how long it takes to break you. Fear of going guys, thanks Michael for the kind words I listened to it again and I actually thought it was a pretty good episode Eric so well done. Our recording style is apparently changed a lot in a year the editing on that was or the sound adjustment on that. It was interesting to revisit because it was recorded quite a while ago. Yeah, yeah. Michael Bronzo has a way with words. PacMan with a tapeworm. And what a visual and a great name. That is a great frickin name man. I also like the stagger counter, which is what I will have to use anytime I watch a Ross Seiger movie now Now that people are are pre Nicolas Cage movies you guys should all listen to the Amityville Horror Picture Show the second episode we'll be dropping next month with Carlos Zamora and then the third episode the month after that. Oh, wait a second. The second second episode with Tony again. I'm sure we do have a we have an exam dumb. Oh my god. And then the third episode with our own lovely Vanessa Williams. Not that Vanessa. Vanessa was this one that's hear me Vanessa Williams. If you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline dial 253-237-4266. We have returned Vanessa, you chose radical dudes radical Dude, please tell us what this even means. This means anyone who's using there's a period of time whether it was like extreme sports, where we had, you know, bikes, cool bikes and skateboards, surfboards and roller blades. So radical dudes just refers to any film that's going to be featuring those hip awesome new modes of transportation rock on. So I will go ahead and go first. This was all kind of a giant excuse for me to finally sit down and watch my 4k vinegar syndrome by addition of RAD they say this guy Bartell is gonna walk hell track. I don't know. It's gonna take a radical miracle to beat this guy. And we're here for the biggest and most important bicycle motocross event ever held held try to do. I'm gonna try to qualify I don't want to hear any more about it okay, dudes, let's walk this sucker we'll give local band something to cheer about very nice. saw this in the theater. Did you really? Yes, I did. Oh, you are one of only a few. I'll tell you that. So that would have been a 1986. It had a budget of 3 million and a box office of 2 million. I know. Yeah. It was a commercial failure. Rotten Tomato score 42% from critics, but the audience disagrees. They think it's 90% I have never seen such a disparity. I was like, but people fucking love this movie. Now at least directed by how Needham he's got 20 directing credits including death car on the freeway stunts Unlimited, Smokey and the Bandit to and street luge, but really he's street luge, but he has actually 108 stunt credits. That's that's really where he comes from. So he was doing stunts on things like Smokey the bandit, A Star is Born Chinatown French Connection. So he's been around the block and this was kind of a moment for him to get to shine, written by Sam Bernard who has 11 credits, including blood surf 315, the moment of truth and one episode of Matlock, and CO written by Jeff Joffrey Edwards, who has four credits, including trial of the Pink Panther and cursor The Pink Panther do not know how that translates to this movie, but here we are. Starring Phil Allen as crew he has 35 credits lots of TV one offs and also was on born of the Fourth of July, the Santa Fe mysteries, the elk Moon murder, and has now got an illustrious career doing things like the astronaut form farmer as reporter number two, and brothers as cop number three. Moving on, uh, uh, yeah, he's really made it. He was good in this movie, but Bert Connor is kind of playing the rival in this and he has six credits. He did Not really take on much after this. It was he did like challenge, a challenge of a lifetime which is a TV movie Death in Texas and one episode of Touched by an Angel. And then the wonderful Lori Laughlin again shows up 74 credits including full house 172 episodes of it as Aunt Becky When Calls the Heart, summer land and a lot of TV Christmas movies. She she and Hallmark very tight together. And the last name I want to throw out there is Talia Shire, somebody for credits including air druid, and rocky and Connie and the godfather. So the story follows crew, a naturally talented stunt bike rider who lives in a small town that has decided to hold a giant contest called Hell track for bikers around the country to come and compete. The only catch is no locals can enter seems very strange. Basically, they're they're trying to make the X Games before the X Games exist, but they're like, the locals are not going to be any good. So we're only going to have the coolest, most talented people from around the country show up so that the news will show up so that the town gets money somehow. I don't fully understand their plan here but that's okay. In this universe. Fuckin BMX is vocal. Everyone knows and loves BMX, and I mean, everyone, the little kids are wearing T shirts for it. People I mean, pupils are obsessed. So I thought the town meeting was going to be the pupil like no, we don't want this stuff in our town, but they were all like cool. This is gonna be great health track sounds awesome. Like wow, grandma, okay, so the only thing they do object to is this idea of no local trying out so they decided to give a single spot which people have to try out for in order to get so of course crew is extremely interested in that but before the tryouts begin, the talents from around the country start to roll in. It's a bunch of cool entitled kids. A lot of them look like they should be on MTV, especially the girls like their high fashion big hair. All of them think this whole downtown is awful. Except for Laurie Lachlan, who's super cool and doesn't want anything to deal with those jerks on her mongoose team. She takes a liking to crew when they have this parade that goes down the town where like all the cool, BMX bikers are in their cars driving through and crew stops the parade because there's a lady who's like my cake is burning in the office and I need to get home this parade is on American she says that out loud. He moves the barricades and lets her through which Lori Loughlin thinks is super, super sweet. They basically start dating immediately. I don't know how else to describe it. There's a dance scene which I'll get more into later. But holy smokes rad. It's that's a word you might want to use. I don't know. Crew decides to of course child for the spot. But it means putting off college because he has to skip the SATs in order to do it. Much to his mom's dismay, he forges her signature takes off and of course, goes races wins, wins the spot shocking. It's like the movie would otherwise have to end 20 minutes in. So you know. However, the guys who are running the race are super snakes. They are terrified of this kid. I'm not entirely sure why. And so they decided to put a bunch of hoops in front of him to jump through first asking him forcing him to get a sponsor and saying he can't compete without one. So he makes up a T Shirt Company in order to have a sponsor and then they say no, you have to have 50k in profits to qualify as a sponsor. So finally the town comes together, puts the money in and he's able to race, but the Mongoose dude, who is the best one ever. And I'm sorry, the guy who owns mongoose I guess and his last name is best. He has one more trick up his sleeve. He tells some of the bikers to take him down. So we'll crew when a really cool car, and 100k will Laurie Lachlan perform a single bike stunt and this entire film spoiler. No, it's done with a guy in a wig. You will never see the front of her face. Will the old guy who hates kids gain a heart of gold and help sponsor crew so he can compete? Also, always riding a BMX? This guy's like 80 and he's got the coolest fucking bike. I don't get it. It's fine. It's so crazy. He's got like a cup of tea in his hand. enemy's like strolling down a little flat cap and he's gonna fucking be a was fine. And finally, will this film and on a freeze frame with two enemies now become friends holding a bike together in the air? Hard to say seems awfully specific. Well I have who knows shape alert? This film was so much fun. It was so awful, but so good. I mean, I can see why you'd have to really have a lot of patience to get past the opening credits, which are just a lot of guys doing really uncool looking stunts on bikes, like just hopping a bunch and kind of slowly carefully twisting it around the level of what you do on bikes has changed significantly over the last 30 years. Yeah, sort of like watching. Dogtown that. Were there skateboarding around? Yeah, no, it's really significantly changed. And it's it's like you kind of sit there. It's definitely you know, filmed by a stunt guy. Like he's showing off the stunts. Like there's so much awesome stunt stuff happening in this. It's really cool just to watch it for the amount of love that you're given for all the action scenes. This film has some really confusing moments. I was extremely confused when they started making T shirts. And I was like, I don't know how this gets you a sponsorship guys. It took me a while to kind of figure it out. There's a really lovely cop in this movie who despite being called a skinhead, like is super supportive of the kids and like we'll chase them around for fun, but like he's not really going to arrest them. He's really neat. Everyone, everyone loves being asked the dates. Okay, this is the one thing that is best and worst about this movie, the dates that Lori Loughlin goes on with this guy. They do like biking together a lot. So they dance together. First of all, they do a dance at the dance, but on bikes, and they both have sparkle uniforms, kind of and everyone's like, Oh, she's dancing with crew and not with the other guy. And then they go on dates where they like, go down a log flume fast and then get in the river and they're like, Oh, this is so fun. And then at one point, they jump into a lake together on bikes. And I'm like, Oh my God, when Laurie Lachlan goes second, I was like, don't fall on it with your bike that is murder. But it's all very romantic. And you know, nicely done. So there's a little bit of trivia, but I didn't get a lot of stuff. for it. Filming was delayed but because the hell track starting ramp was so high that none of the riders wanted to go down it. Ramp wiska down to 25 feet two foot tall version. And then BMX plus magazine published an article about it. The character of crew is loosely based off Eddie Feola, who did most of the stunts for the film. The original title of the film was balls out which one of the characters does say but it's not actually part of it. And brought in REXIS dance suits were words were borrowed from the TV series v. They're weird, totally huge gray like V neck, a huge shoulder pad outfits that they show up to the dancin this these twins. Incredible, absolutely incredible. Yeah, there's there's not a lot more in there just. The film was released on VHS LaserDisc disc in 1986, where I quickly found a following and became a top 10 video rental for two years after it's released. And then it went 34 years between official releases, where VHS by embassy home did 196 And then finally, you could get it on 4k and 2025 vinegar syndrome, and blu ray by mondo in 2020. So Oh also Jamie Clark, who paid Luke nine Canadian to climb Mount Everest. Wow. When you shut up I was like you, you climb out every fun time. Eric, you've seen this right? I don't think I have. You are missing out. This movie is something else. I do have the vinegar syndrome desk. So I will be watching. Check it out. It is really delightful. It's it's like worth watching. But there are lots of so bad it's good moments and it sprinkled throughout. So I went with a couple of high school buddies and we all just had a massive crush on Lori Loughlin. Oh, he's so adorable in this movie. Yeah, she's so cool in this film. I also love this there was something going on in the 80s where we were like, yes, of course this town loves BMX more than anything else. What do you hear about receita they have an all Valley karate tournament that everybody in town shows us it's this ridiculous idea that any of these minor sports things bring an audience in. Well, yeah, when the like eight year old on the playground shows up with like a BMX star like T shirt, I was like, what is happening? And he's like, he's like a teenage like the kid who's the BMX star is like not old or anything. I don't think this is a super established sport. But he's got the fucking t shirt and he's like, he's gonna beat up your brother like what is this argument? This is insane. Yeah, I'm sure there was some underground things going on with BMX at a time because it was so popular Yeah, it was such a trendy thing but yeah, there was no nothing remotely like the X Games gone on with that would have called in sports station Yeah, I just I just love stuff like that. We've got minor league baseball team here. And this stadium is half filled on the best night but just think if they had held the hell track there can only imagine fun fact my first bicycle was a BMX Stunt Bike Did it have the the the tabs the pegs and all that did not have the pegs but it had we suppose to go to dances then? I did I did try to learn a few like jumps and stuff but it was my brother's bike and he was a very cool guy. Yeah, he had like pierced his own ear and had like listen to metal and so being the young kid sister of course I got his hand me downs I could have been fun it was a cool bike it didn't have a podcast no he's real straight laced now all ask him I'm don't trust you. Works at Edward Jones. Oh my god he's really he plays golf like a very he's made a big turn in life plays golf you know this guy is metal now Spotify list for the year was just sad if you have if you have a podcast about investments and safe use of money or Tony Robbins he will show up wow oh God All right. Ready? Eric I'm putting 10 minutes okay. I missed the part about is supposed to be like vehicle based for this so they spend their entire movie almost on their feet with occasional maybe a horse Oh yeah. Okay then All right. So this is the 1970 threes the five days? Right. Excuse me fast 10 Min And it's chasis this rotten tomatoes has no ratings. I mean, no number ratings, no ratings, nothing from any critics and nothing from the crowd. It's 00 underneath the slash smoke, okay, couldn't find anything on budget or box office. Right now this only appears to be available from seven. But I know shutter shows a lot of Severan stuff so it might show up there although it's not really horror. But it's directed by Dario Argento woods. You know the director of dark glasses Dracula 3d and the mother of tears. Oh, that fat Argento also written by dark glasses or dark glasses Dario Argento, who wrote dark glasses Dracula 3d and mother of tears, co written by Nani boss Trini who wrote the color of hate and Franco Catalano was a story supervisor and writer number four, Enzo Gauri who wrote the last emperor. Wow. So he might have contributed a lot to this. He wrote a lot with Argento and the way he cosy who put out Paganini horror, and also he directed 1983 is Hercules. Nice, so I'm guessing he had a lot to do with this script starring Adriana sellin Tano you might know from bingo Bongo, or loggerheads or the con artists. But if you're in Italy, you probably know him as one of Italy's most successful singers selling in the millions of albums and had heavily influenced by Elvis. So of course, for every country in the 50s and 60s, he was the Italian Elvis but since 1958, he's released 40 albums. Oh my god, prolific. Yeah. So and I'll get back to him by the end for some interesting little notes. And so curious Seco whose blood and black lace which is BAVO just damn good. Ella Dolce Vita by Fellini. He was also in Hercules and Samsung and Ulysses and I Spy and a shit ton of Italian films about Mario Mara Lou Tolo marriage Italian style the last days in Pompeii. Sergio Martino's the scorpion with Tutera tails, Charlie's Angels. Kill the fatted calf and roasted Oh, and died of violence. This is an interesting movie, and that this is our juntos fourth film I believe. And the movie opens can slowly opening credits and you know of credits rolled in the early 70s It's just an image of a candidate. And then you get an idea of what kind of movie you're in store for when the cuts to a prison and a man squishes a rat completely non violently. So it's not like true, but he punches a rat tosses it in the air and it lands in another guy's mouth followed by loud farting noises. Well, you asked if this was a dude, bro movie. I give you farting in the first five minutes. Oh my god. So but what's going on is this takes place during a Italian revolution. And they're kicking out the Germans from I think is Milan. And the so the escaped prisoners know they're going to be set free soon because they're political prisoners. Of course, none of them are actually what they really are. But they all say their political prisoners. They escaped prisoner. So they asked me they blow a hole in the side of the wall. And the escape the only guy you see escape is the lead guy I expected to see a bunch of people jump off the wall after him but nobody did. Okay, didn't have all the cast that day. And the in order to kind of keep himself safe, because he knows the revolution is still going on in the city. As he's walking around. There are battles and stuff so he grabs the right flag and starts wandering through town, and then inadvertently creates a giant crowd falling behind him thinking he's heading to a battle of something where he stops to pee behind a little blind and realizes everybody's following him. So he just leaves the flag and walks away. And they stopped following him. It's like okay, that works. The cut to a mess. That's a large portion of this movie is him just sort of wandering around and wandering into things going on. At this point. There's only one guy but the dude bro is on his way walks into a political argument between not quite sure how he just walks into a place that has the governor and all the major people but apparently crowd watches it so disturbing, irrelevant kind of arguments that she could probably still here today about money in taxes. So he battle starts he starts to look for someplace to hide, and he runs into this building. That's bakery and And here's the other dude immediately ensues with some slapstick comedy and P jokes. But it is a relatively amusing point where he jumps into there and the guy kicks him out. So then his house get shelled. And you get the classic house falling apart with a guy standing there holding a burning. I've seen that before both are well executed though. This has the feel once the the guys kick in of the Looney Tunes Chester and Spike cartoon where you've got the big, tough Bulldog kind of dog and the little chihuahua s dog bouncing around talking to him all the time. Like what are we gonna do what I'm gonna do when it's finished very similar between these two guys. And the two men stumbled into helping a lady give birth, which is a ridiculously long scene, and has how you would love this movie. I tell you, Vanessa, you would love it. You got the two guys and one guy comically steps into a bucket of water. So the other guy gets into a fight with him and then accidentally steps in the water as well. This sounds like hell. It's oddly funny, and kind of bad. But again, it's our Gentiles directing so awkward. It's not horribly done. It's just like, What what are you doing? But a little bit of what I read afterwards was that this is just the kind of humor that was very popular in Italy at that time. Not quite, Jerry Lewis slapstick, but a little slap sticky goofiness. Yeah, but luckily, the birth scene is nothing like the film I talked about before Nova heroes, where it's the most graphic birth I've ever seen and still haunts me. But of course, this here is handled very comically and goofy and everything basically goes correct. They blunder their way into a battle with a very wealthy lady who's kind of setting it up like, hey, let's have a party and they stack a bunch of shit up and she brings out all the lounge gear and the tables and sofas and sits out and enjoys the battle. So it's okay. In a very odd scene involving her as well, she gets erotically charged. When one of the guys is killed right in front of her and she gets splattered with blood. It's like, wow, this is uncomfortable. That sounds like our agenda. Yeah. So the bed an hour into the movie, it kind of starts to change. It goes from the bro silly stuff of all that goofy shit going on. And they say they do a victory, they get a sort of victory against one of the buildings, and find out that the Germans in there have hung a whole bunch of their people. So instead of letting the Germans go or live, like they plan, they end up slaughtering all of them. And so the other side rip responds by sending in a bunch of men on horseback with swords. And it's a rough scene suddenly, and in a normal will battle movie, it wouldn't be too bad of a scene, but the context where this movie is going to suddenly go to this really violent status like hope Jesus Christ, and his buddy seems to die. So he goes wandering off alone again, and master movie kind of goes from what you call like farcical humor to really dark cynical humor there's still some humor to it but damn it is not laugh out loud. It's like oh shit harsh man. It just gets darker and darker in the in the ending is incredibly cynical as like holy shit. So it's good. And overall, it's actually pretty good. I don't know if I'd recommend it for Vanessa and I heart it's a if huger gentle fans are gonna have issues with it. A couple little notes I'm going to throw out here quickly. This was done. Beat after his animal films, this animal series for Glide records on Vegas cats, all that stuff. As he wanted to show he's not just a Hitchcock knockoff, and he wanted to do this movie, his autobiography, I could find no reference to this film edit. La had another Argento movie that the only reference to this movie and it was at the end when they do his filmography where they list every movie but this one in English. And this one's in Italian and I can only tell what it was because where it's placed, man I talked a long time about the movie. Unfortunately some really cool shit. But so he didn't talk about it and Near as I can tell very heavily until this seventh release. He's got a half hour interview on it with Argento with the lead guy the singer he hated. It's one of the few people he's Ever stated I hated working with this guy. I've never worked with him again. Oh my God, but he wrote a song so I was like, let's look this dude up. Let's see if I can say this song, the one that comes up the most when you search his name is prison Colin Ensign on an Sooners assault movie a song he wrote, because English songs were becoming huge in Italy and he was annoyed with it. He said you can do a song that sounds like English, but isn't MLB a huge hit? And he made up a whole bunch. I've listened to the song and I didn't know that I was first listening to it. It's just an English what the hell is this? But apparently he's a study or of phonics and composed everything. So it sounds like English, but it's just gibberish and is one of the biggest hits he had. Oh my god, I saw the video for this in the classroom. I don't know or lecture. I remember reading all about this a couple of years ago for something and yeah, that is very strange. Yep. But so yeah, that's worth watching isn't a Daraa gentle completest that sounds insane. Yeah, it was it would have been even cooler if they were on skateboards and that would have been rough in those dirt on the costume let's go with a BMX bike. Okay if I would have been awesome All right, well, I will go with mine. For my dude bros, I think it'd be pretty easy to see how rad My guys are. All right, so get into this. This is called Nam angels is in viet-nam Angels. Vietnam, where a lot squadrons struggle against destruction now the Army's calling in the tapas team from the streets angels Lieutenant Calhoun needed a secret weapon for an impossible mission. What if I was able to get in there and get out before the bombing started? Now he's got his recruits get you out of here in exchange for what? For your time if you go on crazy recruiting a bunch of outlaws only the strongest will survive got one chance 1000 opponents all fans? All they have to do is get one man his army and he's gonna regret today took on Hellsing no one can stop right just from 1989 no budget or box office because it was straight to video. No rotten tomatoes from the critics but the audience has it at 12% I think that's a little rough. I would have put it at maybe 15 or six. Directed by serial H Santiago, who has 100 credits including vampire hookers, caged fury and naked vengeance. And written by Dan Gagliano. So who has 12 credits including expendable Assets Area of conduct the upcoming soldiers of misfortune, upcoming working it stars Brad Johnson who has 45 credits including river world alien fire and super Gator act died last year at the age of 62. Fighting a gator? Yeah. Okay, nice. I'd also says Vernon Wells was 236 credits including commando Weird Science, but we would all know him as the feathered biker from the road warrior. No, yeah. And it also stars Rick Dean who has 61 credits including species three Satanic and razor tooth Eric, do you remember razor to saw that at the American Film Market? quite bad? Yes. Okay, this is a weird fucking movie, because it starts in the jungles of Vietnam and a company of soldiers who are creeping through the jungle when they are suddenly ambushed and they have to flee and they get lost deeper into the jungle. But they find an abandoned village and decide is the best place to lay low. This looks like this entire thing. It turns out they shot it in the Philippines but it literally looks like somebody's backyard in California. I was like Where where is this? This is not a jungle, but apparently it was kind of junk. Really and then they built this old looking village except it doesn't look all that looks brand fucking new. And it's ridic this entire movie is so low budget it's ridiculous. One of the guys as they're kind of fortifying their area to, to make their stand, he goes into this little hut and he finds this little cylinder that he kind of shakes out like a like a flour shaker if you're baking, you know, and and gold, little gold comes out of it and gold dust I guess. He decides instantly somehow that they must be sitting on a couple million dollars worth of treasure there. I was like, Wow, this guy's got a good eye, apparently. But it's a trap because the villagers were hiding, and they attack just as the Vietcong arrive. And so the villagers fight off the Vietcong. But then it turns out, they also don't like the Americans. And so they capture the Americans, everyone is captured except for Lieutenant Vance Calhoun. He escapes, he manages to make it back and talking to his superior officer, officer, he wants to go back for his men. But he's told that he can't, because the entire area is going to be carpet bombed in less than two weeks, and so his men are already dead. So what's the guy to do? Well, this guy takes it on himself to hire some Hells Angels that are in Vietnam, for some reason, of course, they're in jail. But he he bribes a guard to talk to these guys and says, you know, I'll pay your bail, but you're gonna be doing something for me. And he shakes out that little gold dust thing. The guys are all just like, Okay, we're in treasure. Right? Excellent. Everybody. The one guy who calculates the amount of dust that fell, he can like calculate numbers immediately. But he's unhealthy. He's a Hells Angel in jail and Vietnam. Like seems like you would have chosen a different. There's a backstory? No, maybe not. So they all think they're going for treasure. Because Calhoun says nothing about the men that he wants them to help rescue. They travel via helicopter with all their motorcycles in it. And there is this awesomely bad heavy metal montage scene while they're all getting to know each other in the helicopter. So just a lot of shots of them smiling and patting each other on the back and shit. And it's the music is so bad. It seems like a spoof of a heavy metal montage. Because I go to war with all of my friends. Edit sounds like it was recorded in somebody's living room. It's just like, oh, boy, this is awful. I was like in love with this movie. As soon as that happened. They of course then leap off the helicopter with their motorcycles. As you were so cool. This movie is absolutely wacky. It hits some amazing tropes that I really, really appreciated. For example, Calhoun as he's got all his men in the jungle on their motorcycles. They start to kind of doubt him and he has to then beat the lead guy in hand to hand combat in front of the other motorcyclists, the other angels, you know, so that they'll start to respect them. So that's really cool. Like, they do take time out of their very tight schedule of a mission to save a small village that's being terrorized by the Vietcong. Well, that's nice. We see the bikers, gradually turning into heroes over the course of the movie, of course, and you start to realize or you suddenly realize that the Vietcong aren't the real bad guys in this movie. And the villagers aren't the real bad guys in the movie. The real bad guy in the movie is this. This white dude who the villagers worship as a god. Oh, yes. And that's yes, you Oh, you've heard of this. That's played by Vernon Wells. And he's he's awesome because on top of all that, he's not just any bad white guy. He is an ex Nazi. And you led to Vietnam, where these villagers now worship him as a god so it all works out. Wow. Wow. It all culminates in this amazing climax where Calhoun has to do hand to hand combat on a bridge that's wired to explode at any minute with with this bad guy the Nazi nice. Who do you think will win that fight? The bridge one. Well, the bridge doesn't blow but the Calhoun manages to toss the other guy off of it, or it happens. It does explode all the bikers get across the bridge and the bridge explodes in a massive fireball, which is then the freeze frame ending of the film, which then has a quote over it has. It's better to reign in Hell than serve in heaven, which has absolutely zero to do with the movie. I looked at that freeze frame for a moment, I was like, what did they mean by this? Was this made by some like Hells Angels people know that's where we get into some interesting stuff. It is produced and released here in the United States by Roger Corman. Of course. The tagline is a freewheeling ride into combat. Excellent. So, Roger Corman produced this film and was sued by the Hells Angels, because the angels in the film are wearing exact replicas of the Hells Angels insignia oops. He paid the group unspecified damages for copyright infringement and tarnishing the angels. stellar reputation Wow. But they're helpful. The angels took offense to the fact that the Hells Angels as depicted in the film bicker among themselves, and they claim that that just does not happen. Wow. Yeah, sure. Yeah, a bunch of guys getting together loyal to the especially when drinking that is the time in which you really respect everyone around you in that room. Interestingly, I thought I was looking for a different movie. I actually was looking for a different movie. And then when I started watching this, I was like, Is this the movie I was looking for? Because this is really quite bad. But the movie I was actually looking for is called the losers from 1970, which has a very similar plot bikers in Vietnam and everything. And interestingly, after this film was released at Nam angels, the losers was rereleased under the title. noms angels were not confusing at all. I just watched the losers, like within the last two weeks. Awesome. No, but yes, it is. But it's awful. It's it's got some horrible there. I don't know you watch it. You'll be interested to see if you they don't you say the part where they justify and become kind of heroes. Think they bothered with that with the losers. In the losers, is it also Hells Angels? No, just a generic bike. Okay. I just there's something about a bunch of, you know, Hells Angels driving through the jungles of Vietnam on their Harley's that it's really appealing to What's so weird. It's like oil drillers being sent to bust up an asteroid. It's like, right, you should get the right people for the job. Right, right. These are the right people. And there was one scene that I was like this scene does not need to be here. But I appreciate that the writer thought, listen, we have to make a little storage dump that they can show up and get gas for their hogs, right? Because there's no gas stations there. And I was like, this movie is so goddamn really ridiculous. I need to know how they were feeling. Not necessary, but I appreciate that. He thought Look, people are not going to believe this if we don't have some way for them with gas. Oh, and I'm gonna toss off a quick question on mine. It wasn't German. It was Austrian. But the Italians were finding a big difference. Yeah. Least Austria, it's very different flowers as symbols for their country. Okay, well, as usual, Vanessa, you picked a topic that I thought was incredibly stupid, and then I had a good time with it. So thank you. Again, this is what I bring to the show. bad ideas that are actually really good. But that doesn't mean that it is my choice for the next sub genre. And I would like to do something kind of a general, but kind of specific, if that makes sense. So a movie that has stopped motion and at least you know, a scene with some significant stop motion in it. I was gonna go with I just want it to be Ray Harryhausen movies, but I thought, you know, you guys might fight me on that. So anything that has that kind of stop motion, and I think it'd be a really cool thing to discuss. Excellent. Nice. That sounds good. Okay, well, so this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts, leaving us messages on the strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266 and sending money participating in the value for value model. Is anybody sending us any more money or nobody loves us? We got to Jason continues to be a regular contributor. Jason, what a match. That's very nice. Yeah. Yeah, you know, if you've got little extra leftover Christmas money or something you feel you need. Hey, we're always open to these ideas of you. New news topics to talk about base mass distribution we've definitely had a couple listeners. Well one listener really take advantage of that. So be like Micah, choose exactly what we're going to talk about. And if you don't have Christmas money leftover, find us on Instagram, Facebook. Hell, we're even on LinkedIn sharing our stuff around and tell everybody that you know what these guys are morons but they're fun to listen to. Right yeah, we're on Grindr or on all Oh my God. All right. So okay, guys, well then I guess that's the end of the episode and then we'll be back in seven short days and we are talking stop motion, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't be experience. Yes, sir. Strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we will set a rotten tomato score of 42% from critics but the audience disagrees. They think it's 90%