Strange Aeons Radio


February 23, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 215
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Strange Aeons Radio
Feb 23, 2023 Season 5 Episode 215
Strange Aeons Radio

Eric screws up the audio on an episode dedicated to soundtracks, and Kelly wants you to write better jokes about The Big Game! Also discussed: QuANTuMANia, Plane, Infinity Pool.

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Eric screws up the audio on an episode dedicated to soundtracks, and Kelly wants you to write better jokes about The Big Game! Also discussed: QuANTuMANia, Plane, Infinity Pool.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Yes. Embarrassingly sitting here. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. This might sound very different as listening to this. It's nobody's fault. It's nobody's fault. It was not well. I mean, if it were somebody's I know whose fault it is, it wouldn't be yours. That's right. Would you like to explain what's going on right now, I'm gonna blame everything going on planning making a short film cryptic con film fest going on. Taking the wrong car that I usually take. I left all the audio recording gear at home. So we are recording on our phones using your method we've used in the past, so it's at least shown to work. So we're hoping it's gonna continue to work Fingers crossed. If you hear this, then it works. Right now I noticed you guys don't have to keep touching your phone to make your screen stay alive. So I hope when I stop touching my phone, it does not continue to record. Okay. You guys I'm curious. Shocking information. This is a whole new world. You furious. All right. So the Super Bowl has passed us now. Okay. Yeah, the Super Bowl has passed away and and all of our geeky friends did this thing that I'm starting to just get so fucking tired of little tweets or Facebook posts of Oh, is there a game yesterday? Is something happening today? sports ball. Here's the thing. It's the biggest pop culture of the year. And you guys are fucking nerds. It literally an excuse for every company to put out their most interesting commercials. It just has trailers for huge blockbuster geek movies. Yeah, that's got a big fucking 15 minute concert in the middle. And you guys are nerds. But this is not this is not what infuriates me, okay? All right. What infuriates me is that if your writing is something happening today, then you are a hack writer. These jokes are 20 fucking years old. They are not good jokes. You should be embarrassed for having written that. I would love to see good funny jokes. Sure, but I don't want any more of this bullshit. Oh, the Rihanna concert was interrupted by some sports ball, gag, pocket idiot. We've all heard those jokes for 20 fucking years, get some better material. My favorite personal joke is going into I don't know Fred Meyer and seeing their big display, which is for pretty much any sporting event whatsoever where they you know, stock the mountain dew or the Doritos and a fun way for the quote unquote big game. So every time I go in, I'm like, Oh, the big games on this weekend, whatever. Having no concept of like, coy with the big game was but this time, I mean, I didn't know. So I was alright. Yeah, if you don't I mean, it's obvious the biggest annoyance of that just beyond it just being done is that you obviously know what's going on? Yeah. So you're not, you know, anyone. Look, ah, if Jerry Seinfeld came out and was just like, every time you know what's with the big game? I be as furious. I just want new material. That's all I get. Yes, I don't think there's anything else that needs to be said other than you can watch it and enjoy it or don't watch it. And that's fine. We don't hear about how much you don't like something you have been given about a year to work on some new material. So start writing now. Know that I am judging you. You got what, 355 days or whatever to go until the next one. Speaking of the big game, I didn't watch it because that's just for nerds. Games work hard. I did watch the highlight reel of all the trailers coming out. And that was very exciting. I guess I was bummed at the trailers being not different enough from what I've already seen from the trailer. I don't get in. I'm sure there's some marketing research they're doing that I have no clue about why they now leak the commercials before the Superbowl. Yeah, because like you've brought me to get excited to wait For the Super Bowl to see this ad I've already seen, which is probably not really that good anyways, on your computer, but now you can see it on your 75 screens. The people during the fake destroying their TV crap, where it's very obvious like whatever team you didn't like this one was Philadelphia law so some Philadelphia fan, destroying his TV and as you watch and restraint you look close in the bottom left hand corner, the little yellow BestBuy sticker was still on the front and it was not attached to the wall. So like yet you went you bought$150 Piece of crap TV at Best Buy, so you can get some views. Good. Yay. Oh, I haven't seen any of those. Yeah, that's that's kind of sad, man. Yeah, that's yes. That's funny. Wow. You guys, I saw some movies. Oh, okay. So you were doing something during the big game? That's right, your house on Facebook. I saw a little documentary called plane with Gerard Butler. How was it? Look, we all have expectations when a new Gerard Butler movie shows up right? Sure. This fills all those isas. It is better than his weird ass title. It is the laziest fucking title in the world. I'm not sure. You could have called this anything else. But Gerard Butler. I don't know what there's about him. He makes the shittiest movies that I love every single one. Excellence. The also has Mike Colter from evil. Oh, nice. Yeah, so So it's I thought it was I thought it was quite good. The trailer look fun. It's just like you see the poster in the name go wrong. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I was watching that. I texted my girlfriend's like, you're gonna want to see this movie. You didn't wait for her? Oh, my God. Oh, man. Okay, well, I'm definitely gonna have to move that further up the queue. I know. I know. I almost done the theater so many times and then just didn't anyway, that's that's me. That's me. That's a personal flaw I have right now. But I did see in the theater. very recent big blockbuster picture that just came out which is Ant Man quantum mania. Yeah, I saw that as well. Interesting. What it what did you think? Well, you brought it up. You told me what you thought. There were a lot of things I enjoyed about it. I kind of liked the space they were in. It was very strange and interesting. The kind of quantum realm came will be a very interesting villain. Moving forward. I'm pretty stoked to see what they do with him. But I I mean, I'm caught up from Loki. So I kind of remember where we left off there. Is is MODOK in this one. Yes. Yes. I'm very confused. I don't know a lot about MODOK. And I was like, I don't know if this is at all true to who he is, in any way shape, or form by Oh, was it but I gotta say it was probably my favorite parts of the movie. Oh, yeah. Really interesting how they did his face. It feels like somebody went into not even after effects. It feels like they went into Premiere Pro and just pins a photo into four corners. And it's blatantly meant to look stretched and stupid, but it's. It's pretty fun. Yeah, no, I enjoyed it. I didn't love it. It felt like every Ant Man movie to me and that I feel like it's a little forgettable. Like, I'm already starting to, you know, it's starting to slip away to the cracks, but I liked it. I think I like we were talking beforehand, Eric. You don't be tired of superhero movies. I liked it. Because it was so far away from most of the Marvel movies. It felt more like a Star Wars movie. Okay, did had a very, like the cantina feel? There was things that were just rougher around the edges down there. Yeah, yeah, the recent ones seem to have fallen too much into we must set up our next series of whatever we're gonna do. That's really the only purpose for this movie. We're not. This sounds more like it's at least an entertaining film on its own. Well, it definitely sets up I guess, what are we in Phase Five or something? Whatever it is, but the king stuff? Yeah, definitely setting that up. But it feels very standalone. It took off. And because of all of this stuff happened in this, you know, one particular atom none of it really affected anything that's going on in the movies right now. So I guess I kind of liked it. Because of that. I had a good time with it. I thought that that Michael Douglas was Michael Douglas was so funny in this film. It was crazy. He literally I mean, he had so little to to do, but he was never wasted. At the same time it was so nicely weighted and Michelle Pfeiffer is smoking hot. Holy crap. This is man. She looked amazing. It's hotter with age. So she was just like, Man, that is a foxy lady. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. And Evangeline Lilly, I didn't hate but I did notice during the credits, it was like turkey unit. And I was like, Is this is this because this certain somebody was anti something and it happened to be a big pandemic and they happen to need to pick up some shots. Maybe? I don't know. I'm not I have literally no idea. But I do know that there were some delays. Yeah, sure. Everybody's got a crazy person on their phone. Just wait until we see the flash. Oh, cheese. Boy, it sure seemed like a whole lot of people just dismissed him as soon as I saw. Michael Kane's gonna be Batman. Oh, yeah. Oh, no, they're gonna go don't don't even think that that matters. I mean, just like all banned JK Rowling and Harry Potter, except for the game came out. No, it's gonna do wildly. Well. I mean, really? What do you expect? Like people will be fans, you know? Yeah, I feel like all these people whenever they're threatened to be canceled, you know, their downfall is apologizing. Oh, yeah. Just don't even say I will just say fuck you. In fact, from now on, I will just say fuck you. And, and then move on. Because once they get nothing out of you, they just move on to somebody else. Unless you crop up again, saying something ridiculous. Just fade into the background. I mean, Bill Murray, how long did we talk about him? Like, literally, you know, maybe you'll meet a man. Exactly. Speaking of Amman, because I thought about it that when he showed up and I was like, Ooh, how long are we gonna? And he even has the sort of character that's a little bit of a sexually, like, if they mention they mentioned him in reference to sex, and no big deal. Who cares? I mean, I mean, obviously, I'm not saying that horrible. People should get away with stuff. Let me make myself very, very clear. But as far as people who are reacting, it felt extremely short lived and like, get away with stuff all. I mean, hey, I've worked in the film industry. I know what world you live in. Oh, yeah. You live in the right world. In the world that sees is very, very up close. And yes, I saw a weird one infinity pool. Frustrating? Well, it as a Cronenberg s movie, because you know, he can do whatever he wants to do to try to separate himself. But just like Stephen King and his kid, there's always an association. And they have similar styles, even though they write different stuff. I feel the same way about Cronenberg. of his three films. I enjoyed this one the least. It's well made. It's interesting. I hated every fucking character. Oh, no. They're all such rich Fox. And their whole point is to just mess with people. That's the whole point of the thing is like, we're rich, and we can get away with anything. And that is the point of the movie is that the whole storyline is that and it's like, man, even the guy you're sort of supposed to involve or like, because he's not the wealthy one is his wife that has all the money. Yeah, but you're still being an insufferable prank. Like, but the filmmaking is good. The effects are good. There's a crazy ass drug scene that's really interesting. But it's it's also kind of uneven, it starts off pretty good, then gets very weird and the endings kind of interesting. But it's that kind of, you know, that's the kind of movies he makes what was his first one called again, the other two, possessor that was the second one. That's actually that was one I was thinking of, which I thought was just phenomenal. Model film, this one little bit of step back, but it could just be because I didn't like it when you're on. When you're watching a movie. You kind of want somebody you like, even if you hate like them, ya know, you need somebody to root for on some level. I find that really difficult with films like if I don't like anybody, it's like, why am I sitting here? I feel like I'm being tortured. Yeah, kind of like bodies. Bodies. Bodies. I had that same problem with that movie. Yeah. Give me somebody to serve like or somebody like Tony Soprano sister, who was so awful, but she was so good at being off, right? Like you loved watching her on screen. So you can have an awful character that's still oddly likable. Well, and even Tony was likable. Yeah, no, no, he was the bad guy. He was somehow the protagonist and antagonist of Yes. I watched something It's called Viking Wolf. Wow, madly named Wolf. Wolf on Netflix. A Norwegian werewolf movie. Okay, I heard about I heard an interview about this on NPR. How could How was this? Well, I liked it quite a bit. I I wish it had been called something else. Yeah, that's a very weird. I mean, it sounds like a wolf that decided on a career path. You know, it does sound that way. But my head then went to Oh, I'm gonna see a werewolf set in like biking. Oh, yes. Oh, no, it's otter monitor times in Norway. They tie it in that the the evil of this wolf came across the seas with the Vikings. And I liked it. The werewolf is pretty great looking. When you get a good shot of it. It's definitely a nod to the American Werewolf in London. Wow. Very nice. And I love that. I won't give too much away but it goes to it goes to the full Wolf. Only this wolf looks evil as fuck. And there was some nice twist in it and an ending that I enjoyed a lot. So yeah, cool. Viking Wolf on Netflix. Wow, thanks. Do not watch the dubbed version. It started out that way. Just shout it out that way. And I was you know, laying on the couch. I was like, Oh, this is fine. And then I was like, where's my remote? Not fun. This sinking feeling of like, I'll be okay. No, it'll be okay. No, no, it's not. Okay. Well, I went ahead and watch a brand new series that just started. Star Trek Picard season three. Oh, yes. So okay, um, the worst part about Star Trek Picard season three, is that it meant I had to finish Star Trek Picard season two, which I watched during COVID Because I was sick. And I was locked in a room. And I had nowhere to go. And I still couldn't make it through season two, because it was so intolerably awful. Wow. So I did I go ahead and finish the last two and a half episodes. Oh, that's how close I got and still couldn't do it. Um, season three is awesome. It's it's a soft reboot. It's, it's basically starts off as Wrath of Khan, where you have two guys who are, you know, out of the field old Star Trek guys who are kind of getting made fun of by everyone else. Their missions are long paths. They're old. They can they're creaky. They can't move fast. And they're kind of almost in a buddy film together where they need to go on a mission and reroute a ship without them knowing it and try to save another friend. So there's these kind of under elements that feel rights in the way that we had talked about with the modern Star Trek, making con and doing so poorly. It felt like this was correct, even if it was repetitive. And you know, we'll just kind of see where it goes from there. But yeah, when you said that you started watching this. I was going to say I thought you hated this. Oh, yeah. Oh, I cannot tell you how many times during those last two and a half episodes. I was like, okay, the Borg are like that now Cool. Cool. Oh, Gaiden really that's the way you're racing awesome. Did not know good to get to understand cue, okay, like the whole time furious, but and of course Picard just being a sweet old grandpa never made sense. But having this sort of reboot where it is new writers it is a new team they have like, the old next gen font is now being incorporated in title sequence. There's just obviously a lot more love the set design is so much better. It does suck. My least favorite character from Picard is still on the show, which is Rafi and fucking hater. But it's fine. It's fine. Pick what you think I'll take what I can get. I'm gonna take what I can get. You know, Patrick Stewart is a zillion years old and he is acting in something that is tolerable. So sounds like we got some studio notes. Took them Yeah, I think strange new world made everyone go Oh, shoot. Everybody watched this show. Watch the show. It's a little more true to Star Trek as the littlest discovery flash and bang and whiz. Maybe we should follow suit. And the trailer form looks pretty good. I'm glad to hear Yeah, because I stopped in season one. Oh, God, do I Is that right? If I just started season three, yes. Oh, good. I was gonna do either way. But it's, it'll be fine. Because at the end of season two, they're basically done. They're like, this character is being left in the past. These other ones are gonna go off and do different things. The card is gonna go to this vineyard which by the way is in France, except for in Picard where it's only in California for literally no reason. It's fine. Okay. Anyway, it's fine by it's fine. It's fine. Yeah. Next year next seasons of excellent shows, Fox Fox Makena returned. Oh, shoot. Yeah, and still one of the best d&d recreations ever put on, and still allowed to go because the last seat or the thing got dropped. It's sort of it's not quite as profane as poison ivy, and Harley Quinn, but it has they swear a lot. It's got a lot of pilots and stuff with this. Vox Machina is based on a YouTube series called Critical Role, which is a bunch of people that for years and years have gotten together and just played the d&d. But they're really funny, entertaining people. So it's fun to watch. I haven't watched much of them because every one you pull up is like three or four hours long. But they took all these characters and animated them with what's the tip mouse or mouse? Where did that that one studio? Yeah. Excellent animation of brought those characters into these and it's like watching a good d&d. Come to Life. So this is season two. Yeah. So on Amazon Prime. On prime. I'm gonna say, Oh, check this out. Fine, especially since the latest trailer for Dungeons and Dragons looks like, yeah, that first one looks. Of course. I read this interview, and the creators were like, well, we're not going meta at all in this, there's not going to be because that somebody had said in the interview, you know, I know a lot of people are hoping that we're gonna see the actual players like at the end or something like that. And the guy was like, no, no, no, we're treating this very seriously. There's humor in it, but it's very serious to the game and the worlds and all of this stuff. And I was like, yeah, that first one looked like he was just gonna be a lot of fun. Yeah. Which is more what Fox Machina is. It's just crazy fun. You know, Chris Pine is not a good actor. I'm not sure why we keep putting him in. Especially in things I want to see. Oh, hey, Jerry. Chris Pine just just fine, but he does really play like one kind of role. One zone. It's sort of like, I think he's kind of like, you know, the Tom Cruise thing. He figured out his niche. If you like it, you're gonna like him. If you don't, you're probably never going to, but we get to have another Hugh Grant being an evil asshole. So I'm excited to see where that goes. You granted in the Dungeons and Dragons. Yes. Looks like he's going to be a bad guy. And he really seems like he's going to be quite fun some good in real life Hugh Grant is a major assholes. Fine. I've got to just say this guy isn't because we're recording this way over our phones and everything. There's no microphones in front of your faces. I could just look at your faces this entire time. This is kind of nice. Yeah, it is fairly easy and smooth. Even though I didn't say it easy and smooth. I feel much worse. Because I like to hide behind things and now I can't so here we are. Well, who knows? We'll see if this worked at all. Yeah. Why don't we take a little break? And then when we come back we're going to be talking about Jason Weiss's topic which was still haven't figured out what to call this. movies that are okay but made better by their Soundtrack Soundtrack yeah hi everyone it's me talk boy I'm no ordinary just yesterday I did a recording and that's not all I do sound effects hey, let's do and I even do impressions check out my voice ginger, kiss me Alma Prince. Prince. Talk boy ethics plus recording them with six out of x and 12 seconds of digital recording from Tiger. And we have returned Erica, this Yes, kind of your subject. Yeah, no. Prep. This one is sort of for the SEC. So I will dive in first. The idea like Kelly said before the break was it's What's the movie that's pretty good or I mean pretty okay? But so much more fun because of the soundtrack and the movie I picked Well hang on a second let me put the timer the entry sees how differently the louder I'm fed it will be all of its gonna be here now you guys all know my stress point tick tick. But anyway, is I picked 1980 fours. Do you know the most widely read talked about and cherished masterpiece of a generation comes to the screen? Dino De Laurentiis presents dual I see two great houses feudi A world where the unexpected many dangers exist on Arachis the unknown and the unbelievable meet were kingdoms are built on earth that moves. And sky is filled with fire. Warriors fight with a thought and kill with a word. A world that holds creations greatest treasure and throws the spice controls the universe and greatest terrorists a world where the mighty the man all I can see is in a tradies that I want to kill and the magical asleep boy has awakened will have their final battle a world called Long live the fight we will kill until no Hawk Conan breeze era clean air duel a world beyond your experience beyond your imagination. Nice. Yeah. So this was rotten tomatoes of 43 from critics 65 from the audience budget of 40 million. Wow. Which was huge in 1984. A box office of 31 million. But you can find this all over the place including a really cool remastered arrow boxset. Really nice. This was directed by David Lynch. At the time it was directed by Alan Smithee. On the new version that was released by arrow it is directed by David Lynch so they put his name back on it. You might know him from their blue velvet, Elephant Man, Eraserhead 98 directing credits, a whole shitload of those are the I looked at, as I call it short was really short. But and the also written by David Lynch off of Frank Herbert's original book. Lynch basically writes a lot of the shitty shoots. Keep it easy that way, starring Kyle McLaughlin, who you might know from how I met your father are 24 episodes of Portlandia How about 96 episodes of Desperate Housewives? I remember him in desperate housewives or show Yes Tell remember. That's okay. missing anything. This was his first feature, although he was an extra in the changeling uncredited, but he shows up there someplace born and raised in Yakima. Yeah. Number two actually serves as Virginia Madsen who's the narrator she shows up a lot her character in the movie itself really isn't very prevalent but she's the one at the beginning telling you everything that's going on and you might know her from sideways or Candyman Swamp Thing the TV show are 125 other rows Francisca, Ennis, who's in revolver murder most foul the saint and not a bunch of other nice people in this Patrick Stewart, Linda hunt, Brad dwarf Sean Young and stain. So being as this is score kind of based and people Doom, it's doom. You know, it's like, if we're talking about Star Wars, it's it kind of get the idea people know, a large portion, so I'm really not gonna go into too much of the nuts and bolts of the movie. But where the music appears the first great hit of the music, just the opening credits. This music is vague in style. It is written by Toto so good. One of the very early movies to hire a rock band as a rock band to do an actual score. This is not flash dancer, Footloose or something like that, where they wrote a bunch of rock songs. This is orchestral music, except for occasionally guitars and stuff get into it. They're best known for Africa, which I'm sure we've all heard at one point in time. Rosanna And they're huge hit album for came out shortly before they were hired before their hire where they run a bunch of Grammys and did all the all the things you can possibly do. Also one of my favorite songs for them stranger in town. The movie is also enhanced by Brian Eno, which I've got a little bit more about later on. Toto talked a lot about there's such a huge difference between writing a pop rock soundtrack that they did a good job of pulling it off. It is not sound like, oh, we should have had guitars here but they substituted violins or something. It sounds like orchestral written stuff. But totem has been used in 66 films and TV shows their actual songs. But this is the only score they ever wrote. One of the tough things about this see the movie itself is I think part of the reason it doesn't work is the voiceovers with people thinking. Like there's after the call to calm Jabbar where the guy's talent, Paul's talent pain is tolerated. The mother walks in and has this great sense of relief on her face here. And then there's a voiceover guy. He's my son is still alive. Yeah, I got that from her expression. And there are so many scenes in this film like that. Stop doing that. This would be so much better. I feel like that was added in by the studio. Some of it does. Some of it feels lynchin Because it's they're saying weird shit sometimes. But the Yeah, especially that opening introduction where she explains what the spice is. Who they are. Conan's are like, Okay, you're just gonna lay the whole movie out. I got it. And Cobb McLaughlin is definitely not book accurate to the 15 year old smaller for his age character that Paul is supposed to be. But So Patrick Stewart is a lot of grace graders Gurney, I enjoyed his role in this a lot. He's not in it much, of course. But that's alright. This is a 1984 movie in that the sets are cool as hell. The set building the physical props and things that made are really cool. But boy, the overlay, like the critters that fold space when they're oddly floating through the air giant ships like that does not look good. The weirding modules are in this film or not in the book is not the the things that use the sound that affect things. This was made up by Lynch because he didn't want to use that because he found the idea of the weirding way in the book unusable because he didn't want to see kung fu sand dunes. Wow. Because the teachings are a fight form of fighting. It's not saying words and making things explode. So it's very different from the book. The music is omnipresent. It's in throughout the whole movie, but it's fairly low key most of the time. There's few moments where it works really really really well like when they first arrived to dune. The score they set up for that it's just really, really good. And when they go looking for the spice had to do the one thing they say I forgot what degree it says. But it's so uncertain degree in the desert right now. 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh, that seems hard to walk around in. But it's Jay Exactly. So the music helps a lot in the weird dramatic scenes especially the idea of the worms these giant worm things coming up out of the sand is kind of silly and strange looking but then you've got this awesome music enhancing what you're seeing so it feels epic like wow and that that's part of what really helps this movie and the great battle music at the end when they like but the strongest thing in Dune is desert power Gurney set off the atomics like what but that's alright. And I I like said it before I really like McLaughlin in this I love his speeches when he's talking to the front men at the top of the thing and talking about how they're coming whether they're Emperor we're come for you. I think he's just got great powerful delivery. But what you're gonna do a lot of week weirdness around the rest of the movie Although, honestly, I really liked this film. Yeah, I enjoy it a lot. There's some way over the top stuff with the heart. Conan's where they one guy is just so gross. Yeah, and sting is so oddly turned on by setup Since that scene when he walks out of the steam, you know, the one that made him a superstar was supposed to be nude, originally, and he was going to do it. But the studio said, No. We're giving you $40 million. You're going to cover that man when he goes out of the stream. That's a bad idea in hitting the biggest fan in the world at the time and he's going to be nude in your movie in which he may or may not have people come to it would definitely come to it. This the naked staying first. Yes, man. Yeah, he was he was real overhyped, almost in this movie. He's really good. But he's in like three scenes myself, but that's okay. Indirectly, Queen during the Flash Gordon soundtrack led to toto doing this soundtrack because they're both Dino De La writers. And he liked obviously what Queen did was better for flash scoring than what the writers and directors did for. Toto turned down Footloose to do dune because they were sold on the idea this is going to be the new Star Wars. Like, Oh, well. It's probably a good call. I can imagine toto during Footloose. Couple other little really cool things. Oh, Brian Eno. I get that to that. He's credited very strongly as a music guy. He wrote one thing. It's used a lot. The theme when Paul takes the water of life is that theme that he wrote. And it's used several times called the prophecy. So usually when they're talking about Paul and the prophecy, they're using his theme, but that's the only thing he wrote. The total guys got really annoyed with it. Or I could write stuff like that. Then he tried to. He's like, it's hard to write covers most of the good shit most there's a few other things but a lot of its well known stuff like it killed McLaughlin's career for a few years and dune or David Lynch hates the film. For the first time ever in 2022, he hinted at the possibility of him doing a director's cut of it. Up until then, he basically never talked about it. Remember, he was offer return to the Jetta? Yeah, exactly. And did took dune instead because he wanted something that was going to be more his style. And then of course, the studio took away from him and tried to make it as commercial as possible. If you want a really fun doing thing, and you haven't seen it already, watch the Jodorowsky documentary about what he was going to do with dune which would have been a 12 hour movie. If he had done it. With whoever was on it with Mick Jagger. I know Mobius the hardest was going to be designing with HR Gieger and Dan O'Bannon and Salvador Dali, and Pink Floyd doing the soundtrack of a trippy film, but you know, I wish I thought to do flash as my movie Flash Gordon. Are you ready? I think so. I hope so. In minutes on the time all right. So I kind of I think I wished this assignment a little bit in that I really should have gone with specifically like a movie whose score was uplifted by the choice and instead I went with a movie whose actual sold CD soundtrack have lifted the marketing of it so I went a little bit of a different direction but my film was 1998 Godzilla. Is to fast. Panamanian government, evidence of passengers dead or alive. Please stand by slowing down are off the Eastern American Seaboard? We don't even know what the hell it is. As you can tell, because I've got the commemorative Taco Time cup, I'll have to get a photo. Yes, post that on the page. It's definitely awesome and insane and impossible to use. So I have not seen this movie in a very, very long time. It's pretty long. It's two hours. 19 minutes, really low ratings 19% on Rotten Tomatoes from critics and 28% from audience. The budget is between 130 and 50 million. I know I know. And the box office 379 million. It did good. Yeah, it did real good for as much shit as it got. It did really, really well. directed. Of course by the most amazing director of all time, Roland Emmerich. This means Zastrow films. He has 22 directing credits and 30 producing. He's well known for Independence Day After Tomorrow Stargate Universal Soldier, and written by both Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin who was his partner for a while they work together on the scripts for Universal Soldier Stargate Independence Day, and then split apart. Devlin went on to do things like Geostorm and the arc TV show. He's done a he produced eight legged freaks in the leverage TV series. And of course, Roland Emmerich's films since have not necessarily had the strongest scripts, so we may or may not be able to contribute those not totally sure. The music for this it's mostly composed by David Arnold. So he does the score and it feels like a very typical action score it is actually a pretty decent decent score it's same guy who did Independence Day Casino Royale The World Is Not Enough Patriot The Patriot he's, it works I think it works well. However the soundtrack has the famous Puff Daddy Come Come at me come Winchester samples from cashmere Yeah, it's I mean it's good I remember watching it non stop playing over and over come with me over and over again on that MTV and loving it and thinking this movie must be the best movie of all time. Because it's just him in a skyscraper like rapping at Godzilla and like basically, like, you know, kind of trying to hit at let's rumble Let's have a fight. So good. Also has on the soundtrack the wallflowers playing David Bowie's heroes has Jamiroquai Foo Fighters. Ben Folds Five Rage Against the Machine. Just a pretty strong it was a marketing thing, right? It was very much like this is gonna be cool along with my Taco Time cup. I'm sorry. Matthew Broderick as Dr. Nick to topless at one films, including Ferris Bueller WarGames, which we've talked about election and Lion King is Simba, John Renault, who plays Felipe Roach who's the French sort of CIA agents. We know him from Ronan, Leon, the professional, and of course, the Pink Panther, and a few other people that you may have heard of including Hank Azaria. 104 credits, including I don't know birdcage mystery man and 736 episodes of The Simpsons. That's okay, because we also have Harry Shearer. 177 credits including mighty wind Spinal Tap in 747 episodes of The Simpsons, so, and then a face I recognized Doug's Levant, who I know from 175 episodes of Desperate Housewives. So speaking of it's a strong Desperate Housewives theme tonight. The story is it starts off as a super typical Roland Emmerich joins. We have this big ship out at sea we've got a guy eating some noodles watching sumo wrestling on a TV on the TV during a huge storm they're obviously doing some kind of canning and fishing operation on the ship which I didn't know you would do canning on a ship I thought you just do fishing but whatever what do I know it's somewhere off of the coast of Japan suddenly the radar shows a huge object coming straight out them claws rip through the ship people fall off of you know the font their bunkers and swords and swords sorry knives cutting knives like fall all over the place. People are running around very you know normal people doing normal things trying to cope with the crazy situation very Roland Emmerich at Hale Webb whips through and breaks through the observation glass cut to Dr. Nick topless is in Chernobyl. Dr. Nick. I know I was like it might be on purpose. There's a lot of weird Simpsons jokes embedded within this. He's in Chernobyl, studying large earthworms that were affected from nuclear radiation. However, course a huge helicopter comes in, grabs his worms, grabs his truck and says you're coming with us. We got to something you got to see Dr. Nick. And he, of course arrives is really flustered and frustrated. He isn't always there. He's not done with his worm work. He's the worm guy, and finds himself standing in something that the guy is like, Well, how about you study this? He's standing in the middle of a giant footprints, three toad. Massive thing and apparently, there is something else that's been affected by radiation that they want him to take a look at. He starts to work with the military and usually sexist boss who's like super harassing immediately. I'm like, Man, this is some weird reverse sexual. Meanwhile, in New York City, Nick's ex girlfriends is an up and coming journalist working under Harry Shara. She wants a promotion. She wants to really start becoming a real journalist and maybe even get on TV. But he says it'll only happen if she goes on a date with him. Don't mind the fact that he's married. Her friends are like, you're way too nice for the city. You're never gonna get anywhere. So at this point, Godzilla leaves Asia, head straight for New York City, Nick in the military make their way there. The Godzilla walk straight past Audrey hanging out with the cafe with her friends, enjoying some drinks and everybody starts to crash into each other. And that becomes a very typical Godzilla film, where they're after him. He's kind of hiding around buildings, not necessarily on purpose. It's just he's big and they're big. And then he started tunneling underground, which is kind of awesome. The big twist in this film, of course, is that Godzilla lays eggs. He lays eggs. And that's the cool yo. Twist. Nick was working with the government things fall apart, he ends up having to work with the French special operative CIA. They work on trying to get rid of the nest while the military specializes only on killing Godzilla. They don't think the nest matters even though there's like 200 eggs and Madison Square Garden and they are all really just mini tyrannosaurs Rex's that are going to murder everybody. Um, this film I you know the things I like about it, there's a cool mix of practical and and CGI. The guy the monster in the actual the Godzilla in the actual film looks like shit. They didn't have the right film stock when they put the CGI onto the film. It's dented to cinemas and it looks like literal garbage. So since the blu ray release, they have put it back out the way they intended for too long. Yeah, so when you heard people say it looks awful. That is a big part of why they have a lot of little miniature work with the trucks and the cars. Everything feels very lived in the city feels like a city. I mean, you don't have that weird kind of empty space thing you get now with modern city films. Despite looking wicked angry Godzilla actually they did a good job of making him relatable and sympathetic through the eyes of Nick. She was actually pretty tough job. The baby coming out of their shells were extremely stressful as fuck. They are, unfortunately, definitely ripping off a lot of Jurassic Park. This film is fucking all over Jurassic Park. They're a little too self referential. I hated Matthew Broderick and his female love interest for the first two thirds of this film. They're an awful match. And there's a weird obsession with Roger Ebert through this entire thing. Siskel and Ebert, I should say, they named the mayor Ebert and then continued to basically torture him and they he looks just like him. There's a lot of thumbs up thumbs down humor. Wow. A little bit of trivia. I don't know how far I'm going to make it through this but I'm from timelines include size does matter. From the creators of Independence Day and the city that never sleeps? Just got a wake up call. Oh, nice. Okay. Toho studios gave Tristar crew a 75 page dossier with what they could and could not do with Godzilla character. This included Godzilla origins had to be tied to a nuclear accident. He cannot eat people only fish. He has three rows of doorset plates. Now they pulled off the eggs then because Godzilla laid eggs and other movies. There's been a baby Godzilla. Yeah, so many of these points were disregarded, as creature designer Patrick topless and never received the list of rules I know despite Roland Emmerich, having forwarded to them to him. Thus the only specific instructions he followed was that good Godzilla should only be able to run incredibly fast and that he shouldn't resemble a dinosaur too closely. Many later in current incarnation, Inc. Yeah. incarnations of Godzilla, overseen by Toho themselves would also gradually dismiss these roles and create new ones for various movies. So if you're like, thoughts weird, these rules that's because tow stop giving enough the lead role was specifically written for Matthew Broderick. I know he didn't even read the full script when he took it. He's like you're offering me what poacher when Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel saw the film. They of course, both gave it a thumbs down, they they said that the filmmaker spoofing them was petty and said, if you're going to go through the trouble of putting us in a monster movie, why don't you least at least take advantage of the monster either eating us or squashing us? The leader named it as one of the worst films of 1998 Shocking. Wow, come on. I get a discount with blaming Siskel and Ebert not made fun of it. And for that listing there is one piece of trivia that I think is pretty important. Roland Emmerich and many he did not like the original Godzilla only agreed to the project after being promised to be able to do whatever he wanted with the series. This was in contrast to the film's original director, John de bont, who did speed was going to do it. He grew up a fan of the character and looking back on the film Tristar, producer Robert and fried described how the team that took over Godzilla was one of the worst cases of executives the incompetence I have observed in my 20 year career. One of the Golden assets of our time was managed this poorly in Annapolis, anybody can manage an asset, and Mark himself has since expressed regret and taking the job, so you didn't really give a shit about Godzilla. Made a Godzilla movie. Spielberg apparently told him Hey, don't make this movie. And he did anyway, sort of like get where you love and then that's like me with the dune. It's objectively got some bad shit in it, but I love it. I don't care. Yeah. I have so much Emmerich stuff in it that I really enjoy. Like it steps on a cab, and then the next shot you see the wheel bouncing away. Like there's just these fun touches that are so Emmerich that I enjoy. But it is the the cast. Hank is there a and Harry Shearer and John Renaud are incredible. They do such a fucking good job. They carry that film, Matthew Broderick, I think near the end really picks up steam, but it he has baggage for a long ass time. You want to punch him in the throat. So I saw this opening night? Yeah, I believe that. didn't love it, but I didn't. I didn't understand where all the hate was coming from. I it's not a horrible movie. It's just not a good Godzilla movie, right? Yeah, I think it was just one of those summer. We can all agree to shit on this film movies. Plus a rollin was in that realm of being hated by critics by that point. They were ready to eviscerate him for something. Yeah. So. Right. Well, and also, you know, the original Godzilla movie was a metaphor for a nation that had undergone the horrors of atomic bomb but if you dig deeper, that movie is really about a gigantic lizard stomping Yeah, it's hard to know what direction to take when you've got that presented in front of you big lizard swamp or nuclear holocaust. I would go with where the sequels went with those two ideas. I think you could see where Godzilla vs Kong that's where it's yeah, that's where it should always go all right, my turn. Yes. Pick the movie that's actually pretty good but that I have some real problems with that I love because of the soundtrack. Perfect. The movie I picked is from 1981 It is Michael Mann's beef Are you clear given button down to three scores and you want to put down contract scores all over the country working directly for me. I am self employed. Guys. Just diamonds. I'll make you a millionaire for money $150 slacks with silk shirts, or $800 suit or a guard watch Our perfect flawless Creek carat ring Do you think that I have been waiting for you to come along? No marry her and have some cute Yes. I'm talking to you what is going on in your life that is so touristic just I'm just asking you to be with me I want my money when for 10 points, I am the last guy you want to mess with. You'll get paid what I said you do what I say. You don't know from one day to the next whether you're going to be killed go home or get busted what's wrong with James seIf. Know not very long term but it's cool yeah budget of 5.5 million box office of 11 point 5 million runs minutes critic score is 79% and the audience has an 81% I think that's kind of generous, written and directed by Michael Mann he did man hunter heat collateral rate of Miami Vice he did to live and die in LA which is one of the movies I absolutely love with his he also did a really bad adaptation of a fall Wilson's the key Oh, I always forget that was his. This is also based on Frank homers novel The Home invaders. It stars James Caan 138 credits including the Godfather freebie in the beam, rollerball Alien Nation and misery. Tuesday Weld was 64 credits, including looking for Mr. Goodbar once upon a time in America and Heartbreak Hotel, which is a lovely movie about a kid who kidnaps pelvis for his mom. You guys gotta you gotta watch this movie. It's so good. It also stars Willie Nelson 76 credits, including honeysuckle rose wag the dog. He was, of course Uncle Jesse and the Dukes of Hazzard movie shirt. And Jim Belushi 157 credits including Trading Places red heat, The Last Action Hero and returned to me one of my very favorite romantic comedies. So, Thief, we open up Frank who's a safe cracker performing a heist from a particular building, and he gets a bunch of diamonds from them, and he escapes. And we meet his accomplices, which includes Barry, who's James Belushi and dispense Joey gags. But before he can collect his share, which is about 185,000, keep in mind, this is 1981. That's about $3 million 185,000 gags is thrown out of a 12 story window, he's getting money from the mafia. So Frank goes and threatens this guy who killed Joey gags and he ends up getting his money and an offer to work with the mob in a capacity that makes his job a lot easier. So they'll set up all of his house, but they do all the research for him and all the setup. And if he gets caught, they have a lawyer for him and all of that. And at first, he's like, Fuck off, I'm alone and daddy. And, but then they contact him about a huge job that will allow him to retire and get out of the business for good. This is his thought. Not that I almost use this movie for the one last job. There were were introduced into the rest of Frank's life. He's got a used car dealership and a bar that he owns that he uses to launder money through. But he has no family and his closest friend is Willie Nelson. And it was named Okhla, who's still in prison and was a mentor to Frank. And by the way, Willie is dying of cancer. And although he only has nine months left in the joint, the doctors don't think he's actually going to live that long. It almost feels like they're setting up a Frank is going to break out of prison which is you almost want that story more than what you get. But Frank is also hit it off with a pretty cashier at his bar and he has this very emotional night with her where he breaks down and kind of tells her everything about himself. So with all of that going on, and then this job offer comes in he thinks that this one last job net him nearly a million bucks back in 91. And that's all he needs to quit get Okhla better health care and move to this tropical island but he keeps like a postcard that he's motivated. So except for this big jobs of mobs so far I'm in it's a very kind of convoluted heist where he has to do all this really cool, safe cracking stuff to get into and it's worth watching this movie. Well I'll get to that. I'll get to that the safecracking the fracking stuff is the reason you watch this movie. There's this p plot of a couple of dirty cops who are also wanting to shake him down and complicating his life. And see plot this stone in where he and his new girlfriend are able to adopt a baby from the black market. Which is all part of his plan of retiring and becoming a normal guy. But it all starts to fall apart pretty quickly. First of all a dice although Frank has been able to get him out to see regular doctors, the cancer is too far along and, and that really shakes his world he's, he's kind of lost. He doesn't know exactly what to do when he goes to collect his money from the mob after doing that high. So so good is supposed to be nearly a million dollars. They give him about 100,000 cash, and he's like, feels a little light. And they're like, oh, yeah, we've taken the liberty of investing the rest of this money in a shopping mall for you, thank God, and he's like, Yeah, fuck you, you'll have the rest of my money tonight. Or there's gonna be problems. And the mob basically tells him well, you're dead man. So the movie has this great final act, kind of it's, it's an amazing set piece where he's going through and systematically offing the guys who are trying to kill him. And it's pretty awful scene, but then the movie ends in this way that just infuriates me no resolution to his personal problems, and leaves me very unsatisfied. I think the movie is kind of a mess. But it is held together by those safecracking set pieces because he had to do all these really cool things like these light these huge metal rods and get them so hot that he could burn through the safe and everything. And these are actual safecracking methods. objects were being used by the real estate crackers of time. And those things are then set against the music of Tangerine Dream. And they're so fantastic. You don't really care though the rest of the movies only so so. So, trivia on this the music is by Tangerine Dream. They are a German electronica band they have over 86 releases, including studio EP or mini albums, and 50 of them are soundtracks, including sorcerer, the the original Firestarter. The only reason to watch that movie is to have that soundtrack legend. Three o'clock high near dark, Miracle Mile. This particular soundtrack is out of print for some reason. I have a lovely vinyl copy of course. And of course, the screenplay for this film was adapted from the novel The Home invaders Read by Frank Homer who is a professional thief. Homer was serving time in prison while this was being well, while James can James Gunn liked the movie, he found the part challenging to play saying, I like to be emotionally available, but this guy is available to nothing. Wow, like trivia just repeated over and over. So I feel like I didn't get the right stuff on here. This is the film debut, Jim Belushi William Peterson and Dennis Farina. Holy shit. Yeah. And then let me see if I can remember some of the trivia because it did not come on here. There's a lot of stuff going on here. Were the the people who were what we call them consultants. or actual criminals. Oh, gosh. Yeah, the the security for the film were off duty cops. And a lot of them were family members with the criminals. Oh, it was like that, that that crazy movie thing makes no sense. You know, you went one way and I went to another so they just all get together and chat and everything and because a lot of the guys had served their time. They would tell the cops how they had done a lot of the stuff because they were working with guys would actually cop them. Wow. Yeah. Crazy, crazy set. I wish that I had got more robots closer if my stuff I just over and over pasted the same view. Anyway, the soundtrack is really spectacular. I love writing to it. Oh, Michael man. He's just I mean, that's kind of what he's known for. Yeah. That's what made Miami Vice work. Yeah, he ends up using Tangerine Dream On the keep also, and that's really the only reason to watch this movie. So great. I love the one they did for legend. Yeah, legends. Phenomenal score. Yeah. They're really good. Very cool. Well, cool idea. Jason. Thank you for that. Yeah. My mom is trying to call right now as I'm recording. I wonder if that interfered with the According but let's let's start with that. Okay, so who's got the next pic? So going with a idea of a movie that's just got a good hand to hand combat see whether it takes up the whole movie like under the dragon or if it's just a cool scene like and they live ridiculous course. Okay, nice. Well okay, so then this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts for participating in value for value model for sending us nice little notes. Yeah, I have had a really interesting discussion with Michael Bronzo over this particular year your your trophy lacking I guess, boy, scared the fuck I'm sorry. But so is this what you go through remember that Michael and I have been talking about a particular film that I'm going to make you guys watch and make us all talk about at some point here shortly, probably when it's my next choice. So and stuff like that, I think is really neat. You know, it's that's the whole point of the value for value. Exactly. Also, if you want to leave us a message on the strange aeons radio hotline, that number is 253-237-4266 Anything else guys? I don't think so. No, no, just keep liking sharing, commenting on our weird shit and let us know what you think. We haven't had a lot of people do it. But yeah, we really would like to see or hear what movies you think fit into the category that we didn't talk about. Right? Yeah, we get more of that. Like we had some of that on YouTube. We had some pretty weird stuff from Badjao if you don't read his comments, but he's got some some interesting stuff. Get on there and look at all those. Well alright guys, I really hope this turned out if it didn't, you'll be getting an episode of Amityville. You'll never know about this. Alright, we'll be back in seven short days and we are talking fistfights transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio was recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Sit people sit. Yeah, that's a very weird I mean, it sounds like a wolf that decided on a career path.