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March 23, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 219
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Strange Aeons Radio
Mar 23, 2023 Season 5 Episode 219
Strange Aeons Radio

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The gang hands out their own awards for 2022! Also discussed: 65, Scream 6, Unwelcome.

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The gang hands out their own awards for 2022! Also discussed: 65, Scream 6, Unwelcome.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, guys. Last week, we were lucky enough to have a friend of the show Micah show up. Oh, yes, that's true. And we went out and had drinks with him afterwards. It was surprisingly disturbing love affair was created so quickly. So quickly at that meeting. I don't know what you guys are talking about. I was like, oh, man, this my friend Mike has given Carlos a run for his money. Well, let's just say that turned out Mike and I had a lot of interests in common. Yeah, drinking and toys. I did not realize how much that that toy bond would exist because I really know his transformer toy toy bond. I didn't know beyond I don't know much beyond that. They're, they're all small robots. To me. Well, there's a generation gap in our in our collecting, but the stuff that I love the Micronauts started off as microman in Japan microman turned into the Diaclone toy line, which became the Transformers in the US. So our origins theory is related. If you both are passionate about enough about your ends, eventually they will meet in the middle. We had a nice the three of us got together with him after the show. And we had a real nice time and talk and then Eric and I met with him that Tuesday before he had to leave just just the guys getting together. What happened in that session? Let's just say you should be worried about what we know about you about what do you know about me? I'll say this. We went down to go hang out at a pinball bar in Renton but it only sort of beer. Oh, that was jettisoned immediately when we went across the street and mica says to me, this is the most corner bar corner bar I have ever seen. Yes. Yeah. It's pretty. It's pretty good. It was. It was fine. You heard it. Right. The poutine was like, wow, we're not in Canada. This is fucking great. So you were talking about the waitress? Yeah. Because he could have been Canadian. The bartender was lovely. Oh, I had a bit of a crush on her. Didn't stop me from completely alienating her by turning to mica and saying so about these micro. Hey, true love. We'll see right past that. If it's meant to be that Micronauts will be included. It was a really good time. Micah bought all our drinks. He didn't have to do that. But then he let us know that that was in lieu of a request he had so we will be doing a show based on his request soon. Value for value people. That's a bunch of drinks. Yes. And you can say by the way, now we're going to talk about this next time. I was pleased to see that. Unlike other people at this table, mica knows how to pat on the back. This guy can drink he fucking drank long ago, expelled, tying my drinking ability to my masculinity. I'm good. I don't give a shit. I'm a fucking lightweight. Oh, no, that's fine. I tie your drinking abilities to your masculinity though. You're probably I had a lot of drinks. And he had a lot of drinks. And I will say about 50% of the conversations I have with Mike on the phone. He is drunk. So I am not surprised. He's enjoyed. He's, he enjoys himself some whiskey. Ginger enjoys a bit of bourbon. Yes. Yeah. I told the drinking guy. I told the girlfriend afterwards. She was like, So how was it? And I said, Well, it started off like this. You know, I don't know this guy. And I was telling Vanessa, let's find some place to meet. There's no way I'm letting this weirdo into my house. And ended with Oh, I wish I had cleaned up the house better. You have to see all the toys I have. So true. I'm so glad. I mean, he's been a longtime friend of mine. He's been a friend of the show. And it's nice to have him be a friend to you guys in real life. I agree. Yeah. Okay, so also, I got to see some movies. Yeah, well, movies. Did you see something new? Yes. One of them was a really cool movie that I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it. And then like the third act kicked in, I absolutely loved it. It is called unwelcome. and welcome in it is about this couple who live in the busy city and they have a very traumatic event happen there and they decide it's time to get out of the city so they move out to the Irish countryside. And they live in this cool little house that has little legend of the Red Hats the you have to leave meat out for all this the little people. Turns out that there are assholes in rural Ireland as well sure. And they make enemies of them and then the Red Hats come and help them out because they've been feeding them. And Red Hats are horrifying. Oh my God. They are terrifying. And all they want in return is her baby sir. Yeah, that's usually a very Irish story. Oh man, this movie gets so gross and gory and harrowing at the you know 60 minute marker so and the last half hour of it is just rock solid. Wow. There is a horror film that I can't remember the name of it, but it was in that same vein, and I was so disappointed. So this sounds awesome. This sounds like it'll make the Hallo Yes, yeah, yes, this is much better than that. And in fact, it says a Star Trek connection. The bad guys father is I think his name is Colm meany. Yeah, and he's great. He is a meanie. He's an incredible actor. He is fantastic. Everybody in this was really really good. It is a slow burn though. Until it becomes worse. Yeah unwelcome. Awesome. Well, I saw a film that I've been anticipating so hard for so long. And that is 65 this is well how did you Yeah, I mean kind of all the trailers got me so excited. Adam Driver and to the world dinosaurs. It was awful shit. Adam Driver the unlikeliest action hero of all time. Yeah. I loved it. Oh, really? Now I agree with you. It was awful. It's awful. But I I was all in on how stupid the entire thing was, is him fighting dinosaurs with a laser gun. The dinosaurs were by far the best pet bit. Adam driver was the second best bit. The world just just being destroyed was the third best bid. And that little girl was so awful. She She didn't even have any words. That did not make it better. Irritating, she was fine. I'm gonna attack young actors now. You don't agree on Aliens and our weird ass scream got a little old as the movie went on. I don't think she's that annoying at all. She's just, she has no lines. I like that they just not in the language we understand. She's just irritating. She's just does the stupid thing. She's there to do the stupid thing at every possible moment. But all those stupid things could also be called Saving the cat and stuff like that. There was you know, there were moments that were made to let you know why. I thought that these flashbacks to his own family were far more irritating or very irritating. Yeah, that was that was really tough to sit through. Especially the opening scene feels stapled on and like, his wife is the worst. She's like, so you have to go to space because we need money. And not only that you get to tell your daughter because you get to break her heart. Go go on go. I was like, You're awful. You're an awful human being. I mean, I can't think of anything to complain about this. This was this was 86 minutes long. Oh, wow. It was popcorn. I just barreled through a box of popcorn and a gigantic coke. And I was like, yes, laser guns and dinosaurs. I'm totally fine with all of this. I think my expectations were too high. I think I was expecting a real movie and I got not as much a real movie, but that's okay. Like I said, I mean, Adam Driver and dinosaurs are pretty fucking good. The only real complaint I had and this is the nerdy complaint is we've learned so much more about what dinosaurs were probably like, just since Jurassic Park. Yeah. And I wanted them to be like, covered in feathers and all of this stuff. And instead they were color or, you know, like the T Rex that they I don't know. It was it was very, it was very, but it did also feel like it was made by science nerd. It's very science nerdy. So dinosaurs had frickin lasers, nearly dinosaurs and frickin lasers. And you know, I was complaining. Watching the trailer that it's called 65. And then they kind of give it away in the trailer that oh, he has accidentally landed 65 million years in the past. But not only that, they give it away in the opening crawl. Oh, this opening crawl is weird as well. What do you do some producer was like, You know what, guys? No one understands what's happening in this movie. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but can we dumb this movie down a little bit? Even when not a little bit of Lot. Let's put the gasoline all the all over the top of the first act and just light it. Let's see why I loved it. You'll be happy to know that the critics agree with you. It's got a 33% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah, and the audience agrees with me. It's got like a 69% audience. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. And it's got an awful awful awful script. Awful script. So there you go. 65. Yeah, probably won't bother than welcome. Yes. You're gonna love 65 Yes. Got the bad movie qualities galore. It's fine. I don't know why she was expecting something other than just lasers and dinosaurs. He he would really doesn't make sense is he has to escape. They just ramp up the the problems that he faces, which I really enjoy. He crashed lands on a planet that he hurts himself that he finds those survivor. She doesn't speak his language. He's trying to get to an escape pod. But on top of that, the the asteroid that's going to plunge the world into an ice age is also on its way. Yeah, he's got like a 24 hour period before he has to get off planet you know? And at no point do they ever go? Well, where are you going to go? 65 million years in the past you get off planet? They never asked that question. You never say like, Hey, we have no food and shuttle. That's gonna suck. out bring the little girl with them. That's not a barbecue coming together now. Yes, it is. It is a dumb movie. But it is. Look Eric you like the Fast and Furious movies this morning? Yes, is smarter than all of those is a superhero. He is a super like it is ridiculous. I'm like Marie, who just bitten like in your torso by a dinosaur and flung around and now you're like jumping over a like hot water fountain like geyser and it's no big deal. They show that that's getting infected. And then the point is they figured out a way to stop the infection. So that just becomes a non issue. At some point. They're like, don't worry about it. It's fine. Yeah, there's there's a lot of weird things. There's a lot of momentum. I'm like, oh, that's chips. still fun. Oh, okay. All right. Well, I watched three good movies. Yes. I would love to hear about your Oh, rocky one, two and three. Yeah, never heard of them. Holy shit. Do these movies. Hold up my god. Rocky one. Amazing films. Oh, good. Such a cool independent fucking film. Made with grit determination. And you're watching that gone? Okay, I get why Stallone became one of the biggest actors in the 80s He is so painfully like, oh, in that movie. It's like you just want everything to go right for that guy. That God damn turtle. So awesome to know. And then rocky to also fun dips a little bit, but because you know, you've got to reset them a little and that's always awkward in the sequels. But still great. And Rocky three is one of the great popcorn sports movies ever made. Yeah, rocky one is a much more accomplished film. Rocky three is a lot more fun. Fair, they've got three fights in it is this ridiculous? Clubber Lang and thunder lips. Alright. Hulk Hogan. Yeah, it is tough to beat those movies. I mean, certainly the gold standard as far as boxing movies go. I see creed three is coming out and I was like, I liked the first creed. I thought the second one was really bad. Who was now I don't know how I feel about a third one coming out and no Rocky and the third one Yeah, I heard that too. I did just see creed three I'm not gonna did talk about it. But I will say I thought that was better than creed two. Oh, I would say it had to be Yeah. Missing Rocky and that's hard. It's really weird because there's moments in it where you're like Rocky could be perfect right now seeing having just seen creed one two. And now three back to back. mirroring your own experience. Yeah, it felt like where we need rocky to solve a thing or two here. I'll be I'll be continuing with that to eventually get there and part it is weird watching the first two now after all the years of the changing of Apollo Creed as a character Yeah, to where the first time you watch it. He's just this taunting, malicious mean guy. And now it's sort of like No, I know what he's doing. I understand him in a in a way that they put in the film. It's there if you wanted to see it, but at the same time, especially the second one he started the movie with the two of them in the wheelchairs yelling at each other. Okay, this is weird, but her. So it's the fights and the victories and the way it works are all still great, but it's just slightly different than it was when I watched it before. The change over he went through and three and four. So they're still great though. Nice. Well now you got me wanting to watch us. Is that streaming or? Yeah, they're on the I saw the first one on prime with no fee but then I know then you have to start. They're renting the next ones I look around. They're on Netflix too. So okay, another movie I watched. I wish DC would get their shit together. I'm still not convinced the James Gunn is the right person to do this. But I watched the doom that came to Gotham, which is the animated version of my favorite Batman story. Mike Minneola wrote that one. And it's Gotham by Gaslight, basically with Lovecraftian elements. And it is so cool and creepy. And then this is a animated feature. It's cool and creepy. It would have been better as a feature. Live action, I think. But there's no way Disney is going to take that kind of risk, I guess. And that's, that's the thing that's going to make them stand out from Marvel, I think is if they were to take a risk and stop trying to make Marvel movies. Yeah, no kidding. I've read that. And it's a great comic. So I can just envision a live action version of that would be so good. Yeah, well, the animated version is very cool. Very, very true to the comic. I liked it a lot of the animated wants to see kicks ass and those so that's why I just want them I'm like, Look at look at how great these stories are. And they work fine. Just make a movie out of it. Your audience is smart enough to go oh, these movies don't have to connect to each other. They're comic nerds. Right? Yes. They'll be okay. Like they'll jump into they can get through the hoops that you place a little bit higher. Well, they'll still pitch and whine and complain about it, but they'll pay me get through. It'll be fine. Well, and the way that this is going now is Gunn has decided that there's going to be a DC Universe with interconnected films. But Matt Reeves the Batman falls out of that. And so does Todd Phillips Joker, which are not related to each other either. So there's already three different universes going on. Why is it so hard to then just say, Okay, we're making standalone movies we made a standalone Joker movie. We want to connect them we connect connect them but we don't have to have a friggin University movie. Hopefully this flash movie will allow them to start doing stuff like that. Because isn't that what we started seeing as a multiverse on the DC side? Yeah, which is interesting because they started the multiverse thing. Really interesting stuff. Um, so I went and checked out scream six. All right, man, I cannot wait to hear this. I don't trust your opinion on anything anymore, though. Why do you care? Yeah, so I really liked it. I thought it was a lot of fun. You know, it's in New York. It I did not like five I thought that the lead was a piece of cardboard with a moving mouthpiece. I fucking hated her. It wasn't a Jenna Ortega. No, that was the younger sister of overshadowed the Yes. Even though she was just wounded and around she's still far and away was a better actress. I'll be honest, they stopped at four and said no more. Well, you know you got shot. quaden Five, two, and that's really fun. This one, eight, they just keep upping the volume on screen. And I think that that's the right move. I think just continuing to make it more and more insane. is where you should go. You shouldn't try to replicate something that already happened which is I think a little bit closer to what five was trying to do. Yeah, it felt like very by numbers scream and this is taking a lot more risks. They're like fucking New York City. Yeah, fuckin I don't want to spoil anything. But Jenna Ortega definitely has a bigger role the other characters just around all kinds of have equal weight which is hope smart because that leads sucks. So I don't know I say check it out. If you didn't like five don't be afraid to check out six because I think it feels like a completely different film. So they missed the boat. In my opinion. This could have been scream 666 They could have brought back who was the killers from the first one that killed themselves. He Rh and heat and the guy we love from shaking. Audiences yelling at us right now alert. could have brought them back as undead killers. Well, if you guys need ideas, just call me or watch any of the Friday the 13th slash Halloween movies. I mean they they do spend some time Cool time doing some love of preview, I mean, but a lot of the screen 2345 Like they they pay homage in certain ways. And I think the way they do it and this is particularly cool when the scream series was on MTV, yeah, that tie into the movies at all, or I never thought I would watch it either. Okay, and these movies probably don't tie into whatever was going on there. Okay. Speaking of movie tie ins and good advice, Star Trek prodigy, I've watched it all now got ridiculous one of the most original interesting ideas as far as a lead not the villain itself but that blob or read that they created what it did and stuff like that. I mean, Borg level problems. Well done. I was a little annoyed. It felt weird having Star Trek to have a Darth Vader kind of guy who goes the whole way through the whole thing but isn't really actually involved. For about the most of the big shit that goes down. He's not even involved. I think some point the writers realize this guy's sort of a mistake. Can we just get really far away from each other? Let's just not worry about it right now. Yeah, this is the animated one. Yeah. Nickelodeon one no less is it played pretty straight? It's not like a comedy animated version. Oh, I mean, it's got humor, but it's not a it's not a comedy. No. Okay. Yeah, just like, original Star Trek and stuff had a lot of humor in it. But the Janeway character is great. So good. Is by the end, like you said, it is really good Star Trek. Just like okay, this works once the next season. Yeah, I'm so glad you checked it out. Yeah, it's yeah, by the end, I was just like, at the edge of my seat, like, oh my god, like, who else are we going to bring in from voyage? Like, it feels like a really nice spiritual succession to Voyager and just Star Trek. And by the end, it felt like there were episodes that were just so such good Star Trek. Yeah. Yeah. That double part ending was just like, holy shit. Can I piggyback on what you're saying? And tell you how frustrated I am every other episode with Picard. Love it? I fucking love it and the acting is so bad. But then sometimes it's good. And I don't know the effects are shit. And I'm like, God, I really love a lot of this. Unfortunately, the stuff I don't love is like Picard. And, and Riker. I kind of want to just see this crew of people who are related to other characters. I don't know it's, I'm having a hard time with it. You know what I bet if they continue and have like, a card season for without the card and and because they said this last one. I bet that's what they'll do. I bet they're gonna continue without the old. Sorry, new card. Sure. Yeah, I feel like this. And you know, please correct me if I'm wrong. I feel like this has half the budget of boldly go or whatever that Star Trek one that I do like the one that changed your world. Strange and world. Yeah. It I think they're just blowing their budget in different directions. Because it feels like that that ship, like hide and seek scene was probably pretty pricey. And there's probably a lot Oh, I feel like we can do that kind of shit by pressing buttons now. And then like the little blobby, people, that's probably going to cost the money every time the guts become like you. I don't know. I don't think that stuff costs anything anymore. The original. I mean, that's what I love about it, because their original next gen was, I mean, they're just like, in a room half the time they didn't have any money. Yeah, so seeing them spent a lot of time just being like, Yeah, let's have a really deep conversation. I like yes, this is Star Trek. Excellent. Good job. I like it. That's true. I just want strange new worlds to come back. I guess it will end soon. But yes, I don't know. I just thought through I finally sat through the end of Picard season two, so I'm like loving. No. Torture is over. Back. Picard season one and two is the worst television on planet Earth. Let's be clear. So three is like, Oh, my God, it's washable. someone cares. Somebody has literally seen I'm rewatching next gen. So somebody has literally seen Season One of Star Trek Next Generation, at least which no one had who was writing on Picard season one and two. No one had seen any Star Trek Nice. So it's nice to feel like somebody cares. Anyway. Before we take our break, I just want to mention the last episode, we talked about history of the occult. And we got a lot of really great feedback on that. So that was one that when I read listened to it, I thought, Oh, I'm all over the place. And I had taken such detailed notes and I sound like I'm completely confused. But that's okay. We're used to that. But the best part was that the listeners seem to react to it. And now we've got a couple of people saying, I never would have seen this movie if it weren't for you guys talking about it and other people's saying thank you for discussing this. Now I kind of understand what's going on in this movie. So that made me feel really good if you like that kind of thing. Reach out and let us know if we should do more deep dive stuff on single films. Yeah, that's fun to do. I like they're they're interesting to do. It's a nice break from what we usually do. So yeah. Mike Davis at Lovecraft ezine asked me if I would write like a couple paragraphs about the movie and I was like, I might be history of the cult it out right now. So I don't know if I can. But if I do the bull Kelly's like your favorite film? I don't believe it for a second. The last couple of years you're right. So okay, let's take a little break and then when we come back we are talking the Charles Dexter awards. Kendra's new Oscar Goldman with exploding briefcase for $6 million, man, briefcase. If it's wrong, it'll just be your scanner. School contact headquarters. You're Steve. Hey, John is the briefcase Oscar Gold members exploding briefcase $6 Million Dollar Man magnetron each sold separately. Welcome to the 75th annual Charles Dexter awards with your hosts, Eric Margaret's Hello. Hey, thanks for that nice champagne carpet. We had to walk in on. I call that dirt. But campaign is fine. And Vanessa Williams Hello. Hello. Also here. I am Kelly Young. Sorry. Okay, so what we're doing here, first of all, you guys know how much I fucking hate award ceremony. Oh, I've heard a rant or two or three. And we've just had the Academy Awards, a bunch of multimillionaires giving themselves big, huge fucking gold statues and spending tons of money on celebrating what they were always already paid millions of dollars to do. You know what I would love to see. But I would fucking love to see is an award ceremony that stopped at the writer. We'd get the people who worked in the special effects. We get the editors, we get all that stuff. The people who are in front of the camera and the director. They get enough accolades. Below line. Yeah, words. Yeah, I wouldn't be introverts. But guess what those people would fucking appreciate it. Yes, I will say that the editor speech is always my favorite. Every year, oh, the four seconds to get to talk. The worst part is when the guy gets up there, there's three people that you want to be the first person to that mic. Because as soon as you say thank you, and the second person steps off, they're playing you off. Yeah. So it's rough. It's really nice to you know, give some accolades to the people who really worked hard to make this film happen. With all that said, we're not millionaires giving it to I don't know, some of them might be billionaires, but not all of them. This is true when you're literally reusing pieces of paper here. We're pretty far away from millionaire status. I in when strange aeons magazine was going on, we had the Charles Dexter Awards, which I thought was stupid and clever. The story this the case of Charles Dexter award is a Lovecraft film or a Lovecraft story. And I thought the Charles Dexter awards for a Lovecraftian magazine was quite clever. Very clever. Very good. Very good. Cody Goodfellow called me out when he actually won the award that one year and said only you could have thought of upon this stupid like no. And I did think that but I thought it was clever. I worked hard on it. But that award gave out too. Because we were magazine that dealt in fiction and comics and stuff like that we gave it out to novels, comics, things like that. We also had a Best Film Award. We are primarily a film podcast so we this year we're giving these out to films that we loved, or that we think deserve a little more notice than the others. We're gonna be round robbing the nominees. I think this will be fun. You might be surprised at some of these categories. I hope and I will start it off if you guys don't mind. No, no, no, I do. But go ahead. Let's talk about these nominees as they come Okay. In the category of dating sucks. The nominees are a wounded fawn directed by Travis Stevens. I think that is an ultimate dating sucks. Yes. I have to admit, I still have not seen this film. Oh my god. It's crazy. It's weird. It's a weird it's pretty damn good. I thought you guys had a fight over it or somebody was saying it was kind of Evil Dead like and the other was saying it's absolutely not that probably I think I was saying that it was still like a weird fucking it's just I think we both agree that it's a good weird bizarre movie. Definitely. Okay, that's on my list. Fresh directed by Mimi cave. I don't think I saw this one. This one. I didn't see this one either. So I didn't nominate it. I know that food today see this one let's check my this sounds like a cannibal movie to me. Yeah, it does. I don't I see this. Oh, yeah, that one I definitely did not see. Yep, see this one? Okay, um it's bad dating but it's nowhere near as quite as crazy I mean, it's a good movie well done to awkwardly charming one might say oh, did somebody say that on the phone you're looking at right there somebody wrote the description gives number to the wrong guy and shit goes bad. Oh, of course. also nominated in this category everything everywhere all at once by the Daniels daily checks this starts off with the the lesbian couple having a very hard time talking about it in front of her grandfather. I've made that I feel like it's a bit of a stretch I mean that I guess the dating sucks part is probably when the couple in the alternative universe the mom and dad are not together the fingers know that you begin a big fight Yeah, yeah, that might qualify them us also included in this category. The sadness directed by Rob Shabazz. Now you guys kind of quote up all of these nominees and I left some of them in just because because the sadness does not qualify as 2022 movie came out in 2021. Oh, but the winner is let me just open my my envelope here. Oh, no. Okay. Oh my god. Coming out of nowhere. The menu Directed by Mark my life. Wow, the menu congratulation to very fine people. Do we best second that movie? Ultimate bad first date for everyone involved with a date? Yeah, that is that is the worst. I mean, I've been on some bad dates, but that that seems like the worst one. I really loved that movie. It's growing on me over time. That is freaking amazing. I I was kind of like, I think it had a lot of hype. And I went in and was like, oh, okay, but no, it's it's a very strong, it's a very strong home. Okay, your next presenter is Vanessa Williams. Ah, okay. So in the category of you thought your family was a mess. The nominees are hatching by Hannah Burke home. I'm not familiar with this one. This is a little girl finds an egg and starts to the it's sort of an Invasion of the Body Snatchers sort of with the a weird shit going on. And her family is a family of influencers led by the mom, and they're just insufferable shits. It's pretty good. It's a lot closer than you might expect. By the time you get through it, but it's it's a solid film with some real assholes. Excellent. Excellent. Everything everywhere all at once by the Daniels. Well, yeah, they've got a mess of a family in that one for sure. Absolutely. And barbarian with Zach Kreger that's that's a sucky family right there. I mean, the more you think about it, yes, there's a lot Wrong with what's going on in that basement family. Family is rough stuff. All right, well, there are only three nominees in this one. So I'm gonna go ahead and who's the winner? Halloween ends by David Gordon. Don't know if you know what I like is that Halloween series used to be about your family is a mess because they were brother and sister and now it's your family's a mess because your grandmother is a prepper but only against one person and she's not smart enough to just move to a different town or your mom is like weirdly protective but then slaps you and then screams at you for half the film. Family was pretty fucked up to there's a lot of bad just families are awful towns are awful. Bad guys are sometimes awful. But sometimes they're in the right, that movie as complex messages. What do we think the next Halloween movie is going to be called? Halloween starts just kidding. Michael Myers, spiritually has re inhabited a new body and we finally get to some supernatural stuff with the Halloween movies I want to see now a undead Michael Myers that's or a ghost of Michael Myers. Maybe he jumps from body from body to body. I thought that was what was happening and ends and probably halfway in and I was like, Oh, he is real. Okay. All righty. Your next presenter is Eric Margaret. And this category is about film set. Played on shutter. Yes. We shudder to think is this category. Everything everywhere all at once. I'm not sure that Daniel I don't know. It's really up for a lot of nomination. Well, I mean, I didn't write these out. It's just magic itself. Anyway, it's all fair. Hell Bender by the Addams Family. One day I I really love this film than it is on the the nominee list because it's an AWESOME film but also not from 2022. Well, the promise was saying songs from 2021 or 2022. It could been in festivals for a year and then not get a wide release I would you count Well which one do you want me to count when you go on IMDb to find out who the directors are and it says it's from 2021 IMDb is usually what I go with. Nevermind, great low budget film and a really cool family of filmmakers doing everything and also tossed in that they're supposed to be coming to crypto con Seattle this year. Oh yeah, they've been booked to come and if they do make it it will be their first convention. Oh, fantastic. That's May the end of May the end of May 2 or the last weekend in May. Next up we have Mad God by Phil Tippett rough watch. But so cool looking Jesus. I don't know if you guys cut the last episode of the Mandalorian but there is definitely a nod to Phil Tippett. They're really a city in the underground fire. Yeah, I love this movie, but it's one that I probably won't watch again. Sir, I have not seen it. I am saving it for a very very rainy day. How depressed do I want to be? Oh, and the return with the sadness. Rob jamas which did show up on shatter in 2022 So just wasn't released in 2008 and the confusingly titled VHS 99 by flying lotus Maggie Levine and Tyler McIntyre. Do you guys watch this all right, I did. And I liked it. Okay, that was fun. I mean, but of course it's a VHS home some are some of the segments are really interesting and some are stupid. What do you think about the game show one? Oh my god, he was 99 I'm trying to remember what the game show one just batshit crazy stuff where they kidnap the family doesn't well yeah, it's like a double dare kind of thing. Yeah, yeah, that was okay much but then I looked at the guy's other stuff. He's made a call. Okay, this is actually real real toned down. He's like, this features is a family series. For Brett show, we'll bring the winner out. I guess I'm gonna be nice if they showed up. I was showing up for our award ceremony. For the winner of we shudder to think nice i like this one. Dead stream. Joseph winter and Vanessa winter. You guys love this movie. I still haven't watched. So good film. That's really fun. I mean, it was the makers of this had the best segment and VHS 99 Which one was theirs the The Go to hell robber? No. You think they're wrong? Yeah, I think I am the one before it. I think it's the last one. And the whole thing. We're like, these guys are filming like some Oh, yeah, I mean doing this. I did like that stream better, better, much more accomplished. But I think that there was a good segment in there. Yes. So I like this category not so much for this year. But what it might mean in coming years as long as shutter is allowed to keep going on. I think that they just get better and better. And it's like every two weeks, there's new movies on Yeah, so I cannot keep up. It's awesome. Okay, our next category is you just melted my brain. And the nominees are something in the dirt by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead love it. Really, really happy. This landed on the nominee list. I was, you know, the only person who seemed to like it at the Lovecraft Film Festival. But now I'm seeing a bunch of people saying how much they love it. And some of those people were at the film festival. And I happen to know for a fact when I told you that I liked this movie. You were like saying, Well, I have not seen it because I'm on a real like, I don't like Benson and Moorhead trip, but I'm sure I'll see it eventually. Why don't you like him again? I just think that they're just feels like not real films. I don't know. I don't know. Wow, I know. I'm sorry. You guys really liked them. So it's just it's just me. I just don't don't enjoy him. I liked spring. I didn't just like spring. I mean, we had we've had a tune in to previous episodes. If you would like to hear much, much more about this conversation. Michael wanted us to do an entire episode on them. So I will fly to Atlanta and if need be. Second, my weird the Al Yankovic story directed by Eric appel. What a delight. It was so fun and so weird. It was such a fucking strange film. When he just becomes Michael Jackson. At one point I'm like, Okay. I love that weird outplays the record mogul who's not going to give him a label? Contract. Yes, that was it. That was nice. And then kind of winking at the cameras saying who's gonna buy a record full of songs they've already heard. Daniel Radcliffe just, he's so fun. I love what he's doing with his own career. Like I'm fucking doing this. I don't care. Yeah, yeah. Mad Dog is also nominated by Phil Tippett. In the you just melted my brain category that makes more sense here. I think. What a what a weird, weird movie. What a great accomplishment really, you know? 30 years of work through art. Yes. Crimes of the future by David Cronenberg did not see it. Not the greatest hated him, but he definitely had what did I just watch? When you got to the end of the movie? For sure. I mean, right off the bat when the kid starts eating the plastic you're like, okay, yes now right. And everything everywhere all at once directed by the Daniels of course is in the you just melted my brain category. I'm hoping Mad Dog wins. This one was the first fitting one well, this one seems like it's definitely going to be everything everywhere all at once. But let's see. And the winner is oh my god coming out of nowhere. Oh, wounded bond by Travis. Stephen. Oh. Good choice. That movie is fuckin weird. But so good. This is the serial killer. Take somebody to the remote cabin, right? Yes. And the dates and then something else happens. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yes, he might be more than he seems. Oh, okay. I'm putting this on my list for tonight. Well, especially after seeing that just want to Charles I've got to find out what this one is about now. I think you I think you will dig it. Okay. And now we're in the category of is Die Hard a Christmas movie. It is. The nominees are the guardians of the galaxy holiday special by James Gunn of course right. What a delight. This is good. That was a really fun I was really worried that it was coming out next year. And I was like, I don't want to have to wait that long for this thing. I was angry that it didn't come out the year before because that's what it was about. And but But what a nice new look at a couple of different characters that are not usually in the spotlight. Kevin Bacon was fantastic sport he seems to be and I wonder if we're going to see some more Drax and Mantis tearing up in this final movie that's coming out. Yeah, I would imagine so yeah. Violent nights by Tommy were cola. Yeah. That was such a fun fuckin film I impeachable. I think that we're gonna see that this is the film that really puts David Harbour on the map. I mean Stranger Things, obviously but this is such a different character. I think that this opens him up to other casting diversifies his portfolio. Yeah, I think that's what got in the we have a ghost, right? He's just he's such I will watch anything that David Harper is on. And then like prior to Stranger Things he was just few is doing Shakespeare in the park. Yeah. I mean, he's literally doing Shakespeare in the park. These are the kinds of stories I love to hear. Yeah, now he owns the park now probably buy the whole thing Park plus the coolest record store the world has ever seen. Oh, I know. It's no way you're thinking. That's that's so the further nominee is everything everywhere all at once by the Daniels. This is a Christmas really? Did they probably skip some universities? Yeah. Okay. Well, I got my fingers crossed for them. They've gotten shut out so far. Not one a single award really weird. And finally Christmas, bloody Christmas by Joe begos. That is what you're thinking of? Yes, that has the coolest record store in the world. I liked this movie. I don't love this movie. But I love Joe begos. And I heard a interview with him where he was talking about this movie. And he was like, Well, I wanted to do a Christmas movie. But also my favorite movie is the Terminator. And you watch this and you're like, Oh, well, I get I get what you were going for. Yeah, that's 100% accurate to this film. It's it's a fun ride, but also a lot of talking. Yeah, my challenge for F words in this summer challenge for Joe begos is since you like to do something that challenges you maybe a little bit. Do a movie with no efforts. You can have as many other curse words as you want. Inventive ones fun ones, but just don't use that one word. How about friggin spatula, anything? Anything else? With the rate of intonation it'll be a swear. Second, my Ireland friends always like to hear the second thing all right, and the winner of is Die Hard a Christmas movie. Adults wins you'll log by. Kelly. Excellent sneak in there. Of course that wins. Vanessa, have you seen this? What is your problem? I know I'm sorry. Maybe I'll see it next Christmas time because now it's like not relevant now that I have learned to hammer you love is absurdist humor. Yeah, this is your kind of movie you probably really like it. I must say I really loved it and I just started as a side note watching agent Elvis on Netflix animated series with Elvis as a secret agent fighting off Charles Manson and shit like that. Also created by Casper Kelly. Oh yeah, having a really good time with it and fun. Yeah, watch it. I think I would if I'm glad I heard a little bit beforehand because I think it would have dismissed it as what it looks like because for the first few minutes it's a you'll lock because there's many minutes it's just people talking while you're looking at a log on fire. Like what the hell out okay, the calendar category the category I really wasn't expecting this to be good. First nomination. Oh, without a doubt. Dead stream Joseph and Vanessa winter. I guess I thought it gives us another chance. Yeah, yeah, it I think the trailer definitely did not do it justice. I was like, This is gonna be an irritating, stupid ass film. And it was way more of a delight. Yes. It's been called the IRS. You both said it did actually kind of have an Evil Dead feel towards the I think the the Yes. No, no, that one did. Yeah, I would agree with you. Definitely. Yeah, yeah, this one 100% is a homage and a love letter to evil but I'm pretty sure I'm the only person here is still seeing this one which is fine. But fall by Scott. Man. This is the two climbers on the tower. Okay. Yeah. Which looked just like for example, I couldn't stand frozen one where they are on the that one just the board the shit out of me. This one was wow. It's nothing more than you expect. But nothing less either. So it's pretty good. I can't see this. I think I'm in the same boat here as the height thing scares me. So yeah, and it will. It's pretty good at getting that vertigo going. You guys tell me if this is just me. I am more scared of the things I was scared as a kid by now. So I didn't like to be on tall things unless I had a railing in front of me or something like that as a kid Hit. And now I don't like to be on top things even with a rally. Yeah, I am scared of new things that I wasn't as afraid of as kid. I mean, I didn't love heights, but I, you know, went up a lot of chapels and went on the side of mountains and whatever it was no problem and now it is absolutely impossible. I will crawl on my belly into the most middle section and I will not move. I am not a fun person to have in any of those scenarios. Hey, somebody go get Vanessa. We're leaving. Yeah, there you go. I've grown to actually really like almost like heights. Put in the glass below in the in the space. For some reason I liked that. Okay, yes, really. But that felt very safe. But being out on the deck now of the Space Needle and by the railing I get that one now makes me a little queasy. Yeah, no, it's fine. I don't Yeah, I don't know the mortality fears way stronger. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, a little bit of a weird world we live in lends me to be less inclined to be in large groups of people. Yeah. Every time I shake hands with somebody, I'm like, is it worth it? Welcome to my world. I've been thinking that for 40 years. Now we're all here Well, anyways, moving on. Well, I really wasn't expecting this we could category continues with dr. strange in the multiverse of madness. Really, Sam Raimi? Yes. Yeah, I still don't think it was great. But I think was great, but it was definitely like, so different than what I expected. It was entertaining. Really? You were surprised that he made a movie about a magic book with monster. I didn't think this movie was gonna be that movie. Okay, I was like, I'm watching a Doctor Strange movie. And I was like, No, I'm not. I am watching a Sam Raimi movie where he is hitting playing the beaten hits playing That's right. And the surprise nomination of everything everywhere all at once. Fingers crossed for these guys. They are not catching a break. Although they really really fit well into this category. Do you? Yeah, I definitely was like, all fucking weird and other than a 24. I've sat through lamb and we'll see where this is. And it was. I mean, it wasn't me. It's just a delight. Yeah. And round off the nominations with Meg. Gerard. Megan tchard. We've been Johnstone. Gerard. Yeah, Mr. Johnson. Me through again. I have to admit, I did not expect that to be as good as it was no way. 0% thought it was going to be this good of a film. I was like, Oh, I might be, you know, watchable. And it was just fucking good. I, I hope that one wins. Well, I'm disappointed to hear there's already a three again, which I hope is before again. Or maybe it's Megan with four in the a spot. You're right. Okay, me too good to again. I wouldn't watch Madhu again. Anyway, let's see you're doing this. And the winner here is the black phone by Scott Derrick's and you know, wow, that's a good, that's a good one. I don't know if it was a winner from my heart. But it was a really great, really incredible film. And then even on the nominee list, though, that's what it is. There seems to be a pattern developing here. I'm not sure. I think maybe somebody had a few too many when they put this together. The writing on those cards looks very legible to me. And it wasn't me. I liked this movie a lot. I guess I too, didn't expect it to be as good as it was. Yeah. Yeah, I liked the story that is based on by Joe Hill. And I thought that, you know, they needed to flesh it out to make it a full length film. And they did it very well. And of course, it's set in the 70s, which I love. Yeah, it was I mean that putting those 70s limitations on a horror film that's actually sort of refreshing because you're like, oh, like they don't have cell phones and they don't have GPS and they don't have to make an excuse. Why their cell phones. Don't worry about it. There are a lot of films being made in the 80s and 70s as their vacation I think exactly for that reason. Like you know, it's hard to disappear these days. But it's hard is such a good that had such a good villain in it. I will say that was probably the scariest part of Halloween Horror Nights. You have to walk through a room where somebody is dressed as him just sitting on the chair. And I was like, this is a lot this is fucking like every once awhile he kind of wakes up oh no yeah, he doesn't really do much beyond that. But I was like definitely genuinely terrified. But let's not forget the the highlight of that movie is definitely that young kid actor. Oh my God was so great. So good. Yeah, good. Even his younger sister was not irritating. Like a girl and 65 glad you said it. Our next category music to my ear holes. No, and the nominees are everything everywhere all at once by the Daniels. Did that have a musical number? I don't think so. It seems like it'd be the only thing it didn't have it. Yeah, yeah. Elvis directed by Baz Luhrmann had some musical numbers in there, man that That movie was a surprise to me because I think I've made it No. I made no bones about my dislike for Bosler men's films. But this one followed a pretty standard story wasn't the actual Elvis story but I was okay with that because the performances were so strong Tom Hanks accident was throw me off. Not enjoy that. He was a horrible character. So that was okay. Yeah, yeah. kind of fed into itself. Yeah, good movie. And it also introduced me to Manus skins version of if I could dream if I can dream by Elvis, and they do a really nice version of that over the end credits. I just love that. Like the Elvis story is now so much wider known. And that was like a huge surprise to me. Because I didn't know anything about Elvis check out agent Elvis. Did you know that he has a he had a cigar smoking champ that helps him on his missions there. How did that leave that out? It's really the most interesting part of his life. Also nominated tar by Todd field that has a wonderful musical. Ending twist. Oh, okay. That's true, either. Have you seen her? Yeah, I have not seen it. She seems so incredibly unlikable. So you're saying that there's something likable in the movie or in the whole movie is in its movie that is a good movie, even if it's not an enjoyable movie. And there is a lot of music in that movie. And despite whatever is going on with the plot, sometimes the music is doing its own thing. Because she's a conductor or something like that. And then in the trailers that made it look like everybody knows who she is. This is very much like the the all Valley tournament in karate. That's what I thought it was going to be. That's not. And I've read some theories on it that make it very different and really interesting, so I want to rewatch it. Wow. But it's an incredibly well put together film that okay, well, I'll put it back on the list. Also nominated is Pinocchio, directed by Guillermo del Toro. Oh my god, this has a musical number. Yes. So good. You've seen it? I have not seen it. I haven't. I take it we should. Oh my god, it's so it was like when mica said he liked microdots that expression on your face was the expression on her cue so delightful, and it has some wonderful music numbers. Absolutely. Such good songs and this in this film. Okay. It is fucking so good. You guys. Hey, I I didn't watch the Academy Awards. As you know, I think that's a load of shit. But I did my second Emmy Award. So we wait, wait a second. Not any award show. I mean, this one's not so bad, is it? But I'm starting to hear like disturbing rumors that maybe Guillermo is in poor health. Are you guys hearing this or say No, I have not heard that. All right. Well, I hope that he is doing okay. Like last Lance. Reddit, Redick IQ. Yeah. And I had no idea. Yeah, yeah, that very sad. Very sad. Really talented. Yeah. Thanks for bringing us all down. No kidding. The final nominee in this category music to my ear holes is our our our DirectBuy SS Rajamouli I don't know that I made it to the musical. You would remember it if you had to remember epic and amazing. Fun. The Dance. Dance. Well, okay, and the winner in the category of music to my ear holes. I bet your I bet it's gonna be Elvis. If I had to guess off of this list. I'm rooting for everything everywhere all at once. Oh, never even heard of this movie Spirited directed by Sean Anders. I don't know. This was this movie. The Ryan Reynolds and this must be it has one of the most fun songs in it. Where Will Ferrell was from a previous time and in that time swear words were different. And to say good afternoon to somebody is a huge insult. And there's an entire song where they just think good afternoon and people are really like upset about it. And it's so delightful. So this was on apple plus apple pie. And I don't know why this isn't getting any kind of promotion because it's got Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell and they promoted a lot right at the time, but I think unless you knew about Apple, like maybe it just went past you. I got it. It's a lot of fun. It's really good. That's sort of almost does that a muppet esque sort of? Meal? Yeah. I think there were in there. I think it was. Yeah, but yeah, it's fun. Christmas comes around again. Add it to the list. All right. And the next category is the category of I thought you said you had superhero fatigue. The nominees are guardians of the galaxy holiday special by James Gunn, of course well, we've covered that one how much it was and he's on the list again, so maybe this time fingers crossed here. I'd like to see James Gunn get a break finally. Yeah, I mean he's he's really such a little known guy. She Hulk attorney at law created by Jessica Gao. I didn't love it but I liked some of it. They were trying some fun stuff in there and had good moments. Ms. Marvel created by Bichette que le not sure I even finished this. Oh, you didn't I did enjoy this one. It's very very not our target or not in the target range it ends with actually Captain Marvel walking out of our closet or something right? That's like the tag on ending right? Like it ends with like a big fight in high school. I mean, that's that's the audience is for Okay. Yep. Everything everywhere all at once by the Daniel did not I guess, superhero she I guess she's a superhero superhero. And you go into another dimension? Somebody's asked with a fanny pack. He got it on the second take. Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness by Sam Raimi. But I mean, I know we already know the winner. I feel like I might have to give this another try. Because you You seem to like it a lot more than I did. Vanessa and I feel like I should have liked it. Doctor Strange in the multiverse. Amanda? Yes. Yeah, I think it was doing some really weird interesting stuff. I think that it failed in certain ways. For sure. I don't know what America Chavez was doing in that movie at all. But I know I do remember really loving dead dr. strange cape of ghosts. I thought that was very cool looking. There was some fun anyway. So let's see if it wins. Hmm. And the winner goes to werewolf by night by Michael yet genius. Yes. Yes. This also happens at the Academy Awards. That's true. John Travolta all about it. Oh, boy. That was yeah, a dark horse. But I agree. Yes. And when I didn't see it on the nomination list everyone. I am so shocked that this one that Kelly loved so much with when this category well one of look, I'm only a tiebreaker in this thing, so I didn't actually put any nominees in you guys put the nominees in and I was the tiebreaker. I mean, you guys everybody here at strange aeons offices. That's right. Yeah, next year I'd like to open this up to all the listeners. There will be five votes instead of just three I'm sure Michael will be one of them. We can we can count on him. There are a couple other people we're on maybe participating Did you like where we'll find it? I did. I did. I'd like to just find I just knew that it was definitely going to win this particular category no matter what anything happened. Well there was it two out of out of these nominations. Was there a better no Marvel film 100% This section this category was going to be a Marvel movies Marvel can do better but by doing it this way it kind of left out like the Batman or something like that. That probably should have been listed but this was really about Marvel that hence everything everywhere all at once. Yes. Anyways, oh my god, I'm sick of reimaginings except everything everywhere all at once. reimagined. You guys saw the original. What do you think was the original? Was that just everywhere all at once? No, it was some place sometimes every once in a while. Right? Yeah. I was a mouthful um you know the original it's it had a good twist on it and did something raise an x ray by Dan Trachtenberg says, Great little movie. I feel like I need to watch this again now. I know it's had he was such a fun film. Yeah. Hellraiser by David Bruckner the first really good Hellraiser in a really long time. I am one cared I will say that it was certainly better than anything past two or three, but I watched it a second time and was like bored throughout so I don't know what happened. But the first time I was like, okay, and the second time was like, for someone where they go to space, right? Yeah, I really like for and so maybe this is the best one since for for my life would be the best one since one or two. But three is fun. For the Batman by Matt Reeves. Sounds like he should be directing Superman. I mean, you guys know I loved this movie. I loved it so much. I thought I mean, I'm really sick of Batman. I can't buy any more Batman comics. I have stopped even though there's good ones coming out right now. That sound awesome. I'm like, I can't. I am so fucking tired of you, bro. But this movie. So it's still won me over visually very cool. I didn't love it. But I liked a lot of it. It could have been about you know, our shorter. Yeah, it seemed to have a lot of scenes where it felt like we need to have this in here. Let's push it in. Why? Because we have to have character so and so show up. Right for this little bit. Or what about the romance with Catwoman? It's like, what is this insane? It does kind of feel like every new person who comes in is like I want to get the entire Batman mythos into my movie. Yeah. Stop. I mean, I loved penguin but even penguin felt like there was a lot of him in there. Well you'll be happy to know that the the HBO penguin mini series is coming and you will get a lot more penguin somehow that has been allowed in Iran even though the Batwoman movie was how can they let that Alfred I am the original Butler show exists that I do not understand he watched it though. I have heard it's really good. Yeah, but it's completely unrelated to anything Batman is just Alfred Pennyworth as a young man fighting no yeah how he became yeah how it became a bad became the guy who serves tea all the time. Right I mean, he sort of like a Giles. Yeah. With Thomas Wayne. Gotcha. I would watch it Giles origin. Yeah. So though for sure. Anyways, okay, so the winter. We're reimagining winter for this one. I'm guessing. Pinocchio. Winter I hope you're happy. I am currently happy it was a fucking incredible film. Now. Did this show up on Disney? Has Netflix. Okay, because I was curious if it is a if it is a Disney live type movie or Disney live. Tom that's the Tom Hanks. This is a stop motion motion. Weirdly there were two Pinocchio's that came out this year. Yeah. It is the better of the two. Okay. Yeah. Don't watch the Tom Hanks one. Okay. Wow. Yep, I did see a lot of Pinocchio has been nominated not that one. Don't worry, not the not the God awful one. Boy. We're coming into the last couple categories. You guys these are the big ones. These are the ones that traditionally launch careers, stuff like that. Have to text them so they know. It was just not in 1000 theaters. The nominees are prey by Dan Trachtenberg. Yeah, gotta agree with this one. This would have been a fantastic theatrical release. Yeah, it would have it wouldn't look so good in a theater would look good. And it also would have been like a vindication for this. This franchise. Yeah. Budget desperately needed. Yeah. So that's that's a bummer. That didn't make it to a theatrical release. But was this one of those ones that we were getting a while now? I don't know why it didn't go to theaters. Very strange. This was a prime. Yeah. Probably. A Hulu. Yeah, it was like a big Hulu like stream right like the Hellraiser one. Well, and speaking of Hulu, Hellraiser, David Bruckner. So they got two franchises and yeah, did not release them theatrically. No, they just wanted everyone just streaming because streaming platform weird because both Amazon and Netflix will do a few theaters and yes, but they I think they have a different they have different stakes in the you know, they're looking at opening theaters and getting they have a different idea. They want their own Yeah, right. Yeah. Everything everywhere all at once by the Daniels. If only they had gotten a theatrical release I think at least 1000 theaters man maybe it would have done better maybe would have won one of our people will be actually talking about it. Kimmy by Steven Soderbergh. Yeah. So I'm familiar with this movie. Neither of you have seen this film. I looked it up. I recognize the poster, but I have not seen it. So this was a COVID film. So this was one of those that was shot during lockdown. It was actually made here in Seattle. Really cool, interesting, strong premise has a lot of what's the Hitchcock one where he's watching his neighbors with a window? Window? Yeah, rear window. So it's got a real rear window vibe, but with a girl who's terrified of going outside, because she already is afraid of germs and things like that. Yeah. So it was a really good little thriller. I think it could have done okay, in theaters, I don't think it would have like blowing everybody out of water. But for a COVID movie, it was probably the best movie made during COVID with the limitations that I saw. Okay. And our last nominee is Guindy Tarkowski primul. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. I'm sure I'm pronouncing his first name incorrectly. But Eric, you nominated this? And I was like, the fuck are you doing? And then the more I thought about it, the more I thought, I want to watch this entire fucking series on a big screen. I was so confused by this nomination. I was like, Oh, he meant pray. That's so I think I left it off of mine. Because I was like, no, no, he didn't mean this at all. Primal is the show that's on Adult Swim about the caveman and the dinosaur wandering, and it's mostly dialogue free. It's got great sound effects. The animation is really cool. And yeah, I was like, I will actually go weekly to a theater to watch this. It is such a great show. Let's see if it one. Oh, come on. Everything everywhere all at once. The winner of how was this? Not in 1000 theaters? I know. The Adam project. Yeah. I think good. Good. And it is our main blockbuster theatrical release. Yeah. And everybody needs movies to take their kids to this is a frequent problem for parents. Yeah, they would have had so many people coming to this film just to get their kids to like shut up for two hours and 12 year old boys especially as a Ryan Reynolds film and then he time travels back to meet his younger self who this kid is perfectly Ryan Reynolds as a 12 year old but he's he's a scrawny little dude. And, and Ryan says, Look, you know, the reason you get picked on like, this is why you end up looking like me in the future. And I just really really loved that film. Yeah. Really, really good. I have to agree with the academy on this one. Weird Sar. So I've got the last one guys this is it. This is the big one. No, not penultimate, ultimate. Final glory, you're just one category away. So in our final category, the big one, the flick that everyone is talking about this year, at least one of these The nominees are barbarian buyers Zach cracker, definitely I won't get a lot of buzz. This was a film that when I started hearing about it, I was like, I don't really need to see this movie. Not because I wasn't hearing what it was about. But because what I thought it was about was, you know, casting, what's his name as scarred. Skarsgard as the guy who's already at the place when she gets there was brilliant. I mean, he played it. Yes. You're, you're you're going into this going well, I know how this is going to end up. And so that was nice, but I ended up loving this film. Yeah, I'm so grateful. I knew literally nothing about this movie other than I think there was maybe a first trailer that I have watched and I saw the movie poster. And I'm so glad I went in blind. This horrible neighborhood in Detroit exists and they shot a lot of the exteriors there in that neighborhood. Oh, oh, this is just one of the horrible things is happening to our country. Yeah, there are a lot of us you'd be surprised if you go to oh my god, one of those middle states with an M minute Montana No, she didn't say starts with an M My God minutes Missouri, Missouri. Yeah, Misery. There's dead towns and they're like full The Dead towns it's really strange. Anyways Mythri again by Gerard Johnston getting all the accolades it deserves everybody should be talking about this should be I'm so glad it took off in the way it did and people were just absolutely in love with it PG 13 Horror can work it can it really can and they're kind of released it doesn't are on the DVD or whatever so I don't need that it came out it came into streaming already and the response seem to have been a whole lot of people want Oh, I'm gonna watch it. I don't remember seeing anybody talk. So much better. Yeah, okay. The menu by Mark Milad middle Lloyd Hello Milad. Yeah, a lot of people were talking about the menu, for sure. Was this a May 24 film? No, I don't think so. I actually, it's it's snooty in the way that a 24 is much more satisfying than an 824 It's much more like cinema like typical story. Not even typical, but it has a firmer story than most a 24 one. Yeah. Pearl by Ty West. I don't like this movie. Everyone is talking about it. They did talk about well and x x or no X, whatever x is x plus 1x. x x x is a very different film. Yes. It really is. Okay. And last of the nominees, terrify or two by Damien Lyon. I only heard one person talks about this. Eric. Release and did a great opening weekend for a film that cost what 250,000 or something like that it made millions No, I maybe it's because one of the producers is a friend on Facebook. Yeah, he would post a lot about it. But I saw a lot of people talking about it and we just have different friend groups. Well, in a lot of the film podcasts, I listen to what we're talking about it so it was on the radar for people. But you know what, what you're telling me that everywhere if we're just not nominated in the flick that everyone's talking about? This isn't gonna point that out. Oh, well. Let's see if it one. I have this envelope across fingers. Tillman when he's trying to remember something? Okay. Oh my god lala land Oh my god. I'm hearing I'm sorry. No, it was not lala land. Oh, this is embarrassing. This is really embarrassing. It was a another African American led movie. Nope. By Jordan Peele. I'm back with no. Like any word anything. And it was the incredible film. I don't know that I agree that it was a fucking incredible film. I think that it wins this category, honestly. But I thought that there were some really neat things in it. I don't think it touches get out. But get out better. You wait, do you like this better than get out you? You're insane. Well, that would be so much. It's the extra terrifying of aliens. All right. The thing I am the most afraid of even more like every night when I go to bed. I think I might get abducted tonight. I'm just going to kind of I around the room to see whether or not there's any aliens in here right now. That did have a terrifying abduction scene. Yeah, horrible. And actually, the thing that scared me the most are the little aliens in the barn. That I hate seriously. I was like, so happy when it was not I was like, Oh my God. Yeah, so there's definitely a bonus there. Right? Yeah. Okay, I get it. I get it. I did think that the sound of the craft being the screams of the humans was terrifying. And I thought that the the wraparound story of the chimp and the kid actor was really really terrifying. Really good. Blake. Just harrowing the pot. I just enjoyed like, the alien. Being like, I'm gonna I'm gonna go pee on your house because I'm mad. He just happens to be a fountain of blood. But that's all at eight. So it's like pissing on it like haha, are you guy I liked him. enough that it's keeping me interested in what Jordan Peele is doing. And I also love that he he's come out and just really embraced. I'm gonna make horror films. Yeah. And he's doing different things. Yeah, he's challenging himself. And that's every one of his films, like it or dislike it are all different. They're all something very different in each one, and it's really cool. Yeah, it's weird. If you go back and watch Key and Peele, there are moments where it does start to get really creepy and some of their comedy segments And yeah, and you can see this like foundation of he had it in a mall. What was how can it wasn't house music a different kind of music. And they did a whole weird thing where they're playing that music so intensely while they're trying to move or something and it's just funny and creepy and uncomfortable. So yeah, they've they've done some cool shit. Well, boys, thank you everybody. That was the 75th annual Charles Dexter wars brought to you by Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson. Oh, where do we get our checks? Coca Cola have a coconut smile, everybody. I've got one right here. We'll be back next year with the 76 the annual and hopefully we'll have all of the audience be voting for it. Yeah. Next episode, we're going to be doing Micah's choice, which he wanted us to do a remake slash reimagining episode and so that's what we will be doing seven short days from now. Right now I must thank everybody involved for participating in the value for value system for buying us drinks when we're out with them for liking and sharing posts for leaving messages on the strange aeons hotline, which is 253-237-4266 for sending me personal messages for buying the strange aeons radio notebooks that are out there now. Yeah, it's I just can't tell you how much I love everybody right now. feeling really good about the world. Yeah, thank you so much. Real tonal shift from when I got here today, but that's fine. Wow. Behind the curtain, thanks for that. But no, yeah, absolutely. Thank you guys so much for being a part of this with us. And yeah, yeah. And if the awards drop us a note and let us know if you agree disagreed or if you've got suggestions for new categories next year. So Alright guys, that is the end of the show. I'll see you guys in seven short days, and we're talking remake reimaginings sounds good. Transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't beat the experience. Yes, a strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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