Strange Aeons Radio


April 27, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 223
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Strange Aeons Radio
Apr 27, 2023 Season 5 Episode 223
Strange Aeons Radio

Kelly talks about a toy show, and Eric doesn't talk about Party Bus to Hell. Also discussed: Beef, The Last Thing He Told Me, The Mandalorian.

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Kelly talks about a toy show, and Eric doesn't talk about Party Bus to Hell. Also discussed: Beef, The Last Thing He Told Me, The Mandalorian.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, guys, I asked you if you wouldn't mind starting a little late today because I had something really important this morning. Where are you hung over? Oh, you've, you've rejoined. Listen, I mean, I am hung over. But I don't know what that has to do with what I was going to talk about. You may recall, I was sick a couple of months ago. And I was really disappointed because there were things happening right in my neighborhood that I had to miss out on like the Washington State Toy Show. But today, the Washington State Toy Show was in Lynnwood, Washington, which is only about 25 minutes from my house here. And I went to the Lynwood, Tasha. Oh my gosh, how was it? Well, I bought a few things. You may you probably Vanessa don't recognize these. But Eric, I'm sure you remember these from our youth. Whoa, whoa, these are Mark's toys spacemen. And I collect these. I collect all sorts of little things. Yeah, the helmets are really hard to find. Wow, that's pretty cool. And so those were nice and cheap. The old man who sold me these had a beard down to his knee looked like Billy Gibbons. And I said, thank you. And you said, thank you. I like your hair. Oh, it continues. Yeah, guess what I did immediately in the mirror looked in the mirror and I was like, no fucking different than ever. What is I think I'm gonna have to just come to terms with the fact that how awesome I Harris. Yeah, I think you have to. I think we've all just accepted it and internalized it and now you must do the same. You know what else I got there? Vanessa. You might know that I collect movie novelization tie ins. Oh, oh, it's hidden behind the table. No, no, it's liquid. I found Oh, she's got the eyes of Laura Mars. Those eyes so penetrating. Wow. Her eyes see everything. Love death and destiny. Who is that one written by? Anybody? No. But based on John Carpenter's script. Yeah, he. I thought at first when I saw it, I was like This gotta be written by John Carpenter right now. People are maybe for that shit. Yeah, especially back then. I think bird to a tiny portion of I saw that. There's a little bit of a dog eared little teeny, teeny tiny little bit, but it was in pretty good shape. Yeah, I'm surprised like pictures from the TV miniseries in the middle of that is a bummer. That's incredible. That was the first thing that I found. I was like, I guess I'm buying something here today. That is a curry. Fine. Yeah. No, nobody else here might like a toy thing. See how it is? I think my sister went to this. Was it all weekend? Or was it just today? Eric? I don't need the competition. Okay. You and I are the right age, we might see the same thing. Oh, fuck, I want that. And I would just take all the John Carpenter stuff. So being as you are far more the larger collector of toys. I would let you know if some you really want to be okay, cool. Enjoy your gentlemen. I got to see a few things this week. Cool. Netflix show that a lot of people are talking about called beef. I was told that this was awesome. I've only seen the trailer I have not watched it yet. It is pretty great. The I'm not finished with it. I feel like it can only end one of two ways. What it is, is about two people who are having a very bad day and they have a little bit of road rage. And then they just continue that on and try to fuck each other over and over and over and over to the point where they're bringing in their family members and all of this stuff. And it's it's kind of anxiety inducing actually. But I feel like this can end only one of two ways with either them falling madly in love with each other or killing each other. Wow. All right. So I don't know yet. I will report back it is called beef. It's what's for dinner. Speaking of beef. I watched is interesting. So I had watched the vow on I don't remember what it was on. Maybe it was the Hulu account but I think what Last year and watched all the episodes about the people who were in Nexium, which was that kind of weird sort of thing where it was like a self improvement class, but it turned out that they ended up with these weird like sex slavery, things going on there. So they had a part two that came out, I saw that what, how was it? It was pretty interesting is this recent enough that they've gotten to the trial of Keith menu. And it's really very recent, I think that they, they did a very good job because they talk to the woman who sort of CO ran it with him. And she's a huge part of this season. And hearing her perspective when the previous documentary series didn't talk to her. And so she was really painted in this light where it was like this odd. She wasn't evil, but it was also like, so unclear what her motives were. And now watching it being like, oh, man, like, you are really, mentally fucked up by this too. Is this the person you're talking about? Is this Allison Mack? Or no, Nancy? I can't remember her last name. But she was the sort of older woman with Burnett, who was doing a lot of the classes, they have not talked to Allison Mac, for this one, which is probably for the best. And when they get to the end of it, and they get through the trial, you will learn a lot more of what was going on in there. Because I was sort of like this. I mean, I can see the sex slavery element to it. And it's not cool. But it wasn't. It felt like the headlines were maybe a little splasher than what was actually going on. How unusual. And I was like, Well, I don't know, like, Yeah, it sucks. I don't know how much I would say. And now watching this part, I was like, Oh, this is pretty bad. This is actually pretty bad. They found a few more elements in here that they uncovered. That was very fascinating. And this is still called the vowel it's the vowel Part Two, the vowel Part Two worked hard on that one. I don't think there will be a valid Part Part Three unless they do talk to us Mac so fun times. Washington film that we're going to briefly mention them talking about something else. Party Bus to hell. Oh, I want to watch a stupid movie. Is it? It's in? That's it? already? I was sure. What's your name? That was in the Sharknado movies. starts with a T or something. Oh, Terry. Yeah, Tara Reed is in the first name. This is a new Yeah. Oh, shit. I screwed up here. Watch about 2030 minutes of it and then kind of fast forward is like Okay, never mind. Is it about a party bus to hell? It's about a party bus that's going to Burning Man that gets stopped by Satanists. That reads well, this one's fun. It's executed poorly. I listen. NATO for sharks also sounds great. Yeah, that was a little bit boring. Yeah, but okay, watchable. For the first time. I'll give this much the director gave it his all he went for it. It's crazy. It's over the top. The problem was, I didn't care very quickly, unfortunately. So, you know, some people are gonna love it. I'll just imagine that. So anyways, what I would rather talk about is this new new thing, a new show on Apple TV called the last thing he told me, okay with Jennifer Garner, and I have no idea how to say his name, but one of the guys from Games of Thrones. And it's a story of his, her husband or goes missing. And it's because the company's run has been shut down because they're stealing billions of dollars and they've faked a bunch of stuff. So you can like, Oh, what was his involvement? What's going on? And he leaves a note to garner that just says protect her about a 16 year old kid who he left another note to and like several $1,000 in cash in a bag. as well. This seems fun. We'll see where it goes. It starts starts off pretty good. Rally acting is of course great. The last thing he told her that's on Apple. Yeah. Told me so he told me told me Yeah, I I saw the trailer for this and it looked kind of interesting. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of cool stuff coming up on Apple. Yeah, they're starting to dump their money, which they have lots of into during productions. I have continued on my Alan Moore Swamp Thing run. Oh, good. Oh, it's the most delicious crow I've ever had to eat. It's so good. I've been having such a great time with it. Yeah, I think that probably when I was 14 or 15 and this was coming out. The art, which I enjoy quite a bit right now. Probably did not appeal to me. Especially After. I mean, come on Bernie Wrightson well there previous not just that but you know, at that time I was also reading the X Men. So you've got John Byrne and Paul Smith in there and you've got these, these kind of superstar artists who are doing really flashy art and this is this is actually very moody kind of like Gene Colan type looking stuff a lot of missed floating by and I'm really loving it now and probably would not have loved it then even if I had read it. So they've done the his entire run through like four huge volumes, so I'm just going one by one through a mall. I love it. Yeah, I remember my first pick those volumes up. You said you didn't like him gone. If I'd known you hadn't read it. I would have brought my graphic novels over to read them. Like how do you not like this? Oh, that's how I got it. It's called ignorance, Eric. Yeah, there it is how that'll work. I am just so happy that you finally dipped in and discovered this because it's just such an incredible incredible series. Yeah. Well, I continued watching the Mandalorian Okay. Have you guys been keeping up on that? Yeah, I'm caught up on that. What? Uh, what a mixed, mixed experience the show. Well, I think I mentioned the previous show, I kind of feel like they they have a destination in mind. But they need at least like we need at least 10 episodes or eight episodes or some something. Yeah, so it feels like there's a few episodes are like what what do we do? I feel like they're being forced to tie in other Star Wars stuff. They're definitely doing that thing. Oh, me, Andrey in audit times where I'm like, what, what? Why are we? And I have heard that some of these episodes were repurposed from other shows that they had planned on doing and didn't do. I think what's her name was supposed to have like a spin off show. And then she was oh, Katie. Second. No, no. The woman who was like the buff chick. I don't know if she's antivax. Or Right, right. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Didn't she wish she would have given your last movie from the last episode of bad ratings? Why she would get in trouble. There you go. That explains a lot. Yeah, I don't know. I love the puppets. Like I love how they really gone all the way into puppet land. There's like a pirate king in this show that's been glorious to watch like little dudes running around where you can almost see the strings. Really fun. I just love that aesthetic. But there are just so many. And I love the core story of like, the Mandalorian is trying to find a homeworld. I think that that's really strong. And the idea of who the Mandalorian is, maybe now being kitty Cyclops character. Like, that's so cool, but fucking what? The one where they go the luxury planet with Jack Black and Lizzo I'm like, What is a stranger sack and Lizzo? And who is the boy yeah, Doc Brown. And you know, they they've just been guest starring people to its detriment, I think because it's, you know, I like Jack Black and I like Christopher Lloyd. But when you see them pop up on the Mandalorian it is distracting. Very, very odd. Yeah, it was just such a it's so brief. And it's such a like, siloed event that I'm like, why would they be spending time doing this when they're like, We gotta go find these people. Oh, I guess we'll go on this weird adventure where we have to do like a procedural down in the city to try and figure out a robot thing like what Yeah, and that city was so out of Star Wars realm, the look of it and everything like that felt more like Logan's Run. Except when they got into it a little bit more but the outside and stuff like her you and I just that is such a hokey and I don't know, like, and then they're like, Oh, this isn't the end though. Because then we're going to actually go and talk to the people and do like a big Hey, fuck you. I'm going to take over my tribe again. I'm like, That's the Mandalorian I don't know where this was. Except then they they get given some land back on what is it called? Yeah. Good planet. This is from by Carl Weathers. Yeah. And then immediately after getting this land, they're like, We gotta go take back our home. Well, I'll leave that. Hey, I thought you guys were gonna weird I know. I was like, this is such a perfect setup, because then they get a place to live and they seem so good. And then they all agree to go fight for this, you know things so that they can have this land, which seems very valuable. And then they're like, Wow, fucking whatever, by Yeah. After showing making a big show of showing up with their star destroyer and all of that stuff. I was like, okay, they're going to, they're going to show that oh, it's actually a little uncomfortable to have this race of warriors living right outside the outskirts of our town or something like that. But like just like a thread. Okay, there's no thread to explain why they're like actually nevermind let's go list morals I was like your priorities seemed very Euro wishy washy people really and especially with the price of gas these meticulous get that thing off of a planet once you've landed it. Yeah also so the episode hasn't come out, but by the time you hear this The episode will have come out. Actually think the armor is the is the spy. Oh, I you just assumed he set that up as like, all thing because he then is like I took over the armory on this planet and I made all these foods. So I figured he'd just already had them access to metal that was found in the ship. No, I mean, the armor, you know, conveniently leaves the planet and heads back to the fleet just before they are ambushed. Yeah. And I was like the armor or the woman, basically the history of man to learn armor. And I was like it. I mean, this seems very convenient. Bad writing. I really don't believe well, the it's bad writing. It's also bad filmmaking because they did a shot. I thought they're gonna be getting up there. Yeah. And you're like waiting for something. The only reason for that to have been there is to put into our head. Something's wrong. Yep, I'll continue with my they are reaching for something because we need some volunteers to go while the rest of you stay here. Or stay in above orbit or whatever. And everybody goes. And by the time that battles going on, like Did they leave anybody in space? Back up. They love a shoulder and on the planet, but and then in everything happens so quickly. Like we need to go and search our planet for this. Hey, here's a boat that found us that we've never seen before that knows exactly where it is. But for some reason doesn't know it's been completely overrun. And we didn't run into previously when we were here before. Um, like there were this whole tribe of people still living on this planet. And you guys didn't even see, you know, trace. Well, and also they somehow built that Imperial hanger under the ground in the forge without those spice pirates knowing exactly. Like that name for him, though. Oh, well. Yeah, I mean, I just think it's weird. Um, Thanks, Vanessa. You're welcome. Maybe it'll maybe it'll tie up beautifully by the end, but I've been definitely like, I love the Katy Sackhoff stuff. I love the armor as a character. She's really been interesting this character this season, but like, I can almost get behind the wandering into the weird. You know, the New Republic is being bad at being a force in the galaxy for anything. I can get behind that and those little side stories, but like this weird bullshitty other stuff. I just don't know, man. I don't know. The Mandalorians kind of background. His background again. Him and Gregor are both like, Oh, our story's done. So well. Give Greg a Battlenet. Yeah. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. No, that was good. That was a nice development, but also random. very random can float. Anyway, but and all that said, I'm still overall enjoying the show. Yeah, yeah. I will continue to watch it. What did I see? Oh, yeah. Cocaine bear. Oh, hey. Forgot to write it down because I just watched it last night. I think he described it quite well. It's not a good movie, but it is nothing. It is exactly what it should be as a movie. And the little kid a little blond kid. Best part of the film, man. Yeah, he was given the best. Oh, by far it was enjoyable. Everybody did what they should down to the one guy kicking the crap out of the knife gang in the bathroom which I thought was a really fun said. Yeah, that's exactly what it's hard to say much. Yeah, I didn't mind it. I thought it was good clean, fun lot gory er than I expected. I did just see that a documentary has popped up called blow with the same font and a black and white bear on it. And it is the documentary of Drew's story. Yeah, it's like well, I might have to watch that now to shark Don't forget that. Oh, listen, I cannot wait for Amityville cocaine shark. Oh, that's gotta be oh man. The house filled with water and cocaine. What could go wrong? That windy scene is gonna be have only meaning. Okay, how about we take a little break you guys. And then when we come back we will talk movie in a movie. Drive in theaters straight ahead. Here it is now Betty. Today's double feature have gone with travel and Heckle and Jeckle looks terrific Jimmy. Drive right and apart. Let me show you how it works. We'll turn the projector turn still not exciting still features have been more travel and technological Captain Kangaroo and dinky Mighty Mouse and farmer alfalfa. Barley was clear big picture, as I'm called Movieland driving, everything, ditch complete features, some giant screen, projection booth, marquee that changes, ticket window and beautiful cars. Be the first in your neighborhood to own and operate a Remko movie then driving theater. Only 598 is your favorite choice to remember. Every boy wants a Remco Joy girl we have returned. Alright guys, this was my sub genre choice and the idea was that you see these movies where we're watching a movie and in the movie those people are watching a movie too. They're just like us Wow. They're real people. Yeah, well so I thought we should all have to pick a film that has a film playing in the background or some something like that nice. With that in mind put in 10 minutes on the buzzer and I'm telling you about a film called The Last matinee. Is the disappearance of took forever when you know? It is from 2020 It is a Spanish flick budget of $350,000 and I could find no box office numbers. Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 86% And the audience gives it 60% Directed by Maximiliano contatti 12 credits, including hobby metal Neptunia and a bunch of short films. It's written by Maximiliano and Manuel for Kyle are facile seven credits including a Juris and a Juris to fit a voodoo and Fiesta Nibiru saying Luciano Grasso was 13 credits, including terror five will camo Dave and perils. And the Knights belong to monsters, which I think is a fantastic, great title also includes Franco Duran, who has two credits this and something called Love three. Franco Duran is a young kid so it makes complete sense that he would only have two credits. Really great little actor. And Ricardo useless who has 15 Acting credits, but he's mostly known as the director of night fangs. Zombie farm. Night hunt, and Frankenstein day of the beast. Oh my god was good title. Those are freaking like zombie farm. Yeah, Toby farm. Makes me want to know what this movie is about honor. I'm guessing you guys have not watched the last matinee? Correct. It is available on shutter and Tubi I have Eric Cena looks really familiar. Yeah. So we opened on a bunch of establishing scenes to show the characters we're going to be dealing with. There's our protagonist, who was an engineering student named Anna and her father runs the local movie theater in Montevideo, Uruguay. The theater is definitely in decline. And Anna shows up there to make sure her dad goes home because he is also in decline. He has something going on with his health and she's worried that he's working too hard. So she tells him I can run the projector I know how to do everything. fact he's like, What happens if the film breaks? And she basically says, I'll cut it. I'll tape it all read, string it and all this stuff and he's like, Ooh, okay. So he leaves her there with his only other employee, Mauricio, who's kind of a security guard, I guess he is super cocky and annoying. The only other person who's working there is the ticket taker, and she leaves pretty quickly. There's also a couple on a first date at the theater. It's unclear what's going on here because he is goofy, and, and kind of nerdy and a little nervous. She's smoking hot. And she doesn't really want to be there. She's actually smoking hot. She lights up her a cigarette in the theater. And he says, You can't do that in here. And she just kind of, you know, pops on and blows in his face. And then Mauricio comes down. And he's like, ma'am, you can't smoke in here. And she's like, okay, so she puts it out. And then as soon as he leaves, she pulls out another cigarette and lights it up. She may be a prostitute. But you're left wondering what kind of guy hires a prostitute desperate to come to a movie with him? What guy wouldn't come on this guy right here. We meet a group of three teenagers who are pretty generic punks, but one of them has a crush on a girl he had met earlier that night. And they decide they're going to go to the movie theater, which is going to be showing a horror film. There's also Tomas, a young boy who has snuck in to see the movie because he's too young to be able to actually see the movie. And coincidentally, there's also a young woman, single woman who's sitting alone. And it turns out to be the girl that the Punk has the crush on, right. And then finally, as the movie starts, there is a mysterious man dressed in a black overcoat and gloves. And he sneaks in also. So the the movie in the theater starts this move, this film takes place in a theater, entire film takes place in the theater. And I just fucking love that. The movie stars in the stage is set for what we're about to watch, which is a really gory indie film set almost entirely in a movie theater, but also showing a horror film on the screen. And showing enough of it that you can kind of follow the story of the movie you're watching also, if that makes sense, or the movie they're watching. And it adds a much needed running time to this thing, which is very high concept. But not a lot of stuff that can be done with this high concept. The concept is that there's a group of people caught in a theater with a serial killer. So then from there, it's just a series of murder set pieces and coincidences. So Mauricio goes to lock the doors as soon as he sees the ticket takers left for the night, and he is immediately murdered by the man and Black has his throat slit. And then the killer locks the theater with a metal bar so nobody can get in or out. This, this initial throat slit is so realistic looking that I was like, Oh, this is what I meant for. And I will say this, the Gordon, this is way over the top. Oh, very. There were moments where I was just like, at one point, the young punk he and his friends are sitting up in the balcony, and he sees the girl down here. And he's like, Oh, my God, that's the girl from the bus that I have a crush on. And they were like, Yeah, you should go talk to her. And he's like, yeah, that won't seem weird at all that we got off at different stops. But we ended up in the same theater and they're like, you know, go Go on, don't be a jerk. So he goes down. And he actually starts flirting with her a little bit while the movie is playing. And she was waiting for somebody and got stood up. And they turned out to be kind of a cute little couple, this meeting at the theater and everything and they actually go in for a little kiss. And just as they do that the killer pops up silently behind them and rams along rebar through both of their skulls, leaving them looking like they're making out. So you know, remember, this is a dark theater, you can only kind of see silhouettes of people. So you just see them with their heads together. And you don't really realize that anything is horribly, horribly wrong. The movie that's on the screen looks like an old hammer film. It's it's pretty great. It's got a lot of Gordon until and I was like, All right, this is all very fun. The couple who are on the date are preparing to leave when the girl stops him and gives him a handjob to completion. And to do in the movie theater. I mean as look who wouldn't want that. But you go to the back row for that these guys were sitting in the front. There's a lot of light coming from. Anyhow, he he decides he has to go to the bathroom to clean himself off, or he is promptly murdered in a bathroom stall. And at a certain point, as for shadows, the film breaks and people in the audience start shouting and the killer uses this to kill the girl who had given her data hands up? So they started shouting about stuff and and he's killed somebody and then they really started shouting and Anna's up there fixing the tape, I'm calming. So she fixes the film starts to projector back up, but she started to think something is off now and it quickly goes into overdrive. As the few people in the theater are really starting to put together the something is very, very wrong. And the final act is just the last three survivors banding together and trying to escape the killer, whom we find likes to dig out the eyes of his victims with an ice cream scoop, and keeps them in a big jar full of eyeballs. Tasty, there is an amazing confrontation with the killer and Anna at the end and the jar of eyeballs plays a wonderful role is just a great little movie. I don't know how I stumbled on this, but I sure am glad I did. It was a tad too gory for me, but I'm always happy to be surprised by really good gore. I have seen this one once you started describing God. Oh, yes. Yeah, this was this was a fun watch. It's really amazing example of what someone can do with one great location. And I really think they did a stellar job with mingling this really basic storyline, and then the movie long enough for you to kind of figure out what the movie was also about is got a tagline no talking, no texting, no breathing. Oh, gotta like it. Trivia. The filming shown in the theater is 2000 elevens. Frankenstein day of the beast, which was directed by Ricardo East LA. Who plays the killer in the movie. Oh, good. Oh, I was like, very fun. There's a poster for the film anguish in the office, which I have spoken about in this podcast. Anguish is about a mother who telepathically commands her son to steal the eyeballs of her enemies and also takes place in a movie theater which is the film I originally thought would be perfect for this and then realize oh shit I already talked about. And just a couple of reviews here. You may or may not like this film, Kevin underscore Robins 11 says nine out of 10 this is now standing addition to the horror and slash on this an absolutely must see film. When you finally have the serial killer reveal with about 15 minutes left everything after that is a 10 out of 10 or a movie gold. But zombie 84 dash one says five out of 10 This movie was super boring. And it's not like it's anything new either. There was there was two decent cool kills rest was very cliche and boring. Save your time. Wow. So what you very different views on I fell somewhere in between Syria like those. There might not be anything new there except that it takes place in one location. But I thought it was a lot. I always find that it you know, talked many times before I spend that kind of strange review. You know, I've seen this all before. Well, you know, that's true of a lot of movies. But did it make it new and interesting and fun? Yeah, exactly. In fact, true. Most movies. You have seen it all before. Yep. Every once in a while you'll get one goal. But it's rare, and it's usually European. Who's next? That will be me putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. Excellent. Excellent. Well, this was a great opportunity for me to see a film that I've been meaning to get you for a while which the 1980 Fade to Black Are you an actress? No. It's amazing. Exactly like me. No, no. Everybody says that. What was the name of the movie that Tom Yule took you see and Seven Year Itch? Who the hell cares? Who was a Creature from the Black Lagoon? How did you know that? It's great to a lot of movies. It's my thing. Now, this has a very agreed upon Rotten Tomato score 42% from critics and 43% from audience Fuck you guys. I love this movie. Yeah. Budget of 1.8 million box office of 15 million because it was very successful in France. Oh sure. or whatever it was. It didn't make that much money in the US but in France they loved it. Written in directed by Vernon Zimmerman who wrote teen which hex and unholy rollers. He also directed several shorts and three features I had not heard of starring Dennis Christopher as Eric Binford, who's been in 88 things including breaking away Eddie casebook in the IT mini series. She's also been in Django Unchained, breaking away and Oh, ERISA and a lot of TV roles including Angel Deadwood profiler and some V movies that he was in early on. Linda carriage plays Marilyn who is a kind of Marilyn Monroe look like she's been in 10 things, including surf to you Brent as anstelle has been in 102 things she's sort of an older glamorous looking actress. She's been in the green mild Death Row Game Show and a lot of walk on TV roles. And in her early career she played Jane several times in different 1950s Tarzan films. And cool Mickey Rourke is in this as a guy named Richie did not even realize until after when I was looking at trivia, the story follows Eric Binford Who is this sort of film obsessed, self centered young man who spends his time memorizing and spouting movie trivia, he lives with his disabled and Stella who dislikes his obsession with Feldman wishes he would get out more straightened up eat healthy, instead of sitting around chained smoking watching projector in his bedroom. That's also covered in you know, movie stills and famous portraits of just kind of pinned up to his walls. He's also being constantly bullied by everyone around him, including his aunt, his boss and his co workers. Meanwhile, two chicks are running along a beach and talk about getting a hot dog. Meanwhile, a psychologist named Moriarty has relocated to a local police station where they put him in the basement. He wants to run tests on criminals and help rehabilitate them and he has a good feeling about it. A female cop at the precinct to find him very intriguing and has looked up his background and immediately started sleeping with him. He's the chief of police and the chief of police hates him. And they both talk about it a lot. Back to Eric. Eric goes to a restaurant and he frequents and he sees a woman there who looks identical to Marilyn Monroe, and he is instantly smitten completely falls in love with her start scooting down the seats to get as close to her as he can. The friend of the Maryland looks like kind of finds them weird and does not like him. But Marilyn is really struck by him and I'm gonna call her Maryland because everyone else does. However weird it is that his sort of way of talking to her is very, very strange. And he only can talk to her via Hey, do you know who went with Marilyn Monroe on what date to what theater? Well, let me tell you. However, she likes him and agrees to go on a date with him. Unfortunately, when the day happens, she loses track of time, so she does not make it to the date and this causes Eric to snap. He begins killing those around him that he especially dislikes using tropes from old film scenes. So he dresses up as and takes care of these people. In a similar way. It starts off with his aunt, who he pushes down the stairs in a wheelchair, basing off of kiss of death from 1947. He also does Count Dracula where he kills a hooker who turned him down when he only offered her $10. He targets the bullies from his work with the Hopalong Cassidy look and kills his boss using the mummy. So he's like completely makeup completely costumed out to the point where people are not recognizing him when he's there. The film climatically ends with him running around Mann's Chinese Theater dressed up as the prince from the Prince and the Showgirl. He's got Maryland kind of kidnapped sort of but she's also sort of into it with him. The psychologist has there because he's followed the story. And he is running around shouting things randomly, Eric, which is making everything worse at every turn until finally there's a showdown between Eric and the cops. And we see a similar scene to Cody Jarrett's death from white heat. I hated this film. I truly dislike this film. He's so unlikable. I know exactly who this guy is. I know this guy. This guy has been a guy in my life before. He is obsessed with films to the point where he is just belittling ever You want around him all you don't know who, who started in that role of Casa Blanca. I'm Barbara bar you. So you're like that movie you don't do your heart. Like, oh, let me tell you about this other thing that's he's so awful and mansplaining I kind of think he deserves to be bullied, and I have zero sympathy for him at all. The deaths are definitely great. I think that those work really well. And I'll get back to that in a second. But they don't start killing people until about halfway into the damn film. It is so long. It is so long. And we are meeting characters in random parts where you're like, why are we meeting you? Who are you? What do you matter? The psychologist even makes no sense why he's there. The first time he meets Eric because he really wants to help troubled teens. He's like, Well gotta remember he's just a child who's been through some crazy shit. He yells at him in Mann's Chinese Theater, you're out of your walking. And this is his big attempt at helping this guy. Um, the first time that and also, there's there is a moment though, where I truly love the psychologists where he's fucking the female police officer and comes out from under the covers when they finished and he's holding the TV remote and a box an entire box of Ritz crackers. I'm like, I don't know what you did under there. But man, you guys had a great time. Very strange, very strange. Um, the good things about it, you know, I get I really enjoyed seeing a lot of older la I know it's only 1980s but I think that a lot has changed in the city. And you get to really see these locations up close and personal. They're on set. They're in places including a movie storage ball, old theater, streets, the boardwalk. That's really cool. The makeup that he does for the killings is super fucking fun and great. The killings are awesome. I wish that that was more of what the film was. But um, yeah, anyway, moving on to some trivia. tagline. Me Eric Binford the ultimate movie buff. You know someone like if you know someone like him, run Gwen Guilford who is the female cop was pregnant during filming of the production and they had to quote unquote hide her stomach and most of the shots however, that's not true because she had her boobs out and her sure open and one of the scenes and I was like, oh, no, I can see a lot. That baby in her belly is now Chris Pine. What? The bizarre looking Chris Pine. I don't think she agrees with you on that. I disagree. However, yeah, he was starring in this film as well. He does first movie was him exposed. I mean, literally in his blood. That's amazing. He was right there front and center. I will tell you in that shot. I think he was very tiny. I don't even know if she was pregnant. Or she knew she was pregnant at the time. But they say she did. The horror of Dracula from 1958. The clips were used from that because Universal Studios denied permission for the use of clips from actual 1931 Dracula. The use of Hopalong Cassidy the 1952 footage of this resulted in William Boyd enterprises suing the makers of this movie for 15 million, as they deemed the use of clips unauthorized, not shocking. I think they just use the shit out of whatever they wanted to in this movie. This this second theatrical rule for Mickey Rourke and the woman who played Marilyn went on TV in total obscurity after this. The novelization of the film was written by Ron Ron Reynold It is available in a beautiful box put together by vinegar Stress Syndrome and is streaming free on shutter. I have that box it's a common in the freezer. Second about it. I share I'm thinking about it. I'm gonna open my freezer someday. So weird. And yeah, there's there's a lot of really good uses of movie in movie for this. There's a lot of him sitting in the theater dressed up as like black and white Dracula, which does not seem weird and 1980s la, there are a lot of people who look to be dressed up all kinds of stuff. And this of course, all the films that he's watching and flashing back to you so yeah, I mean, today, you couldn't do this movie, because somewhere in the writing process, someone would say, Are we supposed to like this guy or not? And I don't think an audience is gonna connect with him. So we need to, we need to make him geeky, but likable, and then show that snap being justified. Yeah, but you know the fact that I mean, he is so unlikable even before he snaps but the fact that he snaps is because a girl was late for a date. It's likely for a date and then he hit on the prostitute waiting at the bus stop offered her $10 She laughed at him got in the car and left and he was like, It's over now. Eric, do you have a move? You think you want to let me put down the buzzer want to push now? No. Oh, geez cat oh good one shot for that shit on the floor okay so well this is similar to Kelly's in the last one that turned out after watching this that this is a stretch to call it a movie within a movie. Movie 2011 theater bizarre Welcome to the theater, a place of enchantment six. I see you've come alone mystery to me. You're not going anywhere on Jimmy you're telling me what's going on Syers I've been unfaithful to you. And love you pool for see when you wake up to three to one wake up. Dreams can be a release through life. That's a distortion. This is my turn. all about moderation it takes place in a theater. Yeah. Well the wraparound story takes place in a theater but it's a live theater. As I say and you want to get to it, there is one scene that makes it work. Definitely not a road movie. I'll tell you that much. It's next to a road. Anyway, it's rotten tomatoes. We have 38 from the critics and 36 from the crowd a little harsh, but not totally out of line. This is anthology so I'm not going to get into too deep, but some of these directors or people did. I'll just list them off and make comments when they get to their segment. Douglas Buck did the accident. Buddy Giovanna sock that I love you. David Gregory for sweets. Karen was saying for vision stains. Jeremy caston did the framing story with Udo care. And the Tom Savini did wet dreams and Richard Stanley did the mother of totes. The framing story was written by Zach Chancellor Richard Stanley Scarlett Ameris wrote the mother of totes along with Emiliano runs Ami. Rudy Do you have Asano wrote I love you John Esposito wrote But dreams Douglas back wrote the accident Kevin was saying road vision stains and David Gregory wrote suites not going to bother with the actors because there's an average film worth of actors in every one of these shorts, except for maybe one or two that have a small cast. Most have plenty of people. unless something comes up I mentioned it. The two leads are AUTOCARE and Virginia new Komori wraparound story. This is a co production films by Severan film productions, so they put up the money for it. The film starts with a woman across reclose theater, she doesn't look too healthy but she decides I want to go to this close down theater and hanging out with the open door and looking all crappy and shabby. The idea of this anthology is sort of a grand googan all kind of thing where they're doing violent things on stage. The connections are weird between the wraparound story and then the story that is told I'm not sure what how it connects. But that's alright first fell mother of Toads based on a Clark Ashton Smith story with HP Lovecraft elements including like the Elder Sign and a few other things. young couple of traveling in France, researching Lovecraft and these interesting weird things keep happening that sends him down the road to well, not doing real well. But the girlfriend he's with once a vacation. Not surprisingly, after revelations of the kind of man Richard Stanley could be, he's a real dick to the woman. All right, but some real icky stuff goes on the movie as far as like Toad sly I'm in weird shit. But overall it's a fairly well realized short film. That's pretty decent. The second film Yes, I'm going I'm going Vanessa speed for this one because there's just too much to cover called I Love You is about a man that wakes up in a bathroom covered with blood and a nasty cut on his hand. The dark, the director is buddy Giovanni sick who have talked about before on the show, he directed the dark and disturbing combat shock from the 80s. And he had more money for that than I think he did for that. In the movie, the bag, the guy who wakes up blood has I think a wife who's sick of him and his leaving him. It's a decent segment. It's the people are uncomfortable and hard is sort of like combat shock where the people are very, he shoots a strong reality and what he does, but the story itself is just fine. It's good. It's not terrible, wet dreams directed by Tom Savini, who I'm sure you've all heard of. Oh, yeah. Debbie Rashaan is in this one. The opening has some similar indirect similarities to Lovecraft and the movie teeth. So build that of what you will in your mind. And here is where we get the really loose ass connection of a movie within a movie. The guy has been trapped and is being tortured by the woman upstairs and playing on a movie and on a videotape in front of them is the film of their wedding. So there you go. Where the judges take that the fourth film is called the accident. This one's directed by Douglas Bach, who did the ungodly hard to watch an incredibly well done series of short films called family portraits. Just a trilogy of short films that all interconnect as a family based story. And so this one is also a family based story. This has, if you have any, any problem with animals being hurt in a movie, do not watch this segment. The deer segment is incredibly hard to watch and really, really grim. And it's all reflected by this little girl who's watching everything happening. So it's just dark on top of dark and the storyline the music is all sad and depressing. I mean, this is a rough watch. When I saw it was Douglas buck. I was like oh shit, because family portraits has never left my brain because Douglas Buck knows how to get depressing and sad parts of family life. fifth film vision stained direct by Kareem Hassan, who was the DP on infinity pool, possessor random acts of violence and 40 more features. Oddly enough, it looks really good at first, but then the budget constraints I think come into it and it really takes on a really bad video quality, which was kind of surprised that this one is not for either of you. Anyway, the whole movie involves needles going in and out of it. All times. Good. Really, really graphic and close up I mean, cut. The story actually is really interesting, because the lady pulls out people's memories from their eyes and then injects it in her own eye. So you double the fun and ends up not working out very well for her but it's it's well told the six films suites David Gregory, producer of 272 Productions director of 273 films, co founder of separate films. He's done a whole bunch of shit like the Al Adamson documentary lost soul color out of space he was a producer on and he's currently working on a Bruce movie called enter the clones of Bruce Lee. That might be very interesting. Because good ship this one is really freaking gross. It's a big food fetish weirdness of people eating disgustingly on film and gross noises and gross stuffs entirely unpleasant experience to watch. So I guess he achieved what I'm sure he was after with it. Yes, it's your works. And the wrap up at the end is fine. Right? Okay. There was kind of a story there. But like, Udo becomes more human as it goes on since okay. Like my last one I watched on the last episode. This was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. By the time I was done, I was like Jesus. And it's like, with all this, all of our announcements for the festival went out the week I was working on this. So I'm like, Well, this is this is how I got to shoehorn it in because I don't got time to watch another one. So that's how I shoehorned it. had a family that that may have been let it slide this time. This was a little annoying, because each director was given the same budget, but I could not find anywhere what that budget was. And I was really curious because like the mother of toes looked phenomenal. And some of them looked not good at all. So it's like, very curious as to what they were spending. But they were given free rein to create whatever they wanted to, which is probably why this is an incredibly disjointed anthology, which has no thought stream to it. Although some of the shorts are some of the best I've seen in anthologies, even if they weren't thoroughly unpleasant. But let's see here practice to do to do some of the things you get in TV. Trivia things now Mike really like because I was like, Tom Savini had a hottie improvise the moment when he cleans his gown glasses. Late cool. Putting the trivial in this trivia. The segment of mother of Toads where she swam, they didn't have permits shocking. deed on this one. Wow. Although Tom Savini had a dream at Aiden, age nine similar to the opening segment of wet dreams, which you know, I'm surprised did not lead him down to a lifetime of celibacy. As a bad dream at nine years old by one thing and one thing real quick I did not realize Sephora doesn't just do their own stuff they do. bonus features for criteria and Warner Brothers MGM Paramount really MPI umbrella. Second Sight arrow Kino shout factory StudioCanal Grindhouse and vinegar syndrome. Oh shit. That's why that guy has so many production credits. Oh, sure. It's like a few years ago, like vinegar syndrome, and somebody else died the death seven or putting up the same movie? Sort of. There's all this talk. Oh, man. They must hate each other. Like, these are small companies. They all know each other. Yeah. You do know each other. They're all the same convention. And they go out and drink together afterwards. Yeah. So they have a two week Christmas party. So that was that was yeah, this is a movie I don't like but I do love Mother of toes. Yeah, it's really well done. Yeah. Okay. Hey, who's got the next choice? Eric? Oh, I just realized that as I was asking you, we didn't go through. Usually it's behind the behind the scenes as we do at some point we go now who's got the next one? Before we start recording? Is it Is this a cryptic con week though? I think that happens. Yeah. vols got ghosts to fall back. Well, I have one in mind. Oh, oh good. Okay, ready to go. I think we dive deep into the Italian world and sometimes France and Spain did versions of it of Giotto Phelps. Okay, well, this is not my favorite kind of stuff. But is there something that's off limits? Is there a film that's off limits? Oh, I wouldn't think so. Because the only big names and Kujala would be Argento or Bob or some of those guys maybe and I'd Zhan I don't know if you've seen through his animal trilogy or something which is marked as yellow stuff. This is a very blind area for me. Okay, cool. This is mostly blind area for me. So nice. Yeah, you both get the idea of what pretty much means. Certainly do enough research. I do understand that it's good to have gloves, kind of bourbon and stylized out the ass kind of stuff and red paint for blood. Yes. Frequently being required. Okay, so this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing our posts for commenting under the posts for participating in the value for value model. And just generally being awesome listeners. We really really appreciate your true if you want to reach out to us and leave us a message, the strange aeons radio hotline is 253-237-4266 That's 253-237-4266 Leave us message and let us know if we can use it on the air. We love doing stuff like that. Anything else guys? I don't think so. Okay, we're good. This is the end of the show. We will be back in seven short days we are talking gelato, transportation other considerations for strangely Hands radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Sit people sit. I think I'm gonna have to just come to terms with the fact that how awesome I Harris