Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 238

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Did you know out of 400M podcasts, only 156K release weekly episodes? YOU'RE WELCOME. Also discussed: The Last Voyage of the Demeter, TNMT Mutant Mayhem, Blue Beetle.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. How do you that's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Boy, guys, it feels like we haven't been together in forever. But it's really only been two weeks, it's definitely been two weeks. So bizarre, I'm pretty sure that the month that I saw you last was definitely something close to this one. You guys, I do a lot of reading and research and all this stuff. And I came across a very, very interesting fact that I think our listeners would like to know, did you know there are 4 million podcasts right now? Well, that's about every 90 days, only 400,000 of them put out a new episode. Oh, and when you knock that down to weekly, it is exponentially smaller. So I know that there are people who listen to the show and really love it and can't wait for it. I really appreciate that. We are doing something that apparently very few are doing and you can show us a little love by throwing some money at the at the pack. I don't think we've ever really talked about the fact that we have a subscription available on the PayPal. Yeah, probably because you know, it's weird. We're at that's okay. We're so bad at actually saying we are so bad at like selling ourselves. It's unreal. Unreal, we have a buyer buy me a coffee thing too, which can also be a subscription but it use it they don't use Pay Pal anymore. So I'm not sure how many years have we've been going how many episodes for every as we do this every single week, every single Thursday. And so that's the value for value. If you get some value out of this, go ahead and turn that back into whatever value you think is appropriate. And give it back. One of the ways you can do that is Eric started up on Facebook an actual page that you can post and discuss things on unlike our other page which we fought and fought and fought with. And Danny Williford was just beating us over the head with the fact that he couldn't post anything. And then it turned out, well, you can't actually post on business page, I reached out to the lady who runs our crypto con friends that crypto con Seattle stuff, which is a lot more people involved than we do right? And she said yeah, we a little while ago they shut down all all Facebook pages that are like labeled as a business or something like that. So only approved people can post and by approve Public means like admin is admins, you can even Carlos had told me that was the case. And as like that was not always the case. He said, Yes, it is. You're an idiot. It was not because I feel like I don't know, maybe I'm misremembering. It's the Berenstain Bears all over again. Dammit. But no, I love I love our new page. And I love that anyone can post and I love the conversations that have been started there. The only thing I don't love is when I posted a question. But there were so many Autobot Welcome to our group that my question got buried underneath everyone who is joining. And finally people responded. It's got a lot of now. Yeah, there's a there's a lot of movement on that page. And it is I don't know if there's some way you get to it. But I assume if you search for strange aeons radio talk, yeah, it should. It should show up. And you can recognize a lot of names on there because it's Danny Willeford and Carlos and Micah and everybody commenting and discussing stuff and I decided to use it as the as a way to talk about films that I wouldn't normally talk about on the podcast. It's good. That's awesome. I think that there's you know, there's little extra Val value there if that's what you want as us you know, and we love interacting with you guys. So yeah, please jump on there. Please. Talk to us. Ask questions. Engage with us about the show. We love hearing what you have to say, Danny because apparently he wants three needled and argue with people so we'll see how that goes. Oh my god, a rabble rouser. But yeah, if you want to see more of a shooting or mouse off, it's right there. available at your fingertips strange aeons radio talk on Facebook because as cool as we are, we're still old people and Facebook is about as quick as we can go. Unfortunately, we are. We are aesthetic In our ways, we're not yet ready for me. Whatever, you know, Twitter or something never worked very well for us ever. I mean, even before all the weird stuff that's going on, but I've heard about Facebook, it feels more. You can see the people that are talking like Instagram, all the comments are buried under a giant picture and Tik Tok, you've got a video, but all the comments are someplace else. And it's just a stream of comments. Facebook is still more of a set conversation. And it also feels like Instagram, which I actually enjoy, because it's just photos, but Instagram and Tiktok that all seems to be kind of based on the celebrity. And you then just say, I love you and all this stuff. They are really cool. And you should just listen to my mouthpiece now. Yeah, and I liked the I liked the conversation. I liked the interaction. So I feel like Facebook is still the only place you can really get that going. Yeah, watch the space for our upcoming live journal. Where we're gonna really go deep here MySpace is still around to MySpace is incredible. You know, we've got it, we could start a band tracks when you go to our site, guys, it's gonna be so cool. Anyway, knowing HTML, we can make a cool background wallpaper, make a donation, it will make you one of our top eight. You guys, I was talking with our listener friend will Lau and he occasionally gives me suggestions on things that he thinks I might like. One of the things was a Japanese artist named kazoo Metso. Oh, yeah. And I said boy had not heard of this guy at all. But I'll check it out. And so I jumped on to Amazon and I decided to download Kindle and it said, you purchase this and 2019 Oh my God, it was like and so then I sifted through everything that I ordered. And I found it and I just bought it never read it. I don't know why. But I started reading it in his called the drifting classroom. And it is fantastic. It is about a group of school kids like first two first through sixth graders who suddenly something happens and their school and the yard around their school is now like drifting in the cosmos. This a manga? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And it feels just based on the that it was probably from the 80s or maybe early 90s. And it has a lot of screaming kids, which you know, I love I'm a fan. But the story is so much fun. And it's really interesting. And I just wanted to say hey, thanks. We'll all make this call. Such a cool recommendation. I love that. Well, I you know, it's been a I guess it's been a hot minute since I've gotten to share some of the films that I checked out. But I did go weirdly how strange for me to a movie theater, and saw something in the realm of very Vanessa oriented. I saw the new Ninja Turtles movie. Mayhem. Either of you check this out yet? Not yet. Not yet. Oh, my God, you guys. Well. It's really good. So I do have to say you need to change your expectations about what you're gonna get. Because if what you're desperate for is the thing we've seen 1000 times, you're gonna be mad. Oh, yeah. So if you're like, I want Shredder, and I want Bebop and Rocksteady to be like his husband. And I want to see like crying somewhere out there. And I want to see the turtles as quote unquote teenagers, but they're actually obviously in their 20s You're, you're gonna be a little sad about it. But as a rewrite as a rework, and as some new art that is done by people who grew up loving the Ninja Turtles and playing with the action figures. There are so many amazing easter eggs in it. It's incredible. Like, there was a point near the end of the Ninja Turtles original cartoon where they were just pumping out awful characters for the action figures that they could solve. And you see them pop up in this movie and you're like, oh my god, you this is amazing. I would also say that the Ninja Turtles themselves are awesome. They're all the actual like teenagers, like maybe freshman in high school kind of age. Maybe even like middle school. I'm not I can't quite remember. But they're, they're young and they have their voice by young actors. And their interests are young, and there isn't like, Oh, I'm too tight and my shell joke. Thank fuck cuz if I have to hear one more of those, I'm gonna die. They're not aliens. Fuck. Somebody did actually read the comic like there's definitely a lot of love being given through this. My only literal only complaint about it is that I think that the voice of Michelangelo is a bit miscast, and his character seems to be mushed in a bit with Donna Telo, which for me is great because I love Donatella and if you make Donatella Michelangelo hybrid, I am going to be in such a happy place. But they gave Mikey not enough to do and not a great voice actor. But other than that, seriously, like the bad guy. Everything feels fresh. It's new. It's weird. It's really weird, but it's super fucking enjoyable. probably my second favorite film after the first live action. Man, this get really nerdy really quick is not on this show. Really cool really quick. I am so happy to hear this. Because I remember when the news came out that we you spoke off the air going out? No, this can't be good. Yeah. And I'm really happy to hear that someone who is as big a fan as you are. ended up loving it that much. It feels good, it feels fresh, and it feels well loved. And again, if you want a very specific thing, you're probably going to be pissed. You're probably gonna go on Twitter and be real mad about it. Have you read a lot of that kind of stuff or something? I just know. You just know when you see something you're like, oh world, like this is voice this male character who showed up in five minutes of one episode. In the 80s which I guess is now what 30 something years ago, it people are gonna be really mad. They're now voiced by a woman. You know, like, that's the kind of stuff that you're gonna see or Splinter is definitely a rewrite. But that it feels good at the same time. So it's fucking weird, but it's fun. I saw the trailer and I was like, This artwork is wild is really wild appealed to me. Yeah, they clearly took a page from the Spider Man across the spider movies. Like they they saw the art that you can do and the kinds of limits you can push on they went for it. Very cool. Would you say that it is aimed squarely at kids? Or is it kids for sure. This is a kids movie. But it's also aimed at anyone who enjoyed the Ninja Turtles as a kid too. Because there are so many easter eggs in there. You're just gonna be having a wildly good time going, oh my god is that thing oh my gosh, that well, they referenced this other thing. And it's not just the the, you know, action figures that they're referencing. They're referencing different movies, different artwork different, like they're referencing a lot of the canon. Nice. I know that Eric, you and I are are more of the original Twitty 80s, comic book stuff, but I don't know that there have been stuff. Things that have come out that have been Mutant Ninja Turtles stuff that I've been quite pleased with it hit the actual figures and cartoons about that age when you get in your teens where you pull out the bullshit that goes, Oh, I don't like these kids stuff anymore. I'm not going to pay any attention to it, then. 10 years later, go. Come on. Yeah, I mean, can you imagine that there was a point in my life where I said, I'm too old for toys. I know that looking around. couple summers. I don't believe that for a moment. I don't believe there was even a minute in which you were like, I can't. I'm gonna walk past this toy that I've like looks really cool. And it's not gonna my shopping bag. Whatever you do, I also watched a listener suggested film. Whoa, cuz you know the I'm doing that. 100 days a howl of horror. Michel de Bronzo said I got something for you. All right. shriek of the mutilated. Oh, let me tell you. This is awesome. I mean, it's horrible. Oh, but it's awesome. I don't know how to feel. Even has popcorn by hot butter being played in a party, where they actually have a popcorn machine in the corner. making popcorn while everybody's getting drunk. Oh my god, like, Oh, this is deep. It's sometime in the 70s I don't know. But it's a Bigfoot sort of story. It's actually more of a Yeti. And they have a great idea. This is a yeti that magically disappears when modern people come around it when modern people modern people is like have the words the modern man or the modern person but it's like, which actually doesn't happen when it shows up. I gotta tell you though, the look of the Yeti masks. They should have gone with the invisible it's epically bad. But it's it's really really fun to watch it is. cracked me up through a good, good chunk of it and then just with the ridiculousness of it the the leads are so the drama, we talked a lot about earned moments rising to anger. No, we don't need that to be screaming right from the start. And it's it twists and turns, and it actually ends up being something completely different than has nothing to do with the eddies by the end. So you know, thank you. Well recommended. I don't think I've posted it yet that I've watched it on the 100 days page, but I will, it'll show up there in a little while, for sure. And, yeah, thanks for that one I have now the other one, I believe was night of the beast, which I think is also a Bigfoot movie recommended to me, which I haven't watched yet, but I will. I like the Bronzo. But he's out to urge you. I've seen him suggests these kinds of movies to Pete rollick. Till, and it's, it's, I would always say, you know, don't do it. Don't you do it? I'm gonna be a tough hit for that. Because I love this shit. And the I would rather watch this than a medium budget boring film for sure. Anytime. There's another guy blanking on the name. It's one that I watched for this this awful Oklahoma made horror film from like 88 or 89. And it was so sincere, that I just loved it. Oh, wow. Terrible. It's awful. There's nothing redeeming about it as a film. But just as this time capsule, it's just wild. And I posted that on the 100 days and I'd like two or three people down below. I feel the same way. I love this movie. I don't know why it's terrible. While you talk about yours. I'll see if I can find at least the names I can tell you guys. Well, you're when you get back around to me. Okay. I should note that you can find Michael the Bronzo in his bed movie choices on the Lovecraft easing podcast. Speaking at the Bronzo he and I have been going back and forth about a movie and it suddenly a surprisingly dropped and I rented it and it is called last voyage of the Demeter. Oh, yes. The heard of many things. Yeah. I think there's a lot to like in this. I'm still scratching my head. Why it wasn't called something like Dracula. Kolon last voyage of the Demeter or something like that, because if you're a Dracula fan, you know what this story is? But if you're not, I don't think you have any idea what this story what's up with the boat? Dirt buckets? Yeah, so I I liked it. And even though it it follows the story fairly well takes a few turns there just to keep it interesting. But you know what you're getting into as far as how the story ends. And even so, they did a couple of things with the endings that I thought oh, that's nice. There's so soft recommend for a $20 rental absolute recommend for a $5 rental which has to be coming very soon. Nice, amazing. I am surprised but Okay, so the stinger the very very last thing on this movie. You were okay with? Oh, so you watch this? Why didn't you jump in? I will. I just I feel like I thought I told you I watched it. And it's been so recent that I've seen you already talked about a conversation about this already. Yeah, I liked it. Because we know how it ends. Well, as far as the book goes, like, you know how it ends? Well, you know how this Dory of the Demeter is everybody involved, but I mean, like the person who this mostly centers around suddenly having a new role. Right. Yeah. Know how it ends. Okay. I I felt like he had a very nice arc. Yeah. Regardless of what his ending is. Yeah. He was a hero. Oh, my God. Yes. Okay. Well, it's so hard because otherwise you can forget a whole lot and there's only like so much that there's, there's like a few little things you can hinge on here and there, but I mean, I liked it in the trailer. It's like there's no way we can let this creature reach London. And if you read the book, you know very well. Well, they tried to do something a little more interesting with the lead character, you know, rather than just kill him outright. Are they getting a sequel? That's the question. Well, yes, lately is Dracula. That's right. or other movie where Dracula makes landfall. And anyone involved on the ship is not at it. That's so funny. I didn't bother you. Well, I just like sitting in the pub and being like, Yes, I have a new mission. And then also seeing the, you know, the Dracula, who we know is going to be there. I was also like, How come no one notices that this dude looks like really fucked up. He's very much a Nosferatu Dracula. Just very like a bat with a top hat now doesn't blend into humanity very well really does it I was like, you can put as many clothes on the students you want. He's still gonna look not like a human being Nosferatu looking at the guy going, you know, you need to hide in a cave a little more. Some shadows. I guess London. It wasn't really well lit. But still, I was like, Okay, I felt kind of like That ending was for the people who aren't familiar with the book or whatever reason that this could have been just a Dracula movie that doesn't follow the book. Lord knows there's a million of those. And I don't know, I think it'd be great to see a YouTube sequel. That's four seconds long when he turns the corner and Oh, yeah. Oh, do you think he flies away? I lay turns into a bat. So I will say though, there are some spectacular moments, especially on the ship I loved. Because obviously he's taking people out one at a time. And he's doing so in different ways. But the one where he's just looking like injured and crawling and strange. That was like my favorite kill. I was just this. This is such a cool way to play this awful moment. And I've never seen a movie also that's a vampire movie where you genuinely are like, Oh, it would really fucking suck to be bit by this. And like, slowly have your life drained out. I've never had a film where I was like, not thinking that was just a cheesy thing I was looking at. Yeah, I was also surprised, you know, to see a child on the boat. And I was like, Well, how are they gonna do this? Yeah, well, they did it. Yeah. No problem. Yep. Just tell fans no big deal. Wow, yeah. Okay, I'm glad you I'm glad you check that out. I was really, really happy to hear your thoughts on it. Um, I also went and saw a film that recently came out I don't know if it pumped or not. Blue Beetle. Oh, it bombed. Bombed worse in the flashy oven. Oh, no. Did you like it? Um, it's super charming. It's I don't know, like, I I am definitely tired of superhero stuff. Yeah, I am carrying about 2% for anytime a superhero thing comes out at this point. I'm like, I guess I have to watch you. But I really don't want to. But you know, it was really fun. It had a lot of way better writing than most DC stuff, way better, like dynamics and characters than most DC stuff. And I saw it with a mostly Hispanic crowd. Holy shit. That was like so fun. Because there are people who just got there's a lot of jokes aimed specifically at anyone who is familiar with Mexican culture, South American culture. And there's a lot of things about like grandma's randomly going to use Vic's Baker Vapor Rub to solve every solution. And so and so it's gonna have like, way too many names. And there's a lot of jokes that people were getting that I probably would have missed. So it was really neat to kind of be in a crowd where the core audience was being, like seen. Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. So I would soft recommend that. If you want to see a superhero movie, and you like, Cobra Kai, then you're gonna probably enjoy this. Oh, I like that kid. I was really happy to see that he got a big movie. Yeah. And I was disappointed to hear that. It has not done well at all. And most people did not enjoy it as much as you did. Wow. I mean, it's a it's a kid's movie. Again, I'm like, Shazam. But even younger. It's not younger than Shazam. It's a little older. He's like, maybe 2122. Playing playing age. So I mean, it's old enough to drink, but not old enough to be hardened by life is where you're at. It's not that man. It's not dark. It's uplifting. It's family oriented. That is the problem. It's not a Schneider. It's not a Schneider film. Well, I'll definitely be checking it out when it swings into Macs or whatever it will be. Yeah, forget it. So I want to get this one quick before I talk about the one I really want to talk about. Blood lake was the movie. And this is what I wrote about 100 days and Jason Weiss mentioned it. I'm like, Well, that sounds interesting. So thanks for that. It's kind of like a no budget charming film that feels like a bunch of friends went out with a camera to make a movie. Movies like this always feel more real to the time than anything with a big budget. A lazy summer hanging out. I don't really know what to do but not caring. Until you know the killer starts taking people out. Big mistake. This is not a good movie by any metrics. But I enjoyed the hell out of watching blood lake. It's cheap as hell. It's wildly bad. The one I wanted to talk about was which was the the night strangler, I believe is the Seattle based one. Yes. Oh, okay. Those are so good. I can't believe I have never watched any of these movies. I am a little stunned myself. But I am going to now finish watching the series that's for sure. But it will now prepare to be disappointing. What is this the Night Stalker series and nights strangler is the sequel movie TV movie to the original night soccer TV movie, this come out race. Seven days. And the takes place and it takes place in Seattle. And what was it malignant that had the bad underground Seattle? This one's like times 10 Oh, no. They have electricity, full houses with three storey buildings and click. Like carriages. In the street and stuff. It's like, wow. But it's a lot of fun. And there are a few shots of Seattle, which look really cool. Yeah. as well. Because it's 95. Seattle. Man v relief guy in that. The actor's name I condemn again. Yeah. He makes the whole thing. Oh, yeah. You pick somebody else in that role. And I think you got it. Okay. Average made for TV movie, but, yes. But who played the nice Wrangler? Was that Tom Skerritt? No, no, I don't think so. I didn't recognize I'm sure he's a known actor. There's a lot of fun a long time since I've seen him but I remember. I remember liking the movie well enough. I didn't think it was nearly as good as Night Stalker. But yeah, it's not. But like you said, Darren McGavin is so easy to watch. It suffers a little bit because it's like 20 to 30 minutes longer. It's like a feature length where the nights strangler or the night. The first one is shorter. Oh, interesting. And is that based on a? Is this just like a wholly unique film or is it a sound book? Or is it based on real event? Richard Anderson? Oh, that's what it is. Yes. Oscar Goldmann $6 million, man. Yeah, it's they they were both written by I believe Richard Matheson and the other writers. Yeah. The movies were like the Night Stalker was like the highest rated ABC movie ever Intel whatever came along next. But that started the whole night stalker series and and then there's there's a couple of good ones in there. There's a nice actual direct sequel to The Night Stalker, and they're cool. But otherwise, it's pretty it was pretty short lived. Yeah, make it long at all. It's just didn't have the money to keep it up there and the whole thing's been remastered put up a Kino Lorber so it looks fantastic. They do have those areas that are very nice. Very nice. Well, okay, guys, how about we take a little break and then when we come back, we're talking rip off my name is Pete Buchanan. I'm the plant manager of velcro Canada celebrating its 50th anniversary. Invention of the Velcro product came from a bird Akbar. The inventor George de Mestral was walking with his dog through the Alps, and was intrigued by how well these managed to stick to his dog's fare into his pant legs. Velcro products have been used in a variety of applications for holding down artificial turf and sports stadiums. The infamous David Letterman fly on the velcro wall. The next 50 years is going to be an exercise and continuing our evolution along our innovation path with focus on operational excellence and customer intimacy. Hello, let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hey guys, like the bronze I was just saying what's up and I want to get gratulate Eric on adding shriek of mutilated, and that is a demon do his watch list of honor movies there got off on that as a demon is the 1980 Bigfoot rips off of bikers deck for putting on the side of the road. Neither the demons, nothing but the best buddy. Good luck. Can't wait to hear how it makes you feel inside. Take it easy guys we have returned you guys, this was my sub topic, or sub genre topic. And the idea of this was that there are all these movies that are legitimate big blockbusters, and then there's all these movies that kind of leech off of them by trying to be like them. Some of them are actual good movies. Some of them are not. But what I chose, oh, a good one. Is that amazing. I chose from 1989 a movie called blades, golf for the pros and tall grass. It's a game of big money and prestige. We're going to have the finest tournament this golf course has ever seen. Oh, my God, we're talking TV ROI. Again, we're playing around implies much more than just 18 Oh, I think I like your shot at a game with a term that's very recently taken on a whole new meaning. I've seen mutilations, amputations and decapitations. We're dealing with a maniac using some kind of a power tool is hitting seven shows. What are we gonna do? Now? They are faced with the dilemma of whether to call up the tournament? Absolutely not. You still don't know what you're dealing for confront the deadly killer on his own term Oh my god. Blades just when you thought it was safe to put Eric I know you have seen this just recently. I got a comment about it when you're done that. Yes. Okay. Budget, sir. 650,000 you start your timer. Oh, shit, fuck. How did you start your budget for nine minutes and 30? Yeah, give myself less than 10 minutes. It's official. Especially a lot. I mean, it hasn't but it feels like it has only been a week. Budget is $650,000 no box office. I know that it had a very very short theatrical run probably in New York or something because this is a trauma film. The audience gives it 37% And I say fuck off. It has no critics rating. It is written and directed by Thomas R. rodella, who has six credits, including a Girl's Guide to Sex and scrappers. And it is also written by John P. Finnegan, who has three credits, including girl school screamers, and all's fair. Excellent. And also William R pace, who has nine credits, including a Girl's Guide to Sex and all's fair. So these three guys hung out a lot together, starring Robert North who has one credit. However, Eric, he was an executive producer on barbarian queen, two, and Deathstalker and the warriors from hell. Excellent. And also stars Victoria Scott, who has three credits. But the other two movies are witness and Kingpin. Oh my god. She's gonna be like three years. Like a woman with stroller. Right? Right. And then Jeremy Whelan is in this. six credits, including the Beastmaster tragedy of King Lear and hot splash. You know? Witness I'm guessing you've never seen the movie blades. I have not. Okay, great. Is it Wait, okay, is it going to be riffing off? Blade? No, but you tell me if you figure it out. All right. Ice castles. First of all, this movie is amazing. And we started with a bunch of people who are sitting on the edge of the water at night and they've got a little fire going. They're eating conspicuously place Doritos and then this one girl leaves the fire and her boyfriend go take a walk instead say don't she is wearing a kiss Animalize t shirt and I was like rock on especially since in 89 that shirt would have been kind of goofy to be wearing. Yeah, that's several years. Yeah album. So as they walk, they pass a fluttering flag, which tells us they are on the edge of a golf course. They end up getting frisky to feel the long grass and of course, that's when they are attacked. We don't see what's coming after them. But it is shot point of view, much like the shark in Jaws, and it has a surprisingly just like feel to the music. So this movie, some might say is a rip off of jaws. I say it's a homage. Yes. And we all know the story of that. So I'm not really going to tell you the story. Because, you know, I'm just gonna tell you the seeds that are so much that it's hilarious. By the way, John's my favorite movie, I'm finding out that it is a lot of people's favorite movies. So we all know the story. The credits of jaws that are all underwater, perhaps the point of view of the shark. And the credits of blades are all flowing through long grass. Is it as if it is the point of view of a lawn mower? Really well? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is shot beautifully, actually. It's shockingly watchable. In jazz, we get Sheriff Brody played by Roy Scheider, who is a big city cop who has moved out to his tiny community and is not being embraced by the people who live there. And in blades we get Roy Kent, the new Pro instructor at the tall grass golf club. Excellent. One. In jazz we get to see more Brody and his deputy go over the sand dune to the police area where the half eaten body of the first girl was found. And in blades Roy and his assistant go to see the bodies of the people who are killed at the beginning and they are in a sand trap. Of course. In jazz, we have the mayor of the town who assures everybody that everything is alright. And in blades we have the owner of the golf course who even though they just found two mangled bodies in the same shoes, everybody everything is going to be all right. Plus he wants to keep it kinda quiet because they have a big golf tournament coming up and it's going to be televised and it means a lot to the golf club. No, not televised. We also learned that something happened in Roy's past that has made him kind of a wash up in the sport. It's silly character development, but it does pay off at the end. In Jaws they introduced us to the beach with all these people playing on it building sand castles swimming, sunbathing, and in blades they do the same thing with the golf course. Although it's people playing on a golf course that are bumping into each other. They don't know how to do anything. It's it's very clever. And it's kind of ridiculous unless you know the scene that I'm referencing. Of course, there's another death and a golf course club meeting that's very similar to the town meeting in jazz where the cops are all the club members that everything will be fine. Roy wants to postpone the tournament but the club owner absolutely will not allow it. While Roy is doing his own investigation, he finds a golf ball that he's trying to understand what could have possibly cut it up and shifted so badly. There is a Quint type character who shows up here a big bald guy who used to be the caretaker landscaper of the club. He's a very mysterious man that really meets when he's doing the investigation. He finds a stain on the grass but it's not blood. It's oil. This guy's name is Zeke and Z tells him that is a lot more oil that you would use for colder weather. He's considered an outcast and he's going to be played at mostly as a suspect for the murders that are coming up in Jaws finally it's the little kitten or boy who was killed when everybody's at the beach and everybody goes running out of the water and off the beach terrified while Sheriff Brody is running towards the water. Remember kids are getting knocked over babies are being scooped up everyone is screaming in blades what are the caddies goes into the woods to grab an errant golf ball and all of a sudden we hear a lot more startup and all this blood guts breaking out of the woods and other people who have been standing around the green of the nearest hole start running back and forth. It's all close shot so their feets and golf clubs falling a golf bag rolling way fucking hilarious of course is where the club owner announces that they are putting up a reward for anyone who can find the maniac that is killing all the people on the golf course. In Jaws that's where we see the scene of all the boaters going out with shotguns and meat and roasts as bait various harpoon guns and stuff. And in blades we see the exact same thing. But it's all on the golf course. And it's a guy with dogs. It's a guy with a gas mask and a hand gun. It's a guy trying to start up a chainsaw on the background. There's American flags everywhere everybody's got shotguns, rifles. There's a girl with a hatchet and then there's just this one there's one scene where these two guys fence pass the camera. Oh my God. Is that a kind of airplane love it. Let's see hinges. Of course the hunters catch big tiger shark and they think that they've got the shark that has been killing the people and in blades the catch the Quint guy Zeke and his lawnmower and they strung up the lawn mower like the tiger shark. There's a perfect scene right after that where an old lady comes and slaps the ROI on the face because her husband was killed by the mower and he let her husband go golfing knowing there was a killer on the loose. I'm gonna push through this quickly. Roy in his assistant, his assistants name is Kelly, which seems weird for me to just go Ryan Kelly. Right. Right. So Ryan is assistant go to the warehouse where they're holding the lawn more and he takes a knife and cuts open the grass catcher bag that was connected to the mower and starts pulling out things grass leaves and an old copy of Playboy magazine, but no blood or body parts. So Roy and his assistant go out on at night and they find a golf cart that has been abandoned, abandoned halfway in a pond. It's a scene of Hooper going underwater. Blah, blah, blah, gun running out of time here. Dan that fake has is amazing. It's got like a crow's nest built on top of the roof. At random weird shit on the put on the side. Instead of chum they're throwing out bales of hay with balloons attached to it. So when we finally do see the long bar, it's got three balloons attached to it like the three barrels that are attached to the shark in Jaws. So it's it's fucking fantastic. This lAmore is actually terrifying. It's like a big huge roadside thresher. Yeah, well. It's because I had so much to talk about on this. The thing is, this is a great little movie. I don't know if you stayed for the after credit scene where they started to SQL. Oh my God. And the only trivia I can find on this is that vinegar syndrome is released a Blu ray with commentary and making a documentary. One of the things vinegar syndrome has ever put out wow, it my first thought as I'm nearing the end of this movie, and it gets to get to the part where it's like, you know, the one guy who's got to die, like on the boat about how are they going to pull that off? And it's so fucking brilliant. Like, that is awesome. But how is this movie not a giant cult film riot. It should be playing somewhere in the country, every weekend at midnight. It's it's a I think that in 89 it was just on the cusp of being kind of stupid to still be making jazz jokes. And you know, cuz that was 15 years after jazz now. So now we've all come to agree that you know jazz is right up there in the top 10 of movies of all time and seeing something like this. There were so many movies that did jazz jokes, and spoofs and stuff like that still wouldn't even say this was a spoof it's shot to Well, yeah, the acting is not good. But it's not good in a trauma kind of ways. It's a very fun weird it's a winking at the camera kind of moment. You know, our movie, and they all know what movie they're in. Okay, but it really has no right being this good. I actually watched it twice. Oh my god, I got to the end. I'm like, I wish I had time. I want to start this over and watch it again right now. So yeah, this is called blades. It's available on prime. And it's super fun. I think that if you're a jazz fan, you're gonna find a lot to like in this. I mean, the premise alone, I'm just my brain is trying to wrap around it and it sounds absolutely incredible and absolutely awful. It is kind of awful. I mean, it's, it's really stupid. It's a it's a sentient loss. Yes. But if you can get past that it's also a very loving homage to the movie Jaws. So good. That's so awesome. Well, I don't I don't know if I really can can live up to that hype. Frankly. I think it's downhill. excrement extra mentally. Mentally um, yeah, I'm going to say set your set your sights a little bit lower. I went with the 9093 movie connoisseur. I'm Kendall lizard. The Earth does not need for us. She was made for the dinosaurs. The earth was scaled to their dimension. Human beings are ants crawling through their living rooms that's really fabulous. Like a great theme park because I did not realize that there was this incredible Jurassic Park ripoff and how could I not see? A dinosaur ripoff movie? 10 minutes on the board. All right. Yeah, this is something else. This is something at two minutes or something else. Oh, well, that's nice. Isn't Oh, wait to tell you my writing time with a film I've got 82 minutes is great. Like. It is not available anywhere except for free on YouTube and many different formats. So if you want to watch it, it is free on YouTube easily. You'll know you've got the right one because they're all the same link. Rotten Tomatoes score of 10% from critics and 23%. From audience. So high budget 850k. box office it brought in 1.8 million. Yeah, sure. Because produced by Mr. Roger Corman. So director Adam Simon, he actually only has eight credits to his name for directing, which includes connoisseur, and brain dead. He also did, really behind the scenes John Landis on an American Werewolf in London. He directed the American nightmare. And also the music video for Marilyn Manson Cupid carries a gun. However, he also helped write on this and he wrote four books of blood. He wrote for Salem 36 episodes, he was actually the creator of it. Haunting in Connecticut, the movie bones. He's got a kind of almost okay writing background, which shocked me frankly, based on the movie you watched, written by John Brosnan, who is the author of the book, and I'll get more into that shortly. Yeah, so starring Diane lattice Dr. Jane Tiptree 144 credits, including Chinatown. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Wild at Heart and Lynn empire in 23 episodes of an Alice TV series not sure if it's related. Rafael's submerge as a doc Smith 180 credits to his name including 46 episodes of Once Upon a Time as Dr. Archie hopper is in risky business and a slew of lieutenants majors detectives and the like in other various films. Jennifer Runyon as an Thrush 38 credits including Ghostbusters as female student, Silent Night bloody night to revival and a Brady. A very Brady Christmas as Cindy Brady but not in the actual Brady Bunch series. And I did notice a Clint Howard running around here and there. You would know him from 255 different things including a lot of Star Trek rules. Ice cream, man waterboy Apollo 13 Oh, and the voice of roo and Winnie the Pooh in the blustery day. All right, Clint Howard, what do you know the story follows chickens. If you believe the first like five minutes of the film, where there's a lot of stock footage of chickens and a lot of like dark green texts written on top of letting you know like a countdown and like what the chickens are being bred against and like how they're trying to get the end result of chicken but it's like iguana and chicken and turkey and chicken and ostrich and chicken and mostly other like birds and chicken and I was like, Okay, I'm not sure where this is going. Jane tip tree and weapon a military weapons specialist has retreated from public life and is doing research with unit Corp. Or you Eunice. I don't know no one says it out loud. They are letting her work and undisturbed as she's got an iron clan three year contract where they basically are just like, Alright, go work on your chicken thing, lady. I'm sure it's definitely not anything else. No one knows what she's actually doing. That's fine. However, one of tip trees, chickens and transportes hatches a there's like a bunch of eggs and one of them is a dinosaur. And it jumps out. I mean, it's some kind of lizard creature. Definitely not a dinosaur that jumps out and kills the driver and escapes into the Nevada desert. While at a nearby quarry, Doc Smith, who is not a doctor, I don't think is a guard for a large construction projects machinery. He keeps an eye on stuff and prevents people from stealing it and messing with it. However, people do keep trying to steal it and mess with it because there is a like hippie commune nearby. And they keep showing up all the time disturbing his drinking time. He however, managed to catch one. It's a beautiful girl who has a very scary, weird looking mask on. It's like a ski mask. So it looks like she's gonna murder him. But he rips it off and she's blonde and gorgeous. But he's drunk and he can't tell and he calls the cops and they're like, I don't know, we can't be there. Right now there's a trucker who's been murdered by something. But why don't you watch her and we'll show up eventually. However, he's drunk and falls asleep so she gets away. He then goes to the nearby commie the next day, but decides not to turn her into the police because she's pretty. Meanwhile, the dinosaur or sores begin to murder people nearby including a researchers daughter and friends and Mexican worker and some policemen. The commune girl ties herself against docs machines again, with her friends, because I guess she didn't learn her lesson. And he's like, Haha, well, there's a bobcat rule loose, probably. Definitely. Because that's what seems to be murdering people. I'm gonna go get dinner. Hope you guys don't die feeling weird. Dinosaurs show up and kill and eat the commune people. Things start to take a little bit of twists. So doc arrives back to find the massacre. He gets the girl free, kind of. But then he sneaks off to the corporation. For some reason. I don't know. There's a lot of plot that feels missing. Like steals the guards uniform is thinks in there. He's like, What are you guys up to? And I was like, Wait, how do you? What? Do you know any of that? Okay, that's fine. And leaves the girl alone in his place. And she has to fight a dinosaur. Don't worry, she shoots some of the shotgun and the next scene, she has a fever in a hospital room. Very confusing. Not quite sure. But this takes a big turn into a weird fever situation may or may not have something to do with Tip tree doing some kind of experiments hoping to get rid of human beings and replace them with dinosaurs. Who knows? Will doc manage to get a cure add the lab in time? Or will the entire town be slaughtered by the government who has enacted a quarantine? Who's to say this is something it's something else? The dinosaurs. They're really fun. I will say like I really enjoyed them a lot. They they did these sort of animatronic dinosaurs that move really like wonky. And they're like really jarring to stare at. And that kind of gives them a fierce quality that I really enjoyed. They have a little one, they have a really big one. They have very different quality of movements, which is fun. They're the big ones mouth is always always covered in blood. Pretty good. And at one point is way too well lit and you're like Sir, Ma'am, please, unlike this dinosaur, we do not need to see it. They can get through anything very easily. At one point, like one of the little ones like jumps into a Jeep through the leather. And I didn't quite see a jump through and all of a sudden eating everyone inside. And I was like, whoa, this thing moves real fast and is real fierce and everyone's dead. And they're moving. They're growing very quickly. There's a very, I don't know, it's hard because the acting, the sound design and the writing are all so bad. That it really makes it difficult to sit through and enjoy the murder dinosaur scenes and we're cutting from scene to scene in a really efficient yes, we're telling a story away that I just don't care. I'm like, I don't want to know about all these people. I don't care about the commune. I don't care about the cops. I don't care about suddenly caring about the cops wife who has a fever who I met one scene previous. There's, I don't know. There's a lot of strangeness in this film that makes it a little boring, which I wish it was just more dinosaur massacre. Trivia This is based on John Brosnan. 1984 sci fi novel connoisseur. It came to the attention of Roger Corman at an author's book signing tour. He first approached Brosnan to write the screenplay in mid 1991 by Corman's wife, Julia, who managed to they all managed to formalize the deal at a bar on napkins. So you know, there you go. Although Corman secured rights to connoisseur, it was only it only went into production when he learned that of Jurassic Park entering production. corpsman felt that quote, now is the time to shoot our movie because he knew he could make the movie faster than anybody else and get it out first, and quote Adam Simon a frequent collaborator with Corman, who is tasked with directing connoisseur and writing it screenplay. The crew allocated more time to carry out their work than was typical for Corman production, with Simon having six months for research and writing. Yeah, on a small budget, his screenplay ignored key plot points of the novel and reduced a large variety of the dinosaur species to two. Which is funny because I did not realize there were two species I just knew there was a big one and a little one. According to Corman, the main antagonist Dr. Jane tip tree was originally envisioned as a male actor to be played by male actor who had a great deal of strength and at the same time an intelligent person, but with no one available. Corman rewrote the character as a woman and offered it to Diane Ladd, having previously worked together in the 1966 film The wild angels. Although side note as TV Guide noted, gene chip tree, played by Diane Ladd is in fact, the mom of Laura Dern starring in Jurassic Park Corman realizable suddenly maybe capitalism will some some weird, weird, that's about right. Yeah. Principle photography last 18 day, let's see connoisseur of special effects are designed to do real time models as opposed to the stop motion. They had seven weeks of pre Pro and they sculpted a three foot puppet and then three weeks to create a life sized T Rex the final creature was 16 foot tall, 25 feet long and weighed 450 pounds. The guy who crafted this also noted that the cost of the dinosaur also noted the penultimate fight scene was nearly shot for shot remake of the finale of aliens. So not just ripping off one thing. corpsman and the Hollywood Reporter stated that the film was originally scheduled to open June 11 1993, the same day as Jurassic Park. However, a week later, the same magazine announced that Corman was expected to premiere the film on May 13 at the Wilshire Theatre in Ogden, Utah to coincide with the city's new George S. Eccles, Dinosaur Park. The film was shown in Ogden may 13, and received a regional release may 14 1983. So technically, it was a rip off that came out before the thing it ripped off. Yeah, this movie is something else. But you saying that it made that much money explains why there is a connoisseur to and connoisseur three indeed connoisseur three primal species. Yeah, I was at Suncoast when this came out, and it actually did all right. As far as that kind of a film release. Incredible. Yeah, like it. He did some really clever marketing. And I'm sure that in many people's view, they were just like, oh, it's like a side piece. Dido hustle, who cares thing but it made enough money to I mean, that's at least doubling its budget for corpsman that's a pretty good box. Yeah, especially in that point. Well, Eric, let's see if you are going to continue something that I can now turn into a Spielberg rip off Episode Oh no. What a fucking hassle I should have said that if that's what you want it I didn't know I wanted it until blades No, mine is not mind filmed is called for a four S's and three H's yay Oh welcome to Simon Nice to meet you again hi to squash two students safely possible serial killing and he got in when he was. Now, that's important because there's a surprising number of things coach including a current Filipino A podcast that's all about sexual storytelling culture. Okay, this came out in 2003. The Rotten Tomatoes has not a single review from a professional and only 50 reviews from regular folk. So no consensus at all. Not sure what the budget is, but it made 6.7 million in India. So it did very it actually did fairly well. It's available on screen box directed by purvanchal, who also directed koi a non hosted horror anthology series. Why? The answer and karma writer by Ashad side who wrote breach their breath into shadows for TV the office, which apparently didn't do very well in India at a lot. He also did with 289 episodes of acting tenacity McCurry, who was in chop and codename Abdul is her first film. Dino Dino morea was in the empire, metalhead Fight Club, members, olan members, which the movie is for college friends started an underground Fight Club in order to earn quick money. Nevertheless, they become suspects for a murder of a man it turns out to be the mob boss, his brother. So you know, it's not based on Fight Club. Koran, no, not UF is Mr. India turn a dangerous obsession. And D. This is a borrowing of Scream. Oh. It starts out in a strange version of screen where there's a woman playing racquetball in a house in a obviously a very large house because it has a racquetball court inside of it. And instead of her like her boyfriend's up there talking to her and he disappears. And instead of a phone call, you get a loud, like a creepy voice over person talking to her and she's like, is this You Sunny? And when she gets stabbed? When he gets stabbed and falls onto the racquetball court she finds out Oh, no, it's not. And for some reason, she starts running away from what looks like a security guard. Guard. That's a weird look for the killer. No, that's not the killer. It's the dude standing on the other side of the air hockey table, wearing a weird kind of clown mask. And just before he kills her, you know, because it's screen. He goes. Don't stop there. Wow. What a catchphrase. This is important because it's frequently mentioned. But so then the opening credits are a song. Almost snow clad people were dancing around on top of a mountain with the killer, but with a different mask with them. And I somebody else who I'm assuming is the singer, although they're not really even pretending to sing. So I don't know what's going on. But hey, all right. It's a music. It's a movie from Hindi, or in Hindi from India. So you know. So it's like Bollywood official. No, nothing. So the this is the story of the lady. The lady who's killed this is her sister. Her uncle is the lead cop. Have they found a killer? No, of course they haven't. And then the killer calls her while she's in a store as like, well I killed when I killed your sister. She was an all white. You're wearing all white? I guess I should kill you. Wow. Okay, whatever reason you need, I guess. So then we get to meet the group of friends. And these friends are as cliched as you would expect. It's amazing. It's a totally different culture, totally different language. But you've got the same kind of here's the douchebag. Here's the jock. Here's everything. It's all right there. There's that teacher I think that discovers the killers in the ladies room. And she discovers this because when she sprays an air freshener that they have sitting against the wall that she takes off and sprays a coughs. Boy, then he kills her. And several minutes later, there's a whole bunch of kids standing around filling the hallway. And there's a bloody footprints of the cops as you put your foot next to this your foots too small. It does that like two or three people. And you use the sadness at establishment of how this you might be the killer so everybody in the school now knows like how calm down there Sherlock. He's really working it the it is kind of fun. What there's one really kind of interesting thing about watching this movie just as a film watching. They switch completely naturally from English to Hindi, hindi while they're in general conversation, it's really interesting like one sentence is one and then just right into English and back. That sounds kind of cool. Melodrama is huge. It In this one tells a sad story the lead tells a sad story about writing a poem about her career, how great her family is, and how sad about her sister's death. Anyways, so then we get the chase through the house, you know where she, in the original she stuck her finger up her nose. So what am I doing and then he chases around the house, we hit that scene. But she does something smart in that she immediately runs and calls her uncle. Deputy Dewey was a lot more fun than the uncle cop. And there's no Gil, whether it's in this film. So they capture based I think largely on the footprint that the guy they think is the killer. You know, he showed up outside the house like the guy and scream. So hey, great, they got the killer. What are they going to do with the remaining two hours of this movie? Oh my god. It's time for the house party. I'm like, How long is this party going to be? Because you know, that's the end of screen. This is the party. So Nope. Oh, but it is time for a song. Excellent. This is part of the reason I actually wanted to watch this. I was hoping to have a lot more songs. Oh, he has like three and they're they're all pretty good for you know, this kind of film. So this one was good with the dorky guy who loves the girl being upset because she likes the new stuff guy showing up. But you know, it's fun. Now they go on to do the car wreck seen the they did manage to find a house that looked a lot like it at least in one shot. So now they think the Killer Is Dead because he supposedly died in this car wreck or after the car wreck. So now what's left to the one hour and 40 minutes left. And that's the the first the first series I told you about what shoe size is well now there's been a battle in a cold river. So everybody who sneezes the next day at school is automatically a suspect. Oh my god that's worth more stuff, the mellow drama of complaining and whining and crying. But then they move far away from Scream and pick up another film because they all decided let's go on vacation together. And they're doing I still know what you did last summer. Oh, wow. And there's another good song about the this is two of the lame guys complaining about how much she likes this guy as they avoid picking her up picking him up as they drive down the road to the to the thing but he's he's singing along and a happy walk with his big old backpack just having a grand old time meeting up with him. I wish they had like four more songs in this movie because it would be a lot better. Because that was an awesome one will all be revealed in the next hour and 15 minutes left in the movie. Yeah, exciting time. This time they go out to a disco. And they do a song and then they get in trouble with the cops because they were dancing too much at the disco or something. It was very hard to understand. That's largely the film. It's almost three hours long. Oh my god. Oh, I was thinking okay, it's gonna be three hours long. It's gonna have like five or six musical numbers and no, thrice at three musical numbers. And a whole lot of just talking and being weird and like, it started off kind of fun. And if it had been 90 minutes, it would have been a lot of fun. But by that last 40 minutes when they get to the final killer reveal and the killer thing they reveal the killer Am I Oh good. It's almost over 20 minutes are left in the movie. 20 more minutes. Talk a lot of running around. No, no, there's some more killer stuff. The various is just like I think I talked on the last episode, the director of this one also loves to tilt the screen tilt the camera by the tilting of the camera when it's scary time. There's a little more blood than you might see in your average indie movie, but it's nowhere near as violent as a US horror film. But yeah, this was 2000 threes. Yeah, no, yeah, right in that, that dimension. Yeah. Scrapping to still write as to Fado sounds like such a fun concept. Like that's what I thought the Indian singing version and I get that there's an expectation for different cultures when you go to a movie theater that you are going to go there there's going to be movie there's going to be like breaks in between there's you know there's there's certain ideas so that's probably why I was responding to this but yeah, there's there's a lot a lot of overdone drama, and weird scenes that could have been two minutes long but to go like 10 minutes. So I mean, yeah, my favorite part of the movie was the road song that is singing on the road and they're driving by him and make her look away. So she doesn't seem that they just drove by him on the road and he continues to sing along and dance in a very I feel like I've just got to walk however many miles it seems to be to get to my destination and get a ride in the back of the car and sync with all the people in the back of the truck. I mean it's if that that seems great. Yeah. The killer revealed as it turned out to be one of her friends you know, it's it is this movie sets up every red herring and then like that's about the red herring within like 10 minutes. So instead of keeping up and then by the end, they get to the island and there's like six or seven of them there. And it's gone and it's like Scream there's multiple killers so it's just like so almost half the people are gonna be killed then they make a they have a problem with the boats. They make a raft and they go out to the boat and then swim around in the bottom. What is obviously a pool. Water is this like, wow. Well, I will not be what else don't. Sam blades? Blades? Yes. Do watch blades. That sounds awesome. It is. It is great. It's good fun. Vanessa, that means that you have the the honor of telling us what we're talking about next week. Well, you know what, guys? We spend all this time coming up with sub topics. Sorry, topics. What did you call it earlier? sub genre sub genre? Yeah. Screw that. Oh, this is pretty something fun. Bring something cool. Bring something you want to talk about? And then shut it? Yeah, I gotta talk work, then. Genre doesn't matter. Whatever matter. Just cool. I know what I'm bringing. Nice and it's random. So I expect the same from a lot of you. Okay, I can dig this. And you dig it? I can dig it. There are no rules. That's my rule. Okay, well that means that this is the part where we thank everybody for participating in the value for value model for liking sharing posts for joining the strange aeons radio talk page on Facebook, all of that stuff we appreciate so, so much. comment on what you think of the movies you know, say dude, is amazing. Screw you. Right. More power to you. Right? Or leave us a message on the strange aeons radio hotline which is 253-237-4266 and let us know if we can use it on the air. I really love it when we get people calling in. We unfortunately don't get very many people calling it we have one. I've already heard it if you're listening to us talk right now. Oh wow. What an incredible message. Well, thank you so much for leaving that message and I really appreciate it. Yeah, we really appreciate you listener for calling and doing such a thing. Okay, well that is the show for this week. We are gonna be back in seven short days and when we are talking about whatever the heck we want to talk about gamma right, see you next Thursday. You're so proud of yourself. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set. We will set oh I'm to tighten my shelf