Strange Aeons Radio


December 07, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 251
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Strange Aeons Radio
Dec 07, 2023 Season 5 Episode 251
Strange Aeons Radio


Eric has a strange Toxic Avenger memory, and the gang talks Killer Robots! 

Also discussed: Napoleon, Satanic Hispanics, It's a Wonderful Knife.

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Eric has a strange Toxic Avenger memory, and the gang talks Killer Robots! 

Also discussed: Napoleon, Satanic Hispanics, It's a Wonderful Knife.

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Oh, I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That is Venus over there. Hello. Hey, Vanessa. before you got here, Eric walked in and caught me watching the original Toxic Avenger. Wow. And I was I was thinking. I mean, it's pretty exciting. Guilty. It's a pretty stupid movie, but I was thinking how great it looked compared to what we've got these days. And then Eric told me that he had a funny story about the Toxic Avenger. I have a very, very strange what is with my mother? were somehow at the age of it had to be 14 or 15. I was homesick and I got the courage or stupidity up for my mom's like, you want me to bring you a movie home sick? Yeah. About something kind of sexy. Oh, my god. I can't imagine saying that. No, absolutely not. And the result was I will never I never asked her for another movie again. Because she comes home with the Toxic Avenger. Oh, I had no knowledge of course of this film and never seen it before. So I watched it. Relatively horrified. I guess. No, there's no nudity in it. There's a lot of nudity. Oh my god, that is that's not a movie. Expect your mom to walk home with you. And I was like, Oh, something sexy. Fine. I'll get you. Well, this has a pretty girl here. Watch Back to the Future again. That's as close as a mom will usually get to sounds like a revenge thing. She's like, look at this deformed gentleman on the front of movie box had something like that word like sexy or something on it? Oh, but I'm like, really cute. Looked at this unique individual. Now? Did she watch the movie with you? No. Oh, God, she did not. Because I don't know if you remember there is a scene where they drive over the kid's head, which is, you know, pretty, pretty stupid looking. But then there's of course they take a picture of it. And there's a later moment where the hot chick is masturbating. Looking at the picture. Oh, yeah. I think that would be an uncomfortable scene to watch with a mom. Yeah. I thankfully she did not. Because I know if she had I would remember because I remember watching Animal House with my family. And that was uncomfortable. Oh, God, a few movies like that. So I know, there's no way they watched with me, right? Definitely would have remembered those like a scarring moment. So yes, watching films with your family and then being like, Oh, my God, I wish I wasn't here right now. Not appropriate. I also want to mention, as you guys know, I have been releasing a serialized novel. And Vanessa, last time you said, What happens if somebody doesn't pay, which was my biggest fear, really, really pleased to announce 100% pay through on the second volume. And it's great. Just a lot of really, really nice things being said about it and stuff like that. Hey, if you ordered the book, send a picture to me of the you know what you're doing with it? A lot of people are telling me I'm waiting to read it until I have all of it. Which makes sense. I wonder if you get a picture of somebody on the toilet. I would love that. I would love that. Yes. Perfect toilet reading. What is your hashtag? Do you have an official hashtag? I don't know. Simply like hashtag kale Young will probably be like a writer if you did hashtag written by kale young that would lead people to my socials and my website and all of that stuff. So that would be amazing. If anyone wanted to do that, in fact, I think Michael the Bronzo did that. And I think Andrew Byers did that. Yeah. So I'm trending to take a take a selfie of yourself reading Kelly's hard labored after book on the John montage created on Facebook. All right. So I've watched a few things you guys but I want to talk about something that we have already talked about. Oh, because I watched it again. Okay, I watched when evil lurks again, okay, I'm not sure why I decided to watch it again, except that I just really liked it. And this time, I loved it. And remember, everybody Did Carlos was kind of like not into this? And I think I might have figured it out because he also hated Evil Dead rise. Oh, sure. And this film upon second feeling feels so much like an extension of Evil Dead rise to me that the evil is now out in new cities. Oh interesting and it feels like an Evil Dead movie and they've got all these rules and everything, they don't have a book but this easily could have been rewritten to fit the Evil Dead mythology. And there was just stuff that you know, on second viewing once you know what you're getting into made a lot more sense. Like, I don't know about you guys, but when the guy shoots the goat at the beginning, and then his wife just hits him in the head with the axe and then hits herself in the head with the axe over and over. Yeah, I thought that the evil had gotten into her. And because she was pregnant, yeah, if you remember and upon second viewing, I realize she knew that by doing that he was releasing the evil out into the world and they had to end their lives basically they were responsible. And there were just little things like that that I caught on second feeling that I thought were so smart man I think that book you know, I know we've got our top five lists come in at the end of the year. Yeah, that movie is definitely going to be somewhere on my and very close to the top if nothing Tom how you're just making me really want to rewatch it though. I am not like I don't want to I don't even want to put it near Evil Dead because like I really like it so much and I didn't like some of the Evil Dead stuff but but I totally see what you're saying as far as like this kind of world building with this you know, almost undescribable demonic thing that is rampaging people I don't know. Yeah, that that sounds like such a fascinating rewatch it it really was when evil lurches on shutter and I think it's only on shutter right now. I think people that thing works fantastic for babies, especially when he was evil that rise less so with the first few movies, but with and Carlos didn't like Evil Dead rise because he wanted it to be kept in a cabin in the woods. And I was thinking, you know, this makes way more sense if you you know, now it's taken over a building and then the next movie is it's taken over a city and it's a cabin in the city is what it is really it's still basically a one room. Gang at least for the until the end. It's basically still at one room cabin. Right story, but yeah, no. That's the violence that does a great comparison. I like that a lot. So I have two Funny, funny you should ask. Oh, sorry. Hey, did you see the expectant looks? I saw Napoleon. You did. Wow. Yeah. Okay. And, um, you know, I have a lot of dueling feelings and thoughts about this particular film. It's a Ridley Scott joint. And it's, I think it's really good. Actually, it's very funny. It's very tongue in cheek. Yeah. I mean, like, Napoleon is not like a stand up dude in this, like, there's a lot of like, look at how he kind of fumbles his way into this thing. I mean, he's clearly a genius, but he has no real social graces and his understanding of how things work. It's almost like he's a little bit of a, you know, out of time or out of step with the people around him. Historically, it's really fascinating. I, you know, could easily I was, you know, nearly three hours long, and it felt like it went by pretty quickly. However, it's not crazy satisfying, because there's no three act structure. You're just like, and then and then and then and then. And that's fine. Because you're like, Okay, this is, you know, a cool, interesting historical piece that I'm learning a lot about this person that I didn't know, and Ridley Scott loves to set these hugest historical epics and kind of showcase those. But it's not like something like the dualist, where there's actually under underneath thread that makes it so much more powerful, because it's about something different than what you're seeing. This is very much I felt like about just Napoleon. And like, his relationship and his, you know, his life. So I feel like it could have really done with a seed of something more in there. But having said, yeah, that's fun. How do they deal with him? Showing up at the San Dimas mall and eating all of the ice cream? The VP one of the better known moments from Napoleon's life, well, you know, they don't show any of this time traveling adventures unfortunately. So yeah, you do get to see him watch a fair amount of food but not not ice cream. But yeah, I think Joaquin Phoenix he's basically doing Joker. Oh, okay. Okay. It's a pretty good. It's a pretty interesting little rendition. So I don't know, I didn't hate it. I think it's worth watching. I'm glad I saw in cinema, or it's like large scale. There's no one else there. It's also like three and a half hours long, isn't it? Oh, it's just under three. Okay. Yeah. Oh, well, great. Yeah, don't go initially I was gonna go at like 10pm And I was like, I know. I'm gonna go different day where I can get home before midnight or one in the morning. Cool. Well, I completed my saw journey. Oh my god after last couple weeks ripping through spiral. Sa sa X. I enjoyed it. It's a movie though. I mean, it's Yeah, exactly. Yes. It is exactly what it is. It's far more what it should have been. I think then whatever Spyro was trying to do. But so no, I kind of enjoyed this one. Back to form. I'm sure there'll be whatever follows x, x or y. It's not SOT tan. I don't think it's got to be right. I've heard spiral was like seven or something like that. Like they did that skip thing? Like, just saw X like reboot or some shit? I don't know. Is it setting outer space? No, unfortunately not. Yeah, we need to, we need to go to outer space. Outer space freezing kill somebody. So you liked it? Is that? Is that streaming free? Or is that a rental? Hey, I waited till the drop to like the $5 rental price. So it might as a couple of weeks ago, so I don't know if it's still at that. But if not, it'll be free soon enough. Man, I just can't. Yeah, not for me. That's not for me. I did see a movie that I kind of liked. Brand new satanic Hispanics. Oh, okay. I have seen at Fantastic Fest. There were a lot of representations of it there. I don't think it was playing there. But there were a lot of people in T shirts. Yeah. Or did you? I see it. It's on. It's on my I went to watch for the end of the year list. But I haven't watched it yet. Yeah, it's a hit or miss. And I think part of my problem with it is, so there's four stories in a wraparound, and I love anthology movies. But when you've got four different directors, you're gonna get four very different looking things. And it doesn't look like they all have the same budget. So some of them don't look as good as others. And then, to make matters worse, two of the stories are comedic. And one of the stories are very, very serious. Oh, no. There's stories being told by in the wraparound story by a man in a an interrogation room. So it doesn't quite work that way. Yeah. Because then it's like, why is the narrator sometimes right, telling a funny tale and I will say that the final one while the wraparound story is is the best story, I think. But the the final story, the comedic one has Jonah Ray as the lead, who I did not realize was Hispanic. And he is fighting his demon ex girlfriend throughout and it is very, very funny and worth watching just for that. That's cool. And then you know hit or miss on some of the other stuff. There's there's a kind of cute one with a vampire who's forgotten about Daylight Savings Time, and he is running to get home in time and keeps on running into problems. And that one was kind of fun. But otherwise I was like, oh shoot, I really wanted to love this. Well, I saw something completely different. on Netflix, there was this kind of cool little anime that popped up and I think it's been in and out of the top 10 It's this show called Blue Eyed samurai which I think I might have mentioned to you guys. You did mention but I have not seen it yet. It really good. Really beautiful animation. In the face the fifth episode. They even have an episode that is sort of told partly through a play that's been put on like by these sort of puppets but you have the traditional way of doing this historically Japanese story where they've got these people dressed in all black so they can't be seen holding these puppets that are moving across the stage. And the way that that It is animated is like, just gorgeous. Like they just do such a good job. But it follows the story of the samurai who's out for revenge, who has blue eyes because they're a bastard child of a Japanese woman who was assaulted by a white person who is in Japan and they are out to find them and murder them. It's very grotesque is there's a lot of guts, there's a lot of blood. There's a they do not shy away, you will see things you wish you had not seen. But at least it's animated. So is it a period piece? Or is it setting? It's a period piece? Yeah, so it's set. And I think it's a, you know, reenact not reenactment. Sorry. It's a fantastical imagining of a period of time in Japan that I don't know exists. But very, very cool story has some great voice actors behind it, who are like Kenneth Brown was one of the main voices. Oh, wow. Yeah. They got like a cast. So it's, yeah, every once awhile, you'll be like, not so familiar with that. And then you go the IMDB and it's like, Oh, my God, that Whoa, okay. Like, cool. You're here, or if it's a series, it is, it's I think, either eight or 10 episodes on, and you've seen it all. Yeah. And it sounds like they're going to try to do a season two, we'll see. I think, I don't know if it's based on anything or not. But it's, um, it's very good. I kind of wish it had just wrapped up in one season. I would have been very happy with that. But that's okay. You were satisfied with the way it did wrap up or I'm mostly satisfied. I just wish that they had just not worried about trying to tell any more of the story. I would have been fine with it just being self contained. Because it's already so good. But that being said, it's it's very well worth it. The journey is so good in this in this show. Oh. Well, faith in humanity restored is the 10th Psalm of a three year like saw 3d jugs. spirals. I had no idea what I was watching. Oh my God now all is anyways, so I watched a new release on shutter. Oh, yeah. Hey, went and gave it What the hell? It's a wonderful knife. Oh, yeah, that looks fun. It's fine. Okay, it's, I mean, it's it. It's kind of what you'd expect it to be. If it had it has such a good cast. That kind of lifts the lifts the experience, and it's got fairly decent. Now it's a slasher, basically. So it's got some decent kills and stuff like you'd expect. Kind of a cool look. And Val and I like the book, but it's actually a play on It's A Wonderful Life, right? It's a slasher as an angel. No, oh, the basic setup is the one of the family members kills the guy on his first night of slashing and then she gets upset and says I don't want to I wish I was never born. Oh, and so then it kicks in to what would have happened if she hadn't killed the slasher. Oh, so it is a better take than I was expecting. She's being guided through this life that would have happened without her by an angel or I'm gonna hear the angel Park. Okay, maybe it's just because the way the the slasher looks. Yeah. Oh, okay. That must have been what I was thinking. Yeah. But so is this a minister recommend? If you really liked slashers? Yes. Okay. If you really like It's a Wonderful Life, you might not be quite as inclined because it's a strange bastardization of the story. But, I mean, it was better than I was expecting it to be. So that's always a nice surprise. And it's a Christmas horror. It is. Yeah, it's neat that we've had a couple of decent Christmas orders the last couple of years. I mean, it's no violent night or anything like that. Or bloody Christmas. Yeah, it's but it's still worth checking out if you want a Christmas slasher movie is fantastic. And that is what we all want. Yes. All right. How about we take a little break and then when we come back, we're talking killer robots. ideales robot Commando is here to help you. He's your one man army. No enemy can destroy him. He fights off tanks, hurls missiles, one after another. Even a squadron of flames can stop him. Robot commando fires his secret weapon. He takes orders from no one except you. Ideals robot Commando is battery operated to obey your command. Adjust the control speak into the microphone we ever returned the NASA it's so weird to get into this kind of thing where we're thinking on topics again, but you chose killer robots. I did. I'm so excited for this topic just because first of all killer robots first topic ever. And it is not a fucking video. But I went with the 1986 movie, my deadly friends. Oh my gosh, the buzzer the buzzers turns my deadly friend. Deadly friend. My deadly friends I think deadly I thought it was deadly friend too. And then I've anyways well IMDb made me break the word my this morning so we'll see if you enjoy they're being really scared. If you're not afraid of the unknown if you found a friend in fear then we have a friend for you. Hi. Samantha the director of unleashed Freddie in Nightmare on Elm Street. Wes Craven now brings you his most frightening creation Hey girl, she's killing people mom are so cute, deadly friends. She can't live without this has a rotten tomato whatever it's called as a rotten tomato score of 20% from critics and 38% from audience so real winner budget of 11 million box office of 8.9 almost there guys almost directed by Wes Craven which is kind of reason why I chose this 31 credits to his directing name. He actually wrote 57 however, he directed Nightmare on Elm Street scream and of course recently we discussed last house on the left. starring Matthew lab your root D lib lobby author. He's I'm guessing his French Canadian 64 credits whose name he plays our lead. Paul. He was mostly a child TV actor. He was an 88 episodes of Little House on the Prairie. Now he does a lot of animated in game voices including Star Wars Old Republic. He was in 180 episodes of YuGiOh and he also was in the Ghibli film The wind rises. Kristy Swanson is in this. She has 95 credits her name she plays the girl next door Sam. We would have seen her in Ferris Bueller's Day Off but more likely Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the movie freaks Buffy Buffy original Fe OG B which we also discussed on the show. We she was also going to Flowers in the Attic 20 episodes of Early Edition fan woman remembers that and now does a lot of Hallmark movies. And Charles Fleischer is the voice of BB our robot. His 117 credits his name physically he wasn't things like Back To The Future Part two zodiac and Nightmare on Elm Street. However, he's voiced quite a few things we know including Roger Rabbit and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. He was in Polar Express and we're back a dinosaur story. That's kind of his main stick. Now, the story follows. Paul and his mom and his robot pal Bibi all move to a new town where Paul is attending some fancy science college university. He's like a super smart kid. He's obviously too young. He's very Doogie Howser ring it but he has made this robot and it mimics the human brain in a creepy way. It's basically achieved AI but it does kind of look like a bolt. Those are but small. It's got the kind of big sort of wheels. It's got those sort of tracks that it's treads that it moves forward on. It's very big yellow, clunky looking bang, but he doesn't feel bad about it at all. He loves his friend Bibi. When he moves to this new town he befriends the paperboy Tom and the girl next door, Sam. Of course, Paul's like, Hey, what's going on with that Sam chick and Tom says, you know, she's got great tits, but her dad is a nightmare and won't let her date anyone. However, Sam takes a real shining to Paul and also his mom and starts showing up at his house all the time to hang out and quote unquote study, which for her just means like getting out of her house and actually just hanging out like they aren't actually doing anything. They're just seem to be good friends. So they all go trick or treating together. But of course, there's an angry neighbor lady who doesn't want anyone on her lawn. And when Bibi goes to kind of go down her little walkway, she gets out her shotgun and she kills him. shoots him three different times. He explodes everywhere. And Paul is very distressed, puts BV away and time goes on. Sam sneaks over to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with them. But when she gets home One month later, her father is furious and pushes her down the stairs as you do, she's now in critical condition and kind of in a coma. Doctors can't do anything and are about to pull the plug when Paul and Tom go over and attempt to implant Bibi's chip that has been recovered into her brain to kind of reboot her and allow her to be alive again. Wait, does that work? I mean, we the way it's a way to deal with this situation. Sam is pretty unresponsive. So they try to figure out what to do with her. They put her in Paul's shed where she is tucked away. But of course, when he goes to check on her she's missing. She seems to have woken up but as BB not as Sam so now we've get instead of a girl hot girl we get a girl with like really heavy under eye bags, walking around with like clamp hands going around. Looking very angry all the time. So she goes to get revenge on anybody who's wronged BD in the town as well as anyone who attempts to hurt Paul, and she becomes quite the deadly friend. Nice. Eventually, Sam's brain does sort of start to take control just in time for the movie to end dramatically and a sad climax. There is a final scene which it feels like is a dream. And I don't know why they have it there where Paul tries to revitalize Sam again. But it's not like she wakes up but then her arms are like are ripped through and there's robot pieces underneath and she strangles pol and I'm like I don't know why we ended here because this is this feels like a nightmare there's no way that like somehow BV restructured entire internal organ system and became like a giant robot under there and anyway, this sounds like the studio saying we need something extra it really does. Um, I will say this is no Nightmare on Elm Street in any way shape or form although you can see sort of some of the legs that he had for that film coming through here. I would say this movie is definitely in so bad. It's good turf. The end theme song is just it's like they just keep saying BB over again. Like almost like a rap. It's like did it did a BB Edit BB you're just it's so short because there's like no one in this movie that like the song doesn't even come to like a climax like and it was that Sam in the promotional materials made to look mega hot and a silk night gown. I will warn you she is wearing a heavy oversized denim jacket throughout this entire film do not get stoked. It also feels very much like a TV movie. It just feels low budget and just clunky. The original trailer also makes it look like it's a very very different film from what it is and does not show BB at all. Yeah, so never get seen this one. So when you mentioned there's a robot on transit with a wall and that's not what I was expecting. Nope. Nor do they want you to they really want you to think it's just about this like crazy girl. But now some of the trivia found for this. The tagline includes she can't live without you. Sure. Based on a book friend, which is a 1985 science fiction horror novel by Diana headstall it tells a 13 year old boy Paul piggy Conway who tries to help a dying friend survive by implanting a microchip chip into her, only to find that it turns her into a monster was Craven wasn't attracted to the story of deadly friend because Samantha goes on a killing spree. When she's revived as an undead monster. He was much more interested in exploring adults around her, all of whom seem to be monsters in human skin and his own words. The scares don't come from her but from the ordinary people who are actually much more frightening. A father who beats a child is a terrifying figure. That's the one person you're afraid of in the movie, and the idea is along the lines that adults can be horrible without outside of what society says is acceptable. However, Wes Craven and the screenwriter Bruce Bruce Joel Reubens original version of the film was a PG rated supranational science fiction thriller, with the primary focus being on the McCobb love story between Pons Mytho as well as secondary focus, of course on those adult monsters around them. Craven film this version, and Warner Brothers decide to screen it to test audiences mostly consisting of Cravens fans, and the response from fans was negative, criticizing the lack of violence and gore seen and created Cravens previous film so in a twist, the studio eventually discovered the popularity of Craven Cravens work as maybe being a horror film. Instead, President Warner Brothers demanded Rubin write six additional Gore scenes into the script each bloodier than the last. RUBIN worked very hard with Craven to create a very deep and heartfelt movie out of it unfortunately added Gore scenes reshoots, post production and re editing of movie heavily changed the retail story. Craven and Rubin expressed strong anger of the studio and disowned the film. Wow. Wow. I'd really like to see that original one. Oh, I mean, I really it has such like, like, school vibe. It's an after school special for sure. So yeah, it's super fun. I really recommend people going out and checking this thing out. It's it's, it's fucking insane. Probably the best death by basketball scene. Oh my god. Death by Basketball by the way. Head filled with cow brains. Oh, your smells amazing. Mr. onset. Really good. Eric, you want to go next Shirky? Yeah. 10 minutes on the buzzer. All righty. Well, this also kind of has a female robot in it. Steel and lace You said they put him away? There's only one since sky's the limit. Yeah, the boys club lying to save one of their own five years down the road. everybody's forgotten all about it. Leave it alone. Miss Rieger? Leave my sister's memory. Craig is dead. So as Elvis What do you want me to do about it? He was murdered. cut to pieces. Wow. If he didn't die of shock, loss of blood and having 80% of his internal organs imagine eyes, then I think the removal of seven and a half inches of spinal cord probably would have done the trick. Officially you didn't see a goddamn thing. You understand what I'm saying? That's to Danny Anderson's pals dead in two days. A lot of what's happened. I'd like to suggest that you take an extra measure of caution in your activities. You may don't stand there and open windows. If you do make sure you know who's standing behind you may think it's made out Yeah. I don't know what I think. I just know that it's gotten really unhealthy to hang around with you. Oh, I'm 1990 Rotten Tomatoes. No critics 17 from the crowd. All right. Wow. It's a little harsh. It's not good, but it's not that bad. I'm already interested. Budget of 350,000. This was a direct to video production. So there's a very weird extra on the video syndrome disc video vinegar syndrome disc. I have it set you could it was redone in the early 2000s and 16 by nine which apparently really messes up the way the movie looks because you take the four by three and discret stretch it 16 by nine. So they include that version about Like 16 by nine, so I'll see what that is, and a warning pops up. This is not the way the movie was intended to be made. This is just to show how warped 69 is. I'll watch the four by three. Oh my god and everybody looks a little heavier and shorter. This is kind of hard to find. I can find it streaming but I'm sure it's, I did find it on YouTube. So the whole movie is available. They're directed by Ernest Ferrigno, who directed four episodes of monsters. seven episodes of Land of the Lost the 1991 version. I don't think I watched but his main thing is visual effects. He did visual effects for the abyss, the fang galaxy of terror, space hunter adventures in the Forbidden Zone, the Terminator balls of fury, and Vanessa's favorite lady and white. Now. Why? Written by Joseph Daughtry, who has 34 episodes of pretty little liar 18 episodes of 30 Something attack of the 50 foot woman and has won a few Emmys and Dave Edison, who wrote wolf tracers Dinosaur Island, but he has 42 Editing credits, including 13 episodes of Space Command don't know that one and fair frequency also and starring Claire Wren season of fear, NYPD Blue two or two episodes, er Law and Order etc. Lots and lots and lots of TV stuff. Bruce Davison, who does suitable flash Ozark six episodes Titanic to 13 episodes of the 2008 Night writer 37 and 72 episodes. There were 72 episodes of Harry and the Hendersons. Oh my god. Overall, 272 credits Stacy haddock who has 218 episodes of the young and restless 403 episodes of Days of Our Lives. 23 episodes of seaQuest 2032 and 99 episodes of Superboy is Lana Lang and also Luthor the geek. Oh God, David lander, who's squeaky from Laverne and Shirley. Was there a witch there's 156 episodes he's also in used cars and a 2726 episodes of tattooed teenage alien fighters from Beverly Hills. Wow, that one missed me. I don't know that 118 credits and David Martin. American world from London Detroit Rock City hot dogs the movie Sharknado five Planet of the Apes first job the TV show so this is a revenge kind of movie it starts off in a courtroom which immediately shows the budget level of this film. Let me tell you why. I think they put a paneling in a room and kind of built a judge's stand is like wow, a bunch of rich guys are on trial for attacking a woman and guess what? Hey, they got away with it because you know they all backup each other story and all that stuff. So they that that scene ends and the group gets in a limo and starts planning their next level of business dealings like now that we've gotten away with that we're going to get worse. They are cartoon villains. But in about of grief at the loss of the trial, Claire jumps to her death which her brother witnesses and so we see that group of scummy guys this is I think 14 months later or a year later are in a home kicking out an old man out of his house because he's gonna need to they need to build that new mall and this is the last holdout and I'm no sorry, I'm gonna give this one to my kids. When they go outside and the bullied asshole yells at the other guys for not being mean enough. And this should have been doped done long ago. And we're leveling that house in 12 hours whether the guys moved out or not. The lead guys got a great hairdo because it's one of those dark mob ponytails is so popular in the end of the 80s. But he's balding. Yeah, there's a big bald spot in the mills like yeah, that's good. And all the outfits are those weird kind of shiny jackets and I was like they're so awfully apiece. So the begin the vengeance then begins after the meeting of him yelling at them. One of the deuces cars breaks down and this blonde gets out and starts to help them and of course, insults her for being a woman and then how could she know about cars which she actually didn't know about cars, but offers him a ride and takes him to a hotel with mirrored ceilings. But then she takes her face off. No, no, it's the woman that jumped off the building in the beginning of the movie. Oh no. And then you learn that for you. Hold on. She's a robot. Whoa, They go, and she takes out the first guy. This is kind of a weird callback. I know Kelly's gonna get it. But she takes out the first guy and a violent version of what happened in the black hole with the big drill that goes out, right, except this one, you get to see what happens when a drill goes into a person and out the other end. The next day they go and they tell the boss oh man, so and so's dad is like, yeah, so it was Elvis. Why do I care? Okay, sure. There's a strange subplot where the hero more or less is a court artist who has been asked to do a redo of her previous work of a book art of court drawings of how the people from the court look now, and her ex just happens to be David notton the detective investigating the murders for some reason the cop says you need to hang out with her all the time because she may be in danger might think that's how that works. But alright, so he goes spends the night and you know, things happen. Turns out is clear. His brother is a super brain robotic scientist and had made the robot out of her. One of the better things so this movie and you can see I think of where the most of the 350,000 was spent. The effects are pretty good. Not surprisingly Sure. But the rest from there it's pretty standard revenge murder with face changing robot robot and a side story of romance. Is the side story romance involve the robot? No. Not at all. It's just the it's the artist and the detective. I was sure this film was going to be a jello from the title could be doing you just have to add some very extreme content. tagline She's tough. She's tender. She's all woman and all machine. Wait a second hold on. At the right time women present machine, steel and lace a deadly combination. The original title is written by the Emmy winning guy was Lady Lazarus. See, we talked about that already? The This must have been kind of a rough film for the remastering by vinegar because some scenes look fantastic and others are a little not so good. Right. I wonder what the source is probably wasn't that good considering it's a made for a TV throwaway film kind of thing. The other weird little thing of the time is it's so strange when you see an older movie and somebody's smoking all the time. The lead is constantly smoking. She smokes a lot when you're going to and Squiggy he's the fun coroner who says who says silly jokes about murderers and stuff like that. So it's a fine movie. It's okay. I started to watch the watch some of the interview. And as an editor, you might feel the same way. Whoever edited it decided they need to trim the hell out of it. And instead of just letting you know the little bit of movement you get with somebody we need to trim they're talking. It moved. And then it also zoomed in and out. Oh, what are you doing? Thanks. So maybe I'll put it on and cover it up and watch us like listen to it as a podcast exactly like sad little crossfade would have probably been better than very, very strange. You know, if you're interested, YouTube's got it for free. Wow. All right. beat the buzzer. Yeah, not very much both. Nicely done. Perfect. Okay. I chose something that I just found and it's relatively recent, so there's not a ton about it. So we'll see how this goes. I also found this on YouTube. It is called Kill Command. What are they? They're called Sar. Study, analyze, reprogram. Learn why we're here. I only know that you will request the new Why are you here? Don't know where we go. It's an exercise. Let's move. I understand you're super tech mills. All a bunch of caveman not all of you is just part of the training right now They had us but while she was there and let us walk Why identify did you bring these Marines here? Yes, I got some program screwed up someone else. screw ups aren't so efficient opposition's Your copy is the leader we need to find one good to find owe it is from 2016 Whoa, could find no budget on this. But a very specific box office have$25,427 that it Rotten Tomatoes critics give this 75% And the audience gives it 46% I will fight the audience of this I'm not sure what they were expecting. Written and directed by Steven Gomez, who has two credits this and a short film called cognition. He has an ongoing career as a visual effects supervisor which makes sense because this movie has effects that are punching way beyond their weight class. It stars Thor Linhart was 94 credits included including Bice Byzantium for episodes of the last kingdom and just tons of Danish film and television. Also stars Vanessa Kirby, who is very familiar looking 37 credits she was in Mission Impossible Fallout and dead reckoning Hobbs and Shaw, and is currently playing a Josephine Bonaparte in Napoleon. Aha, she does a great job. Good. And it also serves David Hala, who has 56 credits including Fast and Furious six Jupiter Ascending and 23 episodes of Star Trek Discovery as Cleveland Booker. Nothing okay. So in the near future, Catherine Mills, is a cyborg working for Harbinger Corporation. And she meets up with Captain Burke and his team who have been assigned to a two day training mission at Harbinger one. So she is like a military adviser. And they are sending her out with this group of soldiers that are going on this training mission on this island that they that the company owns. Right off the bat, these effects are great. She's in a military base. With all these soldiers working hand in hand with these big loading robots to get ready for this training, mission. Surprise, none of them love having her along with them. It feels very much like the opening marine scene in Aliens. And this movie is basically aliens with robots instead of aliens. So the team arrives on this training Island, and notice that their global communications have been disabled. So they're dropped off by this big huge drone helicopter and that takes off. And then right off the bat, they're like we've lost contact with everybody. But they they do have local access. They also discover these floating surveillance drones monitoring them that they had never seen before. So this is a common place for these training missions to go on. But these guys are all suddenly surprised by this new wrinkle. So the team begins their mission of eliminating AI enemies. And the first encounter goes exactly as planned. They're able to destroy the drones from a distance and with little effort. Later that night, they have a soldier that they left on watch and it is killed by this big creepy robot thing. I love that this robot is called the SAR unit. It means study, analyze, reprogram, you know the next day they discovered the guards body. left at a low it's left at the location of the first encounter. But this time the drones are waiting for the soldiers and they ambush the soldiers in the exact same way the soldiers had ambushed the drones the previous day. So it's very clear and they realize the soldiers realize holy shit this thing just learned one of our tricks and is using it on us. When they realize what's going on, the soldiers have to go on the run and find shelter. Remember, their global communications are out so they're stuck on his island with these killer robots for the duration of their training time which is two days. The rest of the movie plays out kind of like you would think with the soldiers getting picked off one by one until the last few have to set up base and a huge complex they found where the AI robots were created. There's all these dead bodies of the scientists and technicians all over the place and it's a pretty solid third act when you start realizing how many of these robots there are a lot more than they thought there would be more than meets the eye. Yes I was watching this movie like half an eye for the first 10 minutes and then I started to perk up because I realized the effects were really good and the acting was really good. So on YouTube, well worth a watch my opinion. tagline you can't fight the future. No. Okay. Yeah, general concept. Alright, but for the movie seems a little. Yeah. One little piece of trivia before leaving the base a Smartpad reads that the destination is the true Kichi the Chukchi Sea, which is an area north of the Bering Strait and Geo coordinates are for near the west end of Harold Island, which is in Russia. It is devoid of trees in real life. Wherever they are shooting. This is full of trees. They are beautiful. So that's what the nerds gave me. Because they didn't have a lot of stuff on this i i printed up a couple of reviews for this. Chadwick H. Jones gave it one star and said this was painful to watch. I never reviewed a movie on this site before but I just created an account to rate this one. My God, I would rate it minus 20 if I could. It was mainly the script as is often the case these days. Whoever was involved in the production of this should find another job. The actors were fine and the special effects were fine. Oh, sure. Danti 47 Give it 10 stars then said this is my first time writing review after using IMDb since 1995 to get all my movie info. And think it's time to start writing reviews seeing as I am a movie maniac and watch all movies good and bad. Excellent. First this movie I had doubts. Didn't know the actors not sure who the director was. But for the amount of bad movies that have come out for the last decade. This movie is paydirt solid action scenes, great actor for not knowing any of them. Solid story. Low budget, yes, but hey, it's really good. People say it's predictable. I don't think so. But everyone can say any movie is predictable. I will be writing more reviews for folks, since the majority of good flicks I've seen helped me watch good ones. I would say if you're going to create an account for one review of a movie, sir then be like Dante 47. And do it because you liked the movie so much. You want to tell people about it. Don't be like Chadwick Chadwick Jones who gets on there, and then just says, I created this account to tell you how shitty This is. Yeah, it makes you a shitty human being. That is the amount of keep keep that one on and you go go for if you've got 500 views? Sure, some of them are going to be negative, right? That's all you're gonna do. Find another movie that like, right? I mean, the critics gave this 75% on Rotten Tomatoes. And it had a lot of ratings. So and a lot of the IMDB ratings were 10 stars. And then there was this one guy who obviously read all these 10 star reviews and was like, I cannot I cannot let this stand. How dare you. I was really surprised by this, the effects are really cool. It's got a the robots have kind of a Transformers look to them. But they they all make sense. And the effects are like these. They look like LED lights behind glass on the robots faces and stuff like that. And I'm just like, wow, this is really solid looking. And it just, it just looked really really cool to me. So I called killed man available on YouTube. kind of frustrating to watch a movie on YouTube, when it's good. And those commercial breaks as lack really, but that's how I watched it. It was free. Cool. Thanks. Thanks. Okay, I think that won't see it. Let me turn the buzzer off. Affective excellent topic, Vanessa. Yeah. Believe it's my choice for the next topic. And our friend Jamie had called in and really loved your phrase 70s as fuck, and then said if there wasn't a 70s as fuck episode coming up in the next couple episodes, he was gonna write it. So we can't have any writing. Not from our listeners. No. All right. So I think we're going seven days as fuck next week. Nice. Any excuse to like, has to be in the 70s produced in the 70s or, you know, I liked the way that Vanessa said it was seven days as fuck and so I think I'm going to stick to the 70s but if you you find something that you're watching, and you're like, holy shit, this is 70s as fuck and it's in the 90s I'm gonna be fine with that as well. Okay, cool. All right. So I've got a thank you to give out to Kevin bird who brought us it bought us a bunch of pizzas. Oh, yeah, left the I love the show. Oh, man. We love you, too. Kevin. I recognize the name from the strange aeons radio topic. Exactly. So if you've got a suggestion, you want to toss our way feel free. You can DM us on the Facebook page if you want or yeah, yes, let us know. And we'll work it in when we get a chance. Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks, Kevin. And thanks to everyone who's out there liking and sharing posts who's donating on the bias a pizza who's participating in the value for value model, which is super simple. You got some kind of value out of this, turn it around and give it back in some way. That means however you want we can't decide that for you. You can also call us and leave a message on the strange aeons radio hotline which is 253-237-4266 there leave anything out goes. I don't think so. Other than you know we love it when we get those messages from you guys and I've had quite a few friends now who have messaged me later going I didn't think you were actually gonna play that. We're gonna respond to this. Oh my gosh, I feel so honored. So ya know, we love hearing from you guys. So please get in touch and talk to us want to get in? Let us know what you think of you know our picks our selects and maybe some future topics we could do down the road. Yeah, I love that idea. All right, guys. We'll be back in seven short days we're talking seven easy as fuck. See you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by an airline. 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