Strange Aeons Radio


December 21, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 253
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Strange Aeons Radio
Dec 21, 2023 Season 5 Episode 253
Strange Aeons Radio

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Well, strap in as we all try to navigate professional remote recording! We can all learn together before the gang gets into their Tunnel/Underground flicks!

Also discussed: Godzilla Minus One, A Disturbance in the Force, Reacher, The new Doctor Who specials.

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Well, strap in as we all try to navigate professional remote recording! We can all learn together before the gang gets into their Tunnel/Underground flicks!

Also discussed: Godzilla Minus One, A Disturbance in the Force, Reacher, The new Doctor Who specials.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. The strange aeons radio. That's Eric up there. Hello. And that's Vanessa up there. Hello. And we are doing the first of probably several remote calls. Because as we found out last episode, Vanessa is with child, I believe. That was the most PC way of phrasing it. I am sure. We're doing this on a new program too. So we're going to probably be figuring this out as we go along. Please forgive us if there's any kind of sound glitches or anything like that, we will try not to talk over each other. And I'm sure in a couple of episodes, we will have this all completely nailed down. That'd be nice to see the way we usually talk over 100% I was gonna say yeah, and hopefully, if anyone's watching on YouTube, eventually I'm gonna have some wall art on my walls. So it's not just a blank void of depressing nothingness. I did love after the announcement. Last episode, all the congratulations and well wishes coming your way on the strange aeons radio talk page. That was so awesome. And thank you for everyone who sent their best wishes and their kind words. It was so nice to read. I haven't told a lot of people yet. In fact, you listeners have found out before a lot of my friends. Well, all your friends should be listeners you would think. And yet this is how they found out that maybe they're not such. Oh, and then as tight in the circle as they thought they weren't. Wow. I will I will be announcing on social media probably on Christmas. So in the meantime, it was so nice to hear from you guys. Just all your generous, wonderful, awesome things. I I loved it. So thank you. And a little peek behind the curtain. We've been kind of keeping this under wraps for a while. So you're a little further along than I think some people might think you are. I am four weeks away. Yes, so I sorry for the for hoodwinking everyone and perhaps making you think that I was much earlier and maybe these guys had no concept. I would have to be wearing a lot of very bulky sweaters for the past couple of months. So we're in the we're in the any day now. Yes, we are. It could literally happen any day. I'm within a time period where it wouldn't even be that dangerous if I did go into labor. And there are plenty of women who do go 3534 36 weeks and just drop a baby. So I got my bags packed. We shall see. Hopefully not on air though. No, no, that's my point was that we're going to do a live episode from the hospital. You You better tell my husband so he can. Phone only only from neck, neck up shots. That's fair. You guys, I watched some movies. Oh, what did you check out? Well, what I want to talk about is a documentary. It's called disturbance in the Force. And it is a documentary all about the making of the Star Wars Holiday Special from 1977 I guess it was only 278. Now it had to be had to be 78 which is of course a train wreck of a show to watch. But getting this behind the scenes look at how everything was being done and how it was all put together and what they thought they were going to get versus what they actually got. It was pretty interesting. It's available as a rental on Amazon. If you are a hardcore Star Wars nerd like I am, you probably know most of the background stuff going on here. But it was still pretty interesting to to see what some of the people thought they were going to make and how little the producers knew about what they were even doing. And they ended up with a bunch of footage but they didn't have an editor and they didn't know how to edit it And you know, the thing was four weeks away from airing. So there's there's some interesting stuff going on there. I complained about it to Eric earlier because they've got all these people who worked on the show, like Bruce Vilanch who was writing a lot of the jokes and stuff. And then they've got Kevin Smith. Oh, Kevin Smith just talking about it. The problem with Kevin Smith, but this fucking guy, I don't know why we care what his is attitude is about anything. But having a guy who didn't even watch it when it aired. Why is he talking about it? You know, he's, he's literally has less of a connection to it than I do at this point. So I mean, this is the filmmakers were probably, like, super stoked and like, Oh, my God, we got Kevin Smith, we have like a celebrity who's known within nerd lore and culture is known by people who weren't alive when this came out. So maybe they'll watch because of him and learn from all the people that were alive when it was being done. Yeah, right. Yeah. Say the names of most of the people you mentioned before saying Kevin Smith. Most people are not going to know any of those names. Oh, no, absolutely not. I mean, they had a guy who was younger than Kevin Smith on there, some podcaster that I had no idea who he was, but he's talking about it too. And there's just a part of me that's like, well, this isn't a VH one special. This is a documentary about an event that happened. Why are we talking to people who weren't there for the event? I don't care that it's not, you know, it's not. My hatred of Kevin Smith knows no bounds. Yes. But that's not why I hated him being there. I hated him being there because he just had no business being there. Anyway, it's called the availble. Put your shotgun away. Kelly. Jesus. Aside from Yeah, aside from Smith, I was just gonna say was it good though? Do you feel like more informed about the the holiday special in general? Or is it all stuff you already knew? It was mostly stuff I already knew. But but getting it firsthand from the creators was pretty interesting. Yeah. Cool. Oh, that's awesome. Well, yeah, were there drugs? I bet there were drugs. There were drugs. Oh, excellent. So many things explained. So I actually, I long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had watched some of Dr. Who and had watched all of Tennant and some of them at Smith's stuff. And a guy who the next person who's going to be stepping into the role is somebody I've been watching on a show called sex education. So I was kinda like, I'm curious. I would love to see like his initial appearance in this whole series. So I watched the Doctor Who specials where Tennant comes back. It's the most recent three episodes I believe, on Disney, right? I think it was on H. Bo, I'd have to look it up. But it was pretty wild. Yeah, so depending on what platform you're on, some of them will have newer episodes and others, it's really weird. Like an Amazon has totally different episodes, then who has different ones then? Anyway, it was pretty fun, actually. And they brought back the old writer, whose name I've of course forgotten. And it was, I don't know, it was really neat to see Tennant come back and just give it his 100,000% All and reprise the role and then see the kind of introduction to whether they're going to bring in the new actor. I'm not a doctor who fan. But I didn't realize doesn't they've they've made the the changing of the actor as part of the show. He regenerates as a different person. Right? How do they explain him regenerating as the same old person again? Yeah. 100%. So that is a kind of question. I'm not sure I fully understand what their answer was. I think it's something along the lines of he had like unfinished business. And everyone's asking throughout these episodes, like why are you back? Why are you back? And then there's this kind of splitting that is occurring between the who he should be becoming and who he is going back to? So I don't know and I haven't watched a lot of the most recent who stuff so maybe there's some more in there that explains like why on earth it would regenerate back to him. But I don't know that they have a really clear answer. Then filmmakers, just like you knew it would be cool. Let's get Tennant back. Very cool. He was pretty darn popular. Yeah, absolutely. What about you, Eric? Oh, let's see. What have I seen? I think we've talked about this one much yet or halfway. I don't know. Godzilla, minus one. Oh, sure. Yeah. Went and saw that in the theaters and sort of sort of dragged Deena to it a little bit, who ended up absolutely loving it. And she has no real history of Godzilla watching or anything like that, like us. Weirdos, but, man, that was good. That was really good. And we're seeing in a theater. Yeah. 100%. Do you feel like I feel like there's a lot of people on the internet who are now at the point of almost overhyping it, though. Like it's really fun. And it's a really good, but it's not like a cinematic masterpiece for the Criterion Collection. It's it's more like, this is a fucking fun Godzilla movie too much with so little over my corner. That's the collection that that guy that penguin. That's, that's criterion. So it is definitely well within the criteria, if they put all of those on. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? In the world of Godzilla, it is a masterpiece. I mean, it's as far as giant monster movies. It's pretty fucking great. thing. That's how I would look at it. First is how it stands up in the world of Godzilla films and giant monster movies. And but it, it does well, for that really well, it could have been, you could have pulled Godzilla out of that, and inserted some kind of other thing all the way down to an invading army. And I think the movie still would have worked. Yeah, I loved it. Also, I really thought the effects were pretty high quality. The acting was way above and beyond other Godzilla films. The storyline, I thought was really interesting to see. Especially after listening to that Hardcore History episode on Japan's, our military and all of that, to see a movie talking about how Japan was guilty of not really valuing the humanity of their army. And so I thought that was pretty, pretty startling thing to see in a Japanese movie. Yeah, absolutely. And they addressed some of that kamikaze pilots stuff to, which was interesting to hear, after having listened to the hardcore or see after having listened to the Hardcore History. And there's Yeah, it was a really interesting, visual, like, representation of that period of time coming from the voice of Japan, which is exactly where you want to hear it from. And right. Yeah, there was a couple of moments in there was like, Where are you guys going with this? Where are you guys going? This? Let's, let's see. Let's see. Oh, shit. Okay, this is cool. Well, I'm not. I'm not too embarrassed to say that. I got a little teary eyed at the end. Oh, yeah. No, I mean, I don't think that's happened to me in a Godzilla movie before. Sort of Train to Busan? Yeah, it kind of has that feel to it even. Yeah. So I keep hearing that this is supposed to be a standalone movie. But that ending certainly gave a indication that there's a bigger story to be told. So I'd be okay with telling and continuing along that way. I started watching, I didn't start watching. I watched all of the first three episodes of reacher that are available that just came out. Nice. I watched the first one or I think one Yeah, yeah, reacher it's back. It is back. And I mean, that dude is so big. And yet this time, it looks like he's even somehow bigger. He's like Godzilla, so he's gonna get bigger every season. I think he, I think they hire smaller people around him too, because he's like, six, two, he's big but he is not a monster, you know, like Shaq or something like that. But because the Seahawk area down here, they've got a restaurant when the guy that runs it as kam Chancellor, one of the harder hitting guys in the NFL when he was playing and he's like six, two, and he walked by our thank God. He's as big as reacher. But I think they play that up a little bit. But man, he looks huge. In the show. Yeah. Yeah, I think it was Jason Parkin. Parkin, who was saying that this is a show about a guy who is just bigger than every buddy around him and every problem that comes up, he is able to squash it because he is bigger than the problem. I will say that I thought it's got that same sense of humor, the fight scenes are great. And it's just a bunch of macho bullshit, and I'm having a really great time with it. I do have one question about reacher though. Does this season come after the previous season or before? Like, are we because you know, obviously, it's not showing the girl that he ended up with, he's not in the town anymore. We're not seeing any of those previous people. And then when he meets up with a tech girl, like, I feel like she was in the previous season. But this one, it feels like he hasn't seen her in years and years. I don't think she was in the previous season. You'll you'll start seeing flashbacks to how he knows her in the next couple episodes and stuff like that. So it's it definitely takes place afterwards, because they did a big previously on reacher and showed us the first season as flashback itself. Both both you've got the flashbacks and the current. So I can opens up with him changing clothes and getting his new minimalist outfit, before he gets himself out the bank thing and gets all the notice and stuff. So I think it was whatever. I don't remember exactly how the last season ended. I guess that why the lady he met isn't involved or anything, but I don't think he just don't address it. I think they just pretend like I will not pretend but like I'm wondering if each season is a bottle episode like a James Bond film, right? Where you're just kind of in a story line that therefore does not want to structurally mess with previous or future storylines. It's like, this is the story. The way they've been doing it. And the way they say they're going to do it as each season is one book in the series. And he is a he's a wanderer. You know, he's a Rambler, so he doesn't stay in any place very long. I just really liked all the previous characters. I have gone on, it's hard. Well, so some of you we have big news here in town. Very big, exciting news. And that is the reopening of Cinerama O which is not syndrome anymore. It's now stiff downtown or suffer Rama. Some people calling it and I was really fortunate in that a friend of mine is I guess he's a sponsor. And so he booked a whole bunch of seats for a sponsor screening, which happened just a couple of days before the big reopening. So I got to see a movie there. That was not Wonka thank God checked out the movie that they voted for which was the fall. Which is by the guy who did the cell. It's their film. Yeah, no visual craziness. Yes. Yeah, like a total visual masterpiece. So gorgeous. Oh my god and like, the way they make that movie. This the story is following a guy in a hospital who's telling that he's making up a story as it goes along to this little girl who is not an actress. She's just some kid they pulled off the street. And they're doing a lot of improv and then I think what they're doing is they're taking that improv and then filming these gorgeous cinematic storylines out of the conversations that they had. So they're kind of it feels like they're doing it backwards. And it's so cool. I don't know I was just I was completely blown away by this movie. And this one Yeah, huge, huge beautiful film and I'm so glad I got to see it in that way and not on Blu ray it is I think it's one of those movies it's really hard to get a hold of now. The fall so in my continuing catch up of the post 100 days I finished Chucky Season Two Oh slash part of three. How is it decent? I mean, I love the for the first season was so incredibly good. I think the second one was still good. Third one is getting into really weird territory. Oh, it starts off and check he's in the White House. So I play exactly like as president or he's there. He's the doll of the president's son. So and then the it starts to tell its tale and then the strike hit so it stops like three episodes in three or four episodes and bam, gone. Well, this this is weird. That is so. Okay. Hmm. Okay, so is the kid from the first season in it at all anymore? The deal? Yeah, it's the same for the trio is the main three from the first one. They're all still in it. Somebody along the line somewhere in I think it was near the end of season two decided we need to ramp up the gore in this show. It is so brutal now. It's like beyond Chucky movies normally are. It's just like old cheeses. I mean, it's done well, but it seems a little odd and Checky. But I'm still liking the show. It's definitely worth watching. So it's on the full things on peacock. Plus or original or whatever the hell it's called. So worth checking out. Especially if you'd like the first one. I did like that first season. I gotta get back to Chucky. Okay, well how about we take a little break you guys and then when we come back, we're gonna be talking about tunnels they think I'm trapped. But I'll escape. The new video game where you don't look down on the maze. You're a monster. He's smart. I kind of look smart and he's fast. I gotta be faster. With RAM plus the mega charger Atari PCs for three times. Left. Better check them out to another maze. Tunnel runner from CBS electronics, where the excitement never rains. I'm not trapped. Hello. Let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Get me something sexy. I'm hoping Eric, you had a smoking jacket on maybe a dirty old fashion. Just the ice cubes, jangling them around when he was getting some text. As part of that episode was right there. Hopefully this is like, you know, when somebody else's turn to pick a movie, please say that when they have to pick the topic. Perfect. Also, Vanessa, I hope the statute of limitations run out when you merge on the French language. Yeah. Like I was, like the bronco. Have a good day. And oh, Eric, happy birthday. You guys take it easy. And can you just message if you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline, dial 253-237-4266. Nobody. And we're back. This has been a wonderful break. We've taken about an hour trying to figure out some of our sound and video issues. And I think that we might have done a little of that at least. Eric, this is your subtopic brought to us by will allow I believe. Yes. From a note that I don't know when I took it. But it was on my show ideas. So thanks. Well, I hope you remember suggesting it. Yeah. And I think it's not it's not just tunnels. Am I correct. It's like underground or 10 rounds or Yeah. So such a cool, such a cool idea. And hey, listeners, send us your ideas. We would love to hear more. We love how you guys are contributing so and yeah, thank you. Well love it. All right, well, I'll just dive in there. And be talking about something I'm sure we've all heard of, or seen videos of a movie called catacombs. Not the movie, but where it's based. Oh, catacombs so is this going to be in France? That's right. That it is so what I didn't do I didn't I didn't brother bring the timer in here with excuse me for just one second. Like a timer. I was gonna say do we have like a digital timer that we could make happen? Not on my not on a computer or anything like that. But my watch probably wouldn't be good. It's put it up to the thing vibrates. So horrible noise it makes Eric you've got 10 minutes on the buzzer. It'll probably go off in the mics will be too strong and won't pick it up but I'll let everybody know. Sounds good. All righty. Oh, Give myself old timer. catacombs 2007 200 years ago pass around a room to various dead corpses were rotting graveyards per step 15 by Steve Harris his dirty little secret party is that this kind of fighting to change your life here's another thing about this is laid off I'm in trouble down here. It doesn't what happened oh my god what are we gonna do? Okay no it's not my sister sent me a postcard. All it said was come to Paris. It'd be good for you please Rotten Tomatoes we've got no review and a 22 if blur it premiered on and tell me if you remember this fear net? Oh, yeah, yes, on demand October 1 2007. So there's no box off or anything. This is though currently available on to be or to rant on a variety of places. Directed by Tom Gawker Coker. This is his only direction job. also directed by David Elliot who did something called nothing sacred. Written by Tom go with Coker. He has also written a movie that's in pre production called undying love. David Elliot, the other writer, however, has some decent writing credit for brothers, the watcher, GI Joe, Rise of Cobra, and 13 episodes of proven innocent. Starring Shannon Sassaman, who's 14 episodes of wayward pie and Knight's Tale, the rules of attraction 18 episodes of Sleepy Hollow and one miss Cole, also starring pink. Yes, the musician how she is in Charlie's Angels full throttle, Happy Feet to and SpongeBob SquarePants. And of course, you know, she's done a lot of music. She's actually surprisingly strong in this for music person acting for what that's worth. Emile Huston has in the Wolfman, pumpkin head Ashes to ashes. The Fall? Yes, the one you saw. Hey, Diego Anaconda trail of blood, not the first time. So basically, this is a movie in the catacombs. There's luckily the sound production on this is pretty good, because it's got a rave in it a lot. But 200 years ago, Paris ran out of room to bury the dead. This is in the opening credits of the movie royal decree sent the remains of 7 million bodies to an abandoned limestone mined under the city. Its largest mass grave in the world. Let's party right? Loud Music motorcycles, Nancy, naked dancers all among the skulls of 7 million people. So that you know Hey, see if I can classy as French people. That's all right. This cuts to a woman being chased by something in the catacombs as she's running away and trying to escape. She doesn't of course. Move to the main storyline where a woman has been invited by her sister, her sister's pink to come to Paris. Pink lives in a terrible abandoned looking building. Says it's occupied by a serial killer but it was not. She's just messing with her sister. This is A precursor to a large portion of the movie. Then they get a montage of a big shopping spree. You know, it's like the close version of the rocky montages but not as much fun. Victoria the visiting sister drinks absent after the Salah. I skipped ahead a little bit scuze me there was a rave that started so they all go down into the catacombs and apparently pink and a couple of her friends are like part of the in crowd you know they walk up and immediately get let in. The one lady is not a drinker. She's not a Drugger the main but they get her to try some absent. I've had absent Kelly, I know you've had absent. Vanessa, have you ever had absence? I have had a little absent here. This was not the absence you had because it immediately led to massive hallucinations and all kinds of crazy stuff going on in lady's head gone. Not just absent. Bosler? Yes, exactly. And then he tells this the man running the rave tells a strange tale of ritualizing the rising of a feral child in the catacombs who who had 18 escaped and has been lost ever since. Group says it's a myth but the man telling the story says Israel pigs can Amin in this movie and they've got the little bullying scene where they want to separate the two of them so they tried to go swimming in an underground pool which I don't know if the catacombs actually have but this one does. She refuse to get in. Thank you. Back to the party on her own seems like a bright idea. Pink goes to find her but they both get lost a flashlight breaks and other ones batteries run out it's the creature real it appears to be killing pink Vinci ends up in the creatures home which I gotta tell you it looks like it was just pulled from tents Texas Chainsaw Massacre or wrong turn movies any kind of cliched crappy looking thing laying around in a cave. It's probably in their choice to escape rave breaks up. It just kind of goes from there. It goes on a quest to escape the catacombs run into a Frenchman that might help her he might not. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? You'll just have to watch it to find out. Yeah, I'm feeling that vent mean today the tag for this one was below the City of Lights exists a world of darkness. Sure the exteriors were actually shot in Paris the rest was shot in Bucharest, Romania on a stage recreating the catacombs out this though of a party being done in the catacombs really isn't that far off. When they originally discovered or reopened the catacombs? That's exactly what happened. They had parties down there. Granted, you didn't have subwoofers and giant speakers that would probably be far more destructive than a string RS X instruments or maybe trumpeter two. They also in 2004, discovered a fully equipped movie theater in the cabin in the calot. catacombs equipped with a giant screen seats for the audience projection of Chrisman film reels and recent film noir classics, a fully stocked bar and a complete restaurant with tables and chairs. Holy cow, a group. Okay, wow, somebody with a group called Les Les Vuex. Who's just one of those. Let's have some fun kind of groups. Unfortunately, they're around now they probably you know, like dressing up as statues and jumping out at people on YouTube or something. But this is far more inventive. Let's see how I'll skip that moment there because I think we'll be hearing about it later. Airbnb paid as a publicity stunt $350,000 to offer customers a chance to stay overnight in the catacombs. August 2017. Thieves broke into the catacombs and apparently there's a massive seller of wine there until sold 250,000 euros of wine. beers on a sad note producer Greg Hoffman died while making the movie and production was halted for nearly a year. Oh, holy crap. And that's catacombs. If you press me on the ending I will reveal otherwise, it's not necessary. I can't tell if you liked this movie or not. Yeah, it's gonna say do you recommend fine if you're really like catacombs kind of movies, it's fun. The acting is good or decent. This it's well shot overall. It's just sort of a cliche. And okay, if you if you're remotely interested in the movie turn away for or fast forward for about 50 seconds. The entire movie was supposed to be Frank pink and her friends in Paris set up her sister to do this, and her sister is fucking terrified. It goes on for hours and hours and hours because she gets lost and they can't find her. And when it finds out that the guy that was helping her sister killed instead of pink realizing that her group made a horrible mistake, she gets really pissed off with his sister and stuff. So most of the movie was fun to watch, but the ending was like okay, that was that was now just too much. You've made it under your time as everyone can see here. We're just about to hit the buzzer. I'm just going to turn it off myself. Here it comes. I wonder if you hear this Now then, I'm guessing no, nothing. It has canceled out the sound of that. Yes. It's not my relief. I'm going to just sit here and look at you and go tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Vanessa, I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. And go okay, so um, this is gonna sound really really familiar to you guys. Because my movie is as above so below. My name is Scarlet malo, and I'm a student in urban archaeology. 370 feet beneath this point is a hidden chamber that might contain a critical missing piece of our history. How are we supposed to get down there? catacombs? There are 200 miles of tunnels right underneath our feet holding the remains of 6 million corpses this the Empire These are human bones here slow and steady yeah I'm stuck in what was that what the hell do we do now? We can't go back just keep moving tell me we didn't just go to South to receive something oh my god was this when I was a kid we had a piano exactly like this. I used to play all the time the a4 key was messed up what's going on can you read that going to insanity that's inscription over the case of this we made a call on them somebody there folks the 2014 film set in the catacombs. So actually Eric has done a lot of the heavy lifting for me. I do not have to explain the weirdness of French people and how they want to party and like break into the catacombs and do weird shit. You've already figured it out. This has a rotten tomato score of 28% from critics and 41% from audience. The budget was 5 million box office 41 point 9 million. So Wow. Yeah, so as much as it might suck that it has a low Rotten Tomato score. Fucking went bonkers. It did so good out there. directed and written by John Eric Dowdell. He has 12 directing credits, including double the Poughkeepsie tapes black double, we had talked about previously as well. That's the elevator one, I believe. Quarantine, no escape and Waco as well as waco aftermath. He was also a writer on those as well as quarantine to terminal. He co wrote this with his brother drew doddle. I assume it's his brother and not like his son or his grandpa who has eight credits to his name, including pokies etapes, quarantine, quarantine do wait go after Matt. So like they they're clearly writing a lot of this stuff together. Starring Perdita weeks as scarlet. She has 33 credits to her name, you might have seen her and Ready Player One SpiceWorld, or 94 episodes of Magnum PI. We also have Ben Feldman, as George, he looks a little more familiar. He has 47 credits to his name. He was in Friday, the 13th the remake as Ritchie, who is also in 113 episodes of superstore 13 episodes of Silicon Valley and the thing I think I recognized him from which was 29 episodes of Mad Men. And we also have Francois Savelle as Papillion 61 credits including love at second sight, Frank and a lot of French TV. So we have kind of a shotgun of where people are from because pretty the weeks is very British, Ben Feldman is very American, and Francois Savelle is very French. So nice smorgasbord of people. The story follows Scarlett Marlowe, we begin with ourselves, seeing her on a bus in Iran, as she's telling camera that she is on a mission to find the philosopher's stone, which can grant eternal life, she is in an area that if she were caught doing this, she'd be buried up to her neck and left to die. She finds a contact in a local kind of, you know, rural village. And he lets her into a hole in the wall where he like reveals this little little secret way in and tells her that she's gotta go check out this thing that she's there for to see this old ancient tablet. But the mind is about to get whatever the space is, is about to get blown up. So she only has like, one minute, it feels like she did not time this well, she runs down, she takes a bunch of pictures of it, he's like, you gotta hurry, you gotta hurry. Like we got to get out of here. And you can hear like a countdown somewhere down this like long shaft, and she just starts breaking the tablet. And he's like, Ah, she's like, it's gonna blow up anyway. And behind it is a hidden room. And in that hidden room is a, it's like a black, maybe an onyx bowl with a bunch of writing on it. And it's essentially a Rosetta Stone for this philosopher's stone that she's trying to find in. So she takes a bunch of pictures of it and the guy escapes, she then follows, but of course, the shaft is being blown up and things are falling all around her. And on her way out. She sees a hanging body, that stops her for a second. Almost as if she she's really weirded out by it. It does seem weird that it's there. But then she makes it out cut to. She's being interviewed by a cameraman in Paris. She's talking about how she is there to finish her father's work, finding this philosopher's stone, which drove him mad, but she still thinks it's important. And she's on a mission to do it. She's being interviewed by this guy who's following her around, he's documenting her journey. And her next step is to find her ex George, who's a historian who likes to break into ancient sites and fix things in them. He's working on a bell in an old church that has not run for hundreds of years. And she asks for his help in interpreting this rose key she took pictures of, but he refuses because he was like, hey, last time I hung out with you, you left me in a Turkish jail. I don't like you anymore. So he however, gets sucked in because she's very convincing and says, Hey, there's a picture here. And that picture has references to things you might be interested in. And of course, he gets all wrapped up and following her trying to figure out this Philosopher's Stone thing. As they start to try and find out where this thing is buried. They, they've discovered that it's going to be in the catacombs underneath where this church is, but there's no real way to get there. They go through a tour of the catacombs. And on the tour, this Rando guy says, Hey, you want to get back there? You gotta go talk to Napoleon. And they're like, Okay, cool. They go and find Papillion who's this, like, cool off the grid French guy who likes to like, go into the catacombs and hang out with his friends and party weird, and also likes to tag things. He has a crew, but he gets together with a lot of other interesting French characters. And they go into the catacombs and begin to try and figure out where things are. George says he's not going to go but of course, he gets forced into it because the police show up and then as they enter the catacombs, there's a big fallen and they can't leave. So they've got to move forward. They're following a map and pap is taking them through some bones and Scarlett's like why don't we just go through this tunnel? It will save us hours. And he's like, Nope, no one goes in that tunnel. You do not go in that tunnel that tunnel bad. And she's like, No, no, we should go. And then of course, there's another cave in. So they have to go in the tunnel. And it is bad. It's real bad. The further they go in, the more they're kind of forced through the stranger and stranger situations. There's a weird lady who seems to be following them. There's like these singers who are like, crazy and naked and covered and paint in a corner doing stuff. As they follow further and further down. They eventually end up kind of going into hell. And in order to get out they have to go through and of course in hell, each room has something that's kind of representative of one of them and something that they've been repressing or denying, or is their sin from a past. Will they get out? as above so below? Thoughts? This has a little bit of, well, it has a lot of Indiana Jones nods. It feels very much like Scarlett is indie. She also it was just fucking crazy. She's just like, Alright, I'm gonna do this random shit seems good. This is the second time I've seen this movie. I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more second time through than the first. I hated it. The first time I saw it. And this time I was like, this is actually a pretty good found footage film. There's a kind of a cool ending, like, I don't know, I kind of just was like, oh, yeah, and everyone dies and it sucks. And that isn't exactly how it ends. And I was kind of really surprised. Also the character pap, Pappy, who's like, the weird French guy is so fucking fun. He's just like speaking for the audience at all times. And he's just really interesting, the way he interprets the things that are happening around them. One other tiny note though, I will say I'm not sure how many more horror films I'm going to do before giving birth. Because the entire film, especially once the audio got really loud. I was getting kicked a lot. There's a lot of twists and turns. There was somebody who was not enjoying the sound design of this film. I was fine with it. She was not. Not a lot of trivia on this. I'm sure I'm about to run out of time. A tagline one minute. Oh, tagline only way out is down. This was the first ever production that secured secured permission by the French government to film in the catacombs. It makes use of the narrow winding tunnels in the Paris catacombs complete with real mint skeletons creepily arranged centuries ago weird. There was very little use of Prophets, they use the actor's near mint condition that's on IMDb. Using their words, I know there was a stupid way of phrasing it another time, so I'll just wrap this up. Very little use of props actors had to use an environment around them. Ben Feldman was severely claustrophobic. They had to keep taking breaks YouTuber PewDiePie and his wife Marcia is so again, I'm sure I saw that wrong, promoted the film by embarking on a quest into the catacombs where they would be scared in a variety of ways. So fun, and this film has a lot of parallels, but Dante's Inferno. So that's my movie. I also really hated this when I saw it and I have not given myself the chance to see it again. Do I need to give this a rewatch? You know what? Yeah, I would say actually, it's it's hard for you because you don't love found footage movies. But for found footage film, I was really surprised that it was so much better than I remembered it being and just like it was a lot more fun than I remembered it being and having seen I think a lot more found footage movies at this point. I just really feel like it's really up there for found footage movies, and what it's doing with so little is pretty impressive. And then once you start to realize some of those intellectual connections with Dante's Inferno, it becomes a little bit more fun as well. You still kind of want to murder like Scarlet through most of it because you're like, stop killing everyone around you by Just brashley running forward. But other than that, like I don't know I had a good time with it. I was shocked because I thought I thought I was gonna hate it. As I've been avoiding it since I saw in theaters but that was pretty good. That was one I like I say it's one I keep thinking I've haven't seen, but then I think maybe I have seen so keep skipping over it. Thank you. You have answered the question for me. I have not seen this one. I'm glad I did not tell you much of what happens once you get in the catacombs. Only forgotten It time I watched it. Oh, wow, I'm so memorable. Research where you it's not you know, I totally understand I also forget often about once you guys have done it's all good. It's all fair. So, Kelly, what about you to time yourself? Are we gonna be able to trust you? Yep 10 minutes on here, I chose a the 1984 Classic tchard beneath the city of New York, our living catacombs and endless maze of subterranean tunnels unfit for anything human. Another unauthorized for anything experimental and unlikely to bring anyone down there. So they're coming in checked your basement and your bathroom, keep off the street and tried to hide. But remember, the dark is their place. The night is their time. And tomorrow, the only things living in the city of New York will be charged cannibalistic humanoid, underground dwellers. Chuck they're not staying down there anymore. budget of one budget of $1.25 million box office of 4.6 million. Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 29% And the audience gives it 33%. It was directed by Douglas cheek who has three directing credits, but 23 Editing credits including long story short claustrophobia and Alien Autopsy factor fiction. Written by two men Parnell Hall and Shepard Abbott. Both of them this is their only writing credit. Starring the amazing John Hurd 181 credits including cat people, big snake eyes, would you rather just recently also has Daniel Stern in it? Who has 78 credits including breaking away diner blue thunder city slickers home alone, five episodes of for all mankind, which is a pretty groovy Apple show that's on right now. And it is the first movie for Kim greased, who has 29 credits including Brazil, man hunter and Throw Momma From The Train. Also in this movie, are some pretty recognizable character actors in the form of Christopher curry. Patricia Richardson. John Goodman shows up in a scene. Eddie Jones and Brenda Curran. Have you guys both seen Chud Oh, yeah. I feel like I have but I'm not 100% Sure. Vanessa, I think you dig this movie actually. Really, it's, it is much better than this rotten tomatoes. Score leads you to believe. Okay, so the film opens with a woman walking her dog down an empty darkened city street in New York. And as she passes by a manhole she's attacked by a creature from the manhole and the dog is pulled in. After that we meet George who is down on his luck photographer and his model girlfriend Lauren. His current project is photographic New York City's homeless population specifically those known as under grounders or people who reside within the bowels of the city. We also meet Bosch who is a police captain on the case of several missing persons, most of whom are homeless, being reported to his precinct precinct, which is of course where George and Lauren lives is in that area. He is interviewing shepherd who runs the local homeless shelter and soup kitchen. Shepherd believes events to be part of a massive government cover up and has the evidence to prove it. Supposedly, boss doesn't really believe him, but it does start seeming like his superiors know more than they're letting on. Every time he's trying to get more information on the homeless people. His superiors are shutting down the case. So he's like, maybe there's some kind of conspiracy going on here. Well, there is it turns out there's monsters lurking beneath the streets. Beings that were once human, but radioactive chemical toxic waste has mutated them into hideous flesh eating creatures. prey on the homeless who live in the underground. Given the recent drop in the underground transient population, the creatures have resorted to coming to the surface through sewer manholes at night in order to feed. So Bosh and a Nuclear Regulatory Commission official name Wilson find a dead creature. And then Wilson has to admit to Bosch that he has a top secret government file titled Chud, which stands for cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers, which are the underground errs that have been affected by nuclear radiation. Bosch and Wilson argue over how to best deal with the CEDS Wilson wants to seal the sewers open up some methane gas lines and asphyxiation them, despite the very real danger to the city that the poison gas could drive the creatures to the surface. Meanwhile, George the photographer he goes down with a local reporter to take some photos and they are attacked by the CEDS the reporters killed and George escapes and then he and Shepard meet up and start comparing notes and devising a plan. So during this time, this is all taking place over the course of like two or three days. More and more chugs are coming back up to the surface and attacking people through like drains in their basement or even old enough to attack a diner with police officers in it. And then they attack Lauren in her and George's apartment. She's able to throw photography development fluid on its face and then chops its head off and pretty great effects scene. She screams a lot in this movie, but she's also a badass and I kind of liked that about her. I'd like to think that if I were faced with a Chud you know I would be able to take care of myself but I guarantee you there will be a lot of screaming while I was doing. Jordan Shepard had back down into the tunnels and find these crates of radioactive nuclear waste. The boxes and barrels are marked Chud and they discovered the Chad does not mean cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers. chot actually stands for contamination hazard urban disposal. So it turns out that the regulatory commission is directly involved in the cover up of this and they've been they've been transporting toxic waste down into the tunnels because they're not allowed to transport it through the city. So let's see. But now by the same Wilson is implementing his plan to fill the tunnels with methane and Jordan Shepard are trapped down there with the CEDS will Wilson be allowed to cover up the crime he's directly involved with? Will George and shepherd escape the tunnels before they are blown? Will Bosh get shot and killed trying to help our guys but then suddenly turn up injured but alive at the end? I think the movie is super fun. It's also incredibly frustrating. They clearly don't have the budget to show more than two or three CEDS at one time and the Chad design is pretty great. They're they're kind of bald and and huge, like underground glowing eyes and stuff like that. What you really want is to see them like streaming out of the manholes and coming up and they they never show more than three at a time. So you understand that? Okay. They've got three Chet costumes. I think this movie is prime for a remake. And at one point, I guess my favorite filmmaker Kevin Smith was trying to make that happen. But he either didn't have the juice or there's a rights issue or something because he couldn't get it. I think that this remake needs to have the methane plan put into action in the middle of act two and then have it go horribly wrong sending 1000s of mutants up to the surface world. And then it becomes everyone in New York having to face off against the charts. I think that would make a very great movie, there is a sequel to this movie called blood that shed. And it's very confusing. It's very, it's aimed at a younger audience. It's comedy and at one point I heard it was supposed to be returned to the living dead part three, and they just turned it into a Chad movie instead. K tagline they're not staying down there anymore. Except the trivia this was part of Jordan peels inspiration for his 2019 horror movie us and a VHS version of Chuck can be seen in the bookshelf at the beginning of the movie. In 2011, as an April Fool's Day joke the Criterion Collection the most prestigious distributor of home video announced that it was releasing a special edition DVD and blu ray disc of the film was spine number 573. That was later assigned to the music room. Chad did however, receive a special edition blu ray release from Arrow video in 2016. And then, an urban legend in 1985 suggested that this was based on a true story that happened in Cincinnati in the 1970s spoiler that is not true. are out here. My movie is Chad it's on Prime Video. I think it's a whole heck of a lot of fun. Definitely worth a watch what the Rotten Tomatoes was something like 33 or something. It's It's, uh, you know, it's a 50 or 60% movie, a lot of fun. The real star of the show, you know, you got John Hurd and Daniel Stern. I don't know why they're in this low budget film, but they are just acting their asses off and John Hurt, especially as a big time actor by this time. He didn't have to be doing this. And he's great in it. But it was so surprised when I saw this one. I was like, I was figuring, you know, so bad. It's good kind of thing at best, but it's actually a good film. For you. No, it's not. Yeah, this is this is one I didn't watch for the first time until like two years ago. Yeah, I've been definitely avoiding it because I was burned so bad by street trash. And like it has kind of a similar aesthetic to me. And I was like, I can't I can't do another street trash. So I'll have to check it out. That sounds awesome. It's much, much better than street trash. And it it does kind of have that. That slimy, early 80s. New York feel. But it's I think it's just a better directed film. It looks better. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna turn my buzzer off. I've got less than a minute here. Nothing you guys can do? Not at all. Okay, well, then I think that that means await. Next Next week is going to be what is? What's going on here? Where am I? Who's got it? Vanessa, you got? Well, what we'll probably do next week for Christmas is release a new episode of The Amityville series. And then in the beginning of the year, we'll do our January 4, we'll put out our best of our top five of the year, however, we couch that and so for good for the moment. Yeah, it's good. I'm more than happy to discuss the topic that sounds like we won't get to it for a hot minute. But I'll give you a hint. It's about the opposite of a hot minute. Second, hold, cold minute, cold minute. Okay, well, this, this episode has been fraught with all sorts of technical difficulties, I can't wait to see how it comes out. But this is the part where we say thank you to everybody for liking and sharing posts for participating in the value for value stuff that we do here. And the way that that works is if you get some kind of value out of this, turn around and give it back. We can't tell you how much that value is. And it doesn't even have to be cash. I mean, everybody's strapped right now I get it. I see the people who are out there sharing the episodes as soon as they drop and stuff like that, that's, that's a value for value would really really appreciate that. If you do however, feel like you want to throw money at us. You can do that on the on the website or through the bias a pizza link or through a recurring subscription on Pay Pal, which is very, very much appreciated. And check us out on the strange aeons talk radio page. Also, I didn't bring in any of my notes. So I don't have the strange aeons radio hotline in front of me. It's 2538 we will flash it on the screen there. This episode goes well, I just want to say a big thanks to Eric for always doing such a stellar job on the editing on this and it looks like you've got your work cut out for you on this episode for sure. Yeah, yep. Oh, well worth it. As long as somebody shares it. Yes. Since since we won't be won't be doing a live show for Christmas. Merry Christmas to everybody. And we'll be back I guess in in the new year. Oh, that's right. Yes. Have a great Christmas and New Year's y'all. If that's I don't know. Whatever, right. whatever holiday you celebrate, enjoy it. And if you aren't celebrating any holidays, enjoy doing that. Yeah. Great. All right, guys. Great to see you. Great to see you guys. And we'll be back in seven short days with an Amityville Picture Show. Podcast Episode Eight, transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by an am airline. When you think of traveling the Make the pan and you can't beat the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road if you don't love me, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Sit will sit. That is the most PC way of phrasing it I am sure