Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 257

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Returning guest host Steve Holetz joins Eric and Kelly. and they talk about a faith in humanity restored. 

Also discussed: Onimusha, El Conde, Closed Circuit, and Sons of Steel.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric up there. Hello. Sitting in the Vanessa chair again this week is Steve Hall. Let's say hey, and I am Kelly. Where your where your co hosts for strange aeons radio for for now. We'll see maybe maybe Vanessa comes back next week. We don't know Maybe she's just decided she's had enough of this shit. That's always possible in which case Steve clear your Sundays. Listen, I've podcasted for years with two kids, it can be done. How dare you. I'm looking at my computer screen right now. It says it's a balmy 25 degrees out and partly sunny. So that's nice. We're in the middle of what is called the dry storm. Did you guys know that? The SOL Sol, no humidity in the air and even less humidity in your house if you're heating your house, because generally the humidity kind of stays the same between outside and inside. But when it's this dry outside and you're heating your house, it's going to be much drier in here. That's why your lips are chapped right now. That's why your skin is cracked and peeling like mine. So thirsty man with all this dry storm talk. I gotta hydrate everybody. Please take a drink. Okay, okay, sorry. I had my faith in humanity restored this morning, you guys. So yeah, we we record on Sundays. And I like to do my shopping for the week on Sunday mornings. I like to get out before the mutants start roaming around the meth heads and the the homeless people of Everett, tend to enjoy the QFC lot, a lot more than anyplace else. They're doing that crazy kind of hunched over thing, which I think is a horse tranquilizer symptom. Have you seen that? That's always very scary and terrifying. But today, I walked in, and there was a young couple in front of me as she took a beeline to the Starbucks. And I was following him because I like to grab QFC as these pizza bagels, and you know, you cut one of those in half, you toast those up, you fry up some bacon, you've got a lovely little breakfast, right. But as I'm walking towards the bagels, I see that he is also walking towards the bagels, and he is in front of me. And he stops and he looks around and he kind of digs through the packages of bagels, and he pulls out the last pizza bagels. And I said as a joke to him as he was walking away said, Oh, you got the last one. And he was like, oh, no, did you want these? I was like, no, no, it's fine. He's like, were you going for these? Really? I said, Yeah, but it is totally fine. And then he said to me, he goes, you want you want me to give you two of these. I'll pop it open, you can just switch me to with whatever you're getting. And I was so touched, I said, No, thank you. That is very kind, I will be fine with a different kind of bagel. But I thought that was just really nice of him to even offer doing something so weird in the middle of the QFC as you know, trading bagels, from our packages. And then when I when I did my checkout, and I always do the self checkout. And quite honestly that early in the day, there's nobody at the cashiers anyway, the cash registers. So I'm doing my checkout. And as I check out and throw my receipt in my bag, the gal who kind of monitors everything she says, Did you get your knife points? And I was like, my knife points. I'm not sure what this is. And she says, Oh, you've got we've got these free knives if you've got enough points and I was like oh I probably don't have enough points and she's like, Oh my God, you got like 140 points here. Apparently if you spend a certain amount of money at the place, you get a point per $10 or something like that and and I felt like saying yes I will I would have a lot of points because So you guys charge way too much for everything and so I have spent a lot of money here every fucking Sunday, it seems. But she then drags me over to this section where there's all this nice cutlery and everything available and she's like you got you know, you can get one of these knives you get this knife in this knife. And I ended up walking out of there with I already have pretty nice knife set. But I ended up walking out of there with two new knives for free as well and just had a hop in my walk. Skip in my junk today because of this and I didn't drink too much last night, I've decided to kind of be a little more aware of what I am consuming alcohol wise. Not not doing any dry January or dry wine January, being a little more aware of. Exactly. And I was like boy, what a lovely day. I can't wait to podcast with two humans that I love so much as YouTube. Well, that is a good Sunday. What a great story. Yeah. Right. funny you mentioned those knives though because Marth father in law the last two times we've been over those I got a bunch of KFC knives here do you think I've got enough points for like two more if you want like maybe maybe later? Yeah, she was she was pointing out all these knives. And I'm just like, I actually have a really expensive Knife Set. But but that knife I've never seen before, which is you know, a very fine knife for mincing and dicing and all that I was like, Well, I don't even own a knife like that. So I guess I'll take that one. And it was just a just I like getting free things. So well earned. Sure. Sure. I also managed to watch a couple of groovy things a couple of groovy shows this week that I would love to tell you and our lovely listeners about I'm a little disappointed Vanessa is not here to see me talk once again about an animated show that I found. After saying that I just don't watch animation. But I found something on Netflix called oni mutia familiar with this at all. I don't know that one. I believe it is based on a video game. And when I was reading the reviews for it. Everybody who's played the video game hates this hates this series. And I'm watching this going this is fucking brilliant. It's the animation is gorgeous. It's it's a lot like that. scavengers, rain stuff, it's got a very realistic animation set to it. So although it's Japanese, it doesn't have that anime look to the faces and the movements everything, it almost looks rotoscoped quite honestly. And it's, you know, it's got to be 17th century Japan, and it follows a famous swordsman who has gathered up a group of samurai to help him he is going up this mountain to kill this demon. And the samurai. He looks just like now I can't remember the very famous samurai actor from Lone Wolf and cub. His name is that was that to Cheryl Muthoni. I can't remember his name, but he looks He looks just like him. And it's really it's a really great series. Because eventually, you know, by the end of the first episode, you realize you're dealing with supernatural forces, and he has to defeat this demon and he has borrowed this gauntlet to help him do that. And the gauntlet has mystical powers and allows him to be a little more of a warrior than he already is. But it's obviously sucking his soul or something as it's helping him. So it's got a little bit of the Storm Bringer feel to it. And I don't know, I just was like going nuts over this thing. It's called oni mutia. And I believe it's got eight episodes. And probably if you're a gamer, you have heard of this and hate this series, but if not, you may enjoy the series as I am on Netflix. On that note, has there ever been a good animated version of Elric? No You know what's really interesting? You mentioned that Are you guys familiar with the ElfQuest comic book? Yeah, sure. Oh, yeah. The artist Wendy Pini before she had done that had done. I've had this forever as one of my prized possessions. This book called law and chaos. And it was her attempt to to start getting an animated Elric and it's really, really gorgeous work. You know, it's because that's what she does is really gorgeous work. And it never got off the ground. But this is this is a really neat little record of her attempting to do that. I think this was probably in the early 70s. But no, there has not been a good animated Elric and I think that'd be a brilliant way to do it. That'd be great. Yeah, that's a pretty good comic book adaptations that have been done. Like this series. I picked up from Amazon hardback versions incredibly well priced, they're like 20 some odd bucks per issue. Really beans into how dark and violent stories can be. I'll have to check those out. Steve, what about you? Oh, you know, one of the things since we're talking about a vampire weary I watched a film Have you guys seen el Conde? I have still not seen that. The Count, which is it's a Chilean black comedy film by Pablo rain. Oh, by Lorraine Yermak. Calderon is currently on Netflix. It's a satire that portrays Chilean dictator a Gousto Pinochet as a 250 year old vampire seeking death. The film's The film stars Jaime Vidal, Gloria mooch Meyer, Alfredo Castro and Paula Luke singer. And it's interesting. So Pinochet survives the French Revolution as a vampire, and he leaves France with the head of Marie Antoinette and goes to Chile and basically starts working his way up the ladder. And he's reached his an age where he is just tired of living. But he also doesn't want to give his fortune to his five Succubus children, who have hired a nun slash accountant from the Vatican to try to take down Pinochet. So it's this weird black comedy that absolutely skewers all of the corrupt way he would leech off of society during his career, both he and his family and their, you know, the, the woman who plays the accountant is interviewing each of the children. And so is it really true that you bought a steel factory from the military for nothing? And then a few late years later sold it back to the military for $3 million? And he's like, Absolutely. Isn't it crazy. So it absolutely skewers like all the shit that that regime got up to, in addition to like, Margaret Thatcher, is a vampire character in the film, and wonderfully done. I mean, they're living in squalor. And they're all competing against each other. And it's also gruesome, but also very banal in the way that he you know, he flies around the city and it's all beautiful and he takes this hook knife and you'll remove people's hearts and then you'll put it in a blender to make himself like a smoothie of heart and then that's how he survived so it's, it has a silliness to it, but it's also very funny and again, currently on Netflix, so if you're into you know, dark comedy and vampire stuff check it out. Oh Conde Yeah, I do want to check that out. That was one of my 100 this last October and yeah, that's a that is a wild weird film. Isn't it weird how though he has all this money and yet they're living in squalor, like the living room that they have. The floorboards are blown out and they're sitting in dirt. Like it's just the set design and everything is really crazy and interesting and fun. Like they've lived so rich and for so long. They just don't care anymore. Yeah. Like whatever happens. I watched another Italian film and other from that series of releases I've talked about recently from Severan movie called the closed circuit which is a actually a TV made for TV movie from Italy about a group of people in a theater that are watching a spaghetti western and one of the guys on the screen shoots in somebody the audience get shot. And then the police show up and basically, demand everybody stays there. And we're not talking like for a couple hours interview, they're there for days. And they come up with the idea, we need to re show this film so we can figure out how people died. That almost goes into surrealism, but really good, really interesting and weird. Way overdramatic at time. But yeah, 1978 Italian, gonna get some of that. But well worth checking out a closed circuit, and news from Severan. So that means it's probably popped up on some streaming places, because they usually stream some of the stuff they sell about the time they bring it out. So it's probably available somewhere, and well worth checking out. And that's the title closed circuit. Yep. It's got this neat cover of a gun with film reels on top of it. Great image. Very nice. Well, I'm sure that if you are on Instagram, or Facebook, you're seeing the ads that are popping up all over the place, there's a new season of Spartacus coming out called House of Asher. And I don't know about you, Steve. But I do know that Eric, you and I watched the three seasons of Spartacus and I remember originally we were watching it to kind of make a little bit of fun of it. And then you get completely wrapped up in the soap opera of ancient Rome and gladiators and everybody fucking each other literally and figuratively. So that's available all three episodes or, or all three seasons are available on Tubi. Now, and so I decided to start doing a rewatch from episode one. And I thought, well, I'll just gradually get into this. Nope, I'm on Season Three already. days later. I forgot how engrossing it is and how you're just you know, you're rooting for these people to die. It's really the bad guys you really love to hate in this and I just fallen in love with it again, I forgot how horrible looking like the first two episodes were. But I think I remember them getting semi decent reviews. And it was almost like they said, Oh, we should put some money in this. And so all of a sudden it became less of a 300 rip off. And more of its own rating and the slow motion and digital blood kind of started going its own way instead of trying to look like like Zack Snyder's 300 I gotta say I'm really really loving it the second time around, so and I forgot that was already 10 years ago. That show Okay, yeah, I was gonna ask that. That was a while ago. Wow. Yeah. So the fact that they're bringing it back again, somebody must have said, Hey, remember when stars used to have good ratings? Let's see if I can do that again. So yeah, it's called Spartacus. The three seasons are Blood and Sand, gods of the arena and vengeance, and then a new one coming up called House of Asher. So yeah, I wanted to talk about something I've been reading lately. This guy kale yo, is doing this. This series is not a secret language is fighters. And, you know, Kelly doesn't talk that much about his stuff on the show. So I thought I would for a second, um, what I'm enjoying about this soon to be novel, which you all can read. Come summer, I think, is the fact he's captured like this sort of small town America horror vibe that, you know, we all grew up with Stephen King, so we appreciate that sort of thing. But there's the modern, he's modernized it and localize it. So the story is happening in Washington is post COVID. It's up to the minute dealing with homelessness and issues that we are all seeing on a daily basis at the same time. With each episode. He's ratcheting the vise it's getting more intense and more intense and more intense. And I'm just really loving the vibe of what Kelly is doing here. And you know what I'm feeling three episodes in or issues in. I don't think anybody's fucking safe. I don't think that Kelly's playing games here he is putting children in danger. He gives zero fucks this guy is getting after it. When you have a chance to read the whole thing I think you should check out let me see no lies detected. Steve You're too kind and your check is in the mail. So Julie's also read through them all. Oh, I don't know if I owe you additional money for that or how it works if it's like a streaming thing. Yeah, yeah, she's really enjoying it as well. So well done, sir. Can't wait for more. That is, that is so kind of you. I'm really bad at accepting compliments. But and the compliments I have been getting are embarrassingly good. And I really, really appreciate everyone who signed up for the, for the 33 limited copies. And I think that you're all going to really enjoy this next, this next chapter that comes out is an interlude. And I think it's going to answer a lot of questions. Plus, there's a lot of groovy little giveaways that are coming with each of these. And I think everyone's going to love what suddenly shows up with this fourth chapter. So thank you so much, Steve, that was really, really nice of you. Sure, well, and the world building. I mean, there's, there are a lot of places that you can do more when this is all wrapped up. And I just, I like the the hint of a future there. Well, I hope that you enjoy how it ends up. Well, I guess I'll just steer back to regular old movies. Thank God, this is the most embarrassing four minutes of my life. Well, this one was a recommendation from Bob Hall. Since I or Hale since I put it in my notes, I have no idea when he recommended it. It was a long time ago, I'm glad I finally got to it. Sons of steel from 1988. It's interesting. It's a story of a rock and roll guy who somehow travels through time and is set to the world got destroyed because of a boat accident or with a submarine or something like that. So he's going to go back from the future, back to the current time and stop that. It is wonderful. It could have been directed by some other famous bad movie directors, but just some random guy Gary lKt put it out. It's hard to talk about it's such a strange movie. The music is so wonderfully bad. 80s metal. And so that's fun. The guy who sings is over the top muscle bound. Sort of almost reminiscent of the lead character of the room. acting chops as well. So, but you know, Bob, that was a good recommendation. Thank you. I enjoyed watching it. And if any of you are in the mood for a rock'n'roll time travel with kind of guys that look like extras from Conan the Barbarian also involved. Check it out. It's pretty sure I saw it on TV. Is it a known band? Who does the music? No. It's all just for this thing. Are they baby in Australia Australian band that, you know, a band that showed they did a few shows someplace in Australia and maybe you put an album out or something like that, but there really wasn't a lot of indication of you could go out and get their catalogue. Gotcha. I love Bob. He we used to run into him all the time down for Lovecraft Film Festival, and less and less over the past couple of years as life has gotten in the way of everything. But uh, now I'm going to have to watch this as well. Sons of steel. Okay. Well, you guys how about we take a little break and I can wipe away the tears in my eyes from Steve's gushing compliments. And then when we come back, we are talking about vampires again. Don't be scared. I'm the super monster with a super sweet new CTO how Chocula is the super sweetness. But I've got chocolates we used for monstrous chocolate flavor. Well, I got berry flavored sweetness on Monster strong pet a flavor called Dragon berry chocolate Hello. Let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hey folks, make the bronze call and just a wish Miss Williams. A congratulations on becoming a mom. Can't wait to see that zard awesome. baby's first birthday party. Time will fly by can't wait for the costumes. Anyway, congratulations sincerely, if you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline dial 25323742 6x. And we have returned. Oh my goodness, I'm feeling much better. I got a few deep breaths. Like, oh my god, they liked me. They really liked the topic, once again, is vampires. Steve, why don't you start us off this week. So as I mentioned, last episode, I've got this pile of DVDs right next to me. And so when Eric reshard he was like, hey, what do you want to you know, watch for this. This, you know, a couple of vampire episodes. And I grabbed immediately just the first two things that I saw, and the very first one which we talked about last episode was Vampir. The second one was the vampire lovers. Come with us, if you dare. Into a twilight world of unspeakable horror. You must die. Everybody must die. Sample if you dare. The deadly passion of the vampire lovers vampire lovers. Creatures of the Night find victims everywhere the unsuspecting Merrymakers in glittering ballrooms with their young and tender through the sleeping beauties whose dreams turn into real terrifying nightmare for God's sakes save. No rest for the vampire lovers. No Escape till their evil hearts are still or bowl eternity. One remains yes even one there will be 1000s more. Beware. Beware the caress the kiss that kills where the vampire lovers a hammer film from I want to say 9970 Double check that. Yeah, 1970 British gothic horror film directed by Roy Ward Baker, starring Peter Cushing and the gorgeous Ingrid Pitt, George Cole Kaito Mara, Madeline Smith, Don Adams, Douglas Wilmer and John Finch, again, produced by hammer. And what's interesting about this is it's actually the exact same source material as Vampir is Carmilla, which was taken from the Sheridan Le Fanu novella, and also through a glass darkly his anthology, so I was surprised as I'm starting to watch this, I'm like, this seems oddly familiar. And much of the story is very similar to the last film I reviewed, so if you dare taste the deadly passion of the blood and cut in if I can, was this a first time viewing of vampire lovers for you? Yes, it was. Wow. Okay, nice. Yeah, I've been working my way through the older hammer stuff, as you know, like a lot of hammer wasn't released his once in big box sets the way universal was. So for a number of years, it was kind of more of a challenge to catch up on that stuff. And I would see you know, the occasional film on like Bob Wilkins and Creature Feature back in the day, but I was pretty far behind on the overall hammer scope. So I've been catching up over the last few years, and I picked it up It's up, but I hadn't watched it yet. So what I do know about the film, the budget was 165,000 pounds. And again, it was based on the 1872 Sheridan Le Fanu novella. Carmilla is the first film of the Constine trilogy, the other two films being lust for a vampire in 1971, and twins of evil. The three films were somewhat daring in the time explicitly depicting lesbian themes. Matter of fact, on the cover of the film here, caution, not for the mentally immature. Oh, no. Oops, dammit. So it starts with this amazingly shot scene of a vampire hunter watching out a window as a shape ascends through the mist covered in a shroud. And it's really great looking, and this creature wanders through the mists away into town, and it loses a piece of its shroud, which will prevent it from having its rest. So this vampire hunter grabs the shroud, as the shape goes into town and there is a gorgeous vampires who drains a townsperson and returns attempting to go back to her rest. She's unable to do so because her shroud is missing. And he taunts her through the castle window with this bit of shroud when she comes back. He decapitate sir, so you're starting with a great glorious opening to this hammer film. Gore is great. And then we jump ahead to the future where this general which is Peter Cushing is holding a ball for his daughter's birthday. And during the ball this Countess comes in and drops off her. I don't think she's her daughter, but her ward Hey cat and leaves her there and she had to bugger off to some important event. And so this is Marcela and she starts becomes a house guest and starts to slowly inflict her vibe on the situation the daughter starts to get weak she's having bad dreams of a cat oddly, Eric, vizier at night and she gets weaker and weaker and soon she is completely drained of blood and she dies. At that point. Marcella leaves the castle runs back in it turns out that she is one of the carne Steen clans, the vampire Camila, so she later appears again at another household in the area, and vampire ik antics ensue. I will leave it there because it's definitely well worth watching. Interestingly, Peter Cushing's in very little of the film, he's in the start, and he's in the end. And again, I haven't seen the other two installments in the trilogy. So I don't know what happens with current scheme, but it is definitely a delivery vehicle for gorgeous hammer actresses. Very scantily clad. Lots of great blood taking and decapitations and this one definitely has that creepy hammer vibe and totally fun watch. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very fun. Yeah, I remember really loving this movie. And I think I have the novel adaptation of that the novelization? What he, yeah, what a great time to be alive when those movies were coming out, especially as a young kid, right? That must have just been the greatest. Well, it's interesting that like, the lesbian themes are really taken from the original novella. There's there isn't a lot that they're, I mean, surely they're saucing it up a little bit being that era of hammer, where sex and Gore was kind of the selling point. But the concept of Carmilla seducing these young girls and the different households that comes from the text directly. I didn't mention this in volunteer. Basically, Alan gray is just his hapless protagonist. He doesn't do shit. He witnesses things. But at the end of the day, it ends up being sort of the household help, who does most of the vampire fighting. And in this case, too, it's the household help that is keeping the garlic flowers around the young lady who is slowly being drained and keeping her alive for a large part of the film. So it's very interesting in that way, super interesting to me that you watch these kinds of back to back. Were there moments that you were like, this is definitely exactly the same scene, or do you feel like they approached it completely differently? There were mostly different approaches. But yes, the the young girl's having nightmares and slowly wasting away was exactly the same in both films. Very cool. This makes me want to watch that one again. It's been a long, long time since I've seen that. Well, Steve, you beat the time by about four minutes. So if you want to just talk vamp, as I would say, oh, let's, let's move on. Bring it on, or All right, I'm turning it off and then turning it right back on again. I feel like if I go over a little bit, it's fine because Steve gave me a little bit of credit on his timer. I chose from 1985 lifeforce, they watched, they waited. Now their time has gone out of the depths of space, the ultimate tear, moving, searching, destroying, from body to body, from life to life, from men the womb, changing, growing, burning for our life force. From the director of poltergeist from the special effects creator of Star Trek The Motion Picture, life force in the blink of an eye, the terror begins ah, I'm sure you both seen this. Love this. This is yeah, this is one of the films that really starts the downfall of Cannon Films. It had a budget of $25 million and a box office worldwide of $11 million. Oh sure. The rotten. Yeah, Rotten Tomatoes. Critics give it 56% And the audience gives it 46% Directed by Toby Hooper 43 credits including Texas Chainsaw Massacre eaten alive the Salem's Lot mini series Invaders from Mars, Billy Idol's dancing with myself video. And maybe poltergeist written by Colin Wilson, who wrote the original novel, The Space vampires, and the screenplay is credited to Dan O'Bannon, who has 37 credits including alien dead and buried blue thunder Return of the Living Dead, and 20 of his 37 credits are based on the Alien film and all of the alien fan films that have come since then, that he gets a credit as created by on. It is also credited to done Jacoby who has 13 credits including blue thunder, the Philadelphia Experiment Deathwish three arachnophobia and John Carpenter's vampires. It is starring Steve Railsback who has 93 credits including turkey shoot blue monkey, alligator too and disturbing behavior. And Matilda Mae who has 62 credits, including the jackal, dead, tired, love Express and a tonne of French cinema. And Peter Firth, who has 100 credits, mostly British television, but also sort of the valiant Hunt for Red October and Mighty Joe Young. Also in this film are frank Finley, Patrick Stewart, John Hallam and Michael Gotthard que you guys life, life force. It is the air 1985 Definitely not the future. And yet the space shuttle Churchill is on a joint British American scientific research mission as they approach Halley's Comet. At this close distance, they're scanners which are very futuristic. And let's not even talk about the fact that they have real gravity on their spacecraft and even mention it Their scanners are picking up something inside the tail of the comet and it appears to be a gigantic structure. So half the group Don's their spacesuits and goes out to investigate. What they find is a 150 mile long alien spacecraft and when they go inside the structure is this awesome mix of Giger design work and gothic church architecture. And they also find hundreds of shriveled dead bat creatures floating in one of the enormous halls. It's pretty groovy sight, but not nearly as groovy as the three naked humans they find in suspended animation chambers. Who cares about the two men all 15 year old Kelly young cared about was Matilda Mae, who has a vision of perfection, and what I imagined God must look like. So they load up the bodies and begin their return trip to Earth. But on the way Mission Control loses contact with the shuttle and they send a rescue mission to find out what happened. The Rescuers find the Churchill completely gutted by fire except for the three suspended animation cases and the aliens within them. The aliens are taken to a scientific research center in London, where they are watched over by a doctor who's about to perform an autopsy on the female alien when she suddenly wakes up, and really reveals herself to be an energy vampire. But she doesn't suck blood. No, she sucks. Wait for it, Steve. And no, it's not Cocu per she sucks lifeforce, hence the title. She then proceeds to walk around completely naked, God bless her, sucking the life force out of various humans and escaping the research center. Meanwhile, in Texas of all places, an escape pod from the shuttle Churchill is found with Colonel Tom Carlson still alive. I love that this space shuttle in the year 1985 has an escape pod and it has its own gravity has scanners where they can get readings of ships and stuff in this anyway. Colonel Tom Carlson is still alive. He is flown to London, and tells how the crew were drained of their life forces and to save Earth from hits fate. Carlson set fire to the shuttle and escaped in the pod during hypnosis that they put them under, it is clear that Carlson has a psychic link to the female alien. Carlson and Colonel Colin are Colonel Cain sorry, a member of the SHS trace the alien to the body of a nurse at a hospital for the mentally disturbed in Yorkshire, and they believe they have managed to trap the alien girl within the heavily sedated body of the hospital's manager, Patrick Stewart. However, the entire episode was a trick to lure them away from London. And when they arrive back, it is clear that a plague has taken full control and the female alien has escaped. The entire city is affected in a wave of violence as people are being taken over and become rapid. I'm sorry rabid like Vampire alien zombies rampaging through London. Upon arrival back at headquarters, Carlson soon realized that even the Prime Minister has been affected, infected and martial law is enacted to prevent the spread of the plague out of London. The two male vampires have also escaped from confinement and begun to transform most of London's population into zombies. So they transform them by sucking their lifeforce, and then these people become these kinds of zombie vampires. And then they suck the life force out of other people. And then they have to just keep doing this like every two hours or so. And the transformation process just repeats and repeats. This blue energy isn't collected by the vampires who are somehow transferring it back to the waiting spaceship, which is now in his orbit. When they finally kill one of the male vampires by impaling him with a lead stake, they surmise that the ancient legends of vampires probably started with a previous visit to Earth from the space vampires although why they didn't just take over the earth at that time is never explained. Anyhow, now they have a plan to kill the other vampires, but will they be able to implement it? Especially once we realize the Carlson's psychic connection with Matilda Mae, much like the psychic connection I had with her for about six minutes after this film ended, is so strong that he might not be able to do anything but what she wants. Will they be able to save London from the hordes of energy vampires on the loose? Will Carlson and Matilda may escaped back to the cathedral ship and bless back off into space with Halley's comet and if so, what happens 75 years later, when the comet will return. This movie is playing on Tubi with ads, but nothing is edited out. I think that this is still a ton of fun, even though it is quite bad. The effects look great to me, just because they're practical and I am phantom practical effects. But you know, if you look at them with critical eye, they're quite goofy. This was my pick for my 15th birthday. My mom's like, you'd want to see a movie. What should we go see it? I said life force and my mom took me and my older brother to it. She was not very happy. But I remember my older brother was all smiles. A little bit of trivia. managed to make it through with your mother still there. It's impressive. Little bit of trivia. Toby Hooper once revealed that in the early stages of shooting they waxed Matilda Mays pubic hair off completely thinking it will make her lick make her look less nude. It did not. In fact, it was worse because then her vulva was exposed, making her look even younger. So they had her grow a bikini strip of pubes back, Mae had to frequently remove her pants and panties to allow Hooper to inspect her. Oh my god and makeup. Exec artists Sandra x will be talked about it in an interview. We had this big discussion about Mattel of May, he Hooper said I want all her body hair off and I said you can't do that Toby. She's a young girl. At the time she was 18 90% of the film. She was on camera nude while walking about you cannot take all the body hair away. He said, Well, I want the pubic hair as short as possible and lightened it up. I don't really want to see it. So every morning I was on my knees trimming and coloring and making it look perfect. I do have some trivia that's not nudity involved. But who wants to hear that? I did not have Vanessa on. My timer went but I'm gonna take up some of Steve's time. Keep going. I also saw this film in its original theater run. So I completely approve go for it. Director Toby Hooper once said of working for producers Menachem Golan and Yoram Globus. Canon was a really good company to work for both Yoram and Menachem love the movies and the filmmakers and really treated them well. It seemed more when I was there like maybe what the old system was like I miss that kind of showmanship and risk taking. The dummies used as the desiccated corpses were also used in the mummy the 1999 film. That's an awesome fact. Yeah, isn't that cool that they use that. So of course Matilda Mays character is called Space girl. For the shot of space girl walking up the stairs naked shadows were added in post production to setser Matilda mais body to avoid getting an X rating. This is the first movie and director Toby Hooper's three movie deal with the cannon group and this let's see that three picture deal was this film Invaders from Mars 1986 and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to 1986. Also, right column Wilson, the author of the original book, the space vampires very much dislike the film. With his verdict being well at least there's lots of full frontal nudity. And finally, makeup artists Nick melee average 70 to 90 hours of work during production, most of it applying makeup to Matilda Mays fully nude body to make it look perfect and flawless. Even though he admitted in an interview that her 18 year old body was always was already pretty much perfect and flawless. He joked once that he had no issue with applying the makeup. In fact, it was his favorite part of the job. That's my film, lifeforce. 1986. Kelly, do you recall what this was rated? It was just rated our my mom would not have. I'm wondering how I was able to see this. Did I sneak in because I did not go with my mom. I'm pretty sure Gordon, I somehow saw this together. Like it's 17. I don't know how that happened. Well, radar was 17 and above. Was it okay, maybe that's it, then. It wasn't 18. No, no, not here in the States. Well, all right. Well, so Eric, what do you got for us and how much full frontal nudity was involved? Some? Oh, excellent. We've got the hat trick. Not really reason to have it. All righty. So I have got 1970 ones, they have changed their face. I say be an asset the Dougie into the supermarket, Nosferatu, the proprietary of the law out of your motors. laboratory data analysts were the lead among a proprietary not only yours, also Stanford President apropriate reo. legionary Giovanni noster? Want to see it again, we're going with a seven release on the blu ray, this one from dance on recovery. Volume Two. Oh wow. Also the Italian Gothic collection. I think this is a much more fun cover than the original one. This was a rotten tomatoes of zero ratings from critics, a 40. While not zero ratings, zero ratings, not a no rating at all for it. And this one had 40 from the crowd, which is kinda low. I love saying budgets in lira. This was a $50 million film and Italian Italian lira. So $212,000 But it made 28 million lira. So about half the budget didn't do real great. This is directed by Corrado Ferghana, who is also directed Baba Yaga and 11 short films. He also wrote it same directing another writer was Julio Bharati, who did the killer nun, which I think I talked about on the show one time, the long arm of The Godfather. Season for assassins and riot in a woman's prison. Actors although faux Sally who was in Thunderball, the tiger is still alive. So don't come to the rescue. Pete Pearl, and the pole and danger data leak. They're nice. They're Yeah 103 credits overall. Also, Geraldine Cooper, who was in deep red, Teresa, the thief and Emmanuelle in Soho, and gelato. esperado, who was in violent Rome and Judge Roy Bean Can I bet that's another good one. Starts with a guy driving a car into a parking lot and really poorly parking it. That's kind of interesting in that movie for idea though, because he looks gets out kind of looks at the car like here that's not such a good bark and then just walks away and is brought to the upper. He goes into the very very corporate looking building and a light fog and is greeted by a Mr. Helsing. Who wants to take him to the upper floor to meet with the upper management. The weird part is watching to see the upper management the guy's got a record playing and I say that, like goblin or something. It is such an Italian jello sounding score. And it's the record he's physically playing in the movie. So it's like it's interesting, moved. He's worked for an auto company and the owner wants to see him in his mountain Villar his owner, Giovanni Nosferatu. Oh. This he'd see the cleverness going on here. So little on the nose. Yeah. He drives up to the village and a frog fog in shrouded mountain road and arrived at some creepy ass village with mud for streets and moss covering the homes. I'm pretty sure they just found an abandoned village and shot it there because I mean, this place is a wreck. He can't find a gas station and nobody in the village will speak to him. From the top of a little ridge over there, a woman appears to help her find a gas station. She's wearing an overcoat and no top. So she's topless. It's kind of like the the image in the cover here. Although it's more revealing than that images. But she helps him find a gas station you find out her name is Laura, which I also forgot to mention in the previous film from last week, the lead has also named Laura, which is one of the leads from the Carmela films. The Carmela book is named Laura. He, Alberto, the lead guy reaches the home of Nosferatu. He's walking in. And these two teeny small cars like escort him. Both of the men in the cars are wearing little helmets. So it's like some weird racing movie from the 70s. It's very bizarre. And you get up to the house and the house looks about as rundown as a village and then you get inside of it. And I tell you, this is a sci fi 70s interior, cool, all white, all silver, and yellow covers, just like yeesh as the story starts to unfold a little bit your eyes is this part at least is definitely the Dracula story. It's movies kind of a commentary on commercialism and consumerism. Any room that guy walks into at least for a little while. You hear this weird Narrator start to describe the products in the room and where you could buy them. Thank you take takes a shower and there's no shower is complete without tonic gel, you can get our tonic now that's just it's very weird. And the meals he served also straight out of the 70s sci fi movie with gelatin and other strange looking products. And Nosferatu explains it just saves time and energy. The does offer on those first two offers Alberto the position of president of the company. This is a guy who from previous things is basically a factory worker. So he has no idea why he's being offered this. But the Nosferatu has an indoor shooting range. Whenever he shoots, he hears somebody off. So every time there's a shot until the other guy takes a shot, then you don't hear a current. So it's very purposeful. Like all right, they never reveal if he's actually shooting somebody from behind the targets. Alberto starts look around, he finds a dozen kids in small cribs. Plant tirely sure what's going on there. One of them is labeled with his name, the position he's been offered and then later on the opposite end of the spectrum, he finds a decimated graveyard and goes into explore one of the Crips Can you guess the name on one of the Crips Nosferatu actually it's almost forgot to and then he notices on the ground and and has fallen off the crypt is from 1801. The whole time the lady that helped him find the gas station disposal. They've been sitting out in the car waiting for him to come back out. So after what appears to be days, he goes out and visits to see what she's up to. She is gone because Nosferatu has gotten munched on her. She's no longer to be found. This is another weird movie, but it's incredibly well done. And I enjoyed this a lot. The headshot kind of puts the nail right on the head of what he's talking about. With a line that embedded over the end. Today. The name of terror is technology. Head of its time, man. Kid. What year did you say 1964 says I hate 7171 7164 was a monster at the opera. Right? This is 1971. And it looks at it's got that Clockwork Orange. We're not quite in the 70s yet, but we're still in the 60s a little bit. It's impressive. I was just wondering. Yeah, clock one. So I was wondering if there was an influence of one on the other being more lower budget or not. I was curious about that. It's hard to say with it being close enough. It's Italian low budget. So probably because the Italians were not afraid to borrow from anyone with their films. So there could be some in the look of it, that's for sure. Oddly, it's listed as a black and white movie on IMDb. So let me correct that. I'm not going to the music is by a guy named Amido Tomasi, who was born in 1935. But they mentioned this because it's pretty interesting music. It's well done. He also composed the house of laughing windows and sleepless. They worked on a fair amount of films. There is a picture in the latter part of the movie where you get the idea that he is Controlling a network of people and there's three commercials that are shown and apparently they all parody Italian films not once unnecessarily seen when from the East La Strada and Murat about the marquee decide. But they looked interesting. They were well done but what about the murky decide is kind of hilariously over the top because they're trying to advertise for everybody knew now safe and legal LSD in spray can for Wow. So I'll also say go see this film this as well, we're seeing again, it's a seven. So it's probably streaming someplace at least for a little while. And it is goofy and strange and definitely worth adding into your lexicon of weird films featuring red bars. Fantastic. I can't wait to see this one. Sorry, guys. I'm struggling. There's a lot of leg going on, at least on my end. Seeing and hearing everybody. So you're right. Okay, well, so I think we're going into next week with more van pyres. And maybe Vanessa will be joining us. Just hard to tell at this point. Yeah. Well, I'll give you plenty of warning. Well, thanks for having me, fellas. Yeah, please tell everybody where they can find you again. And if you want them to that is sure. Again, our podcast the Bobath show comes out monthly at bone the Tickets for the 13th bone back comedy of horrors Film Festival. Once again, we'll go on sale February 1. Those are advanced tickets. And that gets you a full day of comedy horror features shorts from around the world. And live music from the pine box boys. It's a great time. Come join us at Sif Egyptian on April 13 2024. Yes, join in. It's a good, good good good festival. Fantastic. And this is the part where I thank everybody for liking and sharing posts for reaching out on the strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266 for joining in on the conversation on the strange aeons radio talk page on Facebook, which is just kind of exploded and has a lot of cool people saying a lot of cool things about a lot of cool things. Yes. And thanks for everybody who of course has thrown in money either through one of our you know, monthly subscription things that you can do on Pay Pal or buy a pizza, or just participating in the value for value model, which is super simple. If you get some kind of value out of this. You decide what that's worth, and send it our way. It can be in the form of cash, it can be in the form of just spreading the word. You know, we love all of that stuff. So that's it for the show. Thanks again, Steve for for filling in for Vanessa, we really appreciate you doing this last minute like that. Yeah. Congratulations to Vanessa on the new addition to her family. Absolutely. Yes, for sure. Alright guys, we'll be back in seven short days and we are once again talking vampires, transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio loose by an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Guess the strange aeons radio stay at econolodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. If you don't love me, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you've enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Syd Liu set to go but did not have Vanessa on