Strange Aeons Radio


February 15, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 260
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


Recording in person, the gang contemplates Disney's new business plan before getting into more Fangruary picks!

Also discussed: I.S.S., Panico, Poor Things.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly and I am so glad to be recording in person with both of you. Yeah. Oh, nice to see you. Vanessa, You look lovely. Human beings are like warm and fuzzy and have physical form. Okay, I miss that. I will say that there is pros and cons to the remote recording. The Pro is I don't have to clean up the house before you guys show up here. The pro is that the people who do want to see our hideous faces are able to see our hideous faces. They love it. And and that's about it. Because I I feel like we're missing a lot of the chemistry and interaction we all have when we can look each other in the eye and stuff like that and, and make a joke without worried about somebody stepping over the line. Wait a second. That doesn't happen, Eric. But I we got a lot of really nice messages from people saying I think the remote stuff is great. Personally, I love seeing you guys. I like getting a hug from everybody. Yeah, and all that stuff. Yeah. If If and when we can always, you know, be in person. We'll do it. If for other reasons, like childbirth gets in the way. We may occasionally do remote, but at least we have a really, really good Mike's more remote. That's true. Yeah. That's incredible. Vanessa, I have a question. And this might be too soon for this question. But I don't but you seem like you've got your life figured out and everything that is grossly inaccurate? Is this the first of many kids? Oh my god, that is the one question that I just don't want to be asked here. This is the thing, I've always thought it'd be really cool to have more than one kid because I grew up as one of for sure. And there's something really nice about having other people to bounce things off of, and it's less of a lonely experience. But I just had a baby. And that was not easy. And now I've got a newborn. And guess what, that's not fucking easy. So I this is not the time to ask me if I had to answer if somebody held a gun to me right now and asked, I'd say no, I'm good with one because I'm really tired. And my body is still healing. And it's been five weeks, but but in theory, I would love to have at least one more. Okay, I'll see you see if you can get the set. Yeah. Oh, my God. That's my brother lucked out. He got one of you. Maybe it's in the cards. What about you? Eric? What are you guys having kids? What about you, Kelly there? What are you having? I'm sure there are plenty out there. You know, go find one is that what you mean is gonna say well just bring you a thumb at some point. Here you go. I remember being at my niece's wedding. And I was with my girlfriend at the time. And this, this young pretty girl comes walking up to me and she's, you know, maybe 20 years younger than me and she says, hey, my mom says hi. And I just sat there, you know, flop sweat on my brow. And my girlfriend kind of raised her eyebrow and she goes you know, Jennifer and I was like, oh, Jennifer I'm hitting my girlfriend. Jennifer. Family Jennifer tigers, please be put away yeah, so God yeah, that is my fear is that there? There's kids out there but I that's the difference between men and women. Hmm. You might just have a kid out there you're not aware of it yet. Imagine it is definitely always thought that's weird is the life you live. It's my real problem is if we're getting honest, is that I've had a lot of one night stands that turned into six or seven year relationships. Oh, you're doing it wrong. So I don't really have very many one night stands that I didn't see the person again. Wouldn't know if there was a child involved there. There you go. Or you can just look on Facebook every once awhile and be like, Are there small people in your profile picture? Yes or No? Would they be roughly the right time? Okay, cool. cross that one off the list. I've been married 25 years so anything would be any kid that would approach me for that would have to be plus I dated for what like seven years old? Is there anybody that might be out there as well into their 30s 50s? Yep, go as possible. Oh, man, somebody from high school. Sure. Yeah. That's the strongest possibility. Yeah. I'm good. Thank you guys. I don't know you come from such a different universe of like, thinking. You don't think that you've got some kids out there you might not know about. It's just like, it's one of those things that never has even occurred to me to be something to be worried about from a male perspective. Sure. Oh, you guys care about that weird? was a different time. Vanessa. Did you guys see that? Bob Iger came out talking about Marvel Studios slowing way down and that Disney has come out said they're gonna focus on sequels now. Oh, no mention of like new original stuff. They were just like, Yeah, we're gonna slow way down and focus on sequels sequels to what they're already like anything they would be doing a sequel of. They're like five movies. That's what I think they're talking about. They're like, look, we've got plenty of plenty of IP. And we're just going to continue using that. Yes. Why they're making a sequel to inside out which is one of my favorite Pixar films. And Alana two is supposed to be like a big thing. He's counting on that. Fixing Disney's problem because if you think back to the Disney catalog, your favorite movies are all like Cinderella two, and Lion King two. Oh my god a mermaid two worst movies I've ever seen. Mermaid. Take the Pixar out of the equation. And Disney at least their animation sequels are not good. Very rarely historically have been god awful. Straight to the bargain bin but first thought was oh, but cars no cars is Pixar. Toy Story is great sequels of Little Nemo. I didn't see it. But I hear that was a good sequel finding Oh, Finding Nemo. My name is equal Dory. I never saw the sequel. Yes, but those are all Pixar. So you pull those all out. And 102 Dalmatian it's just ya know, you're really something called 101 my niece's favorite three, isn't it? It's a gorilla two was Cinderella. Two dreams come to? Oh, no. Do you guys remember that Saturday Night Live episode where they're, they're pitching sequels for the movie Alien. And then Jim Cameron just like kicks open the door and he walks in and he writes it s behind aliens. And then he just puts money these lines. They all start cheering. I have not seen that. But that is incredible. Awesome. Holy shit. Sounds about right. Yeah. Well, so I also think, you know, when they say Disney is focusing on sequels, I imagine they're they're saying Star Wars Star Wars Marvel. Right? So the Marvel stuff, even though they're slowing it down? I really think the way for Marvel to go is they can, they can continue the output. But we don't need to get a Hawkeye series, right? When we've got something as strong as Daredevil and somebody like Hawkeye could show up for a Cesar, right? You know, there's stuff like that. That is like you got some really strong IP here. Why don't you just focus on films and cut the budgets down and the CGI down? Like, just be like, Hey, let's just make one without, like, 90% of CGI. And it'll be you guys. We'll make something fucking cool. Yeah, and it doesn't have to be you don't have to get Vin Diesel to say one word in our show and pay him $30 million. That budget for what if? You know, like, fucking actors? Yeah. So I don't know what they're going to do. But they're clearly scrambling now. And there's been no real understanding that, hey, we might have flooded the market with this. And looking back historically, everything is a cycle. And we didn't seem to think this would be a cycle. But it is clearly just a cycle. So nothing as popular as Marvel hit is ever going to be popular forever. It's just too big. Yes. You can't depend on and especially since they closed off that was the I don't know like back to or whatever the fuck with the infinity infinity films. Once you've done that, there is no more like they closed up all their open storylines. And now you can't assume anything is going to be that popular again until you build it all the way back up for another 1215 years. Yeah, it's just, it's too It's too big. Yeah, that's what we've been complaining about this whole time. Yeah. I got it. You esse some stuff and I got a chance to see a lot of stuff. Oh, cool. Not sure what I want to talk about because some of it was good. Some of it was not very good. I'm going to talk about a little documentary Eisah called Welcome to the darkness. Okay, this is about the band the darkness. Oh, cool. I really not a fan of the darkness came out. I always thought that Justin Hopkins had a very bad voice and everyone comparing him to Freddie Mercury who was just infuriating me. There's a difference between falsetto and having a range that you can actually hit those high notes and all this. Oh, man, America did what they do and took it too seriously again, because I was in the UK at the time. And it was like a goofy, hilarious band. Well, you know what I thought when I first saw that video of him holding the sausage and stuff like that, I thought, okay, these guys are having a laugh on us. Yeah. But everybody over here, thought they were the next queen. Oh, God. Oh, no. So the I just didn't like them. This documentary is about them. After they've broken up, they've gotten back together. And they're trying to kind of recapture a little bit of that fame. And it is heartbreaking in a couple of places and really touching and very funny. And I was like, I might have to fucking give these guys a chance now because they showed their human side and I ended up really liking Justin Hawkins because I do think he is very talented guy with a great sense of humor. And man, he's got some demons. He is just consumed by anxiety and all of this. So welcome to the darkness. It's a documentary I think I saw it on to be I remember Oh, interesting is my reaction to him. I actually really liked it initially. But I remember years and years ago, a friend of ours set Danza, you've got to watch this video. It was that first super hit of theirs, right. I'm sitting there going like this. And I can tell you, I don't like this at all. I love the guitars. I just love music. I just don't like his voice. Yeah, you don't want to listen to a full album in one go. One song comes on the radio randomly. And it's like, oh, yeah, this is so goofy. This is so fun. Okay, now we're done. Well, they're all in that same register. One of the scenes in this documentary is they've got a new album coming out. And they've got their first single, which has the word shit in the title. And they like, do we think this is going to make it to BBC One, you know? Probably not. And to promote it, then they just set up on one of the fairies there and did two live performances. going one way they did the other way, like three songs. And and you just see these people in the ferry. Some of them are reading and kind of annoyed with it. Or you know, doing a meet and greet afterwards and getting photos with the band. And I was like, I think I think I get these guys now. Yeah, I mean, so have you both seen the movie Love Actually? Oh, yeah. Okay, so you know how like, the idea is that his shitty Christmas song becomes number one. That's exactly what happened with the darkness that year. Their shitty weird Christmas song everyone was like, we're going to make this number one. We want it to beat out every song that's in contention. And that was like, kind of, yeah, it's it's not that they're a joke band, but like, there is this light hearted spirit behind them. So I don't That sounds awesome. I definitely want to check that documentary out. Yeah, pretty much from that I have to actually figure out to be so I don't even know that I can, like justify talking about this. But um, so I'm now that I have a child. I'm allowed to have one night out a week for date night because my mom comes over. And that's really nice. So of course spending it seeing movies. Oh, yeah. So I went and saw Poor things. But beforehand, I went and ate at a diner. And let's just say during Poor things. I saw maybe 20% of the film. Oh, it was the worst, but that 20% was so good. I was like, this movie is incredible. I was really nervous because I've seen the lobster and I've seen the favorite and I mean those are dark, difficult, rough fucking films. And this was like, just so good. It's got a some real Franken hooker vibes to it. It's, I don't know, there's there's it's beautiful. It's feminist. It's funny. It's got some dark edges, but I mean, everybody's great in it. William Defoes. Great in it. Mark Rathalos insane insanely fun in it. So I don't know it was it was really good from what I saw. I'm interested in seeing it. But I'm hesitant with that filmmaker because I hate the way he directs actors to speak. Sure. But at the same time, he's getting these oddly interesting performances and everything else he does as a director is amazing. Yeah. But it's just like, it's so his delivered, the delivery is so weird. Yeah. At least this one's based off of a book. So there's like this kind of forced structure to it. But and the other thing I will say that's good about the audio is most of the person who's going to be speaking is Emma Stone. And William Defoe, and Emma Stone is not going to be speaking like a normal human being on any level. So it doesn't matter what her delivery. But I would say if you want to see it, I would really recommend seeing it in theater just because the scope and the scale and the beauty of these locations is so immense, it might be worth checking it out on the big screen. So when Steve Hall it set in for you, He also suggested that we see that he fell in love with that movie as well. You remember that? I think it's got an Oscar nomination. I think it's got a few Yeah, yeah. It's, it looks like it could do really well at the Oscars. Not that that means a fucking thing. No, usually. The the people getting upset about Oscars is weird, because it's the Oscars. And the Grammys have a very strong thing in common once you're in their group. Yeah. You're gonna get nominated time and time again. Yeah. And some upstart comes along and does something great. They might get in the group and then make but they probably won't. Yeah. So you know, what's your name? blanked on her name from Barbie? Now the fifth woman who gets nominated no matter what she does? Oh, Meryl Streep. Yes. She always gets now she could be in a pure shit film for five minutes, and she'll get nominated. Yeah. So, you know, I mean, I feel the same way with Martin Scorsese. I'm like, I don't need to see your fucking mug on TV. One more time. Yeah, dude, you have enough awards. You don't need any more. We can stop celebrating him. If we it's fine. He knows he knows he's great. Speaking of somebody who can deserve a little bit more celebrating I watched was on shutter, the Dario Argento documentary panicle that that exists, how good the idea is. Apparently whenever he writes a movie, he gets a hotel and goes to that hotel and writes it. I heard that. Yeah. And this one is kind of funny, because it starts up and they're pulling up. He's going this is too nice hotel. I don't want it to be this nice. Oh, wow. Too much. And so he's there's definitely a touch of the great cranky old guy stuff in him. But it talks briefly about almost all his films and the weird, uncomfortable dynamic with him and his daughter when she first started working and doing highly sexualized scenes. And then the the he directed her in those scenes I had originally been I've read stuff that made it sound like yeah, that somebody else like a second unit came in and sort of directly watching this. I don't think that's true. That is odd. Like it he described it as Yeah, I turned my back. So I'm direct. No, no, doesn't count my pants. Oh, it is I would definitely check it out. If you're at all interested in Dario, it is really interesting. So I've never had the luxury of just writing full time. So I don't know what a script would take me. But even when I was writing really fast, maybe six weeks to do a script to see in a hotel for six weeks. I they didn't they didn't get into that enough. I was kind of curious about that. But I don't remember them mentioning it. I could have missed it because it is an Italian produced. So it's, you know, those documentaries, where people complain about reading and a movie and that's really not that much reading right? In a documentary when you're sitting there talking to a talking head. Yeah, I do think about that. Maybe you have to go through the transcripts. You see six weeks, eight weeks what it will look at the word week's budget it's it's very interesting says definitely check that out. And it's called again Pannekoek and it's on shutter. Okay, I'm going to talk about a movie I didn't love I saw ISS. Oh, no, that looks so fun. It's space. If you haven't heard of this kind of disaster, it takes place on the International Space Station. And you know, it's a Russian American joint team. And then they look down and they start seeing nukes going off all over and then they get they each get messages from their perspective or respective countries saying you need to take the international space they Shouldn't by any means necessary. I remember now seeing the trailer look really good. It looked fine question when I saw it and I was like, what military use could the ISS have? Why would they have to take it? And we've always known that the Russians no matter what's going on, like right now we are in a proxy war with Russia anyway. And up on the Space Station, they don't care, they train together, they're all friends and, and outer space has no contractors. Yeah. But this, they, they never say why they need the International Space Station. So you're looking down on Earth. And there are a lot of explosions happening. And I think any normal person, especially a logic minded scientist, would look down and go, Listen, you guys, that's not going to be around for much longer, we have bigger worries, like, Where will the rest of our food come from? We got to grow. The only thing we should be doing right now is getting along. Yeah. And so I just couldn't get my head around that stupid part of the story the whole time. If there had been something like, guess what you guys didn't know. We've got nukes on board. But there's none of that. You know, it does turn into a a small thing where people are against each other and, you know, horrific ways to die in outer space. But I was just, I don't know, I was bummed and angry through the whole thing. I just kept going, Why? Why are you doing that? Why are you saying yes to this? Why are you doing this is weird. Yeah, I just assumed I was kind of watching the trailer going. Well, they shouldn't be against each other. I remember having that moment. But yeah, so that was ISS, it is a rental. Your mileage may vary. Remember, no. Well, we're we are coming up of course on Oscar season in which means I'm trying to catch up on all the hoity toity films I have not yet seen. And one of those hoity toity films was past lives, which got a lot of praise earlier in the year. And so and it was I saw it was free on I think paramount, checked it out. It is a, it is a pretty good film for obviously a low budget and a first time filmmaker who specialized in plays. It has a very placed sensibility, there's a lot of people talking to people, and there's a lot of pauses and conversations. And the person just says, you know, what about that, you know, like, there's just like that kind of deliberate pacing of conversation that you get in place. So that's fine. I don't think that that's particularly special. There's a couple of really interesting cinematic like the cameras shifting in some cool ways. And I was like, Oh, that's a neat camera move. But there's only like three or four of those in the film. And so I was like, well, that's not. And then like you get the hit of the last kind of conversation of the whole film. And I'm like, Oh, this is why it's like, just people are in love with it. There's this concept and Korean lore about relationship relationships and how the soul connects to other souls. And the entire film's strength rests upon this concept that exists. And and like, it sucks, because I get why people are now associating that the film is awesome, because the concept is awesome. But I don't think it actually makes the film. Awesome. I think the concept is awesome. And I'm glad they used it. But that doesn't mean the whole thing was super worthy. Like it's a good effort. Like they did a really good job. But it's not like incredible life changing stuff. That's like, I don't know. Is it just a relationship drama? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's a woman who she grew up in Korea, and then moved in like middle school away. And she had a best friend slash, eventually a boyfriend right before she moved. And had she stayed there. They would have probably gotten married and spent their lives together. She then moved to Canada and then New York and ends up with this guy in New York. And there's this sort of like, what if they had managed to make their relationship work? And the Korean guy shows up in New York to like, hang out with her for a couple days. And there's this sort of love that was there, but is it still there? And is she going to leave her husband for this guy? And like there's just a lot of like question marks as they're having these conversations. Sounds like a barnburner. I on the other hand, watch one that definitely was a barnburner. Oh, yeah, a classic criterion release of a Roger Ebert script. Hey, Russ Meyers Phil Oh boy, beyond the belly of the doll. Oh my, I have not seen that. Roger Ebert should have read some more scripts that because this is a movie of power. Stupid entertaining. It's such a it's not a good movie. But I fist probably Russ Meyers. Best Film, I've only seen a couple other films by him. Faster, pussycat Kill Kill, of course, but pay off at the end of either. Have you seen this? Yeah. Okay. The payoff of the end is so over the top. The sun violence level is like, whoa, and just the whole concept of the film is all over the top ridiculous. And that's kind of Russ Meyer does. The performances are surprisingly good. Overall. Yeah. In the context of the film, they're good. They work in some weird way. The criterion disk is, it looks fantastic. It is so well remastered, and it's got these wonderfully garish, late 60s, early 70s colors all over the place. So it just looks amazing. I was I was floored. I was not expecting much. But then I realized, you know, usually a movie that's talked about as much as this one is, there's a reason. And I haven't seen value the dolls. But I'm guessing this one's more fun. My favorite memory that involves this movie, I can't remember who it was. It might have been Brett Ratner or somebody like that who said I don't know what movie it was of his that Roger Ebert had just slammed the script on and was like, you know, this really hurts to have this come from the guy that wrote beyond the valley that that's the problem with being a critic and an artist. Yeah, well, yeah, that's, yeah, you invite a lot of opinions your way as well. Or I mean, I'm not saying this is some kind of genius thing, but you know, yeah, I've watched all Adams movies. This is a step above those, I would say so. Above most Russ Meyer movies. Oh, yeah. I really, really surprised it was Russ Meyer. Yeah. Even just the opening segment, which sort of hints at the end, Ron? Well, this is interesting. And then his name comes up as a director. Okay. But yeah, definitely worth checking out. For the cheese and the corn ball are off the charts. I also always kind of feel the lower the budget of a film I mean, as long as there's like $10 represents the era in a different way. That's sometimes more accurate to what you get out of a high spending all the money level thing to make everything look glossy and great. Yeah, although this is an exaggerated version probably what it went on there's a lot of reality of the world in this film that you probably wouldn't probably don't have in Valley the dolls. Yeah, I guess I have to watch that. No, I only read the play. I don't know. Well, okay, cool. Did you watch that on criterion channel? Did you actually got the criterion desk? It's one of the ones I picked up on the 50% offset very nice.$20 or 15 whatever it was for that box started alone worth it. It's pretty cool. Well, alright guys, how about we take a little break and then when we come back we are so still celebrating February. Mike the Bronzo you fucking weird? You come for my delicious Chocula with a devilishly good chocolate they play the marshmallow count. It's come calling for live frankenberry cereal. Hopefully good with strawberry flavor. Tasty marshmallows. We like both. You're gonna enjoy this corpo twitches breakfast. Tequila and we're back. Alright guys, it's February which is vampires. I don't know about you. Get a little tired of watching all this vampire stuff. You know, I missed out on two weeks worth of vampires and I'm getting locked out. So well. We're still doing it. However, I think I'll start us off because I I found a movie that I really liked and I never even heard of before? Oh fantastic that movie is I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer for myself that movie is Daughters of darkness she details about those chased away by garlic buyers shrinking from crosses, beaten up young girls and kept them chained to give blood blood to bathe and drink every now and then she pushed away focusing on a part of their lives to scream shut the flaming into their mouth you're safe with me, it is no one again. It's difficult to forget us after a while it'll only be the remembrance of a bad dream. And then the remains of a remember more and more send your mind I've seen many a night fall away into an even more Endless Night. nights like last night creating the kind of goals if you think these ladies or something wait until you meet mother. She's something else. From 1971 a budget of about$750,000 but I could find no box office. The Rotten Tomatoes critics have it at 83% and the audience has it at 60%. It was directed by Harry Kamil, who has 33 credits, mostly Belgium and French stuff, including the legend of doom house Paradise Lost and softly from Paris. It was written by Kumail but also Pierre drew tear. G. Oh god. Oh no. And John Fairey who wrote together mascara, the demise of father Monet and ello police starring Delphine savoring who has 60 credits, including Day of the Jackal, the black windmill, and Dorian Gray in the mirror of the yellow press. Oh, she also starred as John Carlin who has 121 credits, mostly television, but also certain hinges Trilogy of Terror, and 179 episodes of dark shadows as Desmond Collins. And then it also stars Danielle, we met who has 23 credits, including vital signs, Dominique, and the apple, the stem and the seeds. So you guys have heard of this movie, but you've not seen it, or you know what, I think I have seen it. Okay. Yeah, I had not seen this one. And I'll just spoiler alert. I loved it. I thought this was great. Oh, so it starts off we meet our protagonists, Stefan and Valerie who are newly married and travelling through Europe, their relationship already feels a little weird, though. He looks quite a bit older than her. And she's definitely a little naive. And she notes that he really needs to call his mother who they're planning to visit but who doesn't know that they've even gotten married yet. He is dragging his feet for some reason. They check into a grand hotel on the seafront and Belgium and because it's winter, the hotel is pretty much empty and they take the Royal Suite. But when nightfalls a mysterious Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory arrives with her secretary and Elizabeth requests the Royal Suite but the hotel's middle aged concierge Pierre tells her it is occupied by the honeymooning couple. He also mentions having seen the count test at the same hotel when he was a 10 year old boy and realize she has not aged she laughs This off it says it must have been her mother. Now, you might be thinking to yourself, why would this 10 year old boy remember this particular person so well? And I will just say this woman is so fucking gorgeous. That I was like who the hell is this chick she is something else. So Bathory takes the adjoining suite instead. Add and her and her secretary quickly fixate on the married couple. In their sweet Valerie reads a newspaper article about a series of murders and bruises. Each victim a girl whose throat was slashed. And while walking through the city the following day they stumble upon the crime scene of another murdered girl. Valerie is, you know understandably disturbed. Especially because Stefan seems absolutely fascinated with the crime and can't stop looking at the dead girl. And when they returned to the hotel, bathroom, the inner Secretary Ilona introduce themselves to Stefan and Valerie, and during their conversation, a police officer appears with all hotels, he also seems to remember Bathory then recounts the various bloody acts that the original Elizabeth Bathory committed, particularly the bathing in the blood of young virgins, Valerie's the fund's new wife, she is bothered by the conversation, but Stefan is strangely into it. But oh God. We get a very strange scene when Stefan finally agrees to call his mother. Okay, so it turns out to be a middle aged, very effeminate man, and I'm not sure why I'm not sure if he is supposed to be a woman and they cast a man in the role. I'm not sure if he is supposed to be a man that is pretending to be Stefan's mother. He's got a very heavy makeup on and is keeping the regular register of his voice, although it's got a little feminine twist to it. But and even says you know, mother is angry, and it's going on here. If you hope to find out what's going on here, you will be disappointed. ever referred to again in the wild make up your own answer. Meanwhile, let's see the next day. Stefan and Valerie get in a minor argument and he beats her with a belt and then has sex with her. Excellent any healthy relationship. And then the next day Ilona seduces Stefan and Valerie who is angry at first of all the beating but also the seducing she sneaks away and tries to escape him. But when she gets to the train station Bathory is there and stops her from leaving even though she's definitely wants Valerie away from Stefan because Bathory wants Valerie. Meanwhile, Stefan after his indiscretions with Ilona he teases her in the bathroom and attempts to drag her into the shower with him. They're both naked. For some reason. She is very very bothered by the water they never mentioned why, but I wonder if it's some kind of nod towards the old legend the vampires can't cross running water or something. Yeah, it's just a weird thing. When the water actually started touching her she's freaking out like it's holy water or something, but it's never really explained. Vampires cannot stand warm water. Either way, the to get into a tussle and a lot of slips and falls on a large straight razor, which kills her. Of course, Valerie and Bathory return right after stumbling upon see it doesn't go the way you think it would though. Bathory immediately takes charge ordering Valerie to clean up the blood while Stefan sits in shock and then the three drive into the country to dispose of aloneness corpse. After burying alone his body on the beach. They returned to the hotel at dawn and Valerie who is now completely under Bathory spell now refuses to leave with Stefan who wants to get out of here. He's like we're leaving and she's like, I'm not going with you. Things get violent and endless. The funds risked getting slashed by a broken bowl, an accidental slashing of the broken bowl and he bleeds to death with Elizabeth and Valerie drinking his blood from each wrist. They throw his dead body over a guardrail and onto the street below and then drive around and shove it in Bathory scar to dispose of it outside of town. There's more space to go yep. Then the women flee and bathrooms car and pet three manages to Sideswipe the cop as he's walking down the street to needs Valerie to drive because the sun is starting to come up and bathroom needs to get into France before daylight comes. Will the women make it to batteries residence before the sun rises? Or will both woman be blinded by the sun as it rises, causing Valerie to crash and sending batteries body through the window to be impaled on a huge tree baths before her body explodes in a ball of flame? And if so, who is this new woman who approaches a young couple playing tennis at the end of the movie? Because she looks like Valerie but she has the voice of Qantas Bathory Yeah, no, no surprise. I fucking love this movie. It's sexy and weird and all the stuff that I love and this kind of stuff. I had never heard of it before this and it is now probably one of my favorite vampire flicks. Nice little bit of trivia You're gonna love this Vanessa. During filming director Harry Komal hit actress Danielle we met during a dispute. actor John Carlin was so infuriated by this that he punched qumola in the face. I love this the atmosphere on set was understandably tense. Thank you. Harry, Camille's original choice for the role of Stefan was Malcolm McDowell, who turned down the part. John Carlin was cast at the behest of the film's American investors and Kumar was disappointed with their selection. Because it felt the Kremlin was notably older than he looked in the headshots that had been given that this was really interesting shot entirely in English, even though the majority of the cast was French, German and Flemish, as opposed to most European genre films from the 70s. Here, none of the actors were posted up by others, they can all be heard with their own voices and accents. Wow. And then finally, in the early 2010, timeout magazine conducted a poll was several authors, directors, actors and critics who have worked within the horror genre to vote for their top horror films. Daughters of darkness placed at number 90 on their top 100 list. Ouch. So bad there's a lot of horror movies out there. It's true. It's kind of like secure film. Yeah, put that on the box though. Number 90 out of 100 Random critics only talking about horror. Changed you Vanessa. I am a darker human I V my time by a minute. I'm taking the buzzer off now. I'm so glad that you had this film because I definitely saw it. I must have been at least slightly drunk while watching it. Because I remember those beats but I do not remember anyone's relationship to anyone else are getting like I didn't remember it being a secretary. I was like, Is this her daughter? But then there was weird like kind of sexual scenes. And yeah, well, I mean, she's clearly just her protege, introduced originally as their secretary. And then I think when they are introduced to Valerie and Stefan She's introduced as the Countess is assistant, right? Yeah, no, I think I missed anyone's relationship to anyone else and was like, wow, now they're, now they're all hanging out doing this. Okay, that's rude. I you know, I don't know. And I should know when Interview with the Vampire. The book came out, I'm guessing late 70s. This feels very much like Anne Rice had to watch this movie and loved this movie. And wanted to kind of, you know, get that kind of feeling. When I when I did the research on this film before I had watched it. It called it a gothic horror. And so when it starts off with them on a train in, you know, present day 70s I was like, Is this going to be Gothic and is definitely gothic horror. Right? So cool. So that was my film. Very cool. Nice. That is such a strong choice. Well, let's go to mine and see if it lives. Two daughters of darkness. 10 minutes Vanessa. All right. I went with a film that I randomly saw in the shutter lineup and went sure boys from county hell some things are older than science. Older than God The Earth has its own secrets. And if you get close enough you'll hear me you guys got anything better to do? Nope. No we don't this land belongs to habitat it drain people's blood and drinking like water. Like Dracula track. I'd love to know if there's actually anything on the we'll find out soon enough I saw something weird for this I'm out. This is on fire. Oh my safe this isn't Dracula. People don't get turned from a fucking bite. They get turned by the stones from other tax grave but even better weapons or any ideas and they're like sunlight. I mean, that is the number one Vampire Killer. Boston opera type binges on it the whole time is gonna be dead as fuck for Contao town Come on, like, what are we supposed to do about this? Which is from 2020. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Rotten Tomatoes score of 83% from critics 62%. From audience. I could not find a budget or a box office on this. But it's one of those that's recent enough that it probably went straight to streaming so they probably didn't have that calculated strongly in, written and directed by Chris bow who has 14 credits to his name, including the captors. Bad day for the cut and six episodes of wreck. It's starring Jack Rowan, who has 17 credits. 12 episodes of Beowulf were returned to the shield lands, five episodes of Peaky Blinders and several voices in the game anthem, a lot of TV short runs where he's in somewhere between six and 10 episodes. So he's, it's like long enough to recognize this guy, but not long enough to have like a real paycheck. Louisa Harland isn't 16 things. She did 19 episodes of dairy girls, which I think most people would know her from John Lynch at eight credits to his name, including the secret garden, and the name of the Father sliding doors, five episodes of the terror 17 episodes of the fall and a ton of other TV and frostfree 19 credits to her name, including Les Moonves, the recent Cinderella, rebel moon and six episodes of Hawkeye as Kasi. So the story of this, we start off on an old couple sitting watching the telly in Ireland. With very thick accents, I did have to turn on subtitles, which is kind of crazy for somebody who lived in England for 10 years, but I was like I am going to be lost. And I am so glad I did because there are a lot of colloquialisms and like just phrasings that only Irish people use. So starting off on this old cute couple of watching telly and suddenly, the wife gets this nosebleed that gets kind of bad. She then looks over at her husband and says oh, I think and then of course his eyes begin to bleed. And they are bleeding profusely. All of the blood out of their faces runs down across the living room, pools and rivers this way towards something on the other side of the room. It's such a great stream, it's a cool scene, it's a great way to start a movie. All we know is that it scares them and then we cut to three weeks earlier. Eugene is a young man living in a small in a small Irish town of six mile Hill, which is only claim to fame is that Bram Stoker stayed there once and may have based Dracula on a local legend. Eugene has no idea what to do with his life really. And his father who runs a construction business is pushing him into joining him and really taking the reins, but he's kind of useless and just drinks all the time and just hangs out with his friends. His dad gets this big contract, which is going to be to put a byway in through just a freeway in through the middle of this field, which happens to go through this local grave marker, which is part of the vampire legend. In fact, it's kind of why tourists come here and it's kind of why the town has a heartbeat at all. So he's behind this really controversial thing where he's gonna have to knock this thing down and get rid of the only reason why people might actually come to six minute mile Hill. And this is of course going to be a big problem with everyone who lives there. But of course, that evening, he's got to get up early to get ready to help his dad put this byway thing in and instead he gets really, really drunk with one of his friends. They decide to walk back through the field at night. And weird things happen where his friend basically trips falls on this giant rock statue thing. That's local legend that definitely will not have anything to do with releasing horrors upon the place and he bleeds on it and that's kind of weird. But then a bull comes out in the night and Gore's him against the thing. Crashing and killing him is blood everywhere. Getting happily sucked up by this pile of rocks. Yeah, Eugene, of course, the next day goes back to work and he's frustrated fed up with his life and goes ahead and just agrees to bulldoze down this grave marker, because he's like, fuck it. And this lets loose a dormant creature which then begins to prey upon the small group working on getting this site ready. or the freeway, and then goes out into the town and begins to suck the blood out of all the residents, Eugene must then find a way to work with his dad and this kind of ragtag team of his useless friends to survive the night and save the town. So there were things to like, in this movie, the blood effect was pretty cool. I think they did a great job with it. And I'm sure they did a fair amount of CGI with it, which was really impressive for a low budget, clearly a low budget picture because they had like panning shots, where the blood was moving in a steady stream on one side, and I was like, wow, it's still where it should be. It's tracking accurately. Good job, guys. The vampire I think also looked really cool. He was just like, kind of this dude covered in black, they waited a long time to show him, which I think is really smart when you have low budget pictures. And then you've got us pretty impressive and pretty freaky. There were some very funny moments in lines. But this move is also kind of a mess. Totally, it shifts a lot. It goes between horror and comedy in ways that don't always sit well together. Sometimes it feels like it really comes out of left field. Near the end. We have Eugene working with his dad, they're kind of the last to pinned up against this vampire. And his dad has fallen and broken his leg fracturing it pretty horrifically. And for some reason, the answer to the vampire coming at them is for the son to break off the rest of the leg and use the bone of it to stab the vampire. And I'm like you are literally surrounded by shards of wood. Rocks. This should not be a problem. This should not be oh, this is the only solution. I've got to pull off my father's leg. And it happens so quickly. And it's so grotesque. I was like, pretty horrified. And I think he was supposed to be really fucking funny. And I was like, Oh my God. There's a lot of that kind of thing that were like his friend getting gored by the bowl over and over and over again. Or look what the fuck is happening right now. Um, I also not sure that it always knew where it was going. It felt a little meandering. It felt like some scenes were overly long and some were too short. And there were a lot of characters and maybe just too much content trying to be fit into this film. So there was I think it was impressive for the low budget that it had, but I wasn't blown away by it. A little bit of trivia. This was grown from a short film by the same name that came out in 2013. It premiered at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival. After location scout on the film yesterday from 2019. Director Chris bow wrote the screenplay in just five days after visiting Bram Stoker's actual grave in Golders Green Barnett's London. Some believe that Brom Stoker 1847 1912 Thanks for the date of his life, guys, I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland was inspired to write Dracula based off of an Irish legend of a vampire known as our Baroque opera opera talk. Stoker lived in Ireland around the same time as Patrick Weston Joyce, who was sharing his tales of Arbor talk. It is our talk not Dracula. That is the vampire featured in this film. And yeah, that's my that's my movie. I think I felt exactly the same way you did. Yeah. Should I add almost felt like they ended up with a much bigger budget than they thought they would have done they accidentally made a really good movie. Yeah, you almost feel like weird. Why is this working as well as it does for as sloppy as it is? Yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah, there's something in British idol horror films that I really liked. There's a feel to them style to them. That I think is really neat. So I, I lean towards liking them. So more than they probably deserve sometimes. And this was one of them. Where it's like I remember enjoying it quite a bit, but I've never wanted to revisit it or Yeah, so yeah, there's there's a lot of very funny lines in there. And I think that the characters do a great job of delivering it. I just spent a lot of time being like, why do I care about you? Like, I guess you're like the girlfriend of your friend who died and you're here a bunch and I think you guys have a thing for each other but I'm not sure at all never know. We don't have the time to explore that. In an odd way, I enjoy having the ticking. Oh, you like it couldn't hear it on the Stockholm Syndrome. Yes. Well, I Yes. Yeah. Here's 10 more minutes over there. Oh, goody. The pain All righty well we'll dive into this one I'm talking about old Dracula role let's hear the good and the back is back on the Fox it ladies tastes better. It's snack time into blood bank kiddies here and the drinks are on the house. We must have drunk three village girls already. David Niven is Jackie Blair and savoir faire. Thanks for counting. Teresa graves TV is Christy lob is Vampira. Number one admira. Target Jive Turkey magnificent. Did you want to see pretty events? Yes indeed. And on page 53 There is an outstanding juggler. Needs look of horror when they realized is really me. So exciting. We got trouble. Here in River City. Get up. Party pooper. Back in Transylvania. They found a drink that's new. If someone wants to drink your help they drink you don't have to move this coin and stuff like that. When you want to have a ball you change into a bat. A big stuff. Give me some more Young Frankenstein unit doll roll Dracula Oh, originally titled van pura retailed for its US release. This came out in 1974. You'll want to remember that as I continue on this film. The Rotten Tomatoes score zero nothing from critics 17 from the like 10 people that watched it. I don't think it's credits that currently streaming anywhere it can find it's probably on YouTube because this was a vinegar syndrome release. Lower your expectations accordingly. This is directed by Clive donner. Who's done films. The guest danger man Babes in Toyland George see Scott's A Christmas Carol, which is a very good version of Christmas Carol. And a movie I remember deeply disappointing me when I was really young and watched it the new bomb. Yeah, quite bad. It's just a bomb. No clothing on it. Clothes fly off all the people but they're hidden. They're all like masked by hedges and all this stuff. In my 10 or 11 year old self or whatever. What I saw was like, Well, this is disappointing. Get Smart movie. Yeah, yeah. Written by Jeremy Lloyd, who wrote 69 episodes of Are You Being Served plus many of the follow up movies based on the series. Rowan and Martin's laughing and three of the Pink Panther movies starring David Niven murder by death around the world in 80 days the 1967 Casino Royale pretty solid. Theresa Graves who is enrolling and Martin's laugh in 26 episodes for man bolt that is and Peter Bayliss From Russia With Love the Merlin Sci Fi series and don't get me started. And Linda Hayden, who is in the boys from Brazil, the blood on Satan's claw, which is talked about here on the show, and tastes the blood of Dracula, which I believe is the poster used to have and you're now this oh no, that was the Dracula has risen from the grave. So, you know, typical 70s credits nothing going on goes on for two and a half minutes. So we've got a dark creepy candle lit house a butler saying he's fix the lights. So Dracula's sitting there in the dark looking very moody and twisty and then the guy just turns on the lights. That's why I am modern times. So Dracula is currently reading a Playboy magazine looking for pictures of necks and things like that. So you know Dracula is old. He's old enough that he long no longer hunts so he has beat people brought to his castle. He's open it up for like, touristy kind of things or things along those lines. Incredible and a playboy pictorial who's going to use this castle to shoot the most viable playmates? Hmm, this is a PG rated film. And he hopes one One of the women will have the right blood type to bring back his lost love vampire era in in tuned for 50 years and he wants to bring her back. During the on the show, he's got a buddy who's kind of a Renfield character who plays Dracula for the tourists normally, but not this night. This nice too, it's too important. So Dracula himself will be overseeing the meal and the festivities and all the things going on. That there's a dream series of just there's weird shit going on in this movie while they're trying to do the setups with just checking any stripe vampire by draining too much blood. He doesn't, you know, even once he has a victim, if he drinks too long, then they're automatically a vampire. I mean, immediately. Oh, and so he's got to deal with her. For some reason, he brings her up and has her help with a dinner with a vampire. He's brand new, he's afraid is going to bite her when he realizes he can't trust her. He has the Renfield character shooter with a crossbow in a very kind of interesting scene that set her up in a coffin leaning against the wall. And then Dracula looks at this, like a negative not quite an darker than a negative picture of the coffin with little heart drawn in the body. Oh, my God, and the crossbow has a light. And as the light hits the heart, he goes, shoot. Oh, my God. Like, what was the purpose of? Oh, that's weird. Very strange. It looked kind of neat. And it was kind of interesting, but I'm thinking, picking up a steak and sticking her would have been a lot easier. It's got to use this high tech. That's right. Well, he drugged all of the attendees at the dinner that evening. And sends people in to draw blood out from them. Not empirically, but medically so they can test the blood to see who's the right person. And one of them is Who Am I. So let's begin with the infusion of blood into his bride. And as the infusion is going on, in 1974, the lady laying in the coffin, skin starts to darken extensively. Oh, and through, basically a fade. It's now she's a black woman. Oh, what she is actually a black woman. She's not the white person done in blackface. They actually changed the performer. So she gets up and loves it. She's like, Well, great. I feel like I look great. I can't say in America, I look great. And David Niven isn't quite as thrilled. No, we're very, they do a very good job of this movie of skating along the racist theme. But you know, it's just sort of permeates everything going on just a little bit. So they decide they got to take a plane to London to find whoever the original person was and do some kind of fixed transfusion. I'm not entirely certain what their plan is. They're trying to get her to be the white lady. And she doesn't want to be she's having a lot of fun. She's gonna see like a Jim Brown blaxploitation movie that comes out speaking with that kind of inaccurate calling and jive Turkey and things along those lines. Yeah. So she's great. She's actually probably the best part of the movie is. Even Nevin seems a little uncomfortable in this film. You know, he's such a goofy guy. Sometimes. It is. It's very, he feels very restrained. And this sounds very odd. On the flight over, they sit next to a guy whose whole thing is I just came from Sweden, where I got my whole bloody blood transfusions, like wow. Those legends never die, do they? So she is very excited sitting next to him. And it's odd. It's always interesting to watch a plane a plane in a 70s movie, The attendant comes up and she's like, take a drink, cigarette. But she bites the blood transfusion guy and kills him on the plane. Basically, the rest of the movie is that I'm trying to figure that out. And I'm thinking as I'm watching this, that they since they changed her into a completely different performer. That in the end, because the end I'm gonna spoil the movie. So just you're fine not knowing that. The end is he turns black to that makes sense. And they go off to Brazil to live their life, but they don't change the actor. The end is they're not showing David Niven As they're driving to the airport escaping, I think some people that know who they are or something like that. Oh my god. I'm still thinking. I mean, well, they mentioned Jim Brown and be a lot of fun if they brought Jim Brown in to play his case, something like that. Now, he turns around like, Oh, God, no, it's so bad looking. It's bright and shiny. And it's just like, oh my god, it looks terrible. No, doesn't look like a Hollywood actor version of doing changing someone's skin by makeup. so horrible. Jesus, guys. Well, this movies not gonna get a lot of traction out there. And in the in the end, the movie overall is, it's fine. You know? It's it's, I wouldn't say it's the worst winner syndrome was put out, but that ending is like a 70%. Yeah, that's the tagline though. And the reason they changed it, maybe you can figure out the reason they changed the title from ver Pyrrha to old Dracula. If you liked Young Frankenstein, you'll love old Jackie. Oh, wow. So that's exactly why they changed a terrible Young Frankenstein to just come out into the future. Anything else we're talking about here? That really old Dracula The difference between race racism was the difference can be told because I read a few of the old at the time reviews. mentioned. It was different. Yeah, it really was. But he looked terrible. Like that's so close to being awesome. And then what if it would have been so cool? Yeah, I've been Jim brown or black belt Jones or somebody like, Kelly. Yeah, so it would have been amazing. Oh, and Chip Kelly would be great body type too. He's also tall and really fast. And I like that's, that feels like the right answer to the film. But like such the total wrong decision of how to do it. Like, oh, he also turns into a black character. And that's great. And they can live their best lives and shit. You put some shoe polish on a man. That is exactly what it looked like. Well, I'm putting that one on the list. I am not. Alright, so we're still in the middle of February. Right? We're we're gonna keep going with vampires at least one more time. Okay, fantastic. Okay, well, so instead of trying to figure out what we'll be doing next time, this is the part where I say thank you to everybody who's out there liking and sharing posts who's on the strange aeons radio talk page. Who's making comments on the YouTube stuff? Even the guy who said I really hate that you guys have a topic? That's the scenes are ever you did? Okay. Well, you know, sometimes we do too. But then we've made our bed and we're lion in a damaged that's what we do. Sometimes. You know, sometimes you're gonna get me saying snow or fog. And y'all have to watch a fog movie. And it goes swimmingly. And everyone's so happy. And sometimes Kelly is gonna say, a month of ninjas. And we're gonna have a month of ninjas. So you know, you just were like a box chocolate. Yeah, also, I didn't recognize that person's name. So I'm not sure that YouTube to Russian bought me my finger to make us manage. Well, I'll say is, if you really don't like it, get on the strange aeons radio talk page and discuss it with us now like minded listeners. Just be like, Hey, tell you to fuck off in person. Yeah, absolutely. We'll see your name. Maybe by the end of this week. Yep. Good. Point. Actually, if you'd like to expand your comment, you can call us on the strange aeons radio talk or hotline, which is 253-237-4266. And big thanks anyone who's throwing donations our way and the monthly donations or the give a thanks to Kevin bird for buying us some pizza. Seven. Yeah. Thanks, man. That's awesome. I see him all the time on the Facebook page. Yeah, that's fun. Yeah, I love that I love and I love seeing new names pop up on those to just like, oh my gosh, who are you? Right? That's awesome. Very cool. So yeah, thanks to everybody who's doing that. And of course, the the typical thing, the value for value, which is just somebody who throws money our way because they got a little bit of value out of the show. And they said I'm going to turn that into a number of some kind and give it back. We really appreciate that. So okay, that's the show. We're gonna be back in seven short days. We're gonna be talking vampires, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we will set human beings are like warm and fuzzy and have physical form