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May 02, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 270
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Strange Aeons Radio
May 02, 2024 Season 6 Episode 270
Strange Aeons Radio

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Eric goes nuts and takes on the Jack Reacher series of novels, and then the gang talks movies that were based on novels, and not one of them is Jack Reacher.
ALSO DISCUSSED: Roadhouse,Here For Blood, All You Need is Death.

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Eric goes nuts and takes on the Jack Reacher series of novels, and then the gang talks movies that were based on novels, and not one of them is Jack Reacher.
ALSO DISCUSSED: Roadhouse,Here For Blood, All You Need is Death.

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Oh, I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That is Eric over there. Hello, that is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, guys, I don't know if you know this about me. But I am a big fan of writing down goals for the year. Oh sir, and then crossing them off as I finished them. And so a few of the things I have had on this goal sheet that I've been able to cross off was finishing the serialized novel, which was a resounding success. Very cool. I've got on here, the release the completed or collected novel on June 25. That's all set up orders up. I've got on here a novella, that is coming out in September. I've got on here a couple of other things. I'm working on digitizing some of my old scripts. And I have a lovely human being helping me out with that stuff. So thank you for that. One of the other things I have on here to finish is the connoisseur, which I was able to scratch off because it was finished. It showed at a film festival, the bone bat Film Festival a couple of weeks ago. And Eric, what happened there? Well, this is, as we talked about previously, it was a spectacular success. The audience reaction was so cool. The part that I loved was that okay, I want to hear the audience. I want to hear the sound in this theater to see if it's working. Yeah. And I couldn't because the reaction was so loud. Cool. And then come to find out what notification from Steve, the stud man who helps put on the bone batch Film Festival, that we won the Audience selection for best Northwest film. That's incredible. How cool is that? So one, one screening one one award. That's nice. That is really nice. Some good odds are the audience choice is always next to yeah, my favorite award to win as the audience choice. All credit to Eric for this because this was going to be a very, very tiny thing that you weren't involved with. And if you hadn't been involved with it, it would not have looked like this. It would not have been in this kind of location and it would not have had this quality of actor involved. You brought all that to the table and Well done, Brother. Oh, thank you. Okay, yeah, Stefan's work camera work looks good. Yeah. Yes. Thanks to the retin Civic Theatre for lettuce. Finding it location was a pain in the ass for this. Yeah, this is perfect. Yeah. No, I mean, I think the location and the value look of the film like that really helps it stand out against anything else because it feels so professional. It feels so clean. You're not lost in the like budget of it. You're not sitting there going, oh, man, I wish they'd gotten like a real actor. JD I think he's been in I think everything looks radically different in every single thing. My favorite thing with JD was years and years ago, we auditioned him for something and then didn't work on anything for a while and sent out a call for headshots and he sends me this headshot and the top of it had a post it note or something. I'm like, recognize this guy. And I'm like, I don't know what the fuck this is. And then the next day, there's two headshots, I opened it up to the next headshot. It's like oh, it posted there's like a bet to do now. He knows what a chameleon it could be because there's totally different looking people. It was really cool. And just just a really neat guy, lovely person to work with. That's one of the things I will say that I really appreciated about this was working with the two of you on this you guys edited it together. We produce it together. We brought in Carlos tail producer, working with Wade on the effects. It was really way 30 years ago when we started Maelstrom productions it was let's just find people we like to work with and just work with them all the time. Yeah. And here we are doing that. That was really neat. Yeah, this is the third third production I've worked on with Stefan Yeah. And a couple new people we brought in that are going to become regulars are really good. And Camille again and Neil is awesome. Does all the little stuff that gets lost Oh, you don't have an ad like emailing people to know when to be there and all this stuff that's really important. But as a director artistic thinking sometimes goes opposite. Yeah, on the day she was very good at finding a space for a computer to be set up that was out of the way. Yes, nice to have that person and not by If the director or the writer or the creative team with, like, really irritate, where's the power plug? You guys don't need to care about that. Yeah. Anybody know, I may or may not mention, everybody that day was great. Yeah, totally amazing crew and Rick and Ty and staff and everybody that was it was really good. That was really neat. When I was last with Carlos, you know, he's been bugging me now to make something that he could direct, of course, and I was just like, I actually gave you this and you gave it to Eric. So I'm done. I'm done with film. But I was with him. And I had dusted off a old short idea that from 20 years ago, and I pitched it to him, and he was like, this is doable, I could actually do this. And so count on him asking you for at least help on to some of the steps you want to get going one or two people in a room. This is Yeah, it's a two person thing. It would have effects. But we know that Wade can pull off anything that we need to have done. And it's a strict straight horror flick. So, which is something he's excited about? So I don't know that I'm up for writing new stuff. But I've written so much stuff in the past that I'm like, Oh, I can dust this off. And maybe this will work. So he was commenting on he is pretty excited. At the bone bat. There's a series of five second comedy shorts together by one of the regular directors. And I was like, you could do that? Yeah, I guess we could let her have the idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, the other things that are on my list here are pretty exciting. And they're all very close to being done already. So I will be able to add other things as they go along. I, I recommend to everyone that you sit down, especially creative people, you sit down what you want to accomplish in the year, and then you mark it off as you go so that you can step back for a minute and say, Oh, I didn't fuck off this year, I actually did stuff. Yeah. And I would also recommend adding goals that are big that you didn't realize you probably should have had on your paper and then cross them off. Because like, it's still I feel like it still counts. It's a big deal. And just because you didn't think of it in the moment doesn't mean, right. Because sometimes something comes up that stops you from doing something on here. You need to write down what that was. So you can take a moment to step away from your head, which is always telling you horrible things about what you've done with your life. And you can look with your eyes and go I have done stuff. Very true. Alright, enough of my TED talk. I saw some movies. Yes. Excellent. I saw something really fucking interesting. You guys and Eric, I know for a fact you're gonna love this because this is right up your alley. Vanessa, I think you're gonna like it because it's so fucking weird. It is called All you need is death. Okay, nothing. Okay. This is a movie about a young couple. Who are it's an Irish horror film. They're traveling the Irish countryside, and what they do they are involved in some kind of black market. Song. Yes, sharing heard about this. And they go around, and they find they try to find old Celtic songs that people have forgotten. And so a lot of these songs are passed down from family member to family member. And so what they're doing is they're recording their songs, these songs, but they're not supposed to be because these people are very serious about these family songs and stuff like that. And, and then they sell them on the black market to people who collect this kind of thing. And it's just this weird. I mean, the setup already is super interesting, right? But Eric, here's where you're gonna go crazy. They find out about an old lady who knows a song that nobody's heard of. And they go in, they have her sing it and and she basically says, I'll sing it to the woman, but you're not allowed to hear the man. Oh, and it's something that is only passed down from women to women. But she records it without telling the lady and so she has broken that promise. And bad things start happening. A curse comes upon all of these people. And it is such a wild weird movie. It is a really slow burn. And I'll be honest, the effects are not great. The bad thing that is happening. I wish that they hadn't tried to show any kind of effect for it. It's just a shadow that kind of moves around. Because it's so eerie and unsettling. Anyway, if you just saw the after math of what happens you'd be creeped out anyway. That's the only bad thing I can say about this movie. It is really really cool and odd and original. It is called All you need is death. It is a rental right now. I wouldn't be surprised to see this on shutter in the next month or so. So Though it sounds very much like, you know, the last film stuff that I drink so that's, you know, we both love that, that last, that Forbidden Art thing where you've got either, you know, it's it's the Hellraiser puzzle or it's a book or it's a last film or whatever it is. So yeah, I just heard a review about this movie and it. They loved it as well. Yeah, I definitely am keen to dig in. Where did you say it's available to rental? Oh. So, speaking of prime, I watched a movie. Well, I wanted to watch the new Roadhouse. But I'd never seen the original Roadhouse. I did a double bill of the original and the new. Yeah, that was the original is awesome. It's a great movie. I really enjoyed the original. I know it's full of all kinds of weird little problems, but it is so much fun. It is so much fun. shows his time. Cannot be nice. I love that scene. It's just got so much going for it and like his attitude. And it's like laid back I don't know like this. The style of the character is so fun. That it actually made it really hard to watch the remake because it's I don't know, it was a little bit. I don't know. It's just wasn't as good. I've heard it's not quite as good. A more accomplished film, sir. It doesn't have the charm of the first one and it doesn't have a fuck. What's his name? Mustache boy. That's Oh, Sam Elliot. Yeah, Sam Elliot, Sam le also by the way, who knew he was super hot. The other woman has figured that out. I am. New to this. I feel like things were kept for me need to watch some more Sam Elliot movies. He's been in some great. I've only seen him. I've seen him in great films, but always older. So I was just like, What the fuck Sam is pretty old at that point, too. Thanks, go. Yeah, the the newer one. I mean, they've got this sort of rival. It just it feels a little weaker. Because in the original, it's like this guy has kind of taken over the town and he's running things. And this one is like this like rich asshole kid who just sits on a boat all the time. And then his dad hires this. This thug to take out the cooler. And it's a well known wrestler Conor McGregor. Yeah. And he just is like a he's a fun character. But he's also like, doesn't make a lot of sense because he's just plowing through everything to fuck this guy up, but he doesn't have any motive. And it just is a little he's just crazy. And while the no mugger but it just feels like there's a disconnect with purpose largely plays himself from what I understand. Probably yeah. i i One of the people that didn't think the original was that great of a movie. So I didn't have any kind of feeling about the new one. Sure. Except that you'd said that it was like CGI fights. Yeah, that's what I'd heard. But I haven't seen any. Yeah, i i There were a couple of times where you were like, Oh, that is clearly a CGI thing. Yeah. But otherwise, I was fine with it. But that's because I had no strong feelings about the original shirt, sir. Yeah. No, it was it was definitely an interesting double bill, especially since so many people were just raving about the new version. I'm glad I got to see both. Cool. Very cool. Yeah. Well, also, I'm starting to really turn around on Jake Gyllenhaal. Did you not like him? I guess I thought I didn't like him. Although when I look back on all the movies, I'm like, Oh, I liked him. I liked him on that one. I liked him. It might have been the miscasting. Yeah, that's a mistake. I mean, everybody makes mistakes. But like even most recently, an ambulance he's like a turn off when we were talking and I still haven't watched that. I gotta watch that. Yeah, especially I mean, if you like the old style Michael Bay, like over the top 90s action, like it's it fits so perfectly. And with that, it's super fun. And he was in Nightcrawler and I loved that performance. He's good actor easy on the eyes and fucking ripped in this new movie. I was like, tell if that's a real muscle or not. I certainly don't have that muscle. Is that sure it's real did we do we come with those? All right. So loosely film related. All the weird shit in my world right now. I've taken to doing things that might be easier that require less thinking. Sorry, I've been reading the Jack Reacher novels. Oh, cool. I'm going to novel three. And they're fun, though. The second one. For those of you that don't know Jack Reacher is written by a guy who's British. He's not Written by an American Oh, and in the second novel, you kind of get a feel that he doesn't know that he doesn't realize how much bigger the US is the UK, because it's based the idea is there, there's a group that separated out, they're gonna, you know, take out the government and hate the government, all that stuff and he gets embroiled with them accidentally. And there's a point where there's going to be a truck blown up. And they figure, okay, we figure it's Fourth of July. So he's got to be gone to probably Minneapolis or San Francisco. So we've got to attackcopter. And we've got to figure we can catch them and maybe about two hours. So Mike, you know, you got a lot of time you got about I looked it up on Google Maps, just because it was like, This is so weird. It's a 20 hour drive to either one of those places from about where they were. And that's just, you know, a straight drive, no stops for gas, no sleep. It's just one guy driving this truck. Like, it might have a little more time to catch him than you think. You know, faster is better, but they even just even describes how he's going through Twin Falls, Idaho. Oh, my God. Well, that's a weird route. But maybe there was a tree down on the other option. So cool. could have just blown something up there then. But, but so that it's kind of amusing section to read. It's still fun to read, because he writes at a great pace and it moves well, but it's like, I think you can set up some places along the way to maybe keep an eye out for him stuff and chase him down. But so with these fresh in your mind, how do they compare to the TV series, which I guess is doing a season per book? They don't think they must have done book two? Oh, yes, it was because I don't remember him doing dealing with a militia. Okay. And it was a kidnapped the President's god daughter and the US. Commander of the US military daughter gets kidnapped and he accidentally gets grouped with her. It's oddly plotted. So I'm pretty pretty sure the first one was the first first one felt like the first season and a damn good adaptation of it was done. And then I'm reading this code. I don't think they did this one because it's it's not as good as the first one and the plotting is the whole thing is based on him accidentally getting scooped up with this woman when they when the when she gets kidnapped. Yeah, maybe Season Two really? I just started the third book. So I'm not quite sure yet. If it's the second film or if they're dummies, there's a shit ton of these books. Yeah, like 13 or 1420 years. Wow, holy cow. But and then there's offshoot books where he has licensed people to write reacher fan novels, like that. So but the the the casting is definitely correct. Now, the Tom Cruise character was a way weird for this but but for this one it stood and that guy's description of him being huge. And just getting everything away because he's so large orcs even better in the books. The way he's described the books, he seems even larger, real life, but I'm enjoying them. They're fun, fast, easy reads. It's sort of you know, Mack Bolan without racism and sexism though it is earlier books if you read them now, but it's a very similar kind of loner character. But it's it's a they're fun to read. I'm like, Cool. Cool. I saw a movie called here for blood. Here for blood. I have not heard of this. Okay, this is on shatter. I'm pretty sure I saw it on shatter. It is about a guy who is a professional wrestler, in a in a low wrestling, you know, as he's not WWE II or anything like that. But he's built like a fucking brick shithouse. And to help his girlfriend out, she is a she's gone to school to university, and she babysits on the side, but she's got to study for this one test. And she asks if he will babysit this girl this one night. So he shows up at the house, lovely house. And the parents are kind of like, Ah, where's Susan? And he's like, Oh, she'll be here later. But you know, I'm such and such. I'm her boyfriend. And she'll vouch for me and all this and they're like, Okay, well, all right. So they introduce her to they introduce him to their daughter, and she's, you know, a bratty little kid and all this stuff. And she's basically like, you know, just leave me alone. I'll play video games upstairs. And he's like, Fine, that's cool. And what he doesn't know is that that night A group of Satanists cultists have decided they're going to kidnap this girl and sacrificer, of course, but they don't realize that they're facing a wrestler. They think they're going to be facing this young girl. So they break into the house. And then he proceeds to sort of be the this is a horror comedy. Sounds like it does have a lot of funny, funny scenes, like one of the guys comes in and they're fighting in the kitchen and the wrestler grabs him and pushes his face against the burner. So for the rest of the movie, the guy has this burn, circular pattern on his face. And, and then of course, there's twists and turns as you start realizing that there's a little more to this story than you thought. But I thought it was really good. It's very low budget, but it's very bloody and gory. The effects are kind of over the top humorous, and everybody is a fairly decent actor in it. So I wanted to give it a little shout out it is called here for blood. I've been putting together a we're going to try I'm going to do the 100 days thing again for horror this year. Putting a list together that sounds like it's like well, do I want to watch this one now? Or do I want to wait? This movie might be too dumb for you. And I'm sure it's gonna be Yeah, no problem with don't have to stick you is a little slap sticky, man. Well, man, speaking of slap sticky, this isn't a genre film. But I did. I did get asked by my husband late at night. Hey, when does in the carousel on Roku, like passing around? Hey, look who's talking. I haven't seen that forever found your photo film? Yes. Okay. Do you want to watch this movie? I was like, Fuck, no. And I got so mad. And he's like, Well, how are we going to watch? Look who's talking to you? If we don't say look? This is tough logic to argue with. Like, I'm not watching these movies. These movies are so dumb. It's just gonna be so stupid. I don't want I do not want to. And he's like, I think you do, too. And so he's like, about to use my account to pay for a rental for Luke who's talking. I was like, No, you're gonna log out of my account. I ended up paying the $2.39 to rent Luke who's talking it's not going in Maya lager. The thing man? Oh, yeah, I don't want this in my frickin like algorithm. Thank you very much. But I did end up watching it. It was not as horrible as I thought it was going to be it's actually basically romance with like, occasionally the talking baby just be I think it's um ad libbing? I think he's just saying. Yeah, sure. There is a lot of a lot of like I would use that's why you would Funnyman stupid. Why did you say, but you know, the one thing I will say though, was I didn't expect body horror movie. If you guys remember the opening scene, they kind of put together this baby out of like, clay and I don't know, approximation. Just trying to remember what a baby might look like. And they're just kind of smearing a thing together. And then they're like, look, it's a baby. So there's a long while where the baby is like a fucking horror show. You're like what the hell? Oh, oh, and then it shows up and it's just like a kid and that's fine. It's not a particularly attractive child. But you know, it's okay it was it was a it was a rom com and that was much more my speed than I thought was going to be I survived. Body for Hirsi Ali to write yeah Kristiania sequels awful. The first one's kind of fun but the sequels never bothered or not good. I just I as soon as he said Roseanne Barr is in the second act like I don't want to touch this with 1000 foot stick and he's like the third one is talking dogs or whatever I'm really I'm why why? No. Why? The first one but two and three. I don't think I saw three but two is like gone. Oh, well and look who's talking to is T Oh, yes talking also. And I just like I refuse I also refuse Teen Wolf to speaking of moving sequels, okay, it's not really sequels Chucky, the remainder of season three has come out on peacock. So I've started watching that and it seems to be taking off nicely right where it left off with this weird age Chucky. Oh, I'm way behind. So what has happened? The doll is aging. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's pretty. Pretty interesting. The first half is him trying to fit figure out how to commit enough evil to like, I think I forget like go back to a regular person or something like that. I can't remember but it's got some silly little bits like he goes to the Amityville house at one point and, and stuff but that's seems like it's gonna be continued to be a fun series. Excellent did they drop all the episodes at once? Or does it come out weekly? No things weekly weekly check ins going back to weekly. Speaking of sidebar here as we mentioned that Netflix of all things is getting annoyed with Amazon Prime because they dropped all of that the video game show The fallout Yeah, instead of doing weekly like they've been doing they dropped all of them at once and Netflix CEO or somebody like complained about it's like, really? This whole thing started because he you your stage your whatever you call it. This problem come on. Geez, the rears. Did you guys see that? Outside by the sidebar? Do you guys see that Netflix? So they cracked down whatever it was last year on sharing passwords? Yes. Did you see the result of that? No. Like a 900% increase in new subscribers hope. They even said, we didn't actually realize how many people were sharing passwords, but it was apparently 100% of everybody to more people than we thought. And instead of losing they really gained big. Wow. Okay, well, I mean, good for them. i It's hard to know what Netflix's financials are. And you know how successful or not successful the model is. But, man, I'm alright. I was a little irritated that my mom couldn't use or I couldn't use my mom's Netflix account. So now I'm using my husband's Netflix account because they lost it paying now to the local server and otherwise it gets mad at you. So I'm fine. But I still continue not pay for Netflix. Taking a stand. They're coming after me now. Well, you realize this husband and wife you don't get to pretend you're two separate people like that anymore. You're paying for it. It's just you're in the same house as he is. You share Maoli shit, you just blew my mind. We have separate bank accounts. We have separate incomes for two different people. You don't even it's fine. I still have autonomy nerve touched out he take a break. They can calm down, get a little glass of water or something. And then when we come back we're talking about movies based on books. Waldenbooks presents wrestlers savings and gifts that upon forever now and only to Christmas save 25% on James Michener, Texas. Secrets by Daniel steals I never played the game by good sport Howard Cosell by Harper Bible Dictionary and then Homes and Gardens new cookbook yes when American looks for the right Christmas gift America finds it and we're back Eric this was your sub genre Well yes, yes it was and I picked a good one a weird one but a good 119 60 two's the trial you under arrest for accuses me watch the charge. Mr. K seriously thinks that we don't know who you are these people the accused and you know you're arrested they woke me up and told me Are you sure you were awake? It's good for you to have that be any doubt that behind that organization the hope of getting out of the clutches. In change sometimes safer than to be free Oh, I don't know this one. Or watch this as a criterion disk release. It's rotten tomatoes. Score is 84 for critics 87 from the crowd. budget of a 1.3 million box office of 1.4. Teeth. Yep. I believe it's available for rent and stuff but I will have that list. sit underneath here on the YouTube video when the time comes, directed by Orson Welles. Ah, who you might know from Touch of Evil Citizen Kane. F for fake or no wine before its time. Ah, French you ever watched the outtakes of those commercials? Oh my god so good. Written by Pierre shallot who pretty much just had one other movie Goliath in the dragon based on the novel by Franz Kafka which yes I have read this is also an Orson Welles had a hand in writing and as well of course, so he wrote most of what he's directed so it's not unusual this lead in this one is Anthony Perkins. From the black hole, the life and times a judge or been and of course, psycho one through four. And although for who was in the earth cries out, Ivan, son of the white devil, and Captain Blood 182 credits Italian born actor, and Josh Hahn, who's in the great the grand a duel, the Wise Guys and What's New Pussycat. You got to sign that hit your head on that one, I would imagine. So this is going to be odd. I believe we have a couple odd ones. I am not going to be able to describe directly what happens in this film. Oh, because it is not a narratively turned film. It is a logic film. It's a thriller dream logic film nightmare logic. Oh, all right. Orson Welles himself described it. He said, It is a dream. He made no bones about it. He said, this movie is a dream. Wow. And he also said it's a black comedy, or dark comedy which, okay. But the movie starts with a very interesting still drawing, introduction, narrated by Orson Welles, explaining how the law is something you must wait for this guy comes up to this large door with a guard. And he's like, What can I get in this? I don't remember the exact wording, but it amounts to whenever you're ready, or whenever I let you. And the this is going to kind of explain the movie itself. Where by the end of the story, the guy has waited so long, he is dying. And he's like, I've been here this whole time nobody else has gone in. Why is that? And he said this is for you. Only this door was meant only for you. And only you could have entered it. And then he closed the door. That's like, Oh, shit. So it doesn't exactly start off going well, I think I'm going to be laughing in this film is it's pretty dark. Starts off with a man breaking or not breaking into charging into Perkins apartment where he is scared awake. And the odd looks of the film start right away. And they swear everything. All the ceilings. Almost all the ceilings in this movie are either huge, like gargantuan sized or claustrophobic. too short, and Perkins is pretty tall. So he looks extra compacted in these films. He thinks the police are there for whose neighbor who is a night dancer, shall we say? Oh, yeah. But and there's also people from his office who are standing around not. They never say anything to him. And he's they're just kind of they're up there looking at her stuff and messing with her stuff a little bit. Perkins has a slight crush on this lodger he thinks they're looking for. So he's sort of defending her even though the landlady thinks she has a bad career and shouldn't be allowed to live there. But she comes home and he deserves to tell her what's going on. And there's some good humor in there because she delivers some funny lines in weird tones. And but you still don't know exactly who's being arrested or who's in trouble. Perkins toxic lady explaining what's going on. And she gets all upset because they they touch the picture of my dad or some stuff along those lines. And so Perkins then goes off to work. And wow, what a scene it is. had to look it up. Because he walks into something and looks like sort of out of Brazil, where they hired 800 people and then outfitted all of them with little desks and typewriters. Oh, so and they're all lined up 90 degrees with little room areas he can just barely walk through. And it's a spectacularly large scene where he walks through there to get to he has a cake or something and he's going into his closet to hide it there and his boss is buying it here. This is a broom closet. Nobody does so it's like I don't know what's going on. And very uncomfortable scene where his niece shows up But she's on the other side of the glass. See, he doesn't really interact with her. But the boss is implying that why is this young woman slowing up you're not supposed to be sleeping with somebody, her age really should change your ways, which isn't happening at all. There's nothing like that going on, even if she's in a later scene with him, and it's very much nice and uncle. And he has a great line in the middle of the movie about his experiences he's having in life. It's like, Why am I always in the wrong without even knowing what it is? Or what it is about? Think, you know, that fits this whole fucking bill. Later on, it's as you can see, there's really no logic there, leaps and jumps, and you're just sort of falling him trying to figure out and as he goes along, if he's technically under arrest, even though he's just wandering around doing whatever he wants to. He goes to. He's at a live show like, it looked like the Amadeus theater. Like he's at a theater like that with big balconies all around the edges. And somebody hands him a note and he wanders out to the lobby, and the cops are there, the same guys that were in his apartment earlier, it's time to take you to your trial, he moves goes to this place, which is just filled with a bunch of people. And he gives a speech about how wrong it is where he doesn't know what he's been charged with. He doesn't know what is going on. But they say, It's all right, we need to interrogate what you but we'll do it outside your usual work hours, so it won't interfere with your life. We then return to the office and they've taken comes in a different way. And now all the desks have been flipped. All the people are facing in the opposite direction of where they were earlier. And just weird little stuff like that goes on all the time. And he goes to his person who's going to be his lawyer who is played by Orson Welles and decides he doesn't want him representing him. And doesn't doesn't like him. And I could keep doing that for a while. But I'm not going to tell you some of the making of this movie instead. The film makes virtually no sense as a narrative feature. But watching it as a dream, it actually works very well. It's very strange and moves in a way. Kind of like we talked about long ago with 12 Monkeys where if you're following Bruce Willis, his role, you get confused as what's real and what's not. There's some of that with Anthony Perkins in this where you're like, there's times he feels like he's got it figured out. You're like, oh, okay, yeah, and then nevermind. That's not what's going on at all. Every place he shows up, if there's ever a woman, she hits on him really pretty hard. Not every time but almost every time. So, but, and then you get to the end credits, and Orson Welles is reading them. All right. So taglines, Orson Welles masterpiece, a film of enormous visual panache the most remarkable motion picture ever made. Do not get me wrong. I fucking love this film. This was an amazing experience to watch. It's based on Franz Kafka's novel, as I said, includes a set Kafka parable before the law was from something else he'd written. That was added in because it totally fit into the story. This was erson wells. Reaction to the trouble he got to in Hollywood during the Red Scare where he was Jim Carr theism and all that and he was kicked out of Hollywood. He made this film and France and a couple other European countries took six months writing the screenplay, adopting the work you rearrange the Oscars chapters to a different lineup, but the catch of that is the original novel was when it was put out. The max Brad the guy who published it, reread already rearranged the chapters. Oh. Let's see. Got a couple other little things here. According to Pete Bogdanovich, Orson Welles found the finished film to be quite funny. They once attended a screening of a trial together and he sat next to wells and audience members became visibly annoyed by the sound of laughter coming from wells while he watched the movie. Make sense? Which I can see it's a dark film. It's a weird dark film, but let's see what else he wanted to capture Jackie Gleason in the role that wells ended up doing but clicks and said Ah, no. Wells dubbed dialogue for 11 actors including Anthony Perkins and he challenged Perkins to find the lines he dubbed, and he couldn't say no to to to to. Perkins said it was the highlight of his acting career to be in this film. That's the best film you've ever done. And so much I loved it. Check it out. If you're interested in weird dream logic films, Orson Welles really made something phenomenal. So is the book, also surrealist? Or is the book is large? If you read, I've only read more metamorphosis. Yeah, I've only read Metamora. I've read a few of his his things like the High Castle that one show on Amazon was based on Maskull. That was I read a few of us, and they're all a little surrealist, a little unusual. This one's probably more searched toward the trials not I don't remember it being quite this surreal. Yeah. But he definitely turned it into a true surrealist kind of movie. And, you know, Citizen Kane In Touch of Evil. If you've seen those, you know, gorgeous. He is making black and white movies. And this is black and white. And I think it's probably probably his best looking film, just because it's the look, Citizen Kane use a lot of wonderful things that kind of enhanced the movie. The look of this film is primary to what is going on in the movie. It's very, very high. And it's great. Wow, I had not come across the film adaptation as far as like, but it being a criterion release sounds sounds like a cool watch, but maybe not a super fun watch. Oh, that's interesting. No, I didn't I didn't feel like get seasick pressing that exploitation was moving. Sure. It was very interesting. Because you're thinking, Yeah, after you're watching it. Vanessa, you want to go next? Yeah, so my my film is definitely so straightforward compared to yours. So I went with a film that I have been meaning to see forever. And I think without this podcast, I would have never gotten to it. 1990 ones Naked Lunch. William Lee, I have your case, officer. You are my agent. I intend and report to your controller. Your wife is not really a wife. She is an agent of interzone Incorporated. Your boss must kill. Well, yeah, this one got in a bit of a jam you're saying that you escaped from custody and murdered your wife and they want you. You're just gonna have to leave. And Hinduism is the only place that will have a shady character like you It's such short notice. I would never have expected to see you up and out. So you see seem to be in a lot of pain. It is an elegant way to strike terror into the hearts of the enemy. I think the new order could find a place for a man of your caliber, like confidence and an agent. But don't let it make you careless. Why don't you just write something and calm yourself down? You're obviously not in a professional state of mind I guess. Yes. Straightforward. Movie. Very straightforward. Sorry for bugs. You guys went weird. Mine has a Rotten Tomatoes score 72 from critics and 77 from audience which is actually higher than I would have guessed budget of 16 to 18 million box office of 2.6 million. No. This was a real bust. directed and written by David Cronenberg. 48 credits his name we have discussed on the show not that long ago video drome also existence and the fly. And of course you may also know from crash history of islands etc. This is based off of William S. Burroughs Naked Lunch. It is starring Peter Weller as William Lee has 91 credits his name but he is Robocop he's also in the you know, it's true. He's in the adventures of Buckroe Bakker book a rue Banzai. And recently it was in Del Toro's cabinet of curiosities. He's still regularly acting, Judy Davis as Joan Lee sly. Joan Frost 68 credits to her name a number of Woody Allen picks well unfortunate, including husband and wives and Alice also was in Passage to India, the wrath and a lot of recent short films. I'm not quite sure what she's up to, but she was in a ton of shorts lately, and even home as Tom Frost 142 credits to his name including Brazil, Lord of the Rings as Bilbo Baggins, aliens as ash and Terry Rapson and the day after tomorrow great role. The plot so now I can't say that this is the plot. But this is what I believe is the plot. So we're sitting in 1953 and William Lee is an ex drug addict who has turned his back on writing to become a passionate bug exterminator. However, when his wife becomes addicted to the bug killing dust, he finds himself in trouble with his job and with the laws that's a hard substance. Before he can get out of town, he accidentally kills his wife, and then finds himself status, spiraling back into drugs and also back into writing. The further down the rabbit hole he goes, the more insane and intense his fantasy life becomes. His friends attempt to help him escape it when he refuses. One of them says finish writing and then come home. William completely loses himself in the fantasy although he does seem to finish his reports, aka the book. So that's what I think the story is. It's important to note that his fantasy world involves a lot of large talking bugs, who are also sometimes typewriters that sexually react to him typing and have butt holes they talk out of he thinks he's on a secret mission to get to the bottom of something which he doesn't really seem privy to, but he keeps accomplishing tasks like killing his wife, and he keeps trying harder and harder bug drugs which are like Roundup, centipedes, and things like that all all snore, double or injectable. He is then told to seduce his dead wife now a new lady named John frost, and then a handsome man later to get to the inside of again, something he's sent to a place called the inner zone or things fully spiral out of control. Thoughts. This is definitely I mean, all I ever heard about this film is that is in insane and impossible to describe. I feel like when watching it was more complex and interesting than I thought it was going to be. I mean, the way people describe it, I was like it was just a dude in a room going crazy. But instead know you're following a guy on like a really kind of funny journey. The lead actor, of course, nails it. His dry. wit and humor make the whole thing work if he didn't deliver the lines the way he did and enter each and no point is he like a bug. I was typing on a typewriter. It's now a bug and he's now talking at no point is he like vara every time he's like, he's like slightly bemused as his world shifts focus. The voice of the typewriter is really really fun. I love its tone and intonation. It sounds a lot like actor whose name I've totally forgotten. Who's in poor things. But yeah, just sounds very cool and looks at the guy but he wasn't from anything I knew. The only thing is this as the lot of sex. And for me, it was a bit too much. I was just overwhelmed by the amount of sexual innuendo. There's a lot of between the buttholes and the dicks in the centipede and things squirting and things getting larger and et cetera. It was a lot I was just like I felt a little nauseous by like trivia. This movie is packed with characters based on real people and events from the life of Burroughs. Like Bill Lee William S. Burroughs was an exterminator and drug addict who accidentally shot his wife during a drunken game of William Tell. Joan Lee is based on Joan Volkmar Burrows is deceased wife, Hank it Martin and Bill's sorry Hank and Martin. Bills. fellow writers in the movie are Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsberg and real life, bros moved a section moved to a section of Tangier, Morocco known as the International zone, hence inter zone in the film. Tom Ross is based off of Paul bells and Kiki was the name of a young man Burroughs had a same sex affair with in Tangier, while riding Naked Lunch. The William Tell incident happened in Mexico, and with how the law was at the time, he only served 13 days in prison for shooting his wife in the head. Wow. Yeah. Peter Weller turned down Robocop three to be in this movie. Good choice. I think desert was recreated On a Toronto soundstage, by pouring 700 tons of sand onto the floor for the former of a former munitions factory. And David Cronenberg wrote the screenplay during the period of time while he was acting and Clive Barker's nightbreed. Got to be in a good state of mind for that. So that was my movie. I'm significantly under time. Love this movie. I've only seen it twice. First time was right when it came to HBO. And then, like 20 years later, when I was like, Oh, yeah. And I remember going, I really liked this movie. But what the fuck just happened? Yes, it really helped that I was like, trying to figure it out and writing notes to like, follow along. That made a huge difference for me, because every time they start to peek back into reality, so at one point, he's got a bag full of what he believes is the his broken typewriter. And his friends were like, what's in there? And he's like, Oh, it's something of importance or but now it's no good. And they open up the bag, and it's just filled with drugs, like old needles and used up whatever he's been on lately. So you get these little peeks into the real world. And so I was kind of having a good time trying to parse what was happening throughout. I remember being very shocked at the death of his wife when that happens. And then I was like, okay, so that couldn't have really happened. When did she come back? And was like, oh, no, shot his wife in the head accidentally. Yep. I mean, in a way that you would think might happen if you were to point a gun at a person, slightly drunk, or, you know, it was a fun party game that apparently Bros and his wife liked to play. And he definitely recreates it and the book and is recreated again in the film. not know that. Yeah, really rough. And it's interesting, too, because she comes back as the other character. But then at the very, very last final scene of the film, she comes back again as his wife, and she's in a vehicle with him. And they play the game again, and again, he kills her. Right? So it's just like, he can't escape this guilt that he's taking with them. So that is not proper gun safety. By the way. Did you try to read the book? No. Absolutely not. I did not necessarily have the intention of it. I did read about people trying to read the book. And now it is torturous and nearly impossible, because he just will like randomly start listing numbers and he writes a stream of consciousness. Yeah, right. That explains a conversation to the other writers have about how if you edit, you are censoring, and therefore you are like hacking and just doing the worst possible thing to your own. You know, art. So that explains that a lot. Yeah. Well, all right, Kelly. What's surrealist fantasy ROM? Well, you're gonna be shocked to find out I did not do that. Lately, I have found myself collecting British first editions of an author named James Herbert who was kind of like the Stephen King of Britain. In fact, he outsold Stephen King at the height of his stuff over in Britain. Wow, not not super popular over here. But he made a movie or he made a book. One of his very first books called the rats, and it was turned into the movie that I am talking about. It is called Deadly eyes from 1982. They have been here since the dawn of time. They were on the battlefield with Alexander the Great. They were on the edge of Moscow with Napoleon. They're on every continent. In every city, and we do little to stop them. They are here now. Waiting. Watching. They've gone unchecked on motorist and now they're monsters are you okay? Let's get the hell out of here by themselves is much larger than anything I'm familiar with. No if I had to guess I'd say something in the order of a Great Dane except that dogs don't have the job pressure to step through those metacarpals that would you believe that they are so I read this big are you through you will just pay perhaps you could just go and check out the drain for me please. It's hard to believe that rats even sewer rat attack a drone as far as I'm concerned it just starry. overpopulated, oversized and hungry not just for food, but for Paul A lady friend was absolutely right about the rat we've gotten into the rat population of the world is estimated to be 108,000,000,024 times the human population deadly eyes it is also called Night eyes, which is what came up on the title card was watching this I was like fine tonight by the wrong movie. No, this is deadly eyes. It had a budget. Canadian money 1.5 million but I can find no box office. The Rotten Tomato critics give it 33% And the audience gives it 28% directed by Robert Klaus who has 24 credits Eric, are you familiar with this guy's name? No, you should not have found my head he directed Enter the Dragon blackbelt Jones Game of Death The Master Jim kata. Oh sir, no, you go familiar with the film but this was written by Charles eglee, who has 20 credits multiple TV show episodes, including 42 episodes of Dark Angel 5215 episodes of The Shield and 10 episodes of American Gods was also written by London F. Smith, who has six credits television stuff that was not very big. And it is based on the novel The rats by James Herbert, starring Sam groom, who has 50 credits including deadly games blood feud and more than murder. And Sara Botsford who has 84 credits including still the night Legal Eagles and the fog remake. Yeah. Wait, and Lisa Ling Lois was 45 credits including Happy Birthday to me class of 1984 and the nest. And then also in a also starring role or guest starring role. Scatman Crothers 135 credits, including the shining one of the boys and zapped. Okay, you guys. As you can probably guess, from the novel title, deadly eyes is about rats. So we opened with a health inspector Kelly, a very attractive woman at a huge grain facility and she orders a shutdown because she can tell that it's full. She can tell that the grain is full of steroids somehow. Oh, I can't figure out how she knows this. But she does yours is shut down. The guy who runs the place assures her that it is not and tries to bribe her but it does not go well for him because Kelly orders the entire place burned down. Reaction. I didn't realize they had this kind of power. Right? Well, unbeknownst to them, but notes to us is that there is an entire community of rats the size of small dogs that have been living off the contaminated corn. What do you think they're gonna do when they're home and food is destroyed? Well, they migrate into the city, which I believe is supposed to be Toronto. It's definitely shot in Toronto, and they never say it is any other city. But I do know that the book is based in London. And the poster for the film shows the Twin Towers from New York City. So mystery No, no. We meet Paul who was a high school teacher on a field trip with his students, one of which Trudy has a big crush on him. Her boyfriend is not cool with any of this, but Trudy is determined to make Paul fall in love with her. So the first place the rats all take residence in is the basement of a suburban home where a party is going on I guess otherwise, it's just a bunch of unsupervised teenagers. except the one of the girls who was there is also taking care of a toddler and a highchair. Chand Of course she leaves the kid unsupervised. Vanessa and when she comes back, the highchair has been knocked over and the kid has gone with only a big bloody smear to show where it might have gone. He's writing there at Freedom. Good, good guess. This girl follows the blood to the basement where she finds the kids bloody clothes and then is also attacked by the rats. These rats are gigantic, and it's obviously a puppet for close ups. But when they're running in long shots, it is equally as obvious that they are small dogs and wreck customers. So Paul and Kelly, Kelly being the the health health inspector and Paul being the teacher, they end up meeting at this point they hit it off. He's a divorced high school teacher slash football coach. She's a successful woman in a position of power and the sparks fly with him ending up in bed in a sex scene. That was quite boring and yet still kind of surprising to me because there was lots of nipple sucking and stuff that felt way more intimate than a couple of hip thrusts. I was like, I really hope these people know each other in real life because otherwise after the director yells cut, she'd be like, Hey, what the fuck man? You were supposed to pretend to fuck me now fuck. So next to the rats all attacking old man who's walking the streets alone late at night, and a different city health inspector Scatman Crothers starts thinking that this looks like the work of rats and decides to check out the city sewers. Trudy, the young high school girl then tries to kiss Paul after his football coaching and he tells her Hey, call me in 10 years. She says Scatman Crothers is right. He gets chased through the city sewers by this pack of puppies. They are adorable. They all jump on him and start biting him and kill him. Then, Trudy shows up at Paul's house and tries to seduce him getting undressed while he's in the shower. He has his son living with them by the way and the sun lets her in because he doesn't know any better. And Trudy goes into the bedroom and starts undressing waiting as he comes out of the shower. He of course teller tells her that she's too young and she needs to leave. But this happens when Kelly the health inspector is showing up for a scheduled date with Paul and his son. And Kelly's response to this is Hey, you don't owe me anything. And the son says Are we still gonna go on a train ride? And she says Fuck yeah, we are and she takes the son and leaves Paul at all. Wow, very cool. So Paul, telephones his buddy and rat expert, who instantly concludes that the steroid feed had spawned a new breed of super rat that had migrated into the sewers in search of food. Upon hearing this information, Kelly the health inspector immediately orders the fumigation of the entire city sewer system, which is carried out with zero apparent effect on the rats. In fact, the rat expert friend is then killed next almost like the rats are like this guy knows too much. The rats continue attack they move on to a bowling alley and then a movie theater and make their first brazen mass attack on the unsuspecting public. The rat select the viewers of Game of Death. Oh, to mark the first attack on you know, I gotta get a movie we can use, resulting in numerous deaths, including Trudy and her boyfriend. Meanwhile, the city's mayor prepares to make an inaugural run of a new subway section which is of course, right where Kelly is taking Paulson and that is where the rats attack next. while escaping the rats and sacrificing the other delegates the mayor stows away on the empty subway train. But Kelly is left trying to protect yourself and Paulson from the advancing hoard will fall now armed with all the rat knowledge of his dead red expert friend be able to stop the festivities or at least get through His Son and girlfriend and time to stop them from becoming the rats next meal. Will he be forced to assault a police officer and take the man's revolver in a scene that must surely make every single black viewer of this movie pointed go? That's fucking bullshit. And will the mayor find out that he has escaped onto the empty subway train only to find out that it is the rats new home. All these questions and less will be answered in this movie, which is somehow quite bad and still very, very entertaining. I feel like I really won with this movie. I just loved it taglines. Tonight, they will rise from the darkness beneath the city to feed on little trivia. The giant rats and foul shots were actually Dawkins dressed in red suits. Excellent detailed puppets were used in close shots, especially in the scenes of their nine on the victims. The dogs had difficulty seeing in the rat costumes so meat and blood was used to get them to run in the right direction in any given scene. Each dog had to be individually fitted for a rat costume. I read somewhere that one of the dogs actually died during the filming of this probably because he was suffocated by the rat costume. And in 1988, James, author of the source novel dismiss this as terrible, absolute rubbish. It's really irritated by it. I had a great time with this. And I instantly texted a buddy of mine who is a James harbor fan and said, Have you seen this? And he said, No. Please report back and I said this is awful. And you will love it. Have you read this novel? The rats Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm a big James Herbert fan. Cool. Yeah, in fact, I bought I bought a first edition hardcover, British version of the toe last year. Wow. Nice. Perfect. Holy shit. Is this my pick? Yeah. Well, let's pause for a minute while I think. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo If I wrote anything down what I thought I should be talking about Sure, sure. My brother texted me Vanessa text me the name of the product that mom likes to drink as some kind of Hawaiian Punch with mango and it has three ingredients. She says she drinks it on the plane, but she can't remember the name. I'm going to stop there on the store for her on the way to Anderson Island to drop off firewood. To which the answer is pug. My mom really likes the drink pug familiar with it? I don't know if I've ever had. We had it every time we went to Hawaii but I noticed it started making its way into grocery stores and it doesn't have anything I'm allergic to it. So I'm like oh my god, I can drink a juice. Phenomenal occasionally indulging in pug myself. Hey, guys, I have an idea for the next topic in honor of my novel which is coming out shortly the secret language of spiders. How about we pick some kind of horror film that has spiders in it? Gross. Yes, I know. I hate it. I'm glad you're with us here to them. I did so much research on this and I thought oh clearly this will get me out of my phobia of spiders now. I'm more terrified than ever now that I know more about them. Yeah, I just kill them when I say I'm going to do very very creepy. Okay, so we're talking about spiders next work. This means we're at the part where I say thanks to all the listeners and viewers now although I will answer shit when will actually be our next episode. Yeah, we'll be our life. Oh from crypto will be at cryptic con shortly. So if you haven't made up your mind about showing up a cryptic gun, please show up at crypto con. If you listen to the show, please come and say hi to Eric or Vanessa. Yes, and I will only be there for one period of time. One day oh man, this is for our panel on Saturday. We're not gonna have drinks. Oh, we could probably have drinks. We can probably hang out a little bit but the you know, it's gonna be it's as long as I will not feel guilty about being away from my infant daughter. She'll be fine. That's what they keep saying. There's a father there you know, she's the father there then she'll definitely be leaving her home alone. Like she'd be fine for a day. Like it's like cats don't get to I'm always worried the cats gonna suffocate her or scatter it but they don't seem to care how much fun we had when when Brian and Gwen and we all sat around and had drinks and everything awesome take that away from me. time that I got COVID standing in the hallway talking to you. So I have a photo of that exact moment. The guy next to you got his name starts with A J no boy. All right, then. This is the point now unless anyone wants to interrupt me again with something but he said next episode is going well actually our next episode, actually. Oh yeah. And thanks. So like and subscribe. Donate yes phone number Thank you. 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