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July 04, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 278
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Strange Aeons Radio
Jul 04, 2024 Season 6 Episode 278
Strange Aeons Radio

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Eric gets it in both ends, and the gang talks about flicks with mass hysteria scenes.
Also discussed: Hitman, Dark Matter, Enter Three Dragons.

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Eric gets it in both ends, and the gang talks about flicks with mass hysteria scenes.
Also discussed: Hitman, Dark Matter, Enter Three Dragons.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition, we have such sights to show you strange eons. Welcome to strange eons radio exactly, hello. That's Vanessa over there. This morning. I'm Kelly, Eric. I had on good authority, that you had a bit of a three way on Friday. There's one way of putting it. Yes, there was me and two other things involved. Maybe I don't want to hear this story. I love you guys, but there are lines, yeah, well, this is probably not the line you're worried about. Well, is it was medical day for me. Okay, it was a what I call finger cuffs, colonoscopy and an endoscopy on the same day. No, no, oh no. I used to have some pretty bad acid reflex things, and so my doctor thought I should do that. And he's like, this was few years ago, and you're about the right age that you know you can do your first colonoscopy. Okay, great. I did both of those at once. And it's like, okay, you got to do another two or three years. I'm like, Really, okay, fine. And this was my second round, but this time, hey, everything looks great. See, in five years, yay. Now I don't know how many of you have ever prepared for colonoscopy. That's the fun one the day before, when you stop eating, except for clear they call it a clear liquid diet, which include, but does include scrumptious green jello and beef broth. Oh, keeps you going. But yeah, and then you take laxatives, heavy laxatives, violent laxatives, some might say yes, and and the idea is, by the next morning, how should we put this? You should be liquid, clear, although not exactly clear, but, you know, free of heavy particles. Oh, this is gotta be a favorite subject, not what you're expecting, but no one is expecting. I have helped family members prepare for these things before, so I'm not completely out of the No, but fuck, dude, were they just like you're unconscious. Let's just go and do everything to you. Let's just stick things in every hole and see what we find. Yeah, why are all these people here? That was the beforehand prep. It was not an unknown to me that I woke up and said, Hey, we get you an endoscopy too. Oh, okay, neat. We decided it was two for one Tuesday, so and you, and you made sure to ask if it's the same equipment. I hope you put it in my mouth first, ideally, well, but, but, but hey, one tea or two at the same time. There's a lot of bacteria in your mouth. They do cleansing mouth and nose before you start to help with those spritz Yeah, there you go. Cuts down on, you know, getting sick or having infections or something like that. So they were all really nice, the nurse and everything like that. Although that was Eric, that's where we get to watch the video. Then I have not but they usually will send that to Friday, right here for everybody, since it's Friday, I probably won't get it till Monday. Please show a clip while we're talking about go back to the old for those old enough to remember the Reagan years when he had a class, right? You don't want the video that's the camera going up your butt hole. That one's not that interesting. What you want is the hospital room video that shows them snaking that in between your butt cheeks, and it just goes, it goes out the mouth, and they're like, well, got both. I don't know what it is, folks, we've got a filthy show for you today. Okay, I've had a couple of these, and for some reason the anesthesiologists are always the coolest people, yeah, just cool, casual guys. Well, we're gonna, we're gonna give you a breathing tube, and then, you know, the endoscopy goes, and that's a lot bigger. So if your throat hurts, blame them. Not me. I'm watching out for you. Oh, my God, like that. Well, he's like leaning against the wall. It's night. If your throat hurts after, that would hurt no cutting edges. I. Coat soothes, reliefs might wake up with a funny taste. I'm glad you're on top of your health. That's very good, very important for our listeners slash viewers out there, please take care of yourself, you know, yes, you go, PSA, get yourself finger cuffed. Well, you guys up to this. I watched movies. Oh, good. Okay, much better. I mean, I say stuff up my butt regularly. So all right, cool. Use a camera. But do I want to talk about movies, or do I want to talk about books? Oh, gosh. Well, I feel like this is a PSA, because I'm not sure that people know that. Well, you guys know that I love the Phantasm Series. I love two best, just because it's more my speed, kind of a rock and roll horror film. But I like three and one and then, to lesser extent, four and five. And I've always wondered, why hasn't this continued in some other medium? Why don't we have Phantasm comics or something like that? Well, there is a book out now by Don Coscarelli, called fiction spelled with a pH, and it is Tales from the world of phantasm. Oh, I saw an ad for this. I have not read anything yet. It's interesting, especially since I've been reading so much on writing and all of this stuff lately, it is, it is well written. It's not. It's no. Stephen King, well, sure, come on. But I guess what I wanted was more of the tall man cruising from town to town, destroying small towns and everything. And I'm about halfway through and it's, it's stories that have happened to some of the characters prior to the events of the films they show up in. So, like, Reggie's story takes place in Vietnam. Oh, that's interesting, yeah, and, but it does kind of make you then go, no wonder this ice cream man can handle a shotgun. So Well, fair point. So I guess that it's got that going for it. This is just like a publicized, like Phantasm fan fiction edition, but written by the Creator. So, oh, okay, got it, yeah. Oh, okay. Oh, so they're all written. They're all written by Don Costco. Whoa, okay, yeah. So if that's your bag and you like Phantasm, here's something new. We don't get much new Phantasm stuff anymore. So it is called fiction with a pH Tales from the world of Phantasm by Don cuscarelli. Awesome. I did see I haven't read it yet, so I can't talk about it, but I did see that they have released a the fog comic, of which there are at least four issues into. I can't talk about it yet because I bought three and four because I didn't know until three and four came out, and I have to hunt down one and two before I let myself read it. Are these an adaptation or a continuing story? I think a continuing story, yeah, yeah. It's got different characters. Now. Is this put out by Storm King? I don't know. Oh, which is John Carpenter's comic? You'd think, great question, I would hope so. What's his involvement in it? I haven't even looked at the covers or anything. I looked at the cover, but that was as far as I got, because I was like, I can't, I can't dive into this until I online. I'm down in order, we don't want to spoil the fog story for yourself. Correct. Correct. Yes. So maybe I'll talk about that more once I have more information. But what I really want to talk about is I saw a movie called Ultraman rising, which popped up, I believe, on Netflix. Let me be clear, I know nothing about Ultraman. Okay, never. I know it's Japanese. I know nothing else beyond that. In fact, I really kind of thought it was Astro boy's story for a long time, and then it was like, Oh, it's a different story. All right, cool. That's very different. Fuck. So I watched this newer movie very, very new, and it's an animation, and it's so fucking good. It's like, it doesn't matter that you don't know jack shit, because it's just like a superhero story where, like, a son has to carry on the legacy of his aged father. He's got to take up this mantle of this person who becomes Ultraman, and he doesn't want it, and then a Baby Monster falls upon his lap, and he has to help raise it. And it just, I think it's because I have a baby, but I was, I basically cried the whole way through. I was like, this fucking baby kaiju is like, so spot on, and it's just so good. I don't know if it'll hit everyone the same way, but regardless, it's extremely well animated. It has a very into the spider verse style to it. It's really beautiful, really well told story. And it does end on a little bit of a potential, like opening up for if they want to do additional stories. So so this is just a. Movie. It's just a movie. I saw this pop up, and I was like, I don't know anything about Ultraman, so I haven't passed I didn't think much of it, but Father's Day rolled around and I asked Austin. I was like, What do you want to watch? It's your day. And he was like, I'm gonna throw this on. I was like, All right, it's your day. Put on whatever the fuck you want. I don't know anything about this. That's love. Oh my god. I can't with you today. Eric's got poop on the brain, but, yeah, I was surprised watching it going, Oh, this is literally such a perfect film. It's, it's, yeah, five stars. Wow, pretty cool. I'm gonna watch that. Well, to be surprised, to know I watched which clone of Bruce Lee? Did you watch enter three dragons, excellent, similar theme, but not quite as well done as the clones of Bruce Lee, okay, but it does have, uh, Dragon Hong, who's Bruce that's the character name played by Bruce Lai. Bruce Hong, played by Dragon Lee and Dragon young, played by Bruce Ty. Oh, my God. Second, that's only two dragons. That's three dragons. Dragon home, Bruce Hong and Dragon Young. Those are the characters. Dragon twice is what I'm saying. The you know, enter three dragons, etc, enter the plane, right there. I don't know what you're doing. And so there's confusion on who is who? Oh, is it? Two of the characters are brothers, and the other people in the movie can't tell them apart, even though Dragon, Dragon Lee is completely distinctive looking. He's the big, beefy Bruce Lee guy who is really very muscular by Bruce Lee standards. And of course, it also had bolo Oh in it, and one of the final fights on the way to make everything good this movie make very little sense. There was some comedy guy who was in trouble for not paying back a loan shark, and the loan shark's punishment he kept trying to do to him was take off his clothes, but then the one dragon or another or a producer another would show up and beat the crap out of the guy for a little while, and then he'd run off going like, this is truly a strange viewing experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Enter three dragons, excellent. You know, I'm just, I'm piling up all my horror movies for the 100 days. So, you know, filling up some other stuff. Wow. So we get to suffer through this kind of stuff, right? I watch it so you don't have to. I appreciate you. All right, should I talk about another book? No, although it's really good, I'm gonna talk about you could do two things, real cool. No, no, we said a bad precedent last episode, I'm going to talk about dark matter on Apple. Plus, oh, okay, no, Joel Edgerton, who is an actor I am always surprised I like, because when I look at him, I'm like, I don't think I like this guy. And a very dislikeable face he does, but he's super likable in this. This is, I don't know what's going on with Apple, plus, if, because it's just a bunch of nerds over there, all they're going to do is amazing science fiction. But this is about a physicist professor who is making a fairly decent living in his job, and his best friend, though, who he had helped years ago, has become this very prominent physicist, and he has this kind of strange night where he doesn't come home until late, and then as he's getting home, he has suddenly kidnapped and dragged off to this facility that he manages to escape. But they all seem to know him, and he doesn't know any of them, and he escapes, gets back home where there is a different woman living there. The home is the same house, but completely remodeled. He doesn't have a son anymore, and he's he's stuck in like an alternate universe. But we've, we learned very quickly that in that alternate universe, He is a very prominent physicist who's been working on, you know, alternate reality type stuff. And that version of him is now in his world, and he knows everything that's going on. So he's there making love to his wife, and he's doing all of this stuff that is, he's got some kind of plan that he has apparently had for years to kind of switch with himself, and it's gotten really, really interesting. Jennifer Connolly is in it, and a couple other people I recognize, and don't know their names, but I just like, wow, this show is really cool. And. And creepy in a way that it's hard to quantify, because you like this one version of him so much, and you know this other version of him has, like been planning this this entire time to swap, and you're like, God, that is fucking evil, right? He's just thrown this guy into a different universe and said you're probably going to be locked up as an insane person, and you're me, wow. It's weird, because they hit like, Black Mirror level. Good stuff, yeah, but it just kind of shows you the viewership difference between Netflix and Apple, yeah, Apple TV, it's like, Why isn't anybody talking about it? Though, there's a large, very large contingency of nerds out there that hate apple. You know, they're Android's my only thing Fuck everything Apple does. So I think there's probably, but I've even gotten into double digits on my Samsung. That's how far back I Yeah, you don't fit into that area. That's weird. I mean, I think you're right, but it's just so unfortunate, because it's, you know, definitely quality over quantity. With Apple, like, everything they put out is just so so great. It's funny now that you talked about that, I did see the first episode of that and then forgot it existed, because I think I was waiting for the next one to come out or something, yeah, but that's, I think they might all be out now. Oh, are they okay? Yeah, episode eight, I think, okay. Have you seen them all? No, I've seen three of them, okay, and I'm loving it. Okay? That's awesome. So, yeah, it's called dark matter. It's on apple plus. And then I just saw that severance coming back. I'm so excited. I'm so fucking excited if that show had, like, gotten lost in the masses during covid or whatever, it certainly sounded like that was the case strikes, yeah, because they said, you know, no, we're not coming back a few years since the first season came out. Yeah, fuck yes. I'm so excited. Anyway. So I saw another movie that's been showing up in the carousel on Netflix, Hitman. Oh, I've heard a lot about, I know it was like, high ranking, lots of people watching. But then, yeah, this, this actor is kind of blowing up everywhere he was just in a romantic comedy called anyone but you. He was in Top Gun Maverick as one of the bad boy guy, lead, not lead. And he's just been in all kinds of shit lately. And it's interesting film. It's a Richard link later joint. Oh, really, yeah, shit, I know. And it's kind of following the story of this guy who's an academic, and he likes to fiddle with tech, and he helps the police do some surveillance, just for funsies. And then he gets roped into having to pretend to be a hitman, which is what he's always doing building the little mics and stuff for and the guy who normally does it is getting fired for being on caught on tape, like harassing some teens or something. And he does such an incredible job that they're like, Well, you can just do this. And so he kind of figures out each person who's hiring him and what their dream hit man would be, and shows up as that hitman. So, like, at one point he shows up as what's his name, from American Psycho. He just walks in with, like, the, you know, like the kind of hair perfectly back, and the suit, and just the voice, and it's just like, Oh my god. Patrick Bateman, yeah, something like that, yeah, yeah. It's, you know, it had me. This film had me for a long time. And then at the very end, I was like, What the fuck was that? So I think it's probably a lot of people will enjoy where it goes. But for me, I was like, I don't, I don't know. He's not really a hitman, right? He's like, he's supposed to, but he's like, coursing them into what they're doing that they want to hire him, I see, and he has to get it pretty clear from them that, you know that they would like him to let me get this straight. You want to give me money to kill your husband? Yes, peek into my pocket, please. In the first one goes down very much like but the rest of them, he becomes very good at it, and people just love to open up to him and tell him, what's what. And in the meantime, his alter ego, which is his main personality, the kind of Clark Kent Superman version. He's like, an avid bird watcher, and all of a sudden people are like, wait a minute, you're kind of attractive. Where did that come from? That's weird. You're like, normally the horrible dressing nerd who's, like, always going on about these stupid bird adventures you've had and all this. And he's like showing up well dressed and well spoken, and now sounds like a Richard Linklater film and somewhat reminiscent of sex lies and videotape from long ago, which different subject, but same concept of recording people making confessions of things they don't normally talk about. That wasn't link later, though, right? No, no, that was, what's his name? Who directed Kafka? And S, I can't remember, yeah, he's a great he's a great director too, yeah. And I'm a little strange that Kafka was the first thing that came into mind for me of his filmography. But that was, you know, Jeremy Irons. Irons, iron Steven Soderbergh, oh. Soderbergh, sure. In continuing on with my movie viewing. Not only do we have, oh God, we have a Walter Hill film. Oh snap, Wild Bill, wow. Particularly good film. Never saw this one. Yeah, it came out in that I think it was like the 90s period with tombstone and all of that little round of stuff. And it worked. The parts that worked well are because of Jeff Bridges. Jeff Bridges, portrayal of Wild Bill Hickok, is a lot of fun. But the first, like half of the movie is basically him showing up someplace and people trying to kill him, and he killing them first. And that's, it's like, is it going to be a story this movie at all? And it's, it was very disappointing. It is definitely lower on the rung of Wild Bill movies, or for Walter Hill movies, by a long ways. For me, at least, it's like, I've I've noticed on my letterbox listing, it shows all the directors. There's two movies list left for me to watch, and they're both the bottom two, the absolute worst rated films he's made. So I'm like, oh, one of them's that the assignment? No, no, no. That's actually like five or something on the worst, okay, from the bottom, no, the the drama one he did that's like three over three hours long. No, I just like, I don't even know if I want to watch this one. You've watched every Walter Hill film except for two. Yeah, oh my gosh, yep. Yep. Overall, pretty good. But, yeah, broken trail. That's the one of the bottom two ones of his, but I think that's what it's called. But how much do you value being a completionist? That is the it hit me, weird that I just it's two left man, I gotta, you know, come on, you gotta finish it. Yeah, there's one. Like, I haven't seen red heat since it came out. I think so I might rewatch that. Oh, that's a fun one. That one, I wouldn't say it holds up, but you everything you liked about it originally, you will still like, that's exactly what I kind of want to reuse this out. I'm going to finish the Warriors novel. I'm, like, almost done with it. Oh, wow. And it doesn't get less weird. They did one very good thing, though, interpreting this, beyond many things, is removing the rapey stuff. There's two or three segments of rape shit. I like, Oh, but I and then I've got the making of warriors book, which in the description disguise. I think I understand how they got this novel, and the idea from reading the back of this book in a bookstore one time. Yeah, if that's all you read, was just the summary of this of the warriors book. Yeah, that's the Warriors movie. So you have a book on the making of the warriors Oh, I will have to grab that myself. Yeah, looking kind of Yeah. Just got it looks pretty good. Okay. Well, cool. Why don't we take a little break, then, you guys, when we come back, we're talking mass hysteria. Hey, Chuck, where's the rest of your calendar? Well, Anthony, the ancient mines predicted the world would come to an end December 21 so if they're right, any cars we sell in December are free. It's the end of the world sales event at Young Blood Kia before time runs out. Lisa, 2013 Kia. Soul only 169 a month. This sale won't last long, literally. So get to young blood Kia today. If the mines are right, your car is free. What a place. We have returned. Vanessa, this was your sub genre pick. Yes. Explain why we're talking about mass hysteria? Yes, a mass hysteria where I was looking for just a group of people going crazy, maybe small town getting getting worried over something, or maybe it's some kind of infection that's causing everybody to go wild. I chose this because I really wanted to watch assassination nation. Yeah. Ready? Oh, my God, I love this song. What song this song? Give me your your venom, your love. Red chick. I heard there was a party at Green wolves tonight. Can you imagine if any of this got out? Are you guys seeing this right now? Have a Salem just got hacked. You think this is a game? Who was it? Lily Colson, why would he say that? That's not true. They're lying. Can't believe it. We should do so. How many people are gonna believe this? How many people are gonna think that I did this? You know what these girls get you? You know what these girls did, we're bringing all you justice. Who knows? Maybe I'll get pissed off and fight back. You. I live in this type of scandal to be honest. Don't test me. Kill me and she can't kill us all. I guess your generation is a little desensitized. Oh, okay, and I needed to find a way to talk about it so perfect. Well, I'm giving you 10 minutes Perfect. Oh shit, sorry, everybody. I want my seconds back. This is a 2018 film that I had watched a few years ago, and was like, Man, I really liked it. I wonder if it's still as good as I remember. Well, Ron tomato score of 74% from critics and 55% from audience. Really. Fuck those guys. They're wrong. Budget of 7 million, box office of 2.9 million. Writer director Sam Levinson, who has six credits to his name, first movie was another happy day. Then this, then he did Malcolm and Marie and but what we would know him for is creating and writing and show running euphoria, which is kind of what's happened to his career, which I've not seen much of, starring Odessa Young as Lily. You would know her from 41 things, including eight episodes of the staircase mini series, nine episodes of the stand and a million little pieces. Harry Neff plays net BEX, who is in 36 things. She's a up and coming slash kind of well known now, transgender model slash actress. She was in five episodes of transparent, five episodes of you, and recently in the Barbie movie as one of the Barbies, Suki Waterhouse, who is only really kind of known. She's been in 40 things, but really she's known for being married to Robert Pattinson, abra, who's been in nothing, and she's a musician. But then we also get Bill Skarsgard, 46 things, including it barbarian John Wick, chapter four and boy kills world, which is out now, soon to come the crow Bella Thorne, who's in 123 things, including the babysitter, 100 odd episodes of shake it up with Zendaya, which I have seen too many of from my work at Disney. Joel mchales In this we know him from community in the soup, and also almost live here locally. Coleman Domingo, who is in 109 episodes of Walking Dead as Victor strand, Joe crest, who is the dad and Stranger Things, and also the dad and Lisa Frankenstein, we have Maude Apatow Judd apatows daughter, Danny Ramirez, who's in Top Gun Maverick and Amiga Nani Rose, who is in she played Tiana and the Princess and the Frog. So we have a lot of hey, I know that person. Hey, I know this person is a big cast the story. So I like that it begins with this. It kind of has a voiceover talking about how this girl and her best friend somehow become hunted by the entire town, and this is going to be the story unfolding. It begins with a trigger warning, which just is a smash cut of a bunch of images with the word of each trigger on it, with the thing happening. Oh. It is a real in your face fucking movie. So if you're easily offended, fuck, and if you don't like woke also fuck. It's really a film for everybody and nobody at the same time. It's incredibly aggressive. We're following Lily Coulson, who is best friends with em Sarah and BEX. They do everything together. They hang out together. But Lily has one secret she has not shared with them. She has a boyfriend Mark, who is placed by played by scarsgard. And her friends make fun of her because, basically, she won't break up with him, but she really should, because he won't go down on her. She is, in the meantime, sexting with somebody who's just listed in her phone as Daddy. Oh, they then start, we start to see their dynamics play out of like how they're interacting with people. BEX, who's their transgender best friend, hooks up with her crush at a party this guy named diamond, who's on the sports team, and then he becomes embarrassed and says, don't tell anyone that we messed around. So everyone's kind of got these things going on with their private lives, but they're also constantly on social media, blasting everything and anything they're doing. So it's this weird secrets and being out there at the same time situation. Well, in the meantime, the mayor of the town is hacked and all these photos of him, he's conservative dude in women's lingerie, hanging out with other men, as well as his search history go live. He goes to a press conference where he shoots himself in the head in front of everybody. Smash cut to a meme of him with the words hashtag fail, or the top someone in the town starts releasing private information of person by person they next go after the school principal, who's actually a pretty cool dude, but of course, on his phone five years ago, he has some naked pictures of his kid, because kids be taken baths, and you end up with pictures of them naked, and so everyone's like, you're a pedophile, you're sicko, you're this, you're that. And you kind of see how this social response is happening. Then 17,000 people's private information, texts, everything go public. Everybody goes crazy. And Lily, our main character, sort of becomes the fall guy for this entire situation, because she breaks up a dude's marriage. Daddy is her next door neighbor who she used to babysit for. He has a thing for her. She has a thing for him. So she quit babysitting. They hadn't actually hooked up, but she had sent him a hell of a lot of photos, not with her full face in it, but her boyfriend gets real savvy to it and tells her to meet him in the locker room, where his friends pin her down find the birthmark that proves that she is the girl in these pictures. Bless her, her face, her address, and everything else to the town. And then another kid who doesn't want to get murdered, who people think is releasing all this info, says it was actually her, and so the town decides that they must kill her. Yeah. So one week later, we see how much the town has evolved into this kind of murderous horde of a lot of kind of like Maga energy going on, a lot of people taking the law into their own hands. It's like if January 6 was successful, but in a small town. So this movie, it's kind of incredible. It sounds so irritating. It sounds like Spring Breakers meets, I don't know the purge, but it is really good. They use cross cutting to build tension, showing how different things are happening at different parts of the town and with different characters at the same time. And also 2018 is when Tiktok became like the most widely used social media platform. So they're using a constant like stream of they'll get a lot of vertical videos showing what's happening with different characters and showing off what they're showing in the party. But meanwhile time, you also see people snaking around and doing other things at the same time that is not getting blasted. I think they do a better job of showing the town gone crazy than the purge, or the purge two, or the purge pretty much anything through maybe the Mexican one is okay for that, but most of the time I feel like it's doesn't really feel like everyone's gone insane. And this one does you really get a sense of like, okay, it makes sense that people have gone insane because, for example, one girl gets a bunch of nudes of her best friend, and she shares it with her boyfriend, and then those get leaked, and then she's. Kind of like, well, fuck you to her best friend. So her best friend shows up at cheerleading practice and hits her in the head with a baseball bat. Yeah, and there's just like, a yeah, you would be pissed if people were attacking you in this personal way. So it sort of makes sense. There's also just a ton of great shot decisions going on. I love the shot of the the cheerleader getting hit by the baseball bat. They have incredible lighting. They've got a giant American flag in the background. It feels so on the nose, but somehow works at the same time. Also, there's a speech about women being shit on but being expected to be perfect, but of course, also sexy at the same time, which is very reminiscent of the Barbie speech, but rated R. And this film is rated R if you want a film that goes there with the blood, with the sex, with the edginess, with the violence, with the swearing, it it earns itself. I like the punchline ending very much when we find out who has done what they have done. It ends with, why did you do this? And they said, for the lols, which is pretty incredible. They're like, you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison. And they're like, meh. Then there's a New Orleans parade going on at the very end over the credits that just parades through all the carnage and stuff. And it's just, it's weird, but it's cool. It's got a lot of Heather's energy. Not a lot of trivia on this movie. The tagline is, you asked for it America or you can't kill us all. Not all important trivia to really talk about. I guess the only one that I found interesting was since the film is about teenage girls and what their experiences are like, including those of transgender girls. Writer Sam Levinson, who is an adult male, gave the script to all the girls so that they could give their input. He spent a lot of time simply reading what young women were putting out online and using a lot of that to create a contemporary feminist discourse in the script. So yeah. Also it is the, basically the biggest box office disaster and one of the lowest grossing films of 2018 Wow. I was pretty good. I make you want to watch it again? Yeah, yeah. I like this movie. I'm glad you guys have seen it uncomfortable. It's very uncomfortable in the in all the right ways, absolutely wrong ways. It's fun to watch Joel McHale be an asshole, which you do kind of really good at. He's so good at and like, you kind of want to a lot of times anyway, so it's nice to get an excuse to Yeah, he's kind of, his shtick is sort of like the lovable dickhead, yeah, and this is just the unlovable dickhead, which is great. Did you stream this? Or is this? I had it on Blu Ray, so, but it is available to watch on Tubi. Oh, to be, to be, to be, yeah. So somebody recently posted on our thing now the one of the top streaming Yeah, things in the world incredible. Give you 10 minutes. Eric, I don't know if you want to hold that over there by you so you can actually see it. By golly, that works, Alrighty, well, anyway, so I saw a movie. It's called 444, last day on earth. We were talking a lot how to deal with these final minutes. And today, it doesn't matter where you live or how much money you have, we are all about To face the same fate at the same moment you the Pope is at the Vatican preparing to deliver a final blessing at


44am, and tomorrow morning, there will be no survivors. The world will end. You think they're right? I know they're right. What if they're wrong? I mean the streets for now, oh, oh, leave that man alone. Swamp one another. We're gonna die, guys, we're already dead. What is wrong with you? The hell the end of the world, bending the dream I want to see it. Forgive me, all we have is right now. All we have is right now. All we have is each other. Oh, this came out 2011 Rotten Tomatoes of 48 and 19. I'm gonna go sure that one budget is, it was over 200,000 I don't know what it was, but it showed at a film festival that's limit was, the budget had to be under 200,000 and they waived that for this film. So that's, I know it was over that it made$17,801 worth. This is available for rent on or for anybody who might happen to have AMC plus. But this is directed by, actually one of my favorite directors, Abel Ferrara. But anyways, he might know him from Bad Lieutenant King in New York, the driller killer, Mrs 4545 directing, credit, or 54 directing credits, uh, written, excuse me, also written by him, basically the same. He writes a lot of what he directs. Well, not really. He writes some of what he directs. 19 writing credits. Willem Dafoe is the star. You might know him from, Spider Man, Gonzo girl, the lighthouse, Siberia, which was also an able Ferro film, Finding Nemo. And speed two, he's Finding Nemo. Apparently, I didn't know that either. I did not either, actually cover my own notes up. Also Shannon Lee, who's uh in Mary Go Go tales and Chelsea on the rocks. All movies by able for so seems to be one of her go to one of his. Go to actors, Natasha Leone, who's in it for like five minutes, but orange in the new black poker face, Russian dolls, if you know where you know her. So the movie breakdown, we've got two lovers, Willem and Shannon, who, I tell you, this is a definitely May December kind of relationship. I look tried to look up her age, and it's, I couldn't find it. It was really weird. It's like, so is she frighteningly young or something? Oh, okay, but they immerse themselves in sex, art and other activities after word breaks that the world will end the next morning at 444 nice movie starts with the foe on the phone listening to the news about hysteria around the world. It's a giant final blessing going on at the Vatican, which is sort of where the mass hysteria comes in. There's not a lot of mass hysteria in this one, but there's several moments, because most of the movie is the two of them in this room, his girlfriend or wife, I'm not entirely certain, or painting something. I think it's his girlfriend. And then they do like other stuff that goes on for very long and is bizarrely bland. So I was like, Okay, how can we move on from a sex scene? He calls a friend who plays music. It's not so good. I found out in the notes that it was actually written by Abel Ferrera, or these in the film, and it's used several times. Oh, God, but hey, one of the foe seems to like it a whole lot, and him and his girlfriend danced to this incredibly undanceable music. But it's all going to end. But hey, Skype still works, and it's used a lot. I'm guessing he pulled in a little bit of money from Skype, because you hear the music the little Skype sound several times, and you see the screen several times like, okay, his girlfriend's name is sky, s, k, e, k, y, E, always just missing one letter, but um, news broadcaster goes off the air With a solemn speech about the end, which is probably one of the better parts of the film, even though it's godly depressing. Defoe pontificates about death and dying in a supreme mumble scene, which I'm like, I'd be like, if I was enjoying this movie more, I would turn on the subtitles so I could hear everything he's saying. But at this point, I'm going, I'm all right, missing about half of this speech, and then some guy's walking below and he yells at him about, Hey, how's your two and a half percent? Now it's like, what is this random shit? It's very bizarre. So guy delivers Chinese food to them. His payment is also one of the more depressing scenes in the movie, where. He asks to use Skype to call his family in the other part of the world as I and the scene that his mother, I'm assuming, his mother, his brother and like a young niece or now, he's like, Oh my god, thanks, Manisha, sorry. And you know, the guy gets horribly upset and sad, and it's like, My God, why is he still working his job? I feel that's why I was, like people, they all knew this guy, like he was a regular delivery guy for them, the way they spoke to him and stuff. So I think he knew he had Skype for something. Yeah, it sounds like he was doing it for the Skype, not the lulls, the Skypes. He leaves and goes to visit his brother and friends and his that's where, what's her name, mask, curly haired lady shows up. It's a scene about how he's recovering, but his brother doesn't really believe things are going to end, so he's not breaking his recovery, even though everybody else in the room is and another scene of just happy, joyful life is wonderful thing. This movie is slow, and it's only an hour and 2022, minutes, the last 10 minutes are insufferably long. It's kind of a montage esque back and forth between scenes of the world, ending around the world and him and his girlfriend. There's this completely pointless scene where he calls his daughter and his ex wife gets on the phone and she his girlfriend freaks out. I'm like, Oh, my god, is this necessary? I mean, she freaks out so bad. That's why he goes and visits his brother and stuff like that, because she just totally loses up, going, you got to be dead in like three hours. He said he loves his ex wife So fucking what. Holy shit. So 444, is William Defoe's third collaboration with Ferrara, new rose hotel and go go tales, either one. I would rather watch. I know nothing about either one, but I will watch this. The film was shown in competition at the 68th Venice International Film Festival, but it did not win anything, apparently, because that's all it says. The Defoe was at the Crosby still, a Crosby street hotel after a party. And this is only a get his quote from him. This is only a guess, but I think this was inspired by Abel sobriety. He had a shift in how he thinks and lives his life. As you get older, you can imagine the end of the line in a different kind of way, which very well could be true, because this is a rough watch. The film uses footage of the riots in Egypt as an example of discontent in the last days coming, some notable brands are paid strong attention to. McDonald's is listed, but I don't remember that showing up Apple's list. I don't remember that one showing up Skype. However, Skype is everywhere, and to foes, name is Cisco. It's like the other, another, oh yeah, company that involved in internet shit. But the number 444, actually has religious significance. It's considered by some to mean angels or a loved one is sending their regards and encouragement to you. Did that come from? I don't know. I found this page and it listed like, six or seven things. And I the 444, when I Googled originally, because what is this significant to something? It kind of looked like it was going to be conspiracy sort of things. But then as I clicked and read on them, it was all more religious based stuff. Just that, if you're constantly waking up at 444, or something that means angels or loved ones are contacting you for good for good things, which is weird, because the movie has very few happy moments of good things. Oh, god. Uh. Audience member on Rotten Tomatoes. This is really bad. It's so boring and slow paced, I hope they would changed it to 222, so it can be over soon. Give that guy ant. The acting's great, the shock, well, the comp, everything. Everything's good, which is why it is depressing and hard to watch. Subject matters handled. It's a comp. It's incredibly well made film, but I will never watch it again. Oh, gosh, and it's a definite downgrade, I think, in the way Abel tells the kind of stories he's usually telling, most of his stuff is pretty bleak, yeah, but a. It. What year was this today? 2011 was when it debuted in Venice. 2010 feels like such a 2020. Kind of It does, yeah, it's ahead of its time, except for Skype, of course, which is now behind the time. Yeah, swap Skype for zoom, and you're there. So, huh? Yeah, that was, that was, I've seen another one of his films. Now I don't think I'm going to go on a Walter Hill thing for Abel with 54 freaking films, yeah? And, I mean, it is kind of an accomplishment that he is still out there. Didn't he just have a werewolf movie? Yeah? Very recently, he's still making stuff. I have heard very bad things about it. Oh, dear, oh dear. Can I have that buzzer? Eric, please might just grab ass. Okay. Well, I'm gonna put 10 minutes for myself, and I am going to talk about mom and dad. I Hey, can I go to a movie with Riley tonight? With Ryan? Your grandparents are coming for dinner tonight. Remember awesome grandpa telling us disgusting Vietnam stories? Take my advice. Don't ever have kids. Everything just revolves around you, doesn't it? Yeah, whatever. What is the rush today? It's like you're waiting for a buffet. What's going on? I Is that McKenna's mom, multiple reports are now coming in, a parent murdering their own children. Listen to me. We have to get out of the house before mom and dad come home. Dad, I right foot in, you take your right cut out. Yes, mommy, Mommy's here. You two, all right, we're not coming out. Okay? You have to leave. You going to hold on. This is a really great idea, honey. I forgot your parents that was tonight. Hey, from 2017 budget of about $7 million a box office of about $165,000 Wow. That's because it just had a very, very limited special engagement. So, Rotten Tomatoes. Critics give it 74% the audience gives it 40% really, yeah, I was a little how long? Yes, written and directed by Brian Taylor, who has eight credits. He wrote and directed the crank movies, gamer, ghostwriter, Spirit of Vengeance. And this stars the ghost writer himself, Nicholas Cage, 125 credits, including Raising Arizona drive angry and Mandy. Selma Blair, who has 83 credits, including Cruel Intentions. Hellboy one and two and 54 episodes of anger management, which I have never seen. Ann winters, who has 26 credits, 24 episodes of Zach and Mia, 13 episodes of Grand Hotel and 10 episodes of The Orville. And Zachary Arthur, who has 25 credits, including hero dog the journey home, 19 episodes of transparent and 24 episodes as Jake, the lead in the Chucky TV series, also starring Robert T Cunningham, Olivia crococcia, Lance Henriksen and Joseph D Reitman. You guys have both seen Mom and Dad. The film opens with a mother putting on soft music for a child in her car seat as she parks a car on railroad tracks, gets out of the car and leaves the car to get obliterated roll opening credits, we are then introduced to a family of four with a obviously strained relationship. The father does not approve of his teenage daughter's new boyfriend. The daughter is angry with him, as well as her mother, who she thinks is out of touch. And the daughter also fights with a much younger brother who just annoys her in general. Yeah, and the daughter is forced to cancel plans with her boyfriend for dinner because her grandparents are visiting. The daughter's name is Carly, and as she is at school, a weird static starts transmitting through all the TV screens and radios. I missed this on first watch. I was just like, I wonder why this is all happening. And there is a scene where static starts playing on everything. And I was like, oh, okay, a signal has been broadcast. And we see that initial effect through the family's housekeeper who murders her own daughter with a meat tenderizer in front of the son of the family, who is terrified, Josh, he's like, 10 years old at Carly's school. Suddenly, all of these parents have shown up to pick their kids up early in an effort to kill their children by any means they can. The kids, of course, don't realize this at first, but the staff knows there is something going on, and they have kept the gates closed at the school, and they're trying to keep the parents out of the school, out of school grounds. One kid, though his mom, was like, come on, come on, come on. And he finally jumps the fence to be with his mom, who immediately starts stabbing him with her car keys. Oh god. This sends everybody into kind of a panicked frenzy, and Carly escapes the school with her best friend and hides out at her best friend's house, except her mom. Her friend's mom is up there in the upstairs bedroom, and she strangles her daughter to death. So Carly runs home in terror, and she runs into her boyfriend, Damon, who has had to kill his own father in self defense. Damon tells Carly that the parents appear intent on only wanting to kill their own kids, but not other people, and he takes with her to get Josh somewhere safe after the exercise class that the mother, the mother has been to, she goes to the hospital to be present for her younger sister's baby. But the static transmits just after the sister gives birth, and we have a really horrifying scene where she's holding her baby and then starts strangling it, crushing it, and all the doctors are like, the fuck is going on here? They're trying to take this baby away. Yeah, you'd love it. Vanessa, yeah, maybe not rewatch, right? Maybe I won't rewatch this, right? And it is interesting, because the mother, she gets the baby away from her sister, and you can tell the static has affected her too. But she is very protective of this newborn, right? She doesn't want to give it to the doctors who are like, we have to take this. But she's starting to realize, you know, something weird is going on. And she escapes from the hospital, and she starts seeing reports of the mass hysteria on television. I fucking understood the assignment excellent, which is apparently this weird static that turns parents' natural instincts to protect their children into an urge to kill them instead. So in an effort to protect her own children, mom heads home. Dad, of course, Nicolas Cage completely oblivious at work. He is also heading home. He hasn't noticed any of this stuff. He's just been bored at work. But upon seeing Carly with her boyfriend at home, the hysteria fully overtakes dad. He knocks Damon out and attacks his daughter. Mom shows up and then decides to join him in trying to kill the daughter because she has been infected by the signal through her car radio, the kids escape them and lock themselves in the basement, and mom and dad, who hysterically have not been getting along very well in their relationship, have kind of bonded over their desire to kill their children, and they run a hose from the ovens gas pump to the basement in an effort to poison the Kids. But when Carly sees the gas, she rigs up a trap with matches at the basement door and hides with Josh in the house ventilation system. Dad saws all the doors lock off and opens the door, which ignites the gas, which triggers an explosion that mocks, knocks mom and dad out and wakes Damon, the boyfriend, up. Finally, there's a very funny scene where Nicolas Cage walks back into the room. He's been blasted, right? He's got a couple of Fruit Loops stuck to his face. And I'm like, this should have been the cover of the Damon, the boyfriend. He helps Carly and her brother evade their parents, but gets stabbed in the cheek with a wire hanger and pushed over a stair railing, which knocks him out again. And then my favorite scene, there's this amazing scene where the parents are closing in on the kids, and it looks like they're gonna get him, and suddenly the doorbell rings, and it kind of knocks the parents out of their their hysteria because they realize, oh shit, yeah, your parents were gonna ride for dinner. So they're kind of straight. They walk over and open the door, and his parents are there, old people, right? And his mother's pepper sprayship and his father stabs him immediately, you realize that, oh yes, of course, they have also been inclined to kill their own children. And. What follows is just this ridiculous third act of mayhem and destruction, and you never know how it's going to end. I personally love the ending, which is pretty ambiguous, but I saw that listed as the reason so many people do not like this movie. So that is the 40% I guess. But I'm like, how else could it have ended? It's a super black comedy, and you either have to let them kill the kids or let them snap out of it, which they don't tell you what's going to happen. And that's the brilliance of it. Yeah, I love it. I actually love ambiguous endings. Yeah, yeah. And it's an ambiguous ending of cage just kind of raging. There you go. Trivia. Nicolas Cage said this was his favorite movie hit he had filmed, I love that. And its title in Mexico is Mama, I Papa. And in Japan, it is called Mad daddy, okay, which is a fantastic band name somebody out there should grab that. That was all the trivia I could find, but I did find some reviews. David McCoy, in April of 2018 gave it a one out of 10. Called it horrible, he said, David, literally the worst movie I have ever seen. Horrible editing. Storyline makes no sense, and the movie has no ending. I will never get that time back. I'm literally pissed that I watched it all. I would say David McCoy needs to watch few other movies if this was literally the worst film he's ever seen. No kidding. And then Mr dad. SP, 10 out of 10. GREAT film. GREAT film. One of the best films I have ever watched. Nicholas Cage is very funny, very funny and very good in this good job, dad. I like that. His name is, daddy is like, yes, a film about murdering more than watching parents trying to kill their kids. Very excellent. My movie was mom and dad. I loved it again. This is only my second time I watched it when it first came out, and I remember really liking it. And I thought, mass hysteria. I could try something new, perhaps end up, or I could give this movie that I like the rewatch, and I think that I won. How did you watch it? This is on prime, so, yeah, and if you haven't watched it, this is in that era. This was before Nicolas Cage has his Renaissance before Mandy, but this, I think, should have been where that started. I agree, it really felt like a big comeback for him, but the movie was so underseen, yeah, well, like, it's, like I said, it had that very special engagement, so they, they wanted to get it out in theater so they could at least say it had a theatrical run. Selma Blair is great in this she is so attractive as an older woman, and Nicolas Cage is not very attractive as an older man. And you're kind of like, all right, I'm putting aside my personal feelings on this family. The kid is, you know, 16 or 17. So I'm just gonna assume Nicolas Cage was much handsomer when she met him. It's good assumption, yeah, though I remember both of us watching it and going, Why is nobody talking about this freaking film? Well, and that, I think it's that ending, because I remember people being like, I liked it until the ending. Like that. The ending is part of the funny. I think that a lot of people didn't realize that you were supposed to be laughing during this movie, that this was supposed to be like a zombie film, that you should have been scared of, or maybe young parents going, this is horrifying and terrifying without getting the joke. Yeah, yeah, I could see that. So who's got the next I think that's, I believe that is a me, yeah, the next one. And I figure we're gonna go wide craziness. So just kind of pick whatever the hell you want to if you've got. I know we all have lists of movies to watch, yeah, probably hundreds deep. Yeah, years years old, yeah. So pick one, go down those, scroll down those years, or however you've got it, and find something you've always kind of wanted to watch but haven't. Oh, let's check that out. This is a joy. Yeah, hopefully, yeah. No kidding. Okay, I like that idea. We'll have to come up with a good title for that. We'll have to come up with a good title for this. Is this mass hysteria, or is this? I had a cool title, but I don't remember, masteria. Two out of three. Ain't bad. We'll figure something out. Okay, well, then that means that this is the part where we say thanks to everybody who's out there liking and sharing posts, who's commenting on these videos on YouTube, which I understand is a big, big deal, who's engaging in discussion on the strange eons radio talk page, which is. Seeing a lot more of recently. Yes, welcome to the new folks who have joined that. Hopefully you're also listening here. Yeah, if, if you're on the topic, make sure you bring out the podcast. Go, Hey, y'all listen to the podcast, right? What's your favorite episode? There you go. Which is your favorite host? Oh, we all know that. Oh, everybody loves Vanessa. Vanessa is the heart of the show. So I don't know. I don't know people like edginess, people like a grump, Oh, wow. She says anything else. Let me also say that you can reach out and talk to us on the strange hands radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266, and big, big, huge. Thanks to anyone who's participating in the value for value model, which is super simple, we don't tell you what this is worth you. You tell us what this is worth you. You don't get any value out of this. Apparently, most of you would be still listening at this point, but thanks. But if you feel like you know what that show was worth a buck, I'm gonna throw that their way. And how can they do that? Eric, they can do that with buy me a coffee, which we've changed to buy me a pizza, or PayPal links on there, and you can set up reoccurring payments through either one of those. It is a great way to support the show, and we really appreciate it. There's a couple of you who are on a subscription basis. It just money just keeps flowing in. Thank you. How do you think? How do you think I afford this, this luxurious look at this studio we're recording in. Your money goes towards things like improving our mics and getting us chairs to sit in. Yeah. So we use it. We use every dang scent of it absolutely well. It costs money just to host a website, that's true, all that stuff. So we really appreciate that. Thank you very much. Okay, guys, I think that's it. We're done. We're coming back in seven short days we are talking whatever the fuck we want, apparently, what See you next Thursday, transportation and other considerations for strange eons. Radio, produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of Pan Am. You can't beat the experience. Guests of strange eons. Radio, stay at econolodge. Everett, it's an easy stop on the road. Strange eons. Radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast, sit, Ubu, sit. But I was I basically cried the whole way through I.