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July 18, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 280
280 TOHO!
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Strange Aeons Radio
280 TOHO!
Jul 18, 2024 Season 6 Episode 280
Strange Aeons Radio

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280 TOHO!
Kelly is losing relatives left and right, and Vanessa finally saw Casablanca!
Also discussed: Boy Kills World, A Quiet Place Day One, In a Violent Nature.

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280 TOHO!
Kelly is losing relatives left and right, and Vanessa finally saw Casablanca!
Also discussed: Boy Kills World, A Quiet Place Day One, In a Violent Nature.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition. We have such sights to show you strange eons. Welcome to strange eons radio that over there, in either here or there, maybe even down here, is Eric Hello, and then the other spot will be taken up by the lovely Vanessa Williams, but not that. Vanessa Williams correct this Vanessa Williams, this Vanessa. I am Kelly. You guys are surprised because I got on here and I was tired. I was like, I can't do anything, but now shot out like a fucking cannonball. I had happy. I had a weekend. You guys, we're doing this on Zoom because I went to a celebration of life. I said it was a funeral last week, but it was actually a celebration of life, and before my uncle, and it was for my very, very cool uncle, Dwayne. And I don't know what I expected, but I probably should have expected it to be a lot like a family reunion. I thought there'd be a little more order to it, but it was really just a group of people who haven't seen each other in many, many years, some some of my cousins I hadn't seen in 30 years, and it was really, really lovely to connect with everybody again, especially my cousin Joe, who was like my best friend when I was a young child, because he lived in the area and we visited all the time. He was my cousin and my best friend, and we liked all the same stuff, mostly because of his dad, who passed away, but Joe then floored me. I He reached out to me and said, Are you coming to the celebration of life? And I said, Absolutely, I am, and I'm bringing you a copy of my novel. And he said, I bought your novel on day one. I'm bringing it for you to autograph. Wow. So then over, over the course of talking to him, he listens to the show. He gets his goofy suggestions from us. He talked about you guys and how he he stores them all up, and then he listens to them in big, huge chunks while he's doing long drives. And I was just blown away. So to my cousin Joe, thank you, and I hope you're enjoying the book. I signed a bunch of copies of the book that was really neat, and got to see just, just a lot of people that I really miss, and I'm hoping that the next time we get together is not because someone has died, yeah? Be ideal. That's one of the neat things about Dina's family, is they do regular family reunions, yeah? And for a while it was, like, every two years, without fail, it's spread out a little bit now because, you know, the family of God, I think they had 11 kids, is now three of marth's or family, but it's still great because you get that chance to see people when there's not a tragic event happening. This was, this was so nice, Eric. You remember how it was at Roz's celebration life where, you know that was, there was a lot of people there, and people would get up and talk, right? Well, this was set up kind of in this backyard area, and it was just the immediate kids who started off the thing, saying, because my uncle passed away during covid, and then his wife only a couple years later, and none of us got to see them during all of this. And it was, it was very sad and everything. And they started off saying they would hate this. They, in fact, said, Please don't have a big memorial service for us or anything like that. And this is not for them. This is for us. And you know, the immediate kids then told a story, but we were all kind of gathered around in a big, huge semicircle, maybe 50 people, and they just kept it going. So everybody spoke, Oh, that's great. It was it was crazy. It was so neat. Really, really glad that I was able to do that. Really glad that they put something like that on. And I hope to see them all soon. And I know I'll be seeing my my cousin Joe a little more often, we connected again and traded phone numbers and so Joe talking about you, buddy, hello, Joe. With that in mind, I've seen a couple of movies that I will not put on my to watch list for Joe, I. I don't know why I thought I should watch the new Prime series, Sausage Party, colon foodtopia, really, but I watched the first two episodes of it. And first of all, tell me who watched the movie Sausage Party, and then said, I gotta see more of this. These are questions I have been asking all week long. Every time I see the banner, I'm like, Why? Why isn't it a big flop? I don't know it was a big flop, but it was a shit film. And Seth Rogen is one of these guys where he'll either put out the boys preacher and the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or he'll put out Sausage Party and the Nexus shitty thing, whatever that Christmas animated thing they did a couple years ago. And I'm just like, God, you guys, it's always the same three guys, him and Evan Goldberg and whoever their other third guy is, and it's either fucking brilliant or trash. I will say spoiler. This falls in the trash category. Sasha's pride. Futopia can be found on prime I don't know how many episodes there are. I made it through two before I decided not for me. Wow. Good man, yeah, I will. I will be skipping that thoroughly. Well, I had a friend over this weekend, my best friend who traveled a nice four hour drive up to hang out with me because I was lonely. So which is always good. And her favorite movie is Casablanca. And she only recently found out that I have never seen Casablanca, and she got, is that even English? What is that word? Not familiar with this? Oh, it's just like a little indie film from the 40s, 50s. 50s, black and white. You know, people talk fast. That's what they're all like back then. And yeah, she was furious because she was like, you watch so much garbage. Yeah, you haven't seen one of the, like, most famous, important films of all time. So yeah, checked it out. It was a lot of fun. Austin and I started doing the Leonardo DiCaprio meme of like, holding the glass and pointing every time there was something familiar on screen. So that happened about 20 times, like, play it again, you know, anything, anything has gone into public, public, you know, anyway, but yeah, it was, it was great. It reminded me a lot of His Girl Friday. I loved the Italian, the cop, guy who is basically just meant to be keeping a thumb on everybody. But he was just like, I don't fucking care. This is Clark reigns. Oh yeah, he was phenomenal. I didn't care for the actual relationship between the two very much. But yeah, now I know. Now the mystery is gone. I love this movie. Yeah, I was so thrilled, Eric when we got to film school, and on the syllabus was, you know, you guys got to watch this because we're going to talk about it a lot. And I was like, no problem. I love watching this film. Yeah, and there's a couple of things did you guys hear about this was several years ago now, where some writer repackaged the Casablanca script with different names and then sent it out to studios, and it never made it past the first readers. I thought it was GARBAGE. And then, can you imagine, if a film like that had been made today and was as big a hit, then we'd get a prequel of why Rick, you know why it couldn't work out between them and everything. What makes that film so great is that you don't know what happened. You just know it was fucking heartbreaking, and that's what makes their relationship so great in that movie. Yeah, everybody should, should take a lesson from this. Vanessa. Next on your list, another little indie called Citizen Kane. You're gonna be really impressed. I actually saw that one. What? Oh, okay, listen, you should, you should not be acting so proud of yourself. No, I shouldn't. No, when I was in film school, I bought the 1001 films UMC before you die. And I was like, penciling in and checking them off and stuff. So I had like a 5050, shot of having seen something unbelievably famous or not, depending on, like, whether or not I was up to it that week or had accessibility to it. So, man. Would you say having not seen Sausage Party foodtopia, would you say that you saw a better film than I did this weekend? I'm gonna go ahead and say, Yes, roll dice and say, you know, but I like, I like fast talking films that don't have a lot of locations. I loved His Girl Friday. I love Philadelphia Story like Maltese Falcon. Yeah, it's just, just like, when it's the personality and the energy and really good writing, I'm like, Cool. I'm I'm all in. We don't have to go fucking anywhere. I'll hang out with these people. But, but anthropomorphic food stuff not your thing is what you're I don't like comedy, and I don't like body humor, so that's literally called Sausage Party. Is just about the absolute last thing I will ever choose to watch. Fair enough that's fair. I won't push it any further. Okay, thanks. Then I will take it in a different direction. Sort of boy kills world. Ooh, you heard of this one? I've heard of it, but I've not seen it yet. Striked by Martis Moore, yeah, the weird one. It is interesting. Well, it's his first film, his first feature, I think, but it's got Bill Skarsgard and Jessica Roth in it. And Skarsgard has been had his deafened by somebody as I don't know what the cause is. When somebody forcibly takes your hearing so his inner monolog, his speaking voice that you hear through the whole thing is like one of the characters from Street Fighter. It's It's very strange. This is an odd little movie. It's kind of reminiscent of the 80s shit. Just blanked on the name of the 80s movie with the kid on the bike, Turbo kid, oh, kind of reminiscent of that where it's ultra violent, insanely violent, and it's just batshit crazy. I enjoyed it. I don't know if I'll watch it again, but it was good enough that it and scars guard is so much fun to watch that it's good enough that I can definitely recommend checking it out if you like turbo kid or kick ass, or any of those over the top, weird. It's kind of superheroes, because he's so incredibly good. It is the martial arts he learned from the master in the woods who taught him everything he knows, kind of thing, who constantly beats the living shit out of him. But it's on Amazon, and I think it might be, still be rental. There's like, like, a 399, rental. And if you like turbo kid, I'd say, give it a shot, because it's just ridiculous. Do you feel like this film? And I don't know why I'm asking this, because give it a shot, it probably has no, no bearing on it. But do you feel like this makes you feel more or less interested in Skarsgard as the crow coming up? Oh boy, from the little bit I've seen, of the crow, maybe even more disappointed because he's so physically good in this movie. Well, I get, I'm assuming he's going to be very physical in the crow. I just think I just was like, I know that everybody seems a little disappointed in the crow trailer, but if maybe he's showing up in an ultra violent movie and having a good time, maybe that means he'll bring some kind of energy we weren't thinking about that could be good. I mean, the the action stuff could be good in the crow. I mean, you know, the the main thing missing from it seems to be what made the original crow so good, which is the pathos, the horrible depression the guy's going through when what's going on, plus the killer soundtrack, come on. It's like, I feel like the crow is a tough one because it's so firmly set in the 90s with, like, a Gen X vibe that like it. It's kind of like taking the soul of this, like little strand of time and being like, I don't know, shove it over there. So I don't, we'll, we'll see. Maybe it'll be, I mean, Scar generally, is good in whatever he's in, but he's also in a lot of movies that aren't where he is the best thing in the movie. So could be that again, for him, for the crow, I need a all scars guard movie with all of the brothers as like hell. Bit. Ellie's that one of them dies, and the others have to go aveng him. It's got to be a period, period piece in the northwest. Maybe they could go against the Baldwins or something like that. Oh, my God, yes. Oh, you guys, I sent you. I just got to put this out to everybody. You guys have to start following Billy Baldwin on Instagram. He's gone fucking insane, and he's filming it all. I mean, it's sad, I guess, but it's also fucking hilarious. So Charlie Sheen all over again, seems worse. It does seem worse, it seems sadder, because it's pretty constant. It's closer to what's his name, the guy from national loom Christmas vacation. Yeah, no, no, the brother in that one, right? Somebody's yelling at us right now? Yeah? Sorry, wait. Sorry, folks, Quaid, Randy Quaid, yeah, Randy Quaid, he is, it seems closer to that. She always seemed like a combination of drugs and, yeah, acting. I mean, yeah. I mean, he was having fun. He was having Billy is having fun. Okay? Speaking of not having fun, I watched in a violent nature. What surprised when you with this one for you, because Isn't it like a slasher film? Well, everyone kept telling me it's not your typical slasher film, and by that, what they meant is it's boring as fuck, except for every once in a while when the kill happens, which is sometimes like shocking. The some of the effects in this were amazing, but and this film has landed on a lot of people's favorites of the year so far, and I would say they're either stupid or lying, this or just snobby. This is, this is like an art house slasher film. One of, one of my least favorite things to do is watch somebody play a video game. And most of this film is that you're watching a third person slasher, except he's not slashing. He's just walking, so you're over the shoulder of him walking through the woods a lot, a fucking lot. And I will say kudos to the filmmakers for finding a mask that is original and still somehow scary. I That must be the last mask for a serial killer that they can I'm not sure why this guy needed a mask. He's a zombie, and he's pretty horrifying, but this was a cool thing, and there are scenes in it that I liked, and these the backstory is pretty cool. The problem is, this is a gimmick film. It's a big fucking gimmick film. If you take the gimmick out and you just make this film, you've seen this film nine times in the in the Jason franchise, and 1213, times in the Halloween franchise. It's just a bulky serial killer, you know, who can't be killed, going and killing everybody who's standing in this way. And so if, if it can't be turned into a regular film, it's not like, you know, like Pulp Fiction is a gimmick film also, but if you were to string those all together, it still tells a pretty fun story. Yeah, yeah. You know, if you were to put those in linear time, you'd be like, Oh, okay, I can see what's going on. If you put this in just a regular slasher movie thing, it's like, this is a boring film now with a couple of good kills. And so the only reason to watch it is a gimmick. It's, it's an interesting gimmick. I would challenge anyone to tell me that, you know, they got to watch this again, and they can't wait for in a violent nature, too, or something like that. It just, I thought it was a real snooze fest, except for every once in a while when the screaming started and I looked up and I was like, oh, fuck yeah. He's pulling that chick's head through her stomach, which is something that happens, and it is something to be seen, but otherwise, big fucking thumbs down from me. In a violent nature, is still a rental right now, but it's coming to shedder So, and I think it's coming to shedder in like four weeks at the most. So yeah, and was Okay, so with in a violent nature, I saw the trailer for it, and it felt like it is the gimmick that it happens in, like, real time with the like, behind behind the shoulder, like just following him all the way through, or, like, what is not real time, but the story is told from the POV of the killer. So, okay, so you. You might see somebody, he's he's standing on one side of the lake while two people are having a conversation on the other side of the lake, and you can barely hear them. You're not going to catch everything they're talking about, and it's going to be a four minute scene while he sits there and goes. And I was just like, for fuck sakes, can we just hurry this along and get to something, I would like to hear what these two girls who are about to go skinny dipping are talking about somewhere there, right? So it's just a lot of that stuff. And I would, I'll say this, the people who like this movie are such hardcore horror fans that they've seen every fucking iteration of this story, and they're glomming onto this because it's a little different, but that does not make it good, so that'll happen, yeah, huh, okay, well, I may or may not still check it out, but I have a feeling I will feel the same way as you When I am done with it. Mileage may vary. Speaking of films that may or maybe should exist, maybe shouldn't, I checked out quiet place day one. Oh, I got it here. Yeah, you know it's, I don't know it's kind of interesting take on the quiet place universe. I don't know why we need more films about the quiet place universe, but it's, you know, like, right when it happens in downtown New York, and you are in it with a character who has lost all love of life and is terminally ill. And so the stakes are kind of weird, because it's, it doesn't matter if she dies, but like, the people around her and she has, like, a pet cat, and there's, like, just other things you start to get stressed about, the other people who are, like, traveling with her, or connecting with her, or trying to help her, and you're like, oh my god, don't, don't risk your life. She's only gonna live for, like, however long, not much longer. And I, you know, I had a good time. It was a good ride. I think it was a pretty good film. I don't know that it added much to that whole thing for me. But I enjoyed, I enjoyed the characters, and it has the guy who plays Eddie from Stranger Things that the most recent season, guitar, yeah, yeah. So that was really fun to see him in, like a new role. So that was cool. There's, there's some good acting in there. The cat is great. So question, Oh, speaking of the great cat, look at that cat. Do we get any more information about the aliens? I feel like that's the only way they can go with this. To keep this series. What more information we really need? Like, well, what, what are they doing here? Oh, well, that I don't, I mean, I assume they just want our resources. Well, but you don't know, because we don't know why they are here and killing everybody. It's a it's a reiteration of certain things we already know about them. So you get to see more moments of the like, their sensitivity to sound, how much it affects them, how water affects them. You kind of see some of those things like play out a little bit further, but I don't think you really get a better idea of why they're here. You do kind of get to see them, like landing, and I think you can put together some extra threads, but it's not going to tell you any more about them. Well actually, you know, there's one, one additional thing where you get to see, like a, kind of built like a nest. So that was sort of neat, but it was just basically stealing from Alien, so I don't know. Okay, another question. Okay, cast your mind back to years ago, when you and I both saw the quiet place too, and we thought, the fuck this ending is kind of a cliffhanger. How come this third movie is not a fucking sequel to the second movie? Okay? Is the guy from Guardians of the Galaxy? The black actor? Is he in the second one? I couldn't remember. Is he, like, one of the guys on the island? I don't, man, now you're gonna because, like, No, I don't think so. Oh, okay, because, like, they have that guy. And I was like, is he? Does he end up on the island in the second one? I feel like it's his, like, interim story. No, I know. I have no idea why. I mean, maybe this is just what they could get the budget for, and nobody wanted to see the next one. People were like, I don't know, but we'll see how it all began. I think it'd be cool to see how it all began in all kinds of different places. And I feel like New York is just such an easy, I don't know, it's such an easy get. It's something we've seen so. Many times in so many movies I would love to see, like, one of them pop down in, like, a, I don't know, in freaking Utah, and, like in some campers be like, Oh, what is this? And they have to, like, be quiet through a canyon, like the, I don't know. I just want to see something a little bit that's tremors, quiet place, day one. Quiet place day one. And you can see it in movie theaters at this point. Cool, alrighty. Well, I caught uh rose Glass's new film. The Director of Saint Maude has made Love, Lies bleeding. Oh, right, yeah. And with uh Christian Stewart and one of the more jacked women to be in film, her, uh, girlfriend, is a very muscle bound weightlifting, uh, power lifter kind of or bodybuilder kind of person. Uh, it's, kind of a, it's a, I like. It's good movie crime. You know, there's that after Pulp Fiction, there came this rush of like California with a K and all those kind of knockoff movies. This isn't exactly like that, but it would fit well into that idea of quirky characters in a small town going through some shit. And it's, uh, Christian Stewart plays a woman who runs, or, I think she owns, the gym, the workout where the one lady shows up one time to work out as a drifting from place to place. And, abusive guys involved. And it's good film. It's got a couple moments of some Wow, violence and pretty good acting of either film you've seen this one I thought week or two ago, yeah. And what did you think of it gets real weird, yeah, oh, the ending is extremely weird, yeah? Like, and we're watching the same movie, yeah. Metaphor. I had a moment where I was like, what is happening? So it goes some weird fucking places, not in a not in a bad way, but definitely like, Okay, this is, I thought it was one kind of film, and it is not that film. It is a different kind of film, at least now. But it did feel like, in my mind, it felt like a retelling of Frankenstein, which I really enjoyed. Yeah, oh, wow, this is not what I was expecting to hear. No, yeah, it's, it's very much like, I mean, I don't want to give away any plot, but, but there are definitely a lot of elements in it where you watch something become monstrous and out of control, and you're just like, but yeah, and it's got the running amok and almost like the villagers after it. I mean, it has like, some of those beats in there. Yeah, that's true. I will say, for some reason the ending did pop out of my head until you mentioned that. But it is way out of left field. I mean way out. I think it is the metaphor and then, like the ending, endings just gotta be, otherwise that is one crazy, crazy movie wrap that, yeah, oh, you won't see the ending coming if you figure out the ending of this one before, kudos. You have seen more movies than me. If that's the case, wow. Eric said bodybuilder, but he met a bodybuilder. There you go. It's it's not exactly what I thought it was going to be and but I will say that actress, oh, my God, I looked her up. Katie O'Brien, yeah, she was fucking incredible. The girlfriend. She just, I mean, you're like, Who is this girl? She just knocks out of the park. She's super watchable. I think their relationship is one of the better gay relationships I've seen on screen. Like, definitely, it's definitely, uh, convoluted. It's impressive both what Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have done with what made them famous versus the kind of movies they make now. Yeah, they are both phenomenal performers. And yeah, that's one of the good things about the film, is the performances are solid. It's really, really well done, yeah, and not as depressing as st mod, oh my god, so much better than st mod, oh my god, between the two. Don't watch st mod. Hey, I want to go to a break, but I want to give everybody a freebie. Eric, you mentioned that kind of weird Tarantino feeling movie that we used to get in the 90s. I just watched a film on I think it's on Prime right now. It's from 2016 and it is called free Fire. Have you heard of this movie? It's got Brie Larson, Killian, Murphy, Charlotte Copley, Army hammer, yeah, yeah. And it's definitely a throwback to that kind of film, kind of a just extended shootout in a warehouse. Oh, that's right, this is what this I may have to do this for a future episode. Oh, okay, edit, edit. It all out. No, no. Go ahead. I was just saying, if you, if you are, if you have a hankering for that kind of film again, this one I just stumbled upon, and I was like, I've never even heard of this movie, and it's all star cast. It was really fun, right? It's definitely really fun. I watched it and I wasn't in the right mood for it, and I need to go back and see it again, because I was like, like, I just wasn't connected with it, but it, but I know it's an AWESOME film. I know it is. It has great cast, has great setup, but, yeah, it's got some comedy in it. That's probably what was throwing me off. That's exactly what happened. I was like, Oh no, they're making me giggle. List, kill list and Lloyd, line you up for a comedy from this guy or the director I keep trying. Yeah, kill lists, also, that's a film I'm dying to finish, but every time I start, I fall asleep. So it's hard. It's a hard one to get through. Not gonna lie, there's not a lot that happens in it, but the ending is where everything happens. It's worth getting to the end. If you can set an alarm at about 2030, minutes before the end, you kind of you won't have missed much. It's okay, just watch the end. What about this? Can I fast forward to the end? Do I have to actually take a nap? Just watch because then you'll still get the audio. Let's continue this conversation. Off the air while we take a break, and then when we come back, we are talking Toho films. I the Shogun warriors. Guy king with rocket boosters. Great Mazinga with rocket launcher. Is he Friend or foe? You can't decide launch his claw. Imagine his breath is a blast of fire. The Lord Shogun warriors and Godzilla, they're ready to strike when you are the Shogun warriors, great Mazinga guy, King and Godzilla each sold separately, accessories Not for use with smaller Shogun warriors from Mattel you we have returned. As far as you guys know, we may never have left. That's the magic of podcasting. This was my sub genre, and it was the films of Toho. With a caveat, could not be any Godzilla films in there, which, of course, is what most of us know Toho from. However you know I want, I want this to be like a regular thing. I picked a movie that I think might be my favorite Toho movie of all time. Now. Oh, wow, yeah. And that is from 1963 matango, seven young people shipwrecked on a mysterious island. The island was deserted. Not even birds or animals dared to come here. What did they find? Seaweed, fish and turtle. Eggs, anything we can eat, as well as snakes and lizards. Just let me finish. There's a lot of grass growing around here. You can eat the roots. You can eat the roots of a lot of plants here. Never thought of that, did you? They were driven to the edge of starvation. Food was scarce, and they were forbidden to eat the mushrooms that grew on the island. Fear and hunger turned them against each other. I'll kill you. The tango will help me live. I haven't been hungry since I left the ship. Maybe Help me. Help me. You. Please, can't wait the mushrooms now, that would really be the end of us. Lucky go. Well they go. You. Matongo, the horrible mushrooms, matango, the vegetable monster. Can they escape the dreaded batungo? You'll find out when you see matgo. Don't know it? No, also known as attack of the mushroom people. I know that neither, but I have not seen it. No, yeah, okay, well, I found no budget or box office information. The rotten Beto critics not available for some reason. The audience has it at 660, 5% directed by Ishiro Honda, who has 79 credits, including Godzilla, the mysterians, Mothra, Ghidorah, the three headed monster, destroy all monsters. And then, like a a original material credit on every Godzilla movie since he did the first one, and all that stuff written by, okay, let me see if I can read my writing. Takeshi kumura, shinuchi, Hoshi and Masami Fukushima, who, together, have written things like Rodan King Kong Escapes terror beneath the sea, Godzilla versus Mechagodzilla starring, fuck, I didn't bring the timer. God damn it. You guys. What good are you for? Anything? Shit. Two hours later, who does quality control on this show? I put eight minutes on there. I was gonna say about two minutes. So sorry. Sorry. Akira Kubo, who stars in this he has 131 credits, including Gorath, invasion of Astro monster, son of Godzilla, Zatoichi and 47 Ronin, the original Kumi Mizuno, who has 129 credits, including the gambling Samurai, Frankenstein versus baragon, which I spoke about a couple months ago. Abira, the horror of the deep and Godzilla against Mechagodzilla and Hiroshi kozimli, who has 120 credits, including Godzilla Raids, again, gigantis, the fire monster and Godzilla Tokyo. SOS also in this, Kenji, Sahara, Hiroshi Tachikawa, Yoshiro Tsuchiya and Miki Yashiro. You guys. Matango is so good. I'm gonna I'm gonna go over on this one. I loved it so much. Our opening scene is a man with his back to us who is a psychology professor named Kenji, who is going to narrate the events that have led him to this moment. We are not shown his face, so we can assume that there's going to be a nice reveal at the end of this end of this flick. Also this scene, guys, the lighting, the photography, the colors, it's fucking astounding. He's got a room with a view of what I can only assume is 1963 Tokyo at night, and it is just amazing. It's gorgeous. So he proceeds to tell us a tale of how he is the sole survivor of his party that were on a lovely, little yacht that was lost at sea. And the rest of this movie is his flashback. His party consists of a wealthy industrialist, industrialist Kasai, his hired Skipper, sakuda, who's a Yeah, sauda, he's got a shipmate. There's a celebrity writer, a nightclub singer, the professor of Marianne, and suddenly a storm arrives, causing the yacht to nearly capsize. You could say the tiny ship was tossed and sustained some pretty severe damage. And after the storm has passed, it just kind of drifts uncontrollably, finally, bringing the group to a seemingly deserted island, they begin to explore, and finally find a pond full of fresh rainwater, which is good, and a forest that is populated by what appears to be unusually large mushrooms. As they cross the island, they come upon a wrecked ship on the shore, the interior of which is completely covered with a mysterious mold. Murai, who is the professor. He reads the ship's log and warns them not to eat the mushrooms because they might be poisonous. Since the former crew has disappeared and talked about hallucinations, they realize that the mold is killed by cleaning products, though, so they get to work cleaning the ship. It can't be used to escape the island or anything. It's in too bad a shape for that, but it does provide a much bigger living quarters forever. One, and in short order, they begin to suspect that the ship was connected to nuclear tests, with the resultant Fallout forcing a bizarre mutation on various organisms native to the surrounding area, including the mushrooms. The skipper agrees to fuck off and try to find help in the damaged yacht. So he's like, I'm probably gonna die at sea, but it's our best bet. But the rest of the group's supply of food is running low. Kasai refuses to help find a way off the island and insists on living in the captain's quarters alone, and one night, as he is stealing from their very small fruit supply, he's a task attacked by a very grotesque looking man that we don't know who promptly disappears as soon as the rest of the group show up. Excuse me, the writer, who is also a drunk and I feel particularly triggered and targeted, decides he's going to eat the mushrooms for their hallucinogenic properties, also very upsetting to me, and then pulls a gun and declares his intent to have his way with the women after he murders the other men, but he is subdued and locked away. All of this has literally happened to me at one time or another, just not in the same weekend. Eventually, the writer and the nightclub scene are banished from the boat after a failed attempt to seal the food that results in the death of the shipmate. What will become of them? You ask? Well, Kasai the Thurston howl of the group, he's eventually seduced by the nightclub singer and follows her into the jungle, where the rain has caused a massive amount of fungal growth, and he realizes that the writer and the singer have been living off the mushrooms with only the very small problem of actually being turned into mushrooms themselves as the only negative impact of this. Also turns out that the mushrooms are so fucking delicious that if you take even one bite, you are instantly addicted to them. Finally, Mariah, remember our narrator, he sees the old damaged yacht has come back, but when he swims out to it, it is deserted, with the skipper leaving a note saying everyone was dead and that he will be joining them soon, but when he returns to the ship that they've been living on, the mushroom creatures have attacked and kidnapped the young female student, who is basically Marianne. Will the professor be able to sneak into the jungle and rescue Marianne, or will he find out that Marianne is now succumbing to the fungal creatures herself and be forced to flee without her. Will? He have to escape in the damaged yacht and just hope he will somehow be saved at sea. Well, the movie started with him in a room telling his story and how he is a sole survivor. So chances that all those questions will be answered with a yes seems pretty fucking high. But what will he What will we see when he turns and finally reveals his face? That is probably something you won't be able to guess unless you are not a horror fan and are under the age of eight. I fucking loved this movie so hard. It's better than most of the Godzilla movies, but it's also treated with a much different tone than the Godzilla movies were, especially after the first two. It was amazing. Everyone go out and watch muton matango. It does suffer from the Gilligan's Island problem of why the fuck was there a millionaire, a professor, a movie star and a young country girl all on this chartered boat? Why would they ever have anything to do with each other? Who cares, not important. I have trivia. This movie is based on a famous William hope Hodgson story titled The voice in the night, first published in 1907 it's actually pretty faithful to the story, except it had several more characters. It is also said to be a partial adaptation of fungus Isle by Phillip M Fisher, Jr, and I am not familiar with that story or that writer. The film was nearly banned in Japan because some of the makeup resembled the facial disfigurement characteristics of the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ishiro Honda, the director, reflected on the film decades after its initial release, stating that it was a comment on the rebel era in which people were becoming addicted to drugs. This is Tim talking once you get addicted, it is a hopeless situation. He added that no matter how good friends people are, even if they're the very best of friends, under certain conditions, things can get very ugly. Director Steven Soderbergh stated he had wanted to make a remake, describing it as a film that he watched as a child. That quote scared the shit out of me. He was unable to reach a deal with toho, so the remake did not happen. And then, aside from the two short stories, this film adapts director ashiro Honda was inspired by a story in the Japanese newspaper headlines concerning thrill seeking rich kids who took their father's yacht out to see and had to be rescued. The early drafts of that script originally made this story more explicit by featuring characters who were spoiled young sons of the Japanese upper class, as Honda described it. Quote, around this time, there were people who started to be Americanized in. There were people who started to be Americanized or have a modern lifestyle. There were rich people who sent their kids to school in foreign cars, that kind of thing. We tried to show that social background in this film, unquote. And finally, The name matango comes from Mama dango. Oh, it would have been better if I had written a little bit more on that piece of trivia, but I did not. And so I don't remember what mama dango actually means. I believe that's the mushroom matango. I had to rent this, but I'm gonna fucking go out and buy it. I hope there's a lovely criterion release or something like that. Oh so good. Whatever films you guys chose are going to pale in comparison. Vanessa, I that is such a cool pick. Um, oh, wait. Oh, okay, we're talking about mine still. No, no, no, it's fine. I'll go. I'll start. It's okay. Oh, I mean, okay, I'll put back to 10 minutes. Yeah, I'm just, I'm just saying, like, it's, it's a cool sounding film. It shares a lot in common with mine, actually, which is very exciting. This is a Toho. I think is a very, very cool choice. Actually, I ended up having a really hard time choosing. I had like, 25 different films, and then, like, I ran out of time to watch them, and I couldn't find others. And so I was like, Oh no, maybe I'll watch this for another time. The other topic, but I ended up with randomly finding a film called Space Amiibo, amoeba from 1970 aka yog monster from space, from the remote areas of outer space, the creature lands on Earth. This beautiful creature becomes a monster, a a terrifying monster, an octopus, a giant crab, a huge blizzard. They're beautiful, aren't they? A group of brave people face these monsters, a daring photographer, a beautiful girl, a biologist and a guy who does everything wrong as an industrial spy. You these monsters appear to be overwhelmingly superior to their human enemy. Will these brave people be able to destroy the monsters come and sees this exciting and terrifying battle for survival? You? I've never seen this and want to see this. Oh, I think, I think, based off of your review, you will like this one very much. It's also called gezora, ganime, kamiba ke Nankai no daikaju. I don't know what any of that means. It has a rotten tomato score of 37% Romanians, nothing from critics, wow. Bummer. Budget box office. No idea. Could not find directed by Ishiro Honda. 79 credits Godzilla destroy all monsters. He actually did the second unit directing for Ron. So that's cool, written by E Ogawa, who has 60 credits, including evil of Dracula, Lake of Dracula, the vampire doll, and Interpol code eight, starring Akira Kudo as Taro. Kudo, 131 credits. So same star, destroy all monsters, son of Godzilla, etc. Also in this is Yoshi. Yoshi Oh sushia as the doctor, 107 credits. In. Including Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, high and low and the Hidden Fortress, wow, Kenji Sahara as obato 124, credits, including Godzilla, Godzilla versus Mecha, Godzilla one and two. King Kong versus Godzilla, Godzilla versus King Ghidorah, Godzilla versus Space Godzilla, Mothra and some Ultraman stuff. Isn't a ton of stuff. It was just amazing. How many verses story of this is I was kind of intrigued because it sounded almost like the thing or alien to an extent, but I'll get there. We start with the launch of Helio seven, an unmanned rocket on its way to Jupiter to gather info, find out more about the planet, and it's set out on a three year voyage. We see as it goes through space that some blue glitter space pores maybe infiltrate it, and it stops in space and turns around and heads in a new direction. We then jump over to a photographer named Kudo. Is on a plane. He's bored and reading about the missing spacecraft, which has now been gone for four months, while looking out the window. He then sees parts of the craft fly into the sea over the South Pacific, and it is like ah. He tries to take some pictures, but it's too late. He then goes to his newspaper office, but they just laugh him out of the room. They're like, Yeah, okay, prove it. That sounds very far fetched. So he leaves in a huff, and a woman chases after him and says, Hey, I actually want to hire you for a job. It turns out that there's a vacation company that wishes to build the resort on a small island called selga Island, which currently just has some native peoples on it, who apparently are a okay with a giant resort coming in. They want to, it'll be great. They want to hire him to go and take interesting photos of the island, which they can use to sell vacations there. He refuses at first, but then a doctor enters, and it turns out to be a dude he knows, and he says that this submarine hotel that they want to build comes with the additional interesting fact that maybe the island holds monsters and has rumored to do just that also turns out that kudos happened to that this, this little island, is exactly where the spacecraft landed. So he's like, Hmm, maybe I will go. There is a price I would be paid to go to this place, after all. So the woman, the doctor and Kudo all take off on a cruise ship for the island. Along the way. Along the way, they run into an anthropologist who is annoying and really weirdly cocky and is interested in anthropology. He sneaks himself into their group and invites himself to travel and stay with them. Meanwhile, some fishermen on the island discover giant squid that comes out and eats one of them. Its tentacles are colder than ice and leaves frostbite. The natives on the island believe that this creature is part of their ancient belief system, a creature named gezora. They worry that the resort builders will bring bad luck, and no one wants to help them when they arrive on the island. Of course, the squid come back. Comes back, sometimes in water, sometimes flying around on land, crashing through huts, hurting people, and when they discover its weakness, ooh and kill it. Ooh, a strange blue sparkle leaves it and goes into a crab month that becomes a giant monster. Then they have to fight the giant crab monster. And believe it or not, when the giant crab monster dies, the blue sparkles come out and go to new things. So this, this continues until, of course, it finally reaches man. Turns out that the creature has, the alien has ill intent for the human race and will stop at nothing to take over the planet. Will the doctor figure out the space alien dust and its intent long before he should. Will he also figure out his only weakness based off of two totally random things he saw, including dolphins and bats, thus stating that he has enough scientific proof based off of his two pieces of information to know what to do. Will the group use sound waves to disorient the monster, which monsters which then cause them to fight one another and land in an active volcano, and will the alien ultimately fail? Because despite taking over all of human cells, it cannot take over man's soul. Tune into criterion channel to find out. This is a silly fucking movie. This is a silly, silly movie, but I think it might have been shot on Kodak. It has beautiful, bright colors. It is just, Oh, my God. It's oozing with like, just delightful imagery. Um. Um, it has a great mix of location shooting, map paintings, animated sections, models, puppets. And it makes a really big adventure. Feeling to it. You never feel like they're limited by budget. There's space rocket that takes off at the start. I was like, this happens to be a model, but this looks really good. And I'm like, in the plot with it, so that's okay, the characters are super, super one dimensional, but the actors are playing the hell out of them, and they're having such a good time that you're sort of on board, and they have such great lines as life on Earth is so boring sometimes fuck don't worry, it won't be for long. The only bummer is they do over explain the plot a lot, like, there's if something happens and they say it and they say it, it's like for every time. So that's a little frustrating. The alien in this is hella ballsy. He don't give a fuck. He's not gonna be subtle at all. Like, as soon as they figure him out, he's like, Behold, I am here to take you over this bow before me humans like he does not even care, which is great. The monsters are really, really wacky, but also incredible. I love the puppetry. I love the way it makes them move. Their eyes are weird and dead, but that's okay, and ultimately, it's an hour and 20 minutes that's really easy to sit through and enjoy. So I I was like, fuck Okay, I am in. This is awesome. Little little bit of trivia. E Ogawa wrote the script for this in 1966 under the title great monster assault. The script was considerably more ambitious than the finished product, featuring alien monsters invading the earth and submerging entire continents. Despite his failing health, to host longtime Special Effects Director ejai subaraya expressed his desire to be involved in production, and as such, was to be credited as the film special effects supervisor how and his former pupil acted as the director of special effects. However, he died just two days after the start of filming. So both erikawa and director Ishiro Honda wanted to include a dedication to him, but Toho refused. Erika was so disgusted that he vowed to never work for Toho again, and director Honda likewise, decided to retire from filmmaking due to his disappointment with the direction Toho took with the special effects films and his dissatisfaction of working for them. So retire from Toho. He did come back for one film many years later. Yeah, and Assistant Director remarked that space amoeba was burdened by a constant pressure from the studio to minimize budget. As a result, the staff was forced to rush through filming. They originally planned to film in Guam but instead they ended up at hechijo Island, about 700 miles south of Tokyo. It was shot in the middle of winter, so even though the cast is dressed for tropical location. It is not tropical. The underwater scenes were shot in Toho studio pools, and the producer Fumio Tanaka recalled that he had to personally transport the film negatives back to Tokyo on a prop plane the lighted eyes on the monster gezora went dead halfway through filming the special effects, and there was no money left in the budget to repair them, so they remained unlit for many other scenes. This was the last science fiction film made under Toho studio system. Facing declining profits, they reduced this. Basically, they got rid of it. So what? What year was this? Again? This was 1970 1970 Oh, okay, yeah, wow. Ruby link in there. Happened in there that definitely sounds like a movie I have to watch. How did you watch this? Yeah, um, I ended up I had recently unsubscribed from criterion because I was like, I never watched this. And then I was like, it's only on criterion I will resubscribe. So I paid all of what, 11 bucks or something for a month of criterion, right? Yeah. Oh man, that sounds great. Yeah. It's super fun. Super fun. Eric, yeah, 10 minutes. 10 All right, I think mine's probably the best known of this group, but I've always wanted to watch the War of the gargantuans. You Yes, this is Dr Stewart speaking. We need your help, sir, you've studied giant animals. You had one in captivity, didn't you? Yes, that was five years ago. You know, he might have been young. Speeches of a Gargantua, attention. All aircraft will just run away. An alert, an alert, mr.. Tokyo Tower. Don't try it. You We headed northwest, and has reached this point we will move headquarters out to the field immediately. Hey, look another one. Get back in the car. Oh. Send all defense units to the beaches you 1966 again, no critic score, which what is with these movies having no critic scores? Hey, it's a little bit better than yours. I guess Kelly, because it's 66 I this is a good movie, yeah, uh, box office was they said around 3 million. But who knows? Available on Tubi Max and criterion, nice. Gotta love that. This was directed by Can you guess is it Ishiro Honda, Honda, yeah, zero. Honda, Director of, you know, a whole bunch of shit that you know already. He was also an ad for dreams carousel, this film with 79 directing credits total, uh, Ruben Brokovich, who's, you know, the white guy in the movie for English sales. He was in Bonanza hell, in the Pacific and out of season. Sorry, that was the writer. One of the writers, that was the writer, okay, yeah, and he probably came in to help write the translations. I'm guessing maybe other writer is Shiro Honda. We know about him and Takashi Kimura wrote the great sounding name Daredevil in the castle, which I'm guessing isn't the Marvel character. The actor, though that was for us sales, was Russ family, who's in six episodes of two twin peaks. Drive 16 episodes of the original Twin Peaks, sorry, six episodes of 2017, Twin Peaks, the haunting West Side Story. Whole bunch of films. Yeah. Kimi. Kimi mazuna is in there. She's best known for the invasion of the Astros, monsters like I don't know what she's best known for, but she's also in Frankenstein versus baragon, which has some impact on this film. And 128 credits overall. Oh, I dropped one of the other people, but whoever that was, he's over there. So worried about him. 123 credits. He's in all monsters, attack, destroy, all monsters, and Mothra. So this is a criterion release, so is fully remastered by them, and looks freaking amazing. The I love, and I'm sure all of us movies had this just the over the top, huge, crashing dramatic music to go over the credits, which is just as big as music can get for these kind of films. And hey, if you want to go twist a little bit, there's a little Lovecraft creature in the beginning of this. Why? Because tentacles. No, so it must be Lovecraft, right? It's actually a giant octopus with cool, red glowing eyes that attacks this boat. And just when it seems like the boast has lost all hope, one of these giant, kind of man looking creatures with a great, almost Beatles looking hairdo attacks and takes out the octopus, but then proceeds to beat the crap out of the boat too. In actually, a really cool looking scene. I mean, we all know the effects is, we're not expecting Jurassic Park here or something. So you see this guy grabbing this toy boat and just thrashing it all over the place, water everywhere. It's a lot of fun. So there's speculation. They go to the scientists and go, is this your Frankenstein creature? And of course, the French say, No, this is not the Frankenstein creature as you know them from Frankenstein versus baragon. So and they do this weird little flashback where the female scientist is hanging out with like, three foot tall version of the gargantuans, having a fun time, like feeding it and hanging out. And it's such a sweet creature. It just loves me. So the they decide they've got to go out and investigate to see what why this creature is suddenly attacking, because I know it can't possibly be there. Frankenstein creature spotted on land for the first time, and it's glorious. It's this amazing scene around an airport with ridiculous green screen and a horrible scaling of the size of the creature versus the airport, where at times he looks big and other times he looks like bigger than Godzilla. It's it's great. I love it. The creature attacks the airport, and we get to see a nice little shot of a Pan Am airlines. Lovely, wonderful. They figure out light hurts this creature, so they try to do that for a while, and then the creature figures out that light means food, so they have to abandon that quickly. It's there's great little bits that I am so thankful for. Criterion, when they remastered this that they did not remove the wires holding the helicopters around like that could have easily been removed, but no keep it the way it was. Man, it looks great, so, but at one point, suddenly there's a second carcass one, when he first appears, it kind of seems like they're buddies. You know, they kind of, it seems almost like the depending on where you in the movie, it's called Brown, but I also read places that called it orange, but it kind of feels like the orange brown gargantuan is rescuing the green one, but then later they proceed to beat the snot of each other. So I guess not. The green one is known as Guy era, and the orange one is known as standard, not that they're ever called that in the movie. So the film was originally announced as the Frankenstein brothers, then the two Frankensteins, then Frankenstein versus Frankenstein, then Frankenstein's decisive battle and Frankenstein's fight originally, then they wore the gargantuan so I guess they decided they didn't want to do the Frankenstein thing anymore. So it is kind of a loose sequel to that. However, when it was dubbed for the American version, all references to that Frankenstein film were removed. So if you just watched the American dub film, you wouldn't know it had any connection. And the fact, for whatever reason to remove it, because you still got the scientist saying this Frankenstein it's very weird, but oh well, who cares? It's a Toho film. It's what it is during the process of dubbing the film for the American audience, Russ audio track was completely lost, meaning he had to redub all his lines, and which might explain why. And watching this, it's true, he's kind of disinterested throughout and not really knowing what's going on due to improvising much of the dialog. So he didn't even try to loop it, you know, based on, like, trying to depred himself for the lines. He just made up what he wanted to say. And it's obvious, because never it's matching. So he tried to do memories and sort of figuring out what he was saying. But basically, he reimproved the rest of his, most of his life, the man who played many hero Nakajima, who played many Toho monsters, including Godzilla, in 11 movies of the original 15 films, he said gaira, the evil green gargantuan, was one of his favorite he ever got to play, because the Kashi. Was basically human, and he could use his own eyes to see where everything was. And, you know, I believe him, because watching the green guy, he is having a ball wrecking things and throwing things around, and being able you could tell he's can target things, which, you know, Godzilla often randomly just hits shit. You can tell he was I'm going to step on this car. I'm going to step on this car that is just is a lot of fun, although I'm guessing they spent a lot of time in the water, so there's a lot of hair on that thing that must have been kind of gross. Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, did a version of this movie. What battle of the humongous they even incorporated the song that sung in the middle of the film, which is not the greatest song, but, boy, it's catchy, but they use that in there. And I now must find this episode. I thought I'd love hitting most of these, because this is a great series, yeah, one of the best Scooby Doo series. Sorry, original lovers. Let's see what else we got here. The where was, oh, Guillermo del Toro said that he used part of this film in inspiration for the openings of Pacific Rim. Brad Pitt said this is the first film he ever remembers watching ever. And many, many guys who else, Quinn Tarantino and Tim Burton and all that name this as one of their favorites. It's a hell of a lot of fun. So it's, it's not the other, the two you were talking about, especially yours, Kelly, were pretty unique. Toho sounding. This is basically Godzilla with different costumes. But right, it's, it's strange that they got that, they got that Frankenstein license and went this way with it. Exactly. Nevermind. Yeah. I mean, hey, we do a certain thing, and we're going to do that with Frankenstein now too. That's right. I love this movie. When I was a kid, I used to write and draw my own comics, you know, I staple them together and all this shit. And I loved the idea. I love the name of the Gargantua so much. And I lived up in in Bellingham, Washington, the Pacific Northwest. And I wanted some kind of weird local creature, but I wanted it to be scarier than Sasquatch, and so I called it the Saskatchewan. So yeah, this is a movie that is near and dear to my heart, and I gotta say, both of your movies, you know, sound great. My movie was great. I'm just like, Fuck, I'm gonna go on a Toho tear now. I'm gonna do a Eric doing Walter Hill thing with Toho for the next several weeks. Take a lot longer. Yeah, because they got, they got into everything. It's kind of like hammer, you know, doing noir and mystery and crime and all that stuff on top of it, and a lot of, a lot of Pokemon. Oh, really. Oh, did Toho? Do you want to limit? Yeah, they ended up doing a lot of Pokemon. They actually are behind Detective Pikachu. So Toho is, yeah, well, wait a second, I heard that was a good movie. I never watched. It's so good. Actually, it is a lot of fun, incredible film for it. For full respect, Kenji Sahara was the name I missed. Oh yes, also an actor in my film, Vanessa, I'm surprised you didn't do Detective Pikachu for your film. I was so close, you never know, especially when, like, things kept falling through, and I was like, I'm gonna do this one, and I couldn't find it. And then I was like, I'm gonna do this one. And I was like, it's three hours and it's already midnight. Like, yeah. I was like, I should just do Detective Pikachu. I was like, no, no. They always say I go with the most mainstream movies. I'm gonna find a little one, dang it. And I did. Well done. Yeah, very nicely done. I will just tell you guys and the listeners. This is a topic that I will revisit when I'm out of topics. I'm gonna be like, Oh, it's Toho movies again, you guys. So, yeah, I don't even have to wait that long, because there's not a month that begins with tea. So damn Noho November. That would be better. I would do that. You know, I would do this. Yes, no. November, speaking of people who have the next sub genre, Vanessa, you have the next pick? Yes, I do. That's right. Well, there was a film that I came across not too long ago that I got really excited about watching, so I am going to steal some of the plot from it and force you guys to watch movies that take place in the woods. Oh, this is no pun intended, fertile ground for many horror films. So yeah, is Is there anything off the off the table. I don't think so. I mean, like, not the odds we pick a Friday the 13th or something, right? Yeah. I mean, you know, like, it's a go, go further. Find something that you really enjoy. I mean, like, yeah, it would kind of suck to only do, like, a Friday the 13th movie or, you know, but that's, you know, if that's what you find and your heart sings for God forbid I stop you, you know, I'll put it out there. No Friday the 13th movies, because at some point I want us to start picking, like franchises. Yeah, all pick a Friday the 13th movie at some point. Yeah, okay. I love this into the woods. That's fantastic. Okay, that means that we're at the end of the show. We are here to say thanks to everybody who's out there liking and sharing posts, who's reaching out through various means. Ron, I'm talking to you sending us all the weird fucking videos you're watching lately. I really appreciate that. And everybody, Danny and help me out here. Who am I drinking? Bob and Bob, of course, new people showing up. Yes, all the issues and all the news. Thank you, Vanessa, that is a perfect way to put that. They're showing up on places such as the strange eons radio talk page on Facebook, which is getting a lot of fun discussion going on there a bunch of like minded individuals who just love horror and all that shit. Very rarely, they are calling into the strange eons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266, why don't you give us a call? Tell us how much you love Vanessa. Tell us how much you love Eric or Oh Kelly, too. Right, right, right, especially the people who feel like they need to support the show in some kind of financial way. Wow. What a Yeah. What a joy that is to see that kind of stuff coming in. You can do that in a bunch of different ways. You can do that in a sustaining donation on PayPal. You can buy us a coffee on the website, which is buy us a pizza on our site, you can do all sorts of things that you decide how much you want to invest into this thing. We call it value for value. It means that whatever value you get out of this, you decide, you put a monetary amount on that, you send it our way, right? Give a shout out to Jason Weiss, who generally does a monthly thing. Apparently fell behind because he sent us a nice little chunk and said, Man, I'm behind. Well, sir, thank you very much, Jason. Jason, let's let's have drinks, Jason. I love Jason. That's it. We're coming back in seven short days. We are talking movies that take place in the woods. See you next Thursday. Transportation and other considerations for strange eons, radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling, think of Pan Am. You can't beat the experience. Guests of strange eons radio, stay at econolodge. Everett. It's an easy stop on the road. Strange eons radio is rich. Recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast, sit Ubu. Sit she was furious because she was like you watch so much garbage.