Strange Aeons Radio


October 15, 2020 Strange Aeons Radio Season 2 Episode 89
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


Utopia leads the gang to The Vow and a discussion of conspiracy theories before they finally settle on their picks for War Scenes!

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition such sites do to show you Strange Aeons. Welcome. Strange over there everything. All right over there. Everything's something smell what's going on on a sniff test, a sniff test of what? So you don't do that on the area as soon as you start up you got are you talking NASA over there? Hi. I'm just confused right now. Sorry guys. That's my sink over there you guys but it was it back. I bought some fancy schmancy sync plugs, and I jammed them in there. We'll see how well it works because I came home the other day after I jam them in there. And one of them was like lying in the middle of the sand. So whatever pressure built up that popped it out. That creature reached this little finger up point. Right. This is a this is a little throwback to what we talked about last episode, we were talking a little bit about walking dead Vanessa and how you had, I think read most of it. I just finished my reread of invincible, which is also written by Robert. Sure. And you have not read this. It's 147 issues I believe. And I've been reading it just nightly before I go to bed. So it's taken me about four months. I've gotten a lot of it. Yeah. I forgotten how that last issue ended up with a kind of a 500 year span in one issue. And I was I was like, wow, this is really interesting. But the thing that was so frustrating about it was everything that they kind of briefly touched on was stuff that I wanted to read an entire comic book about. God dammit. Why do we have this series? It's so good. It's so bloody. It's so off the wall. There's some weird shit going on. It is maybe the best superhero book ever written? Wow. Yeah, it is great. The only weirdness I have with it is for me. The artist and writer are so tied together there's like a five to 10 issue span where they have a different artist. Maybe not that long, even Well, they have so the original artists was I believe Corey Walker and then and then for the he was on for eight episodes or eight issues at the beginning and then the majority of their hundred and something were this other artists that other artists that pops in is Corey Walker, I assume? Yeah. So it's really only two artists through 147 inches, which is impressive. Yes. super nice. I mean, that's why I pieced out on wicked thing. Wicked in the wicked in the good. I don't remember. Is that a comic book? It is a comic book series. Yeah. And it's it's now probably on like eight or nine volumes. But the third one just completely changed artists and it has like a bunch of different artists per issue and it's just it's just so it's like nails on chalkboard for me when they switch out the artists even if it's a bad artist songs are consistent. You know, I can stay in that world but I feel like you know if they switch it up, it's really tough. Yeah, it is. So visual medium, and so if you get used to somebody in there, it's it's kind of like when they switch an artist you're like what happened to my magazine? It's funny because this is the exact reason why I didn't read Robert one of his two newer ones die die die, because I hate that artists only but he chose I hate him. So when I saw the issue start showing up and I was talking this comic book guy and he's like, yeah, like this, check this new thing out. And I was like, Oh, no. All by the first serie and not anything else. Thank you. Have a lovely day. I might check that out. I shouldn't do like Perkins writing even though I gave up on Walking Dead early. I mean, that's probably the best part about walking dead I think is like the story like the characters are fine, but like the fact that I don't know. But what he did right was within, like, I've reached my end of the story, and he wrapped it up. I think Walking Dead was so successful that he was forced a little far further and it did. Like I said, I stopped reading before it finishes because it got a little tedious. Yeah, yeah, headache very, very repetitive. I just figured out, you know, hoopla You can also borrow comic books. I read Edgar Allan Poe adaptation illustrated by. I just blanked on his name. He's one of the most famous artists for heavy metal always draws. Well to be blunt, large, naked women. Not Mobius Yeah, no, no, sorry. No. Mobius but he's a very right you know what, Miss if I could pull it up? You go. Oh, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Cuz he's probably in every other issue. Every metal it seemed at least for a while. Wow. That's pretty good. Interesting adaptations really short, though, like four or five page. comics are so fun. I think it was by the way, I think as a wicked in the divine. I think it in the divine. Yeah, Benji, gods. Magic Gods take human form for a short period of time. And they are allowed to be alive for like two or three years. And they get to be like, rock stars, like ones basically David Bowie. Like, and then they're ones like Kanye West. Big celebrities, and then they die. Interesting. Yeah. Richard Corbin. Oh, Corbin. Yeah, Dan. Yeah. Well, um, you know, it's funny, cuz like, it's, it's October, things are getting creepy. I'm starting to really dip my toes into different horror films. However, I did also begin to revisit Stranger Things. Oh, my mom, my like, third, watch through that. I have a friend who has not seen any of it. So we're checking it out, going back through it. And also because I think I told you guys, I'd started playing this really silly video game where you can play a different horror characters. And you can play either Nancy or Steve from Stranger Things in the season. Yeah. And like, which is weird, because it's, uh, you don't play the kids. And I think the idea is, they don't want to put kids in danger. Because like, you do have to, like people get hooked. I can. There's blood everywhere. So I can see why they chose not to go with like 11. But I Nancy, I don't like her at all on the show. I've come to realize, however, she's one of the strongest characters you can play and Dead by Daylight, so I had to revisit it. Speaking of being halloweeny and all that, you know, some orange flavored kids are delightful. You like, holy cow. I never bring those here again. You got it. Ya know, so, um, it was funny. I was at World Market and they had a bunch of different like Halloween stuff. And they did have these like orange flavored kick hats. And I was like, man, like, yeah, from Japan. Sounds cool. And then when I got home, I was like, Oh, wait, they're from England. I lived there for 10 years. And I was like, I wonder if they're gonna taste like the English kitkats which they do chocolate very, very differently in England than how we do it here. And and oh, my god instantly was brought back to another time I was just like, oh my god, I forgot how good English chocolate is. Delicious. I tend to not a big fan of orange and chocolate sir. Largely because it becomes sort of like a chocolate orange as opposed to chocolate with just a touch of an orange flavor. Those are much better. That it's got a little bit more of a as opposed to like that. Orange you buy in the store. Terry's chocolate is like salmon orange. Yeah, this one it's funny because I was like, Oh wait, I in my brain. I was like, it's gonna have orange layers in it or orange fruit flavor or something. But the chocolate being merged really well, the orange. It's very nice. So yeah, I'm glad. I'm glad I was able to do something for you guys, because you guys are always like bringing cool interesting things to try out. Yeah, I got no food stamps. Although I did also dive into the one which Yeah, it's amazing. Is that utopia? Oh, three episodes deep. I think at this point. Yeah. Damn. Yes, I finished it. And I thought it finished. Very interesting. Cool. And I was, I was satisfied with the show. This is a show that I don't feel like many people are talking about. So no, I mean, you are the only person who's mentioned it to me. And so is it a miniseries? Then it finished? Or is it just the season? finale? episodes? I think it is only eight episodes. Yeah. But you know, of course, it's gonna appeal. You knew it appealed to me. Because it's sort of about a last comic book finding a comic book that's predicting future events and like, curse. It goes way beyond that, though, quite quickly. Yeah, goes into all sorts of conspiracy theories and, you know, like the best of those kind of things. They all turn out to be true. Yeah, exactly. Kind of like the scene I loved with. I think it's in the third episode. It's the two of the comic book nerds in there, figuring out the one guy's like, last year, we were just talking about this stuff. Now we're in the middle of it. Kind of cool, isn't it? I won't say why it wasn't necessarily that cool, but okay. Well, the topic today led me down all sorts of roads. And it led me to a movie that I had never seen before. And it's not something that I could have used, but it got me interested in it. Have you guys seen where Eagles they're? Number one and Clint Eastwood. Oh, yeah. Yeah. My dad was a huge Clint Eastwood guy. So I was never seen this what a delightful World War Two film. It's basically a a heist movie in the middle of well, not even the middle of World War Two. It's, it's when the war is winding down. And it's really just kind of a Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood buddy movie, as they're trying to rescue this. This particular guy from the Germans and then just all the shit that goes wrong and everything. You forget how handsome Clint Eastwood was when he was 20 good looking, stealing days, the way he talked. stuff, I was just like in love. Really, really fun movie. Available on prime. Very cool. Yeah. And similarly, this particular topic led me through a couple of rabbit holes as well. And I actually went to I was hoping that I would be able to do house for this topic today, but I wasn't able to because I ordered them from arrow and they have not yet turned up. However, it was really fascinating because if you want house three or four if the arrow has the rights to do that in the UK, so you can get like a box that like a really cool looking complete box set from them. But they don't have the two last films rights in the US. But I think shell factory has one of them. I think they have house three. So it's like it's just a big mess. And by so I was I'm excited to rewatch those and give them another little nervous to get a region free blu ray player just because that just opens it up to so many more things. Like oh spend money I was gonna I was so worried you're gonna say Oh, cuz it might not work and I was like, let me tell you as somebody who's half of my DVD collection is British but yeah, it does it. Being able to be able to play pretty much anything it rocks your universe. Yeah, I'm sure I will end up with one at some point. There's gonna be something that Yeah, hammer the hammer box said alone is so worth it. Very true. Yeah, me as well. We watched a couple that I was like, nope, definitely not. Forgot what country was from but some called the SWAT squad from 2011 Oh my God, I watched a trailer for that. trailer is pretty good. I got I actually got so bored with it. I stopped about 40 minutes and 30 or 40 minutes and gone. You know, the idea is interesting. And this would have been an excellent 2030 minutes short. Yes. But they stretch out the Oh, we're going through shit so long. In a couple of the choices are made that have to happen to move the plot forward. are so stupid is like what my brother might be up there. Yeah, you're still an acyl a soldier in war. I could have just run up the run up the hill and start shooting. No, no, that's not how you save your brother if he was there. So as I guess it's and I don't need movies to be perfectly logical. But at point that's just like, now. I'm sorry. They've kind of failed if, if that's what's happening is you keep pulling yourself out of the movie going. Oh, come on. Oh, yeah. So it's really easy to go along with bad mistakes if they're good and well, we're like people lose their shit. Oh, he just pulls up in New York and automatically as a parking space like No, I don't want to for our movie where two and a half hours. No one ever goes the bathroom Do you want to see? Just curious. Well, and then the last thing I want to talk about is kind of a deep subject. You guys and you guys watching the Val on HBO? No, it is a ongoing documentary series right now. That is all about the the Nexium cult reading through it good. That's the sex cool with this small girl girl counters and everything like that. And it is. It is fascinating. And it's just a part of it is just kind of a head scratcher There you go. these are these are all very intelligent people who got sucked into this and then, you know, just got out of their control is really, really interesting. Very well done. And, and creepy. Yeah, it's creepy because this guy who kind of got it all going. I think he started out with really good intentions. And then, you know, the power corrupted him and he just became kind of a he started believing his own hype. not unusual for cult leaders. Yeah. Interesting stuff. And also, because this wasn't a, this wasn't a Ruby rich situation where they're out in the middle of nowhere. This is this was a bunch of wealthy people in Vancouver, and they had Nexium headquarters all over the world. So yeah, they've got the Vancouver one New York, San Francisco, you know, so it's almost like a, an indicator of how something like Scientology could take off and become such a huge thing. So just say, if you're interested at all in kind of the background of that, and it's very, very candid, they're talking about all the people involved. So So really, really interesting. Sounds really fascinating. I mean, I always find it really interesting when people you know, who have never experienced anything along those lines, look at Colts and go, how could you be so dumb? It's like, well, these things often don't start as crazy Colts, they like weave themselves from one interesting thing. Like a charity. You are like a small group of people who just want to hang out and farm and do something very different. Yeah, right. And this this took place over years. So it's not like somebody said, Hey, would you like to join this cult? Right? Would you like this refreshing cup of kool aid? Just mixed it up? Well, there's a play, you know, we won't get doxxed or something for me mentioning Q and on my God, podcast, I was gonna get so many more v listeners. But there's a podcast. That's kind of a investigating gernon group. And they had a fascinating episode comparing queuing on to the satanic panic. In the 80s. Yeah, similarities are shockingly Yeah, you see that? That's so crazy. Yeah, it's right on. Right aren't brand. Yeah. So it's a it's not an unusual occurrence. And it happens all the time. I do wonder what's going to happen to the queue and on and to politics aside, but the people who do really enjoy Trump, and think that the virus is a hoax, since he's got the virus. I'm like, What is this gonna do to their space shatters been fun to read. I can't imagine like, how are they gonna justify that in their own head? Well, he really has this really big plan or they poisoned him the democrats like I'm curious to see how they're gonna spin this to make it still Okay, a couple of I've already read I didn't ever get the feeling when he said it was a hoax that he was talking about the virus itself. how dangerous the virus was, um, I don't know. I wanted the q&a on tape takes it's fascinating to listen to especially listen to the document this pod where they break it down where they take Well, I when he said this in his tweet, the Cuban people say well these words mean this and this means this some of this stuff, so yeah, so they're interpreting code. Yeah, so his he may not be saying it's a hoax, but he's telling the Cuban folks it is a hoax. Like that's what they're getting their interpretation of it. And then I saw something that like Tom Hanks, you know, some message he set out he was sending out code words that you know, was this is where you can get your say dannic babies Yeah. Pretty what they said works so well with keune on versus what has happened in the past is it can be so fluid now. You can change message so fast in Twitter and things that somebody says, Well, this is absolutely false right here and they just go jump right over it and move on altering whatever that signal is. It's I while I'm Correct, correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard on a different radio special. The kuna started almost as like a new age thing. Like there are a lot of like yoga people who like that way. Okay. But it has been it has been developed. It has been accepted into those groups quite by groups and stuff quite thoroughly. I mean, I know I really I realized I literally just said that, you know, you should ease up on people who join cults, but I cannot fathom. Like how you I mean, you're not in a room talking to a specific person you're like on the internet like just reading stuff like how you could be convinced that something you read on the internet is vaxxer to being a denier of COVID is a really short trip. You're right, those two areas Yeah, they both believe about a different thing. But they both believe this similar things. They both believe that this is bad, and it's being used to give you evil shit, but then I could say that about either one. Interesting. I think the thing with conspiracy theories to me and I probably already said on the show is I feel like the real ones are the ones that have the most credit and credibility are ones where someone gets a financial gain and you can see the idea that very clearly. So when people have said different different theories about things like 911 or whatever, to me, I'm like yeah, but who the risk versus reward Think about it, just think about it, how many people would have to be quiet for you to get this teeny tiny drop in the bucket thing that might kind of be valuable to like three people versus your life in prison I started to heavily dip my brain into conspiracy stuff when I was in my 20s and I came across a quote something to the effect of in order to the moon landing to have been faked I believe it was either it was like 40,000 people would have had to keep their mouth shut Yeah. Like you know what? It can be applied to so many confused conspiracies to where a has to keep Be quiet bs to keep see quiet not all the way down the line if they're gone. We can see that absolutely. Yeah, in fact, I think in the recent Apollo documentary they say that they say the number of people that were involved in that and it it is stunning. I mean, I think that like if I told three people something that I wouldn't want to get most likely I would see somebody tweeting about it you know, like it's just it's right like wait a minute Yeah, so like I don't know I just just I always think you know, you have to see a very clear value a very clear value for somebody that's worth it. So but you know, whatever well that's been another episode of conspiracies are us Shall we take a little break guys with our topic, which is a war stop fighting man on the land on terrific equipment I have a battle with when you get GI Joe and the authentic GI Joe equipment. You have the greatest realism the greatest fun you ever had in playing soldier box after box of authentic uniforms and equipment, so you can change your GI Joe soldier into a camouflage marine ready for battle on Navy frogman with complete scuba suit and inflatable life raft, an Air Force pilot with high altitude helmet and airbag get GI Joe and get GI Joe equipment so you can set up exciting battle action whenever you want. Remember, only GI Joe is GI Joe Eric This was yours yes it was damn it exclude myself on this one like I said just a minute ago watch like the squad which and ago now and then I watched something called Death ship that looked interesting. No, no unfortunately it sits in that horrible zone between a good horror film and a so bad it's good horror film, where it's just a battle nothing goes on. That's all and I realized about 10 minutes into it gone. Oh, I've already seen this too easy dismissal. Oh, but I went in went for the feel good movie of no year. 1984 a film called combat shock. I can tell how long I've been here. supposed to happen here. You're not looking for a job. You're waiting for the world to end. Hey, that should be any day now. No, this at all. Yeah. And I went deep dive looking. If I said who distributed it you would have the total wrong impression that it's film is distributed by trauma. It is not a trauma film. Okay, well, I'm surprised they didn't pick it under their other label, you know, they had that foreign language and arthouse label they do as well. It should have been under that. This is 84. So this would have been the time they were putting out Toxic Avenger. Classic nuclear fans are not like those capital cognoa and just not even close. The Rotten Tomatoes is 40 from critics, which I find surprisingly low actually and 65 from crowd which might be a little high. But somewhere in between those, the estimated budget because it's unknown because this is a low budget production was about maybe$40,000. It was directed by a guy named buddy Giovanni Oh, also creator of life is hot and crackdown. Sure, we actually moved to Germany a couple years out of making this so he's actually done a lot of German TV at Britain as well. But he credited himself his buddy GE not sure why not starring his brother Rick. Only acting credit he's got but he has 193 Music Department credits, including some small films like goosebumps transformers and solo. So he went on to have a pretty good career. The Veronica stork who is in the class of nuclei, three, and Mitch Mel Magglio. And the only actor is really going to do much as that Eddie Pepitone, who's in Bob's burger. He's a community. This was his first film didn't act again until 1998. And now has 130 some odd credits. waiting. Oh, okay, fine. So this is a disturbing, dirty, dark film. You know, a lot of people, movies pretty intense movies, being gritty. It starts off the idea is there's a wasn't even sure if it's quite horror. Then I looked on IMDB and it's classified as drama horror thriller, man. Okay. Well go. It's starts off with a fairly disturbing scene. This is the ad. So there's a whole shit ton of Vietnam sucks and was horrible movies coming out at this time there. Yeah. And so it starts off with a flashback of him being in Vietnam, where he has to kill a villager and didn't want to do that. And he throws his gun away and runs back to the village where his team and all the villagers have been slaughtered. So he doesn't know what happened. And this is the lovely setup for the future forward. The violence is done well. well enough. You know, the, the obvious, you know, there, all the shots go to the main part of the body. There's no headshots at any point or anything. You know, that low budget thing. There's even a one part where you shoot somebody and you can see the sparks fly from the charge going off. He wakes up from this, this is a dream. Here's our flashback dream he was having. And he wakes up in the nightmare of poverty with a kid and a wife. And anybody here seen demo? Have you seen that one? Say this is kind of a cross between the gummo taxi driver and maybe a little bit of Henry portrait of a serial killer. Damn, that's that's rough. Oh, to press. The so he's out of food and his wife's got we got him for being out of food and it's kids crying kid cry is creepy and weird. So it's really strange. The big shot of this kid and I'd say he's 30% nicer looking than the baby and Eraserhead. Oh, yeah. It's disturbing looking baby. Which I think is part of what leads to the, the horror elements because he's so far afield. As opposed to they they reference the child as being birth defects because of Agent Orange. I think this is we passed that this is just a very disturbing looking kid. So he goes out searching for a job or anything he can find. And they do a nice job of sort of painting this guy as being an honorable person. Like he's also a recovering heroin addict. So they have a flashback of him in the recovery unit of that and he runs into a friend of his who's here on still on heroin, and he tries to talk him into work. You don't want to do this stuff kind of seem a little heavy handed but a nice element to this guy is the character because he is uncomfortably sleazy looking, long hair that looks like it hasn't been washed. It's like, dude, you got an apartment, you have a shower, do some kind of cleaning. So he tries to he tries to talk him into doing a crime. And guess what, we're not gonna do any crimes they do. But we then find out that he's had some money out to a loan shark and the loan shark guy talk guys start to harass him a little bit. There's one huge problem with these cats to look just fine. One of them look like he just got done with the bad music video for Michael Jackson. He has an Asian themed headband on black studded leather vest and gloves. And I was like, Yeah, sorry, dude, you don't look tough. But I'm absolutely sure that he told these actors bring what you got to wear. What would you look like to look tough? That's what this guy showed up. Like, oh, they do another flashback to Vietnam a little bit when he's talking to people that's not quite as harrowing as the first one. But it's not fun. The soundtrack is interesting, because it's a split of some pretty solid music. Actually. I This was another seven when I picked up where the guy told me, this is one you want to check out. He was right that it is a quality. It's a quality film. It's not a fun watch. But it does come with a CD soundtrack, which is a lot of times fairly good. But sometimes Wow, just bad. It's really strange how it goes up and down. The Heron friend he has, unfortunately is not developer. Well, I wish they would have spent a little more time developing the friendship or something because they spend a lot but enough time with that guy that I wish I knew a little bit more about him. But he's more of a plot device than he is a character goes to get job help people find jobs and stuff and he has to wait in line for that. They make him wait in line and they I think he went to a local Judas Priest concert and said Hey, are you Judas Priest? fan? All the guys Judas Priest friends, can you come and stand in this line over here for me because they're all denim long hair. To be a concert in the year something you just picked those extras out of the crowd. But he goes in there and the social worker has a Dawn of the Dead poster and a Frank Zappa sitting on the toilet poster in his office about Wait, it seems inappropriate for setting me maybe down to the debt. But the toilet on the back of the door is a little weird. They he gets kind of beat up. And this is the budget shows in the fight scenes and stuff quite a bit because they're not, you know, low budget fight scenes. Yeah. I'm afraid to hit somebody. They push the taxi driver a little bit because he is out wandering around still and comes across. The scenery forward is a prostitute headed off with a john and leaving her two little kids there. But the little kids are dressed a lot like their mother. So he comes up and starts talking to one of the girls and she kind of Proposition Sam He's like, No, no, no, no. So it's a little little touch in the taxi driver there. The ending of the film is even grimmer and darker than everything leading up to it. And it's not I I guess I'm not gonna say it's not a spoiler ending because the cover of the box is a picture of him with a gun to his head. Like that doesn't ever do the end. Okay, that's, that is perfect for that. Actually, we're done really uncomfortably. Well. Why this feels so gritty and real is the the lead character in the end is kind of he's likable enough that you can follow his story and not fully disconnect yourself from the ship that he's going through. The art direction is so grim. It's like I almost looks like they took really really dirty wallpaper and wallpaper it over whatever apartment they're shooting in because of my That is so uncomfortably close the key is, if you're really interested in this film, I'm sorry, take just a moment to hit escape for it because I'm going to say something grim about the ending here too. So he doesn't just shoot himself, he kills his wife and the baby. Oh my god, the moment he kills this weird baby creature is so uncomfortable because the baby he shoots it and then the baby rolls back over and like has blood coming out his mouth. This is so much more effective than it has any right to be. Oh my god. So yeah, high praise. Y'all run out right I'll get this one. So he did. He borrowed equipment from his job teaching at a film school to make a movie that's from the puppet for the DEA for Milton Newton cost about $140 to make any worship that was purchased purchased by the Salvation Army, which by the way is a perfectly great how you low budget filmmakers, find your local value villages or whatever you've got. Yeah. He actually didn't want to cast his brother in it. He was trying try to avoid doing it. They kept trying to cast they couldn't and his brother's blood Just let me try. And it's like, oh, okay, you're perfect. Ah, they they did not pay for a single permit for anything. This is all full guerilla filmmaking in New York. So that's a tough thing to get away with. Especially they shot a lot on the streets. It was originally called American nightmares. A local he got he convinced a local screening place called the gorgas that that would show do weekly screenings of horror films to show it. And he got a very skewed reaction because this was the perfect audience to show it to. And he said they weren't liking it too much for about half and then when things kicked up, they loved it and it went really well. And he's like, oh, man, I got a huge hit on my hands. And he realized that No, it didn't This is not a film for very many people. But he did that he did the unthinkable he did the impossible. He made a deal with trauma that made him money in two ways, he made a little money in the end he said I'll let you sign this if you pay off my debt for for developing the film. So he got them to pay to get the film and they got money out of it from America on whatever you do for a job sir You should be like an agent or something or producer cuz nobody gets that I Lloyd was sleeping that the rating was they kept submitting, they ended up having to cut out eight minutes of it to get the rating, which I'm not surprised kind of faded off. And then the magazine deeper in red did a cover article about it. And it swept back up and got a strong underlying cult following. He when he moved to Germany also did a film called no way home with Tim Roth was watching some of the extras on there and interviewing a film journalist to push the film really hard and I kind of agree with his assessment and that he does not understand how this guy hasn't gone on to do more movies. Because all the stuff he had against him and all the problems This movie has. It is a super low budget incredibly well made film. He really should have done more it's hard to get past within that first movie and you know a lot of people can't look at a director and go well like Nicolas Cage did on the one we talked about last week where you'd like to be gotten and go you can do a regular huge budget film. But so yeah, if you're in the mood for those films that make you go shower time when you're fully recommend comic shock I'm pretty sure it's out streaming on various places because it is still because Severin had it and trauma it's not it's not hard to find film. The the horror elements then are the him killing his family obviously. But that kind of stuff. There's no supernatural anything. No, there's nothing supernatural. It's more akin to horror, like you'd get from Henry portrait of a serial killer here. That's why I mentioned that because it's not really like that film. But it that both of these movies fall into the horror world, kind of by default, hard to watch and somebody watches Disney movies on the regular is going to be really disturbing. So the version that you saw with actually showing the baby getting shot, um, is that like a extended, unrated version or is that the AR version as a separate production so it's the full leverage. Okay, got it. Cool. I was like, that's amazing for an artist show you the lie, but seven to seven bands ever knit that looks as good I think this film could possibly ever look, I'm gonna rush right out and