Strange Aeons Radio


December 10, 2020 Strange Aeons Radio Season 2 Episode 97
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


William Friedkin, Veronica Mars and Jason Voorhees are topics of discussion before the gang pigs out on films with freaky foods in them!

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition? To show you


Strange Aeons. Welcome Strange Aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That's it That's over there. And Kelly and boy, it's 39 degrees out, but it's 100 degrees.


I had like the warmest sweater and I've got my woolly hat and my zip up hoodie to go over the woolly sweater. And I want to be in my tank top right now.


Not gonna lie, always a crapshoot coming over here and figured out


what the weather's gonna do to this display should be in a seasonal thing between two people where you've got the one person who's always cold that stays here certain times a year and one person is always hot that stays here during the other types of the air.


It's true. This is actually kind of my ideal living situation. I'm always cold. So I don't hate it. Because I'm like, Man, I'm not cold right now.


That's exciting. I'll tell you what, though. It was, you know, 58 degrees and cloudy yesterday and the house was freezing. This place because of these gigantic windows. So I've just wrapped in a blanket watching movies and all that. Oh, there you go. Speaking of which, I watched a really fucking great movie. It's on shutter. It is a documentary and it is called leap of faith.


Oh, yes, I really want to see this. You're really gonna love this


Vanessa, you might love this. This is a documentary about the making of the exorcist. And it is narrated by William freak.


Oh, interesting.


And if you are under the assumption that William freakin has a bit of an ego and all that Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's just him talking about how fucking great the decision on this


almost paralyzed young child but don't worry, I was worth it. You


know what that part never came up?


Why do you ever wonder how he was gonna talk about hurting Ellen Burstyn either?


Yeah. Room about any of that stuff. He does talk about punching the priest in the face to get a good reaction, or shooting a gun or a shotgun to get a reaction from Jason. Jason Miller. But really, it was just a lot of, of just discussion on the technical stuff. Uh, why he made this choice. You know, I did not realize that. Now, I can't remember his name. Keaton, not Michael Keaton. No, Stacy, Stacy Keach. Stacy Keach. Thank you. That was who had been hired to play father Kerris in the film role, right? And freakin saw Jason Miller in a play and was just like, holy shit. This is the guy and the studio basically had to pay Keach his entire salary. Oh my god go. Wow. Yeah. So there's, you know, stuff like that, that I thought was really, really fascinating. And I just thought it was really interesting. He talks about going into the music and how many scores that were created for the film and they just didn't work. There are a couple of scenes with the unused scores in it and you're like, Oh, yeah, I can see why that would not work at all. Wow, really, really neat stuff. Really inside baseball stuff. Okay, lovers


kind of see that one?


Um, well, I thought something that was actually rather delightful. And I had been meaning to see for a little bit on Netflix Enola Holmes.


I I've seen that pop up.


I had a text from my cousin a few weeks back and she said, This is my favorite film ever now. Wow. Yeah. She's like, this is the best film I have seen in my life. I was like, Well, I guess I could give it a whirl. To see to see how it comes out in the wash. It is just really delightful. Good Yeah, there's I mean, if you need to have a pick me up I will say like this is just if you're feeling crummy, you know, dog beat you and you got lost your work for the day because your computer restarted and you're still


in that country music song




If you're living during COVID This film is just it's just wonderful. It's about an Oklahoma which is Sherlock Holmes, his younger sister. She has a very tight knit relationship with their mother. She's very much a younger younger sister like much younger than them so didn't really grow up with them around.


are two brothers


my crop Mike Carlock,


thank you. Um, and and her mother goes missing and she just on her 16th birthday and she gets a few clues and decides to follow the lead. And it's kind of about her as a female who was raised in a very feminist manner dealing with Victorian London, and how much they're like, why aren't you wearing your whalebone course said and Don't you know how to stitch and like all this stuff and her mom like taught her how to like fight and like box and stuff and she's just really like fumbling around. And the great part about it to me was seeing, um, Billie Jean Willie, this acronym of the girl who is the lead in Stranger Things. Forgetting her name right now.


Yeah, I can't remember her name.


Something very cool sounding. But anyway, um, she is so talented.


And she plays an Allah.


She does. She believes in Allah. And you can't really tell how talented she is by watching Stranger Things because she mostly just looks wide eyed around a lot and seems like confused by the world. And I don't think it's a terribly hard part to play. But she's actually naturally British. And just so clever. So good. So there and present and energetic. I really enjoyed it. So


what Netflix has been good to that girl they have


I think they actually have been pretty good with a lot of their stars.


Yeah, sure.


That's pretty cool. Like, I've got something kind of almost along the lines there. But definitely different. Veronica Mars.


Oh my god, wait, the


movie or the shadows show my wife and I have been watching that. I think I watched it. a year or two after I originally came out there as like, Dana xboxes. You're going to love it. She never like whatever guy just watch it. So I was like, she saw something a trailer or something like, have you seen that? But we're going to watch it now finally. And she loves it. Oh, absolutely loves it. It's, it's good. And the part that blew me away is at the time I watched it. It hadn't fully developed. But man, that show is full of, oh, that person went on to do great things. Oh, that person went on. Like whoever was the casting agent in that show knew their shit. But it's, I remember very little from the first time I watch it. So it's been a lot of fun to watch. It's incredibly well written. It's got a lot of a Buffy feel to it a lot because the main dynamic is Veronica and her dad, which is very Giles and Buffy. Like he's a great male dad figure, as opposed to dads and moms and teen bass shows are often props that are sort of on the side, right. He's a main purpose and his main point, and he's really well done. And Veronica's great, and it's just really smart.


I never really even knew what the show was about.


Her father was the sheriff of a town and got in trouble because he blamed it's a super, super wealthy town like billionaire kind of class. And he got in trouble because Veronica's friend was killed. And he accused the wrong people of killing her. So he was ostracized from the shrimp. So now or from the sheriff. So now they're private detectives. Oh, we work. They work together in the


same town or they have moved to a different same town.


Okay, so they're working together. And in the background, he's always working to solve that murder. And her mom went away because of it as well. So Veronica is trying to figure out why your mom's gone. So it has a very strong ongoing story with very nice little like she does. She helps people out of trouble at the school.


Yeah, it's very oriented around like the her classmates and like, what their perspective of this thing that happened in the town as well. And so she's also kind of uncovering these clues at the same time her dad is and she's


a teen detective.


Yeah, yeah. And they've been Of course, you've got fun guest stars have gone somebody involved with Buffy as their charisma carpenters got a little three or four episodes, Stan. Joss Whedon makes an appearance as a car rental guy or something. It's Buffy is a really good comparison. It just moves right along there.


Wow. Might have check that out. Hulu?




definitely worth a watch.


I went back a little further on my TV watching history this week. Vanessa, you were not even born when this show came. There's no reason for you to have known about it because it's been impossible to find. Eric you might remember this and people like Craig and Maybe Danny might remember this show called cliffhangers. It only lasted for 11 episodes in 1979. And it was my favorite show while it was on. It was set up hour long show with three different stories going on. One of them was Dracula 1979. Oh, and one of them was called the secret Empire, which was it took place in the Old West, but they had laser guns. Okay. And then one of them was called stop Susan Williams, which was a, a brash female reporter who was uncovering this big kind of conspiracy that that was gonna lead to something gigantic happening on this one date and all these people. I mean, this is a worldwide group of assassins that are trying to kill her to stop this story from coming out. And every chunk of the show would last for like 20 minutes, and then would end on a cliffhanger cereals. And it would the next episode, start up there again, the way the old cereals did so you'd see somebody driving down the street and their car would explode. And is this the end of Susan Williams. And the next episode would start with that same scene. And then she jumped out of the car just before it exploded. Very misery. Yes. So I loved this show. And I thought that I remembered that they had made a out of the three stories there. The Dracula was the only one that actually finished its story before it was cancelled. And so they had collected that into a movie basically. So I was looking for that find. And I found this somebody in August of this year, some fucking hero posted all 11 episodes of the full series on YouTube.


Oh my god.


Now it's not the best quality. But the strongest part is the sound which somehow makes some of the bad visuals. Okay, yeah, it's got some it looks like it was recorded off of VCR. And now somebody transferred that to digital and upload


somebody during being trapped in their home decided to go through all their old boxes right now this DVD, right?


Think about this, you know, like, Why? Why is it so hard to get these shows up? Well, fucking it cost, you know, 20 $500 for a VCR player back then. So you didn't have one unless you were super rich. And then you had to also account for what a person like that was watching and what they would bother taping. And so they probably weren't taping the shitty NBC series that only lasted 11 episodes. Well, somebody did somebody have loaded them. And I've made my way through about five of those. All I wanted was that Dracula one. I'm totally in on the other two stories. Again, I'm having such a great time


and you get the advantage of knowing Okay, I'm not going to know how this wraps up.


Right except for the jacket. But the best part and I love this so much then and I love it now. I loved when Star Wars came out well when it first came out it was just Star Wars but then like on its second run or something it was suddenly chapter four. And I remember looking at my mom and go what what is why is this episode forum she goes to must be three episodes before that my my 10 year old brain just exploded. These this show the very first episode starts on chapter four of Dracula, chapter five of the secret Empire and chapter six of stuff Susan Williams. Oh my god, and then it just goes on from there. And so that gave him the luxury of just kind of pretending that you knew what had happened up to these points. Oh my God, he's really smart. And I just I thought it was a really neat storytelling device. I thought it was a really neat show. And I think that they're probably some of our older listeners are are going oh shit. I forgot about that show. It's on YouTube. Look it up


cliffhangers check that out, because I don't remember that. But then I could pop in, like the cockroach one where and I see a shock. Oh,


yeah. All right. Well, I'll just say this. The Dracula story is definitely by far the strongest story and it's a Michael Dory as Dracula and he's just a very handsome, suave. He's a professor and this one and there is a relative of Van Helsing that is trying to hunt him down and and his assistant mom was killed by Dracula, but then we find out he loved her mother also. Oh, it's a super vampire soap opera. I'm loving it. Oh,


that sounds really amazing. Actually. God bless YouTube, by the way, like they have like, yeah, there's a lot of just lost stuff but like is in rights Limbo that will just pop up there and it's just the next TV I guess. Um, well, I saw another film Erica. Yeah, see? I, I saw as a my ever loving quest to get through all of the Jason movies.


Okay. Yeah.


I thought Jason goes to hell.




Um, oh noid. Frankly, they were just like, you know, the rules that we've kind of loosely set up for this entire show or series of films. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.


By that time, they've changed the rules, like three or four times. No, I


mean, very strongly, though, like this one. Where it's like Jason is actually if you like, eat his heart or something, then you will become him. And then like, the mask is, I don't know. It doesn't matter. Like it doesn't matter who you are. And then there's like a baby, devil creature version of Jason I like is floating between people. It's weird, weird film. Oh, and then Jason has a sister and so she's the only one who can hurt these people who are inhabiting his spirit. It's so weird. I just, I was not


thrilled. So it's kind of the the hidden of the Jason movies. Remember that movie? I have a soft spot for this film. And it's because they clearly were trying something new. They really trying to, you know, Jason takes Manhattan and said, Okay, we got a we got to do something, or we're gonna lose this. Yeah. And this was a interesting way to go. I thought it was kind of muddied by the fact that the lead actor was also the lead in the Friday the 13th. Series. Oh, which had no direct.


Yeah, really linked at all?


Yeah, no link to the films. And so that was a confusing moment. But I don't know as a horror film, I was like, Okay, I mean, as a nightmare or a Friday, the third Friday the 13th. I guess they're not even calling it that. Right. They're just calling it Jason.


Yeah. Jason,


I think they lost the rights or Shawn punting. That's why they weren't able to make the series get how you could be annoyed. But it's a pretty bad franchise by this point. So


although it's really irritating because the movie before Manhattan, I'm not quite remember what it was now, but was actually pretty good. That was the new blood with the telekinetic girl. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was it. Yeah, I remember not being Yes, you're right. And I remember it not being the worst. And then I was like, What happened? Like, decent Manhattan? Like, how does Crystal Lake feed? I'm, I'm just need the geography. Crystal Lake. Crystal Lake is obviously somewhere in New Jersey, I guess. But like, it


really changes the concept of it being crystal.


Right. Right. And, and I just it's not a lake if it connects to an ocean, but it's no longer a lake. So if we can go into the fucking Statue of Liberty area, it's got to be like a river or like something different


and have rivers that flow off into it and out of it,


I guess. So I just think


pawns that have no feed or no exit.


I guess you're right. But it


just does feel generally you would be able to take your yacht down that river.


Yeah, it is weird. The he was like, they he somehow got where we'd left him last under a bridge in Crystal Lake and kind of near ish, the shoreline to legging kind of on this yacht thing. And then did he transfer yachts? So you go from one yacht to another yacht?


I don't remember that. He ends up wandering through Manhattan. Eventually. That


five minutes left in the movie? Yeah.


Yeah, exactly. When they realize they have the only amount of budget that they had was being used out there.


Yes. For me the Friday the 13th movies do not qualify as movies worth critiquing, critiquing to that level. They're just for me. They're just ones to enjoy. Some summer stupid confronto enjoy, like Jason 10. And Jason goes to hell.


It's an X Jason x. That's one of my favorites.


I suppose they're terrible, but they're fun. It's the ones like goes to Manhattan or like nightmare five. I think it is as Alice Cooper in it. Where they go from being just bad. Yeah, yeah. Period.


Yeah, I do like the ones where they're just having fun with him murdering people like that's generally a lot of fun. I think and I do think you're right, like they were trying a lot of new things. It just was so different. For me that I I guess I already had accepted what they were supposed to be from having seen eight pretty And so then being like, why why, okay. And like, I know the guy who made it was like really young when he made it. And it was, like one of his first phones or maybe his first film, but it just, I just didn't like the new rule set. I felt like that was there was a lot of new information that was coming through, but it just made no sense to me.


So I totally get that. I think that I last time I watched it. I haven't watched movies in order in a long, long time. I just go back to the ones I liked. And then I think I was like, I should give this one a try. I haven't. I remember not liking it. And then just watching it alone. I was like, This is not so bad. It just doesn't fit in as a Friday. Right. Right. Exactly.


I think if it hadn't been a Friday movie, if it had just been about a serial killer. I think that would have been much more interesting. Sure.


Yeah. Cuz then don't they throw all this out?


Yeah. So I mean, I'll find out sometime this week, probably. But


yeah. Wait, so that was nine. So you got Jason x.


I still have Jason x. And Jason versus Freddy, and then remake of the original. So I got those three laughs Yeah,


I'm getting very cheery reviews.


Yeah. Oh, God. Okay. A lot of pressure.


That's how much did I talk about seeing possessor previously? I don't know if you did or not, but


you didn't. I'm curious. Really? Holy shit. Is


it good? Yeah. Cronenberg's son is out Cronenberg in his dad, basically, oh my god, because well, Cronenberg stopped being what we classify as Cronenberg three decades ago here. And this picks that up and runs with it. It is body horror. done right. It's well worth checking out. grim and weird and dark.


Yeah, I loved it. I thought it was. That's another, you know, casualty of the pandemic is that should have gone to theaters and it should have, it should have been a minor hit, and a big hit with horror fans. So I hope they'll give it a try his last film that antiviral? I think that was just like that as much as you did. Yeah, it was interesting. I didn't like it. But I loved possesses this the concept.


The idea presented in possessor is a nice little poke to me, where I often say, you know, if you're really looking for original ideas and movies that are not too many left, this is pretty good one. The overall concept isn't remotely original, but the execution is incredibly original. It's like


I'm excited. I've been really wanting to see it and it's really neat. All the kids have these people like Joe Hill and you know, different people who are popping up and it's like, Wow, good job. We did not suck.


I agree. Yeah.


Well, cool guy. Should we take a little break and come back with some funky food? Yeah, sure.


mix them up and mix them up and put them in the slide, man, let them bake now. Slide man, slide them out. Easy Bake. Wow. Only Kenner's Easy Bake Oven said makes such delicious cakes, cookies, candy brownies, pizza pies and biscuits. It makes like magic with two ordinary lightbulbs and as a special cooling chamber. Easy bag. By Kenner.


Back and so this was your pick.


Yeah, so I chose for This Week. Ricky food because we're in the holiday season. And you know, we're eating a lot of stuff sometimes. We sometimes stuff we want to eat sometimes. Traditionally stuff we don't you know, and Bertha shows up with a weird jello concoction that she says is actually meant to go on chips and yeah, it's so funky freaky. I use that name because none of my answer named Bertha. Um, so the film I decided to go with for this one. There are a lot of great options and I'm really excited to dig into other films in a future at a future time. But the one I went with was one that I had never seen all the way through. I'd only seen the end like as I've played on TV at various points. And that is the movie dinner.


Did you weigh yourself to 97 billion to 97 last week would take some time for these diets to work fulfilling halleck life is sleep is better Too much is never enough stuff like that. All I think about is tonight change my daughter best selling novel by Stephen King comes to new shape a race to fear the power where the dangers get


out of hand and I'm just the guy to put it back.


So far this goes any further. Stephen King's terror


Ah, nice. Okay


1996 rated R.


I am curious to hear this


92 minutes in length for dollar Amazon rental.


Oh, I'm sorry. Was that


the critics on Rotten Tomatoes? Give it a 15% seems seems like an ember audience is it? 30% Oh, Double Dare you very different number I guess the budget was 14 mil box office 15.3. It did not lose money unless they spent money at all on advertising IT director Tom Holland not that Tom Holland obviously. But the other Tom Holland we probably Tom Holland you guys know which is the guy who wrote and directed Fright Night child's play it like layers. And some of the Tales from the Crypt writer Stephen King based off of a Stephen King story of some sort, but I didn't look too far into


that the screenwriter though. No,


no, no, no, no screenplay by Michael McDowell and Tom Holland. So Michael McDowell, kind of amazing roots. He's only written 14 projects, but that includes Beetlejuice at 11 episodes of Tales from the dark side and Nightmare Before Christmas. Unfortunately, he passed away in 1999 from a guy who's only 44 years old, and it was from an AIDS related illness. So that's really really unfortunate. And starring people. I thought they seemed recognizable but in retrospect, so the main character that I play by Billy halleck and a dislikable likable lawyer, who you may remember as being an equalizer, not that one, the 1986 TV equalizer as starting as a tool


for anybody not surprised to notice that when you say equalizer, that is what I think of the data watch. I only think TV series was based on


Home Depot, come on.


And Robocop three as Robocop and plays Robocop in the Robocop vs Terminator video game?


So there he was Robocop in the short lived TV series?


Was he very possible? Because that would have been a little bit of later Robocop times. He's been in it thing, so whatever. He's actually been a recurring character in log order su so there you go. Joe Montana, Montana, Montana, playing Ritchie that the local, gangster, local mafia guy. And a shockingly, that guy has been in 147 things including Eddie in babies day out. He's also Joe Zaza and godfather. Kota 1990. But what I knew him from was fat Tony and the Simpsons those immediately Suzy Sir, I was like, I know who you are. You're fat Tony. Like he didn't. He's barely there. And it was so recognizable. And total pleasure to watch. Lucinda Jenny, who plays the hot wife. She's been in 91 things as nothing. Most of her roles are things like jogger professor, Susan's mother, adult version of x character. The only thing she was really in was four episodes of 24 and seven episodes of the shield. So as close to a actual character as possible, so she's just a serial person on screen. I'm Beth. Their daughter is played by one of my favorite kind of tv actresses Bethany joy Lenz, who was in 187 episodes of one tree home, as Haley, James Scott, who I love. I saw all that show during a time in which I was a pump as film student, I didn't want anybody to know I was watching them all on TV, I was watching him back to back, I was so obsessed, I could not


stop myself from under your mattress.


I just did if anybody came over, they were trusting they're not out in visual sight. But she's great. She kind of she's one of the best parts of this film. And then you also have a couple of smaller, bigger people playing smaller roles, I guess Carrie were we then 79 projects, including Maggie Beckett and sliders, and she also has a voice in Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, which is something I know her from. I don't know if you guys know her from something else. But


well, spiders,


flatters from my mind. Sure.


I have heard that she is just a nasty human being really unpleasant person to work with.


I bet I mean, she is fun to look at. She's beautiful. And I got the sense that she is very, very good at looking at the camera and telling the camera. She's beautiful. And all she has to do in this one because she's playing the attempters Gypsy daughter. And then last but not least, we have a very problematic character of the Gypsy leader who puts a curse on our main character played by Michael Constantine, who has a great name. And he's been in 183 80 things and he's very recognizable, but I didn't really know him specifically for many one thing he is Gus and literally every version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which included a TV show, man, that thing got like legs. I don't think it deserved it. Anyway. So, um, okay, here's what's going on. So in this movie, based on a Stephen King project, y'all


Bachman book,


it was going to be a buttoned


up, but then he got found out


that well, I think it was the book that found him out. Oh, I don't know anything about that. Yeah, he was he wrote it as Richard Bach. Oh, somebody outed him.


Oh, shoot. Interesting. Okay. I think I wish I had been in the trivia i'd dug up.


So there is a large gentleman who's in a Norbit like, suit of fatness is so unnatural. It does it the makeup seems to look fine. Like the you don't notice like, Oh, he's got like a big fat like fake belly thing. But like, the way he moves his body and his face does not carry on to the party. And so it just looks weird. Like, he just looks like very shy or timid because of the way his face does not move. Um, so as a larger lawyer, man who kind of has the perfect life, he's got a beautiful smokin hot wife, who is not a very good actress. He's got a amazing, fun, funny, well acted daughter, who likes to just randomly, quote The Godfather at him at the breakfast table. She's super, super neat character. And he just is winning his cases. He's sort of the pride and joy of his law firm. And, um, makes a little bit of a mistake one day. Well, first of all, I guess we find out he's not the, I don't know if he's a bad guy. I think they're trying to tell us he's a bad guy because he helps get this local mafia dude, big wig off. And he gets them off by kind of outing this other mafia guy as having the other mafia guy was like, he's put a hit on me and tried to kill me. But then actually, his wife had also tried to put aways so I'm like, this guy is in the great good guy. So what does it matter if he like, played around and did legal things to he didn't do anything illegal to show off? This guy was lying, but I mean, anyway, I guess he's bad for helping a mafia guy win a case he probably should have one. Fine.


The other thing the other. Yes. Okay. We're getting there.


Shall we move on to


so no way you got to hear my vitriolic rage over this film after you're done.


I'm excited. I'm excited for it, frankly. Um, so anyways, so he's, he. The problem is, he goes to a fancy meal with his wife, where they heated He's just constantly shoving shit in space to a level that isn't even human. Like I know there are overweight people like because they have shows about them on TLC plate. Like this is insanity like the amount of this guy it's stupid. Was it my life Brian Bobby, Python's meaning of life, right? eats until he explodes. It's very much like that. It's just ridiculous. It's literally ridiculous. Everything about it is fucking ridiculous. And it's stupid because you can't take it seriously because you're like waiting for a trumpet behind him to go walk. oboe, sorry.


Oh, walk meant.


Oh my god. And so anyway, she she's driving back with his wife after this dinner where he ate disgustingly to celebrate his big win. And she decides to give him a handjob which turns into a blowjob because she's like the best wife ever. She like cares about his health. She like never comes down on it. She's really proud of him. She's obviously helping raise a great daughter. She's invented like a weird, like, electronic like system to help track his weight off of what he's eating and how he's What? She's really great.


She went on to create.


Kind of, yeah, she looks like she would. And then anyway, during this blow job, he looks up at the last minute and actually hits a gypsy woman.


Just so we don't offend everybody. Yeah, that term is Roma.


I agree. Let's just go ahead and say this movie is the most insulting thing that has ever happened to the Gypsy nation. Like the worst, the Roman nation. I'm sorry, you're right, the Roman eighth and the Romanians. I


said have it known that the views of Vanessa did not necessarily have the other


problems with the Rome, Manian political travelers or not traveling say Rome,


I figured that Mexican Oscar nominated film.


Oh, yeah. robot. robot. Okay, well, that's gonna help me remember it.


I think you're right. So Roma, San Francisco


tree. Yes. So you just blew up your whole point there.


I will say okay, this is so honestly, I


get it that up.


So the the guy, there's a leader right of the Roma, there's a leader of the I will say it the Gypsy people because that's how they're calling it. Yes. And we're not saying Jip so that which is really horrible and should not be


said, I'm not saying this horribly offensive word.


Very I feel really bad saying it out loud drops, couple


and bombs.


I know I gotta get it. This is bad. Anyway, everything about this is bad. So the leader has long hair. And they he kind of talks around fire places. And there's lots of dancing and rituals. And it's basically like somebody didn't maybe know what the Roma were or anything about them whatsoever and just decided they were actually Native Americans with like fun costumes. And that is exactly how it's played. Like to the point where he doesn't even speak English. He's like, white men from CD. Like, yeah, it has long white hair. And like, Everything about it is very Native American. They played up so hard, and they clearly have no fucking clue what they've done. It's disgusting. So just a film of extremes, shall we say? So anyway, um, he hates this man's which turns out to be daughter who also is a very old woman, but this guy's been around for fucking ever hits this woman kills her blood all over the hood of his car. And I was like, Oh, he's gonna drive off. He's gonna like run away. And that's going to be the bad thing. No, no, his time off. Next thing we have the next morning, clearly hung around waiting for the police admitted that he actually hit this woman or not. The bad thing is he gets off. He gets off because it was an accident, which he kind of was because she did step pretty suddenly out in front of his car. But the police like the pharmacist, playing by it, played by Stephen King lies and the everybody lies about, you know, he hadn't been drinking Well, okay. I mean, I guess he had been drinking, but it didn't seem like he drank that much. It was really the blowjob that did it. Like he gets he gets off from this crime because I guess he did a really bad. I don't know, I think he could have logically gotten off anyway. So it was a little. Okay. So the Gypsy guy's pissed because his daughter's murdered and no one is going to be tried. So he curses him and he basically walks up to him and gently caresses his cheek and says fitter and


the title of thought.


Tales from the Crypt.


And then of course, so the breast the film, this guy has been cursed and begins to lose a lot of weight, like two to three pounds a day no matter what he eats, so he continues to eat. And then he's Yeah, that's basically this film. It's like, Alright, I get to still eat. I still be fat. Haha, what are you doing differently? Nothing. Like it's just cool. Like people who have any kind of genuine weight, like, attempt. And we've all in our lives at some point, not been thrilled with our body image. And this bill just is like a big fear to all of us. Just like, well, this guy is to lose weight, but he's unhappy about it. Because after he starts to lose a lot of weight, it gets really bad and Okay, does get really bad. But


actually, he looks like a Hollywood actress.


Yes. Eventually, he thought essentially, it looks very thin, he looks very thin. And then he tries to find a way to lift the curse. And he kind of gets his mob buddy involved his mom but he takes it a little too far and kind of shoots up the the Roma camp does not go very well. He puts a glass of acid on the head, the forehead of the hot, Gypsy daughter, granddaughter who's left, who's hanging around who's played by our slight sliders actress and threatens to burn her face off. But she does manage to get away unscathed. So there's that he's just going a little far. And I think that's where the rated R comes in. Like there's just moments just near the end where like, this plot gets the point where the dude calls in his mob friend, very close the end, and all of a sudden people's faces are missing. And like, just shake is real. And so finally, this like sort of, you know, neighbor disputes your grasses, you didn't mow it right? Well, I'm going to have my dog pee on your lawn. Because you it was just as tip for tat back and forth constant like thing between the definitely not a Native American guy. And this guy who's no longer fat, to the point where Finally, the non native american guys like I'm, you know what, I give up, I give up. Here's a pie. Here's a pie. This is how you lift the curse. I'm gonna, there's gonna be a spoiler now. I'm sorry, film was made in 1996 and is played a zillion times on TV. So if you don't know how to end, skip ahead. So pi fills it with his band blood. He's like, whoever you want this curse to go to feed them this pie. But I encourage you to keep it because this is a die clean die. Not having done something horrible to another person. And the guy's like, haha, I suspect to my wife, by the way, randomly out of nowhere of cheating on me with a doctor and have obsessed about this for literally no reason. pot. Just super twist from my wife gave me a blowjob in the car, because she loves me no matter what I look like. And no matter who I end to, I'm gonna murder the yachts. Because she looks like she was maybe flirting with a doctor one time who she clearly wasn't. And he's like, I'm going to murder her. I'm just going to murder her with my pie. So off he goes to murder her with his pie. And of course, you know, it's a very twisty twisty twisty ending, where we'd get he does manage to murder her with his time. Very good. Very satisfying. She wakes up with her in bed he basically leaves a pie on the counter. He's like goodnight. If you love me and a piece of pie I gotta go I forgive you for you know, everything you didn't do. She's like Oh, okay. All right, this bar wakes up the next morning she's dead next to him he French's her which I was like aren't you eating the pie right now by French kids in the US in delicious strawberry. I'm like you just ate the pie you boys it you're supposed to pass that it has your soul curse in it and fun. And then he goes downstairs and his daughter who he had said Please don't say the night please do because she's wonderful and amazing and Sally joy whatever. Anyway, she has eaten a slice of pie she's like I you know what I just want to pass some stuff up with mom said no, we had a nice little chitchat had a girls night while I was mom doing by the way. I just had a pie. It was so nice. See you later off soccer.


Team copper tasting.


A little odd a little weirdly? Yeah, tastes a little thick and congealed in places don't know why but it's fine. Um, and he's like, oh, let's go I don't know what his plan of action is. At this point. He was going to then eat the rest of the pie, I think so he would also die. So he doesn't have to live in a world where he has murdered his amazing wonderful daughter as well as his conniving, horrible backstabbing wife who definitely didn't do anything wrong. And then all of a sudden, the guy who he thought she was cheating on with shows up at the front door so final ending Come on in buddy have a slice of pie Let's bury the hatchet bridge whatever. What is this movie? Wait Is this movie Oh my God, I've never been so bored and like confused and frustrated in my life. It was watching like Norbert the horror film it's so bad all right things I liked the action was great. There are some great pie effects the pilot warbles at one point once the Bloods in it does a cool little like ripple effect that was very neat. The mafia boss played by Tony super fun fun guy there is a guy who the mafia guy hires to follow them around and like he turns up dead or he follows the the Roma people around and turns up dead in a car suddenly and his face is missing and has a chicken stuff in it looked very cool. And just like


everything else


even though Yeah, Blake white fat costumes bad the the Roma people are played as new Americans pretty bad white man from town pretty bad writing through all the way through pretty bad. The turning of the wave ending with the doctor. All very bad. His like evilness being played and he wasn't evil. She you wanted this like big like, oh, and he gets his comeuppance maybe he should have been a little bit more come up and for the the like he was so vanilla like, Oh, yeah, I got a parking ticket. So I got a curse death curse on me like, it's not enough. It's just not enough. And also just It's weird. The turn to hate the wife was really really, really weird. I've got some trivia if my computer lets me actually use it. Here we go. Um, while in production writer, Tom writer slash director Tom Holland. Yeah, that's how I feel about this was stricken with Bell's palsy, a virus that paralyzed one side of his face. The effects could have been minimized. Has he gotten a steroid shot immediately, but the producers insisted on him keep working. So it took him 36 hours before between this incident and him getting to a doctor, and that for where, because of that it took more than a year and a half for him to fully recover. commitment to this movie was hard, as the film was scheduled to open in May of 96. But the studio push back the release until October because of the negative reactions from test audiences who reportedly wanted more gore and hated the ending. So they change the ending. I don't know what the ending was before because I haven't read the novel. I guess it was originally true to the novel. But




I guess this was the better version of Robert john Burke actually lost 20 pounds for the role. So that's impressive. The crew actually planned on doing more gruesome effects and makeup, which makes sense it's a read it are Stephen King film, but they decided that the bill halleck that's the name of the main character of flesh dangling looks too horrific and decided not to do it. who pulls back the effects on a? What are you doing? What? Fine, okay, um, Holland actually spent six years producing this film. He was trying to get it made forever and ever and ever, but it actually got delayed, ironically, because the thinning effects the idea of somebody thinning becoming gone and and nothing was seen as potentially might make audiences not want to go go and see it because of what was going on with the AIDS epidemic at the time. So the irony of the writer on dilates and yeah, you know what I? Yeah. Michael McDowell, who is a great screenwriter did actually write this script. But Holland had to do more than 10 rewrites before the executives would greenlight it. So that's probably why it went from being a really good screenwriter to a piece of shit story, because they just had to keep throwing and get it until it was, you know. So what do you guys think? Did you like it?


In the end, you are glad you watch this? Um,


you know, when I have never I was so painful. I was like, I would kept looking to see how much longer it was going to be.


You picked this genre.


I know. I was so I really should have gone I should have gone with like the stuff, which is my first thought. But at the last minute I was really running out of time because of thanksgiving and everything got going on around. I had a crazy job that came through and I was like, Okay, oh my god, I got it. I'm gonna go with Fedor because it looks like a lot of fun. It looks like a ridiculous 90s a lot of fun dumb film.


That's sort of like mine was last week, right? Yeah, radio broadcast. Yeah. Right time I was able to get one. I was like, This isn't very good. But yeah,


I'm really looking forward to some of the other films I picked up and finding good homes for them and other episodes. I think it was a good topic idea. I didn't choose wisely.


But then it is a pile of shit for sure. The book is good. It's mostly good as a Richard Bachman book because Bachmann's books were grittier and darker than King. Oh, and that their his characters were a lot more complex. And not necessarily likeable. You didn't really want this guy to win. That doesn't work with a movie audience we have to have somebody to root for. And he's not likable. The the side story of his wife cheating on him is actually in the book. She is cheating on him now not super supportive. And


that made way more sense.


Why did they do that? Yeah, that's why he decides to pass that curse on to her. The book is quite good. Yeah. If If a little nasty. It's mean spirited. The movie is also but it's also mostly poorly acted. The direction feels almost like TV direction to me. Everybody is a little bigger than they should be when the cameras six inches from their face, you know, stuff like that. And so I forgot that it was Tom Holland, because he's a good director. Yeah. But well, maybe, you know, with the health stuff going on. He couldn't really do it. I don't know. It's a shit.


It sounds like exact. We're like literally following them around on set and checking in every day. It really feels like one of those films just from the other stories of him not being able to leave. So when he was sick and all that kind of stuff. I just get that sense.


This was a movie that was originally supposed to be Romero. Really he had, but I could see Yeah, he had started the stuff and then couldn't raise the money. And he's, I think he hung on for a long time trying to raise some money.


That would have been a good choice. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't think Tom Holland like you said, I don't think he was a bad choice. I just think the film was,


I don't know.


Shit. It was shit. It was really should you give a crappy script to the best director in the world? You're gonna get a crappy movie. Or care how good the director is. It might look good. The actor might be good. Somebody crappy movie.


Yeah, yeah. And also, you know, mid to late 90s not a great time for film anyway. I don't




yeah, that was a really weird like, middling period where horror just was. I don't know. It was the last is like Yeah. Well, what did you guys check out hopefully something better than


I stretched the concept of food. Oh, really? I'm talking about she was not getting nutritional value from what she was eating.




what's wrong with me? I didn't write down last week's year then write this through this one up I believe 2020 2019 2020 or 2019 right around that. festival run versus theatrical release. But film was called swallow.


Make sure not doing anything wrong. You can do anything. Even if you try. So what did you do for money before you met my son? retail? Mostly lucky break. Just real grateful. Fake it till you make it. Are you happy? Are you pretending To be happy How does it make you feel? When you swallow something? I just like the textures in my mouth. I just wanted to make you happy. Did something unexpected today


is available on fubo or Showtime or you can buy it for five bucks like okay, I guess I'll digitally own this Rotten Tomatoes score 88 from critics and 71 from people watching it. Which you know I agree with. I actually was kind of floored by this movie director righto Carlo, Mirabella Davis which is this is his first feature he's done some shorts. Stars Haley Bennett from the shales has been in the Magnificent Seven remake the equalizer. You think?


Oh good. Okay, there we go.


Hardcore Henry.


Oh my god. I love her core Henry.


Austin style is it whiplash and Dolphin Tale one or two. And Denis O'Hare, who's an American Horror Story town the dreaded sundown Dallas Buyers Club. So it's pretty significant group very strong actors. Lead character's name is Hunter. She's a recently she remarries into a very wealthy family. And in the and very quickly realizes she's married into a controlling, bordering on abusive son of a bitch. And the family is right in step with him. So it's very much the classic you are going to be the way we want you to be whether you like it or not. So the movie starts off with a lot of her being left alone in the house and having no control over her self or her world. Until one day she decides to swallow a marble. Oh, ever played marbles, you'd probably call these like a bolder, bigger style version of a marble. And it gives her us an incredible sense of accomplishment. Like she actually did something unusual or weird. She almost brags about it to her husband and realizes I probably shouldn't do that. And there's great little scenes like after she started doing this a little bit more where she's in the she's out to dinner with the family. And she's telling a story. And in the middle of the story, the dad just interrupts and starts telling his son something to deal with business and just shuts her down. She's looking at the ice and her water glass picks that up, puts the ice in about crunch, catch, catch, catch, catch, and they'll kind of look at it like what the fuck is wrong with you? It's just a great subtle little scene. See she is pregnant. So of course now there is the I can't You can't go away even if we start to have problems because you've got my child. He starts off is is he almost going to be a nice guy. No, no, he's definitely not when he loses her shit on her when cuz she ironed a silk tie. Which she doesn't know and kiss a great sense of how far is this guy going to escalate? How bad is he going to get as this goes along? The house has a wonderfully strange aesthetic. The director said he was looking for something Hitchcockian. And I think he freaking nailed it. But it also at the same time feels incredibly modern. And then there but then there's shots where the furniture looks like Okay, that looks pure 60s that looks very 70s and it's just really interesting to look at the way the house is set up and the way the furniture is used, and the way that people dress. She has a strange little mirror area where she has all of the things she's swallowed and recovered where she keeps them like that.


This is like a real disease. Yes, and called


a pike, I


believe PRCA. And is that part of the disease that you'd like?


I don't know. But the keeping part is, but the swelling is


Yeah, I know that especially it's like, not completely unique to pregnant women, but it's mostly pregnant women.


I didn't run across that, but I could see where it would be.


What the heck?


body? What is wrong with


that people just have like, pickles and ice cream, I




And thumbtacks




well, the family finds out what she's doing. And of course, reacts completely reasonably and is very supportive and helpful. Oh, not so much. They hire this really crazy looking Russian nurse guy to watch over her. He's very cliched of I can see why you guys hired him, you think he's going to like hurt her, take her to the they take her to therapy. Of course, she goes into therapy therapist manages to kick the family out and keep her in. But then as you go along later, you find out that the guy has specifically paid this therapy to tell her therapist to tell him what she's talking about. And the reveal for that of her finding that out is crushing. It's so incredibly well done, the performance she puts out, it's just like, so the idea because because it just she doesn't take to it. The so the family plans to put her away for the length of the pregnancy. And it's very strange. So I'll just kind of leave it at that if it moves forward to the rest of the movie. But it is this is one I kind of watched as a curiosity is seems really strange. What the hell is this possibly going to be about? And it is I found a credibly compelling story of somebody going through something very weird and unusual. The performances are incredible. Like I said, the disease, no disease, but the it's called pica. So I don't remember is p IC p ICA. So I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that exactly correct. Because you know how I am. The film had a world premiere Tribeca. Well, there was the dates. Real promoted to Tribeca on April 28 2019. Release in France, January 15 2020. And in the US, March 6 2020, by IFC Films. Nice release there. The film was shot in Poughkeepsie, New York along the Hudson River, it was a house that was rented that then they just made it look like they did. And the main reason he wanted it because it does they have an outside shot of it. And he wanted a Hitchcockian looking house and nailed it like that house had to be built in the mid to late 60s. If not, it was built with that in mind. It tied for the highest grossing film in the US for a week of April 17 2020. With $31,000.


Oh, Waterworld, yeah,


then it did some stuff and drive throughs and are driving


traffic, good idea.


So I came across some interesting things. One of the very hearts of Canada, Globe and Mail wrote the Mirabella Davis, the director treats hunters behavior with kids gloves. It is a disorder that the film treats as a fit for gawking and disgust not anything close to understanding or empathy, which I absolutely disagree with. I think he completely miss the mark. The idea of the nature of putting anything quote unquote weird on film, naturally becomes exploitative. Because if it's out of what we consider the norm, we're going to watch it and it's going to be Oh my god, this is so weird. But she is treated. So by the camera and by the actions, the way she presents herself and withholds herself, of finding the strength and swallowing these things to put up with the horrible abuse she's going through, I thought was incredibly powerful. And I did not think it was remotely exploitative. Other than that, this is a weird thing we're watching on screen for quote unquote, entertainment. It could have very easily fallen into Oh, what is she going to swallow next? That's actually not the main point of the film. There's not a lot of scenes where you see her What am I going to swallow? There's a little bit of that. And as a little bit as it goes along when she tries to fight back from like the nurse and it's all handled really well. It's not you see the lineup of shit She swallowed a few things you fuck you swallow that, but that isn't shown in the film. That would have made it exploitative to me if they just made it a joke of what Will she swallow next right? So I don't agree with that at all. The overall feeling I got from the film was I gave it I really cared what happened to this woman. It was done so well that I really gave a shit and really wanted her family to fuck off. It's just a credibly interesting it's a little rd it's a little, as we always say, deliberately paced, but I never felt bored. The radio on I talked about last week with Robin Williams I felt frequently bored because it just wasn't working. Even when this movie is doing nothing but seeing her sit alone in the house trying to figure out what she's going to do. It still was interesting, because it's so well shot and it's so well. Art decorated the art direction in the film is amazing. I prank I'm blown away by this one. I'd wanted to watch it for a while. So I'm glad you came up with this subject because I was having a hard time figuring out shoehorn this one in


Oh, what genre would you classify this as? It doesn't feel horror, right?


Not no not really feel realer or closer to thriller. I was a little bit of thriller just because of what she's going through. But it's it was done a disservice being marketed as a horror film.


Yeah, cuz it is definitely marketed horror film sounds almost like family drama or something. And I don't know I kept putting off saying it. Yeah,


yeah, same because I was really disturbed by the trailer. And I was just like, I just the idea of sharp objects inside you tearing up things. It really freaked me out. And I was like, I don't think I can watch a film work. Like you had kind of said it wasn't worth she just eats progressively worse and more stuff. But yeah, exactly. Like I think there's this difference between films being and dealing with sensitive topics and being void. voyeuristic, versus being judgmental. It's like one thing to show us something. It's another thing that pass judgment on that thing and say, Yeah, but


she's an idiot. Yeah.


Look what else she did. Or you know, not letting her breathe. And I'm yeah, I'm actually kind of excited to check it out.




I might put it off for a little bit. I still terrified him on watching. I don't know what it is. But it just wigs me out.


It is uncomfortable. It's It's a strange thing. It's something we all can relate to. We all have a intimate knowledge of eating things.


And I think as kids, we all eat stuff we're not supposed to.


Yeah, yep. Her performance is so subtle. And Haley Bennett is so good at what she does that it's just you want like you're talking about with thinner. It's like I don't like this guy. But I don't hate him enough to celebrate him getting destroyed. You want her to figure out what's going on. And when you watch and you start to realize, okay, she's swallowing. Because it's giving her some kind of sense of control of her life. It's something she has complete control over. It's incredibly well done film. It's definitely not a horror movie, though. I would watch it. There's thriller elements to it, because there's some little chase things that go on and some things along those lines. But drama thriller is more where I'd put it in. It's probably one of those films that the advertiser would look at and go. I don't know what to do with this. Let's make it hard to watch anything. Whatever you put in front of them.


I love that I feel like there's not enough conversation about people who are going through different mental even for moments in their life going through different mental problems, not illnesses, but like, difficulties, like extremes. And this sense of self harm as a way of control is something that I think, is dramatize in a very different way most the time, most the time. It's like, Oh, well, they tried to kill themselves for attention this week on you know, can you learn the head after after school special, you know, like, it sounds definitely like an interesting,


more relatable disorder might have been cutting. Sure. It's very similar to that, but I think


I think it's too on the nose. I'm


done a little too much. And this was unique.


Yeah, so Wow, okay, well, interesting pack.


All right. Well, I did a little, you know, Google search on key food movies, and I came up with something and I sent it to you guys first and said, Hey, is this gonna qualify and you both gave me a thumbs up and maybe you shouldn't have? I chose from 1987 Street trash.


I don't need this. Are you tired of the same old routine getting nowhere, as the boss is always on your back. Not in your lap, which is where you keep trying to put the wife and the kids. They never listen. Ever feel like you're getting the whole thing? tick? I got it easy. Now you can drop out and join the ranks of the few. The filthy trash. Place a condominium. Where else can you live for free?


And eat for even


less? For one free as its price? Yes, there's always a snake in the Garden of Eden. Today, one buck. Trash. It's easy to find this place. Street trash. That's the unit. There's definitely three trash


budget of 500,000 box office I could find no information. I was a little surprised to see though that the rotten tomatoes critic score is 67% audiences at 61%.


They're very high for this.


Yeah. This was my first time watching. It was directed by James W Miro, who has done a ton of TV including episodes of shameless longmeyer Seal Team. But mostly he worked as a dp and a commerce camera operator for movies like crash. True Lies, rush hour three and just a ton of other films for the 80s and 90s. Written by Roy Froome keys. Who is the mastermind behind the substitute trilogy of films a treat Williams. Nice to have those right. I think it is now a quadrilogy. It stars a bunch of people who did not do much of anything. Mike Lackey, who was a special effects guy on this movie, and I was a teenage zombie in 1987. And then didn't do anything else. Bill shepell, who plays a cop in this, and this is his only thing. And he was an actual NYPD cop before you played this. And then Vic noto who has 48 credits, mostly TV, but including an episode of Daredevil, the Americans, the sopranos, Homicide Life on the Street, stuff like that. He's a big, burly guy. And he obviously plays like bouncers, heavy stuff like that. Yeah. This is a fairly nasty little film. It's there's not a lot of story going on here. It's pretty pretty basic. It's a bunch of moments that kind of circle around the fact that a an unscrupulous liquor store owner finds a hidden compartment in the back in this store that contains a crate of old liquor called Tenafly Viper. And he takes a little sip of these like, and decides even even my seagulls hated


talking about this movie. No, no. Yes opinion.


He decides that, you know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna just put it up on the shelf for a buck a bottle. And most of the homeless guys all around, start drinking it and dying in pretty spectacular ways. They start melting and not just like they drink it, and then it burns through them, like acid or something. This has some kind of reaction with your cells or something. They don't get into that but you will bleed from the top of your head from your feet from every pore, apparently, and it happens really quick, like within seconds of drinking.


I don't remember specifically, but it's sort of reminiscent of like the Robocop where the guy Yes,


yeah, you you melt and then you just fall apart and it's in it's in Technicolor till it's blue and pink and orange. It's not the color. have anything inside your skin. And there is a tough cop who's trying to figure out what's going on. But he's just about as bad as the homeless people who are all portrayed as the worst of society. In this film. There's, you talk about nobody like and thinner. There's literally nobody in this movie. In fact, there's a scene where I guess he is our protagonist, bread comes across a very drunk woman who thinks that he is her date, and she asks him to take her home and have sex with her. So he takes her to the junkyard that he's living in where all these homeless people are living, has very rough sex with her and then flees when a group of other homeless guys all come upon them and drag her off to gang rape her. She says


yes, remember this?


It doesn't. It doesn't end there. Because the next morning he finds her dead in the junkyard and decides that sex with a corpse. Yeah. So


very classic gentlemen. Yeah, good main character.


Yeah. There's also a scene where one homeless guy gets his cock cut off. And the rest of the bums are all playing keep away with it while he's running between them. Forgot about to get back. Very good. And then it all culminates in a big huge battle at the junkyard fighting this Vic nodo guy who's kind of like, he reminded me a bit of Lord humungus from bad backs, too. And he's, he's an ex Vietnam vet is going through all sorts of stuff. But he's also ruling all of the homeless people in this junkyard city they've built and it does have a weird, I mean, it's definitely set in mid 80s, New York, which is a not very happy place at that time. But this even seems pop a post off post apocalyptic in its setting because the junk yard acts as a city itself. There were all these homeless guys are, are living in various cars, shacks and stuff like that throughout. Bad this is a bad movie.




However, I will say this, I found it. reasonably well made on a $500,000 budget, I was really surprised at the camera angles, they were pretty inventive, the effects.


The effects were pretty good. The


effects were shockingly good. I mean, they're just melting person effects and stuff like that. But this is definitely an exploitation film, you know, and maybe the most exploitation film of all exploitation films and that it's just like, if you if you like me, like I'm not offended. I was teasing you with the Roma and the Gypsy, and I'm not offended by just about anything. But I feel like there was stuff in here that you could be very easy going and still get offended. Yeah, gang rape scene I thought was they don't show the gang rape, but they show the girl being dragged off and she appears to be in real, or as she's screaming. I mean, she's either acting her ass off, or they are traumatizing the shit out of her, which is believe. I got a little bit of trivia here. Vic nodo who plays Bronson, the Vietnam vet who runs the place? The the junkyard, and when he say runs, he's not owning the junkyard. That's a separate guy who's also violent, like, very raizy. Yeah, this guy is just like, yeah, the mayor. He's the popcorn King. He's, he's running the, the homeless city that has made its way here. He was cast a day before Principal photography commenced in less than 12 hours, actually. And he says, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Nor did I ever understand who Bronson was. I did scene by scene not even knowing what the movie was about. I didn't read the script until three months after I was wrapped. And I still don't know who brought it. That comes victims. Yeah. I like this one. The producers were unsuccessful in getting product sponsorship for the film. I don't.


Dog didn't want it on there.


The only company that was interested was the manufacturer of Drake's cakes, which would send the cast and crew a box of snacks every week. By the end of the three month shoot. Everyone had eaten enough of the snacks and were so fucking tired of them. That when it came to make the scene where this big fat guy explodes, the fake stomach was filled with boxes and boxes drinks cakes for his


wife. Wow.


Here's a fun little fact. Future director and rapist Bryan Singer was a PA on this film.


Oh Jesus Christ. Nice.


Let's see. I, I looked at some user reviews for this film, and I decided to read one of them off to I liked it. This is from Barry Wilson three, and he left this in April of 2019. Oh, the the title of the review is you can polish a turd and his review goes this way. A dirty gym. That is awfully good. Full of guts slimes and gore. If you like Citizen Kane than watch Citizen Kane because this is drink trash. Wow, highly recommended for lovers of trash cinema. And I guess I have to agree. You know as far as this kind of stuff goes it is competently made it looks pretty fucking good. Like so.


I think that the comparison to Toxic Avenger.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, a little better shot than that. But that kind of stuff. Except for here. Some humor is pretty funny. In this there are some funny scenes. And if it if it doesn't, because it's booze instead of food. If it didn't, I have to over qualify this film for this topic. There are a couple of foods scenes. There's a scene at the beginning where uh, one of the hobos is washing Well, you know, he's the the stereotypical bum on the corner that rushes out to you to wipe your window with the dirty newspapers, something while you're stuck at the stoplight. He is wearing a gun holster on his hip. And it has a huge like a leg of lamb stuffed in it and it looks kind of like a gun. I mean, it's novelty sized, it'd be something that you'd see Conan, you know, tearing a chunk off and holding the bone in his hand. And there's also a very freaky scene where one of the homeless guys is shoplifting meat from the freezer section of a store. And he's got so much frozen, jammed in his clothes that it's actually quite funny because it looks like he's wearing like one of those inflatable Hulk suits or something. And of course, the store manager comes to, to talk to him about it, you know, you're gonna pay for that. And he's standing there with his entire body just stuffed full of beaded pay for what? And so there's, there's moments in this film, there's gonna be people like, like our buddy Craig, who probably loves this movie. And there are a lot I know there are lovers of this kind of trash exploitation cinema. It's not my favorite, but I do have to say that I walked away from this and I wasn't horrified. I was more kind of scratching my head going. How have they managed to do this on such a tight budget? I mean, 87 is not that long ago.$500,000 for a film was not enough to make a feature film.


I have a strange connection to this movie. I met the director at horror find Oh, and crush the poor man accidentally. Oh, no. It was it's a film that I'd heard of for years and adjust never seen and still had not seen when I met him. And somebody i'd forgot who it was introduced. And oh man. Yeah, I've heard a street trash that. He's like, Oh, really? What did you think of it?


I said I heard him


say and I stupidly said Well, I haven't seen it yet. And he just he didn't look he didn't look like he was angry. annoyed he looked like I kicked his puppy. No, it was such a crossfire fiscal bullshit. But But I hear it's coming there. This was he was promoting like it coming out on DVD or something. It's like, but I saw it coming out on DVD. So I'm gonna make sure I pick that up and, you know, try to recover like, sorry, sir.


He's worked on True Lies, and Yep, rush hour and all of that stuff. So I'm sure he wasn't that. disappointed. I think that this is also one of those movies that you can't really if you rent this, and you see the poster, you you kind of know what you're getting into. It's a bomb in a toilet who's dissolving and he's reaching for one of the top handle flushers and his hand has come apart from his skin and all this stuff. And I feel like you see that and if you go Yeah, I think I'll rent this then you get what you deserve.


I yeah, that was definitely a hard one. And so I'm turning over what t shirt company it was but it was either like how many colors or fright rags or somebody was putting out this really cool shirt? Like unbelievably fucking cool bright yellow bright pink bright green shirt. And I was like, man, I I want this shirt so bad. But I should probably watch the movie first. And I'm very glad i did i do the saying you don't have this. I actually do not have this shirt. I'm actually really sad about it because the shirt is great. This film. Yeah, and actually made me feel really sick and sad. And I don't I mean, it was already kind of, you know, exploiting the homeless, exploited? I don't know, it's just, it's so dark in so many ways that I agree with you like the effects are fucking phenomenal. There are plenty of moments that actually do feel kind of funny and like you forget what kind of film you're in and then all of a sudden, you get a giant, very long gang rape scene that goes on for a while. And it's just like, Why?


Well, let me just correct Yeah, it's just a rape scene. For a long time then she gets dragged off we don't see her get gang.


I mean, I felt like it was a white there was a lot of shots of different people handling her I do remember that dragging off


is is is uncomfortable. That's what I'm saying. She looks like she is in real fear for her life.


Yeah, it's really it messes with you and even you know, like, it's kind of you could almost get away is like, not enjoyable, but watchable exploitation film about the homeless, and then throw in like these horrific sexual moments. Like even the junkyard guy and his assistant check who he's trying to fuck is like, it's just, I personally, it's a freezer felt for me. For sure. But I wouldn't I wouldn't come down on somebody necessarily for liking it, because I do see what your timeout I think, for me, it's a very personal choice of like, what kind of exploitation film Are you willing to put up with? And for me, this doesn't but but at the same time, there were plenty of others that I would so


yeah, yeah. I mean, if you are left, the filmmakers ask you to root for the guy who fucked the dead corpse. Yeah, at the end in the fight. This labor a lot of people, like a nuclear bomb to be dropped on this joker, or an ending that seems like


it's weird. There's no likable character Really? In this film?


Yeah, even the COP is, you know, kind of shitty. Yes.




I think this is a great allegory for 1980s New York


is very, very spot on.


It is I did enjoy there's a lot of shots outside on the streets in New York. You can tell them not downtown, but New York was just fucking crime central until you know 1995 or something. And whenever. Who was who was the mayor? Was that Giuliani? Okay. Fucking cleaned everything up. I mean,


it's hard to remember that Giuliani


monster, but sometimes monsters are necessary. Oh.


I will. Yeah. And thank you guys so much for checking out.


I'm just so sorry that you chose this genre and then ended up with a shit.


I thought it was gonna be so fun. I was so excited. I remembered the last five minutes very clearly. And I was waiting to get to there. And that journey was not worth it.


Yeah, well, this isn't comfortable. You're the winner. I'm just gonna call it you want your winner with the thumbtacks


deep seated depression and food food issues? Yeah, that's the winner.


All right, well, that means it's my choice. I hope it's something we can find something carry through. I'm choosing Walt Disney films from the 50s


San Antonio No, I


thought that it might be nice to kind of get back to basics here and we've we've done episodes on vampires and werewolves and all that kind of stuff. And I thought hey, we still don't have a mad scientist episode. So let's go with some Mad Science for the next episode.


Very exciting.


For our longtime listeners, we know we've had we've done experiments gone wrong things that touch on this but I think we've got definitely got to


this one requires you to have a an inventor or scientist who is clearly obsessed and mad. And he doesn't have to be mad until we are revealed that he's mad. You know, so even something like the fly I think would work for this. goldblum is kind of a mad scientist and that one, right? Yeah,


absolutely. All right. Cool.


So that's what we're doing next week, guys. Nice. As usual. Big Huge thanks to everybody who's always liking sharing the post sharing the episode releases. We


really really appreciate that time to make Kelly a little uncomfortable again, let's get out there get some five star reviews. Let's the movie that that. That's right. I've asked him for his five star reviews. Honestly, if you want to give us a one star review, write a reason. That'd be kind of curious because


any additional one stars


we I think we've two stars the lowest we've got but right Why? No, it's like, you know, you might have something cool that we go. That's a great point. It was probably something I said but


future offended people and definitely neither of us would have ever done that though.


And we got more five star review music to us.


Yeah, yeah, we got to get to all that stuff. So okay, everybody that's it for the show. We're back next week with mad scientist and we will see you then. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities, and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band name shade is usually permission. Find Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wherever find podcasts