Strange Aeons Radio


December 17, 2020 Strange Aeons Radio Season 2 Episode 98
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript

This episode starts with The Stand, Freaky, and Kelly won't stop talking about William Friedkin. Then lightning strikes and the gang gets into their picks for Mad Scientist flicks!

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition?


Strange Aeons. Welcome Strange Aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's finesse over there.


Good day to you.


I'm Kelly. Hey, guys. Last week, 1000 degrees here in the house today, just slightly under 32 degrees. We have icicles on


three layers. And one of them's a Willie jacket. I got a hat raised throw on any minute now. My hands are freezing. It's great.


Yeah, I forgot I was gonna get you some of those little uh, Oh, snap warm up things for your hands. Like last year. That's,


that's is. That's a kind of No, it's, it's, it's you know what you're keeping us on our feet, you're reminding us what it is to be alive. Every now know, like, I


feel like I always have to be prepared when I come. One of these days, you guys are gonna be knocking on the door. And finally, someone's gonna force it open. And I'll be sitting there like jack Torrance at the end of the show.


Make sure it's in that seat. And we'll just go ahead. Right well


put in make really close to your lips in case you want to utter some final death cries.


Hey, speaking of Stephen King stories is what you guys call a segue. This is how you know that I'm a pro. I'm not sure how I scored this. But I got an invitation last week to watch the first episode of the stand. Holy


cow. Oh my gosh, I just saw a like sneaky ad for it. It didn't even have a trailer. It just had the page of where it will exist. And I was like, when is this coming out?


I believe it comes out on the 17th. So by the time you hear this, you might be very close to


Yes, we'll go up on the 17th. Okay.


Yeah, so I got to see that first episode. And I liked


it. Nice smile, okay. I mean, it's receiving thing. It's I feel like it's either like it or hate it. So


well, I'm really looking forward to this. It's a Josh Boone who has been unfortunately hit or miss. But he's definitely a huge fan. And he has been talking and he's very, very proud of the fact that they got Stephen King to write the final episode of this. And it is a coda to the book. It is kind of the next chapter at the series ends differently than the book because it goes a little further. Oh. And so I was like, wow, and written by Stephen King so that I'm very excited for that.


So like a 10 or 13


episode room or gets 10. But I don't know that for sure. Yeah.


So have you. You have seen the Yeah, first tool? That's Yeah, just the first episode.


Yeah, I got an invite in my mailbox. And it said, this is your code show up at, you know, your computer at 430. And we'll, we'll start the show. And it was the technology these days now. So the entire episode had a little watermark over it that said prepared for Kelly young. Wow, yes, I


knew I didn't know about this kind of thing, right when we're doing prospect that tech was starting to emerge. So you could send out screeners and each person that had it would have an individual code attached to them. So you would know who at least Trump have watched many, many festival submissions with those burnt into them? Wow. They really are cautious. Yeah. Yeah. It


was just good reason.


Yeah, that's true. It's I mean, it's so easy to end up having stuff just floating online.


Yeah, if you wanted to, I'm sure you could have taped this and then blurred it out and zoned up online. But with something like this, I don't know what the, the, the upside of that would be when somebody can just turn around and watch it next week. You know, not the


one episode one week early quality, right?


The the real fun thing was at the end of the episode, they then said, you know, stay tuned for an interactive experience. And they had a live video with like a young woman who must have had like a GoPro on her forehead or something like that. And she was talking and all the people who were watching or telling her what to do, which way to go through this little interactive thing to figure out if she was going to end up in in Boulder or Vegas. And it was it was a lot of fun. I mean, it was it was super cheesy. Sure. Yeah. But it was a lot of fun. And I really appreciated CBS for you know, trying something different. No


Every once in a while you see those things that you know everybody pops up. Can you believe this video was on TV in the 70s or 80s? And you're watching something now like, I don't know if either of you have watched anything from the masked singer?


Oh, yes,


that show is ripe with stuff that 2030 years from now people go. Oh, what the hell is this? Weird?


I can't stop watching.


Yeah, no, I think we've got plenty. We've got plenty between reality TV and like whatever the hell MTV is churning out nowadays. And yeah, just all over competition show actually saw


a strange little video the other day. Some if you leave stuff playing on YouTube and coming up next, MTV with music. I'm like, What is this? So? And it's just this five little minute piece of this guy, some kind of a video podcast kind of thing talking about how, in the old days when MTV actually had music on it. And I'm like Jesus, if you were 21 right now, MTV hadn't had music on it in the regular for almost eight or nine years at that point. Oh my god. It's just like, wow, I guess


this is a weird to think about is like that was I mean, as as it emerged as VH one and MTV were out there that was you would just sit there and watch music videos for hours and hours and hours. And it was super fun. And like the top countdowns. And, well, it's


kind of weird to think about the fact that I mean, we just throw these words out, like ABC was the American Broadcasting Corporation, but nobody really thinks about that. And I'm sure nobody thinks about what MTV meant. Yeah, it was music,


television. You're both anyways, anyway.


unprofessional tangents.


What did you watch? Oh, well, um, I managed to. I managed to not go into a theater despite my desperate, howling desire to, and I rented on my TV screen freaky. Oh, hey,


I watched that just the other day as well. Oh,


do we also have free? Well, I was really excited because it's by the person who did I'm happy that they and Happy birthday to you and, um, maybe shares the same universe. There was like a hint about that potential. Which doesn't it doesn't really matter, honestly. But it's just the body switching time skipping You what?


I guess I missed Yeah, I missed the link.


I don't know what the link is other than the director saying that it might share this immutable okay. Yeah. But no, I really liked it. I it was super fun. It was super dumb. I liked watching Vince Vaughn being in that was he did he was like you know what? I've got he's got to live up to jack black. You know, I could just see him going, man jack black to this so well, I've got to like bring it


Yeah, I like to to I love the pitch which is basically Freaky Friday the 13th and I would have really loved it if they could have just made this a Friday the 13th movie and had Jason body search for somebody. I mean, we've gone fighting telekinetic teenagers and all this other stuff. This would have been a fantastic addition.


Oh my god, that would have been so good. Cuz like when Vince Vaughn is the bad Vince Vaughn.


He's not that freaky. It's just like I dude, but he had a creepy mask and he's so fucking gigantic.


He is really big. I needed to channel his dragged cross country, concrete character a little bit more for the vicious one, but I thought he was great as the team.




It was for what I was suspecting going in. Yeah, it was surprisingly violent. is very gory. Yeah.


Not not scary. No, but, but very gory. I thought it was just a really fun time. Yeah,


yeah, it was a nice breather, for sure. Eight, I would have loved to seen it in theaters. But it was something that I definitely needed to see right now. Because it's just the last thing I need to watch, unfortunately, is something like raised by wolves, which is so good, but it's like I just need something happy.


fucking stupid and happy. Was freaky released to theaters at all.


It was really same day I actually got an invite from I'm on like a AMC something or another list. I don't know. I get pre release invites sometimes. So it was like come like, I don't know, like a week before at this time and you will get free admission and I was like,




Load it kind of was it loaded with language about like socially distancing, and where am I


It was it was very much like we are doing a great job you will be safe as houses, you'll be so good. And I just was like, I can't I can't I can't. And then of course I got a text like today from my best friend being like, you know what, like Wonder Woman's coming out and maybe we should maybe it's okay maybe December 25 It's fine. I'm like, No If I didn't go to see freaky, I'm not gonna wonder woman. Like


you gotta love our priorities of thinking. Most of the general public and film doors would put Wonder Woman as I've got to see that the theater where you put freaky is that I like that. That's awesome.


I mean, wonder what like, yeah, it'd be great to see in theaters, but I'm not it's like not the first one. And it's not dude. You know? Yeah, that's gonna be a tough one. Well, dude isn't coming out till October. Oh, is it pushed that far? No, it's pretty far out. So unless unless by being on HBO, it's somehow coming out earlier. I believe it's still coming out and just at the same time together studio that's the day and date.


Yeah, so so it should be October so I think actually, it it will be possible that people will go the theater and see it. And just to be clear, you're you're not interested in going to the theater not particularly because you think you're gonna get sick, but if you get something and bring it back home, oh my god.


Yeah. I don't care if I get sick, but because I live with a woman who is in her mid 70s. Yeah. And has has diabetes and has had four joint replacements last year. It's Yeah, unfortunately, it's one of those things where it's like, I'm not doing it for me, you know? Sure. But that's why I hate that whole like, mask thing where people are like, why we're in a mask. Take it off. It's like, because other people aside from you and me matter. What,


you are a good person for us. Exactly. Yeah. You are a human being. You're a human being right. Being human right. Human Being being cube.


That sounds like a safe pointlessly self aware podcast or book or something. Yeah, human being good.


I only paid 999 for that. Well, I


watched one that Kelly recommended correctly. Lipa face, the William Friedkin, talking about the exorcist.


What did you think?


Wonderful, interesting insight to a an incredibly talented director talking about his thought process.


It's so nice to see him coming out of his shell till


I do like how he they even showed the scene where the Birkin got injured. Yeah. Yeah, he doesn't even mention the two horrific injuries that occurred on his set though. He did talk about punching the guy in the face and shooting off the gun but but other directors did the same thing.


So I guess it's fine. Well, no, he


said he's no way he do it nowadays. Yeah, I can't do that anymore. But I always find it really interesting because free kids and incredibly talented director and COO pricks and incredibly talented director, and they treat actors. The way they shoot stuff is absolutely opposed. Like, I like one take. And he's right. I want to do one take one and done and hit like getting pissed at his cameraman for calling cut one time and things he was like it's just really interesting. I mean, he is an ego sitting in a chair.


But he should. Yeah, is like the president of the William freakin fan club.




I haven't seen any interviews with William freakin I've only seen interviews with people around William bridges, like talking about the experiences. So that sounds like a trip. Oh, it's great. It's really interesting, especially if you've worked in on film. Yeah, so it's definitely worth checking out.


It's on shutter. I believe it's on shutter and it's focused on the exorcist. But there is on to be a William freakin documentary. Oh, really? It's just him and all of his films, and I haven't seen it. But I've heard it's amazing.


Check that out. Yeah, it's interesting. You saying that about directors too? Because Hitchcock was like that, too. Like he treated his like cattle. Yeah, totally. Weird. It's weird. I guess it's because people who are good directors can sometimes just be crazy people.


If I would think if you're an actor, especially if you're a good actor, like you know, he's working with Cary Grant and stuff like that. It's like, okay, the end product I'm going to come out with is going to be at least good, if not great. So I'm gonna put up with this asshole. Because it's all for Hitchcock. Yeah. Yeah, you gotta do.


Well, that is a nice segue into the other thing I wonder which was after Watching that documentary I decided I needed to dive into William Friedkin films, most of which I had already seen before, but had had weird reactions to them. For example, sorcerer I saw when I was 13. And mostly hated because there's no sorcerer in it. And, you know, I saw to live and die in LA when I was 15 in the theater, and I remember liking it, but you know, I was heavy in horror at that time, so it wasn't exactly my thing. And I had never seen a cruising before this week. Yeah, so I'll just say this sorcerer is fucking brilliant. Roy Scheider is just amazing. And I really really loved it. To live and die in LA, I have now decided is my favorite of freakin his films, William Peterson and his very first role, and a young and handsome Willem Defoe. That's how young he was.


Yes, holy cow.


And then cruising, I was a little torn on whether I actually liked it or not. I mean, it's certainly not a feel good movie. But also, I thought it was one of his lesser films, and I was like, wow, I wonder what's going on with me. Then I jumped up on the reviews and everything and it is a polarizing film at best 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, and a lot of just very negative reviews. So I feel like okay, well, I'm writing with everybody else on that family I guess yeah, I


feel like I'm it's a dressing like I find it fascinating. As far as just a almost like a historical like, this is some shit that was going down at that time. But story wise, like, I don't even remember what it like. I know the basic part, but I don't remember the details. I just remember being like, Oh, man. Wow, this is kind of an interesting insight into the culture.


Yeah, but Chino goes undercover because there is a serial killer who is killing homosexuals in New York City. And so he goes undercover into that. That group, and he goes hardcore on the covers so much that you know, it starts ruining his heterosexual relationship because he's gone this deep into it. And it all I will say this, it was kind of a shock to remember that alpa Chino could act like anybody other than himself. He was great in this.


Have you seen a watch killer Joe? Yeah, no, but that's the one that for me at least where McCarthy went from his All right. All right. All right. The Holy shit. This guy can act fan conahey. Yeah,


yeah. I remember hating my son theaters. But yeah, there was some fantastic acting otherwise, I probably wouldn't have had the strong reaction I have. It's an amazing film.


It's a isn't a mean nasty.


I think that


McConaughey is the mean nasty element in that which is so different from anything. He's done. Even Dallas Buyers Club where he was fantastic. He was still being the good guy. This is the first one where he was just irredeemably nasty.


Is that a freakin film? Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay, well put it on the list.


And I didn't realize that cruising or killer Joe is a freakin phone. So man. Oh,


okay. He's done a lot of stuff. You don't really know he's done because he doesn't mean that he doesn't do the john Carpenter thing. Yeah, john Carpenter's




Oh, well, I'm yeah, I also had the opportunity and you guys have probably both are raising this but I'm possessor Oh, yeah, come around to and get a chance to check it out. Um, so yeah, man. I feel like this is the next level. Man forgetting names. his dad's Robert Cronenberg thing you have like this. This feels like modern day Cronenberg. It was oh yeah, really cool and interesting. For sure. The actress is not like a super likable actress, but I think she did really well. Um, yeah, I don't know if I'm still thinking on it, I guess.


Definitely a slow burn, but I could not take my eyes off. Yeah.


Yeah, it had a weird psychedelic. Kind of had moments where it's like, whose body are you in and this whole, like, trippy, like, otherness quality of what's going on inside the the mind and the soul and stuff. And that was really fascinating, even though you know, I don't know it harken back to something that used to exist a lot more I think in the 70s and different films, but I will say He is so it's his own unique talent. And I think that that was the best part for me. I was his son really staking a claim and saying I am my own artist and hey, like, yeah, like I can see he's influenced by his dad's work for sure. Because he probably grew up with it, like round as


old on his lap at some. Yeah, hopefully not crash, but


some of that stuff's gonna, you know, I like Frank Sinatra and Bobby Darin, for a reason. And that's because I was, you know, growing up with that in the house. Yeah. Get that stuff from your folks. Little bit of a spoiler than talk on possessor. I didn't, I mean, it's like any story, you can kind of break it down and go, Why would you do this? Why would, why would you need to have several days in the body of somebody to get this done if she was just gonna randomly kill? Right? Why couldn't you just hop into a body? Do it right, get up?


That's your question. That's the storyline.


Oh, sure.


Yeah, no, I


did think about that, too. And I figured it was either something like an adjustment period of time where like, maybe when you first jump in, it's it's really disorienting, and it takes like a day or two just to be able to control the body properly. And maybe, I mean, I guess it's like, they were covering all their bases and being like, let's make sure that you know how this person acts. So there isn't a single moment in which there'd be a question. But that just left a bunch of time for her to fuck it up.


Right, right. Well, I mean, when you when you put it that way, then I sit there and say, Okay, why do they need that time to know exactly how this person would know?


It's a good question, especially because we start off and it seemingly feels like, Oh, it's just like a normal person who suddenly got jumped into regardless of whether or not that's what's going on. That's what it feels like. So that gives us that question right away, which is frustrating, but whatever. Yeah,


I still loved it. Yeah, exactly.


That's definitely Yeah, exactly. It's not gonna ruin it for me. To think too deeply on it. I I think it's more interesting. The subconscious becoming the conscious that is Yeah, really cool. Yeah.


We've talked a lot about this and story classes and stuff where there's not a movie out there that if somebody said, Well, I think this is a perfect movie, what's wrong with it, that you couldn't sit down, watch it and come up with something that's wrong with it? Yeah, it's just something's got to be cut or clipped at some point. Some storyline for God. So I saw an interesting one because I'm jamming 2020 movies in the air trying to get a bunch done before we do our end of the year, especially in a few weeks. That's what I'm gonna have


to do, I guess.


And but IMDb is frustrating for that. Because they list a ton of movies that were released this 2020 has been 2019 movies have gone since 2020. tene. I go down released June 2020. Come on, man. Right. But this was one of those but called the cleansing hour. Which is based on a short film. I mean, it's you know, you always hear filming. I'm making short films. I can make a feature shoot, and these guys actually did it.


That's so cool. It's good. Yeah.


Did you see it? No, but okay,


I sounds so familiar. Did I see it? I don't know.


probably saw the short film. Maybe it was either cryptic on a bone but it might have been at Lovecraft, too. It's a very good short about guys performing an exorcist exorcism online, but the exorcisms are fake. Oh, no, they're not.




Because I truly for this


It's fun. It's good. It's got a tonal problem maybe a little bit where it's trying to decide if it's going to be a comedy or horror at times. It's nowhere near as detrimental as like Eddie Murphy's vampire one where it's like man make a choice but it's well shot it's well acted it's it's it's worth checking out it's not I don't think it's gonna end up on my top list but it is really cool to watch especially having seen the short it's a really good short that's like oh, wow, they pulled it off. That's nice.


That's streaming somewhere.


Yeah, the cleansing I'm sure it's on shutter.


Okay. Yeah,


I definitely remember watching the trailer free and going yeah, I gotta watch this and totally forgot.


Well, cool guy. Should we take a little break and then come back when we are talking mad scientists.


And this is the Dutch drink lab. makes lots of groups things. That is great. to click with groceries to mix carbs Bruce things again and again Batteries not included.


We are back. And this week was my choice and I chose mad scientist's you guys and I fuckin hit the nail on the head. Nice. Yeah. This is not a good movie. Okay, it's a fucking great.


All right.


bustled tightening


from 1978. A movie of the week. Kiss meets the Phantom of the park. Also known as a kiss in Attack of the phantoms and also kiss phantoms.


Saturday night


Okay, I'm sorry,


have you seen this one? No,


I know. A lot.


Okay, but I'm not like a kiss fan. So if I'm not a kiss fan, am I gonna like this movie?


Yeah, you're gonna become a kiss fan. All right. It has a budget of $2 million. No box office because it was totally movie. bola people don't realize is that it was released in Europe and Australia as its own films


did they pay like 1.9 million to kiss and the rest was used for the brand.


Looks kinda like that. It was directed by Gordon Hessler, who has just done a ton of TV including Cole jack, Kung Fu, Hawaii Five o Wonder Woman in ships, but he also directed the golden Voyage of Sinbad scream and scream again. And the 1972 murders in the Rue Morgue. Nice. Written by Jan Michael Sherman and Dawn boo de who both wrote she's too hot to handle. California girls. Okay, okay, starring Gene Simmons, who you might have seen in runaway and Wanted Dead or Alive back great ending. Paul Stanley, who was in an episode of Millennium and played the Phantom and Phantom of the Opera for several dates in 1999.


Got a recording of that? Yeah.


Ace Fraley, who was in a movie called remedy and did a voice on the metalocalypse series. And Peter Criss who was in a film called frame of mind and two episodes of Oz. They are also the band kiss. World of Coors. It also stars Anthony's job as my mad scientist Devereaux, who has 115 credits including Cool Hand Luke, the Omega man, the dead zone and every single TV series ever made, and is still working. His last credit was in like 2018. So yeah, this movie. It opens up Magic Mountain where Abner Devereaux, the mad scientist. He's the parks engineer and the creator of a series of animated animatronic attractions. Remember, this is 78. So this is pretty cutting edge stuff here. Yeah, he's not pleased that his works are being overshadowed by an upcoming concert by the parks owner is a guy named Calvin Richards who explains that the concert will generate much needed revenue to make up for the quality control problems that been popping up because of all of Deborah's animatronic creations. Melissa, who is a park guest, she becomes concerned when her boyfriend Sam, a Deborah's assistant goes missing. And they were supposed to go to the kiss concert that night. And when she goes, she sees him there in the VIP section and he's taking an uncomfortable amount of pictures of kiss onstage from every single angle. She tries to get his attention and, and he just kind of walks by without even realizing she's there. Or almost as if he doesn't know her. Hmm, I feel like Anyway, she breaks through into the area and the security guards start dragging her away when kiss notices are leading to Paul Stanley saying


you're looking for someone, but it's not kiss.


And in 1978 I don't know that any of us kiss fans knew exactly how Paul stamp sounded. But this movie gave us a really good clear version of his his Lisp and his New York accent




so anyway, it is it is soon revealed that kiss are pretty much superheroes and they have these magic talismans in a box and that gives them their amazing abilities and the power to rock like nobody's fucking business. We also find that Sam Melissa's boyfriend has been placed under mind control of Devereaux he's not a Android.


Oh, I did not know where it was.


This mad scientist is dabbling in a lot of crazy shit. Not just one thing he's


listen on pin him in a corner right?


Renaissance. So, Sam has been placed into my control by Devereaux and he has built an army of androids that are so real they pass for human and after he is fired Devereaux, because all this stuff is costing so much he swears revenge on the park and especially kiss and creates Android doubles of them because he had Sam taken all those pictures from every angle. Of course.


We're still rock just as hard. Just


stay tuned. Jesus is just colder in here. Like Wow,


it's all day. It's all the darkness of kiss. Right? Right.


So the robotic copy of Gene Simmons gets cut loose and he wreaks havoc on the park and the security guards there. There's four security guards in this whole park apparently. So this robotic copy of Gene Simmons you know crashes through the park this stuff looks really bad. I mean, it's really bad but he crashes to the park including a a kiosk that it's clearly made out of like balsa wood, which he still has a little bit of trouble smashing through because he's wearing you know six inch high platform dragon boots, probably hard to walk in that for them to be medicine so but yeah, there's four security guards in this place. And one of them you would notice immediately is played by Brian James who was in Blade Runner house for you know him immediately as soon as you saw Yeah, ton of other flicks. So the next day, the band is all sitting around on like Lifecare lifeguard chairs with gray robes, and they're supposed to look I think, otherworldly, but they look a little silly because they haven't. They haven't set dressed the lifeguard chairs they are clearly just lifeguard chairs. And you're looking at the band go and get up there with those boots on But no worries. The band is questioned by the security guards and no action is taken though because Jean is glaring down from his chair the whole time like like a like a hawk or something he just looks very strange and lizard he is actually you know, gene is probably the one who comes off best in this because he acts like a scary looking thing. And that's what he is everybody else has dialogue that is their downfall. All By the way, whenever Jean speaks, he's got reverb on his voice. Devo ro. Sam though he manages to steal the talismans, and he delivers them to Devereaux who then neutralizes kiss with a ray gun and puts them in a laser Jael in his layer underneath the park. It's pretty fucking great stuff. So kids has lost all of their powers. They can no longer rock but more importantly They can't escape this jail they're in. So Deborah's big plan then is a his whole revenge plan is to send the robotic kiss copies out on stage to play the songs, and to incite a riot by playing the songs perfectly well, and in tune and all that stuff, but only changing the lyrics, which apparently really pisses off kiss fans. Sure, so singing hotter than hell. Paula's singing, rip and destroy Oh, yes. And the audience is having none of it. In fact, there's very angry. Now I am a kiss fan, and I listened to the new lyrics. And I was like, these lyrics are actually stronger than the hotter than hell laughs and it's unfortunate you guys didn't go with this song first. But the audience is getting pretty fucking riled up and they're gonna start riffing and destroying. But in the magic layer, or in the underground layer, the kiss guys use the Force basically. They're really hard and they're talismans. Which then floats through the air, a little shakily, as if on perhaps fishing wire and, and make it through the laser bars of their jail. And they all regain their powers. Paul uses his paws the one with the Black Star. Yeah. And I he shoots a laser out of that I and, and destroys the control panel so that the jail cell opens. Beautiful, then they fucking take on the robots on stage in front of everybody. Gigantic kiss fight.




You know, it would have been interesting, if kiss had more of a sense of humor about themselves and decided to do we're gonna recreate this live on our dogs to work.


So they go and beat up the robots. And then now the entire audience has been watching this. And it looks like there's 50,000 people out in the crowd because they actually filmed this and did a live show. This audience there. And so they're watching them beat up the robot kiss, then. Then the band just turns to the audience. And Paul says,


You guys ready to hear the real kiss?


Everybody goes they go into hotter than hell. Appropriate song. Sure. All as well in the universe.




So with the double the twinning between versions between evil versions? Yeah. Are they played by kiss? Are they played by people who look kind of like this?


Vanessa, half the time. The actual kiss is not being played by the actual members of kiss in this movie. And it's very clear. Oh, in fact, a stralis double was an African American gentlemen. And it is very, very clear. does not look like a failure at all,


I'm sure but stone base had some issues, shall we say at this time? It


is like a subpoena we're pretty heavy into drugs and and didn't like the the wait time between takes and so they would just fuck off every once in a while. Julian for that they fucked off in the whole band. Sure. Ah, he is so stupid. I watched it and loved it. I first of all, I was like, gonna dig out my old VHS bootleg copy. And then I thought God dammit now I'm gonna have to hook up my VHS player to watch this. I was like, you know, I am a man of means. Let me just see if there's different ways that I can watch this. Nothing on YouTube. But there are sites if you know what you're doing that you can find stuff and I was like, I'm just gonna download this assuming it would be the same shitty bootleg, I have. Up comes this crystal clear formatted for widescreen television. And sounded great and looked great. I'd never seen anything so good. In fact, I was so pleased with it. I immediately sent a copy to Eric


looks great. I ended up kind of skipping around watching it except for I landed right at the beginning of New York groove. Yes. So I watched you know all of that segment.


Yeah, doing a little research I found out that so when you watch this, if you watch it from the beginning, it says kiss in Attack of the phantoms. So what we are watching is an Australian actual film version. This was what was released in the theaters. So that might be why the the quality is so tight. The the entire movie is scored by the songs of kiss and a large number from their solo albums. Yeah, so that was a little strange. I didn't remember any of that. But fuck, I loved this movie, I can see why kiss hates it, you'd have to have not just a really good sense of humor about yourself, but also the ability to go Holy Fuck, I'm the worst actor on the planet, and be okay with that.


Gene wanted to have an acting career. So.


Right. So a little bit of trivia here. Peter, Chris, His voice is dubbed in the entire thing. By Michael Bell, who is a famous cartoon voice actor has been in GI Joe played Duke, I think in GI Joe, Transformers all this stuff. And the reason is, Peter just decided he didn't want to show up for any of the looping. Just like that, man. Wow. Yeah. If I were to tell you that the band was given lines while standing ready for action. They were given their lines to say right to them. Yeah, sure. You would believe me?


Because that's what happens.


Well, that's what happened in this but it It also appears that's exactly what happened. Yeah.


By the delivery of the line. say these words, sir. Yes.


These aren't sir. The band didn't even know how the movie was going to end. They had, they had no access to the script. Oh, league isn't because they didn't bother to read it or isn't they weren't given. They weren't given it to read. Well, they weren't given it to read. And also they were, they were sold on the idea that this was going to be kind of a mix of Star Wars meets Yellow Submarine. Oh, and they were like, bam, we're gonna make this cool music movie and all this. They didn't really even know what they were doing in a lot of the scenes. And when it came out, I guess they were just all horrified.


Wow, I'm shocked. They agreed to that.


Well, so kiss then was not kiss now the business savvy bam, this was their manager who put all of this together and decided that, you know, the year prior to this, they had premiered as a Marvel Comics comic book. So there was a kiss comic book them as basically superheroes by night rockers by day with kiss and kill accordion. He was the manager who said, you know, I'm taking these guys to the next level. And by next level, I mean, ABC movie of the week.


Well, comic book TV.


One of the things I loved is there is a section when these bikers go into the park and they get attacked by these animatronic or monster movie monsters. But, but they deserve it because they're total assholes. But one of the guys patch on the back of his vest is Satan's mother, which is right from the Warriors, and it's exact same patch.


rated the costume debate.


And I will leave you with this. This was the second highest rated movie TV movie of 1978. What was the first Okay.


Wow, what a film.


Ah, available to watch if you send me your email. Otherwise, you're gonna have a hard time as


well, um, to keep in with the theme of a TV movie. I my mad scientist pick is just such a thing itself. And so I went with


78 number one.


Nobody likes a lot.


No, no, it's from 2011 It's fine. Phineas and Ferb the movie across the second dimension.


When we need a hero, only one secret agent second dimension universal find us where everything seems the same. Where you guys from another dimension? Are there four of you in this room? Five counting is completely different. You're famous here. Sky goes over your eyepatch. Yeah. When evil takes on a whole new dimension I'm down here. I'm in the sleep. And Phineas and Ferb. Can we do that? No. Keep your head down. Join the resistance. Yes, sir. To defend the tri state area. This is what I call. See Phineas, Candace and the whole gang from Danville in adventures so big. one dimension isn't enough. Robots all over the tri state area. It's a rental. Across the second dimension, the Disney Channel Original Movie premieres Friday, August 5 at seven central on Disney Channel.


Alrighty, so, um, just to give you guys a little bit of context, when I was working at Technicolor, I was put on to Disney for the first year I was there and I thought that was amazing. And apparently it's a punishment. And that's where the lowest level people start off. So um, but I was like, Hey, I get to help launch Disney XD but part of the thing that comes with Disney is there's three different channels of Disney there's the fun channel and then there's like Playhouse if you're a quality control editor, where you have to look for a singular frame of mistake is pure hell is hell on another level. You're not watching this episode once you're watching it at least two or three times. So on the Disney circuit, as we were, we would fight for this one particular show, because it was just so good. And that was Phineas and Ferb, like, came close to fistfights first was lucky. It's like, Oh my god, you got 50s I didn't even know they were in today. So I have a very special place in my heart already. And part of that is their mad scientist. So a little bit about this film. Um, it's a Disney Channel original film 78 minutes long. It's kind of an animation action adventure. Um, it's Rotten Tomato score, which it does have 100% from critics what they're only five


things that part


79% from audience 1055


that's a good, that's a pretty good review.


Not bad. Um, so the two creators having more in Marsh actually started off working together on Simpsons and Rocco's modern life. They just been kind of these animator dudes who'd been around forever. And they came up with this idea of creating these characters that had like triangle heads, and thus began 16 years of pitching before Disney finally gave them a shot and it quickly became a huge hit. This is a Disney favorite for a long time, the show's not even on anymore, but you can still buy gear in the Disney Store. Each each episode has a song or musical number, as well as one action scene that is like their goal. The main plot of the show, just to give a quick rundown because I think you need context to understand so that the mean talking about the film at all makes any kind of sense. The basic premise are two brothers who try to squeeze in the best out of every summer day, and create amazing inventions, including making sure to include their neighborhood friends in the fun. Meanwhile, their parents are often trying to find ways to spice up their relationship, and their sister is on a mission to quote unquote, bust them. When not obsessing over her boyfriend, Jeremy, they have a pet platypus named Perry, who is actually a secret agent, keeping the city safe. On the other side of the tracks. Dr. doofenshmirtz is on a quest to take over the tri state area with his new and insane inventions each episode. Perry and doofenshmirtz always have a battle and doofenshmirtz his inventions inevitably are terrible and tend to either implode on themselves, or whatever Phineas and Ferb happened to have built in their backyard ends up exploding it all in time to stop Candace, the sister from showing their mom what they did. So these are things like enormous, like, world's largest slide and you know, we made we made the perfect cheese and there's like an entire cheese company in their backyard. There's all kinds of crazy stuff and the sisters like you can't do that. This. So the cast for this, by the way is incredibly good. And Sidious is voiced by Vincent martella. All these people are Disney kids. And unfortunately, once you're in Disney, you kind of get recycled through Disney. You end up on pretty much everything so but this this guy I actually played Greg and Everybody Hates Chris. He was also Robin and Batman under the hood. And he played a Cronus in role models, which I also love as a foam verb is voiced by Thomas Brodie Sangster, who's pretty young and has been in 56 things she you might recognize him as Sam in Love Actually, he's also new. Oh, yeah, yeah. See you in Maze Runner and jojen read in Game of Thrones. And actually, I was watching queens Gambit recently. It was like, that guy looks really familiar. And he plays Benny once in Queens Gambit to a doctor do fun. doofenshmirtz is played by one of the creators, so he doesn't really have any other credits other than being an animator. Perry is voiced weirdly enough by even though he just makes mostly growling noises because he's a platypus. Voice by Dee Bradley Baker who's done 620 things including Daffy Duck in Space Jam and Klaus in American Dad. And then the big brother, kind of big name that you're going to run into here is the sisters played by Ashley Tisdale who's sharpay in High School Musical. The cool thing is the parents are actually pretty interesting. We've got Linda Fletcher, who plays a mom. She's Hilda and the other Sabrina series and Lauren Slusher, who plays the dad is riffraff in Rocky Horror. And Mr. Hanna dark city, and there's Additional Voices just by a ton of really cool people. I'm cluding did not write this down. So don't worry about that.


I like them they do amazing.


The woman place a press person and westwing Allison Oh, JT Jenny. Yeah. So Allison Janney plays doofenshmirtz his ex wife. This film, it's Perry's fifth adoption day and while the boys are building a fun badminton ramp, with a platypus flip tale. He says he sneaks off to check in on his newest mission. doofenshmirtz has made a dimension ater and Perry must stop him but as always, not have his identity revealed to his host family or else he will be rehoused. But while Perry is off getting his instructions, Phineas and Ferb end up running into doofenshmirtz which has never happened before.


That's incredibly dark is a breakdown of Jesus Christ.


Yes. And unwittingly, because they're inventors. He's inventors, you know, they help him create the interdimensional weapon. They don't know it's a weapon. They just want to help this old, friendly dude. make this thing work that he's working hard on. And they're geniuses and he's an evil, really not good genius. They open up a portal, and Perry finds himself trapped in a new dimension with a successful addition doofenshmirtz he himself has a platypus Cyborg twin. And the boys are also there with him. So he has to reveal himself to his family. And they through a series of fun events. They all have to learn to work together to trust and sometimes distrust one another and save both dimensions from doofenshmirtz. The one with the evil eyepatch. So the good guys,


so it's just like a feature legs chemistry


is 78 minutes long. It's um, yeah. So it is a feature they I think they've made three different feature films. They have a Marvel crossover and they have one that's like, Candace, it's, it's just a lot of fun. And so this mad scientist, she is just so inept, but pathetically lovable. I cannot even begin to go on about this. Like one of my favorite moments in this film is he's remembering his troubled childhood. And he's trying to understand why the other doofenshmirtz is so good at being evil, and he's so bad. And the other doofenshmirtz is like, yeah, I had like a train taken away from me when I was a boy. And he's like, Wait, what? Um, I was raised, I was given Hand me up girls clothing. I was disowned by my parents. I was just has this horrible, horrible childhood and he's always trying to gain acceptance. And he's like, I should I shouldn't be the one who's the stronger of the two. This mad scientist. He's got this really great relationship with Perry where it's almost like the odd couple every time Perry the Platypus turns up to fight him. It's almost like oh, I was waiting when I was worried about cheer. You should have been here half an hour ago, and that they're always fighting but they really kind of care about each other. Yeah, it's weird. I can't this whole thing is weird. Good. He's always trying to like, the mad scientist is always trying to do good things for his daughter Vanessa, who's like actually super golf and like dark in all the ways that he's really not like, he's dark, but not really like he's just too light touch and she's like hanging out with these like, goth kids. And he's like, could you not hang out with that maybe we're either cool I can be Look, I'm dressed like you guys. The songs are just so bad and so good at the same time, they're incredibly catchy, it's really difficult to get them out of your head by the end of the episode. Um, in this particular film just had a lot of really, a really had fun with itself the twinning effect was really neat each character having its opposite on the other side, so the sister who's obsessed with and she's like boy crazy and total teen girl, pink room, you know, corns, etc. The other version of her is basically like a, almost like a snake plissken or dark, like trying to like make their way through this dystopia and keep everyone like alive and functional and just totally hardens. The two boys on the other side of it are afraid of doing anything, they just sit on the couch doing nothing all the time, which is the opposite of having a fun, summer day. So the bad things about this, and it is a kid's cartoon, it's not going to step away from that. And you really do need the contacts to enjoy the foam. So it's going to be really hard to just jump in here. It's


when you say kids, cartoon, what is Disney's?


So it's x D. So it's for the Disney z channel, which means kind of like tween age. Yeah. So, I mean, like, you probably want to be like 14 or younger 13 or younger to really enjoy this. But it's so or me. Um, this is this did just feel like a really long episode. It didn't really feel like a movie movie, but I was okay with that. And the songs were really fun, but probably not the best I've ever heard from the show. Just a little bit of trivia. It added average 7.6 million viewers making it the highest rated Animated Program on cable and more than three years. Third animated Disney Channel Original Movie for they went deep into it. taglines included in fabulous in fabulous 2d and adventure so big one dimension isn't enough. During the song I found a new friend and it's me the two doofenshmirtz is appear as famous duo's because they become instant best friends, including Sherlock Holmes and Watson Lewis and Clark, Simon Garfunkel and the Lone Ranger and Tonto slash shows up for the end credits. And it wasn't because anyone asked him to slash personally reached out and asked Patton Moore and Marsh Marsh if he could come on board and do something since his kids and him were such fans of the show. That's neat. Pretty cool. He actually in slash did co write and perform the ending song kick it up a notch. Walmart sells this version along with a soundtrack that includes 10 extra songs. And yeah, there's a lot of very silly. Yeah, a lot of other very silly facts about this, including just video game facts and all kinds of stuff. But I am interested in the DVD has eight deleted scenes, which I don't even know what you'd stick in there. But I'm fascinated


and loved the idea of deleted animation scene, right? Went to the whole trouble of making it before you realize that


he had to have known it was gonna be like a special feature like what Toy Story that is sure, because otherwise, it's just such a waste. And they did end up actually doing a sequel to this episode, slash movie called Tales from the resistance back to the second dimension. And that's somewhere in the fourth season. So um, it's this is a weird pick. I admit it is a strange one. But um, you know what? I just I needed I need a little different we all need a little doofenshmirtz in our lives. So


if you think the rare pic I'm just gonna rewind you a little bit to the person who spoke before you. Were good weird stuff here.


That's true. Mine does include a platypus. Where's your planet was


one thing I didn't mention about mine, produced by the kiss meets the fan on the park produced by Hanna Barbera.


There you go. Oh, hey,


you know what? It's all coming together


that explains the space werewolves that they fight. See that? I


watched with New York group does space monkeys not wearables? Geez.


Why didn't they just do animated? That's my question.


I bet because they were trying to turn kiss into movie stars and


that was the via anyways, okay. All right, I'll move into my far less interesting Pick for this, this go around impossible. No, no, it's possible. This was a 2020 film, because you know, I'm gorging myself on those right now. And there are 220 20 mad scientist ones eligible. Unfortunately, the other one is not available yet. So I guess it's going to be 21 anyways, but this is called Black Box.


I was asking, right, he thought in a car accident, resulting in the death of his wife, sir, anyone else who can pick you up? She's running a little late today. And so here memory loss if this happened second, we're gonna have to notify Pat services. If I can reverse your condition. You should give it a shot right? We call this headset the black box. immersive virtual pathway to your memories. I like to begin with something called a safe when you push the crown the watch up and use the conscious Are you ready? It's your brain trying to protect you from your trauma. Getting so well. My wedding that's progress right? The shows are beginning to say to yourself I run my mind in my mind dozen patients are often surprised by Rachel and I live in impartment I don't think the place is really familiar. Getting close stay with this fight. It's not what you think he would never hurt Rachel. Just need to remember when


my mind doesn't


want help house film? From Hulu, right?


I think it's Amazon.


their newest okay. I think it's very confusing. Yeah,


exactly. Anyway, so Okay, Rotten Tomatoes. The critics at what I think is a very high 74 and the audience at 63 which is also I think a little high. Are you gonna pull Vanessa with this? No, no, not entirely. This is no, this is no Lake Placid by any means. I don't know what the budget is blumhouse so you know, it's probably three Miller under and no box office because it was direct release. Directed by Emmanuel OSA q4. This is his first feature. He also co wrote it with Steven Herman, who had also his first feature. Starring mama Oh, do a tea, who was an underwater and uncorked Felicia Risa shod from The Cosby Show and the creed movies. Amanda Christine, who's seven or eight years old with 14 friggin credits. Three


Oh my God, but


she's been in blackish and Miss Virginia. And this guy who's really not in the movie much but I had to I had to list them. This also start Han Soto. one letter difference.


Yeah. Whoa.


But the basic storyline is a guy has some form of amnesia, and the movie starts off feeling sort of like momento, but the person guiding him through life is his eight year old daughter. His wife, I believe, died in the accident. So I called on you got this eight year old kid telling this guy how to make sure he gets ready for the day, and where to turn where he he stops her from telling him where to turn to get to school because he remembers he drops her off at school and apparently he's just fine running the rest of his life seems like a problem. So he drops her off and cut to him being at his new interview where he's not going to do well because his his photography, talent doesn't seem to be what it used to be, like sitting there going well, how do you get to this office? All this stuff? So first question, there's a real rough start to this film as far as the concept behind it. He has a bad day. And he runs into his friend who's a doctor. Or he goes to visit his friend who's a doctor who recommends Rashad character who's our mad scientist. And she has a special machine that's going to get into his brain pull his memories out, supposedly. And so he gets sure what the hell let's try this again, see me fully functional to appoint


definitely has the right mind to make this decision for himself. Exactly, yes.


But after going through the first treatment, which is reminiscent of get out, I could say in a way where it's a hypnosis thing, but then he falls into blackness and but from there, ramps up into different things, but he forgets to pick his daughter up, goes home is sitting at his home desk working, when the teacher knocks on the door with his daughter go and you forgotten her, this is three times next time, we're gonna do something like three times, not the rule back guess. And so the the daughter is upset because she doesn't have enough time to make dinner.


It's on


the machine, it's actually kind of fun. It's interesting. They This is one of the better parts of the movie where he goes into this world. And he's got his say for him where he starts out, and then she feeds him memory ideas. And he goes to various places like he tries to remember his wedding, but he can't see any of the faces clearly yet. But there's this weird creature coming at him that sort of looks like I forgot the character's name on the flash you can distort himself and walk upside down and move weird ways. Reagan going down the stairs in the exorcist, but much more extreme. But she keeps out he's doing really well, this is deep, this is showing that you're definitely going to be able to recover your memories. And here's where if this movie interests you at all. And if the two of you are interested in it too bad, but it's got a huge giant mid act to turn, which hurts the whole film. So it turns out that this guy is dead, sort of. And the mad scientist at the moment he died, she grabbed him, brought him into her laboratory, hooked him up to the machine and dropped her son's brain into his. So again, cool ideas. And so he starts to see himself who he really was, well, this guy was a bit of an asshole, beat the shit out of his wife and his children. And he is going through tough times tough. He's actually having mentally having a problem with it, because he actually has grown to really care for the little girl and doesn't want to abandon her. But at the same time, he now remembers who his wife is, and he wants to go back and be with his family again, because he hasn't realized yet that he's an abusive deck. She is not happy to see him, because she thought he was dead. Because he fell down the stairs that she pushed him down. This will not be a long discussion on this film, I'm just gonna say that's where a lot of the problems comes from is the acting is actually really good. The directing is really strong. This is one of those writer directors who need to separate himself from the movie he wrote, give it to somebody else. And said rework this for a little while, because the idea is really interesting. And I think if they pulled the original guy all the way into the third act, and done that disruption, then and turned it into a final act struggle kind of thing, they probably would have been a much more entertaining movie. But it is very weird to have a movie where you're you've grown to like this lead guy as the hero who's moving forward and going through this tough time trying to get his daughter back and trying to remember her like they got the little hand things. So you know, when his brain comes back that you know what they're going to do. But so you've grown to kind of like him and his I think it's I don't know if it's brother's friend, actually, but you really like him. And he's really supportive of the guy. And then halfway to they're moving through the movie to replace him with an entirely they replace the actor, and they actually bring in a new guy to play the role once the memories changed. So we've got that was it last, like last lane or whatever, the Lynch film where he replaced the actor in the middle of last highway last


time last time. Yeah.


So you've got that problem going on, although you're not confused as to why it happened. So I'm not reading For this guy, you know, I'm rooting for the characters disappeared to come back and maybe hopefully take over. But that's not how the hero ends the movie, the movie ends with the other guy realizing he's an asshole and giving up. So the hero of our movie does nothing to recover himself. Like, this is a fun, interesting idea, with a really strong cast. And I think for a first feature incredibly well directed, there's nothing wrong with camerawork, there's nothing wrong with the way it looks. It's just the story is so broad, it need really needs two or three more rewrites. And I think they probably could have had something really, really good here. But you know, it's got that bump house thing, like, well, we need this content, we push out so much shit, this is go. Like, you know, hey, if I'm that guy, as a director, go, okay. I'm gonna make this work as much as I can. Not a lot of trivia because it's a brand new film, and both played DC characters and other universes. One was Black Lightning, and another one was ragdoll. That's a character from the flash. Okay. So, this was a frustrating one, because I wanted to like it. And it ended up keep. Every few minutes the film took a turn, they go, Nope, I'm not gonna let you like this.


She said,


I would look out for whatever this guy does next, because I think there's some talent there. But this film just isn't that.


Well, okay.


It's tough as boom houses are like such a, you just don't know, when you start. Like, if this is gonna be amazing, or really bad, or even, you know, middling, they just, they just run the whole spectrum. Yeah. I mean, I love that they take risks. I think that's really cool. But yeah, yeah, it's unfortunate when you can see so clearly like, oh, two or three rights, and this would have been a really cool film. Yeah,


I got no problem with the concept of looking at Blum house as the new Roger Corman where, if you were living in the time, and old enough to be cognizant of what Roger Corman was done, was doing. A lot of people did not like his films. Sure. But in retrospect, there are a lot of fun to look back on because you're only probably seeing what 20% of his output are the ones that are still being watched. And that's going to happen to Blum house in another 2030 years, get out. We'll still be around and a couple of the really great ones will still be around, but ever better forget the ones like this, and probably going to be celebrated as much as Roger Corman is now. Sure. Yeah. All right. Cool.


Tell us what we're doing next week.


But me. By golly, it is me. Sort of. Sort of it's a Christmas episode, a Christmas


episode. Right?


This will come out a week from now. So that'll be Christmas Eve. Oh, my goodness gracious. Bring us to your socially distance family gathering.


on your on your device of choice.


Hey, hey, Uncle Jamie.


Well, actually, I don't know what you guys are gonna pick. But this might be one that you could share with your whole family because we're going to be talking about Christmas TV episodes, as opposed to, like Christmas evil and so the other day, but so I think that's what we should do. We should do some Christmas TV episodes, because Good lord knows.


We watched a lot of that. I love it. I'm doing Phineas and Ferb Christmas.


I'm not sure they're.


Well, cool. I love this idea. I mean, I wish I had thought of it.


Yeah, I just I don't know where it came from. It just popped into my head.


Alright guys, as usual, big big thanks to everyone who is liking sharing the posts. Everything you do. Helps us move a little further into our well deserved number one spot as top podcast that talks about bullshit.


I was wondering how we got that.


out there. Yeah, we're building we're


working on it.


I don't know if you guys saw the nice comments that Bob had left on one of the Facebook posts. I don't remember the exact comment but he finished it with thanks for continuing to put out the best stuff on podcasts. Okay, nice. Thank you, Bob. Thank you to everybody. We'll be back in one week and we are talking christmas tv specials. Beautiful. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities, and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band make shape is usually permission Find Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wherever find podcasts