Strange Aeons Radio


January 28, 2021 Strange Aeons Radio Season 3 Episode 104
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


Psycho Goreman, WandaVision, Synchronic, and The Owners are all discussed before the gang pack their bags and head out for a good time that ends in... you guessed it! HORROR!!!

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition? To show you Strange Aeons. Welcome Strange Aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Yeah. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, guys. Do you remember the big windstorm? We had several days back? Yeah. I have a story to tell you. Let me preface this by saying a big thank you to Leo, who sometimes listens to the show who sent me one of those weighted blankets. I just got one of those about two weeks ago. Oh my God, this thing has been amazing. I call it my thunder blanket. She knew that I was going through a rough stretch. And she she sent me that and it has really helped it helps me sleep. It's great. I've been dreaming crazy dreams. Oh, no, because I'm getting into REM sleep and staying in it. And so Wow. But I had just thrown it on the bed. And in the middle of the night. Oh, I don't know. Maybe Maybe later, two, three in the morning. I wake up and I'm just dying because I had just thrown it on top of the Comforter and I'm under the under the and so but these things are so heavy. Yeah, that you can't just whip it off. When you're lying down. You're like I decided to just push the Comforter from below. Certainly, boy. And then and I listened to sleep sounds from my Alexa. And all of a sudden I see out of my side window, my bedroom window which faces nothing but a building. I see this massive flash of white Whoa, when Oh shit. The Alexa goes off and everything goes off. Whoa, oh, no. And I start hearing this crazy sound. And I'm thinking well, this is the wind but it sounds so bizarre Did something happen like, well, we just bombed or something because it was it was like a, a horror movie sound like, like a giant ant coming over the hill or something it was. And I was kind of freaked out. And I thought well, I hope that something next door didn't just blow up. And so I'm gonna put my clothes on I'm going to go see what's going on out there. And you know, mind you is three in the morning. So everything is pitch black, I stumble out with my little phone flashlight, I put my clothes on out here in the living room. And then I I make my way down this stairs of this place, which is also still pitch black and scary now. And I make it outside. And I can hear that sound. And it's coming from somewhere down on the waterfront. It's far away. And it was really creepy. I mean, it was given me the creeps. And so I make my way out to the Main Street. And you don't realize how pitch black it is when there's like not even a light on in a building much less these street lights or anything. All I can see is that the street is empty. There's a little black smudge at the end of the street and it's my car and I can only tell it's my car because there's a little red dot flash on show in the theater arms on. And, and the wind is blowing so hard. It's barely sprinkling, but every raindrop that's hitting me is like a needle. It's hitting so hard. And for a moment, I'm just sitting there, like reveling in nature. I'm like, Wow, this is amazing. And then I see just in the intersection of the main street down there. A little black smudge. It's a person standing in the intersection at three in the morning in the pitch black, and it starts walking towards Oh, no. And you guys, I am not embarrassed to say this. I don't think I have ever been as scared in my life as I was just that. I mean, my heart just started going crazy. And I was almost petrified with fear. Because part of me, the smart normal part of me was like, this is a homeless person who thought this would be a good time to take a walk in the middle of the street I guess in the middle of the night during a massive windstorm. Sure, but the part of me that's been reading and writing and watching scary movies for 50 years. That part was like a well clearly the devil has come to Everett and I've got my little phone flashlight on so I quickly turned that off and I'm like oh Hey, I'm, I'm, you know, come back into the alley across from the interests of the place. And I backed myself up against the brick building that we can see right here from the window. Because I want to see if this guy walks past, but then I started thinking, golly, what if he doesn't walk past? What if he turns in the alley here, right? And so I I'm like, okay, fuck this, I'm getting back in the place. Well, I automatically lock the apartment, building door when I leave, just always do. And now I can't see a fucking thing because it's pitch black. In my hand, I'm feeling my key. I'm okay, this is this feels like the dorky. But then I've got my hand out and I'm touching the door trying to find the lock. So I finally get in there, throw the deadbolt and everything. Come back up those creepy stairs in the hallway, get back into my apartment. And I'm like, Okay, calm down. Calm down. That was clearly just some weirdo out there. You know, and I'm also like, well, I'm probably not going back to sleep anytime soon. But I do have to work in the morning. So I should at least get back in bed. So I've got my little flashlight on my phone. You know, that's, that's worthless. And I'm kicking my shoes off and I walk into my bedroom. And there's someone in my bed. Oh my gosh. It's just the Comforter that I'd pushed off. But for a moment, I was like, fuck this night. That that last thing I've experienced. I'm sure we all have several times like you see the meme close on a chair during the day. Close on a Jared night. The walking through the middle of the street. That was fucking terrifying. You guys, I swear to God, if I have ever been that scared, I was probably six years old. And you know, it was a Boogeyman situation. Because this was like a Primal Fear. I have never been so petrified with fear. Well, the problem is, even if it's not some supernatural being after you. It's still so crazy. Probably a homeless dude in the middle of the night, standing around in a windstorm to nuts to know that he shouldn't be there in an intersection. If he had been on the sidewalk. I probably would have thought well, this is weird, but maybe he's like me. Yeah, check it out what's going on? Yeah, standing in the middle of the intersection. He was living creepy. He was enjoying the freedom. The freedom of standing in the road. No red lights will stop. No cars coming down here. Am I I'm squinting. So I see this little all this blackness, but I'm holding my flashlight. So he clearly sees there's somebody there and then starts walking towards them. Maybe he went in a nice friendly chat. But that's what I was afraid of. That's actually why I would have left. Like I don't want to have a conversation. Fuck it. I'll go find a tree to stand underneath. Yeah, we didn't even lose power. We just had like leaves thrown all over the place. The best part was I did finally fall asleep, you know about a half hour before my alarm went off. And I wake up the powers on and everything. And if not for the fact that I was wearing my clothes and my bed might have wondered if the whole thing had been a dream. While dreams. And one of the weirder things they used to moving up here from Idaho, where there's no trees really, except for ones people plant and stuff. So we had maybe five power outages in the 15 years. I live there and whatever. And here you get it usually have a power outage at least once a year, if not a couple times a year from some limb falling on something. So it was very weird when I first moved to like, power's out. Everybody else like happens? Yeah. Okay. Absolutely. I mean, being growing up on the island, which our infrastructure for powers, not great. In fact, what happens is because we have a ton of trees, and just you know, some guy in the 60s went around and stuck up, you know, stapled a bunch of power lines onto some poles. So when our power goes out, or part of a co op, so people we know, get into trucks in the middle of the night and start driving around with a giant spotlight trying to figure out where it went down. Meanwhile, nowadays due to Facebook, people post Hey, it's over on my streets. Oh, and they Yeah, they go and they find it and it's very like, you know duct tape and bootstrapping and you know, we always say a big thank you to them when they get the power going again, but yeah, we our power goes out all the time. It was a kid it would be like weeks at a time. So yeah, I'm very I'm like, Oh, I don't have to. It's a word of modern world like maybe I don't have to make Top Ramen on the top of a woodstove. For two weeks running Wow, the only thing I really worry about when the power goes out is the aquarium. Oh of course. You have to oxen Ajay to wait with your legs and made it a little cup again a couple of oxen you can do that dude. Hey guys, I watched this movie that's been getting a lot of buzz brand new and it is called psycho Gorman. I do not know what this is. I watch that too. Why knock that off my list? Oh, no. Did you think about it, Eric? If you loved the Power Rangers TV show in the 90s. The US version? Maybe the Japanese one as well. You probably will really like this movie. I was not a huge fan of the Power Rangers style. Oh, no, I was. I was actually really excited about this one. I love the image they released. Because I was I was thinking it was a 2020 release, which you know, did the festival things. But technically, it's 2021 release. Because it came out like on January 6 or something. But there's this great image of the little girl looking kindly psychotic with the creature behind like, well, this looks like fun. And your response was upon watching it. Well, there's there's one trope I hate in general in films, and that is the precocious child Oh, my movie is about the precocious child or you're being polite with that word, man. She's uh, she was obnoxious. And she was mean to everyone. I think that was the joke. I mean, it's really, it. It really works as a kid's film that has a ton of gore in it. Yeah. So it's kind of fun for that. But I think that as a kid, I might have been very, very annoyed by the kid the lead. Yeah. Where was this available on? Is it like a shutter thing? It will be on shutter shortly because it is a shutter original. But they I guess felt strong enough about it that they put it out as a rental. No, not I rented on Amazon and then after I ran is like the shutter logo because I'm like, damn it. Oh, well, I imagined to be there next month. Yeah. It was the effect just like his other film. He did. The lovecraftian kind of one. Yeah. All the effects are fun. The creatures are fun. It gives you a solid hint to the beginning of what you might be in store with their home planet being named Gygax. Yeah. Okay. And if the little kid had been about as awful as she was about half the movie, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. But at some point, it felt like this kid kind of needs to evolve and change as a character. She really doesn't even in the end. She doesn't Not at all. But it but it's getting good reviews, man. I mean, it's 90 something right now on Rotten like 93 or something. Yeah. So that's why I wanted to bring it up. I think that there is an audience for this. It is just not me. Yeah, I would say like I said, if you really loved Ultraman Ultraman was better. But if you really loved like the real low rent version of Power Rangers, you'll probably really like it. There's a lot of the villains of Power Rangers, especially in this movie with the way over top the active and stuff. Yeah, I would agree. Well, I checked out a film that um, I remember hearing about before COVID came out and I think I saw some like trailer for it or something. And then it kind of disappeared for a while and I saw it pop back up again, which is synchronic Have you seen this yet? for about an hour into it? Yeah, I was like, upset that you guys showed up on time. Okay, cuz I was I was digging it. You're digging it or you're not digging it? I really disliked Wow, okay. Um, I think there's some really good ideas in there. I'm not going to tell you obviously anything that happens. But the language of cinema is significantly lost. On the people who are making this film, they don't know when to be in a shot size of any specific range. They don't know when to be in a close up or a medium shot or a wide shot. They have no idea that when you're in a high stakes emotional moment, you should be at a close up or when you want to tell people where you are, you should be in a wide shot. I was getting incredibly frustrated. And unfortunately, this is by the people who are going to be taking over moon night. So that made me a little nervous. The first of those films we've seen because no okay because they do know The Senate language of cinema, I would hope so. But like, I can't tell from this movie, other movies are full of it. The first one they did the super, super low budget one where it's the two guys in a cabin. I can't think of the name of is full of that. I mean, they do really so. I don't know what might be their mess. You know, they always say like the go back to the old Picasso thing. You learn how to do it perfectly. And then you can mess with it. So maybe they're messing with it and you're just not for it. You're not there for it. Like they go, you know what, this should be a close up. We're doing the opposite. This should be a wide angle, we're doing the opposite. Sounds like you know, you're like nope, not for me. I don't, I doesn't feel purposeful. It feels clumsy. And I think that's where I'm frustrated. I like again, like I like the concept. And I think that they're extremely good at interesting frickin concepts. But I'm nervous. I'm, we'll see. We'll see what happens. I hope I hope I'm wrong. I really want to be wrong. But yeah, you're not the first person to say that they didn't like this film. I have to say that I'm kind of loving it about an hour in well, and I love the because I was thinking to myself, Wow, this looks so unusual. And I loved the shot decisions. No, no, this is really interesting looking. Because the endless was full of that kind of stuff to the endless has really wild strange, it feels but the MLS is like feels way more like a film in the US. I don't like me talking about the lodge or it's like, oh, wow, here we're doing a sighting dip the ladders the other way around, you could absolutely see the direct. Get go. And it's got all of this Right, exactly. I would say to me, you know how Wonder Woman 1984 felt like, people had no clue like it went off the rails. And you're like, I don't know who directed this action sequence. But it's bad. I don't know why we're like in her village again. What lesson did I learn? Who knows? I don't know how this is applicable to the rest of the film. really confused? Does she do anything through the entire film hurt to say? I'm looking forward to watching this one now. Partially because the endless spring and resolution? I think they're all fantastic. I haven't seen resolution I you know, I am willing to say maybe they're experimenting, but I it felt like a hot mess to me. And Kelly, I hope that you do enjoy the whole thing. I'm looking forward to you getting through the final bit. And you know, I can't wait to hear what you think through the entire experience, not just the first hour because there's more. Um, well, like I always say, I actually love it. When I hear people say, Oh, I love this movie. And then somebody else say I fucking hated it. What do you think? That tells me that it's art. Now we're discussing it. And it's people differently. There's, like I said, there's some really I mean, that opening scene is unbelievably good. unbelievably good. That is some of the best, like concept conceptual like introducing supernatural elements I've seen in a long time. But then it's like the main plot. I just want it. I have so I've so many more questions than I have answers. And it's not questions about like, the supernatural stuff. It's like, what is this guy's job? Like, why? Who's this? Who's his friend? And why are they like they did this together. But they didn't do this. And they're in this. Anyway. Sorry. I will let you get there. Yeah, well, the best part is an hour into it. I was thinking I was thinking to myself, I can't wait to see what they do with my Mac now. I was just gritting my teeth going. No, no, it has to be better. It has to be better so much depends on them not being awful. It really felt to me like this is somebody who made their first feature about two years out of film school. It felt like that's what it felt like as far as just the cinema language was going but and maybe the script anyway, anyway. Well, okay, I'll go with one that I think Chris, the surprise for me of the new year so far. Kelly's recommendation of Harley Quinn. Friday. Oh, yeah. So much fun. You know, if you're not sure if you're wanting to watch a cartoon about Harley, pop on the first I don't know, maybe 10 minutes at most filming of this and if you don't realize you're watching something very, very different. Then he would usually see on a Saturday morning. It's so good. I have to say everybody kept telling me to watch it. And I was of that mindset. I was like, I don't like this character. So I don't think I'm gonna like cartoon about this character. And then I binge both seasons could not stop watching it. It's been super it's funny because off of your recommendation just like Eric, I jumped on and I only got through the first three episodes but like back to back because I was so excited about it and like yeah, after 10 minutes, it does start to feel initially like oh yeah, like Saturday morning cartoon fare like this totally feels like it rhythmically and the way they're produced presenting things, and it feels like I'm not sick gargoyle so well, yeah. And then all of a sudden, it shifts gears so quickly, and you're like, whoa, whoa, okay. Cool. Mmm hmm. All right. And then to the point where I was like, is this gonna be too much? Like, I hope they come back a little bit because I want to like, do something other than watch like gore and swearing. But no, it's so good is so good. I have to say, you know, James Gunn has his Suicide Squad movie coming out and King Shark is in it. And I'm like, Oh, I don't think you're gonna be able to beat the King Shark in the Harley Quinn cartoon. Good. I like that. They chose to make the bane the Chris Nolan ban. That was really good. And everybody take makes fun of him all the time. Oh, my God. He's such a he's such a great. I want to say gentle soul. I don't know if that's the right word. But I also like that his catchphrases? Well, I will blow this up then. It doesn't work out in his favor. He's gonna explode it. Yes. And they do a wonderful balance of no poison ivy is actually that's really freaking powerful. What she can do. And they, they up on that and I never Harlequin came out in that period when I was just in the 90s and stuff when I really wasn't reading a lot of comics. So I completely missed her. I hadn't seen the Suscribe movie that ncrt couldn't film. This is really the first deep dive I've had into her as a character. And I think it's gonna be rough to find anything else after this one. She read um, White Knight, yet? Not the one where the Joker is Scott Snyder. Yeah, that was that one's pretty good. Yeah, I like that one because it it does address the modern Harley Quinn. But it does the opposite where it's like, this fucking chick with their big fucking hammer and whatever. Like and they address like the negative aspects of her character, which I thought was really fascinating. So it's really fun to watch somebody, like enjoy the positive aspects. But um, the Hartley movie that came out with last, Oh, God, I don't know, was it last year, last year, 10 years ago, something like that. So so strangely, last year, talking about the birds of prey birds of prey. That was very, I enjoyed it a lot. I thought it was a pretty fun film, so I did not enjoy it. And that's why I wasn't looking forward to this, sir. Absolutely. But yeah, other than suicide. It was. Maybe that's because my bar was so low. The advantage of not being a huge DC fan. Oh, it's so true. People say the DC DC movies are as I watch them. Well, and Harley popped up. Her origin was in the Batman animated series that Bruce Timm did and that show is unassailable. As far as I'm concerned, that thing is perfect. So and I always liked her Harlequin outfit and all that so that you know when they sex her up and everything for the for the boys. I was always like, I don't feel like this character needed that right? Yeah, but in this cartoon, it certainly works. Yeah. So I started watching one division. Yeah, I have a theme largely because it's been a while the reaction I've seen has been so incredibly generic and I want to do I watched all of Harley Quinn last like week and a half. So I was watching that and so it just it's not that I don't want to watch it. I just haven't washed it yet. You have to watch you are the first positive reaction of I've heard I've heard Well, that's not true. I've heard a couple positive but most of them are like well, it's not as good as I was hoping but it's still pretty good. And a lot of wow, this is really dumb. Well it's dumb if you look at it at face value. If you're like oh like it's a 50s sitcom oh it's a whatever sitcom you know as things evolve, but things are not you know consistently that something is wrong and picking that those pieces out I find very very interesting. But Kelly, I would love to know what what you thought kind of math on it to really, Episode Three has come out now and stuff is finally happening. Yeah, and so I'm more interested. Okay. But the first episode I was thinking to myself, Oh, no, they've they've made this so much like A sitcom from the 50s that I'm getting exactly the same pleasure out of it if I was watching an episode of my three songs, yeah, I think that's something I liked about it. I was like, not because I don't I actually hate sitcoms like deeply for the most part hate sitcoms, but they did such a good job of replicating that feel, in an era where like, it's almost hard to remember what that was like and how to do it. But I was really impressed. And then you get these, like, every single commercial has some hint as to what the fuck is going on, at least somewhere in it. So there's, I don't know, there's a lot of little weird, deep, interesting moments as only 25 minutes long, or 23 I wonder you are significantly younger. And I wonder if younger kids are enjoying this more because it seems a little unusual because it's so close to a 56 in the 60s and 70s. Whereas somebody like me who actually had to sit through that shit, because we only had three channels and we watch whatever was on fucking TV. reruns of B, which that's what you got. And this is so much like that raised me to something I lived through that it's not a goodness seljuq feeling it's a I was born to this one. It was new, right? I mean, I lucked out because the things that I grew up with as far as that caliber were like Gilligan's Island and Brady Bunch saw a lot of those two things on some kind of forced. This is all that's on TV right now kind of situation. So I didn't I never really grew up with anything older or even in black and white. Like that just wasn't part of that caliber. So it is kind of fascinating to me. That's true, but I know it's like it's because I know it's temporary. I can put up with a lot. Yeah, I'm very eager to see how it will go on now that something major has happened. Sure. Yeah. So I'm looking forward to it. I don't like that actress. Oh, sir. Olsen okay. And I was a little surprised to find out that was Mary Kate and Ashley's older sister. You only just found out I only just found out it started making sense to me why I disliked her. Oh, cuz I dislike them as well. Yeah, but she's actually acting. She acts very well in a 50 sitcom style, which seems like she was she was very frustrating to watch in The Avengers films in Age of Ultron because I've seen her in that indie film that like kind of indie culty semi horror film, she was married something something something it has like four female names in a row and creepy and good and she is unbelievably awesome in it. So I kind of had high expectations so when I saw her I felt like she was super underutilized or poorly dressed Mary Kate and Ashley Halloween know are people listening who know what I'm talking about? And they agree with me. Oh, man, but no, she she has some chops. I'm so watching her be underutilized. I was incredibly frustrated by so I was like, Oh my gosh, she has to act even if it's outside of what I understood that character to really be like. I was just enjoying the fact that she got to like have a range and Paul Bettany. Who doesn't love Paul Bettany. I love all that. And I really love the characters from the comics, right? And it does feel to me like they are pushing towards a particular storyline. If you guys are familiar with the House of M storyline? No, but I'm going to get that comic. I think that's kind of where they're going with this. And I'm like, Okay, if if this turns out to be like maybe a prequel to The Doctor Strange movie, and he has to set things right after she has changed the world then I'm like, Okay, I'm fine with it. I suspect from again, the thing the little hints and things that have happened throughout the house event is probably within the scope. What I like a lot about the idea whether it's good or not the idea that there's a Marvel show, Marvel produced Marvel created. That is not, hey, here's our superheroes going out and kicking ass. It is something different it is. Because that's what happened to strongly in the 80s and then moving like The Dark Knight and some of the watchmen and stuff where comic books went from kind of generic, beat up things to really freaking deep storylines. And now the Marvel movies have opened the door for enough of it that you can go really weird and maybe have some big success. So it's whether I end up liking it or not. I think it's cool that something like that is out there. Yeah, and I really liked They put all their chips in, they took, you know, two big characters, they didn't go for some side character. They didn't go for some unknown thing, some side side property that was safe to do. They went ahead and took like two main characters from their series and stuck them in like, a show or even maybe even miniseries together. And like actually produced several episodes rather than, you know, breaking formula is incredibly risky. And I like that Disney is willing to take these kinds of risks. Yeah, pretty cool. So I don't know. We'll see. We'll see where things go. I'm happy to be the the Outland the Outlander on this one. outsider? Well, we'll come back in a couple of weeks, and I'll have loved synchronic and hated one division and you'll be exactly the opposite. I know. That's what makes this big, beautiful world. democracy in action, and we'll say which side I land on each one. Okay, well, I also got to check out another really fun piece that I was really excited about, because I had heard a review like, a month ago about this, it came out in the UK already. And I was like, Where's this film? I want to see this film. Another disaster movie called sky fire. Do you find them all haven't even heard of this one? Okay, so I am gonna blow your minds. All right, boy. Imagine there is a inactive but previously active volcano. Now imagine a super billionaire. egocentric guy builds a resorts on that mountainous volcanic thing that has definitely is not going to go off for another 100 years at least. And then rich people go and hang out on it. And then it explodes. What he could have seen this. Like, it's everyone knows what's gonna happen. But that just makes it so much better. It's actually a really good night. It's a nice little disaster phones. Yeah. I'm blanking on the name of the Morgan one where Morgan Freeman was the president. Oh, um, Oh, that one came out about the same time or something. Tonight, London Has Fallen? Oh, no, no, the volcano movie. Oh, are they're all living those either volcano or Dante's peak? Oh, Dante's peak? Sure. Yeah, is it because that's their description sounds kinda like zombies. It's like Dante's peak meets Jurassic Park. I don't know what to do with. I mean, it's got a lot of that, like, I don't care about the danger. I'm gonna make this amazing Park and there's people there. Like, you know, like there's real danger. It's not dinosaurs, but it is something of that caliber. And then on the same angle, you also have these like volcanologists, who are like studying things and loving Spock. Getting all that kind of thank you for just moving right back. Considering considering it's a Japanese production, or sorry, Chinese cheese, I apologize. A Chinese production, which has like 8 million Chinese production labels that come up before the start of the film. It is really pretty good and fun. I suggest watching it in Chinese please do not watch it and dubbed it's real, real rough and up. I had to stop the filming. Go on. Rewind. There's some bad acting in there. Oh, I'll happily say that. But it's frickin fun. Anything you're like, Oh, that's gonna come into play later. It does. While you're talking. I looked it up and looked at the poster. It looks like the poster is produced an hour on 97 It's so good. So we'll get right into the you know, so no, no English actors and they didn't bring Hollywood Jason Isaacs is the bad guy is the bad guy. Okay, yeah. So he's the only guy I think he's the only white white person. But then like, yeah, yeah, no, he's the only white person that Okay, cool. Well, it sounds like you love it. And that's good enough for me. I will not watch this. Hey, we agreed on previous disaster films. So maybe that's a maybe that's somewhere where you can come together in a sort of thanksgiving like setting date. Let's see. Oh, another one. I've got I've still I'm still pulling out from the 2020s that I watched. Oh my god, you really went for it? Yeah. The one called the owners. Hmm. It's star booster. Okay. It stars the shit. What's her name? Stark the youngest start girl is right. Right. The lead and I see something that Yeah. And yeah. And so and they Cast is really good. It's not original. But it's fun in that it is sort of a. The One was that movie, I think, I don't know if his lights out or no don't breathe, or they break into the blind guy's house and he takes a shout out of him for a while. It's sort of a version of that. But a little more surrealist, because the older woman of the house is very bizarre. And they do some weird things like fog the house and they're trying to work through the hair. But it starts off really, really well. And the suspense is really, really good. And then when it goes strange, it gets a little too strange. Because it's so solid and so straightforward from the beginning that I go Okay, this looks like a good invade the house but invaded the wrong house kind of movie. It's kinda doesn't work, which is unfortunate, because it was really good for the first part. It's not bad to watch. I mean, it didn't make didn't even make my mentions of the year. I wasn't upset. I watched it. It's good. It's just not it just started off so good. Like, Oh, man. Okay. So if you think the beginnings a little stilted in two, I've seen this all before. Keep watching. You're probably like it more than I did. Alright, I saw the poster for it. And the poster looked. So derivative of every other kind of poster. I thought, well, I'm gonna pass on this. Yeah. Yep. This is true. Yeah, I've had the 2020 underneath it. So I was like, click. I found it really frustrating though, because every time I'd go for 2020 film, it would turn out to either be 2019 or not released yet. It'd be like, Oh, yeah, one loves this movie. I cannot get ahold of at all. Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of there was a lot of those especially the other for me the other side where it's like, Oh, this looks great. Oh, could actually comes out in 2021. Yeah, it's just on its festival run now. Exactly. Or festivals. Maybe I could see. But no is December. So those are all that do? Well, and dirty little secret here. Whenever I see something is doing a festival run. I always reach out to Eric and I'm like, can you ask these guys to send you a screener for possible inclusion in the film vessel? So I can watch it. That's a good tactic. Really? Oh, yeah. And some really good shit. Yeah. But then the other side of the coin. There's ones I can't believe that was submitted and you didn't play it. I'm gone. I'm fine with that. That grisly sequel that's coming out. George Clooney, and whoever else is in there. was submitted to crypto con last year. Oh, man. And, you know, I now appreciate the bad movie, right? Jesus This is just Whoa. But you could have played it Look at all the press. It's getting. Yeah, it's nice. And then everybody go wow, this little cryptic con Film Festival I've never heard of played stuff like this. I'm okay. That's interesting. I mean, it's it's such a different viewpoint to be in charge of the film festival especially when you're maintaining like a certain quality Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, but usually when scholars end up getting played it works great. Well that's because they've been played at fantastic so I you know, you know you're getting something quality. Yeah. Alright guys, should we take a little break and then come back and talk about destination hora. The wait is over. It's located in Pigeon Forge in is definitely the rowdiest. Good time the Smoky Mountain. lumberjack view dinner show is now open with two shows daily. ESPN athletes competing this epic story of mountain survival. The media tie diving timber dogs and lumber deals with real old family so get your plan on and head on over to the Great Smoky Mountain lumberjack lumberjack. The thought behind this topic you guys was there are so many films where people are going off on vacation or going off to camp or something and then something horrible happens. And it's always been my worst fear whenever I was going on vacation if I was going to Disneyland or something I was like, I sure hope something bad doesn't happen on this. anxiety. This is how my mind works. Oh, that is something I have never experienced. Well, I bet you put your head on your pillow and you fall right asleep at night. That must be nice. Wow. On my stomach and I bought like a lizard on a hot rod. bad for your back. I know. With that in mind you guys, I use this topic to finally hunt down a movie I've been dying to see for years. And it is called who can kill a child? Sorry, I just kept this mental image for later. If I could I do it. They're warm sunbaked rock anyway, so kill a child. What movie do you have? I chose from 1976 who can kill a child. Lovely, lovely title. Ha could find no budget or box office information. And no Rotten Tomatoes critics but the audience hasn't it's 79% 76 horror film that you've never heard of? Oh, no, I've seen it. Oh, you've seen it. And oh, okay. If it's one I think it is described and it was written and directed by Nazi So even as Sarah door who wrote and directed the house that screamed and about 70 other credits, not including the 25 credits he has as an actor. Wow. And he just passed in 2019. And it is also based on the novel by Juan Jose plots. Stars Louis fiandre, who's in Dr. fives raises again, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and 67 other credits, and Prunella ransom, who has 32 credits, mostly British television, and she passed away in 2002 in a very young age. So you've seen this, Eric, you've not seen this with us. But I think this kind of year kind of movie. Really? Yeah. It starts with a montage of like documentary footage that shows the effects of war on children. And it's all real footage of like kids in World War Two that had been taken out of the camps and stuff like this, and it is some harrowing shit. And then it it's almost like, like Mondo Cane footage and shit like that. And you know what it started? I was like, What did I get the wrong movies, because I had to pay to hunt this down. And I was only able to find it under its Italian title. Hmm. And then I was worried because it starts with Well, the Mondo came footage has English and then it starts with Italian language and then English subtitles. But then we find ourselves with Tom and Evelyn who are the protagonists of this film. And they are English and they speak in English and I and then once that goes away, or once the the Italian stuff goes away. The subtitles go away too. So every time you hear somebody speaking something other than English, it is no subtitles. You are put in the position of the two main actors who can't understand what's going on. It's an intentional choice, I'm sure. Awesome. Yes, because this is a fucking creepy movie. These two are taking a vacation before the birth of their third child. And after a night of partying on this really cool vacation Island. I can't tell exactly where they're supposed to be. But there's fireworks at night and they're wandering around through a parade and all this stuff. And you know, and they're canoodling and kissing, you're like oh, this is nice. These people love each other and they decide that The next day, they're going to take a little boat that they got and go off to this little deserted island, they'd heard of not a desert, not just not a deserted island, but a little like local village place. It's not a touristy type thing. So they get there, and they pull the boat up to the dock. And there are a couple of kids kind of sitting there on the dock who look very sullen and angry. They don't say anything. And they wander into town. And there is this cute little village there. But it seems to be deserted. Every once in a while they see a kid like looking out a window at them or something like that. But otherwise, they can't get anybody to come. Like when they ring a bell for a hotel, they can't get anyone to come for that they make a trip down to the main part of the downtown area, and they go into a restaurant and nobody's there. So it's very, very odd. Finally, he goes off and leaves his wife in the restaurant. He's kind of looking around just to see if there's anybody there and this little girl walks into the restaurant. And she seems fascinated because Evelyn has, you know, a very slight baby bump. And the girl has latched on to this. And she's like, oh, and she's touching her stomach and everything like that. And she smiles and then she goes and runs off. They follow her and they find her and have a group of kids beating to death and old man that they strung up like a pin Jada? Oh my god. Yeah. And I suddenly know exactly why you like this. And when they see that, and they're, they're horrified. And there's just too many kids that they could like go and kick one or something. So they go running off. But now of course the bodies started appearing in every place they look, they find a dead body. So they're trying to escape, but the kids are kind of hurting them towards this area. And they they end up barricading themselves in this hotel room, while the kids are outside pounding on the door and pounding on the windows and all this stuff. And it gets really weird in that. There's one boy who's kind of crawling through the window of their hotel room, and he's got a gun. Yeah. But Tom also has a gun, and he shoots again. Wow. Which is, like amazing. When that happened. I was like, holy shit. Yeah, I get and Tom can kill a child. And they, they kind of break down because they're both just, like, horrified at what he's done. But they they realize, Oh, this is a matter of life and death. But don't worry, things are about to get much, much worse. Because they are they're trapped in this room. Right? And Evelyn starts having these pains from inside. Because her baby has also gotten the urge to kill. And it is Whoa, destroying her from the inside. Oh my god. Yes. Whoa. And you kind of realize, oh, something is going on. That girl was able to infect the other kid by touching her stomach. And it's just a weird, creepy fucking movie. So he's down left in this room with his dead wife. And the kids pounding on the door and everything. He's got this gun and it's a it's a big rifle, like a machine gun type of thing, you know? And he's just like, Alright, fuck it kicks down the door, runs through gets outside. But there's just all these kids waiting for him. He just moves him down with a machine gun. Sure. And then he jumps in a jeep and starts taking off all these kids are running after him. He's running over kids and shit. I was just like, oh my god, this is insane. He finally makes it to the dock. And I'll I'll leave that for you guys to figure out there's a nice twist ending coming up. And it's probably not anything that you wouldn't see coming now. But I imagine in 1976 was a little shocking. And I just had just had a blast with this movie. I'm so glad I was able to find it. I know I was reaching out to you and to see if you had it. And it sounds like one I should have. But yes, I have seen that one. That's the one I was thinking of. I just heard it was a long time ago. So I've kind of forgotten the subtitle thing and stuff. Right? Yeah, that's definitely got interesting. Yeah, well, so remember all that footage at the beginning. It's kind of implied that the long list of atrocities and horrors that have been brought upon children because of wars that adults have done and all that stuff. That's cause these kids to finally, like evolve into something that can take matters into their own hands. Because it's the ending is one of those. Now get out. Go forth. There are lots of other children who like to play and stuff like that, you know, a little bit of trivia on this, the director originally wanted to Anthony Hopkins to play the part of Tom, this was in 1976. So that would have been a pretty young Anthony Hopkins. And I think that that would have worked just fine with me. The script was written in four days. Wow. Now, even taking into account that he had a book to go off of four days is a lot. Yeah. Wow. And the book that is based on is El Hijo de los ninos the child's game, written by Juan Jose plans. differences with the novel include that in the book, children become murderers after touching a strange yellow pollen. That there's no explanation given for why this happens. But that is not why. And then Juan Jose plans himself wrote and directed a radio adaptation of his novel released in six episodes in 1999. There's also a Mexican film called I think los ninos that is credited to him as story idea. So based on his book, I'm guessing. So love this movie, and so glad I got to see it. Finally, wow, it's you know, it feels like it's a rarity. Or it's, I mean, it's still so taboo to just straight up, destroy a child on screen who can kill a child? Exactly. It's right there in the title. Let me show you. That concept of literally just going through them like there's no tomorrow is, especially in that era is pretty surprising to me. I thought so too. I remember right about this time was the driving movie the children of the black fingernails and burn everybody they touch and I always loved that one, too. There was just something about something in the air. Parents hated their kids a little more honest and how you feel like they don't want to you don't want to grab the fact that you think your kids are raging psychotic pain in the ass. What message were you trying to give when you had the kids burning you when they hugged you? No message. I actually feel like that burning me. Got the fourth on the way. So I have to grab my glasses. I just realized I can't read Hold on. Oh, wow. super powerful glasses let you read in your area kircher down. Oh my god. It Take your time. You know what? I can see. It's not one thing. It's another. Um, so for my film, and I made a big old list of potential options out there. And I realized that there was a Kurt Russell film that I could check out knock off my list and got very excited about it. wasn't sure if it was going to be any good. But yeah, this film is called breakdown. This crazy Look at this. When this mailing contest. You can choose between $90,000 or 90,000 doughnuts. leisurely cross country trip. And unexpected break down. Can you believe this? A helpful passer by folks. All right. car broke down. I can give you a ride to fells little diner about five miles down the road. They got a payphone called tow truck. They just come in and haul Yeah. It could happen to anyone. Excuse me. He's supposed to meet my wife here to start here. Five, five. doesn't ring a bell. Now an ordinary man. I'm looking for my wife. I don't know how to tell you this. But I've never seen before. My wife has an unbelievable story. It was this truck. The police are doubtful in the first truck, no sign of a struggle. The locals are suspicious. Now. There's over 100,000 people go missing in this country every year. All vanished without a trace. But he's not worried about the ones who think he's crazy. My wife doesn't hate me. He's worried about the ones who know he's telling the truth. I saw what happened. When do I see my wife? Just start walking on the ground. Kurt Russell. Right, john? From 1997 um, have you guys seen this assignment theater? I don't think I've seen this one. Really? Okay. It's a I mean, it's a very by the numbers 90s action film. Sure. It's got a lot of that kind of, it feels like it's almost like made for TV, but with a way bigger budget just because it's so like on the nose and just dramatic. But we'll get there. Rotten Tomatoes has 81% for critics and 67% for audience. The budget for this movie was 36 million and it brought in 50.2. So you know, like a good little success, not like a blow away success. But you know, it made us money and then some. The director is also the writer, Jonathan Moscow. He's done some kind of interesting films. It's very eclectic. So he did fright show which I have not seen. A Beverly Hills Body Snatchers. You 5710 Yeah. A submarine movie. Yeah, Terminator three. He was originally meant to direct to the game and he had cast Kyle McLaughlin and Bridget Fonda in it, but ended up executive producing it instead, set the Fincher film it is the David Fincher film. He also had students crazy, and he co wrote a comic book series called The Megabus for virgin comics and then directed surrogates, which is based on a comic series starring Bruce Willis. So I don't know what to make of this dude. Like it I don't I don't know. Anyway, that's that guy. Starring you really have three there's there's a number of actors in this but really three main people we care about. Kurt Russell, who plays our lead leading man, the good husband, the driver of the car who drives a little too fast. Jeff Taylor, you may remember Kurt from such great says it happened at the World's Fair. Oh and follow me boys. Another Disney movie. Horse in a gray flannel suit and computer wore tennis shoes. There you go. He was also a minor league baseball player. He was second baseman for the California angels. So there you go. I don't think I know that. I did not either. His dad was like a big baseball guy and there's some documentary that goes into that which I'll get to later there were no I won't I will never talk about it again anyway. Just know that it exists. I think it's on Netflix. Um The thing I actually know Kurt Russell from I grew up with him watching bird on a wire and overboard because my my mom was obsessed with certain films that we had on VHS. I watched those movies a lot overboard got a lot of play in suncoast it was a fun film I has a has a little place in my heart does not age well into the modern world. Oh way they did the remake for it. Oh my god. The remake is real rough. Actually. The only thing I left out was a joke that they'd used on the first bird on a wire I have very vague memories of but enjoyed anyway. His wife is played by Kathleen Quinlan. She plays Amy Taylor. She's been in a number of things, including American Graffiti. I never promised you a rose garden, which she was nominated for Best Actress Golden Globe. Apollo 13 opposite Tom Hanks, and the REMAX remake of Hills Have Eyes. It was also an independence day, but not that one. Like 1988 film called Independence Day, I was like, Oh, right. That's interesting. And more recently, she has been in a couple of episodes of Marvel's runaways. That being said, I could not pick her out of a line to save my life. I could not put money and be like that woman is that woman. She's just super super generic to me. And yeah, you don't necessarily see a ton of her face in this film. However, somebody you do see a lot of in this film is JT Walsh, who plays Warren red bar. He He's incredible. You might remember him from Good Morning Vietnam. He was in an episode of X Files and called the list as an evil warden. It's been an outbreak, A Few Good Men. He was an uncredited state trooper and misery. I thought was interesting. And slingblade he's actually passed away. He died in 1998. This was the last film he was alive for. Wow, two, or sorry. 1998 to actually see in the theater, three films of his came out post-human asleep. He was a heavy smoker and died of a heart attack. But he was 54. Wow. Yeah. Yup. This film is, um, it is like a heart attack. On on plastic. I mean, it's it's like, Huh, just gonna say a heart attack on wheels. I Yeah, I know, it was trying to get like it. I guess I didn't watch it on DVD, a heart attack in a streaming format. I don't know. It was extremely stressful. The plot is a husband and wife are on a cross country drive from Massachusetts to LA for a job. They're a married couple. They talk a lot about how they have no money. Basically, they're driving this really nice car, but they kind of gave up everything for this move. And so they're not really wealthy. Even though the car is really nice, quote, unquote, it's a Jeep Cherokee, the car is heavily featured. I would not be surprised if Jeep didn't throw some cash at this. Seriously, this Jeep is like a hero. It is definitely like the fourth star of this film. So they, although I will say this is weird, they experienced car trouble. So considering this Jeep does so well. It's interesting that they started off in this direction, has some car trouble after getting gas, and then they're kind of harassed by this weird black pickup truck. They're out in the middle of the desert, out in New Mexico just driving along so they're really really nowhere near like a big town or anything. So it's really creepy that there's this odd big black pickup truck that just keeps harassing them. However, they're sort of saved there on the side of the road and this pickup truck is at the top of the hill looking like it's going to run them down. They're saved when a big semi truck comes up behind them and guy hops out and offers to help them out. They the guy who is red bar is his name. He offers to give a me and and also, whoever Kurt Russell's characters actually called on the phone. Who cares Jeff Taylor. Kurt, Kurt arrived to a nearby cafe it's about five miles down the road. Or diner I should say Kurt's like no, no, he's very prideful, very like man's man. He's like, No, I'm, I can figure out this card's fine. And Amy's like, I'm just gonna go ahead and go because this is stupid, and you're stupid. And this guy is like, extremely nice. And he is extremely nice. He's like super charismatic, really personable, like a very next door neighbor. Kind of do that you wouldn't mind like borrowing sugar from you just cool guy. Um, so she hops in this truck and goes down the road and time passes, and Kurt starts to look under the car and realizes that some wires were just pulled out. He's like, Huh, that's weird. puts them back in car immediately starts so drives off to the diner to try and, you know, catch up with his wife. And lo and behold, she's not there. Dun Dun, dun dun dun. No one is claiming to have seen her. But it's hard to tell because like, it's it's definitely trying to give you that creepy backwater town kind of feel where it's like, these people might be like, full of crap or like evil in some way or just assholes. And you're not really sure which it is. He's trying to figure out what happened to her. And he ends up getting back on the road and seeing the semi truck. So he just drives super, super pedal to the metal catches up with the truck, runs it off the road. And he's like, Where is my wife? And the guy is like, I've never seen you before, sir. I don't know what you're talking about. And plays just beautifully. This horrible gaslighting scene of I don't know, to the point where I was like is Is it the same guy? Like he's pretty much I think he's just not wearing a hat or wearing a different hat. And that's it. It's the same truck. Same guy, same everything, but he's just so convincingly like, dude, I'm sorry, I've never seen you before. I don't know what you're talking about. Are you are you sure I mean, I'll help you if I can, but I don't know. And then a cop pulls over. And Kurt is looking more and more crazy. Like, he's got my wife in his truck and the guy's like, Look, man, you can search my truck, please go feel free. And he's so open that you're like what is happening. So of course, cop ends up letting letting the truck driver go, Kirk goes back to the station to try and start an investigation. But of course, no one's going to even start to look for this girl until, you know, 24 hours have passed. So thus, he begins this kind of insane adventure of trying to find his wife. And the film really shifts gears at some point, where maybe about a third of the way in or half of the way and it goes from this sort of slow, creepy thriller, to just non stop insane fucking action. And it's around the time that Kurt Russell starts to be pursued by that black truck again. And he just like, runs his jeep off of a fucking mountain. Like, he's just you see the edge of this hill, and he's just like, Alright, I'm going, I was like, What are you doing, and he throws his jeep into a river like a raging river. And like, the Jeep is just like sinking and sinking, you're like, like, what is happening right now. And it's just so much stress and tension and craziness. And I'm not going to say that it's bad. But there, there's a thing that happens in modern action films now where you get a comedic release, and moments to breathe. You are not going to get this in this movie. It is just so enhance, um, but I definitely recommend it. I will say you don't see a lot of Amy. It's very much the current show. Which which I love. He's extremely good in it. The guy who plays the truck driver is extremely good. It really is like the definitive 90s action nonsense film. The action scenes. They go for it. They don't hold back, like you think like they're not gonna Oh my God. They did. There's no way they're Oh, my God. They did. Oh, okay. Cool. And that there is a final standoff. I'm not going to say what happens but it is worth the admission ticket rental price. Which by the way, it's like free on Amazon right now. So that's nothing. Things that I'm not thrilled worth nothing. But it's good, though. But I mean, if I had to spend like, you know, 999 on it, I would. I don't know if it's been$12. Depends how much I needed a foam. We should probably spend maybe 20 minutes discussing whether you spend 12 the things I don't like about this film, the wife is barely in it. So it's not really a thin film by any means. It's a sausage sausage fest real real sausage fast. Fun fast cars, though, so that's good. Like I said, there's no there's no breathers. That's a little rough. So the breakneck pace from like the Slow Star is a little strange. Kurt Russell's blue blue eyes are incredibly distracting. To the point where I was like, they gotta like, power this down a little blue eyes, man. I don't know if I can take it just a little too dreamy. She really was a little too dreamy. I have to say. That 90s glam up kind of thing like George Clooney and from dusk till dawn. Jesus. Not a lot of super crazy trivia for this film. I will say there's a fun moment though, where at one point the bad guy says you have exactly 49 minutes to do blank. Jeff, you better get get your show on the road. It is actually 49 minutes until the end of the movie. Which is kind of neat. Wow. And the writer and director Jonathan Moscow got the idea for the film when driving through Las Vegas with his wife. Like, what? What what? Somebody would steal my wife sure wish some kind of underground network of like small town debauchery would steal my wife from my wife's like, so what would you do if I got kidnapped right now from this diner? Yeah, exactly. Like so. Honey, what do you think about let's say some guy like just take whisks you off and you're like, stuck in like a bag or something. Well, what would that be like for you? It's just out of curiosity. What is up with this dude? Other people considered for the lead aside from Kurt Russell. See there? into it. They're yelling at each other. They're arguing for some kind of rooftop possession. Oh, okay, that's enough waiting for SNAP, like a knife to come out. Um, so Kurt Russell. The lead was also considered, potentially to be played by Dennis Quaid, Bruce Willis and Harris Mel Gibson and Richard Gere. I think Kurt Russell does a great job. But I don't think it's a super deep role. So I think any number of people probably could have jumped into it. Um, fun fact, there's a scene where a little kid is playing a video game. That game is doom. However, the soundtracks and sound effect for it is not from doom. There you go, man. I thought you're gonna say that and that kid was Jesus Christ. And this film was lightly based off of the hitcher, from 1986. So that's interesting. I thought that I couldn't see that. When you're talking about it, I got it. He went to the diner and my first thought was, Oh, yeah, and he finds a finger in the pitcher. Now I want to see the hitter. It's good. It's so good. Man. Rutger Hauer it is almost nastiest. I mean, he is just awesome. And it also has a few moments you're gone. Did they really Holy shit. Anyway, so well, he both had a much better time watching our movie than I do. Now. This isn't bad. Don't buy it. Anyways 2008 plague town men but Americans, you're in a foreign land and representing your country. So you need to work with dignity and respect. You can see settling down and country cottage. The last bus is in about five minutes there's nothing here. Your last year the last Exactly. You'll be better off with me. I think we'll take our chances. I don't know about this. What's weird French car luggage halt in the middle of nowhere. I saw something that someone else but hate to see both ways. The car and lock the doors down. Get away from here now. We laughing about the rotten tomatoes on this and this was part of one of those in the early 2000s they had that bit where there's like eight films to die for whatever. 30 Yeah. Where they did weird. Fake attempts at film festivals in theaters. This was part of one of them. I don't remember which one. But the right tomatoes. Even though it's part of that they're on tomatoes still has no critic score for it. Wow. And the audience score is 19 whoa budget of about a million no box office is really available buttons as part of that festival that did not do well. Well. I'm sure it was not a big moneymaker. The most interesting part of this was actually I'm watching this movie. This is a sever and film release. So I'm watching this movie gone. Okay, this is late or late or early 2000s. It's not bad, but it's not what you usually expect from Sephora and by any means. What is going on here so I looked it up and it's directed by David Gregory. Let me tell you about David here. He directed the doc documentary lost souls the doctor by The Adamson documentary they talked about earlier in the year. He was a co producer of color out of space. Whoa. And the severan, founder and director of many of the extras in documentaries giving him 225, Director credits. Wow. And the writer wrote a movie called devolved. He is the other co founder of suffering. And so, there we go. Well, 19% though, yeah. But so we've got Jocelyn de crosta, who plays who was in a movie called herpes boys. Then devall also involved. Erica Rhodes, who's in a short film group theater bizarre and waiting for Dracula. And David Lombard who's done some TV. I feel like that names very familiar, but I don't know Lombard is. office space character, I think. Okay. Anyways, a so this is a story of an American family visiting Irish, their Irish roots. Unlike most of these films, no way exactly like most of these films, none of the people in the family are getting along. Sure. There's the blonde daughter who's the high maintenance he kind of bitchy, complaining one, there's the dark haired daughter, she's the sort of GFI down on her life depressed kind. And the father who's divorced who's trying to get them in good with his new soon to be wife. off the bat check. Okay, I've seen this before. And one of the more interesting actors in the movie is the blonde girl met a British guy and decided that he was going to tag along with them to the events. Amazingly enough, he does not turn out to be the problem. Right from the beginning, I'm watching this gone man. remaster by Severin directed and written by the founders of seven and seven and the audio is rough. I don't know how the dubbing sounds are not the dubbing. But it sounds like it was looped a lot. A lot of it was looped, and it wasn't blended real well into the background as it should. So it's very bizarre. And then at the same time, the sound design is freaking fantastic. The sound effects the music everything is mixed really well. So it's like boy that that looping must have been rough. So they take a bus to the Irish countryside to see his something I don't really know. And Surprise, surprise, they missed the mat last bus home and this bus drivers, Dick, because you've got five people running down the road yelling at him, like a foot away from being able to smack the back of the bus and he just keeps driving. It's like, Wow. I said don't be late. Exactly. So this is how deep I was in this movie at times and watch is gone, man, my parents never would have let me swear that much or smoke out of them. But the end up getting lost, of course and come on. They're walking down a road trying to find something. And they go they see like a light and they're following it. But they come across the car, which has been abandoned. But all the doors are open. So hey, let's hang out in the car. Okay, sure, why not? Couple of them go off to look. The British guy in the blonde, I think, oh, the dad go looking for an old cabin. And they find the old cabin. And the dad is immediately killed. And I will say the violence in this film is really well done. It's these weird looking kind of kids again. And they've got what looks like a piano wire probably or something because that's what it always is. And they wrap it around the guy's head and it goes right between his eyes and severs the top of his head. I was like, Wow. So that it does have that going for it. They film his violin good. And it gets a little weirder after that. Even if you've seen the poster for this. It's a woman with a like a wrap around her eyes and there's like doll eyes on the outside of the wrap. I recognize that. Yeah. And so this is a group of inbred people. And they're basically trying to find people I don't know if I'm giving this away if it happens at the end or the metal. But they, they kidnap women and try to impregnate them to keep their line, purifying their line back to where it's no longer a bunch of mutations which, you know, that's never going to work. The more you tell the story, the less the title of this movie. Makes sense. Oh, it doesn't make sense. Okay, I don't, I don't know. I'm like, Okay. When do we get to like town? There's no town. There's two buildings. And I don't know what the plague is, unless the unless I missed something where they explained that these genetic disorders actually came from a play, there might have been like a witch, the cast movie didn't really grab me 90% Kelly, What again? So the lady finds the British guy has been injured, and she's trying to trying to help him get back to health. And I watched a little bit of a duck, there's some good documentaries on there, obviously. And I watched some of the doc about the film. And this lady's while she's talking to him, has a whole bunch of these little white things sitting on the on the table, but they're perfectly square. Like, what is the point of these and they're never shown other than like, some blood gets splattered on them. They were meticulously carved marshmallows. So it was like, three lines of marshmallows on this table, all carved into squares. And even the director times gone. I don't really remember why I was so insistent on that, but we had to have the square Marshal. Oh my god, okay. Please fear, you know, miss something there. The lady that's helping him is the one who's got the daughter with the weird mask eyes. And she comes out and messes with him. Like, okay, this is weird. And they're the when the British guy gets taken out, it's another incredibly cruel and violent shit. So if you're interested in watching this, I'll leave that one for you to discover on your own. And watching the information on the movie, apparently, the original idea was this 10 or 15 minutes segment that ends with that. David wrote this with the idea of this guy being all those British annoying assholes he'd ever met and hated so much and wished he could do something to so he ends ends up torturing him the most and probably hurting him the most and then killing him in the most violent way. And God, so he had that. He's like, Yeah, that's great to get out. And then they have the the other writers talk about how they then reverse engineer the rest of the story back to the beginning. But that segment he's talking about is the best part of the movie, that that series of stuff where things happened to him, he's in the house and the marshmallows, and that's really solid, the move up to it, I think they could have reverse engineered a little tighter, and they kind of end is also sort of, okay. But that segment in the middle actually is really, really strong. Really well shot and the effects still aren't just damn good. So that'll that didn't make it worth watching. That series is so well done. And the British guy is incredibly charismatic, and a lot of fun to watch. Although supposed to be based in Ireland, it was shot in Connecticut. And when they're doing the auditions, this guy walked in and he was actually British. So the director like, Okay, if this guy can act, he looks great. He sounds great. Let's hope he can act. And I think he's the best actor in the film. Oh, cool. So, you know, they lucked out there for some weird weird reason. Horror hound weekend was a horror hound weekend film, as well. Okay, yeah. I do want to go back and finish documentary because that's really interesting. and watched about half an hour of it. And it's a like a 90 minute full feature documentary, which is what these guys do. Watch, suffer and document documentaries. They do a good job. And they've done a lot of them that lost souls one is one of the best making movie documentaries I've seen. Oh, yeah. Fantastic. So that I think it's going to end up being better than the movie. And going All right. All right. I'm all right that I got this. It was also the very first film production for dark sky films. Who have since gone on to do a whole shitload of stuff. Yeah. Why isn't that like a an offshoot of Spielberg's stuff or something like that? It was an offshoot of sampling, but I don't remember if it was Spielberg, it was their offshoot to start making horror films now canceling those financed sci fi, I believe, so you know, they traveled, they mostly got killed. And gore hounds will enjoy it because it's got the effects are great stories. Fine. You've seen it 400 different times. That middle section, like I said, is really really strong. But it's worth watching, but it's definitely not as good as I've seen both all three of these films. This is the weakest of the three we're talking about today. Well, I'm sorry that you poor you chose poorly. Yes. But still fascinating to hear. Sometimes it's nice to come across these bad ones too. And also be in the weird seven fanboy. I've come over the last last couple years it's kind of interesting to look. See what else he has done and where, where they came from and why they're doing what they do. Absolutely. So yeah, that was cool. Man this episode, I feel like we've gotten all the noises sirens, yes, seagulls It feels like there's construction going on downstairs now. So if this is all coming through that everybody is as as entertained with it as I am every day of my life. Who's got this next one? That'd be me. All right, Bert. It's all about but not just, we're doing kind of a related to this, we're gonna dive into our February. subjects, we'll probably start doing like something about who knows? relationships, hearts, blood. It is the month of love. That's right. So just to kick that off, we're going to be stuck talking about couples and or families uniting together to face down evil. So hopefully, you're not going to have a movie like the one I just watched while the family hates each other. Even. Even as a progresses they don't particularly learn to get along, they usually get killed off before they get the chance to come back and get together. So you know, hopefully they'll stay together a little longer and be together sounds like a sounds like a good challenge to find a film where families actually get along. The fog would fit into this one because she's racing to save her. Wait a second. No, she isn't she hangs out in the fucking light. Like an 80 year old woman. He seems fine. He definitely doesn't just like open the window or whatever. I hear what's going on. Okay, I like this topic. And I like this idea of making February a relationship kind of months. Because everybody's doing women in horror, right? We don't need to do that shit anymore. Do we? owe for February? I did see where they're looking to move it to a different month. Really? Yeah. I wouldn't hate that because there is a Black History Month is the same month and Horror Month. So they're saying maybe we should get our own month. I was like, okay, we would actually make a new month. Ladies. Amen. Watch out. We control the moon, we can do all kinds of things. All right. Okay, so that's the episode. As always, thanks to everyone who's liking and sharing and everything. Hey, just as an aside, I deactivated my facebook account. And I have gotten a couple of people who have reached out to me, like Ron, for Becca, Danny willeford. Just to make sure that I'm okay. And all that. And I will tell you that I am okay. And in fact, I'm more than okay since I deactivated my facebook account. But I've kept my messenger up now. So if you need to get ahold of me, for some reason, you can do it still through that I recommend dming him pictures. It's a good way to go. I'm just gonna take pictures of like, the most mundane thing to you. Here's my breakfast today. You know, I'll be fine with that. As long as you keep your expertise in politics, or pandemics out of the description of the photo. Sure. I can completely do that. That's, that's why I took myself out of Facebook. I just got tired. It's hard. It's I don't look at it often anymore. Yeah, I will be coming back because I have a book to promote here shortly and all of that stuff. And when I do I will probably just kind of mute everybody, you know, just to keep my sanity. And I'll tell you guys, I've I've been in a much better headspace since I got rid of it. So nice. You know, it's like always a temptation. And then you think but then I'll miss everybody. And it's such a hard time right now because we're all socially separated from each other. And it's nice to hear that it's possible and it still might bring great joy and relaxation. Well, now that you brought that stuff, I thought I might have made a massive mistake. If you want me to look for you and your people, I can tell you, I guarantee they will not be worth going back to you for right. Okay, so that's the show. We're coming back in one week and we're talking about relationships, couples, families, all that good stuff, good things that matter. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities, and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band and he is usually fine Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wherever find podcasts