Strange Aeons Radio

108 TOXIC!

February 25, 2021 Strange Aeons Radio Season 3 Episode 108
Strange Aeons Radio
108 TOXIC!
Show Notes Transcript

108 TOXIC!

Vanessa and Kelly are convinced that Eric's plumbing issues will lead to an Asian Horror situation. Films discussed: Monster Hunter, Luz, The Core.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition? To show you Strange Aeons. Welcome to Strange Aeons radio where we're celebrating the one year anniversary of locking down for two weeks. Ooh. That's Eric market over there. Hello. That's Vanessa Williams over there. Hello. I'm Kelly young. You want to know what else is exciting guys? Yeah, I had a massive plumbing issue last week, and the plumber came in, and you will no longer hear the sink farts. Oh. Well, while they cleared the whole thing out, the sink had had kind of started filling up with water while the outside was filling up with snow. And I, I called the management and they were like, oh, and the best part. Of course, couldn't get a plumber here. Because as you know, we had 17 inches of snow and nobody could go anywhere. And it turns out that my kitchen sink, which I don't put food in or anything, it is illegally tapped into the the back of it. The neighbor's bathroom sink is there. And I was like, Well, why would they be putting food down or anything? No, he pulls out a frightening amount of black long black hair. Oh, yeah. So that's so messed up. I mean, is it still hooked up? Or is this a future issue that may come again? Well, I mean, remember, the building was built on 1950. So and then it was it was a Chinese laundromat back then. And through the years, it has been all sorts of things, doctor's offices and all that stuff. And then it was finally converted to living space. And that's why my my layout is so fucking weird. Yeah. And so I don't know if if these sinks were put in at some time as like just doctor's sinks or something. And then they decided when they were going to turn it into living space, they would just keep connecting it all together and all that, you know, my I don't have a fuse box for my space. Oh, are you serious? Yeah. And I and my pod bill is split. I get a bill that I pay 60% of my neighbors pay 40% of based on square footage. Oh my god. Never use your electricity. Oh, you mean like I never do? Yeah. Yeah. So crazy. Not a good word. That's a bad system. You're right. Yeah. You're right. I had fun work done to I know you did. This is why I brought it up. I wanted to hear all about you. Oh, a while ago, a while ago, we had a mold stain on our ceiling, which we kind of had for probably longer than we should have. But it was in an area on top of our stairs, which you cannot safely reach unless you buy a certain kind of ladder and there's just no way to get to it. And so we finally brought someone in. Well, the fun of why we had a mold stain is a design flaw kinda like what you're just talking about. You're gonna tell me dead body in the attic? Oh, no, I think we would have smelled that too. But although there were a lot of wasp bodies out there, apparently, according to the guy who does like God, there's a lot of wasp up here that know shit. But, um, so a couple years ago when they cleaned out the upstairs because the original people who designed the building, when they put in the laundry rooms for each of the units, they just vented it into the crawlspace above. Oh, my God, like the attic area was not big enough to be called an attic. Well, your place was built in 1915. Also 90s Yeah. And so we had to have somebody come in and extend all of those out. And then when he opened up to pull out the mold ceiling, he pulled us like your boards above this are still wet. Oh my god. So he had to have an inspector come out and looked at it. And he said, it's I don't know why it's in this one space. There's no holes above you. There's nothing there. It's just maybe never dried. Because by the and then the he left said you're fine to continue. So the drywall guy came back. He's like, Oh, yeah, it's like 70% drier than it was when I crack this thing open. So there's just some weird capture of moisture going on there. So cut a hole in the fun part of doing drywall of a large space. That is cut it put the crap on it, he has to let it dry for a day sand and put the texture on that he's got to come back and next day to paint as I got. Luckily the guy was really cool. Started exchanging ideas for shows to watch and I sent him like the boys and watch was like, Oh, you have already seen those of you came back. Have you seen Cobra? Kai? Like, yeah, I should probably be keeping in contact with this guy for a while. He does really good work. Next week, we have a special guests and it's the guy who worked on that. There you go telling us his picks. And a plumber comes tomorrow. Oh, nice. I've seen enough Asian horror to know that if you've got a wet spot in your house. Yes. I was gonna say I was trying to work out what it was reminding me. Thank you so kindly shared with us. Yeah, it looks like the dead body staining Cairo. I was like, oh, people disintegrating into the walls here. No secrets come out. All right. Hey, Vanessa, I watched a movie that you're gonna want to watch on prime and it's old. And it's almost three hours long, is called Day of Resurrection 1973 at the time, the most expensive Japanese movie ever made by Toho, but full of American actors, because they knew that they wanted to go for international release. So it's got all these really amazing Japanese actors from the old Samurai movies and stuff alongside a bunch of our famous actors at the time, some of which you can tell are just kind of there for a paycheck. But really interesting, it is a it's disaster porn of the highest order. Because it starts with a virus that is taking over the world. And and everybody is dying on except for these people who can make it to, to this Antarctic base. I like where this is going. So the movie also takes place over years and years. So the last stragglers make it to the Antarctic base. And they decide, you know, they're going to kind of restart humanity. One girl, every three guys, they have a discussion about this. Girls, you may be doubling up. And and then it goes on, I think it jumps like 10 years later, you can see that the nr basis thriving, lots of children running around. But they have figured out that there is going to be because this is all scientists and everything who were down there, they see that there is going to be a big, like Extinction Level earthquake on the East Coast of the United States, which is not a big deal because nobody's there, right? Except for what is there is underneath the White House is this is a nuclear cooler, plant based thing that if if a if a shockwave of enough magnitude happens there, it actually sends a signal to the satellites in space that will launch all the nukes. Really well thought out. So now they're like racing against time to get there before this earthquake. The virus still is it takes out everything. So it's still floating around. They've got an experimental vaccine. The earthquake happens and the nukes go off. And that's not the end of the movie. Oh my god. So I mean, it's, it's literally two hours and 47 minutes longer something I was like, I need to delve into what is called Day of Resurrection. Okay? Damn, it might be under the title of virus on prime. Whatever you do, make sure you don't get the 90 minute version. Okay, so there's an alternative version floating around that version cuts out all of the Japanese actors and since it's a Japanese film, most of the actual storyline is happening with them. So they they release like an Americanized version that I guess it's just shit. Oh my god, I can't imagine it's just like missing all the main part. Yes. Here's the release version for all those people who really really suffered in World War Two. We just can't get past them. Man, it just hit everything for me with my my 70s love the disaster porn. There was some there was some good, really good performances of people having to deal with the fact that oh, this is the end of the world you know? Not not in the day after tomorrow kind of ways. But in real ways that made you think this is rough. I mean, that's what I loved about atomic train. Is it just was like No, it Yeah, goes off. Yeah, people die. Families. ever find each other like, it was just so? I mean, it was, you know, made for TV action, but it was just like, yeah, yeah, no, he gets hit by a car and he's dead now, so don't worry about him. What one of the more depressing films ever watched on first I'm blanking on the name this is a while ago was an end of the world kind of thing. And one of the key things if you'd seen it, you'd remember the guy who works for I think the electric plant, spends his last night on Earth, calling all the people thanking them for their business. Oh my god. It's just one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. Oh, my god that rings a bell. That's not threads. Is it? No, no, I haven't seen that one. I haven't. I'm aware of that from I haven't seen it yet. It wasn't that it's a lot more arthouse II, and less. It wasn't necessarily intended to be a scary, like threads. But it was just what realistically what might happen to it. It's just like, Oh, Jesus. Yes. You know, it's okay. I don't remember it. Because I wouldn't recommend we're watching it right now. Yes, I would recommend a book that looks like a children's book called when the wind blows, which is about a British couple hunkering down during nuclear explosion and then dying. Don't they do an animated animated version? Yeah. It's beautiful. Talk. I'm writing that down right now. I yeah. That's impressive. One. I was gifted a copy of it for Christmas one year because my dad was we've been talking about it. And she was like, Wow, you're really into this. And I was like, yeah, and she was hunted it down and was like, here's a copy of this book that looks like it's for children. Merry Christmas. Oh, my goodness. Well, I also checked out a disaster film that I hadn't I had not yet come across, actually bothered to watch. Um, and I was angry at myself for not seeing it sooner, which was the core. Oh, yeah. I remember this, but I am now going to be embarrassed that I haven't watched it. I haven't seen it either. But oh my god, but yeah, I cuz I was just, I think I just thought, Oh, it's gonna be another really dumb one. But our standards of what's dumb and good at this point, has shifted. And this dumb film is actually very fun. They have to, like, I mean, everyone knows what this is about. But they have to drill down to Earth's center. Because the the stuff has stopped moving around in it. And they have to get it to move around again, the core the liquid magma, they get a jumpstart, they get a jumpstart. And one of the people involved may or may not be the reason why it stopped in the first place. Wait a second. So are you are you telling me I got to see this movie? Okay, it's Jules Verne. It's weird. It's I was not expecting that it gets very Journey to the Center of the Earth part when there's like a lot of like, and now we're in this parts. No one knew what it looked like before. And now we do like it's actually really pretty fun. When did this come out? 90s maybe I have seen this because that sounds really familiar. Yeah, it's blank. Oh, even. Yeah, that's right. It's like kind of an all star cast. Yeah, it does. It has a huge sleep. Yeah. And it's Eckhart, Aaron Eckert. Who's the guy. Okay. Yeah, pretty sure I have seen that. Yeah, he's very dreamy. A dreamy scientist. Definitely as a scientist and not a movie star. Was this on your Netflix queue? Or did you see Amazon q? So I watched it for free. Okay, for sure. On this tonight? Yeah. No, it was so fun. It will. Yeah, I was really happy to come across it again. It's much better than Deep Impact. I think. Deep impacts a lot of fun. Yeah, it is. But yeah, like I agree with Kelly. It's not my favorite. Oh, yeah. disaster movies is the core. Maybe Wow, holy shit. Maybe it's near the bottom of the hill up there somewhere. There's a lot of disaster movie sets. Well, I saw one completely not like any of those at all. Lose the flower of evil. Oh, okay. 2019 have not even heard of this, directed by Juan Diego Escobar Allsop de Okay, that's I mean it's a I think if Kelly watched he would think it's an A to four film. It's not but it is the story of a devout father, who's convinced that he has found the rebirth of Jesus and has tied him up outside with his three daughters trying to live inside and work around their fathers obvious insanity. One of the daughters finds a man and enjoys his company, shall we say, okay, and the dad is of course furious about this. And it's because as longtime listeners of this show, no, I have no problem with the 84 films. I actually enjoy a lot of them and slow moving movies are kinda like, this is too slow. There's too. There's a combination of too many people putting up with too much BS. Because these aren't like five year old girls. These are full adult women. And they're still putting up with the shift the dad's doing and except one sort of trying to rebel but then she kind of doesn't it just really good performances and gorgeous shot. Holy crap. I think it was last week and week before I was complaining about day four night shooting. They nailed it in this movie. It is gorgeous. But I mean, if you like religious Kooks gone crazy kind of movies. This is probably guilty of a lot more. But this was just not. It was good, but it just wasn't. It's nothing I'll ever watch again. Is it? Was it American or no? No, it's just say, Yeah, what's, what's the spelling on this? Yeah, yeah, so Spanish or Mexican. And that might have something to do with the way the women are portrayed. It's a different culture. That's true, actually. is very true. As somebody who walked through Italy in the year 2002, it was startling. Don't walk through even the nicest places alone at night as a chick, you're, you might not get assaulted. You're gonna get a lot of stuff said to you. Well, with that in mind, I saw movie. Boy, that's a lot to pick from there. So let's see where this goes. Live. The male feminist Paul Ws Anderson called Monster Hunter. Oh, saying a lot about it. Mila Jovovich. I mean, I know the game exists. So it It took me till the end credits to realize this was based on a game. Yeah. But it I should have dawned on me as I was watching this stupid fucking movie. Because it progresses like a video game. This is a really, really bad movie with an amazing third act that makes you feel like oh, this was worth it. It was so much fun at the end, because in the third act, Ron Perlman suddenly shows up Oh, yeah. And it just kind of like takes over the movie. And you're like, Oh, fuck, elevates everything. Yeah. So the monsters are cool. But it is not what I was hoping based on the trailer, which was a bunch of Army soldiers going to a world and fighting monsters. It's basically just her going to this world. Way more like the video game Resident Evil part, whatever. Right. So you know, and so I guess if you're a fan of this game, you might enjoy it. I wanted something a little bit more. And then I got it in the third hour. That's cool. So But should we just like, watch it and just watch the last 20 minutes? Or do you need the rest of the film to lead up and make it really worth it? You know, Paul, Ws Anderson, there's Yeah, there's a lot of layers. Yeah. Okay. Some heavy duty filmmaking going on. Well, I finally got around to watching Cobra Kai, and past one season, so I'm like, starting the second season now. Yeah, man, that is a fun show is so good. I didn't I didn't expect that. I mean, I should have I didn't really know anything at all about it. Other than like, one of the guys from paper Tigers is in season three. Yes. The main body is from was it karate kid? Three, I think. Right when he goes yeah, yeah. So yeah, he's one of the producers. I didn't even know he was an actor. And I've been like hanging out with this dude and was like, Oh my God. What? Wait, you're what isn't better off dead? Doesn't have like a restaurant here. So yes, yeah, I've eaten it as restaurants very nice. Like a Hawaiian place that I cannot remember the name of right now but Kona kitchen. Yeah, yeah, he's a sweetheart. Yeah, he's such a nice dude. And his wife is amazing. His whole family's great. But um, that aside, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and watch this Cobra Kai thing. I didn't realize it's like from the perspective and living through it from the bad guys perspective from karate short of I was afraid is gonna be too much of that kind of like I not a big fan of wicked is I got Oh, did she just whatever. And so I wasn't too sure I was gonna like Cobra Kai but I think they do a really good job of balancing. Oh, they do. I love the Johnny is so great. All of a portion We originally set, but fleshing him out at all just makes him feel so much deeper. But I think they're all I think it's just, it's one of my favorite TV shows, like, period. It's Yeah, it's been really good. And I like that it's not it knows what it is. Yeah. And that's been really nice because I was just like, thinking it was going to be more straight karate kid and I was like, I don't know. No, no, I need that in my life. And instead is like, very funny. It's very poignant. There's a lot of like, really interesting exchanges and changes and, and like the actual guy who played the karate kid who's in it is like a kind of a douche. And I love that. I was like, yeah, you became like, whatever that kid would have grown up to be like a frickin car salesman. Dude. Are you familiar with all of the Karate Kid movies? I am not. I only know of you do need to watch two and three to get the benefit of everything that's happening. Yeah. Especially especially with the third season. I mean, threes twos fine threes. Push. I love the three men with the one as well. I actually liked that movie. I just wish they hadn't called it the karate. Yeah, it's it takes place in China. And he's being taught Kung Fu. And he's like, what? Eight years old? I think he's 12 or something like that. Keep in mind. What's his name? Mike. Can you think of who plays well, he was in high school in high school, but he was a 27 year old. Oh, yeah. I guess that's tabula rasa. Yeah. So whoever that actor is, yeah, like anything of his name. Yeah, I think that the the second one is, I think the second one's a little more melodramatic than it has to be a third one is ridiculous fun because the bad guy is, is so evil, that I wish I loved anything as much as he loves being evil. He literally laughs while he's doing evil things instead of just like, oh, man, this guy needs a mustache also watched a little bit of the making of and the guys who put it together obviously from a final product, love The Karate Kid. And there's a lot of talks about having a real hard time getting the guy played Johnny because he for a little bit until he read it. He's like, Oh, crap. And then but the same thing with the the guy whose name we can't remember play loose. So he didn't want to come back because he didn't want to be quite the way you're watching because I don't watch him as a douche. I watch him as a fairly successful guy. He's not being he's not. He's great with his kids and his wife. But he has a car salesman. He He's like a goody two shoes in an irritating way. Sure. And they acknowledge that. Yeah. And I'm like, Yes. Like, I like his character too. But I'm also like, Alright, well, I also think that Johnny has fallen a lot further. So you're rooting a lot harder for him? Yes. And yeah, they weren't gonna do it if they couldn't get anybody. Everybody on board. Really? Yeah. They're basically greenlit to do it. But they're like, only if we pull it off. And hey, yeah. And you know, I haven't seen the rest of it, but they couldn't get the girl because they keep talking about the girl watching. Just like they just that moment where they're in the bar and like, they pulls out a picture of her. It's like, What's she up to look her up on Facebook? Oh, she's married to that guy. super handsome man. Huh? as like, this feels a lot like a couldn't get this actress moment. But maybe I'm wrong. People actually. Like, don't worry, we didn't forget her. What would have been greatest if they said What's she doing now? Holy shit. She's starring in the boys. Well, I did watch the martial arts film. Not along those lines. I'm continuing with my al Adamson box set of 32 movies. And came up to 1977 black Samurai starring Jim Kelly. I did not realize that this movie was by that guy and that you have it. I've been searching for this movie forever. Oh, well, it's not on primetime. You definitely learn that day. Thank you. It's garbage. But it's awesome garbage. Holy shit. It is so bad. He is Jim Kelly plays an agent of Dragon defense reserve agency guardian of nations. Yes. But you know that right there tells you what kind of enlisted they wasted the O on of. But Jim Kelly gets a nice amount of fights, even fights with a bird at one point. And there it's this almost became one Our next subject of cult films, I was looking at this one for cult films because it's got a tenant cult involved with it too. Hey, how do you how do you know what the next selection? And how shocking? I don't know how you would be aware? I haven't to reveal, right? yes to you guys what you will research? Yes, sir. Our well known secrets. We have so many. But yeah, it's definitely worth watching and like I was telling you earlier when I said and the gear up that the Adamson set is sort of I've been watching it chronologically as he made them. And it's sort of a diminishing return, shall we say? This blood of his best stuff was in the 60s and early 70s. And now it's starting to fade. This is still one of the fun ones. And this was 7070s. Yeah. So four years after enter the Drake. And yeah, what Jim Kelly was doing and all those years was a just a bunch of kung fu movies. There are quite a few. You don't have to look that up. Yeah. But yeah, that's fun. Well, cool. We should take a little break. But just before we do that, I just want to say, Eric, you had a recommendation of bloody hell. Oh, yeah. And I watched it and it's firmly in my top five of this year so far. I had so much fun with that movie. That movie is ridiculous. Oh, yeah. And you didn't sell the comedy level as much as in there. The fact that he talks to himself and his other self is such a prick. Yes. is so funny. So I really, yeah, I really, really loved that. So thank you very much for that. Very cool. Excellent. To watch it. Yeah. I'll have to check this out. That sounds great. It's, it's ridiculous. I just was as funny as it was. I didn't expect it to also be as good as it was. The acting was great. And everything made sense. Yeah. Anyway, that's all I gotta say. Let's take a break. We were coming back with a toxic relationship. mystery is me. mystery is home is full of lots of things that children shouldn't touch. Home is full of bad things that can hurt you very much. Now there is a man whose face is green that you want to get to know. wonder when dangerous coming fast or slow. Get to know his face. In every single place. When you see it, you know quick things might make you sick. Same, same. mystery is me. mystery is query. We have returned Eric, this was your genre topic, right? Yes, yes, it is. Once you go for some time about toxic relationships, maybe a little more than just their bad relationship. But when you're watching where the people in the movie may not necessarily know they're in a bad one. But we sure as hell do. So I went with 2018 beast in captivity. connected to the unsolved murders three other girls over the past four years. Just change the rules. can't laugh Rotten Tomatoes 92 from the critics 75 from the audience so well liked, I don't think I've heard no idea this movie existed until like, two or three weeks ago, I was going, Oh, this looks good. And it's actually why I came up with this subject budget couldn't find, although it did have almost $1.7 million box office. So it did a pretty good festival style run with probably extra screenings afterwards, directed by Michael Pierce, and written by Michael Pierce. This is his first feature. It's done a few shorts and he's working on an alien invasion movie. It's interesting change of styles, but all right, it's his real passion project. That's right. The star of the film The main male stars 2020s Johnny Flynn, who was in 2020s. Mo I have seen this Okay, we're seeing bass. Yeah, I know Johnny. Yeah, he's, like, know him know him know. He's pretty good. He's very good in this. Play the David Bowie and stardust. And the lady is Jessie Buckley, she was in the deeply disturbing Chernobyl Fargo TV show, and I'm thinking of ending things. So they're both fairly active. And Geraldine James James rounds off she was in Downton Abbey, Rogue One, and utopia. So he found a pretty good cast for his first feature. The idea of that movie is there's a woman who's growing up in an isolated scene like that small of a town but the isolated community, her family is not nice, shall we say. And she finds the very nice and appealing guy to fall in love with. But the it opens up at her birthday. And during her birthday, her older sister announces that she's having twins. Subsequently, her family completely ignores her. So she, she leaves, she just leaves her birthday and goes out to a bar and just starts partying at a bar and flirting with a guy. And the next scene is her on the beach in the morning with the guy and it's obviously haven't like been home to a bedroom or anything like that. But he starts to get a little, shall we say, hanzi. And along comes our hero. Johnny, who rescues her from the guy and takes her home and has a really nice and interesting but a little dangerous because he's been poaching rabbits or something. Cops, so you get that little moment of Ooh, he's a bit of a bad boy. And, you know, playing David boy, he's not an ugly man. She comes home to the family her family already ate like most of her birthday cake and mom has come pletely nasty to her for not for just disappearing. So you know, you get to family dynamics right away, like your mom's horrible. I don't like her. But she has weird dreams. She's got dark dreams of a hooded person attacking her and stabbing her in the chest and wakes up to find the sliding glass or glass door downstairs is open. She hires him to do some work around the house. And that's when they start to get a little bit more flirty. And her parents, of course, are more or less approving. During this time an older teen girl goes missing. And the family gets much more paranoid. And they do and he champions her he works in that there's a dinner scene with Pascal and mole and he stands up for her against the family and you're kind of like, Alright, that's good to see. And they go out to a I really wanted to hear more of this music. They go to a British Country Music Club. And there's like 30 or 40 seconds of what sounds like really strange bad country music. And whoever was running the sound figured that out because it's quickly replaced by the school. I wanted to hear more of a British version of country music. It's special. Yeah, but I don't want to do the research. I don't want to know that much. They finally consummate their relationship in the middle of the woods. But the ominous music played over does does not indicate that, Oh, well, this is a good thing going on. They find the missing team buried in a potato field, the police begin to suspect Pascal is being involved in that her brother is a cop and feasor all this information about his history and his criminal charges. He's run into the past. She gets angry with him. But he says something really nice to her. So she goes running after him to come back to him and, you know, toxic relationship going on. And he gets another pet the cat kind of moment where he rescues a guy who's getting beaten up by two men at the party. And of course, he comes back with his good assault way for why he assaulted a 15 year old girl or whatever it is a few years ago and she buys it. And they seem to be coming a happy couple again. But she starts lying for him when the cops start really asking her questions. She's like, No, no, he was the guy I was dancing with all night in the club. He is getting a little more violent with her. She runs away from him at one point from that but then they come back here so you're getting the cycle of the film that's going on. I'm gonna leave the ending out of it because it's really solid and really good. And I think is built up and pays off. incredibly well. This is a good movie. It was a really really well acted film. All the characters do a fantastic job. The two leads are both mindful enough that as you're watching they feel at times you really annoyed with her at times you're like, oh, maybe he's not that bad. And other times you feel really bad for her. It works really well. And it's beautiful. It's really really well shot film. This is solid, solid filmmaking. Did you like it? Um, I Yeah, I did. I mean, I felt like the the pacing was a little slow. And I think it's a dark, emotionally dark. Yes. So it wasn't something I enjoyed. But um, yeah, I did. I did like it. I think that like, just like you said that the ending is a really good payoff. And I think I spent most of the time just being like, Oh, it's Johnny. Is that? Oh my god, it is? Yeah, that will pull you out of a film. Really difficult to immerse myself in the character. But yeah, I would say I think I have a little bit of insight onto why they went to a bad country music place may or may not have picked up I don't know. So Johnny Flynn. I only knew him as a musician. Oh, cuz he talked about him before. Yeah, he's a folk singer, guy. And I just absolutely he's one of my favorite musicians. To be honest, I kind of semi stalked him. My, my boyfriend at the time, was actually following him around doing music videos for him. So, so this bad country slash, I think he even did some of the soundtrack for beast. But I think it's a nod. It's a little nod towards that world. So now I'm more curious than to find out here a little bit more. Yeah, it's pretty cool. The film world premiered at what's called the platform platform section of the Toronto International Film Festival, which is there where they show films of true promise of upcoming filmmakers. I took four days after that for the movie to be signed for release. And even though it had already premiered it got a screening at Sundance, which really doesn't happen a lot. You know, they're they're very much into the premieres one, the best debut film by the British writers of the for the 72nd British Academy of Film Awards, and was also nominated for Best British film director lived in Jersey. And I gotta tell you, I'm ignorant enough guy in the us that when I first read jersey, I mean, I just thought New Jersey that about four minutes I've got hold on New Jersey. This is back in the Scottish Island or something like that. So he lived there for a while it was loosely based on a real person that he dubbed the beast of Jersey, who terrorized the islands of dirties jersey in the 60s and 70s. So, the beautiful lead character Johnny is loosely based on a real Wow. And it's shot in the jersey area. Another reason it sounds a little weird jersey location the White House, but the overall Rotten Tomatoes consensus i think is pretty good. Bass plays like beat beat beast plays like bleak poetry, unfurling and psychological thrills while guided by its captivating leads and mesurer. mesmerizing visual visuals. But that so so firmly in the thriller camp for this Yeah, yeah, the title threw me off because I thought, Oh, this guy is gonna be a werewolf or maybe he's kind of thing. But once you said he was based on a a actual killer. Yeah, so I'm lucky when you say he terrorized. I'm like a house. Oh, yeah. You just annoy everybody. A lot of eggs that Windows? Well, I mean, sounds like you'd love this. Yeah, I really liked it. It's really good. And would you watch it? Do I watch it on? streaming? I'm guessing you didn't read it. So I think it was Amazon might have to look this up. Yeah, it's well worth, well worth checking out. I mean, it's it is also deliberately paced, but it's not annoying. And it's deliberate pacing. All right. And so I chose a film that I've been wanting to talk about for a long time, and there have been a number of times I thought I was gonna do it, but then couldn't access it, or had one reason or another. So I almost did this for a dream episode. But this is the 1987 film scared stiff. Every house has its secrets. But this secret has waited 150 years to get out of old bones. It turned out to be life. I don't understand your fixation with those bones. And not just about your dreams. Christopher and Jason have uncovered something so inhuman, even if she can find the power to defy it. Even if they can find to confront it. It may be too late. Just let us go. See their lives. Shepherd and mine. Still. Sounds familiar? Maybe it sounds familiar because there's a 1945 film called scared stuff. There's a 1953 film called scared stuff. There's a 1987 not this one. But a Hong Kong film called scared stiff. There's a pinball game, a children's book, a 1991 Horror collection and a 2008 anthology all called scared stiff. Sound some is ringing a bell? Yeah. Holy wood. Besides the documentaries after like the jail thing, no. straight straight back guy. I mean, that would have been its own type of toxic relationship. This was a film. I honestly don't know why I saw it. But it's, it definitely stuck with me. So um, I thought that it was a little more well known than it is it has an arrow release. They did a really good treatment on it. They've got a Blu Ray copy of it. And it's got some good behind the scenes stuff. Rotten Tomatoes, for example. Question mark for the critics. No idea. 40% for audience budget. No idea. Wikipedia does not have a page. Wow. The Hong Kong version has a like have that same name. As a page. I was like, what I did not like enough. I looked up the director if I looked up the actors, it does not matter. This does not exist in a wiki. So she's a diner and I am I thinking of the same thing. I'm seeing like a poster and then the word scared stiff, dripping blood. There's like hands going in. Yeah, around an image. I feel it sounds really. It looks really bad. Which is probably why I've never seen it. That's fair. That is a fair. Assessment initially, I'm just gonna get there. Um, so the director of this film is Richard Friedman, who has a name that sounds like Oh, you've done a lot of stuff. And he's done 34 titles a fair amount, but um, you you might know him from Doom asylum death mask, a phantom of the mall Eric's revenge. You're welcome. Thanks, Eric. He did a lot of TV movies. He's done a little bit of things like Tales from Dark Side Friday 13th. He did four episodes of Baywatch nights. So he's kind of eclectic. I wouldn't say beyond his initial films. I don't know that he has a style anymore. Doom asylum is a favorite here. Is it? Okay. I don't think I've seen Doom asylum. Really bad. Excellent. Excellent. Well, not surprised. The writer for this is a name that you might recognize Mark frost of twin peaks. Right. And fantastic for that one of the bathrooms. A 2005. version, unfortunately. And low bar. Yeah. And it's weird too. Because once I figured that out a lot of the font in the credits and all over the posters is super, it looks exactly like Twin Peaks font. So I don't know. It's interesting. I was like, Is this like a mark frost trademark? I know. It's weird, like green and red font thing all about you. He actually had titled this film. something a little bit different, a little bit more helpful. He'd called it ghost diary, which is way more apt. Then it was changed to the Masterson curse, which also works and then changed finally to scared stuff. Some places do still call it the Masterson curse, not Wikipedia. I checked. The special effects in this film are very, very good. And the people behind that probably circle back to but a lot of this. A lot of the people involved in this had done very, very little. Up until this point, at least for many people was the only thing they ever worked on, and starred Andrew Stevens who plays David Young, the psychiatrists guy in a white coat. He was in 33 episodes of Dallas, and is now a producer. He's done 132 things as a producer, including boondock Saints through 1000 miles to Graceland and the whole nine yards. So switched gears. Mary Paige Keller, who's gorgeous she plays are really our lead heroine, Kate Christopher. She's been in 67 titles. scared stiff was her fourth role is risk, quote, unquote, to take her on. She's currently doing Pretty Little Liars. She's done her to Dixie, a lot of like one episodes of TV things, but definitely has a big TV presence. She did something called another world which I don't know about, but she was in 33 episodes of that and do it 54 episodes. David Ramsey plays George Masterson who is like, evil past ghost guy. I think he has been in three things. No, you would not have heard of the others. Nikola Ford here. Who plays his wife, Ghost, old timey wife person, Elizabeth Masterson, who's in two things. And this guy named Jackie Davis who plays detective Wickham. It was one of my favorite parts of this. And he was actually only in 12 things and unfortunately was in things like Cape Fear is Jimmy the dock master. He was in. He was in smoking the bandit as black man number one. Rough and Caddyshack as smoke courthouse. porterhouse. I don't know what that means. But anyway, so this this film we open on the year 1857. Charles Berg, George Masterson is a horrible human being. He's selling off slaves as and he's good at it, apparently. And it's really gross and really horrifying. Because it's low budget 80s fair. So it's whatever you think it is, is worse than that. And then he has his assistant guy runs up to him or his. I don't know what you call it. His person who tends to him and dude has like one eye and is all disfigured and weird looking. And he's like they're doing things Have them in your house. And he's like not, not them the help of the, you know, his slaves are doing something in my house, and they are doing something in his house something untoward. They've started a ritual to put a curse on him. And meanwhile, we also jump over to the Ivory Coast, where a tribe also problematic as fuck has created an epitaph of him and is doing some kind of a ritual with this guy. So we know that it's kind of being happening in two places at once. It's some big bad horrible curse because this guy's really really horrible guy. Meanwhile, the wife Elizabeth Masterson walks in on the ritual and I was like, Oh, she's gonna like scream and be like, the people are doing bad things. No, actually kind of nice. The the guys halts and give her this really nice mask and they're like this will protect you and your son from from George. And then George. George walks in and we cut out of that mask up, stay safe. Absolutely, that is the theme of this cut to a singer is moving in with her psychiatrist turned boyfriend. She's young, like mental Institute's psychiatrists current boyfriends in the deep south into a this kind of Gothic mansion, along with her very young son. The place definitely is a mess. It's it's basically been untouched since our previous scene with Mr. George. And as they start to go through the house, they discover some clues as to its dark past. Her son, meanwhile, is having strange premonitions about moving to this place. He's very uneasy about it. He's not sure about her boyfriend. On top of that. There's pigeons and pigeons mean something? I'm not sure what. But there are a lot of pigeons pigeons from hell. Before warning with their little cool. Like, it doesn't really make sense because I think the pigeons are meant to signify the Evil Dead, George. But instead they're just there. And by introducing them with the start of like her son in this really fun, it looks like an LA like, mansion or apartment like an upscale apartment, I should say. And there's pigeons that are so I don't know, I don't know what the pigeons made but something something ominous. She starts to have these dreams of this guy. And they're finding things like a diary from Elizabeth, that talks about their love. And then kind of slowly talks about how Georgia is becoming bad. There's a musical piece. And because our our lead heroine is a singer, she immediately sits down at the piano and starts to play it, which makes a George appear before her. She's having dreams where he starts to appear more and more, then he starts to appear in real life, including taking over David her boyfriend from time to time, including in the shower, and then she just has sex with him anyway, so it's very uncomfortable. So she she wants to leave. She's like, yo, David, this place be crazy. We got to get out of here. And he's like, yo, Kate. Oh, honey, I got stuff tied up here. We can't go anywhere. You stay put. But he's like, really loving and like doctorly most of the time. And then occasionally He's like, You're crazy. And I thought we were past these visions of yours. And yeah, it's it's very toxic. You're crazy. Seems like something a mental Institute guy would not say I know. He doesn't most of the time. Like when he should be saying it. He's saying things that are very kindly and like, oh, let's just take a minute. Remember exercises, things like that. And then other moments. So I think the idea is that George is taking over him and making him into differential. Yes. So um, things happen. There's a repair guy who gets startled by pigeons does not turn out well for him. The little kid is playing in the back of the house with a bunch of like Tonka trucks, that Tonka trucks and different like, you know, building equipment, trucks and stuff out in the sand and they all become very alive and move around very quickly. And it's extremely fun and he enjoys it a lot. Oh, you, you kind of sell me on this. Yeah. Yeah, I will say it's slow. It has a slow and problematic first and second part. So there's a lot of it's, it's neat, and it's interesting. There's moments that are really cool. But there's also a lot of like sitting around and like it's a bad movie, like bad movie stuff. Okay, a lot of talking a lot of weird locations that aren't fully built out. However, I did enjoy the policeman, who I mentioned before Jackie Davis, who's just obsessed with watching basketball on TV. And every scene, he's like, either craning his neck to like, look at a TV, like, he goes to visit the psychiatrist. And he sits there with the mental patients watching basketball on TV. And then when the mental patients gets up to change the channel, and he loses his mind as a psychiatrist is like, a Were you here for me? And he's like, yeah, yeah, sorry. Sorry. At one point, um, Kate goes to visit him to talk further about strange things going on in the house. And he's like looking at something in his filing cabinet. And when she leaves, it's revealed that he has like a little C. cr TV in there. teeny tiny, little bunny ears. And he's like watching the game. It's just nonstop. We're so whatnot. habit to give is such a weird character trait, but I definitely enjoyed that a lot. It was a good comedic break in the action. Um, so this whole film, we're kind of going between flashbacks of Elizabeth story with George and then Kate and her relationship that is devolving, I would say with David. So they eventually discover that George had become after this ritual, this sort of monstrous creature and had killed Elizabeth and their son and shoved him in a trunk, which does not bode well since George is kind of overtaking David. In the flashbacks, he became more and more monstrous. And he ended up with his like long tendril hair and a bumpy face, he had really exaggerated features. He became like a creature before he got to the point where he you know, shoved his kid in a box and just walked off. So Kate is extremely worried. David is not listening her to her. And at one point, he basically does not let her leave, he refuses to let her leave and drugs her he pulls out a big old needle and shoves it in her arm, which was very shit starts to get really rough. David had gifted her son, Jason, this nice Apple two computer, the computer comes alive and kind of and projects in very early CGI style, this sort of holographic image of the mask, like the mask might be useful right now, after a couple other scenes like a dream sequence where she's like, they're like the mask, you should probably find it that might help you in this particular situation of yours. And she's got half of it, but can't find hands off like a video game. prompt. Yeah, it's it is. I mean, I'm putting words as allegory for our time. It definitely feels like early computer stuff that people who had no idea what computers were about. We're doing Oh, yeah. Very, very strange. And then she gets fucking crazy. I mean, this film goes from zero to 1000 books so fast, and so well, that you're like, what is this movie? All of a sudden the special effects go from like, not great to Holy shit. am i watching like a Friday the 13th movie right now or like what is going on? I mean, it's weird. They give it their all. So the kid has this protective. He doesn't have like a blanket or a toy that he needs to sleep. He has a problematic Native American face lamp that is bright yellow. And needless to say at one point, it becomes a giant paper mushy head that floats down a hallway. Oh, there are doors that appeared on this long hallway and everything gets really misty while of course, David slash George is chasing Kate and her son. And in each door is some bananas thing, including the mental patience area that she probably had used to hang out and be in and that David works in. And they are all like, bigger versions of themselves. And one guy, all I will say is head zipper. I want you to find out what that means. Beautiful is absolutely incredible. And nothing like the Edward Lee header. And anybody who knows that just move on. Nothing of this. So basically the last 30 minutes of this film, make it all worth it. It's a battle. Movie up until then, like it's pretty, pretty rough watch. But in the last 30 minutes, it becomes a brilliant film. Wow. Wow. So I definitely recommend it. I will say Unfortunately, the acting is a little rough The sun is particularly bad. The problematic the worst parts are definitely the problematic African American culture, cultural references, and slave scenes and the Native American lamp are all very good each time you see it. There's also a couple of like plot points that are very strange. And there's like a teen death maybe like the babysitter might or might not have died, but there's no lead up to it. And it's her ghost like says to her dead corpse says to Kate, well, next time you drive me home, and like, it's like, what did you get killed by somebody? What did didn't? David kill you? What's happening? A little bit of trivia about this as much as I could find, which was all on IMDB, which I hate relying on but that's okay. It was filmed in a mansion. And primarily, the owner of the mansion requested that they avoid damaging this very old and expensive chandelier. So they took it down and they put it away for the whole principle photography locked it behind this door. When they went to put it back up. Only one person had the key by the way to the door it was behind. When they got it out of the closet. It was smashed to pieces. Oh yeah, it was completely destroyed. And they had to send it out for repairs, which cost them over $25,000 holy shit more than the movie? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I mean, I think the movie was the cost of the paper. And the glue and the whatever else it took to make all those effects. Mary Paige Keller, who is the star of this, and by far has the most acting credits was hired so close to Principal photography, that they didn't have time to get her clothes for a wardrobe. So she just had to use her own. Which is great because she's super hip. She's unbelievably through this whole thing. The opening scene of the Voodoo cult, as I mentioned before, was shot without a fire marshal in a state park close to the mansion. It's one of those films, the Voodoo cults chanting was entirely constructed by the director hahahahaha David Ramsey, the director loved Oh, no, I'm sorry. David Ramsey, the actor who played George loved his monster makeup a lot. But it did take four hours to do each and every time. There's a song but um, so the the lead character Kate is, as I mentioned, she's a singer. She's like kind of a pop star. She has a music video, she keeps going back to you to keep filming on and it's this song called beat of the heart. It is unbelievably catchy. Oh, okay. We'll say that is a really great part. As of right now I got the beat. The beat is the music that she plays part with on the piano like kind of sounds like it and you're like oh, connection. When filming a scene in which there's like, like I said, she gets well, Jason, the little kid has to jump out of the way of a moving car. Apparently, this scene resulted in the car coming within inches of hitting him. His parents were furious, and insisted on him being paid a stunt fee, which he was awarded. I was like, you're so mad that you don't take your kid off the set and go like on not not safe going away now. No, no, you go. That was really, really dangerous. He should get paid more. So they did they did in fact oblige on that. And you can do that again. As long as you pay more as that sounds like some savvy parents to me. Definitely some Hollywood parents, that's for sure. It's one of the first films to feature an apple two computer. All of the skeletons in this film are real. The pigeons that were used in the film left excrement everywhere while filming. Um, the end of the film has I'm not going to say what happens though. I will say there's kind of multiple endings. So it's weird. But it does result results in a fall out of a window by somebody. And then the next scene that somebody is not right out the window. There are several feet away in a fountain. It's very funny. It's like Wait, how did you follow that bar? That is unreal. You went like across the yard. Apparently the filmmakers did notice this while filming but they kind of hope no one else would. The music is by the barber brothers who is really just one person named Billy Barber, which I thought was particularly great. And the best part about this film though, is that the way this film came to be with arrow it was revealed Basically because of the obsession of one fan is a film historian named Robert L injure, who saw it. It was on the shelves of a VHS rental store. It was one of the last ones still running in 2004. He was intrigued picked it out, picked it up and just fell in love with it. He started trying to track down anything he could have including posters promo items, he managed to get a piece of the cost when the costumes and he wanted to get a copy of the master soundtrack. He contacted the producer Daniel backer, who had disowned the film at this point, and was shocked anyone would mention it this long after its release. And together they actually worked and found the original negatives in an MGM vault in Pittsburgh, as well as a huge like treasure trove of material for like promo stuff. backburner. Ben contacted Friedman, the director, and they secured together a restoration with arrow video, who gave it a blu ray release and then backburner Friedman and Eleanor all did the commentary track on the DVD which I thought was extremely nice. Billy barber came back and performed a piano cover of beat of the heart and as the first setting in motion back there gave Ellen juror some negatives from the film out of his own personal collection so it's currently 47% off on Amazon go for me Ray it's it's it's I don't know I enjoyed it. I bought it for not full price but not not full bris. There were nine and stockpair now eight in stocks. Man this is what happened. to lean demon. I did the exact thing. I woke up when you stop talking. Oh my god. I can't handle your rain. I made that interesting, sir. Yeah, I loved it. Can't wait to check it out. My movie if anyone cares is from 1998 and it is called bride of Chucky. But this time there's more to fear because this time a playmate of his own bride of Chucky Oh my God, that's exciting. Budget 25 million. Holy shit. Box Office 51 million worldwide so probably made its money back. And that's about it. Rotten Tomatoes critics on this is only 46% audience agrees with them. 46% hired, directed by Ronnie Hugh, who has done he's got 16 Chinese film credits, most of them are very highly regarded. And then he also did this, which gave him the Freddy vs. Jason film right after this. And he did a an episode of fear itself. And then he's kind of dropped off the face of planet I can't figure out what he's doing. Written by Don Manzini. Who has written every single one of the child's play movies. Wow. Yeah, of which this is number six, I believe how do you know how many there were? I might, I might at some point. He also wrote a couple episodes of Hannibal and channel 00 cool. Oh, wow. It stars. These smokin hot Jennifer Tilly. I love her so much. 27 credits. You might know him from a voice and bullets over Broadway Bound and the muse. Brad Dorf, who is the voice of Chucky 173 credits and if you don't know Brad, you've just not been watching American cinema. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest exocyst three, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which just kind of American cinema and a million other movies. are actually 117 other movies and Katherine Heigl who you would know from Roswell and I believe she torpedoed her career with Grey's Anatomy. Oh yeah, quite fairly. And I did see now that she is popping up into a brand new movie called fear of rain another horror film. So yeah, she's got a pretty terrible reputation. Yeah, I remember that. I think she started in hallmark movies. Oh isn't like hallmark movies and then yeah, she got she freaked out at Seth Rogen after knocked up Am I thinking the right person? I think so. Yeah. And that was what like her turning on that film like fucked her over. Right. So Jennifer Tilly plays Tiffany, who is a former lover and accomplice of serial killer Charles Lee Ray who we all know inhabits the Chucky doll from all of the movies. You know what I think this is number four. I've only ever seen the first one so I didn't realize is the same guy just keeps jumping back in and check you know, the Chucky doll just continue to survive. Oh, okay, that makes sense. All right, I'm with you now. And the first one pretty good. The second and third one's not so good. Spoiler I loved this movie and I'm a little surprise that it's got a 46% I'm with you on that I really liked bride is so much fun. Yeah. So she acquires Chucky cheese remains after the last movie, where he got like, burned and torn apart or something and she crudely stitches him back together. And then she performs the same Voodoo ritual that originally got him stuck in the body and brings him back in the body. So he's like, hey, thanks baby and all this stuff. She's She's in love with this guy, Chucky who is still intent on becoming human again. He lays out a plan to retrieve the body switching amulet that he was wearing the night he was killed. And he knows that the amulet was buried along with his real body in a cemetery in Hackensack, New Jersey. Oh, not what name is that comes from? Oh, I think you're thinking of hacky sack. But I don't know if you're right, if that's where it came from or not. Tiffany, however, thinks that she and Ray are just gonna like, pick up where they left off and she presents Chucky or she shows cecchi this diamond that he had left for her this diamond ring. And he starts laughing at her because he realizes that she believes the gift to be an engagement ring. And he has to explain to her that he stole it off of one of his wealthier victims before he killed her. And so Tiffany in a rage locks him in this playpen type thing. And then as a mocking gesture, she gives him a female version of him kind of all dressed up in a wedding gown and says you know, here you can live with this. So these guys are are hilarious to be around. The love, you can feel the love here. Chucky breaks free and while she is enjoying a bubble bath with wine and all this stuff in her trailer. Get a little black and white TV on the edge of the tub. He he jumps in, knocks the thing the TV into the tub and kills her right. And then to be a real tick. He uses that Voodoo ritual to put her in the body of the doll in the wedding dress. Beautiful. Beautiful. So now he's he's saying you know, okay, yeah, I did this shit to you. But in order for us to both get out of this, we need to go get that amulet that I'm buried with. That is the main thrust of this movie. Also in this movie is a secondary plotline of these two young kids Jesse and Jade, who are eloping to this cheapo wedding service. And the dolls get involved in their story in that they hop a ride in their car while they're doing this road trip. And the kids don't know it. So all of this horrible shit starts happening is following these kids. At one point now Chucky and Tiffany are kind of watching behind the scenes and seeing these kids and Chucky you know hates him. His initial thing is let's kill these kids. But Tiffany has buried within her kind of a heart of gold and she's really rooting for these kids to get she knows that the dad of the daughter is a sheriff and he's not happy with this kid is a little rebellious but a good kid and all this stuff. So all of this stuff is going on and she's like behind the scenes making sure nothing bad happens to them by killing people and stuff like that. So the kids end up meeting a pair of swingers who take them back and pickpocket their money while they're sitting there worried about being broken everything Tiffany follows the thieves. their private room as where she tosses a bottle of champagne at the mirrored ceiling above them while they're fucking. And then all of the shards of mirror come crashing down on them and kill them all. Chucky who had been watching this is aroused by the spectacle. And the two of them make love make doll Love Is this really swanky gross Vegas bloodsoaked room. So the kids are now all caught up in this and the cops think that they're responsible for this trail of death and destruction that has been following them. So they finally figure out that the dolls are alive in a fairly funny scene. And when that happens, then the the kids are taken hostage by the dolls and they're forcing them to get them to where they need to go. One point Jesse is asking Chuck you know how how did this even happen? How are you guys even a thing and Jackie says if it were a movie, it would take three or four episodes or three four sequels just to explain this. This is the kind of movie it is when they get to their actual place that they've been trying to get to the cemetery and everything it turns out the Chuckie cheese plan has been to switch him and Tiffany souls into the bodies of the kids. And Tiffany is she's really like heartbroken to hear this because she loves this girl and really wants to know Megan and while he's performing the ceremony, Tiffany shows up behind him and stabs him in the back and then gives a great quote from the Bride of Frankenstein and says, Oh Chucky, look at us. Don't you see? We belong dead. So as Chucky is screaming and cursing, the police lieutenant has been pursuing them the whole time shows up and he sees that the dolls are alive and responsible for all this. So he tries to intervene and he gets hurt. And Jade the girl she takes the detectives gun and aims at a Chucky who promises to one day return just like in every sequel of film series. He says, you know I'm gonna return but dying is such a bitch. And check his shot to death and his lifeless body collapses next to his lifeless human shell lieutenant's then radios into report that Jade and Jessie are innocent. So he clears them and allows them to run away together. But before the rest of the police unit can arrive, the lieutenant discovers Tiffany's body after poking her a few times. She's all burned up and everything she suddenly springs to life. And he starts screaming as a screeching sharp tooth baby doll emerges from beneath Tiffany's dress. Oh my god attacks him. Oh my god. Oh my god, roll credits. Oh, this will be so much fun because especially because the actor portraying the sheriff father of Jade is john Ritter. And he's so good in this movie. You'd know him from Three's Company and a couple of other you know, silly things. And he hands it up so well in this. He's having such a great time. Yeah, so I really really love this movie. I was really surprised to see that it only had a 46% rating. And I thought that I remember it having good reviews when it came out. I seems to me it's one of those that the hardcore Chucky people then like much Initially, I don't know if that's changed, but it's it's a little self referential and humorous about it. So that could be it. A little bit of trivia. This is Brad duris personal favorite of the childsplay movies. Yeah. I love this. There was a planned album of love songs featuring Brad Dorf, and Jennifer Donnelly singing as their doll counterparts. It is revealed in the movie commentary that Tiffany was to sing Killing Me Softly with his song. He was intended to sing House of the Rising Sun and the two are to share a duet of hit the road jack. Oh my god, that would have been amazing. Yeah. Come on, mondo. So this is number four. This is followed by seed of Chucky just five Curse of Chucky which is six and finally cult of Chucky which is number seven. So seven movies in the franchise as of this time, Pandora that's an a remake and a planned TV series. Oh, that's coming. Yeah, that is just called Chucky. And when I saw that on IMDB, I looked into that and Don Manzini corrected or created it and has written them will probably drop. Wow. I would, I would assume so. Huh? Wow. I do kind of like when a creative who latches on and just says yeah bryden to sucker out. This is Megan, my career. I'm going to keep going with it as long as I can. There have also been so many people who who back away Well, I mean Spielberg is really famous example of this he didn't want to do just to write. And when they kept pressuring him, he came up with an idea that was completely different. And that makes sense because just like all of these movies, Friday, the 13th Jaws, any of those kind of movies. You can't really tell anything but that story over and over again, right? Spielberg has sent said I wish that I had done just to because now this sequel, and all the other sequels on it are based on this movie I did and I had nothing to do with them and couldn't at least try and steer them in the right direction. One last bit of trivia, the taglines on this movie I find here comes the bride there goes everyone else the honeymoons gonna be killed. Oh, or my favorite. This Halloween Chucky gets lucky. I remember the the trailer for this showing the the silhouettes of them the dolls making love in the bloodsoaked room and I remember everybody in the theater just going wide. I like it. It might be my favorite of Chucky movies, actually. But I was never a huge Trekkie fan so that probably doesn't bode well. The first one is a good killer adult movie. Yes, second and third one are stuck in that. That jaws or Friday the 13th remake thing where not remake but sequel where it's just the same fucking story over and over. Yeah, this one they go completely different with it. And the subsequent sequels also go completely different with each one to a to a much lesser effect. So very cool. I I'm definitely intrigued. I will definitely check that out. It's fun. You don't really need to see it, though. I was gonna say is it just more like children find doll? Yeah. And, and it's the same kid in the first three. Yeah, and stuff like that. This one is so fun. Because at one point like john Ritter, he, he gets killed by getting a ton of nails in his head. And he looks a little like pinhead as he's dead. And Chucky is looking at him and going, why is this look so familiar to me? Of course, dimension has the Hellraiser franchise as well. It is like you know, just it's just a fun movie for horror fans. Oh, that's really neat. So that brings us to the end of the show. And the next topic, which I wish, Eric Do you know what it is? What is Vanessa's next topic? Oh my god. Oh, let her tell you. Yes. So um, I mean, this is gonna be a complete shocker to you guys. But I noticed that I seemed like we had not yet really talked about cults. We talked about secret societies. And we've talked about ideas kind of around things that might be Satan and things. Yeah, but not straight up cold. So cults, we're doing Colts. Nice. Well, I hope I can think of something good for this episode. tonight. I have faith in you. I bet. I bet you'll figure it out. All right, well, hey, Big thanks to everybody. But an especially big shout out to Dan wood ski. Who, who wrote on the Facebook page that he was watching anything for Jackson, based on our recommendation of it. Oh, my God. That's so yeah, it's a good one too. Nice. Nice one to go for. Yeah. If you guys are watching something that we have recommended, let us know. Yeah. I mean, sometimes it feels like we're in a void here. So we have no idea if anybody actually cares with the stuff we're watching or not. But posted on Facebook page or something like that. Links us tweet it. Instagram us. Yeah, everyone. And we want to know your thoughts. We all loved anything for Jackson. And it turns out Dan did too. So that's cool. Right. Cool. And before we wrap up, I also want to mention, so I we talked about Cobra Kai earlier today, and I had worked on this really fun kung fu film where the bad guy from Karate Kid to and is in season three of go Rekha is a producer and has a small fun role in this martial arts film called paper tigers. It's actually going to be at the beuran drive in as part of the Seattle Asian American Film Fest, March 6 at 7pm. So if you want to go see a movie, at a drive in, this one's pretty good. It's fun. That's really fun. That's coming up. Wow. Yeah, it's gonna be soon so Okay, many thanks to everybody who's always liking sharing the posts as usual. We have zero budget for advertising. So the you are doing the advertising. Thanks, everybody. We'll be back in one week we're talking cults. And we'll see you then. Thank you Goodbye. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities, and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band Nightshade is used with permission. Fine, Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wherever find podcasts