Strange Aeons Radio


April 01, 2021 Strange Aeons Radio Season 3 Episode 113
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


It's April Fool's day, but the joke's on you! The gang spends the entire opening segment debating the value of Zack Snyder's Justice League. 

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oh sorry did i break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition to show you Strange Aeons welcome to Strange Aeons radio which is available on spotify apple amazon alexa i heard and every other pod catcher in the known universe that's eric over there hello that's finesse over there good day hey guys i am going to well i just want to talk about this whole cult of snyder thing that has popped up now the justice league oh yeah uncut so we've all seen it now right yeah empowering the right culture and and look i didn't hate the movie i didn't love the movie but i there was something that i saw posted that i just have to bring up and get your guys thoughts on so this idiot writes okay real talk the snider cut was actually amazing yeah it was long yeah the last time scenes run there were a few moments have been trimmed but i understood blah blah blah vanessa did you write this and may remind you you're under oath i did i did in fact love this movie okay well okay here cording to this post i can read the whole thing i know i know and it's pretty long it's pretty long well okay i i don't know if i love this movie but in comparison to the other justice league movie i saw i loved this movie and i can't on if i saw this version as the first version of justice league i ever saw i don't know how my feelings would sway but right now i'm like this is a fucking awesome film yeah you didn't note in your diatribe here that this was compared to the 2017 version in fact you say quote actually amazing you don't then say compared to the other no you know what sometimes time helps us see our emotions a little more clearly and um look i really liked it a lot and there were things in there that i just loved like moments and well let's let's put a little spoiler warning out here and let's do justice league for five minutes i think i can help this a little bit too because upon whoa i've got a very breezy day we're watching the the sighting on my roof fly around smack into the window but i upon watching snyder's because i saw your posts and i saw your comments i'm cat damn i'm gonna watch this damn thing and so for four days i think upon watching it i realized i had not seen the other version i did not see josh so oh so i will watch it or you do not know it's not a good movie it's not worth watch i think it's great to watch as an editor watch it because comparing the two it's fucking mind blowing the way they use the same content in completely different contexts is fascinating i'm like you didn't even use the same goddamn shots from the same scene like it's different shots you went through and got other ones well let's keep in mind this is not this is still not the snyder cut this is the snyder do over after he got to see all of the bullshit the joss whedon got this is not to fit the footage that he shot and turned into warner brothers was a two hour and 30 minute film that they did not like so this is not the snyder cut well this is them giving him $70 million more to reshoot a ton of add effects to it so this is a do over and he didn't have to see the movie to hear all of the shit that was being cost 100% and he had actually sent other people to the premiere like in his place i mean because obviously like you pointed out he was going through some crazy shit i don't know when he put together his cut i don't know if it was after the film came out i don't know at what point he was like yeah i've got a two and a half hour film to push out there yeah you're right it is a do over and it's an opportunity for him to do whatever the hell he wants with no restraints and i'm almost entirely okay with that except for the ending and that's where i think a big part of that budget went was that because that joker stuff was completely reshot that that was that was all absolutely unnecessary, completely unnecessary, and a waste of time. And we I was like, this is fine if you want to put it as like a weird web content extra or if you want to put it as like something in the next movie, but this movie it does not belong. Maybe maybe even do it for the post credit one of those posts credits sure where it disconnects a little bit from the rest of the film. Yeah, The Return of the Jedi was given a run for its money with the freaking endings on this damn movie. It was over. I thought it was done. And it ran another 30 then 40 minutes. Now return to return the Jedi returning the king. Oh, that makes sense. So Oh, I hit one point where I had to stop saying I've got about 40 minutes left, right. And I watched those 40 minutes and that end battle. It's like, well, this is wrapping up like, oh, must be really long credits. Now there's still 40 damn minutes of the movie after it should have ended. Yeah, I'm trying to remember where that moment would have been. I mean, I, I didn't mind it ending right before we saw the first Lex Luthor T's and then the second Lex Luthor T's and then the Martian T's, and then the Joker. And I was like, um, guys, I don't mind the Martian one because it's just funny. And it's helpful because it gives us more information about the previous two films that we did not have before. That's great. It ties things together. But like he was he was a weird, if you're going to include him at all. Especially you can include him in that earlier scene for seemingly no real reason other than, well, I'm going to instigate this but then I'm just going to go away. I mean, he's an credibly powerful character in DC Universe, and he knew what supposedly seemed to know what was going to go on, and why she needed to go to work. It's like, why don't you go fight with them? Yeah, at the end, when he shows up at Batman's house, it'd be like, Oh, thanks a powerful dude. By the way, where were you when we could have used you it would have been great if they'd had that be the first time we saw him instead of like, haha, I was not Martha Kent. was not Martha Can I was Martha Kent that also threw me off in the later scenes with Lois amarth. I kept waiting for her to say something. That's a problem that yeah, that's his problem in filmmaking when you're pulling the personnel. I had just tons of problems with this. One of the things you pointed out in your novel length was that the character development was so strong, please tell me the fucking character develop. Okay, because Zack Snyder's doesn't know how to write character arcs, because he doesn't know how to write character flaws. There's nobody flawed in this movie, unless it's that they're too cool. Or they're too powerful. His writing got retarded at the age of about 17. And it just kind of stopped as a male 17 year old writer, and so all of his stuff is fuck yeah, this is I mean, I don't know, I would disagree with that. Because I feel like Aqua man had a refusal of the call. Like, I mean, to the point where I was like, yeah, obviously that Aqua man movie comes after this because he's straight up like, I don't want to do this. I'm busy being selfish and doing my own thing. And it comes into play with his own set of world. Well, I like so toss out everything that came out after Justice League Because? Because Zack did. We see we see Willem Defoe in this movie, but he clearly meets with them to vote for the first time in Aqua man. Oh, okay. I was like, Oh, he's he's throwing in characters. Thanks, I guess. But he's not paying any attention to the movies that they were from. Okay. I mean, I, I don't disagree. I mean, Wonder Woman 1984 doesn't make sense with the original Justice League version. Because in the original Justice League version, she never came out of hiding, right? And in 1984. So the whole context already is kind of fucked up between the individual films. I agree. It's it's very strange. And it's only going to get weirder because everyone's going in their own silos and making their own versions of things like the new Suicide Squad and all kinds of stuff that's coming out. So yes, you're right. But I would say there are, there are things that I appreciated a lot that did not exist in the previous one, like, cyborgs backstory, I mean, Cyborg is like, hiding away ashamed of himself and, like, confused as to why he's even alive, doesn't want to do anything. We have the flash, who also has not yet figured out what he wants to do with his life. He just knows he needs a job. But what he really wants to do is go into criminal justice to save his father. That's all setup. I just felt like I understood the characters and why they were doing what they're doing whether or not those motivations were good, whether or not they were fleshed out in a way that made me identify with them or really go through a big emotional arc with them. Maybe that's different, but any emotional arc at all was so pleasant i was like hey this person's doing this thing for a reason at all oh my god even the bad guy even steppenwolf has like a motive fuckin vacation he's like i need to impress this guy i'm out of his favor i want to do this thing because like i want to get back in with him and i'm a sad sad puppy like that's great yeah i agree there's definitely more stuff going in there's two and a half hours more stuff going in i would argue you could cut all of the slow mo down and we could get a two and a half hour movie yeah that got lowest walking through the rain in slow motion yes no fucking sense i don't care about lois lane wonder woman saving all the kids one that was a girl seeing that i want us to slow mo continuing as she goes down the road to save all the kids like fast oh slow again fast oh slow again even slow come on and the wonder woman theme song to get although she showed up like quick did the other characters have those they just weren't as prominent no the other characters were given really interesting unique musical moments that that i was like oh this is kind of strange and this isn't my style but i love that it's this musical like theme is actually fitting with this character and what they're going through that's really cool that's really unique that reminds me a lot of watchmen and then wonder woman score come in and i'd be like why why are we doing this again go back go back to the beginning even to the point where at the very ending when she shows up to take the final slide and then it seems like you know he got a solid scene going here yeah breaking it up with that weird music beat was just like no just keep the music you got go and go on and whatever just fine one thing i do want to say though is as much as we might not love that it's four hours or whatever i don't think that's fair to be upset about in this day and age like we sit through i like the way i watched it you mean i mean there's six parts why not yeah that's how you should that's how you should watch i mean like why would we complain about that when we're willing to sit through you know how many hours of 30 coins to get to you know how many plot points like there we're willing to sit in this day and age through all kinds of weird broken up con we're willing to sit through mandalorian which has you know sometimes it's 25 minutes and sometimes it's 45 minutes and like if we're willing to chill out about that i don't think it's fair to be like super pissed about something that's streaming that's where i'm not super pissed it's clearly a i mean first of all this is a gigantic kit for hbo max and i literally don't know how they make their money let's give the fans what they want and if you want this we got tons of it for me i do look at it as a failing and it's like okay we know how long a movie should be and it took you twice as long to tell this story there's a lot of fluff in this there is a lot of there's a lot of there's at least two or three giant battles with steppenwolf where i'm like well you know he's gonna win so why is this 20 minutes long everyone everyone talking about how cool steppenwolf looks now i'm like boy he looks like a cartoon he doesn't look like he fits into the world to me the scene where the three mother boxes and you know the the atlanteans and the race of men and the dwarves and the elves each fight the dark side and his guys that whole thing looked like a computer or video game scene in a video yeah i was like shocked at how that look yeah i did notice there was a disparity in the cgi i liked i liked steppenwolf because in the last one i remember thinking he just looked like some loser human guy and like i was not at all impressed with him but in this one i loved that the armor was so i mean i think that's where a lot of the budget went was his fucking armor because it was so reactive and moving and that they spent a lot more time on than that big opening battle well i didn't really care about the opening battle because i was like oh flashback i didn't care about it either could have been tossed the effects in the amazonian battle when they're on the horses are damn near anything awkward man did underwater right was just like it wasn't as good within you but then like when we went to the opening bit with the amazonians where the cliff side caved in and like they're like shooting and fighting in there that looked fucking phenomenal so it made no sense are they just poised with arrows ready pointing at that box yes eight hours a day no it's because it had a crack in it because superman screen because he was dying yeah got it you Because he was dying, so the boxes understood he was gone and started to wake up. So the boxes have been here forever, though, right? Why didn't they wake up before Superman arrived? Oh, that's a great question. I don't maybe there's a creek because there's a Green Lantern in that big battle. Because he said Steppenwolf said there's no ladders to know when to find it. Yeah, so this maybe you're right, maybe. I mean, so the places where the the slomo worked for me was in that Wonder Woman scene actually, when the bullets go by her and she see and I thought it made sense, because it shows that she operates on a level like flash does. Or you know, I think my favorite scene still from both movies is flash coming around Superman after he's been awakened. And it's in the slow mo stuff. And we see Superman's I move and notice, and it's such a great shot. So I was happy about that. The one thing though, out of that battle scene, the the line do bleed is not in there, which tied it back to the whole PVS. And that stuff, and I thought was a really neat moment in the original film. Yeah, there was definitely a lot of reworking. And I think I get a big part of why I feel like the original Justice League was all about Superman. It was Superman, the movie was Superman, part three, or whatever, or for whatever the hell they're at. This movie was Justice League. So a lot of that stuff that was Superman centric, got reworked. And I think we lost a couple of cool moments. But I think we gained a lot more about the other characters, which is it to the point where like, did you know flash was like, a big part of the ending battle because all I remembered from the other Justice League was that he like saved some like, kind of Soviet Union family at one point with a bad joke. And this time, I was like, Oh my god, he frickin rewound time. Everybody put something in that didn't have a problem for me, actually, because we've talked about this before the problem of flashes, he solved your problem. You just go faster. Oh, the whole world's gonna destroy. I'll just rewind time. Well, how about you go back and rewind time and save Superman so he doesn't die? He doesn't scream. None of the boxes crack open. I didn't know. Save your mother. Yeah. And there's a which the TV show actually explores really well. But that's DC. I mean, I was going to add a new I thought it was a cool battle I that didn't pull me out like the first half of the Wonder Woman battle I thought was great. Yes. rescuing the guys who's just that and I would love to have seen that slow motion stuff with the killers transposed with how fast she actually moved down that line to save the kids. right but that in full speed. Because you've done all the slow motion we get it. She's fast. Let's see her be fast. Oh, I thought we did. I thought we saw her because I thought it looked a little silly. Yeah, I did. Because it was fast, slow, fast, slow, fast, slow. And the way they showed flash moving fast and ever increasingly slower motion is something I get it. Although I will say him twisting on his feet and his sneakers exploding. That was there was a lot of stuff to like in this movie. I just don't think it's a great movie. And I and this weird Snider cut that is a Snyder Colt that has evolved out of this. It's just like, what is going on this guy? A lot of people hate it Batman v Superman. I was like wait, now I'm seeing them retro actively talk about how great it was? The one who likes it. The Ron can veto score for both of the Snyder DC movies, which nobody had good things to say about her suddenly climbing interest that is interesting. I didn't realize that because I remember watching Batman vs. Superman, and being the only one who liked it. And the only reason I liked it is because I decided to stop watching it as a movie. And instead watch it as like an animatic created comic. And I was like, Oh, this is really neat. This works. Yeah. And all the sudden all the cuts made sense to me. I was like yeah, this looks like that fucking scene and this fuckin scene. So yeah, one other little thing that bugged me with this one was Superman's black uniform. Because the whole film is about Superman is our hope he is what's going to bring us hope again. Why the fuck is he showing up looking like Batman? Let's have Superman not in the Christopher Reeve read because that would have been too much. Yeah, but even just the muted blues and reds he would have been such a wonderful contrast and the everything else was so that was definitely a Snyder it looks Oh yeah. I think that was a nod to the black suit from Delta Superman. I didn't want it because I just figured it was some nerd thing. I didn't know. Yeah. I know exactly what it was. I just did. I never really liked the Superman, black outfit for that exact reason. To me, Batman is the dark, brooding DC character. Superman's the hope for the future, and the hope for the world character. So turning him into whenever they tried to turn him dark when they added long hair or gave them weird facial hairs. I was like, Yeah, I think it's a reason none of those things stuck. And I wanted him to be that hope in the in the story. Well, at least in this one. He didn't come back in the first like, third or whatever the fuck yeah, he returned. Yeah, they actually built up his fucking return. Last time. I was like, I don't know why we're in this ship. I don't know what we're doing. I don't know why you have to do anything. What Why is he back? What are we doing now? Like, I was so grateful that it had any meaning whatsoever. So just as kind of a return to my original post Kelly. me to read more of it? No, no. I do have to absolutely copy on it, at least for your sanity. And for my own justification and just say, I don't know whether or not I love this movie on its own as a piece I have. I can't I can't say in the context that I'm viewing it in. It's impossible. It's in pop. All I know is compared to what I saw before. Almost every moment was a joy filled expression of there's a reason. Ah, fair enough. I didn't have that problem. Because like I said, watch it. I was just watching based on the quality of this film itself. Yeah. I'm glad to have that perspective. It's fine. It's it's the same thing. We've said it a few times a few different ways. It's the same problem that DC has that Marvel is absolutely solved. Marvel's planning for their future films is so ballsy and so unbelievably well educated or well executed. They took what 10 movies to get to the end of the Avengers storyline. It's like 1015 years or more of planning ahead. And DC still feels like they're slipshod. Well, let's get into this. Let's try to create a grid I'm kind of a thing but and then they kind of drop it. Yeah, instead of doing individual movies and move on. Yeah, it felt like this was several movies pushed into one space. And DC has always been reactionary. You know, they decided they had to do justice league because Avengers was coming out. But they are now reactionary to their own movies. If something does well, then they just they change their entire plan going forward. And it's like, you know, you guys come up with a game plan and stick with it. The Snyder DC Universe is very dark and brooding so you're sure you're going to get that kind of Superman because that's all he thinks is cool, right? Right. I mean, that's actually why I kind of that was the only thing I really liked about the first Superman that he did. I was like, oh, a dark version. I've never seen this portrayed for me. So I was okay with it. He was pretty dark in the Superman movies. I you know, I blow on the shit out of entire I need to stuff I need to check that shit out. Like I need to I need to sit down and do that because like yeah, I'm I'm not the person who should be talking about this actually, because I have no knowledge. I guess instead of tying it more into was it death? Is the guy that Castro Castro. Oh, you mean killed Superman originally? Well, death flux on on that keep wanting to say Doom? Yeah. But anyway, so instead of my first thought, I guess instead of that was I went to the kingdom come series, where his rebirth in that comic is phenomenal. There aren't a lot of times you're reading through a comic book and you get chills. But his refuse to call and then go into action moments in that comic are so astounding. And I was like, that's what more what I was thinking of, I think then then getting destroyed by that big giant chunk of rock that somehow they decided well, after all his great villains, we're going to invent this dumb one just so we can get killed. Well, this entire opening has to be a spoiler alert. Yeah, we did start you just start off by saying that you should just cut into our pics now. I agree. I don't think we should worry about more content, guys. Why don't we take a break then? And we'll come back and talk pranks. Hi, I'm Richard Bertram, Vice President communications for westjet here with some exciting news. Effective today, we're introducing childfree cabins onboard select flights. We've heard from many of our guests that they're tired of kids screaming and running up and down the aisle and they're looking quite simply for some peace and quiet. So you may be asking how do i get my children to their destination well that's a great question and we've got a great answer we call it cargo kids let's take a look at the process when you arrive at the airport simply ask for cargo kids when you check in our friendly western customer service agents are more than happy to help they'll assist you in getting your child ready for their trip on the travel toboggan your child will be whisked away in a magic carpet ride and your work is done meanwhile our westerners are hard at work your child's toboggan will arrive safely with the luggage and other kids who will be boarding that flight from there one of our friendly westerners will take the children to their waiting flight onboarding flight we have a cargo kids counselor is there to make sure that your kids are well taken care of and supervised with plenty of toys and a state of the art feed drop off your children will be able to run play screen and eat all they want while you enjoy your flight in peace and quiet so book cargo kids today by going to slash cargo kids that's cargo and kids with a k and let us give you the peace and quiet you need from all of us at westjet you're welcome savings below we are back and hey april fool's you guys we're not doing a show at all today we're just gonna talk about justice league i just want to say i really enjoyed that segment and i don't think of you guys as just friends but as super friends i don't know i feel like this is a deeper inside joke than i understand now we need to wonder twins and meanwhile the hall of justice this was my pick you guys and because it is april 1 i picked movies with pranks in them nice this is awesome this was a fun one and so well you know my first thought was i'm going to do carry because that is the ultimate break that went wrong sure was but i love that movie and i feel like everybody has seen that movie so instead i did the rage carry to romeo and juliet taylor star starcrossed lovers pulled apart by their families by society and some might say by fate now why is it that we are so moved by love that ends with separation i don't know that i believe in it i believe in what your age it's perfectly normal to be afraid to like your parents that's scary for you all your life and you know that you were different was be nice to me like everybody else sometimes i really wish i could just be one of the shiny happy people you know because girls just the scan you don't even know what you do like we know others don't understand you leave me for someone cause someone out there somebody needs to teach that to me and they want you to want to talk well to hell with them they want to know how i'm feeling today was growing up did you ever see objects move by themselves what is wrong in front of ky 73 people died tonight next semester it's hard to reach rage carry to misdemeanor killer party very very good way from 1999 you might be surprised on my feelings for this film i'm i'm ready it had a budget of $21 million and a box office about 18 million rotten tomatoes critics 22% yeah you there you go the audience 33% oh i have not seen this movie i'm about to make an argument that this is a film worth watching wow okay so it's directed by cat shea she did some really cool movies that you may or may not have seen stripped to kill one and two which which are kind of exploitation films she was working for roger corman That time, they're both very good movies. She also did the original poison ivy. And she did that latest Nancy Drew movie Nancy Drew in the hidden staircase. Oh, yeah. It was written by rat Rafael Maru. He wrote this, of course and hackers, and has. He's one of these guys who has sold a ton of scripts that never got made into films. So he's he's like a working writer. And if the writer of hackers is having that is one of the best written films of all time. It It stars, Emily, Emily burgle. Who has I think I'm pronouncing her last name br GL. She's got 50 credits, including multiple episodes of Gilmore Girls, huh? Yeah, she played a francy Jarvis on the Gilmore Girls. Okay, okay. Shameless, the marvelous Miss Mazal. It also stars Jason London, who has 128 credits. I know best from dazed and confused, but he was also in to Wong Foo, and several of the Aerosmith videos in the 90s. And also stars, Amy Irving, who was in the fury and also played to Seuss now in the original Carrie. Oh, okay. She is playing Seuss now in this film. Oh, whoa. Yeah, it starts off we are introduced to a young girl I want to talk and like an eight year old girl as her mom is going quite insane. And she is painting everything in the house red with big huge paintbrush. And she kind of starts attacking the daughter and it feels very, like religiously motivated and then everything in the house starts going crazy. The windows are slamming open and shad plates are flying across all this stuff. So then the cops show up and everything kind of drops and they take the mom away 10 years later beautiful. So it couldn't have been a year old girls probably like six year old girl because we reintroduced to Rachel in high school. She's not like Carrie but she is our carry person in this film. She is fairly attractive seems to get along okay with people and doesn't have the the anks then the issues that Carrie had not being teased and all that stuff, but also, I don't know about you guys, but I when I was in high school, I wasn't really bullied that much. But I probably was ignored more than anything else. You know, I was friends with jocks and I was friends with nerds and I was friends with Goths and all that stuff, but I don't know that anyone you know, 30 years later, would if they said hey, you remember Kellyanne, I don't know if any of them will go. Kelly young. Yeah, I think they'd all be Who? Because I was just a very nondescript person. And that's what Rachel is like. Her best friend played by Mena suvari commits suicide by leaping off the roof, the roof of the High School in front of everybody. And Rachel sees this happen and she's and she freaks out and basically is the catalyst for her telekinetic powers reemerging all the lockers inside the school suddenly slam open and everything falls out and all this stuff. So she finds out and we find out that her friend killed herself because she found out that this guy that she had slept with. She was just part of a like a sex game that he had all the other football players did, which was they would sleep with as many chicks as they could and and make notes on who was the best and give them a graded score, stuff like that. And so you know, really shitty stuff. Sounds like my freshman year of high school. Well, and when I did a little research, I guess this is based on a young girl who did kill herself when something like this was discovered. So yes, it's like, boy, kids are fucking worse. This drama, like I said, triggers Rachel's repressed telekinetic ability. And, as all this is happening, one, one high school counselor sits up from her desk, and she and it's soo Snell from the original Carrie, and she's just like, you know, she's having a little bit of PTSD. And Rachel goes and talks to the school counselor, so and they're there. She's just kind of talking to her as a counselor to a grief stricken young woman and everything. She doesn't realize that this is the girl who made all that shit happen. But as they talk, Rachel gets more and more frustrated and everything and a snow globe falls off the shelf. And so Sue is putting things together, maybe quicker than she should but unlike Zach's Either cache only had a scan at eight minutes to tell her story, she's got to move this shit along. It was a different time it right. So that evening Rachel's dog, which is a adorable little basset hound. It is hit by a car. And Jessie who is played by Jason London, he is one of the football players, but he seems to be like the nice one, and he drives up and sees what's happened. And he offers to help because the dog is not dead. So they scoop him up into his car, and they get him to the vet and the dog is going to be okay. And this gives him a chance to sit and take Rachel out for coffee. And they have a little bit of a talk and all this stuff, you can see that there's some sparks flying all that stuff. Jesse has recently broken up with his girlfriend. So we see there's a bunch of jealousy there, the girlfriend is very unhappy that he's showing interest in Rachel, all that stuff. Sue, then makes a judgment call basically pulls Rachel aside and says, Hey, I kind of know what you can do. And Rachel Oh, Lord, you're talking about and so she takes her to the burned out shell of her old high school. Wow, still standing. Yeah. And, and tells her what went on there. And you know, Carrie White was a person who had these immense powers and, you know, couldn't control them. And and if Rachel indeed has these powers that she needs to learn how to control them all that if you get dipalma, flashbacks for that. Yes. Wow. And in my notes, I will talk a little bit about that. So Jessie, and Rachel, they actually start dating, which pisses off the other football players and his ex and that group then begin to conspire on how to No, no, yes. Oh, now they've got a, they've got a good prank in mind. I bet it's very unique. This is one of the things that cracks me up in these movies. This is a trope that I feel like, has finally gone away. But the football players are teasing. Jason Linda's character, Jessie, because he's dating this attractive woman, but she's, she's not quite quality. You know, her parents are her step parents, adoptive parents are our poor and all of this stuff. So Eric, you remember what it was like when you were in high school? And there was this hot chick checking you out and your friends pulled you aside? You know, probably probably Jamie and said, Hey, man, have you checked your FICO score? I don't know. I don't have that. Yeah. So let's just put that thing away. I'm sorry. This guy's will date anybody? Yeah, sure. Your High School? Exactly. You're already in the same group? Because you're in the same high school. Yeah. Also, as a side note, isn't it funny how many people meet the love of their lives? And just happens to be the person who goes to school with them? Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, my school had like, 100 people in our class. Yeah. So I mean, that's like, what 50 dude, so you get the option. Did you meet the love of your life there? Uh, no, I met him at another high school and then we broke up after high school. Oh, my story. You know why? I'm just trying to be open and like, make this friendship thing real. Okay. Try and so Jessie and Rachel they go off and they have a romantic night in this cabin that one of their friends families owned and the friend said, Oh, yeah, you guys can go here but what they don't know is that the football players are filming them have sex shows his her virginity and the jocks film at all. But then they all start to kind of hang out together. And she is accepted by the jocks and all this stuff. And after one of the games, while Jesse is detained by his ex is trying to come on to him. And he's like, not interested. Rachel is taken to a big party with all the other people and all this stuff. And she's having a good time. And she thinks that everybody likes them all this stuff. And then on the big huge screen there in the house. They show her losing her virginity. In front of everybody, this is a big party. There's 100 people at this party. It's just like, these people know how to throw a party or you know, they didn't want to do the prom again. Right? I mean, I figured from the cover that maybe they would do it again but now. Well, she goes full carry and starts killing everybody including Sue Snell, who has gotten wind of this prank and is going to try and stop it because she fears what might happen and it does happen. She gets there as the places starting to burn and all this and she's she's, she's trying to open the front door and there's a jock on the other side. Also trying milborne front door and Rachel sends a fireplace poker flying through the air. It slams through the back of the head of the jock through the door through the front of the head of Seuss now, and then the door slowly creaks open with both of them just hanging on. I was like, You know what, I like that shot. There's also this movie is not served by the makeup effect that they decided to put on Rachel, when she starts losing it, she gets kind of this line of infection that starts running down from her forehead down the side of her face and everything. And it's, it's kind of a neat idea of, you know, just this black line that seems to be following, you know, a blood vein or something like that. And it gets more and more prominent as she gets angrier and angrier. But now I don't know if this is just because you can watch this with you know, very high rez quality now, but you can clearly see this is like a grease pencil line that they have put down her forehead and everything. And it's like, oh, this is a really powder. Maya, come on. Yeah. So I won't tell you how it ends, but it has some really good Gore. Lots of good deaths. And I mean, you kind of know how it's going to end. It's basically the carry story with the jumpscare ending Even so, split screen, no split screen. That might have been too much, I think. But I I have to say as I was watching this, I was like, this is a dang good movie. It didn't need to be made. But it's not a bad movie at all very well acted very well directed. When I started do some research, I realized why it was a dang good movie. It was not written as a carry sequel. Wow. It was originally written as a movie called Say you're sorry, which was kind of a carry knockoff. And the producers bought it and decided to turn it into a carry sequel added the Susan l character and stuff like that. Amy Irving was then wary of being in they approached her doing this and so she asked Brian depalma if it was okay. And he was like, Yeah, I mean, if you need the money, go ahead. They must have had a fairly decent relationship because right after Carrie he put her in the fury, which was another telekinetic weirdo movie, but so there's some kind of friendship there. Rachel's nerdy friend is a guy named Arnie and is clearly a nod to RNA from Christine because he acts and looks just like him. A little note here, the asylum that Rachel's mom has put in Arkham Asylum. But of course, wow, how did the Joker and this was the final film produced by Paul Monash who originally secured the rights to carry the novel when no other studios would touch it. And he was a cult name as a consultant before his death on the TV adaptation of Carrie, which was the last thing he ever did. So Carrie was a big deal in his life. Yeah, so that's my movie. The prank went wrong, but I have a feeling that that's probably what's going to happen and everybody's here's your short film. I pulled a prank. Coffee. We had a great time. Thanks for keeping things light. Um, yes. So you know what i there are so many great options for prank films. There are at least three films that I wanted to talk about at some point. So it was just I had to just choose one pranks one pranks two pranks three. We can always keep this going. I know actually. That's true. That's good. I'm glad I haven't mess this. You used any of these up? Yeah, I'm gonna save them. So the one I went with is a film that I have mentioned before but haven't gone into depth about and so it's really nice to be able to spend a little more time with it. And that is the 1980 movie. Terror train. Terror drain. Take off your day with your day. I don't want to get back For the students are bored, it's going to be the one to end them. So always walking out of my parties. But this time you can't. Magic last big college party this one has a rotten tomatoes of 36% for critics and 38% for audience, which is harrowingly low, considering how good this movie is. They just didn't know what was good then clearly, the budget is 3.5 million box office 8 million. That alone should tell us that the Rotten Tomatoes are on. Directed by Roger Spottiswoode, who, it's a weird name, but that's okay. Former porn director former for sure if you've got spots there. He also directed the sixth day for eight hours Tomorrow Never Dies and my personal favorite stop or my mom will shoot. love that movie. territorian was his first movie, and now he's actually doing a lot more documentary and Hallmark stuff. And I cannot say, you know, like, it's bad to be doing homework. There's so much homework out there. It's just easy money square working directors go to work. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It was where the other editors who worked on prospect were from. So the writer for this is a guy named Ty Drake. He only has like 10 credits. And a lot of TV is kind of what he's doing, including MacGyver. He retired in 1990. So he's been out of the game for a little bit now. And then there were two like uncredited writers. One who is a producer did a lot of mostly TV stuff, so and also National Lampoon's Christmas, starring Jamie Lee Curtis. As Ilana, our main character, everyone's wearing costumes and less so go ahead and also say her costume is a pirate. And she is known for Beverly Hills Chihuahua. The remake of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys. She gets started in New Girl and Veronica Mars, and that your carry show? And she was the telephone operator, slash curfew announcer and Halloween three. So hoping you'd bring that. Yeah, that was a big role. I was surprised. I was actually pretty excited. I was like, Wow, she landed a Halloween movie. That's pretty cool. Also, this is Hart Faulkner who plays Doc, who's kind of the second male lead. This guy. He looks familiar, but it's almost like why why do you look familiar? He's very young. He's been in 54 things including played Arthur Reeves and Batman mask of the Phantasm. He is in Die Hard as Ellis, which is where I was like, Oh, that's definitely how I know you. He was in the 1984 Supergirl and 10 episodes of the starter wife. And then kind of an awesome roll that we have in here. The train conductors played by Ben Johnson. Now he's been in 106 things he died in 1996. But he's a cool dude. He was a stunt man for john wayne, James Stewart and Gary Cooper initially, and then one day john Ford kind of noticed him and pushed him into more larger roles. He has been in last picture show a Wild Bunch getaway angels in the outfield. Just incredible dude, he has some of the best stories and the kind of behind the scenes notes. And then last but not least, that it's an ensemble cast. There's a lot of people in this movie, but I do need to point out david copperfield in this movie he plays the magician common name in this movie he's been in eight roles the simpsons he was in twice he was in seven days in hell a tv movie crazy ones incredible burt wonderstone he was in scrubs one michael jackson shorts and he also directed the magic of david copperfield number five through 15 there's a lot of obviously he didn't like whoever did one foot through four so he had to take that ship over plots so during this kind of hazing it's you know late 70s i guess there's a sort of hazing fraternity party that's going on a bunch of pre med students are just drinking around a bonfire and they have a particularly sinister prank for one of their more timid pledges kenny with the help of kilkenny not to an extent but i appreciate the nod with the help of COVID ilana played by jamie lee curtis they convinced the nerdy pledge a sexy student wants him and is waiting for him and his fellow frat bro they convinced this particularly nerdy pledge that is sexy student wants him and is waiting for him and his fellow fat frat bro doc bed so he goes up there he's really excited this other girl is kind of standing up in the hallway kind of going yeah she's waiting for you go and go in and like alana's in there kind of behind this headboard just looking like really uncomfortable with what's going on but like they're all like yeah it's gonna be fun he's gonna love it do it do it and so he goes in and he sees this really very sexy ad style bed setup with the the kind of sheer fabric over the edges for poster but i don't know what kind of frat bro dude's room this is but it is very elaborate and there's a woman in there beckoning and from behind the bed we've got a lot of kind of going i want you kenny i want you he starts on dressing we see some spectacular yellow underwear by the way super good i was like are those whitey tighties no those are a yellow tidy those are amazing he climbs into the bed and instead of olana he discovers a puppeteered corpse in the bed it's a bloated old woman she has no arms she has an artificial limb that he actually pulls out of the socket he starts freaking out in screaming jumps up on the bed and just starts running in circles gets tied up in that beautiful shirt fabric and the friends were watching horror three years later time has passed i wonder what happened to him we're at another joyous occasion all of the med students that we saw previously are all now dressed up in costumes they're waiting to get on this train and they're basically doing this fun graduation party so they've all been through you know three years of pre med hell they're ready to go out in the world and they're throwing this giant elaborate costume party on this train eleanor and her boyfriend moe who both participate participated in the pranks with their best friend doc who really was behind all the shit is putting this this great thing together it's elaborate they've got a band they have a magic show with the moody perfectionist david copperfield he's like really taking himself in this like party drain magic show very seriously he has a beautiful assistants there's a caboose that's just for the seniors the humor behind this is actually really neat because like the the adults that are involved in this film know how crazy this is like the conductor is getting ready to get on the train and he asks this woman who's sort of running the control room hey are you going to be on this with us and she goes haha no that's insane good luck good time and he's like ah and then you know the students are like offering him weed and everything's very like nice and natural feeling it's just it feels like it's got a lot of good heart even though they just traumatized a kid like seconds ago three years ago yes definitely three years ago definitely three years ago no one looks a day older but yeah um so of course everyone's lining up to get on this train and before it even takes off one of the more annoying seniors this kid named ed who's non stop pranking everybody like bad bad sexist horrible jokes he's got this little like altoids container kind of thing and he's like Would you like some and opens it up and he's got a hole with his like finger in it. He's like it's a finger. Stupid, stupid stuff. He's wearing a David Copperfield saw that I was like I think he probably did that in the movie itself. Actually, he was probably like, Nope, sorry, not good enough. So this kid, he ends up with a sword through his chest and he's kind of stumbling around and everyone's like, haha, good one Ed, get on the train, let him stumble to the ground. And of course, his head is placed very carefully on the track. So as the train begins to go, we know that his fate has come and gone. Do we get to see that? Unfortunately, no, I was watching very carefully. This was my second viewing of it. And I was like, do we see it? We do not but it's still feels incredibly tense. Yeah, I'm, I've never seen this movie I've totally sold so far. Oh, I can't wait to watch this. It's so good. It's so good. Hold train just bumps. Now, like I said, this is like everything just gets smaller, bumpy style. Now, of course, everybody's in costume. So somebody's wearing his full face costume, which is sort of the car I'm trying remember. It's a it's the face of I think Groucho Marx or something is walking around, and we know that it's not him. In fact, maybe it's somebody here to get some kind of revenge. Surely not Kenny thickly plotted slasher film. But of course, the question is, what is Kenny look like? Because we don't know it's been years he went through this crazy trauma. Even in the opening scenes, we didn't get a really clear picture of this. gonna say it's only been three years and nobody looks any different. So it was a neat time, naturalistic lighting shoots. So there's a lot of campfire and dim lighting in the sexy bedroom scene. So you don't really have a great concept with this kid looks like now the killer has a costume. He's seeking revenge and seniors just start disappearing. In fact, the seniors that are disappearing are perhaps the ones who were all involved in the hazing. drange Meanwhile, there's all kinds of very silly other things going on. The the girl olana is going back and forth with kind of having some arguments with her boyfriend, her boyfriend's best friend is that kid doc. And doc hates her for some reason or another probably cuz she's a strong headed woman, it seems. And so doc is trying to set up his best friend aka her boyfriend with this hot chick who's wearing no shirt, but pants that like are really big and go up over the top of her, like boobs. I don't know what she's dressed up as, and I cannot figure it out. And it's bothering me. But that's okay. Of course, like his friend starts to kind of fall for it, and Alon is supposed to walk in on them. And therefore, you know, Doc can then go off in the sunset with his bestie without her there to impede things. But she gets pulled aside because her best friends is murdered. And the conductor is trying to keep things under wraps because he's not really sure quite what's going on. At this point. He finds a dead body and a bathroom. And so he kind of locks it and goes to the back. And he's he wants to try and come up with a plan of action with the other dudes who run the train. I don't know what they're called train assistants. And but by the time he gets back, there's nothing there. There's no body all the Bloods cleaned up. And of course, the costume is gone. So this person is changing from costume and costume costume as he goes through the different people. Which is great because it allows him to get into interesting situations. So with Alon his best friend, for example, he's now in a lizard costume with a guy that the female bestie is kind of interested in banging. And so it gets her alone in a bunk on the train, and has the opportunity to strike. So Alon is pulled off because they find this corpse really iterating that yes, there is something happening. They aren't just pulling pranks on the conductors. There's something for real going down. In the meantime, magic is still happening. David Copperfield is allowing us all and actually doing some really cool looking little tricks that they're small, been simplistic, but they're really like fun to watch. And it just brings this whole like great element of things because he's taking himself so seriously and he wants everyone to be super impressed. including, of course Jamie Lee Curtis olana, who they have this kind of flirtatious moment with and you're like, go for David. Don't your boyfriend's and ask He's dressed up like a bird. You don't want to care about him. Tell me Elena. Is this your car that's kind of what's going on. But with a quarter, it's very good. In the end, he she she almost doesn't get her peanuts with her quarter because there's a peanuts machine. I didn't know that was a thing. But she gets them in the end. So spoiler, it works out with the peanuts. Careful pronunciation, she loves the nut. So a lot of starts to lose her goddamn mind because her best friend is killed. And then during a little magic show, Doc is hanging out with her boyfriend. And partway through the show. He goes from talking and you know, joking around to being dead. Slash. And it's like, when did this happen in a crowded, crowded room. They're all sitting there, like super chill. So it's like what just happened. And it starts to kind of mount that maybe David Copperfield might possibly be behind this. But maybe doc is behind this, because doc has been particularly moody and strange and pulling some of his own pranks. Maybe Kenny, who is dressed up as God knows who is behind us. We don't quite know what's going on. But the bodies are mounting. We kind of start to get the idea, that idea that maybe doc isn't behind it, he grabs Ilana, he pulls her back and he locks her in a car and the back with him. And he's like, okay, so clearly, they're killing all the people who are involved in this prank. Clearly, it's Kenny. And we have to just bunker down and survive, he kind of sees the writing on the wall. And he's like, we gotta like, I don't like you very much. But we have to get through this work together, which is really nice, nice moment. And she's like, Fuck you. You just left a bunch of people like, oh, vulnerable to this murder, and we know who it is. And we need to figure it out and tell the conductor and start warning people. So she breaks out. And of course, now he's left alone in a room that has all kinds of closets and hidden compartments, and he realizes he didn't check the bathroom. And needless to say, he does not find a good end, the driver goes ahead and pulls the train over. We have this great scene where all the students are like, forced off and they're standing in the freezing Canadian snow. Just Just shivering their butts off, they're probably going to die if they don't get back on this train. But they're trying to like go through the train. See, you know, who is who's left, who's the stranger, it's clearly not one of the classmates that they know. So they're going through person by person cannot figure this out. So get everyone back on the train to the die, and just go ahead and they're like, it's fine. It's fine. We'll all hang out together, and it'll be fine. It is not fine. The killer does in fact, end up in this great chase scene with Ilana with some really great moments going from car to car. At one point, she locks herself into this really interesting like equipment cage thing. And he starts coming at her with a poker. Now, we're still not 100% sure who this is because they're in yet another costume. And I don't want to give away who this person ends up being. I think it's really an interesting, cool twist. But there's just some really great little moments. And in the end, there's this strange moment where the killer says, Kiss me. Kiss me, you kind of like oh me from the thing before she kisses they flash into mad PTSD start running around in circles. And let's just say that the train ends up just fine. They are all off and on their way. And the killer is at the bottom of a steep curve ass hit their head on some rocks and are now floating their way down a snowy embankment, which is pretty impressive. I was like, Oh my God, this person's coming back. They're like face down and water. Not not gonna make it. The good things about this movie, they are really great at showing off these kind of really cool, neat locations. I felt like the train was just such a cool concept to use to force everyone to be stuck together. The fact that it's in it is it is set in Canada. So there is no other option. You can't be like why don't they just pull over? Well, they can't pull over. It's also the middle of the night. They just do a really great job. Also using that train to build the mystery and the intrigue. The costumes are great for creating these sort of false people. Oh god, there's a moment that kills me in this we're okay there's there's you know, fair amount of gore or whatever. But the worst is like one of my greatest fears were the killer is alone with Alon I'm chasing her down. And she's wearing hoop earrings because she's higher it. There's a good earring pole. It's just yeah, I this is there's a reason I don't wear hoop earrings for the ones I have on right now are extremely tiny, no way you could pull it out, um, hopefully, don't think about it, it's fine. And I was just like, the characters are really well established. They're all fun, they're all neat. They all have unique personalities, the ensemble cast works extremely well, I felt like I knew where everyone was, why they were where they were, that it just feels really fleshed out. I love the conductor character, he's great. The constant pranks, there's just a lot of like setup, pay off setup, pay off that altoid finger scene actually comes back later when the killer now has the box and shows the box and inside is an actual finger. It's just extremely well done. And actually at one point doc is running to the train going. Everyone you know, he's carrying the body of his friend going, Oh my god, oh my god like this. There's something going on. And everyone starts laughing because they're so used to these dudes pulling pranks. So there's a really good like, sort of cry wolf element that's happening over and over again. And I just think it works extremely well. The bad things 70s music Wait a second. It's really bad. 70s music is like, I'll be the judge of that. Okay, I'll let you all you watching. say there's a dance scene. That's pretty heinous. I have seen prom night. So it's not as bad as that. But there's also a band that's like that shows up. And just as during a lot of bad 70s thing. And this sounds like a gigantic train. It's a really long train. Incredibly. Yeah. And it's not just the senior class, I should say. It's the whole medical, like, they invite everybody who's in the medical program. So yeah, so the there's like a lot of people on this train, and the freshmen aren't allowed to hang out and the cool. Yeah, it's just a whole thing. Um, there's also a, an issue here with mental health. They, there is some cross dressing elements in this, that is done extremely poorly. And I just want to point that out that that's rough, and I don't like that. And I think we've come a long way. I think for a long time. This wasn't something that was seen or even thought about. I mean, I've I've said this before, but watching Miss Congeniality too, is really harrowing when you're like, Wow, you guys hate gay people. Like it's incredibly homophobic. So I know that we're constantly learning and evolving, but there's a couple cringe moments in here that when you really think about it does not work out. Well. Some fun. Overall, though, you have to see this movie. It's such a good movie. It's such a good movie. I'm putting it on the list. Do it. Oh my god, you have to check this out. A couple of neat little behind the scenes things here. The idea for this movie came to Daniel Garodnick. In a dream after seeing Halloween. He woke up and said to his wife, what do you think of putting Halloween on a train? And she said, That's terrible. Let me get right on that. jotted it down and put down terrible train. In the morning he changed it to terror train. And he'd written 22 pages by that morning and by three in the afternoon. He had a deal with Sandy Howard's production company. Wow, the good old days. Yeah, Isn't that crazy? Oh my god. Um, the train was rocked back and forth on a rig inside a warehouse to simulate the locomotion which I think is great. The opening prank scene was actually added after principal shooting had wrapped when they realized they needed an origin story. I was like that was not a good you guys. Come on. He needed to take you know another hour or two on that script. Absolutely. Jamie Lee Curtis in this had already earned the screen queen. Oh, my scream Queen title by the time this launched as she did Halloween, the fog prom night and terror train all within two years. It's freaking crazy man that woman works. The temperature got so cold in the evenings that the film crew had they actually the cameras froze out overnight and they had to unfreeze them to keep using them. And Ben Johnson asked the director Roger Spottiswoode to give Courtenay his character less dialogue. He said, Now Roger, on my first day working with john Ford, he took me aside and said, Ben, when you're in front of the camera, you're not going to need too many words. You just won't need them. They can get in way. magician David Copperfield got very irritated during production because he had so much trouble saying his lines that he swore he'd never, never make another movie. And for those part he didn't, he really just did like bit parts and TV shows as themselves. They use a really neat, unique method of lighting where they rewired the entire train and mounted these little like individual dimmers on the exterior of carriage cars, which allowed them to basically just light cars whenever they needed at like the whim of a moment. So they were like, oh, we're gonna shoot in this train car. And they're like, Okay, cool. And they just like flipped that those switches on to light that car. Yeah, so, so good. And then for the faces, they use these little medical pen, torch lights, as they call them, little hand lights to do the actor's faces. It just it looks really good. It looks super naturalistic. They shot this almost entirely at night, starting at 6pm working till early in the morning. And the guy who played Kenny, in a 2010 interview, said that he actually got the roll by mistake. So this person actually isn't an actor who wasn't even auditioning. I was bringing a good friend in for the audition, walked in, they saw the sight of him and said, No, you're not good. And then they looked at me and said, Do you want to audition? I said I had no idea what it was for or anything like that. I had my own stage show. That's this kind of like more theater you thing. And they didn't tell me what this was for. He said, I thought it was doing a bit part. And then I got a call that said you got the part and I'm like, okay, and I leave and I was going to the door and they asked me Mr. McKinnon. You Do you understand what just happened? I said, Yeah, I got a big part in a movie. And they said, No, you just signed up for the lead in a 20th Century Fox movie with Jamie Lee Curtis. I had no idea. And his friend punched him in the face. I feel really bad for his friend in that one. To be honest. Of course, because of this, the director had a really hard time with the actor and they did not get along. He also did not get along with David Copperfield. Yeah, and also, this is a film that was included on Roger Ebert's most hated list. I'm continuing to disagree with more and more with Roger. As time goes on. I don't know what we have in common anymore. If anything, we both watch movies. That's about it. While you're still alive, too, so. I wasn't gonna bring that up. But it's true. So I don't want to rub that in anyone's face. But I am still breathing. Roger Ebert you're dead to me and everyone else in my Gods so bad. So Eric, what prank phone did you end up doing? Well, what I'd wanted to see for a long time, but then realize I have to talk about something to be held to speak of this film. But this movie is the burning from 1981. Looking forward to thinking about being with someone. Because this summer, a legend of terror isn't just a campfire story anymore. He smashed his way through the mass of flames. right out. I will return I will have my roommate. Right now. He's out there. Watching. What happened one summer five years ago is about to happen. 80% from critics 60% from crowd budget of 1.5 million and a box office of 700 $707,770. Well, there's some kind of code going on. And they did it they did it was not what you'd call a hit. Although I gained incredible, called following. There's one huge glaring problem with this film. Harvey Weinstein Now was a writer on the movie. no bones about it. We all know he scum. He's going to die in prison more than likely. So that's always good. But this movie has dozens of people that worked on it. Dozens of people that showed up every day put their work into this movie helped make it happen. So I'm not going to destroy an entire film because they happen to work with what a person that turned out to be just a raging prick son of a bitch. They're here. So we're gonna go on and establish firmly. Harvey Weinstein is a dick. There's no getting around the Harvey Weinstein. Okay, I wasn't sure. He's a raging piece of shit. So that being said, this was directed by Tony Milan, who directed victory by design, which is a whole bunch of car documentaries. What? Olympic documentaries and the movie split second one power. Yes. That's a good movie. Had writers. There's one person that wrote it. But there's another person Peter Lawrence, who went on to write a lot of 80s cartoon. Starring, then this is quite the cast. I don't know if I've got everybody listed in the first run through but I'll get a few more as we go along. Brian Matthews, who is best known for his appearance on The Love Boat in Santa Barbara. So yeah, you don't probably know who that is. Lea airs who was in some amazing films. She's probably sadly best known for her playing the girlfriend and Bloodsport by many, many people. But she's also an all that jazz, which is actually one of my favorite films and the player which is also an amazing film. She has a she had a hell of a career. Brian Bakker, who was in Santa Barbara Fast Times at ridgemont High. Let's see somebody you've I'm sure you've heard of Jason Alexander. Then this sounds roughly familiar. Yeah. say well, you know what he's been. So go out there. And Holly Hunter. Wow. is in the piano copycat and a few other things. She she's in the movie, but she's not really in the movie. She's sort of extra. But she's a featured extra. She's in a lot of it. Larry Joshua, who went on to start and cop rock. Oh, yeah. If you don't know what that is, look it up. I just learned Holy cow. And Ned Weinberg and Fisher Stevens so there's a lot of people here that some of these were most of these were their first major film. At first I thought maybe it's gonna be based in Idaho because they're in Kent Blackfoot. There's a Blackfoot tribe and, and city and Idaho. Probably a town. But not anyways. So this is a at slasher film that takes place at a camp in the woods. Mm hmm. In 1981, that was still not unique. The movie starts with the prank. And of course goes horribly, horribly wrong. It's a very weird prank. bunch of guys to say they're going to make fun of the caretaker of the or harass the caretaker. And so they get a hold of a skull and they fill it with like maggots and put candles in the eyes. And then pound on the window till he wakes up and sees the skull. The candles fall out whole thing lights on fire and the guy gets horribly burned. Burning I get it now. Yeah, fire right there at the beginning. Wow, he does live in a very disfigured. And boy do they drive this home with a series of shots of guy convincing another doctor you got come see this guy gotta come see I'm not gonna believe what it looks like. And then when they pull the curtain back, the guy reaches up and grabs the guy. And this was Tom savini, doing the effects. And boy, oh, there's some of these effects work in this film. It's really, really well done. But then you get a series of voiceovers as the caretaker is leaving the hospital about how will never recover from the scars and his life is ruined. And he goes out and hires a sex worker. And her reaction to him is not great. So that ends up kind of driving him to seek revenge on all the people that hurt him and he runs back to his camp. Part of the problem of knowing who was involved in writing this film is there's one sleazy, creepy, kind of nerdy looking guy with curly hair and glasses. I like fucked up that's not Harvey Weinstein at 16. Really, this kind of looks like he would imagine he is. And of course, he's the sleazy guy who's peeping Tom and all that. So there's still a little bit of holdover from that asshole being working on it but the weapon of choice for this was garden shears that's fun. I mean, you know you get burned horribly You go to garden shears well he was a caretaker yeah so gardening forest this this tree pine looks great. There you go the the movie opens with or the then it moves to the camp and the camp starts up and what I thought was going to be the maybe the camp counselors but and maybe some of the kids because the odd ranges then the kids show up and these are little kids. So it's like okay, so that is the camp counselor and they're taking care of like, eight 910 year olds so so they get the guy who's the peeping Tom. And of course the ladies do the proper things and yelled at him and stuff guy comes, don't worry, I'll look after him. And he really doesn't do anything. Like you shouldn't do that dude, don't do shit. Like that is what it amounted to. One thing that always surprises me when you're watching these 80s things as times have changed a lot. How much smoking goes on? Sure. like half the camp counselors smoke and there's also Jason Alexander is one of the cool kids what I'm assuming he has hair at this point. Got a full head of hair. He's kind of slim right? Whoa, got the you know the number jersey t shirt on this like verse. But so it that's kind of fun having him though. Stand up to the kids. I don't worry. I'll help you get bullied. I'll help you take care of that is kind of weird. Funny. Nowadays I go. Okay. Then of course, you've got the usual segment of antics that go on in any of these camp movies of people wandering around and hooking up and pranking each other and silly stuff like that. Then a few of them like four or five for the kids and a bunch of the counselors go canoeing trip to an island. So they all get in their canoes and head out to an island and that's where Jason's the stud flirty guy throwing water on the ladies canoe until it falls over. And they honestly look like they have a lot of fun in that scene. So check they pulled it off and they tell this part This movie is loosely based on some called The Legend of cropsy which is a New England area of country legend and they tell the story during a campfire they tell the crops the legendary and it's really well told the guy who tells the story does a great job it's well shot I know I've mentioned a few times a day for night stuff and apparently this whole movie was Day for Night except for the actual scenes of a campfire holy shit it's well shot the Day for Night works well and there was humor for a shout factory I think remaster this recently and did a really good job it looks great. But that of course leads to another kind of little prank but more of a boo scare you in the woods friend. A couple goes for a naked swim in the lake that guy's a raging asshole. So the lady gets up and leaves and then she disappears what happened to her the the canoes are gone somebody's pulling a prank again. And then you know slashers be slashing sugar a lot of that they they build a quickly build a canoe that's relatively water ready. So they go out on the canoe. And this was a film that was this was part of the video nasties. And a large people many people believe it's because of this scene, where they go out on the canoe and the cropsy guy comes out and slaughters everybody that's on this little raft. It's like, oh my god. His Slovenia's work in this is really disturbingly well done. There are moments where like, somebody gets stabbed, like in the side, and it looks so realistic. That's grim. There's a lot to be over the top slasher stuff, but he's definitely a top of his game in this film. Wow. He did say he felt a little weird having people line up to find out how they were going to get killed. There's another unique moment where the kind of hero guy gets killed, but he doesn't get killed just kind of gets knocked on the head. And somehow the slasher guy who's thoroughly taken care of everybody else kind of just lets him be so alright, of course he This is not a final girl movie. There's a whole bunch of survivors. There's several different survivors. And the last scene is two of the guys in a copper mine or a copper mill or something that was out in the woods. There's a real place they used. So they're running around through this place and it looks really cool. But they pretty much just take him out like oh surprise that all the survivors how many people survive I guess they hadn't quite onto the cut onto the Friday the 13th day We're almost everybody has today. This would have been a horribly brutal film though if he'd gone through and killed everybody at that camp because yeah, a lot, a lot of little kids but like 60 a pile. So trivia notes because it's a slasher film. I'm not going to go into detail of what happens but it's largely considered one of the better slasher films by slasher experts. I guess. It's good. It's solid. It's got well acting obviously, a lot of people in it went on to be incredibly successful in the acting world. The director really didn't. But it looks like he had fun. He directed car videos, how horrible can that be? But the concept of the film was originally was originally titled The cropsy maniac. Like I said, the campfire tells the story, they're also basis of the documentary which I have seen, I think it was submitted. Myth. Maybe Yeah, 2009 would have been mafic. But it's a very good documentary. And pretty interesting. Though they make absolutely no real reference to this film, in the documentary, there's an entire movie based on the story and just there's a shot of kids kicking wildly while they're on fire was Tom savini. Because he didn't like the way they're kicking. Like I can do this better. The wardrobe on the film was largely bought, brought by the cast, they didn't really have wardrobe at all. So they didn't have a costume person on set, and everybody just took care of their own stuff. Which is probably why it looks a little more you know, 90, or something where you believe the clothes worn in the 80s and the 90s look at this movie. Did everybody wander around with ski goggles is no it's a movie is exaggerated, exaggerating. So much in this one. The director said there was so much dust in the copper copper mine, that he was still coughing it up several weeks later after completing this year. Oh, it looked pretty dusty. Holly Hunter had a great statement about being in the film it was technically your screen debut is like certain points. Well, look, I got paid more than I ever could have imagined at the burn burning. I was making $1,000 a week. I could make my rent. I didn't have to wait tables. I got these new friends. And I was basically a glorified extra. And you barely see her. She shows she's basically one of the camp people but she shows off us in the background a lot. Wow. That's like and she got our Screen Actors Guild. Great. And again, along the end, similar to the kicking feet, however, the director decided the some of the people weren't holding the garden share as well. So he decided he was going to kill all the people. I tell you, there's some sick directors out there. It was a feature film they view of Jason Alexander Fisher Stevens and Holly Hunter. Stevens would have only two more horror credits as max Armstrong and then the did the hunger. But then he went on to executive produce the midnight meat train. They originally were going to shoot the finale in a cave. They went through one of the caves was full of that. Yeah. The other cave they went through after they scouted it collapsed. Oh my god. Like, let's just do the mine. Outside of the mine. There's always one of these kinds of notes that this film which has a similar storyline to Friday 13th according to special effects makeup artists, Tom savini was actually written before Friday the 13th Okay. You know, you worked on both of them. So what? Exactly, and it does show up on many best of lists for slashers because it's just well done. And yeah, Harvey Weinstein is still a shithead. But this is a weird movie worth watching, and he's not going to collect any proceeds from it anymore. The movies well worth its place in the pantheon of good slasher films. Well, good picks, you guys. I haven't seen either of yours. And I want to know, and I think they're both on shutter. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe that's what I'm doing tonight. Yeah. Very, very cool. It's weird, because Have you seen carry? No, so none of us have seen any of it? Yeah. I haven't seen Carrie. Wow. All this weirdness. Just to be clear, you have seen Carrie, you haven't seen the ray. have seen the spleen spleen screen. Splitting. spleen flooding. Cool. I think that means Eric, it's your choice for the next topic. Oh, yeah, it is. But I did forget the topic. We're gonna go with bang. movies movies that have been banned and preferably like maybe a whole country but if you can come up with other ways just that they have major banning and not being able to screen at certain places for some time awesome i i like it and it's not marching band that's right no no musical drumline summary but it'd be twisting some kind of metal rod and here's to all of us saying jamie i hope you laugh hard enough to fall on your treadmill oh absolutely i think i missed something jamie was telling me last night how he gets weird looks listening to our podcast while he's working out ron carefully last episode i talked about the the value for value model that i wanted to take this in and already we've gotten some really nice feedback on it and a very generous donation which i think we should be talking about a little bit later but that donation came with a request which we are definitely going to honor yes yes even beyond what you requested about it so so thanks so much for everybody liking sharing whatever value you get out of this i haven't sorry i were on this subject i heard a really interesting idea today about how to share one thing if you're really liking this podcast and you've been listening to a while so you you're you're comfortable reach out to a friend of yours reach out to somebody in your family that you think might like it send them a text message hey check this out nobody is more interested in listening to something or watching something then the thing that's been told to you by somebody you really like or really trust so that would be so cool just text a friend or a family member or somebody that is weird and enjoys movies in weird ways and let them know about Strange Aeons radio that'd be great oh i love that idea actually i've done something similar for other podcasts with friends where i'll find like an episode that i think that they would particularly like and share with them the link so if there's an episode that we did that you think is just right for somebody else to check out or you want to introduce somebody to a movie that maybe they've been avoiding but want to get them a little more intrigued and yeah absolutely share a link for that episode that we let somebody know their favorite movie is cobra well we got a great conversation that poor pizza man that was a massacre my buddy george we text back and forth all the time and i tried to suggest podcast to him and he finally it's like look man i don't listen to very many podcasts the only one i listened to is yours thanks dude don't worry about those other ones who needs additional podcasts really all right so that's it next week we're coming back and we are talking movies that have been banned and we will see you then our show is recorded somewhere high above naval station everett at the nexus of all realities and is engineered and produced by eric margaret our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band and he is usually permission fine Strange Aeons radio on facebook twitter and instagram wherever find podcasts