Strange Aeons Radio


June 17, 2021 Strange Aeons Radio
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Strange Aeons Radio
Jun 17, 2021
Strange Aeons Radio

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More news on the KSAR studio, Dust Devils, and Vanessa braves the theaters AGAIN! Other films discussed include The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, Skull: The Mask, and the Japanese Spider-Man tv series.

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More news on the KSAR studio, Dust Devils, and Vanessa braves the theaters AGAIN! Other films discussed include The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, Skull: The Mask, and the Japanese Spider-Man tv series.

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Oh, sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition? sites to show you Strange Aeons. Welcome Strange Aeons radio. That's Eric over there is over there. Hello. Hey guys, you can see that my place is in a bit of disarray as I start boxing everything up and getting ready to move is so exciting. I had another run in with the neighbor, he's, oh, now he's as weird as usual. And does he know you're vacating? Do you want to bug anymore? He does know after after complaining to me about a few things and, and kind of hassling me a bit. I said, you're not gonna have to worry about me. I'm moving. And he said, Oh, how come? The greatest question ever asked, I have a listing, you are on it. But other than that, I mean, I am super disappointed to be leaving this big huge place with giant windows and all that stuff. But in in good things. The new place is not nearly as big as this not nearly as cool as this and more expensive. Alright, so for me. And are you paring down your stuff then so that you can fit in in there? I'm going to have to do you want to borrow my Marie Kondo book? No. It was very useful. You think you're very good. Very good. She has a Netflix show. Oh, yes. I'm very well aware. Guess what? All of these things spark joy. Every single one of them in my house? No, I am putting together a big huge Half Price Books box. Big goodwill box. I am re homing the fish. Oh, really? Yeah. That was a couple of year experiments. And it just became too much. It's very difficult to keep a big aquarium going. So are they all freshwater? Yes. That's something Yes. So they're going right into the pond. nearby lake. Maybe finally. Finally. Try a cat. No. The new place no pets allowed guy but the guy is I like this guy already. He's we're going through the lease and everything's like so no pets allowed. If you come to me, and you tell me you want a pet, we can probably work something out. I don't want a pet. Just heartache. Oh, heard a gold Kelly article. You've got one hidden in there somewhere. I saw on Disney plus a little documentary series called 616, which is kind of these offshoots on the Marvel Universe. Oh, and the first episode is all about the Japanese Spider Man series from the 70s Holy shit. And it is so good. It's like an hour long. And it talks to all the creators, it talks to the guy who brought it over to Japan. And it's that's a show that you can kind of catch little snippets of on YouTube and everything. And it's wild because it has nothing to do with the Marvel character. He comes from outer space. He flies in on a weird Pharaoh looking spaceship robot and all that. And it goes through the entire history of it talking to the actor who played him as I can't remember what his name was. Clearly not Peter Parker. But and then it was a different actor in the Spider Man suit, the stunt guy and the stunt guy all the shit he had to go through. Like this guy was not getting paid enough money for how dangerous all this stuff was. It was just him climbing up towers and stuff like that. No rope on him because that would have been visible. You know, I was I was reading a weird thing this week about somebody complaining about Marvel and Star Wars and how that Disney's just thinking over everything. It's like there's no there's some cool shit that's come out of that. Yeah, like that those Star Wars flyover things or whatever they're called love those. And it's just like, there is no world that those would have been created without somebody like Disney's power behind it because that's a lot of money. Yeah. For a meditative video basically. No, it is kind of like that. Are you familiar with what he's saying? No. biomes Hmm. And they're just like 10 minute flyovers of various planets from the Star Wars universe and Like, halfway through it, you'll realize, Oh, I thought I was looking at hawth. But now I see that the sand marks are red. And so I'm clearly on the planet from the last Jedi. And it's really interesting because it's just got very, how would you call them music? I guess it's mostly just meditative, subtle Kind of, yeah. Because upon camera scenes and stuff is sort of like, I don't know what I know, Apple TV does. I think Roku used to I don't know if they still do. But like, if you pause the movie for a while, and it goes into scenes of like the earth or something, it's very similar to those, it's just to see a tauntaun or ad. It's crazy. I love that. I mean, as much as you as people complain about it, going and being under Disney's black belt, I think the bigger the, you know, company is that can you know, take on these properties, the bigger risks they can take, because you would never have gotten like Mandalorian if anyone else had on this, or this wandavision Yeah, the never, I mean, like, a random mini series TV show to help, like feed feed off of a film and get ready for another film. Never ever happen. Yeah. I also have Disney stock. So I just want to make that really clear. In case that comes back to bite me, it does very well. It's gonna be my retirement money. So I, as you guys heard from last week, actually have managed to go back into movie theaters. So I went back and a couple days ago saw conjuring three conjuring something devil made me do devil made me do it. I'll probably do just HBO for that one. I'm currently on it, as well. I would like to hear this because I started watching like the first 40 minutes of it. Oh, okay. Sure. Yeah, it's, um, I, I think it's actually a nice one to see in theaters just because it gives you that effective like, bigness that I feel like they threw a lot more money at this film, then we've seen thrown at quite a few of the other ones. I think the bigger and more ridiculous The Conjuring series gets, the more I like it. Because the Warrens were, of course, reprehensible human beings awful, just awful. So getting to watch them be like a sweet couple who are kind of superheroes and an absolutely insane setup. I I'm way more on board. I'm like, this is the best thing to ever come out of those two horrible humans. Right? I felt like I might have painted myself in a corner when I said, Oh, watch anything that Patrick Wilson is in? Oh, dear. And they kept making these movies. Like god dammit. gotta stop. Man. You gotta stop. Yeah, I don't know. I think it's I think it's fun. I think it's stupid. And it's fun. It's better than conjuring. I don't know. How about two annabell two was fine, because it wasn't about anabol at all. It was about uh, it's very racist, though. Because that Samurai suit comes out and it's just like, speaks Japanese and they're like, Oh, no, I'm like, he's just like, wandering around going not da da da da. And you're just like, freaking out at him. That's really racist. Anyway, I, Vanessa can't be racist. In those moments, now, the contrary series is very okay with me. I think I've seen one and two. Yeah. And I saw this thing this morning or sometime recently. Here's the conjuring universe in chronological order to when the movies take place, right. So you should watch all of these before watching the new one to fully understand. I was like, crap, good. I'm not going to unnecessary. The biggest problem I have of conjuring is man. Least, especially like the first one I thought had some really good genuine scares, like the clatter. And instead of continuing trying to build those kind of films, they're turning them into action movies, summer releases, yes. And maybe there's a little scares and stuff at the beginning. But by the end, you might as well have the rock or Jason Statham running around that place because it's not a ghost movie at all anymore. Kind of like the end of it to where it's like, what the hell am I watching? Giant cave. But that's probably why I'm not going to I got to see in theater because the house I want to kind of want to see it, but is not. I'm just so excited for spectacle that like, that was the main reason I would see these kinds of movies in theaters to begin with, because I knew I would not enjoy them at home. So I'm like, Well, if I'm going to give it a chance at all, I've got to see it in a movie theater. And I thought that that worked out pretty well. Although I did have a typical movie theater experience of there were some teens at the end of the row who were watching it, who kept pulling out their phone and the light was flashing around. And I was like, is it during COVID times can I go and like punch them? Or is that like, germ warfare? Like what will happen to me? I, in my mind's eye, Eric, I, I hope Jason Blum is listening to this podcast and and he hears that he stops and he like, he grabs a pencil from behind his arity he licks he writes a note to himself. He's like, you know, I'll take Eric's advisement. Then he crumbles that paper and he throws the check. And he says, No, I like making money and we seem to be doing just fine. So I don't think that he's too worried about the fact that they have turned these into, you know, the Marvel Universe and for and it's not James Wan anymore for this for this most recent. Yeah, he's moved on to bigger and better things. Sure. Not better. I'll come in to is that what he's okay. Okay. No, your explanation why to see theaters is good. The best reason I've ever heard actually, because if I don't watch it this way, it's not gonna be any good, right? Yeah. I will get nothing out of it. And I'll be mad that I wasted my time. This way. I can at least be like, whoa, I'm immersed. It's nice to see that shitty humans are going back to the theater as well, though. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Waiting in line. I will say there was not a single girl in line for like any of the concessions that was wearing jeans. Everyone was still in like sweat pants, and like, loose clothes. Like no one is ready yet for real pants, which I was extremely happy. They will not come back in this. Yeah. I wouldn't expect that. So. Well, as I mentioned, last week, I traveled back to twin to do some stuff. And on the drive home, we experienced the beginning of the apocalypse. drive back, we got a little bit north or outside of Boise. And I'd like to say, hey, D check that out. It's like a dust devil, which is sort of like a mini tornado. They never get particularly large. But this was a very large ones. I go Wow, that's pretty cool. Okay, cool. drive by that keep going. And then for the next 20 plus miles on, it was a dust storm. Oh my gosh, it was nonstop pedal that you could hear it hitting the sides of the window and tumbleweeds going around inside and out underneath the car. The cars moving. We rented a foreigner for the trip. And so have a signature for Willis. Lisa's big wall. And watching the semis in front of us move back and forth. And at one point, I was glad that I was definitely going to be ahead of these three cars. I see three tractor trailers, so a truck with three trailers behind it. Two of them from ups getting on the freeway. Oh my god. And the dust was so heavy. I'm seeing them getting them on the freeway gone. I think that's three tractors. I can't quite see them well enough. And as they turn in a cycle shit, okay, I'm speeding up. So I get past that. We finally get to our hotel, and the directions send us back on the freeway. So we had to go eight miles back through it with the wind hitting the other side. Turn around, come back with the wind still beating on I mean, it was I have I've been in lots of wind storms driving between twin in Salt Lake and in twin in Idaho. Nothing like this and it went on for ever. And finally get to the hotel and try to open up the door and the window said maybe not yet. So you know, I had my own little movie drive. I mean, I'm actually a little bit jealous. I love weird weather situations like that. Yeah, the worst one I've ever had. The weirdest one I ever was in was. Remember my old roommate Michael. We were driving someplace and he had a geo Metro. And we are in a rainstorm. And lightning hit close enough that the geode jumped just a little bit more I was driving back to Idaho in my 20s listening to skeleton crew on book on tape Stephen King book. And the one there's something I forget the exact story but it's in a raft. And lightning strikes and lightning struck in the real world and almost the exact same way. scared the hell out of me. You drive enough there's some weird shit. I can't imagine some of the things long haul truckers. There was I didn't get to watch a lot of movies last week. So there. Well, one of the movies I did watch is brand new on shutter and it is called skull, the mask. I saw the art for it and thought that's bad name for a movie. Very good movie. There are horses, that I have to admire the dedication to practical effects. There is a ton of blood and gore and spines getting ripped out and just getting ripped open and hearts getting torn out. Heads getting pulled off and all of that stuff. But strangely, I found it really boring. Yeah, yeah, I saw about I think 40 minutes I went, I kind of went well, because I saw the ads and a couple other things that made it look like a good old slasher film almost. And it felt like the whoever made it really wanted it to be deeper and a lot more meaning going on in it. All right. You kind of touched on it there. I think it's the tone for something this over the top and the guard is just insanely over the top. I think that there needs to be a little bit of a sense of humor. And this had none of that is it treats everything very straight. So yeah, if you don't have a budget in that way, you've got to make up for it another way of Yeah, so I don't know, I your mileage may vary. I didn't love this. I also checked out something on shutter So Joe Bob, of course has his season going right now and I I'd seen Train to Busan again with him. And then the next day I was just going through there like live streaming TV channels. And I caught the very very beginning of Seoul Station. Or the animated one. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I was like, oh, like I've been meaning to check this out. It's literally 13 seconds in like, I'll watch it and Wow, that's a film. I don't know if you guys have seen it. It's beautifully animated. Yes. Really incredible to look at. But emotionally will fuck you up. Oh really? Yeah, it's not a fun it's not a fun family film. It's very much about class and the way in which the homeless community is treated. Yeah, it's rough. It's really rough. It is a film that will leave you in a very dark place at the end. Yeah, I thought you know No, the tone in that is very serious also but it's just better written the acting is really spectacular for an animated it is. And it really the Train to Busan movie is a really neat zombie movies zombie movie for people who are tired of zombie movies. Yeah. Seoul station I feel is kind of in that same vein, and then peninsula misses the boat completely. See, I haven't seen peninsula yet. But I have heard it's so bad. It's just it's not even that as bad as just a noun, a typical zombie movie. And I'm like, Oh, no, you guys have fallen victim to the Oh, zombie movies are big. And so they probably just had a rush out. Right? You know, I guess so. Really, really disappointing. Yeah, because the other two movies are definitely like, not zombie films. They are films that have zombies in them. Yeah, well, and Train to Busan is such a hard film to your crowd at the end of the zombies. Ending Oh, yeah. And I will say it's just it's like a different flavor for Seoul Station. It's it's also in emotional punch, but in a very different way. That kind of leaves you feeling really bad about humanity in a way that I feel like Train to Busan gives you a spark where you're like, oh, the father like, learns to become a father through this journey. And this one is not it's not that happy. Fun. Yeah. Well, did you see any other good dust storms? No, but I I did watch a weird film that I've been wanting to rewatch for. Probably decades. 1979 hot stuff. I don't remember this. Starring. Oh, shit. What was his name? The the guy that drove with the band drove the truck and smoking the bandit, the country singer. Jerry Reed. Yeah. Jerry Reed. It's Jerry Reed and Dom delouis. I believe it's Tom delouis directorial debut, or one of his few fancy directors. This is flown over my radar. I've never heard it stuck in my head for a line that 10 or 11 year old or however old when I was when I saw this. Just loved as a little visual. Also, the fact that the one guy j readdress Akpan, it really burns my ass down. I'm here with burns my ass flame about this Hi. stuck in my head for I have comedy to 10 year old there so I wanted to rewatch this and it popped up on YouTube something somehow like free to watch on YouTube whole movie so Okay, I'm gonna finally sit and watch this thing it's good. It was not one that I watched you know like greatest American hero or whatever the hell was wrong but the best description I heard of it is reading something afterwards that said this was a Burt Reynolds movie that needed Burt Reynolds. Got it? It's got that same the whole storyline is there a bunch of cops who set up a newfangled idea to catch thieves where they set up cameras to videotape. Oh my god, there's no future. That's right. Criminals selling hot stuff at pawn shop. And so you know, it's got that kind of somebody comes in, here's a joke. Somebody comes in. Here's a joke. So it's fun. Dom delouis is great. Jerry Reed is fine. It's a fun and he's got a What's your name? Husband, or the wife of Bob Newhart in The Bob Newhart Show is the lead woman in it. I can play somebody, I don't know her name. But so it was worth watching. It was it was but I was like, Okay, I'm done with that. Every once in a while you need one of those movies to come as a as a palate cleanser for all the horrible, gory shit we're watching. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, mine is usually like children's films. But yeah, we each have our own. Well, why don't we take a break. And when we get back, I'm going to be talking about a movie just like that for Vanessa's topic. So excited. Children are messed up palate cleanser, okay. I'm trying to reach you know, I've been working in the studio. We should write a new song. Maybe they'll play it on the radio one day, we did not wait another day. Got it already. And I'm on my way. It's been so long. I was wondering if you were even real. I can see you face to face. And we're back then. So this was your genre topic? Yes. So this week, I went with what I'm calling devil on my shoulder. And this is where you have either an imaginary friend, a ghost, a demon, something that is talking to somebody else and other people can't see them. And part of the reason why I did this is because I've really been wanting to see for a while now a movie called Daniel isn't real. It's common for people to see things that aren't real. Have you ever seen things like this before? I had an imaginary friend when I was a kid. His name was Daniel. He was my best friend. My only friend. It's kind of a strange notion. But maybe you should try to connect with that part of yourself again. Is my help. Last time I saw you, you were this kid bursting with imagination. We need a break out in lives. I bet you can get a phone number from any girl left this party. painter, artist to do photography sometimes. I'm here because you're here. I'm part of you. Behind me, you shadow saw something full of danger. mystery. Taking over things that I don't want to do. Imagine I can make you go away. Daniel is simply an aspect of your mind. Shift What I can do when you paid me, you saw the shadow. What did he look like? he's weak. He's lonely. Without me, which we have definitely heard of on the show before? Because I know for sure Eric talked about, um, remember Kelly talked about or not? Yeah, I know, Kelly talked about it, then I watched it because Kelly talked about, oh, this is really good. I just remember having an impression in my mind that like, this sounded like an amazing film that I really wanted to see. So I thought it'd be fun to do a deeper dive on into it. So Rotten Tomatoes for this movie. We've got 83% for critics and 56% for audience. I think I know why. Yeah. But yeah. Is it because of last 10 minutes? Let's talk about okay. So the budget and box office, there was actually a huge lack of information behind this movie. I was really having trouble finding much information. All I found was that it earned a total of$18,000 mostly from the United Arab Emirates and from South Korea. That's interesting. I don't know why. So I'm guessing because maybe it was a shutter, original purse. Maybe he's done a festival screening and whatever festival screens on did that thing where they keep it for another week or something? Yeah, absolutely. I think I think it was a festival darling. The director is Adam, Egypt Mortimore, who's got a great name. And he's been done a total of nine projects. Most recently did something called arch enemy which I have not seen. He did holidays, the New Year's Eve segment which I hate hated holiday. Oh, no. Yeah. I haven't seen holidays. But it's not Anyway, I'm sure it's fine. I'm some kind of hate and lots and lots of shorts, which I think paid off because I did not did not suck in the directing Rome. writer was also Adam, Egypt more and more, along with Brian delu, who's done five things, including paradise hills, curvature, some kind of hate and more short works, but the entire thing is based off of Brian Deluce novel called in this way I was saved. So I was pretty surprised to learn that it was based off of a book produced by Elijah Woods company. Spectre revisions revision revision. The story follows I'm sorry, I jumped ahead. Story starring miles Robbins as Luke. miles Robbins has been in 16 things most notably Mozart in the jungle and did a little bit of some of the X Files episodes. He also was in the recent Halloween movie as well as what I'm recognize him from which was Let it snow on Netflix. was their team Christmas movie? Of course she did. In the jungle is pretty damn good. I was the first couple seasons I have not seen any of it. And I'm I'm definitely intrigued. But let us know is definitely where my heart lay. And also the other name, which most most people recognize and tie to this movie, which is Patrick Schwarzenegger. Ernie son. He plays Daniel. He's been in 17 things including he was in Moxie, which I talked about earlier this year, Long Road Home, which he was an eight episodes of a mini series in go north, Scream Queens. Quite a few just little projects here and there. So I think people are hiring him probably off his name and saying what kind of fun things that can throw him into the probably one of the more recognizable faces. Sasha lane who plays Cassie, which is kind of the love interest in this. She's been in only 13 things. But one of those will be the upcoming Loki. I recognize her as Jessica hide in utopia, right? Yes. So really, really distinct face and I also had seen her and heart hearts be loud. And she was in Miseducation of Cameron post. And then we have probably the big heavy hitter as far as like somebody who's maybe a bit more famous Mary Stuart Masterson as Claire the mom. She has been in 15 sorry, 55 things including June and Benny and June. So and more recently, she's done just a ton of TV stuff, including like NCIS and law and order, all that kind of stuff. Yeah. So the story Hi. It's really it's really fascinating, I think, because you're kind of trying to work out what this imaginary creature is. So Luke is a troubled college student who suffered a traumatic childhood with a schizophrenic mother who raised him alone. He had no friends he never really fit in, until he accidentally walked past a cafe shooting, where all of a sudden, magically, I was staring at the dead corpse of a shooter. Surrounded by some police and a lot of blood. Another boy pops up next to him and is like, Hey, you want to go play? Like, you know what I do? I do want to go play. Let's do this. And they become inseparable. Immediately. They become best friends. They're always together. And of course, Daniel is a imaginary friend to Luke. Everything is going swimmingly. He's becoming a happier child, a more active child is going outside. He's doing all kinds of fun things by himself, but still better than what he was doing. And it's going great until Daniel convinces Luke that he should take an entire bottle of some kind of pills, grind them up and put them in his mom's smoothie, where she nearly dies. Now, mom has said, We are locking Daniel away. Daniel does not come out anymore, and they put him into a doll house. Yeah, in a pretty creepy scene. Yeah, there's a lot of like yelling. I mean, it's a little heartbreaking because it's kind of like the Old Yeller, like, get out of here, dog kind of thing, like be gone, because the kid doesn't want his best friend to go away. But at some point, something clicks and he just gets very serious about it. And they start yelling at each other. And Daniel goes away. Yeah. So now the movie. And then the credits rolled. So guys, let's talk about this. So Luke is now in college. And he is just as lonely as he was, as a kid. He is totally outside of everything, all the typical college experiences you're meant to have. He just does not seem to know how to connect to anybody. And he's just not even really trying. He's spending the weekends going and hanging out with his mom who's kind of become his best friend. But she's still crazy schizophrenics. So there's a lot of like, Howard Hawks, like we're in the shoe, the Kleenex boxes on your feet as shoes kind of behavior. Like there's clearly things that are not not going well. And of course, his mother has another break, where she acts out in a crazy way. And it really, really scares Luke into wondering whether or not he is going to end up with her condition. So he starts seeing a therapist. The therapist wants to know if he's ever had any kind of voices or any strange things that he's come across. And of course, Luke used to have Daniel, so he's like, Oh, just like some imaginary friend. I mean, it was very real, I guess at the time, I don't know. And the therapist is like, well, he's part of you. And you need to explore that. And you need to confront it face on. So Luke releases Daniel. And so now, Daniel is a college aged kid, because of course, he's grown up in the dollhouse. He's out, he's ready to party, and he is Patrick Schwarzenegger. Very, very cool dude, immediately gets Luke to open up, gets him going to parties, talking to girls, and makes him even realize that he doesn't really want to study law, he actually wants to be a photographer. So he kind of helps him get his life on track. And he seems like a guardian angel. He's just there, telling him all the right stuff and all the right moments until, of course, we realized that maybe Daniel is a little darker than he seems he's trying to take over Luke's body. And when Luke is sleeping, Daniel is in control. And we kind of figure that out across across the film. And then in a crazy moments, Luke is really stressed out with a crazy situation and he allows Daniel to take over his body while he is awake, and it is terrifying. Lucas just stood there watching as Daniel just has sex with a girl who's not his girlfriend, and then beats the crap out of a guy within an inch of his life. Like I thought I was gonna straight up murder him. And then all of a sudden he's in the police station. Luke has his body back and Daniel's like, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, Dude, come on. I'm helping you here. So now Luke realizes he has a problem. And that is, Daniel is there to try to steal his body He needs to find a way to get rid of them. He tries to put him back in the dollhouse doesn't work tries all kinds of different things to get rid of him, tries to take medication, nothing is working. Until, of course, the therapist suggests, let's do some hypnosis, that'll be fun. It'll go fine, definitely being unconscious. With both of us, using this kind of non non normative therapeutic session, it's supposed to be some kind of, I think it's some sort of African ritual that they're trying out with like a dagger and all these things. So they both are unconscious, and the therapist finally meets Daniel. Maybe Daniel is real. And that goes very well. Obviously, there's amazing a scene here that I want to point out that the the makeup and the I think it's all real effects, is really good. In the therapy session, you have Daniel crawling into Luke via his mouth, and he just stretches it all the way open and just crawls in there and it's really fucking raw. Yeah, to look at. And then when Daniel is inside of or sorry, when Luke is now inside of the dollhouse, and trying to get back out near the end of the film, will he make it out Swiss to say he's fighting this weird creature that's are running from the strange creature that's inside of this space with him? And it has like this face with these like spikes coming out the top of his head and looks really fucking wicked. I will say like, the monster makeup in this film is really incredible. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not gonna say how it ends. Let's just say that they do have a final battle that might represent a follow up to a battle they had as kids. That's great. I think it's a really, really good movie. I was extremely surprised. I like that there's this question of what is this thing? is Daniel an imaginary schizophrenic part of Luke's brain? Is he the serial killer ghost inhabiting this this body and haunting Luke? Or is he like something else entirely? And that question develops and is answered in interesting ways. throughout the film, The acting feels really good. The only thing is, I don't really like the ending is a little rushed. I feel like they kind of ran out of ideas of what to do and just kind of were like, I guess we're done now. Like it. It didn't really feel satisfying in any particular way. And yeah, I don't really want to spoil it, but it's not what you're after. And the only other complaint I had is that miles Robin looks a lot like Cole Sprouse from Riverdale, who plays a huge crush on and so the whole time I was like, like, you're not quite. You're so close, but you're not quite. Wow, that's funny. I think I must have thought that was the same guy from Riverdale. Yeah, yeah, he's really similar looking but a little bit rounder face. Yeah, yeah. Boy, this is a frustrating NaVi for me, because I loved it in tell the ending. Yeah. And the way they decided to have that battle. Yeah, I thought it stretched the bounds of my credibility. I'm sure. And yeah, I was like, it switches gears pretty dress. I mean, I feel like it's a good full circle. But it I guess I wonder like you said it felt kind of like they ran out of ideas. Yeah. And I wonder if this is a rewrite to an ending that they didn't feel fit or something. I could see that. It just doesn't. I don't know why. Everything leading up to that I was on board with this film. And I was blown away with Schwarzenegger. Like Jesus kid can ask. I mean, really can't wait better than his dad. I know. It's like where are you getting this from? hanging out on set saw first 20 years of his life. I mean, I think this is a really effective film until it's not I think it's free beer than shit. Everybody i thought was just giving it their all and I was like, boy, this little indie film is my favorite movie. And then that last 10 minutes I was like, God dammit, I almost hate this movie now. Yeah, how much it led me down. Well, and it's really frustrating too, because there's a little bit of a vagueness as to exactly what happens at the end. And so I googled it, and all the theories that I was getting were so stupid and fun. But I was even angrier. I'm like, you guys are dumb. The frickin movie explained there very rarely very satisfying. No, I think I was just curious as to like what people thought of the imaginary kind of situation. But I think that the the thing that really got to me the most was how horrible it felt watching Luke, have Daniel take over his body, especially that first time I was like, Wow, this is so well done. It is absolutely upsetting in the deepest way that I can't even describe. It almost feels anti claustrophobic. It's like you're in too big of a space. And it's not right. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. It's really well shot to that enforces what you're talking about the way it was? Oh, for sure. production was pretty good. Yeah. I I don't know if you said have the filmmakers gone on to do anything after this? Um, yeah, actually. So the the director has done another project sense, which was our arch enemy has his most recent stuff. And he had done a couple of things before female. Yeah, I saw archenemy. archenemy is kind of a comic book movie. If I remember, right. I think it has a little bit of this in it with like a superhero who is best or something? Or maybe it's a guy in the real world who claims to be a superhero. Yes. Sound familiar? It's I haven't seen it. But I did look up the plot synopsis and yeah, it's like a guy who's like a homeless guy or something on the streets and says he's a superhero. And yeah, and that was another one where I was really enjoying it. And then the ending left me a little cold, weird, bizarre, kind of Stephen King problem here. Yeah, I mean, the director looked pretty young. I would say that, like he's probably near the start of his career. So maybe just doesn't quite know that that's his Achilles heel at this point. Well, I hope that he figures it out because you don't get very many chances. It's true for people go and there might be one other thing that I almost forgot to mention. So miles Robbins, okay. We got Patrick Schwarzenegger, who's the son of RNA. And Maria Shriver. miles Robbins, who plays the lead is the son of Tim Robbins, and Susan Sarandon. Oh, yeah. So I was like, Oh, that's me. I wonder if they like, knew each other as kids. Cool. So yeah, so I can't wait to hear what you guys picked out. I think I'll dive in next, because I have a feeling we're going to verge off of the subject line, unfortunately. And I think you'll probably bring us back just fine. Because I was, you know, looking up movies to see and did all that shit last week. So I had one movie to watch yesterday. And I was like, This is stretching the bounds of the devil on the shoulder. had a hard time with this one. It's there, but it's not quite right. still cool movie. This was 2020s the closet hasn't been I was fully on board, which is a Korean film, which knew enough to not really have much information on it at all. It was directed by Kwame Ben Kim, who is well known for a short film how to pick a lock. flatness on your face. That was pretty magical and modern family, not the TV show. Oh Really weird twist to ever put up the IMDb thing didn't list a writer. Oh my gosh search a little while found it. The director is also the writer. Okay, but they don't list that obviously. For a while. Stars john WOO HA, who's from The Handmaiden. And he was in that movie you did about the serial killer because at the chaser i thought was the killer or something? Maybe he played a serial killer and I saw the devil. Yeah. Oh, Easy Japanese film. Yeah. But he's, he's great. Y'all he'll his brother TV show sweet home. I don't know. Nam giggles Nam who's in zombies for sale, and the pirates. So the basic storyline is a guy has lost his wife and his young daughter is also lost her mother obviously in a car crash. Because that doesn't happen in Japanese ghost movies very often. Anyway. So the movie starts with like a home video from 1998 because it's got the date in it, and looks like some kind of a ritual and the ends with a fairly nice little kick. So I was like, Okay, this looks like it's gonna be a well done film. plot line begins with Father trying to find a nanny for the kid because of course, he's high powered architect is trying to design a museum and he needs to be able to do all this stuff and his damn kids in the way although he's actually very sweet. These are, this is not the kind of movie that you dislike, because he seems to be ignoring his kid. It's the one who you know, he's doing what he has to do. But that way has to do sometimes isn't very nice. And the the little girl is us, downing in her role, she is so good. You can't quite tell the girl might have some kind of sickness, which is why she needs to help but it also might be a mental thing. So he's looking at nannies. But he's also looking at maybe a camp counselor kind of situation where she goes, goes away to camp. The kid is incredibly quiet and doesn't talk at all. remotes fantastic, it's really solid. And then of course, you get to the house and they get into the kids room. And the closet looks like it belongs in a Victorian mansion or castle or something like Well, there's the trouble. Definitely not haunted at all. And so the kid is playing and you get the nice little creepy moments and good little while like we're talking about The Conjuring, good little conjuring style scares, which are really well done. The father also has panic attacks. And so he's those all come into play as the movie proceeds. And we hear a loud scream, the little girl screams and the dad comes running in and suddenly the girl is very talkative. Speaking a lot. And yeah, I found this under a thing that said, invisible kid or invisible friends or something like that list. And I guess you could say he's talking to an invisible friend. And then there's a little bit, there's maybe a scene or two of daughter talking to the demon that possesses her. So that's it. That's what I got. judges say? Yes, you're talking about buried. Actually, this is pretty good. So I'm fine. I watched it. So the girl starts to have problems and then disappears completely. And it kind of becomes a missing children's movie a little bit where the cops come in and things and I think camera photography. I think he talks to her a little bit there. So there's another moment. Another little one. Absolutely. I don't know this sounds pretty. She's talking to somebody. Yeah. Boy in a very strange scene. And I don't know if Korea has a different idea of what a nanny should be. But he explains later there's a call where he's hiring a nanny service or something but I don't remember that happening before. This lady just shows up at the door and says Hi, I'm your nanny for the day. He hands her 150 bucks or whatever it is and she me leaves very interesting. She's horrible. He's like sitting on a bed eating some crap and the kids don't knows where the kid is. This is before the kid disappears obviously. But so do the kid missing thing that doesn't go very long than a guy oh my internet site now. So a guy shows up to check the internet. And it's obviously a ghost hunter. Oh, Like, where's this going? Alright, so it becomes kind of a ghost hunter movie. Except there's only one ghost hunter and the bad so it's like you know it just deeds elbow Rubenstein or somebody to come in here. It's just like Poltergeist. Not really but but but ghost hunter kind of thing where they set up all the monitors and the cameras and the sound capturing devices. It has some good nice little scares. Like they do a little trick where the, the ghost is in a room. And if he doesn't open his eyes, the ghost can't see either. Oh, so that's kind of a neat scene. And well, acting, acting is great. I actually started off taking some notes on this. So I had it in English, instead of subtitled for first 10 minutes or so. Like, boy, I know this is gonna get better when it goes back to subtitles because sheezus these turned on the subtitles, and it gets a lot better. This story is more of an ongoing thing. 23 kids have disappeared. This way. The video from the beginning is the mother of the ghost hunter. There's a lot going on. That is Korean lore. You can tell they're doing these rituals and things go on. I don't quite know what's going on here. But I am sure if I was Korean or if I knew Korean culture, I would know exactly what's going on. Right? Whether there's like paper, things put on the closet and there's dolls being burned and a guy using a drum to help follow and the father goes into onto exactly what's happening. But the father goes into like another world to try to get his daughter back. And it's really cool. It's really almost like Silent Hill looking. Wow. It's gonna say it's get kind of an insidious feel to it. Yeah, I'd say that the the story in the end, like, are talking about Train to Busan where the story isn't the ghost story. The story is a father trying to become a better father for his kid and his journey of figuring out how to do that. So it gets to the end. And it's like the end of a song we're going what why are there tears here? What is God this epic is so wonderfully emotional, well done. So it is a good movie standard. It's not there's no new ground necessarily broken. There's some reminiscence of the orphanage in it and other ghost stories. But if you like those kind of movies is definitely a good version of that. And I think I watched it on prime as well. No, no, I rented this one. This was a rental like a $4 rental. And since it's brand new, there's virtually nothing to say about it, like the occult rituals might resonate with Korean viewers. But as it does add an interest interesting sense of disorientation as a American viewer gone. This is weird, but interesting. My Principal photography began September 17 2018, and rap November 29 2018. Fascinating. Yeah. Man, I read like four or five interviews about this thing, all kinds of stuff and came away with a very little. Yeah, as far as beyond the what you're going to hear in every interview of everybody who's promoting their movie that's coming out. Yeah. So I would say it's worth watching. But I think it definitely skirts to the edge of our current subject matter. No, I think that that works. I mean, you have in movies like Poltergeist where the little girl is talking to the entity like that, I would have counted that and this sounds like it's kind of about the same amount of just, that's fine. I don't know that. I mean, I don't think I don't think you're far off. How about you okay, I say no one choice for this money. buried. I'd love to talk about very. I say no to that as well. I said no to that. Right. Digging. I chose a classic that I hadn't seen in a long time, and I hoped it would work and it worked spectacularly. That is from 1984. All of Me. Roger Cobb, was a rising young lawyer. His first big case, guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to come back from the dead was a basket case. What am I missing here? You see thanks to his holiness. Prague Lhasa by Seoul is going to leave my body forever and become one with the universe which tie my soul will into her body. Good plan. They put her soul she but things got out of control. Last Oh, I can't believe this. I can't even die. Right? Please tell me this is not happening. We obviously have neutral control over our body. My body, I can train my body but anyone who is going to be real disappointed. Now Edwina cutwater is dead. And living in Roger Cobbs body. You know you have a great tear to learn about making someone feel welcome. Let's get something straight here. I never liked you when you're in your body. I certainly don't like you in mind. She's spoiling his love life. She died today. He's ruining her afterlife. That's the men's room. She's getting under his skin. What if you got pregnant you have no right? You have no right. It's two o'clock. I want you out of me by 350 Now where's this one? Steve Martin. And Lily Tomlin in all of me. I think the holiday movie Wow. 84 I thought it was earlier than that. No. 84 I couldn't find any budget on it box office of about$35 million. Rotten Tomatoes. Critics have it at 85% the audience has it as 67% it was directed by Carl Reiner who is a comedy legend and had a string of Steve Martin movies in the 80s he did the jerk dead men don't wear plaid the man with two brains in this movie all in a row. Such a good run. He also directed I didn't know this. He directed Summer School in 1987. The Mark Harmon movie. I love that movie. Yeah, written by Henry olek, who wrote the ladies of sweet Street and serving up Richard and Phil Alden Robinson, who would later go on to write and direct Field of Dreams. And this was based on a novel by Edwin Davis called me to Tw o stars, Steve Martin. Oh, and Lily Tomlin. Oh, that's cool. And I'm just if you don't know who those people are, then you better start watching some movies. The story it's, it's very 80s plays a 38 year old lawyer who is dating his boss's daughter and is also an aspiring jazz guitarist, and they make a big fucking deal out of the fact that he is just turned 38 his life is over. He He wants to be a jazz guitarist, he realizes it's time for him to grow up and really take his lawyer duties little more seriously. His girlfriend comes and knocks on the door and gives him a big 38th birthday present. And you can tell she's a little wacky. She has gotten him like an African tombstone that she has. The huge thing that she props up in the house. He's like you gave me a tombstone for my man, those things get to be expensive. It was really cool. Look, I was like, Look, if a girlfriend gave me this I'd be very happy. Lily Tomlin plays a difficult eccentric millionaire is named Edwina cutwater, who has been bedridden since childhood. She has a a generic malady, some kind of issue, get out of bed. We we're kind of led to believe that maybe she has brought all of this upon herself. But when the movie starts, she is actually dying. And she has employed Rogers law firm to manage her estate. She asks him when he comes to visit to make some unusual final arrangements to her well, having discovered she is finally dying. Edwina has enlisted the aid of a mildly racist stereotype mystic named that Prakash Lhasa who has mastered the secret of transferring human souls. And she has made an arrangement with Terry Hoskins who is played by this very lovely actress Victoria Tennant. I will get into her later. beautiful she is a beautiful young woman and we know wants her soul placed in Terry's vacated body so that she can finally experience youth and health. Terry for her part, she has expressed discontent with the material world and she will have her soul released to the ether. Okay, sounds like a good deal. Roger is there to change Edwina as well. So that Terry as Edwina is future self will be the sole beneficiary of all of her millions. Unsurprisingly, Roger gets there and here's all of this and, and says, You guys are fucking nuts. And so she threatens to have him fired. And she's like, I'm gonna have I'm gonna have your boss fire you and he's like, why don't you just possess his body and do it. So she's she's there at the law firm where she passes. And because she knows that at any minute she could pass. She's got the mystic with her. She's got Terry with her and all this stuff. As she passes, the mystic is able to get her body into this kind of ritualistic little bowl that he's got. And from that bowl, he's supposed to put for spirit into Terry, but in all the commotion, the bowl gets knocked out the window, oh, my god lands on Steve Martin's head, Oh, God. And we find out about the same time that Roger does, that Edwina cut water is now in him and in control of exactly half of his body, he left half. There is some unbelievable physical comedy in here, especially when they are just at first trying to learn how to walk together. So he's got a little bit of a feminine swish on one side, and then a very manly step with the other and they have to start talking to each other, they can hear each other in their head. When he sees his reflection in a mirror, he can see her and he can have conversations with her that way. And it is just hilarious. It's, it's ridiculous. It's over the top. It's dated for sure, and absolutely delightful. When she is horrified to learn that she's going to have to help him at the restroom. That's a great thing. While he's yelling at himself in the restroom, and the other guys in the restroom are like, and he's like, just take it out quit playing with it. Very special guest the size they realize what has happened and that they have to now find the guru and find Terry again and get her place back in the body she's supposed to be in well when he finally confronts Terry and Terry realizes that it works we find out the Terry was not a very good person and she was agreeing to this because she thought she was gonna get this phrasal bats money now that she knows that her work she's like, No way and so she actually tries to ship the guru off and it becomes this silly kind of chase movie where they're trying to chase down each other. The blonde girl Terry has has inherited all the money because and then the mansion everything because Edwina actually did die. mistaken identity there are stuff going on. And and in all of this, Roger and Adelina are starting to fall in love in his body. Oh, wow. That is very, very 80s 80s It's a delightful little comedy. The magic in it doesn't quite work in the way that only 80s movies that are good, allow you to forgive all I can think of go back to the future. Right is this movie that's brilliant, and you love it and everything. But it makes absolutely no sense that he's watching a photo of his relatives disappearing. Because he's changing time. You're just like, that's not how time traveling. Why would you still have this photo? Why would there have ever been a photo? But you're totally fine with it. Vanessa, have you you've never seen this. I've never seen this. It is also available on prime. Will they get her into the right body? Will they be able to stay in love? No. I mean, it's only the 80s Martin movie. Yes. When he was physical comedy a girl he is so good at that. Yeah. Yeah. And it's and it's him and Carl Reiner. So they've been they've done a ton of movies together prior to this and they've all been hit so they're very comfortable with each other. Everybody is working at, you know the top of their game. I'll just say this. The film was originally supposed to star Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. Oh, it was written for them. They declined or something happened? Probably Goldie Actually, it was like I have worked with him. I shall not do so again. Chevy is a well known asshole. Terry Hoskins played by Victoria Tennant, Steve Martin and Victoria Tennant met during the making of the film and were married in 1986 have been together until now. 1994 reportedly, the actress was so smitten with Steve Martin on that first day that she rushed home to tell her male roommate. He had three days to move out. So, love is in the air and the relationship blossomed and lasted for a while. But you know, we would marriages artistic. Yeah, I mean, a year of Hollywood marriages, like seven years in regular marriages. Sure. Do you ever watch much Lily Tomlin she did that thing called the site search for signs of intelligent life in the universe. I did not see that. But you know that I'm a huge fan of nine to five. Yeah. And she's also amazing in that, and did she do the Incredible Shrinking woman? Yes. Yeah. I think I mean, that's not a good film, but I liked that. She was good in it. Exactly. Yeah, though. Did some great stuff. Yeah. I'm happy that she's still working so much. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think that I've heard some stories that she can be difficult. I think that you can't be too difficult in this town before people say we're not going to work with you. So we're sure she must. She must be okay. Yeah, there's probably there's the right kind of difficult. Yeah, we're by the end, you go oh, you know, you're probably right. Well, we also know that she was coming up in a time where powerful women were not looked upon very favorably, so maybe just holding your own counted as being difficult in Hollywood in the 80s and 90s. So first, sir, for sure. Anyway, I love this movie so much. And I was so glad that you picked this genre, because it's like, what am I gonna do for this? Because I've already done too many movies that are kind of with this. Yeah, like different topics, right? Like invisible or, like, there's a lot of kind of almost crossover. So I'm glad you read on split personalities and everything. I was told that not Scorsese, he was the movie we did with the split personalities. And I chose dipalma. Oh, raising Cain. Yeah, raising Cain and like, that's perfect, cuz he's literally sitting next to him speaking in his ear. Wonder if they'd notice if they did that again. But this one turned out to be such a delight to watch again. So yeah, I'm glad you found such a unique and like perfectly fitting. It was it was absolutely perfect for me, because this is one of those movies that like I was saying earlier, is a palate cleanser. Oh, we forgot how fun Steve Martin was. It was killing me. I mean, Steve Martin has always kind of looked old with his gray hair. Yeah, anything. But it was killing me. They're like 38 My life is over. Like, Oh, boy. Yeah. Yeah, don't watch the one where he marries off his daughter. That was Father of the Bride. Yeah, father the bride. Because that like he's not that old that when he keeps talking about being like, early 40s in his life is over and every he's going through a midlife crisis and all emilich Oh my god. Remember the scene in that film where he's talking to the things a wedding planner and he had a heavy accent and he could not understand anything. He said. that exact thing happened to Dana and I went are planning your wedding is me Dina Marth and Roz, and he's speaking with this heavy accent demerit kind of look at each other. Looking at Mars, he leaves the room are things I can't understand anything has got the three of us cracked up baby. Oh, there we go. Devil on my shoulder. I think that makes it my choice for the next genre. But what do you have for us? Well, Eric reminded me it was my choice in the break. And I had to come up with something quick, but I think this might might yield some interesting results. So how do you guys feel about anchors away? Horror on the water? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I'll even accept or coming from the water. Right. jaws is right now. And trying they're talking about triangle that well, that's just said, we've talked we've talked about other stuff that would have fit into this, but I'm thinking where there's boat horror, how there's lots just waiting to jump into some boat or so this might be this might be I'm not even joking. Wow, why didn't you get one of your own? Well, because I didn't have it on my enormous list. Add another one to the list. Okay, so that's what we will do for next week. Then pour on the water anchors away, guys. Oh, boy. Many, many. Thanks. To everyone who is still participating in the value for value model. We will shortly have information on how you can pick up one of these amazing coins that Danny Wilford made for us. T shirts are being bandied about. So there's there's gonna be stuff going on? Well, we'll have some kind of storefront available very shortly. And thanks everyone for liking and sharing the posts reviewing, hey, I keep hearing on all these other podcasts you got to get out there and reveal it makes a huge difference of whether we are seeing on the page when you're searching for us. Yeah. And some of them are blatant to say, hey, five star reviews only we will accept no less. We haven't mentioned in a long time, the five star challenge would still be something I'm willing to do, which is you write a five star review, you tell Eric Hey, I want you to talk about this particular movie. And that's what happens and watch it well even will even cheese it up a little more. Now that Spotify is closing in on Apple, their reviews are a little more important. Wow. So if you pop on to Spotify, if you've already given an apple review, you hop onto Spotify, you can give me another copy paste I was just the thing say copy and paste that review and then make Eric watch that same movie again. What do you think of him this turned on the film. Alright, so that's it. We will be back in one week we are talking horror on the water fire in the sky. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band name shade is usually permission. Fine, Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, wherever find podcasts have a typical movie theater experience of there were some teens at the end of the row who were watching it who kept pulling out their phone and the light was flashing around and I was like, is it during COVID times can I go and like punch them? Or is that like germ warfare? Like what will happen to me