Strange Aeons Radio


September 09, 2021 Strange Aeons Radio Season 3 Episode 136
Strange Aeons Radio
Show Notes Transcript


We're sitting pretty at the beginning of this episode, thanks to our generous listeners! Also discussed: Candyman, Slasher, and What If?

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Oh, sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition? sites to show you Strange Aeons. Welcome Strange Aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. That makes me Kelly. Hey guys, you might notice the lack of noise as we are recording this because Oh, good job. A bunch of people just put their headphones off. Give them a second and put them back on. And that is because we are sitting in new comfortable chairs. It's very, very nice. Like it's it's just and it's not even that horrible other where you pull your leg up and like you're like sticks to it. It's like a suede. It's a suede. And it was paid for the lovely listeners who have participated in our value for value model. We we gotten some money and I think it was two weeks ago that I said, Hey, you guys. chairs are killing me and Vanessa who never complains about anything. I said, How do you feel about taking some of that money and getting us some shares that don't hurt this bad and you would like I would not argue against. I mean, okay, guys, imagine your grandma's house. All right. Imagine eating dinner at like an overly fancy table and having to sit in very uncomfortable wooden chairs. Now throw a very not useful cushion on that. I bought those cushions for you guys. My back is so straight. Great. I mean, really? Not not super comfy. The chairs were not very comfortable. They were very old. And they were very squeaky as I'm sure you remember. Yeah. True. And now we are sitting in new chairs. I'm moving in my chair now. Right? Yeah, I can fidget when you guys can't stop me. So thank you so much to everybody. I just wanted to know that that money that you sent along has not gone us, you know, party in our brains out. I originally wanted it to more stuff for the podcast. So I hope that everybody understands how we're approaching all of this stuff. It's value for values, right. And along those lines. I'd like to throw thanks to a bunch of people Jeff, Jamie, Donnie, Ron, I think was all there might be in a couple others. I screwed up on audio last time. And as soon as they say what it was, I know exactly what I'd done wrong. There's four tracks of audio and one track. I keep for the repeat things that come up every year. The intros the exits and the trailers. I lifted, muted sometimes after mute that edit. And so when I compressed everything, uploaded it the one time in 100 and some odd friggin episodes. I didn't just test play the goddamn thing was this last week, but you guys got that notice to move really quick. So I was able to fix it. And for whatever reason, Spotify took like eight hours to correct, but everybody else was within minutes was good to go. So thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I know sometimes I can read might read snarky or sarcasm, but I really mean that. Thank you. Yeah, we don't want to send out that messed up. Right sound. Yeah, absolutely. Definitely let us know if something like that comes up because it is incredibly helpful. I mean, we all listened to it eventually. but not always, like the minute it comes out because we experienced it. Exactly. Yes. And to be honest, I just fast forward anything that's not my voice. I'm surprised. Hey, Eric, I don't know if you've got it. available right now. But somebody left us a message on the YouTube. Oh, that's sent a message. tube. Yeah. You know, the podcast is available on YouTube. Some people watch it that way. Okay. And Eric sent me this message. And I was like, wow, we can't believe I sent that to both of you. You might have I don't know you guys send me a lot of stuff. Usually while I'm driving and I'm like, Oh, look at this later. And sometimes. Okay. This is the message I received. Kelly, get your eyes checked immediately. Do I have to be calling and scolding? How can you go to cryptic con and not see I have been listening to the show now since I have YouTube. I enjoy it. The only time I get to hear your voice call your mom. I love that so much. I did see that. Yes. Yeah. She's so she listens to it on YouTube. Yes, that is the most adorable thing. Ever. So now that we know that my mom is a regular listener, there's gonna have to be a few changes here. No more talk about drugs. Wait, wait. You're gonna have to drop all of the talk of your mistresses and stuff like, Oh, yeah. And we won't be swearing anymore. That'll never happen. I like you're actually censored yourself right there. That will never happen. Well, if I can't censor myself from my mom listening, I don't know that I could do it for yours. My mom is a saint, and very innocent. Oh, be really nice to her. I love you, mom. Thank you for listening. I saw a couple of cool things this week. Oh, you guys are aware that evil is back on right? Oh, yeah, that first episode was fun breaking off. And then the new one is out too. And it's even better. Oh, God. It's so good. Vanessa, you're awfully quiet over there. Okay, so yes. So I finally caught up to you guys, and watched all the way through what was the end as far as I got with season two. And then the new one came out. And I got really, really excited. And I was like, I want to watch this right away. And my boyfriend was there. And he's like, what is this? Oh, no, I know, start from the beginning. And we did Oh, we're almost at the end of season one. And we're watching about three to four a day. And it says a helpful refresher, but I did just blast through some of these. So I was like, Wait, is this season one still? I just saw this one. So we're getting there. But I'm a little bit on hold. I did that when that happened with my wife years ago, I got about a season and a half into Buffy. I'm gone. I gotta show this. She's gonna love it. And she does one of her favorite shows ever. Like, you know, watching the first season of Buffy twice is not the best way. For two or three episodes. It's got some rough stuff. Season One is not something you want to like back to back. rewatch, but you know what? We're good enough the things we do for the people we care. And well, I went to the theater and saw a movie that just came out. I wonder if either of you got a chance to see it because I know with crypto con things got a little hectic. Candy Man, right? Yeah, No, I haven't. I have heard almost polar opposites of it. It's fascinating. People seem to love it or really, really hate it. It's Yeah, I am surprised that people love it. I didn't hate it. But there are really big problems with it. And I don't want to spoil anything for you guys. Because I do think it's worth checking out. And I think it's of course really important that we support independent cinema and, you know, people's attempts that. I don't know, I feel like there's a lot of good intent in here. And I think there's a lot of good ideas. But I think somewhere along the way the script just bid it like to bid on the curb and last five teeth. Like Yeah, the Yeah, the second that artistic trailer that was released the shadow puppet thing, whatever that was, I thought was so cool. That really, I wasn't too interested in it before that I thought I've gone. Okay, this is really inventive and really interesting. Yeah, it's probably good that you lowered my expectations. Now. There's a lot of things like that, where you're like, Whoa, that's so cool. And then it doesn't go anywhere, or it disconnects from the story. That is one of those things where it's a great intro piece, and I think they use it in the outro. But I figured out why it existed but they don't tell you and they don't give you a good connection as to like who even made it considering that like the lead person is an artist. So there's just a lot of weird stuff like that there's um, a skin rash that develops on the main character, which you see in the trailer. So that's not a spoiler as the movie progresses, you find out really close to the end that it looks like hexagons, and I was like, Oh, it's like he's becoming like a beehive. So you would think maybe, there might be a B that might come out of that. Nope. It's just definitely that where you're like, you're so close. You're so close for this being amazing, but then it just doesn't go there. So there's a lot of I think there's a lot of story issues along the way. That's about I was looking forward to this. I'm still gonna see it. Yeah. And you know what, there are so many people who are loving it that you know, you guys might go and think that it's incredible. say to me Hey Vanessa, you're completely wrong and never asked it. Yeah, I know definitely never happens that I'm the only one who liked or disliked something. No, not at all. You can tell him the only person who didn't grow up with y'all. So whatevs. What about you? Well, I watched an interesting film that kind of has similar problems. Tell the mosquito state, huh? You've seen this exact shatter? Yeah, I want to see it or do I? Probably not. It is incredibly well acted really interestingly shot about as art housey as art horror is just pushing the boundaries further of being more and more Art housey the biggest problems that has though is the whole thing is this idea of some guy. A real shall we say redditor style guy who is in betters incredibly wealthy, because he's really brilliant at math and horrible socially, trying to connect the dots here. But somehow he ends up with breeding mosquitoes in his super wealthy also meant looking apartment or whatever you want to call a condo. And he seems to gain control of them. He has assholes in his life, and he has somebody cares for in his life. There's no resolution with the assholes. And there is some resolution with the woman is interested in the movie just kind of ends. Like, because so much has done so well in it. That's like, Huh, all right. Okay, like run out of money, or they just ran out. They, they had whatever money they need. Well, no film ever feels they have enough money. But it looked really good. And the apartment he was living in was huge. They had access to a very, very expensive place in a big city. Or they built it. And the trailer felt very body horror. Is that not the case? Sort of. I mean, if if your body horror and kind of begins and ends with a guy get lots of mosquito bites, it sort of looks like an elephant man. Oh, yeah. I mean, there's no, I was hoping he was gonna turn into a gigantic mosquito. No. Oh, well, maybe. Oh, the way it ends. It's sort of like he might I mean it. Yeah. Wait, so why is he breeding mosquitoes? I don't know. Oh, okay. Absolutely. I don't know. I it seems to worship them at one point, or at least one of them. This is the mother of you all came from this like, interesting, but I can't expect natural expecting it to go somewhere and it just didn't. So it was in so much was done so well. But like, darn well, I was going to talk about something else. But I will instead then go along on your shutter thing I would say started watching this thing called slasher. Oh, yeah. I because it's got David Cronenberg and right. Does it he's like the lead bad guy for Is it a season like a Yeah, it's a series. But this was about a family. Yeah, that has to, like, do these trials and tribulations and they're all basically trying to kill each other. And it's a it's a ton of fun. It is super gory. God. It's not some chatter. So it's like a TV show or movie. It is a TV series. Like a limited like American Horror Story. They might do a bunch and then next season will be new people are thinking about it. Like that is Cronenberg. It is Cronenberg. Yeah, I read an article because I'd never heard of slasher before. And he was like he's starring in the shutter role as the patriarch of the family. Yeah, and he was so excited to play something other than like a scientist or a psychologist. I didn't recognize him because the last time I saw him on film was what nightbreed or something like, oh, whoa, is much older than I realized he was. He's done a couple of things here and there, he'll pop up and if you like, indie, indie projects now and again, but he's always just like a guy with a, you know, a clipboard. This is basically a horror soap opera. It's just a family drama. Everybody kind of hates each other and then they start, you know, joining up and saying, Okay, look, if you helped me out on this, I'll help you out on that. And then we'll just kill you know, our sister instead. It's really dark and it's got some moments of decent here. But like I said, the gore is outstanding. Wow. Okay, well, I'm excited to check it out. check that one out. Yeah. Well, it was it was recently my birthday. And so I was looking for a film to watch on my birthday. And of course, you know, like, I have favorites like Happy deathday to you and better off dead. There's all kinds of films that I love, love, love to watch annually. But I was spending the day with my mom and sister. So I had to kind of rethink the direction because my sister is a very, very proud and conservative, religious person. And my mom will kind of go along with things to be nice to me. But I don't think she really wants to watch it. She She doesn't go out of her way when I'm not around to watch any of these things. So I went ahead and put on a film that I'd missed through Disney, which was krewella. Oh, that's now it's streaming free on Disney, isn't it? Yeah, exactly. I didn't have to pay for it. For a good thing. Yeah. Well, you know what, I'm, I'm actually really surprised. It was pretty good. I thought they did a really nice rewrite of Cruella, I thought it was just gonna I was like, I don't know how you guys are gonna make this movie. When it's a horrific bad guy who wants to like she wants to skin dogs and wear, wear them around the place. And she's evil. And all these little tropes that you see from the original film and the cartoon are twisted back over to a really sympathetic and different viewpoint of her and even her minions are actually like friends she grew up with and the dog thing is almost like a joke. It's, it was actually pretty neat. And Emma Stone is a joy to watch. I have such a weird reaction to these stories. I started reading wicked years ago. And about halfway through, it's like, I you know what, I enjoy the fantasy of films, where this is good. And this is evil, right? trying to pretend that this two dimensional character really is full of these many, many things like, okay, whatever. I'd rather a Wolverine kind of character where they do some horrible shit. But they're trying to be better, as opposed to just flipping them completely and saying, You know what? The Wicked Witch was actually really wonderful. It's all the other people were fuckin assholes. Okay. That just to me rooms, like you grew up loving this character. And now you have to redeem your feelings for loving this character, right? No, no, they're really, really good. Actually, if you look at them, right, like, Michael Myers killed the bully. Michael now, right? So it's like, No, no, that is such a fair analysis. And to the film's credit, the krewella kind of suffers from this sort of multiple personality thing. So there is a version of her that is just fucked up. And that is kind of the true version of her. And that is where you end things. No, that's the halfway and she switches from being this kind of nice person who she's been putting on a facade for everyone around her for, to try and fit in, to just be like, I don't fucking want to do this anymore, and becomes a horrible, horrible human being, like to the level of the cartoon and then sort of starts to pull it back near the end. So you can see the the glimmer of humanity is back in her she's not just 100% evil. So there was the I think they tread that line really nicely. But you, I don't know. But your point is still taken like it's wide make the story at all. That is a big question mark. Disney has, you know, found a way to milk every last penny out of all of their properties through we're going to swim. You know, all these kinds of spin offs in this stuff for everything. We'll we'll find out that was the evil octopus woman in the Little Mermaid. We're gonna find out she was Yeah, Ursula had a hard childhood. I weighed issues and all the other feeling. The other cephalopods were making fun of her or something. That makes sense. So it's like the live action remakes. I mean, the read somewhere The Beauty and the Beast live action remake is one of the most successful films Disney's ever released so bad. I mean, like that. And Aladdin. They're just in Lion King that I don't understand those words. Literally the exact same story. Yeah, like, well, they're CGI animated. They're still freaking out. Yeah, no, when they say the live action version, I'm looking at that screen but there's not one thing that's real on the screen. This is not the updated animated. But I did love when they did the Jungle Book remake with Christopher Walken. Yeah, and then who directed that? That was But oh yeah. JOHN Rowe. Yeah, john Chow. There you go. I was like, boy, this is a blast. So you know, if they wanted to do stuff like that for the older movies, maybe it'd be interesting to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarves read on. That could be fun and really messed up the way they did in the 70s. Speaking of what if, oh, we seen an error catching up on the what ifs, and we started watching the last one with Dr. Strange and like, you know, this is the one Marvel movie I haven't seen. Oh, no. Well, let's rectify that right now. rewatch the Doctor Strange. Marvel film with Cumberbatch, which is still really good. Sure, holds up great. And then ran immediately into the what if? Man, that's a brutal What if it's pretty dark? Have you watched it, Vanessa? Yeah. And I did the same thing you did? I actually did it in reverse. I watched the what if and then I was like, we he has a girlfriend? I think I should rewatch the movie. I haven't seen it since. Like, I saw it in IMAX. And yeah, it was way better than I remembered it. I nailed it, too. I mean, as far as good, it went right along with the film watching this. Yeah. While I was watching that, I was thinking this is going to be the one that Vanessa likes, it is really gone into the problems with any of these kinds of things if you're gonna change this one little thing. And then I thought it was really interesting how, let's talk a little spoilers on this. That was really interesting that the watcher talks to him Yeah. And I was like, I now I'm starting to think that this is these episodes are all going to tie together. And like you said, Vanessa, at the very end, he's getting the watchers gonna have to intervene somehow. Absolutely. I mean, you can see these little tiptoes where he's like, Oh, I I will not intervene in this moment. But I can see. And then this one fully, because Dr. Strange can hear him. Yeah. Because of his connection to the multiverse, or whatever it is. He's like, hey, you've been here the whole time. Come on, buddy. It goes like I'm sorry. Can't can't do it. I think it could lead quite nicely because that putting you right in their face again and again about the fixed. Yeah, time. That's got to be something coming up in the multiverse. And this and then Dr. Strange. I feel like that is a problematic story that they are prying and trying to get head on. before they go into multiverse madness and spider man. No, no way home. Like I feel like they're trying to say, okay, we set up certain rules. But actually, these are what these rules mean. And sometimes they're big, and sometimes they're strict. And sometimes these things happen. So, yeah, I don't know. I really feel like I'm being led somewhere so much. It's really a brilliant idea if you want to keep By the way, Shang Shi, that's the 25th Marvel movie. Oh my god. So it's really a brilliant way to start going. We're talking multiverses now so if we have to start recasting people, because they're tired of being in 10 Marvel movies, we can recast them and just say different timeline. Yeah, it's so much. I mean, it was mind blowing enough when they brought out Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah, you made the Marvel movie out of but now they're bringing out the eternals cheese man you guys are super deep cut. Yeah, on little wacky they're going to go in seven days, which is cool. You know, I can't wait for full Howard the Duck again. Oh, my God. Should they dare? I mean, they did that. What if moment, right. Yeah, that's fun. But I'm saying Look, listen to this man thing. And Howard the Duck in a movie together a buddy cop movie. I don't know enough about man thing to be able to respond. I mean, I'm honestly learning about most of these characters as the shows and movies and everything come out. And then I'm like, Oh, I'm going to read all of the Wanda related content. And now I'm going to read all of the the Disney Channel has a nice feature in it that has all of the Marvel stuff. chronologically, logically? Yeah, so you've got movies that came later? But that's the first movie like Captain America for Avengers. Yeah. And then Captain Marvel. And then where the TV shows are in there too. Right? That's like, that's smart. But just I just thought Oh, that's cool. And I just hit to the side to scroll over like, holy shit. That's the log this and we've seen it all we've spent the hours. God I just rewatch Guardians of the Galaxy too before crypto con. And I remember thinking that movie was okay and just loving it this time getting getting away from it. A little Bit made me really enjoy it. That's how I felt a little weepy at the end. Oh, I mean, it's the story about I definitely cried. That's definitely when I would need to revisit but that's how I felt about Dr. Strange. I the first time I saw it, I hated Benedict Cumberbatch his accent, and it was the first time I'd heard him do this horrible. I'm it's not bad. It's just that it sounds like house. It sounds like him doing an impression of house, which is what it literally is. I am sure of it. So I was like, You fuck, you're so fucking talented. Just one thing I remember about Cumberbatch was, he was probably, I don't know, maybe one of two, that when he was cast, the internet didn't lose their shit and go this is so stupid that they cast him and everyone's like, oh, okay, well, he's beloved as a person. He is a great, great actor and watching it a second time through where I've gotten accustomed to this accent. I was like, This movie is actually really good. And oh my god, the weird shit is so fucking weird. It was really, you know, high five. Yeah. Put this out as a devil's advocate advocate moment then in that. How, how much do we want these amazing actors being tied to Marvel movies instead of going and making different movies that are powerful, you know, something that they can really dig their teeth into instead of kind of being told, okay, well, this is a Marvel movie. So there's a certain amount of danger. I think our man it's hard to say especially when that person the people that were known before when they're introduced. Not too bad. But some of the people that were introduced to us as Captain America. That's they're going to be tough, but you've got What's his name? from the Star Wars movies. destroys his helmet goes off. Adam Driver Adam. Yeah. Yeah. And he is disconnected himself quite well, like he did that divorce movie they got nominated for all those Oscars are in story. Oh, yeah, I'm seeing that it's easy. I'm not saying that. It's impossible. I'm saying that when they're tied into, you know, how many movies can enact or make, and if 10 years of your acting career is playing Doctor Strange. That's a lot of movies we don't get that might be you know, a little more important. You know, Kelly, we're in a goddamn pandemic. I don't want to watch fucking marriage story right now. I want to watch. watch some dumb Marvel movie, where at least they bring up the things around them to a higher standard because the acting is actually good. So I'm all for it. And a lot of these people are fitting inside projects. Son, dad, despite doing three Spider Man films in MTV, or sorry, a HBO series euphoria. A lot of these people are doing tons of side work. So I feel like their commitment. Although it might seem like a lot isn't so much that they're totally prevented. I mean, I've seen several really bad movies by who's the kid who plays spider man now, Tom Hall, Tom Hall has been in some awful stuff that he could have just done more Spider Man and I would have been much happier. He's here as an actor as opposed to like the directors or the writers. Yeah. If you're the director of a Marvel movie, that's your year. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Well, okay. I've been thoroughly chastised. Normally, if we weren't in a pandemic, I would agree with you really hard. Give me the depressing. I need to feel I don't want to feel anything. I just want to I just want to sit back and eat some popcorn and laugh. And do you get entertained? noted. How about we take a break? blow some steam off. And when we come back, we're talking back to school you get ready, okay. When we say study, you say? Study. Study. When we say study, everything you need to Ready, Set. Go back to and we are back. Vanessa, this was your topic? Yeah. Well, we're coming up on the school year starting in fact, I think most schools started this last week. So I thought why wouldn't we want to go with back to school? So yeah, so I mean, Dangerfield And there was a particular movie that I really have wanted to talk about for a while. So this was a great opportunity. So my pick was the 1986 slaughter Hi. Marty Ranson was the dork of dads bale high. Get undressed in there. His classmates laughed at him. Are you ready? Here's Marty. They tormented him. And then they went too far. Now, five years later, Marty's throwing a little party, a class reunion. Come on, you guys. Let's party. They say still roams the nuthouse ever hope we'll have a chance to escape so we can take his evil revenge out on us all. And he's making sure everyone has the time of their life. He's created a romantic atmosphere for rekindling old flames and a nice place to just hang around. Marty hasn't forgotten nothing. He's giving them a blast from the past bail. Never forget. Marty Ranson is still a dork. But tonight he's getting even best run pictures present slaughter Hi. AKA April Fool's Day. Now, it was called April Fool's Day and all through production, it was called April Fool's Day, until they found out that Paramount Pictures was also putting out a film that same year with that same title. And they decided you know what, let's change it to slaughter Hi. Okay, I think I've seen this. You sounds familiar, but I'm not sure either. Yeah, you might have just her head. Just your mask and you call me well, moving right along. Unfortunately, this isn't free anywhere. I originally watched it on YouTube because no one cared. And I guess somebody started care so now it's a $4 rental pretty much anywhere. But but you can buy it probably on Amazon for about 12 bucks. Just if you already love it. Rotten Tomatoes 0% critics. Oh no an actual 0% actual 00 Wow, I mean, it was five reviews. So yeah, five people gave it 0% 34% for audience and that had over 2500 reviews. So maybe a little bit more accurate maybe the budget for this movie was 2.1 million and the box office as far as I could find made 90,000 during a two week stent stint in April so I have no idea how much it ended up with but I know it made it least $90,000 Good job guys. The director and writers so this is this is a de f level horror film. Maybe not if it's it's watchable but it does not have the quality that you might expect from any thing normally it's just a release you see vinegar syndrome doing at some point especially I you know white vinegar syndrome would be a great place for this for sure. Especially if they they did like a whole behind the scenes thing because there's some wacky stuff. The the writer and directors, I say writer and directors because they all three of these people both wrote and directed, and are listed as such. George Duggal two films under his bill belt this in a movie called Living Doll. Mark Ezra has written eight things and directed four things. He wrote love potion, blind justice living doll and the Dark Knight TV series. And then Peter Mackenzie Litton who's done three things, including heavens of drag living doll and slaughter high. So everybody kind of worked on this living doll thing I think after this movie, and not a ton of experience going on. However, let me tell you the talent that does exist here. The composer, hairy men, man for Dini, which you guys would have heard it before he's done 195 things including Friday all the Friday the 13th stuff. Also omega code house house to house for the children's one thing he Have I as per to my boyfriend's back wish master Deep Space deep sex. So the music is actually pretty fun. Although I say that there is a song that is played over and over and over, and it's like got a little shout out sections are is like April Fool's gonna just kind of comes in and out as the movies going you're like, Okay, we're doing this again and it always starts with the same riff and it's really distinct and you're like, oh, we're looping. We're looping again. I don't know that. Harry put a lot of time into this. And from what I read, he actually did steal a lot of Friday the 13th music and just kind of shoved it in here. So I'm guessing he probably wasn't getting paid much. It is starring now the big name for this is Caroline Monroe. Oh, yes. Which she was a hammer girl for a lot of a lot of her time. She did just a ton of modeling. And she was also a Bond girl. Otherwise, you might have seen her from maniac. Dracula ad 1972 Captain Kronos vampire hunter star crash, Black Cat, so many, many films, many projects and she is good. Then we've got Simon Scudamore as Marty, the nerd and villain. This is his one and only film. It does kind of show. Gary Martin as Joe he is just one of some of the teens. All of them I could not tell you who is who they are so interchangeable. And like there's no character development and then an assumption of a lot of character development. So if you asked me like which ones which, like, I don't know the girl with the puffy shirt, not sure. So one of them has been in 113 things including a lot of voice work. He did Mr. Bean's animated series legend of Dragon Final Fantasy 12 Dennis the Menace and many more. Then we have a couple of randos like Mark Smith as the coach who is in whoops apocalypse Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the 81 version. Moonraker he was a voice space 1999 he was the voice of the computer. 767 seal was his first one. So I'm guessing he has a Scandinavian back. backdrop. He was in Blade Runner, his voice hardwares or voice so he's a really good voice actor. But he plays the coach in this and actually pretty talented. And last but not least, we also have a sleazy kind of porn producer guy in this who's played by Dick Randall. And you might be like, why does that name sound familiar? At least not in the acting world. He is a super fucking colorful producer. He made a lot of porn, but he also was behind pieces. amanuel three escape from women's prison don't open till Christmas and surprise, surprise living doll. So he's very, very prolific producer. So I think he was like, Oh, can I be like literally who I am. But on film, and they made it happen for him. Oh, alright. tagline. You know, you're working with quality when you've got taglines like Marty was for the was for the Dodds Ville high. No, sorry. Marty was the dork of Dodds Ville high. One day he got mad. Then he got even. Very good. The better one is there's horror in the halls lynching in the lunchroom murder in middle shop. They're all that's really good. Yeah, yes. Yeah. The plot of this. Um, so very, very typical. Teen horror film, high school. Marty is about to get laid. Absolutely. This nerdy kid with glasses. And a really nasally voice, who is clearly has not showered in a long time. is definitely about to get laid by the super hot Bond girl who is holding his hand and leading him into the girls locker room. He's definitely gonna go late. So instead, she leads him into a shower stall and tells him to get ready and gets really weird condom out with like, bizarre like one sided ridges that are like three inches high. It looks like I don't I don't do that for her pleasure. Yes. Very, very ribbed for somebody. bizarre. So he's getting ready and he's like, do you want the temperature hot or cold? She's like, room temperature. Warm is the sexiest make it comfortable. Meanwhile, a bunch of kids pile into the bathroom. Some of them have like studio lights and some of them have a camera and some of them have recording equipment. And what is going to happen? One of them is holding like a javelin pull. It's very weird. Oh, and another is holding a car battery charger. This all seems very dangerous in the shower. It does seem kind of dangerous in the shower. So, lo and behold, he opens the curtains. He's ready for her. He's completely naked. So we do see everything. And they are filming him and laughing at him and then they turn him upside down and give him a swirly in the toilet bowl fully naked. And the dudes are just like holding him like haha as Wang is like, just moving right by their head. Something very strange. They electrocute him. Yeah, he gets weird. They start like beating him with the javelin stick. It's very strange. And then of course, the coach comes in. He's like, what do you kids do it in my ladies locker room. You're all the tension. And Marty's like, you know, they're really interrupted me about tough sucks. It really sucks. He still thinks he was gonna dance 100% Okay, does not understand that he was going to this concert. And he's a super smart guy. It's a strange moment. So of course, all the kids are in detention. They're doing their laps and their push ups and all that kind of stuff. And one of them slips away and runs into Marty in the halls and goes, here's a joint dude. Enjoy. And Marty thinks, and Marty starts to smoke the joint and the merge. He's like, I got a puke. He goes to puke. And the kid sneaks into the chemistry lab where Marty is working on some kind of project and puts in some white substance into whatever it is he's working on. And this means something Somehow, I guess, and then he disappears. And Marty goes back in. And I guess the experiment goes wrong. And then a flame appears and then a giant thing of like chemical falls off of a high shelf nitric acid and falls and breaks on him and then the fire completely engulfs him. And he's completely burned. does not die, though, is carted off on a stretcher. So we have a hint, things to come. I love keeping my highly caustic materials hi above everybody's really Ricky shelf, he puts it back up to I mean, I was kind of like, I don't know what's gonna happen. He put the lid on pretty tight. But we keep doing these shots of this bottle like wobbling I don't know where this is going. So I guess they somehow knew that while they were in detention, if they gave him a bad weed stick, he would have to go and throw up and they would have opportunity to mess up his experiment that they definitely knew he was doing at all. There's a lot of assumptions happening in this movie. Anyway, years later, a hot Bond girl is super hot. And she is on the phone to her producer, the gross porn producer. And she says, No, I'm not gonna do this porn gig. And he's like, well, you do pictures naked? What's the difference? And so she says I'd rather go to my high school reunion, cut to a bunch of kids getting ready and going to their high school reunion. They have cart one of them has car trouble on the way. He's the prankster. We wouldn't know this except for they say you were the prankster. So apparently, that answers that. He is kind of our main character. I honestly don't remember his name. I think it was like either Simon or skip or whatever. It really doesn't matter. And they all meet up at the high school and it's in total ruins. It looks surprisingly like maybe an English mansion. And maybe not like high school. Very weird. I don't know why. All the actors by the way are the same. But they're just in new costumes. Most of them are in their 30s and all of them are hiding very bad English accents. Oh, let's make this very well. Yes, they are. I'm sorry. Their English accents are probably perfect. Their American accents are very very bad. One of the girls has a southern accent for apparently no reason whatsoever. Except for turns out she's literally the only American on set. So the level of acting is super high bar here. Anyways, they get to the school. It's this weird overgrown a state that definitely doesn't look at all like an American High School. No one else is there and they're like, Huh, weird. It's strange. The only us were invited to this reunion or coming. How odd Oh, looks like it's gonna rain. I guess we have to go inside. As it turns out. Today is it April Fool's Day. Oh, and the other thing happened on April Fool's Day. Sorry about that I missed. It was the last thing you see, they tear off a little calendar thing and they're like, haha, it was April Fool's Day. Therefore, makes sense. Thanks. Don't count pranks don't count cuz it's fine on April Fool's Day. So of course they get into the school there's a special room set up with a big welcome sign there's food and drinks and there's pictures of them from high school and there's their lockers in this room. And weirdly like objects each of them last in high school or inside this locker and they're like, I lost these shoes. I lost this bandana. Oh, weird. Oh, my lucky basketball or whatever. So I was gonna say, most high school reunions don't actually happen at the high school. That's why it was happening at this mansion. But you're telling me they went to school in this mansion? Correct. 100%, right. Yes. No, this mansion. I mean, high school is pretty spectacular. Like they go into one of the rooms to like, hang out and it's got like, totally wooden mahogany, like walls. And one of them opens to like a door that goes to kind of nowhere. It's like, okay, I don't know of any high schools that have like, mansion style, mahogany walls. And then there's like, a girl goes into the girl shower room at one point. And there's bathtub, and she takes a bath. There's like a bedroom. There's like, okay, the space is very spectacular. So of course, people start to dwindle away in spectacular deaths. weird, weird how that happens. There's a guy running around and adjuster mask. And he seems to be offering them and it's April Fool's Day, but the one person who isn't there as Marty, but he has a picture up in the welcome banner room as well. I wonder who the bad guy might be. The depths are pretty fun. There's there's a lot of neat things going on in there. There's a girl who gets boiled away and chemicals and she just ends up being like bones and like blood in this in the bath. So that's pretty neat. There's a guy who's trying to fix they're realized they need to get out of there. But they don't know where this Jester is and how they're going to escape. And one guy's like, Okay, I'm going to start this tractor. By the way, the tractors, not tractor, it's a lawn mower. But I guess you wouldn't know that if you were in England at the time. They lifted the lawnmower because they're gonna ride it to safety. And the guy's trying to fix it, so that they can get out of there. And of course, the blade starts spinning and he's like, yo, Todd, why'd you turn this on, man? He's like, Dude, what do you do in and somebody slashes his wrist, he's holding it above him. And then it just goes and chunks out his whole belly. There's some fun stuff going on in here. Um, but the logic is incredibly lost all the way through. And, hey, well, we just have to make it till noon The next day, because that's when April Fool's day ends, and he's followed the rules so far. And you're like, Wait, what? What if April Fool's day ends at noon, and then he's gonna stop, I guess. And you have to make it to midday and why are you guys talking and what rules what rules are there to April Fool's Day? Very English tradition, apparently. And if you if you make a fool or do a April Fool's Day thing after noon, the next day, I guess that would be the second Yeah, I think maybe April 2. I don't know how this works. I am I did not ever think you become the fool. And I don't know if the gesture mask is a thing that people wear out of like, haha, you messed up and now you are the one who I don't know. I do not know. But anyways, I'm just gonna go ahead and skip right on to the end here because it takes a real twist. He manages to kill everybody one by one until of course we just have the final girl the Bond girl left and he kills her appropriately in the shower with the the javelin stick, just pokes it right through her belly, and she's dead. And then all of a sudden he starts hearing laughter. And he turns and there's this strange kind of operation happening and all of the people that he just murdered who were bullies have come back from the dead as ghosts to bully him again. And he's like, Oh, no, and then he wakes up. He's in a hospital and a burn ward. And I think High school time I'm not I don't know, when this is all this took place. And this was a Jacob's Ladder moment. Um, I think but it gets even more complex, because he's got his face and bandages and the nurses coming in to give him some pain meds and all of a sudden a light goes off outside his room and the doctor kind of saunters in like, Oh, I guess I should care about this red light goes in and the nurses standing over this body and he's like, what is it nurse and the nurse turns around and it's the guy with the bandages and he's holding the needle he Chuck's it in the doctor's eye, and then he laughs and he pulls off his own face. So it's kind of like, is this the start of the film? Because it feels like it's the start of the film. So he's gonna do the thing he just did. Or I don't really know I haven't. I'm a little lost. Alright, that's good writing. It's pretty, it's pretty excellent. This is an incredibly bad bad movie. But this is like the third time I've seen it. So the entertaining levels throughout this are pretty fucking great. The ghosts are pretty neat. There's like a lot of fog that comes out of nowhere, that you guys know how much I love Fogg. And that's just spectacular. I felt like the deaths are really inventive. Considering there's like one guy who chugs a beer because of course, there's food and beer left out, and all of a sudden his stomach starts rumbling and then it just explodes with like the guts falling out. Like I'm like, that's actually pretty fucking need to see. I'm the guy who plays Oh, skip, I did write it down. The prankster was actually pretty decent. He was probably the second best actor next the Bond girl. But unfortunately, he only did four things between 86 and 88. And now he's a painting and drawing instructor in LA County High School for the Arts. So he's moved on with his life. The bad things. I think just I think I went over him. Yeah, it's a cool story. Yeah, you know, incomprehensible story of the accents. being really, really weird. The age being completely off for everybody in there the setup making absolutely no sense whatsoever. People knowing things they should know, including, like, I feel like for the deaths that did happen in the definitely not mansion or whatever English giant English building. At the end, he must have set up a kind of trick on every object in the building. Because how the people reach the things they get to that they die, like one couple runs off and has sex and the girl is orgasming. So she grabs the bars behind her of the bed and gets electrocuted. I'm like to know that that was going to happen is really complex. And that you set this up ahead of I mean, Bravo, sir, I can only imagine this entire place is just riddled. Hold on. Now, if this is all a dream, though, then you gotta throw all that shit. I'm just dreaming about I know, that is a really good point. And at one point, he does fall a very long way and then gets up and starts running. And I was like that's, that makes sense if he's dreaming for sure. So this film was filmed in London and Surrey. And surprisingly, it had an English cast. The actress playing Stella was actually Southern, but it was so bad that people miss took her accent mistook her for doing an accent. Caroline Monroe was 35 at the time of playing this. Well, I'm a little sad piece of trivia trivia Simon Skidmore, who played Marty, the the nerds slash villain actually committed suicide by drug overdose in on November 21 1984, shortly after production ended and before it hit theaters, it was his only film. The writer and director, directors George and Peter later said that they're both worried that working on the film may have contributed to his suicide. However, his funeral his mother told them that her son had been dealing with depression. And when the main sources of joy that he derived towards the end of his life was going to work on this film. So it's kind of neat when they needed pickups for Simon and for Simon's character Marty, Mark, as rather, one of the writers and directors took over and went ahead and Don the mask and did all the pickups himself, so he didn't make anyone perform that the interior of the high school was a condemned. Oh, here we go a condemned Grammar School, which it doesn't, it does not look like it. By the way, set to be demolished lockers had to be added, since English schools rarely have lockers, but the filmmakers were permitted to set off explosives and set the building on fire since it was scheduled to be demolished anyway, the exterior of the high school was shot at an abandoned mental asylum, which explains all the beds which has since been renovated and turned to To luxury apartment building, the exterior was also used. There's a movie right there. The place is not haunted. Everywhere in England is haunted. It's fine the like freakin Sainsbury's grocery store is haunted. The exterior was also used in an atom and music video, goody two shoes, and upon chirlane Monroe also makes an appearance Carol's overlong chasing nords towards Ghana film so we have like the Bond girl running for a very very, very long time near the end where you're like, how sir still half an hour left in this movie, like nothing else is going to happen. It was added during filming filming when the directors realized that their 90 page script would only come to about 75 minutes of film. So the sequence was largely improvised on the spot I will say beautiful moments in there where she walks slowly from place to place in heels and is chased by someone running after her but every time she enters a room it takes him like five minutes to get there. Even if he was literally right behind her a moment ago. I'm like oh this is exciting. I'm really maybe it's that dream logic again. Who knows there you go. I'm shooting was actually stopped one day by the American Secret Service. One of the pyrotechnics alarmed the Secret Service who are nearby on security detail for President Ronald Reagan who is visiting England at the time. While also final piece of trivia the poster for pieces is visible on the movie manager's office ball when he's talking to Carol over the phone so solid wherever you can absolutely yeah, so this was a film I've I've wanted to talk about for a long time because it's really fucking bizarre and a strange experience to watch I definitely recommend checking it out but it will make no sense slaughter I I'm not I've never watched a movie that doesn't make any sense but how you remember the poster for this? This is the cheerleaders skeleton right? Yeah, it's a skeleton actually wearing I think a cap and gown. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay, but I know there might be another one you're talking about there maybe there more than one picture? Maybe let's hold on to slaughter Hi. Oh, there you go. If there's that movie, I need to see it. I think I think I'll dive in for the next one. Because I feel like there's there's going to be more interesting than mine. Oh, way to excite the audience, right? This is actually better than I was expecting it to be because this actually is a finners in short release. Oh. Two names, the lamp or the outing since the beginning of time. Man has been fascinated by the mysterious, the unexplained, the unknown. Consider if you will, the legend of the lamp for something out of Arabian Nights. But think twice before you make a wish. One thing though, about the warning on the inscription was that the former owner should have read it. You've uncovered another key task for within it lurks the power of death and destruction can take any form. Strike anytime. Anywhere. Alex knows. I don't think I like this worry will before the nights over. Soon her friends will listen to miss Wallace. What's the matter? Afraid there is no way to put an end to be an answer. Make a wish. Give you a dare from 1987 I feel like the lamp is a better name. That's the one that they went with for their main cover. I'm very glad. But see no Rotten Tomatoes score. I mean, no critics reviews 21 from the audience. And budget is estimated about 2 million with a box office of 1.08. Yep, this is directed by Tom DeLay. This is the only film he has directed. He's done some producing and some other stuff. Apparently he was like a go to producer in Texas for a few years when this was made. That's written by Warren Cheney, who's written into the spider's web and no not that one behind the mask and a movie called haunted which is also not the one you're gonna think of stars Deborah winters who was in the Winds of War crisis in Sun Valley, the people next door, James Houston, Houston Houston. The life of David gal and powder. Spenser for hire powder. Yes, that's a fun one. Andre St. Ivan. Only film in that she's done. She plays the lead woman in this one. At sea this starts with the credits that run along an old boat in the 1800s like an era boat where sort of a reveal to set up what the lamp has come from and things it's a bunch of dead bodies and stuff. Looks good enough. And it looks well it looks well it's well shot well done. Then we go back to the present where we've got three delinquent types are going to rob a house vowed stupid thieves. They are and they show up trying to steal the lamp and they've got this weird sort of mansion that looks like relatively clean except one room is sort of hoarders looking. And that's the room they're in throwing shit around and doing all that and waking up the lady upstairs. And the you know, your first thought is other just gonna run up and she's going to be bad as well. Now she's actually the protector of the lamp. Oh, so when they kill her bad things happen. And so this is the opportunity for it's an 80s movie. So let's figure out how we can get some nudity into it. So the bracelet dropped he kills the woman quite violently. A bracelet drops off of her wrist. One guy continues to look for stuff to steal while the other to go out and find a pool. Like you're gonna swim in that. And they do. This part of the movie The the genie is portrayed by a giant green fog sorta reminded me of Saturday the 14th for some reason. And of course, this Thus ends the saga of the three feasts. Are you saying the lamp has dire consequences for them having gone very quickly? Unlike anybody else who comes in contact with them for a while. So they've next morning the lead detectives show up and oh, this this outfit screams at so wonderfully. One of the lead detectives is white pants white jacket, and I think is either pink or light blue shirt. Am I really a cop uniform for the Well, after one point? Yeah, I set up. They they do a setup that pays off, but it's such a really bad setup. And the path is so corny, but it's fun. But the daughter and her dad get into this. They come in Hey, how you doing? And then like within 30 seconds I Lord and she says someday I wish he would die. Oh, can see where that might lead. genies actually it's a gin. It's not a genie. They refer to it as a Gen. Then Then, like within 30 seconds later, hey, how can we go out have lunch together? Everything's good old dad. That's some direct thing. Then of course, for some reason they run into the the her and her boyfriend go out. And some guy decides her ex decides he's going to like ram the car. They're in three or four times. Of course this being a low budget movie when they both get out of the car and confront each other. There's no damaged either car. Like might have tried a little harder. And this guy, this guy is asshole perfect for the 80s he's got his sleeves cut off. He's wearing a tie of a button down shirt. His sleeves are Hamed it's not even a rag. It's like yeah, that's a little rougher. He attacks his girlfriend in the halls, but then the lead female teacher shows up and beats the crap out of the guys. So that was nice. Well done with some really weird moves and gone. I don't think he could pull that off in real life. But it looked cool. So the her father works at the museum. What interesting things did the museum just acquire from this old lady's house? So they've they're going on a field trip to the museum and a bunch of them decide, hey, why don't we spend the night in the museum. Of course the daughters against that initially until she gets possessed. I don't know if I close my eyes fell asleep or went to the bathroom. Something forgot to pause during the scene. I don't know how she got possessed. But she gets possessed. When there seems to not know anything about the lamp or anything like that at that point but right what you're gonna do funny weird ad that makes this kind of interesting is the knight security guard has he's wandering around sings opera quite well that's really nice that's a good change of pace I other gym has passed on he's let ego but she's still fine with them all staying there and they're just hanging out in the basement, like okay, now of course it's time to separate all the couples into small killable groups. One lady, like shakes a beer up or something and spills beer all over herself. So she loses her shit and has to immediately take a bath. Oh, running, right? There's only one bath in the place. And it's you know, you got to go there and she goes there and gets attacked by Cobras. Like what? Did somebody wish for the Cobras? No, no, nobody else. There's really no other wishes made. It's just sort of for some reason the gin starts attacking people. I don't know enough about Jen's to argue this. Yeah, I don't either. I don't know if the people who wrote the movie do either. A big fan of gin and tonic. Hey. Thank you all show myself out. Yes, there's a it takes a really dark turn with kind of an attempted rape scene. But that does lead to the most violent death. In the movie of one of the guys who attacked the woman. They don't complete the rape. They kill the two guys and the woman disappears from the rest of the movie. You'll never know what happened. That scene? She's seemingly fine. I mean, physically still alive and stuff. But like, what, what? What happened to her? So and I thought that going through the movie. So I went back and there's audio commentary. It's like, well, whoever was on the audit committee, and now we'll never see her again. Okay, so you guys didn't know what was going on. The Jen shows up at the end. Huge. I was like, first I thought it was a stop motion thing that I watched some of the making of and listen to some of the commentary and it's an actual thing they built there was like 10 feet tall. Wow. And had a giant base that they rolled around. So that but the voice who have poor choices on the voices as are those that say that again? That's that's it's pretty straightforward. It's a slasher style thing with just an interesting idea. Although there was some interesting making up stuff. So some of that trivia notes are quite good. From first pitch meeting to finish film was six months. Wow. Damn, for especially for a low budget, something that's incredible. That included writing the script. Well, which that doesn't sound that surprised. Yeah. That makes the thing. pieces are really coming together here. Yeah. But the acting is actually pretty good. It's on par better than what you would expect for a film like this. Apparently, there was a fair amount of time spent casting. So you wanted to get a good cast because the genie he had worked on like a he said a big budget Hollywood production. He produced and I looked up and I really couldn't know what it might have been when he had a couple of production things before that. But nothing goes Oh, like budgets. So maybe it was a $10 million dollar budget, which is big jump in 86. Yeah. That's the the original UK release did not have that ship and it for some reason, they cut the opening credit scene with the ship out. And 14 seconds of the rape scene, which I read that gone 14 seconds how much it would have made a big difference. It's a very fast scene was like Okay, yeah, I can see why what she cut out there. It was released in the UK and Australia as the lamp and most of the rest of the world as the outing. So now listening to the story. You just told me how does the outing work as a title at all? Apparently, and you can. If I read this right or wrong, you can verify it's a different word used for going on a field trip. see one of the few movies about a killer Genie. And his agenda is just not a lot of the laser. Your piece of trivia. Barely the Oh, sorry, I was wrong on the agenda is a giant puppet with a rolling cart that was over 15 feet tall. It was huge. That's pretty fun. There is a guy in the same room where the lady get killed by a cobra, her boyfriend gets attacked and gets cut in half. And he's doing the special effects. They put the actor in halfway in, do all the guts around him and stuff like that and then break for lunch. So they just let him sit there. I was on the floor for about I think he said about four hours or four or five hours in there. Oh, is he watching the documentary is actually very fun. Because he had the director unfortunately died in 2014 I believe that you had the producers the one of the lead actress who was also a producer that they were married couple at the time and are still married, and a bunch of the actors came back. And it's so much fun watching people say, Yeah, I know I made this shit movie 30 years ago, but here I am sitting in the studio getting interviewed about this movie I made so long ago that nobody gave a shit about so that actually made me like the movie a little bit more. Sure. Now cuz I okay, that's cool. It was filmed in Houston, Galveston and last, Los Angeles for some reason, body count of 17 people. Richard Harrington of The Washington Post said it was stupid and senseless and the special effects took look as if they were shot on a family's weekly shopping budget. Los Angeles time criticized the depiction of evil in the film thing that existed merely to terrorize children without motive. I don't know what that means. The lead Andrea was went interesting. She went on to write a book, she became a writer. She never had any interest necessarily in acting, gave it a shot, didn't like it less. She went off became a writer. You can buy her book on Amazon, the Academy. Her bio on Amazon does not mention this movie. But then she is in the documentary. So she's not disavowed on it at all. And she's absolutely she's also a delight. She's so sweet and nice. And everybody. I think commentaries like, so it was fun. The movie the vinegar syndrome experience, I guess you'd call it was far more enjoyable than the movie itself. movie is good. And then everything else I go. Anyway, there's so much better than it was. I feel like that's always the case. Well, not always. Not always. Like where you got the the worst movie ever made. The worst best movie ever made where they show the director who thought troll two is actually a really good movie and finds out what the feeling of it really is and is hurt by it. Oh, God. No, but that was mine. You know? Excellent. Okay, well, I think I got the winner here. I'm so excited. I didn't even know this was gonna be my pic until halfway through. Okay, while you were talking about your movie, Kelly Bye. Know I picked from 1984 savage streets started off as innocent but erupted in savage violence. She had fun when she pulled her coat barbershop. Red. What are you gonna do about it? You're watching yellow corn. Hey, Brenda, this Heather. Stop. I'm sorry about your sister, Brenda. The police are doing everything they can. But she shouldn't have been there in the first place. We'll meet you guys at the top. When do you can't take the whole world on by yourself. You don't know anything? God's sake. It wasn't my fault. What is it? Wait a minute, man. I don't like it. Something's Weird. What's matter, boy? We're gonna play a little game baby Oh yeah, she came over for bed I missed and I did so want to see you before your judgement will stay Linda Blair in selling streets were the only law is an eye for before I buy the timeframe grouping we've got going here. Interesting budget of $1.2 million no information on the box office and I looked everywhere. Rotten Tomatoes also the critics did not have any kind of ratings, but the audience has it a 53% this was directed by Danny Steinman, who directed the high rise not the cool one from 2014 but the 70s version. The Unseen he also did Friday the 13th five a new beginning. And it was written by Danny Simon and Norman yonemoto who wrote getting down and made in Hollywood which are which look like they're pretty trashy. 70s 80s movies which fits in with this oh is some cinema trash here? It stars Linda Blair you would know her? The Exorcist Of course. Hell night chained heat. bunch of other bad movies. Yeah. Linnea Quigley who has 171 credits including return Living Dead Night of the demons and Silent Night deadly night. It also stars Robert dryer has done a ton of TV from the 80s. MacGyver Murder She Wrote quantum leap, TJ hooker, night writer, all those kind of shows. And then john Vernon 200 credits, including I didn't know this the voice of Tony Stark in the 1960s Iron Man cartoon. He was also in Dirty Harry killer clowns from outer space but will most probably be remembered as Dean warmer in National Lampoon's Animal House. So savage streets. Have you guys seen this movie? I don't think so. It is streaming on to be Ron. So you're going to want to check this out. This is something else. It opens with a gang of punks called the scars. We're cruising the streets at night. And this is all while the credits are rolling and everything they're causing general havoc and bullshit. And it is intercut with Linda Blair who plays Brenda her gang of girls were called the satins who are walking down the streets and they are a bunch of tough ass bitches that are turning down men or catcalling them and all this stuff. They're dressed in leather and spandex I've got huge hair and headbands and shit all except for Brenda's little sister Heather who is Leanna Quigley who is a deaf mute an extremely innocent somehow with this group of girls while she there she's her little sister and she's very protective of her she formed the game just to protect so at one point as they're walking they almost get run over by the car the scars are driving and there's general amount of catcalling and everybody all the guys hitting on the girls and everything which they all kind of blow off until one of the guys hits on Heather the little sister and Brenda goes all out bitch mode on the dudes is like threatening them all this shit you know kill you talk to my sister that way all this stuff. So the guys drive off and the girls continue on their way but at some point the satins see the car empty on the edge of the road so they decided to steal it to show those bastards so they steal it with the guys coming running after them as there's like six or seven girls in the car. Very angry 1984 ish punks, you know like no punk has ever looked except for in a movie. They're all chasing them and everything. When the when the scars finally find the car again the girls have absolutely trashed it. And they of course Val revenge and I mean, I'm like how did they manage to do this? They've dumped like a dumpsters worth of garbage and I am enjoying the fuck out of this trashy film already right? So imagine my surprise when it shifts and we see the girls are in high school. Now, and I was like, wait a second what? There's nobody in here that's younger than 27. This is a high school movie. And they're in their school classes. They're arguing with other students and the teachers. In fact, Brenda is so badass that she just smokes in class. Oh, sure. That's how you know she's, you know, talking to the teachers, she'll light up a smoke and everything. And at one point, they're off doing their gym class, I guess they're doing like aerobics and shit, which is just an excuse to get them in spandex and bending over and all that. So in a different part of the school. The scars have shown up, they're not in school. One of them is he's a student there, but they're there to get some money from a particular kid who owes them money. And as they're harassing this kid, the principal shows up this Vernon wells. And he starts berating the kids. And here's where it gets weird. This is where we were as a society, because the principal calls the gang members, a bunch of faggots, and he wants him out of his skull. Oh my god. And I'm like, wow, okay. There was a moment like that in mind as well. I was like, oh, but it's one thing to see like the students calling each other so I'm like that completely different for the principal to call. Yeah, they had a couple and bombs bombs dropped in places and bombs. Well, yeah. Yeah, so the principal Now if you remember him, he was kind of a threatening and imposing figure anyway, so these kids are just like, all right, you know, well, we'll get out of here old man, but don't think we're gonna forget this. So as they are leaving, they spot Heather and recognizer is one of the girls that had stolen their car. So they basically hunt her down while she's in the gym alone. Remember she is deaf and mute Oh no. And they grab her and then drag her off to the bathroom and brutally raped her and leave her for dead. Oh, fairly graphics my it's it's pretty fucking uncomfortable. Word. Yeah, so as you may imagine, Brenda is down to kill anyone and everyone involved but she doesn't put together that it's the scars just yet because they don't know that the scars were on the school grounds but at a local nightclub a couple nights later. And this is the shittiest set you have ever seen. This looks like it is somebody's living room that they have set up a kind of nightclub table and chair and then put a red or green gel on the light because it just as like this is not a nightclub This is somebody's home or something. It's just but they they find out well the scars and the satins are in the same nightclub and a big huge fight breaks out and it's this is where the movie really starts to cook because the girls are pulling knives out and shit. And after that everybody you know the cops show up and everybody scatters but the scars end up finding one of the girls in the satins and we get this stupid backstory throughout all this she is pregnant and getting married. Yes and still in high school. And it's like I remember that is kind of a thing but they're making a big deal out of this. They're all the satins are of course are bridesmaids. So one of the guys finds her and they capture her this particular one that's pregnant and they kidnap her and throw her off and overpass Oh no. Yes. Does she make it does the baby vacate Do you know what an overpass is? No in my head they're fine. No, she does not make it and that is so Brenda you know the rest of the satisfying this out but it is also revealed then to them that the stars are the ones who also raped Heather now Heather is alive through all of this she was left for dead but she's in a hospital room. Not saying much surprisingly. Can't even point out as we did I don't have a lot to say on this situation. But now Brenda goes full on vigilante and starts hunting the scars down one by one and I guess there's something that you might call foreshadowing in the very beginning where the satins are wandering past a store and it has a crossbow and it because now Brenda's like guess what crossbow seems like the the most well the best way I could go around killing people or something that's gonna pass up guns gonna pass up nice crossbow. You wouldn't need any proficiency to shoot one of these are quick way to reload if you get in trouble. Sure. So right here it gets into pretty trashy, unfamiliar territory, which I found super entertaining. She gets the crossbow and she kills one Other guys that way and then another one gets a bear trap to the face. No Ah, so that's that was that was brutal and I loved it. And then she has of course a big climactic battle with the big boss and kills him just as the police arrive. So then we get a little coda at the end with Brenda, who I would presume is facing murder charges of all these guys as the cops have just pulled up, but she and Heather and their surviving friends are visiting Francine his grave Francine is the one who was tossed off the overpass and Brenda comments. At least we set things right. And then to which one of the girls girls? No, Brenda? You set things right. Roll credit. Holy shit. I loved this movie so much. Wow, that he says called savage street savage Street. It sounds like fucking Savage. It's stupid. It's a bad. Little bit of trivia. Sherry curry on the runaways was originally cast as Brenda. I'm not sure why this did not work out. Especially since Linda Blair, who was cast got a Razzie for Worst Actress. Oh, dear. I'm surprised. I feel like it's a miss cast. I mean, after watching home I like she's not really sure to look very badass to me. Well, she looks super badass. And this her hair has got to be nine inches tall. It's all in there. That round, puffy face. It's really, Eric, you'll recognize this. The British Board of Film Classification demanded a total of 24 minutes worth of film. Holy shit. The time the bbfc had a zero tolerance to sexual violence and the use of a crossbow. Oh no. So so they cut the rape scene out pretty much and then the entire killing scene too. I'm just curious what this movie looks like. I get the removing rape scene. Yeah, but a crossbow. What is it strange choice? I mean, they anything that could be replicable. Right kids or whatever. You know, anybody getting killed in any movie? Yes. That's why bbfc sucks so hard for a while. So the rape scene is pretty brutal. According to everyone involved, the rape scene was the toughest scene to film. Many of the actors pointed out in interviews that Leanna Quigley who played the character being raped was the most composed of the performance during that sequence. Thomas de Simone was originally attached to direct he directed reformed school girls, hell night. Angel, three episodes of Freddy's nightmare Swamp Thing dark justice, so he's kind of that kind of director. But he quit. After only a few days of filming, I could not find a reason why, oh, this put the film on hold, prompting certain cast members to pursue other projects such as Deborah blee, whose character inexplicably disappears in the second half of the film. So Danny Steinman was eventually hired as the mons replacement. Streaming for free on to be on our cut, but with commercials. I say uncut, because if you want to see a bunch of supposedly high school girls, cavorting around in a shower scene, you certainly might May, it looks very much like a bunch of late 20s women cavorting around but whatever floats your boat. I gotta say this comes highly recommended. This is like as trashy as it gets. 1984 and just wow. So that makes it my choice for the next one. What are what are we going to be watching? Well, I know that comic movies are a thing right now, I don't know if you guys are familiar with that. Seems to me, we've had a conversation about that fairly recently. And so I'd like to pick comic book movies with the caveat. It cannot be based on a Marvel comic or a DC comic. Okay. Alright, so there are a lot of comic book movies out there guys. Did you know that they live is based on a comic? I did not know that. So there's a lot to choose from there does not have to be a superhero film at all. We are we all on board with this? Sounds good? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. All right. That's what we're doing next week. This is the part where I say thank you so much to everybody who's participating comfy but in the value model as I sit here, luxuriating comfortable chair. And we're to and not even you know wincing in pain. That's right. This is this has just been you know, well, thank you so much for everybody who's doing that and liking and sharing posts and Writing and reviews, all of that stuff means so much to us. We cannot thank you enough. Yeah. And we are clumsy at promotion, self promotion and stuff. So, you know, come check out our Etsy page because we haven't done much talking about that tonight. And take a look at that. And we'll figure out how to, you know, to get stuff out there. were more interested in what we're doing here. You know, the one thing that I made a promise that I would show the underwear at the thing. Yes. Live at cryptic con, and I did not do that. However, for those of you who are lucky enough to dining with labor, I dropped trout, and let everybody see my Strange Aeons underwear. I am shocked. We did not get kicked out. I was like, Oh, so you would have been fine, but you were laughing. So I was like, Hey, hey, I'm trying to do something on the down low here. There's a lot of vodka happening and you were very nearby. There's a lot to take him. Whatever. Remember, we're Brian and Glen there. Yeah, Brian and Gwen. GWEN said she liked the underwear a lot. Yeah, that's right. What is the name of our Etsy store? Strange Aeons radio. Okay. Have you heard of it? I've heard of Strange Aeons. tv. I swear about reading magazine. I've heard of the magazine. Well, anyway, so that's it. We're coming back one week from today, and we're going to be talking about comic book movies that are not DC or Marvel. Our show is recorded somewhere high above Naval Station Everett at the nexus of all realities, and is engineered and produced by Eric Margaret. Our theme music is Strange Aeons part one by the band name shade is usually permission. Find Strange Aeons radio on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Wherever find podcasts. Kelly, get your eyes checked immediately. Do I have to be calling and scolding? How can you go to crypto con and not see I have been listening to the show. Now since I have YouTube. I enjoy it. The only time I get to hear your voice call your mom.