Strange Aeons Radio


January 27, 2022 Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 156
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Strange Aeons Radio
Jan 27, 2022 Season 4 Episode 156
Strange Aeons Radio


Kelly rails against propaganda, censorship, and betrayal among the ranks, to no avail. Also discussed: Star Trek Discovery, Don't Look Up, The Book of Boba Fett.

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Kelly rails against propaganda, censorship, and betrayal among the ranks, to no avail. Also discussed: Star Trek Discovery, Don't Look Up, The Book of Boba Fett.

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I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sigh to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. You know, I was listening to the last episode. She's gonna dive right in man and gamble, no foreplay. There was a lot of really good energy. Yeah. I noticed one thing when I was talking about the show dope sick. And I had two points that I wanted to make. One of those points was that if you're getting your information about the vaccine and the virus from the establishment, that you're being propagandized, right. And then the other point, I wanted to make Eric edit it out. And, and I'm not going to make that point again, because you both seemed a little uncomfortable with it. But the irony was not lost on this particular podcaster that I was just saying, we are being fed propaganda. And then I tried to say something else. And my own co host censored me well, because we also don't want to feed people in this length that if you're coming to strange aeons radio for medical advice, I would say that you should probably stop right now. Yes, we are. Right. That's the thing that you get worried about is, you know, people do trust, you know, voices that they listen to, and I just, I just don't trust people to not trust us. I have higher respect for our listeners, I think they tend to be pretty smart people. They love you, and they want really get your approval, and they will do anything that they can including taking things that they we don't know enough about. Wow. Well, it's interesting that what I said was factual. That was nothing. Nothing I was not it was not an opinion. We shouldn't give out. I don't even want to say to people like you should take aspirin like that. Because what I cut that out, I didn't say somebody should take anything. I made a factual statement. And I was then the factual statement is not agreed on by everybody. I said there was mounting evidence. Yeah. And there is that is a factual statement. Oh my god. It's really weedy here, guys. I can't I can't find my way to clearing anymore. The weeds. The preamble leads. If you want to know what I said, you guys, you can just private message me. Yeah, he'll talk to you all day long in DM. I just thought it was interesting that so? Well, things that I say get cut out all the time. It's fine. Welcome to the club. Yeah, I talk way too much. I know because you start to get that glazed over look. I'm like, Oh, this is gonna get cut later. I'm sorry. What? Indeed. So what have you been up to lately? Kelly? Have you engaged in any fun new content? Yeah, so I watched the last episode of Boba Fett and I kind of liked it better, but it made me angrier because I just hate this whole flashback idea. I think the flashbacks are the more interesting part of the story. But for God's sakes, this last episode, we got a flashback that took place between 15 minutes of a Mandalorian episode. And I was fucking angry. Like is that where we're at? Is we need to see this minute moment. I I've not it started again. It verily seems to work really, really good when you've got here's your main storyline. Oh, we're gonna have a flashback. Here's your main storyline. Oh, we're gonna have a flashback. Just tell it in order. Exactly. There's no reason to do this. Because it's not like it's cause and effect now with the flashback and then you see, oh, wow, he made I forgot. Fantastic. Wherever there's, again, everything. He made that and that. Oh, wow. Look, he's using this but it doesn't even do that much stuff. So it's like, exactly. doesn't need it. Anyways, also, he goes and goes in. He basically gets his ship and says I've got I've got some business to do. And wipes out the speeder bike gang. Right. Okay, sure. Yeah. But we were told by the pikes that they had talked to their people who are off planet. And their people said, Yeah, we're fine paying protection to these guys. Um, I do believe then that the speeder bike gang is, you know, 15 people strong. And that him wiping them out while they were all out at the same time somehow stops their game from being a consideration. Oh, it's, it's a, it's a very childish scenario that I'll just kill these guys. And that solves the problem, right. So that Bogdan that bugged me, and then also, we know that his armor is no longer in the sarlacc pit. But we see that he doesn't remember that. And he goes there, and they have this idea. This is bad storytelling, because we know he's wasting time. Okay, if we didn't know that, and we find out through this scene that oh, we all thought his armor was there, and it's not there. Where is it next? Now, you've added a little bit of mystery to this fucking story that needs every ounce of mystery we can squeeze, because it's so fucking boring. Do you think that maybe they're under the assumption that some people haven't watched the Mandalorian? No. That's probably what frustrates me the most. I don't hate it quite as viciously as Kelly does. But I'm not happy with the way it's going. Yeah, and I think the biggest problem for me is the Mandalorian was so damn good, so and so rich that they can't agree with that a little bit. But it was 10 times better than that. And they can't bring some of that. It's the same people. It's that difference between having to like tiptoe around a known property that's beloved and being able to create your own like, it really is so toxic to try to engage with old Star Wars shit. I have not seen it done in a way that doesn't feel cringy on some level. Yeah, I guess so. At the end of this episode Fenech tells Boba Fett we know where we can get muscle with the right amount of money, right? And I'm like, Okay, this can only mean two things, we will finally get to see Bosk and Dangar. The other bounty hunters, which is what we were hoping we'd see in this or a mando from the Mandalorian is going to show up because they basically reach out to him for help or something like that. They need they need something that is going to make fans happy. Yeah, and boy, I've been reading articles on this and it is like just getting savage. So it is not just me hating. Oh, no, I mean, I stopped watching. I'm just like, oh, that sounds bad. I'm glad I haven't continue to waste time on it. Yeah, I'm like, uh, you know, we got such a interesting mystery with Roku in the Mandalorian there's just nothing like that they couldn't give him a fat little hut to take care of or something you know, something that would make us go oh, I'm invested in this. Oh, yeah. That's her once adorable. Yes. I do love that idea. Well, I finished up watching a show that I think you both are probably caught up on out by now yellow jackets. Oh, yeah. Did you finish it last night? What do you think deal I think it's pretty good. It suffered a little bit from the level of hype I was hearing before I finally started watching it. Ah, sir, but it's still really good. I expected a lot more weirdness that happens in it. But the story is still spot on and really damn good and the performances and the people in it. I mean, Christina Ricci borders on unrecognizable. Oh, for sure. And Juliette Lewis hasn't been this good in a very, very long time. Now she's she's owning it. And it's always great to see how I forgotten her name now. Melanie lynskey Oh yeah, I love her. Weren't you telling me that she had something? No, we were thinking of two different actresses. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. You were thinking of somebody who Yeah, Wrong. Wrong person. Related play Sara right. The lead lead, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's great. Yeah. And she's been an indie stuff for a long time. So getting to watch her get these like slightly larger roles is just awesome movie. I no longer want to live on this world. I know. I never saw that really good. She is. She is the powerhouse of that film. And just fantastic. Yeah, well, I'm loving this kind of borderline of Kelly, you'd mentioned that there seemed to be an introduction of magic. And I don't I don't know if there is and it's so interesting to be kind of like on this edge of our is it just that there's mushrooms is that that people are reading into things that aren't really there is something watching them and what are the symbols and I'm just like what is happening so I wouldn't say magic but definitely supernatural. Oh, something supernatural and and you know they have that that Weijia board moment in the cabin. Yeah. Which is definitely not natural. They've got the, the deer with all of the maggots and everything inside of it. I don't know that that could actually happen. Right. And they have the bear that basically comes in sacrifices itself. And I was like, this is not natural. This is supernatural. Yeah. In the purest form, at least it is other than natural. I Yeah. And here's a spoiler for people who haven't watched it. I thought that the very first episode reflected the person who dies in the last episode. So now I'm like, dies, what is going on? And then one shown, like, there's a bit when I think of Sarah was flashing back or is remembering something where somebody with long hair has been dragged across snow. Yeah. And that hasn't occurred yet. Yeah. But you know, like in that very first episode I first seen and I guess we're supposed to realize that they must splinter off into different tribes. So I'm glad they did. Well, I mean, it did. All right. Season two will definitely be coming along, which is good because it ends with not, I didn't say it's not a satisfying it's a very satisfying ending. But there are lots of little threads still sitting out there. Which are aren't. They're not the kind of threads Oh, well, that's just stupid writing to solve this the the kind of threads that go. Okay, I can see why you haven't addressed that yet. But I sure as hell hope you do. Yeah, like, I want you to pull that I want I want that sweater to give a little loser right there. Because I really need to know. Yeah, I mean, introducing any additional alive characters in the current day. I'm like, fuck, yes. Well, slits. What were what other insanity is happening. Like, I assumed, like, you know, it was just the people we saw, but now it's like, Oh, my God, it could be so many more. Yeah, I think that I mean, I was very satisfied with it, because I thought it was a very well written season Ender. And it asked more questions that had answered, although it answered a couple of questions. And I was kind of like, I would like to have seen something more, well get closer to that, to that first episode seen that. The very likes of seeing them kind of Splinter apart or something so that we could go, Okay, now we're gonna get into the meat of it. But I heard an interview with the writers who are a husband and wife team. And they basically pitched this to showtime as I think a four year series. Oh, wow. And Showtime said, Yeah, we're all in. Yeah. So the end they one thing two, three are good writing the introduction of the in the last episode, so if you're not there, you know, skip forward a bit. When they bring back it's not really a spoiler, but they bring back the girl whose leg was broken. Oh my gosh, she tries to insert herself into being part of the team and part of the like, that's such a great little moment for you know, nothing character as far as the overall story arc. Like that's awesome. And it's great because like, you just feel it in your bones like yeah, you weren't there. You don't know you're not shit. Speaking of ongoing series, I completely missed that Star Trek. Discovery season three or something like that, or four came out last November it's looking through the see if there's new, the new you know if there's anything new in the Star Trek paramount? Yes. Well, they don't. Oh, crap. There's a whole friggin season Star Trek Discovery. So I started watching that again. And I like I still like it a lot. Is it the Is it the one that starts with her? Like many several years later? Oh, that was that was three Yeah. Oh crap. I missed one. I don't know. I just didn't announce it well, or something is really weird. Have you watched any? We talked about that last time to Star Wars The Prodigy show or Star Trek Star Trek prodigy I have seen I think yeah, I saw the whole the first episode was one of the best episodes of Star Wars animation I've ever seen. Yeah, okay, it wasn't that good but Jesus it is. Star Wars it's like there's all these it's like the clone wars and so on right? Yes. And but not only that the characterization is like Star Wars there's all these droids and yep giant mechs are the bad bad guys and stuff like what leave pit basically looked I think like three times hit the little button to thanks. I am watching Star Trek right Yeah, I hear it gets more Star Trek after the first episode but I don't know if I I don't know. It gets more of it's more Nickelodeon Kids show. Okay, yeah, the only thing I'm the reason why I'm watching it is because I fucking love Janeway more than anything. So I'm like, Yes, I will listen to you speak for that. I will put myself through whatever just to get more of that content. But aside from her, it really doesn't feel like Star Trek. It really feels like Star Wars very Star Wars. Yeah. It's actually probably not a best episode of Star Wars. But I mean, it's just like, it's not Star Trek from the Clone Wars, we have these kids. Nice. Well, I told you guys that I was downloading comic books and you know, in the masterworks and the epic collections and all that stuff. And I'd gotten into Frank Miller's run on Daredevil. And then I had read this article that was like, everything you need to read before the Moon Knight series starts. And I was like, Well, I've already got all that and I looked at it. I was like, I don't have these series. I didn't realize he's got like seven different Oh, yeah. iterations of himself now. And do you guys see that extended trailer for movement? Yeah. At first, I was a little upset, because I was like, What is going on with the Steven grant character, this is not the Steven grant that I've remember. And then getting the the phone calls the phone call, where they where she calls him mark. And I was like, oh, so he's, he's blocking out all of his personalities, they're really going to treat this as a very serious case of disassociative identity instead of the stuff that kind of drove him a little nutty to begin with, in the series that I read. So anyway, I started reading some of that stuff, and started rereading the Daredevil and some of the old moon night and I was really just struck about Vanessa and our day. Marvel Comics had a moment 1981 to 1987, maybe, where they were just fucking nailing it. And every movie that has been made, deals with a story that was written back then basically, all Thor story line is coming from then the X Men storylines that are any good are coming from that era. And it's just very interesting to me that they're not. They're not pulling from their recent notes. They're pulling from this classic seven or eight years of Marvel. And as I'm rereading it, I'm like, wow, this is way better than it should be. I read these when I was 10. And I love them. And I'm reading them now. And, you know, sometimes you turn a page on a Frank Miller book, and there's no dialogue on it at all. And then you turn the next page. And it's almost you might as well be reading a book, the crowding out all the pictures, and just the information being given visually, and then textually. I'm like, wow, this is really something else. And they the knowledge of knowing that, you know, when you're holding a physical copy, you got to you got to hold off on that surprise until the person turns the page. It can't be when you're laying the book flat can't be on the right hand page, because you're I'll automatically see it right. So just knowing that you are forced into these weird writing deals. It's just been blowing my mind. I've really been enjoying this Daredevil run. And Frank Miller's turned into you know, an old GRUMPY MAN. Kind of hard to listen to, but, boy, there was a time when he could do no wrong. Yeah, that Daredevil run is phenomenal. Yeah. Well, the best Daredevil stories. Yeah, come from that run. I agree. Yeah, cuz he introduced Electra there and Bullseye and all this really cool stuff. And then of course, he goes on to do Ronan, and then follows Ronan with the Dark Knight Returns. And then 300 et is just like, wow, whatever was going on with him was really hitting on all cylinders. So Cain did it well now. I have no idea what it is I just assume but the forgot the name of it. The one he did. Listen, Kevin's the Daredevil story, which is really more kingpin story, where he's trying to get his wife treated for some kind of an illness is just brilliant. And it's that's not collected in the is that like a novel Wanaka. And it's just incredible. I will say now that I'm getting more and more into these kind of more known properties of not just my indie one off comics that I've been digging into for a while. Every time I try to find a storyline, even from a few years ago, like they're just gone, you cannot get these like even when they're vault like actual volumes of stuff and not individual single issues. Like these things just disappear and then they're on eBay for something that came out two years ago. It was a part of the first half of a daredevil run with chips or daska. Thank you can't get it's like 70 or 80 bucks to buy this like one edition. And are you kidding me? What is happening right now? Because it's the secondary market. Why bother spending the money I need to print again when you just Comixology. Yeah. It's so frustrating. The world's discouraged. Right. I guess I have to do digital, but it's always great to hear these things I can look forward to digging into. Well, I also watched a movie that was pretty controversial. I don't think I talked about it last time. Don't look up. I haven't seen that one yet. But I've heard. I've heard it's good. Overall. Vernon's done well, but I don't. Yeah, if it was definitely one of those satire, it's really difficult to sit through because everyone's making the wrong decision. And you know, it's hard decision. And it's a really obvious allegory for like, COVID and scientists and, like, you know, officials being really stupid and making awful decisions that are all financially based or, you know, based around their own election. It was, you know, it was pretty enjoyable. It was also weird. It felt like a lot of very, very famous people were in this movie for smaller parts for no reason. So for example, Timothy shall the May from Dan. He just shows up about two thirds of the way in and starts dating one of the main characters, Ben, he's just a stoner, and he's just hanging out in the car with them a bunch and you're like, what is happening and they give him a bullet and you're like, Okay, and that's what it's like, the whole way through. You're like, what? Why is like, I think he's Meryl Streep. And here is the President for no reason. Like, what is going on? It's Meryl Streep. I mean, it's great casting a movie in Hollywood. Who do you want to be the president? It just feels like they've already had. Oh, what's his name? The Oh, Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman. He's already been president like five times. Yeah, a whole bunch of well, so I know. We don't mind her being It's just strange that such an A Lister is like there's so many very, very famous people in like, not huge roles. And this that it feels almost like, how I imagined Mars attack felt when people watch that. They're just like, what? Oh, wow. Okay, and now you're here. But no, it was it was pretty good, interesting enough film, but I think you have to be in the right headspace for it. I think it was more obviously, a an allegory for climate change. Because here's something that nobody wanted to take seriously until it was too late to take it seriously. Yeah, I feel like it works on both levels. But yeah, the problem I had with it is, I thought it was really good at the beginning, when they were showing that the media has turned us against each other. And you have to, you have to pick a side and then fight it out. Yeah. But then it became Republicans bad Democrats good, which is just the media telling us to pick aside and fight and I was like, Oh, you guys, you were making a great point. And now you're doing a new point. Your shot was very irritating. And it sucks too. Because I mean, that's Hollywood, right? Like Hollywood is Democrat. So you're going to get that left leaning perspective of like, Republicans suck. And we had to endure for years of Trump and fuck that guy, and fuck everyone who loved him. So that's what you're getting near the end. And I'm also at that point where I'm like, could we like just not make it like that particular line? Where it's like, don't even don't look up theme of the Republican Party of there is an asteroid coming. Just don't look up at the sky, and it's fine. And it's like, a little heavy handed. It's a bit heavy handed. I don't get it. Right. I know. And then one day at a rally, somebody looks up and is like, Wait, there's something there. And it's like, this is fucking awful. Okay, like, I don't think Republicans are stupid at all. I think that there's a lot more going on. Well, sure. And, and what's going on is we have been told that you're, your neighbor is your enemy. And that's not the way to bring the country together. It's so awful. I mean, whether you love or hate the guy, years and years ago, John Stewart was on crossfire. And it's one of the best examples of what you're talking about. I've seen where he takes the two guys to task going. You aren't solving any problems. All you two guys are doing is arguing back and forth against each other. You pick side a you pick side b and then you argue you never reach agreements, you never accomplish anything. Yeah. So what is the point of this show? We need you we need actual media that actually presents ideas and options but you aren't it well that's all the media is now way to say what was their response to that? They pitched in wind and Pam and then the show got canceled by the outside our show got canceled like a week later. Oh, my mind devastated the show. He was dead on it's unfortunate that that is literally all the news is now like the only news I can handle watching almost is like local news because it's like this the street when I drink broke, like Yeah, it's like this freeways really jam Oh guy is unlike facts. It's a fact. Eric will edit this out. But the problem is we have been forced into a duopoly and a Democrats and Republicans play a game of I lose, you lose. And we're both fine with it. As long as we are always the only people you can vote for. I was thinking about this with a filibuster. Like I seem to remember the last time there's a big filibuster debate, wasn't it? Well, the the Republicans were in power and it feels like every time it's the opposite party, that's what we need it. Yeah. And it's like, oh, my god, you guys, could anyone just be like, You know what, we're going to take one for the team. No, this time round. And it's our turn to be fucked over by the filibuster. And you know what, let's go ahead. And, you know, as the winning team, let's get rid of the filibuster. I'm just so frustrated. Like, just could we get rid of the stupid fucking rules that are like petty and dumb and like, predict Ventus from doing anything? In four years, you'll probably be able to reverse it anyway. You have any kind of so imagine if we limited spending on the election cycle, oh, my god and and the Republicans and the Democrats just got together and said, Look, I'll take a billion dollars out of our spending, you take a billion out of yours, and let's fix some roads or something. Yeah. Oh, my God just helps the country. Yeah, and not like, put out a bunch of flat flyers, everyone throws away immediately or puts on ads that people like skip through, and like mute, which is what I like to do. Stop talking. I don't care about you. All right, Eric. I hope you have something good to talk about. Yeah, John Carpenter was right. Ah, oh, Halo Infinite is fucking awesome. That is the best release of Halo yet and he's right at the help of I don't know if he wants me to say anything about it. But to help somebody you know who you are. Thank you very much. I acquired one of the ridiculously hard to get Xbox at a retail price as opposed to the $900 they sell on eBay or whatever. And of course, Halo inference first game I play. So fun and did you it's it's multiplayer, right? Like it's not multiplayer, but it's live playing with Halo seven both for quite a long time. So it's got this solo one so you don't have to play with a bunch of 12 year olds yelling pointless insults that are ridiculous. Yeah, you can just play the game. Yeah, so that's what I tend to do. Yeah, because I worry if I do go into the multiplayer ones I don't have headphones on that's for the back of me because you don't need that 12 year olds think is a clever insult so just Halo infinite have a version of it. That's like just the storyline. I just assumed it was only online multiplayer all the heroes do the main storyline and then you've got the other stuff if you want to do it. That's awesome. Rarely do because you go into those group things and you're going against people that are out there in school, so they're playing 12 hours a day or whatever, and you just bam instantly dead. Well isn't boring. Yeah, dude, I played like a week's worth of cod blopps at one point sorry, what Call of Duty Black. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's it's one of those words like you have little maps and everyone has memorized every map every weapon every it's awful. I just played the solo versions of those two. There's the regular sight games you can play do that because that one's that one's even worse than Halo. The people that play that on a regular basis that think they're clever are they're kind of like wow, Twitter is so much smarter than you think. If you hear these idiots talking is theirs then Halo is set in the future Call of Duty is set in the past. It's in the right when you're largely future now they've sorted the last couple ones have moved into technologies that don't exist yet. Okay. I wouldn't say the one that I was playing was far future but it did feel a little bit future. Yeah. The setups roll like this is a cool location, but it's all destroyed. Yeah. Okay, Zoomer. I am fairly a millennial. I'm more Gen X than anything. I'm Oregon Trail. Well, why don't we Why don't we take a break we can check your dysentery and we come back and we're talking about movies that have other people before they were stars. Big news from browse chicken. We've always cooked our chicken in cholesterol free cottonseed oil. We now have cholesterol free better too. So our chicken is cooked completely cholesterol free and it tastes just as great as always We figured a lot of people would like our new healthier way of cooking. But quite frankly, third fun has been better than we'd anticipated. Chicken. It tastes better and it's better for you We're back. I don't know what awesome commercial Eric has edited in there, but I really enjoyed. Oh, was it last week's I'm trying to think of what it was, but I got a real chuckle out of it. Oh, is the Amazing Kreskin. Oh, yes. You should have that. That was fun. She did that good job. Okay, this time, the sub genre pick was mine. And I picked the idea being that a lot of these genre films will have somebody who goes on to much bigger stardom than you would expect. For example, Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger both in Texas Chainsaw Massacre three right so with that in mind, I chose a movie that I've been wanting to talk about for a very long time and it is called Prison into another world we just saw the powers dot all the prisons where something is trapped in the dark something great hope to make some things just won't stay buried something evil summon the creature of darkness it's something inhuman what's happening and it's waiting for someone to open the door is you in the sand there is no estate not a pleasant place to spend one's life as Miss walk. Listen, under rated very underrated. 1987 Although most people would agree with you, Eric. It had a budget of about one well anywhere from one to 4 million box office of 335,000 Rotten Tomatoes critics gave it 40% And the audience only gives it 34% But I don't know what's going on. I think that this is just a hard film to find. And maybe it's underseen that's what it is. Yeah, I don't think I've even heard of this movie. Well it was directed by this this movie is is before they were stars. Yeah, right from the top down. So directed by Renny Harlin five time Golden Raspberry nominated would then right after this go on to direct Nightmare on Elm Street for diehard to cliffhanger deep Lucy and a bunch of other movies that you know and love. Yeah. It was written story by Erwin Nablus, who produced the first three Halloween movies. And the screenplay was actually written by see Courtney Joyner, who has done the puppet master movies the class of 1999 Dr. Margaret, he is very much a Empire film's staff writer, starring Elaine Smith, who you'd probably know as the prosecutor and my cousin Vinnie. This guy is just been around forever as a character actor. For me, it was his 84 episodes in Lois and Clark The New Adventures of Superman as Barry White. I came to really love him then. But my before they were stars star is actually Viggo Mortensen. Oh Snap prior to this was in one episode of Miami Vice, and he was one of the Amish people in witness but I don't think he had a name. After this, he would go on to star as Aragorn and Lord of the Rings. And then my two favorite movies of him are history of violence and Eastern Promises. It also starts Chelsea field who was Tila in the Masters of the Universe movie. She's very, very pretty. Desk devil. She was in the dark half. And she is the better half of Scott bacula Oh, it also stars Kane Hodder. Yeah. Who after this would go on to be in Friday the 13th part seven, his first his first outing as Jason and then tiny Lister who you would know as the President of the United States in the fifth element, and a lot of other things. Playing a an off a, whatever his his stereo type type cast is he is playing against that he is surprisingly sincere and deep in this film, which is probably just, you know, kind of stunt casting because if you if you know what I'm talking about very large black man with kind of a i That's not you know, it's a wall I believe is the correct way or the public, you know politically incorrect way to say it I'm sure there's an actual Yeah, probably medically Correct. You You would also recognize him from The Dark Knight. He is the on the two boats that have one of them has to choose which boat they're going to explode before the other one does. You remember this thing the Joker puts that he is the inmate who takes the remote and crushes it and you're like, oh, shit, the inmate was the only person here that had a good heart. Okay, I filibustered enough, explained to me what filibuster meant over the break, and I'm gonna use it as often as I can. So, sir, in 1964, we see a prisoner being taken to the electric chair and executed in this prologue, we don't get to see what the prisoner looks like. It's kind of like through his eyes. But it is a very creepy, cool little room they take him into that's just got a electric chair in the center of it and a couple of windows, it's like a round room. And then we come to the present, the present being 1987, of course. And we see that the prison had been shut down after that, like four years after that guy was executed, but it is being reopened. And the guard we saw on the first scene is now going to be the new warden of this prison. He's a hard ass. And he's got all of these new prisoners, and he's going to have them start cleaning up the old prison as part of their work duty. So we get to see that the prison is in disrepair and kind of falling apart. And he's making the inmates fix it up, which is kind of cruel and unusual punishment here. So he's got one crew who is including Vigo, working in one area, and they are pounding out this wall. And they found a hole through one of the walls and this crazy light start shining through. And it's very cool looking in the way that this very small time frame had this this Hellraiser, you know, a couple other movies just have this wild look to it was all practical. And on film, and this just looks awesome. They, they break through this wall, and this light just pours out. And it's like, wow, awesome. So it becomes very apparent that by doing that they have released the force into the prison. And it has been locked in that one little area. And that's when the story really kicks off. The woman in this Chelsea she is the nurse in this thing she has been brought in and she's the only female Of course, she's very pretty. So that causes some tension with the gang. And of course, Vigo is very handsome and that causes some tension between them. But mostly this is the story of the warden who is clearly very uncomfortable with what starts happening. And what starts happening is some crazy haunted house shit. With each little kind of episode of a haunt, paying off in a pretty great gory death. So one of the inmates is working alone in this cramped area. He's doing electrical work, and he's he's kind of pushed up in there, you could see that it's a very uncomfortable space he's in and he's got like some steel bars that are around him. And then all these wires hanging, he's doing this stuff. And he finishes the work and he starts trying to extricate himself and he's kind of caught in there. And it's, it's, you know, if you're like me, and you've got a little bit of claustrophobia, this is a scene that you know, kind of amps up the anxiety but then you start seeing as he's wiggling around and kind of getting himself stuck in there more the wires start moving there. They're holding him in different ways, tightening around him and stuff. And he starts realizing, oh, fuck, this isn't even me doing this what's going on, and the pipes start moving on him to ah, and they're not just squishing him. One of them comes from like, above his head, and then just starts gently pushing itself through his skull. I was just like, Wow, what a great fucking scene. Ah, it's it's really good because it's so slow. It's not like a chunky. It's like just a very good feeling movement of this by building through him. So then we cut to all the prisoners who are eating in the cafeteria, and the ceiling starts crumbling away and we realize he's been working right above them at some point. So they get out of the way and this guy's body and litter gallons of blood just under their table. It is a pretty gory bloody scene really was happy with, because they're like, wow that sounds magical. And different scene, we get one of the guards who is kind of snoozing at his post, and he's been an asshole. So you're just like, oh, I cannot wait to see this. But it really goes to show you that whatever is going on here, this force is going to kill everybody. It does not want this prison opened up again. So this guard is snoozing in his posts. And we see behind him this big spool of barbed wire starts unspooling. And then it just slowly winds itself all over and around him while he's sleeping. And it's all very loose and everything, but then it all just goes taut. And he gets kind of like what, but then the craziest part of it is that, you know, he's he's this mush and everything. And that the next scene is the warden in his office. He's just doing some paperwork and such. And then the bloody guard in you know, all mushy and it's strapped to his chair and everything. He literally explodes up from the floor underneath the warden. Ah, and it's like, Whoa, where the fuck is this, but he's all wrapped in the barbed wire and shit knee and the warden, he starts freaking out as you would but when a guard comes in and is like what happened? He starts screaming, is this real? Is this real? Can you see that? And you're like, oh, so he's he's having some hauntings of his own being in here. So unfortunately, the story kind of falls apart from here, although it's still super entertaining. And it turns out that in 64, they executed this guy that we saw in the prologue, who was an inmate who had murdered another inmate and was sentenced to death. But when we finally get to see him, it's Vigo. Oh, and so the new Vigo must be a reincarnation of him or something. But they don't really spell that out. And it doesn't make a lot of sense because Vigo seems to also be having issues with whatever this force in the prison is. So it's kind of like a missed opportunity to be like, Yeah, you know, this guy is in prison. This new prisoner is the problem and all of that I really wanted it to go that way and it never does. Anyway, what they do explain is that inmate was innocent of the murder of the other inmates. So his spirit is killing everyone in the prison until he gets justice and revenge because who do you really think killed the inmate back in 1964? I ghost know the guy who is now the warden. Of course so so it's they've all come back and fury. Well just just murder him. It's just him. And he's murdering everybody he wants. He wants this place shut down, I guess, huh? It's kind of fall apart at the end. We'll just do that. Because it's pretty great. Up till then. I think it's a very cool little flick. It came out in like I was saying that singular time where we had practical effects. And even the lighting had to be practical. You couldn't just throw a digital light source, you know, that blue beam of light that explodes out of the earth and points up to the sky. Now, none of that shit is real. And back in Ghostbusters and all that stuff. You know, they had built a tiny little city and then make that light source and let's you know, it's just a great, great time as far as I'm concerned. Some trivia on this, the film was shot on location at the former Wyoming State Penitentiary. The facility had been vacant since its closure in 81. After the construction of a new state penitentiary it was made freely available for film production after producer Erwin Yadlin approached the state during a search for abandoned prison facilities. Because the facility was slated for demolition, little regard was given for its preservation and the production crew was offered free license to make permanent, oftentimes destructive modifications as necessary. This included drilling a large passage through the prison's reinforced concrete perimeter wall which was mocked up as a big huge vehicle gate for the film. It looks really cool. It is a very imposing looking prison. Very interesting here, the majority of the extras portraying prisoners were real life inmates of the Wyoming State Penitentiary, including former stunt man Steven E. Liddell, who was serving a sentence of manslaughter at the time, his sag membership dues were paid in. And he was casting a speaking role. That must have been an interesting conversation now that came up. Hey, yeah, yeah. So I was telling you guys about that execution room at the beginning that around a little brown room, so the execution chamber shown in the film is the penitentiaries original gas chamber, which replaced hanging after 1936 as the legal method of execution for condemned criminals in the state. The chamber was never used for electric tutions Vigo did the bulk of his own stunts, stunts and stunt coordinator, coordinator Kane Hodder. Okay, well it's in an honorary stuntman shirt at the completion of the shooting for this. Oh. So I was telling you about tiny Lister and how imposing a person he is all that a special set of sledge hammers had to be purchased for actor tiny Lister so that they did not appear to be toys when he held them. His sledge hammers weighed 18 pounds, and then he had another one that was a 20 pound. I'll tell you this, a 12 pound Sledge is just fine for a normal person. It's a regular heavy sledge. So 18 pounds sledgehammer. Yeah, wow. And then finally, I always hate hearing this and I will always make fun of hearing this. Okay, Lane Smith remained in character as Warden sharp throughout the duration of the filming for Exactly. Awesome. I hope that that means that he would be there and then he'd be like, well, what are all these cameras doing in my penitentiary? Why is there a snack table here? Who's eating? What do you mean? Cut? Yeah, fuck you. If you're an actor who does? It's called Acting you guys. Ah, yes. I feel like it's got to be a lot harder to turn it on and off than it is to just sit in it. So if an acting is you're you're in a Empire film horror movie, and you've got to do that dealing with Spielberg here. Yeah, it's not my left foot. I heard a great interview with Woody Harrelson and he was talking about Matthew McConaughey and how much they love each other and everything but he was like, in true detective Matthew had to stay in character because he was that dark person and everything. And what he's like, I mean, it really worked for him, but I want to kick his fucking as well, it's like the famous story from Marathon Man with Dustin Haas and Lawrence of Arabia, I believe. Icon of acting. Yeah. And there's a torture scene in there were Dustin Hoffman supposed to be tortured by a dentist character. He didn't sleep the night before. And then he ran around the studio or something like that. Until he felt totally exhausted and actually looked him go, boy, that's why we call it acting. Love Itself of Arabia, more like Lawrence of Arabia. Am I right, Vanessa? Oh my god. No. Oh, what movie? Are you talking? Oh my god. That's so upsetting on every level. Where did that even come from? Why do you think he's dreamy? Is that what's happening? What does this mean? Here's the thing. I have a very fucked up brain. Okay. All right. I'll go with that. Okay, well, my celebrity movie moving swiftly along. is actually a movie that this is not my first screening of it. I do really deeply love this movie. So So I will say that upfront in case it's not it's not for everybody, but the 1985 movie phenomena. The wind, yes. The phone very particular wind. Typical of this part of the country comes from the outs the blasts of warm air cross snow avalanches, and it blows there are those who say causes madness Have you any idea why they behave like that? I've done this before. It's probably because of me. I guess they sense the mood. Not afraid of you won't ask him to lead you by the dead bodies. And he'll lead you that's why is your magic wand is perfectly normal for insects to be slightly telepathic. It's normal for insects But am I normal I love you I love you all do not do it do it. What was movie phenomena? Start Laurence Olivier because I was the guy that was in rough on me. Oh yes, so this this movie has a rotten tomato rating of 76% from critics and 60% from audience. It has a budget of question mark. It has a box office of look the the behind the scenes info is frighteningly little. So the box office info I all I could find was $515,000 in Italy or whatever. Lira, I don't know. And 100 And that's like 15 bucks. I guess I know. I was like, maybe it is dollars and 100 or 40,000 in Spain. But that seems weird to me, because this is directed by Dario Argento. And this was not his first rodeo. He had already done bird with a crystal plumage. He did the cat of nine tails, which Eric has really recently talked about. We also know him, of course from Suspiria and deep fried, which are also talked about in Furner of tenant to neighbor and the opera, which is I think one of the main ones I haven't seen. But yeah, like I think he must have had a way bigger elite box office, but maybe not. I don't I don't know. It's weird. If so, it is an epic failure. Starring and this is what I love, Jennifer Connelly. This is one of her very first roles as Jennifer Corvino. This is going to be a running theme of easy to remember names. She's since been in 51 titles. This was her third ever film. And this is the first or the the film that came out one year before labyrinth. She then went on to do Dark City Requiem for a Dream A Beautiful Mind. And of course Betty Ross and Hulk. Oh yeah. She's also currently in this Snowpiercer TV series, which I did not realize now. I'm like, maybe I should check it out. So she's very young. She's maybe 16 in this movie. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl. Donald Pleasance is also in this movie, but he is already had many credits. He plays a character called John McGregor and he's been in 240 things, including Halloween Halloween to The Great Escape many, many other great films. Patrick bakau As in Spectre, it's been 147 things and I remembered him only as Sydney in the pretender Daria Daria sari Nicoletti, who is our juntos partner, who also starred in deep red and CO wrote Suspiria as in this fewer Argento, which is Dario Argento, his daughter, his girl who runs from killer and puts face through glass. And Dario Argento is in this really shoehorned as a narrator. I feel like that was a production studio note or if he if there's any killings with a black glove, that's him. Oh, there I think there is at least one black love scene. So yeah, there was a couple of really good Argento trademarks. He's a little uncomfortable and creepy like that. Yeah, I would leave it I mean, he did shoot it starring his not starring but having his daughter in this movie and he just chucked her face through Ethan and his wife doesn't fare a lot better. Not at all. Least but certainly Last Tango the monkey. This is the tank is only acting credit. Have you guys both seen this? Yeah. Anthony Kay made me watch this. And I was like, wow, I liked this movie quite a bit. Yeah, this is um, I think it's my favorite Argento movie. It goes this deep right and then Suspiria you can check out opera. I my favorite. I'm so excited. Check out opera. I'm really really stoked for it. costumes for this movie, Giorgio Armani. Cheese. There's a lot of trivia I gained just by looking at the credits. That was very exciting. Music by Iron Maiden Motorhead, anti sex gang and a little bit of goblin because how can you not where they literally just took some of their score from Donna the dead and repurposed it so sure, the plot now um it's an Argento so I am saying it's a little loose. Um, I would say it's extremely strange and confusing and nonsensical and it feels very surrealist and you're not really sure what what's happening and why but that's okay. Just roll with it. So after missing a bus, in the Swiss countryside, a teenage Danish tourist, young girl looks for help at a beautiful chalet slash home that looks like something from a sound of music in the hillside, it's gorgeous. Inside she goes in and it's totally empty and looks abandoned, covered in spider webs, but is attacked by an unseen person slash thing wielding some scissors. It is bound up by some chains and it breaks free and continues to chase her out of the chalet and up a seems like a national park or something. There's all these railings it's this waterfall, where it smashes her face into glass to cavitate her head throws the head in the river and then wanders off with her body as you do. It's very elaborate, but we don't know what this thing or person looks like because it's all kind of this POV almost Evil Dead Sam Raimi style camera work. Eight months later, forensic entomologist John McGregor was Donald Pleasance in a wheelchair with a Scottish accent. Pure Joy and his chimpanzee Inka are on the case, he is able to date the head using insects to tie it to the original crime. Since then, several girls have gone missing. At the same time, Jennifer Corvino, the daughter of a famous American Actor arrives at the Swiss Richard Wagner Academy. For girls, she instantly befriends her roommates, Sophie by eating some baby food out of a jar and also makes enemies with the headmistress for having a big poster. That night she begins to sleep walk up to the roof where she witnesses a girl's murder, I think in her sleep. She then falls off the roof, wanders into the woods and awakens on a road where two German boys Sideswipe her with her car and then try to rape her. She throws herself out of the car and rolls down the woods to nearby Professor McGregor's house, where I think the monkey brings her into the house and they make fast friends because they both loved bugs. All right, I hope you're with me so far. Love Bugs a monkey and her both books. Oh, no, no. Okay. Professor, the professor of her okay. Yeah, both are obsessed with bugs. Love Bugs. Bugs are the best thing ever. She has this whole thing about, you know, bugs don't hurt me bugs. For some reason. They really like me. They'll never sting me. Yeah. There's a great scene at the start where she's being driven to this group of girls Academy and there's a bee flying around. And everyone freaks THE FUCK OUT FOR THIS Bumblebee. And they're like, no, no. And it's Argento his wife just swatting wildly, and then the bee goes in front of driver and he's swatting and it's swerving back and forth and Jennifer Connelly's, like, no, it's gonna be fine and grabs the bee and the chicks like No, no, It'll sting you. And it's like, wow, this is the biggest overreaction to a bee I've ever seen. And I don't love bees, but come on people. But yeah, she's got a special connection with them. So she returns to school, where they are very suspicious about her having this sleepwalking situation and put her on and they said EEG machine. I don't think that's right. Where they put a bunch of stuff on her head these little sticky things and tell her that they believe she's schizophrenic. She explains that she used to sleepwalk and has been studied for years by the most famous doctors in the world because her dad is super famous, and it isn't a problem. The headmistress and students begin to super bully her and make fun of her for her connection to bugs and for her sleepwalking and for literally reasons that are really confusing and make no sense at all. There's like a girl who runs up to her taps her on the shoulder and then just sticks out her tongue and make some strange sounds and I'm like, I don't think Dario and Argento has ever been a young girl in a boarding school. From my understanding because this is strange. probably a safe bet. Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna throw that out there. Um, her to make matters worse, her roomie slash new BFF isn't much help with this bullying situation because she sneaks out in the middle of the night when she's supposed to be watching her and making sure that Jennifer Connelly doesn't sleepwalk again, because her boyfriend is there and she wants to go out into the woods and make out with him before he goes off to the military for something or another. They she literally gets there starts making out with him and he's like, Oh, I gotta go, I gotta go early in the morning and she's like, Fuck you and he's like, okay, and then she wanders off into the woods and is killed by the mysterious murder. Now, Jennifer confides her problems with the professor who empathizes with her for being so different. She tells him she has a special connection to the bugs, which he believes is a telepathic connection. As apparently all insects are telepathic on some level. That's okay. together using her telepathy, they try to uncover who the murderer is. Shit gets crazy and crazier and crazier. And the last minute of this movie may be the most insane thing you will ever see on film. Absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah, I highly recommend this film. Just a couple of quick fun features. As I mentioned overreaction to a small beam monkey with a platoon protruding but that obeys laser pointer held by Scottish Danish. Donald Pleasance, in a wheelchair telepathic flies telepathic sleepwalking girl roommate who steals your clothes to make out with boy leaving for the Army tomorrow morning. When that drives you mad. Near Death fall route from roof saved by clothing catching on nail and a nice bush underneath. monkey with a razor inappropriately timed metal music to somebody being put into a sad body bag, inappropriately timed metal music music to emergency phone call, and inappropriately timed metal music to walking slowly around a room. Face peeling, lips slashing thumb breaking IV pulling driving cars at full speed at Jennifer Connelly. Like full speed at 16 year old girl this is not like stunts. These are just people throwing cars at her in the street. Forced puking mitten covered in maggots towel covered in maggots and covered in maggots fly in box who can sniff out murderers, vegetarianism and grouse and force voiceover to explain random things like reading aloud a letter just so we know what's happening. A little bit Trivia This the story Jennifer tells about her mother abandoning her in a story about why she's raised by her famous father was an actual story from Dario Argento his own childhood I think not having the famous father but being abandoned by his mother. Argento has cited this film as his personal favorite among his work. I wonder if this is true about every like every time I get the trivia and IMDb it's always the directors favorite film of their work. So I hated cats nine tails so you know, Oh, great. Okay, so we have at least one point of roof that might lead towards us. The film was inspired to dirt. It was inspired to Dario Argento and that's where tons after he learned that insects are sometimes used during murder investigations. It is shot in English and dubbed in Italian, the shots of swarms of insects covering the exterior of the school and later nearly bottling out the moon were achieved through visual effects. They dumped a bunch of coffee grounds and a tank of water, filmed it and then superimposed the new footage over the existing background shots. At one point, I think they just literally take a marker and just like make a dot for a fly like across the screen it looks way too big and way too much like a Sharpie. So the coffee rounds played the part of the insects insects to see that you know behind the scenes shot, it'd be so fun to just like see how them do. For the final scene where a character is swarmed with flies over 2 million eggs were brought in incubated in an oven as soon as they hatched. actor David Murata was put into the makeup and wardrobe then rushed to set to attract the newborn flies, his clothes and face. Covered face were coated in glucose and the flies were released from very fun are trying to read this it's very clunky sentence writing. flies were released from very fine nets to swarm his body. After completing the scene. The crew opened the studio windows to release all of the flies, but they inhabited the neighborhood businesses for weeks. Yeah, they caused a real issue. Jennifer coddle commonly had part of her finger bitten off by the chimpanzee in the final scene at the end of the phone. She said she was rushed to the hospital and the finger was reattached. The chimp generally did not like Connolly Tanka also escaped into the woods at one point while filming and took several hours to find. The movie didn't get great reviews. The dark Guardian declared that creepers which is what they also call it, they cut it down to 82 minutes released it as creepers, which means it got rid of 30 minutes of footage. Oh, yeah, I wonder I didn't like it. No kidding. Argento at his most throwaway is what he said in even Kim Newman who's a well renowned genre lover didn't like this movie new line was the ones responsible for the cut down. And since it's been re released by arrow, and a cool soundtrack put out by waxwork records, which I am definitely going to hunt down if it still is existing in a amount I could pay for. And last but not least, the imaginary sorry, the imagery, aesthetic and partial plot points of the film were used as inspiration for the 1995 survival horror video game clock tower. Were clocked. Wow. I seem to recall, I liked the movie mostly because of the imagery, but I seem to recall being confused. Like if this was happening at all, or if it was like dreams and stuff like that. I felt like pretty grounded that it was real. It was just it's just very strange. Okay, that's all. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Good one. I mean, it'd be interesting if I mean, that adds another layer if she is actually schizophrenic in a hospital somewhere. Well, not that that's what schizophrenia is. Because it's not but that's okay. This movie is well yes. And loose with a shit aren't great for portraying true mental illness. Commonly goes on to win an Oscar something for a beautiful mind, right? Yeah. So yeah, she's she's got she's so beautiful. It's watching her in this film. She's just acting way above her. She should not be this good for a 16 year old and I'm pretty sure they actually do stick this IV in her arm and pull it out. Everything feels very real. Like way too real. It doesn't look fake the way that you're used to seeing things. It looks a little wrong, but in a way that feels very like oh god. That's actually how it looks. Yeah, I remember being very impressed with her in Labyrinth. Yeah, yeah. A nice startup. Yes, yes. Let's see I've got another one here. This is a little off genre but so at 1995 Living in Oblivion we were working together I didn't want anything to interfere this time Okay, we're back. We are back at our Alright, hold it down. People hold it down some scene six rolling. today. I'm not going to settle for okay, this is a big scene and I'm not leaving till we get to whatever it takes. Nick, we're here for you. You're a great director. Your films are totally wack. I'm excited to be working with you. We're really great now Richard Gere movie. I'm ready Nick. Right now we're making a fucking movie. I this dream last night I was on set. Everything was going wrong and no matter how hard I tried to keep things together, the more they just fell apart. You know what that dream was telling me to call that I just have to roll with it is everybody heard is anybody Nobody drinks the milk what's gonna happen next just relax. I feel like shit. feels fake the only place actually works in dreams isn't stupid movies like this I'm gonna have a heart attack. No, no, no, you're not. If you do, we'll save it for the end of the scene. Okay. This one's Rotten Tomato that 88 by critics 87. Wow. Very in agreement. The IMDb budget. I don't think is accurate. It said it was half a million. But watching some of the extras on these I get the impression it was could have been under 100 grand. Oh, wow. Yeah. Very, very low budget and almost most of it was putting by people who are on screen, so I don't think there's half a million in this by any means. box office of 1,000,000.1117 90. The this is written and directed by Tom de Sileo. who also did Johnny suede, delirious and a lot of law and order. Okay, this stars there's a there's actually after watching this I realized there's at least two maybe three people I could have picked from this movie as went on to be much bigger than you expected. Steve Buscemi is not one. You'll know him from Fargo Reservoir Dogs. He also had a really interesting New York underground for film career in the early 80s. Yeah, he did some really wild stuff. You can almost say Katherine Kinnear. I just don't know if you qualifiers big enough. And she went on to be very successful. you'd recognize your Arca she's one of those guys, but she's in Gianni suede. Being John Malkovich. Oh, she was the the witch I guess you'd say and brand new cherry flavor. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. And the other port mom and get out there. Yeah. Okay. This is another guy that were too easily qualified. But I forgot that he was even in this. I started watching it. Dermot Mulroney. Oh wow, this is his. He's been in a bunch of stuff but nothing. You know, he's like cop number two, which I like that. He went on to be in Point of No Return career opportunities. Must Love Dogs. Let's say there's also James across who's in this who's a night writer and where the day takes you. He is a human actor. He's just been in friggin everything. But the man I originally approach this movie for isn't in it as much as I thought. Well, Dermot Melrose Rooney is one of the leads. But is Peter Dinklage. Oh, wow. I forgot about that. This is his first named role. How? The first thing I saw man was called The Station Agent, which is a phenomenal film. You probably have heard of him from Game of Thrones. Yeah. Elf hilarious scene and elf and rumored to be in a remake of The Wild Bunch. Whoa. And has been cast in a remake remake of the toxic adventure. Oh my god. Yeah, heard about this. Like why? Anyways, phenomenal actor. This is a film The 90s had this huge glut of films about making films. Awesome or fine. This one is phenomenal. So it starts off inappropriately 90s black and white. Mulrooney plays the DP in the movie, where SEBRAE big leather vest and at one point has an eyepatch for a while just looks like a douchey DP. It's great. Buscemi plays the director. And he is phenomenal in the role the the all the roles if you've ever been on set nails, what the ad likes, acts like what the director often does, what the DP does what the gaffers do, what the grip, I mean, it's these are all definitely independent filmmakers making an independent movie. When the camera starts to roll, and they're doing action, everything turns to color. This doesn't necessarily stay through the whole movie, but that's because the movies fairly dreamy, I guess she almost say this was Catherine Kinnear's was the main one in the scene. And she does a phenomenal job of being a bad actor. Like that kind of mid level acting that you see in independent movies a lot. And this first 25 minutes of this movie are a goddamn nightmare if you've ever made a movie. And it's so well done, because it's what could go wrong on a set. But it does, nothing's exaggerated. Everything that goes wrong on the set could very easily go wrong on any set. It's just happens to be all at the same time. Almost. The only one I think probably won't happen on modern sets is when the light explodes. Because it's almost all LED lights. Now, those don't get hot enough to people won't touch it with their hand and therefore have the oil on the thing and then have it explode. Basically, anything that could go wrong happens. And it's an serving and uncomfortable and hilarious at the same time. It ends when the director wakes up and he realized this has been his nightmare as he gets woken up to be taken to set by the driver. And so it's like Oh, nice, perfect. Thank you for setting this up. He has a great line about being a filmmaker that is so disturbing. Being filmmakers all just one compromise and disappointment after another. That's so true. So after that 30 minutes we feel like we're getting into the real movie and it starts to roll the the movie is color or just a regular color movie. This is not again like I think one of the movies I talked about recently. This is a slice of life film. There's no This isn't a character movie. This isn't a three act structure. This is a day in the life on the set. It is way accurate. This may have been made, made in 95. But everything is still relevant today. As far as the way sets run most of the time. James gross plays a arrogant big name guy who's slumming it with the thing he at the last minute replaced who is supposed to be Brad Pitt was supposed to be the role in real life for the actor James gross place to Brad Pitt because Brad Pitt had to go on do Oh, Legends of the Fall? This is weird because I thought that character was just based off of actual Brad Pitt. That's the rumor and the documentary talking to the director of pret addresses that he said, when we when we were at Sundance, somebody asked me that, and I thought it was kind of fun. So I sort of ignored it. I should have shot it down right there. This was never because he said Brad Pitt was wonderful. He wanted to be on the set. He wanted to do this role. Oh, he just couldn't. So there's no way in any way that he mean this to be disparaging against Brad Pitt or anybody else. But you know, when he's a young filmmaker, that's what Brad Pitt's lawyers have told me to say. A good chunk of the movie is said is shooting a scene. And then my shooting a little bit more. But the most of it is there's the scene of the beginning where they're shooting the mother daughter, that's the dream, then there's a scene where he goes through the part of being the asshole actor who, I'm just trying things just try to do something different. He doesn't really want to work with anybody in one stall, alter the blocking. So it's all about him. And it's very fun. Then another alarm goes off. It's like so and then it's, I think it's Catherine wakes up at this point. And it's sort of like, okay, is the whole thing real? What is, so parts of it still feel real, but parts of it are like, oh, what part of that was her nightmare, because that nightmare for her would be the part where the big actor and the director go off to the side. And of course, she wants to check her audio. Their mics are still hot, she puts on the headphones to listen to the audio back. But before she can put the headphones down. She hears the big guy complaining about she's not a very good actor. Of course, directors being what directors will do sometimes, like, hey, I need you to support her bring her up interacting abilities, you're so much better than she is. Even though he doesn't remotely believe that he thinks she's phenomenal. If the actual writer director wrote the movie for her, originally is originally a short film that he wrote specifically for her to be in. So crossing lines and wires and everything. But you know, that upsets her and sets her off on a great little takedown of the lead guy which ends up with a physical fight between the director and the asshole actor. Director like I always wanted to do that. So I thought I'd write my movie. And now we've got Peter Dinklage. What is pygar decodes appear in a red wall dream see clients with the lead in a wedding dress. He is pissed off about being cast as he is the he has this great line or he spews out if you ever had to meet dream of the dwarf. I've never had a dream with a door. Off on how stupid he thinks all situations why? Oh, it's a dream, open the door for it. And now it's okay. It's great. And he is so subtle in the anger building and is so well done and so earned where the scene is he walks in with an apple and the lady supposed to reach out for the apple. She's heard or whatever. And director keeps telling him to laugh at the end. And he never does. And it just keeps building up and the guy's like, why do you want me to laugh? I don't understand why should laugh and the outburst is so well earned and so awesome. And it was so well done. That a lot of the not necessarily most of the crew had read the script. You know, it's not uncommon for a grip not to read the script. So they thought his diatribe was real. Like he is pissed off because he yells and then storms offset. Holy shit. But so he is right from the beginning. This is a guy who could command the screen. I love this film. This of course at that moment, then everything falls apart and Buscemi goes on this incredible rant and raging against the actors and the crew and yelling about everything. Apparently, when he did this, he did a bass one, which was closer to the script. And when they did the reverse to show the crew reacting to him. He did it again. But he just made it whatever she want to do. And directors like we're turning the camera around and you're doing your part again and you're doing that because that was so much better. So they reversed everything again so he could do this invented rant and it's Awesome. It's so good. The filmmaker me loves the end of this because it's hard to say it's a spoiler alert. But there's a moment where his mom comes in and rescues the whole thing. And it turns into this phenomenal scene and it's so cool. And the dream sequence is excellent. That I'm sitting in my chair watching is good. Yes. It's like a sports movie here. Something I Rudy's here. There's the moment that everybody is watching this film was being honest. He knows. room tone. Oh, my God. Yes. There's an interview with James on the set. And he said, he loves the fact that he knows whenever he's on a set anywhere, and they do room tone. Someone else on that set is thinking that scene from that movie. Yeah, yeah, you're you're right. That is true. So that is, this is one of my favorite movies. I've watched on the show for a long time. I I forgot how much I loved it. Because that nightmare opening sat in my head so deeply that I kind of forgot what happens in the rest of the movie. Steve Buscemi his character's name Nick Reve. Reve is the French word for Dream. Ah, Rene, probably leather. Yes. So it's in the film writing moments for the director didn't want to beg people for money. So he asked actors if they would work for free. And all of them agreed to work for free on this from most of them even put money into the movie being made. Eventually, anybody who contributed was able to get a part in the movie in some of the fairly large parts. A lot of this was due to the guy's work before and his reputation was great. He did Johnny suede, which is a Brad Pitt film. And Brad Pitt's involvement in his saying he was good. Kind of, you know, oh, maybe this guy really is okay. I'm sure if Brad Pitt had been in it, this would have been a much, much larger. They shot it in 16 days. It's almost all one location. There's an outside in a hotel room and stuff. And it's almost all on that small set. This was Peters first credit roll. I think I mentioned that. But he No First Name character. There were no auditions like, well, there's one audition, the only person audition was Peter. Because and done anything. But he was immediately offered the part after the audition. Like they finished the auditions. If you want to do this, as Tom said it was such a glorious set because they had no producers. They had no the producers were actually working on the film. They had no behind the scenes money, men bothering them. They had no agents trying to get them to do something in a different way or set. It's just great. Everybody came together and made a great movie. James gross got his role, because the director was on the phone with Katherine complaining that they just lost Brad Pitt, because they had to go make his movie. He happened to be on a walk outside. And she recognized it from something open the door and said, Hey, you want to be in a movie? And he said, Sure. And he is really good. He, he plays such a fun, asshole. And Dinklage is casting, we had to call in for the audition, thought it was a friend calling him and joke and making fun of him. So he hung up and the guy called back. It's like, no, no, it really is. Oh, those are those are. And it was a massive suns Sundance success. And this is you know, Sundance was kind of fun. 95 Maybe six is still doing what it's supposed to be doing. And one best screenplay. That was an awesome movie. So highly, highly recommended. You really make me want to watch this again, because I remember seeing him multiple times after it came out. But still not for the last 20 years or so. Yeah, I've seen it not too long ago. And it was the first time I'd seen it. And I fucking it resonated. So as far as being accurate to being on a set. And it's something that I actually, if I end up teaching another full class, rather than like part of a class, I'm going to make my students watch this and be like, be prepared. This is the industry. This is what's your good. This is what you're going to experience. It is just so accurate. And everyone's phenomenal. Yeah. And it's the fun difference between indie film versus Hollywood movie where when things went wrong, because you know, the real stuff went wrong on the film as well. You have to be innovative and try to figure out a way to solve it. Yeah, as opposed to well just write another check. exactly the problem. Let's see. 95 So you and I Eric had started working together by then. And that was just kind of a magical time when Tarantino and Rodriguez and everything and people like us were were starting to feel like oh my god, you can make a movie on your own You don't have to have a studio behind you and then and then all of the problems that come with trying to make a movie. Yes. Yeah. What do you guys remember the name of that New York director who worked with Steve Buscemi all the time. I know who you're talking about, but I couldn't remember him. I tried to Yeah, he did that Bill Murray dead dead don't stay dead or whatever movie Oh. Big white hair doesn't Yeah, yeah. Because he was like kind of the godfather of indie film in New York at that time and he really brought up a couple of early interesting talented people that I think otherwise would have been never never would have quite made it. Yeah, definitely. A great topic if I do say so myself. Yeah. Great. Great choice. I it was hard to even choose a film so there's too many great options there really were though means Eric, you've got the choice for the next sub genre. Yeah, let's see we'll be generic constraints again, go with like grave graveyard Funeral Home kind of something. Doesn't necessarily have to be the main plotline but just some weird presence of grave graveyards tombstone I have. I have done I have done so many films already that take place. I'm so sad. There's so many great ones I've already done that take place partly or mostly in graveyards, but it's fine. It's there's probably others that Yeah, I bet I bet the horror genre probably has a few graveyard moments. Sure. I like this idea. This is the part where I thank everybody for participating in the value for value where I asked Eric what what did I say this time that you can edit out where I thank everybody for liking and sharing posts. option let's see. I recently also on the website strange aeons radio we did I added a link to our Etsy page. Oh, cool. Oh, nice. Thank you for everyone who's buying stuff on the Etsy page. And all of that stuff means so much to us. I mean, so much just to get the little messages that we got. We got a nice message from Glenn talking about how much as a show, or even the message I get from my mom every once in a while. Yeah, very listening to you. And I wish that Vanessa didn't swear so much. That's what my mom said. About your mom. Okay, messaging me. Oh, sure. I'm sure. Every time I talked to my mom, I swear she's just listened to one of our episodes and she's like, I want to ask you about this one thing. I'm like, no. Don't listen. I love it. I think that's it then right guys? Should we table this conversation and return back one week from today? Sounds good. Okay, see you guys later. All right. Strange aeons radio was artisanal quality podcasting, handcrafted with all natural ingredients and edited to perfection by Eric Margaret. Our blistering theme song is strange aeons part one by the band nightshade, and is used with permission. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on apple. Oh my god, that's so upsetting on every level. Where did that even come from? Why