Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 4 Episode 173

Sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to a very special Mother's Day episode of strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Oh, that's finesse over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Happy Mother's Day. You guys. Happy Mother's Day. Yeah, we thought we'd get together real quick. And just let everybody know that we were thinking of all you mothers out there. Do you guys have mothers? Yeah. Oh, ouch. Eric, your mom. Yeah. And I was I was very privileged to meet your mom, Eric. And I kind of fell in love with her. In the short time. I got to know her and she was really special. So I was very sad when she passed away. Free cool. Do you have any special fond memory of your mom, Eric? To share with everybody? I got? I got one probably my people might find interesting in elementary school up until high school active martial arts for probably seven years total. And somewhere around five years and she decided she was going to join. Of course she did. Yeah, exactly. And the it wasn't any kind of like a full contact particularly at hurt. I tell you when I had braces, I bled a lot. So she's doing a sparring thing with one of our black one of the main black belts who is a six foot plus refer. So it kinda looks like Popeye. And watching them spar was really kind of funny at first, but then when she got better and realize that ducking she's really small, by the way, let me say this for my mom was like, was five foot five foot one maybe. And at our heaviest, 102 pounds probably. So he was tiny. So you know, you get a better idea when my dad looked like but you she was sparring with this guy when she figured out how to move and tag them. And right in the gut because she could move inside his arms. And you're supposed to pull your punches a little bit but she and doubled them over says I got more fun having my 14 or whatever your mom drives your Porsche. Let's buy some roses. Weird. Yeah, and of course she stood backwards and long enough to outrank me by the time I left first. That's so good. This story checks out having having met your mom with her for a weekend when she came to see our first showing of our first film. And I was flirting with her because I thought it would make her uncomfortable. And instead she flirted back with me in front of the whole table. And I was like, What do I do now? not prepared for this scenario. Right? What about you? Vanessa? Memory a mom? Oh, so many so many. Yeah, I guess. one that really stands out for me just because you know, we're doing a podcast about movies. So for ages, I always ask my mom you know, what's your favorite movie and my mom she will not watch anything with a sad ending. She will not watch any film she is Disney pretty much all the way Hallmark happily ever after. Has to be or like a thriller. Those two and and she said, Oh yeah, one of my favorite movies is umbrellas of shape, shared work. And I was like, Okay, let's, let's check it out. Expecting you know, it's got this bright, colorful Poppy cover. It's like pink and a lady with an umbrella and a guy under it. And they're like about to kiss. And we watch it and it is the darkest love story I've ever seen. Not a happy ending. Like a harrowing, like girl gets knocked up by a guy who then goes off to the military. They're either married and then she asked I think she asked the pill like, wait for her, I don't know. And there's a miscommunication. And then she ends up marrying another guy in the village because he's rich. And then the soldier comes back which he's married and he doesn't know the babies. It's horrible. It's so horrible, but they're singing. So there's that. I just remember being like, what? What is? But, yes, my mom, my mom is always full of surprises. So I love it. I remember. So I was real mama's boy, I was the youngest kid. And I was also a really good kid, like going through school, I didn't do drugs. I didn't drink. And he looked at me now. This is the problem with being a good kid in high school. I tried every drug and my 30s cancer. I remember my mom coming into my room when I was 17. I guess it was senior year. And she just kind of sat down and I thought, Oh, God, we're gonna have the talk. And instead she goes, you're not a nerd. Are you? Oh, my God. And I was like, what? She goes, she was I mean, you're you're doing alright, in school. You're having a good time. You're enjoying yourself. And I was like, Yeah, and I I then had to explain to her. Mom, I've skipped class a couple times. It was a very awkward conversation. I've been trying to prove that I was cool enough to be her son. But mom, yes. I'm sorry to tell you I am a fucking nerd. Clearly. You can't you can't hide that paraphernalia forever. No, no, but I did always kind of like that. My mom wanted to make sure my mom wanted to make sure I wasn't a nerd. Oh, would you done if you were? I'm sure she would have kicked the shit out of me or something like here's here's a leather jacket and Father's Day episode, I'll explain how my dad came into the bedroom one time and let me know that it was okay if I was gay. And I had to explain that I was not gay. And he was like, Oh, good, but it's okay. I'm really not gay. But it'd be fine. No judgement here. What is supportive family? I guess I guess you could look at it that way are you doing? What's up? I'm scared. You're scared? Because I know a choice. What do you think's gonna happen? To those other kids look like they're playing really? Well. Yeah, but do you think you could play pretty well, too? I think so. John, okay. That's going to be fine. Let me get scared to buddy. But I gotta also be brave. Because if you're brave, you also might try something new. And maybe if you try it, I think it could be a lot of movies. I score the goal. Think you could score goal? Yeah. Yeah, I promise you and keep trying. You'll do a good job. It'll be fun. Love You by how about some movie recommendations instead of this sad shit. Oh, sentimental sentimental Ship. Ship. Okay, well, no. All right. Serial mom. John Waters. Waters. Was it mid 90s Probably 94 Look into go legitimate. You know, move away from his pink flamingos and assists you know, trouble, Turner. Yep, Kathleen Turner, Sam Waterson. Oh, wow. And Ricki Lake. Of course, sir, is one of his staple actors who didn't seem to act with too many other people, but she certainly did some good stuff with John Waters. It's been a while since I've seen this one. But I did see it in the theater. Because I have like John Waters for a long time. It's like well, let's see what he's done when he tries to go legit. And overall, it's pretty straightforward. It's dark, the dark comedy about a mom who just wants to make everything great for her family and we're talking about making children happy like You know, not being a nerd or being gay. And she would kill to keep her children happy, literally. So if you don't like John Waters you could probably still like this movie if you don't like John Waters. Sorry you're missing out on a lot of crazy shit. It's a lot of fun. Oh yeah, Matthew Lillard was in the still so this is I forgot to look where it's available but it's John Waters I'm available. I'm sure it's available in Overwatch bride variety. Oh place. What you what you guys got got? Um, well, my recommendation had kind of forgotten about this phone, but it's so perfect. It's so perfect for Mother's Day. And that is the 1979 David Cronenberg movie, The breed with feel good, feel good. I went through that period of time in college and afterwards where I would pick like a famous director and think I was really like, clever for watching every movie they did. So I watched everything by, you know, the Kubrick and Woody Allen and hit David Cronenberg. And for some reason this movie, it's really stood out to me at the time, it was my favorite and I need to rewatch it and see if it's still my favorite of the Cronenberg lots, but it's wild. I mean, I've been trying to look up a good plot synopsis for it, and every one I read, I'm like, That doesn't even make sense in the English language. The best one I could find is man and his mentally ill ex wife who has been sequestered by psychiatrists known for his controversial therapy techniques. ends up in a series of brutal unsolved murders, which serves as a backdrop for the central narrative and there's like magic, not meant to children mutant children. Whoa, holy cow. Oh. Don't think they like to be called the Vanessa. mutant children. Magic. I'm pretty sure either one isn't it really like to be quite freaky little people is nomenclature there. I mean, they're they're mutants. They're like little kids in ski jackets with like, crazy. I don't know. I just remember being like what is happening right now. They're everywhere. It's bonkers bonkers film, but if you love David Cronenberg, I really suggest checking it out. It's not one that's mentioned a lot. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, for sure. I'm gonna go super easy and super classic and suggest James Cameron sequel to alien aliens with a money sign in the s. And the the mother aspects of this are both sides, obviously the alien queen and her entire brood that she's trying to protect and Ripley coming home 76 years later or something and, and finding out that her daughter is gone. And then latching on to Newt as a surrogate mother there. It's all over this movie. So and you can find this in all of your collections, because everyone who listens to this show owns this movie. It's true. Yeah, probably. And maybe multiple versions. Probably. Probably. Probably still has some dusty VHS box that copies in there for sure. Oh, yeah. Well, all right, gang. That's it. Happy Mother's Day to everybody. I know that some of our listeners are mothers, I know that all of our listeners have at least had a mother at one time. We all have some connection to a mother. Sure, sure. And some of the dudes we know are real mothers. Some of the best mothers I know are dude, mothers. Oh. The kid even weirder. Okay. That's it right. Happy Mother's Day, everybody. We'll see you in a few short days for an absolutely new regular edition of strange aeons radio. And that's it for you. Okay. Strange aeons radio is artisanal quality podcasting handcrafted ingredients and edited to perfection by Eric Margaret. Our blistering views on strange aeons part one by Dan nightshade, and you find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider dropping a positive review on Apple podcasts. What do I do now?