Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 225

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The robot uprising has started with Kelly's vacuum cleaner! Also discussed: Renfield, Silo, Citadel.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, Vanessa. Yeah. Well started a sudden to come over to your side on the robot vacuum. Yay. Oh shit, doing a terrible job. Didn't know it still? Did it get a knife? Worse. So what I usually do is I let the guy go and vacuum the whole place. But there are a couple of rooms, I don't want him in the bedroom. I can close that door. But the office has a little hanger thing that hangs over the door and doesn't allow me to close it all the way. So I stick a a door brace on the bottom that it can't pass through, right? So then I come home from work. Oh, my God. And the door brace has been moved into the room that it's not supposed to go into. I'm like, wow. And my brain couldn't quite comprehend what I was seeing. And I go into it, it's the office. And it was as if a little puppy had gotten into your and edit, ate up everything that was on the floor, including a couple of chat books. They were my chat books, so no great loss. But a few papers that I had that, you know, I just had stacked and everything it found those tore those all up. And I found myself just looking at this mess. And then kind of stomping out and into the kitchen where it was sitting in its dark, blinking away, wagging its tail fine. I was just like, What did you do? I wanted to bring it back into the rabbits face into the broken papers and yell no at it. But I clearly need to do something else about this robot. I'm just gonna say the fact that it went for your checkbook. Well, it's so personal. It's so personal. I think this is a message and you need to see through that line. They were stacked on the floor, the you know, other people's chat books are usually put into the bookshelf and all these were stacked on the floor. They're all being autographed and getting ready to be sent out. But so I don't think it was that personal. Don't justify that. I had a dog. Back when I was much younger, I had a dog and I had the old kind of bookshelves you have when you're struggling and everything just couple of cinder blocks and some wood. And so I had all my Stephen King on those and I came home one day and my adorable wonderful puppy Roscoe had chewed through all of my first edition kings that were there. And I was a little angry about that. Yeah, but he, he had bad separation anxiety. He also ate my couch. When I started leaving him out in the yard during the day because he couldn't be trusted. He ate my house. He ate the side of my house. So she was just one of those poor guys. So maybe there's all this going on with my robot. Well, I hope I hope that is the case. I hope he just misses here and that he's not actually actively trying to start to let you know how much he dislikes you blue thing into the AI well, it learning did make me think it's a good thing. I didn't have a knife on the floor in there. Because who knows what I might have come home to him waiting behind the door for me Look, I'm just saying you draw you leave your razor on the floor. The next thing you know you gotta cut angle. That's true. That's true that and remind me making a note right now do not leave race around for you know the bathroom, you get you guys our topic today is your nuclear disaster. And I'm going to talk about a movie that I wish I could have watched for this. And I'm not going to tell you why I couldn't but it'll become clearer. But it's on YouTube. It's called chosen survivors. And it's a really cool little movie. It's got Jackie Cooper and it's from 1974. And it starts with this helicopter dropping off these people who are looking very almost drugged and they're being rushed through a group of soldiers and put into this elevator and then set down into this silo type thing. And they're then told they've, they've been chosen by computer to be the survivors of Armageddon. And they are then shown a bunch of screens where the cities are all burning and all of this stuff and they're basically you know, there's like eight or 10 of them. And it's okay, you guys now have enough food here for five years or whatever to, you know, and get to work repopulating all this stuff. And so that's what the story is, is they're down there. Now, while the world above is bad, but you know, what they didn't count on. Well, were the vampire bats that lived in these tunnels that had been dug out for the silos. So they are now nightly attacked by all these vampire bats. That is the picking them off one by one. It is. It is a ridiculous premise. I loved it so much. There is a twist, and it cannot be used for this probably makes it obvious what the twist is. Yeah. But I I really enjoyed it. I was so happy to find this on YouTube shows and survivors. Oh, I got excellent. truly excellent. Um, well, I checked out something a lot of people have been talking about and I was I was curious enough. I watched on Netflix, beef. Okay, the show beef. I'm really good. Yeah. Really strong. such incredible writing and acting. It's an a 24 joint, but it's not like fucking lamb or whatever. It feels like it's actually just an opportunity for some good filmmakers to try some really risky things. And it's upsetting. It's stressful. super stressful. Did you watch to the end? I yeah, I did. I did not end the way I thought it would end. Yeah. But it didn't end. It didn't disappoint me the way it ended. Same. I was okay with where it went. But weirdly, read an interview with the director who has two more seasons planned out. And I was like, where would you go? Why would you keep this story going? pulled that off with you that show you which had a very definite one season story route. But did really well. We got to do another one. Yeah, maybe maybe an alternative pair of people? Yeah, I was gonna say I made sure. I felt like their journey is over. Yeah. I mean, I hope that you can keep torturing them. But that was a lot of stress. I mean, it was it was, you know, ramping up my anxiety when everybody else was being brought into it. And family members were getting hurt and all of this stuff. I was like, this is really starting to bother me. There was one moment where I thought it was like the end. I didn't realize there were like five more episodes. Where like, everything kind of goes okay for them. And you're like, ah, yeah, yeah, you guys did good. You found you found your place in the world. And then there was like, no, no, no. Oh, my God is 100 times worse. Oh my god. But truly excellent. I mean, it's got is it Steven Yang from Nope. And it so incredible. And also, Ali, I can't remember her name. I'm really Ali Wong. I think Ali Wong is the lead actress and and she she's typically a stand up comedian, but she does an incredible job is really good. Cool. Yeah, that's on my list. haven't watched it yet. And remember, a couple of weeks ago, give me crap about a movie that is coming out. Dare to speak up before without doubt now? Is that that sci fi though? Tell me how the first two episodes came out. And I remember my reaction to Halo. Did you guys after the first episode like do you guys even re watch ever played the video game? Do you know anything about this at all? I just gave up on it. This is the opposite. It nails. The original the book was called well I'm sure they probably changed it a silo now. But it nails you Holly's book. There's a scene the general layout of the silos different than it wasn't in my head but Jesus the main scene, main location where they have like their meetings and their dinners and the cafeteria is frighteningly similar to the way it was in my head. I'm like, Whoa, don't remember being interviewed for this. But you guys nailed what I thought it should look like and the the acting is absolutely top notch. The story is well written. So and they they nailed the tone and the weirdness of the story where it's like, now what's going on? I read the whole series to that gone, okay, no, I'm pretty sure I know what happened, but I seem to remember this out man. I don't know So it's just amazing. It's on apple plus. And it was a book series and also okay. Yeah, quite a while ago. I saw that that was out and I have put that on my watch list. So, enjoy. What is it on again? Apple Apple. Okay. Yeah, they can they have some weird like good stuff. Yeah. It is weird that they have some really good stuff and very few people are talking about them. Yeah. Because like, who wants to subscribe for like the four shows that they have on there that are good. Yeah. And his name recognition. You know, if you go Oh, it's from Disney. Oh, I know, their track record. It's apple. What is it a movie about a computer. But what am I watching? Right. But didn't they do Tetris? And that was amazing. They did that. Finch movie that I thought was amazing. And lassos probably their biggest headline. Watch. Did they do severance? And they did start a severance. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I hope Yeah. Pretty good. Yeah. And shrinked, which was okay, too. I watched the first couple of episodes of a series called Citadel on Friday. Oh, yeah, that boy, the ads for that, sure, pop up a lot looks good. Or the ads pop up for a lot because Amazon spent like$400 million on this series. And I'm kind of wondering why Oh, no, they seem. We were just talking about Apple who seems to know how to spend their money really? Well. If you think of the problems we had with the the ring trilogy and some of the problems we've had with some of their stuff, they don't seem to know how to spend the money. That is true. Well, I production, every level of Amazon, like every level of Amazon, they do not know they just have money and they throw it like this. This will do well. Is it so is it What makes you say that sit well. Okay, so a little background, my favorite Marvel movie is Captain America The Winter Soldier. I love that movie. I love the feel of that movie. That's by the Russo brothers. This series is by the Russo brothers. And it is a action spy thriller adventure along those lines. So there's all these great fights and set pieces where trains are being derailed. And all of this shit feels like it should be, you know, right in the Captain America universe. But the actors, they've chosen a couple of people who kind of recognize but they also look enough like other people that I wish it were those other people like the lead guy looks enough. Like I can't remember his name the guy who plays the Winter Soldier. Oh, yeah. But he looks enough like him, but he's not as good an actor. And so I'm like, I really want this guy. You guys have a relationship with this guy? Why can't you just hire this guy? And so I don't know, it feels just a little B grade. Instead of, you know, Winter Soldier type stuff. Yeah, but I'll keep with it, that it's got a lot of ideas that I like in it. It's got Stanley Tucci, I don't know why I still like him. Because clearly is just taking roles to pay the rent. But there's something about him I like the storyline is, is very Jason Bourne. This guy is business super spy. And he forgot, you know, he had amnesia, and now it's all starting to come back to him. And he's being drawn back into this after having created a family and all this. I'm like, Boy, these are all elements of stuff I have already liked. So I should like it. But I'm not loving it. Makes it go with me or watch the Bourne movies. Or just read the books. I loved those books. Well, I, I have been extremely busy. Work is like insane diseases mean nothing to us. So the only way I had to de stress but I could not I did not have time to like, see what's going to be I read a web web comic in between. It's a romance web comic on webtoons. But it's very popular. It's called lore Olympus. So you guys might not be that into it. It's definitely like a romance web web series. I mean, that's just what it is. I found it's gonna be like, I don't know if some Netflix show love on a beach or no actually much higher quality than that. The art style is almost got this like Pixar, like paint stroke. It looks beautiful. The people are these you know, bright blue or pink kind of animation, not animations like drawings. But the story of course follows Greek gods, but the Greek gods are living in almost like a modern era they're texting each other there. They're having these conflicts. And I've never, I've always felt very separated from Greek stories because you're like, Why the hell is Zeus like turning into Swan and then like impregnating this lady? Like, why is he becoming a cow and having sex with Europa? And anyway, it's always felt very weird, but in this style, it's so approachable because when they do stupid shit, you're like, Of course you do stupid shit because you're a Greek god, but people are stuck in that era, even though they're in future tech world. Anyway, just it was really good and it dealt with some really, really complex difficult ideas in a way that I hadn't seen handled that well before. And I would definitely recommend it for anybody who's into romance and comics, and it is called lore Olympus lore Olympus. It is they have they've started printing it in hardback editions, and I believe it's the New York Times best best seller as well. Wow. Yes, if you look up lor, you'll get something very cool, but very, very different. And the other one I've seen maybe one or two of you have seen as well. Renfield I have not seen it yet. I rented this popped up for rental the other day. I'm gone. Oh, yeah. Like two weeks after it came out. Well, disappointing in that aspect. But I thought it was a lot of fun. The the lead guy has a great screen presence and a wonderful comedic delivery. I guess you could say. Nick Cage looks like he was having a lot of fun for sure. What did you think? I liked much of it. I thought it really legged in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. But it was a lot grayer than I expected. Good Lord. It was yes. And it didn't take itself seriously, which I appreciated. But there were some great scenes like where they drop cage into the Bela Lugosi scenes on you know, on the stairway and everything I was like wow, this is this put some real thought into this and I thought it was clever and Nicholas Hoult Is that his name? Yeah, thanks. So was he a warm bodies? Yeah, he was the lead getting warm bodies. Yeah. He likes the the actual boyfriend in the menu. He's Yeah, he's all over the place in his acting and I liked that about him because also he's like the beast in so I think he's gonna do really well. Yeah yeah, I really wanted to love this and I liked it. But I I thought that the middle was not not right there for me the biggest problem that I would say it had storyline was the Comic Book Villains. Yeah, there was just a little too much of a they went for their let's not take it seriously a little hard on that. Those characters. I thought that was a weird choice. But I was if you saw the trailer and you liked the trailer, you're probably gonna like the film because it just has that flavor down really? Well. Yeah, it took a turn for for innocent blood that I was not expecting. I didn't think needed to be there. I'll say that Aquafina is growing on me as an actor, because I don't like her. And I liked her in this. So I was like, okay, all right. grown on me, but I hated her and Shang chi. Yeah, so not a huge fan either. So yeah, the fight scenes are a lot of fun fight scenes. Were very fun at the end credits. Yeah, was a fantastic example of the difference music makes Yeah. Because those were downright creepy. Yeah, that's gotten into the film reels and just stills of cage at times, like nice. There were some really neat things going on in the movie, you know, when cages burned and everything and he's you know, healing himself it's not something that happens over the course of days. And you know, so he looks pretty horrific and a lot of it I was like, this is a good idea. I'm liking this and I yeah, like I said, I liked a lot of it. I liked the the what would you call it was the counseling meeting that they were all attending? Oh, the the dealing with a narcissistic boss or a partner or lover or whatever it is. So all of that stuff I thought was very clever. But there was something in it that after I watched it, I was like, Okay, I see where the bad reviews are coming from and I see why it jumped so quickly to rental but I was happy to pay for it. I thought I got my money out of it. Yep, exactly. Okay. Are we a break down? Yep. Let's take a break. And then when we come back, we are talking. Good clean nuclear Armageddon. Mount comfort RV carries a wide variety of road warrior toy haulers, road warriors a great for carrying your ATVs motorcycles and dune buggies. Road Warrior toy haulers gone with a variety of amenities including party porches, plush furniture and huge TV is where he will be decided. So make your neighbor jealous. And visit Mount comfort RV for a complete Road Warrior toy hauler walkthrough and we're back Vanessa, this was your sub genre pick. You want to talk about it a little bit? Absolutely. So the idea was nuclear films and that includes anything that was either you know, a nuclear disaster that happens in the film or you're dealing with the afterwards somehow adjacent to nuclear. You love this kind of shit. This is one of your things you don't like like Mad Max, post apocalypse you like the after effects of immediate like, day after? I like seeing things explode and like cities and ruin you I have to say I do very much like Mad Max. Okay, but it's that's not my favorite part. My favorite part is definitely things getting fucked up. Fires, floods, earthquakes, radiation sickness, radiation. watch the world burn. I don't know why it's just so good. I have an apocalypse section on my DVD shelf. I remember like for TV really? You pick that one where the train derails and train and I was like, brought this up again. I was like, okay, she's gonna think I do I have since at least height it's probably since the day after tomorrow. I think that wouldn't first lit me up inside but okay, well, I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. All right, so I went with The Day the Earth caught fire the time is now 1051. Nine minutes before countdown. Nine minutes. Nine minutes before countdown. Nine minutes while the world waits and wonders. Share if you dare the unbearable suspense of men and women who have never in their lives faced greater peril. The Day the Earth caught fire will burn itself into your memory. Is it fiction? Or is it fact? What's the new rotation of the Earth new rotation? Well, it's a slight oscillation. On the Earth's axis caused by the pull of the sun and the moon. It's changed. You see there's a slight pouch on. There's also an item here about axis rotation. There's been 11 degree variation, whatever that may mean. they've shifted the tilt of the earth. The stupid crazy responsible. They finally done it on the presses of Fleet Street. Today's headlines plays into tomorrow's history. And here are the people who report the most sensational story a newspaper has ever had to print. A story that might be the last in ever prints. These are the people reporting the most explosive threat ever to face the world. Genie the girl on the government's switchboard and stunning one time ace reporter striving to make a comeback in life and love. Who happened to walk in at the end of a Black Monday. What about a foggy Sunday? Oh come on now people are too old. Look, I said you could use the phone. Anybody wants a slow build up? Down to the movies need troubles in a coffee bath? This is McGuire, the science editor who unearthed the deadly effects What the hell kind of bug only comes out to the fourth floor? No it's better than to come up here this place is like the ante room to hell. It's really chaos and London Airport Mr. McGuire? Usually question is how do we get home tonight? Yes, I know it's been wonderful must have started by now. 20 To 21 to the luck of the human race. The Day the Earth caught fire fearlessly tackles a ferocious sudden it will seize your imagination. Stretch your nerves with suspense more compelling than any you have known in a cinema before too. One This was suggested to me by a very good friend I one of my best friends out in the UK Tom Kirkham, and he was like, Hey, have you seen this? And I was like, No. Turns out I did have it on Blu ray on my shelf. It's easy to get hold of. This opened in the Odeon Marble Arch London in 1961. It has a rotten tomato score of 85% Critics audience comes in it also 85% Shot shockingly matched budget of 190,000 British pounds. Or someone else said 213,581 British pounds. It's hard to tell which one's true. It's a long time ago. It made a profit of I could not find the actual number for box office but a quote unquote made a profit of 22,500 pounds and was considered a moneymaker. Take without what you will. It's directed by Val guest who has 79 writing credits 56 directing credits, he was responsible for writing Casino Royale jigsaw, Hal is the city he directed Godzilla the 1977 version, space 1999 when dinosaurs ruled the earth, the abominable snowman and to quit or mass sequels, including experiment and Quatermass to co written by both valgus and Wolf make of its famous British writer of films, TV and West End musicals. He wrote screenplays for his own novels including millionaire s Casino Royale, black Beatty, and The Day the Earth caught fire and the very hit stage show espresso Bongo. I also really enjoyed his two works. It should happen to a dog and a kid for too far things. Like Kelly, you might might enjoy at least the latter. Still too expensive. Starring Janet Monroe. She has 29 credits including Darby Gillen, the little people. Third Man on the mountains Swiss Family Robinson in the crawling I wish I was like what is this? Literally a film about a giant crawling? Yeah, looks pretty incredible. Costarring Edward Jed 113 credits including island of tear he was an extra and maniacs on wheels, which I think were Wilson wheels. Concrete Jungle and Universal Soldier not that one. Leo mckern is also in this as sort of a another newspaper guy slash one of the best friends. He has 98 credits including Blue Lagoon, Ladyhawke man for all seasons, the omen. And the Adventure of Sherlock Holmes is smarter brother. I remember that Gene Wilder. So the story, we start off with a lone man walking down into deserted streets in a ruin London. The film green appears to be almost this orangey red color. The Thames has dried up the streets are empty. Speakers are blaring, a countdown to an explosion of some kind. And he goes to his workplace, which is completely empty and in ruins, a newspaper office, and he decides he's going to write an article. And he gets somebody on the phone because his helper typewriter has melted. So it gets somebody else on the phone and starts to dictate it to him. And the guy was like, really? And he's like, yes, now's the time. Then we go back a few months, Peter, the same man we saw is it down in luck journalist whose life is in disarray after his wife left him and remarried. And he got massive writer's block. Now he only gets bad assignments to kind of keep them around the office, and is sort of a lackey for just going to the library and grabbing info. And he's kind of kept around with the idea that maybe he'll become that hit star writer that he was before. However, in the world, strange things are happening. There's flooding. They have a early solar eclipse by like a week, then there's a huge heatwave that is just taking over pretty much all these countries in a specific line. It seems to be connected somehow to the Soviet Union and the US simultaneously detonating nuclear tests. So London, of course, Londoners carry on as they do with just being irritated about the weather and basically saying it's typical British summer before it starts and oh, you know, we got through this gets through it again. When Peter tries to get a hold of a science official at the very start because he wants a quote about the Eclipse. He gets into a tiff with a telephone operator, cine who he later runs into with a what they call a meet cute and they start a great little romance together. Throughout the film, the strange weather progresses and it is discovered that Due to the test, the Earth has been rotated 11 degrees, it will slowly make its way into the sun in only a few weeks. So, of course, the people of Earth decided they need to do another nuclear test on maybe the opposite side to kind of get it back into its place. And hence we ended the countdown at the at the beginning. Okay, so, um, thoughts this movie? It's like His Girl Friday meets threads. No, yeah, it's like a million miles a minute. Super smart, super fun dialogue feels so much like His Girl Friday, very much also, like, this is what it would really be like, if the shit happened. And we're sort of following the day to day. It's stalled. told the story isn't that the story is only told to the perspective of Peter and from the newsroom. It really focuses a lot more on his relationship with Jeanne and just living in London throughout this period. It's just Oh, man. It's yeah, the relationships in this are very interesting. They spend a lot of time on that there's a guy in the newsroom who kind of makes a lot of offhand comments about his wife and you get the feeling that there's trouble in paradise and he never really talks about exactly what's going on but at one point, they have a water shortage and he says his wife took off with the water is really realistic set design, they do a good job of making everyone look extremely sweaty, like you feel hot watching this film. They have the details of what might be going on during you know the the earth rotating in a new direction, including heat waves, heat mist, water rationing public bath baths that everybody has to go to water Raiders, teenagers going insane stealing water and just wasting it. And big drunken party is so interesting. I'm very Twilight Zone. Also, once great newspaperman has writer's block, and it takes the end of the world to get him to write an article again, of course. It's cool also how it uses sepia versus black and white film, the black and white being most of the film but when it's the beginning, in the end, it's CPA to kind of represent just how extremely hot it is. I really enjoyed seeing London in the 60s, it had some really fun onsite shots. Um, this might be one of my new favorite films. Wow, man, that's high praise. It's so good. It's so freakin good. They have this thing. I really appreciate it at the end where of course it's a newspaper company. And so they have two versions of the paper for the next day. One says world saved the other says world doomed they're just kind of hanging there and the guys are waiting to find out which way it's gonna go before they print it. Is it a really is like a you mentioned you had this on disk. Is it a really neat version or? No, it's just something from Amazon. But it was put out by BFI. So it's kind of a re they read. snagged it. I don't know how you said. remastering. Yeah, they remastered it. It had some like voiceover commentary and two commentaries on it, but I didn't watch those. It didn't have anything else exciting like some and some radio trailers and some actual great love it my favorite thing is extras. If somebody ever does put out a really cool edition of this, I will definitely definitely pick it up. A little bit of trivia, Val guest said there was a lack of enthusiasm to make this film and he only managed to persuade British lion to finance it by putting up the profits from espresso Bongo as collateral. The film was partly made on location in London and Brighton and use matte paintings to create the cities and desolate landscapes. They did however, use the actual Daily Express office and the paper zone headquarters as well as featuring the editor Arthur Christiansen of The Daily Express who had been held that job before so he was a really good actor for this particular piece. Towards the end. Peter is driving genies to Jimmy's apartment when he stops to talk to a policeman who's played by Sir Michael Caine. Of course a very young or an early scene genius struggling with us a Ronia stencil stencil duplicator saying it is overthinking the Renee o company threatened to sue the producers for potential damage to the reputation of their products. Just a few more very small things this movie received an X certificate from the British Board of Film censors upon release barring anyone under 16. From seeing it they both Val guest and Wolf mink of its received the 1962 BAFTA for Best Film screenplay. For this film, they were possibly going to make a remake in New York City, but it felt fell through. I'm putting this on the list. Oh yeah, sounds great. It's incredible. It's absolute incredible. I mean, it's 1960s like end of the world effects right? So you know, but all right, Eric, I'm 10 minutes on the buzzer. So when I originally consider this there's a film that you mentioned that I've been sort of wanting to watch for years. But I don't know if I actually really want to watch called threads. I said now I'm not gonna do this I there's enough crap going on. Let's watch another movie. I feel like me and Kelly were a little Debbie Downer about it when you said you're gonna do it. I think we're both like oh yeah, that's what everybody says. Maybe not this time but I've got a seven put out a book well, they helped put out a book of end of the world kind of movies that period after Mad Max and a bunch of other stuff and this movie was on the cover Oh 1980 threes endgame? This has no Rotten Tomato score, but a 67 which is generous but that's okay. Because if you liked this kind of movie, you probably really might love this movie. I thought it was okay yeah. This is directed by Joe D'Amato. Directing as Steven Benson. You might know him from the great hits of 2020. Texas gladiators are Frankenstein 2000 where he directed his David hills are absurd where he directed his Peter Newton or paradise blu ray directed as Anna Bergman Oh my god. How about Blu erotic climax as an Alexander brzowski Or wait? God is my Colt 45 uncredited. He has even more names in his 199 directing. Oh, with 176 DP credits. Man worked in film. She's a writer. Not too surprising Jodi Amato most of the boat movies listed above he also wrote including trying to kill heroes and Al and a bunch of the manual movies which Oh yeah, you know, have a certain shit going on right now because of several boxset going on. I think that's a lot for a bike set. They're not that they're not Yeah, I haven't seen them. Although Florio as Alex Carver so everybody's alternate names around here he wrote 2020 Texas gladiators a sold life and dead men ride. The movie stars out clever who you probably seen whether you know or not, but folchi Zombies muse in that 120 20 Texas gladiators demonia the house of clocks not the new one the original hearts and armor the beyond blacker manual and wider manual. All the manuals under the sun. Probably. Laura Gensler who's in metamorphosis Caligula THE UNTOLD STORY also by D'Amato vow of chastity, best known for her Emanuelle movies, like at least at least 11 But that box set has 24 films. I don't know what is going on with that. And I'll find somebody ordered that because I just don't feel like dropping $250 Saudis. Please don't. George Eastman, who's in Caligula THE UNTOLD STORY metamorphosis. tiny tiny Texas Gladiators, more years of the Wasteland, which is a truly fun piece of crap kind of movie like this. The barbarians stage fright. Talked about here before 1990 The Bronx or here's another great one for the Django movies, including where he looked back he was played Django in Django kill softly, but he's also credited as Bill so I'm not entirely certain what was going on there. But he you can picture him quite well. All of you have seen diehard picture the guy who is trying to broker the deal between the terrorists and Bruce Willis in the middle of a real smarmy salesman. He looks a lot like that guy. When I first saw the photo. There's no way he says because he's been works. The movie breakdown. Well. Let's see. The the menu for the movie on the disk I had made me go Oh man, I've tried very well, because this looks amazing. We'll see how it goes. Open up with a corpse being eaten by a bunch of rats, which is then stolen away by, I guess you'd call the mutant people who then start to eat the corpse themselves. And of course, first up, we have Laura shows up from the manual movies who has no scars or gross blackheads or pissy things on her Of course. Their movie has a group that shows up occasionally a real Gestapo style group with a very SS looking symbol on their car and running around. Their whole purpose is to kill mutants. Well, they do a lot of that end game is a game much like sort of like Ron Swartz and Egger film Running Man Running Man. Apparently in this disaster world, which has very few seemingly full buildings TV still works. So they set up the rules for the game fairly quickly. It really is unimpressive but it does have a product to sell the favorite food of end game players life plus Be a man among men by lifeless mug shots if they made a passing mention of the the war when were subtle differences and now they do it by apparently this game which is in no way indicated beyond a line or two and that weird start kind of start chamber kind of group that talks a couple times but don't really seem to be indicating what they're really up to. Other than we are controlling the world. It came out long before running man but after Bachmann's Running Man, so who knows the government has a severe or has a meeting during the games with ominous and vague warnings, like I was saying, so it's gonna like I don't know if they they want the veteran to win or if he wins, everything goes bad they brought it it's it's not the kind of movie that bears figuring that out by watching the scenes again. And let me remind you, this podcast is brought to you by life plus vitamins don't delay by today. Oh, my SS is back killing people in the streets. The game is going on. There is not a single scene of a bunch of people in a house gathered around watching the games or anything like that. It's all these guys running through? What's kind of supposed to look like, I think it's Italy. Or the you see is the destitute people and stuff like that. But nobody seems to be paying any attention to the game. So I was like, Well, why are these the world's most powerful game? Anyways, the fight scenes are fun, not great, but fun. And kind of over the top. They're not for tomato film, they're kind of less violent than you might expect. They settle a little fast sometimes or go on a little long. And other times. The main storyline is Laura is there to hire the super veteran of the Arnold Schwarzenegger f this. Now he's not there on on sports. He's the guy who's been there a bunch of times and wins every time. She wants to hire him to help her get a bunch of mutants out of the city safely. And so they start that and I don't know what they're talking about with the city. It's like a small state or country they're trying to get our county they're starting to get up as they drive a long time. And then they run into a bunch of nothing really happens in the city to keep them from getting out. But they do run into a bunch of blind monks who and there's lots of like, there's like four guys Protecting lists and there's probably 40 monks honestly interesting. But of course the blind ones are being controlled by a mutant. And instead of rescuing the mutant they chop his head into like, all right, because he's obviously a prisoner the guys chained up by first I know they're gonna write Oh, yeah, so that rescue and then they run into the another group I think that's trying to I don't know if they're trying to kill or capture the mutants. But again, just doesn't couple dozen guys on motorcycles and stuff and people shooting machine guns unable to hit anything. Except for course the hero every time he takes a shot, motorcycle guy Dre drops. Everybody else on his team not quite as good, but they come close. This movie drags extensively through large portions of it. It is in this genre of films this post apocalyptic cheaply made after Mad Max ones. It's pretty fun. Because a lot of those are really I don't think very many of them. You're watching a cop. Good. entertaining, fun. Sometimes good. This one is entertaining. But oh one of the fun thing with the some of the mutants on the motorcycles their makeup looks like they were just using leftover faceplates from Planet of the Apes. The chin and the nose and the bridge. It's like Buffy vampires that use makeup. Not much again in trivia. So I wrote a bunch of somewhat interesting stuff. So I'm okay that amount of time. I will go with a tagline for an end game champion in the year 2025. There's only one way to live dangerously. Absolutely. And oh, and nobody's surprised if you look this up on Wikipedia, IMDb or any other vague maybe not good sources for information. Joe D'Amato says his favorite movie. Sure he does. Maybe he does. I don't know. But I think he's done a lot better. I remember kind of liking this movie. The idea that it's televised. I guess I kind of forgot that it was televised because I also didn't quite understand why they why they were rulers over the world which seemed like it was a chaotic post apocalyptic world yeah like what do you guys ruling that was part that made no sense then they do. They have like TV vans, and they do the room where the dirt with the multiple screens with the guy directing stuff, but they never think they ever show anybody watching it. I wonder if they just ran out of money and they had plans you know we'll show we'll show some people watching this and then they just never did it drinking the vitamin. Right? Oh don't delay get your life plus vitamins today All right, I put in 10 minutes on the buzzer for myself I chose very well and very interesting. Very interesting film. It is called Five. Was all over he was the only one alive now New York the only one. quite satisfied with this return to nature of yours. Not when the cities are open waiting treasure chest. Everything in the world is there for us everything for the taking. I want to tell you something. Why did you do it? Why did I get my own day? Couldn't we go back Now I got you away. You don't think I'm going to take you back? I have not heard of us yes from 1951 budget of $75,000 box office not available. Rotten Tomatoes critics give us 73% And the audience gives the 52% Written and directed by arch onblur who has 11 credits including strange holiday the Twonky but is best known as the director of Bwana devil, which is the first 3d movie shot in color. Starring William Phipps who has 234 credits, tons of television. Also, the snow creature Invaders from Mars and War of the Worlds. Yeah, also star Susan Douglas rubes who has 41 credits. She was in Forbidden Journey boosts can and targets which is that Boris Karloff movie I just talked about while back that was really really good. Also stars James Anderson 151 credits, including take the money and run Little Big Man and To Kill a Mockingbird and Charles Lampkin, who has 106 credits, he was in hammer, the black Godfather, sob and cocoon very, very recognizable character actor. Wow. So you guys have not seen this movie, but you're gonna want to see this movie. The opening shot is very famous piece of footage of an atomic bomb blast and then right over that the title card five shows up and a Bible verse. Yeah, it is Psalm 103 16, the deadly wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more problematic. So we meet our first survivor who is Roseanne and she is trudging from place to place ghost towns full of skeletons hanging out of store windows and car doors and everything. And she passes by this headline on a newspaper. I love the old trope. But in 1951, I think it can be forgiven. It reports that a detonating a new kind of bomb could result in the extinction of humanity. So she is screaming and wailing for anybody to hear her and there's just nobody else around, she finally makes her way to this beautiful house that I guess used to belong to her aunt. And then she walks inside and there's a fire burning, and she's kind of confused, she sits down and a man enters. And she immediately faints. So I have to tell you, this house, you guys is amazing. It is gorgeous. The architecture is really, really cool. And that is good because it is literally the only production value they have in this movie. When she wakes the man introduces himself as Michael, and he's kind of a sensitive poet and philosopher kind of guy. But don't worry. After a few days, he forces himself on her. And I thought surely Excellent. And she tells him No, and she's holding out that her husband is still somehow alive. And we find out that she is pregnant. So Michael tells us he's She's crazy. They're the last two people alive on the planet and just in the hair, a car coming down the road. She goes in reading out to see who it is that he's like, and it is an old man. His name is Mr. Barnstaple. He is a banker and he's got a black man with him Charles, who was the guard at the bank. They were both in the bank vaults when everything went to shit. And that's how they survived. And then we kind of start getting a little story of what's going on. Turns out that Roseanne was at the hospital being having a checkup on her baby and she was in the lead lined X ray room. So she survived. However, Michael was in like a elevator in the Empire State Building. And they list that as the reason he survived. I'm like, Well, should there be a bunch of people in every elevator in the Empire State Building then but not just him. But we start realizing the Barnstaple is, is sick, and also having a very difficult time kind of come to terms with what has happened. In fact, he thinks he's on vacation, and he is going to need to get back to work and they're kind of like, oh, I want you to take it easy once you rest here at the house and he's like, Well, I just don't have time for that. Both me and Charles. They both need to get back to work. And Charles is kind of looking at everybody like you know what's going on here. So they they try to make him come trouble and all that stuff. He eventually wanders away from the house and they're looking for him and everything. They find him down at the beach and he has fallen into the water and he dies peacefully on the beach there. But at the beach, they find another survivor who has walked washed up on the shore, Eric, who was stranded by a blizzard on Mount Everest when the atomic Armageddon occurred, you know, in Natal, China 7463 miles away, there are multiple questions, anyway, is quite a guy immediately sowing discord among the group, and coming right out and saying the child's the black man should not be allowed to sleep in the house with the rest of them. Oh, yeah. So what they're doing here, you start realizing pretty quick, okay, we're getting kind of the, the best and the worst of mankind are all kind of wandering up and living together or being forced to live together and we're going to see all the old shit that has destroyed our planet come back, or in fact, the fight between Charles and Eric is interrupted when Roseanne starts clutching her bellies. And we realize she's going into labor and she gives birth to her baby, which seems reasonably healthy, but none of them are doctors so they don't know. Eric, however, though, he theorizes that they're all immune to radiation, and that's why they haven't gotten sick. And he wants to get into the city and explore. Michael explains that the cities are where the radiation is the worst and that they need to give up that idea. But Eric has gotten into Roseanne said, cuz she's still under the impression that her husband is somewhere out there life so they make a deal to sneak off to the city one night to look for her husband, and he insists that she tell no. So it's just a baby and her and ah, Eric's left the baby, but I'm not gonna leave your baby. Charles, though, who has moved himself off into a little shed. On the other side of the property. He confronts Eric while Roseanne is waiting in the car. So Eric stabs him and kills him. But Roseanne doesn't know this. She doesn't see this. And so they sneak off into the city. Once they get there. Eric immediately starts looting the jewelry stores. Sure. Gotta get the port. Yeah, sure, like that. And we follow Roseanne on her journey to find her husband, which he does. Just like everyone else in the city, he has been turned into a skeleton, his flesh, muscle and organs completely disintegrated even though his clothes are untouched. Well, you wouldn't want a newt skill. Well, remember, they did say this was the detonation of a new kind of bomb. So I'm guessing. Yeah. Oh. So Eric turns out to be a bad guy, as you might expect, and tells Roseanne that she is with him now. Because she's like, I guess, I guess we should just go back to the house. And he's like, Fuck the house. You're not going anywhere. I'm not going back there. Fuck those guys. So it was quite the language for 50. All right, I might be, you know, coloring it with my own poor language, but you get the idea. She struggles against Eric and during that she tears his shirt open, showing that he has very bad radiation sickness on his chest. And he then sees this and runs away blubbering, like a baby just runs off. So Roseanne makes the long trip back to the house on foot. For some reason, even though the car that they came in was right there. And and during the trip, her baby dies. It seems that I was not expecting because she's like trying to wash it off and she's she's freaking out. She's what's wrong? What Why are you You know, you know, walked into the city lady. She makes it back to Michael and they bury the baby. And then they both get to work on cultivating the soil in front of the house, which I'm sure is not irradiated at all. And it ends with another Bible verse. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth and there shall be no more death. No more sorrow, no more tears. Behold, I make all things new. So the movie is a little silly and naive, but it's also really thought provoking. I thought I had a really good time with it. I got some taglines for men and one woman are the last people on Earth. This is their story. Oh font descriptive trivia. According to Robert Osborne of Turner Classic Movies, the film is the first to depict the aftermath of an earthly atomic bomb catastrophe. The unusual house that is the setting for most of the film was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and was the separate guest it was the separate guest house of the ranch of producer director writer arch Tobler. The house burned to the ground, with only the foundation's remaining in the 2018. Woolsey fire which swept through the area. Finally, the beach scene where Eric washes ashore was filmed at Westwood Beach. This is the same beach where Charlton Heston falls to his knees and screams up at the Statue of Liberty at the end of Planet of the Apes. This movie is I mean, silly, naive, and somehow wonderful. I was just in trance the entire time. It's, it's just a bunch of really good actors acting really good. Nice cuts. That's good to hear. Because your description kind of made it sound like you didn't like it. No, no, I really loved it. I thought I was kind of drawn to it by being the first one. And the fact that I had never even heard of it. And then you know, a $75,000 budget, even in 1951 is pretty low budget film. And then it's just five really great actors interacting with each other. And there's me dialogue and stuff like that. But I just watched this movie. And at the end, I was like, that was really good. Really interesting that it opens and ends with Bible verses. But it's 1951. America might have Bible verses to I just didn't mention them. Mine did not. So not even any Italian Bible. The same as all the other Italian edition. I don't know. So we're Where did you find this? Let me think I say YouTube. You know what? I didn't write it down. It might be YouTube, but it might be prime. It was yeah, it was available to stream. I didn't have to Oh, okay. I didn't have to look for Oh, awesome. And I'll say this, you know, once again, Vanessa, you pick something that I was like, Okay. And I pulled something out, because I'm so awesome. Are you telling me all your enthusiasm at the end of the last show was faked? So thank you, Kelly, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Oh, my God, I feel so deceived right now. You seemed like you were so excited. And it was all a lie. What is real? No, it is kind of, it's why you play the game. Right? You play the strange aeons game, right? Is that we pick the thing. And we all are like, well, let's see how this is gonna go. And sometimes it's not so good. Sometimes it's fantastic. And that's part of the reason we record frequently and drop frequently. So we don't have time to go. You know what? I'm gonna watch five, right? Movies and pick the top one. Right? Well, as you would expect by chosen survivors, the new part didn't actually happen. So I was like, Oh, shit. Yeah. As soon as you said it. I was like, oh, so it was a lie. And God, they probably got tricked by the computer to go down there by the government. Even worse, even worse, makes so much sense. I definitely have never seen that before. All right. Next episode is not going to be anybody's choice because we're recording live at crypto con Seattle. We are going to be talking Prince of Darkness. Hey, you go. Carpenter, for all the live with the crypto guy. Yeah, I mean, pretty soon we'll be into actually, Jason Weiss, who listens to the show, he sent me my my panel list and said really looking forward to you guys doing Memoirs of an invisible man this year. And I said, you know, we're not doing that. But if we do this long enough, I guess we're gonna have to do that eventually. I mean, look Bad Moon Rising. There'll be some fun ones in there. That's true. So if you're out at cryptic con, please come and listen to the show. We always post that show. So you'll hear yourself cheering and laughing at our recording on Saturday afternoon. Saturday. Yeah, right. So so I'll only be a little shift faced you get prime Kelly this one much more sober than the typical right? Yes, that's what I meant. This is also the time where we like or we thank everybody for liking and sharing posts. We do like to thank people very like for participating in the value for value model for dropping us a line if you feel like it at the strange aeons radio hotline which is 253237426 Leave us a message we'll play it on the air if it's okay with you. Anything else guys? Yeah, come out to crypto gotta have some fun cryptic on Seattle you've got a nice lineup of films this year. Batteries, man it's gonna tell you the Northwest has some good stuff that WTF Black is not quite as usually WTF black as those ones are gone. What the hell am I watching? It has some of those but They're some really well executed stuff. Lots of shorts this year. Lots of shorts. Good. Well, I can't wait. I always love going there. I love hanging out with you guys. I love doing our show. Yep, it's fun. It's gonna be it's gonna be fun get to see a lot of faces that we only get to see once a year at this particular convention. And we're all going to be on a few different panels. Yeah, and if you see us come say hi to us. Please do alright guys, we will be back then in one short week and we'll be playing that krypton episode Prince of Darkness transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set people set because when they do stupid shit, you're like, Of course you do stupid shit.