Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 229

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Eric and Kelly continue to have the best time ever with guest host Kim Douthit. Vanessa should be very worried.
Also discussed: From, Consecration, Spinning Gold.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's fake Vanessa over there. Hello. changing my name to that. I'm Kelly. Kim. It is an absolute pleasure to see you again. Are you sure? Absolutely. Happy to be back. Thank you for putting up with me again for another week. Yeah. You know, I had a blast. I hope you had a good time. I did. Eric was saying that he did not like you, but usually how it works. Yeah. Kelly makes up some shit about me. getting a feel for the dynamic. Hey, guys, I always harping on about the value for value model. And that can mean whatever it means to you. But in the case of Andrew Byers, it meant him sending me a couple of books that have been really really interesting. One of them is knife point, knife point horror, the transcripts volume one. Are you guys familiar with knife point horror? No, don't think so. It is a really cool radio show where it's, it's kind of like an old timey radio show where this guy writes about these very, very creepy things. Now, Andrew, I'm going to disappoint you because this is really tough for me to get into Kim, I'll just hand this to you. And you can see, maybe what is bothering me about this is there is no indentations on the paragraphs. And as a writer that is driving me fucking batshit My eyes keep crossing. However, the stories are very cool. And Andrew, I really really appreciate that. He also got me a book of the collected fiction of William hope Hodgson, the night land volume for this is a very cool book. I don't know if you guys have gotten into any William hope Hodgson very, very early, weird horror. So, Andrew, you are a prince among men. By early I mean, like, the same time that? Yeah, it would have been it would have been earlier than that. I believe. He was a Lovecraft was a fan of Hudson. So that's very cool. Yeah. So I mean, how neat. Do we have the best listeners? You did? Yeah. Andrew, if you want to send me anything except books, major credit card, baked goods. Vicki. Well, you guys have watched some movies. Nice. And Eric, I know that you might possibly be interested in one of these was called spinning gold. It is the story of Christ. Now I'm going to blink on his name Neil Bogart and Casablanca records. Okay. Casablanca rancor record starts in 1973 with their first band and only band KISS, and Oh, okay. I know. Now Yeah, I definitely want to see that. Yeah. And then they have a lot of failures until they finally strike it big. And then they just strike it big over and over again with Donna Summer and the village people and Parliament and all of the you know, not to mention kiss finally striking it too huge for them. The movie is told in kind of the Bohemian Rhapsody kind of way, which is to say, a lot of these things happen, not in the order that they say they haven't and probably not as dramatically as they say they happen. And then it ends with the untimely death of Neil Bogart, who died at the age of 37. So he he lived a lot of life in his 37 years. But then we get a musical in heaven. Why not? So it's, I don't know, it's a very strange movie that I enjoyed for what it was it is written and directed by his sons. So it is a definite love letter to their dad. I was pleased to see that they didn't sugarcoat it because the dad who was very talented also cheated on their mom a lot. And they they talk about that in this so I don't know if so was it like Amazon or rental? Yeah, it's a rental right now on prime. Hard to recommend this if you have any knowledge of what really happened, because you're gonna watch this. It's frustrating. They don't have the rights to the kiss. The face paint is way off. And the guys playing Jean and Paul are not very good. They don't have the rights to any of their songs apparently. So it's all re recorded versions that aren't quite as good. So there's a lot to piss you off. Which is sad because you know, they could have gone out and hired that one band The, the kiss sound like that sounds like they're from the 70s My guess is they had to be very careful about sounding too close. Oh, that's good point. Paul and Jean are pretty tight stuff. So I don't know. I I enjoyed it for what it was, but I'm going to give it a very soft recommend. Very cool. I just watched last exit. If you're saying to yourself which one that is. I saw that the the SIF International Film Festival. So look up 2023 It's got Joely Richardson, Joely Richardson, it actually had a different title. It looks like when it originally was was was filmed. And they've changed it to last exit, which I think is a mistake. Because I remember seeing the preview for it and being like, I would like to see this and I kept forgetting the name. Because it showed generic I was like it's something with exits. No Exit not all right. It's it's such a generic horror title or thriller title. It's a thriller. It really is more of a thriller than than I would say horror, but the premise of it is, is Julie Richardson's character is a woman. She's got a teenage daughter and a husband who has some kind of, of illness or disability where he is trapped in a wheelchair. And it's his birthday. And there's a storm going on. They live out way, way, way out in the boonies in the UK. And there's a knock knock knock at the door. And the to two men and one of them is injured. They've been in a car accident, and so kind of against her better judgment. She lets them in and treats them. And of course before too long, you realize they are criminals. But you also know something's not right in the world of Julia Richardson's character, and I will say, you know, something's weird. Her living out. So so far away where there's no no phone that they have just like a landline, but it's out because of the storm. No cell phone service, no Internet. In 2023. You're like, Ah, okay, something's up, I did not expect it to go quite in the direction it went. So kudos for that. It's, it's a movie that in some ways, is super generic. But in other ways, because you've got such great performers across the board, really strong acting performances, and some moments of genuine surprise and shock. It keeps it from being as generic as the title suggests. So I would say it's worth a watch. It's not a perfect film, but it was it was entertaining, and it does have some genuinely cool moments in it. And a few surprises that are like, Oh, that's messed up. In a fun way, in a good way in the way that I think all of us like, so. Yeah. When it's when it's getting a wider release. I don't know when that's going to be Yeah, once you're in festival It's hard to know how long their festival runs gonna last. Yeah, I was just gonna ask if we know this house distribution. I had not seen it when I first watched but I haven't checked since then. I watched a couple weeks ago. I imagine it will somewhere. But I don't know if it's going to make a wide release. I see it probably going to direct to streaming somewhere. Or getting maybe a partial release but or limited release. But no, it's worth it's worth a watch. Cool. Try to remember. Again, anytime your exit but is that it? Maybe? Always makes me think of one of the most depressing scenes I've ever seen this last exit to Brooklyn. Oh, yes. And like last night. Anyway, so saw a the shutter ongoing shutter thing. Consecration you've seen this one try to remember if it seems Oh, no, this is this is on my list, but I haven't gotten there. It's a pretty recent release. Yeah, it's pretty good. It's pretty good. Yeah, it's not the most family related but it's my family drama of everybody trying to hear their family's problems. A sister or a brother of a woman's priest. Let me start this. A suicide of her brief priest brother leads her to investigate this very, very intense church that is super by the book, very old school religion and dark and disturbing levels and I I really liked it. I put this down as a strong, interesting, overall interesting movie. It's definitely as failures. But so does every film. Go on the letterbox I was like, average 2.4. If the ratings like, I don't know, maybe I watched a different movie from other people. But I was really interesting it also too, because I do like the religious base theme. films can be particularly creepy. It could be because it's kind of written like I think it's supposed to be. Oh, wow, surprise when it really isn't. But that didn't bother me. Yeah, because I didn't feel like it was written like that, where it's like, yeah, there's she's solving a mystery. So clues are gonna pop up. Sure. Right. And that's how it worked. So I was okay with that. I don't need to. I never saw anything coming kind of surprise and be satisfied. So I would say if the nasty church thing, and that is a good look. So I would say check it out. But pretty sure that was a part of my shutter run. Does that get into then? Because I like the religious or to Otakon supernatural stuff. Yes. Okay. Yeah. In a way, in a weird way. Okay, I can dig that. Well, Creed three finally made it onto prime and I decided to give this a watch. And, Eric, I think that you kind of liked this. I haven't seen creed. Actually. I've seen two or three. Oh, must have been Vanessa, who needed to I think I did not like to. And I very nearly hated this one. It was it's just ridiculous. It was ridiculous story. It was. The acting was great, because it's full of great actors. Yeah, but the story, I just thought was dumb and unbelievable. And just made me angrier and angrier. And I don't know, I'd say because I mean, I really did like the first crit. I did. I haven't avoided two and three. I just haven't seen them yet. Well, I thought that Stallone was like trying to sue this from coming out because this was without him. Yeah. And they use characters that he created. So I think he was trying to stop it from happening. But then at the very end, it says produced by Sylvester Stallone. So I don't know if that was some kind of court thing that happened to some kind of agreement or some money just means money. But otherwise, I don't know. All I could think really was I can't believe that this spin off of a franchise already has three of its own movies. There's what seven total now? Eight, eight, total? The eight. There's five of the original. Or another six. Yeah, so this is nine films. Yeah, well. Yeah. So I don't know. I just I didn't love it. Considering the first six. If you like them, five of them are pretty damn good. One of them is not very good at all. But that's pretty good run at least. Yeah, I mean, I was also I'll be honest, pulled out because I kept thinking how weird it was that the two main characters in this have played two different bad guys in Marvel movies. Oh, and it was so weird to see them interacting with each other. But both of them are fantastic actors. I just wanted a better movie for them and maybe feel bad for everybody involved. That's never the feeling you want by everybody. I just mean me Sure. Like why am I why am I here? I have been watching the second season of from oh do tell I did rewatch the first season in preparation of the second season because I knew there was things I'd forget I do that a lot. I don't retain things well when a year goes by. And I will say I I've been enjoying it. And you've got a fantastic cast. They've expanded on the cast. There's been some some surprises. One of the new characters they brought in is connected to one of the original cast. So that's been kind of cool. They're expanding on the monsters and the monsters motivation a little bit. I do have some concerns that they do not actually know where they are going with all of this so that they don't have much of a plan beyond wouldn't it be cool if Yeah, yep. So and I'm not yet convinced that it could still go either way. It could still very much go either way. Is it? One of the things I've only watched like two or three per se, that's part of why it kind of hit me like maybe I'm not gonna like this. Did you ever see the Pines series? No, I did I know the series you're talking about, but I didn't watch it. It's about a isolated city that has creatures around it. And they have to say Wayward Pines. Wait, was that? Yeah, yeah. Which I read the book and watch the series. And I'm watching this guy, this feels very much like it could get it feels very much like Wayward Pines, which can be either very good thing or really bad, real bad thing. Yeah. Is it? Am I right on that? Or is it different ways it I keep kind of feeling a little bit of a Stephen King vibe, which again, isn't necessarily great for thinking about an ending. But it does have the the second season is starting to go a little in that kind of direction of like, is there these? There I go. Is there an external, you know, force, which obviously, there has to be some kind, but is it beyond just these these monster things? Is it you know, that's running the show? And as they're expanding on their worlds, if there's not a plan, then they're there. There's not. It's not gonna be good. If there is a plan, and they know exactly where they're the story grew, it feels like, even in the first couple episodes of season two, it almost like grew, you know, five times in size in terms of, oh, this is our universe now. Oak. Okay. We're so much of the first season. You had this, like you were learning about this world. But the rules of the worlds were fairly straightforward. It was we're following it. And and there was a couple of weird things that you that hadn't paid off yet. But we've we've we've like, you know, hold my beer. So again, if there's a plan in place, then awesome. If there is not a plan in place, then we may have like a last thought. So we'll see. I need to get back into this. The Yeah, that's the interesting thing about we were talking off the air about yellow jackets. Yeah. And those creators have a five year plan. Yeah, they know exactly where their thing is going. And I think that we were also talking about last and it surprised me that they did not have that plan in place. Or once it hit as big as it did maybe go hadn't nailed it down we should come up with let's figure this out. Because this could go for a while, way longer than should have actually well, and doesn't from have one of the creators of loss, which is which is where my concern comes. But I'm also like, well, maybe maybe they learn maybe they've learned from there. Or maybe what they learned was, Hey, you don't have to know where you're going. Yeah, I can just keep going as long as people are watching. But it's also I will say because this is on what was epics Oh, it's but now is MGM. Yeah, that was because that's where I went because I'm still one of those weirdos that watches cable because I have right yep. Sector explain that to a lot of people like Kanwal. Yeah. And this is not a major network. This is something you're only getting if you have a certain level cable subscription then yeah, it goes streaming I think isn't amazon it goes through Yeah, eventually but they're their initial audiences is not going to be quite as wide so I don't know how much grace they have in terms of of viewers to get that third season. But good point. You know, and and I don't know, I know Netflix has this clause. I don't know what MGM is are but one of the reasons so many Netflix shows and after two seasons is because the creators get paid a bonus each season and by the third season. It's huge. So if I cancelled it, too, I saved myself like a million bucks. Interesting. Yes, you're right. It did become MGM. Plus and that's the that's the network I was telling you about the Amityville origin. Plus, okay. I'm making anyways, yeah, mine is a goddamn bummer movie. See, Spanish film called the platform 2019. I had a fairly negative reaction to this, not because it's a badly made movie. But it's so grim. That's the one where they're the platform is like going down the levels and it's like, food for 30 or 40. levels, but they've got like 300 and some odd levels. How are the first slides? How are all these people still freaking alive? If it's such a, if it's 10% of the people like getting food every time, but it's, it's so grim. And the couple of the people do it because in the society you get like, elevated. Like, it's kind of like you get to be a citizen in other movies, but I'm not quite sure what the bonuses of that and nobody, the the grimness of the telling of this movie was hard to watch. So it I did not enjoy watching this movie. It took me at least two watches to get through. It's well done enough that I did come back to finish it up. So it's a well done film. I think it's on Netflix. Yeah. But I will never watch this movie again. And if you're in the mood for a well acted bizarre, interesting Spanish film. It's, it's well done. He'll check those boxes. It's got that, that it's not like but it's got that Blade Runner, Brazil, sort of a world where every fix. It's less interesting though. Everything is very plain. Everything is very, very generic. But yeah, it's a I can't recommend this one. I think you sound like you and I actually liked it. The bleakest didn't bother me. It had kind of a similar vibe as cube for me. And I don't know why. It's it's, I mean, a very different premise. But this idea of like waking up in this weird. Yeah, well, I love it. Yeah. It is incredibly bleak. Like it's not something I watched and was like, Well, this was going on my yearly watch lists. I can't wait to watch it again. But I enjoyed it. I thought the acting was really solid. I like the storyline as bleak as it was. I think sometimes I enjoy watching how we can always be the worst no matter what scenario or how hard we try. We're gonna end up being the worst. So let's do that. Yeah, yeah, but now I think it feels weird to say I enjoyed it because you're right it is it's there's not there's not a lot there. That's sunny at the end, but I know I liked it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well remind me I remember just being a metaphor for society. The rich and the poor and all that is there something that is their story is I somebody is trying to get up but do they ever do that are really the the player the payoffs don't really come? Yeah, the the efforts to reach them right? Don't ever really amount to anything. Which is part of the frustration of watching I think that's why I didn't care for it either. I was like we all we all understand that the rich get richer and the poor get poor, I don't care where nobody takes down this society. I would just wanted and they can close. Yeah, moments where it's like, okay, just give me something No, we're gonna kill the dog or we're gonna everything as bad as it possibly can be. It's like, and because it's technically done so well. And it's the the lead guy is performances. Insane. He's fantastic. Yeah. And that's, I often like movies like that where you're following lead performer and, like, for me, Bruce Willis in 12 Monkeys has that kind of performance where while you're watching the movie, whatever that actor is going through is where you are. Yeah, and this does that. But the problem is, wherever that guy is, is is a really sad place to be. And I just wanted it's sort of like the horror films that have no comedy in them. Like, just give me that moment of levity and then that next mortal horror is going to be worse. Yeah, if they'd given a moment of levity I think it would have been even darker movie would have for me it would have worked a little better release Yeah, cuz I just slog it's gone. Hmm. Huh. Okay, I'm depressed. I'm more depressed and more depressed and more depressed. The lodge was that for me? Yeah. Oh, God. Yes. So much. And again, it's it's it's well acted. It's it's slight, but it was bleak past the point where I was enjoying myself watching. I don't think I even finished that one because I just got to a point like, you know what? This is bleak. And unlike the platform was that lead guy who I thought was so compelling. I'm not really enjoying watching their journeys. Have any of these people? I did have a good for her moment at the end? What good for her moment? Oh, okay, well, maybe I'll finish that. I think I watched about more than half of it so it's it's I mean it's not it's not fun but yeah that final moment I was like you know like good for you that's good because you don't feel that way at the end of the platform. No you don't well, all right. Why don't we take a little break and dry our eyes and then when we come back we are talking about sequels that took way too long to get made. He'll fight for freedom wherever there's trouble GI Joe is here the GI Joe collection inventory drug name, Grunt bazooka soldier, motor soldier code name, short fuse, laser rifle, drover code name flash Ranger, stalker communications officer code name breaker machine gun name rock'n'roll counter intelligence code name skylights, Commando code names guys each sold separately GI Joe from Israel Hello, let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hello, everybody. This is Vanessa calling from Kona in Hawaii just got over here from kawaii very cool, very neat place. I am having an awesome awesome time though. I am a little suspicious on this new island. They have a alien landing site. Not sure why you would do that. Why you would invite that to your beautiful home but that's okay. It's a little bit suspicious. Also a lot of cockroaches here. A little bit out of control. But the food is incredible. It's beautiful. Manta Rays and turtles and fish are just majestic. Thank you so much to Kim for filling in for me so I can enjoy this super, super super overdue vacation. Alright guys, well, I can't wait to see you soon. I've gotta go. I am on my way to a seahorse farm. So I'm gonna go check that out. See you real soon. And I hope I hope all as well. Yeah. Okay. All right. Bye. If you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline, dial 253-237-4266. And we are back. Kim. Once again. This was your sub genre pick. So I'm gonna have you go first. Yay. More pressure. Thank you. Okay, so explain to us what your idea was with this sub genre. It kind of came about because I really wanted to talk about psycho to perfect. Do we get this out quickly? And sequels was just kind of a little too broad of an idea. And I was like, What's one of the things I like about this movie that it came out 23 years after the original All right, well, I'm gonna put the time okay. And you are ready to go. So if you had not already figured this out the movie I will be talking about today is 1980 threes psycho to have a petition here signed by 743 people against Norman Bates released metal please sit down this matter is being represented by the district attorney was not convicted murderer was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Don't you realize they're going to release a homicidal maniac who sit down as his illness? It's all too obvious our courts protect the criminals not their victories. Norman Bates is judged and restored to sanity and his audit released off with its 22 years later. And Norman Bates is coming home. I am on a motel not too far from here. And you'd be welcome to spend the night in one of the empty rooms if you'd like. And I marry and he's back in business. Who is this? My mother is dead I'm telling you there was a note on that whale from my dead know that it couldn't be your mother. It had to be someone else. I trust her. She wouldn't have to do anything No. She'll kill you. I know she will. No, I won't do that. You can't make me jealous. 22 years later, Norman Bates is home psycho. It started it was released 23 years after the 1960 release of psycho. It had a budget of 5 million, a box office of 34.7. It did quite well. The audience and critic scores on Rotten Tomato were very similar was a 61% for critics and 60%. For audience, it was considered by critics to be like, nowhere near as good as the original. That was the consistent some were like kind of decent on it. Some really didn't like it, Washington Post one of my favorite reviews, a travesty masquerading as a sequel as a psycho to transforms her one sympathetic, heroic supporting role into a hateful bit parts and then kills her off with the revoltingly obscene flourish. Has movie storytelling broken down this grotesquely in 23 years? Wow. That guy's gonna be real disappointed when he gets into the future, right. But, yeah, it was it was. It was well received by some but but there there are some who dug it was directed by Richard Franklin, and Australian director known for directing the original Patrick, and Harry's war, as well as five episodes of the Beastmaster TV show. Very nice. So there you go. Good. All right, you've written by Tom Hollins, who we all know Yeah, fright that child's play thinner. There's a good pedigree there. Oh, actually, Tom Hall and this is kind of funny. In 2015, he was asked about psycho two. And what he said was, we should have called it something other than psycho because it has no more than a passing resemblance to the original. What we did to Norman Bates and Lila Loomis was criminal. Outside of that it was wonderful. It's kind of funny to me like i guess i i super dig this movie, I think I think it actually does right by Norman Bates. Maybe Maybe not. Maybe not Bale's character. It had a couple of the original cast members, Anthony Perkins reprising his role as Norman Bates. You might also know him from psycho psycho three, and the Made for TV psycho four. He did do other things. 67 total credits, but he'll always be Norman Bates to me. Sure. Vera Miles reprising her role as Lila crane. Now Lila Loomis, the sister of Marion Crane, who spoiler alerts do I need to say that like Nope. If you don't know that by now, I'm sorry. What's wrong with you? 162 credits as an actor which is just solid. She was also in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and the wrong man, Virginia Greg last original cast member who was uncredited in both films. She is the voice of Norma Bates. She would reprise that in psycho three as well. 228 credits, mostly voice work. She did a lot of voice work and she was major Edna Haywood and operations petticoats so there you go. Meg Tilly as Mary's sister to Jennifer Tilly nominated for an Oscar for Agnes of God. And most recently playing herself on the Chucky TV series. 31 total credits. Robert Lagina is Dr. Raymond 234 credits He's like one of those guys. he's seen every thing he's got that very recognizable kind of scratchy voice. He was independent stays Scarface last highway big just yeah, one of those dudes. For time anyone or Dennis Franz is the sleazy guy running the hotel. We might know him better as Detective silhouettes from NYPD Blue sleazy guy. Yeah, he has a type he definitely has a type he plays also Just like detectives he was Detective Marino and dressed to kill 57 Acting credits, and Hugh Gillen the sheriff hunt. He plays the part again and psycho 394 Acting credits lots of TV and the mayor and Back to the Future three. Tom Holland also pops in as a as an actor. I didn't realize it hadn't clicked that he actually does some acting he's deputy Norris 34 Acting credits 22 writing credits 20 directing credits, and oz Perkins who briefly appears as young Norman in a doorknob is 20 Acting credits including Legally Blonde and has written eight films directed six including black coats daughter and I am the pretty thing that lives in the house. We actually kick off with the shower scene. That is the awkward opening shot is the the Bates Motel and then we go straight into the shower scene. We then see Norman 22 years later in front of a judge being released into the world because he is now cured, because he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. And so once his doctors say he's good, he's good. Lila crane. Now Loomis is not stoked. She has a petition with signatures. Letters, they're like, yeah, it doesn't really actually mean anything. So thank you for trying No, thank you. I used taking back home by his doctor, which also I have feelings about that this guy had his dead mother in this house murdered a bunch of people. Let's return to him there. That's going to be great. But that seems like that should have been therapy before. Released. No, but that's where we go. So it's managed by our you know, Warren Toony, who has turned it into kind of an adult star motel and as a huge dick. He gets such that's actually how he should have been credited. He doesn't have one justice. Norman starts working in the diner. He meets a young waitress named Mary and she gets kicked out by her boyfriend and she's very cute. So like, I get Norman's like, Hey, man, I got to say, hey, he's not quite that suave. It's it's you know, she goes back with him. She's kind of jumpy, which I get you agreed to stay in the house of a guy who killed seven people. That's that's a fair point. Norman fires his hotel manager for dealing drugs. He comes into Norman's work at the diner and harasses them. And Norman is starting to get these notes and these phone calls from mother Nora. We see someone killed the old manager. Mary is still at the house Norman goes into his mother's bedroom and suddenly it looks like it did from before. Oh no, I'm losing my mind. More murders, more phone calls. And then we learned that Mary is actually lightless daughter and they are trying to drive Norman insane. It's extra weird because Norman and Mary are definitely getting their flirt on. But like the most awkward way at one point Norman says I don't kill anyone anymore. Remember? He used it as a lie like a girl. So that's strange, but you know probably successful. People fake with the whole year of psycho. Like the amount of times somebody says to Norman You're a psycho or come on psycho pick it up. The murder scenes are it's really interesting. So the movie takes itself very seriously at times. And then you get a murder scene where somebody falls down the stairs and onto a knife go through a throat in a very, like almost yellow way like it's it's they don't feel like they belong quite in the same thing. A little bit of trivia this movie actually came about because the author of the original novel wrote his own psycho too, as a satire on slasher films. And the studio's were like, Oh, we don't like that. We. Patricia Hitchcock, daughter of Alfred Hitchcock gave her blessing for the film said that that would have loved its mathy Perkins was offered the scripts are offered the role and turn it down. It was going to be a made for TV movie. And then he read the script and he dug it. Jamie Lee Curtis was approached to play Mary before they make till now that would have been awesome. How cool would that have been? Before Perkins signed on Christopher Walken was one of the names because considered I would have paid money to see that would have been amazing. The Bates Motel was still standing but they had to remake the motel and they found a bunch of the original props. So a lot of the props you see are from the original film, they tried to use the original shower. And then someone stole the showerhead like from the sax and actually got Still in every Perkins wanted make Tilly fired at one point they she was this was her early in her film career. And she was a retired dancer. She's only 22. She hadn't seen the original film. She didn't get white people. She didn't get why people were being so like referenced to Anthony Perkins and was like talking a little smack. And he overheard her. And he stopped talking to her for a bit and then wanted her removed. At that point it was they were like, half done. They're like, we're not gonna like you're great. We love you love that you're doing this thank you know, left a little bit of tension. They didn't really get along super well. And she doesn't always have the best things to say about the movie. Yeah, I liked it. That's pretty solid film. Hey, fucking love this. And I have been known to say on a couple of cases that I think it's a stronger film than the original. I. It's interesting because Holland has said that a lot of this was the director telling him to write his favorite killing scenes from other Alfred Hitchcock movies into this grass. Interesting. Yeah. So I don't know. I think this is really kind of ignored for some reason. And it's really solid. I think it was one of the reasons I wanted to talk about it is that it's, it's a great sequel. I think it's a great sequel. I think Anthony Perkins is such a fantastic actor. And he's great in the original psycho, but and it's one of the reasons he wanted to sign on. This is this is Norman story. This is Norman and really exploring him knowing now what his backstory is and knowing the ways he struggled. I think it's such a great vehicle for him. And I am unapologetically unapologetically a fan of psycho movies even the one even like part four, which is fine, but it's it's good time. And they also did a very smart thing which I don't think they would have done now they probably would have done like an origin story. Yeah, which is what he wants now. Bates Motel but if it's a much stronger idea and much more interesting then his mom being abusive to him was and watching them genuinely struggle and also knowing you know, somebody is killing people. Yeah. Who is it and the twist at the end? There is a twist at the end of that. I actually don't want to give away if you've never seen it. Like go watch it go watch it. Be let that be a surprise. But no, I really love this film and I think it is very underappreciated. 100% Great choice. Yep. Eric you want to go next? Sure. Then I shall put 10 minutes on the buzzer okay so I would say mine was probably a little less successful but I did 2018 The strangers pray at night. p r e y was play seems empty. I think everybody leaves after Labor Day nice right there's someone else stand here camera home I think you have the wrong trailer that we're all blown away. Right We've just noticed this a sequel to the common vision film how okay, how long was the wait between this the original was released in 2008 Oh MSSQL was 2018 Interesting solid decade Good job Rotten Tomatoes 39 from critics 35 from the audience, the original was 48 and 48 had a budget of 5 million and made 24 point 4 million at the box office. Not too shabby. The original did almost double that. 50 more than double that 52 million. I think the original is scary as hell it's I love the really, really good film. This one's directed by John S. Roberts, who known for turn your bloody phone off 47 meters and 47 meters down uncaged and VHS 99 Written by Brian Bertino. Both movies who are both strangest movies apparently it's a stranger short film out that I haven't seen but and a movie called Mockingbird and the monster also written by Ben cacti who worked on 30 Days of Night. Dust to dust and blood trails and dark days. That's all one title. And the forest acting Christina Hendricks, who's in the Neon Demon 92 episodes of Mad Men driven Firefly. Here's an interesting side note. She went to the same high school I did. Oh, by the way, briefly for like a year or two like I think it's three or four years after I was gone. But so started acting and twin Foss, Martin Henderson, who did movies X 48 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, smokin aces, and the ring remake. The US remake of the ring a couple more Valley Madison is 5057 episodes of The Goodwitch. And don't be afraid of the dark and Lewis Pullman is in Top Gun Maverick. It starts off with it based on true events. I'll get back to that later. They've got a little mini home invasion at the beginning that's got a nice creep factor where there it's just killing the aunt and uncle of the people that are going to eventually be their main antagonists and that's done nicely. For some reason, none of the original actors were brought back I guess they figured well they're all masks so doesn't matter. Good point. But I think that was not the right choice. Yeah, not that they're bad but anyways, there's a the daughter is a pain in the ass so they have to move it wasn't really clarified exactly why she's a pain in the ass but you know she's got a Ramones t shirt on and cow going off the shoulder yeah long hair and constantly whining and complaining so you know she's she's just a bad kid. They go to the relatives cabin resort area, so you know, picky resort area. I've been to those cabin things before where they're like cabins. These are trailers, like in a trailer park trailers. Oh, there they're not even fancy ones just like you know, rent those out. I mean, they come look a little nicer, something killer kind of shows up immediately. Although they don't do much they just like knock on the door and scare them a little bit. For some reason, they're not masked. And the filmmaker felt the need to put that her completely in shadow. So you can't see her. Like it matters who her identity is. It doesn't the the violent scene they're left behind of the aunt and uncle killed was brutal. Like Jesus man isn't messed up. But of course they don't leave. This movie suffers from one it's decent. It's actually better than I thought it was going to be. But it would have been better to be something other than a sequel to the strangers because it's not really a home invasion movie. It's more of a hack and slash movie. They mean they're in a trailer. So obviously that limits any kind of real movement so they quickly remove themselves from the trailers and it's basically running around the the park for most of the time. So cars are involved and one of the great jump there's actually really good jumpscare in it. At involves nothing to do with a house is feels weird. They use the same masks for the three characters. And they they do the split up thing which right 2018 It's time to learn how to stop having your characters do that without providing at least pretend reason. But for some reason they find the killers and like you, mom and daughter go back to our original cabin sun. Men go here. Like Why you get killed these year? They're brutal to the crew. I mean, if the cast is pretty much brutalized the whole time, the the end line, the way you're doing this is nowhere near the level of the original. I mean, that's one of the great creepy lines in film. Oh, yeah. This one was Why did you do this? Why not like Rick, a five year old say, yeah, it's sort of sums up the whole film. It was fun. The performances are great. The the lady with the Ramones is really good. Her brother's good, the dads good the mommy the all of the performances are nice. And if it hadn't been called strangers to, I think I would have liked it a lot more. But that movie is so good. And so solid in what it does the original that it kinda like the miracle they pulled off with psycho to where you've got this solid original, but they expanded on it and did something different. This was not the right choice to do something different. They should have maybe done the original or figured out something else. But it's got some good stuff in it also has plenty of those horror movie moments where you're gone. We just do X, like there's at least two scenes where they find a gun and they're pointing them at the people in masks and nobody does anything. Like, well but, so I enjoyed watching it. But I wouldn't recommend it especially if you're a big fan of the original. That here's the based on a true story there. The writer says the original was based loosely on the Manson Family murders, which nothing to do with the original film. less to do with this one. Second inspiration that was kind of interesting. This is more for the original. The the writer had a life experience as a kid where parents weren't home and someone knocked on the door, asking if anybody's home who lives there found out later that it was a group of burglars that were knocking on doors and robbing the empty houses. It's like Okay, that'll leave an impression on Yeah. I like that one. There is also at 1981 cabin murders were four people were killed. That's the one I know. Yeah. And they don't know what happened. Completely unsolved murder mystery, which actually kind of fits the second movie better than the first one. But you know, lift Tyler was originally involved but afterwards eventually said now I'm good thanks. All the killers I said we're recast. It was put in development in 2008 and 2009. Bloody disgusting reported that the script would be written by Brian Bertino again, and directed by Lauren bright in 2010. It was turned around relative media put the movie on hold. January 2011. The sequel was again in production scheduled to begin shooting in 2011 Didn't happen that that was supposed to come out of 2014 Didn't happen 2015 It reported it was gonna happen 2016 release date was later removed from the making of it. And they eventually got the director and apparently 47 meters down did well enough that they're like okay, yeah, now we'll put it into production and put it out. Wow. So you've seen this one too? I've seen it was I'm a huge fan of the stranger yeah yeah, I was I was really excited when I saw they were finally and I initially thought that she would be involved because it's left open you know that I think I felt very similarly I watched it and I was like okay, this didn't need to be the strangers this could be any kind of paint by number horrified and solid like entertaining enough but nothing about it was unique nothing about it felt like it was connected to outside of the masks and masks and you know, knock knock knock on the door kind of thing. So I wasn't offended by it, but I was I was underwhelmed. Yeah. Yeah, I know. It's your number one and it's high on my list to have home invasion films are just freaky and uncomfortable to watch. My least favorite genre is to real and that's what works so well in the original strangers. It had that invasion of your living space. Yeah, this did not happen because it wasn't their living space. There's a place they're staying the night that it's so it lost that disturbing elements but it's not it's not bad. Yeah, I'm better than yours is better. My film. Oh, well, I I sure love didn't. Let's see, I will put 10 minutes and I am going to talk about Bill and Ted face the music 25 years ago, you played a concert in front of the entire world. One month ago, you played in Barstow, California for 40 people most of whom were there for $2 Taco Night. Villain tat What have you got to say for yourselves? Be excellent to each other. Party on dudes. We were supposed to unite the world and save reality as we know. We've spent our whole life trying to write the song that will unite the world. Why can we just go to the future when we have written it? Take it from ourselves. But isn't that stealing? How is that stealing? If we're stealing it from ourselves? Way how'd you like our song salute on the dark side, but you know, that's cool. From 2020 I can find no budget for this, but it had a box office of $6 million. And that is because it was also released directly to HBO on the same weekend. The Rotten Tomatoes critics average at 82% The audience has it at 65% seems low to me. Yeah. Yeah, directed by Dean parasol, who has 39 credits, including red to area 57. But also Galaxy Quest. Oh, so written by Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon. Together these guys have over 30 writing credits. They wrote the original Bill and Ted and the sequel, but his journey, but also Super Mario Brothers, Ben and black mom and dad save the world. So some good stuff, some bad stuff. It is starring Keanu Reeves, who has 112 credits including the matrix John Wick and Constantine which I have heard is also getting a sequel soon. Alex winter who has 34 credits, including Deathwish three, the lost boys of my freaked and he is the director of many critically acclaimed documentaries. Samira weaving is in this she has 37 credits including mayhem, the babysitter movies Ready or not, and Snake Eyes. And also Bridget Mundi Payne, who has 18 credits including bombshell downsizing and The Glass Castle. Also on this is a number of people that you're going to recognize Kristen Shaw, William Sadler, Anthony Kerrigan, Kid Cudi. I don't know who that is. And Dave Grohl. They make appearances in this. You've both seen this movie, I believe. Yes, yes. Okay, story on this. When we last saw Bill S Preston Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan. It was 1991 29 years ago, and they had united the planet with a blistering rendition of the song God Gave Rock and Roll to single handedly achieving peace on earth, as they've been told they would by their time travel guide Rufus. Well, it is 2020 now and the world has definitely not been united and there is a distinct lack of peace on earth. Bill and Ted's careers have tanked and their marriages are falling apart, but not for lack of trying though, what I liked so much about this movie is how earnest these guys still are at trying to create the song that will unite the world. One point there at a wedding, and they are unveiling their new song and they have basically put every instrument they can think of into this. It is God awful. But they're trying so hard to do what it has been prophesized that they would do their biggest fans and maybe their only fans at this point are their daughters, Billy and Thea. So at this point, Kelly, the daughter of Rufus arrives to take Bill and Ted to the future, where they meet the great leader, who is the mother of Kelly and the widow of Rufus who was George Carlin in the original movies. And she tells them that they have until 7:17pm That night to create the song or reality. So they, they decided Use roofs this time traveling phone booth to retrieve the song from their future selves. They discovered their future selves that failed, their wives have left them and they blame their past cells for their failure. Also going on here is that the counsel of time in the future has decided that maybe Bill and Ted's deaths would stabilize reality. So they send a terminator type robot back to kill them. So Kelly goes back to warn them, but instead ends up untangling Billy and Thea in an adventure where they're traveling into the past to put together all these famous musicians into a band that could help write the special song thereafter. So now we've got these two storylines going on. And it feels very much like a Bill and Ted movie on both ends is really cute because Bill and Ted keep traveling further and further into the future to make future versions of themselves. Including my favorite, which are the super jacked versions that are in prison now. And billion Thea their daughters are traveling backwards to enlist Jimi Hendrix Louie Armstrong, Amadeus Eric, and even a prehistoric cave woman drummer. When the kids come back to the present, they are all accidentally killed by the Terminator who has named Dennis, by the way. And all the kids in the musicians go to hell, which I am trying to understand why because, you know, the girls seem like they're pretty good people. I'm not sure why they would automatically go to hell, if they were killed. Everybody else I get, you know, they're so musicians. Anyway, at the same time, Bill and Ted have visited themselves on their deathbeds in the future. And finally of the song that will unite the planet on a little thumb drive, basically. But then Dennis shows up and reveals that he's killed their daughters. So they say that you have to kill us. And he's like, aka the song so they destroy the song. And then Dennis kills them as well sending them to hell. Also, for some reason, hell is being run by death. Not Satan, death, just death who was you know, kind of neutral, but not now, played by William Sadler again from the last film makes no sense why he's running death, but it is revealed that he and the boys had a falling out after 91. And they have to invite him back into the wild stallions. In order for him to release them all from how will they escape hell and find a way to broadcast the song to the entire world and time to stabilize reality. Most likely until the next movie, will they find out the song that was credited depressed in Logan, is actually because their daughters are the ones who write the song that unites the world. Seems like a needlessly specific question to ask if that's not exactly. And will that song be as cool as God Gave Rock and Roll to you? Absolutely not. But it actually makes way more sense because the song that they come up with has got a world beat. And it's all vocal sounds and not lyrics. And you could see why this would unite. Everybody is pretty catchy. I really had a great time watching this film. I think I liked it when it first came out. Remember, it came out we were all house bound? Yeah. And it was kind of a big deal that, oh, we're gonna get this Bill and Ted movie, you know, a spark of joy in the middle of this and, and then it seemed like a lot of people just did not like this movie. And I kind of was, you know, I was like, Yeah, that's fine. There was a lot of backlash because the the whiners were out there saying, Oh, well, they've turned Bill and Ted into girls. And now it's a Girls movie to watch this. But that's not really what's happening at all, so I don't know where that wind is coming from. It is such a fun and heartwarming story. And I think it's a really, really nice way to cap off this trilogy. I think that we just were not in a societal headspace to appreciate something good being given to us. We were all in such a pissy mood. I would say that if you didn't like it, that you should give it another try today. I have a tagline which sucks. The future awaits. Yeah, that's where that's going. Okay, some trivia. In May of 2020 Alex winter launched a social media appeal for members of the public to submit 32nd video clips of themselves rocking out to a music clip from the film. With some of the clips being selected and used at the end when the world is being united article. I thought that was super cool. In this film, Kelly is Rufus his daughter of the late George Carlin played Rufus in the first two Bill and Ted films and his real life daughter's name is Kelly and this was the way that they recognized and honored Carlin and this once the characters are are told they have 77 minutes to save the universe. There is 77 minutes of runtime left in the film. Unusual Yeah, I love that though I love guys do to smile weaving this one kind of blew me away. I feel like I should know this but somewhere we even won the role of thea in this movie after Keanu Reeves found out that she was the niece of Hugo Weaving. Who he had worked with in the Matrix movie. Yeah. So I was like, did I know she was his niece? I didn't know that. Yeah, that's cool. Edward Van Halen was offered a cameo in the film but was unavailable due to illness. A Van Halen poster can be seen hanging on the wall of Bill and Ted's garage practice space. It makes me wonder if the Dave Grohl cameo was originally supposed to be, Eddie, because they go to meet their future selves in this huge mansion. And their future selves are lying to them. They're pretending that it's their mansion and everything but give them this song and then they open the door just as Dave Grohl is walking in. He's like, What are you doing in my house? And I bet you that was supposed to be an Eddie moment. That would have made me feel really good. It makes me feel good that they offered that to him. So that was my movie Bill and Ted face and music. I, I I had such a good time with this. I cracked open a bottle of scotch and I thought well, I'm just gonna sip this. And then by the end of the movie, I was done. And I loved every bit of it. It made me put on my wild stallions record from the first movie. And I just I don't know, I just had a great time. It looked like Keanu and Alex. Were having a fantastic time together. Yeah, yeah. The original was probably a top five played movie when I worked at Suncoast. It's one of those movies, I think. And I liked the second one even more. It's one of those series that I think is really stupid, but in such a kind hearted way that you know, I'm totally on board with it. There's so much heart. Yeah, it's just there's so much heart to it. That you can't help but but smile and love it. And yeah, they are so the the main characters are so good hearted. And I don't just mean Bill and Ted, but like death. We're in the second movie. And then in this movie, all he wants is to be liked and and then even Dennis the the Terminator. He feels so bad for accidentally killing the girls. And he's so insecure and everything they finally give him something to do at the end of this one where, you know, he's like, I can dance and they're like, yeah, why don't you do that? You can do that over here out of everybody's way. And it just, I don't know, it's just one of those movies that I don't want to say, teared up or anything but it's the heart, not the platform. In other words, it's all different. So okay, oh, you know what? We haven't done Eric. What's that? Oh, I haven't figured out who is actually doing the next genre. So and what that genre so pick would be alright, I guess it'll be a mystery. Let's make it Vanessa and she'll have to come. Welcome. She'll receive messages while she's on vacation. Okay, what do you want to do for your subject? Right? Yes. Perfect. This is the part then where I thank everybody for liking sharing posts for participating in value for value model. Thanks again. Andrew. I really appreciate that. For telling people you can leave us a message at 253-237-4266 Tell us how much you want to delighful Kim Douthat to return. Because that is how I feel KIM You are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this. Thank you for having me. This has been really fun. Very cool. We have already threatened but we're going to make it official now. You have to do Amityville episode or two with us dead okay. Sorry can remind everybody where they can find you? You can find me with at ghoulish tendencies which plays wherever you find podcasts. At City of geek when we decided I'm on you know, I'm on Instagram Kim dot Douthit I'm on Twitter at Seattle screams you'll see me live tweet a lot of movies there. So if you want to see that you can check that out. If not. Maybe though, but yeah, those are the main spots. We are fastly approaching 100 days of horror, which is we're hitting year 10. Yes, I involved myself with this as well. I've never hit 100 but last year I got somewhere into like the 60s I was like, Okay, I'm getting there. It's a blindness to the people who don't know what you're talking about. So 100 days of horror starts 100 days before Halloween, and I watch 100 horror films I have never seen in the 100 days leading up to Halloween. people participated at varying levels. There's a Facebook group, I tend to post it all to Twitter. Some people do just the last 30 days, some people do 100 movies that they've seen or not seen. Tony, I think is still working on like his 2016 picks. So one of these days he'll it'll hit 100 there. But yeah, it's we're hitting your 10. So it'll be 1000 movies for me by the end of it. Wow. And it's always 100 movies you haven't seen they have to be ones I haven't seen. And we are starting to hit a point where some of my picks are scraping the bottom of the barrel a little bit. But it originally started as a way, you know, I realized I kept rewatching a lot of the same movies. I love them. But then there was all these movies. I'm like, oh, I should watch this. This has been on my list for years. I need to watch this. So it was a good little kick to kind of watch all those things I've been meaning to and kept putting off. Yeah, I like it for that too. That's exactly the same thing. Yeah, it gives you an excuse to be like, No, I have to do this. And so I've caught up on a lot of classics I hadn't seen yet. And I that's sort of what helped me find a little bit more of a love for international horror too, because there's so many really fantastic films. And when you need a good movie, because you're gonna hit a point where you've been watching Direct for 20 movies. And you're like, Alright, I know this is highly rated and it's you know, when I haven't seen let's bring it bring the subtitles bring bring some different contents. So it's definitely expanded on on movies that I would have watched in the past too. So yeah, we've got a Facebook group gets talked about on Twitter. Yeah, it's fun. Fantastic. Also, guys, there are still a very limited number of copies of my chapbook infernal combustion available. You can find that at strange or at my new website by kale And I've been getting some really nice feedback on that. I can't thank you guys enough for the kind words. So I think that's it. We're wrapping up. We're back in seven short days with something else but that's Vanessa's problem. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio by an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Sit, sit, I do have some concerns.