Strange Aeons Radio


June 29, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 230

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Kelly and the listeners get the best birthday present ever: the return of Vanessa!
Also discussed: The Flash, Black Mirror, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. And that is Vanessa over there. Hello? Vanessa, you are back. I am back. Yay. We miss you. I missed you guys. I think I told you I had a dream that I did an entire episode. Vacation. I remember it being very stressful. And I don't know why but, but it was. I mean, I was happy that I was doing. Oh, wow, man. I remember the movie. I don't know, maybe if I remember then I'll force us to do it. Well, we should once again think Kim Dallas's for sitting in her hand and she really came in and brought a completely different dynamics. She was so nice and friendly. Just a ray of sunshine raft. beautiful skin. On the eyes. She is gorgeous. I'm not gonna lie. She's impossible. Take your eyes off of I got shit online from your fans. You're only allowed to be mean to her on the air. You don't know our actual relationship and do it's true. Every everything is true. Can you tell us anything about your your trip? You know, there were lots of great things. I'm really glad I haven't had a vacation in years and I've been working really really hard for years. So it was awesome to get some time away. Cool. And I got to do the best thing by far night swim with manta rays. Holy Oh, wow. Yeah, they're photos. videos I got. Oh my god sounds terrifying. You're like six feet. Bang look, they are enormous. And there were five of them. And they started doing somersaults. And there they the guys are like, don't touch the bird of race. But the manta rays are like flopping on you. Okay, cool. I'm not touching it. But it's touching me. It was touching back no good. No bad touching. It was magical. It was truly a very cool so that was great. The the bad side is there are just so many bugs out the box and my mom's condo which I've stayed at a few times before and in Hawaii had a roach infestation. Oh, that's that's Hawaii has a roach infestation. I I've seen it occasionally here and there. But this was like the entire kitchen was owned by them. No, boy. Yeah, it was incredibly stressful. And we had the people come through three different times to bug spray. And every time we come back and smelled like oranges, and like the bugs were just like, there. They're like, I don't know what happened. But everything's good. 100% So we're like putting food inside plastic bags and like just murdering roaches trying to throw them outside and like one I threw outside and I watched him run back towards the door. I close the door locked it ran up the window and stared like, pounding on the other side of my family's in there. I have children of 500 kids. And there were times when it was like there were tons of little little little babies. So yeah, I was like this. This isn't cool. This is not cool. But the rest was very good. So you know why roaches are you know a different breed too. You can stomp on them and then you look down, their guts are hanging off and they'll run away from you. They're just like, what the problem is with you but I'm going to just take my innards and go this way and at all when you speak like you're getting used to it they fly too. So these were smaller than I was used to seeing from like New York and stuff but they were aggressive and consistent and every time I cooked they were like hey was you got some butter over there. Jump right on this this is awesome little oh man I washed a lot down the sink. Just so many one came back up. Anyways, it's fine. It was great. How are things with you guys? Hold on before we go away from Hawaii real quick? Sure. Because you know I didn't want to know is the shrimp station selling kawaii? Are you able to get to that the shrimp station or is it recommended like drive by the side of the road and you're able to make it to that place? I I have to say, is so changed. Because of between the flooding and COVID. Nothing was recognizable, while every restaurant I knew of was either taken over by a new place or just fully shut down and their food trucks everywhere. Now, a lot of the people that they may or may not have been there, there was a lot of stuff that it moved that it closed that change hands. It was bonkers. It was to super wild and to the places that are frequent tourist places that are like open parks, you now have to get like a ticket like weeks in advance to go to like, oh beach, or like Val lighthouse. So we managed to make it but it's very, very different place than it was so a lot of stuff that I was used to seeing was not there anymore. Okay, again, I have it on good authority or that that has been changed to cockroach station. Sounds like it. Yes. Cockroach on a steak. The food I did have was really good. Well, that's good. Something's going on today of recording isn't there? Yeah, I found out on Facebook last night. Perhaps something exciting happening today. Well, I don't know if it's exciting. I'm it's my birthday. You guys happy birthday. We've already been into my 40s now and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Standard style. It's like really? You tried to pull that off? Okay. Listen, I you know, on my spreadsheet, it says I played you know, 25 to 40. Yeah. You guys know me fairly well, you can probably guess that I'm not a big fan of birthdays in general. I, I've always thought it was a little weird to celebrate something that literally every person on the planet has done. And so I have decided to instead celebrate, took this from Adam Carolla. He was like, instead of celebrating your birthday, you should you should celebrate your achievement days, the things that you've actually done in your life that made that made some sense to celebrate. And with that in mind, you guys check this bad boy. That is, Oh, nice. Sorry. Oh, my first novella. Now it is actually just a first draft of my first novella, but Phil fricassee taught me to print your stuff out and correct that way. And I'm still learning how to use Illustrator and all of that stuff. So I'm going to change my margins a little bit, but it's kind of neat to see, to see something like that. And you've got an incredible photo that Carla? Yeah, that's awesome. I love this. Yeah, so that's going to be released in a very limited capacity, because I have already expanded it to full novel size and the novel is what I am currently working on. And that'll be available as a as a trade edition. Oh, you've got indented paragraphs. Yeah. I'm a stickler for that kind of stuff. indented paragraph. Will not indent paragraphs. Oh. Vanessa doesn't listen to her. She doesn't actually listen to a throwback to a previous episode. Lovely. Andrew Byers got me a couple of books and one of the books I really want to read but I'm having a hard time because it is transcripts and so the paragraphs are not indented. And this is driving me nuts. That would drive me crazy. That would drive me crazy as as a person who studied a lot of lit and grammar that would help me a lot. But these are I love that like you have some really good art in here. That's really fun. Yeah, that probably won't translate to the novel. But for something like this when it's gonna be I mean, this is going to be very, very limited. This piercing gaze from this handsome gentleman. Oh my god. I gotta say, Carlos. I wish I looked like the picture you took of me? Yes. Look very tan. I know from looking at you for this very moment that you're not as tan as this. But the George Hamilton look go in there. Yeah, you got a follow up question. Which church what what did you decide a monster needed to live beneath? Well, I have a town called cobs. And, and this this story takes place in clubs. Yeah, that's a cool cover. The cover looks great. It looks awesome. I so I am celebrating my achievement day to day now. My birthday. Yeah, that'll work. It took me 54 years to come out with something that I felt like celebrating. But here I am. I mean, I think it makes sense. And you're still going to celebrate it on your birthday. Right? But instead of your birthday, you're thinking of all the cool things that you got done? Well, not necessarily. Well, yes, today. I'm just saying. I will celebrate the days that I actually accomplished things and My Birthday real easy to pass up by. I saw this meme that was like, why would I want to celebrate the day when all my troubles started? Oh my god. Oh my god. That's awful. Is this the one that I read? Yes. I think it's just like spam, good for birthdays or just like funerals. It's not really just for you. It's for other people to celebrate you to get to express their gratitude for your life. I agree with that. But if if what the people who love me want to do is celebrate me, then they should know me well enough to know that I don't have that kind of self esteem. Look, none of us do. We all got to endure the stupid Red Robin birthday song. Okay. It happens and we heard about that one time where it's like, you know who likes that? It's not the people singing. It's not the people at other tables. It's the birthday guys friend. It is. Nobody else likes those singing? Nobody. I will say this. You guys showed up both with lovely gifts that included wine. Thank you very much. A a tapestry blanket of the rock. Eric, thank you very much credible. What a find. And Vanessa the most random assortment of gifts I have ever seen. particularly enjoy the brownie. Is a cosmic Little Debbie brownie that I thought perhaps you would get some joy out of is is there Ponton? I don't know. I've never had one. But it's all cosmic. Well, I appreciate it very much. And I promise you this I swear to you, Vanessa. This will in no way make me treat you nicer than I normally do. Excellent. I would expect. Thank God for that. Nothing. Don't don't ever change. Kelly. Shall we get to the show? Yeah, but you guys saw some stuff and I wanted to discuss strange new worlds has been out for two episodes. How do we feel about it? I love it. I think it's fantastic. The worst two episodes so far. I've seen the first one. I didn't see the second. I but I was a little confused. Because I heard all these people saying that, like the clean on thing is finally explained. But in that first episode, they don't explain it. No, no, we're just going back to the previous cling on book, which is great. Yeah, I I'll tell you what I love about the show is pike. Yeah. And if you love Pike, you you don't get pike these first two episodes. I thought the second one was going to be all crazy. No, no, it's la law in space. So I have been kind of disappointed. And I also realize I'm the thing that's bothering me about strange new worlds is this idea that now they they're on a set trajectory. Nothing bad can really happen to Spock. Because of we know, that's true. And I wish they would have said we're throwing everything out. And we're starting from the beginning. So these might be characters, you know, but don't think that everybody's safe. And don't think that pike has to die in five years and don't think that Kirk has to come along, not on an alternative time. sort of put that out there about pike that there's like a way change with him, obviously, episode. And these are people from discovery. And like in discovery, they make it really clear that Kirk and Spock are different. Oh, do they? Yeah. Okay. So this is I think it's actually an alternative. So we might not honestly know what's going to happen to some of these people. Okay, because we tied it very heavily into the original series last season with that episode that had pike commanding the enterprise instead of Kirk at that time and how it was a disaster of his life. And at that time, writes, so I think I mean, I don't know what they're gonna do, but I just, I like this cast of characters so much and the way that they're so different from their original series characters, just like I don't want them to have to feel like they have to force themselves into a a situation that was 50 fucking years ago now. Yeah. Let's just start with these characters that we all kind of love and know and do a new a new timeline. Yeah, I mean, if Spock doesn't end up with nurse what's her name? I'm gonna lose my goddamn mind. Well, how can you that's just it I'm like this this is gonna be like, killed or something. She's in the original series. Yeah, for a little bit. Yeah. Nurse chapel. Yeah, they have no relationship. No really? At all at 0% But I don't know like that's the thing like clearly they do. different timelines it's showing you already that it's probably a different Kirk is like such a loser in this little way. I just wish they would come out and say that so that we could all go Okay, then let's, let's get away from this stuff that you feel kind of beholden to that have happened. Yeah. 100% I think if it was railed like that, that would be pretty good. I can miserable. Yeah. Do we know how long that this ship is supposed to go for? Is it five years? Well, we know that Pike's accident is supposed to happen in five years. Okay. So yeah, I know it runs on how the show is doing shows doing really well. Because he saved if it's in trouble by sorry, by Picard have three seasons, and I'm glad for it. It is Star Trek, so they could literally do the exact timeline as it's set. And then you know what? Let's change it and season four. Yeah, because they can't go back and save whales. It's didn't fuck up a timeline at all. So that was one of my favorite films as a kid. Oh, that's great. But yeah, 100% Um, well, I don't know what you guys have. haven't talked about. But I went and saw a movie that I think I really like. Just Spider Man across the spider verse. We did talk about this, but we have not talked to you about this. It was I was so excited. And so enjoying it. And it was a real masterpiece, and really awesome. And then and then I had to pee. Because I was like, well, we're not near the third act yet. So I ran out and I came back. Oh, and then maybe two minutes later, the movie ended. And I have zero problems with it being a two part movie, but I think they probably should have said it. Like, partly advertising or something. Yeah, like that kind of sucked to be like, Oh, we're done. I was really on the ruler. I kind of waited to pay for that lie. No, I was like, I missed a whole, you know, it's three minutes of this film. You are not alone. This was my complaint with the thing also. But it also when I saw it in the theater, everybody was just like, Wow. Yes. So they did a good job of hiding that from us. I mean, I saw a lot of kids like wearing SpiderMan costumes who were there who were just like, the book. But also extremely excited. I did not realize the popularity of Miles Morales at this point. I mean, I knew they gave him the video game and I'd been aware of his comic for a little bit. But man, like they made a smart move with this, this character and really digging into it because this is something that I think a lot of kids have become attached to have seen themselves through have gotten to really explore and it's such a good movie. Like it's such a fucking good movie. Yeah, great art. Yeah. Very cool. So the other big one that came out this last week. Oh, we might watch black mirror. Oh, the new Black Mirror episode. Not my brother texted me to say you're gonna like it. It's like a horror thing. It's with the exception of maybe an episode. Maybe two. It's very much now. It's like a horror show. Very little. Like existential dread. Yeah, that was that was the best of Black Mirror of I thought it was always those ones that kind of made your stomach twist a little bit going with what is this capable of? And really throwing dark. Still dark if you watched any of them. I didn't finish the first episode yet but I was really enjoying it and it did feel very dark. Yeah, that that probably the most black mirror episode of the season. I watched all of them. And I actually enjoyed all of them. I thought there's some really neat stuff. There's some really weird stuff but you feel that it's it's not still dealing with technology or it's horribly like the last ones a flat horror film, really? I mean, it's like a demon possession sort of story. I can't wait to get into this yet. I did I liked that I enjoyed all of them. But with the exception of the first time I'm going to make this black mirror right. Watching a Black Mirror episode The the like demon 79 is horror. Maisie day is largely horror beyond the sea. Pretty much horror. Help us in there. There huh? of the song beyond the sea is in the episode beyond the sea. I don't remember although. Team and 79 from Watership Down has bright eyes. Oh my god. I tried a couple times as like, that's a strange coincidence. Whoa, whoa. But yeah, I enjoyed all of them. But they're just an it's an odd season. Yeah. Blackmer? Well, um, yeah. I mean, I think that that probably was purposeful, right, because they're British and Watership Down as British and they were growing up but knowing all that, yeah, they're willing to demon 79 is referencing the year Oh, eight musically, correct. Wow. Interesting. Well, I can't wait to to check it out, but also slightly weirded out, because I felt like that was what made it so unique was being all about like tech and like, referencing, like where our world is at. And since we're now deep into the questions of AI, like this would be a great title match. And the writers are, Nick, because, you know, obviously this was shot a year or more ago, probably. So they're going well, we've got some fodder for the next season 100%. Vanessa, we're going to talk about another multiverse movie. I can, but I have so many things I could talk about. Well, let's both talk about it that I saw the flash meets you. I thought there were some moments in this movie that were really good. Yeah, actually, there were. There were a lot of great little pieces here and there. I think the use of previous Batman, Michael Keaton was just so nice to see him as Batman again. And he's just such a good actor that he elevates everything he said, 100% I feel like the people who were showing up I mean, especially Michael Keaton, like really made the film thing and I like that version of Batman like we kind of see. Okay, see, he goes on to, you know, lead this life of kind of a hippie lifestyle. He's cooking, he's painting badly. He's got a man bun. Like, these are all things that were really neat to see. But he still has it. And he still got the fight in him. Yeah. Which was pretty cool. But I guess we've all forgiven was Naser, Milan's or Miller? I don't? I don't know about that. But I will say this. I don't think that he is. I think he's a great actor, or they're a great actor. I don't think that they are the right Actor for The Flash. Yeah, the energy between what I've read in the comics versus what I'm seeing is vastly different. It feels like they just really wanted to spin up a new, different feeling character. The guy from the series, that guy who plays the flasher series well, so spoilers there, there is an end sequence where we see the multiverse right, and we see all the earlier incarnations of Batman and Superman and all of this stuff. And for a show called The Flash, they really gave short shrift to their title characters legacy as far as film goes, both Grant Gustin and John Wesley Shipp, who were the TV flashes, they were completely ignored in that. But they did throw a generic Silver Age flash actor in that I did that had never been in any movies or anything. That's word. So I didn't understand that. And you guys know me I focus on story. We we never find out who killed flashes, mom. No. And you know, if you're aided me, What a weird for a massive point. They've decided to make this about his dad being framed for his mom's murder, which is something that comes from the original comics. They put that in here, even though I don't think they mentioned that at all in the previous flash stuff we've seen in this DC util. Yeah, remember? So they made this, this big thing. And then it's just a random person. I guess he's never caught. He's never brought up again. It's never about bringing his mom's killer to justice. It's about trying to get his dad out of prison. If I think he ultimately to me, because I was trying to puzzle this out, too. When we got to the chosen ending, Eric, have you seen? Well, spoilers. So in the end, he makes a decision that changes things enough that we have a different Batman, right? And I was like, Is this just all an elaborate way to be like, we don't have Ben Affleck anymore. It's like, just, he's like making a decision. That is not the right decision. And he's already learned from his own choices that this is not the right decision, but he makes it anyway. And it seems like he's fine with it. And to the point where we even have like a post credit scene where he's talking to Aquaman. And he's like, weirdly, you are always Aquaman and every universe and I was like, well, that's how we learned that Jason Momoa is gonna continue to be like, these are all strange little hints about the future of DC. But except that I don't think it really is, I think because I, I thought that Mimosa had been taken. I mean, he's got this last Aquaman movie coming out, but I think that he's been offered a different role going forward in James Gunn's DC. So this was not part of James Gunn. Now. There's there's three films coming out that are that are the last gasp of the old DC Universe. And this was the first of it then we got Blue Beetle. Should be fun. And third party McMahon dark and gritty. Well, it's the kid from Uber. Okay, yeah. And it looks fun the trailer, it looks like a lot of fun fun. I feel like I almost do wonder if there's a little bit of James Gunn just kind of polishing a few of the post edits and just be like, Oh, I don't know about, you know, like, trying to help them. Not totally suck. But I don't I don't know for sure. But I do see your point. I mean, there. I was, like, the final battle of this film doesn't actually fight or win or anything. Like, it's it's very anticlimactic, as far as I mean, it's, I think it's an interesting story. And I think it's kind of a very flash narrative. But at the same time, I was like, wow, you built up this thing. And then it was just like, oh, and I guess it's not, he's not going to fight it. And he's not going to kill it. And it's fine. I guess everything's fine. Maybe there's like, you know, the web Flash TV series, made the death of his mother, one of the cornerstones of the entire series. We don't feel like doing that. It's already been done. We'll do something else. Weird, except for this last movie that the head of Warner Brothers was saying was the greatest comic book movie ever made before it came out. And I was like, Well, this is this can only backfire. When you say something like that. A lot of positive. From people seeing this film. I haven't heard that. Negative really thinking it's kind of it's fine. Yeah, it was fine. It was fine. It was much much better than blackout him. Like a masterpiece compared to black Adam. I would disagree only because I thought the rock is much more likeable as a he's likable. It's a bad guy character. Yeah, it's being played by a likable dude, who doesn't want him to be a bad guy? Yeah. I mean, they're I just, I think I had a better time with black Adam, even though it was stupid and derivative, all that stuff. This one just, it was tough to to pull myself away from the bad CGI to go. Do they want it to look like this? Because it's chunky and blurry, and I can't tell what's going on and a lot of things transformer, early movie problems. Yeah. Is that Is that something that they're doing on purpose, because the flash moves so fast that we're seeing kind of everything move. I had a weird problem that started to happen in a weird way. And a lot of Hollywood films and not Hollywood films where you go far enough back, the heroes were the heroes, you know, white hat, black hat, all that level of stuff. And then through the 70s and 80s, the antihero really kind of took over and that continued to go for a long, long time. I have seen so many movies over the last couple years where everybody's an asshole. Yeah, there's not even a person who's so mean, you think they're cool. But they're just mean, or they're just dickish. And it's like, it feels like they Okay, we got to make our everybody loves Batman, how can we sort of make all of our heroes kind of Batman ish, and not worry about the cartoon level of hero Ness that Superman should have? Or Shazam should have. But how do we balance that out with monitored and deeply cynical filmmakers? Who are film watchers who are totally fine with movies where you hate everybody in it? Right? It's just it's very weird. Yeah, I think you've, you're onto something there. And I think that that might actually be why that first, Shazam was almost like a breath of fresh air. Because it was like, oh, man, it's just like, you know, he's a kid being superhero superhero. I mean, it's very, like basic, and like, you know, the problems and the things that he does, he can't be like, Oh, I actually want to see the world burn. Like, I'm homeless, and I'm upset about some stuff, but his problems are a different level. So I think you're I think you're right, I think we spend so much time with these superheroes that they're trying to just, yeah, that's rough. Why can't people just be like, I just want to make sure that the lady crosses the street and doesn't get hit by a car. What happened to that world? Well, I'll be honest as a as a film watcher as a consumer I love the idea of these humans with superhuman powers still struggling with human problems and you know, so I do like seeing stuff like that but it you know, it's also derivative of each other now, and there's there's something to be said that you know, this movie on its third week is already out of the number one slot my two other movies that came out before it again. And why does across the spider verse work so well? Yeah, as we fly really doesn't like those characters. They're really fun. They spend so much time on it. Like they have good writing, they have good acting, they have great art, they have unique ideas, and they're not afraid. Like that first spider verse movie being it was supposed to be straight to DVD, like bullshit, whatever. And they're like, Hey, we have something here. Let's redo all of the art and put it in theaters. Like at every piece of that was a risk. And if you don't take risks, and you want to just have money, then you're gonna get derivative shit. Like it's just bound to happen. Really good way of putting it. Yeah, well, we'll see what happens this I mean, I walked out of this going I think I might be done with superhero films. But then I had to think back that you know, well wait a second. I was I was a thief. cliffhanger of spider man. I just had such a good time with that movie. So it's not that I'm done with superhero films, but I am done with whatever this kind of superhero film is. Whatever is going on in the because I tried to watch that new Shazam. It's on HBO. Max. And is there all the stuff that you were talking about it? I was like, Goddess, it's almost impossible to get through. I haven't finished it. It's yeah, it's a slog. I will say I mean, I think yeah, I am not done with superhero stuff. But I am getting a little. I'm getting pretty tired. Like I watched the new Nick Fury. Oh, yeah. So and I was like, I fucking don't care. I could care less. No, that was a snooze fest too, though. Oh, ring. As like, Sam. I love you. Great. Glad you're still getting work. But you, you and you're supposed to be like an action hero through this whole thing. And I don't believe it for a second. Well, I'm like angry that they've relegated him to stuff like this. And I'm like, How come I don't get Sam Jackson and Nick Fury in? In Black Panther. Why isn't he not a character in this movie? He should be part of this. Yeah, no, Nick Fury should sort of be around almost every Marvel movie in some form or another. That's just what shield does? Black centric, you think he would absolutely love it? If I was him. I'd be like, How come you guys are sticking me in this shit and not getting me in your good movies? I bet I bet knowing well not knowing him. But assuming what I know about him. He probably had just such a conversation. Yeah, I don't know. It will give you your own series of saying okay, fine. I'll take. Exactly. That's actually his consolation prize. That's what I was going to talk about. I guess it was really that. Oh, no. Okay, I'll totally change the mood then. Thank you. I watched Deathwish for Whoa, definitely no. I watched the first three a while back and kind of got tired of him. Because they were still trying to recapture the first one. And the two sequels. The fourth one is like, fun movie. It's not supposed to be fun. I'm trying to remember what happens is it now I'm not making a joke here is this the one where his nanny is killed and he has to revenge. Like he needs what takes care of his kids. We started dating a new woman and his daughter or her daughter gets overdoses on drugs she a lot of it takes part in like this weird little Dave and Busters kind of place where it's where there's gaming and people playing games and rotting bumper cars and shit like that. They're really running out of people in his life to kill or rape and revenge. They don't give a shit. They kill everybody. He's that's around him that he likes in this one. It's like it's it's Oh, he's gonna know. He didn't even save her at the end. All right. But it's so funny because it's so way over the top. It starts with a segment of a lady walking out to her car. And then there's a shot of some guy standing over, like in a spotlight. Almost overhead spotlight with a mask on. She's like, Oh, it gets into her car. She looks back. There's two guys. Oh, she gets in her car. Look back. There's three guys. Oh, my God progresses. And it turns out he's having a dream. Oh my god. Wait a second. So he was dreaming about the girl. Some other is some rando lady who gets killed in his dream and it's just that is there's nobody else. Nothing in the real world is related to what happened in that dream. You don't even get like I thought that was gonna be a callback to he does something in a parking garage someplace later or something. But nope. Just the dream just a chance to kill off three people early on. Magical. That's truly magical. Was this a cannon? Phil? Yes. Yeah, yes, it is. It's like 8788 Somewhere around in. gasp Wow. It was it was honestly fun to watch at least it's not good. And he is Drea he is just walking through This movie is so funny. But so yeah, if you've given up on Deathwish after two and three, which really weren't very good or entertaining, no, this is a fun return to stupid. Whatever you want to call it two is downright slimy and tough to watch. Yes, yeah. Oh, it's not nice. You know, buddy Wait, shit would introduce me to a movie called hard times. It was directed by Walter Hill and stars, a young Charles Bronson. And my sister my older sister always had a crush on him. Okay, but I only knew him from the Deathwish movies and later, and I was just like, I don't see it. What's you're seeing in this guy, but in hard times? He is a handsome, Slender Man. And I was like, This guy is crashworthy. Kind of like watching The Dogs of War a couple of weeks ago with Christopher Walken. I think Jesus was this guy different look and dude, right. Well, how about we take a break and then when we come back, we're gonna be talking golf movies they're squirmy, and moving and purple and green, the grossest little creatures that you've ever seen. Build a monster mold with a colored plastic and make a creepy color from my yucky monster suit. They're very scary sometimes very squiggly wiggly Clippy clothing you can be a little creepy without being creepy crawlers workshop with plastic and we have returned the nessa we made you choose this on the last episode because we didn't know whose turn it actually was. We were like, Fuck Vanessa. She's been on vacation this whole time. Let's just make it her choice. It's fair. Definitely. To say I only came back a couple days ago. So I was rushing a little bit here. But you always watch these movies at like, two o'clock in the morning on Saturday. Usually watch one on Thursday and one on Friday or Saturday? Well, yeah, can you tell because since we didn't know the listeners don't know what the sub genre so this sub genre that I chose was goth anything that has some kind of Goth feel to it preferably like the clothing black eyeline or leather version of Goth rather than the you know, Frankenstein which I had discovered when trying to find golf movies was the real real killer of the search engines. But yeah, so I went with that and chose a film that I had never heard of before. Fun and kind of interesting which was the 1990 movie Mirror mirror behind this glass lies a century of terror of evil force awakens the mirror is using those do not exist I felt something I or someone something was controlling me making sure she is back. You can't just leave like that. I gotta fix this I can we just leave like that. The girls going on the rumors are true. There is something haunting whether worth house this is not a ghost powers and those powers can be for you to Nikki to say you have something in doing this. Let's just say that. Then you and me are innocent I can control it. Control. I can stop it I can start. Mirror Mirror starring William Sanderson Karen blocks and introducing rainbow harvest oh there you go. Oh my god, I forgot about this. Oh my god it's so close ma'am. You know Kim had a nail with the timer first time is just gonna throw something at you man. All right, look, we can't be all as perfect as some other people that exist on this planet. So Mirror Mirror. No critic Rotten Tomatoes 31% Audience budget box office could not find anything directed by it Marina Sargent teeny, who has six credits to her name, including the Models Inc TV show, she worked on a few episodes, child of darkness Child of Light and the Lying is both TV movies. And she did a little bit of Xena Princess warrior. So she's it sounds like she has a really skint resume, but actually, she has a ton of commercial and Music Video Credits. And this started her career off written by a net cast cone and Gina cascone, who I assume are related. And they wrote up to four sequels for this so not a ton of other credits. And then Yuri Zettler was 10 credits to their name, including the circle high crimes black and white Midnight Edition and I have the storm starring rainbow harvest, who plays the titular Gothic character in this she has 11 credits to her name, mostly TV movies. Earth Angel pink lightning, nine episodes of something called FM and she stopped acting in 1991, which was one year after this movie came out. Kristen de tillow has 67 credits dirname including the Aerosmith video Janie's Got a Gun as Janie 47 episodes of Chris the Chris Isaac show, which I did not know existed nine episodes of Dexter and just a ton of TV work. And Karen Black is probably the most recognizable person on here. tuners six credits including Easy Rider five easy piece, Five Easy Pieces, Great Gatsby airport 1975 House of 1000 corpses and a lot of C slash d list movies. Also Yvonne DeCarlo who plays this kind of older lady I you would know her from the monsters as Lily Munster all also randomly William Sanderson who plays the pet cemetery guy who shows up to take the dead animal away 135 credits 36 episode of Deadwood. 39 episodes of True Blood and Blade Runner, so small roll but you know, I was like who's this weird dude? Oh, you have credits. The story is after her father dies Megan and her mother move into a new home on the advice of a therapist they bring with them to dogs which they also got on the advice of a therapist. The mom immediately starts looking to make their life better kind of ignoring the death of her husband and putting Megan very much second Megan is going to new school but as an intense ask golf with a capital G she's wearing some weird bullshit in this. She doesn't Finn strange. However, one student named Nikki takes her under her wing against the advice of Nikki's boyfriend Ron and sees that she's being picked on and basically creates a pet project out of her. She wants her to have a good time. The two become fast friends they do everything together but despite hanging out with some pretty cool people because they are Nikki and Ron Megan is still picked on and made fun of left behind in her room from the previous owner as this old mirror and Megan discovers a strange kind of pulling connection to it she she just becomes extremely attached to it starts you know, licking in normal stuff. Man, when people are mean to her, her angry thoughts that then become real she's based choke, they have heart attacks, bad things happen, and she realizes that the mirror is helping her to hurt people. She tries to control it and use it to actually enact specific revenge to those around her. But it sort of starts take it over. Weird. After Nikki loses a class election, her opponent is steamed to death and the girls locker room and Megan says You're welcome. Nikki freaks out and tries to sever her friendship with Megan just on that alone. But Megan goes on a killing spree getting rid of those around Nikki and Nikki's life making it so it can just be Nikki and her. Nikki consults with the those who know about the house in the previous owner, any of the history of it because it was rumored the previous owner was into witchcraft and possibly killed her own sister, an antique dealer had read over this lady's diaries and gives her advice on how to defeat the mirror, which is controlled by a demon. But when Nikki gets there it is maybe too late. Megan has lost full control. The mirror has taken everything and everyone around her it's doing a full poltergeist in the house. Lots of things are flying around lots of crazy colors. And Nikki and Megan kind of sorta have to work together to try and stop the mirror maybe, but maybe it's too late. So who knows? Anyway, this is a film with a really cool concept. The use of the mirror and that's really creepy. They have a lot of slomo backwards Talking Mirror POV, the weird sexy blood licking off of the mirrors. Interesting. They also have a very heavy female film, which I'll get into more later. Some of the acting is pretty good. The boyfriend Ron Surprise, surprise fun dude. He makes the sandwich in one scene and is probably the best scene in the whole film. He's having such a good time. But for the most part, I didn't love it. It feels like they stole a lot of the carry style that a lot of slomo teens in locker rooms kind of romanticize the gaze it but it's not as good the I don't know it just felt like a little bit of a play by numbers horror film. But it did end up getting a lot of praise. I think honestly one of the problems with it is the music is god awful. Like no matter what you're seeing on screen the music is so bad and it's so terrible that it really makes it cheesy and probably da de escalates or yeah de escalates is pretty hardcore. Feels like the ending could have been really cool. It was close it thought about it and gotten near it and then it kind of took a left turn like that it thought about it they thought about it it was looking at a strain the strain the eyes and went. Not today. Not today. But the truth. A little bit of trivia the film initially was titled The Black class it was shot in LA and Zelda Rubinstein was originally slated slated to make an appearance in the film but dropped out over a mysterious reasons. The cast and crew were approximately 60% female. So they really went out of their way to make this a feminist led piece, which is pretty interesting. It's screened at Cannes Film Fest in 1990. And then later in the US that started off in Detroit's critical reception was mixed Entertainment Weekly gave it a b minus Timothy Sherry of the book generation, multiplex said, this is one of the best teen horror films in general. And an example of the tyranny of teen popularity Creature Feature panda with two stars saying compendium of cliches. I think that's the thing. I think if you didn't watch horror movies at that time, you might have watched this and gone Oh, they have some ideas in here. It's kind of interesting. They've got some really cool shots. Wow. But if you'd seen any horror, it's like tagline a shocking reflection of evil in the tradition of Carrie and Heather's Huh, okay, and also a reflection of pure terror. Featured director debut for Marina Sargent teeny like I said, she went on to get really into music videos and commercials. It had three sequels including Mirror Mirror, Raven dance, Mirror, mirror three the voyeur and Mirror mirror for reflection. Are you waiting for the shout factory bucks out of this Anchor Bay put out a boxer All righty. So beat them to it. Mostly negative about all the sequels except for apparently a second film does have an appearance by a mark refloat. So that was my film. It didn't talk about one of the cool parts of the movie. The VHS box. Big old mirror that mirror itself was a reflective surface on the VHS by a new idea. That's cool. That's one of those unique ones not as cool as like, grabber or whatever. Right? Yeah, kind of fun. That's awesome. I remember this movie being just really boring. It wasn't it wasn't great. I mean, like, there's some decent deaths. And you know, but like, I was mostly fascinated by her costumes and like her makeup. I was like, Damn girl, her hair changes pretty dramatically throughout the film. She's like a side shave and hard part of her hair is dyed one color and then like the next day at school, it's all just like long and curly. Like, whoa, all right. Cool. The Mirror Has bonuses. The mirror knows how to make it look good. Well, look, look now on top of things. She comes in here. Just boom, boom, boom. Vacation, do you Well, actually, she'll be like, I'm gonna be gone for two weeks. I'll see you guys No, I'm here back. I'm just gonna. Oh, look at that Jaime was incredible. I was gonna save the listener, because sometimes I will listen to our episodes in my car. And when the buzzer goes off if it's part seen crap out of me, I will say this one's gonna be especially great because you brought it right underneath your mic when it went off. Be fun for everybody. Eric, you want to go next? Oh, yeah, sure. Enthusiasm. Well, no anyways. So, my choice how ironic considering your comment earlier, suburban Gothic. Yeah, I came here because I need a job. I'm literally on the verge of having to move back in with my parents. And I don't want to do that with him back in with your parents right now. Does it sound like such a bad idea? I don't know how to say this without sounding terrible. But you're the worst guidance counselor ever. There was a scarf freak. Your father and I were wondering if we could buy you a couple new outfits for your stay. We recognize your more European approach to fashion. Well, that I'm doing. You remember me? Do you, Raymond. You're the only guy that come through town that I consider sleeping with and you're ruining it. Please still believe in all the paranormal stuff. I've experienced it firsthand. I used to see ghosts regularly. Then just suddenly it stopped. Sounds like you have an amazing gift. Once you pursue a career in the paranormal. I only came here to warn you there is an evil spirit lurking on your property. Good luck. This time you have a lot of hairy situations. I was supposed to communicate with the dead really have to wear this keep your voice tag you're gonna wake up my dad not writing this thing again until you get new tags. You've been at how many drugs I have on the right now. Well, I believe we're done here then. From 2014 I say this as a surprisingly high rating from the critics of 64. The crowd has it at 41 which I think is much closer to the film. No idea what the budget or box office was but it wasn't very large. And another sign that the movies kind of sitting in a weird place it was only available on Plex as a free watch on Plex. Let me tell you how to be add some ads Plex up so that every ad break is seven ads and and they don't you know that to be gives you that nice little note so you know when they're hitting an ad break coming up? Nothing. So hopefully I won't use this again. lots to say about the movie. Can you tell? The director directed by Richard banks Jr. who did actually excision excision, which I think is an incredibly good film, not familiar, trash, fire and King night. He also wrote all of the above, including this one, along with Mark Bruner who wrote an episode of criminal minds which is relevant, as you'll see coming up, and 43 episodes of the ridiculously underrated DC legends of tomorrow. Which after he got going after a season or two became fantastic. And two episodes of under the dome. Not quite as flashy. Okay, the main star of this and yes, I did watch Criminal Minds. Why could I enjoy some of those criminal things? Is Matthew gray Gubler, as I say, he was in 323 episodes of Criminal Minds. He played the, the nerdy, smart guy who, when the show ended, went through this weird little renaissance of people really loving him and talking about because he's a strange guy. He's an really interesting, weird, dude. And I think that's why he did this movie. But he's in almost all of Richard Bates movies, and is the voice of Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Oh, and also from Kate Dennings from a show I've never watched 138 episodes of two Broke Girls and 14 episodes of big mouth. She plays one of the creatures the this is Cat Denning Kat Dennings earrings. Yeah. Is this a marvel? Yeah. Is this a big movie? Not really. Oh, okay. Looks like a very low budget. I thought it was. Yeah, you'll continue with that knowledge. When I say re Weiss. Places dad plays Matthew's dad in this movie. You might know him from Twin Peaks. Robocop dead end and another criminally underrated show 31 episodes of Reaper where he played the devil And he's also in big mouth. John Waters has a cameo, which is fun. Sally Kirkland is also in it from JFK the staying. One episode of Criminal Minds 262 Productions overall. And Jeffrey Combs and Ray Santiago from Ash vs. Evil Dead are in it. Phillips Mackenzie, Jesus, the cast is ridiculous. And and that is kind of the saving grace of the movie is the cast does a lion's share of lifting this movie Up? Basically starts with Matthew looking for a job and he is desperate because if he doesn't, he has to move back in with his parents. His dad played by Ray Weiss is Shelley position. This is his incredibly racist Dad, no dad. And the movie has an interesting style. Super bright colors. Very kind of Greenaway and Wes Anderson style where it's straight on camera angles and sort of colorful stuff in certain segments. And they do a neat thing in the montage where they do like a focus point where the person is in focus, or part of the person and most of the stuff around him is blurred out. Looks kind of neat. And it's never overused. So that's nice. He starts having dark weird, creepy Dean demon dreams. Apparently, when he was young, he saw lots of ghosts. And then he moved away and didn't see them so much anymore. So far, or this about 2030 minutes into it. This is kind of a decent film. It's very much an arthouse comedy. So if you like that, you might like this little bit more than I did. Like Matthew, he isn't he does a great job. He is really quirky and fun. surprisingly funny. And cat he meets Kat Dennings at a bar and she is the goth of the movie. She's all golf out and looking that way. And she's fun. She does the stuff she's given well, and also has probably one of the strangest dance scenes I've seen between her and him dancing to jukebox music or something very weird. goes right into that art house thing I was talking about. The movie changes taller kicks in a little bit more when the people working in the yard discovery buried baby. And one of the people in the baby might have taken something. So I started seeing that. And this is where the movie really false. The ghost story in this film is so by the book. And so by the numbers, even when things are done well and it's got some fun little effects and some fun things done with it. It is so cookie cutter that it's like okay, that's disappointing. Again, all the performers give it their all they have all have great moments. There's all good stuff that happened in this. This feels like that movie where if the writer had taken it to somebody who'd written a lot of ghost stories and said hey, can you give me some advice on this? It could have been really punched up into something really interesting. Which makes it even more frustrating to watch. Most of the rest of the movie is him trying to figure out who the kid is why the coffins there. You know, they even look at microfiche at one point. And, and the dad being a complete dick. The there's a bonus because one of the weird bands I like to in high school has the punk rock girl from the dead milkman is featured in the credits, which plays into the cliche element though. Playing punk rock girl in a movie with a goth lead. Female the tagline is the dead in town just got a lot better. No. Oh, yeah. Swinging a mess. Yeah, but low budget to shows through a lot of the stuff. I kind of wishes a lot less. One or two things needed to be done here. It's kind of got that problem the vampire in Brooklyn. I think it was called the West Craven movie, where it's like will be a horror movie or be a comedy or melt them together a little bit better. Where it's like scene to scene. Oh, this is a comedy. Oh, now we're in a horror movie. This is this needs to be there less daddy issues or more ghosts or the other way around? It did world premiere Foundation International Film Festival. And you know, it's not a lot about it out there. Otherwise. I'd been curious to see it because he's a fun actor. He's interesting. Um, he was interesting on criminal minds. And he's interesting on this. There are scenes where bullies from his high school Discovery's back in town and their interactions are kind of fun. There are a lot of really good had moments in the movie. So it kind of sits in the middle of being Oh, it's fine. When you started listing off the cast, I thought that this was like a straight to video or something like that. It popped up on my search too and I was like, now I mean I hate myself but I don't hate myself this much. I remember it like floating around but I had no concept that it was a comedy. Well, there's that brief period where Matthew became kind of an internet guy where the internet discovered him and that he's really cool. very quirky His house is really cool and really strange. And he's just really interesting person and so that popped up and that was about the time this movie was coming out as well. So it may have crossed around and stuff but yeah, a missed opportunity. Do you think that the somewhat sounding Hi, Rotten Tomatoes is because of him just like him and cat are are fun on screen when they're on screen and him and Ray Weiss are really good on screen together. There they said there are so many moments that could have been so much better and the guy from ash receival dead showed his comedy chops nicely in this so it's I wish the writer because like I said excision excision is power a really well done film. But I wanted like another pass on this script would have helped it a lot. Well, I do have a bit of a crush on Kat Dennings, and seeing her as a goth might be enough to make me at least fast forward through this movie sure that she's just slightly annoying to me but I salute you sir. Stand that to actually speaking of women that I have a crush on. I chose for my golf movie from 1998 Bride of Chucky? Dolly Chucky Cheese but this time there's more to fear because this time she's got a playmate of his own. Bride of Chucky. Nice. One of my favorites from the series. Yeah, budgeted 25 million box office of 51 million worldwide. Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 47% in the audience gives it 49% My thought this was beloved but I guess not just know me want to get into the trivia that was something that I thought was very interesting. This star or let's see directed by Ronnie you, who has 21 credits. He's a Hong Kong filmmaker he did the postman strikes back the bride with white hair, but he also did Freddy vs. Jason. As written by Don Manzini, of course, was 24 credits 24 writing credits, including cellar dweller, a couple episodes of Channel Zero and Hannibal, and all the Chucky movies and TV series and all that stuff. It stars Jennifer Tilly 129 credits including bound curse of Chucky cult of Chucky and the Cecchi. TV series. Brad Dorf as the voice of Chucky he has 172 credits all of the Chucky stuff. The Two Towers exorcist three Alien Resurrection. Katherine Heigl real quick. Oh Katherine Heigl got she was in this 50 credits, including under siege. Valentine 61 episodes of Roswell 120 episodes of Grey's Anatomy Nick's the bill is in this he's got 27 credits including descendant deadweight tons of television mostly soaps, so like passion stays of our lives General Hospital. And John Ritter is in this 143 credits including Slingblade problem child, the IP miniseries and 172 episodes of Three's Company. So, okay, here we go. Do you both seen this movie? No, you haven't seen this movie? I only seen the first one that remake. Wow, those were the first ones. Okay? The remake is not but the Checky flavor that we know and love starts with this movie. Oh, cool. So we opened on a police officer going through an evidence warehouse. And it's kind of a cutesy scene where he goes past Jason's hockey mask and Michael's Halloween mask, Freddy's glove and stuff like that. Before he finally gets to a particular locker and he pulls a small bag out of it, and he then goes to meet the woman who has bribed him to retrieve this evidence for him and it is Tiffany Valentine played by Jennifer Tilly after smoking hottest you guys and a pencil skirt movie star makeup bright blonde hair, and she slits the cops throat and takes the bag back to her trailer park trailer. In the trailer, we watch her pull out all of the pieces of Chucky presumably destroyed in the last movie and she carefully stitches him back together and get some new clothes and everything and then performs a voodoo ritual to bring him back to life. And she is using a book it's one of those for Dummies books with the yellow thing so it's blue for dummies. This is the this in the evidence room kind of shows you how the movie is going to play out. This is got a very comedic flavor to it now kind of campy it's definitely a horror film, but it does not take itself seriously. And I believe this is the fourth entry in the franchise so they had to do three movies with the little kid and the doll before they kind of realized what they wanted to do. And it's neat because Henry Manzini is not any messy. Don Mansi music by Henri Manzini would have been awesome, though. Dom Manzini kind of figured out what he wanted to do with this series. So anyway, she thinks the ritual has failed, but when her God or Damien shows up, looking to get some action, Chucky comes to life and kills him. Chucky is very grateful for Tiffany reviving him, but in a neat twist, Tiffany locks him in a cage. And we find out that she and Charles Lee Ray who is the the human that Chucky was before he got stuck in the doll. They were an item before he got his soul transferred to the doll, and he treated her horribly, so she brought him back to life to punish him. And in a cruel move, she even throws in a dolly in a wedding dress to tease him. And that's all fine and good, except that of course, Checky escapes and kills Tiffany in the bathtub, and then puts her soul in the bride doll. She is horrified as expected, but once she gets used to the idea, she decides to trick herself out and turns the bride doll into a goth princess. So that's the beginning of the movie. There's a secondary storyline that is going on around the same time of this they both intertwine so second storyline is about Jade and Jessie who are too young starcrossed lovers that are being kept apart by Jade's Uncle John Ritter, who is just a real asshole sheriff. And he's trying to frame Jesse and plant drugs on his van and all this stuff to get him thrown into prison and out of Jade's life. Tiffany has full Jessie into transporting the two dolls, which he thinks are just ugly, regular dogs, to New York where they can get to Charles Lee raised body and get the amulet that will allow them to transfer their souls to human bodies again. And Jesse decides that this is a great way for him and Jade to make their escape out of their small town and engine New York, not realizing that the whole thing is that Chucky and Tiffany plan to transfer their souls into the bodies of Jesse and Jade at the end of this trip. So now we've got these two stories wrapped together. Jesse and Jade are on the run, and there's a body count being built up behind them because of where they stopped. Chucky and Tiffany murder a bunch of people. Sure. And so not only do the cops think that Jesse and Jade are killing all these people, Jesse and Jade are starting to suspect each other of being murderers. Is their story starting to see that they're, they're wanted for all these murders, and they're never with each other when something happens. So they're starting to not trust each other. And then at one point, they meet with a mutual friend of theirs, who discovers her uncle's dead body, the sheriff in their van. They were not aware of this because he had gotten to plant some drugs in the van and Checky and Tiffany killed him and then stashed his buddy deeper in the van. So the friend now thinks that Jesse and Jade are the murderers and he pulls a gun on them and that's when Chucky and Tiffany reveal themselves. After killing the friend Jessie and Jade are then forced to continue the trek where they realize what they're planned for. Eat is going to be will they be able to stop checking? Chucky and Tiffany? Tiffany? Tiffany? Tiffany, I like that, too. Will they be able to stop checking in Tiffany from completing their plan? Yeah, the tonal change in this film works because you're rooting for both Jade and Jesse but also Tiffany who has a soft spot for the young lovers and she's starting to realize that the dogs can't go through with their nefarious plans. Will Chucky be killed once and for all finally, or will he yell as he's about to be killed? I'll come back I always come back. And will a disgusting and burn Tiffany doll give birth to a baby Chucky doll monster the final scene of the movie? Hell yes. Oh my god. This movie is just a ton of fun you guys. It's super gory. It's way over the top. Really meta at one point when Jessie asks how Charles soul got stuck in a Chucky doll Chucky says So long story if we were turned into a film we would probably need two or three sequels to do it justice. And Jennifer Tilly is so ridiculously hot in this that it makes my teeth ache. There are taglines Chucky gets lucky. To the point I didn't like it. The one I did love the honeymoons gonna be killer. Some trivia, this was Brad Doris personal favorite Childsplay movie until curse of Chucky was released. Each doll required seven puppeteers to manipulate a computer playback operator and a puppet coordinator to act as liaison between the operators and the director. Three puppeteers handled the movement of each dolls facial features which were relayed through the use of a radio controlled transmitter. All of the dolls other below the head movements were cable operated by the rest of the puppeteers. So this one I thought was interesting. Some fans refuse to accept this film or any other Cecchi film that came after to be in canon with the previous three. Although the backlash for this one isn't considered as bad as a sequel, seed of Chucky. Curse of Chucky goes back to the more straightforward horror of Child's Play in an attempt to win back the crowd while retaining certain elements of bride and seed. I did not realize there was a backlash to this movie. I thought this was a celebrated return of a franchise. I wonder if it's kind of like my reaction was I'm lukewarm on the original Chucky Chucky films. And I thought this was absolutely fantastic. Yeah. So I wonder if that's like if you're a huge fan of that original, you had the opposite reaction. It was it was dark and funny. had an amazing soundtrack. Just a really cool movie. I remember seeing this in the theater with my roommate at the time and we walked out going that was not supposed to be that good wasn't exactly how I felt about it's like, it's it's like the Fast and the Furious franchise. You get to number five. It's a totally different thing. And I don't think that is like the Fast and Furious franchise. Well, I will have to check it out at some point. Yeah. Have you made a conscious effort to just not watch these? No, no, it just hasn't really come up. I think I made a conscious effort to finally watch the first one. Okay. And then I heard the show was excellent. I'm gonna watch all of them and then I never got around to it. So it's just I think bride of Chucky is really good. Seed of Chucky is not very good. And then cult of Chucky. I think I liked it quite a bit. But the TV series is a lot of fun and right up your alley. It's really good. Yeah. Okay. That means Eric, you've got the next sub genre. Whoo. That's right. What is it? What am I talking about? Let's do well, comedy weirdness. You just had the Dark Twisted comedy right? Let's do a whole episode of dark and twisty comedy. Films. Oh, I can dig that. I know. Vanessa is a huge fan of comedy love comedy. Can't wait for this. So it is it is so nice to look over and see you in your regular spot. You hear? scowling at every joke. Oh, it's nice to be back. Contributing great humor when you talk about how much you hate. Look, I'm not I just don't have it in me. I don't know why. Fine. All right. This is the part where I thank everybody for liking, sharing our posts participating the value for value model all of that stuff. We really really appreciate it. That's right. And you know what? Mica sent something. Oh, god. Yeah, he gave a challenge film to you. Oh, my God, pull up the message here. Oh my god. It's that time again. This time The rare Vanessa request for down aka the shaft featuring Naomi Watts worse performance and further proof that James Marshalls agent hated his guts. Pretty sure he has. She already has it on Blu Ray, but it is on Amazon. He probably gave it to me. Does he leave movies in your freezer? No, he gives me a lot of movies as gifts, which is incredibly awesome. But then I ended up not getting as much time as I want to. So the shaft I can't wait to hear what you think of this. I've watched this movie. I'm so stoked. I don't know why. Why this? Why me? I guess, do we need to have a topic around it at all? Or? I'm just gonna watch this for and talk about a next. You know, getting into like high rise horror might be kind of an interesting topic back in person movies. It's spring immediately to mind that one. Okay, well, that is the show. Thank you, everybody. You know, you can also leave us a message at 253-237-4266. If you want to say how much you like having Vanessa or anything like that. I can confirm that number does work. Yes. Yes. You know what, I had a great bit where Vanessa was going to call in anonymously, and just say how much she was not enjoying the replacement. I never agreed to doing that. And this is yeah. So I didn't do it. I didn't do the thing that you thought was really funny and clever. I know. I know. Well, you know, one of us is an idea guy. One of us has to execute those ideas. And guess what? We will be back in seven short days with more of Vanessa's lack of sense of humor. You're welcome. So until then, see you on Thursday, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't be expected. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Set we will set I love comedy