Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 232

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Kelly dives in to the entire Indiana Jones franchise, and he and Vanessa saw The Dial of Destiny! Also discussed: Talk to Me, Strange New Worlds, Fear City.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That is Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. You know, big weekend, you guys because there was a movie coming out that I was very excited for. Oh, and in preparation for it. I watched all four Indiana Jones movies. Wow. How's the hold up? The first one holds up spectacularly excellent. The second one, also very good. Harrison Ford is that top handsomest actor ever in Temple of Doom of a movie started him up even more than he is. He's like lost a couple of pounds. I don't know if he did that on purpose because this was supposed to be a prequel. But he just looks so ridiculously handsome. That it almost made me angry. But then I just started masturbating furiously. Oh my god, that was a good solution. The third one. So for me, it was always I loved the first one. I liked the second one. I liked the third one a little less. And that still kind of ran that way with me. I think the third one is a really neat father son movie. There's a lot of good humor, all of that stuff. But it just wasn't you know, my cup of tea. Their interaction save? Oh, absolutely. They're both so charismatic. And, and there's so there's so many nice moments in there including River Phoenix as young Indiana Jones. And then of course he is escaping and running across a circus train. Which after watching the fable mins made me go. I bet you Spielberg had been wanting to put a circus train into a movie for you know, 40 years. Did he also play young Indian the TV show? No, that was good to remember. Now I can't remember that kid's name. He was a really good actor too. So and I remember liking some of that show. Yeah, I would have liked maybe that guy to be. He's too old. Probably by the time they shot crystal skull but he would have been more fun than shy of the booth. Oh, yeah. Well, Sean, Sean Patrick flat flattery Flannery. Does that sound familiar? I don't know. That's, that's Yeah. Then crystal skull. Sure. So I think that there is a lot to like in this movie. I never had a problem with the new king the fridge that always felt very much like classic Indiana Jones and in fact, a little more believable than him throwing out an inflatable life draft in a temple of doom as the plane is going down and then then landing on a mountain and life raft and tobogganing down the Matterhorn fairpoint. And so I thought, you know, the new king the fridge, I can buy this just fine. And shale above showing up. I was actually okay with that. I think he's a great actor. I don't like his character turning him into a Marlon Brando kind of guy who actually calls Harrison Ford daddio at one point, that was that was wrong. And I thought that the missed opportunity was for him to be Indiana Jones nerdy son who has to then come on this adventure. And, you know, his arc could have been a real arc. Yeah. But the real problem comes with the introduction of Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood. And I I remember when I first watched it, I thought, Man, how the mighty have fallen, because I used to think she was just a great actor. And she is so bad in this. But now as I've watched more of Spielberg's work since then, it became really clear to me that Steven Spielberg did not want to make movies like that anymore. He wanted to make dramas and you know, spy films. Yeah, exactly. Things like that. He just didn't have the, the love for the series anymore. And then I realized, okay, that's the problem. I think that he directed Karen Allen to I don't even know if he directed her I think that she was so lost with her character in this script that she was just like, how am I even supposed to pull off some of this dialogue which is really cheap. Z in and what they were making her do she comes off as like, unhinged. But I think it's just her scrabbling for some understanding of this weird character. Even so, I think that that probably what would have been a fine place to end the series. He and Marian get married. And it could have been fine. There was some some pretty dodgy special effects in it. Yeah, that's about the only thing that sticks in my head there is the going through the jungle with the cartoons running around them. The cartoon monkeys was was hard and shy of swinging on vines. I think that was a scene that probably should have been left out. I think I remember. I mean, it's been a while but I remember the aliens. And that was like a real jump the shark moment. For me. That is a a weird thing for Indiana Jones. It kind of fits. If you just think about all of the stuff that he has done beforehand. It's like well, of course, why wouldn't we just throw in this legend now? Right? Except that it's always been holy relics. Right. And then it becomes aliens. And I think I've told you I don't like my magics getting mixed. Yeah, sure. Yeah. And part of what makes the first one so good is the level of how he just barely gets out of this shit all the time. Yeah, it's not necessarily even his actions that save him. It's circumstances every once in a while. Yeah. And then they kind of like you said with the frat and everything like that turned him into a weird superhero thing, which kind of gets away from what made him such an amazing character in that first film. Yeah, I, I, I was fine with the raft stuff, because he always seems to play it as I can't believe that works. Right? Well, yeah, that's true. So I was fine with all of that stuff. It just, you know, it just it starts falling apart with Crystal Skull for story for everything, because I just don't think anybody's heart was really in it. But the one thing that really struck me was, I was looking at Indiana Jones. Remember when that came out? And it was like, I can't believe he's coming back for another Indiana Jones movie. And now looking back at him, I'm like, boy, he looks really good for a 70 year old. Whatever. He was 68 year old man's he looks so young. And so that leads me into my my first movie, which I hope you'll discuss with me Vanessa. Sure. I saw dial of destiny. Yeah, me too. Me too. I think there is a lot to like in this movie. But I have to wonder why. Who wanted to see a two year old Harrison Ford running across the world. I don't know why. And I don't know whose decision it was. I think the advertising seemed really fun. Like I thought that trailer was really, like catchy. But it is tough. It's a tough sell. Because you have to remember that Harrison Ford's sorry, Indiana Jones The story takes place at a certain time. So old man, Indiana, Indiana Jones still taking place in what's almost an archaic time for us to look back on where it's like the 70s 60s 70s and it's like, oh, god, he's old. And this time like, there's a lot of building of pieces. But yeah, I don't I don't know. I feel like I thought a lot of people would see it. Not so true. No, no, apparently. I mean, I was pretty much the only one in the theater. It was lightly attended for me as well. I liked a lot of it. Yeah. And I actually thought the opening 20 minutes so the CGI Harrison Ford mostly looked okay, it did you know, it was there was a couple of weird moments. And there was like a wide shot of him jumping over the train where it was not a human being making any kind of movement there. Yeah, but like all the close up stuff of him like his facial expressions, the movements. I thought those were great. They should have messed with his voice. I noticed. That was 40 year old Harrison Ford sounded pretty croaky. I mean, they've done a similar thing I've noticed in the Marvel movies where they let the actor say the lines without you know, Robert Downey Jr. Didn't sound you know, 16 or 18 in that film, in this had a similar problem there but the actual movements and the visuals and the storytelling were so fun. That really worked for me. I think. I think the film I really liked the film up until I think the ending the the third act third act just completely shits about it. It wasn't even you know, I could have done it up until maybe even the last five minutes. So that's fine. Yeah, we're like, so cheesy and hadn't just felt like such nothing and They didn't really wrap up the entire structure of the story that they set up, which was a good structure of like, he's lost a son. She's lost a father. They're fighting each other. Yeah. I mean, yeah, so we're what lost it for you? Well, I'll tell you a part of it in crystal skull was I always feel like indie. At the end, he, he believes just as much as he has still, to, for whatever it is he's doing to work. So Raiders of Lost Ark, he, he doesn't get to see what's going on. In fact, he tells Marian close your eyes, basically, we cannot look upon the face of God or it'll destroy us. And so he never gets to actually see what happened. They just open their eyes and everybody is dead. In a temple of doom, he sees the the priest rip out the guy's heart, which is still beating, you know, basically just stick his hand in and pull it out without leaving a wound. But there's some, there's some indication that he doesn't quite believe what he saw. And there's some indication to the audience, so we're not even sure if that was a real moment, or if that was part of the stuff that's going on down there. You know, literally, literally, hell. And the drug that he eventually gets put under, which makes him you know, almost kill short, round and all of that stuff. So there's that. And then at the end of the Last Crusade, the the old night there and everything, all of these somehow feel just slightly possible. When it gets into crystal skull. He actually sees the spaceship. They're supposed to be interdimensional. But then he basically Well, while the villain there is, is seeing everything that was going on, he's running with everybody to get out of the temple, as is falling down. I wish that he didn't get to see the spaceship, because that made me feel like and you're, you're seeing too much. It's hard for hard for me to believe you don't believe in this stuff. When every time we see you in a movie, you are faced with something that is supernatural or whatever. Right? And then that's kind of where it happened here, too. Yeah, you know, this is a time travel movie. And, and indie goes back in time. And I, I would have liked to have seen the villain go back in time, get his wish and find out that he went to the wrong time. Yeah, maybe he could have ended up in like prehistoric times or something and gets eaten by a by a t rex or something. But where they ended up going was awfully convenient considering what India is teaching at the beginning of the movie. And yes, stuff like that. And also, there was a moment there where were you know, India's saying what he wants to do. And I'm like, please don't let it end like this. Right. And yet when it didn't end like that, and I saw where it was going. I was like, I would rather than did like that. Yeah, it's it's weird. How many people go back in time? There are a lot. I was like, Oh, you're also going to be there. Oh, and you are also going to be there. There's a lot of you. This is this is too many. And I think that you're right, I think it would have been really good if only Mads had been successful. But there were and there are enough clues earlier on that. Whatever the the choice is, goes wrong. Like there there are enough clues when the they open the casket thing. Yeah, that it's like you don't even need a full answer as to exactly what happened. We could have seen just enough to know. Absolutely. And then having nd have that moment of it just it was very strange. And then at the very very end coming back. i It was just stupid. It's just a stupid ending. Yeah, I mean, it was nice to see a very brief shot of Karen Allen given a chance to kind of not look unhinged, yeah, no, she she was great. And and the way they ended their relationship I thought was fine. I hate to say it I would have been fine with the old the old time travel paradox of everything, you know, you accidentally changed time, but it was for the good so nobody cares. You know, where where money is not dead, or something like that. But he just didn't want to bring him back. No, I guess his his troubles have probably made him unable to work with ever again know what that means. Like I loved him. What's her name from fleabag. She was great. I think she did a terrific job in this film. I liked her little sidekick. I liked a lot of what was going on. But every time they tried to bring in something from the older films, I felt like it was a bit of a stumble. Like with the guy. I can't remember his name now. But yeah, his friend who's like, I brought my passport, because I want to go on one last adventure. And he's like, no, no, it's not going to be adventure. How best would you be? Back? He's like, actually, I had a big adventure. Now. I know you're gonna die and never have another one. But sorry. Wait, why even have that there? Like, he should have been like, Ah, I wish I could go with you. But I just my knees aren't working, you know, or just something? Or like, you know, and he says, Yeah, okay, you can come along, and then he leaves him behind, or I don't know, just something like, it just seems so mean. And then at the end, that guy's like, I don't care. It's fine that I didn't get to go with you. Like, what the fuck? I wonder if everything everywhere all at once had come out just a year earlier. If instead of the girl from fleabag, we get okay. Okay, he's Quan. Showing up as we find out that as an adult, he has something that he has to go after. And indeed gets wrapped up in his adventure instead. That would have been fun, too. Yeah, I would have liked to have seen, but there'd be no sex appeal. You need a lady running around? Harrison Ford, you're covered? Well, I mean, my fear was they were going to try and turn that into some kind of believable attraction between a woman and and an old man. No, thank God. No, they did not play that they thank you. Right. And I will say the director did a really good job of putting in the spirit of Steven Spielberg. It felt spiritually. Like he didn't get everything right. But the way that he played the action scenes, the way that he played the interactions with the characters the way he did certain shots, I was like, This feels like someone who really cares and really wants this to be like a true Indiana Jones movie. I agree with that. But to the detriment of the actual storyline, where India is now wanted by the police yet goes to the airport, gets on an international flight. comes back from time and is no longer wanted by the police, I guess doesn't have to worry about that. Yeah, there you go. So there were things that I feel. I feel like, you know, as he's writing the script, he's like, Yeah, nobody's gonna think about that. Yeah, I will tell you, the two of you have convinced me I'm fine. not watching this film. I will say this, if you want to see this movie, seeing it in the theater is probably going to be a better experience than watching it at home. Yeah, you don't want to I wouldn't want to have seen this movie at home. I think the theater was a good spot for it. And if you have a mild interest in it, I would say check it out. I really do think it is fun enough. It's just It definitely has weird moments. Is we I think it's way better than crystal school. I would say yes. Yeah. Like a way better movie and that like, Yeah, more satisfying for sure. All right, well, I'm supposed to talk about something I guess. Geez, Louise. What else have I seen? So I actually went and I got a preview screening. Because of going to Emerald City. I my name was pulled out of a hat for potentially having my name pulled out of a hat again, see? Talk to me. Okay, so I saw that which, which one is talked to me so it's hard to me, you might have seen that trailer for it. It's a girl is like has this hand that when she it's like almost like a party trick like kids love to like hold his hand for like a tic tock challenge. And when you hold it and say certain things, like you can see ghosts or you're kind of interacting with another being that comes through the hand is just like a severed hand over hand. It's the severed hand of a fortune teller, whatever. It's a two four. Yeah, it's an a 24 film clearly bought a toy for I don't think created it. It's one that they picked up from an Australian filmmaker and really good, really dark really didn't do like Fantasia fast or something like that. I remember seeing a lot about it being Yeah, damn good film. I didn't have high hopes because of just how it was and then like it starts off and I was like, oh is kind of a stupid movie. I was like ah GAVI a 24. So I'm sure there's something in here. But it gets the The storytelling is actually very, very well done. And it's very disturbing. It's very distressing, but in a good way. That sounds very interesting to me. Sounds good. Talk to me talk to me. All I want is little conversation. They should have had that in there. Anyways, so guess what, just go back in the Wayback Machine for me. Sure for 1980 fours fear city from able for our, shall we say a dark filmmaker with Ms. 45. And a few of his other disturbing films. This is much closer for a kind of mainstream almost Yeah. Is Manhattan. But the because you're able, this seems to get out of there. But this one stars Tom Berenger Billy Dee Williams and Melanie Griffith. So probably one of the earlier big name groups he put together. Yeah, it's for him. It's almost a mainstream film. If any other director had done this, it'd be like the sleaziest thing they'd ever done, because it's the whole thing is a it's not quite a serial killer. He starts off just injuring strippers and then ends up eventually killing him. And Tom Berenger and his partner Ron, a talent agent, I guess, but sends out strippers to strip clubs. I don't know if this is a real thing or not, but Right, sure, why not? And of course, Melanie Griffith is not in one of the sleazy kind of one she's like in this theater, where she performs for a theater crowd or less or something. No, no, it's just a show belongs in a strip club. But the The venue is a very fancy Wow. The film is kind of a crack up to me, and it's a 1984. So he's a martial arts killer. Oh, excellent. Yeah, and Tom Berenger is a boxer that killed a guy in the ring. So the final fight is amusing as well done, but it's still kind of funny because this guy, I think this is a guy that learned martial arts on set. He does the cliched kind of stances and he looks like he looks like Hollywood martial artists. He doesn't look like somebody who actually knows what he's doing. Of course he uses nunchucks at some point Yeah. But he starts off with like a razor blade and very simple stuff and then I don't know the sighted partially way in the writing you know we got we got to make this killer more interesting. Let's make them a martial artists. Use a samurai sword at one point. It's very random killer, but it's a solid film, man. I love this movie. Tom Berenger so handsome in this. Yeah, yeah, that's definitely his primary acting period was the 80s and Billy Dee Williams is the cop that's got a you know a hard on for him this strike. I'm gonna get you. Melanie Griffith is so beautiful. And I watched this just recently, maybe two months ago. And I was just like, Who is this smokin hot chick. And finally the credits realize that was Melanie Griffith. Or it's pre as post roar. She was hidden roar. Yeah, that was her. I thought it was really early for to but anyways, I looked it up and she'd done tons of shit. This is you know, she just had more of her. Her signature cute girl love. Yeah, she still has the weird voice. Yeah, the sounds like she has been sick for a week, for such often seems to have. And a little base that in this film. I think she could again give she she starts off as seeming like she's going to be a main player. And then when shit really goes down, they kept her back on heroin and she completely don't they suddenly turn her into a junkie again. But the early part She's really good. And it's it's it's just a good film. I mean, the guy knows how to make sleazy shit. It works so sleazy. I mean, not gonna lie. That is why I love it. It's just like, watching it. You're like, Oh my God. I believe 70% of the movie takes place in strip clubs. Yeah. Okay, but yeah, Tom Berenger is awesome in it, though. I really enjoyed his so you said this is 84 Yeah, that was that was 84 and it was Manhattan. Billy Dee Williams as just on returning the Jedi though, then so he he's basically playing Lando coloris. Ian as a New York cop. That's pretty good exploit. So yeah, it's out there in a lot of ways. If you feel the need to watch. I think it's on prime. I believe that's where I watched it. But good caller he should have saved that. One for a different topic. He's got so many movies I'll do one of his movies for a topic at some point. All right, well, you guys are gonna fight me on this strange new worlds. I think I'm an episode or two behind maybe only one. I'm not sure. Have you? Did you see the time travel episode? Yes, I actually did what it was. Now. I think there's one more. The latest one much better. But that time travel Episode One and meet. It made me want to just fucking kick my TV. Oh, man. It was you know what, every time there's a time travel episode, it's pretty rough. I don't I know that it's a Star Trek trope, but I feel like it's been done better. Okay, even in the bad episodes way better than they did this one. And I'll tell you this. You know, for someone who wants Captain Pike in their in their trek. They're doling him out in very, very small doses this season. And this guy that they're trying to pawn off on us as Captain Kirk is the most wooden fucking actor. He's got no charisma, and I and then they throw in and make him have to deal with rom com tropes. In this time travel episode. I was like, fuck this show. Oh, dear. When you know, I was just so happy to find a Star Trek show that I liked again. Yeah, now it's just turned into still a Star Trek show. But it's showing why you don't like Star Trek now where it started off being the best that Star Trek could be. And like you mentioned the law and order episodes as curious as I know. Edgy tomorrow we're gonna get is. That was the one with the back time travel time. There's a one with Picard on trial with Q or something like that. Oh, one of the top episodes that I hated all that extra. But that's how I mean, but that was one of the most popular episodes of next generation. I see. And there's been like 79 trial episodes. All the Star Trek episodes. So it's, it's something they do regularly. I get it. And I get the same kind of thing. Yeah, I get that they that's the way they can talk tackle social issues is by having these kinds of episodes. The Time Travel one was bad. It was just bad. Badly acted. Bad story. I think, you know, I did have a little bit of a redeeming moment because I didn't like the actor that they've had. Have we seen this guy before? Yeah, he showed up. I think a discovery because it took me a minute to remember that that when she walked onto the bridge, yeah, like it was really figured out Kirk until like two or three seats later. Yeah, cuz I thought I was also in last season of what strange new worlds left an impact, you can tell. Well, I remember him sucking and really, really hating him. And being like, What the fuck? Like, I don't want anything to do with Kirk in this stuff anyway, but I actually kind of like he grew on me a lot in this episode, because that he actually was a bit charismatic in places. And I was like, Oh, good. You're like, I don't know. Maybe he's hot. Don't give me that look. That about him. I thought, Okay. He wasn't terrible, spindly. He can't stand him next to Anson mount who is hot, and then tried to convince me that I want doe guy and they really don't They don't let them be in the same scene together ever, I think for that reason. But it was an interesting kind of like discussion about you know, hating yourself and hating your heritage and figuring that out. It did end on such a depressing note, though, that it was really sad. At the end. I was like, Oh, God, I She's even more alone. Oh my god. So I'm hoping the next couple of episodes are a little bit brighter in that direction than not. Well, but I will say the one the only thing I enjoyed about it is in that season one episode where we see Kirk, it's a alternate timeline, where pike hasn't died. Right? And Kirk is not in control of the enterprise during this specific moment that was detailed in the original series. But in that alternate timeline, we see that Kirk and I can't remember her name. Or her. No, no, no. Whoever he time traveled with OH, security officer. Yeah. They have some kind of relationship in that alternate timeline. So I was like, Oh, this is interesting that they did again, introducing the the option to do different ships, right. You know what would make me happy? Kurt dies. And the rest of the series is them knowing Oh shit, we have changed somehow we've changed history. It is impressive how they managed to nail Oh such a great actor for Spock such a great actor for horror and then kind of a weird nerdy dark for who's supposed to be one of the studs yeah it has a big question mark like that for me like I was never a fan I think if they cast him during discovery then I'm not gonna blame him because that's fair discovery L level shit razor but I it almost feels like they said you know, you will only be compared unfavorably to William Shatner if we try to make you William Shatner is right chatting risk but by doing so far away yeah, you can still do like a manly like hero. I mean, it's not hard like Riker has the same energy right? You the guy doesn't have to look the same. He just has to feel like he's got that Captain confidence and that somebody that could Captain a Starfleet Starfleet ship. I think that Akiva Goldsman is a talentless hack who keeps a grayling upwards? Okay, and this is his show. He's up I don't know it's got a lot of stuff has his name on it. So it is sorted. The last like the card season which he hated. It has his name on it he actually what you mean the only good because he's all know the truth. We all know that he had nothing to do with it. But his tracks Yeah, tracks as Oh, he's attached to a lot of shit. And it's hard to know how much he's putting his, like weight behind certain things. But the less he's involved, the better things are so hard to say. I don't know. I'm not mad yet. I'm going to keep going. I'm still enjoying it. I'm still having a good time. And again, I'm so glad that in the season like the doctor has more purpose. Like he's got something other than his daughter in the hollow field. Next episode even more. So. I remember Oh, yeah, there's that. The the one I watched yesterday? And yes, so I oh my god, what was I going to talk about? My brain? Oh, my gosh. Oh, yeah. I was gonna talk about Secret Invasion. Oh, okay. So I don't like this show. I was going to just avoid talking about it because of the AI credits. Oh, I mean, whatever. Like the AI credits are weird. And I think it's an interesting choice. They didn't pay they did put like they had a team of artists. Those artists did make the art. The artists understood that the art that they were making was going to have an AI filter put upon it. Oh, they agreed to that. And it is part is a concept that everyone put together. I see. Yeah, so that has really for me made it like it's fine. You know, like, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be too too mad about it. It's little, you know, we have a lot of question marks happening right now around AI but it's just the show. It's just that I don't know what happened to me maybe a year, year and a half ago with Marvel where something just clicked off. I have not seen the last three or four Marvel movies movie hurt you anymore. You just got to a point. Yeah, I mean, the last couple ones I remember watch. I've liked the Spider Man. One. Spider Man and spider verse is great. But the Eternals or any of those since then I haven't seen a single or was insulting. Yeah, so I'm I'm fine. I completely forgot this was existed even until the AI controversy cropped up. Yeah, it's it's really deep cuts like if you have not seen Captain Marvel Captain Marvel? Thank you. I always want to say Miss Marvel. If you have not seen Captain Marvel, you're gonna be lost immediately. And I mean, seeing it recently, because there's like, oh, yeah, remember that little kid at the very end and like one scene? She's a huge important role. Oh, you remember that guy who's played by the Australian dude who's a great actor and I really like him but like, he's gonna have his Australian accent through this whole thing. You're gonna have no idea what he's saying. Ever. And that's great. I'm so happy he gets to do his real accent but it's a thick fucking accent and half the time his face is green and he's doing I'm just like I can't with you and then the whole subtitle turn on I really need to do that. And yeah, and like I don't care enough about Nick Fury to follow his story I mean I'm gonna watch it all but I'm really like just not enjoying I only Nick Fury are remember related. He said some great shit in the movies. But as far as the comics was what Nick Fury vs. Shield, that many 12 issue many series I think he did. Never phenomenal. That's the best new query I remember ever reading. But other than that he's just sort of a strange side character that they managed to make really interesting through some of the Marvel movies. Yeah, I was. I've been watching the show, and this might explain why I'm so lost because I don't know that I ever finished Captain Marvel. I might have to rewatch it, because like, there's a lot of stuff in there. But if you it's like weird, deep, deep cuts for a minute, like things that were said off hand or for like, one sentence or whatever. Well, I'll say this. I'm not enjoying the show. But if it was just Samuel Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn like sitting in a diner, sir talking and acting across each other, right? That sounds great. He Ben Mendelsohn is just so good and everything he is I just wish I understood anything he said. It's like he's fucking awesome. I love him and his scenes with I mean, the the scene that he had with them. Sam Jackson was like, tell me something. I don't know. Yeah, fucking great. Like just to two great heavy hitter actors. But then you've got Game of Thrones check who I from the spiritual team. remember which one Khaleesi I can't remember her name. And a lot of other British people because by the way, it's not filmed in fucking anywhere in Russia. All of its England the whole time. I'm like, That's just an English pub with like a Russian poster in it. I'm pretty sure I got drunk. They're like the whole time. I'm like, I stumbled down that block for sure. z's. You can't hide it is just England. Looking area. Man has Soviet Russia never looked so much like fucking, you know, the downtown London anyway. It's fine. But she She's a tough one because I don't think she's a terrible actress. But she has had like several brain problems and including strokes. And well, I didn't know that. Yeah. So when you see her face the first time it looks like very one no. And she's, uh, her face is a little bit more droopy. Her eyes are a little more closed than what you would see in Game of Thrones. And I was like, did she the first thing I thought was like, did she have a stroke? And then the answer is like, she's had many strokes. Oh, no, no, I do. Yeah. So she's doing a good job. But she's not like a strong like a super strong actors compared to some of the other people there. And it's, I don't know if I've all watched the rest of it. We'll see. Yeah. Yeah. The thing that I was so upset about is that strange new worlds comes on Wednesday. Secret Invasion comes on Wednesday. I'm like, I got I'm getting nothing here. You guys. You could watch one of them on Thursday. FYI. Well, then I just have two days of no good show. Oh, you know, you stop watching shows you don't like? Yeah, this is a service I do for the listener? You know, I think it's a service you do see, you could do what you're doing to be mad. That's right. Have fun with the show. Fuck you Don't you have something to talk about? I do. I've got show called the bear. Oh, my God, which to the first season was flat out brilliant, just amazing television. And from everything I've read one of the best portrayals of working a high, high, not not high level, because it's a sandwich shop. But high intensity restaurant thing. Very accurate, apparently. Which makes me glad I've never really went into restaurant work. But the second one has started and it started off really good when made the first one good. The first season good as he got to a guy who comes in to take over a restaurant after his brother dies. And there's all kinds of problems and he went through the series to figure out how to work together and make things happen. And it's really really interesting. This one is sort of like he's kind of got to spoil a bit sorta, but he's starting to new a new restaurant. And they're starting to try to do a new restaurant. So everybody's fighting again. Like, we already did this. And I don't know if they hired new directors or if some show guy decided we are now going to do 60% of some of the episodes in a close up that is top of head. Alright, we pull the fuck back. Because the scenes also are pretty intense. There's the shows usually half hour, and they have an hour long episode, which is like the worst Christmas ever for this family. And this is a cliche thinking level Jersey kind of family where everybody's yelling over each other and the mom who is played by just playing it on any Halloween and Jamie Lee Curtis plays the mom and you've got a lot of really strong people in it. The acting is always amazing but It's this family and I don't even after watching the whole episode, I have no sense of this house. Because so much of it shuts so tight. There's one point where they pull back a little bit. And I see oh, that kitchens, it's not a big kitchen, but it's a lot longer larger than I thought it was. Right? Because the way they shot it, it looked like it was, you know, two people orders as to nuts if you're standing in there. But it has a little more room. It's making it much, much harder. That's a severe pet peeve of mine is like you've got to establish the space you've got in like, close up should really be reserved for the most intense moments. Yeah. And use like sparingly so that they have a bigger punch. And then those you know, you know, two thirds shots or even cowboy shots. Those are great. You can use them. It's fine. There's a different scene with the bear and a girl he's kind of flirting with sitting in a car talking and it's all shot that way. And it's a casual scene. It's a fun little flirtatious scene. I'm like we you pull the damn camera back. Oh, man, it's a little because it feels like one of them's going to die. Here's telling you, they're going to be dying. I wonder if they shot it in 4k? And until the editor that like they just wanted more room. The editors like damn, I don't know why we're really, I guess that'd be the opposite. It's still incredibly well written. And it's still amazing performances. But it's definitely a step back from the first season. That's a bummer. But there's still four more episodes to see if they wrap up and don't all hate each other by the end. You see, like, so what are the four episodes in now? It's it's 10 episodes, six episodes. So has this problem gone through all six episodes? No, it's been the last like two or three. So it started off shooting just fine. So I was like, do they get a new director or did somebody in the genie something? Because it started and the first time it happens to the well, that's a lot. And then that that Christmassy. That Christmas episode of an hour long. And Deena watches movies differently than we do because she's just casual movie watcher. So she didn't necessarily maybe didn't think of it the way I did. But by the end of the episode, she's like, that was fucking exhausting and hard to watch. It's like yeah, exactly. That's what those close ups do. Yeah, that's why you don't use them. Yeah, yeah. 100% And like you said, when you're in a car, and you're close up on people like that, all you think is somebody's gonna crash into him the whole time. You're like, someone's gonna fucking murder people. When is it gonna happen? And when it doesn't happen you're like, What the fuck? Why did I have to endure that? So hoping to get back in be awesome. Wow, all right. Total bitch session. Something we're not happy about. Yeah, fair city was awesome. Okay, why don't we take a break we can all calm down. And then when we come back, we're talking magicians. magic word, magic word. magic word. Magic. Magic word to play his magic word will stick together with no nails or glue. Magic. Magic would make things you never go. Like magic. Magic word has a secret. It sticks together so you can build things comes apart so you can build over again. Build hundreds of play things from different shapes and sizes of brightly colored magic wood, like animals, planes, boats, rockets, alphabet letters to you good with magic would add colorful plastic faces wheels sales to make your toys more exciting. Simply take pieces apart with a flip of your finger and start again. It's easy. It's fun, magic word magic word. That magic word will stick together. You can play all day. And we're back. Guys, this was my sub genre choice. It was magicians and it could be real magicians, sorcerers, all of that kind of stuff. Or it could be stage magicians. I'm putting 10 minutes on the clock for me. And I chose a kinda stage magician the movie. And that is the prestige. Show me. Come on. Now. I can't say how do you do it? Magic. I'll perform this feat in a manner never before seen by yourselves or any other audience anywhere in the world. The audience slept in. This tree is top notch to celebrate a real magician tries to invent something new. Something that other magicians will scratch their heads over. I suppose you have such a trick as you're doing. Someone they're gonna remember me for what happened? There was a greatest magic trick I've ever seen. I need to know how he does it. He has no trick. It's real. Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called the pledge. The magician shows you something ordinary. But of course, it probably isn't. The second act is called the turn. He's obsessed with discovering your method. The magician makes his ordinary something. Do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it. That's why there's a third act called depressed age. This department the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance. And you see something shocking you've never seen before. This was built by a man who can actually do what magicians pretend to do real magic. I know what you ready. Now did you do it? You want the truth? Nothing is impossible. Abracadabra no more secret secrets in my life. 2006 you guys liked this movie. I loved this movie budget of 40 million worldwide box office of 110 million. Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 76% And the audience gives it 92% Not just you guys like this movie. Excellent. Directed by Christopher Nolan, who has 17 credits directing credits including Memento the Batman trilogy with Christian Bale, Inception Dunker, and Oppenheimer, which just opened, written by Nolan and also his brother, Jonathan Nolan, who has nine credits including momento, the Batman trilogy, and 36 episodes of The Westworld TV series. And also written by as based on the book by Christopher Priest. This threw me when I finally did some research on this because this is not the CRISPR priest I thought it was. There is a comic book writer named James Owlsley, who changed his name to Christopher Priest, and I always thought that was this guy. But no, I have some interesting stuff to say about that, too. Starring Christian Bale, who has 55 credits, Empire of the Sun American Psycho machinist, reign of fire and of course the Batman trilogy. Hugh Jackman who has 67 credits, including Van Helsing real steel, the fountain and 11 Various movie movies where he plays Wolverine also starring Michael Caine, 176 credits including Get Carter the hand and Jaws The Revenge and a very young I had forgotten this a very young Scarlett Johansson Yeah 80 credits including the spirit under the skin, Jojo rabbit and eight various movies where she plays the Black Widow. Also in this is Piper Perabo, Rebecca Hall, Ricky J. Andy Serkis and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla, which was about all I remembered from this movie when I decided to rewatch it. Holy shit. So we opened on a very strange shot of dozens of top hats like black magician Top Hat scattered through a forest is a really cool shot that is easy to forget, unless you watch the movie again. And then we see Michael K. Explaining the three parts of a magic trick to a little girl as he shows her a disappearing bird trick. The little girl is also important too, and very easily forgotten unless you watch them only a second time. And I am imploring everyone to watch this movie again. It is so good. So the first part of the trick is called the pledge where the magician shows you something ordinary, maybe a bird or something. Part two is called the turn where he does something amazing like making the bird disappear. And part three is called the prestige where there is a twist like making the bird reappear. And then we meet Robert engineer who's Jackman. He's also his stage name is the great Dantooine and he's a big time magician in front of a huge audience as he attempts his transported mantric where he walks under a giant tesla coil and then disappears for a trapdoor, except he falls straight into a giant tank of water that has been placed under the stage and automatically locks him in and he starts drowning quite painfully. Another man Alfred Borden Christian Bale, he rushes under the stage just in time to see Robert died from the drowning. And then we get into our story which follows like three timelines at once. One of them is that Borden is on trial for murdering engineer. Turns out that the two of them have been rival magicians for some time, and it appears that Borden somehow put the tank onto the stage in order to finally get rid of engineer. He of course, professes his innocence the whole time. And it does seem impossible that he could have orchestrated the tank and all that would require still, the trial does not go well. Important is found guilty, thrown in prison, and he will be executed shortly. While he's in prison, a man comes and offers to buy his magician secrets for the man he works for the mysterious Lord called low. When Borden refuses the lawyer reminds him the board's daughter is going to become an orphan and sent to the workhouse unless called Low intervenes, and as an incentive, he gives Borden and years diary to read and you're being the magician that he is blamed for killing. So Angie, his diary kind of frames the second storyline, which is from Algiers Point of View, obviously, he has gone to meet Nikola Tesla because he thinks Tesla has built a machine for boardings transported mantric which engineer has been trying to figure out for years. So the transported man is simple. The magician walks through the door disappears and immediately reappears in another spot. And somehow Borden is doing this in a way that fans are just cannot figure out. Typically it will be done with a look alike. But engineers alike No, this is absolutely him doing this, but Tesla tells him that he never created a machine for boarding. Then the third storyline is boardings diary from his point of view, where we got a lot of backstory. So it turns out that Borden and engineer were partners, both working for an elderly magician who also employed Michael Caine and engineers wife Julia. At one point Julia is killed in one of their most famous tricks and underwater escape trick. And and Julia is sure it's because Borden tied the wrong knot. And Borden claims not to remember if he tied the wrong knot. And we actually never really find out what I think is really interesting way to tell the story because you never know if this was a mistake, and if all the shit that happens is just because of a mistake, or if he was actually trying to kill Giulia. So anyway, this kicks off a rivalry between the two men, that has them showing up at each other's magic shows over the years, they are in disguises and volunteering as members of the audience in order to fuck up their tricks and shit like that. And then it starts turning pretty nasty. Borden has a bullet catch trick. And engineer shows up in disguise. And just before he pulls the trigger board and realizes Oh, fuck, this is at Jerry's putting a gun at me and engineer blows off two of Gordon's fingers. Which is then goes to show that okay, whatever Borden is doing the transport demand trick, it's definitely him. He's missing the fingers when he comes out the other. Bless you when he comes out the other side, so this is just driving engineer angrier and angrier, and the rivalry gets uglier and uglier finally ends with the malfunction of the trick we saw at the beginning. So I'm not going to give away what happens in the movie. If you have not seen it. You really need to everything is explained. And it's all very, very dark for both men. And the lengths they go to achieve their illusions, man, I fucking love this movie, and I hadn't seen it since the first time. So watching it again. I was like, This is fucking masterful storytelling. David Bowie makes for an amazing Nikola Tesla, which is all I really remembered. And although this part is very small, it is super important. I don't know if Baylor Jackman had ever been better than this movie. I believed every fucking minute of their rivalry. Scarlett Johansson nearly unrecognizable. She's very young, but also not super glamorous. So she doesn't look like a movie star. But she is so good. She plays engineers new assistant that he makes do some truly ugly shit. Trivia. The word prestige originally meant a trick from the Latin prestige Ium meaning illusion. The editing includes 146 time jump cuts, in which the next shot either flashes back or skips ahead to another time period of the storyline. This averages to almost one timeline jump per minute of the movie that went in there for you, Vanessa. Wow, a lot. David Bowie initially declined the role of Nikola Tesla when it was offered to him, Christopher Nolan flew out to him personally to tell him that he was the only person he imagined for the role and that is larger than life persona would make the idea of Tesla's role in the storyline. Unbelievable. Upon hearing this, David Bowie changed his mind. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah. When Tesla's machines are being exhibited in the Royal Albert Hall, a man in the audience protests, the Tesla's electrical current is unstable. Later in the movie, the same man appears in Colorado Springs has one of Edison's associates proving that magicians not the only ones who hide within their rivals audiences. And then finally, one that I caught and your stays to Tesla agrees to see him on February 8 1899. In Colorado Springs, Tesla didn't move to Colorado Springs until May of 89. Do not fuck with my Tesla knowledge. Damn, man, this movie just blew me away. I I've seen it before. I knew I liked it. I came away going. Why don't I have this poster in my house? I think this suddenly went into my top 10 favorite movies of all time gives just fucking brilliant. Oh, that's cool. I think I remember watching it in the theater and loving it. And I've never seen it. Oh, please watch it. Yeah, I really want to. I mean, I do remember. Did you remember what happened at the ending when you were watching this one? Sounds like yes, I kind of remember that ending. But I didn't remember everything that that brought together that you really did not remember that. There were like multiple time. Time Frames going on at the same time. So that's, that's fascinating. Yeah. And the little girl. That one I realized who she was only, you know, watching it this time. I was like, oh, that's who he's talking to. You know, because it comes off as a as an old man talking to a young girl, but you don't realize who everybody is? Because it's right there at the beginning of the movie. That's incredible. So good. Sounds good. Nice. Okay, well, I chose a film that I had never seen before. And pretty excited to finally check out because I've seen the movie poster like a zillion times. And that is Clive Barker's Lord of illusions are 9095 Something is watching. Something is listening. Something is coming. In your life. See the world really what's going on here? Detective Harry d'amour is walking a path. I want you to help me if you take the job Mr. Mr. Where do I sign up between what can be seen people are dying. I want to know why I've heard a name somebody they talk about this person. Next and what must be feared next is dead and buried what hell is wrong with you people you've seen enough to know that doesn't matter. I don't want to get involved was waiting too long. To have the homecoming soiled. Every step he takes the drone. The ducks don't like that much. Except closer to the troops. You could get into people's heads. Make him see things terrible. See, that's his best trick. No illusions just the truth mixes back from the dead when he is some kind of a god. In a world where magic is real. Death is the ultimate illusion. I was born to learn Are you ready? For my wisdom? It's now you want to come with me? Or I've got so much power to give you well, Clive Barker's Lord of illusions This is Rotten Tomatoes score 50% from critics and 52% from audience not universally loved. Budget of 11 10 million box office of 13 point 3 million. So not a crazy intake directed and written by Clive Barker, who has seven credits to his name, including directing Hellraiser and nightbreed. But he also wrote stories such as Candyman midnight train books, book or and or book of blood stories, starring Scott bacula, which I did not realize is going to be in this film. So that was very exciting for me. He has 80 credits. I love him as Dr. Sam Beckett from 97 episodes of quantum leap. He was an American Beauty What We Do In The Shadows, and the biggest disappointment of any Star Trek fandom as Captain Jonathan Archer in Star Trek Enterprise, also 97 episodes. Yeah, it's fair. One of the worst let downs for me personally, although I do sickeningly love the theme song. Kevin J. O'Connor is in this 56 credits, including the mummy as Benny is also in Van Helsing deep rising Gods and Monsters. Daniel Vaughn bargain at five five credits Robocop three as Morana Murano, the faculty 15 episodes of Malcolm in the Middle and lots of cops, priests and military guys, and fennica John Jansen, 79 credits Jean Grey and X Men. Also Zenia on a top and GoldenEye. Classy, always good class. The story follows a cult leader who's preparing to sacrifice a young child a young girl, as his followers are holed up in a shack in the desert with him. an albino dude, I guess he's like half all by now is his man servants and stays that aside when a group of men and women arrive with guns to save the girl and stop the CO leader, led by a guy named Swan swan is pretty nervous, but is determined to end this dude's reign. The group go in and find next the cult leader in a room flying on the ceiling with a chandelier flushing Gore as you do mix loves Swan and even though he's there to kill him, really wants him to become his protege. He's just does not see that the swan just hates them. So he decides to gift him with part of his power which seems to be quite magical in essence and forces want to see everyone as these sort of disgusting like flesh II creatures like their their skin is falling off and underneath it's all black gore and goo. However, Swan me even though everyone he loves and cares about who's around him starts to look like monsters, he still refuses to give up and binds next with a sort of face Iron Maiden that comes in several parts, killing him and then burying him very, very, very, very deep. Years later, Scott bacula is Harry demore a detective known for dipping his interest in the occult and is famous for saving a child in an exorcism. He gets a job to fly to LA and uncover an insurance fraud. But when following lead discovers nixes cultist guy the albino guy torturing a fortune teller, the fortune teller gives him a clue before dying as to what might be happening and that maybe Nick's might be rising back from the area's then approached by beautiful woman, the wife of a hotshot Vegas style magicians one who's the big deal now, she hires him to help Swan as he is. She's really afraid for him. She knows something's going on. She's not sure what swan is murdered on stage, as Harry attempts to figure out who killed kills him, he kind of goes down this really deep rabbit hole. He discovers that everyone who helps one initially take out Nyx is being murdered. And then rumor of Nick's rising again from the dead to destroy Earth may just be true. Also, Harry ends up being the beautiful wife, Lady. So lots going on in this movie. It's interesting, like there's this really cool mix between mystery noir and body horror, that's sort of hard to piece together at first, like they're two very different kinds of stories that are mashing together. And I think sometimes it works and sometimes it really jars. So when you're in like a horror film at the start, and then all of a sudden, like there's a beautiful woman coming into a detective office with her like big white hat and she's like, obviously, femme fatale is like, Oh, I've got a problem with my husband and only you can help. You're like, what is that? Um, you know, we've got Scott back, it was a GM shoot, it's interesting. The whole film actually feels sort of like this metaphor of a gay relationship where a dominant older male cannot let go of a younger man who's breaking up with him. Like it just sort of the writer. Yeah. When you think about kind of what angle he's coming from, it feels very much like that. Couple problematic things, mostly, the young girl who's the kid at the start, who gets saved by swan is the hot wife later, she marries him and she feels she owes him. And you're like, when did this happen? At what point? Was he in love with you? Was he in love with you at the start? Because that's effed up y'all. There's lots of really good 90s practical effects that I liked a lot. Some truly terrible CGI, but the way they do it, the way it's handled is actually pretty fun. There's this like weird, fleshy origami thing that's chasing Scott Bachelet points and that's that's pretty cool. I was a little disappointed with Scott story, it did not come to fruition. Scott baccala. We start with him being well known for exercising a kid, he gets lots of visions, he has dreams of stuff. He even has like the sort of in touch essence with the fortune teller who does and he is told he walks the line between heaven and hell, but not really, because at the end, he just runs around hallways with a gun looking pretty lost, and just shooting stuff. He is like I thought he was gonna somehow like also be powerful or somehow like, be influenced by this magic or in any way have some otherness about him? No, he's just a gumshoe. His story is very strange. But lots of interesting choices. I think having the magician's wand be like kind of a wet blanket who's often really scared to act even at the end, he has to like talk himself out of getting out of the car to run and help take down next like, there was a pretty cool choice in that of not just being like a perfect lovable character. The cultists who are loyal to nix throughout. Next one, he rises from the dead he thinks they are so pathetic, that he sacrifices them to the mud ground and like kind of just gets the mud to envelop them. And one guy is like pissed about it and starts flipping them off and I thought that was beautiful. That's a good choice. Like this guy. Really? You know, he's tearing his hair out in one second. The next he's like getting sacrificed. Fun use of the song. It's magic magic. goes from like the end of a very serious scene into a very fun scene. very jarring, but also a fun song. Trivia. When casting for the film began, Clive Barker picked found the key Janssens photo out of hundreds of initial submissions and declared this is Dorthea she remained the only choice although the filmmakers audition dozens of actresses for the parts. On seeing Barker's cut of the film, MGM decided that it was too long and there was too much time spent on dialogue scenes that occur in between scenes involving death and horror elements. So they've removed roughly 12 and a half minutes from the film, Parker conceded as long as the Director's Cut could be released later and is known as the Collector's Edition. In 1996, Barker commented, it's not 12 and a half minutes of blood and gore that was removed. It's actually the thematic guts of the movie. Clive Barker's character Harry demore appears multiple times and works by Clive Barker, including short stories the last illusion lost souls and novels the Great's and secrets show and ever felt reflecting on the film and the 1996 documentary The Making of Lord of illusions, Clive Barker said, I can look through the movie and every two or three minutes I'm saying Geez, why did I do that? Why did I do this? Well, the answer is you know I got 50 things right and 30 things wrong and that's pretty good batting average for me you know, you make your work and you move on and you do that whatever medium you're in many consider this to be cardboard and bands including frontline assembly, a Jedi mind trick Nevermore and last days of humanity all sample the film for their albums. Did you like the movie? I did. I did enjoy it. It's it's weird. It was nothing like what I thought it was gonna be having seen like benign me train and horror is there and I was like, this is there's moments where you can see Barker like really there. But all the like nor stuff was so weird. It was like just not what I'm used to from him. But it was it was a fun film. I remember liking it, but I have not watched it in a very long time. So I don't know what a rewatch would do. I saw it in the theaters. And I kinda remember being kind of like, I thought was okay, but then every time I've tried to watch it's Hence, it is so boring. It's really goofy to Yeah, that I, I quit about halfway going, I think I think I just really want to like this movie, but I don't actually really like it. There's like really fun moments. There's like a secret underground Hollywood magician circle. That's pretty neat. And there's this guy who ends up teaming teaming up with Scott for a little bit called Jimmy who, and he has like this Asian magician guy. And he's really fun. Like, there's little weird things in there. But he has like nothing to do. Like, why is there a team of underground magicians and they really don't do anything. And I don't know, there's like a lot of weird threads that are there and interesting. But don't go anywhere. I can't remember which story this is based on. But it's based on one of the short stories and I remember, I think it's the last illusion. Yeah, I remember thinking that he really had to work hard to flesh it out. Yeah. Yeah. From what I read. I didn't say this factoid. But he had like four or five images in his head that he was like, I'm going to have these scenes exist, and then kind of wrote around them. So I think that might have been part of I feel so disjointed. Yeah. Do you know the cut stuff? Was that real? inserted? For as long as? Yep. So anytime you watch. It does exist. So anytime you watch the Collector's Edition, that will always be with the extra 12 minutes. Definitely the one I saw because it had all the scenes that he was talking about being sad. I was like, Yep, I remember that scene. Yep. All right. Eric, I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. Okay. Surprise to longtime listeners. I'm doing the most recent film of the three of us. Well 3000 years of longing from I believe, for 2022 My name is Olivia. My story is true. I am a solitary creature by nature. I have no children or siblings nor parents. I didn't want to have a husband. If there is fate, who can say but in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul I chose a memento I like it whatever it is I'm sure it has an interesting story so what would you wish for? What is your heart's desire? I do have a question. What does one do with three wishes? We'll see. Oh, see there's no story about wishing that is not a cautionary tale. We all have desires even if they remain hidden from us. But it is your story and I cannot wait to see where it goes. Know how it might end Hello, he'll be staying for a while I'm beginning to wish we'd never met God I have a wish. Rotten Tomatoes has said it's 71 critic 73 for the crowd which is fair budget of 60 million box office worldwide 20 million ouch Yeah. This is available on prime or MGM plus apparently now is a thing. Yeah. Anyways, this is directed by a podcast favorite probably I would say with George Miller, who's best known for the Mad Max Movies, Witches of Eastwick and Happy Feet one and two. Diverse quality with babe also being in there. He's currently working on two more Mad Max Movies. Oh. What's that? Hurry up killer jam written by George Miller who's also written some Mad Max Movies, the happy mood Happy Feet movies, baby and baby in the big city which he also directed love it and Agusta Gore, so only credit for this writer. Sure, and as buy it, who is the wrote the original short story, the gin in the night and gales i which this is based on starring Tilda Swinton. And you might know her from the Suspiria remake, maybe, Michael Clayton Snowpiercer the dog with the luminous nose and adaptation, underrated film, and Aegis Elba was in the current Apple show hijack, which is pretty damn good. Cats, when the highlights of his career probably Oh God, Luthor, and they Thor Avengers movies. And also Macklemore and Ryan Lewis featuring Idris Elba dance off. That's cool. Wow. And prom night and absolutely fabulous. Did not know you as well. So this is a scene with the title of the book. This is a gin movie. It opens with tilde narrating that this is a true story, but she's going to tell it as a fable. Or else you just won't believe it. This style is a great choice to have some movie a lot. The opening scene is interesting in the way it's stylized with tilde wearing bright loud clothing and everyone else she interacts with his either in white, gray or black. So she really stands out. And then until she starts to speak publicly, and things start to go weird, then the whole audience is also an incredibly prey close. She's a writer that talks about the modern knowledge of science and how it up ends all mythology. But giving the speeches elucidate something, some kind of a mythical creature being in the audience that says she's speaking rubbish. Some nice storytelling with the way she finds the the gym. This is the line that leaves her finding the bottle he's in if there is fate, can we escape it? Who can say, but I tell you this in the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, there are 62 streets and 4000 shops. And one of those shops there are three rooms in the smallest of those rooms. There was a pile of things unsorted old and new. From the bottom of that pile, I chose a memento. And then she pulls out the bottle that has the gin in it. The main portion of the story, of course, Aegis is the gin when she releases him, he is gigantic. But he also remains kind of tall. And by the end I couldn't quite figure out if he's just that much bigger. I just pumped him up a little bit as magical. But he's a he seems like a very large guy in this movie. Most of it is him telling the history of how he was put into the bottle, going back to the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, who is portrayed as being very magically powerful king Solomon and puts him in a bottle and throws him to the bottom of the ocean. And he was in love with Kena Shiva. So he spent some time trying to get back to her but he's down the bottom of the ocean far longer than she is alive. And then the after that it is a lot of back and forth between Tilda in Egypt, Aegis kind of testing each other. Early. You mentioned the best scene in the shield show was those two actors, right? This whole movie is largely based on these incredible performers kicking ass together in a room and then hit the rest of it is his flashbacks to how we moved forward through time and how his bottle was found step by step. And, of course, Aegis is narrating these. So it all sounds really cool. The idea is he's trying to convince her that doing these wishes, the three wishes he can give her will be good, because she's very much I've read all the stories. I know how these three wishes things always end and they never end well. And so his thing is very much well, this is how I counseled my people who had their wishes to make sure their wishes went well. Of course, they all kind of don't necessarily end very well. She still doesn't believe him after that. The one thing that movie does really well. And I appreciate a lot where almost every movie that has three wishes trope is at some point somebody trips up by saying I wish in a stupid way. And she almost does stuff like that and he stops her every time she starts to casually say I wish blah blah blah. Don't do that. She even says I wish something and it's like, I'm not going to do that. And it's so it's a really neat twist on it. And the relationship between the two of them grows and continues to become very interesting as the movie moves on. And I gotta tell you, it's really good. It's George Miller, the guy directs a penguin animated movie, and it's a shitload of fun. And then he goes on and does one of the best action movies ever created in this last Mad Max movie. So those all right. It's the cinematographer is John Seale, the same guy who came out of retirement to shoot Mad Max Fury Road came out of retirement again, this is an idea historically presented that Jewish and Arab myths maintain that Queen of Sheba was half human and half demon, and OGN, as well. So there's the apparently these are based on a lot of different pathologies. It was an Australian UK turkey production shot in Turkey. Sure, why not? It premiered at the 75th Cannes Film Festival in May of 22. Where I always question these weird things where I received a six minute standing ovation. So what is content during this? Ridiculous, like everyone has a standing ovation or everyone walks out? Yeah, the only two things that happen if it's only six minutes. For me at least eight or doesn't count. did really poorly though. In the box office. I mentioned the dollar the amount it made. It opened in almost 2500 theaters. Oh, wow. Sounds like Jesus. For it said, very, like, wow, really? You came to this conclusion? A terrible result for a movie that's playing in 1000s of theaters. Wow, good quote. Got that on your own man. It was one of the biggest box office bombs of 2022. But I kind of agree with the lack that one of the things is lack of advertising. I vaguely remember this film. I remember the poster. Nothing else about it. I didn't even know it was George Miller until I started to look up and go Oh, well. Okay. Let's check this out. We got two powerhouse actors and a pretty damn good director. At least it's going to be entertaining to watch. And it was fun. It was good. You didn't see it in theaters. Wow. Okay. You guys see, I remember Vanessa not liking. I saw it. I liked parts of it. But there was definitely a weirdness towards the ends, that I wasn't as when their relationship develops into what develops. I was like, what is happening right now? Yes, it does get very weird. But that being said, I think I think it was always going to be a little bit of a tough sell. Because it's so magical and fit fantasy films of that nature aren't as popular. That mixed with it was it felt like an early COVID. Like, you can go to theaters, but a lot of people weren't yet. So it really felt like it stumbled in that way too. Like I remember being pretty much the only person in the theater for that. Yeah. That sounds about right. I like the 7070 I think that's a pretty solid rating on Rotten Tomatoes. There's a lot to like, but I could also understand why people would have weird stories are really fun. Till this one's character is played in. awkward and an awkward and unlikable way to an extent and so it's hard to be sympathetic towards her and but but she's a great actress and Idris Elba is incredible and they have a very bizarre chemistry. That's that's kind of fun to watch. I think that's what I liked about Tilda because her character was set up as being an entire loner. I have no interest in anybody else. Yeah, I can't remember if she was divorced her husband had died but she is I've lived alone for this much time and I love it so she was kind of set up to be sort of a brash horse person to anybody that offered her maybe something else like no I have everything I want you might be the only person in the history of this world to truly feel that way if that is true this was George Miller's next film after Fury Road wasn't it? I wonder if I wonder if this is a one for the studio one for me kind of situation because this is a pretty big budget for a small film like that it really is could just be they had you know they had the the next big guy and he just who sort of always seems to sit in that realm. It's gonna be the next big thing but he's always just really freaking good till the does what she does. Many things she said. Well, cool, I haven't seen this but you make me feel like maybe I should give it a shot. Like I could see disliking it. But it's sort of one of those, like, if you watch it as a fable with the fantasy element, right in the forefront, it works really well. Nice. Okay, well, Eric, I believe this next sub genre pick Is this yours? I just picked one. Oh, no. It's your that's okay. So you know what? We had a special request. Come in from one of our listeners. I think that was Mica. Oh, definitely was mica and he had a special request just for me. But I don't want to suffer alone. So I'm gonna take the topic behind this movie, which he wants me to watch. Down, aka the shaft. So we're gonna go with high rise horror. Okay, good. Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff done in that sub genre. I think. Not necessarily your movie though. We'll find out. Okay, well, then that means this is the part where we thank everybody for liking, sharing posts. Sharing when we release the episodes, that's always fun to watch and see who's done that for mentioning us on YouTube and all that I do. Like I don't make it onto the YouTube channel very often, but when I do I like to see who said what. And that's always fun. You can also leave us a message at 253-237-4266 Like Vanessa should have when she was late today. I left a message I just didn't have the phone number. So I left it on my phone in our app and it sounded very bad. And that's it I guess. So. We'll be back in seven short days. We are talking high rise horror. See you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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