Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 234

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Kelly has Star Trek thoughts! Lots of them.
Also discussed: Barbenheimer, Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One, and The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart.
Also, which of you lovely people sent Kelly the book?

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? Somewhere between science and superstition such sights to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, Vanessa. Do you remember Nan last episode because that was an Amityville episode. The episode before that, I had just made a slightly off topic comment about a girlfriend of mine who looked like Jenny a gutter. And then I had mentioned, she was a little nutty. And you said, you say that about all your girlfriends? Oh, your ex girlfriend. Well, right. Yeah. And so a couple days later, I got a message. Oh, no. All your ex girlfriends. And you just never know who's listening to your show. Here's what I'm gonna say. Oh, you know, Jennifer, not you. Although Jennifer was a little nutty. When we were actually I told you, she got out of it. She's mature. I mean, we are very, we only talk about the bad ones, right? We're never like, you know what I did at this, like, you know, kind of half decent person in college. And it was only for a couple of weeks, because we didn't have that much in common, but nobody wants to hear that story. From my perspective of all the ones you bitch about, oh, they were crazy. But if it wasn't you, whoever's listening, don't worry about it. Move on. It's fine. He's not just about you. It's okay. I promise. swears. He's. I also have to ask. So I think that I mentioned when, when you were gone, yeah. That Andrew Byers has sent me a couple of books. And I had said, you know how lovely our listeners are just sending me books and everything? Well, I assume because I said that. Some lovely listeners sent me a book called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. And I started reading through this and it's very inspirational. It's, it's directed at you to finish your novel or your marathon or whatever you've got going. But I have no idea who sent me this. So if this was one of you, lovely people out there, please reach out and let me know who it was. So I can think you or don't and helps us continue to go crazy about it. And that's also fine. It is very strange, because I reached out to the obvious circle of people I might have bought something like this for me and and everybody was like, nope. Yeah. Danny Wilford said that sounds like an Eric or Vanessa gift. And I was like, Well, you don't know them very well. He's definitely a rock covered. Like kid is far more likely. Well, just saying gifts in general not exactly flowing between the three of us. I just brought you one not that long ago. I got you I've had from Hawaii you had from Hawaiian things on my closet over there is supposed to keep evil spirits out, or aliens as I use them for. I have like eight. So well, because of the Amityville break, we've all seen a lot of things and a lot of things to talk about. But I'm just gonna bring this up because I think this is something that we all differ on. strange new worlds, I think just has tanked as a show. Oh, my God. And you cannot see that after nurse chapel and Spock? Well, what I really want to talk about is not the show, which I think you know, the animated crossover and everything's just follows Gosh, garbage. I'm not sure where, you know, these comedic episodes come from? I don't I think that it's really cool. And a show that's been around forever. I don't think the show has earned the right to do that. And then a musical fucking episode. I'm like, No, I you guys have not earned the right to do this. Yeah, it's like the most recent one. I haven't seen. I haven't seen a musical episode. Yeah. for much longer term Star Trek fan, as I'd say, mid between the three of us mid level start driving. It feels to me like Star Trek. This is it's such an established style of film from the original series, the new series of they've all done these kinds of episodes. So to me, it feels like they're just doing the Star Trek. What Star Trek does this kind of episode and they have these kinds of episodes and that's our trek. I'm glad that they're a lot closer to this kind of bottle situation. stands for what I hate. I'm tired of this episode thing because I didn't feel like what was going on and you know the few episodes of like Voyager I watched or Picard. They were telling a story over a season and this feels like you know, a week was the adventure the week as well, very much. They had an overarching story that was the whole series. That's like true. A lot of them I mean, ds nine, nine, same but yeah, there's usually one larger thing and then occasionally you got pockets and the worst long term discussion in Voyager was them talking about the Borg for way too long, way too poorly. But yeah, I would say it does feel like Star Trek to me as well. Where it's like an episode where they try some shit and maybe it works some maybe it fails. And they have an episode that's really fucking solid and great and good sci fi like I did really enjoy the cling on diplomat episode. I thought that was super solid. I enjoyed that they do. They are doing a lot of sad stuff. It's true, but I haven't minded it too much. Some I don't love as much as others but it's to me I feel like that's the the Disney Marvel contamination of everything now is that take away? Yeah, let's make it irreverent. And the comedy you don't have comedy episode. And I'm like, I really don't want to see Spock as a comedic character, not this actress Bach. He hasn't earned the right to do it. When Leonard Nimoy did something that was funny, he'd been playing Spock for like 40 years. And you were like, oh my god, I love him for having a sense of humor. Yeah, I mean, yeah, when you see stuff like that and voyage home, that's when you ought, you know, just fall all over yourself for Spock. But this actor who I think is doing a great job as Spock is being now told, don't act like Spock. Especially you know for a show that supposed to lead into the original series. None of this was what I wanted to talk about. Because here's the thing you know, I was complaining about this nurse chapel Spock relationship and now it can't lead into the original episode. It was told to me through private message that nurse chapels states in the original series that she is in love with Spock and that and that he does not feel the same for her and I was like wow, I totally missed that in a long time. So watch the original only one episode and it was one mention sure how so they they abandon that storyline pretty quickly but interesting that these guys who are flashed onto that right, I love that and then it's something that probably makes complete sense but has never been brought up before this series. You start seeing everybody from the bridge crew drinking together, and you're like who the fuck is flying the ship right now? Oh like ensigns you start realizing oh shit there's a beat Team oh well that's what lower decks is all about the animated watch your fucking cartoon Star Trek? Oh my god it's good. I'm strange new worlds cemented the fact that I am not interested. I was like, wow, this is not funny. Like my heart hurts right now. Look, you have a notoriously bad view of what makes for comedy value or not so you can't be trusted and Eric things I do. We all agree. No, I hated the Smurf cartoons. I fucking hated them. I was the original Smurfs man. original German motherfuckers There you go. You mean the toys? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I heard eventually. Once they went to Khartoum and I was out. My point is this I thought it was really interesting. Once I saw all of them drinking at the same time in the bar. I was like, well, that's the entire crew of the bridge. And that makes complete sense that they would have to have shifts but we just it's always our crew that has the adventure apparently I'm rewatching the next generation right now and I'm now season four and oh my god there's so many randos who just like sit down and really cool the fuck are you all the time? I'm like, Who isn't like Wesley spa right now who is this like Joker? And like you just get these dudes for like, I don't even they're like extras. They're not even like they don't even get a line. They just swivel into the seats sit down and look forward and then at some point swivel back out get out so one of the characters we care about sits back down again. So I haven't been keeping a close eye on who's on the bridge every single time but I'm wondering if we do have extras who are they're learning much how every fire station cop station hospital show all works on absolutely he's people that obviously don't work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But all the shit happens when I play by them changing it up a little bit and showing us the the actual crew that adventures all the time on their off time altogether. It suddenly made me realize oh shit, other people must work. work on this. And what are they doing just slowly traveling the Galaxy not flying around and dodging asteroids and a ship the size of a battleship. I have a question about that. It's one of the things I really hate about strange new worlds is how maneuverable the enterprise seems to be like the Millennium Falcon. What's happening? We see the ship doing that. But then we cut to the bridge and everybody's sitting there. Quietly, right, like the gravity compensates. You know, standing against to your captain's chair and moving yourself around really looks stupid. Let's understand we've got but then oscillation fixing that answer this question, Mr. Smart guy? Why would they all have to shudder when they are hit by something? If the gravity of the ship compensates for every movement, then should they be like? No, well, we've lost all thrust or power because they blew our NWSL off. And you wouldn't feel it, the shields have like a percentage. And as it goes down, it feels like they get more rocked. So when you're at like, you get hit by something really big, then your shields go down to like 67% or whatever. And so that's when you're feeling it. And it feels like the rest of the time if it doesn't break through that shield barrier. Sorry, I've been watching a lot of shark lately. You're a fucking nerd. I know. I know. He's offering a fairly. The way to get around that is to stop showing the enterprise doing something brand new that it is never done in any movie or television series and then blame. Blame discovery for this again, Discovery fucked it. Like they they were doing such nonsense with that damn ship that should not have had any of those capacities. And I feel like it set a precedent for track where it's like, it has to be flashy, or it has to be fast, or it has to be these things. And strange new worlds is trying to like, shift gears down. They're not shifting gears back to full trek, but they're just going down one and it it's kind of that weird area where they're not letting go of some of that bullshit that we got, like, I 100% agree. I 100% agree this ship should not be able to move like this. Otherwise, you don't get the cool like submarine episodes, right? We're like they're in a fog in the space and the other ones don't what you know, where their parallax. You can't have that stuff if they're also able to zip in and out of like XYZ axis at any point listener. I wish you could see the hand movements that are going on. When she when she was talking about shifting down she was literally shifting down but not like a car shifter. No, this looks like the the bar shifter that's on the Enterprise thing in front of her and lowering, really imagining my Datsun but that's okay. And then one other thing I'd like to point out, you guys have not made any bones about how I feel about this Captain Kirk. And then Eric, you said he was introduced on Voyager. I looked him up. He is introduced as Captain Kirk, actor in last season a strange new world. I think he's just I don't know if there was a different Captain Kirk that showed up. But I wish I had seen him and said or at least every script was a discovery. voyagers long, long gone. So in discovery, there was a introduction of a Kirk. And it was very confusing, because they didn't say that it was the brother. They said it was Kirk. So it was very, I had this big issue where I was like, He's a fucking nerd and a loser and what the hell, I didn't realize it's like Samuel or whatever. So yeah, so they've now kind of addressed that in strange new worlds by having this James T show up. And I was also super fucking confused. So I just I just don't like this actor. He came from the Vampire Diaries or whatever. And I'm like, this is, you know, I want somebody a little beefier. And sir, it would just be nice or at least look like he could win a fight. He could throw a querque was any kind of weight behind it right? I want to see him holding like a gladiator style Styrofoam that's meant to look like raw to a very two tone beat and be you know, fucking people up so I don't disagree there. I think that Kirk was an odd casting choice, but I'm hoping he'll grow on me. But who knows if they'll even have another season after this. So okay, well, that's it. You've been listening to Star Trek forever podcast. Thank you for joining us. affiliated with strange aeons radio. Oh, man, like you said, there's been so many things out that it's almost hard to know what to talk about. So I guess I'll go for the obvious one. Have either of you seen Oppenheimer and or Barbie? I have not seen Barbie. Okay. Okay. We tried to do the silliness of watching them in one day, but the timing just didn't work. The theater we like to go to don't feel like spending six hours. It's a very big commitment. Well, how about I talk about Oppenheimer then plan on talking about part So either one. Well, I'll start by I'll do both. I'll talk about Oppenheimer first Nice. Often Tarbiat Barbie so often Heimer Yeah, exactly three hours on, I could understand what people said. So that's an improvement. I was very glad for that, because I would have been way lost otherwise. It's a political thriller drama. You might say, a courtroom style, unfolding past events. And yeah, I don't know. It was it was interesting, because you learn a lot about this dude. And like, how he got severely fucked. And you also learn a lot about making of the bomb and like, the controversy around that, and there's some cool reveals throughout and yeah, I don't know, I think I think it was pretty good. I don't know that it needed to be three hours, but Christopher Nolan. Yeah, I think that's any theatrical movie anymore. So how long was Barbie? Like, 212? Fuck. Why? That should be an ADA minute movie. Yes, yes. Yeah, so I don't know. I would recommend Oppenheimer. Is this funny though, because I don't think it's any better than some of the other blockbusters that failed. I wouldn't say that like, I don't know. It's good, but I don't know why that I guess just the bourbon. Bourbon Heimer is the whole reason why people are going to see it every once in a while the internet comes up with like, really strange shit. That works out like snakes on the plains example of it. I'm working out. We came out and tanked even though everybody thought it was going to be a giant hit because the internet said so. This time around it oddly seems to have worked. Yeah, does. It really does. I mean, I think both of those films were massively bolstered by this concept, but also couldn't that be proof that we're all just a little tired of superheroes? Oh, yeah, these are both actual one off I mean, Marley's obviously based on they're both based on existing things, but they're one off movies they're not part of a larger Oppenheimer probably I tell is going to be my tells already put out that they're planning on doing a whole shitload of weird as film and for sure, we'll get a Barbie to Pound Puppies the movie. Finally, how did they get in that pound? I had a pound puppy. He was brown. Yeah, so I've been I did not I sold them. I worked with KB Toys when they're popular, but I thought you were saying her Pound Puppies? Yes. Yes. Monster. Cat out. Totally. I did another big theatrical one. Then. Those who have listened for a long time. No, of course. I went on Mission Impossible. Yeah, dead reckoning. Part one. Yeah, not like the star, the Spider Man movie, they definitely let you know. This is part one. Thank God. And it's good. Oh, no, this is not what I expected to hear from you. It's, it is an odd thing to say about a Mission Impossible movie, but at times the action scenes like okay, you know, you can you can trim this a little bit. But they're still really good. It was an entertaining ride. I think part of the problem it suffers from is it is long, and it's going to be to movies. So I think there were moments they, you know, screw it. Let's just do this action scene for 10 minutes longer to pad the time and I mean, and they're all excellently well done. It is a really good Mission Impossible movie, but at the same time, there's that moment or two where I'm gone. I want more plot mission and intrigue into the weirdness especially as it all ties back into the first movie, which was very much a spy movie. But it's good looking forward to the next one. It's got what's your name? The agent from Marvel. Captain America all right, Haley. Yeah. Is something Haley Haley plays major role not Haley sight Yeah, she plays a major role in in is really good and she's really good. I'm glad she's finally getting I had a chance to also see this and i i loved it. It was so much fun. I agree 100% I think they could have done a lot more missioning than impossible thing Yeah. It is it it was me the train sequences ridiculously good but also how long does it take him to get to the point in the on the motorcycle where he needs to get to I was like we we cut some of this out. I didn't need to watch all of this. I agree on but it is fun. And I liked it enough that probably going to do something silly like Dana had to go back and watch from we might get Mission Possible to but watch at least the first One in the last few leading up because it it felt like I feel like there's shit in here that I should know. But I only kind of know, that's really weird about the Mission Impossible movies. There's so good, but I can't really tell you what the plot of anyone is. That's fair. Yeah, yeah, I was planning together the Last Mission Impossible movie with a Bond film. And I really cannot tell you, which was how to what happened in like, there was a secret society and to answer me this, this is part one of two or just to think, too. And then is this the climax of the franchise? Possibly, I think, yeah, probably. I think the idea is, let's leave it on a high note. But you never know, I guess. Because, you know, 10 years from now they could revamp it. And Tom Cruise comes in as the elder statesman. And we have a whole new team or something like that. There's a little bit of that in this movie that would be spoilery to say what happens, but not as far as him leaving or something, but a little bit of adjustments are going on? Well, he's 60. He's gonna have to start figuring out you know, do I continue to do or do I continue to abuse my body like this? How long can I continue to run like I do it? How long can you look cool for? Like, how many more cool movies does he have left at him? Look, I know people hate him, but he fucking is killing it at the I know, movies. And now I saw I was surprised Vanessa did not see radiant is the blood of the baboon heart. I as I mentioned before this or the show, I have decided I have to rewatch all of Venture Brothers before I allow myself to enjoy the final hurrah, film. Well, it is the final hurrah film, I'm not sure that I believe that it's the final. Because, you know, 10 years from now they can bring all these characters back in, they're not going to look any older. It it ends well enough, answers some questions we've had, but also opens up all sorts of new things that could go on if they wanted to. I was I laughed through the entire thing. I loved it. I thought it was just really well done. Venture Brothers is one of those shows, if you're not watching that, especially if you're you know, 40 and above, you're going to see a lot of your youth in this. You know, it's made by people our age, and they all watch the same things that we watched and they're very funny. Yeah, a biting commentary head. I mean, in those were all things that were alien and boring to me all of those shows, but watching them through the eyes of Venture Brothers, it's so cool. It's like it just gives it this really interesting shine. I feel like the first season was more just kind of like a mean spirited Jonny Quest. But once they figured out what they were actually doing, and they were making fun of all of our pop culture from the 70s and 80s. It just became. I think that's why they took me a little bit, because I never watched Jonny Quest. So the first season gone, this is good, but I know I'm missing a ton of stuff. But then as it went on, it's like, this is brilliant writing. Jonny Quest is still worth watching. In my opinion. I think it's a great show. And the best best soundtrack ever made. This just very cool. Big Band horns through the whole thing. And then the background paintings on the Jonny Quest things are so gorgeous that it's worth watching for that. Very cool. Well, let's talk about Barbie that talks about arm up and I'll tell you the part about Barbie I hate the most sure I have extensively had awkward Barbie song in my head for three or four months now. It's like, god dammit, I know we finally got rid of you. We finally moved fast. The Aqua one hit wonder and yeah, we're back here again. It was really unexpected to me. I couldn't figure out like what they were going to do with the plot. Because I was like, What the hell are you gonna do for like all full film based off of what I'm seeing in this trailer? But it has some really interesting deep things that approaches really does actually. Yeah, like it just our gender roles. And it's not saying that either like is right or wrong. It's more like we're all kind of victims to these certain things. And like about motherhood and I was like crazy. I mean, I could hear a lot of like, ladies in the audience doing little weeps in there because I was like, Jesus, you guys went deep here and on top of it. Is the internet hype behind Ryan Gosling's kenergy is 100% deserved. I've never I could not imagine like hold on Ryan Gosling can show emotion can show emotion and be goofy as goofy as fuck. I mean, it's like the actor We're from Cobra Kai, but like more so that kind of style of jet. Yeah, Johnny, that kind of feeling is Yeah. He had a Stallone feather. You remember it Stallone's fur coat he wore in like the 80s for a while. Yeah. They use that as part of his transformation stuff is. That's awesome. Yeah, so you guys liked it? Yeah, I would definitely recommend it. I do feel like there were points were near the ending. I was like, What? What was the journey? Like? I mean, they brought up a lot of questions, but I was like, what was the what were the 3x? I'm not 100% Sure. On that there was like a little bit of weakness in that but it was still a way more solid movie that I had any right to be sort of like the Brady Bunch effect, or that Brady Bunch movie, right? Like really Brady Bunch movie and then they twist it. It made it so self aware and so funny, without being insulting to the original source that it just works, well done. well written, really well acted by several people in very weird role, so I liked it. Well, I might check it out. Probably not in the theater. I do like Margot Robbie. I love Ryan Gosling. I think lala land was one of the best movies ever made. So I haven't seen I know. I know. I will tell Vic. Because the Gosling I've seen almost all of his serious stuff like drive and the stuff he's done with that same director. He does what he's supposed to do really well. But he's just a presence. Yep. Movie around him that matters more than what he's doing. Yeah. This is not the case. With Ken So yeah. So in lala land I'm sure it's the same. Yeah. i We're fun person. I honestly had no idea that he had it in him. I had no fucking idea. He had it in him to go. The weird places. He goes with this character. I was like she Jesus. Normally just a piece of meat honk. celluloid, and right now you're like doing things that it's really wigging me out. Speaking of meat honk. Oh, have you been watching though? I don't know if you watch the show. But Kelly, if you've been watching warrior on Max, I have Emily three episodes in. But I'll tell you the first episode, I was finding myself kind of going, huh, you know. So then I went back and watched the last episode of the season before and kind of was reminded, okay, I remember who everybody is. And then by the end of that first episode, I was like, Well, next. And so I watched two more episodes. And I just haven't gotten back to that. I one of my favorite parts of that first episode is how hard they're working, making him work to look like he fights like Bruce Lee. Yeah, I mean, it's amazing moments in there that are straight out of Bruce Lee movies. Absolutely. Overall, it's been not one of the better seasons. still really good. Okay. And there's still plenty of stuff to like. There's just a few things they did. Like I don't, this is a weird role for this character. But I'll leave that to you. Watch more, but it's still good. lead guy is awesome to watch. Yeah, it's just incredible. If you're not if you're remotely interested in martial arts. If you watched one Bruce Lee movie and liked it, I highly, highly recommend that you check out warrior on max. Well, that first season is like stunningly good television. And I kind of thought when it looked like warrior was going away. And then that guy was the lead in was a snake eyes. Referee. So yeah, I thought, Oh, well, good. This guy is getting the attention he deserves. And then I didn't see him in anything after that. Yeah, that's probably maybe that's COVID periods. That's a good point. Yeah, that is a horrible point. Actually. You bring that up in the EU, like how many people were about to step into superstardom and shut it all down. I was reading an article just this morning about a an actor who was on the cusp of stuff and all that. And then writer Strike after strike. And he's trying to clean the houses while it goes through. Because he's like most of the sag where he doesn't make a lot of money at all. So I was like, wow, let's piggyback on that and talk a little bit about the writer strike, which has now been joined by sag AFTRA. I really thought that was going to wrap things up immediately. Yeah, because it just shuts down everything. And the studios seem to be holding on and saying no, fuck you. Now there's a part of me that understands they can't give in too easily. Because the next time this happens, then the just the unions will be we know exactly what to do. But it does seem like we as viewers are going to be into some sparse viewing. It's going to be a desert, or is it because I get that I got to think that the streaming companies, which are also part of the problem here, they've got a ton of content that people have not seen that they can now say, Hey, you might have missed a friend pact. And they also they kind of saw some of the stuff coming. So they had front packed a bunch of stuff. But I believe what I heard was around December, January, that's what I heard, when it's gonna start running dry. And yeah, I don't know what oh, when it started, what I heard is they expect the strike to run into December in January. That's you? Yeah. Which is? Well, at least you're making when it was just the writers I had heard that I don't know about now. We'll see. I think that I think that we're seeing how how evil these corporations really are right now. God be evil. Not remotely surprised if it goes that far. To see them. Try to put out an AI created movie just to see what happened, what will happen with it or try to sneak some more time in because that will tell them truly everyone will see one. And then be like, No, thank you. And then not see the other two. One thing, though, that I did just just remember is that sag had gone ahead and said it's okay to do independent films. Yeah, have agreed to our terms. So a 24 is already said, Yep, we're good to go. Yeah, the movies in the works. Yeah, calling a 24. An independent film company is ridiculous, kind of pushing a button pressing that they have huge budgets on their films, multiple Oscars into a big corporation, a corporation. They're not there. They're not the ones calling the shots. And they're not the ones who are in the contract negotiations. They're not the ones holding the things. And I think that because they were like, Yeah, fucking we'll do what you're asking for. Then great. I mean, but that's all they care about. Right? That's true. Cool. Charles band. That's true. Yeah. I mean, I, I saw all these support for a 24. And I was like, You guys are being played. This is a big company. It's getting to be a small company so that you can garner these likes, they don't give a shit about anything. But bottom line, either. Well, yeah. But they're agreeing to the deals and they're working. Right. Yeah. And they do try shit out with like, a lot of like, unknown directors and stuff. There's there's a lot. I mean, there's a lot that we see for me. 24. But if you go to their website, there's a lot of shit that we don't see that they've just produced. Like it's very Blumhouse in that way. I wouldn't be surprised if he? I don't know if he'll pull into that too, because he seems to play with the matrix a little bit more about it. Yeah, of course he doesn't. He has theatrical releases and 5000 theaters and stuff like this. You can't call Blumhouse an indie company either. Sure. Yeah. So I mean, yeah, I mean, it's sort of like, saying, there's Amazon selling stuff. But yeah, so is. Can't think of anything that's not a huge but relatively to buying power. You've got I don't know Walgreens, which granted had hundreds of locations, but compared to Amazon has a company share. They're a much smaller, much smaller company. They're still a gigantic company that has lots of influence and lots of stuff going on. But compared to Amazon, they're very, very small. Yeah, sort of the same, like Paramount versus a two for a two for has their own shit. And they got lots of power and have lots to put out. But their buying power is not and their budget per film. 100 is way less like same with Blumhouse. Like they they have a lot of power, and they have a lot of money, but their budget per movie is way lower than like paramount. So yeah, I think that there. Yeah, I don't know what the line is. I've never really fully understood the line between like, where independent movies exist, like, is it? Oh, I paid for it myself. Is that an independent thing? That is definitely an independent members an independent movie. But you know, the opportunity that is being missed right now, during all of this is where there are a few writers out there who are, are very, very wealthy right now. There are a few actors out there who are ridiculously wealthy right now. And if they wanted to a collective could be formed right now. While all of this is going on, no, we could say we're doing what we want. And we're doing it under our terms right now. And that might and then if they were put out something of quality that might show people and studios that, oh, we actually have to bend to these requests because they can do it themselves. Yeah, I think that that those conversations must be happening. I bet you money they're happening because there are some actors who just go ahead and pay for and craft their own shit. Like yeah, I think Brian Reynolds and Hugh Jackman could probably leader, you know, found a fairly large movie just between the two of them. Yeah, he could hire, you know, the best writers. And they grease a spin has been doing this for a while. And they could say, Look, we this is the deal we're making with the actors who work with our production company. And you know, and I know, it's not the production companies that are the problem right now, the producers want to give the actors and the writers everything that they want. But there is power that can be wielded in different way right now. And it seems to be that option seems to be being ignored. I wouldn't say it's ignored, I would say this shit takes forever for us to see it. So I think it could very well be happening. And we just won't know for like, six, nine months, well, then that's also a problem because making it public would be something that people could get behind. And the studios could say, oh, well, we actually need to stop them from doing this before it becomes a thing before they wipe out the studio system. And so we'll just give them what they want right now. So we can retain the control over this. Yeah, yeah. No, whoa, hold on. There's a movie coming out. That's written by whoever wrote Oppenheimer and directed by Christopher Nolan starring Tom Cruise or something like that. And it's not being put out by us as giant groups. That would definitely be an inset. Yeah, I think. Yeah, incredible. All right. Well, why don't we take a break? We can all think about how brilliant I am. And then when we're done and we're all right. You aren't my friends. When we come back, we are talking the dark arts during the New York Times. Sketch draw your mind we have returned Eric, this was your sub genre pick you wanted to do what again? movies featuring artists. Now, this was one of those where it's like, Oh, I've got this movie. I really want to watch how the hell can shoehorn this into our thing? Well, I can't wait to hear and I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. Alrighty, here we go. This is a 1966 Andre ruble love spirit body is virtualization skateboard pristine condition? Rotten Tomatoes give that a 95 Critics 93 cast or crowd what's the name of this movie? Andre ruble love this woman's name. Okay. FIS, the budget was estimated 1 million rubles which translates if in which sounds incredibly hard to imagine, but I sell two sources. I'm going with the second source one source says it translate to about $11,000 When I don't believe that. The other one says about $102,000 Yeah, that sounds viable. Yeah. But in the end it cost 1.3 million rubles. So whatever. I didn't do the math after that. Do the cost overruns because a heavy snow which disrupted shooting From for almost a year. The it's available on Prime Apple if you're interested. This is directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. Oh, connection there already. You might know him from Solaris mirror stalker, and the steamroller and the violin, written by Andre Tarkowski who wrote all this stuff. And Andre Cole McCloskey so Andre has a popular name that Andre is everywhere here. Andre the Giant third, Andre wrote The Nutcracker The Untold Story, shy people and do it for one. So, I don't know. Tarkovsky wrote a lot of his own stuff, including it but also including a movie called beware snakes. Oh, starring on teleios Salone, slow and Stein thename. Also check out his films. These are all deeply Russian love people that, you know, unless you're a real lover of Russian fellowship, probably not going to know most of them. So I'm gonna go through this Niccolo Greenco, who is also in several Tchaikovsky moves, and Ivan Lapa cough, we're done little tragedies. So it's a three hour and five minute run to start. And three and a half minutes of opening credits. Hey, but anyways, starting moves out. movie starts with a man trying to get a hot air balloon to fly around the 15th century. Now I watched this movie very strategically, I opened the Wikipedia page. And I read this movie is broken into chapters. So I read what each chapter was about before watching it. Enriched of the shit out of this movie. It is symbolism heavy. The first segment is the gesture which takes place summer of 1400 with three monks and a religious painter, wandering around looking for work. I'm not going to go into detail on these chapters. But suffice to say they get in a little trouble or the people they're hiding with get into trouble when some soldiers show up and take out the jester because you know, no comedy in Russia, I guess. The next chapter is the funniest the Greek. This chapter runs over summer, sprinter Winter, spring and summer of 1405 and 1406. So summer to summer. This one the Greek is masked recommand recognized as one of the masters of painting. So a other artistic monk shows up. But the Greek finds out that he knows Andre, so he only wants to talk to him. Talk about that guy, the other month gets a little annoyed. But eventually the Greek offers fine, I will take you on as my apprentice, then the monk was great. Come to my place invite me in front of all my other monks so we can show off what a great artist I am. And the guy's like fine. But that's not what happens. He sends an emissary who goes there and picks up Andrea and takes him as its apprentice to the Greek. Which pisses off the other guy so badly. That in the third part, the passion he executed before the passion starts, he storms off blaming everybody in the month for being only in it for the money. And he was the only true artists there. With the passion then Andre and his apprentice walked to Moscow to meet with the Greek in which they discuss religion, a variety of the things as they're walking. This scene has a passion play in the middle of it, which they talk about as Christ's crucifixion, which seems to deviate a little bit because the guys walking with him carry His cross for a while and it's also done in Russia. So everything snowed over, but it's a different look. Andre thinks the crucifixion was done out of love from the Crucified years. And the Greek says you may not want to discuss this publicly. Part as for the holiday, Andre encounters pagans in the woods, and of course, they're running around naked and doing all kinds of stuff that's a little surprising to see in a movie from 1966 Part Five the Last Judgement summer 1408. Andre is now working on a church he's been hired to do but he can get absolutely no inspiration doesn't want to paint anything. Because everybody wants him to paint. The scariness of that he wants to pay for inspirational things has no interest in painting what? The guy that hired him to paint once painted. So he just doesn't bait but he is inspired when a young woman shows up who is seems like an innocent child of God because she is mentally challenged some way. I don't you know, you can't really tell what it is. But obviously she's not understanding everything but she also understands it feels the love of God which inspires him to start painting part six of the raid, one of the Dukes is away and the his brother decides that he's going to come in and take over the guy's city. It's a fairly brutal series of attacks. Part of what made this so brutal feeling is it reaches points where you feel like oh, the attacks finally over, and then something else happens. And it does that three or four times and it does it. Not like in the end of the return King where you go, we just end this. It does it in a way that just escalates the feeling of this is awful. The Andrea ends up killing a man who is attempting to attack the young lady that inspired his painting, a killing the man causing him to just take a vow of silence. And continuing to try to protect the woman who was eventually kidnapped and taken away by another group who she actually goes willingly, she thinks is fun because they give her a helmet and plays with a shiny metal armor. So okay, Part Eight Labelle spring summer winter 1423 to 1424 is an amazing, amazing scene where a young artist is going to be killed or is going to be abandoned. But he convinces these men that he has the secrets to make brass bells. And we're talking giant bells. So this whole segment is the making of the bell. And I'm assuming from what I read that this is accurate to the time and it's amazing to watch. They they build the whole they pour I mean they do everything. And it is a fabulous scene. And then there's the epilogue only place this is the only part of the movie that's in color. And the only part you see the artist's work. Not really my style. You you've seen it, I can guarantee you've seen this guy's work. It's very, very recognizable. But I'm very colorful. But so notes on the movie. It's easy to talk a movie about this way because it has so much symbolism there's so much going on. That is not just little plot things that that if any of that sounds interesting to you, you're kind of find this a fascinating film. Andrei Tarkovsky draw on his own creative development and religious struggle struggles as a way to bring Christianity into conflict with Russian historical identity. But nonetheless, with some of the weird changes and the weird things that are presented the Vatican categorize this in the list of the 45 great films about religion. Due to these films themes, including artistic freedom, religion, political ambiguity and self education, it was not allowed to be released in the Soviet Union. And until years later, it did get a single screening in Moscow in 1966. Since being original restored to its original version, it has become to be regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, and ranked very high on sight and sound critics and different director polls. And it is a stunningly good movie. to crosskeys co screenwriter worked for more than two years on the script, studying medieval writings and chronicles to get the medieval history and art as correct as it could be. boy does it look it up there's too much shit on this movie. I covered three hours at about seven minutes there and still too much anything that criterion has done a special edition on you're gonna have a lot of stuff. Yeah, that's the one I watched was the criterion version. looks phenomenal. One little interesting point, the shortest version, but 100 Navy only 186 minutes now is the directors preferred version. Not the two hour and 20 are to 223 minute version. Oh, okay. So it's like Oh, cool. Watch the directors. I don't have to put myself through this on the disk. So okay, highly recommended. No elements of fantasy or anything in this. It's not just strictly artists art film. Is it all historical historically accurate than or roughly? That's what the as well as you can be with the movie as a lot of the stuff about it says so. Nice. All right, Vanessa, I'm putting 10 minutes on the egg timer. It's my turn. So I went with a film that I seen a couple years ago. It's 2000 sevens. Murder Party. Murder This is the party. We've been planning this for weeks. The invitation said Murder Party. Some jackass is dumb enough to come here then he deserves to die. I don't think we actually thought someone be stupid enough to show up. So what Mal is perfect think beyond splattering blood on Canvas what our masterpiece is complete in the coroner's report is back in that will read the cause of death Happy Halloween everybody dies but incentive for signatories so far this is a super low budget movie, as in the budget is zero. There's probably money spent on it but it's like people friends group of friends scraping together to make something happen. And you can tell it's very much like set in mostly one room people mostly just talking at each other box office no information, Rotten Tomatoes score 100% from critics, which is six people 57% from audience So somewhere in between they're written and directed by Jeremy solidaire. He has eight credits whose name you would know him from greenroom which he also wrote and directed blooper in hold the dark and two episodes of True Detective starring Chris sharp as Christopher S Harley. He does a great job in this film and isn't hardly anything. He has four credits to his name. And most certainly recently wasn't I don't feel at home in this world anymore as quote unquote the party husband. So yeah, he also was in two shorts by that same director. So it's yes, not a big career. Making Blair is kind of the only person out of the actors in this film who has any credits to his name. He plays a guy dressed as a werewolf. He has 36 credits to his name green room I don't feel at home in this world anymore is bar dude. He's also though in Florida project hold the dark Swamp Thing. He's in two episodes, the hunt. I care a lot reservation dogs two episodes and Oppenheimer as Lloyd Garrison. So he's actually doing pretty good for himself. All the other actors in this are one offs unknown to the actors have done a lot of TV walk on work, but really no one you would know. The story takes place on Halloween. Christopher is a lonely meter maid who lives alone with his cat Sir Lancelot. He walks home alone and stumbles upon a piece of paper on the ground, which is an invite that's just kind of floating down the street. It is to a murder party in the title at home. Yeah, he heads home. He has tapes of horror films that he wants to watch for the night bowl of candy corn. And he decided, You know what, screw it. I'm gonna go this party. I'm not gonna say her by myself. He crafts a costume out of cardboard. So he cuts together this sort of very crude night costume. He makes some homemade bread and he walks on over the party, which is in a abandoned warehouse on the docks in New York City. Very, very out of the way. When he arrives. there's pretty much no one there he has to kind of work his way through this warehouse. And finally, in the heart of it discovers a collective of art students waiting for him. They are shocked to see him. They then tie him up and explain to him that this is a murder party where the art project is where they will kill him in artistic ways. They are just so surprised somebody was dumb enough to follow their invitation because they were planning on probably just eating food and getting high the whole night. So the art students include Paul, the photographer who's dressed as a gothic vampire, may con multimedia artist who wants to do paper mache project with our hero skin. Sky is a serious, thoughtful girl who is kind of the she's dressed as a zombie cheerleader if you never find out what her art is. Bill is an uninterested painter who plays his PS Vita every time anyone is talking, and he is dressed as the baseball Fury from the Warriors. Lexie is the hyper passionate, overly eager video installation artist and she is dressed as pre from Blade Runner. They wish to make incredible art to impress Alexander, a wealthy patron who has grant money. He wants to It was so too one of them. It's like $300,000. It's, you know, that night. It's a lot to these college kids. But it's clear that the relationships between everyone are very complex. Megan is in love with Lexi and trying to impress her. She's trying to impress Alexander and trying to sleep with him to get the money. They're all attempting to one up each other and constantly belittle each other and make fun of one another's work. They are completely irritating, awful human beings that you probably went to art school with. They are that is 100% what they're showing you. And of course, Skye sits down starts eating Christopher's raisin bread and realizes there are reasons that has an allergic reaction falls over hits her head and paling it on a metal piece on the floor, and dies. So this kicks off the film. We have a murder party with a bunch of murderers who are pretentious art kids who have no clue how to murder people and kind of end up everyone sort of ends up in these weird grotesque deaths and all sorts of different ways. Alexander does show up with his hell, his dog named Hellhammer, which is like Park Dingo, he's the very cute little dog and psycho, his drug dealer who is clearly there to just add chaos to this film, he humiliates them. He pits them against each other. The film goes on with kind of trying to understand what everybody's roles are. And eventually, Christopher, who's very much the straight man in this film, escaping multiple times. And will he make it will he survive? Well, he managed to get to Cicero's cooler party down the street that nobody wanted to go to, even though they all wanted to go to and see what happens to a room of human art installation that might turn into a bloodbath of human art installation. Who knows? Stay tuned. So my thoughts on this, it was a lot better the second time than the first time for me. The first time I watched this movie, I was like, I fucking hate all these people. I hate them all. I don't like I don't know why I'm watching this movie. The second time, I was way more like into it. I was like, Yeah, okay, this is hilarious. I really like what they're doing with everybody. I love the main characters, the straight man. There's just a lot of really fun little touches. You kind of feel good when one of the artists just fucking loses it on everyone, because he's been so chill the whole time. And then, like, they were like, Hey, go check on this dog outside. And when he comes back, he overhears them just slagging off his art, because they're just Dix and they're like, Okay, so what do you really think of his work? And they're looking at something he's been painting in the corner quietly this whole time? And they're just like, Oh, now I see the definition of middling just like like that. So when he just goes rampage you it's really fun. Like I said, I really like manga as a sort of comic relief straight man to the he's a core opposite to these pretentious artists. Kids. Like he's just a dude. He's eaten Bo surreal out of a bowl. He's got a cat. He's got a very boring job. He doesn't have like this artistic sort of drive in him. I think they did a great job for how low budget is, especially once they get into the party scene. You just really feel like the movie is bigger than it is. And I think they literally had nothing to work with. Also, they have a website at the end of their credits. Called lab of It goes nowhere. However, they also have a website for a pumpkin supplier that they used to get some pumpkins. That website does work. Pumpkin does in fact bring you to a mail order pumpkin website, I ndds is that this lab group actually created four films. The only other one of know is Blue Ruin, which also stars the werewolf guy, the guy who plays the world a little bit more trivia the lab of madness began with Christopher sharp make on Blair and Jeremy Solon I souligner as they were growing up in the 1980s, and shooting short horror films on a VHS camcorder and super eights. Their first film was made in sixth grade and titled mega cop in 1986. The group would often do school assignments as video projects and their vast filmography includes interpretations of classical works such as Macbeth and Beowulf. After high school, they all went to various film schools and kept in touch. Their first attempt at a feature screenplay was titled moustache. They also short shot a shot a short film called a crab lock, and an attempt to get funding for this film. And after failing with investors, they decided to greenlight Murder Party with no money in August 2005 And February 2006, they began shooting they are an amateur film collective 100% They Performed multiple roles and their own films, including cast and crew paid for everything themselves. And during the truth serum, there's a scene of a truth serum needles getting passed around. They use actual hyperdense hype exposed dharmic needles filled with sterile saline to show the reality of the puck themselves anyway, oh my, to show the reality or they couldn't afford to get a label prop. I think they couldn't get a property or didn't know how to do it. Yeah. Which is crazy, because they did some really good. A lot of good practical effects throughout like this movie. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is the kind of movie that you catch at a film festival and you're like, oh, this this guy is doing something. He's gonna go somewhere from this. Yeah. So I don't know. I thought this was actually pretty good. The first time I saw it, it was very watchable. If you remember after watching that one and then see Blue Ruin on well. I still am always different. Still haven't seen Blue Ruin and I only saw this because I had seen green. loved it so much that somebody had said oh, you should check out Murder Party. I also love just that idea of let's get together and make our movie. Yeah, you know, zero budget costumes. Like you guys probably already dressed as this at some point for something. Anyway. We're sitting in a room. We'll have like character drama, and then we'll purchase buckets of blood and be good to go. I love it. Okay, I'm putting 10 minutes on the egg timer for myself. And I chose a movie that I had never heard of. Never seen it just called deep dark. All my life. I knew I was destined to be a great artist, but somehow something somewhere along the way went wrong. I think you spent too much time down there had a job then when would I have time for my art mom besides making mobiles is the only thing that I'm good at maybe it's time you found something else your artists terrible please don't bug me again 102 that Oh, I owe you an apology be ashamed the art world lost a voice like yours How did it go? I still can't believe I have more you know you do think of all the incredible art we could make. Why don't we seal it with a kiss? Who I am I'm the source of Herman's inspiration What about us? What about us when you want something so bad your whole life and then suddenly it just gets handed to you? You don't ask questions just take it you and I we could have a really great future together. 2015 Either of you now, okay. could find no budget or box office information or Rotten Tomatoes critics but the audience gave it 32% Which makes me sad. Written and directed by Michael Medaglia who has three credits this and the short films kitty kitty and the red snitch Angel. Sean McGrath is in this 20 credits. He's got episodes of the librarians Grimm and leverage. And any source or source A is in this Yes, three credits nothing anyone has ever heard of. And then Denise Poirier, who is only in voice here, she has 18 credits and it's all voiceover work. She was in vampire hunter de spawn, and she is the voice of Aeon Flux. She's Wow. So first of all, the uncorked logo pops up on the screen. And if you've been watching horror films long enough, you know that this is not a good thing. You're like You're like Christ. But I mean, this company puts out trash. But this trailer looked really interesting to me. So I decided to give it a go. And I will say this, this fool this film is an exception to the rule for the court. We meet our protagonist Herman, who is known all of his life that he is destined to be be a great artist. In fact, one of the first shots is of him as a baby looking up at his parents in his crib, but what he's really focusing on is the the hanging mobile that circles gently above right. And so it turns out that all of Herman's art will focus on creating mobiles, which is strange or goofy, but it kind of works for the film. The problem is we, as the viewer can clearly see that he is not really good at his chosen, lackluster and enriched novel. At one point he cajoles this this art show place to let him show his art gallery. And he's got one of his putting together one of his mobiles, all the other artists are there with their stuff and and everything goes wrong. As he is putting his together his mobile breaks start spilling blood around on all the other people's aren't displaced. And it's super humiliating for him. It also introduces one of the antagonists we'll have to deal with later, who is Joel, who is very pretentious artist and a complete asshole. After this, he badges the gallery owner Devorah was very attractive to give him one last chance. And she agrees, but you can tell she's basically agreeing to get him out of her art gallery. So he goes back to his shitty apartment to try and create something but he can't come up with anything. A little earlier than that he runs into his uncle who sells art on the street, other people's art, just stuff that he is found in garbage. So he's got like, what would look like a like a cryptic con vendor space, but it's on a sidewalk, just aren't hanging on wire walls that he's built behind him. And it's all pretty bad. But anyhow, he had run into his uncle. And he had told him about his woes. And his uncle had told him of a friend of his who was an artist who was so unhappy with his art that he had cut off his own fingers so that he could create no more Oh my god. And it's a it's a flashback scene that we get to see it, it's pretty gross. Oh, and then with Herman in his apartment, at the end of his with, he decides he's going to do the same thing. So he's about to cut his fingers off, and he notices a little string start to poke out of this hole in the wall of his apartment. Intrigued, he pulls on it, and it pops out. And there's a tiny little note at the end of the string that says, I can help no God. And so now this, this hole backs up to a wall that then opens into his closet. So he's able to open the closet and look behind this where this hole is, and there's nothing there. So whatever is giving him this note is somehow living within the wall. So he gets a couple more notes. And he goes along with the requests, which include touching the hole with his hands in a sexual way. And from the, from the wall, we can hear what sounds like a woman kind of moaning. And then he pulls out a string. And this string is kind of slimy and gooey. And it's got this gloop at the end of it as his prize. And he turns that into a new piece of his mobile art. So he goes back to the gallery owner, she won't let him in and everything he goes back to his uncle and says I'm a loser. And he just basically gives him the mobile art. And of course, that becomes a huge hit. And everybody's bidding on it on the sidewalk. And it gets up to$3,000. And suddenly, the the gallery owner comes out and she's like, wait, what sky got air and she she buys it, right. So she shows it at one of her showings, and it proves to be a big hit. And he and the whole strike up a relationship. The whole of speaking to him now instead of just messages, she's got a very sultry female voice and the more sexual he gets with the hole, the more content it spits out for his art. And this includes him basically sticking his dick in the whole and fucking at 1.0. No. So the story takes on a familiar plot and that he gets more and more famous and starts taking the whole for granted. And of course, the whole is getting jealous of him being with another woman. And then there's the asshole artist who has found out his secret and wants to use the whole for himself. It is this is such a bizarre movie. And I fucking loved it. It is the perfect low budget horror film. Years ago Eric, I told you that I was getting bored with like standard horror novels, and I was just starting to read stuff that was weird. And like, one of the books was just this world where people were shipped train engines, and they were at war with people who were shipped guns revolvers, and it was just such a fucking odd movie or odd book. I couldn't stop reading it. And this movie is like that. It's so fucking weird. That I couldn't. I just couldn't stop watching. I was like, This is really great. I just Yeah, I just want more stuff like this in my head. It's this movie is weird. uncom Double the whole is somehow sexy and sinister. And it's all just in the voice coming from it and the angles, the director shooting the whole act. It is the protagonist, not very likable, but you totally understand why he does the shitty things he does. And the actor is fantastic and the role is really, really strong formance I love that the hole which is very creepy is not to blame for anything that goes wrong. It told Herrmann, what it expected from him in return for the gift of give him and he was the one who broke the rules and just use the hole until he didn't need it anymore. So you actually start feeling kind of bad for the voice coming out of the hole. There are some weaknesses in the script that I think a bigger budget could have helped. But you know, what studio is going to give you money if you pitch the story to them. So and then he goodbye the feeling. So there's a landlord scene in this that is memorable and then never returned to. So that's frustrating is like okay, there's an interesting scene that is obviously supposed to set up something and it doesn't happen and then there's the asshole pretentious artist who's never truly realized before the whole dispatches him in a very horrible way where he accidentally backs up to the hole, and then it starts sucking out all of his intestines. The story is blatant Faustian trope could use a little more camouflage. But this is kind of film that is supposed to get you notice I think as an indie filmmaker, and it appears to have not been the case for Michael Medaglia. I will just say this, it is exceptionally shot and directed. I cannot stress this enough. And the movie even has a kind of touching ending. That was pretty well done. I will say that there's a scene at the beginning of the film that I don't understand at all, and so I either missed who those characters were or they were not explained well enough trivia shot in Portland, Oregon, which means there are some very talented filmmakers in Oregon mark a Woolley, who appears in the role of Percy is the actual owner of the mark Willa gallery in Portland, Oregon, where the scenes supposedly set in the Devorah Klein gallery occur. And Shawn McGrath, who plays lead vacation in Hawaii the week before shooting started concerned that he might come back to Portland to tan for his character he put on massive amounts of sunblock on his vacation. And finally, pretty is mica dagli. Is website at this man a movie to direct. Oh, that was my movie. It is called deep dark and it is available on Tubi for free. I like the story about the indie filmmaker, potentially getting another chance and shot at it. This film sounds like not my back. I will pass on that part. I understand that as I've gotten older I like my my sex and my movies to be very disturbing. Sure, I crash and well. I mean, that's why you said disturbing and sex. Where do you think I was gonna go? I think it's probably because I know I can't write a good sex scene. So if I can make it as uncomfortable as possible, then I'm like, Hey, that was what I was attempting to do. I can't even watch people make out on screen. I'm like, fucking stop is so gross. I can't I can't with you guys. Especially the need of sound effects that sometimes sounds like both drinking waters from totally, you're like, fucking get off. This is so nasty opposite. I like that little saliva bridge when their lips pull apart. It's only good if it's Sarah Michelle Gellar. Otherwise, thank you so crossed. I don't like PDAs either. Let's be clear. I'm broken. Eric nice choice on this. I believe that means it's my choice for the next year sub genre. And because we occasionally put a focus on creators or actors or directors or anything I would like to give myself another chance to see more of Mr. Vincent Price. Excellent always a deep pool. Yeah, I realize I have not seen very many of his movies and the one I know the ones I have seen are all the classics that everybody's seen. So I'm gonna find something weird. Cool. Okay. So this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing our posts for participating in the value for value model the value for value model being if he gets some kind of value back or if he gets some kind of value out of this you give some kind of value back like a book called The War of Art that you just send to kind of like any indications of who you are yes, there's that and if you can't give us any value back uh, we really appreciate the value that is your time taken to like I'm sure the post or or tell other people about the podcast so it all works in whatever way it works. Share it around talk about it. We like that. Very fun when we get conversations going and stuff so right especially with new People Yeah, like for sure. It's so it's so nice to be like, Oh my god, another person listens. I mean, we see the numbers, but we're like, oh my god Hello, how are you? It's easy to not believe the numbers. Oh my god, I never believed the numbers. I went down to Carlos is last night to work on my website written by Carl Oh yeah. And he said, he said, let's look at your subscribers and I was like, What? What subscribers? Why would there be subscribers and he's like you've got a subscribe button. I said, What do I do with that? He was like, well, we'll figure it out. But you know, and then he pulled up this huge list of names and I was like, What is this? And he's like, yeah, that's surprising apparently. All these people want to know about you. Oh my god, I've got a big subscription list. Shocking actually, how much work you do every show. But yeah, so we really do appreciate the the time that you guys spend just to press a button that says like that, actually, you know, it feeds the algorithm. We appreciate it. So hail the mighty algorithm. Right. I think that is it for the show. We'll be back in seven short days we're talking Vincent Price. See you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast app. Since we will set oh my god, there are so many randos who just like sit down and really cool the book are you