Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 239

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Can you believe we had to figure out how to let Vanessa talk about a Britney Spears movie in a way that would fit our format? Also discussed: Cobweb, Lower Decks, The Boogeyman

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That has been It's over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. I thought I would start the show guys talking about our friend Carlos. Okay, who has a really groovy podcast called CZ media? Or is that what it's called? CZ media podcast? Yeah, I think so. I mean, CZ media encompasses everything he does, which is photography, and website building and all of this. But I was listening to his last show. And turns out, I'm one of the sponsors. Oh, hey, what do you got him? Well, I'm giving him this right now talking about his buck. Because he, he just did a big thing and talked about my website and all the stuff that I have for sale there and was like, wow, he didn't need to do that. Wow, what a way to get a free sponsorship. Yeah. Just to get your friends into it. Hey, I did it for ya. He never mentioned it to me at all. And so I am now saying, you know, if you're, especially if you're in the Seattle area, I think you would get a lot out of his podcast because he deals with Seattle, local celebrities, and just interesting people. So it's really cool. We've all been on it. In fact, if you're, if you're a little worried about getting on there and not finding what you want, you're gonna find us on there. And I've been on there a number of times, Eric, I know you've been on at least twice to three times. I think we all drank when we were on as well. Why wouldn't we through word I did it remotely and he made me stop get up make myself a drink, come back and then continue to record does not sound like the Carlos I know. Yeah, anyway, you hear us talking about him all the time. He's got a great little show of his own and Hey, buddy, thanks for mentioning all my stuff, which is written by kale a website that he built for me it's really cool. It's got all the news that's going on with my own writing and stuff like that and I've got some really cool stuff coming up to you'll have to get on to written by kale to be able to subscribe to something very very shortly now we'll keep you all tuned and make sure that it's our Kelly and not that random chick who is also a kale young writer probably a very nice person but how dare she fucking kale Young as her writing name insane insanity she's probably not even a K from name probably starts with a C well no I think it's probably actually starts with a K would it be great to have her name was also Kelly. Yeah, that would be just complete the circle Yeah. Oh my gosh, would it be like to have a name of someone else who's famous or even more famous than you? How weird that feel? I'll bet that's really weird. I bet it's really odd. Yeah, we'll never know oh my god USC anything cool. I sure did you guys I saw something this morning that knocked my socks off. It is rental on prime and everywhere actually. 699 rental it is called cobweb. Oh my gosh. I've heard so much good about this this movie. At first I was like, oh, okay, it's about a little boy who's hearing kind of some thumping in the walls of his house. And he's trying to figure out what it is I'm like, I got this this is some kind of ghost story or something. And then it takes a twist that I was not seeing about 20 minutes in and another very dark twist and I just fucking loved everything about it. But there is a dream sequence in this film that had me curled up on the chair with the hair standing up on my arms it was so fucking creepy. Wow So cobweb everybody go wash cowboy. I think this is one of those films that was really poorly advertised like it's such a vague trailer for it. But the word of mouth of this has been a hot like a lot of people just absolutely adore this movie so I can't wait to check it out. I'm probably going to wait till October but it's a great October really because it is a Halloween movie as well. Perfect. Does this have a theatrical release in I don't think so. Oh, it should have ever did. It was like, you know, festival kind of theatrical release. Yeah, it's great. The father is played by Anthony star of the boys home lander. And, you know, with dark hair and all this so I kept looking at him going. I think I like this actor, but I can't quite place him. It's his jaw the way you hold his jaw and mouth always get because he's got a he's got a strong jaws that yeah, he's like, actually Australian or something, right? Yes. She's really a very different human being once he talks about his real voice, then his real hair. Yes, he's doing his best American accent in this as well. So Wow. Incredible. Um, well, I had a magical experience. lower decks has started back up. Oh, yes. So I had, I've got two things to talk about on today. And one of them has lower decks or if you talk about well, you can maybe you can talk about the other episode. So I am going to talk about the first episode of lower decks. Now. I'm a big fan of Voyager partly because I had an X a very special X who talked about how Voyager was the best show and I hadn't seen it at that point. And he said, you know the captain in it is She is the best captain. She understands the prime directive, blah, blah, blah. So I when we broke up, watch the entirety of Voyager. And I could not stop laughing. Because this lady's fucking nuts. Yeah, she is like fun Janeway is insane. Every episode is insane. It is like Star Trek Next Gen but on crack. It's just it's so fun because it's just outrageous. And so the first episode of lower decks for this season is a love letter to the entirety of Voyager and I just put my heart filled every moment every little easter egg I was watching that this morning going oh, Vanessa is getting so much more out of this episode that I am even though I freaking loved it oh my god the little pedal flew off I'm going up business and that's exactly what I did as soon as they mentioned like two weeks I was like oh my god, and like the mechanical not axolotl, but the big like lizard I was like oh the lizard episode All they're making reverence and like Harry Kim just kept getting knocked over their little like standee of him but I was like, he's my spirit animal and I was like, Oh Harry. And it was also I don't think they did it on purpose but there's like a kind of you know people getting pins and promotions thing and Harry Kim never does despite seven years of outstanding service in the field I'm sure that was probably the way they escaped right is writing he does what they do I'm sure they know what they're doing at least a little bit a little bit. I mean, there's another character in there that literally gets a pip and gets the taken away it gets it back again in the time that Harry can does not get a pip it's like the same as he was it was so good it was so good. I just the last season was good but it had faded a little bit. I'm going home Damn, maybe Nope. Nice first two episodes are fantastic. Yeah, I'm super excited. I know Kelly you haven't watched them yet but yeah, we'll get right on not watch I know you will. I know you won't which is too bad because they think that that live action thing really was not the right it was the point it was I enjoyed it but it was not it. You'd have to have seen all of the episodes to go along like it yeah, it's rough. For an introduction to it, it it absolutely turned me off. I would I would have been the same because they are very irritating on that episode and it is not frequently irritating and lower decks to in certain ways, but it's endearing. Yeah. Irritation cartoon. It's such a different feel to the entire I mean you can be bombastic and excitable and everything like that when it's awkward anyways, I'll stop. No, no, that's what this movie called amigo is either Have you seen this? I think it's a shutter. Shutter one it is the shutter one but I have not seen it. Oh, boy. It is dark, dark, dark, dark, dark, dark. The whole pretense of the idea of hold the idea of the movie is this guy gets his best friend and his wife into a car accident. And it's a horrific car accident. The wife dies and the guy is messed up. I mean wheelchair level kind of messed up and horrible but the guy is so his buddies taking care of him. But it starts off okay, but it deteriorates into real darkness and it's I'm sure some look at is sort of exploitative of one of the There's but he's there. They're both so good. The acting is so good. It is just not a fun watch but incredibly well done. And you know there's we talk a lot on this show about Oh, watch this movie is kind of cool. I don't really remember much of it. I don't remember this whole damn movie. Just thinking of as like yep. Oh yeah. Oh no. It's really really well done. It sounds like it's gotten misery undertones darker. Oh no, no, I mean this the worst segment of misery is sort of like the second half of this movie is that a specific violent act but just horrible treatment of someone? Oh, a Spanish language film or no I think it's English interesting. Amiga. Yeah, no, okay probably Spanish I'm just in my head. I'm hearing it in English because you know, my breasts translate really? Yeah, a lot of friends. A lot like the remember a few years ago we had that French show we both like so much on Netflix. I was so freaking scary Maryann lines from it's stuck in my head as being English and I completely forgot. Oh, yeah, this was a French film. Yeah, so this line I remember was never actually said, right that way, but one day I'll finish that show one day. Why didn't you finish it's too scary. It's pretty jam. I was thinking I was rewatching it I was like gun I don't know. I'm still pretty scared. There's a lot of maybe if I watch it with somebody I was watching it by myself last I read too much. Or you go I also rented the Boogeyman. Latest Stephen King film. Yeah. Pretty solid. I was really surprised. It did not do well in the theater. And then it took a long time to come to rental and I thought oh, no, this is going to be bad. And it's not bad. It tells the first 10 minutes or so is the original story. And then it expands upon it beyond that. And I thought it you know, pretty dang good. A nice little creature feature. Oh, man. Yeah, I thought it was you know, it was pretty fun. You saw it? Yeah. Okay. Had you read the story? No, I had not. But it just it didn't feel I mean, like it it does a lot of horror trips that we've seen before. But I thought I did a good job. I just enjoyed it. I liked the idea of the boogeyman being something that has been here you know, yeah primally since the time of the dinosaurs occasionally like darkness existed Yeah, kind of thing. Yeah. And I thought that was neat. And then the the reveal I was like satisfying terrifying pretty creepy. pretty creepy thing in there. Yeah, I can imagine being a kid and seeing a glimpse of this and and starting to cry immediately. Nice little moments in there that are a lot like the the tooth poll on the door. Yeah, that's good. They did a good job. They really did. Stephen King hit or miss right his release? Yeah. I think that I would have to put this in the hit. Nice. I think tonally, it's um yeah, it felt like it was good. I felt like it was good use of King Yeah, yeah. It's been a good year for horror when I sit there and think about like Evil Dead rise and then bogeyman and then lastly just the Demeter cobweb and stuff like that. I'm like, This is not a shabby or for I've even heard that but none two is supposed to be better than the None. I heard it was awful. Oh, well, it was awful. Yeah, that's fair. That's an extremely fair assessment well as you guys know, Disney continues to push out content regardless of quality indeed so they put out was it a Chaka Chaka so of course I am watching rebels otherwise I would know I'd have no idea what's going on. So I'm only on Season One still. Oh, but it's pretty delightful it's a it's basically the same level of I'm forgetting the name of it but the Star Trek kids show that we enjoy watching under g or prodigy Yeah, it's a similar kind of it definitely is marketing more towards like teens preteens. This is a show that I I tried hard to get into and kind of gave up and then the second season starts getting rave reviews. Oh sure. Like all right, I'll try and then I was hot. Yeah, looked hard. So I ended up loving that show. I'm starting to like I'm haven't had too hard of a problem with it so far. I just did The the double episode where we learn about something exciting. Not all remember anymore. Could you be more specific? Wouldn't take a lot. No episode seven and eight and I just something very thrilling happens and you find out about someone somehow. I mean, you find out about his parents, and a little bit about the backstory of how his birthday is in an imperial day or what yeah, I'll say this. I think that rebels really kind of knocked it out of the park. The last couple of seasons of the Clone Wars was really good. And all of that stuff is head and shoulders above even andorre. So why Yeah, so it's like you guys, you were doing a great thing with your animation shows why Why does everything have to be live action? Yeah. It's like Disney putting out the live action, Beauty and the Beast and it being one of their most successful films they've had in theaters in like 30 years or something. Does Oh, we've had one bus do this now. Make money. So much money? Have you been Are you holding off on watching is so good, because there's no point I'm not gonna watch the show. I'll have literally no understanding of okay. I'm watching it. And it's so so that's what I hear. Yeah, yeah, it's probably not going to be worth at all. I can't imagine Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Even though I like her, but like as the character that I'm getting to know and rumbles and like, it's gonna be weird. I love her so much. I've got the biggest crush on her. She's unrecognizable, because they've not just got her with green skin. She's got green contact lenses in as well and unrecognizable. And I just, I'm like, Okay, why her why such a high profile actress for a role that completely covers you and you can't tell it when party is not a big bar and went the Rocky Raccoon thing. Rocket Rocket Raccoon. Okay, let's get one of the best looking men in Hollywood to play. Boy, sir. Raccoon. Did you know that she's married to Ewan McGregor? Obi Wan? I did not. Ha Star Wars family. They're gross. They do lightsaber jokes or something? Is that what you think now? It's just, you know, a little incestuous. Only date people from Star Trek universe I did just find out that two of the current Star Trek First commanders are married to each other. So the guy who does the voice acting from lower DAX, who's the dude from sliders is married to the lady from strange new worlds who plays the command? Yeah, I know from the writer strike because they had Star Trek day and they all went and drunk together. Yeah. Well, I've got another film from my 100 days to talk about this one was kind of fun because another person on the 100 days. hated this movie. Didn't like it at all. Oh my god. This sounds interesting. I looked it up. It's 72 minutes long. I got all right. Let's do this one. Not easy movie. Less than a black mirror episode. That's right. And I've had a lot of fun. It's called unseen, unseen. It's I seen the poster. Yeah, it's basically a woman gets kidnapped by her ex who can be threatened to her a lot, but apparently she has. So it's a weird pretense, but she'd kind of roll with it where she's got really really bad eyesight. Oh, and through a series of weird calls. She ends up calling this random woman that works it kind of like a weird Florida version of 711 and becomes her eyes using the phone the front facing camera on the phone. So yeah, if you if you go with it, and you just have fun, it's a lot of fun. And what the lady who hated it did was exactly what you did she just like Nah, I'm not buying into this at all and really hated it. But I like I bought into dumber things in movies and enjoyed. Like okay, what the hell you sitting here? It's amazing what your mindset does for this kind of stuff like how you can have such a wildly different experience depending on your mood, right? Oh, yeah. personally sponsor Yep. So you're giving that a recommend? I think I saw that son shatter. Yeah, I think so shutter or it's just fun. And it's got enough some of it probably came from my retail background because she's in a retail kind of store dealing with some freaking idiots that are so over the top that if you're not buying into it, they're just annoying. But if you buy into the there this is a parody these stupid customers you get I get this. So it's, it's fun. Then So speaking of your 100 days, I saw that you were starting to post those on the strange aeons radio talk page. Oh, I liked your idea of what you've been doing with what you're watching the rock about on this mostly world war two movies. Thanks. I know it's a it's a deep hole. Who would have thought so many people have something to say about that little conflict. Oh, way to trivialize it a 32 Our story about all the things that happened in that little, just one portion one corner of it. Anyway, if you want to see what I'm watching this not horror, or you want to see what Eric is watching for his 100 days of horror stuff. That's all on the strange aeons radio talk page. I'd sure like to see Vanessa, get on there again. Yeah. Look, I agree. Really, the only reason I ever go into Facebook is for our website, and to interact with our listeners. It's really really the best part about it. But unfortunately, everything else about it sucks. So every time I log in, I'm like, I hate all these people that log right back off. Not looking at our stuff like looking at my face pop up and you're like I hate all these people. No, I have to actually log in see all the like swaths of humanity and pages they're recommending to me and ads and choose to put in you know type in where I want to go then go where I want to go then read so by the time I you know even open it up and look at it I'm like I don't want to be here anymore. Goodbye. They're absolutely fair. I'll make an effort I'm making an effort because I would love to see like what you guys are talking about on there and stuff. I'll jump on there and say stuff I'm watching that's not it's just gonna be Star Trek there's nothing else that's fine but then you get actual people discussing it with you i I've really enjoyed the discussions that have come off I posted a really neat article on that neat I guess depressing article about mediocrity of Star Wars and how it's killing the brand. But on that article, there was a link to a guy's website where he has done a fan edit of the Obi Wan Kenobi series into a two hour movie and I started watching it and it's so much better oh my god he's an editor I laugh and see that yeah take things in fix what once went wrong Beckett's of editors it was really simple what he did to he just cutting scenes left and right and things that didn't need to be there rearranged a few things and it's like they're better all of layup because really unfortunately no bomber back greatly you know? Yeah. Yeah. No intro of her running in the woods very slowly with people not catching up. Yeah, well, he did shorten that quite a bit. Okay, that probably help just get her caught and radially exactly. Okay, well how about we take a little break everybody can just cool their jets and when we come back we're going to be talking about literally anything we want word How did they get in these crazy positions? Playing Moneyball the game were people who love to laugh. Okay, back where you started shin bone connected to the knee bones connected to the shoulder of the neck you pick up a buddy bowling card? Well, you just have to get funnybone the game for people who love by the vagaries of monopoly. Money boned as a poker game. We have returned. For those of you who missed out in this segment. The pass code is continent nation. No it conquered tonation that's it conquered to nation. But once more it's conquered to nation. These are okay. I can't just give it all out to everybody. I will say this. Eric is the person who edits in all the lovely commercials that you hear when we take our break. Last week was was absolutely inspired for our rip off segment you found the Velcro. Not even a commercial it seems like maybe a training video or something like that on what the the anniversary of velcro I think it was a nice job. I liked that the wheels are turning over there. It took a while. I gotta tell you, man, yeah, commercials were a long while to figure it out. I was just like, the fuck is now the show's bout rip offs. Yeah. The the final nudge into doing it was that it had the sound of velcro ripping several times. Yes, that one I can use Excellent. Vanessa, this was your sub genre pick. Once you tell us what we're calling this episode. Well, I don't know, frankly. Bring your own episode, bring your own movie. I don't want to do that. Let's talk about somebody else's movie. Okay, how did you come up with this idea? Where this idea really stemmed from was I found out through some random happenstance event that Anson mount starred in crossroads with Britney Spears. And I was so excited because I was like, What the f? Our current leader of Star Trek strange in your world, Captain Pike was the lead male. And believe me, you're like she was in this. And I was like, Look, it doesn't count if he was some cashier registered number three. And you were like, he's the lead. He's the lead male. He's like the lead male. Second bill. All right, yours. Well, I am 100% behind this now because I have to hear about it. Yes. So my original topic idea was hey, maybe I can somehow make it so we all talk about Star Trek people and they and then you guys were like, No. And so I was like, Well, I don't care then I'm talking about this. You talk about you want to talk about and here we are. Here we are. Well, I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer. All right. I don't know if we'll need all of that time. 2000 To film Crossroads Don't be late. Lucy. Stop mother. Has she ever tried this? No. She hasn't. Kit? I haven't seen her since Christmas. Didn't we have to plan a wedding? Me Me. I'm gonna get out of this town. Go all the way to California. How are you gonna get there? I found out the sky. What? You can't go by yourself with some dots show and then come with me. He's serious. Yes. Taking us to La Yeah. Okay, this February. Already. Take a chance. Hello. sneaking away in the middle of the night. You're coming back now. Share the adventure. I'm not sleeping here. Make the journey. I can't listen to this I'm a guy, just a guy and that's my car. So one thing that hasn't been taken over by checks, Paramount Pictures and Zomba Films Present in association with MTV Films. The story about the dreams that drive us wanting to find my mom and as she wants to see me she's just scared going to happen. It's me Mama. Lucy. The places life takes us what we have is now and right now. We have each other and the friends that go the distance. We don't have enough money to get the car fixed. I have an idea. All right. Next contestant Britney Spears, Anson mount Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning Crossroads you did hear me right it is the Britney Spears version? Not the one that Kelly talked about a while ago and we're talking about crossing intersections. Not the good one. Yeah, sure. Not Rotten Tomatoes score of 15% from critics 40% from audience. big disparity audience seems to really like it. I think that there has been a very popular gay movement behind it. The budget is somewhere between 10 and 12 million but the box office was 61 point 1 million well Sounds like it did pretty good. Directed by Tamara Davis who has 82 credits her name she started off doing music videos for Depeche Mode The Smiths, Bengals, Indigo Girls, New Kids on the Block, you name it, she did it. And then some really bad films like half baked and baesman lots of TV, including most recently, she's done two episodes of The After Party, which I've been watching, so she's doing a lot of work even now written by Shonda Rhimes. 23 credits to her name station 19 She wrote 95 episodes of she also wrote on Queen Charlotte bridgerton story and Grey's Anatomy 409 credits scandal 124 credits and Princess dyers to Royal Engagement. This however, was her third ever writing credit so I call BS to all these people on the internet who are like Britney Spears talk to her when she was writing for Grey's Anatomy. I was like she didn't start writing for Grey's Anatomy until three years later. Gauntlet throw on a sorry, but something's on myth. Starring Britney Spears is Lucy. She has 94 credits her name including I'm Britney bitch, you don't need to know anything about Elterwater Britney Spears that has been Leif Danson mounts pretty alone has been his 56 credits to his name, including Captain Christopher Pike in strange new worlds and the only watchable thing and discovery also, in Dr. Strange the multiverse of madness he played Black Bolt. He was in 555 episodes of Hell on Wheels. He was in all the boys love Mandy lane. Urban Legends Final Cut, and the second ever credit he has is one of the episodes of Ally McBeal. Zoe Saldana is in this as Kitt. She has 71 credits her name but you would know her as Gomorrah and guardians of the galaxy or Neytiri in avatar or O'Hara in Star Trek, and Taryn Manning as Mimi 89 credits including as 87 episodes of Orange is the New Black. She was also an eight mile has some flow Hawaii Five o Sons of Anarchy and plays a lot of rough around the edges kind of people. Also in this is Dan Aykroyd, Kim Cattrall and Justin Long the plot as Britney Spears describes it. To teen movie is a teen movie that deals with real issues that normal teenagers live on a daily basis. She continued to explain the film's content saying that it is quote about that journey that the three of us best friends take finding ourselves and what we want out of life and getting our friendship back. Friends are all you have at the end of the day, but so when your boyfriend breaks up with you, who do you call your girlfriend? I just love that message and quote would you say in this movie these she is not a girl but not yet a woman? Oh my god. That's there's all kinds of problems with this moment. You knew that line? And I knew that line after he said it. In the worst part of all, is this movie is the vehicle for that song. Oh, shit. All the songs in her entire catalogue. That is the one yes, that is in this movie. I know that. Oh, you watch Crossroads not watched? I can't believe you knew that. I didn't know that. But I like that music. Wow. And that includes Britney Spears man, this particular song with Okay, so three thoughts in my head. Thanks, man. We start this movie with three little girls her best friend's baring a time capsule. They promised to open it together 10 years later when they are graduating from high school skip to 10 years later, but they are no longer best friends. Lucy played by spray Spears is a perfect A plus student she's valedictorian. She studied instead of partied her dad Dan Ackroyd as a hard working mechanic who dreams of her going to medical school while she wishes she could just sing and produce music. Nene Taryn Manning is a trailer trash High School, pregnant girl. She gets a lot of shit from the people around her and has really become again rough around the edges. kit so Sultana has become a mean girl who makes fun of Lucy and Mimi even helping spread rumors that Mimi is a massive sloth. The night of prom Mimi asks them if he'll meet if they will meet her up to dig up the box but Lucy has made plans to lose her virginity with her lab partner Justin Long. Kit plans to chat to her fiance on the phone. So when Lucy decides that she actually wants to save herself for someone special and kick can't get her fiance on the phone. All three of them find themselves digging up this box inside hosts their dreams of what each would be at this point. Mimi wanted to travel the world but of course she can't because she's pregnant. Lucy wanted to meet her mom who abandoned her when she was three. But that's not going to happen because her dad has other Since we're and Kate wanted to be married, but you know what? She's good to be married so it's great. Mimi tells them that she's gonna get a ride to LA with the hot singer from the prom Anson mount and ask them to come with her. She plans to audition for a big song contest both say no but decided to come along after all, when other reasons have their own mounts. They all pile in to answer mounts car for a road trip. Along the way Lucy will confront her mother kit will discover why her fiance never has time to talk to her. I bet we can all guess why. And Mimi will chicken out of a song contest leaving space for Lucy to fill the gap of course, all three will discover their friendship again and Lucy Lucy will discover Anson mount is super hot. Then we'll end on a music video. Um, this film has a lot of emotional twists and turns with zero earning very ends. We see Brittany in the car with her dad who she called to pick her up and take her away from this horrible la experience and she needs to get out of there because everything has gone wrong. Just stops and says Don't chase me away like you did to mom stops the car gets out and makes out with the answer and I was like wait a minute. You called him. Wait at what point in this three seconds you were in the car? Did you decide to grow a pair and like to pursue your dreams? Alright. Also the whole we all hate each other but actually now sake we're super good friends happens really fast and completely the zero precedent you're like wait, you literally spent the entirety of high school telling the pregnant girl she was a massive bow. Okay, I guess we're friends. The music video section of the very end is extremely weird because they're like, by the way Britney Spears is really famous and like yeah, like it's totally an audition but she has backup singers and like a band and all the people watching the audition are clapping in tune to her singing. Not yet Not yet a woman of all the songs why in Christ's name did it have to be this one? Her friend wanting to be a singer and then instead, Britney Spears having to do it for her felt really, really weird, especially after doing some research and discovering that Taryn Manning is in fact a singer from band called boom cat. Do we hear her sing in this movie? Despite her being the one who wants to be a singer? No, we do not. She does do some backup hugging humming nobody seems to have words, but they think behind Britney anyways. Um, there's a big discussion around rape. It's very strange. It feels very weird, but that's okay. I had some weird moments watching this movie because it came out in 2002, which is the year I graduated from high school and I had some of this clothing. And I had some of these magazines and I remember these trends and it was very odd and I was like I have a butterfly t shirt or had a long time ago now. Also, the wonder we all were terrified of our bodies and felt awful about ourselves back then. These three girls are anorexic. They are not healthy human beings. They are thin and gross. And they spent a lot of time looking at their torsos with slow pans on the camera. We were all fat cows in comparison. There was no way and they kept talking about like one of them was like oh, when she was a kid. No, she fucking is always held on. She was never fat down or goddamn life. She doesn't have a piece of fat on her body. Also, the music is mixed really strangely so it's not like very loud and you're like why the Why don't care about these songs. Oh my gosh, I'm actually gonna run out of time. Trivia tagline dreams change friends are forever. original title was what friends are for filmed in New Orleans and around Baton Rouge and Louisiana near Spears hometown. She was recording. No, I still have more to say. Oh, I'm sorry, Vanessa. The rules have just talked about answer mount yet. I'll have one piece of trivia. Okay, and somehow it revealed that before he took the role of Ben he was on set for the film city by the sea with actor Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro saw mounts with the Crossroads script and encouraged mount to take the role of being a huge fan of Britney Spears himself. He even ran Spears his lines along with him. Sure, why not? I'm looking at me because I am not yet a woman. By no longer a girl. As I can tell, I'm lost that girlish look around. Yeah, you're ready for the world. Bowling for Soup is one of the band who's featured in this film. Like them. So weird. You're like why is bowling For soup, like out there prom, and why is the answer mount they're like lead singers. They're there. Why? Because they gave him a check and said, Hey, you want to be in this movie? And they said sure, it's actually yeah, it's kind of low budget and of course they use a lot of Justin Timberlake songs because he was dating Britney at the time. And it definitely did not blow up massively later. Why didn't it work between Justin Long and and Lucy? Justin lawn in the film? Yeah. Because they were just lab partners and she didn't think he was that hot. Oh, but she was about to lose your virginity tool. Yeah, cuz they he had written a manifesto basically to her about why they should lose their virginity together. It's a list he pulls out and she says bring out the list. I need a reminder. I started reading through all the reasons why they should be banging. Whoa. And then she says you know what? No, actually that's a that's a hot seduction. manifesto that ends up Wow. I cannot Yeah, I cannot. Um, one other thing is premiered at Cannes. I know. Most your money being spent some weird ass way is incredible. It's incredible. It did win two golden raspberries that you're including Worst Actress and worse original song and only got a six minute standing ovation again. It's just a piece of shit. That's yeah, only know when they walked out, which meant they all slept. Well, I'm never gonna watch that movie. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. Do you feel like you got your Anson mount out of it? I do. You know, it was weird though. Because he looks totally unrecognizable in this film. He looks completely different because now he's like, very Silverfox sort of thing going on. He's like, got dark hair. He looks super typical 2002 hot guy and movie. He looks a lot like the guy from One Tree Hill whose name I'm forgetting the Blunkett camera, but it was. It's really weird. You're like, wow, that is not answer mount. It's just thought but he's great. 20 some odd years ago. Okay, well, he just very well, not everybody in that film did. I will go next year. Sure. Oddly enough, this film also came out the year I graduated in 1987. Excellent. It is called Three o'clock. Hi. I guess I should have known from the beginning. It was going to be one of those days. His name is Jerry Mitchell. Hi, Jerry. Jerry. Jerry. Jerry. I'm Jerry Mitchell. I'm with the school paper. He just met the new kid in school. That is the closest thing to Charlie Manson ever seen Weaver? Now? We're gonna have a fight today. After school. He's got six hours to get out of it. It's been quite a morning jerry can say that again. You try running for I wouldn't leave school without a good reason. He'll try bribery. If I can get the money do you think you do for me prevail and never bother you again guaranteed. You'll drive robbery. You're given Jerry Mitchell the hard times. Until finally the fight is on you and me in the parking lot. Three o'clock. Jerry's got a lot on his mind. 10 seconds. But he's not thinking about math, or English. Five seconds, because at three o'clock, he's gonna make history today. Budget of 50 our budget of 6 million box office have almost 4 million. Those critics have it at 57% and the audience has it as 73% Directed by Phil's Janelle was 31 credits tons of YouTube videos but I'm gonna let that pass. He also did the Gridiron Gang wild poems, heavens prisoners and an amazing short film called Dirty Laundry, which was an unauthorized Punisher movie starring Tom Thomas Jane. And Ron Perlman, and it is amazing. It is written by Richard Christian Matheson. Down 35 credits. Lots of TV including full Eclipse. You're welcome Craig. It waits. Big driver and just recently nightmare cinema. Also written by Tom salesI, who has 34 credits. episodes of The Incredible Hulk the powers of Matthew star, night writer and Star Trek Voyager Well, starring Casey Damasco 74 credits he is that guy, but he was that guy that was in standby me. He was that guy that was in younguns He was that guy who was in store for the century and he was that guy that was in 14 episodes of NYPD Blue. Excellent. Also starring any Ryan who has 14 credits, including Lucas, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and laws of attraction. And Richard Tyson, who has 143 credits, all of the Farrelly brothers movies, but he was also in Big Bad Wolf, which is kind of fun werewolf movie that Eric and I like realm of shadows. Probably most known as being the bad guy and Kindergarten Cop. Oh, yes. It also started CeCe Glick, Jonathan wise, Jeffrey Tambor, Philip Baker Hall and Mitch. leggy. No. Have you guys seen this movie? I have not. You have not? I know. Okay, go on. I thought I had I looked it up got shit. I have not seen this. You are insane. I am so angry right now. And you haven't either, but I don't. I don't expect much of you because you have bad taste. And Phil. I'm catching up this. This is also a comedy kind of. Okay, well. That immediately dismissive don't make eye contact me. Well, it's comedy. You don't like comedy? Okay, we meet meet high school student Jerry Mitchell and his sister Bray who have the house of themselves while the parents are on vacation. Jerry has woken up late and we watch him try to deal with making breakfast drying clothes and racing to pick up his girlfriend and take her. I have seen this. Okay, looking at the pictures through it. God. Oh, I remember that guy. Yeah, okay. I'm so glad you felt like he needed to interrupt me write this to let me know. It's a pretty great scene, and easily something you can see happening at the beginning of Back to the Future. I bring that up because this was supposed to be a film in the vein of any number of high school age comedies of the era. But right off the bat, it sets itself apart. His sister isn't super annoying. They get along well. His girlfriend Frannie is a little weird, but they have a nice high school relationship. Everything just feels more real in this movie as soon as it starts. And that's when it stops feeling real. When they get to school. Everybody is gossiping about buddy Revell, a new student with a violent psychopathic pass was just transferred to their school. The rumors about him are flying fast and hard. He's never lost a fight. He killed a boy. He killed the cop. Oh my god. All of this stuff you realize can't possibly be true, but it keeps escalating as we hear more and more rumors about him. It's very funny. Jerry's first hour is spent at the school newspaper where his best friend Vincent is the editor. Vincent assigns Jerry to do an interview with Buddy kind of a Meet the new kid. He's not as scary as you think. Had Jerry doesn't really want to do that. But Vincent says it'd be good. So while Jerry is in the restroom, he sees buddy going to the bathroom there. So he decides Well, this will be a good time to ask him about it. He attempts to introduce himself, but quickly realizes he's only making buddy angry. So he tells buddy to disregard the interview requests and gives buddy a friendly tap on the arm. One of the rumors about buddy is that you never touch him. And buddy responds by this tapping by tossing Jerry against a wall breaking a mirror and tells them that they will fight outside the school at 3pm when Jerry tries to decline, but it tells me if you try to run or report the incident to a teacher, it's only going to be worse for you. So the rest of the movie deals with Jerry with only six hours to go trying to defuse the situation in various ways that all failed miserably. Vincent suggests that he plant a switchblade in buddy's locker to get him kicked out of school. His sister advises him to simply skip school. But when Jerry tries to leave, he finds the switchblade he planted now stuck in the steering wheel of his mom's car, and the car would start when he checks under the hood. It turns out that buddy has apparently torn half the engine out. Trying to run Jerry is caught by the school security guard, which is young Mitch Pileggi, who finds the switchblade and takes Jerry to the Office of Mr. De Lenski, the Dean of discipline, it is super funny because everyone involved with the detention area of the school has a shaved head and they look like they're running a Cold War era Russian prison. Fantastic. At one point Jerry tries to pay this big football jock off to tell buddy to leave him alone. And buddy knocks the guy out with one punch in the library. In a scene this just beautifully shot is hilarious. He tries to get himself put into tension by giving a racy book report where he kisses his teacher at the end, and that backfires hilariously, and we are all left with the realization that Jerry is going to have to fight buddy. Will Jerry be able to reason with Buddy and get out of the fight? Or will he have to stand up to his bully and gain the respect of everyone in his high school while perhaps inadvertently starting all sorts of rumors about himself that mirror the rumors of buddy At the beginning of the film, you'll have to watch to find out. This is a fucking delightful movie. Very under seen, and I don't know why. I don't know why it's got such a low Rotten Tomatoes score. I don't know why it did so poorly at the theater. It's, it's so good. Yeah. Hey Glenn. Jerry Mitchell just bumped into buddy Revell. Now Jerry isn't thinking about math or English because the three o'clock he's history. Oh bad. So bad trivia. The movie is considered to be a teenage version of high noon, but without the period Western setting which is replaced with a contemporary High School. It doesn't really feel that way to me. I don't I don't buy that. But that's in the trivia. So. The film was executive produced by Steven Spielberg, who had directed this movie star Casey Shum, ASCO in the pilot episode of amazing stories, which was titled the mission. That's the one where he's the comic book artist in the gunner. Oh thing in the wheel brakes on the beam. What was it a p 12. The long term so anyway, really cool up So Steven Spielberg was expecting the movie to be handed in. Let me start this over. Steven Spielberg was expecting a movie to be handed in which was of the type and the style of the Karate Kid. Spielberg apparently said to Chanel after seeing this movie. What happened to karate kid you made a scar CC Phil. And he pulled his name from the picture. Oh, that's rough. Yeah. During Jerry Mitchell's book report, he asks his English teacher what her favorite book is, he's right up next to her face. He's smoking a cigarette she's kind of entranced with and she replies turn of the screw, which is a funny wordplay right, he kisses her right after that. The joke is deeper though, because in turn of the screw, there is a scene where the tutor is kissed by her student. The movie is just full of all of these clever little things going on. Kirk Cameron was the second choice to play the role of Jerry Mitchell. And Corey Feldman was also considered I think both of them probably would have done as good a job. This is a movie that doesn't really rely on who's in it because it's it's so stylistically shot. And clever. I mean, it is a comedy and there are laugh out moments, but most of it is not it's not slapstick humor or anything like that. It's all very relatable humor, especially if you grew up as a nerd in high school, which spoiler I did. No. Believe it. She did like better off dead. Sounds like it's awesome. wonky. It's a fantastic movie. It's not like better off dead. I mean, it's just quirky. Yeah, it's a very different kind of movie. Not a straightforward. Yeah, it doesn't sound like it's so weird and in the way that better off debt is but it sounds really fun. It is super fun. I wish this movie showed, you know, more of the like outdoor movie things that Merrie Monarch does or something like that. It's just it's under seen and I don't understand why. And seen Well done, sir. Well done. Would you like to tell us what movie you saw? Or decided to? Yes, I shall. Here comes 10 minutes. I'll be talking about the driver. 20th Century Fox presents two men on opposite sides of the law. Ryan O'Neal Bruce Dern and between them is Isabella Gianni three loners playing a ruthless game none of them could afford to lose. In the driver. Ryan O'Neal is the driver. my line of work is kind of hard to come by. His reputation. The best real man in the city to do over get caught on one of your jobs hasn't happened yet. Bruce Dern is the detective I'm very good at what I do his reputation that toughest cop in the city man who's driving the car, he didn't identify a reason. I just don't like you when you get out of my time, because you go out on one more job and I'm gonna nail him you might be getting to two men driven by their need to prove they were the best How you gonna get downstairs? Like Jason, you sounds like you got a problem. They're much better at this game than you are. You when you make some money I went, you're gonna do 15 years. To them, the money, the law, even their lives no longer counted. You don't care about the money might even send it to him who was best was all that mattered tonight and we've got the winning run on first. You've been set up to break the cop. The driver was willing to risk it all right, the driver, the cop was willing to break the law. It will cost you two years. Ryan O'Neal Bruce Dern. Is Isabella Gianni the driver are ruthless game between two legends This is a via driver from 1978 Love it. Rotten Tomatoes score of 7877 from the audience budget of approximately 4 million box office of 4.9 million that do particularly well unfortunately this is directed by movie making God Walter Hill definitely a hot favorite with movies like warriors the long writers extreme prejudice 48 hours, producer of every alien movie and he also wrote the film. He also wrote the getaway the Drowning Pool Southern Comfort streets a fire man's got some talent. This stars Ryan O'Neal as the driver. That's the full character name. You might know him from love story. what's up doc? 24 episodes of bones zero effect and Barry Lyndon man's done a lot of work. Also starring Bruce Sturm. He is the detective you might know him from the burbs Hateful Eight, the incredible two headed transplant the wild angels and hang them high, who's got over 200 credits. So you've seen him? And as Isabella Ajani, who is the player. She's from the batshit crazy movie possession. She's the lead in that. And Nosferatu, the vampire sisters and Ishtar. And finally, Ronnie Blakely who is the connection. She's the mom from Nightmare on Elm Street, and also in Nashville and a return to Salem's Lot. Every character in the listing on IMDb is thus something nobody has a a name. movie starts with pretty simple premise you've seen many, many times, the driver steals a car and waits at a pre arranged time to meet what was some thieves that are robbing a casino kind of place. I think at this point. While they're exiting the player is there and she sees this all go down and said this is really interesting. This is also a minimal dialogue film, not a lot of talking in it, except for the detective talks a fair amount. But the cops show up chases on. And I think Ryan Gosling borrowed a little bit from this film, as did the director of drive. But they both have the same completely stoic look while driving completely calm and only driving. And you know, I've made fun of Ryan a little bit with before with his role in that, but in that part of the movie, and in this part of the movie, it's cool as hell. It's just cool to watch these guys driving with no real emotion react and everybody else in the car, kind of freaking out. And so the and the chases are solid as hell, like I says 1978. So it's all it's all real. The cops busted him right away, but due to kind of a circumstantial thing, so they can't really do much about it. So the detective goes about convincing a group of low level criminals to hire the driver for a job. And the detective will know all about it. So you know, borderline probably illegal. But that's alright, because he's got to catch him. Then there's a great scene where you see another driver who's just shit can't drive at all and the other guy sees him and it's very well done. What do you think will happen? Will he do this? What will be the outcome? It's, it's not hard to talk about this film because the plot is basic. And that's part of the trivia I'll be talking about taglines. There's a few of these. He'll get your way faster than anyone else on wheels. He's the best getaway man in the business. And the deadliest is a little weird, but two men, each as ruthless as the other on opposite sides of the law. Two legends each a slave to his own reputation playing a game neither of them can afford to lose. That's one. That's too much a little wordy. Yeah. An epic showdown between the city City's toughest cop and its cleverest or real man to bake break the driver the cop was willing to break the law again a challenge a chase to the death tagline Yeah. So there is like I said a lot of similarities in Nicholas wending windings reference. I was gonna say his last name, Dr. Lead Actor short on words there's a lady interested in the driver opening scenes are very similar. Down to I won't work with you again because you were late. After that the movies separate quite a bit. Drive is far more about getting revenge on a series of various things. This one's just the guy doing his job trying to keep doing his job. This is Walter Hill second film part of what might become my favorite boxset that I've purchased in a while. This features hard times which I have yet to see the driver which obviously I just watched the long writers which is awesome. extreme prejudice talked about here on the show, Johnny handsome talked about here on the show. And broken tail, which I've heard mixed things about. Haven't seen that one. Yeah. 2006. So it was originally written for Steve McQueen, but turned it down. According to Walter Hill, he didn't want to do anything that had to do with cars at that time. He had already done that. And it was hard to argue with him about that considering the bullet movie Thomas Crown Affair. Wilder Hills Drive to writing the script was to make it a minimalist style. He wanted to write a very tight script not conforming necessarily to the way Hollywood wanted action movies done at the time. And it it is it really sparse it is down to the bone fantastic. No fat in this movie. It just moves at a solid nice space. But everything was written to a solid dramatic effect, and everybody in the movie does the right stuff they should do. According to Winslow Clarkson's book Tarantino, the man the myth and his movies, Quentin Tarantino lists this as one of the coolest movies of all time. I don't necessarily always agree with Tarantino is takes on films but he's dead, right? It really is one of the coolest movies ever made. Isabel agreed to be in the film because she thought Walter Hill's first film hard times was really good. Let's say that, um, want to do it. So just like a streamlined movie, this was kind of a streamlined talk. You've seen this right, Kelly? Yeah, I love this movie. I hate Ryan O'Neal. I think he's brilliant in this and I think the reason is because he doesn't have any lines to deliver. He does not speak much at all. Yeah. And most of his stuff is he's not quite a stoic is Ryan is in drive but there are Gosling is a drive but there's a strong similarities. Yeah. And he seemed he gets annoyed and angry. Everything works in this film. Every character move works all the is just it is insanely underrated. I think as a as a film it part of it. It's barely been available. Yeah. I wanted to talk about this some subject we did a while ago, maybe a Walter Hill episode. And I couldn't find it. You know, and I've even on YouTube. And then a couple months ago, this pop bucks. I'll get that because that's amazing. And it looks good. Holy shit. It looks straight out of the theater. So well worth it. If you're like Walter Hill, I might have to check out this box set. I must urge you to immediately watch hard times. That'll be your next favorite Walter Hill movie. Great. It looks good. It's so good. And this is just a really cool crime movie. It this is so much better than Dr. Yes. Oh, yeah. I'm not a big fan of Dr. Robert is fine. I also think it's suffered greatly, at least for me, because I heard so many people saying it's the greatest movie ever. And although it's fine, it's not a bad movie, but I watched the driver again long before I watched drive. Absolutely. You talking about it makes me want to watch it again. Thanks. All right. How much Jamie get left? Not much. seconds, maybe seconds. Maybe? Maybe? Maybe. Okay, I'm just going to turn it off. Wow. Unnecessary. Perfect. Okay. That means that well, actually, we're going to do something different for the rest of this month. Oh, pray tell. We're going with a theme. We're doing. Sci Fi September. Yay. A better sound give me like two episodes but that's alright, that's fine because we've got something really cool coming up in October so I'm looking forward to sci fi September I've already picked out my two movies have you guys oh yeah. Oh, you guys are on it and you picked such good ones I hope so. They look damn good I've heard of many of them and they all sound awesome so I'm gonna have to really scoop some good ones up you're literally the Sci Fi person in this podcast yeah but like i You guys are so quick to the draw. You know I'll find something cool offensive I know you Okay, so this is the part where we thank everybody for liking and sharing post or joining in on the discussion on strange aeons talk radio fringe Ian's radio talk. So you go something like that expert group bring on the talk yes for participating the value for value model for calling the strange aeons radio hotline. Thanks to Bronzo for calling in last week. Bronzo Yeah, he is full on on the torture thing for me. He think he sent me six movies today. Well, a couple of them. I had seen one I even talked about on the show. So I'd like to go back and listen to some episodes. I want to get some more listeners because I know that He clipped some moments from our show and played it on the Lovecraft ezine or in their discussion or something like that. So that's pretty cool. Yeah. I saw Mike Davis pointing out the fact that yes, the Bronzo likes to torture people with his movies. But thank you Michael for calling in on the hotline which is 253-237-4266 be like the Bronzo call in and leave us messages. That's right. Feel free? Yeah. Doubront call back. And you know, we talked about a few people a lot on the show just because they interact with us a lot. Doesn't mean nobody else will ever be able to be mentioned or anything like that. If you want to call in or get commenting ask us questions to answer on the phone call from Ron. Yeah, if you want to be our teacher's pet you know what we shouldn't encourage anybody though because Mike Mike attends that calling drunk. With his accent it can be a little rough. So maybe if you're clear headed and clear spoken number I am fantastic at drunk calls so please call in I will feel those ones myself for drunk dialing strange aeons radio seems like a strange thing. i Let's explore this really scrape the bottom of the barrel when you're drunk dialing. Welcome back. Give it a shot. That's right. Three o'clock call. All right. That's it for the show. We'll be back in seven short days. We're talking sci fi See you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan an airline. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. 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