Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 249

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We here at Strange Aeons Radio wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! We also discuss Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, and Five Nights at Freddy's.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. That is Vanessa over there Good morning. And I'm Kelly Happy Thanksgiving guys happy Thanksgiving I don't know about you guys but I'm heading up to my family's up in Bellingham going to probably drink a lot going to probably sing a little bit of karaoke down in the downstairs theater area. Oh, maybe accidentally gets stuck up there for three weeks because it snowed again or something like that. Please. No. I have big plans, and mostly really going up there to spend some time with my dad. Oh, what about you guys? Eric, you got anything going on? Oh, yeah, there's usually something that Roz Marty's house. Did his parents so we'll be going over there. And I think a buddy Jamie will be coming up this year. And I think another family person from California who's studying up here is coming. I'm not sure if he's making it or not, but are you saying Jamie pence he is in the dulcet tones. That's right. He's going to be joining you. That's very cool. Please say hello to Jamie for me. Well, I could see right now because I bet he's listening. Hi, Jamie. Thanksgiving. I'm gonna drive up to the to the Thanksgiving festivities. You can listen to this. That's why we brought it up today. So good. Yeah, so I mean, technically so I'm, I'm gonna go over to the vineyard that my my husband's family has. It's the kind of the last holiday of the year that I can go through the passes safely. So yeah, so instead of doing Christmas, I said, Could we just do Thanksgivings with you guys, like for all of time, because then I never have to ideally, hopefully worry about the snow. But the thing I'm missing out on with my family. I don't know if I talked about on air, but my grandma did pass away. 97 years old would have been 98 in early December. So it was you know, she she was she lived a full life. However, we already had her funeral. But they do want to spend on Thanksgiving the spreading of her ashes where she had a house on Altai. And my uncle will get into a kayak with her ashes and go out to a nearby dock and spread them depending on the weather. The big the big plan that I will be missing out on unfortunately, dozen people on the dock now this is happening. I think it's I think it's a kind of a public key dock. Yeah, it's just one that's been out there forever. I think whoever owned it originally is it's changed hands so many times. But now the seals just hang up on it. Okay, nice. Yeah, so that'll be that'll be weird experience that that with my dad and lesser part with my mom. So it's a It's bizarre. Yeah. I've never been to an ash spreading ceremony before. And I'm sad to miss this one. But at the same time, I was like, I've already done like 20 things for the help helping celebrate this lady's passing. And I feel like I probably need to spend time with the other part of the family. So yeah, I want to change my plans and go hang out at your husband's winery. They'd love to have you bring the karaoke machine. I'll bring my entire family we all happen to be a bunch of Wine Oh yeah, if you guys buy a bottle of wine they will open up pretty much any our bottle a bottle per person may be the lowest off for them. Okay, they love it. They're pretty new to the business. They've only been doing it I think this is their second year. Oh, you know what I love about this idea of NSR can bring me have bottle back. Oh yeah, that's right. Please text and remind me I will forget 100% whatever they think their best read is or not their best their tastiest read. Very expensive, but okay. Well, you can afford it your family right? That's true. They would they would give me they've given me a discount please listeners do not ask for a discount. They need the money. Please listeners by Bumgarner legato winery purchase it is good. There you go. I'm just gonna send you down there with some money. And then whatever discount you can get as much money as I've given you. Okay, one bottle or as many bottles as I can fit into that dollar amount, as many bottles as you can fit into that. Copy that all right. There you go. Um, I got to see some movies. I got to see some stuff in the movies. Oh, holy smokes. I wonder if you guys have been watching this. Scott Pilgrim takes off. I just started watching the two episodes away from the ends, but last night just shotguns through the first six. I first like the first episode, I was like, Oh no, why this is quite bad. Voice acting was bad. And the storyline was dull and everything and then deeper repetitive of the film. Yeah. I'm a huge fan of the film, a huge fan of the comics. And I thought, well, a six episode series is or eight episode, perfect way to actually do the comic book correctly. When the movie came out, the comics weren't even finished. So they put an ending on there that the family had not written weird. Whoa, I did not realize that. Yeah. And I never really cared for the ending of the movie. And I thought well, okay, we're gonna get this done correctly. Now, at the end of that first episode, big, big switch off. Yeah, big change. Big change. I mean, it makes sense with the title. If you put it all together, right, Scott Pilgrim takes off. Well, I will say this is kind of a it's kind of a remix of the storyline in the movie, and you're spending a lot more time with the side characters in the show. And I ended up really, really enjoying it. I've been really liking it a lot. And I love this sort of approach they're taking where they're getting Ramona Flowers to talk to her exes. And these really difficult discussions about what happened or didn't happen, or, and I really appreciate that. I'm glad that they went there. Because in the past, it was like, Oh, you gotta like wind her over a little bit. A little the age. The idea at this point, probably a little aged back then to you know, it was brilliant. O'Malley going through his personal experiences too. But this really, this really kind of tells you how an evil ex might become an evil acts instead of just saying, you know, you're a bad person when we dated. I'll have to add that to my list after the finish the last two episodes of scavengers reign. Oh, that you suggested which to help you. Like 27 minute long episodes. They're not 50 So you know, they're 46 minutes. That's a weird ass extended version that you watched six episodes instead of 12. But that was the first thing I looked at when I was like, oh, fuck, this is an hour notice and I was 27 minutes. All right, but you're not gonna let Vanessa have her? Oh, I'm already in it. No, I wasn't talking about her saying I'm going to do that after it Scott Pilgrim because Oh, awesome. Amazing. Yeah, you should definitely check it out. And I I keep meaning to read the comics. They we have them in our home. And I have not read them and I've read other stuff of like other one offs of his work. And I'm like, What the hell's wrong with me? I need to just like sit through these. Well, I watched a show and hopefully this isn't the second one you're planning on talking about Kelly. That might be Monark legacy of monster was the second but let's talk about okay, we've thrown out our format now so we can all just skip around. Okay, good. All right. Everything do what we do, man. I yeah, I first of all, I thought that when I was told I was going to sit down and watch a Godzilla TV show. I thought it was going to be the zero year or whatever. Which I minus zero. Yeah. Which I'm not excited about. It's got like a 90% rating. I don't know the trailer looked kind of dull. Oh, everybody. Oh, I can't wait for Godzilla minus. Well, we started watching it I was like, Oh, this is not what I thought it was gonna watch. And this is awesome because I loved Kong Island or Scotland, Ireland. Sorry. And I'm really enjoying this kind of in between period place and then I was like, oh my god, it's got Wyatt Russell in it. This is so fun. And I got to the end of the second episode, which anybody who watched the trailer would know but I hadn't watched the trailer. Kurt Russell shows up I lost my god damn. I was just like, This is fucking awesome. I am 100% in like this great. The gimmick being of course that Wyatt Russell plays Kurt Russell's character in the 50s I love that first episode. The second one I found myself getting a little tired of but there's no shortage of big monsters in it, which I was afraid of cool. So my reaction was actually the opposite. I'm like, oh fuck this is from the people that made skulls Island. Maybe I'll watch it. But it looks so cool that I probably will under watching it. It's pretty good time. Yeah, pretty good. I was not a fan of Skull Island either. But I mean just right off the bat. By now, I can't remember the actor's name. I know John Goodman, John Goodman shows up and I was like, spared no expense on this. Nope. Yeah, that was so great. And I didn't remember that he was in Skull Island, so I was just like, Fuck this. So fuck it. I mean, I haven't seen Scalise since theaters. But it was. Yeah, I was so excited. I was doing good bed. Yay. That's right. I will say I'm, I'm curious where they're gonna go. I've got a lot of I've been noticing this a lot more as I've been writing. And I'm like, why is this storyline of this girl? Our main protagonists in this film? Why is this so complicated? Yeah, I have her father and everything. I was just like, boy, this was an awful lot to jam into here. And I think that the story of the of the the organization is probably strong enough to carry us through this series. Yeah, I'm, I'm guessing that's a way to like crack into it from a different approach. But it is. Yeah, it is definitely complicated. And it's also character. We've seen this guy before. Right. And that movies? Yeah, so I was like, they're trying to make a probably very dull like one dimensional character into much more multifaceted person and that that works for me, but it is hard, because there's a lot of girl being irritated and stomping off into the street action, which is just like, I don't care. So that stuff is less interesting. And I'm hoping that we in the third episode, maybe things will pick up a little bit there. Yeah. Well, the one I watched was was fine. We've talked about it briefly and I agree with what you said five nights at Freddy's Oh, kind of watching the whole thing over a few days. Oh my gosh, watch through the Nicolas Cage really Wonderland which I realize is probably borrowed heavily from the video game of this nature. But that was still more entertaining than this film. I've heard that and that the effects are just more fun. Fine. I don't know I I'm starting to fan of the game are never played. I never played it either. I didn't either. If this storyline is the game Holy shit, one of the darkest games ever written. Apparently, it was a very vague storyline initially. And there have been so many spin offs and so many different types of mixed media materials and, and theories that a lot of fans are just enjoying the different like, approach. But I don't know that this is officially the story. Arc. I'll tell you this. I was just complaining about this talk about needlessly complicated. We are introduced to this security guard who has a troubled history of losing his brother. And then we meet him with his daughter. No, it's his sister that he's trying to get custody of 20 years younger. Right? And he's fighting against a woman who you're like, is this the mom of the kid? No, it's his aunt. And I was like, why is why is this story so complicated? This doesn't need to be she doesn't even need to be in the story. She doesn't feel and Josh Hutcherson. Listen Josh, if you're listening, no offense, personality of a soap bar. No, this guy why is he getting work? He can't act. He's good looking enough, I guess but he's just the block of wood on camera. I think he's done some really good stuff. But he is not a leading man carry a movie level actor he just and this the writing of this movie doesn't help him along those lines either, because he is written as a very stale, weird character. Yeah, it does get really dark. I mean, you know, Lady and white kind of dark. But by the end, I'm like, Becca. And now the main thing I think you'd said before we talked about it's like, who is this for? What is the age group? That is the confusing part. Like my nephew who's I don't know, eight nine? Is like obsessed with five nights at Freddy's. He's never played it that it's all the kids on the school yard. And he's like, Oh, let me tell you and it's and it's these kids in there, blah, blah, blah. And it did it did it and I'm like, What the fuck? Does Yeah, it does get Minecraft crowd but come on. I actually dark what the animatronic creatures are Yeah, reveal. And that it was like a Scooby Doo sort of mystery which I had no idea it was supposed to be. We don't know who's doing this. Yeah, until there was a reveal of who's doing I've gone. Oh, that was what that is. There's no indication that he's trying to solve a mystery. The whole thing is trying to find his brother and find the guy who took his brother. And I guess that sort of leads. Yeah, but the Scooby Doo style ending doesn't fit that narrative very well, man. It's just It's fine. Although it's kicking ass. It's making Shitloads at the box for sure. You guys are really solid me on this Hell now. What was the Nicolas Cage one that was like, well, he's wondering Willie's Wonderland is so much better because it is so simple. He is a he's hired as a security guard at this thing. We don't know why he's so fucking weird. And we don't care. He just loves to pound energy drinks and beat the shit out of animatronic monster stuff. It doesn't know if he said like, two words or no words and movie or something like that. It's it's exactly what this movie should have been. What's not, man? Yeah. And I've heard good things about the always like the banana, something or another's. There was like a show in the 70s. With these, like, the banana splits. Yeah, banana splits. I've heard the banana splits movies. Also a really interesting take on a very similar theme. Okay, sure that we're not big fans of you love it. Great. This is just not my area. How about you, Kelly? What else have you seen? Well, see, I had to scramble now. But I saw the equalizer three. Oh, my God. How was equalizer three? Because my mom who is a giant fan of the equalizer series she forgets every time. However she is. Which which iteration of it original? The new one? The new one with the movies? Yeah. It's fine. It's a little complicated. But part of this was the stunt casting of putting Dakota Fanning in it again, because these movies all kind of run into each other. And I was like, oh, yeah, I remember now. The first one. I think he goes and rescues her something. And then I realized, no, I'm thinking of man on fire. So this is just casting, putting them kind of in the same position again, although she's saving him this time. It was, it was fine. Here's what frustrated me the most this is how my brain works. You guys. The font of the equalizer, and the three is the same. They have the three behind the equalizer word, right, sir. And we've seen how these movies do this where they take a letter and replace that with the number right so that so at first I was like there's two E's in equalizer that you guys could have used the three on, right? But then I was like, Wait a second. Why is this not called the three equalizer? Oh my god. With with the second one being the SQLite so my mind is just running this out a Bruno Matej serious man. And I couldn't pay a lot of attention to this very generic act. I was gonna say that's how you know movie is not doing it for you. And you're sitting around thinking about how the three could have been used a little bit better in the thought, well, that's where my brain was going. Awesome. Denzel, who is probably our generations finest actor. I you know, and watching this movie going, I wonder what awesome movie he didn't make because he was making this. Oh, it's fine. But he's getting a little old to be playing these kinds of characters and I want to see him. I don't know. I don't necessarily want to see him in a dramatic picture. But I want to see him a little more respected in a role. I guess. I don't know. The three holes, pulling the weird like Sean Connery in the rock kind of thing or something where it's just play a really cool role. Right, exactly. That doesn't have to be the lead. Yeah, really cool role. So Well, speaking of well respected movies. I forgot to talk about this last time and I'm glad to get the opportunity. I went and saw killers of the flower moon. Oh, that's right. Okay. Um, a lot of people really liked this film is very long. I find it as maybe I'm just coming at it from a perspective that it is just not really aimed at me, but I found it borderline insulting. It's really it's a Scorsese movie through and through. If you like Scorsese movies, this is a Scorsese joints. Don't think you're going to see a honorable Native American story that is really upholding and respecting this piece of history because what you're going to see is Leonardo DiCaprio and oh my god, who's the lead in this? Brain. Other very famous, typical. He's in the Bad Grandpa movie. Anyway, Robert De Niro. Thank you, Robert dinero. Sorry, I don't know why Robert De Niro and Brad and and Leonardo DiCaprio talk at each other, but stupidly for like three hours. And occasionally there's this really cool story in the background that's historically accurate about this sort of Native American In a town that has become wealthy off of oil and their people are getting picked off one by one, and there's an incredible Native American actress who's super well cast as the wife of Leonardo DiCaprio, and the trailer makes it look like he goes, essentially, excuse the phrase but goes native he he's supposed to, like help steal her money, but then he marries her falls in love. And Leo starts you know, often all the people who've hurt her. That's what the trailer says. That sounds cool. That sounds cool. That is not this movie. Oh, this movie is watching him be an idiot for three hours and make the wrong decision every single time for three fucking hours. And you know what I don't care that much about and I have seen too many films of already. Scorsese movies with Leonardo DiCaprio and fucking Robert De Niro talking to each other and trying to act each other and outpace each other and looking like fake ugly for three fucking hours like genocide with Andre. It's so awful. And I just think they in the problem is you can tell that Scorsese thinks he's doing something else and is presenting it like it's something else. They end on like, aerial shot of Native Americans that the tribe today banging the drums and slowly moving above for a song we don't know what means for ceremony that doesn't make sense for this particular moment. It's like shoehorned in. And this is after we just saw like a bunch of white guys on stage lecture is how the story ends. And I'm just like, you, it's just white dudes. It's just white dudes telling you a story about a native native story. And it's in they think they're doing something good. And that's like the overall I have problems with this bucket. Wow. Well, the reviews are pretty mixed on this. It sounds like you love it or hate it, depending on what you got out of it. I have to admit, I it looked kind of boring to me. And it was three hours long. And I was like, Well, I will wait for streaming on this one. There. Scorsese hasn't hit with me in a long time. A lot of his movies recently have just been fine. Right? Technically well constructed, of course, because he knows what he's doing. But that one he did. Were they I think it was him when he aged? Oh, yeah. And then the one he won the Oscars for I thought was not his best work. Sorry. I was not salivating at the idea of a new Scorsese movie. So I go back and watch after hours again. I'm not gonna say he's not Yeah, exactly. I cannot possibly and would never in a million years say he's a bad director. He was innovative. He was brilliant. He did an incredible thing in the 70s and the 80s. But like, it's been a while, and we're in a different time. And if you're playing the old tunes for a new crowd, it's just I just found it frustrating. Here's your challenge. Go make a Marvel movie shows how they should be made. I would love to see that. Oh my God for all the bitching you do? Fucking make it work that I want to see this. I almost got there. I'm trying to remember to do Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, that was his Yeah, I mean, I was pretty fucking loved. That was what I was. Pretty sure it was. And then of course he had that HBO series vinyl that I really liked. Direct those who was a producer and he directed one Yeah, he did Wolf of Wall Street. Before that he did Hugo which I didn't care much for Shutter Island, which a lot of people love. It was parted. So my god who all is in the movie. He and DiCaprio have some kind of hits. This is new dinero No, he got them together. Look lira coppers incredible. And I love seeing him work. He has such a range. It is fucking phenomenal. This kid. This kid he's, you know, probably 45 or 40 years old. He doesn't have a range in ages of women a day's worth. Oh, anyways, moving on from hopeful stuff that ended up being not so great two stunningly bad films. Spiral book of saw, yeah, how Chris Rock won. It's insultingly bad in that it's like if this had been made in 78. Yeah. Or maybe even into the early 80s. Yeah, fantastic cop movie. But it is such an unbelievable level of cliched Chris Rock being a cop who does it his own way and his boss who hates him and yells at him and all the other cops that hate him because he follows the rules too closely. Yeah, screwed over a fellow cop. That's the main gist of the movie. And then there's saw things going around on the sides. but it's not a Saw movie, per se. It's like kind of like Halloween three. The idea I think behind Halloween three where we're gonna spin off cuz it's called from the book of saw. So I'm assuming they thought spiral was going to spiral out into a new series of saw movies. I think there's a reason that saw 10 came out next because, and I'd like Chris Rock. I've seen him in some movies. I think he's great. Yeah, I didn't hate it as much as you apparently did. Probably because it felt very much like a gritty 70 Scott movie, which I do like, I thought Chris Rock was horribly miscast for that kind of character. I appreciated him wanting to branch out and try something different, or but I don't think that this was right for him. I'll be honest, I you know, I've seen all the Saw movies. I thought this was the best one since the first one. Depends on how you're looking for. But that's a very low bar. If you say if you're looking for a Saw movie. No, it's not if you're looking at a film itself. Yeah, it definitely has a story and does stuff with most of the other sob movies do not do because I've now because I watched like four of them in a row. And this was the last I haven't seen the new one yet, but that was the most recent one. And after watching those four, and a couple of them actually do a pretty good job. This is just it's maybe 30 years from now people go you know that that spiral? That was just massively misunderstood. And it's time it's the greatest saw movies. Halloween three is now. A lot of people Well, I'm certainly not saying that if that's what you're implying. I say that as far as the soft franchise goes, because I don't like those movies. Yeah, I thought the first one was really good and really surprising. And then I thought everything after that was a lot of them trying to do the same thing. And then this was like, hey, you know, cheers for trying something different. That that they did that they did. But part, man, I wasn't expecting you to say that it was insultingly bad I tried. I really tried. Right I remember this morning very well to it might I'm sure we'll get another you know, spiral off of these. I decided I was done with soft films at some point and for some reason it is Oh, that's all catch up and see what it's like and it's been alright. It's because it's exactly what I thought they're gonna be. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well, how about we take a break we let Eric cool off a little bit. And get some cranberries and all that stuff. And we'll come back we're talking Frank's giving serial frankenberry for the visitor. Perhaps he'd like a monster. Frankenstein this monsters not. Serial is strawberry flavored marshmallows. It's part of his complete. Good today hello, let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hey, kid. It's Jamie. I have your penultimate cheerleader here in the South Town. So I figure I can sign off on that. Just a quick note to let you know that if there is not an episode known as seven days as far in the next week or so or next next couple months, I'm a riot. Just so you know. That is the best line. I think I've heard Vanessa ever utter actually, it's not true. She's She's come up with some great ones in her time there. I did also want to let you know, you'll be doing you'll be doing this for a long time. I've been a fan of Eric and Kelly's forever. I was actually in the room when those two fools met. Anyway. Keep up the good work. Love to all and hopefully she'll hope to see you soon. Oh, oh, yes. Thank you, Jamie. Yeah, I've known Jamie Foxx since I was maybe teenager I think a little bit before that. We've known each other forever. How? closest thing I definitely say to family that was involved in the most part of my life. Almost everybody else from that long ago. I don't know where they are. But uh, so yeah, it's great to He's liking the show and watching it and we even shot like, did a video or two with him as the lead. Yeah, when you go. I feel like I've known Jamie while I have known Jamie as long as I've known you and that's in the third decade of knowing each other now. Jamie, I love you and I love your voice. So I feel like I just need to have Jamie do a bunch of voiceover stuff for us. It can be the cool voice of strange aeons. Yeah, he also sends me occasionally stuff on Instagram that's just really inspirational videos and things like that. I'm like it's nice to have a male friend who's you know so supportive on the back How about how about we say in December we get seven days as fuck episode I am so down for that. I got a text I think immediately after that it's like this is the greatest that's awesome. Oh, I hope I run into him one day sounds like a really cool too much is Thanks, brother. Thank you. If you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline dial 253-237-4266 Nobody we have returned Hey guys, we thought it would be fun to take a break from the video nasties this week. It's Thanksgiving after all. And I thought what's better for Thanksgiving than Frank's giving all Frankenstein films? Yeah, the video the the alliteration or the use of similar sounding words and some of these is why we're in video nasty November. Everything okay over the microphone going on with the microphone. Running away. I've never done this before. Mics ever done. That's why this is new. Oh my god. It's stay there for a little bit there. All right. Okay, so with that in mind, I am putting 10 minutes on the buzzer and I'm going to talk about a film I'd never seen before what No, it is from 1965 and it is called Frankenstein conquers the world. The oceans unfathomable depths a gigantic man like creature appears. From the fiery depths of the earth comes a prehistoric master Dawn of destruction. Never before has the screen known such heartstopping terror. Starring Nick Adams, I feel is very important from a scientific point of view. I'd have to cut off a leg or an arm doctor. I wanted to conduct this test. Frankenstein with the strength of 1000 men every man's need for affection. That makes him a wheeling Captain preteen her to use scoop of the century the horrifying touch of a severed hand with a life of its own terrifying force of a monster that dwarfs man's tallest structures. Also known as Frankenstein versus Barragan Oh, I couldn't find any budget for this but it had a box office of $600,000 Rotten Tomatoes critics are not available but the audience has a debt 54% It was directed by Ishiro Honda 79 directing credits, including Godzilla. Many other Godzilla movies Gore wrath, Rodin, King Kong Escapes, he is basically considered the father of Godzilla. And it is written by Ruben bercovich as well as Takeshi Kamera, and John Meredith Lucas. These guys were studio writers for Tahoe, so they did the Godzilla movies and Samurai pirate and Rodin, stuff like that. So I thought that was kind of interesting to find out that these guys were all just the studio writers. It is starring the great Nick Adams who has 65 credits, including die monster die invasion of the answer a monster and mission Mars. And Kumi Mizuno who has 125 credits, including war of the Gargantua was Ybarra or of the deep and lone wolf and cub and CO G for Rule Hatha was six credits, including love at 20 Samurai of the dead and bushy no Tamashii. Okay, have you guys seen this movie? No, this is a toe flick. It's a lot of fun here combined notes. So the film opens with these Nazi officers breaking into the laboratory of Dr. Reisen dwarf, where they confiscate the living heart of the Frankenstein monster, and then pass it on to the Japanese Imperial Navy, who are taking it to Hiroshima for further experimentation. I'm a little bummed that this is what happens. It becomes obvious why but the Japanese weren't really interested in this kind of science. And it seems like this would have been a perfect Nazi experiment to dig into. But because of the story, they did it this way. Anyway, shortly after the heart makes it to Hiroshima. The Americans dropped their first atomic bomb right there and Hiroshima is destroyed and the heart with it. Fast forward 15 years to a rebuilt Hiroshima, where we meet American scientists, James Bowen and his assistants, SWACO and Kawachi. Bone seems to have a pretty unprofessional relationship with swica. He is, or she is his assistant, and apparently his girlfriend. Oh, they're at dinner. And there's all this news of a feral boy that is roaming the streets. And Bowen and Sweco end up finding him and bringing him in to study him because they find out that he has a very strong resistance to radiation. Meanwhile, the former Imperial Navy officer that brought the heart the heart back to Hiroshima is now working at an oil refinery that is suddenly hit with an earthquake. And he's the only one to see that the creature responsible for this is Paragon, who is this groovy kind of lizard cagey with a gigantic rhinoceros horn. Back to bone in his team, they find out that the boy seems to be growing quite large, because of his sudden intake of protein, they've actually been feeding him well, and he is getting bigger and bigger, and bigger and bigger and a Godzilla kind of way. Like he's growing into a man growing into a gigantic boy, they start to get a little scared of him. So they lock him in a cell. And in a bit of movie luck, they figure out that the boy has grown directly from the heart of the Frankenstein monster that was irradiated when Hiroshima was bombed. This is, this is a really stupid idea. But it's also you know, Japan is the only country that has had nuclear bombs used on it. And they have a very different relationship with it than we do or any of the world does. And so it's interesting to see these kinds of storylines come out of it. And also, I did a little bit of research and I was like God, Hiroshima, how are they able to rebuild so quickly after that with radiation and all that, apparently, is because the bomb was exploded so high up in the atmosphere, that though it wiped out the city, the radiation levels were very low if it had been a bomb that had exploded like on the ground or something to just be no way you could ever live there again. Wow, I did not know that. Yeah. So in a scene right out of King Kong, the boy just now named Frankenstein is enraged when a group of retour reporter show up to harass him, and all of the camera flashes caused him to lash out and finally escaped the cell. Meanwhile, again, Barragan is tunneling under villages and destroying them. But the Japanese officials and media believe it to be the work of Frankenstein. So they're all trying to hunt him down. Like I said, Frankenstein is basically the size of Godzilla now. So there's all the Japanese miniatures and all of the stuff that you love. And of course, there's going to be a Kaiju rumble at the end of the movie with lots of energy beams and buildings getting smashed. And because I watched the international version, after the big huge battle, there is a secondary battle with a gigantic octopus for no reason. Yeah, sure. So this was my first viewing of this movie. I really, really enjoyed it. A whole lot of good fun. Don't have a ton of stuff. Kids don't have very many like powers than that. He's just a he's a big 15 year old kid, Mike Farrell. All right. He looks they kind of tried to do a little bit of a Frankenstein look for him. So they gave him a square forehead. I've seen stills. I have not seen the film. Yeah. He a Japanese kid, or is he? Yeah, I'll get into that. All right. I have some trivia. There is a scene where Paragon is crushing a farm and instead of filming a real horse easy super I included a fake looking puppet of a horse in the scene. He was well aware of how it looked but decided not to go with a more realistic effect because it was by his own admission, funny. Super Al was well known for his Jackie letter approach to his films, which frustrated most of the staff. Oh my god, this horse looks so silly and I was I was like, what is happening here? This is not up to the quality of effects I was expecting. I just loved it. It's just this tiny little horse that's obviously being moved on a little stick as a paragon of smashing farm. Frankenstein is not a Kaiju but occasion, a Japanese term used for human like or supernatural monsters. Oh, the actor for Frankenstein used green contact lenses to give him a more Western appearance. I will tell you this, it does not work. They call him a Caucasian boy. And I was like, That is not true. But I was like, how can you you got Nick Adams in this movie, we can all clearly see what a Caucasian looks like. Still, it was fine. And then finally, the film was followed by a very loose sequel called War of the Gargantua was where I had seen this movie before. And I never really got the connection to this. That movie is about some of the cells of the Frankenstein monster which mutate into two large creatures that battle each other a brown Gargantua and a green Gargantua one of them being good. One of them being bad. I kinda liked that movie a little better than this one. But this was still a lot of fun. It's called Frankenstein conquers the world. And I think I just watched it on prime I beat my buzzer by allowing time. Two minutes. Alright guys, I'm turning it off. All right. Oh the NASA that means it's your turn. All right. Um, well, I saw this as a great opportunity to check out some of the really weird fringe Frankenstein movies out there. And I see little pieces here and there of this weird looking film. That was a Frankenstein anime. So I hunted down monster of Frankenstein from 1981. My child mine so cow wake up we've done it to cow he's alive Oh and it's kind of in the same vein of yours to an extent. Because Japanese take on a classic story. Oh, I thought this was a marvel cartoon. It is that too. Okay. Yeah, it's really interesting. So it has many titles. So monster Frankenstein, which is translated out of show foo Densetsu. Cake. Kaki Frankenstein, there's an exclamation mark in there somewhere is not where you expect it to be. It has also been translated into Frankenstein Legend of terror in the US, which is what one of the titles it was used for in 1984. When it came back over here to be seen. I watched the 1984 Italian version which is dubbed into English via YouTube. It has a bunch of Italian writing on it. So it's basically the American eyes version. I could not for the life of me find the Japanese original. I don't think it's lost, but I think it's definitely going to require a lot more digging, probably in discount DVD bins in Japan. So this is directed by Hugo sir Kawa, who has 34 credits to his name all animations including gender Mars, Saba Gu 009 and 73 episodes of space heaters. It's written by Robert V. Well run by a bunch of dudes who I don't know their stuff, starring messo Komatsu who plays Frankin which is the monster at 787 credits to his name, but it's also starring Jose Komatsu who also plays Frankenstein's monster was 195 credits whose name a lot of these people are big anime animation, voice talents, so 195 credits to His name includes Liddy, snow blood, Denna Rue pillow war zadt Tachi and the fugitives you're kind of getting the idea here. Mica Do you speak Japanese? I am sorry. We need a Japanese fan to dub over me. This is a really rough. Miami copy of Kiama please Emily Frankenstein she has 231 credits to her name. A lot of anime including Akira, Millennium actress Black Lagoon, snatcher CD ROM Mantic. And six episodes have one piece that that was relevant and 78 episodes of Dragon Ball, each euro and that guy plays grandfather 296 credits to his name, including nessa chi of the Valley of the Wind, the Empire 100 deed and just scroll and 2234 episodes of Sato Sanne. Yes, I know I'm like it goes real over in Asia. Lord Damn. And then Nachi Nozawa plays Victor Frankenstein has kind of the main 76 credits to his name including 31 episodes of space Cobra and 41 episodes of Rose have her say for sci fi is the story. Your sound real familiar people. Mostly it's Victor Frankenstein, his and his partner Zookal create a monster that comes to life but then attacks Zookal they get into a bit of a scuff, and the monster falls off the cliff. They all assume instead so Victor returns to his wife Elizabeth and daughter Emily, in a small town elsewhere. Meanwhile, in that same small town, a police inspector named elbow below also arrives in town to investigate some mysterious mutilations and killings were creatures and people are being torn limb from limb. Viktor returns to his life though he is at odds with his blind father who has been taking care of his daughter, essentially, while he's been gone. And a young boy named Philip who's smitten with the daughter. Now the grandfather is not going to talk about why they're at odds, but they're arguing over something and it might be relevant. Didn't didn't. There's a lot of Ask your father, ask your grandfather, ask you. Just somebody tell me how you're related to the plot, please. Victor is of course then blackmailed by his assistant who turns up now missing one eye because of the encounter with the monster and demands a huge sum of money. Victor says he'll pay it but only if he gets proof of the monsters death. He's been suffering flashbacks and he is not okay. He's cutting a steak and suddenly remembers cutting up the monster to cutting up a man to create the monster. And so he's he's having a little bit of trouble. Later. Zukul admits he has no proof but still demands money. So that's fun. The monster is of course alive and seems to be stalking Victor. He's walking around the town and on the outskirts, he's taking apart creatures. However, he does stumble across the blind grandfather who takes him in and shows and of course, Emily's like, oh my god, there's a monster and he's like, no, no, Emily, he is a man. Underneath it all. He can be taught English. And so they teach in English. They make him a really nice chair because he sits down on the other end it breaks. Me Emily and Franken become really good friends. This is frustrating I'll get to in a minute. But the town of course, Victor, the inspector and everybody there eventually hunt him down. Because they see him as a giant creature tearing the creature, which is weird because like we're like, Oh no, he's sweet, and he's got humanity. But then we just spent the whole first half the movie showing how he rips things by apart. So I don't know. Through a series of mishaps, Franken Of course, saves and kind of fit kills all of Emily's family. She becomes furious with him and shoots him in the hand. He runs off. And she discovers Actually no, he is still kind of gay because he helped my grandfather and didn't kill him. And she's like, Oh, no, don't It's okay. i You're my friend. And he finally is able to say her name correctly before he jumps off a cliff. And then immediately after Victor shoots himself in the head, and then credits what? Yeah. Interesting at the end? Yeah, yeah. It's like the mother has already died. The housekeeper has died. Phillip has died. Everybody's getting the grandfather's nearly died. And then all of a sudden, Victor's just like in the background. I don't think you he's just like your hero caca gun. The sound goes off. You're like, wait, what? He's like, I hope you'll forgive me. But I cannot live in this world anymore like Jesus Christ. Oh, there you go. Um, this, this is pretty bad. This is a pretty bad piece. It is insanely difficult dialogue throughout. It is just so clunky and just so overly overly written in fact I made a quote from the the last lines from the inspector. Though the doctor made them misguided in his attempts to create life, I often often ask myself, did he create a monster? Or was it mankind's inability to accept the outwardly monstrous form of what he created that caused us to treat him in a way that made his violent actions inevitable? I've never been able to answer that question. And I don't suppose I ever will. Let go. Yeah, I wish she got that question articulated. Whoa, you're still talking. Okay. Great. Um, the it's just it's pretty difficult to sit through. They love that flower image from the original Frankenstein with the little girl to the point where almost every moment you see Emily, she's holding flowers. There are three female characters in this. Emily Elizabeth and Emma. Feel like you could have tried a little harder. People I was real confused at points. I'm like, wait is Emma The housekeeper's the dot anyway? Franken also, by the way, very frustrating because I in a previous episode on Star had called the monster Frankenstein pretty much the whole time much to your guys's like disarrayed shrugging awkwardly in the corner every time I did it. This time I was like, I'm going to call it the monster. And then in the film, they call it Franken and I was like, I hate you guys so much right now. This sucks. So have a lot of trivia. This was the final animated film made from the Marvel license that toe I used to produce the Spider Man and first three Super Sentai series. In 1981 Japanese anime TV was movie was based it was creatives based loosely on Mary Shelley's 918 18 novel of and the comic book, monster Frankenstein, adult oriented film, essentially, and it was dubbed and then released in the US in 1984. So I thought I had seen this but maybe not. I mean, you might have just like, really? VISTA cleaned your way through half of it in your brain? I guess maybe I did do that. Maybe I tried to watch it and found it unwatchable like so like just the Frankenstein story. And then every time they divert, there's so much clunky dialogue and nothingness. Also, the animation has this really weird mix of like, it's the 1800s but also 80s like square glasses on like vector and like, sometimes they're just kind of wearing bell bottoms for no reason. You're just like, oh, wait, you're we pass on this one. I don't think it's worth I mean, it's fun for the novelty of it, but it's really not. It's not a great film. How did you feel about the actual quality of the animation? Oh, it's pretty bad. Okay. It's not incredible. Just nothing to recommend this film. No, not really. Not really. Other than again, it's a Frankenstein animator so you can start and complete this only. If you really need something fun and weird for Halloween then by all means. Well, Eric, you want to wrap this up? I'm sure you didn't pick a video nasty Menard might have. Why would you do that to yourself on our off week because it's a flesh for Frankenstein. And you Andy Warhol. Frankenstein is here Newsweek magazine calls it the first original Frankenstein and years of perversely fascinating movie. Hello Warhol, Frankenstein, with severed limbs in the capital and devices and various spare parts. They all slid there off the screen. And what Playboy magazine called the most gruesome epic ever unleashed. Andy Warhol is Frankenstein. glorious second wildest Frankenstein ever built. Oh my god, or Andy Warhol is Frankenstein and with after watching the film and then reading a little bit more about it I'm calling it flesh for Frankenstein is release date was 1973 Rotten Tomatoes ratings is 88 by critics and 55 by a crowd budget of give or take either 300 or 400,000. Around there, and it made between 4.7 and $7 million. So not too shabby. Wow. It's available on the criterion channel right now I don't know how much longer that'll be. But it's also voodoo for rent, or a video see vinegar syndrome disc? Well Guess which one directed by Paul Morrissey, who also did blood for Dracula, the Hound of the Baskervilles heat trash flash. All three different films. like wait a minute, worked with Andy Warhol sort of on a bunch. This also has a second director credit of Antonio Marga Roddy, who did your hunter from the future. The hunters of golden Cobra, Mr. Hercules against karate. Okay, well, you got me on that one. This one, though. He's has 57 directing credits but apparently this might have been a directing for Italian quota for for money back or tax purposes or something. They're not sure how much directing he actually did. Paul Morrissey also was the writer basically wrote almost everything he directed Of course, it's not the original writer. Tony, you were Guerrero is 113 credits, movies Cameron tigers and lipstick the assassin the Eclipse marriage Italian style. illustrious corpses. And Pat Hacket who wrote blood for Dracula and bad actors Joe Dalesandro is in the limy Cry Baby Babylon Miami Vice a killer none. Blood for Dracula and he trashed and flesh whoodle Ooh, Dora Kerr who you all recognize Oh yeah. Iron sky theater bizarre mother of tears Grindhouse dancer in the dark blood for Dracula 276 credits so for all Dahlia dollars honor who was in phenomena last stop on the night train the beast, Frankenstein ad which was made in 1972. And of course the classic your vices electro when only I have the key. Okay, so the movie kind of opens up with two kids that are playing around. And they do this weird thing where they pick up a doll dissect it and then be headed in this weird little guillotine that it's in this room for some reason. My childhood. Oh, there you go. But now in a horse drawn cart with their mother who believe who is berating workers and gets pissed off at them especially because one of them is in a kind of a lien too with, shall we say a young lady friend. And so Udo appears while he is young, and he's talking with an assistant about the troubles he's having coming up with something that represents the best of Serbian ideals. I have no idea what that means. And they don't ever give any indication either. He also speaks poorly of the peasants and the human vermin that he thinks they all are. So something's coming out idea of this film I think Lady continues to bitch about lesser people and how often awful she thinks they have to having to have them be in her life is and that's you know, early part of this film. It is a fairly well shot film with nice, interesting laboratory is a really cool looking and does not look like your typical Frankenstein lab too much except for you know, it's got the test tubes and a weird thing full of water that they submerge in for some purpose, I think because it looks cool because they really don't do anything else with it after they take her out of the water. It's gonna go well, we're done. It's not this large white medical looking tales all over the place, but works. There's a lovely bit where they pull out one of the failed subjects and just throw them in a pile of other failed male subjects because in this movie, The woman is ready to go. But he has not found a suitable male. Oh, the dinner scene is wonderfully shot with this ridiculously giant table and a server running around between or not running but walking between who I thought were husband and wife but are actually brother and sister and their two kids. But yes they had together l o are young guys are now introduced one of them was in the lien to earlier and another one is talking about how he wants to become a monk. So the other guy decides, well, you must be you must I will take you to a brothel and you will learn why you don't want to be a monk. So going back to Udo he's basically his idea is, and this is a rough idea coming with someone with a heavy German accent. He's working on building a new race. He has the perfect woman, but he has yet to get the perfect man Oh, and then they're going to apparently reproduce in the grand tradition of Three's Company, he gets the wrong guy. Oh no instead of the guy who's fornicating with two or three women at a time he picks up the guy who's sitting in the corner to having nothing to do with the sex who wants to be a monkey follows shortly after they bring the guy back who knows famous line from this movie? To no death. You have to fuck life in the gallbladder. Oh my god. That's a quote which he saw Shea for a reason. Gorgeous sort of kind of does in a truly disturbing scene of Udo on top of the woman who just cut open its categorize man for the rest is kind of basically his strange trip of a Frankenstein movie a lot of weirdness going on. It's got some Gore Enos some that one scene I referenced with the gallbladder thing is the entire reason it got on the video nasties. I guess this is a video nasties. Here's some taglines warning. This film contains gory and gruesome scenes what some people might find offensive we dare you to see brings the house off the screen and into the horror off the screen and into your lap. Oh my. Wow. It was shot in 3d. Originally. This was not a 3d version, but you can definitely tell the moment that the 3d was utilized. Okay, so that's why it brings it in off the screen and into your lap. So in the vendor syndrome, I started to watch an interview with Paul Morrissey. Damn, what a fascinating person. Holy shit. How he made this movie was crazy. He's introduced to an Italian producer who's Sophia Lorenz husband, and asked what kind of movie he wanted. The guy who was with SEC will do her a great What do you wanna do? Frankenstein? Okay, what kind of budget do you think you need? How about 300 grand set? Great. Why don't you make two I'll give you two $300,000 movies and you can do what you want. That's how I made blood of Dracula after this. He looks at producer Paul likes to work without a script. Producer says that's fine. Whoa. So for three weeks Morrissey would write the day scene in the car to the set. Oh my God, his assistant would write some rough dialogue and work through the afternoons and through the day to give them some kind of a words to say. That's how we made both films. He would direct the actress to start the camera was start to roll and he would let it roll until the reel was done. Oh my god, which explains the bizarre acting in this movie. It's not great. But at times now I understand a little bit better why it's not so great. Because they had probably very few lines. And yeah, they were just running with the scene, which explains why there are some really long scenes in here which I'm guessing are actually single shots. Yeah. It was a video nasty for Gore necrophilia. Let's see 10 It was a read it was finally granted full renewal in 22,006 to be released twice. In 65. He was introduced to Andy Warhol, who asked him to contribute to new ideas for directing. From then on Morrissey not only directed his films, but signed on to manage Warhol in every aspect, but the selling of art. So he worked with him a lot. He did not have a lot of nice things in the world. If we get another one, he helped create the Velvet Underground. He was the film's distributor. I see one more thing here I thought it's pretty wild as he was always responsible for his films entirely. working consistently with young unknown actors writing and directing with no outside interference at all. Once financing from independent sources no longer allowed him the freedom to do that. You stopped making movies and you're talking about the director MORRIS Yeah, pop Marcia, fair amount of films. So how did Andy Warhol's name get attached? Let's see Andy Warhol can Action. He wanted to start making movies. And he did you know, like, the thing of the shot of the Empire State Building is set up for like, four hours or something. I think it's like 10. Just stuff like that. So he came to Paul, I'm not sure why. There's it's an hour long interview. I've watched the whole thing yet, but might get into that a little bit more. But then basically, he just came in and became his movie production. things. I think it's sort of like Stephen King presents. I think it was Andy Warhol presents where he had very little to do. He didn't. As far as I can tell, he had never went to SAT he knew nothing of what was being made. While this film was being put together, none of them making us talk about him as being part of the movie. Wow, they really just, they just needed a name. Yeah, to sell the story. That kind of sucked my brain I always this was one of those films that I was like, man that's that's gotta be wild. This like weird Andy Warhol. Frankenstein movie, but now it's pretty weird. It's an unfortunately, I didn't quite get the humor until about halfway through it. I realized Hold on. This is supposed to be satire. Yeah. And once I got that some of the ship gets really funny. Right. And it's really well done. Not watching it as satire. It's a really bad movie. Yeah, I don't like this movie at all. I think blood for Dracula is a much more successful yes film. How interesting. I remember seeing this and all I can remember of it is the ripping the head off of the woman and handing it to Frankenstein. Oh, off the guy off the guy. Yeah. Okay, so I've even misremembered that it's been a long time. The men in this movie were very pretty so that might have been a lot it was long blonde hair kind of guy. Okay. Yeah, well, okay, so this was interesting. I then yourself five video nasties for the month. I I am amazed I'm horrified. I don't know what this says about you. But you're a different person than I thought you were. I just want fascinated by depravity. I guess I don't want to live it myself but I'll watch it on screen. I was having such a PTSD moment where you start you were like explaining how it's a video nasty I was like oh my god. My film wasn't a video nasty week. Oh, you're good. Oh, my God. Well God Yeah, no, I go back to video nasties. I'll tell you this. I had such a good time with this idea that I hope that this just becomes our Thanksgiving theme. I think we can do that there's at least four or five more Frankenstein movies I would love to dip into and when I just put Frankenstein into the IMDB search thing it was like 1048 amazing so like okay, there's a lot I actually did watch it another movie just in case there was not very good maybe I'll talk about that at a different time. Nice. Okay, well so then that means next week we're coming back with the last video nasty episode ever you guys I promise you I'm fine with that. I'm definitely not going to push that yes for the love of Christ. So instead what we will talk about now is thanking everybody for liking and sharing posts for donating for participating in the value for value model for calling the strange aeons hotline Thanks Jamie. Which is 253-237-4266 for getting on the bias of pizza yeah bias pizza the the comment on an ongoing series we've been doing on our strange aeons radio talk Facebook page where I've been sharing what sevens putting out. Right? Right. Probably not going to be buying whatever. They're releasing the most expensive box set or not box set but package they've done to $500 package Yeah, strategy and wow. Radio talk is such a fun page. It's been so exciting to see what recommendations people think if you're off Facebook and hate it completely jump on just join us because it is a pretty interesting light hearted fun. Yep. You must be speaking of Carlos when you say that who was completely off of Facebook. And then I said oh, you can comment here and he was like, Oh, so now he's on Facebook for that. And of course now I see he's all over Facebook and he hates us because we brought about sorry about that. Yeah, I'm definitely in the Carlos camp of I do not want to interact with Facebook however, I am on the strange aeons radio. Yeah, okay. Well, so that's it then guys. We'll come back in seven short days and we were talking video nasties for the very last time transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of Aveling think of pan. You can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we'll set sit, this is fucking awesome. I am 100% in like this great