Strange Aeons Radio


November 30, 2023 Strange Aeons Radio Season 5 Episode 250

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We end Video Nasty November this week, and it couldn't come soon enough! 
Also Discussed: Marvel woes, The Black Tower, Rick and Morty.

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome strange aeons radio. That's Eric over there. Hello. That's finesse over there. Hello, I'm Kelly. Hey guys. A lot of stuff coming up on the the Marvel Cinematic Universe stuff have you been paying attention to the the writer and director of The Avengers? Qing Dynasty film that's out now it's gone now. It's not gonna it's not gonna happen they've taken the director and the writer both off of it. Oh, they are working on something different now. And is this a problem with the actor? I think that that's probably what they're doing is trying to pivot off of King there's been rumors that maybe this is how they introduce Dr. Doom and make him the next bad guy sir. They've been talking all of a sudden casting on Fantastic Four. Yeah, I heard about that. Are you on who for Mr. Right. And so there's there's all sorts of strange things going on. And then I just saw the trailer for mme Web. Oh, well, I knew that was kind of in the works. But that's amazing that there. But it's what is it? Not exactly the MME web I remember. And and I was, I was thinking about this because I am a old comic book fan, who was a fan as a kid, and then I've kind of come back to it as an adult, but a man everything has changed so much that I am having a real difficult time figuring out who is supposed to be what I remember madam web as a Spider Man villain, and she was an old lady. And then the trailer comes out. She has a very young girl. there's suddenly a bunch of spider women figures and a evil Spider Man character maybe? Yeah, there's lost there's so much going on. And like they it's it's good to figure out which ones they're referencing, because it is usually a series that they're kind of picking up on. Whether, you know, there's usually some thing that they're trying to follow like Hawkeye they were doing a really specific version of Hawkeye. But no, you're right. I mean, like Agatha Harkness. She's like an old old lady who does a little bit of exposition. I think she was a bad guy for a little bit and then became like a babysitter. Yeah, so like, they're they're really rewriting a lot of stuff. So it just makes me wonder than I mean, with Loki and quantum mania. They're making a very big villain. Yeah, set him up at least. And I'm like, are we this opposed to just recasting a character? I don't understand. Because with Jonathan majors, I was confused to see him in Loki Season Two in the first place, just because of his legal troubles. Yeah, because if they're gonna pull away from him, when they have done that before Loki season two, you think and before quantum mania, because both of those it was like he was already in the news. So I'm like, why now? Are you pivoting? Because at this point, I mean, I guess he's digging himself into a bigger and bigger hole. But at this point, like, you've already basically said, Oh, no, we're fine with it. We're gonna pretend like he isn't a problem. So now they're like, Okay, we're gonna do a different villain or, you know, you. Yeah, just recast them. Very strange. It's so weird. Gotta get used to recasting. Because, you know, it's kind of start now. I mean, it's all right. They've already done it. They did it for Iron Man's buddy. Yeah, this spider man. Yeah, they've done it a number of times. And I don't see the problem with just being like, I don't know. And it's weird too, because he's doing a really good job of acting. And that makes it even more complicated. Yeah. Well, this has been your daily dose of everything Tom hates. He'll get over it. Well, I guess the world we live in. I kind of wanted to use this as a springboard for the first thing I'm going to be talking about, which is with the upcoming edition of the X Men to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I decided to try and catch up a little bit on kind of recent X Men, and I am so no, don't try to do the same thing. It was like wait, they're on an island and then there's a new one. There's like a bunch. No, no. Excellent is like it's that boat has sailed, but that's okay. So what I've done is I've been reading Jonathan Hickman is run on the X Men, which is what revamped the entire X Men storyline and put them on the island of Cracow. All of that stuff. But even just the I'm just trying to figure out what comic book I'm reading. Oh, yeah. Cuz it's, it's called the powers of x is the first one. And then it was called the House of x. And then it turned into Inferno. And I was like, am I is this all uncanny X Men is uncanny X Men a thing is uncanny X Men a different thing than what I'm reading. So, and it turns Mayra McTaggart into a mutant to who dies and then each time she's reborn, she changes the future of mutant kind. And I'm reading all of this stuff, and I'm going but wait a second it is she reborn as a baby. And then she goes through all this stuff and keeps the memories of her world they don't ever talk about her childhood. They just talk about her when she decides to change how she meets Charles Xavier and Magneto. And I'm, I'm just like, this is this is so hard to follow. This happens with a lot of the at least the Marvel stuff that I've tried to like, dive into now and again. And then I end up going on forums and on different like, there's some nerd out there. Every comic in order of it coming out. And like of course, there's crossover events, there's people showing up in other things, and then trying to read it in that order. And it's still so fucking hard. Well, yeah, because when you have a when you have a character who dies, and then changes the future every time she dies, and she's done this now, as far as I've read 11 times, oh my god. And I'm like, okay, all of these characters have interacted with other characters in the Marvel Universe. Does that negate every comic ever made now and how does any of this stuff work? And mutants are immortal now, because they on this island, they die, they get re cloned, they come back, Charles puts their memories back in their head, it is all and on top of that the design sense of the comics, I guess there are people who like this. But there's a lot of these weird numbers and everything flashing across the pages that looked more like a business form. And I'm like, boy, this is exhausting. And it's not fun. And it's not good guys versus bad guys. Now it's basically the mutants are infighting among themselves. They've they've built this Mutant Nation. And now it's just all this subterfuge and backstabbing and blackmail going on. And I'm like, This is not fun. This is why I read independent comics. Like this shit is wild. Every time I've tried to dive into it, even something that I really love, like spider man, I'll pick up a random things from the library. And I'm like, wait, okay, you're the clone. And you're Ben. But then you have son and his name is Ben. But then your kids died. But they didn't die in this one. But okay, but you retired, but then you married this person. And then in this version, you didn't marry this person? Because you made a deal with the fucking devil. Yeah, because once you come back for some god knows what reason she's old. Let her die there. No, it's so confusing. It's it's become a chore to try and keep up with all this stuff. But the reason I was doing it was because I was wondering, Okay, how are they going to introduce the X Men into this Marvel Cinematic Universe? And I'm like, are they going to try and follow this new X Men? Are they going to be trying to bring in the old X Men, which is what they kind of do it with the Bryan Singer movies anyway. And and it's like, what? I don't know what a what a weird fucking situation. Yeah, it's really tough. I have asked many, many X Men, friends of fans, friends, friends of mine who are really, really into X Men. Where to go how to do and every time I get these weird answers, and I try, I start and I try and I go, nope, nevermind, you can already start with Spider Man number 403. This introduces the idea of reincarnation and cloning. And then you're gonna go well, I'll say something like, oh, yeah, you can start with this one that just came out last year, and I'll pick it up and be like, I don't know what the fuck is happening. I can't start with this one from last year. I need to start like 1520 years ago. I want to start with giant size x men number one. It's too it's too much. It's really hard. That's why I almost wait for the Marvel stuff to already come out and then figure out what they used. And then I reread those and go oh, yeah, those are much better than that. You know And then of course I'm I'm really a so the Marvel's which we both kind of enjoyed Vanessa you just bombed horribly right and so you've got the the real annoying fans who are just like this what they get for trying to do a woke superhero show with just female cast and everything. I'm like, Well, maybe except that the last several movies have sucked, right? What is the reason for that? It's just that these movies aren't special anymore. And yeah, and also, I always get amused with that idea. You guys ever read and God loves man kills X Men. They've been, quote, woke for a long, long time. Certainly very political. Yes. I like the last Captain Marvel Rando comic that I read. She was fighting with a bunch of ladies in space. And that was like, I don't know, seven years ago that I read this. So I'm like, What are you talking about? I think this already exists. And even I mean, the the original character of Carol Danvers was created as a feminist comic book icon, so yeah, I don't I don't know. I just whenever you can rage, I want to rage about something. I'm just gonna fucking rage about it. Whether it makes sense or not. Just rage, right? The only thing that makes me hate all of this more is if Kevin Smith gets a Marvel movie. Then you're gonna see some fucking rage. Oh, no, there's he did a really good run of Daredevil. But yeah, I don't think his movies sensibilities would translate well, too. Especially as last couple films translate well, ironically, that that run of Daredevil was awesome. And if he was allowed to direct that, I'd be like, okay, yeah, that's really good. Um, well, gosh. You just have a movie to talk about. I suppose. I know. I know. You don't want to know about a video game. Okay, go for it. I've been spending a lot of time that I don't have, considering my job is mostly making video game trailers. I don't get to play a lot of video games. Because I am spending so much time making trailers for them. I don't have time for it. However, I decided to jump into one because it's like, you can do Co Op version which is Baldurs Gate. I've heard of it. Yeah. Yeah. I've not played it. But I've heard of it. Well, okay. So every once in a while, I think maybe I do like fantasy. And then I delve into it a little and I got no, no. I like sci fi. I don't think I do like fantasy that much. Um, no, it's a it's a pretty interesting universe. It's basically d&d. It's just a d&d session. I had slotted dice rolling is like character creation. It's a lot of like, really confusing upgrade system. like, Wait, what am I buying this person into there now a half orc half assassin with really good conversation skills. It's very thick in character development through upgrade systems. The first time I played it for a couple hours, I did not enjoy it. Then my character who is a druid was able to talk to animals. And I did enjoy it. Because the animals are fucking wild. They have the most random shit to talk about. And that was really great. And then I ended up in this witch hut. And it's like, one of the worst fights in the whole game, apparently. But I didn't know I just thought this was like playing the game. And I was like, this fucking sucks. This is a stupid game. I hate it. I don't know why I'm playing it. None of like you. You think you know what your character can do? And then you try to like go into a battle, and you try your new like skill set, and nothing does what you thought it was gonna do at all. And then you die. And then you're stuck in the little witch hut. And you can't get you in a comment. Like, resurrect your character. And you're like, What the hell? Why am I playing this stupid game? It's endless. And it's such a big world. And all I'm doing is being stupid, like druid. I don't know. I'm having a real love hate relationship with this game right now. So I don't know how much further I will deal with it. But I'm definitely eager to just switch gears and play Spider Man two instead. Wow. So I am admittedly not very well versed in video games. So is this MMO RPG type situation or? No? So don't think that there's like a bunch of people running around. Really, it is just like a universe that somebody billets is really, really, really big world. Oh, really, really, really, really big world, a lot of encounters. And you can randomly like end up and encountered by going five feet in any direction. And then you kind of start this whole other storyline and there's just a lot of choosing how your characters develop. There's a bunch of different characters that will join your group that are core members of the game. They're not played by real people. No. Okay. No, yeah, I think it's only two player at most sounds sort of like fantasy Grand Theft Auto to where you get like little things you have to do to build up your characters like or you can then run out more some more stuff. Yeah, like I have a friend who's barely gotten into it and they are well over 100 hours into this game. Yeah, so you can just oh my shotgun your schedule into this thing. And it's, I don't know, I just some of the encounters. I'm just I'm not sure that this is my favorite type of game. I think I like things a little more rail oriented, like I want to, I want to story I want to beginning middle end, I want to get to an ending and I feel like I played the game. I don't know that I need to live in a universe for like, you know, the entire next year of my life. So you mentioned that spider man two game and somebody had posted a video of his spider man character standing next to two women talking non player characters talking. And he's like, the discussions in this game are so fun. And it's just these two women talking about one of them is got a baby stroller. And then she's talking to the other woman about oh, she's not sure if she actually wants a baby and not sure what to do with her baby. And the other one is telling her you know, oh, this is how you change a diaper and and I was I was like, this is level of detail I did not know was in these games. No, there is that those games are extremely well written. They're really well thought through like they've taken something that they've figured out in the first game just developed and developed and developed on it. They're not trying to reinvent the wheel. They're just trying to make the wheel really cool. So yeah, from what I've seen, and what I've played of these games, like they're really fucking enjoyable, really nicely detail oriented. I have to stay away from this stuff. This will kill all my creativity. Well, really well. I just every once awhile I'm like, I just need to like decompress. I don't know if this is the way for me to decompress. This is what I mean making backup. Yes, I got so mad. I started crying. One of the times that I was playing. I was like, This is not a game that I am enjoying. Yes. One of my favorites for a while was Grand Theft Auto. And then they turned it into an online kind of thing where it's all players. Now this is not interest me at all. No. And they've stopped making new ones. Apparently, there's a new one coming out. But I was like, damn, this sucks. Yeah. Well, speaking of nothing related to what I'm going to say, for you watched an old film with Deena last night, Romancing the Stone. Oh my god, I never seen that. I see a lot of posters for it. It's, it's fun. It's not it's not I remember it being funnier than it is. And it's not because it's aged poorly, which has to a certain extent and like, what would have been funny then isn't funny now. Now that's not going on. But there's just a lot less over in it than I remembered. It's still fun. It's fine. It's a good example of the mean, we've talked about this before, though. It's a good example of the kind of stuff that's just not made anymore. Yeah, you know, a little fun romantic adventure movie that was probably you know, middle of the road budget for that time period. Maybe a little higher because of the actors but and, Zach, you know, it'd be cool to see something like this made again, but it's just not gonna happen. So but it was fine. Yeah, man, gigantic hit. Oh, foggers huge. sequel was not good. It was huge foam. And also one of those things where, if you've ever been curious if Kathleen Turner was attractive, she actually was attractive. It's funny watching the movie though, because she knows she starts off as the romance novelists SLUB in her house. Yes. Then they've got virtually no makeup on her. It's very plain. Then she goes to the jungle of Columbia, near Carthage Aimia. And suddenly she's makeup look at other stuff. God. jungles, don't you? Well, yeah. That was the only time it worked. It did it really well. That's cute. Have you guys been watching caught up on Rick and Morty this new season? No. Controversy cast. Well, not a whole new cast. But Justin Roiland, who created it and did the voices of Rick and Morty and several others. He's out. I guess all those names still all over it as executive producer. But he's not doing the voices for Rick or Morty. And I don't know if it's one guy doing both of those voices or two guys, but it's almost impossible to tell the difference. So Wow. The writing has been and really solid, the so there's six or seven episodes in already. Wow first episode I remember thinking, Oh, they've lost it whatever magic he had was all the show was, but they've really ramped it up into being the very epic sci fi fantasy type stuff that was, you know, the best episodes were part of that. And I just watched enough so before you guys got here that was so dark. It was like, oh my god, wow, I, when it hits, it still really hits and I'm really loving it. If you're not watching Rick and Morty and you are an adult, I would absolutely suggest this recommend this, but not for kids. No, this is not a show of not a cartoon for kids. It's not like cell center or cell center, South Park and sort of balance that sometimes. This does not ever balanced. That is definitely never right. South Park is not for kids. Not anymore. But what is that on? That? It's an Adult Swim, but I watched it on HBO. Yeah, it comes on the next night on HBO. Rick and Morty. I still can't believe that you'll watch Rick and Morty but not lower decks or something upsetting. Yeah, I, you know what, I understand that there's probably a lot of stuff I would like on lower decks, but I can't do it love. I just can't even bring myself to watch it after that one. Taste, I gotta have it. It's just such a poor representation of sort of like, Phantom of the paradise I am never going to listen to kiss. That was so first of all, that was Phantom of the park. Paradise was something else that was the film with what's the name of the musical that I don't like. It's just so far removed. But in the Rick and Morty team, that's why I'm also like, surprised. It's the Rick and Morty team. Yeah, I don't know, because they did another other animated thing that I just couldn't get into a family comedy thing that I was like, the Netflix thing? I think that might be it. Yeah. Listen, I'm a complicated person. But I just think you're missing out on joy in your life that would just bring you so much light. I don't need more cartoons in my life. I need less cartoon that is not true. And you should take that back right now. Um, well, I'm going to talk about something that I actually watched more around Halloween time, but I always meant to bring up because it was such a weird and interesting experience. So there was something that came out in the UK, I think in the 90s on TV, and it's now available, you can find it on YouTube. It's called the Black tower. Have You Ever Have you heard of I don't know. It's like a really early version of liminal spaces. So it's a guy who's essentially I think he might be either writing a story, or like about what he's experienced, or he's writing a letter. And he's talking about this black tower. And he's just like a working class London guy. It feels very like man on the street interview. And you just hear His voice. And you're getting these sorts of images that are splashed over the top. And he's talking about this tower that he saw in his neighborhood. And he was vaguely curious, but didn't think twice about it. And then all of a sudden, it would move. Yeah, and then it would be in another space. And he starts to really be curious about it. And the more curious he is about it, the more this tower kind of gets closer and closer and closer to him, and it's really fucking airy. It's very short, I want to say it's like 1015 minutes. But it really it's such a good, interesting, very early version of that like deep dark, horror, liminal space, storytelling. So when you say black tower, I immediately went to like castle, but this is not that kind of tunnel. Oh, it's like a tower. It's like a, like a living block kind of thing, right? Like, you'd look out and see, like, just a concrete tower block. Okay. And it's but it's black. I mean, it's not so black that you can't see any details at all. But there's also something about looking at it, but never really seeing it and it's always in the corner of your eyes. And then you kind of try to look at it, but you're not really able. There's Yeah, it's interesting. It's very interesting. How can we see this? I would, I would go and find out on YouTube YouTube. Yeah, it's one of those things that came out years ago in the UK as part of I think a kind of a horse series that they were doing a sort of experimental let's just try this TV show for some reason and each episode will have some weird shit. And so you get that stuff is awesome. A it this is such a good example of that. So how did this um Get on your radar all of a sudden, my husband somehow fell across it and he was like, we're gonna watch this thing. I was like, Okay, what is this thing we're gonna watch? So I don't I don't even know how it got on his radar other than, you know, it's just one of those things that people are sharing here and there may be in Reddit threads of like, oh my God, have you ever seen this weird thing that existed? Oh, man. Very cool. The black tower. Remember during the 100 days thing to ever talk about a phone call Candyland? I don't remember. Remember? I'm sure I did. But this was one that showed up because our buddy Jason Weiss gave it a fairly strong review. And it was like, whatever. Sure. It's a Candyland. Two words, sign up to be or to rent from a bunch of places. And it's probably the closest to a 70s exploitation film I've seen made in the last 10 years. It's not 2022 Oh, okay. It's the story of sex workers that work in a truckstop. Okay. And ship goes very wrong for them when a fix in intense religious people get involved with trying to save them and sort of twists into Is she trying to save them or she tried to join them one of the women flees from the cult, and kind of hangs out with them. And it's dirty and grimy and dark, and fairly well done. One of the better performances by Billy Baldwin, because Bill Baldwin William Baldwin, excuse me. But if you're looking for can we do? Can we still do this dark gnarly shit, apparently, yes, we can. Wow. Interesting. What a strange time we live in when William Baldwin is the normal, or the normal list of the Baldwins? Sure is, sure is what alternative universe if we landed, the COVID hit and all the diet speaking of the end all the dice were rolled. He also plays when the darkest characters sort of a way is the cop who's kind of saving them but not really because he's saving them for his own purposes. And it's it's an uncomfortable film in a lot a lot of ways I was gonna say is this mostly like a just a kind of painful film to sit through because it's so awkward or difficult or is it something that is enjoyable with the two of you and video nasties, I would say maybe not even bring it up. Because a lot of the people in this show are liking the video nasties. And I've watched a whole shitload of them and Jason Jason is one of our listeners. That's our like Jason is a good dude. Yep. All right, well, how about we take a little break and then when we come back we are going to be doing the last of the nasties thank God every time you buy a packet of new fake bean flavored Walkers Crisps, you'll be making a contribution to comic relief by the special MultiPad and get a limited edition. Whoopee cushion we have returned. Eric. Yes. Why don't you start us off on the last of the video nasty. You know what? I'm fine with that as well? For 10 minutes on the buzzer. Right. Well probably not watch one that I don't want to watch for a long time. This is a weird one. So the tough one that's called fight for your life. We are a nation wracked with violent crime. You are about to see a small sample of an extraordinary gun trudging film that vividly portrays the most sadistic of these criminals that's your baby shamed and they could just do like you know, rarely gonna get hurt. To put the cuts together and shake up the status of blood brothers, we come in you first it's all about Jesse came to questions you understand. Hey, Joey, how are you, man? Louise? Do we have to believe it? When faced with the terror of brutal killers, every cup, Every man knows that surrender is impossible. You must fight for your life. All right, no more killing. Throw the gun out the window, and then you come out. This is your last chance. A story filled with unbelievable action, a movie of excruciating violence, a saga of extraordinary courage that will leave you cheering, fight for your life experience it's soon hear from 1977 says no. No ratings from critics but a 52 from the crowd. Budget maybe of 75,000 but I could verify that no box office because it had a tough time in theaters. Directed by Robert E. Edelson. He only directed one other thing called the filthiest show in town. Yeah. He is Director editor and producer on both films. Wow. Written by straw Reisman, who you might know from Godzilla 1985, red Scorpion to Bikini Model Academy, and trunk. But he did produce 45 movies and was a production manager and 33 of them are 33 films. starring Robert Judd played scratching crossroads but sadly died the same year Crossroads came out. He plays the lead in this play good character, weirdly named Ted Turner. Now my No, I don't think it had much to do with it considering it for several years before he became a super known name Catherine peppers. not known for much but she has been seen recently as in College Humor originals. Lila small no other credits. Reggie, rock by foot 75 episodes of New York undercover. And the best known actor from this is William Sanders was in Blade Runner 39 episodes of True Blood fix 36 episodes of Deadwood and 91 episodes a new heart, kind of using the same accent. He used us in this playing a complete racist asshole. But I hadn't when I first looked at credits I didn't. He was way down the list, which is weird because he's in most of the film, then he starts talking I'm going off. I know this voice. All I can hear is my brother Daryl. My other brother Daryl. The story starts out of the opening music. Let's use no doubt what era this film was put in. It's got a strong kind of shaft sound to it. Fight for your life, I believe is the name of the song. This is considered also a blaxploitation film at least according to Josiah Howard's black boy station cinema book, the essential relevant reference guide. It's actually a really good luck starts with three prisoners being transported through New York and they're escaping. The three prisoners get, I mean, it's a drop of information. But it's done fairly well with a voiceover that's a police dispatch, describing the three people in what they're guilty of and stuff. So it kind of works. So it the unnecessary description that might normally be exposition in a film, they make work a little bit, it's kind of well done. The cop goes to visit one of the prisoners, cellmates. Somebody doesn't want to help because the cop was his dad's best friend, and saved his life in Vietnam. And despite all that, he still threw him in jail. Whoa, because this is the guy that follows the rule. Cool. So then we're introduced to the main family of the story is black family with the virtues of and they're talking about the virtues of turning the other cheek one's a pastor, the lead the dad's the pasture, meek shall inherit the earth same time the rest of the family is less interested including the sun. So big Muhammad Ali fan as a t shirt with Muhammad Ali on at some point in the movie. Bring out another pretty good song in the film something called Never again. There's a store robbery that goes bad and in the time is one of the daughters from the family. And they kind of they don't show it real well but they basically hijacker and go back to their house. It's fairly intense scene with the lead guy, threatening the shop owners baby with a gun to Christ. Then there's the nice scene of little black boy and the little white kid can Getting each other to become Blood Brothers seen as actually surprisingly sweet and well done. The grandmother is awesome in this movie for not taking shit from people. And I Italia William Sanders character is fucking terrible he qualifies as one of the most racist characters I've ever seen in a film. It is very hard to watch at times it is really rough and it is really, really nasty. Part that helps save the movie is the family's reaction to him is very interesting. And there's more going on here than just being a flat exploitation film about a racist piece of shit. It's just I will quote nothing from him in this film. The white kid in New Orleans should comes over to see why his friend and come out to meet him later. And they kill that kid. So, in the next scene you find out is the son of one of the cops, not the life not the one who follows all the rules, but another cop. And so the film then goes forward through an ends how you would hope it would end. But is he is so awful for most of the movie. I wanted a little more retribution put on him. But he definitely gets gets his shit in the end. That's at least but oh, this is a tough watch. And I after I read about it beforehand, man, I don't even want to talk about this film. It's actually a fairly well made movie. But really tagline and unbelievable orgy of terror, which were released under the name bloodbath at 1313 Fury Road, which makes no sense. There's very little chilling at nine minutes of cut crunching terror. Apparently the, from what I read in the comments. typing into the YouTube comments on this probably was a scary idea, but one of them said it's been edited a little bit the killing of the kid is reduced and there's another scene or two that's cut down a little bit but it was denied a British theatrical release in BT one, but a video came out the year later. And then it wound up on the video nasties list is notable for being the only video nastiest appear on the list due to language about racism. Wow. In an interview from Josiah Howard's blaxploitation cinema book, he asked several directors spoken to have talked about racism behind the scenes in Hollywood, did you experience that? I don't know about racing behind the scenes, I was focusing on the racism in front of the camera. Fight for your life was a virtual lice to express racism and we were all completely into putting that license to good use. The black actors in the film this is the director still talking. The black actors in the film consistently told me that the story of raw racism was important and worthy of their time and effort to tell no and anything, any reservations about anything. And that was a greenlight for me. I think everyone's commitment to the project shows you can't fake commitment, like you can fake blood and guts. I think that's part of what works the acting is. Well put forward. The fights are a little rough. Obviously, they were not ready. Like there's a part where the asshole beats down the pasture with a Bible that is very obviously incredibly sped up film. So it kind of pulls away from that everyone's like, Oh, that's awful. Well, okay, that was weird. He took the entire cast and crew and put them in a hotel in upstate New York. So basically they were with themselves the whole time. It was kind of like a recreation almost of the event itself. So they all did that uh, he was wrongfully quoted as saying he didn't want to talk about the movie so he didn't do an audio commentary and the race said that's not true at all regarding DB D released many people think I did not offer commentary because I'm ashamed of the film that's simply not true. I felt it was the job of other people to talk about examine and or discuss the pic picture, not me. So no regrets. regrets whatsoever? Absolutely. None. In fact, I have a fantasy free making it I would call Fight for Life resurrection, turn the other cheek. Grandma sharpen your chainsaw. So it is a tough film to watch. It is not it definitely falls into that world of there's no way it would ever be made nowadays. But it is not cheap exploitation. Like some racism used in movies. It is there for uncomfortable reason. And it's handled well by the actors involved. I can't say I'd recommend this film. I know I'm not watching it again. I was glad this was a YouTube video and not a vinegar syndrome or something I purchased because it's not one I'm going to revisit but it was powerfully made. Well, you watch it on your YouTube so you've probably landed on some kind of list or delete Get out Get that incognito mode man that is how you do it Vanessa. Hey, that's how you do it Vanessa I'll do my I'm putting 10 minutes on the buzzer for you all right, well I went with a film that I don't think I've actually seen all the way through I saw parts of it in high school and I was like, you know, per usual I'm gonna be the one amongst the group that watches something that all of our audience has already watched and heard and talked about 1000 times and they're super over it but it's new to me so sorry Evil Dead from 1981 guy that's retinas says it's an old place little rundown but it's right up in the mountains what might not be that bad I believe I have made a significant find in the contrarian not to run demand not gonna let us leave. This is probably one of the biggest ones on this on the lists, you know, for as far as being a popular well known film, never heard of Rotten Tomatoes score of 86% from critics and audience really disagree is it 84% budget of 375k box office this was confusing 2.7 million or 29 point 4 million. I tried to follow up what this meant. There was no real explanation other than like somebody's like, take all the releases it's had since its first time to be this gotta be that because I was like this makes no sense. Written and directed, of course by Sam Raimi, who has 39 directing credits to his name, including Spider Man one through three dark man of course the other Army of Darkness, Ash vs. Evil Dead, etcetera, etcetera. He also did quick and the dead dr. strange in the multiverse of madness and a lot of short films. If you ever want to feel good about yourself, this man did basically just short films from 1972 to 1979. So, you know, a lot of us have to work our way up into the industry starring Bruce Campbell, who has 168 credits to his name, he's of course ash in every single Evil Dead version of everything ever. He's also Elvis and Bubba Hotep 111 episodes of Burn Notice 12 episodes of Hercules and 27 episodes of Brisco county Jr. Ellen San vice 18 credits to their name comes the she does actually does come back and do the Cheryl character lot and a lot of behind the scenes stuff. And some Ramy kind of walk on roles. So that's most of her credits. Richard dymanic core, five credits to his name, he basically did this and then came back for the Dead by Daylight game. Which is kind of fun. It's interesting that that's what brought him back to the Evil Dead universe. Betsy Baker who has 93 credits her name lots and lots of TV episodes. And I was shocked by this. She did literally nothing between 1990 and 2006 but still has 93 credits So way to go girl and Teresa Tilly 23 credits her name pretty scattered stuff but she did actually come back for Oz the Great and Powerful which is a random joint and Evil Dead the game. So the story follows five Michigan State students. It's Ash his girlfriend Linda, his sister Cheryl, their friend Scotty and Scotty his girlfriend Shelly. They're going on vacation to this isolated cabin in rural Tennessee. And something in the woods is following and caught After watching and alive and doing a lot of handheld running around shots, and from the start, it's messing with them it starts to try to veer the car into an oncoming truck, and you get the sense that this thing is going to be a menace throughout. They of course gets the cabin, but they have to drive over a very rickety bridge, which basically falls apart as they're driving across it. Probably not going to be super usable later. Things start to be a little odd here and there. They're noticing weird things moving and noises but they chalk it up to this just being an old cheap place. However, Cheryl who is enjoying drawing a clock for some reason, has her hand become almost possessed and she ends up drawing a picture of this weird like square, which took me a minute and I was like, ah, book, the book. Okay, got it. As they hang out that evening, drinking by the fire a floorboard to down to the cellar, verse open, and the boys decide they need to go down it investigates. There they find the book of the dead along with a tape recorder. And when they bring the tape recorder upstairs and play it, Cheryl starts freaking out losing her mind saying that they need to stop. And of course in the meantime, something in the woods is basically being unleashed in a bunch of smoke and red light. That nights a demonic voice call Cheryl into the woods where the trees attacker. She manages to escape back to the cabin, but she's basically been infected by this sort of like witch creature demon thing that's happening. It's not super well defined. Ash agrees, however, before she gets super real, to drive her back to town, but of course the car doesn't work. And even if it did work, the bridge has now fully fallen into the ravine. So they returned to the cabin defeated. Ash randomly decides to listen to more of the tape by this professor and kind of what happened after the incantation, his wife had become possessed and he had to sever her limb from limb that may or may not be useful information. Shortly after, Cheryl's fully become becomes possessed by the demon, she attacks Linda and the ankle with a pencil that was fucked up looking. Scotty then locks her in the cellar where she hangs out and mocks them for most of the rest of the film. Next, of course, Shelly becomes possessed then Linda, and finally Scotty, they all become overtaken by this demon II thing. And the ash has to fight off his friends and attempt to escape the demons that while they all taught him, there's a lot of blood. There's a lot of pus, there's a lot of milk, a lot of milk, no scratches, he does finally manage to burn the book and that kind of blows up slash explode slash a road slash claymation is all of his friends around him. Crazy arms come out of them with claws which was really cool looking. The sunrises he makes his way out of the cabin successful or does he done? So this poem, you guys have all seen it? You're all know it. I'm picturing every scene you're saying. So yeah, for me, like a lot of this was like, oh, yeah, okay, like I know it. But I don't know it. Like I haven't seen it with my own eyes. But I've seen versions of these things. Really, really, really clever camera and effects. I mean, that is what blows this film out of the waters of crappy independent horror filmmaking. He did a lot with very little cluding smoke machines, light stop motion animation, throwing blogs around just right. I mean, like, there's no you don't see a lot of this stuff. And it's just being inventive. He also uses a lot of extremely bad sound design, but because of the way it's used, it feels unique and interesting. I mean, the sound design is god awful. It's like a really cheapo effects library. But the way that it's used, it's it becomes a little bit more fun. It's one of those ones where I think that I like this film more than the other Evil Dead movies. Because there's no expectations that are set. The audience isn't already expected to cheer for slash enjoy this certain kind of horror, it's a horror, like they're still very much horror. And even though it's a demon, there is this feeling of having a fighting chance. It's not so all powerful that it can like, you know, levitate a whole house off like you can still close the door and it's stuck on the other side. And I think there's something really nice about that. It gives it a kind of rough edged feel that's enjoyable. However, I will say they are pretty goddamn awful to the female characters. Not only are they not written well, but they also have the tree rape. So that's Fine, and then all three women become witches or demons or whatever first before it gets to the men. There's a really uncomfortable slap, where Ash slaps the shit out of his girlfriend for basically just laughing at him before she goes full full demon as like whoa writes. Also Ash has a really big unibrow so that's fine. There's a fair amount of trivia but I know I'm running out of time this films released. It was really that the it was met with a lot of controversy upon release, Raimi had made the film as gruesome as possible with neither interest nor fear of censorship. And of course in the UK, it was trimmed by 49 seconds before granting X certificates wonder what's 49 seconds? I know right. The censored version was also released on home video, when there was no requirement for it to be classified. And then a campaign of course by the NVL lay led to the video nasty era and it was removed from circulation. In 1990. A further 66 seconds were trimmed and the film was granted an 18 certificate for home video release. And in 2000, the uncut version was finally granted an 18 certificate for both cinema and home video. Of course, in the US, the film just received an X rating is since been reduced to NC 17 for substantial graphic horror, violence and gore. Though many home recent home video releases come out just without aerating. So I feel like you can pretty easily see this in its full fullness. However. In some countries, it is still banned theatrically to this day. There's a lot of trivia. There's just so much stuff on the early books, some books on this film. There's so much out there. There's a lot of really fun, interesting stuff. I will say I didn't realize how big of Bruce Campbell's role in it. Just one small thing. He put up his family's property in northern Michigan as collateral so that Sam Raimi could only finish the film, but also blow it up to 35 millimeter film, which required a theatrical release, Raimi was so grateful that he of course, gave him a credit as a co producer. So there's tons of really interesting stuff you can find out about this movie. Okay, you've seen it now. Yes. knock this off your bucket list. Will you watch it again? Or do you feel like once was enough? Um, you know, I would watch it again. I think it's fun enough And interesting enough and like, all the like visual variety makes it something that I could certainly sit through again. I don't know how desperate I am to watch a lot of the other Evil Dead stuff because like I said, once it starts becoming knowing of itself. I don't think I like it at that point. People that do thought that weird. Like that kind of issue. The weirdest thing for this film. When I watched it, it was flat horror. Yeah. And it was really fucking scary at the time. Yeah, but since then, I've seen I saw like a screening in the theaters or sometime in the 90s Well after evil did to your Army of Darkness. And it turned into a comedy for the people that had already had seen those movies first. Back to watch it, but this is weird. Yeah, it's so weird. And I can totally see that and ash Now we all know as this hero but in this film, he sucks. Yeah, he's useless. 99% of the time. It's only really in the last 510 minutes of the film that he does anything. He mostly stands around. And I think that's why he comes out unscathed as he's not actually trying to do anything. He was foiled by a bookshelf at one point he was he was under that pressure for a while like wow yeah, I like this movie quite a bit still. Probably tied to my my first memory of seeing it was probably 83 or 84 with my brother who rented it and and we were terrified. Yeah, so I mean, it's gross to like fade the they are not short on the chopping off ankles or you know, blood coming in the ankles. That was probably that was probably one of the hardest things or watching you know, fingers get crushed into doors, or even with them being the many fingers I was still like, Oh, that sucks. I this is probably the movie I've purchased more versions of them. The funny thing is I think I've owned this at least three separate times but could not be bothered to try and find my version so ended up renting it on Amazon course you did. Alright and put in 10 minutes on the buzzer for the very last nasty I picked a real doozy it is called Night of the blood The Apes might have the bloody apes, animal and rational aspects of the human psyche, trapped in creatures that are half man, half beast, or a rip, a tear. They claw your two pieces. One night of the bloody apes makes you see that Hillman creates for himself on night about bloody 819 69. No budget information. I tried to find out what this meant. It has a box office of $171 What does that mean? I could find no, no other information on theater. well attended. I will tell you this. That probably made its budget back. Wow. No information for Rotten Tomatoes critics or audience directed by Rene Cardona was 148 credits. And we should have had mica do this. Happy Lina contra los van Piros and playgro they were they and Pompeo El Conquistador. It was written by Rene Cardona Jr. Now, directed by Rene Cardona. Written by Rene Cardona Jr. who has 77 credits including loss plus arrays, kowtows Guyana, cult of the damned, and Vanessa. No, that's the name of the movie. I was waiting. I was like, am I supposed to fill in the gap because I don't know what I'm saying Jose Elias Marina for, let's say 192 credits, including adventure at the center of the Earth, the Count of Monte Cristo and the Black Beast. Also stars Carlos Lopez. Moctezuma 218 credits including the murder of Camilia the Texan the man and the Beast and Santo versus the ghost of the strangler. Also, stars Armando Sylvester Ray was 210 credits, including two meals for Sister Sara pocket Angel and Los Monica's del KingKong. And then also in this movie is Norma Lazar, no, Agustin Martinez heavier Rezo and Gerard Zubaydah. Okay, I'm gonna guess you guys have not seen night of the bloody Ah, no, I am hoping so much that is wall the wall apes and I'm guessing I will be very disappointed. Oh, oh, it hurts hurts my heart. Not as they're not only not bloody apes. Yeah. There's not even a bloody ape. Oh, there is one gorilla. Oh, he dies very, very quickly. Oh, no. We start with a scene in a Mexican wrestling Hall. It's got two women in latex costumes and masks beating the hell out of each other. And one of the women is clearly winning. Her name is Lucy and she throws the other girl off the top rope and out of the ring. But that girl lands badly and ends up being critically injured. And Lucy is horrified. Oh, no. So first off, you guys, this movie looks ultra ultra cheap, really, really quite bad. When we see the women wrestling from a distance. In other words, doing any of the wrestling moves, they have pretty stout female bodies. But when we see Lucy close up, she clearly weighs about 120 pounds. And she has definitely not the same person with through the butt at this point, kind of having a good time with the flick. It's very bad, but in a very entertaining way. The luchadores aspect of the film really doesn't play any further which is a bummer that there's one more scene and then that's it. Instead, we switched to a mad scientist named Dr. Coleman, who was attempting to cure his son's leukemia with the first ape to human heart transplant. Kids do not try this at home. It does not work. However, in this film, his son who is quite handsome survives the transplant at least better than I did because the transplant scenes are actual footage of a graphic open heart surgery. Oh and it was enough to make me a little lightheaded. Oh, goes on for quite some time. And this is clearly why it was put on the video nasties list. We are told the operation was a success. But shortly thereafter, while the boy is recuperating in bed, he suddenly starts sprouting hair all over his face and then opens his eyes. Nowhere else just as face turns into kind of a very bad gorilla mask. Okay, he's now a bloody ape. Oh, I suppose. Actually, he looks like a regular man with regular skin except for his head, which has. It looks like almost a paper mache mask something you would have created in grade school. That's how bad these effects are. But with the ape transformation comes the rage of the ape, and he escapes and goes on the rampage. What this means is that he attacks women and rapes them. Although he never really does that he kind of dry humps them and then leaves them very disheveled and moves forward. He also kills a couple of men, one by crushing him with his ape strength arms, I guess, and the other he scalps by tearing the hair and most of the flesh off of one man. This is probably the best scene in the movie. I mildly looked up from my phone long enough to appreciate it. The B plot is that the female wrestlers boyfriend is the cop that is on the hunt for the bloody ape. So that's how she's tied in. There is a point where the mad scientist gets his son back and reverses transformation but it doesn't take and he reverts back and kidnaps a young child taking her to the top of a building. Yes. Wow, was this movie quite quite bad? Yes, it was. But did I enjoy it? No, I did. But I had kind of given up on this theme and I was not willing to put myself through any more slug shit movies. Yeah, you guys get this? tagline half man, half beast all horror. Another tagline? They rip they claw. They tear you to pieces. Yeah, the bloody apes. And the one thing I saw that I really liked that video cassette cover it said strong uncut version. Well, that's nice. So I was hoping to get the week. This family is also known as La or Atlanta based Yeah, Humana, which translates to the horrible man beast. It's also known as horror II sex all horror and sex. And as Gamar the the human gorilla. My favorite. That's so good. Okay, this movie was added to the video nasty list and remained there throughout the panic. The band video gained attention due to its pre certification video cover featuring bloody surgeons hands holding a scalpel with a caption WARNING This film contains scenes of extreme and explicit violence. Normalized arenas first nude scenes, and the only time she shows her breasts on screen. Both shower scenes were shot in the same day and then edited into different points of the film. You're gonna love this. Vanessa Lazar Moreno said years later that she agreed to film the nudity in order to be cast in a major role. She was nervous enough when it came time to strip but to make matters worse, suddenly there were a lot more male crew on set. Normal got director they shot her first shower scene that takes place before she answers the door to talk to her boyfriend. Then the director came to her and said he wanted to shoot her again where she is showering steps out and lies on a table to talk on a phone that reboot place a scene later in the script where she's dressed and talking on the phone. Oh god, she ended up spending half a day naked unset surrounded by men. The director also talked her into filming both scenes with full frontal nudity without using a towel to cover herself. So her pubic hair was showing. She didn't want to but agreed anyway because she felt she had no choice. Later she learned from someone else that there was no way they would use the full frontal shots because since his wouldn't allow it so this was clearly just the director going. I would like to see you. Bad Bad. Bad bad. fucking sucks. It was a different time Vanessa. Oh. Well thinks that's dependent on who is working. Who is making the movie? That was the last of the nasties you guys and be ready well, so that means we need a new topic. And I guess we're gonna go back. Just kind of going round robin and figuring out topics. Yeah. So you want to tell us what we're talking about next week? Yeah. 100%. First of all, I don't want you to have a turn for a hot minute. Sir. This might have been a suggestion of mine, but the listeners voted on this. I understand that but you made it come upon the earth. I wanted through concepts. Vampires. There's some there's some amusement that came out of that that I'm sure several of the people that voted this have thoroughly enjoyed watching you do squirts. Well, that's what we are going to talk about. I'm going to heavily segue away from the video nasties genre and right into the killer robot genre. Oh, nice. I love this idea. Beep Beep boop boop. The murder crush crush I love it. Okay, so that's what we will do next week then. So this is where I say thanks to everyone who is, you know, spreading the word and keeping the algorithm going. I don't understand exactly how the algorithm works. But when you like and share posts, that helps, apparently, when you leave a good review on your favorite podcatcher, then that also feeds the algorithm somehow. Yeah, we need some new good reviews here. I'm here for you know, if you want to yell at us and hate us when, whatever, spread the negativity, you can always leave a positive like star rating and then tell us you know, tell us off in the comment section or down with that. Five stars worst podcast I've ever listened to, or like, why did you guys spend so much time talking about bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. And then we will address that and we'll do another show based on whatever that subject is. Yep. All day every day. You can also reach us on the strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266 and you can discuss with other like minded people on the strange aeons radio talk page on Facebook. Have I forgotten anything goes? I don't think so. Is a pizza from either coffee or That's right, sign up for repeating donations through PayPal, whichever you'd like to do. We're open for that. And again, again with Facebook when it's become fairly active. So jump on and ask a question about something you know, I guarantee you there's at least three or four people on there that are going to answer no matter what you post so Alright guys, that's it for this episode. We'll be back in seven short days we are talking killer robots, transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan Am airlines. When you think of traveling think of pan and you can't be expected. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know, strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Set we will sit and nothing does what you thought it was going to do at all and then you die.