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Strange Aeons Radio Season 1 Episode 6

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It's about time we aired this episode (see what I did there), which was recorded out of sequence so that we could get Strange Aeons Radio legend Micah Guy to join us while we were all attending Crypticon! This is the Amityville movie about the clock, and it's actually one of the better sequels, so go watch it and then listen to us talk about it (for way too long)! 

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The Amityville Horror session 3d Strange aeons radio presents The Amityville Horror Picture Show. That's Eric over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. We are your hosts on the increasingly strange journey of the Amityville film franchise, of which there are 50 some entries as of this recording. There are so many because the Amityville murders of 1974 are public fact and there is no copyright on the name of Amityville. Each episode features a revolving door of guests hosts and today I am thrilled to introduce Mike a guy as our Amityville 1992 guest host. Hi, it's me I'm I'm a stranger to both microphones and cameras because I just hide in the darkest corners of a room and wait for people to walk by. But you get to hear my my goofy low country South Carolina coastal bro voice. So here we go. Micah, can you take 30 seconds and brag about yourself a little bit tell us what you do for a living me and ever. So I am a computer graphics artist that primarily works in toy packaging artwork, a lot of stuff for Hasbro, primarily for Hasbro. Once upon a time, I used to work for another company and do vacuum cleaners and automotive stuff and things like that. But I narrowed it down. And the pandemic really helped me narrow that down. And so I get to work on fun stuff like Star Wars and Marvel and GI Joe. And like Beyblades and I, I'm calling my way into transformers one way or another, even if I have to just show up at their houses. Remind me when of course when I met you, it was an instant romance on my part at least because you have. First of all you've your toy collection is not that dissimilar from my own as far as what we collect. But you also What is your connection to the San Diego Comic Con reissue of the Micronauts. I worked on some of that packaging. I was one of about four people that worked on some of the packaging for that reissue it with some people that I'd love to shout out but I don't think I legally can't. But they're all They're all great guys. So Good work, guys. Let's see before we get to the next thing I just want to point out we are recording this at Krypton, Seattle 2023. This is probably going to be played months from now. You jumped ahead from where we were ready to record. So we're recording. We're talking about Amityville 1992, which is the sixth entry. But I need to know what your Amityville Horror origin story is. Did you? Oh, okay. When did it first come into your mind or not mine but when were you first aware of it, and were you aware of it as a thing? That could have been a true story or not? i Okay, so I feel like my Amityville origin story is hilariously fitting for the franchise overall, which is I first found the hardback book in a trashcan outside a library when I was in high school, and I was like, Oh, hey, this, this looks interesting. And I was I was like, 13 or 14, and I read it in, like five hours. I read it straight through. And I was like, Well, that was slightly less difficult than a Goosebumps book. But that was interesting. And then I asked my parents about it if they'd read it because I like my mom was a big fan of The Exorcist. And she had the original, like, like paperback for that. And she sells me you know, there's a movie, we can probably just rent the VHS and we did it. My dad's like, it's not good. Like, yeah, let's go watch it and watched it. Like, my dad was right. And then I didn't touch any will like, I think I only knew about it through maybe like some Sci Fi Channel specials or something on it. I didn't know that it was a like a Zeitgeist kind of thing. And, like even less so that it had just a whole string of films through and I realized that I did actually see some of some of the later films on like local television because I was I was in like, like South Carolina growing up. And some of the local TV ones when they thought like people were in church in the morning, they would play just the weirdest shit you could think of. And I'm, I'm almost certain I saw Amityville 3d, at least partially on there because I remember the puppet or the puppet out of out of the well and we're like, oh, no, it's the puppet. And then, the what really sparked my interest in this was back in 2020, when we all got quarantined. It's just me and my big house, all alone, on top of a hill in the woods. And so, like, work had completely cut out for a while. So I just started like gunning through series of films that I wanted to check out. And like, I watched Deathwish first because it felt appropriate for what was going on. She's I watched every Deathwish movie all the way some real gems there, but that's gonna take a lot of like her. I did that same thing. That's not advisable. A Death Wish three is is the best Warner Brothers cartoon movie. And then I did, I did a revisited Hellraiser because I love the Hellraiser series, not not like, like there's some some of those children I like more than the others. And then I got to Amityville, because it was all on Amazon Prime, like all of them, all of them that I knew of, because I think I was looking at just like an IMDB list or something. And I'm like, Oh, just let it autoplay to the next one. So I sat down and watched through like the first eight or so. Wow, except for the Amityville curse, because that one wasn't listed. It's weird. It's like a vinegar syndrome and didn't know about it till later. I don't I think Amazon Prime gets their stuff from vinegar syndromes listings for some of these, because they didn't have it either. So I haven't. I think I've only partially seen that through like YouTube clips. Like what was posted? You're not missing much. Yeah, so I think I saw through. Yeah, one to 3d Evil escapes. 9092 No dollhouse. 9092 What's the one after it? The the one that is just painfully 90s Worse than what we're going to be talking about? Oh, yeah. Oh, I rewatched it after after. Rewatch 9092, just to see if my memory was faulty. But yeah, that one and then like one after that. And then I was like, I don't think this is good for my mental health. And I said, and that was it. And when you first read the book, it says right there based on a true story, Did you buy any of it? Were you drawn into any of that? I'm not kind of, like naturally inclined to that. So I'm like, I think of the first person on the show who's not either a lapsed Catholic or a Catholic. And yeah, I just I was I'm kind of not predisposed to it because I'm not religious. And the first one is also a little older. It sounds like when do you discovered it? Like we were in single digits? Yeah, first got it. Yeah, I was. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was 14 Yeah, so yeah, holder for so I just read it as another horror story. And I kind of lumped it in with the exorcist or and I was like, okay, it feels real, but I don't like I don't quite believe it. So that's the that's that's my Amityville origin. Well, let's get into talking about this film. I watched this film multiple times to take notes on this thing and I am damn near close to absolutely hating it. Are you feeling all right? Well, you know if you eat chocolate every minute of every day you'll hate that. This is this movie is Amityville. 1992 Kolon it's about time from 1992 Oh hey unique highlight what's been the night having regrets breakfast what so what is evil? Company was breaking ground on a new development. New York, Long Island actually think it's called. And he's Phil and he'll manage Do you remember letters you heard about your leg we don't lie there's any other trouble I will have Jake admitted like that would only move for one reason where it was safe is no longer he must find a new home well somehow Jacob was behind all this and I don't know if this parasite protection sense of looking for I think it's a sign of us is trying to make this house its home you guys have a relationship it's got nothing to do with hell somebody you won't regret this where you might know budget or box office info because it was released straight to video The Rotten Tomato critics habit of 25% and the audience has it at 34% It was directed by Tony Randall and that is a problem for me because Tony Dilek directed hellbound Hellraiser to he directed a really bad vampire flick called children of the night that I remember from right about this time. And then he directed a movie I love called ticks. Yeah. Oh, I haven't seen ticks yet. It's well, I know No, it's good. It's Yes, it's much better if entertaining. It was written by Antonio Toro and Christopher de Faria, who wrote this and the next century in the franchise, which is Amityville, new generation, is that the one your opponent, I think? Yeah. And Christopher is also a producer on this and he was like over Tony Randles shoulder Yeah, time. Yeah, well, and he's a pretty famous director, service producer. He's produced Sucker Punch gravity. Mad Max Fury Road Ready Player One. So there's actually some you know, some big names Yeah, connected to this thing. The book is or the movie is loosely based on events from the book Amityville. The evil escapes by John G. Jones, which is just a series of stories about things. Furniture and such is that we're in the Amityville house and we're somehow well remember you've got a pitch for your your section of Amityville. Evil escapes it's true. Van. That's true. I'll, I'll get to that when we actually record that movie. It's the book like a little anthology of stories or something. John G. Jones wrote, I think, like four Amityville books, I think he wrote the second book. And then the third book is something else. And then the fourth book is the evil escapes. And I remember getting these books, you know, in middle school, and they were getting progressively worse. I didn't even realize there was a series of books. I just knew the one and again, I found it in a trashcan, right? Like that seems fitting. It was in there with primary colors and a few other things that they just cleared off the library shelves for some reason. tannic panic, this movie stars Steven mocked, he's got 95 credits. He was in the transfers franchise. Stephen King adaptation of graveyard shift that I actually like that i i just saw that for the second time at Christmas. And Stephen Mach is such a deranged performance in that film. The show was all about it to the point where you know that somebody realizes it because they've remixed his lines into the ending theme of the film. She's so that that dude is so weird. Probably most easily recognized as the father from the Monster Squad. It also started Shawn Weatherly. She was in shadow zone police academy three Love in the Time of monsters. Megan Ward who was in the transfers franchise transfers two and three she was in freaked and snowman I've got a bit to add on Sean Weatherly. Yeah, because she was miss out Carolina and Miss USA and Miss Universe 1980 You and we share an alma mater. We both went to Clemson University. Wow. Yep. Me and her adult wondering. Oh sure, of course. And then the young son is Damon Martin. This is his final acting credit. He only has 13 Acting credits because he goes on to become an executive producer of a number of films, including Che Guevara the night of the demons remake and freakanomics I would do. It seems like a good career. Not too bad, not too bad. What I also love in this movie is there is a dick Miller cameo. Yep. Bye. Okay. I'll start off gently. Stephen Mach had a very bizarre Eric Roberts sounding voice. But he first he turned around at some point or was off screen at some point and said, so I'm going the fog is a guy from the best of the best. Oh, no, not him. Steven block really has a better career than Eric Roberts. I would I would say absolutely. And as we know, if he's turned around or said something off screen that that's a AOR or at Dr. Robert, it might be you know, I started finding out that there are impersonators who will go in and do ADR for the bigger people like you're not going to get Tom Hanks to come in and do ADR so you get a guy who does a Tom Hanks impersonation. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. I think it might not actually has one of those studios. Because It specializes in the Marvel stuff. Oh, gosh, yeah. Cuz I just cuz I used to work at a like marketing studio advertising studio. So we would get people who would come in and have to film something that would go in and get composited into a commercial. And it would be like, Oh, I know such and such she doubled for this person and that thing, so you get like a weird string of someone knows this was the standard for that. Like, I I ended up finding out that the woman who plays the like Succubus and VHS you know, whose face was open? Yeah. She's like a, she was like a hand model for Coca Cola for the longest time. Like, that's terrifying. So you just pay it up from the hand. It's just that open face. Let's get into the story. Sure, I guess. So Steven Mark plays Jacob Sterling. He is an architect who has just returned home from a business trip and Amityville and he lives in California in a suburban housing development. burl wood. It absolutely looks like what I would think hell would look like these houses are so goddamn ugly. There. So you know you said painfully 90s This This would I guess probably be probably been built in 87 or something. That's a blocky house. I did like that. It has kind of a to eye situation with the windows. But But tasteful and modern. Not tasteful. And then he comes home and his. His ex girlfriend is watching his kids. Yeah, seems like a choice. This. I feel like once we get into it, there's a lot analyze there. Yeah, that's really, really peculiar. arrangement. Yeah, it absolutely is. Because we know that she is seeing somebody else. And he convinces her to stay the night and have sex with him. Which I think is a bad story decision. Because you want her to be the, the well, she ends up being the protagonist. But I think it would have made her a stronger character if she had said, I'm not doing that again or something. Yeah. Well, and I do think it's it's interesting how they, like spread out her backstory across the entire movie. Yeah. Because you get get at the start. And it's like, what is happening here is she looked to live in nanny or something like that. And it's like, oh, she's the ex wife, the ex wife, right? No, the ex girlfriend. And she's a student. She's a grad student. And, and he is like, he is a good bit older than her. Oh, for sure. Yeah. And she lived in that house for three years beforehand. So the kids are like, Oh, hey, not mom. And I'm like, This is so strange. Yeah. And you know, we don't need to know what happened to mom. I guess she's dead. She's completely out of the picture. Yeah, yeah. Never even mentioned. There's not even a picture on the mantel of hers. Not even the kids have a picture. And then we're introduced to his family, which is a kind of goody two shoes daughter. Yeah. And then the troubled teen rather the 90s Bart sniffs and grown up. It's got a dangling earring. That's how you know he's traveled. Listens to heavy metal music with his with his his skull crusher, t shirt, the skull crusher In 1989, eat this tour. I think I looked it up on like a Skullcrusher a real bed. Well, yeah, it is now, but time they took their name from? I think so. That would be great if they did, like the band that they're actually listening to is bang gang, which I don't know. So Oh, really? Yeah, I saw that too. You know, it has a very, very generic la band sound. Yeah. Well, it's, it's weird that it's a 1992. Because I'm like, you'd be in the grunge. Like, why are you into the hair metal? This is Well, this was the last gasp of hair metal. And I don't think that you can, I don't think anyone could quite pin down what was happening in grim. So making a character be depressed, that 92 would have been a little too early to to be pushing it because it was still underground bubbling up. So weird to me because you guys are in Seattle, and I was in the low country and it swept it clean. Like, like, as soon as normal. Yeah, in Seattle. These were all bands we'd known for some of these bands had been around 6567 years. So you don't really when you're in that? Like we talked before I worked with some of those bands and music videos. When you're in the middle of that you don't realize let's go on out because oh yeah, these are just popular Seattle bands and suddenly go Why the hell are they playing Karina and shit like that and selling out for nights. As soon as Nirvana showed up on MTV. Like, we had radio stations that changed format overnight. Like like within a month. It was it was crazy. All right, focus guys. He Jacob, he comes home with a really hideous mantel clock that he thinks is exactly what the home needs. This home which is so modern, and it looks like it was painted by Miguel. And he has this incredibly old kind of German looking mantel clock that he puts on there, edit sticks out like a sore thumb. And it also not only does it not fit at all it also is wrong sized for the situation. It's like like, you need about twice the size maybe to fit on that weird ass giant mantle. Fireplace underneath that he puts this little rickety old things. Well, and there's so many things wrong. The backstory on that one comes out in like two parts due because he's like, Oh, I got it. When I was there it was this guy sold it to me. And then it's later got scavenge for one of the houses. They got bulldoze for the new suburban development I'm working on. Well, he doesn't even say that. He says it came from the ruins of one. And I'm like, Oh, this is automatically now cannon with the third film which blows. Hey, all right, hey, they're working the system. I also like that he says that his company has been hired to develop a new neighborhood in Amityville with a concept that is timeless. What the fuck does that mean? It's a car. And even on his little models, it's like the cookie cutter, late 80s suburban houses and oh, like those. Those are not timeless, those are at Suburban houses and not gonna age. Nothing is timeless than that way of this film. And one thing I wanted to note. So I've got the blu ray of this, and I listen to all the commentary stuff, which it doesn't have a commentary track. It's got a whole bunch of interviews on it. And Tony Randall said that he purposely had the interiors of this house painted the most hideous colors he could find. Because he was like, I don't want this to seem right, that when they're going from room to room, I want it to be clearly delineated. Oh, they're in the kitchen and they're in the living room. They're in the bedroom. And I want you to know that someone there has like awful tastes. Well, I was so surprised to find out that this was a real house. They shot in the eyes. It looks just like it looks like really bad flats that were painted or ugly or when they fucked it up to I had heard that as well with the bathtub. Yep, we'll get to that. The one thing that I you know, it took me a minute to figure out what was going on here when the clock just kind of suddenly a drill pops out from the bottom and it drills itself into the mantle. Oh, we skipped an important part. Oh, did we? Yeah, there. Yeah. There is that you trust me? I'll justify this yet. Dammit. Okay, but you've got Andrea is just carrying the T square for no reason why Yeah. Oh, and Jacobs. Like, why do you have that? She's like for protection. He's like, okay, and then they just don't mention it again. Right. Yeah, it definitely comes back. Yeah. For shadowing club Z. There's all that when of course when this happens then the the neighborhood lady who is Irish gypsy which type of person or when you grew up in the suburbs, you didn't have a neighborhood occultist? Are you talking? Well, I mean, yes, I did. But we did live in a cookie cutter. 90s Spielbergian. Sure. Yeah. laughs You know, so it seems it seems weird that she is also in this one. I mean, we do meet the other neighbors. And they are all you know, Stepford Wives. Yeah. Well, and you have a little bit of character building on Jacob that he's just the awful HOA guy that everyone hates. Cuz right before he goes for the jog, he's like, Oh, yeah. Mr. Anderson next door, his his hedges are two two feet too high. But I think I'll let it slide this time, but he's clearly like, already complained about it before. And someone mentions the dog. He's like, gotta keep that dog on a leash. Let comes back. Because prior to him going out on the jog, his son comes down. I thought that was their dog. He opens the door. This German Shepherd walks in. And he's got treats for him. Just to name his peaches. Yes. Just a regular visitor. Yeah. Very strange. She doesn't love the clock. No, no. Yeah, dogs and dog nose. Yeah. Which I didn't think that was clumsy was like, Oh, you literally have the dog in here just to get the dog nose. And even before the jog is rusty going downstairs and discovering that every time he turns the light switch on in the living room that the clock man is on the mantel, it suddenly turns into like a 18th century dungeon. There's it torture chamber, at least. It's we'll get into it. I gotta say all sides. Thing about that. I did some weird ass research, because it really caught my eye. I did have a note on when Andrea and Jacob are talking in the kitchen. And that's when you find out that she lived here for years, not three years. I said three years he was in the house for four years. She's like, I didn't want to fall back in the same feelings and the same patterns. And Jacob is hitting on her again. And he's like, Well, why not? She's like, You're dangerous. And I'm like, Oh yeah, there's a foreshadowing. They're really subtle. But even so I was kind of digging the film. Still, there's something really charming about that. Early 90s straight to video, but still shot on film. You know, so it looked good. I didn't love the choices that the DP was making. You know, it was boring photography. But the lighting was really good on everything. Yeah, like, Okay, this, you know, actually, the lighting is kind of the standout. It's a hero this Yeah. And you know, spoiler I have skipped ahead to some of the other films and lighting is not there. Let's just say didn't pay that much attention to it. Well, it's only this one in like, new generation that I think have anything notable with the lighting going on. You know, I wonder so he convinces the girlfriend to stay and like I've said that would have been a good. That would have been a good place to give her some character where she says no, but maybe she says yes, because the clocks evil is already at work. Yeah. Well, and we are well, it kind of builds over the course of the movie, which I might be skipping ahead a little but we can we'll stay on track. It's a very convoluted story we need to say exactly point by point. But the the makeup point that the clock isn't possessing people, it possesses the house and the house turns people in anything inside of it evil. That's why it needed to destroy the fireplace. That's why it had Yes, it had to drill its way into the wall. We'll definitely get into that towards the end because I have real questions. I might these aren't real, real answers. Let's see. I was really impressed. I've already been called a smart ask twice today. So anyway, Jacob goes out, jogging hands up getting attacked by peaches in a scene that felt very out of place for an Amityville movie, but very much could have been like from one of the Omen films. Cheese, yes, because the dog attacks him. The owner of the dog just stands there. And it's one of those things where I was thinking, has, has Amityville ever been able to do this kind of thing where it is Acting like Amityville is a person or entity. Can it force animals to do things weird? In the first film we see I think was Charlie's was the dog's name but Charlie's never happy in the house. I think this is more of a god situation though, because that's not the dog. Like the dog that attacks him is not the actual though. We find out later yeah, that he had scarred the dog's face pretty badly to get away from it. And then when we see the dog, that's not happened. So now I'm wondering, is this just that time thing? And is there maybe something even more going on with the clock that we're getting? Like a, like a multiverse situation? We're getting the evil peaches. I'm, I kind of kept wondering if this is almost like once I overthought this evil, I watched. I watched this movie a lot you and I have to make a point of where the fuck is he running? Where he's running next to this giant pipeline into he's running straight at a fence? Yeah, to a area where he it gets caught at a dead end basically, I suppose maybe you know, you touch the fence and then you you've hit your mile or whatever. You come back. I know. It looks like someplace that they had to drive out and La barren land. It certainly does not look like it belongs in the woods, suburbia. They never actually say where it is. But it's like, I assume they filmed in Calabasas. So okay, yeah. I also love that the first sign that something is wrong is not the dog. It's that his digital watches are working. Oh, the clock does not want any competition. And that's consistent. It doesn't like any time at all. Oh, 719 92. Yeah. What? 8092 just, you gotta get all your 90s into that one. He gets taken to the hospital. And Andrea, the girlfriend is there. That's her name, right? Yeah. And she agrees to stay with him because the doctor tells her that his bandages are gonna need to be changed constantly and all this stuff. First of all, I'm like, why would you agree to do this? Yeah, but then she's also super bitchy about it. They have a good argument. You shouldn't sit Yes. Anyway, this is now on you. Oh, and back at the hospital, the doctors like we're also putting them on a high dose of Percodan and I'm like, Whoa. And he's gonna probably have some mood swings that are like, Wait, are you are you trying to explain the rest of the movie with the market and like, I mean, I my wisdom teeth out, but I didn't try to kill anybody. Yeah, maybe asleep now. Yeah, the the band shooting Banshee. I like a good band shooting. bandages were so horribly handled to us. Like did you ever change them? Like once? Well, he wouldn't let her Yeah. It's one of the problems with the script that we're supposed to believe that she's got a boyfriend. She's a student. She's got basically another life but she's willing to the weird, passive aggressive breakdown in the car. It's like, how could you do this? You always do something like this. What I'm about to leave and like, I don't think he he didn't put his leg in front of the dog. No, but he is he is wealthy and like, look, okay, you're gonna have to have a live in nurse or something with you. This is our this is now out of my league. And also it's not my problem. Although if you need to live in nurse, why did they let him out of the hospital? That's, I had that question. But listen, you're not helping your case, Mike. No. It's the it's the broader strokes here that are worth it. Dammit. The son's name is Rusty. Yeah. The bench or the son right? Yeah. And Rusty skip school to go visit Iris. And they have a they have a chess game. That I don't know what we're supposed to take away from that chess game that's been going on for months or something. And I'm like, What do you guys do half a move a day. We have to point out that rusty gets all of a snappy like Bart Simpson style, which I could. Like I'm thinking in my head. I'm like, you just decided I'm gonna write a teenage Bart Simpson here is what happened. And I think even his errors doing it. Yeah, he looks like Bart Simpson. And I actually wrote down because it was funny enough, but it was like his friend walks up. He's like, want to smoke and he's like, Nah, I quit again. And then the sister walks up and says are you going going to class? Absolutely. And then turns around goes it's almost like I kind of wanted to be him to be sort of the lead but they didn't know how to yeah, having Hold the whole movie. It's like a secondary lead that sort of involved although he does kind of like pull the focus for for part of it, and then it skips back to Andrea again. But yeah, I think I agree that they definitely seem to have felt like, hey, we need Bart Simpson to be the lead here. It's 1992 This feels very much like something that happened in rewrites. And then they didn't know how to really smooth it out because he does become the hero for 15 minutes of the film in a weird spot and everything. So Iris when she had been walking past the house that first night she she gets a superimposed vision of the Amityville house. Promo photos. Right? Well, it wasn't the photo because I could see the trees waving in the wind and everything but it was definitely from like the first movie. And, and so that's how you figured out that she is somehow connected a little stronger to the universe in the rest of us. But the whole idea of her I feel bad for that actor. She's she's an actor. She's been working in film for like, 70 years and then she ends up in Amityville, 92 and pretty stupid role. She's Madame X exposition, more or less. Yeah, absolutely. Rusty tells her what he saw in the living room that night and she tells him that there's an evil in their house now it must find a new home. Yes. She's she's going to act as the mentor now and and exposition. Oh, I have to make a note that this film was the first time I'd ever heard the phrase middle Health Day. Oh, yeah, I was. I didn't realize I haven't I've ever heard that. Till like the last five to 10 years. I didn't realize the first time the first time I saw the movie. What the hell is a mental health day? Never heard of that. Like, oh, this is just called crying in my car. And then okay, so then after that, Rusty and Andrea go and confront the neighbor whose dog and that's when we find out that the dog is not hurt. And that's when I'm starting to think oh, okay, the house is somehow transported an evil version of of peaches and her owner just long enough to do the deed and then something and rusty didn't know about the attack on on his dad. Right? Which leads to to honestly what I thought was great little line where he comes back and opens the door Andrea's There she goes, shouldn't you be in school? He's like, shouldn't you? That's a good point, right. Meanwhile, I also don't know how long this is supposed to take. What What's the timeframe of this film? Is it weeks? Is it days, that's why I destroyed all the good point. Well, they say that, like, Oh, if he's got better us that should be healed up within like four weeks or six weeks or something like that. He just makes it worse and worse. So you can't really tell right? And like immediately, instead of resting, he starts designing this new neighborhood. He's working and has an awesome existential artistic breakdown, which I have both been a part of and seen app and multiple times. Like, it's going to be what my legacy is going to pay. Now flip. Now your love of the movie becomes a little clearer. This is the source of my love of Murder Party, if you've ever seen that, but will not talk about that. And this is where it comes in Eric, the bandages we start seeing her, you know, well past the time they should have been changed. But I'm wondering, is this I mean, is his leg this bad after one day? Or? I think it's like, like a couple, like two or three. It's not enough that it makes sense. But it's enough that you get like, oh, the evil is oozing out of him. Right. And that's what I was seeing. I was like if this happened in one day, this is we're going back to the hospital you are in? Well she says that she tries to get her to go back and he has his little temper tantrum. Yeah, a lot of pus man, it is pretty gnarly, because she opens up the bandages she's like, Oh, we've gotta go see Dr. Such and Such she does this with the Stephen Mach going for it like, wow, I will say this, he throws himself into this role. There's never a moment where I thought he I feel like he was just like, you know, in his, in his trailer Intel. He was called to the set and he probably just kept in character the entire time or something because, like, wow, he's he's giving it his all and this is a really shitty script. Yeah, it's a little Nicolas Cage there. Yeah. Some of the movies, the quality of effort versus the quality of script for sure. I have to make a note of what I wrote down just when the camera was panning through the house at what point is what the fuck is up with these gothic paintings? It's because they had these bizarre like, like harsh Gothic paintings just on their walls all over the place. And they're in like random frames do well, maybe that's what, that's what he meant when he was saying this is you know exactly what our house needs is this hideously ugly Gothic clock that will now go with the weird really ties it together. As well, this is the part where the film starts to really kick in, and I'm starting to, you know, I knew I was gonna be watching this multiple times. And I kept thinking, well, thank God because I can't figure out the rules. And I realize there's no fucking rules with this clock. It's not like it time travels, it just fucks with time. So you know, Andrey asked rusty to go get the phone book or something. I literally think the starting point is when it drills into the wall. Oh, like I think once it does that, and it's got you in the house. Like, you're, you're just screwed, like until you get it off the wall somehow. Right? Well, so rusty goes, there was this that one or that I liked that one shot? Oh, where it follows him out to as he's talking to go get the the phone book and then he comes back and she's suddenly in a robe with her hair on? The on the Tony Randall? interview, he said that that's that's all practical. Like it was practically when he was over there. He said, Yeah, we had the whole crew rush and change out everything and the lights and all that meant he was waiting for him to come back. That's all it was nice. Yeah, I was like, I think this is probably the best shot in this film. It didn't need this. It didn't deserve this. But it's got it. It's it's a good shot. And I like it, because he's talking the entire time. When he walks back in, it's all changed so and then shortly after that rusty goes out for the walk. And that's what I'm trying to figure out. What is really going on. Because it's kind of implied that that rusty goes and kills peaches, right? Yeah. But is it our rusty that we've been following? Or is this the you know, the darkest timeline rusty that has brought over to our world? Or some kind of pocket dimension thing where it just manifested stuff light like as in this isn't even really happening? Because Okay, so there's one specific scene that comes up later when we get to it? I'll make note of it. That I think kind of what you're talking about, like, oh, is this some kind of clock manifested quantum realm or something? I kind of by that theory, okay, for very specific reason when it comes up later, because there's one shot that what you're rewatching is so bizarre that I can't think of it any other way. Okay. All right. Well, I can't wait to get to there. I will say this. The best effect is the severed dog head, which was so real in the hole during that it's not just severed it. It's like whimpering which implies that it's been sucked into the folder. Okay, is that what was going on? Yeah, like Did they just add in a whimpering noise to show us this was a dog or was it still a lie? Well, considering what happens later on to girls void rain, I think it just kind of likes to do that. Okay, I just like to make noises scribbled just likes to use the pipes and pipe things that aren't meant to be piped. If that's the case, then why because then the police show up to harass rusty and why why would they be thinking that any human force could do this well they they're not harassing him for the dog they think that is one of their no they're harassing him for the giant swastikas on the house. Which is never explained the setup and all the people automatically think it's him which there's rumors out there he's just a metal kid. I mean, the most dangerous thing he is is a sweet dragon guitar. That's true. That is true. Jacob is getting sicker and sicker from his wound and I guess this is supposed to be kind of a nod to how James Brolin in the first one was was going crazy and all that but there's just the photography isn't good enough to give us really creepy scenes. The flat Yeah, in the building, you know, I was gonna say the sets but I guess the house is just so ugly that there's no way to get really cool shadows you know, like they did in the first film and things like that. It's just right right before this. We had the split second scene where we get the implication that the House wants the daughter next because it closes the doors on her right, except if you watch this on Blu Ray, you can see the fishing lines closing the door. Excellent. There's a couple of blu ray fails on this that I find very entertaining. The 4k Yeah, bring it on. And when when crazy Jacob is having his breakdown and doing just feverish architectural drawings like crazy, like even his good ones that he has posted drive me nuts because my dad's an architect. And like that his are all of Jacob's architectural tools are massive, compared to the real deals like his T score is huge. And when you see his confidence later, it's this like, Look sighs Yeah. Trying, sir. I've been looking at this stuff my whole life. And I'm like, I can never show this film to my father. Or, you know, if he annoys you, Hey, Dad, I gotta add an architect movie. I want you to lie. Although, again, he is the one who told me, you know, warn me off the first God will tell you it's like the first one. But you know, but not. Jacob is getting honestly very gross. And I don't mean his leg. I mean, the scene where she walks in, and he has got no less than a dozen plates of various old sweat stains on the comforter. That is the bed. And I'm thinking who's bringing him this food? And why wouldn't you say? I'll just remove this plate since I'm giving you another plate. That part's clean up. Easy to clean up. Right? It's removed? No, we're at crypto con. Right now. This is just a preview of what probably my next week is gonna be at some point. The bed is just gonna be like, Well, looks like COVID whack me again. Over time. Bring me Uber or DoorDash. Right? We all Marco's Pizza all the time. I would say this is kind of near the point of the movie where I just sort of went. If you listen to the regular show, I was talking about the insane Andy Mulligan a few times where I just went Screw it. This is I'm just gonna watch this batshit half hour of this movie and enjoy it because the first was kind of like boy, when it goes crazy. It's like all right, let's go. Well, I am also a little disappointed in that scene with the with the plates on the bed and everything because it's it's very obviously arranged to look messy. But it's not that messy. It literally is. Let me just pick up these plates and you'll never know any of this was here. So it's just one of those scenes right? Like I get what you were trying to do. Maybe you had no time. But whatever it is, it doesn't work for me. I did appreciate the head like balled up napkins and stuff on the bed. Oh, sounds like that's exactly right. In it. His sweat is so like, like yellow and greenish that Oh, like leaking evil. Yeah, he's leaking evil. Yeah, he's really sweating evil. Plus, you know, there have been times where I've taken my pillowcase off the pillow and it looks like I sweat battery acid or something. You know, I'm just like Jesus Christ. I am a monster. My fear. That's what they were going for. Tony Randall took the pillowcase off. It was like that came off my head. The movie has gone completely off the rails by now because the daughter does get seduced by herself. A mirror image of herself. And mirror image seems to possess her and turn her into a little sexpot is that I guess that's kind of what I got. And then they put her in this. It's like you said a few times. This is a painfully 90s Right exactly. What are we now saying that the mirror is now haunted? Well, it's in the house. Okay, but just hear him out. The house is now haunted. And although we skipped ahead because you skipped over the introduction of my favorite character in this movie, which is Dr. Lenny, the boyfriend of Andrea. Oh, cheese was the only sane man getting getting into the middle of his house. He was just literally, Dick. Yeah. But wouldn't you also be if your girlfriend is hanging out and taking care of her ex calls it up? Or he's like, okay, so you're telling me he injured himself? Well, that sounds like a classic interdependent relationship to me. Yeah, kind of does when he reads Jacob for the first time Jake walks away late he just looks at it looks back. It's like there's a lot of hostility that's why I'm gonna screw you in his house. Yeah. Oh, which after that we've got the dick Miller scene showing up where the the hedges are on fire, right. Oops. Because the house is attacking every one that Jacob hates. Apparently he's right. I mean, at this point, it just wants to sow chaos. Yeah. And and I guess getting your neighbors angry at you is a good way to do that. It is interesting that especially when you're the head of the HOA. Well, it's interesting that the first film is 78 I think yeah, and And that is really about the horror of a family falling apart and in only you know what, 15 short years, we have now decided that the worst horror is your neighbors. Yeah. Speaking as a person who's still with an HOA on multiple occasions, yeah, they're they're like, Oh, I gotta get a new roof on. It's like, have you approved it with all your neighbors? And I'm like, it's gonna be the same roof. It's the same. It looks identical. They'll never know I changed it. What are you talking about? Hell no. See that construction. Lenny has more great lines in there. Where you get you have a pyro maniacal Nazi down the hall, a toxic lunatic in the master bedroom. And the only one who seems normal here is Lisa. And that's only because I haven't met her yet. And Andrew, his answer is you don't have to yell. And he says, I don't yell. I don't know. How much more can you take? And, and then he has he has the whole awesome scene with Jacob. Or where he? Well after he after Lynnae has sex with Andrea. And then he's like going to microwave something. And the timer apparently triggers the clock and the clock is like no, I this no time. Oh, yeah. And it stops a he's looking at the fan and he sees the fan stuff. And he looks down to Jacobs right there. Right. And that's that's also one of those things where you're like, is that really our Jacob? Because how that scene ends is with nothing. Well, and it also has a sweet Megatron cameo, because he pulls out his like, you know what this is? So Walter Walter p 38. And I'm like, hey, that's Megatron. He's like, wow. Not only that, it's the black version that I have. Well, and they they have that whole weird conversation where he's going. You know, I started in medical school once and then I switched to drafting you ever just want to level blocks and blocks of suburbs? Like, I don't know if this is the real one or the fake one, but I'm kind of on board with it. Just pulls out a gun out of nowhere, right? Meanwhile, the neighbor IRS, she's been doing some digging and she has found a painting of the room that rusty saw with the clock on and she immediately puts it all together. Okay, so now this raises the question is the clock the original source of evil in the original Amityville Horror? That seems to be the implication is that clock ever seen in the database? remember seeing a clock so I'm gonna go No. So then sorry Tony. This clock just infects a house and all of its furniture I suppose. And like a lamp which does none of the same things that this clock can do or this mirror that's in this one which doesn't fuck with time but allows you to be possessed by a mirror. Is there just a bunch of you know in that John G Jones book, it is literally items in the house, you know, mirror, whatever, you know, toothbrush haunted can opener. Whatever it is, is is suddenly it's been infected by the house but it's never this kind of thing where they all have like their own power set with this clock because it's a clock and fuck with time. You know, in the in, in part four, it's a lamp. But the lamp shows. It talks to the little girl as her father. It's got a little demon bulb in there. Yeah. Let's go on on with that. You know, why? What are we doing here in this podcast? But although I will say that little train set is awesome. Oh no, no. Yeah. Because before Iris can warn anybody. She's killed in a scene right out of Well, okay. So when she's talking to rusty about the clock, she says this is the clock of shields MRA and she she describes her as teacher necromancer. So she calls a necromancer and eater, the dead witch that that's not correct. That would be necropolis, I think. Echo diner. Yeah. Then she looks at her books when she's looking at your books. Once again on the blu ray. They've gotten to the book is actually the brides of Venice. Oh, yeah, it's it's, it's an actual book. And they've just pasted an age promo photo of me Bill. And you can see the edge of the photo and they turned it in somewhere. So it's done drawing and pasted it on top. I think on that one towards the bottom, you can actually see the letters faded underneath through the I love this. I think I can see the I've seen some promo videos of what vinegar syndrome does behind the scenes and the way they archive and do that stuff. And the guy who does it does, I picked some of the very mastering. I believe that's probably a purpose. Like, oh, if I keep going, I could, I can soften this a little bit. You're not gonna really see it. But if I sharpen that show, it literally made me stop and sit up because I saw her turn the page. And I'm like, Did I see the photo? And I and I went frame by frame and I'm like, they pasted a photo on top of that. And then I realized I could read the other page. Oh, the blu ray. I went looked it up and I'm like, oh, it's the brides Venice. Okay. I need a book who's got a book I've got the brides of Venice. I've aged this book. And I have a whole sidebar about God, Ray, because that's a thing. And we'll come back around to that at the end. But the scene that you're about to talk about where she goes outside, yes, that one. That's where I was like they're in some weird ass pocket dimension. Because for some reason everyone is throwing out their toilets. Oh, that is true. There's no lights on. There's toilets in front of every single house on the street. Yeah. It's commentary that Tony was saying on how he felt about how the script was progressing. Did you find anything about that? No. Under the internet, or any of the interviews cover it. There's just toilets on the street. So whom have the take on the backs of and don't? And it's every house on the street every single and they're knocked down on some. And the delivery guy is stork themed for some reason. Yeah. Because diapers, ducks. Yeah, that makes sense. But already that stork looks like a dangerous thing to have on the flooring, thing. Like you'd ride in a kids play area. But also how the houses influence extends to you know, the street. She's it's able to crack the street open and catch irises cane in it, though. That's why she can't get out of the middle of the road when the house then puts the truck in gear leading street. That's gurgling something, and then the van gets put into gear and chases her down. misses her in true supervillain fashion. She laughs You missed me. Oh, well, she's got a great line where the guy runs over to check on her. And she's like, No, just leave me here. Fine. Hold on. Off, you know, I've got a call this in Yeah. Like I said, batshit crazy. Let's just time to roll with the toilets and those clerks? Well, yeah. Because the stork which is bouncing back and forth suddenly breaks and then skewers her on. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That whole scene plays like, like a comedy moment. Yes. She's looking at it. It swings back and she's like, and it swings forward again. She screams it hits pierces her body, and then blood immediately erupts from her mouth. And they've got like, they have like one last long shot in there where again, it's the street full of random toilets still ever like this is the one day you're supposed to throw out. I know the diaper. The diaper delivery guy came down the street. Nobody has toilets here. need my help. I'm here to save the stream. That was that was just some of the most bizarre set dressing you've ever seen. And I didn't even notice it till the last time I watched it that I was like this. Meanwhile, sexpot, Lisa has seduced her boyfriend to come back to the house, I guess to the house has a summit that has a model train. So they said I was like, does this the Is this the basement? Or is this a pool house? Or I couldn't tell where she had taken him but she didn't take him into the main house apparently. No, no, no, no too many can be weird things going on up there. She would need a little privacy to oh, we waited a tiny little scene in there that I only make note of because I made note of all the linee scenes where Jacob it has like the T square uses as like his walking stick. And he freaks out again and Andrea's like we've got to get him under somehow and he pulls out Thorazine and she's like, What is that it's Thorazine and you She goes, Is it dangerous? And he looks at it looks at her. He goes, I hope so. Yeah, he's just got it in his pocket. Yeah. Well, this was a second time to the house. So I'm thinking he came he is yeah, he had a plan is and then we get the train set, which my notes are. Wait, there's a train set in the basement. No one notices the weird wires hanging over the ceiling in the train set in the basement. Because there's like stuff dangling off. It's just so you gotta have your stars when you build a train set. Yeah, Starlight. Yet the boyfriend comes down after his little scavenger hunt up to Lisa. Right. And he gets sucked down a drain. Well, yeah. Is he being turned into ooze or is the ooze coming up and melting him? I think it's a little of both because then it gets fed into the bathtub that Lenny's in. Okay, so now is first of all the ball. So this guy he comes to his ex girlfriend's or his girlfriend's ex boyfriends house. Fucks are in his bed. uses his microwave. Oh, and I think he's wearing like her bathrobe or something. And then he's like, I'm gonna take a fucking bath. I scrape this is my life now. Right? Yeah, he's like, Look, I just shot up the guy in the master bedroom with Thorazine who's gonna stop. So he takes a bath and then this black goo starts coming out. And I'm like, Okay, this is, you know, this tracks with the original film. But what is it because like a zombie pops out. It's the boyfriend. Yeah. Is Steven maakt? No, it's It's the boyfriend that Lisa is sucked down the drain. Oh, because that scene happens immediately after he gets sucked down. I saw that but it didn't look like him to me that I think it is him. Okay. I'm pretty sure it is. This is our definitive answer. Yes. It might be. Yeah, I whatever it is. It's not Steven mocked. I'm pretty sure it's the boyfriend who's like because he's sort of put together again, like you got the hand first, but he's in like chunks to be the boyfriend that the girl Megan ward or whatever name is seduced. Lisa, Lisa. Lisa. Wait, wait. So they see that's the boyfriend that shows up that gets tortured with the microwave. And then there's the boyfriend? Ah, yeah. Has Dr. Linney. Right. Right. And he's in the bathtub. Yeah. As the boyfriend of the daughter, Little Sister Lisa. Oh, that kid who's totally not teenage part. I just put that together. Oh, my God. Yeah, she lives in her boyfriend who I don't even think gets a name now. Yeah, we haven't heard anything about him. But he leaves his kind of shitty in the car outside of groping her. So when he dies, that's fine. But okay, so that's him anyway, we find out none of that happened because Linnea is on the floor crying like a baby with the bathtub overflowing. And that's where the damage to this house comes in. Because the baths of the overflow overflow did so much. It fell through to the bottom floor. Right? They had to pay for all the repairs through it. And that that was when I was reading that. That was when I started thinking. This is a real house. This is a hideous house. Well, and the the commentary from Tony Randall and Krista Faria, about that is funny because it was like, I think Randall says, yeah, we're just going to like map the floor and kind of shut all the water in one direction or something. And it turns out when you're not on a set, it just doesn't work that way. And the freezers like, yeah, they've kind of blew it. Yeah. We had our washing machine overflow one time and it drained. three storey three floors went down one, then it went down to the next and I went to our neighbor's garage, like I would meet, you know, mica, Eric, and I made a feature film, and we shot a scene in the local library, and we drove our equipment truck into their garage, which was a little too high. Didn't didn't clear the fence. Yeah. And, and it was one of those things where it's like, well, it's a good thing. You've got insurance. Yep, yeah. dipshit in a car decided instead of going down the bottom of the active the lower exit, he just decided to exit next to us and part of the apparatus fell on the hood of his car. He's driving. What a nightmare. It was really cool, though, Eric and I go down to talk to the guy who's running the library. And we we explain all this stuff. The first thing he says is, Do you have insurance and we were like, well, of course we do. And he said, Well, we have a saying in Library business. Should habits The man knows words. Library I'm sorry Have we lost the thread here? No, not in Lynnie ends up hanging himself or well or the house hangs in the house hangs on with the world's strongest phone cord. Listen, don't tell me about the world's strongest phone cord. That T square should not be able to do any of the things that oh, there's there's some strong T scores out there. I've never seen a phone cord hangs on one. But we did it. You gotta watch some more God Oh man. It's a lot of shit because on the full 60s phone we had the little scene where Andrea stumbles on to the readin miles where every house is now the Amityville house. And the main one has little tiny tombstones in freaking great it Lynnie hanging off the side which is how she knows to check to see if anything runs well and the swastika on his house. And all that stuff. That is the best scene in the movie. Oh, yeah. I want one of those little Amityville houses. They were adorable. Yes, that's a great. My comment when she finds lady is Lady No. Murdered with the world strokes phone. That that we you know, we're squarely in the third act. Now. There's a lot of running around and people are murdered. Yeah, yeah. Jacob is attacking her. And that's why I'm saying this T square. Look, I worked as a cartographer in a survey company for many years, and I've had many T squares, and there's very few that you could lean on that would hold your weight. And if you were to hit somebody with one, they're not sharp enough to go through the flesh, although his flesh was falling apart. Yeah. And it's not possess T square that you have. It's a good point. But the T square is working for her because she ends up busting through the wall with it. Well, it is impossible. Yeah. And he's just like super powered now too, because he just picks her up and slams her through the wall. That's true. Yeah, he's got the honestly pretty creepy line of where he's like, this is about power, power and sacrifice. I love you. Yeah. And that's that's where they skipped to the sister trying to seduce rusty and I'm like, no. You know what, though? Not the first incest we've seen in the Amityville franchise. Good point. And honestly, at least this time the brother isn't on board with Yes, skills are with a guitar. Absolutely impossible. He turns on the guitar amp and the plug that you would plug into your guitar has nothing that would ever be able to do this. Otherwise, this would not be allowed to exist as a thing. He he puts the plug in her mouth and somehow turns the volume up to 10 and it shocks her to you know enough to get her away. Let's pull out one of these microphones God Oh fucking. Although if this is a haunted guitar amp now, perhaps it can do these things? Sure. See, like I said, batshit crazy. I'm gonna keep going. And then we skip back to the fight between Jacob and Andrea, where he's now got the most insane compass I've ever seen in my life. I own compasses but they're not a foot long that yes, very evil looks like a novelty one you'd see like at a shipyard or something on the end of a post dia fights. Do you use this for like naval cartography? Like, I've got a chart the ocean. She, she gets away from him. She's, for whatever reason. You know, the clock has drilled itself into the mantle, so it can't be moved. For whatever reason she knows to start hitting the wall around it, and then reveals Oh, well, before that. He she actually kills Jacob. I think Did you kill him? I thought she just hurt him. Because there's a lot of smoke. Because Rusty is starting to turn into a child. Yeah, that's right. Yes. Because Rusty's figured out that the clocks doing it he's trying to go for he's very slow motion, but they don't have enough of a budget to show him actually turning into we just suddenly he's like a toddler. And Jacob gets the repeat of the line. Stay the night. I'll be a gentleman, I promise. Oh, that's right. He kind of died. Yeah. You know, I like that scene. There's scenes in this that I like because they remind me a little bit of a Hellraiser shot or so we'll get Yeah. But But when she she tears opened the wall and exposes the cogs and which I love that part. I love that. I love that idea. Well, that looks bad on the blu ray. You can tell that they're meant to be lubricated with blood through, which is just a great detail. Like I said, I love the idea that is also very much a Hellraiser idea. And then she's gonna turn on the gas stove and try and explode the house. Yes. And she does, I guess sort of, not before the clock though is like not not this time and it turns back time all the way to the beginning but if it can do all this stuff, why wouldn't it turn back time just a few minutes and, and fucker up a little more. Okay, so after having watched this several times over the years, not all at once, but over the years. I I think there's an implied time loop to this, which is why she has the square at the very beginning for sure this is a Groundhog Day situation. And then she only finally breaks it when she's no longer codependent with Jacob. And she's like, Oh, you gotta give fuck your gift. Suspect to the beginning. He walks in with a clock She immediately which is what it's like. It's supposed to be like empowering, but it's unintentionally very, very funny. Oh, the entire ending makes zero sense because she seems to remember. And it's because of what you had said she's broken her cycle that she orders the clock before the cycle ends. She's like, you will let him go. And it opens the door. It just lets rusty like leave. Why does he remember what has happened? And Iris and Iris who's Yeah, because he's walking. I assume rusty only remembers because she got him out of the house in that previous loop was what I was figuring out real quick. Oh, well anyways, yeah. Yes. And then rusty and Iris kind of give knowing nice to each other. It's got pure evil, pure evil and a dancer with the T square and splits is headed half credit. It's kind of amazing. She didn't just merge. Right? But she does have the now like triple meaning line of about it's about time. It's literally about right. It's about the clock. And it's about time that she got out of this codependent messed up toxic relationship, and just go hang out with Dr. Lenny. Good times. Good times. And that's the end of your movie. What a fucking mess. Normally, I ask a few questions like, do we like this movie? Yes. We know. We know what one part of the triangle likes this movie. There were there were moments that I liked. It's almost more frustrating because it's almost good. Right? Yeah. But I said I really wasn't on board with it much at all. But then when it just went over the top insanity. Stork and old ladies and all this stuff I'm gonna get all right. I can enjoy this for being ridiculous and wild and what the hell, why not. I, I need just a little more explanation or a little more of a rule that after watching it five times, I could go oh, there was actually some thought behind what they were doing here and I see how they tied these things together. I don't get any of that after multiple viewings. See, I pretty much don't even really view this as an Amity Ville movie. I view this as the best director video like HellRaisers were like it doesn't even take too much mental gymnastics to think like what if he just came back with the box it what is the box you know? He said it's a dress or the male or so they drills in and then does all this shit Absolutely. breaks open the walls. Yes, he's the box design. Yes, you can play the movie almost exactly the same. It would work out great. I didn't really look into the background of the script. But I wonder if this was originally written as a very generic horror film that they decided to slap nothing because the yeah since since it's Christopher Faria, who was the main writer on it. He wrote it specifically as like whatever was happening in evil escapes apparently he was not a fan of that one. He's like, I just wanted to a new take on that one. So this this was he was the driving force behind this apparently. Well, this and then also Amityville new generation, so he for there's there's a connective tissue between that trilogy of films death, and a dollhouse. Or I don't I don't know if he did dollhouse but yeah, so I think that's that's why I love this one is it feels very much like like it should have been like a Hellraiser three late like they should have destroyed the box at the end of the second one. And then this is how it rebuilds itself kind of thing. It's it's shot in a very similar way where it's that kind of we're stuck in a house for most of the thing, like hell rate the original Hellraiser. They never say where they actually are. They're just in the suburb of burlwood, which is that weird sort of fairy tale kind of setting that helped the first Hellraiser head where it's like, why don't we in Britain are we sort of similar feel, and we've got our mostly empowered female lead. That's kind of you could, you could very easily make that, you know, Kirsty cotton if you want to share Yeah. And just like, I don't even think you need to pull the Cenobites into it. You could just have the box rebuild itself, they could cameo at the end if you wanted to. But that's sort of how I view the whole thing, which makes me like an awful lot. And then that reference to shield Shield Array as like, Oh, he's the first documented serial killer. That guy on his own is a movie that should be a Clive Barker film because his history is insane. He is, he only lived until the age of 35. Because it's like the 1400s he was he was a brother in arms with Joan of Arc. She's, he owns several castles and was a Lord. He spent a metric ton of money until he was in debt on a building a church called the church of Holy Innocents while he was literally just making children disappear from local towns like a vampire. Oh, and then he put on a gigantic play that had like, I think it was like, like 200 Something people in it and 20,000 lines. Wow. Yeah. Like, like his, his story sounds absolutely incredible. And, like, the trial that he had, because he like, was, uh, he abducted like a bishop or something. And who was going like, Hey, I think you killed all these children. He's like, I'll show you I'll kill you, too. And then the Catholic Church showed up and went, Hey, you're guilty. And but then there's been all this speculation that it was actually rigged because the prosecutor got all of the land that he had, and distributed it to the novel's. I'm like, I want to see that movie. That movie sounds crazy. I have a question. I know you're not religious. Do you believe in anything supernatural? Do you believe in ghosts or anything like that? Not particularly now? No. No, never seen anything. I believe in things being unexplained. But that implies that there is an explanation. Right? We just aren't. Yeah, advanced enough maybe to understand it. Yeah. There's just something we just haven't even studied yet. And I'm not like, like, I I enjoy heaven. And hell is like romantic concepts. Right. But beyond that, it's just not something I believe in. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah, well, I mean, everybody who's been listening to the show knows that I don't really believe in any of that stuff, either. But it's something that we have asked everybody and you might be the first to say no. Yeah, well, and Vanessa gives me shit. What would she's like you don't believe in ghosts? And I'm like, No. Like, I think ghosts are free. Awesome was a story concept. And you know, Halloween is pretty fantastic. But I haven't met one. Like, I mean, the closest closest the supernatural I got was, you know, growing up in the South and hearing the Gullah Geechee ghost stories on the Lowcountry, which are terrifying. If those were real, I wouldn't even be a functional human being. Okay, fair enough. Things that will steal your skin. They have giant one one eyed dogs that are in the woods if you go in the wrong direction. I have just a little note you're talking about Christopher Aria and him wanting to do something different. It says here when producer and CO screenwriter Christopher de Faria, read the short story collection Amityville The evil escapes by John G. Jones in preparation for writing the script for this film. He began confused by what he felt were inconsistencies in the nature and abilities of the demonic entities between stories. He called Jones to ask for clarifications. And Jones simply told him Yep, Chris. That's the way evil is. It's just unpredictable. Oh, and yeah, I saw that. I saw that interview because I think John D. Jones is Australian. Because Christopher Mario like switched to an Australian accent. At that point, like yep, that's what evil is. I, in in my research, I decided to look up a couple of interviews or not interviews but reviews for this film. It's very poorly reviewed, of course, but I found I found a guy who really, really liked it. It wasn't me. I didn't. And his name is Jacob John Taylor 16 and October of two. Yeah, in October 2016. He wrote a review for this movie, he gave it 10 out of 10. And his review is titled A very scary movie. I'm gonna read it. You're gonna you're gonna understand why I like this guy. He says, This is the sixth Amityville movie. It is scarier than the Amityville Horror. It is scarier than Amityville to possession. It is scarier than Amityville. Three the demon. It is scarier than Amityville. For the evil escapes. Amityville curse is scarier, but the Amityville dollhouse is also scarier. The Amityville Horror 2005 is also scarier. Still, this movie has a great storyline. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. It is very scary. It is one of the scariest movie from 1990 to see it. If you like horror movies, you will like it. 4.4 is underrating it I give it 10 out of 10 it is a great movie. I think people do like this movie because it is a sequel. Oh, he does say it is the scariest movie in 1992. And I don't think he's necessarily wrong. Well, the review tickled me so much that I had to look and see if he had left other reviews for other films. Is it just that one? No. Oh, no. Oh, left 1000s that I just brought up a couple that I really enjoyed. Like Did you seriously print out all his reviews? No, no, but he I saved him because I'm going to go back to his reviews. Let me just read this review. He wrote for Jurassic World dominion. He has a style. Is it? Is it listicle style? Well, perhaps you tell me. This was on the 30th of January of this year 2023. This got to be one of the scariest movie I have ever seen. 5.6 is underrating it this is a 10 out of 10. This has great acting. It also has a great storyline. The first five movies of Jurassic Park are scary. This is scarier. This is scarier than A Nightmare on Elm Street. It is also scarier than Friday the 13th it is also scarier than Halloween. The Silence of the Lambs is only scary to people who are easy to scare. And if they see this movie, it will make them go mad with fear. This movie is scarier than the original poltergeist. This is scarier than the bride of Chucky. This is scarier than the shining. If this does not scare you no movie. Well, I'm pretty sure I've been trapped in the elevator with this guy at least once this weekend and let me read his review for Halloween dance. Oh shit. Oh, okay. I'm glad he's keeping at it. First it was for 2016 And here we are. Yeah, he says this is scarier than Halloween kills. not as scary as Halloween 2018 not as scary as Halloween resurrection. not as scary as Halloween h2o. Very well written. Very good acting very scary. Halloween three season of the witches not scary. is very scary. not as scary as Halloween the curse of all Michael Myers. not as scary as Halloween five the revenge of homebuyers. not as scary as Halloween for the return of Michael Myers. not as scary as Halloween two. not as scary as Halloween. not as scary as Halloween to 2009 not as scary as hell. 2007 What good horror movie see it? He's got a nice ranking system already to go. What's his name again? John Jacob Taylor. 16 John Jacob Taylor. 16 You never change, don't you? You're you are providing a service to all of us. So I can at a glance, decide if my movies are not or are scarier than every previous one. I kinda I kinda love the guy. Okay, should we wrap this up? I think we've talked way more than this film deserves I think we've talked the length of the actual film. Yeah, I think you're probably pretty close. Yeah. anything extra? Miko. Where could you be found if you want to be found? No, I don't want to be found. That is a great and fully understandable answer. Yeah, I exist in a plane somewhere between light and shadow. Eric, where could you be found? What are you working on? Strange aeons radio? Yes. Yeah, I was working kind of cryptic on Seattle till the day around now maybe another couple hours. So he was traveling between the liminal spaces of the yes Hotel. Indeed. Where are you found also on strange aeons radio, the podcast that I do with Eric and Vanessa every week, and you can find stuff that I've written and stuff that I'm selling and all that stuff on written by k l And that's it. We'll be back you know, probably in a month attacking another one of these. I mean, this one is, is better than Amityville Horror. And this one's just not as good as good as cursive Amityville. Scary than Amityville in space, scary, scarier than Amityville, the new generation. Micah, thank you so much for doing this with us. And you're welcome. Great to hang with you this weekend. Thank you very much for the invite all around. It's my jetlag brain has not caught up yet and I don't have to because I go back to Atlanta tomorrow anyways, there you go. All right, that's the end of the show. Thanks everybody. Thank you temperatures have flooding in your thermostat right at okay and do you have somebody inspect the entire heating system goodness knows those of us who live in North know what can happen with heating systems in a house especially old houses. George something about there was also something about black in the toilets, the water black and making the ceramic the bowls or whatever blind itself it wasn't in the water. The China itself turned black and at first it was one bathroom and then another one than another. So that by the time the investigators got there, a number of them was still black. And it was still that way. There was never any reasonable explanation. Did you have a plumber come in? I mean, when you first spot No, it wasn't. It wasn't a problem with the water. The water was cold. It was normal. But did you invite any contractors somebody like that just to come say what's wrong with the toilets? Because he did. The Amityville Horror session, 3d Science