Strange Aeons Radio


Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 255

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Credit card fraud is a great way to start the year! Who's with me?

Also discussed: Satan Wants You, The Sacrifice Game, What If...?

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Oh I'm sorry did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That is Eric up there. Hello. That's Vanessa over there. Hello. I'm Kelly. Hey, you guys. I decided to start the new year off with some credit card fraud. So that's always lovely. I was I was I don't even know why I was looking at this purchase that I got on my card. And I do everything all my banking is online and everything. And it just showed up as a processing a$70 fee from Road Runner Sports. And I was like, nope, finish sports. Look at me. I haven't been in Road Runner, sports and many a year. And I decided to then see if I had any other fees from them. Yes, for the last three years. They've charged me 6999 on at the end of December. And I was like, What is this and I did some research Roadrunner sports doesn't even have anything that they do a month or a yearly. VIP thing, but that's 4999 and then I was like, is, is there something I'm subscribing to that is for some reason coming through Roadrunner sports, I just couldn't think of anything I was like, Is my VPN is it you know, one of the programs I bought, I couldn't think of anything. So I called up the bank to ask them to stop it and I got a real nice guy. But then he just immediately cancelled my card we'll send you a new card and I was like ah, I actually I want to keep this card is delayed canceled on like well there we go. So now I I've been getting little notes from like Patreon and places you know your payment did not go through this time and I'm like yes, I know. It's coming in. It's coming tomorrow. I will fix it all tomorrow. It's it's good to refresh these things every once a while because you never know like there's some weird stuff out there that people can get a hold of your your shit and be charging weird little transactions in the background. So it's it doesn't hurt right kind of a weird thing to it wasn't bank fraud. But we the first time we use this I had some big problems connecting with a speed that was even decent. So I I'll just get a new modem. You know what, I'm not gonna play XFINITY rent anymore. I'll buy one offline. So I got one from Amazon. Listen is brand new. Got it. plugged it in, called to activate it. Atmos skip a bunch of stuff because it's really stupid and annoying. But by the end, it turned out that this modem was registered at XFINITY to somebody else. And they can't stop that the person who's got it registered has to stop it. So I immediately packed the motormouth sent it back and said Guess I'm paying rent again. Got a new container. Did the modem look new when it arrived? The box was obnoxiously sealed. I mean it was like hard to get into it the way it was put together. And so it felt very new. It was all wrapped it had all the wire tags wrapped around everything. It looked completely new. But that's why Wow crazy. Well the first operator I talked to apparently didn't know what they're doing and couldn't figure out why it wasn't connected just kept me there for an hour. The second one I talked to was very good and within like 10 minutes is gone. Yeah, we're not gonna ever be able to to make this moment. Oh, okay, great. So while luckily the experience stars not too far from me, so I've just got the car went picked it up. Because, man, if you don't have internet, you don't got Wi Fi right now. It's tough to do anything. That's fine, especially since Dina works from home too. So she's like, got a meeting. I can think you're missing it seems to be working that I did get to watch some some cool stuff this week. And one of them that I really want to push on everybody is a documentary that's on to be from this year and it's called Satan one Once you and it is the story surrounding the book, Michelle remembers, and it gets into, you know, Michelle remembers was really like ground zero for the Satanic Panic. And it was about this girl who through regressive hypnotherapy started remembering that she was used as a, as a sex slave for Satanists, and all of this stuff. And then it just exploded into, you know, the childcare places being examined for underground tunnels and all of this shit that happened in the 80s because of the Satanic Panic. And this really talks about this woman and her therapist, and, you know, spoiler how none of that happened. But really, really fascinating documentary, Satan wants you on to be dark. It's a tough, tough watch. And maybe it's because my dad was a psychologist at that time, and was in the middle of he hated regression therapy, he thought that the odds of somebody planting a memory in your head, or helping you plan to memory ahead are so much more likely than you regressing memories, that horrible and not having any knowledge of them at all. Especially when everybody else in the family is like, nothing like that ever happened. So this was really powerful stuff. Learn from history, you can watch this movie. I'm glad you watched it. Yeah, it's definitely one of those ones that I missed out on Sif. This year, I had some tickets, and I had some films picked picked out. And that was definitely one of them that stood out. But um, didn't manage to check it out. So I will hunt that down. And you said it's on TV. Yeah, it's on to be. I think it's listed as originals. Well, I gosh, I feel like I don't even like superhero stuff that much. I don't know why this is all I ever talked about. But what if Season Two has begun. So yeah, I haven't seen all of it. I'm about halfway through. Well, they sure are just taking properties that exist and putting characters into it. So we had one that was very Blade Runner esque. We've had one that was diehard, and we've had one that was Mad Max. So original content. Cool. I will say this Yeah, very derivative, but still better than most of the you know, way better than like Secret Invasion or better than God. Yes, Obi Wan you know, so and the the animation is so gorgeous that I'm kind of fine with it. I think they did it even better animation this year. Maybe I'm crazy. But it feels like even like they pumped more money towards it. And they have more original voice not original, more voice actors of the people who actually play them in the film's safer, save for a few exceptions. Like of course Robert Downey Jr. and Brie Larson doesn't want to do it. You can you can tell who's like you know what, I'm, I'm okay. I don't need to. I don't need to show up for this. And other people were like, I will take that paycheck. Thank you very much. guy that does the Robert Downey Jr. Voice is fantastic, though, man. He's got a great. Yeah, yep. Absolutely. Yeah, that one sounds really good. every once awhile, you'll get somebody who is the actual voice but it doesn't sound like it for some reason. Say anyway, making fun of this person. Really, really good. God, this is a really vanilla version. Weird. It's like, Oh, crap stuff. Okay. I watched all of it. And yeah, my takeaway was, this was not a bad way to watch a series. I thought it was really interesting that they released it daily one a day. Which was weird. Yeah. So they're, they're definitely trying stuff because the the new echo show that's going to be coming out. That's going to be released all at once. So they're they're definitely trying to see what sticks and how people are going to continue subscribing. Interesting. Yeah. And I worry that they have very little faith in Echo. Honestly, but we'll we'll see. Let's see. Okay, yeah, I have very little faith and well, that might be why they're dumping it all at one night so that people don't talk about it over a course of weeks. Yeah. I'm wondering, not always possible. I've got another kind of home invasion one, I guess you'd call it. The sacrifice game. Directed by Jen Rex Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I heard about this. Brian, from the Lovecraft festival, I think, summed it up quite well, when he said it was like the word to use was sweet or cute or something like that. Because although the opening scene is incredibly intense, and disturbing violence, most of the rest of them are charming. That was the word to use. Most of the rest of the word movie is not even though group of people going around killing people for a reason. And they ended up in this private school. And they've captured three people. And there's the three people and it just doesn't have that sense of menace. You know, that problem usually with makes a home invasion movie so hard to watch is that what are they going to do to these people? It didn't have so much of that. But the acting was good. It was well, it was a fun story. And it's kind of well, it's fine. And then I read Brian saying it's charming. It's like, you know what, that is the perfect word for this musky. It's a charming innovation, but so it's, um, shatter. So you know, if you feel the need for I want an invasion movie, but they're so disturbing. Try this one. It's, is it also a holiday movie? I think so. Well, I was gonna talk about what if, but I guess what you guys are gonna get now is my mini review of the devil conspiracy, which is on Hulu. This is a brand new horror film. But I think directo Hulu that feels like it was made in 1994. It's, it's over the top, horror bizarre, and it's about it literally opens up with God throwing Satan into hell and Michael showing up and chaining him down there. And then it's like, you know, a million years later. There is this group of people who are fooling around with genome codes. And, and basically they're cloning people from their DNA. But they're cloning. They're cloning, like Shakespeare or Michelangelo, or you know, they're making these babies and they're selling them to these very wealthy people. So that they'll have the next Michelangelo or something like that. And it turns out that all of these wealthy people, so Okay, so right there, that's, that's a story idea, right? You've just tossed out Lucifer getting thrown. You've just got this group of people doing this kind of science fiction news story, right? And, and it turns out that they're planning on stealing the Shroud of Turin so that they can get Jesus Christ's DNA, right. So so there's, there's one part of this movie. The other part is the supernatural part where Satan is, you know, slowly breaking the chains and he's going to be coming back into the world. And then you find out that these people who are doing the cloning, they are all Satanists. So they're doing this cloning so that they can bring him back up. And then it's also a bizarre action flick where the Archangel Michael has come down and he is possessed the dead body of this priest, and he is trained to save this woman who has been impregnated by Satan and is going to be it's this movie is bonkers. It's not very good. I watched the entire thing I had to get a second bowl of popcorn I was so enthralled with it. And I don't know if you like those kinds of stupid movies from the early 90s This one is right there for you the devil conspiracy My God, that sounds freaking insane. It is it is freaking insane. The effects as soon as the effects at the beginning start I mean, when God throws Satan out. It looks really cool because the universe just kind of opens up like an eye. And you see Satan comes shooting out of the iris and then down onto Earth and then burrowing into what will then become hell. And I was like, What the fuck am I watching? Wow, is it live action or is it animated? It's live action. Yeah. Oh my god. Brain. Okay. Well, um, since we're, I know that in In the last episode we talked about like all the kind of Oscar Beatty stuff that's coming out and some of those big picture films that apparently are on New York Times is top 20. And I've never heard of a single one of them. So I went ahead and checked out the holdovers. Oh yeah and yeah, it's you know, I it was a really charming little kind of Christmas film really feels like it's based on a book Yeah, good good acting. There's so I don't I think there's a CGI eyeball thing happening cuz St Paul Giamatti that's in this as well where like the whole thing behind his character it's either like a contact lens, or they're doing CGI where one of his eyes is not in sync with the other and it's like part of his character development and there's no way that any actor on planet Earth there I do that that much in one movie. So whatever movie magic they got going on in there, they did an excellent job. But yeah, I think it's cool little cool drama. Not necessarily for the typical fare for our our listeners. Definitely no horror or sci fi or any kind of URL it's just some private school with some kids going through some shit. The holdovers? The holdovers my other one is a something Vanessa recommended earlier this year. I finally finished is blue eyes samurai daddy's good. The look is that an American made champion or is it because I watched the dubbed version because it looked like that's how it was made. Yeah, I think there is only a dub version. The spectacular voice actress they got really really nailed it. It's really good. One problem for me is I looked at the IMDB thing and misread how many episodes there were so got to episode eight that there was one more I'm going what in the hell is going to fall into this. Like you'd mentioned before, they could have wrapped this as a solo season but I look forward to see what they do next. So well worth checking out on Netflix. Looks like it's a French American adult animated action. So produced by Jane Wu French studio blue spirit so yeah, so not actually just really loving on that Japanese style but not actually a Japanese anime that's pretty good. Are you so are you saying that it's only seven episodes in or it's a it's eight to nine because I forgot you know when you've got another season coming they'll just drop that season and say one episode before they know any knowledge. So like oh shit, but it's really really well done. It is definitely an adult animation too. I'm so glad you checked it out and yeah, it is vicious it is there's rush it you will see but I feel like the story justifies it in a way that it's not like seeing disgusting stuff for the sake of it. Yeah. So you know lots of animated dogs running around well, you know, you know what I love nothing more. That's blue eyed samurai which is on Netflix I believe. Yeah. Well alright guys, how about we take a little break and then when we come back our sub genre topic is snow one of the greatest heroes of the mall is destroying the polar ice cap. And bad jeans up with Blizzard his fears a wolf and are hot on his trail. With electronic sound and flaring missile Blizzard is one of the greatest heroes of the mall chill out x newsletter man. Blizzard direct sold separately. Hello. Let's see who's called the strange aeons radio hotline. Hey guys, Make a long time no see, I feel as I sit here after being sick for two weeks and reading loads of Ninja Turtles and fish to the North Star and watching horrible horrible ninja movies that maybe it's about time for there to be just one more ninja episode. That's all I got. But do a sick man affair. If you'd like to call the strange aeons radio hotline, dial 253-237-4266 Nobody we have returned. We're back to our old kind of format Vanessa and you chose our sub genre for this episode? I did I did. I really felt like there was a lack of winter wonderland in our themes lately. So I wanted to make us all talk about films that were featuring snow or snow related product like avalanches or related products. You know what I mean? Also give me the opportunity to watch the world's longest film because it's a mini series and that is storm of the century from 1999 A storm is coming the kind you can prepare for the last one of the century it's bringing something with it something you've never seen before give me what I want. And I'll go away refuse me I assure you I can punish for the first time ever a Stephen King original written directly for the screen by the master himself. Sure, we'll find out. Only one man only one network dares to beat this original. Give me what I want. And I'll go away. NBC is taking February by storm. Stephen King's storm of the century February 1999. I don't know if either of you guys saw this maybe four for sure. Yeah. i There's a lot of Stephen King stuff out there that I have missed out or have not yet dived into so this was one of those Rotten Tomatoes score of 83% from critics and 83% from audience directed by Mike are Baxley has 33 credits to his name, nine episodes of a team Action Jackson Dark Angel, Dark Angel Stone Cold bros red Kingdom hospital series and the US. Also doesn't did a lot of stunts. 101 stunts including predator 21 Jump Street, all of the A team and all of Dukes of Hazzard seems to have stopped doing stunts around 89 and swapped to directing and of course this is written by Stephen King, turning 65 credits to his name. Maximum Overdrive Kingdom hospital us which I did not realize Crips show Shawshank Salem saw pet cemetery etcetera etcetera. Starring comfier as Andre the stranger was 173 credits to his name, Thor face off, and recently the Umbrella Academy as Reginald Hargreaves which is what I knew him from Tim Daly as Mike 82 credits, including 120 episodes of madam secretary 98 episodes of private practice and 52 episodes of Superman The Animated Series as Clark Kent slash Superman, and Jeffrey Dimon as Robbie 120 credits, including 75 episode of billions 19 episodes of Walking Dead the midst Green Mile Shawshank Redemption, so I feel like some of these Stephen King people end up somehow back and the king verse so pretty, pretty interesting. Oh, yes, I know. You should probably I was wondering if you were I just figured you were doing it. I'm doing this timer. All right, well, if you need to knock a minute or two off, I got it. So the story it follows a big storm is making its way towards little tall island in Maine in 1989. Some of the residents think it's no big deal while others are stockpiling like crazy. A strange man arrives along kind of with the storm just right before it hits. At Martha Clarendon is home a very slow moving very old lady enjoying her TV and a cup of tea. He knocks on the door she opens and he brutally murders her with a cane that has a silver wolf head on the top. He leaves the door open and the body where she lay and steals her teen proceeds to sit in her chair and waits. Meanwhile, Mike Anderson, a supermarket manager and part time constable is trying to keep the store going the little small town store while people are having a kind of a run on goods right before the weather hits. He's a good guy. His wife calls and needs his help at her daycare that she's running out of their house because a girl got her head stuck between to the rails and him and the dad of the girl who also works at supermarket run over and He lovingly gets this kid's head out he is a hero. He is just always making the right decisions when everyone else around him is maybe struggling a little bit. Meanwhile, a teenager sees the old lady's Walker strewn down the stairs in front of her house. So he goes to check up on her, finds her brutally dead and sees Andre Lynaugh hanging out in her chair. Andre tells the kid that he sucks at basketball. And the kid runs off to tell everyone that the lady's been murdered. Robbie, the pushy town manager and real estate sleazy guy goes to check in on this whole situation tries to kind of take over it. But when he confronts Minaj little hush knows some of the worst things that Robbie has ever done in his life and tells it back to him. So Robbie kind of freaks out he goes outside with a gun and sits there until Mike shows up because of course he is the constable. So Mike and hatch arrest the guy put him in jail seems weirdly easy to do. However, Minaj on the way into the cell tells various people at the grocery store because of course the jail cells behind the grocery store. You have to go through it, it's fine. He tells many of the patrons their deepest, darkest secrets allowed and the whole small town starts to get stirring. Within the jail cell, we start to see that lineage is more than just a guy who happens to know too much. He also seems to have telekinetic powers. He can force people to do things and to do things for themselves and other people. And also he starts leaving these notes through other people that say, give me what I want and I'll go away. However, he doesn't exactly tell people what he wants for like five hours on a six hour program. So of course the storm worsens, it's impossible for them to pass the knowledge off to the mainland. They're stuck with him. They're discovering he's weirdly powerful. And there are just tons of murders and suicides happening all over town. In the end, I don't even know how much I should tell about what happens. I'd say 20 year old TV series. Skip ahead if you don't want spoilers linage is a weird power. powerful wizard, I guess. And he wants something from the townspeople and that is something to do with their children. And of course, Mike, who is the one guy who is the good guy in town, and is trying to help everyone make the right decisions and is continuously putting the moral questions up front before what's easy or convenient or makes him feel better. He's the one who's going to have the most sacrifice given his child is essentially the one that gets taken away. So I thought what a ballsy ascending, ballsy SMA they're like, cool. So um, yeah, everything sucks. And this poor guy got fucked. He basically pieces out. Good for him. Good for him for leaving, because everyone in this town sucks. And his wife sucks. And I hate her. I hate her the whole time. She's like, Yeah, we should just give up arch. Child, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's like what is your problem? She also is not very good at her daycare job. So take that lady. It's not a super satisfying ending. There's this weird constant religion thing where they're talking about Legion and they're quoting the Bible and it paint does not pan out. It does not mean anything. Don't worry about it. Apparently, don't don't worry about any of those connections you start to draw because they will have no rhyme or reason in the story. Little bit of trivia, calm fear took it upon himself to make friends with all child actors, because he didn't want any of them to be genuinely scared of him. He's the one that's playing the stranger. The cane that Andre linage has is the same one that Stu Redman used in the stand from 1984. Also, I thought it looked exactly like the cane from Wolfman. But that's just me. This is Stephen King's favorite television special of his own. It has the same setting as Dolores Claiborne a cat reads the boy the characters cat reads a book to the children the little puppy which Danny Torrance loved and the shining is created for screen and then there was a script that was later published as a book. So this was a Stephen King joint just for this and lineages name is a twist on a French word for snow lenez which is also apparently in the story meant to be Legion set for blu ray but Warner Brothers deleted and the director Mike Flanagan cited it has cited storm of the century as a major influence on his 2021 Netflix miniseries Midnight Mass. That's mine. Wow, three minutes under the time. I'm just gonna turn the buzzer off. Vanessa, did you? Did you like it? I don't know. I mean, I feel pretty mad because I spent six hours watching it. And I really needed it to like tie up at least a little bit more for all of that sitting through it. And it didn't. But there were some cool things going on in it. Like I don't want hate that I saw it. I'm not like, I don't want my time back. I just want it to have ended better. So that's me. Yeah. I think I feel the same way. I'm surprised this is King's favorite thing. He wrote the screenplay, which I know he doesn't do a lot of himself. So I guess he only has himself to blame. But it's why he loves it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. It is a very unsatisfying ending, for sure. 100% Yeah. And there's also this weird moment when he sees his kid and the guy in New York, like, walk, you know, in San Francisco, and they're walking down the street, and he's just like, my child, and he like kind of catches up to them and the child is like, fucking evil. And you're like, Oh, he's not going back. That's the end of that. Glad we had that in here for some reason. I think I kind of liked that ending at least. Yeah, at least it's something. Right? Yeah. Well, all right. Now you never have to watch that again. Yeah, turns out people are bad. That's the moral of that story. People are not redeemable and if you give them the opportunity to read the deed themselves, and maybe that somehow ends up being the way the plot could move forward. It won't happen. They'll just suck and continue to lie. So good job, humans. Eric, I am putting 10 minutes. Good. Alrighty, well, that's a little more recent one from 2014. Dark was the night that might be dealing with something that's not easily explained. You've been out in the woods lately, in the trees. Only animal just dumping bad. Animals senses a threat tend not to hang around. coming in over the stain that we're looking for. Maybe it's always been here, the passage of stories. People have been telling them around here for a long time to do something wrong about these ones. There's a monster in the woods. I went out there something and there's an awkward that's looking for food and I found us Rotten Tomatoes has ended 52 For critics and 36 crowd. It is available on prime to be in various other places to rent is directed by Jack Heller. He also directed enter nowhere and Big Sean music videos. Tyler Hisle is the writer. He wrote an episode of Wayward Pines Safari episode of low but the actor Kevin Durant, you've probably seen him in something. It's been 11 episodes of lock and key 46 episodes of the strain. Winter's Tale, real steal a 2010 Robin Hood, the very underrated 310 to Yuma wild hits smokin aces and 21 episodes of Dark Angel. He's been around also Lukas Haas was in Inception, witness Mars Attacks, The Revenant seven episodes of The a wonderful righteous gemstones, Alpha Dog leap of faith and Lady in White, of course. To have Bianca Connick, who is in Halloween resurrection, bring it on 10 Things I Hate About You where she played the coffee girl 100 episodes of rules of engagement 13 episodes of Boston public and hey, eight episodes of Dawson's Creek. And then there's Nikki Demetri who might know from steak land or we are what we are, and having one of the steadiest men the pictures on IMDb for his photograph. They're very nice. This is an okay film crew was taking down trees, and suddenly they disappear. You've got the foreman yelling back for everybody to respond. It's time to go. We're done and nobody answers. Oh, what might have happened to them? Well, some unseen critter attacks. And you don't get to see that you see some of the aftermath. You don't know what it's down this small town now. I gotta tell you, you know, there's a odd similarity to a town like this. To this small town, it felt very potentially clubs and looking. This is an incredibly well acted movie. The actors in here are all good. They're all giving their all and despite my sarcasm about the director, it's decently directed. The problem is it's I don't know if they wanted to be a drama or horror movie. So they continue on with this sheriff's kid. Spotting something in the backyard is not able to find anything but the next morning they go outside and there are huge giant strange footprints walking into the backyard and then down the street. And as the sheriff follows these down the street, you can see everybody from outside the town is outside looking at these muddy footprints trying to figure out what what possibly made them as they go into the woods. Eventually the tracks disappear. So rumors start to fly. Of course, as the mystery deepens. There is a deep side story were the lead of dealing with the loss of a child that happened six months before the movies timeline. The death kind of covers colors, everything that happens in the movie, and does help make it a deeper story than it would have been other words, it's not a waste, it's well used, which is where that mi a drama or a horror movie kinda falls in line. The surf gets a call to come up and check out somebody stable. And again he sees something and there definitely is something there the next morning when they find giant claw marks all over the barn. And all you see is shots of legs running away and looks decent amounts not A stupid creature but it's good. The people the town are so dramatic towards the Sheriff of not figuring everything out and every having everything solved immediately. The whole world apparently is his fault at this point. And that gets a little old. They have several scenes of that. They finally realize you know what this is something's going on. And it's kind of a cryptid tail like a cryptozoic creature. So once they start to realize what it is they all flash or flash themselves stash themselves in the local church for the final battle with the creature. What do you think will happen? Will you reunite with his wife and move back in with his son is still alive son? Will all these questions or answers will we ever actually see this damn creature? Getting your well it's a pretty it's actually a pretty good creature by the time you finally see it. Take away quote from the movie. Worrying never added a day to anyone's life. But then on a napkin you're good. Good to remember. This the tagline for it is evil runs evils roots run deep, which is fine. Yeah. Got our drawback or plus to the movie depending on how you watch it. It is heavily color filtered. Thanks. There's deep and strange choices to the day is blue. So it's gonna guess it gone for maybe winter. But it seems like Kalani gone for Day for Night. What is this blue cast, you've got everything and it's inside and outside. Sometimes they go to yellow inside. And as the movie evolves, the colors kind of fade away. So it's very obviously a very real choice. I'm not quite sure what that choice was. But it is interesting filmmaking something something was going on there. It does get incredibly melodramatic near the end. But that's sort of what is leading to so it wasn't a terrible thing. The Jack Heller directed the film saying he included a never be see never before seen monster drawn from various pieces of American folklore. Not too far off actually. It's fairly original nice looking creatures. It's a little female. It's CGI. So that is a drawback. The movie was shot in 20 days. The screenplay for this movie, originally titled the cheese was on the 2009 Hollywood blacklist. So it was well written it is kind of a I hesitated on movie because it was good. But it feels like it could have been so much better. The acting was all good. The directing was good. The writing was good, but it just sat on that edge of you could really have made a classic film but you made a pretty good movie. So I agree more with the critics. 52 is about right. 30 is a little harsh, but I would say oh, it's also based on a something that happened called the devil's footprints in 19th century England. Mysterious hoof like footprints appeared in the snow and ran along for 40 to 100 miles depending on who you talked to. Prints appeared to pass through walls and over rooftops making a perfectly straight line. And nobody knows to this day what what it was or how it was done. Dark is the night okay, Eric, you came in under your time to turn off the buzzer. Very dark was the night. Dark was the night huh? And what did you watch that on? Probably prime fellas on TV and for rent. So it's a variety of places. Once you started describing the film, I was like, oh, yeah, I started watching this and I did not finish it. Is it just is the creature supposed to be something? Or just something I've never seen before? Oh, I see what you mean. No, I don't know. I think it's a took that idea from that English event. And just went through the idea of this the footprints and then built the creature from a variety of different cryptids that already existed. It's definitely not a Bigfoot or anything, right? No, no, definitely not. And you said the creature design when you finally get to see it. It's pretty cool. It's neat. I wish was a little more practical, but it's still pretty good. At least it's interesting and that pretty, pretty good ballsy battle at the end, which is well done. Very cool. Okay, I am getting 10 minutes and I won this time you guys because I chose from 1983 The Dead Zone you've been in a coma for five years the house is burning your daughter's in the house. It's not too late. You're at the top of the town because I got my head bashed and I'm still here to talk about it because you have power of second sight. I don't know whether it's true. These psychic powers you guys. I'm at my wit's end John I could use your hands to do these murders we've been having Castle Rock killer besides face by girl that way to the US Senate he's dangerous if you could go back in time before Hitler came to power knowing what you know now but you kill him. I would kill him It doesn't matter. I'm not crazy, you know? Those headaches are getting worse something as divisions grow stronger and more powerful. The body weaken God has seen fit. Bless you with this gift. You should use it bless me. Not only can you see the future, I can change Ah, very cool. We could have done a could have done a Stephen King show here if Eric had just gotten so close so close. This had a budget of $10 million in a box office of 21 million Rotten Tomatoes critics give it 89% And the audience gives us 77% Direct Buy and for some reason I always forget this. David Cronenberg. 30 credits including video drum scanners, the fly Dead Ringers a history of violence and Eastern Promises written by Jeffrey Boehm, who has 18 credits, including interspace The Lost Boys, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Lethal Weapon two and three and 27 episodes of The Adventures of Brisco county Jr. and it is based on the novel by Stephen King. You know there was a good run there of adaptations that kind of almost ends with this movie. Carrie Salem's Lot The Shining creeps show and then an 83 Cujo and Christine and the dead zone. This star is Christopher Walken was 143 credits including The Deer Hunter brainstorm communion, the prophecy, Sleepy Hollow and nine episodes of severance just recently also starring Brooke Adams, who has 70 credits including shockwaves Invasion of the Body Snatchers and sometimes a comeback which is another Stephen King. Tom Skerritt is in this he has 171 credits including alien poltergeist three Top Gun Space Camp. Herbert Lom who has 114 credits including journey to the far side of the sun mark of the devil murders in the Rue Morgue, but he will always be Commissioner Dreyfus and the Pink Panther movies to me. And then finally, Martin Sheen is in this 261 credits including Badlands Apocalypse Now the final countdown Firestarter the believers 94 episodes of Grace and Frankie which I did not know he was in. I'm gonna assume you both have seen the dead zone. Yeah. This is a pretty straightforward adaptation of you know, arguably one of Kings most straightforward stories, there's a lot left out which is fine, it hits all the important beats tells a story in three acts. So in the small town of Castle Rock, we meet Johnny Smith and his fiancee, Sarah. They're both teachers at the local high school and they are on a date at a carnival. And while he's on the roller coaster, he starts getting a severe headache like worse than a migraine. And so the big night of him seeing over and then consummating the relationship must be delayed. Sara wants him to stay but he's having a really bad time with a headache and he leaves telling her that some things are worth waiting for. Unfortunately, he gets into a very bad auto accident on the way home and he blacks out. And when we see him next he's in the hospital and he wakes up which comes as quite a shock. To the nurse who is attending him because he's been in a coma for five years. He is devastated to learn the Sara has moved on and met and married another man. And he feels there's no need to really go on but he's too weak to even do anything about it because he can't walk after being bedridden for five years. One day as the nurses attending him, he grabs her by the wrist and starts having these super real visions of being trapped in a burning bedroom with a young girl. He tells the nurse Amy needs your help. Amy has a daughter's name but there's no reason Johnny would know that. Johnny tells you the house is burning and her daughter is in the house but it is not too late. So the nurse rushes home to find her house in flames but her daughter is being rescued by firefighters just as she arrives home. Johnny's Dr. Herbert Lom convinces him that it's time to start living again. And he begins physical therapy and also strikes up a pretty close friendship with the doctor. When he shakes his hand one day he gets another psychic flash this time of the doctor as a young boy and sometime during wartime when he was separated from his mother who was killed, but Johnny tells him that she wasn't killed and she thought her little boy was killed. She ended up in America under a new Americanized name and married a very nice man. And it turns out that Johnny's right but the doctor who is in his 60s Can't bring himself to introduce himself to his elderly mother after so many years. So that's pretty much the first part of the movie. The second one starts with Johnny back in moving back in with his father, his mother has died and rumors of his abilities have started to circulate. So a few days later, Sheriff Bannerman, which is Tom Skerritt swings by and asked Johnny if he'll help them out by checking out a crime scene. Turns out the Castle Rock has a serial killer and Johnny is brought to the actual body of his latest victim and when he touches the girl, he does see the killer and he recognizes him as the deputy that was just talking to them. But when they turn to question him, the deputy is gone. What follows is pretty intense chi scene where the deputy kills himself in a very gruesome scene. But he is then shot by the killers mother. And Bannerman has to kill her. I'm sorry. Johnny is shot by the killers mother. So after his brush with death again, he decides to move out to a remote cabin where he won't have to deal with people anymore. And then he's kind of tucked into helping a man by giving his introverted son private tutoring lessons. And this guy is very, very wealthy. One time while Johnny is there, there is a man who's running for state senator Greg Stillson. And Johnny meets him and takes an instant disliking to him. He's very charismatic man, though, and he's got the people all riled up and looking for someone who can make change, so he's probably going to get elected. Johnny pisses off the father of the kid. He's been tutoring by having a vision of the guy son and his friends on a hockey team breaking through the ice and drowning. And so Johnny is fired. The kid is freaked out enough that he doesn't play but then several other kids do die, just as Johnny saw. And this is really important because Johnny saw the boy drowning in his vision. So it turns out not only can he see the future, he can change it. So the third part of the movie is what happens when he bumps into Stillson again at rally and shakes his hand and he gets a vision of self Stillson several years in the future where he's giving the order to launch nukes at the Soviet Union. So he makes a very bold decision that he's going to have to kill Greg Stillson before he can get elected. Will Johnny be able to follow through on his plan to assassinate Stillson at one of his rallies knowing he himself will not make it out alive? Will we get an absolutely perfect scene of Martin Sheen being the slimy assassin politician ever? And using Sarah's young son as a human shield when Johnny comes for him? And will Johnny be able to change the future this time when the world needs it most? If you guys haven't seen this movie, you need to see it and if you have I think you need to give it another rewatch it is so good. Eric and film school, Tom Skerritt was one of our teachers, and I had him signed my copy of alien and mash but I really wish I had had him sign the dead zone I just completely forgot he was. Walking is not only mostly normal in this film, considering everything his character has gone through. He's also very likable and quite handsome in some scenes, which always comes as a shock to me when we're talking about him. Let's see. I'm getting close to my time. I've got some trivia, but I really love Martin Sheen in this. He's a pretty big star and he tackles this character. He doesn't fuck around. He gives it 100%. It's a much smaller role than in the novel, where we get to see him coming up early on. And how long to get into the trivia. Bill Murray was Stephen King's choice for the part of Gianni and in 83, I think that would have been a very different movie. The gazebo where the murder took place was built for the film and was later donated to the town of Niagara on the Lake Ontario where it was filmed. town officials originally objected to the building of the gazebo, but Cronenberg told them it will be a temporary and easily destroyed. But then the town ended up loving it. And it is now a favorite spot for wedding photographs. Sure. And here's the one controversial thing. Director David Cronenberg fired a 357 Magnum loaded with blanks just off camera to make Smith is to make Smith's flinches seem more involuntary. This was Christopher Watkins own idea. But it still seems like you know, boy, that's some, that's some heavy duty shit for a movie. I'm not sure why this movie doesn't get brought up. Very often when they talk about best adaptations. I think this is really solid. I liked this movie much better than the shining. And I think you know, if you just drop in that first chunk of flicks that are based on his books, this one is, yeah, this one was right up there for me. Beat my time. Turn on my timer off nicely for three. No kidding, I've got to rewatch this movie. This is a it's been it's been a while I think I watched it during some kind of binge in data 2014 or something. So I really need to check it out. I know we were talking about snow. And there was some question as to whether there is snow in this movie. And I didn't realize that the entire movie takes place during winters. So snow on the ground everywhere. Yeah, I that's what I was saying. If even if you have seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it again. It's really a solid flick. And I'm guessing because it doubled its budget. That was probably how Cronenberg was able to push a little higher into the directing realm that he got. Yeah, and Canada just loves our actual artists and we'll give them actual money to Sam. Right. It's kind of weird to think that right after well, so when he was offered this, this I think is right before dune. Maybe it's right after dune 83 Because he was originally offered return to the Jedi. And in turn, turned it down to do dune. So it must have been right before this. I don't know. That was my movie. The Dead Zone. Nice. Okay, I guess. I think Could I have the choice for the next subtopic? Yes, you do. And I'm going to do us all a favor because Vanessa, you're going to explode any minute. Also, I wanted to do with with life and goodness. I mean, yeah, there's thought. So that means at some point, we're gonna get the call that says, hey, guess what, guys, I'm not doing an episode this week. So I'm thinking ahead to, you know, a possible guest host at some point, and we don't want to throw a a topic at them just last minute. But also I don't know if you guys remember I wanted to do. I wanted to do November and I got shut down. And then I was like, I wanted to do a vamp you weary and is like, well, we're gonna only have two weeks left in it. And then I was gonna say, you know, let's do Vamp blueberry in February, but we know we've got the Charles Dexter awards coming up. And so for the next several weeks, we're doing vampires. And whoever a guest host is doing vampires and it's going to be vampy weary Vamp Ruairi. Fan perfect my it's vampire vampire lie. Okay, so this is the part where I say thanks to everybody who's liking and sharing our posts who's calling the strange aeons radio hotline that I forgot to bring in here who are watching on the stream. screen right now on YouTube. We should you guys, I'm not quite myself. And who's especially throwing money our way either in monthly subscription donation that you can do on PayPal or with the thing we like to call value for value, which is if you get some kind of value out of this, you just turn around and give us some kind of value back. We can't tell you how much that value is you have to decide that Okay, sounds good. I think that's it guys. I'm excited to to finally get into vampires. Yeah, finally we never talked about this ever before. So you know I don't need that kind of negativity in my life i i have a list of at least like 1015 vampire movies that I'd be happy to check out so whether or not I actually get to check out any of them we shall see. But I think it's a great topic choice so good job. Good thank you. I need this kind of Yeah, that's kind of as much better than video nasties I'll tell you that for sure. Alright guys, I believe vampires on video nasties. Maybe if you haven't already watched the Balearic as well all right guys feels like a short episode, but that's how it goes. Sometimes they're long sometimes they're short. We'll be back in seven days. We are talking vampires. See you next Thursday. Transportation and other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by an am airline. 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