Strange Aeons Radio


March 21, 2024 Strange Aeons Radio Season 6 Episode 264

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It's time for the annual Charles Dexter Awards, with your hosts, Eric, Vanessa, and Kelly! With video! Also discussed: Damsel, Shogun, Argylle.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration somewhere between science and superstition such sites to show you strange aeons. Welcome to strange aeons radio. That is Eric, as you can see right over there. And that is Vanessa right there in front of you. Hello. And I'm Kelly. Wow, guys, first time setting up the camera and I already don't like this. It is like non threatening though. It's just like, it's really not like, freaky. It's not too distracting. It's not a big ol red ocean, lens or anything. I'm very familiar with women saying your equipment is not threatening. Yes, it helps when you go for alternative options. Today, guys, we're gonna be talking about the Charles Dexter Awards, which is our version of the Academy Awards. But before that, I'll just clue you guys into something. I had a wonderful time last night I went down to the old el Gaucho building, which has become the crocodile. That's the new crocodile, oh my god, it's got three clubs in it. And I went to the smallest club which is down around the corner in the alley, and it's called the hereafter. It's one of the old theaters that used to have down on the big picture. And I saw Joe DeRosa live who was one of my favorite comedians. First time he'd been in Seattle. And I don't know, first time I'd ever seen him first time he'd been a Seattle 20 years or something cool. And it was so much fun. seats were comfortable. The place was packed. He was filthy and angry. And I loved every minute of it. He came out basically and said, I have to tell you all this is a 100% Negative show. There are no good feelings in this. I'm just going to talk about everything that pisses me off in the culture and our country right now. And then he proceeded to do that for an hour and 10 minutes and I laughed my ass off. Oh, nice. Sounds like I'm not familiar The name sounds from I don't I don't know if I know his comedy too much sort of sounds like but maybe think of you know, the the another version of Louis Black, who is really angry for like five minutes and we went saw him live. And he is not good for an hour and a half. Because he just doesn't maintain that wonderful vitriol. I mean, maybe he did 20 years ago. But yeah, he does not do it that sounded like that guy did. Yeah. He's got two podcasts. One of them I don't watch. But I think that's the popular one called tastebuds where him and another comedian just talk about food and argue about which food is better. And then he's got one called we'll see you in hell. That is very funny. And it's a kind of our kind of the it's a pop culture, podcast, and they talk about film and movies and television and all that. So it was really I really wanted to talk with him afterwards. Because as some of you may know, I have a small press publishing company. And I know that he has been interested in writing horror. And he has written some horror pieces that have shown up in like Penthouse and stuff like that. And I wanted to hand him a couple of books and say, Hey, I would really love to publish you. But he got out of dodge quick, as soon as the show was over. I wonder if it was he offended at least one person with every joke, sir. Because he makes fun of everybody. So not me. I laughed the entire time. Even when he was making fun of me. I left. Oh, you know, he's pissed. He had to get the fuck out of there. Yes. Yes. But he's also from I think he's from Philadelphia. I was sure. And he's, he's had it up to here with Wilk and especially woke Seattle. He comes on and he goes, You know, I was really trying to get here. While you guys were still cool. But you didn't make it. Here. That's okay. You can go back to Philadelphia where they eat horse poop when they were Philadelphia two. Well, what? Well, I didn't know that one. No, I'm sure it's just one guy. But you know, once you get one guy to do that, and it gets caught on camera, and all of a sudden you're Florida. This is so weird, because we are set up a little differently than normal. And so I'm used to looking where the cameras and seeing Vanessa there. Now I'm over here. Yeah, stop ignoring me. It's kind of nice for you. You've been looking at that crucial poster for five years, you know, but I enjoy reading it because it's in a foreign language and it gives me something to like really focus On at times, listening to us, I mean when I'm definitely paying attention to everything that you guys are speaking and hanging on your every word, but now I can look at the kitchen, so I mean, not to give anything away. Your beautiful Tiki collection is gonna be the next thing I'll really hone in on nice. Yeah. A lot of rare fits there. He goes, I saw some television. Before we get into the Charles Dexter Awards. She would do a regular round robin and talk about stuff we saw. Yeah, for me. I saw a movie on Netflix called damsel. Oh, I saw that. You saw the movie? Yeah. I enjoyed it very much. I thought it was pretty neat. Yeah, I was little surprised. First of all, it was two hours and 10 minutes long. But I guess that Netflix probably Woo's these directors by saying we're not gonna ask you to cut anything for time. This can be as long as you want and the first 2530 minutes of it. I was like, this could have been condensed a lot. That first section is a little half dear. And I honestly don't even remember that much other than like, I'm off to. I'm off to be like beetroot Haha. Yeah. Eric, if you're not familiar, this is a this is got Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things and she is a princess and a far off land and their land is not doing very well. And she is then she's got an arranged marriage with a prince from a wealthy land and he's going to take care of their family and all that stuff. Turns out that she's being married into this family as a sacrifice for this dragon that they have to deal with yearly or generationally. Maybe Yeah, I can't I couldn't quite work out how often they were. Because is it like every year he has to pretend to get married people? Like every, you know, 50 years. They might have said so I thought it was gonna be kind of fairy tale ish. Yeah. And all this and it turned out to be the dragon is scary as fuck. Yeah, she's evil. I mean, she's just like, I can smell you. Like, she's the strike and it's scary. I ran Iranian actress from 24 I think she was in one like third or fourth season and she's got this cool. And she's in the expanse as well. She has this cool raspy like voice so I'm pretty sure that that was her because it's just it was such a cool decision though. Yeah. And then the rest of the movie is Millie Bobby Brown trying to Die Hard her way out of these caverns while this dragon is after her but also everything in the cavern is horrible and can hurt her and she gets injured pretty brutally in some braces. At the end of that is like this is a really serious sword and sorcery movie. It really was and like I what you were talking about with them the injury was It was brutal, because Never before have I been like, Fuck man. Dragon Fire is basically just magma being tossed in your face. And like she's dealing with these huge, huge horrible burn wounds. And you're just like off. Fuck, dude. Oh, man, she was really good. She was Yeah. Billy Bobby Brown. A lot of these, you know, actors who are really good at one thing. You never know if they're actually any good. Yeah. And I mean, I saw her in that Sherlock Holmes thing and she seemed okay. And that. And this one. I feel like she sold it a little bit even further. I feel like she does have some good chops. And she clearly has some kind of development deal with Netflix. She sure does. Yeah. Slide on through the Netflix Netflix train. I will say she's she's 20 years old now. And man, she has grown up to be beautiful. Yeah. How would you how do you know that when you're casting like a 12 year old girl in your series? Oh, they had no idea. They shaved her head? Yeah. Good point, you know? 12 years old. Yeah, you could be good looking or ugly. And you're not going to be either those things at 20 Yeah. And she's British. So it's even more of a you know, crapshoot. Well, you really don't know which direction it's gonna go. Sorry about that. For 10 years. I can say shit like that. damsel? Absolutely. Well, I saw something recently that hopefully you guys are caught. Maybe you haven't yet though. on Hulu, a new series called Shogun? I've read the book seeing the original miniseries but I have not watched any of that. Yeah, and I haven't watched this new version either. Oh shit. It's so good. Okay, it's so good. I mean, because Hulu just like with Amazon it's it's not clear whether or not the thing you're about to watch is any good. I was very prepared to potentially be very upset by it but it No it's been incredible. Like absolute incredible. I haven't read the book. I didn't even know there was an another mini series of it. but really fascinating they did a really strong casting choice they got you know how we joke that Logan Marshall green is like a carbon copy of Tom Hardy right? Well the guy who stars in this this just a car but the third version and the carbon copy. He's the next layer down so you're watching him going man, you look so much like Logan Marshall Green who looks so much like Tom Hardy multiplicity, yes. But no it's just really fun acting choices. They've got some just great, great actors and they're really good, cool fun characters. I've just been having a great time watching it so and remind me this is the origin story of Shogun Shona from the last dragon. Yeah, sure, yes. Okay, absolutely. Chopsticks in it all. Okay. What does it James Carville wrote a 1200 page book about fast. Oh, James Clavell. Right. Right, so not all right. I went back a little bit like, you know, a few Walter Hill movies I haven't seen in a really friggin long time. Yeah. So I watched 48 hours. Okay. Still pretty damn good. It's a little less Walter hellish feeling than some of his stuff. It feels like him a little subdued. But it sure does focus on bringing to light the casual racism 80s movies, where your lead hero is saying really racist stuff to your other lead hero edits? Hey, whatever. Yeah, although it does lead to you know, reconciliation later on. Right. But that's, it's pretty damn good movie. There's some great and there's at least one incredible scene for Eddie Murphy in the Redneck bar. Right where he's pretending to be a cop and messing with all them incredibly well done. It's it's good. holds up fairly well. Nice. Okay. Is that streaming anywhere you own that? That was a paramount plus, okay. 48 hours. I rented a movie. And I guess I can warn you guys against doing the same it was called Argyle. Oh, no, I was so looking forward to that. And then I was not. Yeah, like I liked the look of the trailer. It looked pretty fun. Well, and it's the same guy that did the Kingsman kick ass, you know. So I like those movies. And I will say there's a lot to like in this movie, but it is really dumb. And I, this might be an unpopular opinion. Bryce Dallas, Howard would not have an acting career if her father was not Ron Howard. She is a bad actor, director, but a bad actor. And she was really bad in this. And the problem is she's acting against Sam Rockwell, who is my go to in any movie. Very good. Very good. And she brings him down to her level. Oh, no. So he's bad in this and the script is bad. And it's really stupid. It's about a, a woman who writes spy novels. And then she has gotten too close to what is actually happening in the spy world. So they're going to try and take her out. romancing this stuff. Very similar. Yeah. And so Sam Rockwell is the agent that's been tasked to protect her. And it just, you know, there are some funny moments and there's some great fight scenes as you would expect from what's his name, Matthew Vaughn. But otherwise, just really, really bad. Well, I know from an interview that the cat in it is based off Matthew Vaughn's cat, so they got probably the best actor in the movie. That's funny, because I thought it was a CGI cat to be honest. Yeah, I think it's a CGI cat that's like just mirrored off of, you know, using using footage of his kitty kitty. Kitty put on one of those little green suits. Your mileage may vary with this film, but I would say watch at your peril. It is currently zero on Rotten Tomatoes. I saw Oh, nice. Oh, can't be true. It's certainly not that bad. It had some debut at zero. It may have gone up since then. But wow. Well, I'm not talking about this movie, but she gets that's fine. I don't have to talk. So one thing I did want to talk about though, Eric, was I saw the Netflix most recent adaptation of Avatar. Or I've seen as much of it as I care to watch Oh, no, this is the live action of the manga. The anime Yeah, look, if you're really Airbender curious. Just fucking watch the cartoon. It's so good. It's so good. And if you're like, I've already watched the cartoon, I want to check out the lip. Watch the cartoon again. So much better. Oh, this just takes the best parts of the cartoon and tries to carry it. But live action is not the place for it. There's a lot of exaggeration you get in the cartoon, a lot of humor, out of that sort of almost animes style. And it just does not work. Every time you see the cabbage guy you're like, I wish this was funny. The costumes while they might be close replicas, they're way too clean. And they look kind of like, not like the Disney Store version where you buy like the Cinderella dress for your five year old. But kind of like the Etsy version where you spent like an extra 100 bucks and somebody sewed it and sent it over to you. The costumes look real fucking fake. Wow. So the acting is also not very good. Except for you know, a couple couple of people in there. All right, but for the most part, all the kids are pretty miserable to spend any time with so wow. Yeah, so avatar, it must be quite ly popular anime because they keep trying to do it. Yeah, they're failing miserably. Yeah, and it's sad too. Because actually, if you are really like excited by the anime need more out of it, they had the same I think writing team created a series of comics that continue on after the show ends so you can get your kicks that way instead of fucking whatever this is. And and Netflix already renewed it I think for two more seasons, so I am sorely disappointed in the entire situation. And I'll just watch another season of love is blind. Thank you very much. Anyway, you got whatever you can. Well, I continue on in the grouping from your original suggestion. I'm not talking about this movie, but the movie it led to but briefly, Wonka is fucking fabulous. Oh, my God. It is just a joy to watch. It is so painfully British. Yeah. And like, and I've seen Paddington to but I haven't seen the first Paddington and it's very similar style and feel. Definitely as I look, you know, he's kind of not quite Wes Anderson, but boy, he has a look. He says films. But yeah, totally cool. And I enjoyed it so much. I'm like, What is this fluffy bunny in the bowl? I haven't seen that one. Let's check that out. It's one of his earlier films. Not as good because he's still learning. Yeah. And I loved it for about 40 minutes, because it's stylistically really cool. Which, which person are you talking about? Is this Director Oh, the director. Okay. So it's not Timothy? Shallow, man. Oh, no. Okay. And he The storyline is there's a guy who's got hydrophobia where you can go outside. And it's basically the story of how he got there. And told in flashbacks as he looks around his place and find stuff. So it starts off quite wonderful. It's really interesting, the actress and are all good. I looked him up and they all have tons of experience that really solid and when he goes in the background, or in the back, there's it's almost half not animated looking, but cartoons like backgrounds. And they're they interact like they're at a betting place for a horse and the lady taking the bets is behind paper drawn. Bar bars and stuff. And the horse races sort of kind of an animation whole bunches of different styles. Wow. So it looks really neat and it's a lot of fun but part of the way through it just kind of bogs down, man, but weren't seeing thought is still a lot of fun overall, but he definitely has gotten his chops. Better. Bunny in the bull bunny in the bow. What do you watch that on? To be movie? Of course. You can find anything, anything? Well All right, guys. How about we take little break. Get ready for the big show. I hope you guys brought your black tie and your gown Vanessa. Awesome. Well, no, no. I have this green hoodie. That's all be worrying. Don't mix up your there in order to doing all right. Revelations to the lord of the rings were 13 Oscar nominations, and also to Russell Crowe. Nicole Kidman and other proud nominees of the 74th annual Academy Awards don't miss our follies coverage of the entire event live Monday March 25. The Oscars live only on Pearl we have returned and welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 74th annual Charles Dexter awards hear the music big time to hear I think it's probably no surprise that I think the Academy Awards are just a fucking if a nuclear bomb went during that I think that the industry would survive and come back much stronger. A bunch of millionaires multimillionaires some of them billionaires who have paid been paid an insane amount of money to be on a movie then get together and congratulate themselves and give themselves trophies for this speak of the academy itself which is disgusting I hate the academy I will admit since I was you know on watching over mom duty with Deena this year we did watch them okay and as a show it was far better than it's been in years is this here was actually kind of still like and then Al Pacino giving out the best picture thing was kind of hilarious where he just old did you hear about that? He just kind of old man did yeah. I got the look in the envelope. Well hey, I'm reading Yes, my eyes say yeah. And he didn't I think he forgot to list all the nominees. He just like was like here's the winner and they you know they're supposed to show like clips from all the movies that are potentially up but nope. Yeah, but and they're in memoriam was as horrible as it could possibly imagine how it was so bad. But no, spell the word so it's like I don't really care. Yeah, the show was marginally entertaining. low stakes, dumpster fire and I hope they all die. So yeah, so our awards show though. Oh, all we do here is celebrate the best and sometimes the worst but we do it with with love in our hearts. And so if you guys don't mind I'll start us off with the first category please. Which is best TV show 10 you're seeing now behind me a screen of scenes from our first nomination The Last of Us you guys like The Last of Us are dead. It was incredible. That was good. I so good. I watched it fucking a no. Where are you on the show? No worries. We'll get to some that the both of you will say that to zero. But still that was good. Yeah, it's still on the list. Everyone's out these like we need to watch this. Yeah, we do. I hope it when it's it's so good. Pedro. So good. I was disappointed to find out that it was flying off for another season because I thought it was such a wonderful story unless it's going to toss out and come back with a new cast of characters. Is that what they do? Play the game so I don't want to give away what may or may not happen. So I'm just gonna not say anything. But you'll see. Our next nomination is Loki that had two good episodes will die on that hill. season two, season two. I thought I thought it was okay. I thought the ending was surprisingly big for being in a TV show. As far as the repercussions throughout the Marvel Universe, but yeah, I don't know. I like Tom Hiddleston taught Yeah, he's great. It's great to watch and I like Owen Wilson. Wilson. Yeah, Joy. There were a lot of people in that that weren't great. I unfortunately, the guy who is dirtbag was pretty good Jaden majors. The Majors did a good job. Yeah, he's not a good person. But you know, they're gonna go. Oh, well. Vanessa, I have news for you. None of them are good people. They are all horrible. I mean, horrible people. I'm gonna go just by natural ratio. Probably not all horrible people. But I'm gonna say higher than average. That's for damn sure. Yeah, they're emotionally, individuals, which means they're also potentially emotionally stunted in some ways, and therefore, they are probably very nice to each other. Because we all can help each other out. Oh, yeah. So lately, you know, I still pretend I'm going to direct a movie someday. Oh, right. Right. Yeah. I've gotten out of that. So I'm like fuck all these people. I can't wait for you to turn into a real dirtbag once you make it. That's how I feel like committing to the editor life. I'm like yeah, I can just I can slog everybody off. It's so good. A third nomination is 30 coins. Yeah, this one. I did. See ya. and fucking loved. Really, really kind of abandoned ship per Wan. I guess I gotta go back and finish. It's really good. I mean, that cliffhanger was like, well now what? Yeah, no shit. Yeah, the ending was definitely um, yeah. And I thought the effects were a little shoddy this year but I liked the story and I love how in love with Lovecraft this series is so blatantly in love with Lovecraft and especially the chaos Ium designs from the Arkham Horror games and stuff like that. Yeah, the Wii unequivocally just combining them with Catholicism and just mixing it all up as like, well this is fucking Interesting. Yeah, and I Alex do Glacius has a strange style. Sometimes when it works, it's fabulous. When it doesn't you get some really weird shit. But I just love his style so much that it just works for me and just about everything he's done. Yeah, well, it sounds like we're crossing our fingers for 30 coins. Final nomination is the horror of Delores Roach did not see this. This one's kind of based on a true story, I guess about a woman who gets out of prison and then she goes back to find that all the people she had kind of stood up for to make sure they didn't go to prison and have abandoned her and moved on and she's left with nothing and then she ends up starting a little a little restaurant killing people and serving them to customers. So what's your story? Like Texas Chainsaw guy? Oh, baseball game. Okay, I have the envelope here with me right now. Right okay. Yes TV show. And the winner is. Oh my god. A surprise winner. Follow the House of Usher. Hey, can anyone deny that this was the best show they watched this year was the best. I watched fantastic far and away the best one of the best shows I've seen in a very, very long. Good I know a lot of po purists are are kind of grumbling about it, but I thought it was a really nice update and had enough easter eggs to all the stories. This reminds me Do you ever think that Edgar Allan Poe's landlord would just get super frustrated with him and go Fuck the police. Oh, Lord. Wow. Oh, wow. So yeah, me. I have so little sleep and right now that literally took me way too long to say it again. No, no, fuck the Polo leash funny. Our next presenter is not that Vanessa Williams? Oh, no, but this Vanessa layups. All right, well, I am going to read off best general holiday horror. We're gonna start off with it's a wonderful knife, which unfortunately I have not seen. I have. How was it Eric? Honestly, it got better the longer I sat with it thinking about it. I enjoyed it more but it's I wouldn't make it I have to watch for Christmas horror movie, but it's fine. I was disappointed that I think it's an okay movie. I was disappointed that it didn't have more of a supernatural bent to it. Yeah, I wanted the I wanted the angel to be an angel. Killer. I mean, if you're gonna do a play on it's a wonderful life that I might as well go full clearance and no needed more bells. Pilou party massacre. I actually know the filmmaker on this one. bizarrely enough, not known by Kelly put it on. In this election particular one having no idea that it was the guy that I know who his film was in Krypton, Seattle last year one best feature at that festival. Calvin McCarthy's his name and for fans of the Amityville hopefully we'll be visiting him at his Amityville movie when I reach that two fingers crossed Kelvin and pillow party massacre is a Easter holiday movie. Dark harvest ah this movie it's you know, the more I think about it, the more I really like it. I there there were a few like weird meandering moments, but it's so many cool ideas like such a fun universe to be shoved into. Yeah. Well, maybe that will win. And last but not least family dinner. And we dinner was a Thanksgiving horror movie. Yeah. It took place on a holiday. Okay. I'd like to have for this category. I mean, I think that there's probably other Thanksgiving movies that would be better than this Thanksgiving movie probably. Oh, quick sidenote, Bella party massacre is an April Fool's April Fool's joke. Gotcha. All right. Well, I'm going to open the envelope here. Hey, oh my gosh, it's actually field. I don't want people to find out what it is beforehand. Well, I'm gonna read it aloud here and it says, Thanksgiving. Oh, what? To not expect Thanksgiving nominee Oh, surprise surprise winner. I was almost shocked that it wasn't listed. And now it's all Wow. Yeah, well, maybe a few more acting classes. By this time. We're just diving right into it. What do you guys think of Thanksgiving? I did not see it. Oh, I'd say no. I have heard really good things, though. Because one Eli's best, best. Best. For sure. I agree. But I think that's because it's so tongue in cheek with everything. And it's clearly a love letter to every Halloween slash April Fool's Day slash Christmas evil and all these you know, he's wanted to make a holiday themed horror movie, sir. And he was like, what hasn't been done yet? Yeah. Now done. Well, that's for sure. Yeah, he's one of those directors that kind of frustrates me because his love of horror is so obvious. Yes, knowledge is ridiculous. And most of his movies are fine. I know. There's Eli Roth lovers who love everything he does and that. I don't. I don't find that impossible to believe. But I've always find them. Okay, this one. Really, really good. What it was, I mean, the trailer looks awful to me. But I've so many people have said it's so good. Which trailer? Any of the ones I saw? I don't know what this is based on the it was one of the trailers in the Robert Rodriguez Tarantino. No, no. Yeah, I know that that would have been probably a much better trailer than the actual trailers for the actual thing. You couldn't show that trailer on? Right, YouTube. You know, I have the same feeling about Rob Zombie. I'm just like, Man, this guy has a clear love for the genre, right? Just not the not the talent to pull off the movies. Hopefully someday eloquent human beings love when he starts talking to you. And you're in the Museum of pop culture and the horror exhibit. You know, they have I don't know if they still do it. But they have these screens where it's on loop. I had a very different impression of what you're saying, Oh, there's one video on loop a different order directors talking about the genre. And when Eli Roth came on, I was like, Man, this guy knows this shit. And then he's like, Oh, my God is fucking Eli Roth. Holy. Well, all right. I guess my respect for him went up. All right, so now we've got best Halloween Horror. That's like hold on. This is still a holiday but it's the holiday. Yes. Halloween specific. Alrighty, so starting with total killer. Totally, totally killer, which have you really thought about it? Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. I didn't love it. It's fun. It's fits into that same mold that the other movies he does just not quite as good is a funky time travels slash Halloween slash 80s. romp, or, yeah, it tested a lot of things. I don't know if it does any of them particularly well. It's got the girl from Sabrina Sabrina and I can never pronounce her name is Kiernan. Shipka. I think that she is a great actor. I also think she's aging out of the 17 year old so maybe putting her in adult female roles. I don't want to see her as like the spunky whatever anymore. I loved her and black coats daughter the most Oh, everything. Yeah. Yeah, really good. So good. But like by wherever I'm at with Sabrina. I don't know if I'm in season or whatever. I'm just like, I fucking cannot listen to you talk ever again. And totally killer had a similar tone. So. Yeah. All right. So moving on. A haunting in Venice, which I have not seen. I was pretty I liked it. Yeah, it wasn't perfect. The ending was a little weak. But I mean, the the journey was really fun. I loved the setting. I loved this kind of concept of a could be supernatural. They played it out as long as they could. Yeah, I mean, spoiler it's not an it can't be because it's not That kind of movie but I kind of I wish they had just pivoted and gotten yet ghosts. But that's okay. man All Star Cast. Just a great flick. Yeah, cool. I do remember that scene the scene the trailers a cobweb. Nice under little more under the radar pic. I think that it's easy to forget with the with the actual plot of the film that a big chunk of it takes place on Halloween. Yeah, yep. I told you. Uh, yeah, I did forget that. The kids go on. Like the bunny mask. Yeah. And I thought this was a nice creepy little movie, especially because the parents are so goddamn psychopathic. Yeah, yes. Yeah. Overall, that definitely where there's a weird ending aspect to it. Yeah, movie itself is really good. Yeah, yeah. So let's see. Which one will it be? Enough? This one has less nominations than the general holiday horror. I'll bet there's a good one in here. Which is which? Which will it be returned to and a final win for dark harvest? Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh, dark harvest. Wow. I didn't expect that at all. Darker was the dark horse. And so it wasn't around. And I was like, Man, how could this not be in the Halloween list? It's so good. Well, thank you for not saying it at the time. No, you're welcome. I'm very good at this. Yeah, almost set it for the whole of our special where where's I did no such thing I bit my tongue very nicely. Well, you guys really committing to this bit, and I appreciate it. Okay, well, what this is the joy of editing? Well, we talked about that one briefly already. So shall we? The next nomination? Or the next category is Best Genre documentary. Oh, man. I've seen a couple of these. But I have not seen monster inside America's most extreme haunted house, mostly because Eric talked about it. And I was horrified. Yeah, it's yeah, it's rough. It is not a fun watch. I've seen the other documentary about the same topic. And it was disgusting. The weird part two, I'd seen those two. And I was a little bit interesting. So the guy is weird and kind of interesting. This one shows so much more about him. And he is so much worse than you think. And remind everybody what the topic is a guy who runs a basically torture haunted house where you get on a list to get in, you have to pay like dog food to get in. And then you have to sign a big ol waiver. It's like a multiple page contract of how you won't hold him liable for all that stuff. And then he does awful things to you like, drown to or ties you into chairs and skirt is just as creepy as fun and it's just wrong. Probably the next nomination is pennyways The story of it. Have you guys seen this? Oh, it's good. Yeah, especially if you're, you know, if you're the right age, I was a little too old to grow up with the miniseries of it, but I still enjoyed it fairly well, but like, you know, kids who are eight or nine and that was their introduction to Stephen King. I always love how much they love this movie. And this is a really nice in depth documentary on it and talked with as many of the actors as they could get. Just the first movie, sir. Yeah, it's just it's just about the TV miniseries From the night I think I found that on to the also so or maybe some chatter now but it's worth checking if you can find it. The third nomination is living with Chucky Have you guys seen this one? No, no. Oh, this is also really good. Find my list? This is basically a documentary about the the Childsplay movies and series and everything it's I mean, since it's brand new, it goes into everything and even touches on the remake movie that came out to wow they're very kind of when they talk about it, but it's clear that their love lies with other things yes. Oh dear. Came out. Yeah, I don't know what I saw this on just might have been a rental. Anyway, I have the winner appear. Documentary. And it is I don't Wow. Hold on everybody. Shocking lala land. Oh, no, I'm sorry. It is. Satan wants you. Oh, yeah. Which was the documentary about Michelle remembers. Michelle remembers that's kicked off the entire Satanic Panic. That is available on TV. It is so interesting. sting gets crazy. What damage that did to America? Also not an easy watch? No, no because it talks about basically the the woman who remembered through psychotherapy cycle hypnosis that she had been basically given to a satanic cult and used and as a as a child, child raping and all of this stuff going on. And spoiler alert turned out to be true. Not one fucking word. We ended up marrying her doctor. Oh, of course. Yeah. gave her the psychotherapy. Yeah. When there have been a bit of an age difference. There's not much of an age difference. But he was married at the time that he was nice to her. She was an adult. And, yeah, I grew up with a psychologist, as a dad and he hated this progression memory thing. He thought it was just pure bullshit. I think most I think most therapists respectable. Do not think that it is a real thing. Yeah, so. Wow. All right. Well, the next topic. Best comeback. Oh, we have Eli Roth for Thanksgiving. Nice. Nice. Martin Scorsese for killers of the flower moon. Really a comeback? Well, I mean, what does this mean? Well, it's a return to three hour movies that nobody really cares about. Didn't you see that with that? Irish Irishman or whatever? on Netflix, like a few years ago? A few years ago, but I think I think you're right. He also returned to getting nominated for all bunch of shit and winning virtually nothing on anything, which is you know, that's also very much Scorsese that I think you were the only one who saw this movie right Vanessa? Yeah, I did not care for it that much. I am the only person on planet Earth and I except this that did not like it and did not think that I did what so many people are praising him for I was just like, wow, I get to watch these two dudes talk to each other a lot. And I do not like Leonardo DiCaprio is character at all. And I it is insufferable spending that much time with them. But Lily Gladstone Yeah, she's incredible. She's awesome. And she steals the show. So she didn't win anything this year either. Did she? She didn't. But she was nominated. And that's like one of her first big roles like I mean, that's pretty fucking good. For like a newcomer. I don't think there's anything to be mad for that. Plus, Emma Stone. She did a lot of work. And poor things. You cannot say that like Lily did more work than me. Anyway. And last nominee is Christopher Nolan for Oppenheimer. Ah, I liked it. I certainly liked it better than Tennant. I would say that he he definitely had a comeback with this film. Look, if you watch 10 in with all of the titles on and with the ability to pause, it's fine. Oh, then my problem. It was much much easier to understand what was happening because you could just see what people were saying instead of trying to hear that was that's the mistake. Okay. Well, fingers crossed for Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer. I mean, he did win literally everything else so it'd be nice for him to get something. Right. And the winner is Godzilla. Minus one. Excellent choice. Well done. Godzilla had a pretty great comeback this year for you know, he did congratulations for looking at the nominations. Gulf. You guys are all wrong. Here's the real fucking winner. Okay, they going back to the Oscars again, though. Did you see what they did? They're the Godzilla folks. Every one of them all the producers. Everybody came up onto the stage carrying Godzilla dolls. I did. And they all had the heels of their shoes. I did see a hand holding up the heel. Oh my gosh, I did they had fun. pleased. That's incredible. You know that I am a total shoe whore. And even I wouldn't do the Godzilla had you. I was like, that is a little too much you guys. But I was very happy that they got even nominated. Right who? what a what a great time to be alive. That Godzilla movie makes it to the Oscars. i Oh my gosh. I mean, come on. Yes, absolutely. Speaking of Godzilla arriving helps out some best alien arrivals. Oh, all right. This is not a this is not subject. Yes. Yeah, that's all right. We're on people. Okay, we're starting off with you know, another one I haven't seen because of my lack of your movie watching recently. Guardians of the Galaxy Volume three, which I have heard is pretty good. It's pretty good. Yeah, if you'd like to cry Yeah, you You will cry. Oh, that's right. It's got all the raccoon you will be stuff. I've immediately give a bunch of money to like your local animal charity. Yeah, that's, that was a good movie as a good. Good final movie for the Guardians. That's cool. Final movie into the side. You know, we haven't had a hit in a longtime we need to do something. I do like that. It ends with the title. Star Lord. We'll be back. Right? Yeah. Okay, how about rebel moon? This alien arrivals on this one? This is? Zack Zack Snyder's Yeah, I did not see it. I still haven't seen it. And you didn't see it either. It's not as bad as everybody tells you, which is probably you know, the best blurb he could get on that. It's been pretty brutal printed. I think that the the second half is probably going to be much better. This was very much a, a Seven Samurai Magnificent Seven rip off in space. Suit, isn't it like three hours long, and there's gonna be a second one. It's a second a mini series. Well, and here's the weird thing. I listened to an interview with him and I came out really loving him after this interview. But I still don't understand he's got an R rated version of revel moon coming out. And it is going to come out on the same day as part two comes out, which I think is not far from now. No. And so the R rated version of part one, and then the PG rated version of part two. And he says this R rated version is going to be a completely different movie. Oh, and he basically just laid out his idea that he wanted to make a heavy metal movie heavy metal comic as a movie and and that's how he thinks it's going to be waves and gore and rock and roll. Why does he release a PG version at all? Netflix wanted to have something they could release in theaters. And he then said to them, what if I also do an R rated version and I can keep it with the same amount of money you guys are giving me? And they said sure of course. So Wow. Maybe they'll just do a sequel that Blue Beetle badness or next nominee. Oh, Blue Beetle. Yeah, that's right. Well, I was the only one who liked it. I agree. It was a solid three out of five. Good. I don't know that. I would give it that high. I sure would have liked it to have been better. I thought it was just absolutely generic superhero dreck. Oh, there you go. Okay, well, then, in our next nomination, maybe it'll be a bit more liked with 65. I mean, the cool thing about that is the aliens could not get any better. Yeah, dinosaurs. No, he's the alien. Oh, my brain. Look, man. I am. I'm a little slow today. And that is fantastic. I think I might be the only one who liked this movie. I thought it was fun. But it is it's sort of like that Dinosaur Cartoon. They're really cool. Totally gory. In that, not a lot of stories going on. But the stuff that's going on is fun to watch. So yeah, that was fun. I hate it. The kid must. I mean, well, that's fair. But I do want to rewatch it because I mean, Adam Driver and dinosaurs now that I know that I can change my expectations. I challenge you to find a child who is not terrified of dinosaurs when they are suddenly thrust 65 million years, being terrified. It's just like her irritating responses to everything. And she like keeps running off and doing the stupid thing and I don't know it's just she's a MacGuffin. She's just walking the gun. Man. I cannot wait for your kid to be running off and doing stupid stuff. Oh, that's gonna happen. Maybe cream like that little kid and aliens. Oh, Newt. Noise. Man she does. She does scream in my ear about 20 times a day. 20 times an hour. Let's be fair. So moving along them. Anyway, the winner perfect. Alien arrival is trapped in an envelope. No one will save you. Oh, you know what? I'm gonna say that's not a surprise because that should have been nominated because it's fucking awesome. All this shit. But clearly they're pulling a trick on us. I didn't love this movie as much as you did. But I think you liked it this much because you're terrified of alien. And I really was worried the whole time that it was going to become one of those movies that I really fear and if it didn't, then it kind of went sideways in a very fun way for me and then I was like, Oh, hey, it actually has like a story and an Idea and it circles back to that idea and oh my god, it's good writing. Mainly because the lead the performance Yes. She's so good, so good. And if she saved, she moved over some of the weird quirks for me, but I doubt is pretty good. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a little bit of like, not Wes Anderson, but maybe like Tim, Bernie. Thanks. I'm so in my own shit. Like, oh, I don't care about that. And the ending ending was like, but yeah, so much fun along the way, a little gimmicky with the no dialogue. But I didn't mind that. I just wanted, I kind of wanted them to really go for it at the end and make it scary or something. And it did feel Wes Anderson, he had the NHS. Yeah, it was as a weird choice. And it's, I can't say it's a bad choice. I just, well, no, I can say it's a bad it's a bad choice. You didn't like the choice? I didn't like the choice. All right, and who's next? Okay. Experiment thing. I gotta go look at the camera every once in a while. Oh, sure. All right. Well, yeah, the advertisers have warned us about doing three hours. So I'm just gonna move this along. We don't lose our sponsorships. I'm here to present best foreign horror. The nominations are Birdbox Barcelona. I did not see it. I did not either. Because partially because the first one was like, Oh, I liked the first. Well, I loved the book so much, right? It's just one of my favorite novels. I read like 30 years on the clock and loved it. So it's kind of okay, there's a decent interpretation. But yeah, this one very different story. And I commend them for going in not just deciding to tell the same story in in Barcelona. But I think the best thing out of this was I thought to myself, Well, Josh mailman must be getting some money for this. So that makes me happy. And I do like Spanish horror, so you should check it out. I think they do a really cool unique style for from Australia. Run rabbit run. Didn't not see. Well, like most Australia movies, it's hard to watch. A rough ride so rough. But I tell you, you know, when you grow up in a country where spiders are gigantic, and every animal can accidentally kill you if you step on it. I imagined that they're just like, why you ain't making a movie by spiders? Oh, they're like let's make it about humans and how horrible we are to each other sir. No, sir often do. And finally from Canada infinity pool. I keep meeting just see this. I thought it was good. But not his previous one was so much better. I will agree with you there. Visually. I thought it was really interesting. I'll be honest, I don't know exactly what was going on in this moment. Sure. Conceptually, I thought it was an interesting idea. I just got tired of a whole bunch of super rich pricks getting away with whatever they wanted to basically and facing absolutely no consequences. Like, even kind of in the end. Yeah. Yeah, but it still looks great. It's incredibly well acted. Yeah, it's not a it's not a bad movie. But it also does suffer from man. He made such a fucking great movie that before. Yeah. Yeah. Well, okay, so the winner of Best Foreign horror is a oh my goodness you guess? When evil lurks? Of course, Argentina. Fantastic. But I don't think anyone's gonna argue that. Also, I mean, that's like one of the best horror films in a very long time. It's just so good. I know some people our buddy Carlos who's not here presenting because he didn't like this movie. He gave it a man. He's wrong. You know what, I don't think he likes Spanish language stuff. So that makes a lot of sense. Sure. Yeah, no, I think it's such a cool movie. Again, world building people are really starting to like experiment with their content and make these cool universes and fuck yes. Yeah, take us take us on a journey took us to a weird wonderful place. I one of the few movies I watch twice this year, and I'll double down on my feeling of this could have easily been an Evil Dead movie and expanded it into you know, Evil Dead World or something like that. Yeah, it fits very well into that concept, even though it's darker than most evil did go. And but man, just the idea behind it is so messed up. And as you watch it, and you realize, oh, no, they're just gonna fail their way through this entire thing. Usually set up the rules, and they're just being broke. get broken and you're like, Okay, I'm in that kind of movie. Three choices and I've gone. Okay, I see what's gone on here and then this is awesome. All right, well, the next talk. The next nominee thingy is best film with a number in the title. Specific don't write the first nominee ad for Brady. Oh, is it the Tom Brady? It's better. Ladies going to see the Super Bowl. My sister liked this movie very much. She's 67 years old. She She a big Tom Brady fan. Is she a big Patriots fan? I think that she's probably a Lily Tomlin fan. Yeah, I was gonna say nobody's a Tom Brady fan. Are they Boston? differently I did not see this but um, that I would definitely understand that maybe your your sister saw this and liked it so that that tracks I think she's only 65 She might be 67 helpful to my Christ. Math. Pocket. Well, years ago I've been sleeping. The next one expended four bowls expend for bowls for both. Hi, what are the writers that they did? This guy's I'm gonna go beyond drunk. Because if you're drunk, you go hide on things. I can't say it. But if you're really high you go. It's fucking great. Absolutely. That's why I was so upset that three equalizer. Did that happen? You know what? This would make a great password. Don't forget the exclamation point at the end. Yeah, exactly. I would just add it exactly. Money sign. Yeah, there you go. You know, you're right there. You're right there. I did not see this. So I cannot say i i was so lukewarm with the first two Expendables that I haven't seen the three or four. So you haven't seen excess random balls? Well, I can, I can say with authority that you don't need to see Part Three to follow what's going on in Port? Four has the Megan Fox thin air right? I don't remember that. What I remember is Sly Stallone is really looking old and I'm feeling kind of bad for him. And there's also something super uncomfortable. About a ripped 78 year old man. Yeah, there is something weird about us so good in Tulsa. Let's just stick with that kind of stuff, man. Yeah. And last but not least, X. Hey, it's a Roman numeral. Oh, my goodness. I saw this. Yeah, you loved it so much. I know Eric saw it. Oh, I sign a theater. It was exactly what I expected. You're you were part of the problem. That's right. I'm okay with that. In this situation. I don't see the Halloween sequels in the theater. Yeah, I gotta say even even spoiler even the rock showing up in the mid credit scene was not enough to make me feel good about this movie. No, it's not a good movie. What if but, you know you saw it in theater. You will love it totally different now. I can't even say that. But you know, like I said it's exactly what I expected. Right? So okay, all right. Well, the winner of film with a number in the title China extra expense for both for both oh my god, you guys what a shocker. It is Megan. Mrs. Reagan. Reagan is the winner. Truly one of the surprise movies of this oh my god I don't think anyone's gonna argue that that was definitely the best movie with a number in his title this year. That was a you know what? Absolutely not it was definitely the winner. Three equalizer I'm looking at you you really won an award this year but I don't know that three equalizer would have been better than Megan though. Megan. Megan was so good and I did not expect from that trailer for it to be basically a Terminator film. Yeah, it was pretty good fun. I'm disappointed to see that you know it's already got a sequel lined up. Yeah. Too. There's a lot of questions to be had Yeah. Technical put the to make it a question mark. All right. So I mean, you know, if we continue on with our Frank's giving this year gave us a lot of there's tons of Frank's Stein. So point we have Frankenstein, obviously Continue with Okay, yeah. When we could do the start with Frankenstein legacy. I don't think I saw this one same so to be of course, it's brand new. Is that a endorsement? I wouldn't go that far. No, but maybe whoever was making this list needed another Frankenstein movie to put on as a nomination. Wow, that's fair. Strong words. But what about creature then? The next flicks series? Are you guys watching this? No, it's it's really interesting because it is basically just Frankenstein. Yeah. And it's told in episodic format. They have rescued Victor Frankenstein. And he is telling them the story there's men that have rescued him. And it's foreign. It's a it's really well shot and it's very moody and I like it quite a bit actually. Oh, that sounds awesome. scavengers, rain no, sorry. I jumped ahead. Whoa, Earth rebirth. What a crazy Frankenstein. Birth rebirth which I have seen and is pretty good. It's um. Border borderline like melodramatic, I guess you'd say but it's it's well done. I have not seen this one. And the angry black girl and her monster which I did enjoy. meeting to see this. Yeah, I did too. This was this was nice, although it you know, glosses over the fact that it just basically says, Listen, there's obviously no way that you can bring a body back to life with electricity. But as long as you throw that out for 100 years worth of Frankenstein movies will all be fine with this Frankenstein idea. Exactly. And it's well done the weed kid does a great job of holding the movie together. It's really good. I bet that one's gonna win the winner your optimism is no pounds poor thing. Oh. Which I still haven't seen but I definitely will. Well, and now it's on Hulu. Yeah. Yeah, I have no excuse. I didn't love it as much as you did. But I thought that it looked amazing. It's just Yes stunning to look at. It's such an interesting I mean it's definitely the most enjoyable of his films that I've seen. Right and I don't think I'm boxer sacred deer the trailers I can see I will enjoy this one more than most of his films because it doesn't have the fully stilted speaking styles Yeah, no really, really neat way that they are kind of sewed this together. Even the only having seen part of it because I was quite sick while the movie was going on and I will watch it again and actually see the full thing. I was still give it like a four and a half stars. I just think it was beautiful. And it was incredible. It was a fun feminist romp. Oh my god. We matched one with Oscars. 31 best picture but it did when they had a Frankenstein Amash category. Yes, it was finally I've been waiting. I mean, stunts thought would be cool, too. But in the meantime, don't worry. That's gonna be CGI now anymore. So you want it anymore? They missed their window. Yeah. Well, the next category guys best animated film or series. Oh, the nominations are elemental from Pixar. Whoo. Yeah. Never saw it did not like it. Yeah, there. Yeah. Pixar sequels are exceptional Toy Story movies. From the sequel, though. It's not inside out to which is coming out this year. No elemental is fresh film. I know that the the filmmaker is very genuine and has a really cool story as to why he made it but as far as watching it, it was painful and not not good. All right. Am I gonna get on this list then? Because He probably wanted another there was an academy. The boy and the Heron I the only one who saw that. And I remember you liking it a lot? Um, no. Oh, well, I remember it. That's what I thought too. I mean, it's, it's really visually stunning. It is, of course, the Miyazaki movie and he will never retire don't let him fool you into thinking otherwise. But it's so nonsensical and it's so strange in the decisions that are getting made. Apparently if you look at it for an allegory of his career trying to make movies with within the system apparently a lot of things line up but just watching it for a story that kids movie it makes so little sense. But I Wish I'd watched it with the dubbing because apparently it's maybe a lot better with the dubbed version rather than sub 10. It's an all star voice cast. Yeah. So I'm a little bummed. I think I might have missed out on something there. Next up is a series scavengers rain, which I thought was absolutely amazing on HBO Max, I talked about it. It's got a very strange, like realistic line drawing animation. And I just was absolutely blown away with that one. I think you ended up watching that. Oh, yeah. That's another example. We've mentioned worldbuilding before, right? That's right, because they crash land on an alien planet. And it's like, the first time I've ever seen in a real alien planet where they're trying to figure out how things work and and all the weird shit that happens on this planet. So fun. Blue Eyed samurai. Yeah, God is so good. Very good. I still haven't watched this one yet. Oh, man, you're in for a treat. It's when you get around to it. You're you're gonna have a good time. And it's episodic, right? It is episodic and yeah, I don't think it outstayed. Its welcome I think each episodes really well earned and yeah, Netflix so Okay, fingers crossed. And the final nomination is Harley Quinn nominee for mare? i Yeah, I have not seen the season. Oh, yeah. And I heard it was about time for another season started seems about won't because of this strike and Oh, yeah. Right. Because this was at the beginning last year wasn't behind because I think they had a they opened with like a Valentine's Day episode. So well, fingers crossed for all of these good luck to all of the nominations. Except for elemental they're all my god you guys are complete upset. The winner is of course Spider Man across the spider verse. Incredible. Oh, excellent choice. You know, I can't disagree even though I did. If you guys remember I did get up to pee near the end of the film because I thought from the way the story was a lot more time. And I got back and I caught the last like minute and a half of the movie and I was like, Wait a minute. Wait, because they did not tell people that it was going to be a cliffhanger. Yeah, that was a surprise to everybody in the theater. Everybody as soon as that happened to each other. What what they should have just told us I don't know why you didn't just tell us to say part one. Right? Come on anymore. We've done many times. But still fantastic. Amazing. Still definitely such an incredible fantastic congratulations to Spider Man across the spider verse is nice that Sony has a Spider Man property that actually works. Thank God they have a property that actually sets the category the next category. Oh my god. This is this is gonna be a tough one. Because there can be only so many films that would fit it. Best Animated Film or series featuring mutants, mayhem ninjas and or turtles. You know what I don't even want to read all the nominees list but it just be so difficult to pick one and forget it it takes too much time. The winner though Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mutant may have like cow wow did not see that coming but it's good deserved I feel a little stupid because I bet against this one winning this category as 1500 bucks out rough rough draft go there. I never if this ended up with Vanessa weird that that happens I'm a little shocked that that occurred but I feel grateful. And this one great for me. Oh, let's see if I've seen any of the movies in this category. Eric superhero fatigue is real. This is not a category you want to win. Let's see the Marvel's. Nope, haven't seen it. Play bad. But not as bad as everybody says. Yeah, I think it's pretty tolerable. Probably the best three superhero movies of the year. I can't even remember which all there are more. Oh, sorry. Maybe some of them will pop up for you like Blue Beetle, which I believe was previously nominated. Marvel's was better. Yeah, I agree. Man and the Wasp Quan to mania. Mania. Prepaid Fun, fun planet at times. Yeah. Okay. I'm pretty, pretty stupid with Paul Rudd. Where he is the high point of the film, and luckily, he's in almost every scene, but you know, are you gonna watch two hours and 20 minutes of Paul Rudd? I mean Yes, but there are many others two hours and 20 minutes. All right, I could watch him. format. Anchorman and Anchorman two. Brother is shockingly good. It is much more tolerable than this. Maybe the flash haven't seen it. With this so fucking bad. So bad, so bad. A few fun moments again, but for the most part, especially the ending, and the pacing, awful, everything about it. Sorry, lovely to see Michael Keaton. So a joyful and just a real disappointment that he was saddled with this as that movie. I don't know why the bad guy was, uh, was I don't know why they had the multiverse. I don't know. It could have gone in all directions. I would have been a lot better but that's okay. All right. Well, the next we've got Shazam for you if the gods haven't seen it. Oh my god. This is such a rough category. Any one of these could be a winner. But bad. Yeah, I think Vanessa nailed it when she was like, Who is this movie made for? It's it's dumb, and a kids movie kind of way except that there's so much death and you're like, I don't want my kids watching this movie. You just i They really had no clue. Yeah. There's a big whiteboard out there with a question unanswered. I really shouldn't be voting on this one. Even though I am a member of the Academy. I should not be voting on this because I didn't finish this movie. Ah, all right. That's okay. So far. Let's see if I can. Let's see which one I haven't seen. Okay of these wins. One of these could be the big loser. I'm gonna I'm gonna go for Shazam. It's really bad. Another one I haven't seen sneaks into when Aquaman and the last kingdom Oh, definitely. Yes by it's win on a slightly sweep for me somehow. Despite this list, that one is the clear winner. So bad you notice that galaxy or Guardians of the Galaxy didn't make it onto this because it's a good movie. It is a good movie. Spider Man is good. I didn't see that one. Yeah, Spider Man and spider verse rocks. Well, we're coming to the end of the show, guys. Oh, no. This is for the best handy in horror. No. Why? Why are we doing Merced? Knock at the cabin. Oh, okay. Do you like that? Brooklyn 45 The hand coming out of the table there the the seance Right, right. Did you see Brooklyn? 45 Yeah, I did not but you did. And you agree to it. It's like, I'd like to setting up saying it's like a play made it much better to watch. I think it would have been helped a lot by dimming the lighting and making it feel a little moodier. Knock at the cabin. I just didn't like no, I mean, it's there's not a lot to it. Evil Dead rise. Like that one a lot. There's a lot of hand stuff going on in there, but I can't remember the particular handy. I am the only person on earth who did not enjoy this movie. No, you're not. Really didn't Carlos hate this one too. Yeah. Oh, yay. Finally, I agree with Carlos on something. I'm not sure this should be something you celebrate. There should be at least once you roll the dice enough times you're gonna land on a D 20. Right. But then again, you're not an Evil Dead series like her. I liked the first one a lot. That was fun. Which you just watched this year? Yeah. It was great. It was ridiculous. And then finally infinity pool which you had some weirdo hand stuff in it. Okay, this is it for the big category. This is best best handy dandy and the winner is. Talk to me amazing and several of them in one movie several Andy's right. Sure. Best Use of hand I have seen in a long time. I'm not gonna lie. We watch different movies but I'm gonna like go that far. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. I do not have very much to compare this to but I will maintain that line in my life. Well as the credits are rolling on this wonderful episode, there were some categories that we had talked about and then I didn't have time to research I don't know if anybody's got like, I know that. Eric had a best clone. Oh, well, yeah. Dory. Yeah, but there's only one answer. It's sort of like good ninja turtle. Tyrone. Tyrone. We had stuff like best exclusive to streaming or best shutter film? The one that went like, lurks, right? There was three thumbs up from all of us. And there were a couple of those. But I think talk to me is probably one that I was just really blown away by. Yeah, I agree. I think that I didn't have high expectations. And God, it still freaks me out thinking about that movie. Yeah, I might want to get this one. I think one of us suggested, but I couldn't think of any Best Compilation film. So this is like an invalid. thought of that. And then looking up, there's really not a lot that came out this year. There's a spanic. Medics just thought a lot of them right and VHS. VHS come out this year. Yeah. Yeah, one of the better ones, wasn't it? Yeah. It was really good. VHS ad something, I think. And then a couple here that Eric had winners for was trying to find a category of Best Movie with strange Greek live music. Which you gave to menor which you can see at the upcoming bone back Film Fest, right? Yeah. All right, fine. But I was like, I'm going to have to do a lot of research to find other nominations for this category. And I just don't have the time I'm writing a book you get to write a book about movies of Greek music and musical you could watch on YouTube. Wow, what was that? Nerds are nerdy prudes. Pros must die nerdy prudes must die. Wow. And then most promising SQL that will lead to more movies. Becky? Yes, I still haven't seen the wrath of Becky Sam. It's fun. It's I liked the first one better was good. A good follow up and the NG go. Okay, I want to see where this goes down. What do you do you have to see the first one to enjoy the second one. Yeah, sir. Well, not really mean. They're very similar films. Better executed in the first one. Okay. No, I liked the first one. So you liked this one better than the first one? No, no, I like the first one better. But I think this is a good solid sequel. And but the setup at the end makes it look like Where the hell are they going next? Huh. Well, that's it for our our award show you guys. Thanks so much for playing along. Absolutely. And if any of our listeners out there have thought of other categories, or things that they would like, favorite movies you'd like that we didn't talk about? Or yeah, things that you think would have fit some of these categories. Please post about it. Join our conversation in strange aeons. Radio talk, I imagine there's probably seven or eight more Frankenstein adaptations this year, you could let us know, there are I picked the ones that looked like you should maybe give them some time. Because there's, there's always gonna be a lot of Frankenstein movies. I was like, I know what the winner would be this year. But right. We're not in 2024 yet. Okay, guys, so yeah, join us on strange aeons radio talk, which is our Facebook page, which has a lot of fun stuff going on there people with similar and different opinions. And then you can also call the strange aeons radio hotline, which is 253-237-4266. Leave us a message, let us know that we can play it on air. And we will most likely do that. Ads are really good, right? They're very good unless you do what I did and a call using my phone and then it's unusable. And you guys tell me it's very bad quality? Oh, yeah. So don't do that. Right. Okay. And then also, thanks, everyone who's participating in the value for value model, which is if you got some value out of this, give some value back, we don't decide what that is you decide what that is. Maybe that just means you're liking and sharing posts. Maybe that means you're a part of the monthly subscriptions. Thanks to everybody who's doing that kind of stuff. Thank you. Thank you. And also somebody write and tell us or call and tell us what they think about this. Is this something we should keep doing? Because I am not sure I'm cool with this, but it's pretty fun. The more we do it, the more comfortable it'll become. This is definitely weird at this point. Yeah. Yeah, I know. We're doing at least one more like this. You're actually shockingly it's a great idea. Kelly roll with that Kelly. All right, guys. That's our show for this week. We'll see in seven short days and we're coming back to our regular stuff. The timer will be out and we are talking hauntings. See you next Thursday. Transportation other considerations for strange aeons radio produced by Pan An airline when you think of traveling think of pan and you can't think the experience. Yes, the strange aeons radio stay at econo lodge ever. It's an easy stop on the road. You know? Strange aeons radio is recorded live in front of a studio audience. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving us a positive review on your favorite podcast. Since we will sit right back